Items where Year is 2009

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Publication - Article

Abbireddy, C.O.R.; Clayton, C.R.I.; Huvenne, V.A.I. ORCID: 2009 A method of estimating the form of fine particulates. Geotechnique, 59 (6). 503-511. 10.1680/geot.2008.P.009

Abel, G.A.; Freeman, M.P. ORCID:; Chisham, G. ORCID: 2009 IMF clock angle control of multifractality in ionospheric velocity fluctuations. Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (19), L19102. 5, pp. 10.1029/2009GL040336

Abele, Doris; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Braun, Matthias; Sahade, Ricardo. 2009 Warming on Antarctica's western fringes. International Innovation, December. 36-37.

Abou Romieh, M.; Westaway, R.; Daoud, M.; Radwan, Y.; Yassminh, R.; Khalil, A.; Al-Ashkar, A.; Loughlin, Susan; Arrell, K.; Bridgland, D.. 2009 Active crustal shortening in NE Syria revealed by deformed terraces of the River Euphrates. Terra Nova, 21 (6). 427-437. 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2009.00896.x

Abrahamsen, E. Povl ORCID:; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Falkner, Kelly Kenison; Torres-Valdes, Sinhue; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Alkire, Matthew B.; Bacon, Sheldon ORCID:; Laxon, Seymour W.; Polyakov, Igor; Ivanov, Vladimir. 2009 Tracer-derived freshwater composition of the Siberian continental shelf and slope following the extreme Arctic summer of 2007. Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (7), L07602. 5, pp. 10.1029/2009GL037341

Abram, Nerilie J.; McGregor, Helen V.; Gagan, Michael K.; Hantoro, Wahyoe S.; Suwargadi, Bambang W.. 2009 Oscillations in the southern extent of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during the mid-Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28 (25-26). 2794-2803. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.07.006

Achterberg, E.P.; Patey, M.; Rijkenberg, M.; Steigenberger, S.; Moore, C.M.; Hill, P.; Powell, C.; Mahaffey, C.; Statham, P.J.; Purdie, D.; Zubkov, M.. 2009 Dust inputs to the (sub-)tropical North Atlantic Ocean: Influence on ocean biogeochemistry (abstract of paper presented at: 19th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 21-26 June 2009). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13, Supplement). pA7.

Acreman, M.; Aldrick, J.; Binnie, C.; Black, A.; Cowx, I.; Dawson, H.; Dunbar, M.; Extence, C.; Hannaford, J. ORCID:; Harby, A.; Holmes, N.; Jarrett, N.; Old, G. ORCID:; Peirson, G.; Webb, J.; Wood, P.. 2009 Environmental flows from dams; the Water Framework Directive. Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability, 162 (1). 13-22. 10.1680/ensu.2009.162.1.13

Acreman, M. C.; Blake, J. R. ORCID:; Booker, D. J.; Harding, R. J.; Reynard, N. ORCID:; Mountford, J. O.; Stratford, C. J. ORCID: 2009 A simple framework for evaluating regional wetland ecohydrological response to climate change with case studies from Great Britain. Ecohydrology, 2 (1). 1-17. 10.1002/eco.37

Ahmed, Sophia; Hart, Tom; Dawson, Deborah A.; Horsburgh, Gavin J.; Trathan, Philip N. ORCID:; Rogers, Alex D.. 2009 Isolation and characterization of macaroni penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus) microsatellite loci and their utility in other penguin species (Spheniscidae, AVES). Molecular Ecology, 9 (6). 1530-1535. 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2009.02710.x

Ainscough, P.L.; Bird, M.I.; Brock, F.; Higham, T.F.G.; Meredith, W.; Snape, C.E.; Vane, Christopher Howard ORCID: 2009 Hydropyrolosis as a new tool for radiocarbon pre-treatment and the quantification of black carbon. Quaternary geochronology, 4 (2). 140-147. 10.1016/j.quageo.2008.11.001

Albert, J.M.; Meredith, N.P. ORCID:; Horne, R.B. ORCID: 2009 Three-dimensional diffusion simulation of outer radiation belt electrons during the 9 October 1990 magnetic storm. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (A9), A09214. 21, pp. 10.1029/2009JA014336

Allen, Myles R.; Frame, David J.; Huntingford, Chris ORCID:; Jones, Chris D.; Lowe, Jason A; Meinshausen, Malte; Meinshausen, Nicolai. 2009 Warming caused by cumulative carbon emissions towards the trillionth tonne. Nature, 458. 1163-1166. 10.1038/nature08019

Alvarez-Farizo, Begona; Gil, Jose M.; Howard, B. J. ORCID: 2009 Impacts from restoration strategies: Assessment through valuation workshops. Ecological Economics, 68 (3). 787-797. 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2008.06.012

Amaro, Teresa; Witte, Harry; Herndl, Gerhard J.; Cunha, Marina R.; Billett, David S.M.. 2009 Deep-sea bacterial communities in sediments and guts of deposit-feeding holothurians in Portuguese canyons (NE Atlantic). Deep-Sea Research I, 56 (10). 1834-1843. 10.1016/j.dsr.2009.05.014

Amoudry, L.O.; Liu, P. L.-F.. 2009 Two-dimensional, two-phase granular sediment transport model with applications to scouring downstream of an apron. Coastal Engineering, 56 (7). 693-702. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2009.01.006

Amy, Lawrence A.; McCaffrey, William D.; Talling, Peter J.. 2009 Special Issue Introduction: Sediment gravity flows – Recent insights into their dynamic and stratified/composite nature. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 26 (10). 1897-1899. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2009.02.016

Amy, Lawrence A.; Peachey, Simon A.; Gardiner, Andy A.; Talling, Peter J.. 2009 Prediction of hydrocarbon recovery from turbidite sandstones with linked-debrite facies: Numerical flow-simulation studies. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 26 (10). 2032-2043. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2009.02.017

Anderson, O. R. J.; Phillips, R. A.; McDonald, R.A.; Shore, R. F.; McGill, R.A. R.; Bearhop, S.. 2009 Influence of trophic position and foraging range on mercury levels within a seabird community. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 375. 277-288. 10.3354/meps07784

Anderson, Barbara J.; Armsworth, Paul R.; Eigenbrod, Felix; Thomas, Chris D.; Gillings, Simon; Heinemeyer, Andreas; Roy, David B. ORCID:; Gaston, Kevin J.. 2009 Spatial covariance between biodiversity and other ecosystem service priorities. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46 (4). 888-896. 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2009.01666.x

Anderson, Barbara J.; Arroyo, Beatriz E.; Collingham, Yvonne C.; Etheridge, Brian; Fernandez-De-Simon, Javier; Gillings, Simon; Gregory, Richard D.; Leckie, Fiona M.; Sim, Innes M.W.; Thomas, Chris D.; Travis, Justin; Redpath, Steve M.. 2009 Using distribution models to test alternative hypotheses about a species’ environmental limits and recovery prospects. Biological Conservation, 142 (3). 488-499. 10.1016/j.biocon.2008.10.036

Anderson, O.R.J.; Phillips, R.A.; Shore, R.F.; McGill, R.A.R.; McDonald, R.A.; Bearhop, S.. 2009 Diet, individual specialisation and breeding of brown skuas (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi): An investigation using stable isotopes. Polar Biology, 32 (1). 27-33. 10.1007/s00300-008-0498-9

Anderson, Philip S.. 2009 Measurement of Prandtl number as a function of Richardson number avoiding self-correlation. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 131 (3). 345-362. 10.1007/s10546-009-9376-4

Andersson, Pal; Garnier-Laplace, Jacqueline; Beresford, Nicholas A.; Copplestone, David; Howard, Brenda J. ORCID:; Oughton, Deborah; Whitehouse, Paul; Howe, Paul. 2009 Protection of the environment from ionising radiation in a regulatory context (protect): proposed numerical benchmark values. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 100 (12). 1100-1108. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2009.05.010

Angiolini, L.; Jadoul, F.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Stephenson, Michael H.; Rushton, Jeremy ORCID:; Chenery, Simon; Crippa, G.. 2009 How cold were the Early Permian glacial tropics? : testing sea-surface temperature using the oxygen isotope composition of rigorously screened brachiopod shells. Journal of the Geological Society, 166 (5). 933-945. 10.1144/0016-76492008-096R

Arbic, Brian K.; Shriver, Jay F.; Hogan, Patrick J.; Hurlburt, Harley E.; McClean, Julie L.; Metzger, E. Joseph; Scott, Robert B.; Sen, Ayon; Smedstad, Ole Martin; Wallcraft, Alan J.. 2009 Estimates of bottom flows and bottom boundary layer dissipation of the oceanic general circulation from global high resolution models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114. C02024. 10.1029/2008JC005072

Arnott, S.; Hilton, J.; Webb, B.W.. 2009 The impact of geological control on flow accretion in lowland permeable catchments. Hydrology Research, 40. 533-543. 10.2166/nh.2009.017

Arroyo, Beatriz; Amar, Arjun; Leckie, Fiona; Buchanan, Graeme M.; Wilson, Jeremy D.; Redpath, Stephen. 2009 Hunting habitat selection by hen harriers on moorland: Implications for conservation management. Biological Conservation, 142 (3). 586-596. 10.1016/j.biocon.2008.11.013

Askeyev, Oleg V.; Sparks, Tim H.; Askeyev, Igor V.. 2009 Earliest recorded Tatarstan skylark in 2008: non-linear response to temperature suggests advances in arrival dates may accelerate. Climate Research, 38 (3). 189-192. 10.3354/cr00788

Atkinson, A.; Siegel, V.; Pakhomov, E.A.; Jessopp, M.J.; Loeb, V.. 2009 A re-appraisal of the total biomass and annual production of Antarctic krill. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 56 (5). 727-740. 10.1016/j.dsr.2008.12.007

Atkinson, C.P.; Wells, N.C.; Blaker, A.T. ORCID:; Sinha, B.; Ivchenko, V.O.. 2009 Rapid ocean wave teleconnections linking Antarctic salinity anomalies to the equatorial ocean‐atmosphere system. Geophysical Research Letters, 36. L08603. 10.1029/2008GL036976

Atmadipoera, Agus; Molcard, Robert; Madec, Gurvan; Wijffels, Susan; Sprintall, Janet; Koch-Larrouy, Ariane; Jaya, Indra; Supangat, Agus. 2009 Characteristics and variability of the Indonesian throughflow water at the outflow straits. Deep-Sea Research I, 56 (11). 1942-1954. 10.1016/j.dsr.2009.06.004

Aubry, M.-P.; Berggren, W.A.; Dupuis, C.; Ghaly, H.; Ward, D.; King, C.; Knox, Robert; Ouda, K.; Youssef, M.; Galal, W.F.. 2009 Pharaonic necrostratigraphy : a review of geological and archaeological studies in the Theban Necropolis, Luxor, West Bank, Egypt. Terra Nova, 21 (4). 237-256. 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2009.00872.x

Ault, T.R.; Cole, J.E.; Evans, M.N.; Barnett, H.; Abram, N.J.; Tudhope, A.W.; Linsley, B.K.. 2009 Intensified decadal variability in tropical climate during the late 19th century. Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (8), L08602. 5, pp. 10.1029/2008GL036924

Badin, G.; Williams, R. G; Holt, J. ORCID:; Fernand, L. J.. 2009 Are mesoscale eddies in shelf seas formed by baroclinic instability of tidal fronts? Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 114, C10021. 18, pp.

Baehr, J.; Cunningham, S.; Haak, H.; Heimbach, P.; Kanzow, T.; Marotzke, J.. 2009 Observed and simulated estimates of the meridional overturning circulation at 26.5° N in the Atlantic. Ocean Science, 5 (4). 575-589.

Bailey, D.M.; Collins, M.A. ORCID:; Gordon, J.D.M.; Zuur, A.F.; Priede, I.G.. 2009 Long-term changes in deep-water fish populations in the northeast Atlantic: a deeper reaching effect of fisheries? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 276 (1664). 1965-1969. 10.1098/rspb.2009.0098

Bailey, Richard; Schonrogge, Karsten ORCID:; Cook, James M.; Melika, George; Csoka, Gyorgy; Thuroczy, Csaba; Stone, Graham N.. 2009 Host Niches and Defensive Extended Phenotypes Structure Parasitoid Wasp Communities. PLoS Biology, 7 (8), e1000179. 12, pp. 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000179

Baker, David J.; Stillman, Richard A.; Bullock, James M. ORCID: 2009 The effect of habitat complexity on the functional response of a seed-eating passerine. Ibis, 151 (3). 547-558. 10.1111/j.1474-919X.2009.00941.x

Balcan, Duygi; Colizza, Vittoria; Singer, Andrew C. ORCID:; Chouaid, Christos; Hu, Hao; Goncalves, Bruno; Bajardi, Paolo; Poletto, Chiara; Ramasco, Jose J.; Perra, Nicola; Tizzoni, Michele; Paolotti, Daniela; Van den Broeck, Wouter; Valleron, Alainjacques; Vespignani, Alessandro. 2009 Modeling the critical care demand and antibiotics resources needed during the Fall 2009 wave of influenza A(H1N1) pandemic. PLoS Currents: Influenza (Dec 4 [revised 2), PMC2795396.

Banks, Vanessa J.; Gunn, J.; Lowe, David J.. 2009 Stratigraphical influences on the limestone hydrogeology of the Wye catchment, Derbyshire. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 42 (2). 211-225. 10.1144/1470-9236/07-046

Baptie, Brian. 2009 Could it happen here? Newsletter SECED, 23 (1). 16-17.

Barbante, Carlo; Fischer, Hubertus; Masson-Delmotte, Valerie; Stocker, Thomas; Waelbroeck, Claire; Wolff, Eric W.. 2009 Toward a better understanding of climate of the past million years. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 90 (7). 55, pp. 10.1029/2009EO070003

Barbero, F.; Bonelli, S.; Thomas, J.A.; Balletto, E.; Schonrogge, K. ORCID: 2009 Acoustical mimicry in a predatory social parasite of ants. Journal of Experimental Biology, 212 (24). 4084-4090. 10.1242/jeb.032912

Barbero, Francesca; Thomas, Jeremy A.; Bonelli, Simona; Balletto, Emilio; Schonrogge, Karsten ORCID: 2009 Queen ants make distinctive sounds that are mimicked by a butterfly social parasite. Science, 373. 782-785. 10.1126/science.1163583

Barden, D.; Preston, C.D. ORCID: 2009 Are Polypodium interjectum and P. vulgare increasing in Cambridgeshire? Nature in Cambridgeshire, 51. 12-20.

Barker, Douglas M.; Lawlor, Damian M.; Knight, Donald W.; Morris, David G.; Davies, Helen N.; Stewart, Elizabeth J. ORCID: 2009 Longitudinal distributions of river flood power: the combined automated flood, elevation and stream power (CAFES) methodology. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 34 (2). 280-290. 10.1002/esp.1723

Barker, Stephen; Diz, Paula; Vautravers, Maryline J.; Pike, Jennifer; Knorr, Gregor; Hall, Ian R.; Broecker, Wallace S.. 2009 Interhemispheric Atlantic seesaw response during the last deglaciation. Nature, 457 (7233). 1097-1102. 10.1038/nature07770

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Kaiser, Stefanie. 2009 Geographic range shift responses to climate change by Antarctic benthos: where we should look. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 393. 13-26. 10.3354/meps08246

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Galgani, Francois; Thompson, Richard C.; Barlaz, Morton. 2009 Accumulation and fragmentation of plastic debris in global environments. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 364 (1526). 1985-1998. 10.1098/rstb.2008.0205

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Kaiser, Stefanie; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Linse, Katrin ORCID: 2009 Marine, intertidal, freshwater and terrestrial biodiversity of an isolated polar archipelago. Journal of Biogeography, 36 (4). 756-769. 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2008.02030.x

Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Gaschak, S.; Beresford, N.A.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Maksimenko, A.. 2009 Radionuclide activity concentrations in two species of reptiles from the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Radioprotection, 44 (5). 537-542. 10.1051/radiopro/20095099

Barrenechea, J.F.; Luque, F.J.; Millward, D.; Ortega, L.; Beyssac, O.; Rodas, M.. 2009 Graphite morphologies from the Borrowdale deposit (NW England, UK) : Raman and SIMS data. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 158 (1). 37-51. 10.1007/s00410-008-0369-y

Barrenechea, J.F.; Luque, F.J.; Ortega, L.; Millward, D.; Rodas, M.. 2009 Fluid composition and carbon isotope evolution in the Borrowdale graphite deposit (United Kingdom) [abstract]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13). A92-A92. 10.1016/j.gca.2009.05.002

Barrett, B.E.; Nicholls, K.W. ORCID:; Murray, T.; Smith, A.M. ORCID:; Vaughan, D.G. ORCID: 2009 Rapid recent warming on Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica, from borehole thermometry. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L02708. 5, pp. 10.1029/2008GL036369

Barry, P.H.; Hilton, D.R.; Sano, Y.; Takahata, N.; Murton, B.J. ORCID:; Furi, E.; Hemond, C.; Dyment, J.. 2009 Nitrogen isotopes and plume-ridge interaction: The Central Indian Ridge and the Reykjanes Ridge (abstract of paper presented at: 19th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 21-26 June 2009). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13, Supplement). pA93.

Bartsch, A.; Balzter, H.; George, C.. 2009 Influence of regional surface soil moisture anomalies on forest fires in Siberia observed from satellites. Environmental Research Letters, 4, 045021. 9, pp. 10.1088/1748-9326/4/4/045021

Bauer, Wilfried; Jacobs, Joachim; Thomas, Robert J.; Spaeth, Gerhard; Weber, Klaus. 2009 Geology of the Kottas terrane, Heimefrontfjella (East Antarctica). Polarforschung, 79 (1). 23-28.

Bauer, Wilfried; Jacobs, Joachim; Thomas, Robert J.; Spaeth, Gerhard; Weber, Klaus. 2009 Geology of the Vardeklettane Terrane, Heimefrontfjella (East Antarctica). Polarforschung, 79 (1). 29-32.

Bayala, J.; Dianda, M.; Wilson, J. ORCID:; Ouedraogo, S.J.; Sanon, K.. 2009 Predicting field performance of five irrigated tree species using seedling quality assessment in Burkina Faso, West Africa. New Forests, 38 (3). 309-322. 10.1007/s11056-009-9149-4

Bayon, G.; Burton, K.W.; Soulet, G.; Vigier, N.; Dennielou, B.; Etoubleau, J.; Ponzevera, E.; German, C.R.; Nesbitt, R.W.. 2009 Hf and Nd isotopes in marine sediments: Constraints on global silicate weathering. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277 (3-4). 318-326. 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.10.028

Beamish, David; Young, Michael. 2009 The geophysics of Northern Ireland: the Tellus effect. First Break, 27. 43-49.

Beggan, C.D.; Whaler, K.A.. 2009 Forecasting change of the magnetic field using core surface flows and ensemble Kalman filtering. Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (18), L18303. 10.1029/2009GL039927

Beggan, C.D.; Whaler, K.A.; Macmillan, S.. 2009 Biased residuals of core flow models from satellite-derived 'virtual observatories'. Geophysical Journal International, 177. 463-475. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04111.x

Begon, Michael; Telfer, Sandra; Smith, Matthew J.; Burthe, Sarah ORCID:; Paterson, Steve; Lambin, Xavier. 2009 Seasonal host dynamics drive the timing of recurrent epidemics in a wildlife population. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B, 276. 1603-1610. 10.1098/rspb.2008.1732

Belal, Mohammad; Cho, Yuh Tat; Ibsen, Morten; Newson, Trevor P. 2009 A temperature-compensated high spatial resolution distributed strain sensor. Measurement Science and Technology, 21 (1). 015204. 10.1088/0957-0233/21/1/015204

Belchier, M. ORCID:; Fretwell, P.T. ORCID: 2009 Revised estimates of the area of the South Georgia and Shag Rocks shelf (CCAMLR Subarea 48.3). CCAMLR Science, 16. 167-175.

Bell, Paul S. ORCID: 2009 Coastal mapping around shore parallel breakwaters. Hydro International, 13 (1). 18-21.

Bell, V.A. ORCID:; Kay, A.L. ORCID:; Jones, R.G.; Moore, R.J.; Reynard, N.S. ORCID: 2009 Use of soil data in a grid-based hydrological model to estimate spatial variation in changing flood risk across the UK. Journal of Hydrology, 377 (3-4). 335-350. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.08.031

Bell-Sakyi, L.; Ruzek, D.; Gould, Ernest A.. 2009 Cell lines from the soft tick Ornithodoros moubata. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 49. 209-219. 10.1007/s10493-009-9258-y

Bellamy, P. E.; Croxton, P. J.; Heard, M. S.; Hinsley, S. A.; Hulmes, L.; Hulmes, S.; Nuttall, P.; Pywell, R. F. ORCID:; Rothery, P.. 2009 The impact of growing miscanthus for biomass on farmland bird populations. Biomass and Bioenergy, 33 (2). 191-199. 10.1016/j.biombioe.2008.07.001

Bellamy, Paul E.; Hill, Ross A.; Rothery, Peter; Hinsley, Shelley A.; Fuller, Robert J.; Broughton, Richard K. ORCID: 2009 Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus habitat in woods with different height structure and management in southern England. Bird Study, 56 (3). 338-348. 10.1080/00063650902806914

Benham, A.J.; Kovac, P; Petterson, M.G.; Rojkovic, I; Styles, M.T.; Gunn, A.G.; McKervey, J.A.; Wasy, A.. 2009 Chromite and PGE in the Logar Ophiolite Complex, Afghanistan. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B Applied Earth Science, 118 (2). 45-58. 10.1179/174327509X434957

Bennett, Sarah A.; Rouxel, Olivier; Schmidt, Katja; Garbe-Schönberg, Dieter; Statham, Peter J.; German, Christopher R.. 2009 Iron isotope fractionation in a buoyant hydrothermal plume, 5°S Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (19). 5619-5634. 10.1016/j.gca.2009.06.027

Bentley, M.J.; Hodgson, D.A. ORCID:; Smith, J.A. ORCID:; Cofaigh, C.O; Domack, E.W.; Larter, R.D. ORCID:; Roberts, S.J. ORCID:; Brachfeld, S.; Leventer, A.; Hjort, C.; Hillenbrand, C-D. ORCID:; Evans, J.. 2009 Mechanisms of Holocene palaeoenvironmental change in the Antarctic Peninsula region. The Holocene, 19 (1). 51-69. 10.1177/0959683608096603

Bentley, Michael J.; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID: 2009 Antarctic ice sheet and climate history since the Last Glacial Maximum. PAGES News, 17 (1). 28-29. 10.22498/pages.17.1.28

Beresford, N.A.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Beaugelin-Seiller, K.; Brown, J.E.; Chang, J.-J.; Copplestone, D.; Gaschak, S.; Hingston, J.L.; Horyna, J.; Hosseini, A.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Kamboj, S.; Kryshev, A.; Nedveckaite, T.; Olyslaegers, G.; Sazykina, T.; Smith, J.T.; Telleria, D.; Vives i Batlle, J.; Yankovich, T.L.; Heling, R.; Wood, M.D.; Yu, C.. 2009 Findings and recommendations from an international comparison of models and approaches for the estimation of radiological exposure to non-human biota. Radioprotection, 44 (5). 565-570. 10.1051/radiopro/20095104

Beresford, N.A.; Beaugelin-Seiller, K.; Brown, J.E.; Copplestone, D.; Hosseini, A.; Andersson, P.; Howard, B.J. ORCID: 2009 Protection of the environment from ionising radiation in a regulatory context (PROTECT): Assessment approaches – practicality, relevance and merits. Radioprotection, 44 (5). 623-628. 10.1051/radiopro/20095115

Berndt, Christian; Brune, Sascha; Nisbet, Euan; Zschau, Jochen; Sobolev, Stephan V.. 2009 Tsunami modeling of a submarine landslide in the Fram Strait. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 10. Q04009. 10.1029/2008GC002292

Berntsen, Jarle; Xing, Jiuxing; Davies, Alan. 2009 Numerical studies of flow over a sill: sensitivity of the non-hydrostatic effects to the grid size. Ocean Dynamics, 59 (6). 1043-1059. 10.1007/s10236-009-0227-0

Berry, David I.; Kent, Elizabeth C. ORCID: 2009 A new air-sea interaction gridded dataset from ICOADS with uncertainty estimates. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90 (5). 645-656. 10.1175/2008BAMS2639.1

Bhadury, Punyasloke; Bridge, Paul D.; Austen, Melanie C.; Bilton, David T.; Smerdon, Gary R.. 2009 Detection of fungal 18S rRNA sequences in conjunction with marine nematode 18S rRNA amplicons. Aquatic Biology, 5 (2). 149-155. 10.3354/ab00145

Bik, Holly M.; Hawkins, Lawrence E.; Hughes, J. Alan; Lambshead, John D.. 2009 Rapid decline of PCR amplification from genomic extracts of DESS-preserved, slide-mounted nematodes. Nematology, 11 (6). 827-834. 10.1163/156854109X422922

Bingen, B.; Jacobs, J.; Viola, G.; Henderson, I.H.C.; Skår, Ø; Boyd, R.; Thomas, R.J.; Solli, A.; Key, R.M.; Daudi, E.X.F.. 2009 Geochronology of the Precambrian crust in the Mozambique Belt of NE Mozambique, and implications for Gondwana assembly. Precambrian Research, 170 (3-4), PRECAM-3056. 231-255. 10.1016/j.precamres.2009.01.005

Bingham, Robert G.; Siegert, Martin J.. 2009 Quantifying subglacial bed roughness in Antarctica: implications for ice-sheet dynamics and history. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28 (3-4). 223-236. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.10.014

Bingham, Rory; Hughes, Christopher ORCID: 2009 The geostrophic dynamics of meridional transport variability in the sub-polar North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, C12029. 10.1029/2009JC005492

Bingham, Rory J.; Hughes, Chris W. ORCID: 2009 The signature of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in sea level along the east coast of North America. Geophysical Research Letters, 36. L02603. 10.1029/2008GL036215

Blackett, E.; Page, A.; Zalasiewicz, J.; Williams, M.; Rickards, B.; Davies, Jeremy. 2009 A refined graptolite biostratigraphy for the late Ordovician-early Silurian of central Wales. Lethaia, 42 (1). 83-96. 10.1111/j.1502-3931.2008.00108.x

Blackford, J.; Jones, N.; Proctor, Roger; Holt, Jason ORCID:; Widdicombe, S.; Lowe, D.; Rees, A.. 2009 An initial assessment of the potential environmental impact of CO2 escape from marine carbon capture and storage systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part a-Journal of Power and Energy, 223 (A3). 269-280. 10.1243/09576509JPE623

Blagbrough, Hilary J. ORCID: 2009 In from the cold: an overview of the British Antarctic Survey fossil collections. The Geological Curator, 9 (1). 21-28.

Blake, James R. ORCID: 2009 Soakage testing: modelling the effect of antecedent hydrology. Proceedings of ICE, Water Management, 162 (5). 337-346. 10.1680/wama.2009.162.5.337

Blanco-Penedo, I.; Shore, R.F.; Miranda, M.; Benedito, J.L.; Lopez-Alonso, M.. 2009 Factors affecting trace element status in calves in NW Spain. Livestock Science, 123 (2-3). 198-208. 10.1016/j.livsci.2008.11.011

Block, W.; Smith, R.I. Lewis; Kennedy, A.D.. 2009 Strategies of survival and resource exploitation in the Antarctic fellfield ecosystem. Biological Reviews, 84 (3). 449-484. 10.1111/j.1469-185X.2009.00084.x

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Burrows, R.; Walkington, I. A.; Yates, N. C.; Hedges, T. S.; Li, M.; Zhou, J. G.; Chen, D. Y.; Wolf, J. ORCID:; Holt, J. ORCID:; Proctor, R.. 2009 Tidal energy potential in UK waters. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Maritime Engineering, 162 (4). 155-164. 10.1680/maen.2009.162.4.155

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Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Purać, Jelena; Burns, Gavin; Hillyard, Guy; Popović, Željko D.; Grubor-Lajšić, Gordana; Worland, Michael Roger. 2009 Surviving the cold: molecular analyses of insect cryoprotective dehydration in the Arctic springtail Megaphorura arctica (Tullberg). BMC Genomics, 10, 328. 19, pp. 10.1186/1471-2164-10-328

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Cunliffe, Michael; Whiteley, Andrew S.; Newbold, Lindsay ORCID:; Oliver, Anna; Schafer, Hendrik; Murrell, J. Colin. 2009 Comparison of bacterioneuston and bacterioplankton dynamics during a phytoplankton bloom in a fjord mesocosm. Applied and Environmental Microbiology., 75 (22). 7173-7181. 10.1128/AEM.01374-09

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David, M.; Loubet, B.; Cellier, P.; Mattsson, M.; Schjoerring, J.K.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Roche, R.; Riedo, M.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2009 Ammonia sources and sinks in an intensively managed grassland canopy. Biogeosciences, 6 (9). 1903-1915. 10.5194/bg-6-1903-2009

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De Wever, Aaike; Leliaert, Frederik; Verleyen, Elie; Vanormelingen, Pieter; Van der Gucht, Katleen; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Sabbe, Koen; Vyverman, Wim. 2009 Hidden levels of phylodiversity in Antarctic green algae: further evidence for the existence of glacial refugia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 276 (1673). 3591-3599. 10.1098/rspb.2009.0994

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Dinsmore, Kerry J.; Skiba, Ute M. ORCID:; Billett, Michael F.; Rees, Robert M.; Drewer, Julia ORCID: 2009 Spatial and temporal variability in CH4 and N2O fluxes from a Scottish ombrotrophic peatland: implications for modeling and upscaling. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41 (6). 1315-1323. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2009.03.022

Dodd, P.A.; Heywood, K.J.; Meredith, M.P. ORCID:; Naveira Garabato, A.C.; Marca, A.D.; Falkner, K.K.. 2009 The sources and fate of freshwater exported in the East Greenland Current. Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (L19608). 5, pp. 10.1029/2009GL039663

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Evans, Katherine M.; Chepurnov, Victor A.; Sluiman, Hans J.; Thomas, Sindu J.; Spears, Bryan M. ORCID:; Mann, David G.. 2009 Highly differentiated populations of the freshwater diatom Sellaphora capitata suggest limited dispersal and opportunities for allopatric speciation. Protist, 160 (3). 386-393. 10.1016/j.protis.2009.02.001

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Ferraccioli, Fausto ORCID:; Armadillo, Egidio; Jordan, Tom ORCID:; Bozzo, Emanuele; Corr, Hugh. 2009 Aeromagnetic exploration over the East Antarctic Ice Sheet: a new view of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin. Tectonophysics, 478 (1-2). 62-77. 10.1016/j.tecto.2009.03.013

Ferrer, Miguel; Newton, Ian ORCID:; Pandolfi, Massimo. 2009 Small populations and offspring sex-ratio deviations in eagles. Conservation Biology, 23. 1017-1025. 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2009.01215.x

Fesenko, S.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Isamov, N.; Beresford, N.A.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Sanzharova, N.; Voigt, G.. 2009 Review of Russian-language studies on radionuclide behaviour in agricultural animals: part 4. Transfer to poultry. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 100 (10). 815-822. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2009.06.00

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Feuchtmayr, Heidrun; Moran, Rebecca; Hatton, Keith; Conner, Les; Heyes, Tom; Moss, Brian; Harvey, Ian; Atkinson, David. 2009 Global warming and eutrophication: effects on water chemistry and autotrophic communities in experimental hypertrophic shallow lake mesocosms. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46 (3). 713-723. 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2009.01644.x

Field, Dawn; Sansone, Susanna-Assunta; Collis, Amanda; Booth, Tim; Dukes, Peter; Gregurick, Susan K.; Kennedy, Karen; Kolar, Patrik; Kolker, Eugene; Maxon, Mary; Millard, Sian; Mugabushaka, Alexis-Michel; Perrin, Nicola; Remacle, Jacques E.; Remington, Karin; Rocca-Serra, Philippe; Taylor, Chris F.; Thorley, Mark; Tiwari, Bela; Wilbanks, John. 2009 'Omics data sharing. Science, 326 (5950). 234-236. 10.1126/science.1180598

Finch, Jemma; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Marchant, Rob. 2009 Late Quaternary vegetation dynamics in a biodiversity hotspot, the Uluguru Mountains of Tanzania. Quaternary Research, 72 (1). 111-122. 10.1016/j.yqres.2009.02.005

Flowerdew, Jonathan; Horsburgh, Kevin ORCID:; Mylne, Ken. 2009 Ensemble forecasting of storm surges. Marine Geodesy, 32 (2). 91-99. 10.1080/01490410902869151

Flowerdew, M.J.; Chew, D.M.; Daly, J.S.; Millar, I.L.. 2009 Hidden Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic crust in NW Ireland? : evidence from zircon Hf isotopic data from granitoid intrusions. Geological Magazine, 146 (6). 903-916. 10.1017/S0016756809990227

Fogt, Ryan L.; Perlwitz, Judith; Monaghan, Andrew J.; Bromwich, David H.; Jones, Julie M.; Marshall, Gareth J. ORCID: 2009 Historical SAM variability. Part II: Twentieth-century variability and trends from reconstructions, observations, and the IPCC AR4 models. Journal of Climate, 22 (20). 5346-5365. 10.1175/2009JCLI2786.1

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Forcada, Jaume ORCID:; Malone, Donald; Royle, J. Andrew; Staniland, Iain J. ORCID: 2009 Modelling predation by transient leopard seals for an ecosystem-based management of Southern Ocean fisheries. Ecological Modelling, 220 (12). 1513-1521. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.03.020

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Fowler, D.; Pilegaard, K.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:; Ambus, P.; Raivonen, M.; Duyzer, J.; Simpson, D.; Fagerli, H.; Fuzzi, S.; Schjoerring, J.K.; Grainer, C.; Neftel, A.; Isaksen, I.S.A.; Laj, P.; Maione, M.; Monks, P.S.; Burkhardt, J.; Daemmgen, U.; Neirynck, J.; Personne, E.; Wichink-Kruit, R.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Flechard, C.; Tuovinen, J.P.; Coyle, M.; Gerosa, G.; Loubet, B.; Altimir, N.; Gruenhage, L.; Ammann, C.; Cieslik, S.; Paoletti, E.; Mikkelsen, T.N.; Ro-Poulsen, H.; Cellier, P.; Cape, J.N.; Horvath, L.; Loreto, F.; Niinemets, U.; Palmer, P.I.; Rinne, J.; Misztal, P.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Nilsson, D.; Pryor, S.; Gallagher, M.W.; Vesala, T.; Skiba, U. ORCID:; Brueggemann, N.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Williams, J.; O'Dowd, C.; Facchini, M.C.; de Leeuw, G.; Flossman, A.; Chaumerliac, N.; Erisman, J.W.. 2009 Atmospheric Composition Change: Ecosystems-Atmosphere interactions. Atmospheric Environment, 43 (33). 5193-5267. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.07.068

Fox, Andrew; Williams, Mathew; Richardson, Andrew D.; Cameron, David; Gove, Jeffrey H.; Quaife, Tristan; Ricciuto, Daniel; Reichstein, Markus; Tomelleri, Enrico; Trudinger, Cathy M.; Van Wijk, Mark T.. 2009 The REFLEX project: Comparing different algorithms and implementations for the inversion of a terrestrial ecosystem model against eddy covariance data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149. 1597-1615. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2009.05.002

Frajka-Williams, Eleanor ORCID:; Rhines, Peter B.; Eriksen, Charles C.. 2009 Physical controls and mesoscale variability in the Labrador Sea spring phytoplankton bloom observed by Seaglider. Deep Sea Research Part I Oceanographic Research Papers, 56 (12). 2144-2161. 10.1016/j.dsr.2009.07.008

Franco, A.M.A.; Anderson, B.J.; Roy, D.B. ORCID:; Gillings, S.; Fox, R.; Moilanen, A.; Thomas, C.D.. 2009 Surrogacy and persistence in reserve selection: landscape prioritization for multiple taxa in Britain. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46 (1). 82-91. 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2008.01598.x

Franklin, Daniel J.; Poulton, Alex J.; Steinke, Michael; Young, Jeremy; Peeken, Ilka; Malin, Gill. 2009 Dimethylsulphide, DMSP-lyase activity and microplankton community structure inside and outside of the Mauritanian upwelling. Progress in Oceanography, 83 (1-4). 134-142. 10.1016/j.pocean.2009.07.011

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Freeman, Mervyn P. ORCID:; Morley, S. K.. 2009 No evidence for externally triggered substorms based on superposed epoch analysis of IMF Bz. Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (21), L21101. 4, pp. 10.1029/2009GL040621

Frenz, Michael; Wynn, Russell B.; Georgiopoulou, Aggeliki; Bender, Vera B.; Hough, Gayle; Masson, Douglas G.; Talling, Peter J.; Cronin, Bryan T.. 2009 Provenance and pathways of late Quaternary turbidites in the deep-water Agadir Basin, northwest African margin. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98 (4). 721-733. 10.1007/s00531-008-0313-4

Fretwell, P.T. ORCID:; Tate, Alex ORCID:; Deen, Tara; Belchier, Mark ORCID: 2009 Compilation of a new bathymetric dataset of South Georgia. Antarctic Science, 21 (2). 171-174. 10.1017/S0954102008001703

Fretwell, Peter T. ORCID:; Trathan, Philip N. ORCID: 2009 Penguins from space: faecal stains reveal the location of emperor penguin colonies. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 18 (5). 543-552. 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2009.00467.x

Frey, Markus M. ORCID:; Hutterli, Manuel A.; Chen, G.; Sjostedt, S. J.; Burkhart, J. F.; Friel, D. K.; Bales, R. C.. 2009 Contrasting atmospheric boundary layer chemistry of methylhydroperoxide (CH3OOH) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) above polar snow. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9 (10). 3261-3276. 10.5194/acp-9-3261-2009

Frey, Markus M. ORCID:; Savarino, J.; Morin, S.; Erbland, J.; Martins, J.M.F.. 2009 Photolysis imprint in the nitrate stable isotope signal in snow and atmosphere of East Antarctica and implications for reactive nitrogen cycling. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9 (22). 8681-8696.

Frogbrook, Z.L.; Bell, J.; Bradley, R.I.; Evans, C. ORCID:; Lark, R.M.; Reynolds, B.; Smith, P.; Towers, W.. 2009 Quantifying terrestrial carbon stocks: examining the spatial variation in two upland areas in the UK and a comparison to mapped estimates of soil carbon. Soil Use and Management, 25. 320-332.

Fullin, Miroslav; Jerzak, Leszek; Sparks, Tim H.; Tryjanowski, Piotr. 2009 Relationship between arrival date, hatching date and breeding success of the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) in Slovakia. Biologia, 64 (2). 361-364. 10.2478/s11756-009-0037-3

Futter, M.N.; Helliwell, R.C.; Hutchins, M. ORCID:; Aherne, J.. 2009 Modelling the effects of changing climate and nitrogen deposition on nitrate dynamics in a Scottish mountain catchment. Hydrology Research, 40 (2-3). 153-166. 10.2166/nh.2009.073

Fyllas, N. M.; Patiño, S.; Baker, T. R.; Nardoto, G. Bielefeld; Martinelli, L. A.; Quesada, C. A.; Paiva, R.; Schwarz, M.; Horna, V.; Mercado, L. M. ORCID:; Santos, A.; Arroyo, L.; Jimenez, E. M.; Luizao, F. J.; Neill, D. A.; Silva, N.; Prieto, A.; Rudas, A.; Silviera, M.; Vieira, I. C. G.; Lopez-Gonzalez, G.; Malhi, Y.; Phillips, O. L.; Lloyd, J.. 2009 Basin-wide variations in foliar properties of Amazonian forest: phylogeny, soils and climate. Biogeosciences, 6. 2677-2708.

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Gallois, R.W.. 2009 A recent large landslide at the Spittles, Lyme Regis, Dorset and its implications for the stability of the adjacent urban area. Geoscience in Southwest England : Proceedings of the Ussher Society, 12 (2). 101-108.

Gallois, R.W.; Paul, C.R.C.. 2009 Lateral variations in the topmost part of the Blue Lias and basal Charmouth Mudstone Formations (Lower Jurassic) on the Devon and Dorset coast. Geoscience in Southwest England : Proceedings of the Ussher Society, 12 (2). 125-133.

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Gaston, Kevin J.; Chown, Steven L.; Calosi, Piero; Bernardo, Joseph; Bilton, David T.; Clarke, Andrew ORCID:; Clusella-Trullas, Susana; Ghalambor, Cameron K.; Konarzewski, Marek; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Porter, Warren P.; Pörtner, Hans O.; Rezende, Enrico L.; Schulte, Patricia M.; Spicer, John I.; Stillman, Jonathon H.; Terblanche, John S.; van Kleunen, Mark. 2009 Macrophysiology: a conceptual reunification. American Naturalist, 174 (5). 595-612. 10.1086/605982

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Gilbert, Jack A.; Field, Dawn; Swift, Paul; Newbold, Lindsay ORCID:; Oliver, Anna; Smyth, Tim; Somerfield, Paul J.; Huse, Sue; Joint, Ian. 2009 The seasonal structure of microbial communities in the Western English Channel. Environmental Microbiology, 11. 3132-3139. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2009.02017.x

Gilbert, Jack A.; Thomas, Simon; Cooley, Natalie A.; Kulakova, Anna; Field, Dawn; Booth, Tim; McGrath, John W.; Quinn, John P.; Joint, Ian. 2009 Potential for phosphonoacetate utilization by marine bacteria in temperate coastal waters. Environmental Microbiology, 11 (1). 111-125. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2008.01745.x

Glasser, N.F.; Kulessa, B.; Luckman, A.; Jansen, D.; King, Edward C. ORCID:; Sammonds, P.R.; Scambos, T.A.; Jezek, K.C.. 2009 Surface structure and stability of the Larsen C ice shelf, Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Glaciology, 55 (191). 400-410. 10.3189/002214309788816597

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Gomez-Eyles, Jose L.; Svendsen, Claus ORCID:; Lister, Lindsay; Martin, Heather; Hodson, Mark E.; Spurgeon, David J. ORCID: 2009 Measuring and modelling mixture toxicity of imidacloprid and thiacloprid on Caenorhabditis elegans and Eisenia fetida. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72 (1). 71-79. 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2008.07.006

Gong, Weidong; Mowlem, Matt; Kraft, Michael; Morgan, Hywel. 2009 A Simple, Low-Cost Double Beam Spectrophotometer for Colorimetric Detection of Nitrite in Seawater. IEEE Sensors Journal, 9 (7). 862-869. 10.1109/JSEN.2009.2020659

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Gooday, A.J. ORCID:; Aranda da Silva, A.. 2009 Large organic-walled Protista (Gromia) in the Arabian Sea: Density, diversity, distribution and ecology. Deep-Sea Research II, 56 (6-7). 422-433. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.12.027

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Gooday, A.J. ORCID:; Levin, L.A.; Aranda da Silva, A.; Bett, B.J. ORCID:; Cowie, G.L.; Dissard, D.; Gage, J.D.; Hughes, D.J.; Jeffreys, R.; Lamont, P.A.; Larkin, K.E.; Murty, S.J.; Schumacher, S.; Whitcraft, C.; Woulds, C.. 2009 Faunal responses to oxygen gradients on the Pakistan margin: A comparison of foraminiferans, macrofauna and megafauna. Deep-Sea Research II, 56 (6-7). 488-502. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.10.003

Gooday, Andrew J. ORCID:; Rothe, Nina; Cedhagen, Tomas; Fahrni, Jose; Hughes, J. Alan; Page, Anton; Pearce, Richard B.; Pawlowski, Jan. 2009 Three new species of deep-sea Gromia (Protista, Rhizaria) from the bathyal and abyssal Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 157 (3). 451-469. 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2009.00540.x

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Graham, A.G.C.; Lonergan, L.; Stoker, Martyn. 2009 Seafloor glacial features reveal the extent and decay of the last British Ice Sheet, east of Scotland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 24 (2). 117-138. 10.1002/jqs.1218

Graham, Alastair G.C; Larter, Robert D. ORCID:; Gohl, Karsten; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Smith, James A. ORCID:; Kuhn, Gerhard. 2009 Bedform signature of a West Antarctic palaeo-ice stream reveals a multi-temporal record of flow and substrate control. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28 (25-26). 2774-2793. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.07.003

Graham, Colin; Schaap, Dick. 2009 The GEO-SEAS project : a European network for marine and ocean geological and geophysical data. Baltica, 22 (1). 10.

Graham, Malcolm; Ball, Derek; O Dochartaigh, Brighid; MacDonald, Alan ORCID: 2009 Using transmissivity, specific capacity and borehole yield data to assess the productivity of Scottish aquifers. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 42 (2). 227-235. 10.1144/1470-9236/08-045

Granadeiro, José P.; Alonso, Hany; Almada, Vitor; Menezes, Dília; Phillips, Richard A.; Catry, Paulo. 2009 Mysterious attendance cycles in Cory's shearwater, Calonectris diomedea: an exploration of patterns and hypotheses. Animal Behaviour, 78 (6). 1455-1462. 10.1016/j.anbehav.2009.09.029

Grant, Rachel Anne; Linse, Katrin ORCID: 2009 Barcoding Antarctic biodiversity: current status and the CAML initiative, a case study of marine invertebrates. Polar Biology, 32 (11). 1629-1637. 10.1007/s00300-009-0662-x

Gray, Alan ORCID:; Robinson, Paul David; Stroud, Stedson. 2009 Use of the Biological Flora framework in the United Kingdom Overseas Territories: Euphorbia origanoides L. Biological Conservation, 142 (8). 1754-1766. 10.1016/j.biocon.2009.03.014

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Griffies, Stephen M.; Biastoch, Arne; Böning, Claus; Bryan, Frank; Danabasoglu, Gokhan; Chassignet, Eric P.; England, Matthew H.; Gerdes, Rüdiger; Haak, Helmuth; Hallberg, Robert W.; Hazeleger, Wilco; Jungclaus, Johann; Large, William G.; Madec, Gurvan; Pirani, Anna; Samuels, Bonita L.; Scheinert, Markus; Gupta, Alex Sen; Severijns, Camiel A.; Simmons, Harper L.; Treguier, Anne Marie; Winton, Mike; Yeager, Stephen; Yin, Jianjun. 2009 Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (COREs). Ocean Modelling, 26 (1-2). 1-46. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2008.08.007

Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Barnes, David K. A. ORCID:; Linse, Katrin ORCID: 2009 Towards a generalized biogeography of the Southern Ocean benthos. Journal of Biogeography, 36 (1). 162-177. 10.1111/j.1365-2699.2008.01979.x

Grist, Jeremy P. ORCID:; Marsh, Robert; Josey, Simon A. ORCID: 2009 On the Relationship between the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and the Surface-Forced Overturning Streamfunction. Journal of Climate, 22 (19). 4989-5002. 10.1175/2009JCLI2574.1

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Hinsley, Shelley A.; Hill, Ross A.; Bellamy, Paul; Broughton, Richard K. ORCID:; Harrison, Nancy M.; Mackenzie, Julia A.; Speakman, John R.; Ferns, Peter N.. 2009 Do highly modified landscapes favour generalists at the expense of specialists? an example using woodland birds. Landscape Research, 34 (5). 509-526. 10.1080/01426390903177276

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Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Acreman, Mike C.; Dunbar, Michael J.; Feist, Stephen W.; Giacomello, Anna Maria; Gozlan, Rodolphe E.; Hinsley, Shelley A.; Ibbotson, Anton T.; Jarvie, Helen P. ORCID:; Jones, J. Iwan; Longshaw, Matt; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID:; Marsh, Terry J. ORCID:; Neal, Colin; Newman, Jonathan R.; Nunn, Miles A.; Pickup, Roger W.; Reynard, Nick S. ORCID:; Sullivan, Caroline A.; Sumpter, John P.; Williams, Richard J.. 2009 The British river of the future: How climate change and human activity might affect two contrasting river ecosystems in England. Science of the Total Environment, 407 (17). 4787-4798. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.05.018

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Jones, Anna E. ORCID:; Anderson, Philip S.; Begoin, M.; Brough, Neil ORCID:; Hutterli, Manuel A.; Marshall, Gareth J. ORCID:; Richter, A.; Roscoe, Howard K.; Wolff, Eric W.. 2009 BrO, blizzards, and drivers of polar tropospheric ozone depletion events. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9 (14). 4639-4652. 10.5194/acp-9-4639-2009

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Jones, D.L.; Kielland, K.; Sinclair, F.L.; Dahlgren, R.A.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Farrar, J.F.; Murphy, D.V.. 2009 Soil organic nitrogen mineralization across a global latitudinal gradient. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 23 (1), GB1016. 5, pp. 10.1029/2008GB003250

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Jonsson, Christina E.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Rosqvist, Gunhild C.; Seibert, Jan; Arrowsmith, Carol. 2009 Stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in sub-Arctic lake waters from northern Sweden. Journal of Hydrology, 376 (1-2). 143-151. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.07.021

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Joughin, Ian; Tulaczyk, Slawek; Bamber, Jonathan L.; Blankenship, Don; Holt, John W.; Scambos, Ted; Vaughan, David G. ORCID: 2009 Basal conditions for Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers, West Antarctica, determined using satellite and airborne data. Journal of Glaciology, 55 (190). 245-257. 10.3189/002214309788608705

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Juergens, Monika D. ORCID:; Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Pottinger, Tom G.; Sumpter, John P.. 2009 Do suspended sediments modulate the effects of octylphenol on rainbow trout? Water Research, 43 (5). 1381-1391. 10.1016/j.watres.2008.12.010

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King, Andrew J.; Isaac, Nick J.B. ORCID:; Cowlishaw, Guy. 2009 Ecological, social, and reproductive factors shape producer–scrounger dynamics in baboons. Behavioral Ecology, 20 (5). 1039-1049. 10.1093/beheco/arp095

King, Edward C. ORCID: 2009 Flow dynamics of the Rutford Ice Stream ice-drainage basin, West Antarctica, from radar stratigraphy. Annals of Glaciology, 50 (51). 42-48.

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Malet, Helene; Coutard, Bruno; Jamal, Said; Dutartre, Helene; Papageorgiou, Nicolas; Neuvonen, Maarit; Ahola, Tero; Forrester, Naomi; Gould, Ernest A.; Lafitte, Daniel; Ferron, Francis; Lescar, Julien; Gorbalenya, Alexander E.; de Lamballerie, Xavier; Canard, Bruno. 2009 The crystal structures of Chikungunya and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus nsP3 macro domains define a conserved adenosine binding pocket. Journal of Virology, 83. 6534-6545. 10.1128/JVI.00189-09

Malhi, Yadvinder; Aragao, Luiz E. O. C.; Galbraith, David; Huntingford, Chris ORCID:; Fisher, Rosie; Zelazowski, Przernyslaw; Sitch, Stephen; McSweeney, Carol; Meir, Patrick. 2009 Exploring the likelihood and mechanism of a climate-change-induced dieback of the Amazon rainforest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106 (49). 20610-20615. 10.1073/pnas.0804619106

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Marsh, Robert; de Cuevas, Beverly A.; Coward, Andrew C. ORCID:; Jacquin, Julien; Hirschi, Joel J-M.; Aksenov, Yevgeny ORCID:; Nurser, A.J. George; Josey, Simon A. ORCID: 2009 Recent changes in the North Atlantic circulation simulated with eddy-permitting and eddy-resolving ocean models. Ocean Modelling, 28 (4). 226-239. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2009.02.007

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Martin, A.R.; Poncet, S.; Barbraud, C.; Foster, E.; Fretwell, P.T. ORCID:; Rothery, P.. 2009 The white-chinned petrel (Procellaria aequinoctialis) on South Georgia: population size, distribution and global significance. Polar Biology, 32 (4). 655-661. 10.1007/s00300-008-0570-5

Martin, Carlos ORCID:; Gudmundsson, G. Hilmar ORCID:; Pritchard, Hamish D. ORCID:; Gagliardini, Olivier. 2009 On the effects of anisotropic rheology on ice flow, internal structure, and the age-depth relationship at ice divides. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (A4), F04001. 18, pp. 10.1029/2008JF001204

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Martin, Heather L.; Svendsen, Claus ORCID:; Lister, Lindsay J.; Gomez-Eyles, Jose L.; Spurgeon, David J. ORCID: 2009 Measurement and modeling of the toxicity of binary mixtures in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans - a test of independent action. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28 (1). 97-104. 10.1897/07-215.1

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Mattsson, M.; Herrmann, B.; David, M.; Loubet, B.; Riedo, M.; Theobald, M.R.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:; Bruhn, D.; Neftel, A.; Schjoerring, J.K.. 2009 Temporal variability in bioassays of the stomatal ammonia compensation point in relation to plant and soil nitrogen parameters in intensively managed grassland. Biogeosciences, 6. 171-179.

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Mayewski, P.A.; Meredith, M.P. ORCID:; Summerhayes, C.P.; Turner, J. ORCID:; Worby, A.; Barrett, P.J.; Casassa, G.; Bertler, N.A.N.; Bracegirdle, T.; Naveira Garabato, A.C.; Bromwich, D.; Campbell, H.; Hamilton, G.H.; Lyons, W.B.; Maasch, K.A.; Aoki, S.; Xiao, C.. 2009 State of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean climate system. Reviews of Geophysics, 47 (1), RG1003. 38, pp. 10.1029/2007RG000231

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Mayor, Daniel J. ORCID:; Anderson, Thomas R. ORCID:; Pond, David W.; Irigoien, Xabier. 2009 Egg production and associated losses of carbon, nitrogen and fatty acids from maternal biomass in Calanus finmarchicus before the spring bloom. Journal of Marine Systems, 78 (4). 505-510. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.12.019

Mayor, Daniel J. ORCID:; Anderson, Thomas R. ORCID:; Pond, David W.; Irigoien, Xabier. 2009 Limitation of egg production in Calanus finmarchicus in the field: a stoichiometric analysis. Journal of Marine Systems, 78 (4). 511-517. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.12.020

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Mercado, Lina M. ORCID:; Bellouin, Nicolas; Sitch, Stephen; Boucher, Olivier; Huntingford, Chris ORCID:; Wild, Martin; Cox, Peter M.. 2009 Impact of changes in diffuse radiation on the global land carbon sink. Nature, 458. 1014-1017. 10.1038/nature07949

Meredith, Nigel P. ORCID:; Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Glauert, Sarah A. ORCID:; Baker, Daniel N.; Kanekal, Shrikanth G.; Albert, Jay M.. 2009 Relativistic electron loss timescales in the slot region. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (A3), A03222. 16, pp. 10.1029/2008JA013889

Meredith, Nigel P. ORCID:; Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Thorne, R.M.; Anderson, R.R.. 2009 Survey of upper band chorus and ECH waves: implications for the diffuse aurora. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (A7), A07218. 11, pp. 10.1029/2009JA014230

Merrifield, M. A.; Nerem, R. S.; Mitchum, G. T.; Miller, L.; Leuliette, E.; Gill, S.; Woodworth, P. L. ORCID: 2009 Sea level variations, 2008 annual assessment, in "State of the climate in 2008". Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90 (8 (Supplement)). S62-S65.

Mertens, Kenneth Neil; Verhoeven, Koen; Verleye, Thomas; Louwye, Stephen; Amorim, Ana; Ribeiro, Sofia; Deaf, Amr S.; Harding, Ian C.; De Schepper, Stijn; Kodrans-Nsiah, Monika; De Vernal, Anne; Henry, Maryse; Radi, Taoufik; Dybkjaer, Karen; Poulsen, Niels E.; Feist-Burkhardt, Susanne; Chitolie, Jonah; Gonzalez, Arango; Heilmann-Clausen, Claus; Londeix, Laurent; Turon, Jean-Louis; Marret, Fabienne; Mattiessen, Jens; Mccarthy, Francine M.G.; Prasad, Vandana; Pospelova, Vera; Kyffin Hughes, Jane E.; Riding, James B. ORCID:; Rochon, Andre; Sangiorgi, Francesca; Welters, Natasha; Sinclair, Natalie; Thun, Christian; Soliman, Ali; Van Nieuwenhove, Nicolas; Vink, Annemiek; Young, Martin. 2009 Determining the absolute abundance of dinoflagellate cysts in recent marine sediments : the Lycopdium marker-grain method put to the test. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 157 (3-4). 238-252. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2009.05.004

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Milford, C.; Theobald, M.R.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Hargreaves, K.J.; Horvath, L.; Raso, J.; Dammgen, U.; Neftel, A.; Jones, S.K.; Hensen, A.; Loubet, B.; Cellier, P.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2009 Ammonia fluxes in relation to cutting and fertilization of an intensively managed grassland derived from an inter-comparison of gradient measurements. Biogeosciences, 6. 819-834.

Miller, Pauline; Mills, John; Edwards, Stuart; Bryan, Paul; Marsh, Stuart; Mitchell, Harvey; Hobbs, Peter. 2009 A robust surface matching technique for coastal geohazard assessment and management. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 64 (2). 243-245. 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2008.11.001

Miller, Pauline E.; Kunz, Matthias; Mills, Jon P.; King, Matt A.; Murray, Tavi; James, Timothy D.; Marsh, Stuart H.. 2009 Assessment of glacier volume change using ASTER-based surface matching of historical photography. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences & Remote Sensing, 47 (7). 1971-1979. 10.1109/TGRS.2009.2012702

Mills, Gina; Hayes, Felicity ORCID:; Wilkinson, Sally; Davies, William J.. 2009 Chronic exposure to increasing background ozone impairs stomatal functioning in grassland species. Global Change Biology, 15 (6). 1522-1533. 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2008.01798.x

Milne, Glenn A.; Gehrels, W. Roland; Hughes, Chris W. ORCID:; Tamisiea, Mark E.. 2009 Identifying the causes of sea-level change. Nature Geoscience, 2. 471-478. 10.1038/ngeo544

Mir Calafat, F. ORCID:; Gomis, D.. 2009 Reconstruction of Mediterranean sea level fields for the period 1945–2000. Global and Planetary Change, 66 (3-4). 225-234. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2008.12.015

Mir Calafat, F. ORCID:; Gomis, D.; Marcos, M.. 2009 Comparison of Mediterranean sea level fields for the period 1961–2000 as given by a data reconstruction and a 3D model. Global and Planetary Change, 68 (3). 175-184. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2009.04.003

Misztal, P.K.; Cape, J.N.; Langford, B.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Helfter, C. ORCID:; Owen, S.; Heal, M.R.; Hewitt, C.N.; Fowler, D.. 2009 BVOC fluxes from oil palm canopies in South East Asia. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, EGU2009-12061-1. 1, pp.

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Moate, Benjamin D.; Thorne, Peter D. ORCID: 2009 Measurements and inversion of acoustic scattering from suspensions having broad size distributions. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126 (6). 2905-2917. 10.1121/1.3242374

Moggridge, Helen L.; Gurnell, Angela M.; Mountford, J. Owen. 2009 Propagule input, transport and deposition in riparian environments: the importance of connectivity for diversity. Journal of Vegetation Science, 20 (3). 465-474. 10.1111/j.1654-1103.2009.05498.x

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Moore, C. Mark; Mills, Matthew M.; Achterberg, Eric P.; Geider, Richard J.; LaRoche, Julie; Lucas, Mike I.; McDonagh, Elaine L.; Pan, Xi; Poulton, Alex J.; Rijkenberg, Micha J.A.; Suggett, David J.; Ussher, Simon J.; Woodward, E. Malcolm S.. 2009 Large-scale distribution of Atlantic nitrogen fixation controlled by iron availability. Nature Geoscience, 2 (12). 867-871. 10.1038/NGEO667

Moore, Rowena D.; Wolf, Judith ORCID:; Souza, Alejandro J.; Flint, Stephen S.. 2009 Morphological evolution of the Dee Estuary, Eastern Irish Sea, UK: a tidal asymmetry approach. Geomorphology, 103 (4). 588-596. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2008.08.003

Morecroft, M.D.; Bealey, C.E; Beaumont, D.A; Benham, S.; Brooks, D.R.; Burt, T.P; Critchley, C.N.R; Dick, J. ORCID:; Littlewood, N.A.; Monteith, D.T. ORCID:; Scott, W.A.; Smith, R.I.; Walmsley, C.; Watson, H.. 2009 The UK Environmental Change Network: Emerging trends in the composition of plant and animal communities and the physical environment. Biological Conservation, 142 (12). 2814-2832. 10.1016/j.biocon.2009.07.004

Morley, S.A. ORCID:; Lurman, G.L.; Skepper, J.N.; Portner, H-O.; Peck, L.S. ORCID: 2009 Thermal plasticity of mitochondria:a latitudinal comparison between Southern Ocean molluscs. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 152A (3). 423-430.

Morley, S.K.; Rouillard, A.P.; Freeman, Mervyn P. ORCID: 2009 Recurrent substorm activity during the passage of a corotating interaction region. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71 (10-11). 1073-1081. 10.1016/j.jastp.2008.11.009

Morley, Simon Anthony ORCID:; Tan, Koh Siang; Day, Robert W.; Martin, Stephanie M.; Pörtner, Hans-O; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2009 Thermal dependency of burrowing in three species within the bivalve genus Laternula: a latitudinal comparison. Marine Biology, 156 (10). 1977-1984. 10.1007/s00227-009-1228-8

Morley, Simon Anthony ORCID:; hirse, timo; poertner, hans-otto; Peck, Lloyd ORCID: 2009 Geographical variation in thermal tolerance within Southern Ocean marine ectotherms. Compararitive Biochemsitry and Physiology part A, 153A (2). 154-161. 10.1016/j.cbpa.2009.02.001

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Morton, Andrew C.; Hitchen, Ken; Fanning, C. Mark; Yaxley, Greg M.; Johnson, Howard; Ritchie, Derek. 2009 Detrital zircon age constraints on the provenance of sandstones on Hatton Bank and Edoras Bank, NE Atlantic. Journal of the Geological Society, 166 (1). 137-146. 10.1144/0016-76492007-179

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Mozny, Martin; Tolasz, Radim; Nekovar, Jiri; Sparks, Tim; Trnka, Mirek; Zalud, Zdenek. 2009 The impact of climate change on the yield and quality of Saaz hops in the Czech Republic. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149 (6-7). 913-919. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2009.02.006

Mudelsee, M.; Scholz, D.; Röthlisberger, Regine; Fleitmann, D.; Mangini, A.; Wolff, Eric W.. 2009 Climate spectrum estimation in the presence of timescale errors. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 16 (1). 43-56. 10.5194/npg-16-43-2009

Muller, Jennifer B.A.; Coyle, Mhairi; Fowler, David; Gallagher, Martin W.; Nemitz, Eiko G. ORCID:; Percival, Carl J.. 2009 Comparison of ozone fluxes over grassland by gradient and eddy covariance technique. Atmospheric Science Letters, 10 (3). 164-169. 10.1002/asl.226

Murphy, D.J.; Aso, T.; Fritts, D.C.; Hibbins, R.E. ORCID:; McDonald, A.J.; Riggin, D.M.; Tsutsumi, M.; Vincent, R.A.. 2009 Source regions for Antarctic MLT non-migrating semidiurnal tides. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L09805. 5, pp. 10.1029/2008GL037064

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Mészáros, R.; Horváth, L.; Weidinger, T.; Neftel, A.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Dämmgen, U.; Cellier, P.; Loubet, B.. 2009 Measurement and modelling ozone fluxes over a cut and fertilized grassland. Biogeosciences, 6. 1987-1999. 10.5194/bg-6-1987-2009

Naveira Garabato, Alberto C.; Jullion, Loïc; Stevens, David P.; Heywood, Karen J.; King, Brian A. ORCID: 2009 Variability of Subantarctic Mode Water and Antarctic Intermediate Water in the Drake Passage during the Late-Twentieth and Early-Twenty-First Centuries. Journal of Climate, 22 (13). 3661-3688. 10.1175/2009JCLI2621.1

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Nelson, Anna; Smellie, John; Hambrey, M.J.; Williams, Mark; Vautravers, Maryline; Salzmann, Ulrich; McArthur, J.M.; Regelous, M.. 2009 Neogene glacigenic debris flows on James Ross Island, northern Antarctic Peninsula, and their implications for regional climate history. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28 (27-28). 3138-3160. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.08.016

Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Dorsey, J.R.; Flynn, M.J.; Gallagher, M.W.; Hensen, A.; Erisman, J.W.; Owen, S.M.; Dammgen, U.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2009 Aerosol fluxes and particle growth above managed grassland. Biogeosciences, 6. 1627-1645.

Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Hargreaves, K.J.; Neftel, A.; Loubet, B.; Cellier, P.; Dorsey, J.R.; Flynn, M.; Hensen, A.; Weidinger, T.; Meszaros, R.; Horvath, L.; Dammgen, U.; Fruhauf, C.; Lopmeier, F.J.; Gallagher, M.W.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2009 Intercomparison and assessment of turbulent and physiological exchange parameters of grassland. Biogeosciences, 6. 1445-1466.

Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Loubet, B.; Lehmann, B.E.; Cellier, P.; Neftel, A.; Jones, S.K.; Hensen, A.; Ihly, B.; Tarakanov, S.V.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2009 Turbulence characteristics in grassland canopies and implications for tracer transport. Biogeosciences, 6. 1519-1537.

Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Phillips, G. J.; Thomas, R.; di Marco, C. F.; Fowler, D.. 2009 New insights into the surface / atmosphere exchange of particles based on recent advances in measurement technology. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 90 (52 Fall Meet. Su), Abstract A54D-02.

Newman, Louise; Convey, P. ORCID:; Gibson, J.A.E.; Linse, K. ORCID: 2009 Antarctic paleobiology: glacial refugia and constraints on past ice-sheet reconstructions. PAGES News, 17 (1). 22-24. 10.22498/pages.17.1.22

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Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Robinson, Sharon A.. 2009 Responses of plants in polar regions to UVB exposure: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 15 (11). 2574-2589. 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01944.x

Newton, Adrian C.; Hill, Ross A.; Echeverría, Cristian; Golicher, Duncan; Benayas, José M. Rey; Cayuela, Luis; Hinsley, Shelley A.. 2009 Remote sensing and the future of landscape ecology. Progress in Physical Geography, 33 (4). 528-546. 10.1177/0309133309346882

Newton, Adrian C.; Stewart, Gavin B.; Myers, Gillian; Diaz, Anita; Lake, Sophie; Bullock, James M. ORCID:; Pullin, Andrew S.. 2009 Impacts of grazing on lowland heathland in north-west Europe. Biological Conservation, 142 (5). 935-947. 10.1016/j.biocon.2008.10.018

Newton, Erika; Bullock, James M. ORCID:; Hodgson, Dave. 2009 Bottom-up effects of glucosinolate variation on aphid colony dynamics in wild cabbage populations. Ecological Entomology, 34 (5). 614-623. 10.1111/j.1365-2311.2009.01111.x

Newton, Ian ORCID:; Little, Brian. 2009 Assessment of wind-farm and other bird casualties from cacasses found on a Northumbrian beach over an 11-year period. Bird Study, 56 (2). 158-167. 10.1080/00063650902787767

Newton, Ian ORCID:; Rothery, Peter. 2009 Timing and duration of moult in adult European Goldfinches. Bird Study, 56 (2). 282-287. 10.1080/00063650902792031

Nguyen, Frederic; Kemna, Andreas; Antonsson, Arni; Engesgaard, Peter; Kuras, Oliver; Ogilvy, Richard; Gisbert, Juan; Jorreto, Sara; Pulido-Bosch, Antonio. 2009 Characterization of seawater intrusion using 2D electrical imaging. Near Surface Geophysics, 7 (5-6). 377-390. 10.3997/1873-0604.2009025

Nicholls, Keith W. ORCID:; Østerhus, Svein; Makinson, Keith ORCID:; Gammelsrød, Tor; Fahrbach, Eberhard. 2009 Ice-ocean processes over the continental shelf of the southern Weddell Sea, Antarctica: a review. Reviews of Geophysics, 47 (3), RG3003. 23, pp. 10.1029/2007RG000250

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Norton, Lisa ORCID:; Johnson, Paul; Joys, Andrew; Stuart, Rick; Chamberlain, Dan; Feber, Ruth; Firbank, Les; Manley, Will; Wolfe, Martin; Hart, Barbara; Mathews, Fiona; Macdonald, David; Fuller, Robert J.. 2009 Consequences of organic and non-organic farming practices for field, farm and landscape complexity. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 129 (1-3). 221-227. 10.1016/j.agee.2008.09.002

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Nunn, Elizabeth V.; Price, Gregory D.; Hart, Malcolm B.; Page, Kevin N.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID: 2009 Isotopic signals from Callovian_Kimmeridgian (Middle-Upper Jurassic) belemnites and bulk organic carbon, Staffin Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 166 (4). 633-641. 10.1144/0016-76492008-067

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Oliver, Tom; Hill, Jane K.; Thomas, Chris D.; Brereton, Tom; Roy, David B. ORCID: 2009 Changes in habitat specificity of species at their climatic range boundaries. Ecology Letters, 12 (10). 1091-1101. 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2009.01367.x

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Ostle, Nicholas J.; Smith, Pete; Fisher, Rosie; Woodward, F. Ian; Fisher, Joshua B.; Smith, Jo U.; Galbraith, David; Levy, Peter ORCID:; Meir, Patrick; McNamara, Niall P. ORCID:; Bardgett, Richard D.. 2009 Integrating plant-soil interactions into global carbon cycle models. Journal of Ecology, 97 (5). 851-863. 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01547.x

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Palmer-Felgate, Elizabeth J.; Jarvie, Helen P. ORCID:; Withers, Paul J.A.; Mortimer, Robert J.G.; Krom, Michael D.. 2009 Stream-bed phosphorus in paired catchments with different agricultural land use intensity. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 134 (1-2). 53-66. 10.1016/j.agee.2009.05.014

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Pan, Shunqi; Chen, Yongping; Wolf, Judith ORCID:; Du, Yanliang. 2009 Modelling of waves in the Irish Sea: effects of oceanic wave and wind forcing. Ocean Dynamics, 59 (6). 827-836. 10.1007/s10236-009-0213-6

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Parnikoza, I; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Dykyy, I.; Trokhymets, V.; Milinevsky, G.; Tyschenko, O.; Inozemtseva, D.; Kozeretska, I.. 2009 Current status of the Antarctic herb tundra formation in the central Argentine Islands. Global Change Biology, 15 (7). 1685-1693. 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01906.x

Parry, S.A.; Hodson, M.E.; Oelkers, E.H.; Kemp, S.J. ORCID: 2009 Turning rock into soil : variations in soil mineral reactivity, surface area, and porosity through the critical zone. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (19), A996.

Patiño, S.; Lloyd, J.; Paiva, R.; Baker, T. R.; Quesada, C. A.; Mercado, L. M. ORCID:; Schmerler, J.; Schwarz, M.; Santos, A. J. B.; Aguilar, A.; Czimczik, C. I.; Gallo, J.; Horna, V.; Hoyos, E. J.; Jimenez, E. M.; Palomino, W.; Peacock, J.; Peña-Cruz, A.; Sarmiento, C.; Sota, A.; Turriago, J. D.; Villanueva, B.; Vitzthum, P.; Alvarez, E.; Arroyo, L.; Baraloto, C.; Bonal, D.; Chave, J.; Costa, A. C. L.; Herrera, R.; Higuchi, N.; Killeen, T.; Leal, E.; Luizão, F.; Meir, P.; Monteagudo, A.; Neil, D.; Núñez-Vargas, P.; Peñuela, M. C.; Pitman, N.; Priante Filho, N.; Prieto, A.; Panfil, S. N.; Rudas, A.; Salomão, R.; Silva, N.; Silveira, M.; Soares de Almeida, S.; Torres-Lezama, A.; Vásquez-Martínez, R.; Vieira, I.; Malhi, Y.; Phillips, O. L.. 2009 Branch xylem density variations across the Amazon Basin. Biogeosciences, 6. 545-568.

Pawlowski, Jan; Gooday, Andrew J. ORCID: 2009 Precambrian Biota: Protistan Origin of Trace Fossils? Current Biology, 19 (1). R28-R30. 10.1016/j.cub.2008.11.003

Paxton, C.G.M.; Winfield, I. J. ORCID:; Fletcher, J.M.; George, D.G.; Hewitt, D.P.. 2009 Investigation of first year biotic and abiotic influences on the recruitment of pike (Esox lucius) over 48 years in Windermere, U.K. Journal of Fish Biology, 74 (10). 2279-2298. 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2009.02235.x

Pearce, David A. ORCID: 2009 Antarctic subglacial lake exploration: a new frontier in microbial ecology. ISME Journal, 3 (8). 877-880. 10.1038/ismej.2009.53

Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Bridge, Paul D.; Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Sattler, Birgit; Psenner, Roland; Russell, Nick J.. 2009 Microorganisms in the atmosphere over Antarctica. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 69 (2). 143-157. 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2009.00706.x

Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Morley, Simon A. ORCID:; Massey, Alison; Rossetti, Helen. 2009 Animal temperature limits and ecological relevance: effects of size, activity and rates of change. Functional Ecology, 23 (2). 248-256. 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2008.01537.x

Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Massey, Alison; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Clark, Melody S. ORCID: 2009 Lack of acclimation in Ophionotus victoriae: brittle stars are not fish. Polar Biology, 32 (3). 399-402. 10.1007/s00300-008-0532-y

Pennington, C.V.L.; Foster, C.; Chambers, J.E.; Jenkins, G.O.. 2009 Landslide research at the British Geological Survey : capture, storage and interpretation on a national and site-specific scale. Acta geologica sinica English edition, 83 (5). 991-999. 10.1111/j.1755-6724.2009.00124.x

Pereira, F.L.; Gash, J.H.C.; David, J.S.; David, T.S.; Monteiro, P.R.; Valente, F.. 2009 Modelling interception loss from evergreen oak Mediterranean savannas: Application of a tree-based modelling approach. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149 (3-4). 680-688. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2008.10.014

Pereira, F.L.; Gash, J.H.C.; David, J.S.; Valente, F.. 2009 Evaporation of intercepted rainfall from isolated evergreen oak trees: Do the crowns behave as wet bulbs? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149 (3-4). 667-679. 10.1016/j.agrformet.2008.10.013

Pereira, M. Gloria ORCID:; Walker, Lee A. ORCID:; Wright, Julian; Best, Jennifer; Shore, Richard F.. 2009 Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the eggs of predatory birds in Britain. Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (23). 9010-9015. 10.1021/es901805e

Pereira, M. Glória ORCID:; Walker, Lee A. ORCID:; Best, Jennifer; Shore, Richard. 2009 Long term trends in mercury and PCB congener concentrations in gannet (Morus bassanus) eggs in Britain. Environmental Pollution, 157. 155-163. 10.1016/j.envpol.2008.07.019

Perez-Espona, S.; Perez-Barberia, F.J.; Goodall-Copestake, W.P. ORCID:; Jiggins, C.D.; Gordon, I.J.; Pemberton, J.M.. 2009 Are there any native red deer left in mainland Scotland? Deer Magazine, Spring. 22-25.

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Perry, Joe N.; Ter Braak, Cajo J.F; Dixon, Philip M.; Duan, Jian J.; Hails, Rosie S.; Huesken, Alexandra; Lavielle, Marc; Marvier, Michelle; Scardi, Michele; Schmidt, Kirstin; Tothmeresz, Bela; Schaarschmidt, Frank; van der Voet, Hilko. 2009 Statistical Aspects of Environmental Risk Assessment of GM Plants for effects on Non-Target Organisms. Environmental Biosafety Research, 8. 65-78. 10.1051/ebr/2009009

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Phillips, Richard A.; Wakefield, Ewan D.; Croxall, John P.; Fukuda, Akira; Higuchi, Hiroyoshi. 2009 Albatross foraging behaviour: no evidence for dual foraging, and limited support for anticipatory regulation of provisioning at South Georgia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 391. 279-292. 10.3354/meps08028

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Phillips, G. J.; di Marco, C. F.; Farmer, D.; Kimmel, J. R.; Jimenez, J. L.; Nemitz, E. ORCID: 2009 Fluxes of submicron organic aerosol above London measured by eddy covariance using the Aerodyne HR-ToF-AMS. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 90 (52 Fall Meet. Su), Abstract B31C-08.

Phillips, Richard A.; Bearhop, Stuart; Mcgill, Rona A.R.; Dawson, Deborah A.. 2009 Stable isotopes reveal individual variation in migration strategies and habitat preferences in a suite of seabirds during the nonbreeding period. Oecologia, 160 (4). 795-806. 10.1007/s00442-009-1342-9

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Pla, Sergi; Monteith, Don ORCID:; Flower, Roger; Rose, Neil. 2009 The recent palaeolimnology of a remote Scottish loch with special reference to the relative impacts of regional warming and atmospheric contamination. Freshwater Biology, 54. 505-523. 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2008.02127.x

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Plassmann, Katharina; Edwards-Jones, Gareth; Jones, M. Laurence M. ORCID: 2009 The effects of low levels of nitrogen deposition and grazing on dune grassland. Science of the Total Environment, 407 (4). 1391-1404. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.10.012

Plets, Ruth M.K.; Dix, Justin K.; Adams, Jon R.; Bull, Jonathan M.; Henstock, Timothy J.; Gutowski, Martin; Best, Angus I. ORCID: 2009 The use of a high-resolution 3D Chirp sub-bottom profiler for the reconstruction of the shallow water archaeological site of the Grace Dieu (1439), River Hamble, UK. Journal of Archaeological Science, 36 (2). 408-418. 10.1016/j.jas.2008.09.026

Pollard, Raymond T.; Salter, Ian; Sanders, Richard J. ORCID:; Lucas, Mike I.; Moore, C. Mark; Mills, Rachel A.; Statham, Peter J.; Allen, John T.; Baker, Alex R.; Bakker, Dorothee C.E.; Charette, Matthew A.; Fielding, Sophie ORCID:; Fones, Gary R.; French, Megan; Hickman, Anna E.; Holland, Ross J.; Hughes, J. Alan; Jickells, Timothy D.; Lampitt, Richard S.; Morris, Paul J.; Nédélec, Florence H.; Nielsdóttir, Maria; Planquette, Hélène; Popova, Ekaterina E. ORCID:; Poulton, Alex J.; Read, Jane F.; Seeyave, Sophie; Smith, Tania; Stinchcombe, Mark; Taylor, Sarah; Thomalla, Sandy; Venables, Hugh J. ORCID:; Williamson, Robert; Zubkov, Mike V.. 2009 Southern Ocean deep-water carbon export enhanced by natural iron fertilization. Nature, 457 (7229). 577-580. 10.1038/nature07716

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Porcar-Castell, Albert; Peñuelas, Josep; Owen, Susan M.; Llusià, Joan; Munné-Bosch, Sergi; Bäck, Jaana. 2009 Leaf carotenoid concentrations and monoterpene emission capacity under acclimation of the light reactions of photosynthesis. Boreal Environment Research, 14 (4). 794-806.

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Preston, Christopher D. ORCID: 2009 The terms 'native' and 'alien' - a biogeographical perspective. Progress in Human Geography, 33 (5). 702-711. 10.1177/0309132508105002

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Preston, Christopher D. ORCID:; Uotila, Pertti. 2009 Sagittaria x lunata, a binomial for the widespread North European hybrid between S. natans and S. sagittifolia (Alismataceae). Annales Botanici Fennici, 46 (3). 215-230.

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Pritchard, H.D. ORCID:; Arthern, R.J. ORCID:; Vaughan, D.G. ORCID:; Edwards, L.A.. 2009 Extensive dynamic thinning on the margins of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. Nature, 461 (7266). 971-975. 10.1038/nature08471

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Pugh, P.R. ORCID: 2009 A review of the family Sphaeronectidae (Class Hydrozoa, Order Siphonophora), with the description of three new species. Zootaxa, 2147. 1-48.

Pugh, P.R. ORCID:; Haddock, S.H.D.. 2009 Three new species of remosiid siphonophore (Siphonophora: Physonectae) [in special issue: In Honour of Sir Frederick Stratten Russell, FRS] Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 90. 1119-1143. 10.1017/S0025315409990543

Pugh, R.S.; McCave, I.N.; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Kuhn, G.. 2009 Circum-Antarctic age modelling of Quaternary marine cores under the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: ice-core dust-magnetic correlation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 284 (1-2). 113-123. 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.04.016

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Ramier, David; Boulain, Nicolas; Cappelaere, Bernard; Timouk, Franck; Rabanit, Manon; Lloyd, Colin R.; Boubkraoui, Stephane; Metayer, Frederic; Descroix, Luc; Wawrzyniak, Vincent. 2009 Towards an understanding of coupled physical and biological processes in the cultivated Sahel - 1. Energy and water. Journal of Hydrology, 375 (1-2). 204-216. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.12.002

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Raucoules, D.; Bourgine, B.; de Michele, M.; Le Cozanet, G.; Closset, L.; Bremmer, C.; Veldkamp, H.; Tragheim, D.; Bateson, L.; Crosetto, M.; Agudo, M.; Engdahl, M.. 2009 Validation and intercomparison of persistent scatterers interferometry : PSIC4 project results. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 68 (3). 335-347. 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2009.02.003

Raven, John A.; Beardall, John; Flynn, Kevin J.; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID: 2009 Phagotrophy in the origins of photosynthesis in eukaryotes and as a complementary mode of nutrition in phototrophs: relation to Darwin's insectivorous plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 60 (14). 3975-3987. 10.1093/jxb/erp282

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Reed, M. S.; Bonn, A.; Slee, W.; Beharry-Borg, N.; Birch, J.; Brown, I.; Burt, T. P.; Chapman, D.; Chapman, P. J.; Clay, G. D.; Cornell, S. J.; Fraser, E. D. G.; Glass, J. H.; Holden, J.; Hodgson, J. A.; Hubacek, K.; Irvine, B.; Jin, N.; Kirkby, M. J.; Kunin, W. E.; Moore, O.; Moseley, D.; Prell, C.; Price, M. F.; Quinn, C. H.; Redpath, S.; Reid, C.; Stagl, S.; Stringer, L. C.; Termansen, M.; Thorp, S.; Towers, W.; Worrall, F.. 2009 The future of the uplands. Land Use Policy, 26 (Supplement 1). S204-S216. 10.1016/j.landusepol.2009.09.013

Reed, Thomas E.; Warzybok, Pete; Wilson, Alistair J.; Bradley, Russell W.; Wanless, Sarah ORCID:; Sydeman, William J.. 2009 Timing is everything: flexible phenology and shifting selection in a colonial seabird. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78 (2). 376-387. 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2008.01503.x

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Reinardy, Benedict T.I.; Pudsey, Carol J.; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Murray, Tavi; Evans, Jeffrey. 2009 Contrasting sources for glacial and interglacial shelf sediments used to interpret changing ice flow directions in the Larsen Basin, northern Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Geology, 266 (1-4). 156-171. 10.1016/j.margeo.2009.08.003

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Renner, Angelika H.H.; Heywood, Karen J.; Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID: 2009 Validation of three global ocean models in the Weddell Sea. Ocean Modelling, 30 (1). 1-15. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2009.05.007

Rey Benayas, Jose M.; Newton, Adrian C.; Diaz, Anita; Bullock, James M. ORCID: 2009 Enhancement of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services by Ecological Restoration: A Meta-Analysis. Science, 325 (5944). 1121-1124. 10.1126/science.1172460

Reynolds, T. J.; King, R.; Harwood, J.; Frederiksen, M.; Harris, M.P. ORCID:; Wanless, S. ORCID: 2009 Integrated data analysis in the presence of emigration and mark loss. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 14. 411-431. 10.198/jabes.2009.08008

Ribbands, Brian; Brown, Peter M. J.; Roy, Helen E. ORCID:; Majerus, Michael E. N.. 2009 The most northerly record of the harlequin ladybird in the British isles. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine, 145. 43-44.

Riding, James B. ORCID:; Kyffin-Hughes, Jane. 2009 The use of pre-treatments in palynological processing. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 158 (3-4). 281-290. 10.1016/j.revpalbo.2009.09.009

Riley, T.R. ORCID:; Curtis, M.L.; Leat, P.T.; Millar, I.L.. 2009 The geochemistry of Middle Jurassic dykes associated with the Straumsvola-Tvora alkaline plutons, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica and their association with the Karoo large igneous province. Mineralogical Magazine, 73 (2). 205-226. 10.1180/minmag.2009.073.2.205

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Rippeth, Tom P.; Wiles, Phil; Palmer, Matt R.; Sharples, Jonathan; Tweddle, Jacqueline. 2009 The diapcynal nutrient flux and shear-induced diapcynal mixing in the seasonally stratified western Irish Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 29 (13). 1580-1587.

Ritz, Karl; Black, Helaina I. J.; Campbell, Colin D.; Harris, Jim A.; Wood, Claire ORCID: 2009 Selecting biological indicators for monitoring soils: a framework for balancing scientific opinion to assist policy development. Ecological Indicators, 9 (6). 1212-1221. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2009.02.009

Robb, Gary B.N.; Robinson, Stephen P.; Theobald, Pete D.; Hayman, Gary; Humphrey, Victor F.; Leighton, Timothy G.; Wang, Lian Sheng; Dix, Justin K.; Best, Angus I. ORCID: 2009 Absolute calibration of hydrophones immersed in sandy sediment. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125 (5). 2918-2927. 10.1121/1.3106530

Roberts, J.M.; Davies, A.J.; Henry, L.A.; Dodds, L.A.; Duineveld, G.C.A.; Lavaleye, M.S.S.; Maier, C.; van Soest, R.W.M.; Bergman, M.J.N.; Huhnerbach, V.; Huvenne, V.A.I. ORCID:; Sinclair, D.J.; Watmough, T.; Long, D.; Green, S.L.; van Haren, H.. 2009 Mingulay Reef Complex : an interdisciplinary study of cold-water coral habitat, hydrography and biodiversity. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 397. 139-151. 10.3354/meps08112

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Roberts, Paula; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Bardgett, Richard D.; Farrar, John F.; Jones, David L.. 2009 Vegetation cover regulates the quantity, quality and temporal dynamics of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in Antarctic soils. Polar Biology, 32 (7). 999-1008. 10.1007/s00300-009-0599-0

Roberts, S.J. ORCID:; Hodgson, D.A. ORCID:; Bentley, M.J.; Sanderson, D.C.W.; Milne, G.; Smith, J.A. ORCID:; Verleyen, E.; Balbo, A.. 2009 Holocene relative sea-level change and deglaciation on Alexander Island, Antarctic Peninsula, from elevated lake deltas. Geomorphology, 112 (1-2). 122-134. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.05.011

Roberts, T.J.; Braban, C.F. ORCID:; Martin, R.S.; Oppenheimer, C.; Adams, J.W.; Cox, R.A.; Jones, R.L.; Griffiths, P.T.. 2009 Modelling reactive halogen formation and ozone depletion in volcanic plumes. Chemical Geology, 1-4. 151-163. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2008.11.012

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Robinson, David A. ORCID:; Lebron, Inma ORCID:; Vereecken, Harry. 2009 On the Definition of the Natural Capital of Soils: A Framework for Description, Evaluation, and Monitoring. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 73 (6). 1904-1911. 10.2136/sssaj2008.0332

Rodríguez, Airam; Negro, Juan J.; Bustamante, Javier; Fox, James W.; Afanasyev, Vsevolod. 2009 Geolocators map the wintering grounds of threatened Lesser Kestrels in Africa. Diversity and Distributions, 15 (6). 1010-1016. 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2009.00600.x

Rodríguez, Airam; Negro, Juan J.; Fox, James W.; Afanasyev, Vsevolod. 2009 Effects of geolocator attachments on breeding parameters of Lesser Kestrels. Journal of Field Ornithology, 80 (4). 399-407. 10.1111/j.1557-9263.2009.00247.x

Roemmich, Dean; King, Brian ORCID:; Gould, John. 2009 Argo: The Challenge of Continuing 10 Years of Progress [In: Special Issue on the Revolution of Global Ocean Forecasting - GODAE: 10 Years of Achievement]. Oceanography, 22 (3). 46-55.

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Rona, Peter A.; Seilacher, Adolf; de Vargas, Colomban; Gooday, Andrew J. ORCID:; Bernhard, Joan M.; Bowser, Sam; Vetriani, Costantino; Wirsen, Carl O.; Mullineaux, Lauren; Sherrell, Robert; Grassle, J. Frederick; Low, Stephen; Lutz, Richard A.. 2009 Paleodictyon nodosum: a living fossil on the deep-sea floor. Deep-Sea Research II, 56 (19-20). 1700-1712. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.05.015

Ropert-Coudert, Yan; Daunt, Francis ORCID:; Kato, Akiko; Ryan, Peter G.; Lewis, Sue; Kobayashi, Kaori; Mori, Yoshihisa; Gremillet, David; Wanless, Sarah ORCID: 2009 Underwater wingbeats extend depth and duration of plunge dives in northern gannets Morus bassanus. Journal of Avian Biology, 40 (4). 380-387. 10.1111/j.1600-048X.2008.04592.x

Rose, Kathryn C.; Hart, Jane K.; Martinez, Kirk. 2009 Seasonal changes in basal conditions at Briksdalsbreen, Norway: the winter-spring transition. Boreas, 38 (3). 579-590. 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2008.00079.x

Rose, R.J.; Roadknight, C.M.; Barber, M.L.; Wood, C.M. ORCID:; Marshall, I.W.. 2009 Quantifying grazer activity in remote upland areas using digital cameras and automated image analysis. Looking to the Hills: Newsletter of the Uplands Lead Co-ordination Network (16). 6-10.

Rossby, T.; Ozhigin, Vladimir; Ivshin, Victor; Bacon, Sheldon ORCID: 2009 An isopycnal view of the Nordic Seas hydrography with focus on properties of the Lofoten Basin. Deep-Sea Research I, 56 (11). 1955-1971. 10.1016/j.dsr.2009.07.005

Rothery, Peter; Newton, Ian ORCID:; Little, Brian. 2009 Observations of seabirds at offshore wind turbines near Blyth in northeast England. Bird Study, 56 (1). 1-14. 10.1080/00063650802648093

Rothwell, J.J.; Taylor, Kevin G.; Ander, Louise; Evans, M.G.; Daniels, S.M.; Allott, T.E.H.. 2009 Arsenic retention and release in ombrotrophic peatlands. Science of the Total Environment, 407 (4). 1405-1417. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.10.015

Rowney, Nicole C.; Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Williams, Richard J.. 2009 Cytotoxic drugs in drinking water: a prediction and risk assessment exercise for the Thames catchment in the United Kingdom. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28 (12). 2733-2743. 10.1897/09-067.1

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Roy, Helen ORCID:; Hesketh, Helen ORCID:; McCracken, Morag ORCID:; Pywell, Richard ORCID:; Hails, Rosemary. 2009 Living on the edge: interactions between Lepidoptera and parasites in fragmented habitats. Atropos, 37. 19-26.

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Saunders, Krystyna M.; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; McMinn, Andrew. 2009 Quantitative relationships between benthic diatom assemblages and water chemistry in Macquarie Island lakes and their potential for reconstructing past environmental changes. Antarctic Science, 21 (1). 35-49. 10.1017/S0954102008001442

Schattenhofer, Martha; Fuchs, Bernhard M.; Amann, Rudolf; Zubkov, Mikhail V.; Tarran, Glen A.; Pernthaler, Jakob. 2009 Latitudinal distribution of prokaryotic picoplankton populations in the Atlantic Ocean. Environmental Microbiology, 11 (8). 2078-2093. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2009.01929.x

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Talbot, Anita T.; Pottinger, Tom G.; Smith, Terry J.; Cairns, Michael T.. 2009 Acute phase gene expression in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) after exposure to a confinement stressor: a comparison of pooled and individual data. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 27 (2). 309-317. 10.1016/j.fsi.2009.05.016

Tang, Y.S.; Simmons, I.; van Dijk, N.; Di Marco, C.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Dämmgen, U.; Gilke, K.; Djuricic, V.; Vidic, S.; Gliha, Z.; Borovecki, D.; Mitosinkova, M.; Hanssen, J.E.; Uggerud, T.H.; Sanz, M.J.; Sanz, P.; Chorda, J.V.; Flechard, C.R.; Fauvel, Y.; Ferm, M.; Perrino, C.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2009 European scale application of atmospheric reactive nitrogen measurements in a low-cost approach to infer dry deposition fluxes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, NitroEurope Spec. 183-195. 10.1016/j.agee.2009.04.027

Tarling, G.A. ORCID:; Atkinson, A.. 2009 Antarctic krill an intriguing tale of ice and industry. Ocean Challenge, 16 (3). 20-27.

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Tarling, Geraint Andrew ORCID:; Cuzin-Roudy, J.; Wootton, K.; Johnson, M.L.. 2009 Egg-release behaviour in Antarctic krill. Polar Biology, 32 (8). 1187-1194. 10.1007/s00300-009-0617-2

Taylor, G.K.; Tucker, C.W.; Twitchett, R.J.; Kearsey, T.; Benton, M.J.; Newell, Andrew; Surkov, M.V.. 2009 Magnetostratigraphy of Permian/Triassic boundary sequences in the Cis-Urals, Russia : no evidence for a major temporal hiatus. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 281 (1-2). 36-47. 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.02.002

Taylor, Kenneth. 2009 Biological Flora of the British Isles: Urtica dioica L. Journal of Ecology, 97 (6). 1436-1458. 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01575.x

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Teferle, F. N.; Bingley, R. M.; Orliac, E. J.; Williams, S. D. P. ORCID:; Woodworth, P. L.; McLaughlin, D.; Baker, T. F.; Shennan, I.; Milne, G. A.; Bradley, S. L.; Hansen, D. N.. 2009 Crustal motions in Great Britain: evidence from continuous GPS, absolute gravity and Holocene sea-level data.". Geophysical Journal International, 178 (1). 23-46. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04185.x

Tejada-Martinez, Andres E.; Grosch, Chester E.; Gargett, Ann E.; Polton, Jeff A. ORCID:; Smith, Jerome A.; MacKinnon, J. A.. 2009 A hybrid spectral/finite-difference large-eddy simulator of turbulent processes in the upper ocean. Ocean Modelling, 30 (2-3). 115-142. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2009.06.008

Tejedo, P.; Justel, A.; Benayas, J.; Rico, E.; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Quesada, A.. 2009 Soil trampling in an Antarctic Specially Protected Area: tools to assess levels of human impact. Antarctic Science, 21 (3). 229-236. 10.1017/S0954102009001795

Temperton, Ben; Field, Dawn; Oliver, Anna; Tiwari, Bela; Muhling, Martin; Joint, Ian; Gilbert, Jack A.. 2009 Bias in assessments of marine microbial biodiversity in fosmid libraries as evaluated by pyrosequencing. ISME Journal, 3. 792-796. 10.1038/ismej.2009.32

Thaxter, Chris B.; Daunt, Francis ORCID:; Hamer, Keith C.; Watanuki, Yutaka; Harris, Mike P. ORCID:; Gremillet, David; Peters, Gerrit; Wanless, Sarah ORCID: 2009 Sex-specific food provisioning in a monomorphic seabird, the common guillemot Uria aalge: nest defence, foraging efficiency or foraging effort? Journal of Avian Biology, 40 (1). 75-84. 10.1111/j.1600-048X.2008.04507.x

Theys, N.; Van Roozendael, M.; Errera, Q.; Hendrick, F.; Daerden, F.; Chabrillat, S.; Dorf, M.; Pfeilsticker, K.; Rozanov, A.; Lotz, W.; Burrows, J.P.; Lambert, J.-C.; Goutail, F.; Roscoe, Howard K.; De Mazière, M.. 2009 A global stratospheric bromine monoxide climatology based on the BASCOE chemical transport model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9 (3). 831-848. 10.5194/acp-9-831-2009

Thomas, E.R. ORCID:; Bracegirdle, T.J. ORCID: 2009 Improving ice core interpretation using in situ and reanalysis data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (D2), D20116. 8, pp. 10.1029/2009JD012263

Thomas, E.R. ORCID:; Dennis, P. F.; Bracegirdle, T.J. ORCID:; Franzke, C.. 2009 Ice core evidence for significant 100-year regional warming on the Antarctic Peninsula. Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (20), L20704. 5, pp. 10.1029/2009GL040104

Thomas, Elizabeth R. ORCID:; Wolff, Eric W.; Mulvaney, Robert ORCID:; Johnsen, Sigfus J.; Steffensen, Jorgen P.; Arrowsmith, Carol. 2009 Anatomy of a Dansgaard-Oeschger warming transition: High-resolution analysis of the North Greenland Ice Core Project ice core. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (D8), D08102. 10.1029/2008JD011215

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Thomas, Robert James; De Waele, Bert; Schofield, David; Goodenough, Kathryn Mary; Horstwood, Matthew; Tucker, Robert; Bauer, Wilfried; Annells, Richard; Howard, Keith; Walsh, Greg; Rabarimanana, Mamy; Rafahatelo, Jean-Marie; Ralison, Vonimanitre; Randriamananjara, Theogene. 2009 Geological evolution of the Neoproterozoic Bemarivo Belt, northern Madagascar. Precambrian Research, 172 (3-4). 279-300. 10.1016/j.precamres.2009.04.008

Thompson, Andrew F.; Heywood, Karen J.; Thorpe, Sally ORCID:; Renner, Angelika H.H.; Trasviña, Armando. 2009 Surface circulation at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula from drifters. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39 (1). 3-26. 10.1175/2008JPO3995.1

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Thorne, Peter D. ORCID:; Davies, Alan. G.; Bell, Paul S. ORCID: 2009 Observations and analysis of sediment diffusivity profiles over sandy rippled beds under waves. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, C02023. 16, pp. 10.1029/2008JC004944

Tilstone, Gavin; Smyth, Timothy; Poulton, Alex; Hutson, Rory. 2009 Measured and remotely sensed estimates of primary production in the Atlantic Ocean from 1998 to 2005. Deep-Sea Research II, 56 (15). 918-930. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.10.034

Timouk, F.; Kergoat, L.; Mougin, E.; Lloyd, C.R.; Ceschia, E.; Cohard, J.-M.; de Rosnay, P.; Hiernaux, P.; Demarez, V.; Taylor, C.M. ORCID: 2009 Response of surface energy balance to water regime and vegetation development in a Sahelian landscape. Journal of Hydrology, 375 (1-2). 178-189. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.04.022

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Tindall, J. C.; Valdes, P.J.; Sime, Louise C. ORCID: 2009 Stable water isotopes in HadCM3: isotopic signature of El Nino-Southern Oscillation and the tropical amount effect. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (D4), D04111. 12, pp. 10.1029/2008JD010825

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Tipping, Edward ORCID:; Corbishley, Heather T. ORCID:; Koprivnjak, Jean-Francois; Lapworth, Daniel J. ORCID:; Miller, Matthew P.; Vincent, Colin D.; Hamilton-Taylor, John. 2009 Quantification of natural DOM from UV absorption at two wavelengths. Environmental Chemistry, 6 (6). 472-476. 10.1071/EN09090

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Torres-Valdés, S.; Roussenov, V.M.; Sanders, R. ORCID:; Reynolds, S.; Pan, X.; Mather, R.; Landolfi, A.; Wolff, G.A.; Achterberg, E.P.; Williams, R.G.. 2009 Distribution of dissolved organic nutrients and their effect on export production over the Atlantic Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 23. GB4019. 10.1029/2008GB003389

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Tryjanowski, Piotr; Kosicki, Jakub Z.; Kuzniak, Stanislaw; Sparks, Tim H.. 2009 Long-term changes and breeding success in relation to nesting structures used by the white stork, Ciconia ciconia. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 46 (1). 34-38.

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Tsimplis, Michael; Marcos, Marta; Colin, Jeanne; Somot, Samuel; Pascual, Ananda; Shaw, A.G.P.. 2009 Sea level variability in the Mediterranean Sea during the 1990s on the basis to two 2d and one 3d model. Journal of Marine Systems, 78 (1). 109-123. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2009.04.003

Tucker, Maurice E.; Gallagher, James; Leng, Melanie ORCID: 2009 Are beds in shelf carbonates millennial-scale cycles? : an example from the mid-Carboniferous of northern England. Sedimentary Geology, 214 (1-4). 19-34. 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2008.03.011

Turnbull, K.L.; Wild, J.A.; Honary, F.; Thomson, A.W.P.; McKay, A.J.. 2009 Characteristics of variations in the ground magnetic field during substorms at mid latitudes. Annales Geophysicae, 27 (9). 3421-3428.

Turner, J.R.; White, E.M.; Collins, Martin Anthony ORCID:; Partridge, J.C.; Douglas, R.H.. 2009 Vision in lanternfish (Myctophidae): Adaptations for viewing bioluminescence in the deep-sea. Deep Sea Research I, 56 (6). 1003-1017. 10.1016/j.dsr.2009.01.007

Turner, John ORCID:; Anderson, Philip; Lachlan-Cope, Thomas ORCID:; Colwell, Steve; Phillips, Tony ORCID:; Kirchgaessner, Amélie ORCID:; Marshall, Gareth J. ORCID:; King, John C. ORCID:; Bracegirdle, Tom ORCID:; Vaughan, David G. ORCID:; Lagun, Victor; Orr, Andrew ORCID: 2009 Record low surface air temperature at Vostok Station, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (D24), D24102. 14, pp. 10.1029/2009JD012104

Turner, John ORCID:; Chenoli, Sheeba Nettukandy; abu Samah, Azizan; Marshall, Gareth ORCID:; Phillips, Tony ORCID:; Orr, Andrew ORCID: 2009 Strong wind events in the Antarctic. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (D8), D18103. 25, pp. 10.1029/2008JD011642

Turner, John ORCID:; Comiso, Josefino C.; Marshall, Gareth J. ORCID:; Lachlan-Cope, Tom A. ORCID:; Bracegirdle, Tom ORCID:; Maksym, Ted; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Wang, Zhaomin ORCID:; Orr, Andrew ORCID: 2009 Non-annular atmospheric circulation change induced by stratospheric ozone depletion and its role in the recent increase of Antarctic sea ice extent. Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (8), L08502. 5, pp. 10.1029/2009GL037524

Turner, John ORCID:; Overland, Jim. 2009 Contrasting climate change in the two polar regions. Polar Research, 28 (2). 146-164. 10.1111/j.1751-8369.2009.00128.x

Turnipseed, A.A.; Pressley, S.N.; Karl, T.; Lamb, B.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Allwine, E.; Cooper, W.A.; Shertz, S.; Guenther, A.B.. 2009 The use of disjunct eddy sampling methods for the determination of ecosystem level fluxes of trace gases. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9 (3). 981-994.

Turunen, Esa; Verronen, Pekka T.; Seppälä, Annika; Rodger, Craig J.; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Tamminen, Johanna; Enell, Carl-Fredrik; Ulich, Thomas. 2009 Impact of different energies of precipitating particles on NOx generation in the middle and upper atmosphere during geomagnetic storms. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71 (10-11). 1176-1189. 10.1016/j.jastp.2008.07.005

Tye, A.M.; Kemp, S.J. ORCID:; Poulton, P.R.. 2009 Responses of soil clay mineralogy in the Rothamsted Classical Experiments in relation to management practice and changing land use. Geoderma, 153 (1-2). 136-146. 10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.07.019

Tyler, Andrew N.; Hunter, Peter D.; Carvalho, Laurence; Codd, Geoffrey A.; Elliott, Alex; Ferguson, Claire A.; Hanley, Nick D.; Hopkins, David W.; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID:; Mearns, Kathryn J.; Scott, E. Marion. 2009 Strategies for monitoring and managing mass populations of toxic cyanobacteria in recreational waters: a multi-interdisciplinary approach. Environmental Health, 8 (Supplement 1), S11. 8, pp. 10.1186/1476-069X-8-S1-S11

Tyler, P.; Amaro, T.; Arzola, R.; Cunha, M.R.; de Stigter, H.; Gooday, A. ORCID:; Huvenne, V. ORCID:; Ingels, J.; Kiriakoulakis, K.; Lastras, G.; Masson, D.; Oliveira, A.; Pattenden, A.; Vanreusel, A.; Van Weering, T.; Vitorino, J.; Witte, U.; Wolff, G.. 2009 Europe’s Grand Canyon: Nazaré Submarine Canyon. Oceanography, 22 (1). 46-57.

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Upson, R.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Bridge, P.D.; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Read, D.J.. 2009 Taxonomic affinities of dark septate root endophytes of Colobanthus quitensis and Deschampsia antarctica, the two native Antarctic vascular plant species. Fungal Ecology, 2 (4). 184-196. 10.1016/j.funeco.2009.02.004

Upson, Rebecca; Read, David J.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID: 2009 Nitrogen form influences the response of Deschampsia antarctica to dark septate root endophytes. Mycorrhiza, 20 (1). 1-11. 10.1007/s00572-009-0260-3

Vainio, Rami; Desorgher, Laurent; Heynderickx, Daniel; Storini, Marisa; Flückiger, Erwin; Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Kovaltsov, Gennady A.; Kudela, Karel; Laurenza, Monica; McKenna-Lawlor, Susan; Rothkaehl, Hanna; Usoskin, Ilya G.. 2009 Dynamics of the Earth's particle radiation environment. Space Science Reviews, 147 (3). 187-231. 10.1007/s11214-009-9496-7

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Van Doorslaer, Wendy; Vanoverbeke, Joost; Duvivier, Cathy; Rousseaux, Sarah; Jansen, Mieke; Jansen, Bastiaan; Feuchtmayr, Heidrun; Atkinson, David; Moss, Brian; Stoks, Robby; De Meester, Luc. 2009 Local adaptation to higher temperatures reduces immigration success of genotypes from a warmer region in the water flea Daphnia. Global Change Biology, 15 (12). 3046-3055. 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01980.x

Van Rooij, D.; Huvenne, V.A.I. ORCID:; Blamart, D.; Henriet, J-P.; Wheeler, A.; de Haas, H.. 2009 The Enya mounds: a lost mound-drift competition. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98 (4). 849-863. 10.1007/s00531-007-0293-9

Vancoppenolle, Martin; Fichefet, Thierry; Goosse, Hugues; Bouillon, Sylvain; Madec, Gurvan; Maqueda, Miguel Angel Morales. 2009 Simulating the mass balance and salinity of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice. 1. Model description and validation. Ocean Modelling, 27 (1-2). 33-53. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2008.10.005

Vandenbroucke, T.R.A.; Armstrong, H.A.; Williams, Mark; Zalasiewicz, J.A.; Sabbe, K.. 2009 Ground-truthing Late Ordovician climate models using the paleobiogeography of graptolites. Paleoceanography, 24, PA4202. 10.1029/2008PA001720

Vane, C.H. ORCID:; Jones, D.G.; Lister, T.R.. 2009 Mercury contamination in surface sediments and sediment cores of the Mersey estuary, UK. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58 (6). 940-946. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2009.03.006

Vane, Christopher Howard ORCID:; Harrison, Ian; Kim, Alexander; Moss-Hayes, Vicky; Vickers, Barbara; Hong, Kui. 2009 Organic and metal contamination in surface mangrove sediments of South China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58 (1). 134-144. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2008.09.024

Vanreusel, A.; Andersen, A.C.; Boetius, A.; Connelly, D.; Cunha, M.R.; Decker, C.; Hilario, A.; Kormas, K.A.; Maignien, L.; Olu, K.; Pachiadaki, M.; Ritt, B.; Rodrigues, C.; Sarrazin, J.; Tyler, P.; Van Gaever, S.; Vanneste, H.. 2009 Biodiversity of cold seep ecosystems along the European margins. Oceanography, 22 (1). 110-127.

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Varpe, Øystein; Jørgensen, Christian; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Fiksen, Øyvind. 2009 The adaptive value of energy storage and capital breeding in seasonal environments. Oikos, 118 (3). 363-370. 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2008.17036.x

Vaughan, I. P.; Diamond, M.; Gurnell, A. M.; Hall, K. A.; Jenkins, A.; Milner, N. J.; Naylor, L. A.; Sear, D. A.; Woodward, G.; Ormerod, S .J.. 2009 Integrating ecology with hydromorphology: a priority for river science and management. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 19 (1). 113-125. 10.1002/aqc.895

Vecchione, Michael; Allcock, Louise; Piatkowski, Uwe; Strugnell, Jan. 2009 Benthoctopus rigbyae n. sp., a new species of cephalopod (Octopoda; Incirrata) from near the Antarctic Peninsula. Malacologia, 51 (1). 13-28. 10.4002/040.051.0102

Vega, Fernando E.; Goettel, Mark S.; Blackwell, Meredith; Chandler, David; Jackson, Mark A.; Keller, Siegrried; Koike, Masanori; Maniania, Nguya K.; Monzon, Arnulfo; Ownley, Bonnie H.; Pell, Judith K.; Rangel, Drauzio E.N.; Roy, Helen ORCID: 2009 Fungal entomopathogens: new insights on their ecology. Fungal Ecology, 2 (4). 149-159. 10.1016/j.funeco.2009.05.001

Venables, Hugh ORCID:; Meredith, Michael Paul ORCID: 2009 Theory and observations of Ekman flux in the chlorophyll distribution downstream of South Georgia. Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (23). 5, pp. 10.1029/2009GL041371

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Verleyen, Elie; Vyverman, Wim; Sterken, Mieke; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; De Wever, Aaike; Juggins, Steve; Van de Vijver, Bart; Jones, Vivienne J.; Vanormelingen, Pieter; Roberts, Donna; Flower, Roger; Kilroy, Cathy; Souffreau, Caroline; Sabbe, Koen. 2009 The importance of dispersal related and local factors in shaping the taxonomic structure of diatom metacommunities. Oikos, 118 (8). 1239-1249. 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2009.17575.x

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Verspecht, Florence; Rippeth, Tom P.; Simpson, John H.; Souza, Alejandro J.; Burchard, Hans; Howarth, M. John. 2009 Residual circulation and stratification in the Liverpool Bay region of freshwater influence. Ocean Dynamics, 59 (5). 765-779. 10.1007/s10236-009-0233-2

Vestreng, V.; Ntziachristos, L.; Semb, A.; Reis, S. ORCID:; Isaksen, I.S.A.; Tarrason, L.. 2009 Evolution of NOx emissions in Europe with focus on road transport control measures. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9 (4). 1503-1520.

Vincent, Ceri; Dai, Shifeng; Wenying, Chen; Rongshu, Zeng; Guosheng, Ding; Xu, Ruina; Vangkilde-Pedersen, Thomas; Dalhoff, Finn. 2009 Carbon dioxide storage options for the COACH Project in the Bohai Basin, China. Energy procedia, 1. 2785-2792. 10.1016/j.egypro.2009.02.050

Vogel, Timothy M.; Hirsch, Penny R.; Simonet, Pascal; Jansson, Janet K.; Tiedje, James M.; van Elsas, Jan Dirk; Nalin, Renaud; Philippot, Laurent; Bailey, Mark. 2009 Advantages of the metagenomic approach for soil exploration: reply from Vogel et al. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 7 (10). 756-757. 10.1038/nrmicro2119-c3

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Vos, Michiel; Birkett, Philip J.; Birch, Elizabeth; Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Buckling, Angus. 2009 Local adaptation of bacteriophages to their bacterial hosts in soil. Science, 325 (5942). 833. 10.1126/science.1174173

Voss, Peter H.; Larsen, Tine B.; Ottemoller, Lars; Gregersen, Soren. 2009 Earthquake in Southern Sweden wakes up Denmark on 16 December 2008. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin, 17. 9-12.

Wakefield, Ewan D.; Phillips, Richard A.; Matthiopoulos, Jason. 2009 Quantifying habitat use and preferences of pelagic seabirds using individual movement data: a review. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 391. 165-182. 10.3354/meps08203

Wakefield, Ewan D.; Phillips, Richard A.; Matthiopoulos, Jason; Fukuda, Akira; Higuchi, Hiroyoshi; Marshall, Gareth J. ORCID:; Trathan, Philip N. ORCID: 2009 Wind field and sex constrain the flight speeds of central-place foraging albatrosses. Ecological Monographs, 79 (4). 663-679. 10.1890/07-2111.1

Wakelin, Sarah L. ORCID:; Holt, Jason T. ORCID:; Proctor, Roger. 2009 The influence of initial conditions and open boundary conditions on shelf circulation in a 3D ocean-shelf model of the North East Atlantic. Ocean Dynamics, 59 (1). 67-81. 10.1007/s10236-008-0164-3

Walkden, Graham J.; Heywood, Karen J.; Nicholls, Keith W. ORCID:; Abrahamsen, Povl ORCID: 2009 Freshwater transport at Fimbulisen, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (C08), C08014. 16, pp. 10.1029/2008JC005028

Walker, K.; Preston, C.D. ORCID: 2009 Terry Wells (1935-2008). Nature in Cambridgeshire, 51. 105-108.

Walker, Kevin J.; Preston, Christopher D. ORCID:; Boon, Christopher R.. 2009 Fifty years of change in an area of intensive agriculture: plant trait responses to habitat modification and conservation, Bedfordshire, England. Biodiversity and Conservation, 18 (13). 3597-3613. 10.1007/s10531-009-9662-y

Walker, J. T.; Bash, J. O.; Jones, M.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Robarge, W. P.. 2009 Processes of ammonia air-surface exchange in a fertilized corn canopy. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 90 (52 Fall Meet. Su), Abstract A51E-0161.

Walkington, Ian; Burrows, Richard. 2009 Modelling tidal stream power potential. Applied Ocean Research, 31 (4). 239-245. 10.1016/j.apor.2009.10.007

Wallhead, Philip; Martin, Adrian P. ORCID:; Srokosz, Meric A. ORCID:; Franks, Peter J.S.. 2009 Skill assessment via cross-validation and Monte Carlo simulation: an application to Georges Bank plankton models. Journal of Marine Systems, 76 (1-2). 134-150. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.03.010

Walmsley, J.D.; Jones, D.L.; Reynolds, B.; Price, M.H.; Healey, J.R.. 2009 Whole tree harvesting can reduce second rate rotation forest productivity. Forest Ecology and Management, 257. 1104-1111. 10.1016/j.foreco.2008.11.015

Walton, David W.H. ORCID: 2009 Expectations and realities - managing the Antarctic environment Ieditorial). Antarctic Science, 21 (1). 1.

Walton, David W.H. ORCID: 2009 Review of Looking South: Australia's Antarctic agenda edited by L.K. Kriwoken, J. Jabour and A.D. Hemmings. Annandale, NSW, Federation Press, 2007. Antarctic Science, 21 (1). 95-96.

Walton, David W.H. ORCID: 2009 Review of The Prince Edward Islands: land-sea interactions in a changing ecosystem edited by S.L. Chown and P.W. Froneman. Stellenbosch, Sun Press, 2008. Polar Record, 45 (233). 189-191.

Wamelink, G.W.W.; Wieggers, H.J.J.; Reinds, G.J.; Kros, J.; Mol-Dijkstra, J.P.; Van Oijen, M.; De Vries, W.. 2009 Modelling impacts of changes in carbon dioxide concentration, climate and nitrogen deposition on carbon sequestration by European forests and forest soils. Forest Ecology and Management, 258 (8). 10.1016/j.foreco.2009.05.018

Wanless, Sarah ORCID:; Frederiksen, Morten; Walton, John; Harris, Mike P. ORCID: 2009 Long-term changes in breeding phenology at two seabird colonies in the western North Sea. Ibis, 151 (2). 274-285. 10.1111/j.1474-919X.2008.00906.x

Ward, I.; Smith, Barry; Lawley, Russell. 2009 Mapping the archaeological soil archive of sand and gravel mineral reserves in Britain. Geoarchaeology, 24 (1). 1-21. 10.1002/gea.20249

Ward, Susan E.; Bardgett, Richard D.; McNamara, Niall P. ORCID:; Ostle, Nick J.. 2009 Plant functional group identity influences short-term peatland ecosystem carbon flux: evidence from a plant removal experiment. Functional Ecology, 23 (2). 454-462. 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2008.01521.x

Warnken, Kent W.; Lawlor, Alan J.; Lofts, Stephen ORCID:; Tipping, Edward ORCID:; Davison, William; Zhang, Hao. 2009 In Situ Speciation Measurements of Trace Metals in Headwater Streams. Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (19). 7230-7236. 10.1021/es900112w

Waters, Colin N.. 2009 Carboniferous geology of Northern England. Journal Open University Geological Society, 30 (2). 5-16.

Watkins, Nicholas; Credgington, Daniel; Sanchez, Raul; Rosenberg, Samuel; Chapman, Sandra. 2009 Kinetic equation of linear fractional stable motion and applications to modeling the scaling of intermittent bursts. Physical Review E, 79, 041124. 9, pp. 10.1103/PhysRevE.79.041124

Watkins, Nicholas W.; Chapman, S.C.; Rosenberg, Samuel J.. 2009 Comment on "Coexistence of self-organized criticality and intermittent turbulence in the solar corona". Physical Review Letters, 103 (3), 039501. 1, pp. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.039501

Watson, Adam. 2009 Inter-specific aggression between red grouse, ptarmigan and pheasant. Grouse News (38). 5-7.

Watson, Adam; Duncan, David; Cameron, Iain; Pottie, John. 2009 Twelve Scottish snow patches survive until winter 2008/2009. Weather, 64 (7). 184-186. 10.1002/wea.423

Watson, Adam; Perkins, Allan J.; Maggs, Hywel E.; Wilson, Jeremy D. 2009 Decline of Corn Buntings Emberiza calandra on east Scottish study areas in 1989-2007. Bird Study, 56 (2). 213-220. 10.1080/00063650902792072

Watson, N.M.; Heathwaite, L.; Maberly, S. ORCID:; Norton, L.R. ORCID:; Waterton, C.; Tsouvalis, J.; Haygarth, P.M.. 2009 Integrated catchment management and the WFD: Dealing with the complexity and uncertainty of diffuse pollution. Tearmann: Irish Journal of Agri-Environmental Research, 7. 195-210.

Watson, Sue-Ann; Southgate, Paul C.; Tyler, Paul. A; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2009 Early larval development of the Sydney rock oyster Saccostrea glomerata under near-future predictions of CO2-driven ocean acidification. Journal of Shellfish Research, 28 (3). 431-437. 10.2983/035.028.0302

Watt, Allan ORCID:; Walters, Keith; Jones, Hefin. 2009 Ten years of Agricultural and Forest Entomology. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 11 (1). 1. 10.1111/j.1461-9563.2008.00425.x

Watts, Michael; Mitchell, Clive ORCID: 2009 A pilot study on iodine in soils of Greater Kabul and Nangarhar provinces of Afghanistan. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 31 (4). 503-509. 10.1007/s10653-008-9202-9

Weaver, P.P.E.; Boetius, A.; Danovaro, R.; Freiwald, A.; Gunn, V.; Heussner, S.; Morato, T.; Schewe, I.; van den Hove, S.. 2009 The future of integrated deep-sea research in Europe: the HERMIONE Project. Oceanography, 22 (1). 178-191.

Weaver, P.P.E.; Gunn, V.. 2009 Introduction to the Special Issue: HERMES—Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas. Oceanography, 22 (1). 12-15.

Webb, Karen E.; Barnes, David K.A.. ORCID:; Gray, John S.. 2009 Benthic ecology of pockmarks in the Inner Oslofjord, Norway. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 387. 15-25. 10.3354/meps08079

Webb, Karen E.; Barnes, David K. A. ORCID:; Planke, Sverre. 2009 Pockmarks: refuges for marine benthic biodiversity. Limnology and Oceanography, 54 (5). 1776-1788.

Weeks, L.; Keall, E.; Pashley, Vanessa; Evans, Jane; Stock, S.. 2009 Lead isotope analyses of bronze age copper-base artefacts from Al-Midamman, Yemen : towards the identification of an indigenous metal production and exchange system in the southern Red Sea region. Archaeometry, 51 (4). 576-597. 10.1111/j.1475-4754.2008.00429.x

Weigelt, Estella; Gohl, Karsten; Uenzelmann-Neben, Gabriele; Larter, Robert D. ORCID: 2009 Late Cenozoic ice sheet cyclicity in the western Amundsen Sea Embayment - evidence from seismic records. Global and Planetary Change, 69 (3). 162-169. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2009.07.004

Wells, N.C.; Josey, S.A. ORCID:; Hadfield, R.E.. 2009 Towards closure of regional heat budgets in the North Atlantic using Argo floats and surface flux datasets. Ocean Science, 5 (2). 59-72.

Wendorff, M.; Key, R.M.. 2009 The relevance of the sedimentary history of the Grand Conglomerat Formation (Central Africa) to the interpretation of the climate during a major Cryogenian glacial event. Precambrian Research, 172 (1-2). 127-142. 10.1016/j.precamres.2009.03.013

West, J.M.; Pearce, J.M.; Coombs, P.; Ford, J.R.; Scheib, C.; Colls, J.J.; Smith, K.L.; Steven, M.D.. 2009 The impact of controlled injection of CO2 on the soil ecosystem and chemistry of an English lowland pasture. Energy procedia, 1 (1). 1863-1870. 10.1016/j.egypro.2009.01.243

Westbrook, Graham K.; Thatcher, Kate E.; Rohling, Eelco J.; Piotrowski, Alexander M.; Pälike, Heiko; Osborne, Anne H.; Nisbet, Euan G.; Minshull, Tim A.; Lanoisellé, Mathias; James, Rachael H.; Huhnerbach, Veit; Green, Darryl; Fisher, Rebecca E.; Crocker, Anya J.; Chabert, Anne; Bolton, Clara; Beszczynska-Möller, Agnieszka; Berndt, Christian; Aquilina, Alfred. 2009 Escape of methane gas from the seabed along the West Spitsbergen continental margin. Geophysical Research Letters, 36. L15608. 10.1029/2009GL039191

Whitaker, J. ORCID:; Chaplow, J.S. ORCID:; Potter, E.; Scott, W.A.; Hopkin, S.; Harman, M.; Sims, I.; Sorokin, N.. 2009 The comparative toxicity to soil invertebrates of natural chemicals and their synthetic analogues. Chemosphere, 76 (3). 345-352. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2009.03.060

Whitaker, Jeanette ORCID:; Ludley, K.; Ryder, S.; Rowe, R.; Chapman, J.; Taylor, G.; Howard, D. ORCID: 2009 Good or bad bioenergy? The validity of comparing biomass and biofuels using life cycle assessment. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 6, 192006. 10.1088/1755-1307/6/9/192006

Whitehouse, M.J.; Atkinson, A.; Ward, P.; Korb, R.E.; Rothery, P.; Fielding, S. ORCID: 2009 Role of krill versus bottom-up factors in controlling phytoplankton biomass in the northern Antarctic waters of South Georgia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 393. 69-82. 10.3354/meps08288

Whiteley, Andrew. 2009 Coupling stable isotopes, nucleic acid detection and whole cell physiology to resolve microbial functions in situ. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13 Supplement 1). A1434-A1434. 10.1016/j.gca.2009.05.027

Whittaker, Alfred. 2009 Karl Ludwig Giesecke : his albums and his likely involvement in the writing of the libretto of Mozart's opera The Magic Flute. Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, 155. 95-106.

Whittingham, Mark J.; Krebs, John R.; Swetnam, Ruth D.; Thewlis, Richard M.; Wilson, Jeremy D.; Freckleton, Robert P.. 2009 Habitat associations of British breeding farmland birds. Bird Study, 56 (1). 43-52. 10.1080/00063650802648150

Whittle, Rowan J. ORCID:; Gabbott, Sarah E.; Aldridge, Richard J.; Theron, Johannes. 2009 An Ordovician lobopodian from the Soom Shale Lagerstatte, South Africa. Palaeontology, 52 (3). 561-567. 10.1111/j.1475-4983.2009.00860.x

Wichmann, Matthias C.; Alexander, Matt J.; Soons, Merel B.; Galsworthy, Stephen; Dunne, Laura; Gould, Robert; Fairfax, Christina; Niggemann, Marc; Hails, Rosie S.; Bullock, James M. ORCID: 2009 Human-mediated seed dispersal over long distances. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B, 276 (1656). 523-532. 10.1098/rspb.2008.1131

Wilchinsky, Alexander V.; Feltham, Daniel L.. 2009 Numerical simulation of the Filchner overflow. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (C12), C12012. 20, pp. 10.1029/2008JC005013

Wilkinson, Mark; Haszeldine, R. Stuart; Fallick, Anthony E.; Odling, Nicolas; Stoker, Sue; Gatliff, Robert. 2009 CO2 : mineral reaction in a natural analogue for CO2 storage : implications for modeling. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 79 (7). 486-494. 10.2110/jsr.2009.052

Will, T.M.; Zeh, A.; Gerdes, A.; Frimmel, H.E.; Millar, I.L.; Schmädicke, E.. 2009 Palaeoproterozoic to Palaeozoic magmatic and metamorphic events in the Shackleton Range, East Antarctica: Constraints from zircon and monazite dating, and implications for the amalgamation of Gondwana. Precambrian Research, 172 (1-2). 25-45. 10.1016/j.precamres.2009.03.008

Williams, Richard J.; Keller, Virginie D. J. ORCID:; Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Young, Andrew R.; Holmes, Matthew G. R.; Wells, Claire; Gross-Sorokin, Melanie; Benstead, Rachel. 2009 A national risk assessment for intersex in fish arising from steroid estrogens. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28 (1). 220-230. 10.1897/08-047.1

Williams, M.; Haywood, A.; Harper, E.M.; Johnson, A.L.A.; Knowles, T.; Leng, Melanie ORCID:; Lunt, D.J.; Okamura, B.; Taylor, P.D.; Zalasiewicz, J.. 2009 Pliocene climate and seasonality in North Atlantic shelf seas. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 367 (1886). 85-108. 10.1098/rsta.2008.0224

Williams, Mark; Zalasiewicz, Jan. 2009 Enter the Anthropocene : an epoch of time characterised by humans. Journal Open University Geological Society, 30 (2). 31-34.

Willis, Stephen G.; Hill, Jane K.; Thomas, Chris D.; Roy, David B. ORCID:; Fox, Richard; Blakeley, David S.; Huntley, Brian. 2009 Assisted colonization in a changing climate: a test-study using two U.K. butterflies. Conservation Letters, 2 (1). 45-52. 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2008.00043.x

Willmott, Andrew J.; Cushman-Roisin, Benoit. 2009 Barotropic instability of coastal flows as a boundary-value problem: linear and non-linear theory. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 103 (4). 279-292. 10.1080/03091920802604648

Wilson, Christopher ORCID:; Sinha, Bablu; Williams, Richard, D.. 2009 The effect of ocean dynamics and orography on atmospheric storm tracks. Journal of Climate, 22 (13). 3689-3702. 10.1175/2009JCLI2651.1

Winfield, Ian ORCID:; Volta, Pietro; Lauridsen, Torben. 2009 WISER goes fishing in northern Italy. WISER Project Newsletter, 2. 4.

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben; Bean, Colin W.. 2009 Assessment of fish populations in still waters using hydroacoustics and survey gill netting: experiences with Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in the U.K. Fisheries Research, 96 (1). 30-38. 10.1016/j.fishres.2008.09.013

Winter, Marten; Schweiger, Oliver; Klotz, Stefan; Nentwig, Wolfgang; Andriopoulos, Pavlos; Arianoutsou, Margarita; Basnou, Corina; Delipetrou, Pinelopi; Didžiulis, Viktoras; Hejda, Martin; Hulme, Philip E.; Lambdon, Philip W.; Pergl, Jan; Pyšek, Petr; Roy, David B. ORCID:; Kühn, Ingolf. 2009 Plant extinctions and introductions lead to phylogenetic and taxonomic homogenization of the European flora. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106 (51). 21721-21725. 10.1073/pnas.0907088106

Withers, P.J.A; Jarvie, H.P. ORCID:; Hodgkinson, R.A.; Palmer-Felgate, E.J.; Bates, A.; Neal, M.; Howells, R.; Withers, C.M.; Wickham, H.D.. 2009 Characterization of Phosphorus Sources in Rural Watersheds. Journal of Environmental Quality, 38 (5). 1998-2011. 10.2134/jeq2008.0096

Woeppelmann, G.; Letetrel, C.; Santamaria, A.; Bouin, M. N.; Collilieux, X.; Altamimi, Z.; Williams, S. D. P. ORCID:; Miguez, B. M.. 2009 Rates of sea-level change over the past century in a geocentric reference frame. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L12607. 6, pp. 10.1029/2009GL038720

Wolf, J. ORCID: 2009 Coastal flooding: impacts of coupled wave–surge–tide models. Natural Hazards, 49 (2). 241-260. 10.1007/s11069-008-9316-5

Wolf, J. ORCID:; Walkington, I. A.; Holt, J. ORCID:; Burrows, R.. 2009 Environmental impacts of tidal power schemes. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Maritime Engineering, 162 (4). 165-177. 10.1680/maen.2009.162.4.165

Wolff, E.W.; Fischer, H.; Rothlisberger, R.. 2009 Glacial terminations as southern warmings without northern control. Nature Geoscience, 2 (3). 206-209. 10.1038/ngeo442

Wood, Michael D.; Beresford, Nicholas A.; Barnett, Catherine L. ORCID:; Copplestone, David; Leah, Richard T.. 2009 Assessing radiation impact at a protected coastal sand dune site: An intercomparison of models for estimating the radiological exposure of non-human biota. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 100 (12). 1034-1052. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2009.04.010

Woods, M.A.; Wood, C.J.; Wilkinson, I.P.; Lott, G.K.. 2009 The Albian-Cenomanian boundary at Eggardon Hill, Dorset (England) : an anomaly resolved? Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 120 (2-3). 108-120. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2009.06.003

Woodward, John; King, Edward C. ORCID: 2009 Radar surveys of the Rutford Ice Stream onset zone, West Antarctica: indications of flow (in)stability? Annals of Glaciology, 50 (51). 57-62. 10.3189/172756409789097469

Woodworth, P. L.; Williams, S. D. P. ORCID: 2009 Trends in UK Mean Sea Level Revisited. Geophysical Journal International, 176. 19-30. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03942.x

Woodworth, P.L. ORCID:; Rickards, L. J.; Perez, B.. 2009 A survey of European sea level infrastructure. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 9 (3). 927-934. 10.5194/nhess-9-927-2009

Woodworth, P.L.; White, N.J.; Jevrejeva, S. ORCID:; Holgate, S.J.; Church, J.A.; Gehrels, W.R.. 2009 Evidence for the accelerations of sea level on multi-decade and century timescales. International Journal of Climatology, 29 (6). 777-789. 10.1002/joc.1771

Woodworth, Philip; Foden, Peter; Pugh, Jeff ORCID:; Mathews, Andrew; Aarup, Thorkild; Aman, Angora; Nkebi, Emmanuel; Odametey, Joseph; Facey, Roy; Esmail, Mustafa Yousef Abdulgafor; Ashraf, Muhammad. 2009 Insight into long term sea level change based on new tide gauge installations at Takoradi, Aden and Karachi. International Hydrographic Review, No. 1 (May 2009). 18-23.

Worrall, Fred; Evans, Martin G.; Bonn, Aletta; Reed, Mark S.; Chapman, Daniel; Holden, Joseph. 2009 Can carbon offsetting pay for upland ecological restoration? Science of the Total Environment, 408 (1). 26-36. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.09.022

Wynn, R.B.. 2009 Balearic Shearwaters in UK and Irish waters from 2004 to 2006. British Birds, 102. 350-354.

Wynn, R.B.; Shaw, K.D.. 2009 Madeiran Storm Petrels in the Bay of Biscay. British Birds, 102. 28-29.

Xing, Jiuxing; Davies, Alan M.. 2009 Influence of multiple sills upon internal wave generation and the implications for mixing. Geophysical Research Letters, 36. L13602. 10.1029/2009GL038181

Xing, Jiuxing; Davies, Alan M.; Berntsen, Jarle. 2009 Free surface, current profile and buoyancy effects upon internal wave energy flux profiles in sill regions. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 80 (4). 786-793. 10.1016/j.matcom.2009.08.027

Xing, Jiuxing; Davies, Alan. M. 2009 Influence of bottom frictional effects in sill regions upon lee wave generation and implications for internal mixing. Ocean Dynamics, 59 (6). 837-861. 10.1007/s10236-009-0215-4

Xu, Nan; Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Juergens, Monika D. ORCID:; Llewellyn, Neville R.; Hankins, Nick, P.; Darton, Richard C.. 2009 Estrogen concentration affects its biodegradation rate in activated sludge. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28 (11). 2263-2270. 10.1897/08-577.1

Xu, X.; Manson, A.H.; Meek, C.E.; Chshyolkova, T; Drummond, J.R.; Hall, C.M.; Jacobi, Ch.; Riggin, D.; Hibbins, Robert E. ORCID:; Tsutsumi, M.; Hocking, W.K.; Ward, W.E.. 2009 Relationship between variability of the semidiurnal tide in the Northern Hemisphere mesosphere and quasi-stationary planetary waves throughout the global middle atmosphere. Annales Geophysicae, 27 (11). 4239-4256. 10.5194/angeo-27-4239-2009

Xu, X.; Manson, A.H.; Meek, C.E.; Chshyolkova, T.; Drummond, J.R.; Hall, C.M.; Riggin, D.M.; Hibbins, R.E. ORCID: 2009 Vertical and interhemispheric links in the stratosphere-mesosphere as revealed by the day-to-day variability of Aura-MLS temperature data. Annales Geophysicae, 29 (9). 3387-3409. 10.5194/angeo-27-3387-2009

Xu, X.; Manson, A.H.; Meek, C.E.; Chshyolkova, T.; Drummond, J.R.; Riggin, D.M.; Hall, C.M.; Hibbins, Robert E. ORCID:; Tsutsumi, M.. 2009 Asymmetry in the interhemispheric planetary wave-tide link between the two hemispheres. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71 (17-18). 1899-1903. 10.1016/j.jastp.2009.07.011

Yang, D.H.; Liu, Enru; Song, G.J.; Wang, N.. 2009 Elastic wave modelling method based on the displacement-velocity fields : an improving nearly analytic discrete approximation. Journal of Seismology, 13 (2). 209-217. 10.1007/s10950-008-9122-2

Yelland, M.J. ORCID:; Pascal, R.W.; Taylor, P.K.; Moat, B.I. ORCID: 2009 AutoFlux: an autonomous system for the direct measurement of the air-sea fluxes of CO2, heat and momentum. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 2 (1). 15-23.

Yergeau, Etienne; Schoondermark-Stolk, Sung A.; Brodie, Eoin L.; Déjean, Sébastien; DeSantis, Todd Z.; Gonçalves, Olivier; Piceno, Yvette M.; Andersen, Gary L.; Kowalchuk, George A.. 2009 Environmental microarray analyses of Antarctic soil microbial communities. ISME Journal, 3 (3). 340-351. 10.1038/ismej.2008.111

Yin, Ping; Mitchell, Cathryn N.; Alfonsi, Lucilla; Pinnock, Mike; Spencer, Paul; De Franceschi, Giorgiana; Romano, Vincenzo; Newell, Patrick; Sarti, Pierguido; Negusini, Monia; Capra, Alessandro. 2009 Imaging of the Antarctic ionosphere: Experimental results. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71 (17-18). 1757-1765. 10.1016/j.jastp.2009.09.014

Yool, Andrew ORCID:; Shepherd, John G.; Bryden, Harry L.; Oschlies, Andreas. 2009 Low efficiency of nutrient translocation for enhancing oceanic uptake of carbon dioxide. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (C8). C08009. 10.1029/2008JC004792

Young, George R.; Dawson, Alistair; Newton, Ian ORCID:; Walker, Lee ORCID: 2009 The timing of gonadal development and moult in three raptors with different breeding seasons: effects of gender, age and body condition. Ibis, 151. 654-666. 10.1111/j.1474-919x.2009.00957.x

Young, Lindsay C.; Vanderlip, Cynthia; Duffy, David C.; Afanasyev, Vsevolod; Shaffer, Scott A.. 2009 Bringing home the trash: Do colony-based differences in foraging distribution lead to increased plastic ingestion in Laysan albatrosses? PLoS ONE, 4 (10), e7623. 8, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0007623

Zhang, Z.; Teng, J.; Badal, J.; Liu, Enru. 2009 Construction of regional and local seismic anisotropic structures from wide-angle seismic data : crustal deformation in the southeast of China. Journal of Seismology, 13 (2). 241-252. 10.1007/s10950-008-9124-0

Zhou, Z.; Ballentine, C. J.; Postlethwaite, C. F.; Williams, R. G.. 2009 Tritium ventilation ages of waters along 36 degrees N and 25 degrees W in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13). A1528-A1528.

Zitellini, N.; Gràcia, E.; Matias, L.; Terrinha, P.; Abreu, M.A.; DeAlteriis, G.; Henriet, J.P.; Dañobeitia, J.J.; Masson, D.G.; Mulder, T.; Ramella, R.; Somoza, L.; Diez, S.. 2009 The quest for the Africa–Eurasia plate boundary west of the Strait of Gibraltar. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 280 (1-4). 13-50. 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.12.005

Zubkov, Mikhail V.. 2009 Photoheterotrophy in marine prokaryotes. Journal of Plankton Research, 31 (9). 933-938. 10.1093/plankt/fbp043

Zubkov, Mikhail V.; Leakey, Raymond J.G.. 2009 Evaluation of the efficiency of metabolism of dinoflagellate phosphorus and carbon by a planktonic ciliate. European Journal of Protistology, 45 (3). 166-173. 10.1016/j.ejop.2008.09.003

Zwirglmaier, Katrin; Spence, Ed; Zubkov, Mikhail V.; Scanlan, David J.; Mann, Nicholas H.. 2009 Differential grazing of two heterotrophic nanoflagellates on marine Synechococcus strains. Environmental Microbiology, 11 (7). 1767-1776. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2009.01902.x

da Silva, J.C.B.; New, A.L. ORCID:; Magalhaes, J.M.. 2009 Internal solitary waves in the Mozambique Channel: Observations and interpretation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (C5). C05001. 10.1029/2008JC005125

de Freitas, Michael; Royse, Katherine. 2009 London Basin Forum. Geoscientist, 19 (10). 20-21.

de Rosnay, P.; Drusch, M.; Boone, A.; Balsamo, G.; Decharme, B.; Harris, P.; Kerr, Y.; Pellarin, T.; Polcher, J.; Wigneron, J.-P.. 2009 AMMA Land Surface Model Intercomparison experiment coupled to the Community Microwave Emission Model: ALMIP-MEM. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (D05108), D05108. 18, pp. 10.1029/2008JD010724

de Vries, W.; Solberg, S.; Dobbertin, M.; Sterba, H.; Laubhann, D.; Van Oijen, M.; Evans, C. ORCID:; Gundersen, P.; Kros, J.; Wamelink, G.W.W.; Reinds, G.J.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2009 The impact of nitrogen deposition on carbon sequestration by European forests and heathlands. Forest Ecology and Management, 258 (8). 1814-1823. 10.1016/j.foreco.2009.02.034

van der Wal, Rene; Fischer, Anke; Marquiss, Mick; Redpath, Steve; Wanless, Sarah ORCID: 2009 Is bigger necessarily better for environmental research? Scientometrics, 78 (2). 317-322. 10.1007/s11192-007-2017-0

Álvarez, M.; Lo Monaco, C.; Tanhua, T.; Yool, A. ORCID:; Oschlies, A.; Bullister, J.L.; Goyet, C.; Metzl, N.; Touratier, F.; McDonagh, E.; Bryden, H.L.. 2009 Estimating the storage of anthropogenic carbon in the subtropical Indian Ocean: a comparison of five different approaches. Biogeosciences, 6 (4). 681-703. 10.5194/bg-6-681-2009

Publication - Book

Keller, Michael; Bustamante, Mercedes; Gash, John; Silva Dias, Pedro, eds. 2009 Amazonia and Global Change. Washington, AGU, 576pp. (Geophysical Monograph Series, 186).

Turner, John ORCID:; Bindschadler, R.; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Di Prisco, G.; Fahrbach, E.; Gutt, J.; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Mayewski, P.A.; Summerhayes, C.P., eds. 2009 Antarctic climate change and the environment: A contribution to the International Polar Year 2007-2008. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 526pp.

Sutton, Mark ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., eds. 2009 Atmospheric Ammonia - Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 464pp.

British Geological Survey. 2009 British Geological Survey Annual Report 2008-09. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 88pp. (Annual Reports of the British Geological Survey).

British Geological Survey. 2009 British Geological Survey strategy 2009-2014 : applied geoscience for our changing Earth. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 28pp.

United Arab Emirates. Ministry of Energy, International Lithosphere Program, British Geological Survey. 2009 Carbonate sedimentology, stratigraphy and structures of the Tertiary foreland basin, Al-Ain Area, U.A.E. Ministry of Energy, United Arab Emirates, 16pp. (Unpublished)

Sier, A.R.J.; Scott, W.A., eds. 2009 Climate change impacts: evidence from ECN sites. Lancaster, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 26pp.

Culshaw, M.G.; Reeves, H.J.; Jefferson, Ian; Spink, T.W., eds. 2009 Engineering geology for tomorrow's cities. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 315pp. (Engineering geology special publication, 22).

Ferrier, Robert; Jenkins, Alan, eds. 2009 Handbook of Catchment Management. Wiley-Blackwell, 560pp.

Schulze, E.-Detlef; Heinze, Christoph; Gash, John; Volbers, Andrea; Freibauer, Annette; Kentarchos, Anastasios, eds. 2009 Integrated assessment of the European and North Atlantic Carbon Balance - key results, policy implications for post 2012 and research needs. Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Commumities, 141pp.

Mendum, John; Barber, A,J.; Butler, R.W.H.; Flinn, D.; Goodenough, Kathryn Mary; Krabbendam, Maarten; Park, R.G.; Stewart, A.D., eds. 2009 Lewisian, Torridonian and Moine Rocks of Scotland. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 722pp. (Geological Conservation Review Series, 34).

Malawi. Ministry of Energy and Mines of Malawi, British Geological Survey, Great Britain. Department for International Development. 2009 Mineral potential of Malawi. 1, mineral deposits associated with alkaline magmatism (rare earth metals, coltan metals, nuclear metals, phosphate, etc). British Geological Survey, 8pp. (Unpublished)

Malawi. Ministry of Energy and Mines of Malawi, British Geological Survey, Great Britain. Department for International Development. 2009 Mineral potential of Malawi. 2, mineral deposits associated with the basement metamorphic and igneous rocks (precious and base metals, gemstones and industrial minerals). British Geological Survey, 8pp. (Unpublished)

Malawi. Ministry of Energy and Mines of Malawi, British Geological Survey, Great Britain. Department for International Development. 2009 Mineral potential of Malawi. 3, mineral deposits associated with sedimentary and volcanic cover rocks : karoo and post-karoo (coal, uranium, industrial minerals and gemstones). British Geological Survey, 8pp. (Unpublished)

Malawi. Ministry of Energy and Mines of Malawi, Great Britain. Department for International Development. 2009 Mineral potential of Malawi. 4, deposits resulting from residual weathering, placer and rift-related sedimentation : (bauxite, saprolitic nickel, Ti+REE+Zr, gold and gemstone placers, etc.). British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Pilegaard, K.; Schjoerring, J.K.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:, eds. 2009 Processes controlling the exchange of ammonia between grassland and the atmosphere (GRAMINAE). European Geosciences Union. (Biogeosciences (Special Issue), 6).

Edwards, Robin; Roy, Helen ORCID:, eds. 2009 Provisional atlas of the aculeate Hymenoptera of Britain and Ireland. Part 7. Shrewsbury, FSC Publications, 145pp.

British Geological Survey, University of Leicester. 2009 Sediment-hosted gas hydrates : new insights on natural and synthetic systems. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 192pp. (Geological Society Special Publications, 319).

United Arab Emirates. Ministry of Energy, International Lithosphere Program, British Geological Survey. 2009 A geotraverse across the Late Cretaceous fold and thrust belt of the UAE : from ophiolite to platform margin. Ministry of Energy, United Arab Emirates, 31pp. (Unpublished)

Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Belli, M.; Beresford, N.A.; Bossew, P.; Boyer, P.; Brittain, J.E.; Calmon, P.; Carini, F.; Choi, Y.H.; Ciffroy, P.; Colle, C.; Conney, S.; Davis, P.; Durrieu, G.; Ehlken, S.; Fesenko, S.; Galeriu, D.C.; Garcia-Sanchez, L.; Garnier, J.-M.; Gerzabek, M.H.; Gil-García, C.J.; Golikov, V.; Gondin da Fonseca, A.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Hubmer, A.; Jourdain, F.; Juri Ayub, J.; Kashparov, V.; Kirchner, G.; Krasnov, V.; Leclerc, E.; Lettner, H.; Madoz-Escande, C.; Martin, P.; Melintescu, A.; Monte, L.; Olyslaegers, G.; Orlov, O.; Palsson, S.E.; Periañez, R.; Peterson, S.R.; Pröhl, G.; Rantavaara, A.; Ravi, P.M.; Reed, E.; Rigol, A.; Sansone, U.; Sanzharova, N.; Saxén, R.; Shang, Z.R.; Show, G.; Shubina, O.; Siclet, F.; Skuterud, L.; Smith, J.T.; Strebl, F.; Tagami, K.; Tamponnet, C.; Thiry, Y.; Thorne, M.; Uchida, S.; Vandenhove, H.; Varga, B.; Velasco, H.; Vidal, M.; Voight, G.; Yankovich, T.; Zibold, G.; Zeiller, L.. 2009 Quantification of Radionuclide Transfer in Terrestrial and Freshwater Environments for Radiological Assessments. IAEA-TECDOC-1616. Vienna, Austria, IAEA, 616pp. (IAEA Technical Document, No.1616).

Bide, T.; Idoine, N.E.; Brown, T.J.; Lusty, P.A.J.; Hitchen, K.. 2009 United Kingdom Minerals Yearbook 2008 : statistical data to 2007. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 110pp.

Brown, Teresa; Hetherington, Linda; Hannis, Sarah; Bide, Tom; Benham, Antony John; Idoine, Naomi; Lusty, Paul. 2009 World mineral production 2003-2007. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 109pp.

Brown, Teresa; Hetherington, Linda; Idoine, Naomi; Hobbs, Susan; Bide, Tom. 2009 European mineral statistics 2003-07 : a product of the World Mineral Statistics database. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 334pp.

Buss, Steve; Cai, Zuansi; Cardenas, Bayarni; Fleckenstein, Jan; Hannah, David; Heppell, Kate; Hulme, Paul; Ibrahim, Tristan; Kaeser, Daniel; Krause, Stefan; Lawler, Damian; Lerner, David; Mant, Jenny; Malcolm, Iain; Old, Gareth ORCID:; Parkin, Geoff; Pickup, Roger; Pinay, Gilles; Porter, Jonathan; Rhodes, Glenn ORCID:; Ritchie, Anna; Riley, Janet; Robertson, Anne; Sear, David; Shields, Brian; Smith, Jonathan; Tellam, John; Wood, Paul. 2009 The hyporheic handbook: a handbook on the groundwater-surface water interface and hyporheic zone for environment managers. Bristol,UK, Environment Agency, 280pp. (Science Report, SC0500).

Carney, J.N.; Ambrose, K.; Cheney, C.S.; Hobbs, P.R.N.. 2009 Geology of the Leicester district : sheet description of the British Geological Survey 1:50 000 series Sheet 156 Leicester (England and Wales). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 110pp.

Diesing, Markus; Ware, Susanne; Foster-Smith, Bob; Stewart, Heather; Long, David; Vanstaen, Koen; Forster, Rodney; Morando, Angela. 2009 Understanding the marine environment : seabed habitat investigations of the Dogger Bank offshore draft SAC. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 127pp. (JNCC Report, 429). (Unpublished)

Edwards, David; Cromwell, David. 2009 Newspeak in the 21st Century. London, UK, Pluto Press, 299pp.

Evans, D.J.; Chadwick, R.A.. 2009 Underground gas storage : worldwide experiences and future development in the UK and Europe. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 283pp. (Geological Society Special Publication, 313).

Graf, W; Lorenz, A; de Figueroa, J.M.T; Lücke, S; López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Davies, C.E.. 2009 Distribution and ecological preferences of European freshwater organisms: Volume 2 Plecoptera. Sofia, Bulgaria, Pensoft Publishing, 262pp.

Harmens, H. ORCID:; Mills, G.; Menichino, N.M.; Bender, J.; Weigel, H.. 2009 Programme and Abstracts. 22nd Task Force Meeting of the ICP Vegetation. UNECE, 61pp.

Howard, Andrew; Warrington, G.; Carney, John; Ambrose, Keith; Young, S.R.; Pharaoh, Timothy; Cheney, Colin. 2009 Geology of the Nottingham district : memoir for 1:50 000 geological sheet 126 (England and Wales). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 212pp.

Hughes, Kevin ORCID:; Oliver, Jamie. 2009 Understanding Antarctica - 50 years of British Scientific Monitoring (1959-2009). Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 20pp.

Jackson, J.; Choudrie, S. L.; Thistlethwaite, G.; Passant, N.; Murrells, T.; Watterson, J. D.; Mobbs, D. C. ORCID:; Cardenas, L.; Thomson, A. ORCID:; Leech, A. 2009 UK greenhouse gas inventory 1990 to 2007: annual report for submission under the Framework Convention on Climate Change. Didcot, AEA Technology plc, 250pp. (AEAT/ENV/R/2764).

Kessler, H.; Giles, J.; Gunnink, J.; Hughes, A.; Moore, R.V.; Peach, D.. 2009 Integrated modelling of natural and human systems : problems and initiatives. Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 7pp. (Unpublished)

Mickwitz, Per; Aix, Francisco; Beck, Silke; Carss, David; Ferrand, Nils; Gorg, Christoph; Jensen, Anne; Kivimaa, Paula; Kuhlicke, Christian; Kuindersma, Wiebren; Manez, Maria; Melanen, Matti; Monni, Suvi; Pedersen, Anders Branth; Reinert, Hugo; van Bommel, Severine. 2009 Climate policy integration, coherence and governance. Helsinki, Partnership for European Environmental Research, 92pp. (PEER Report, 2).

Murphy, J.M.; Sexton, D.M.H.; Jenkins, G.J.; Booth, B.B.B.; Brown, C.C.; Clark, R.T.; Collins, M.; Harris, G.R.; Kendon, E.J.; Betts, R.A.; Brown, S.J.; Humphrey, K.A.; McCarthy, M.P.; McDonald, R.E.; Stephens, A.; Wallace, C.; Warren, R.; Wilby, R.; Wood, R.A.. 2009 UK Climate Projections Science Report: Climate Change Projections. Exeter, UK, Meteorological Office Hadley Centre, 192pp.

O'Hara-Murray, Rory B.; Thorne, Peter D. ORCID:; Hodgson, David M.. 2009 Using acoustics to resolve intra-wave sediment transport processes over sand ripples under irregular waves at field scale. Hellas, Foundation for Research and Technology, 503-508, 503pp.

Schofield, D.I.; Davies, J.R.; Jones, N.S.; Leslie, A.B.; Waters, R.A.; Williams, M.; Wilson, D.; Venus, J.; Hillier, R.D.. 2009 Geology of the Llandovery district : a brief explanation of the geological map Sheet 212 Llandovery. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 38pp. (Explanation (England and Wales Sheet) British Geological Survey, 212).

Shaw, Richard. 2009 Disposal of radioactive waste. LSN, 4pp. (Teaching triple science quick guide).

Thorne, Peter, D. ORCID:; Hurther, David; Moate, Benjamin D.; Cooke, Richard ORCID:; Chassagne, Francois, X.. 2009 Acoustic measurements of boundary layer flux profiles over a sandy rippled bed under regular waves. Hellas, Greece, Foundation for Research & Technology, 517-524, 8pp. (Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results 3rd International conference and Exhibition, Nafplion, Greece, 21st June - 26th June 2009 Proceedings, 1).

Publication - Book Section

Acreman, Michael C.; McCartney, Matthew P.. 2009 Hydrological impacts in and around wetlands. In: Maltby, Edward; Barker, Tom, (eds.) The wetlands handbook. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 643-666.

Acreman, Mike C.. 2009 Catchment management case study - Senegal River. In: Ferrier, Robert; Jenkins, Alan, (eds.) Handbook of catchment management. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 377-388.

Acreman, Mike C.; Mountford, J. Owen. 2009 Wetland management. In: Ferrier, Robert; Jenkins, Alan, (eds.) Handbook of catchment management. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 19-50.

Allen, Michael J.; Tiwari, Bela; Futschik, Matthias E.; Lindell, Debbie. 2009 Construction of microarrays and their application to virus analysis. In: Kemp, P.F., (ed.) Methods in Aquatic Virus Ecology. ASLO, 34-56.

Amoudry, Laurent, O.; Souza, Alejandro, J.; Holt, Jason, T. ORCID: 2009 Sediment transport module for a B-grid coastal shelf ocean model. In: Mizuguchi, Masara; Sato, Shinji, (eds.) Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 2009, 6th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics. Japan, World Scientific, Paper 88, 10pp.

Anderson, T.R. ORCID:; Ryabchenko, V.. 2009 Carbon cycling in the mesopelagic zone of the Central Arabian Sea: results from a simple model. In: Wiggert, Jerry D.; Hood, Raleigh R.; Naqvi, S. Wajih A.; Brink, Kenneth H.; Smith, Sharon L., (eds.) Indian Ocean Biogeochemical Processes and Ecological Variability. Washington DC, USA, American Geophysical Union, 287-304, 350pp. (AGU Geophysical Monograph, 185).

Bagherimiyab, Fereshteh; Lemmin, Ulrich; Hurther, David; Thorne, Peter D. ORCID: 2009 On using acoustic profiling to study bottom boundary layer flow dynamics in unsteady sediment-laden open-channel flow. In: Papadakis, John S.; Bjorno, Leif, (eds.) Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies and Results. Greece, Forth, I.A.C.M., 525-529.

Bayanova, T.; Ludden, J.; Mitrofanov, F.. 2009 Timing and duration of Palaeoproterozoic events producing ore-bearing layered intrusions of the Baltic Shield : metallogenic, petrological and geodynamic implications. In: Reddy, S.M., (ed.) Palaeoproterozoic supercontinents and global evolution. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 165-198. (Geological Society Special Publication, 323).

Bell, F.G.; Culshaw, M.G.; Forster, A.; Nathanail, C.P.. 2009 The engineering geology of the Nottingham area, UK. In: Culshaw, Martin; Reeves, Helen; Jefferson, Ian; Spink, Tim W., (eds.) Engineering geology for tomorrow's cities. London, UK, The Geological Society, 1-24, 24pp. (Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publications, 22).

Bell, Thomas; Gessner, Mark O.; Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; McLaren, Jennie; Morin, Peter J.; van der Heijden, Marcel; van der Putten, Wim. 2009 Microbial biodiversity and ecosystem functioning under controlled conditions and in the wild. In: Naeem, Shahid; Bunker, Daniel E.; Hector, Andy; Loreau, Michel; Perrings, Charles, (eds.) Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning, and Human Wellbeing: An Ecological and Economic Perspective. Oxford University Press.

Blanco, Max. 2009 Proposal for an AUV refuel station. In: OCEANS 2009 , MTS / IEEE Biloxi - Marine Technology for Our Future: Global and Local Challenges. Piscataway, NJ, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Bleeker, Albert; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Acherman, Beat; Alebic-Juretic, Ana; Aneja, Viney P.; Ellermann, Thomas; Erisman, Jan Willem; Fowler, David; Fagerli, Hilde; Gauger, Thomas; Harlen, K.S.; Hole, Lars Robert; Horvath, Laszlo; Mitosinkova, Marta; Smith, Ron I.; Tang, Y. Sim; van Pul, Addo. 2009 Linking ammonia emission trends to measured concentrations and deposition of reduced nitrogen at different scales. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 123-180.

Bolanos, R.; Souza, A.; Bell, P. ORCID:; Malarkey, J.. 2009 Measuring tidal hydrodynamics and bedform evolution in the Dee estuary. In: Vionnet, C.A.; Garcia, M.H.; Latrubesse, E.M.; Perillo, G.M.E., (eds.) River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics. Netherlands, Taylor and Francis CRC, 709-714.

Bolanos, Rodolfo; Moate, Benjamin D.; Souza, Alejandro. 2009 Measuring suspended sediment and its wave and turbulence forcing in the Dee estuary. In: Mizuguchi, Masaru; Sato, Shinji, (eds.) Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 2009: Impacts of human activities on dynamic coastal processes. Japan, World Scientific, Paper 119, 12pp.

Bolanos-Sanchez, Rodolfo; Wolf, Judith ORCID:; Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Osuna, Pedro; Monbaliu, Jaak; Sanchez-Arcilla, Agustin. 2009 Comparison of wave-current interaction formulation using POLCOMS-WAM wave-current model. In: Mckee Smith, Jane, (ed.) Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2008. Singapore, World Scientific, 521-533.

Brandt, Angelika; Enderlein, Peter; Linse, Katrin ORCID: 2009 Expeditions to the unknown - the benthos of the Antarctic deep sea and Amundsen Sea. In: Hempel, Gotthilf; Hempel, Irmtraut, (eds.) Biological studies in polar oceans - exploration of life in icy waters. Bremerhaven, Wirtschaftsverlag NW, 143-150.

Brito, M.P.; Griffiths, G.. 2009 On the use of expert judgment elicitation for autonomous underwater vehicle risk prediction and management. In: Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-10 September 2009. Reliability, Risk and Safety: Theory and Applications. London, UK, Taylor and Francis, 1221-1227.

Brito, Mario P.; Griffiths, Gwyn. 2009 Results of expert judgments on the faults and risks with Autosub3 and an analysis of its campaign to Pine Island Bay, Antarctica, 2009. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology (UUST 2009), Durham, New Hampshire, 23-26 August 2009. Durham NH, USA, Autonomous Undersea Systems Institute (AUSI), [14p].

Broers, Hans-Peter; Visser, Ate; Chilton, John P.; Stuart, Marianne E.. 2009 Assessing and aggregating trends in groundwater quality. In: Quevauviller, Philippe; Fouillac, Anne-Marie; Grath, Johannes; Ward, Rob, (eds.) Groundwater monitoring. Chichester, UK, Wiley, 189-206.

Calver, A.; Stewart, E.J. ORCID: 2009 River flood frequency approaches for ungauged sites. In: Samuels, Paul; Huntington, Stephen; Allsop, William; Harrop, Jackie, (eds.) Flood Risk Management: Research and Practice. CRC Press, 1039-1044.

Campbell, S. Diarmad G.; Merritt, Joanne E.; Monaghan, Alison A.; Loughlin, Susan C.; Mansour, Majdi; O Dochartaigh, Brighid; Fordyce, Fiona M.; Entwisle, David C.; Price, Simon; Royse, Katherine. 2009 Towards attributed, parameterised and fully integrated urban 3D geoscience models and related GIS datasets in the UK. In: Abstracts of the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, USA, Geological Society of America, 1pp.

Camps, Ameena; Long, David; Rochelle, Christopher; Lovell, Mike A. 2009 Mapping hydrate stability zones offshore Scotland. In: Long, David; Lovell, Mike A; Rees, John; Rochelle, Christopher, (eds.) Sediment-hosted gas hydrates : new insights on natural and synthetic systems. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 81-91. (Geological Society Special Publications, 319).

Cape, J. Neil. 2009 Plants as Accumulators of Atmospheric Emissions. In: Legge, Allan H., (ed.) Air Quality and Ecological Impacts: Relating Sources to Effects. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 61-98. (Developments in Environmental Science, 9).

Cape, J. Neil; van der Eerden, Ludger J.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Leith, Ian D.; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID: 2009 Reassessment of critical levels for atmospheric ammonia. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 15-40.

Cape, John Neil; van der Eerden, Ludger; Fangmeier, Andreas; Ayres, John; Bareham, Simon; Bobbink, Roland; Branquinho, Cristina; Crittenden, Peter; Cruz, Cristina; Dias, Teresa; Leith, Ian D.; Martins-Loucao, Maria Amelia; Pitcairn, Carole; Sheppard, Lucy; Spranger, Till; Sutton, Mark ORCID:; van Dijk, Netty; Wolseley, Pat. 2009 Critcal levels for ammonia. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 375-382.

Carroll, B.; Li, M.; Pan, S.; Wolf, J. ORCID:; Burrows, R.. 2009 Morphodynamic impacts of a tidal barrage in the Mersey Estuary. In: Smith, J. McKee, (ed.) Coastal Engineering 2008, Vol 3. World Scientific, 2743-2755.

Carss, David N.; Bell, Sandra; Marzano, Mariella. 2009 Competing and coexisting with cormorants: ambiguity and change in European wetlands. In: Heckler, Serena, (ed.) Landscape, process and power: re-evaluating traditional environmental knowledge. New York, Oxford, Berghahn, 99-121. (Environmental Anthropology and Ethnobiology, 10).

Cellier, P.; Theobald, M. R.; Asman, W. A. H.; Bealey, W. ORCID:; Bittman, S.; Dragosits, U. ORCID:; Fudala, J.; Jones, M.; Lofstrom, P.; Loubet, B.; Rihm, B.; Smith, K.; Strizik, M; van der Hoek, K.; van Jaarsveld, H.; Walker, J.; Zelinger, Z.. 2009 Assessment Methods for Ammonia Hot-Spots. In: Sutton, M.A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, S., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 391-407.

Chadwick, R.A.; Arts, R.; Bentham, M.; Eiken, O.; Holloway, S.; Kirby, G.A.; Pearce, J.M.; Williamson, J.P.; Zweigel, P.. 2009 Review of monitoring issues and technologies associated with the long-term underground storage of carbon dioxide. In: Evans, D.J.; Chadwick, R.A., (eds.) Underground gas storage : worldwide experiences and future development in the UK and Europe. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 257-275. (Geological Society Special Publications, 313).

Coffin, MIlllard F.. 2009 Granitic islands. In: Gillespie, Rosemary G.; Clague, David A., (eds.) Encyclopedia of Islands. California, USA, University of California Press, 380-381. (Encyclopedias of the Natural World 2).

Cooper, A.K.; Brancolini, G.; Escutia, C.; Kristoffersen, Y.; Larter, Robert D. ORCID:; Leitchenkov, G.; O'Brien, P.E.; Jokat, W.. 2009 Cenozoic climate history from seismic reflection and drilling studies on the Antarctic continental margin. In: Florindo, F.; Siegert, M.J., (eds.) Antarctic climate evolution. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 115-228. (Developments in earth and environmental sciences, 8).

Cromwell, David. 2009 Deadly Climate of Consumption. In: Sykes, Tom; Sykes, Simon, (eds.) Fog in Channel...?: Exploring Britain's Relationship with Europe. London, UK, Shoehorn Publishing, 135-139, 232pp.

Danert, K.; Carter, R.C.; Adekile, D.; MacDonald, A. ORCID: 2009 Cost-effective boreholes in sub-Saharan Africa. In: Xu, Yongxin; Braune, Eberhard, (eds.) Sustainable groundwater resources in Africa : water supply and sanitation environment. Boca Raton, CRC Press, 187-203.

Dawson, A.. 2009 Photoperiodic Control of the Annual Cycle of Birds at Different Latitudes. In: Morris, S.; Vosloo, A., (eds.) Molecules to migration: The pressures of life. Bologna, Italy, Medimond, 477-486.

Day, John ORCID: 2009 Beetle bioluminescence: a genetic and enzymatic research review. In: Meyer-Rochow, Victor Benno, (ed.) Bioluminescence in Focus - A Collection of Illuminating Essays. Research Signpost, 255-276.

Dennis, Roger; Schmitt, Thomas. 2009 Butterfly faunal structures, phylogeography, and historical implications. In: Settele, Josef; Shreeve, Tim; Konvicka, Martin; Van Dyck, Hans, (eds.) Ecology of Butterflies in Europe. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Dennis, Roger L.H.. 2009 Ecology of butterflies in Europe – where are we now and where to go? In: Settele, Josef; Shreeve, Tim; Konvicka, Martin; Van Dyck, Hans, (eds.) Ecology of Butterflies in Europe. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1-5.

Dinsmore, Kerry J.; Billett, Michael F.; Skiba, Ute M. ORCID:; Rees, Robert M.. 2009 Carbon and GHG budgets of an ombrotrophic peatland – importance of surface drainage water as a flux pathway. In: Ukonmaanaho, Liisa; Nieminen, Tiina M.; Starr, Mike, (eds.) BIOGEOMON 2009. Finnish Forest Research Institute, 233. (Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute, 128).

Dragosits, Ulrike ORCID:; Theobald, Mark; Place, Christopher J.; ApSimon, Helen M.; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID: 2009 Spatial planning as a complementary tool to abate the effects of atmospheric ammonia deposition at the landscape scale. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Baker, Samantha; Reis, Stefan ORCID:, (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Springer, 291-298.

Erisman, Jan Willem; Bleeker, Albert; Neftel, Albrecht; Aneja, Viney; Hutchings, Nick; Kinsella, Liam; Tang, Y. Sim; Webb, J.; Sponar, Michel; Raes, Caroline; Mitosinkova, Marta; Vidic, Sonja; Andersen, Helle Vibeke; Klimont, Zbigniew; Pinder, Rob; Baker, Samantha; Reidy, Beat; Flechard, Chris; Horvath, Laszlo; Lewandowska, Anita; Gillespie, Colin; Wallasch, Marcus; Gehrig, Robert; Ellermann, Thomas. 2009 Detecting change in atmospheric ammonia following emission changes. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 383-390.

Evans, D.J.. 2009 A review of underground fuel storage problems and putting risk into perspective with other areas of the energy supply chain. In: Evans, D.J.; Chadwick, R.A., (eds.) Underground gas storage : worldwide experiences and future development in the UK and Europe. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 173-216. (Geological Society Special Publications, 313).

Evans, D.J.; Chadwick, R.A.. 2009 Underground gas storage : an introduction and UK perspective. In: Evans, D.J.; Chadwick, R.A., (eds.) Underground gas storage : worldwide experiences and future development in the UK and Europe. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 1-11. (Geological Society Special Publications, 313).

Evans, D.J.; Holloway, S.. 2009 A review of onshore UK salt deposits and their potential for underground gas storage. In: Evans, D.J.; Chadwick, R.A., (eds.) Underground gas storage : worldwide experiences and future development in the UK and Europe. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 39-80. (Geological Society Special Publications, 313).

Feng, Ming; Weller, Evan; Hill, Katherine ORCID: 2009 The Leeuwin current. In: Poloczanska, E.S.; Hobday, A.J.; Richardson, A.J., (eds.) A marine climate change impacts and adaptation report card for Australia 2009. NCCARF Publication.

Ferrier, Robert C.; Jenkins, Alan. 2009 The catchment management concept. In: Ferrier, Robert C; Jenkins, Alan, (eds.) Handbook of catchment management. Wiley-Blackwell, 1-18.

Ferrier, Robert C.; Jenkins, Alan; Blackstock, Kirsty. 2009 The Future for Catchment Management. In: Ferrier, Robert C.; Jenkins, Alan, (eds.) Handbook of Catchment Management. Wiley-Blackwell, 501-515.

Fesenko, S.; Sanzharova, N.; Vidal, M.; Vandenhove, H.; Thiry, Y.; Reed, E.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Prohl, G.; Ziobld, G.; Varga, B.; Rantavaara, A.. 2009 Radioecological definitions, soil, plant classifications and reference ecological data for radiological assessments. In: Quantification of radionuclide transfer in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems for radiological assessments. Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, 7-26. (IAEA-TECDOC, 1616).

Furlong, M.E.; McPhail, Stephen D.; Pebody, Miles. 2009 A New Collision Avoidance System for the Autosub6000 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology (UUST 2009), Durham, New Hampshire, 23-26 August 2009. Durham NH, USA, Autonomous Undersea Systems Institute (AUSI), [12p].

Gaetani, M.; Angiolini, L.; Ueno, K.; Nicara, A.; Stephenson, Michael; Sciunnach, D.; Rettori, R.; Price, G.D.; Sabouri, J.. 2009 Pennsylvanian-Early Triassic stratigraphy in the Alborz Mountains (Iran). In: Brunet, M.-F.; Wilmsen, M.; Granath, J.W., (eds.) South Caspian to Central Iran basins. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 79-128. (Geological Society Special Publication, 312).

Garbutt, Angus ORCID:; Boorman, Laurence A.. 2009 Managed realignment: recreating intertidal habitats on formerly reclaimed land. In: Perillo, G.M.E.; Wolanski, E.; Cahoon, D. R.; Brinson, M. M., (eds.) Coastal Wetlands: An integrated ecosystem approach. Elsevier, 763-785.

Gibson, A.D.; Chowdhury, R.. 2009 Planning and geohazards. In: Culshaw, M.G.; Reeves, H.J.; Jefferson, I.; Spink, T.W., (eds.) Engineering geology for tomorrow's cities. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 113-123. (Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication, 22).

Gooddy, D.C.; Darling, W.G.. 2009 Contaminant attenuation through glacial drift overlying the Chalk aquifer in southern East Anglia, UK. In: Application of Isotopes to the Assessment of Pollutant Behaviour in the Unsaturated Zone for Groundwater Protection. IAEA, 195-204, 227pp.

Grath, Johannes; Ward, Rob; Scheidleder, Andreas; Quevauwiller, Phillippe. 2009 General introduction : objectives of groundwater assessment and monitoring. In: Quevauviller, P.; Fouillac, A.-M.; Grath, J.; Ward, Rob, (eds.) Groundwater monitoring. Wiley, 1-11.

Griffiths, Gwyn; Brito, Mario; Robbins, Ian; Moline, Mark. 2009 Reliability of two REMUS-100 AUVs based on fault log analysis and elicited expert judgment. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology (UUST 2009), Durham, New Hampshire, 23-26 August 2009. Durham NH, USA, Autonomous Undersea Systems Institute (AUSI), [12p].

Grobe, Hannes; Diekmann, Bernhard; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID: 2009 The memory of polar ocean. In: Hempel, Gotthilf; Hempel, Irmtraut, (eds.) Biological studies in polar oceans - exploration of life in icy waters. Bremerhaven, Wirtschaftsverlag NW, 37-45.

Gómez-Enrí, J.; Cipollini, P.; Gommenginger, C. ORCID:; Martin-Puig, C.; Vignudelli, S.; Woodworth, P.; Benveniste, J.; Villares, P.. 2009 Improving coastal altimeter products by a new retracking approach. In: Bostater, C.R.; Mertikas, S.P.; Neyt, X.; Velez-Reyes, M., (eds.) Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, and Large Water Regions 2009. Bellingham, USA, International Society for Optical Engineering, 74730A. (Proceedings of SPIE, 7473).

Hails, Rosemary. 2009 The Environmental impact of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Cooper, David ORCID:; Norris, David; Schroder, Winfried; Pesch, Roland; Holy, Marcel; Fagerli, Hilde. 2009 Comparison of modelled nitrogen deposition and nitrogen concentrations in mosses. In: Transboundary Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground Level Ozone in Europe in 2007. EMEP Status Report 2009. EMEP, 103-106. (EMEP Report, 1/2009).

Haselwimmer, Christian; Fretwell, Peter ORCID: 2009 Field reflectance spectroscopy of sparse vegetation cover on the Antarctic peninsula. In: 1st IEEE GRSS Workshop on hyperspectral image and signal processing - Evolution in remote sensing, Grenoble, France, 26-29 August 2009: WHISPERS'09. New York, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 162-165.

Hastie, Alan R.; Kerr, Andrew C.; Mitchell, Simon F.; Millar, Ian L.. 2009 Geochemistry and tectonomagmatic significance of Lower Cretaceous island arc lavas from the Devils Racecourse Formation, eastern Jamaica. In: James, K.H.; Lorente, M.A.; Pindell, J.L., (eds.) The origin and evolution of the Carribean plate. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 339-360. (Geological Society Special Publications, 328).

Haywood, Alan M.; Smellie, John L.; Ashworth, A.C.; Cantrill, D.J.; Florindo, F.; Hambrey, M.J.; Hill, D.; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Hunter, S.J.; Larter, Robert D. ORCID:; Lear, C.H.; Passchier, S.; Van De Wal, R.S.W.. 2009 Middle Miocene to Pliocene history of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. In: Florindo, F.; Siegert, M.J., (eds.) Antarctic climate evolution. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 401-463. (Developments in earth and environmental sciences, 8).

Holden, J.; Smart, R.P.; Chapman, P.J.; Baird, A.J.; Billett, M.F.. 2009 The role of natural soil pipes in water and carbon transfer in and from peatlands. In: Baird, Andrew J.; Belyea, Lisa R.; Comas, Xavier; Reeve, A.S.; Slater, Lee D., (eds.) Carbon Cycling in Northern Peatlands. Washington DC, American Geophysical Union, 251-264, 14pp. (Geophysical Monograph Series, 184).

Hopson, P.M.; Farrant, A.. 2009 The St George's Down : the plateau gravel : a preliminary discussion. In: Briant, R.M., (ed.) The Quaternary of the Solent Basin and West Sussex raised beaches. Quaternary Research Association, 145-160.

Hopson, Peter. 2009 The geology of Poole Harbour & its environs. In: Poole Harbour guide 2009. Poole, UK, Breaktime Magazines Ltd, 26-33.

Hopson, Peter M.. 2009 The geological setting of the coastal fringes of west Sussex, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. In: Briant, R.M., (ed.) The Quaternary of the Solent Basin and West Sussex raised beaches. Quaternary Research Association, 1-20.

Horvath, Laszlo; Fagerli, Hilde; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID: 2009 Long-term record (1981-2005) of ammonia and ammonium concentrations at K-Puszta Hungary and the effect of sulphur dioxide emission change on measured and modelled concentrations. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 181-185.

Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Beresford, N.A.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Fesenko, S.. 2009 Transfer to animals. In: Quantification of Radionuclide Transfer in Terrestrial and Freshwater Environments for Radiological Assessments. IAEA, 267-307. (IAEA TECDOC Series, 1616).

Howard, David ORCID:; Howard, Brenda ORCID:; Talbot, Joey; Wadsworth, Richard; Whitaker, Jeanette ORCID:; Anandarajah, Gabrial; Hughes, Nick; Moran, Brighid. 2009 Environmental Sensitivities. In: Ekins, Paul; Skea, Jim, (eds.) Making the transition to a secure and low-carbon energy system: synthesis report UKERC Energy 2050 Project. London, UK Energy Research Centre, 87-101, 148pp.

Hulme, Philip E.; Roy, David B. ORCID:; Cunha, Teresa; Larsson, Tor-Bjorn. 2009 A pan-European inventory of alien species: rationale, implementation and implications for managing biological invasions. In: Drake, James A., (ed.) The handbook of alien species in Europe. Springer, 1-14. (Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology, 3 DAISIE).

Jenkins, Alan; Ferrier, Robert C.. 2009 Effluent management. In: Ferrier, Robert; Jenkins, Alan, (eds.) Handbook of Catchment Management. Wiley-Blackwell, 135-154.

Jevrejeva, Svetlana ORCID:; Moore, J.; Grinsted, A.; Woodworth, P.. 2009 Recent global sea level acceleration started over 200 years ago? In: Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions. Bristol, Institute of Physics, 012026. (IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 6).

Jowitt, Simon M.; Jenkin, Gawen R.T.; Coogan, Laurence A.; Naden, Jon. 2009 How much metal can you get? Quantified mass balancing of base metal release during epidosite zone alteration in ophiolite-hosted VMS systems. In: Williams, P., (ed.) Smart science for exploration and mining. Rotterdam, James Cook University, 719-721.

Keith, A.M. ORCID:; Brooker, R.W.; Burslem, D.F.R.P; Cameron, C.M.; Chapman, S.J.; Elston, D.A.; Osler, G.H.R.; van der Wal, R.. 2009 Tree invasion of heather moorland: impacts of birch and pine on microbes, microfauna and decomposition. In: Andrews, M.; Andrews, M.E., (eds.) Positive plant microbial interactions in relation to plant performance and ecosystem function. The Association of Applied Biologists, 109-112. (Aspects of Applied Biology, 98).

Kenward, R.; Manos, B.; Arampatzis, S.; Papathanasiou, J.. 2009 A transactional environmental support system for Europe. In: Hřebíček, Jiri; Hradec, Jiri; Pelikán, Eelikan; Mírovský, Ondrej; Pillmann, Werner; Holoubek, Ivan; Bandholtz, Thomas, (eds.) TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT Opportunities of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe. Brno, Masaryk University, 58-65.

Kenward, R.; Sharp, R.; Manos, B.; Arampatzis, S.; Brainerd, S.; Lecocq, Y.; Wollscheid, K.; Reimoser, F.. 2009 Conservation from use of biodiversity and ecosystem services. In: Proceedings XXIX International Union of Game Biologists Congress. Moscow, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 68-83.

Kenward, Robert. 2009 Sustainable Use of Raptors: Opportunities for Conservation through Use of Biodiversity. (Nachhaltige Nutzung von Greifvögeln: Möglichkeit des Schutzes durch Nutzung der Biodiversität). In: Hewicker, Hans-Albrecht, (ed.) Greifvögel und Falknerei (Birds of prey and falconry 2008). Melsungen, Germany, Neumann-Neudamm, 22-39.

Kenward, Robert E.. 2009 Conservation values from falconry. In: Dickson, Barney; Hutton, Jonathan; Adams, Bill, (eds.) Recreational Hunting, Conservation and Rural Livelihoods: Science and Practice. London, Wiley-Blackwell, 181-196.

Kryza, Maciej; Dore, Anthony J.; Blas, Marek; Sobik, Mieczyslaw. 2009 Application of a Lagrangian model FRAME to estimate reduced nitrogen deposition and ammonia concentrations in Poland. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 359-366.

Lacinska, Alicja; Styles, Mike. 2009 The Barzaman Formation in the UAE : an example of intensive alteration of ultramafic and ultramafic rocks in the near surface environment. In: Mineralogia - Special Papers, 35. Mineralogical Society of Poland.

Leake, James; Wolf, Judith ORCID:; Lowe, Jason; Hall, Jim; Nicholls, Robert. 2009 Response of marine climate to future climate change: application to coastal regions. In: McKee Smith, Jane, (ed.) Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2008. Singapore, World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 4354-4364.

Leith, Ian D.; van Dijk, Netty; Pitcairn, Carole E.R.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID: 2009 Standardised grasses as biomonitors of ammonia pollution around agricultural point sources. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 269-279.

Lescalles, B.; Trathan, Phil N. ORCID: 2009 Emperor penguins and climate change. Tough times for hot chicks. In: Species and climate change: more than just the polar bear. International Union for Conservation of Nature, 4pp. (Red List).

Liu, J.; Furlong, M.E.; Palmer, A.; Phillips, A.B.; Turnock, S.R.; Sharkh, S.M.. 2009 Design and Control of a Flight-Style AUV with Hovering Capability. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology (UUST 2009), Durham, New Hampshire, 23-26 August 2009. Durham NH, USA, Autonomous Undersea Systems Institute (AUSI), [9p].

Long, D.A.; Lovell, M.A.; Rees, J.G.; Rochelle, C.A.. 2009 Sediment-hosted gas hydrates : new insights on natural and synthetic systems. In: Long, David; Lovell, Mike A; Rees, John; Rochelle, Christopher, (eds.) Sediment-hosted gas hydrates : new insights on natural and synthetic systems. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 1-9. (Geological Society Special Publications, 319).

Loubet, Benjamin; Asman, Willem A.H.; Theobald, Mark R.; Hertel, Ole; Tang, Y. Sim; Robin, Paul; Hassouna, Melynda; Dammgen, Ulrich; Genermont, Sophie; Cellier, Pierre; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID: 2009 Ammonia deposition near hot spots: processes, models and monitoring methods. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 205-267.

Mantouka, A.; Leighton, T.G.; Best, A.I. ORCID:; Dix, J.K.; White, P.R.. 2009 Inferring bubble populations in intertidal sediments from attenuation and scattering measurements. In: Papdakis, J.S.; Bjorno, L., (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Underwater Acoustic Measurements, Technologies and Results. Heraklion, Greece, Institute of Applied & Computational Mathematics (IACM), 733-738.

McCartney, Matthew P.; Acreman, Michael C.. 2009 Wetlands and water resources. In: Maltby, Edward; Barker, Tom, (eds.) The Wetlands Handbook. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 357-381.

McMillan, Andrew; Hyslop, Ewan. 2009 La pierre en Ecosse, un patrimonie a surveiller. In: Caristan, Yves, (ed.) 10 enjeux des geosciences : dossier special annee internationale de la Planete Terre. France, BRGM, 73.

McPhail, Stephen D; Furlong, Maaten E; Perrett, James R; Stevenson, Peter; Webb, Andy; White, Davie. 2009 Exploring beneath the PIG Ice Shelf with the Autosub3 AUV. In: Oceans 09 IEEE Bremen - Balancing Technology with Future Needs. Piscataway NJ, USA, IEEE, [6p].

Millard, Andrew D.; Tiwari, Bela. 2009 Oligonucleotide microarrays for bacteriophage expression studies. In: Clokie, Martha R.J.; Kropinski, Andrew M., (eds.) Bacteriophages: Methods and Protocols. Volume 2: Molecular and Applied Aspects. Humana Press, 193-226. (Methods in Molecular Biology, 2, 502).

Mitchell, Clive ORCID: 2009 Quarry fines and waste. In: Quarries & Mines 2009. Ten Alps, 63-67, 5pp. (Quarries & MInes).

Moore, John; Grinsted, Aslek; Jevrejeva, Svetlana ORCID: 2009 Wavelet-Lag Regression Analysis of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones. In: Elsner, J. B.; Jagger, T. H., (eds.) Hurricanes and Climate Change. New York, Springer, 139-152.

Moore, Roger; Wien, J J F. 2009 Integrated modelling tools, mass collaboration and the opportunities ahead. In: van Ittersum, Martin; Wolf, Joost; van Laar, Gon, (eds.) Integrated Assessment of Agriculture and Sustainable development; setting the agenda for science and policy. The Netherlands, Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands, 316-317.

Moore, Roger V.. 2009 The OpenMI - Science Responding to Policy, Industry and Events. In: Quevauviller, Philippe, (ed.) Water System Science and Policy Interfacing. Cambridge, UK, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 200-225.

Morecroft, Michael D.; Keith, Sally A.. 2009 Plant Ecology as an Indicator of Climate and Global Change. In: Letcher, Trevor, (ed.) Climate and global change: observed impacts on Planet Earth. Elsevier.

Naish, T.; Carter, L.; Wolff, Eric W.; Pollard, D.; Powell, R.. 2009 Late Pliocene-Pleistocene Antarctic climate variability at orbital and suborbital scale: ice sheet ocean and atmospheric interactions. In: Florindo, F.; Siegert, M.J., (eds.) Antarctic climate evolution. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 465-529. (Developments in earth and environmental sciences, 8).

Nathan, Ran; Bullock, James M. ORCID:; Ronce, Ophelie; Schurr, Frank M.. 2009 Seed Dispersal. In: ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Nathanail, J.; Banks, V.. 2009 Climate change: implications for engineering geology practice. In: Culshaw, Martin; Reeves, Helen; Jefferson, I; Spink, T.W., (eds.) Engineering geology for tomorrow's cities. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 65-82, 17pp. (Engineering geology special publications).

Nicholls, Robert; Hanson, Susan; Mokrech, Mustafa; Stansby, Peter; Chini, Nicolas; Walkden, Mike; Dawson, Richard; Roche, Nicolas; Hall, Jim; Nicholson-Cole, Sophie; Watkinson, Andrew; Jude, Simon; Lowe, Jason; Wolf, Judith ORCID:; Leake, James; Rounsevell, Mark; Fontaine, Corentin; Acosta-Michlik, Lilibeth. 2009 The Tyndall coastal simulator and interface. In: Smith, J. M., (ed.) Coastal Engineering 2008, Vols 1-5. Singapore, World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 4341-4353.

O Dochartaigh, Brighid; Fordyce, Fiona; Ander, Louise; Bonsor, Helen. 2009 GRoundwater And Soil Pollutants (GRASP): a city-scale screening tool using soil geochemical data to assess threats to shallow groundwater quality. In: Abstracts of the ISSUES Seminar. Berlin, Germany, ISSUES, 1pp.

Pan, Shunqi; Chen, Yongping; Du, Yanliang; Reed, Sam; Wolf, Judith ORCID: 2009 Modelling of sediment transport at Exe estuary, Devon, UK. In: Mizuguchi, Masaru; Sato, Shinji, (eds.) Proceedings Of Coastal Dynamics 2009: Impacts of Human Activities on Dynamic Coastal Processes. Singapore, World Scientific, Paper 66, 11pp.

Pankhurst, Robert J.; Vaughan, Alan P.M.. 2009 The tectonic context of the Early Palaeozoic southern margin of Gondwana. In: Bassett, M.G., (ed.) Early Palaeozoic Peri-Gondwana terranes : new insights from tectonics and biogeography. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 171-176. (Geological Society Special Publications, 325).

Pinho, Pedro; Branquinho, Cristina; Cruz, Cristina; Tang, Y. Sim; Dias, Teresa; Rosa, Ana Paula; Máguas, Cristina; Martins-Loucao, Maria-Amelia; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID: 2009 Assessment of critical levels of atmospheric ammonia for lichen diversity in cork-oak woodland, Portugal. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M. H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia - Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 109-119.

Pitcairn, Carole E.R.; Leith, Ian D.; van Dijk, Netty; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Fowler, David. 2009 The application of transects to assess the effects of ammonia on woodland groundflora. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 59-69.

Pottinger, T.G.. 2009 Stress affects reproduction. In: Maybank, Miranda; Kah, Olivier; Lareyre, Jean-Jacques; Fostier, Alexis, (eds.) REPROFISH. Investigating fish reproduction in Europe. REPROFISH Consortium, 28-29.

Preston, C.D. ORCID: 2009 Foreword. In: Gregory, Steve, (ed.) Woodlice and waterlice (Isopoda: Oniscidea & Asellota) in Britain and Ireland. Shrewsbury, FSC Publications, v.

Pullen, T.; Tozer, N.; Sayers, P.; Hawkes, P.; Saulter, A.; Flowerdew, J.; Horsburgh, K. ORCID: 2009 Use of field measurements to improve probabilistic wave overtopping forecasts. In: McKee Smith, Jane, (ed.) Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2008. Singapore, World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 3020-3021.

Raven, J. A.; Maberly, S. C. ORCID: 2009 Phytoplankton nutrition and related mixotrophy. In: Likens, Gene E., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. Volume 3. Oxford, Elsevier, 192-196.

Read, D.S. ORCID:; Huang, W.E.; Whiteley, A.S.. 2009 Raman FISH. In: Timmis, Kenneth. N.; McGenity, Terry; Meer, Jan Roelof van der; Lorenzo, Victor de, (eds.) Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology. Springer, 4027-4038.

Rees, John; Gibson, Andrew; Harrison, Matthew; Hughes, Andrew; Walsby, Jennifer. 2009 Regional modelling of geohazard change. In: Culshaw, Martin, (ed.) Engineering geology for tomorrow's cities. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 49-63. (Geological Society special publications, 22).

Reeves, H.J.; West, T.R.. 2009 Geodata for the urban environment. In: Culshaw, Martin; Reeves, Helen; Jefferson, I.; Spink, T.W., (eds.) Engineering geology for tomorrow's cities. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 209-213. (Engineering geology special publication).

Reid, P.C.; Fischer, A.; Lewis-Brown, E.; Meredith, Michael ORCID:; Sparrow, M.; Andersson, A.; Antia, A.; Bates, N.R.; Bathmann, U.; Beaugrand, G.; Brix, H.; Dye, S.; Edwards, M.; Furevik, T.; Gangsto, R.; Hatun, H.; Hopcroft, R.R.; Kendall, M.; Kasten, S.; Keeling, R.; Le Quéré, Corinne; Mackenzie, F.T.; Malin, G.; Mauritzen, C.; Ólafsson, J.; Paull, C.; Rignot, E.; Shimada, K.; Vogt, M.; Wallace, C.; Wang, Zhaomin ORCID:; Washington, R.. 2009 Impacts of the oceans on climate change. In: Sims, D.W., (ed.) Advances in Marine Biology. Academic Press, 1-150.

Ridgway, K.; Hill, K. ORCID: 2009 The East Australian current. In: Poloczanska, E.S.; Hobday, A.J.; Richardson, A.J., (eds.) A marine climate change impacts and adaptation report card for Australia 2009. NCCARF Publication.

Riding, James B. ORCID:; Rochelle, Christopher A.. 2009 Subsurface characterization and geological monitoring of the CO2 injection operation at Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Canada. In: Evans, D.J.; Chadwick, R.A., (eds.) Underground gas storage : worldwide experiences and future development in the UK and Europe. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 227-256. (Geological Society Special Publications, 313).

Robins, N.S.. 2009 Regional hydrogeological assessment of Wales. In: Bassett, M.G.; Boulton, H.; Nicol, D., (eds.) Urban geology in Wales. 3. Cardiff, Wales, National Museum of Wales, 141-150.

Robins, N.S.. 2009 A low tech approach to evaluating vulnerability to pollution of basement aquifers in sub-Saharan aquifer. In: Xu, Yongxin; Braune, Eberhard, (eds.) Sustainable groundwater resources in Africa : water supply and sanitation environment. Boca Raton, CRC Press, 133-140.

Rochelle, C.A.; Camps, A.P.; Long, D.; Milodowski, A.; Bateman, K.; Gunn, D.; Jackson, P.; Lovell, M.A.; Rees, J.. 2009 Can CO2 hydrate assist in the underground storage of carbon dioxide? In: Long, David; Lovell, Mike A; Rees, John; Rochelle, Christopher, (eds.) Sediment-hosted gas hydrates : new insights on natural and synthetic systems. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 171-183. (Special publications Geological Society, 319).

Rodda, John C.. 2009 Water Resources in South East England - A Dilemma in Sustainable Development. In: Ferrier, Robert; Jenkins, Alan, (eds.) Handbook of catchment management. Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 323-350.

Rowe, E.C. ORCID:; Emmett, B.A. ORCID:; Smart, S.M. ORCID: 2009 A single metric for defining biodiversity damage using Habitats Directive criteria. In: Hettelingh, J.-P.; Posch, M.; Slootweg, J., (eds.) Progress in the modelling of critical thresholds, impacts to plant species diversity and ecosystem services in Europe. Netherlands Environment Assessment Agency, 101-107. (CCE Status Report 2009).

Royse, Katherine R.. 2009 Modelisation 3D du sous-sol pour le site des jeux Olympioues 2012 a Londres = 3D modelling of the subsurface : the Lower Lea Valley including the London 2012 Olympic site. In: Caristan, Yves, (ed.) 10 enjeux des geosciences : dossier special annee internationale de la Planete Terre. France, BRGM, 111, 1pp.

Savage, David; Watson, Claire; Wilson, James; Bond, Alex; Jones, Warren; Metcalfe, Richard; Milodowski, Tony; Munro, Colin; Penfold, James; Watson, Sarah. 2009 Understanding radionuclide migration from the D1225 Shaft, Dounreay, Caithness, UK. In: Burakov, Boris E.; Aloy, Albert S., (eds.) Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXXIII. Warrendale, USA, Materials Research Society, 367-374. (Materials Research Society Proceedings, 1193).

Scott, T.R.; Smith, P.J.; Dance, S.L.; Mason, D.C.; Baines, M.J.; Nichols, N.K.; Horsburgh, K.J. ORCID:; Sweby, P.J.; Lawless, A.S.. 2009 Data assimilation for morphodynamic prediction and predictability. In: McKee Smith, Jane, (ed.) Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2008. Singapore, World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2386-2398.

Sheppard, Lucy J.; Leith, Ian D.; Crossley, Alan; van Dijk, Netty; Cape, J. Neil; Fowler, David; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID: 2009 Long-term cumulative exposure exacerbates the effects of atmospheric ammonia on an ombrotrophic bog: implications for critical levels. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 49-58.

Siegel, Volker; Atkinson, Angus. 2009 Krill - distribution, abundance and population dynamics. In: Hempel, Gotthilf; Hempel, Irmtraut, (eds.) Biological studies in polar oceans - exploration of life in icy waters. Bremerhaven, Wirtschaftsverlag NW, 99-108.

Skiba, U. ORCID:; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:; Vesala, T.; Ambus, P.; Hensen, A.; Bruggemann, N.; Neftel, A.; Horvath, L.; Freibauer, A.; Cellier, P.; Magliulo, E.; Seufert, G.; Laurila, T.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.. 2009 Land atmosphere exchange of reactive nitrogen. In: Fuzzi, S.; Maione, M., (eds.) Atmospheric Composition Change: causes and consequences - local to global. ARACNE Editrice S.r.l., 32-37.

Slaymaker, Olav; Spencer, Thomas; Dadson, Simon ORCID: 2009 Landscape, and landscape-scale processes as the unfilled niche in the global environmental change debate: an introduction. In: Slaymaker, Olav; Spencer, Thomas; Embleton-Hamann, Christine, (eds.) Geomorphology and Global Environmental Change. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1-36.

Smellie, John L.. 2009 Antarctic islands, geology. In: Gillespie, R.; Clague, D., (eds.) Encyclopedia of islands. Berkeley, California, University of California Press, 17-20.

Smellie, John L.. 2009 Terrestrial sub-ice volcanism: Landform morphology, sequence characteristics and environmental influences, and implications for candidate Mars examples. In: Chapman, M.G.; Keszthely, L., (eds.) Preservation of random mega-scale events on Mars and Earth: influence on geologic history. Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America, 55-76. (Geological Society of America Special Paper, 453).

Spranger, Till; Klimont, Zbigniew; Sponar, Michel; Raes, Caroline; Baker, Samantha M.H.; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Gillespie, Colin; Tang, Y. Sim; Andersen, Helle Vibeke; Ellermann, Thomas; Flechard, Chris; Hutchings, Nick J.. 2009 Ammonia policy context and future challenges. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 433-443.

Stevenson, Peter; McPhail, Steve; Tsimplis, Mikis. 2009 Air launched platforms - a new approach for underwater vehicles. In: Oceans 09 IEEE Bremen - Balancing Technology with Future Needs. Piscataway NJ, USA, IEEE, [8p].

Sutton, Mark A. ORCID: 2009 Introduction. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 1-11.

Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H.. 2009 Synthesis and summary for policy makers. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 445-454.

Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Fowler, David. 2009 Potential for the further development and application of critical levels to assess the environmental impacts of ammonia. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 41-48.

Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Wolseley, Pat A.; Leith, Ian D.; van Dijk, Netty; Tang, Y. Sim; James, P.W.; Theobald, Mark R.; Whitfield, Clare. 2009 Estimation of the ammonia critical level for epiphytic lichens based on observations at farm, landscape and national scales. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 71-86.

Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; van Pul, Addo; Sauter, Ferd; Tang, Y. Sim; Horvath, Laszlo. 2009 Over which averaging period is the ammonia critical level most precautionary? In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 93-99.

Tang, Y. Sim; Dragosits, Ulrike ORCID:; van Dijk, Netty; Love, Linda; Simmons, Ivan; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID: 2009 Assessment of ammonia and ammonium trends and relationship to critical levels in the UK National Ammonia Monitoring Network (NAMN). In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M. H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia - Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 187-194.

Tao, Feng; Campbell, Jon; Pagnani, Maureen; Griffiths, Gwyn. 2009 Collaborative ocean resource interoperability - multi-use of ocean data on the semantic web. In: Aroyo, Lora; Traverso, Paolo; Ciravegna, Fabio; Cimiano, Philipp; Heath, Tom; Hyvonen, Eero; Mizoguchi, Riichiro, (eds.) The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. Berlin, Springer, 753-767, 15pp. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5554).

Thorne, P.D. ORCID:; Bell, P.S. ORCID: 2009 Acoustic Measurement of Near-Bed Sediment Transport Processes. In: Steele, John H.; Turekian, Karl K.; Thorpe, Steve A., (eds.) Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 38-51.

Thorne, P.D. ORCID:; Hurther, D.. 2009 Acoustical observations of velocity and suspended sediment structures due to oscillatory flow over a rippled bed. In: Mizuguchi, Masaru; Sato, Shinji, (eds.) Proceedings Of Coastal Dynamics 2009: Impacts of Human Activities on Dynamic Coastal Processes. Singapore, World Scientific, Paper 131, 11pp.

Van Oijen, Marcel; Dauzat, Jean; Harmand, Jean-Michel; Lawson, Gerry; Vaast, Philippe. 2009 Plot-scale modelling of coffee agroforestry systems in Central America. In: Rapidel, Bruno; Roupsard, Olivier; Navarro, Muriel, (eds.) Modelling Agroforestry Systems. Turrialba, Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE), 191-202.

Vandermeiren, K.; Harmens, H. ORCID:; Mills, G.; De Temmerman, L.. 2009 Impact of ground-level ozone on crop production in a changing climate. In: Singh, S.N., (ed.) Climate Change and Crops. Springer, 213-244.

Vaughan, David ORCID: 2009 Ice sheets: indicators and instruments of climate change. In: Letcher, T, (ed.) Climate Change. Oxford, Elsevier, 492pp.

Vieno, Massimo ORCID:; Dore, Anthony J.; Wind, Peter; Di Marco, Chiara; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID:; Phillips, Gavin; Tarrason, Leonor; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID: 2009 Application of the EMEP Unified Model to the UK with a horizontal resolution of 5 x 5km². In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 367-372.

Wilson, Robert J.; Roy, David B. ORCID: 2009 Butterfly population structure and dynamics. In: Settele, Josef; Shreeve, Tim; Konvička, Martin; Van Dyck, Hans, (eds.) Ecology of Butterflies in Europe. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 81-96.

Winfield, I. J. ORCID: 2009 Fish, Populations. In: Likens, Gene E., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. Volume 3. Oxford, Elsevier, 464-472.

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID: 2009 Vertebrates: Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals. In: Likens, Gene E., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. Volume 3. Oxford, Elsevier, 439-505.

Wolseley, Patricia A.; Leith, Ian D.; van Dijk, Netty; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID: 2009 Macrolichens on twigs and trunks as indicators of ammonia concentrations across the UK - a practical method. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 101-108.

Woodworth, P. L,(as contributing author to chapters 2. 2009 Global Geodetic Observing System. Meeting the requirements of a Global Society on a Changing Planet in 2020. In: Plag, H-P.; Pearlman, M., (eds.) Global Geodetic Observing System: Meeting the requirements of a global society on a changing planet in 2020. Springer.

Wright, Justin; Symstad, Amy; Bullock, James M. ORCID:; Engelhardt, Katharina; Jackson, Louise; Bernhardt, Emily. 2009 Restoring biodiversity and ecosystem function: will an integrated approach improve results? In: Naeem, S.; Bunker, D.E.; Hector, A.; Loreau, M.; Perrings, C., (eds.) Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and human wellbeing. An ecological and economic perspective. Oxford University Press, 167-177.

Wylie, C.E.; Shaw, D.J.; Fordyce, F.; Lilly, A.; McGorum, B.C.. 2009 Can the distribution of cases of equine grass sickness in Scotland be explained by geochemical parameters? In: Abstracts of the 12th ISVVE Symposium. Durban, South Africa, ISVVE, 239.

Xu, Yongxin; Hobbs, Phil; Bradbury, Ken; Robins, Nick; Kanyerere, Thokozani; Braune, Eberhard; Nel, Jaco. 2009 Best practice for groundwater quality protection. In: Xu, Yongxin; Braune, Eberhard, (eds.) Sustainable groundwater resources in Africa : water supply and sanitation environment. Boca Raton, CRC Press, 49-85.

Zanchi, A.; Zanchetta, S.; Berra, F.; Mattei, M.; Garzanti, E.; Molyneux, S.; Nawab, A.; Sabouri, J.. 2009 The Eo-Cimmerian (Late? Triassic) orogeny in North Iran. In: Brunet, M.-F.; Wilmsen, F.; Granath, J.W., (eds.) South Caspian to Central Iran basins. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 31-55. (Geological Society Special Publications, 312).

van Dijk, Netty; Leith, Ian D.; Pitcairn, Carole E.R.; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID: 2009 Soluble ammonium in plants as a bioindicator for atmospheric nitrogen deposition: refinement and testing of a practical model. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 281-289.

van Pul, Addo; Hertel, Ole; Geels, Camilla; Dore, Anthony J.; Vieno, Massimo ORCID:; van Jaarsveld, Hans A.; Bergstrom, Robert; Schaap, Martijn; Fagerli, Hilde. 2009 Modelling of the atmospheric transport and deposition of ammonia at a national and regional scale. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric Ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 301-358.

van Pul, Addo; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Dore, Tony; Xuejun, Liu; Fagerli, Hilde; Geels, Camilla; Hertel, Ole; Kruijt, Roy Wichink; Kryza, Maciej; Bergstrom, Robert; Vieno, Massimo ORCID:; Smith, Ron; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID: 2009 Modelling the national and regional transport and deposition of ammonia. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Baker, Samantha M.H., (eds.) Atmospheric ammonia: Detecting emission changes and environmental impacts. Results of an Expert Workshop under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. Springer, 409-421.

Publication - Conference Item

Larter, Robert ORCID:; Gohl, Karsten, eds. 2009 FIRST ANTARCTIC CLIMATE EVOLUTION SYMPOSIUM Workshop on Amundsen Sea Embayment: Tectonic and Climatic Evolution Programme and Abstracts. [Other] In: Workshop on Amundsen Sea Embayment:: Tectonic and Climatic Evolution, Parque de las Ciencias, Granada, Spain, 9 September 2009. 1-15. (Unpublished)

Ameen, A.; Ashfaque, M.; Borodin, P.; Brenes, J.; Daudi, E.; Efendi, N.; Flower, S.; Hidayat, M.; Husni, M.; Kampine, M.; Kusonski, O.; Langa, A.; Monge, I.; Mucussete, A.; Ghulam Murtaza, M.; Nhatsave, A.; Kadek Oca Santika, I.; Rasson, J.; Riddick, J.; Suharyadi, D.; Turbitt, C.; Yusuf, M.. 2009 INDIGO : better geomagnetic observatories where we need them. [Poster] In: IAGA 11th Scientific Assembly, Sopron, Hungary, 23-30 Aug 2009. (Unpublished)

Amoudry, Laurent O; Souza, Alejandro J; Holt, Jason T ORCID: 2009 Sediment transport module for a B-grid coastal ocean model. In: Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 2009: impacts of human activities on dynamic coastal processes, Tokyo. World Scientific.

Amoudry, Laurent O.; Souza, Alejandro J.. 2009 Sediment transport modelling in the POLCOMS. [Poster] In: UK Sediment Initiative 2009, Liverpool, 27-29 April 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanogrpahic Laboratory.

Ander, E.L.; Johnson, C.C.; Fordyce, F.M.; Wragg, J.. 2009 Selenium in the agricultural soils of East Anglia, UK. [Poster] In: 21st International Society of Environmental Epidemiology Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 25-29 Aug 2009. International Society of Environmental Epidemiology.

Anguelova, M.D.; Bobak, J.P.; Asher, W.E.; Dowgiallo, D.J.; Moat, B.I. ORCID:; Pascal, R.W.; Yelland, M.J. ORCID: 2009 Validation of satellite-based estimates of whitecap coverage: Approaches and initial results. In: 16th Conference on air-sea interaction, Phoenix, USA, 11-15 Jan 2009. Boston MA, USA, American Meteorological Society. (Unpublished)

Barsby, Amy. 2009 Trace Element Abundance & Human Epidemiology: the Tellus Case Study. [Lecture] In: William Smith Meeting, London, UK, 21-23 Sept 2009. London, UK, Geological Society of London. (Unpublished)

Barsby, Amy; McKinley, Jennifer; Ofterdinger, Ulrich; Young, Mike; Gavin, Anna. 2009 Trace element abundance & human epidemiology : the Tellus case study. [Poster] In: BUFI Festival of Science, Keyworth, UK, 12 Nov 2009. (Unpublished)

Baverstock, J.; Pell, J. K.; Roy, Helen ORCID: 2009 Interactions involving entomopathogenic fungi and insects: an applied perspective. [Keynote] In: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Park City, Utah, 16-20 Aug 2009.

Beamish, D.. 2009 The tilt derivative applied to AEM conductivity data. In: Near Surface 2009, Dublin, Ireland, 7-9 Sept 2009. EAGE, 1-5.

Beggan, Ciaran; Whaler, Kathy; Macmillan, Susan. 2009 Magnetic Field Forecasting using Virtual Observatories, Core Flow Modelling and Ensemble Kalman Filtering. [Poster] In: SWARM Meeting, RAS, London, 9 October 2009. (Unpublished)

Bell, Paul ORCID: 2009 Remote bathymetry and current mapping around shore-parallel breakwaters. In: 33rd IAHR Congress - Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment, Vancouver, August 9-14 2009. Madrid, International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research.

Blyth, Eleanor ORCID: 2009 Benchmarking the JULES model for assessment of performance at the global scale. [Poster] In: ECMWF / GLASS Workshop on Land Surface Modelling and Data Assimilation and the implications for predictability, ECMWF, Reading, UK, 9-12 November, 2009.

Blyth, Eleanor ORCID: 2009 Benchmarking the carbon, energy and water fluxes for JULES, a land surface model. [Speech] In: EGU 2009, Vienna, 20-24 April 2009. EGU.

Blyth, Eleanor ORCID: 2009 Linking hydrology and meteorology through land surface evaporation. [Lecture] In: Royal Meteorological Society regional meeting, Birmingham University, 12 March 2009. Royal Meteorological Society.

Blyth, Eleanor ORCID:; Clark, Douglas ORCID:; Sitch, Stephen; Pryor, Matthew. 2009 Benchmarking the JULES model for use in a GCM. [Speech] In: Water in a Changing Climate, GEWEX/ILEAPS joint conference, Melbourne, Australia, 24-28 August, 2009. GEWEX/ILEAPS conference website.

Blyth, Eleanor ORCID:; Harding, Richard; Shuttleworth, W. J.. 2009 Global Land Evaporation and Climate. [Speech] In: Water in a Changing Climate, Melbourne, Australia, 24-28 August, 2009. GEWEX/ILEAPS conference, 2009.

Bonsor, Helen; Mansour, Majdi; MacDonald, Alan ORCID:; Hughes, Andrew; Hipkin, Roger; Bedada, Tulu. 2009 Developing a recharge model of the Nile Basin to help interpret GRACE data. [Lecture] In: Earth Observation and Water Cycle Science, Frascati, Italy, 18-20 Nov 2009. (Unpublished)

Brown, P. M. J.; Ware, R. L.; Roy, Helen ORCID: 2009 Looking beyond the spots: inspiring the public to record ladybirds. [Lecture] In: 1st meeting of IOBC WPRS study group Benefits and Risks Associated with Exotic Biological Control Agents, Engelberg, Switzerland, 6-10 September 2009.

Brown, P.M.J.; Frost, R.; Sparks, T.; Doberski, J.; Roy, Helen ORCID: 2009 Temporal changes in ladybird species assemblages coinciding with the arrival of Harmonia axyridis in the UK. [Lecture] In: 1st meeting of the IOBC WPRS study group Benefits and Risks associated with Exotic Biological Control Agents, Switzerland, 6-10 September 2009.

Burke, Helen F.; Price, Simon J.; Crofts, Dick; Thorpe, Stephen. 2009 Applied 3D geological modelling in the Mersey Basin, NW England [extended abstract]. In: EUREGEO 2009 : European congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems, Munich, Germany, 9-12 June 2009. Augsburg, Bayerisches Landesamt fur Umwelt, 34-36.

Cailes, Claire; Copplestone, David; Whitehouse, Paul; Beresford, Nick; Howard, Brenda ORCID:; Andersson, Pal; Allott, Rob; Garnier-Laplace, Jacqueline; Howe, Paul; Brown, Justin. 2009 The recent radiation protection dose rate screening value released by PROTECT: implications for UK site specific risk assessment. [Lecture] In: SETAC Europe 19th annual meeting - Protecting ecosystem health: facing the challenge of a globally changing environment, Göteborg, Sweden, 31 May - 04 June 2009. (Unpublished)

Campbell, Diarmad; Merritt, Joanne; Monaghan, Alison; Mansour, Majdi; Loughlin, Susan; Hughes, Andrew; O Dochartaigh, Brighid; Fordyce, Fiona; Entwisle, David. 2009 3D attributed geoscience models and related GIS datasets to assist urban regeneration and resolve environmental problems in and around the Glasgow conurbation, UK. In: EUREGEO 2009 : European congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems, Munich, Germany, 9-12 June 2009. Bayerisches Landesamt fur Umwelt, 41-46.

Cave, Mark; Chenery, Simon; Shotbolt, Laura. 2009 Assessment of the soil contribution to atmospheric particulates in the UK : source apportionment monitoring over days years and decades. [Lecture] In: William Smith Meeting, London, UK, 21-23 Sept 2009. (Unpublished)

Chambers, J.E.; Meldrum, P.I.; Gunn, D.A.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Kuras, O.; Weller, A.L.; Ogilvy, R.D.. 2009 Hydrogeophysical monitoring of landslide processes using automated time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ALERT) [extended abstract]. In: Near Surface 2009, Dublin, Ireland, 7-9 Sept 2009. (Unpublished)

Chambers, J.E.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Weller, A.L.; Kuras, O.; Meldrum, P.I.; Ogilvy, R.D.; Aumonier, J.; Penn, S.; Wardrop, D.R.; Bailey, E.; Joel, P.; Griffiths, N.. 2009 Sand and gravel deposit evaluation using electrical resistivity tomography [extended abstract]. In: Near Surface 2009, Dublin, Ireland, 7-9 Sept 2009. (Unpublished)

Clark, Douglas B. ORCID:; Blyth, Eleanor ORCID:; Coleman, Kevin; Huntingford, Chris ORCID:; Fisher, Joshua B.; Fisher, Rosie; Sitch, Steve; Smith, Jo; Spessa, Allan. 2009 Developments in the JULES land surface model for the QUEST Earth System Model. [Poster] In: Royal Meteorological Society Conference 2009, Reading, 29 June - 2 July 2009.

Clark, Douglas B. ORCID:; Haddeland, Ingjerd; Franssen, Wietse; Ludwig, Fulco; Voss, Frank. 2009 WaterMIP: A multi-model estimate of the terrestrial water cycle. Experimental setup and first results. [Poster] In: Royal Meteorological Society Conference 2009, Reading, 29 June - 3 July 2009.

Clarke, Ellen; Flower, Simon; Humphries, Thomas; Hussey, John; McIntosh, Robert; MacTaggart, Fergus; McIntyre, Brian; Owenson, Nicola; Henderson, Keith; Mann, Elizabeth; Mackenzie, Kenneth; Piper, Simon; Wilson, Louise; Gillanders, Richard; Kilpatrick, Karen. 2009 The digitisation of observatory magnetograms. [Poster] In: IAGA 11th Scientific Assembly, Sopron, Hungary, 23-30 Aug 2009. (Unpublished)

Cole, S.J.; Moore, R.J.; Robson, A.J.; Bell, V.A. ORCID: 2009 Ensemble Flood Forecasting. [Poster] In: NERC Flood Risk from Extreme Events (FREE) Ensemble Workshop, Wokefield Park Hotel, Reading, 23-24 September 2009. (Unpublished)

Comont, Richard; Harrington, Richard; Lewis, Owen T.; Purse, Bethan ORCID:; Roy, Helen ORCID: 2009 Modeling Harmonia axyridis interactions within the aphidophagous guild. [Poster] In: 1st meeting of the IOBC/WPRS study group "Benefits & risks associated with exotic biological control agents": Harmonia axyridis and other invasive ladybirds, Engelberg, Switzerland, 6-10th September 2009.

Cooke, Richard D. ORCID:; Thorne, Peter. D. ORCID:; Moate, Benjamin. D.; Bell, Paul. S. ORCID: 2009 Evaluation and preliminary results from an autonomous 3-axis coherent acoustic Doppler velocity profiler. In: 3rd International conference and exhibition on underwater acoustic measurements: technologies and results, Nafplion, Greece, 21st June 2009 to 26th June 2009. Greece, F.O.R.T.H., 491-496.

Davies, Jeffrey. 2009 Hydrogeological mapping of north-central Madagascar using limited data. In: Groundwater 2009 conference Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 16-18 Nov 2009. (Unpublished)

Dawson, Ewan; Reay, Sarah; Macmillan, Susan; Flower, Simon; Shanahan, Tom. 2009 Quality control procedures at the World Data Centre for Geomagnetism (Edinburgh). [Poster] In: IAGA 11th Scientific Assembly, Sopron, Hungary, 23-30 Aug 2009. (Unpublished)

Day, John ORCID: 2009 The all-British blackflies DNA barcoding project. [Speech] In: The British Simuliid Group 30th Annual Meeting, London, 18 Sep 2009. (Unpublished)

De Waele, B; Horstwood, M.S.A.; Pitfield, P.E.J.; Thomas, R.J.; Key, R.M.; Rabarimana, M.; Rafahatelo, J.-M.; Ralison, V.; Randriamananjara, T.. 2009 The architecture of the “Betsimisaraka Suture Zone” : a record of oceanic arcs and associated metasedimentary successions between the “Indian” and “African” parts of Madagascar. In: International Conference on Island Arc, Continent Collisions, The Macquarie Arc Conference, Orange, Australia, April 2009. Orange, Australia, 56-57.

Dinsmore, Kerry; Billett, Michael. 2009 Role of the aquatic pathway in the carbon and greenhouse gas budgets of a peatland catchment. [Speech] In: British Soil Science Society Meeting 2009, 5 May 2009. (Unpublished)

Dinsmore, Kerry; Billett, Mike. 2009 Variability in CO2 concentrations and sources in a peatland stream during storm-flow events. [Poster] In: Peat Net, Prague, Czech Republic, 27-30th October 2009. (Unpublished)

Duenas, Manuel A. ORCID: 2009 Aquatic Weed Research at Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH). [Speech] In: The 41st Robson Meeting., George Hall, Swansea, Wales., 17th-18th February 2009.

Entwisle, David; Cameron, Don; Ambrose, Keith; Bloodworth, Andrew. 2009 Brief overview of the quarried formations around the UK. [Other] In: Geotechnics in the Quarrying Industry : Meeting of the Engineering Group of the Geological Society, London, UK, 20 May 2009. (Unpublished)

Entwisle, David; Northmore, Kevin; Milodowski, Tony; Jefferson, Ian. 2009 The engineering geology of Loessic Deposits in south east England. [Lecture] In: Engineering geology of the Quaternary deposits’, joint Conference of the Thames Valley Regional Group and the Engineering Group of the Geological Society, Reading, UK, 31 March 2009. (Unpublished)

Evans, Jonathan G. ORCID:; De Bruin, H.A.R.. 2009 On temporal spectra of scintillometers. [Speech] In: 9th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM), Toulouse, France, 28 September - 02 October 2009.

Farrell, Rolf; Whiteman, Mark; Kessler, Holger. 2009 Geological and hydrogeological models in the Environment Agency. [Poster] In: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2009, Illinois, USA, 18-21 Oct 2009. Environment Agency. (Unpublished)

Flower, Simon. 2009 Setting standards for global exchange of real-time data. [Poster] In: NERC Data Managment Workshop 2009, Oxford Belfry. Thame, Oxford, 17-18 February 2009. (Unpublished)

Ford, J.R.; Price, S.J.; Cooper, A.H.; Kessler, H.. 2009 The enhanced classification of artificial ground as a tool to investigate and represent anthropogenic processes in the recent geological record. [Poster] In: UK Archaeological Sciences Biennial Conference (UKAS), Nottingham, UK, 8-10 Sept 2009. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Galeriu, D.; Melintescu, A.; Beresford, N.A.. 2009 Energy Metabolism – as a General Principle – for Modeling the Transfer of Carbon and Tritium across Animals. [Lecture] In: International Conference on Environment: Survival and Sustainability, Nicosia, 19-24 February 2007. Nicosia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus: Educational Foundation of Near East University, 1953-1964.

Gedge, Michael; Boltryk, Rosemary J.; Glynne Jones, Peter; Hill, Martyn; Mowlem, Matthew; Morgan, Hywel. 2009 Modelling of a standing surface acoustic wave device for flow cytometry in an oceanographic sensor. In: USWNet (Ultrasonic Standing Wave Network) 2009, Stockholm, Sweden, 03 Nov - 01 Dec 2009.

Gibbs, Melanie; Breuker, Casper J.; Hesketh, Helen ORCID:; Hails, Rosie; Van Dyck, Hans. 2009 Maternal effects and offspring immune defence in the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria. [Poster] In: 12th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Torino, Italy, 24-29 Aug 2009.

Giles, Jeremy. 2009 A practitioners guide to managing geoscience information. In: Digital Mapping Techniques 09, West Virginia, USA, 10-13 May 2009. (Unpublished)

Giles, Jeremy; Kessler, Holger. 2009 Why doesn't your model pass information to mine? In: Digital Mapping Techniques 09, West Virginia, USA, 10-13 May 2009. (Unpublished)

Giles, Jerry; Waters, Robin; Walker, Rob. 2009 How INSPIREd is NERC? In: GSDI 11 World Conference - Spatial Data Infrastructure Convergence: Bulding SDI Bridges to address Global Challenges, Rotterdam, 15-19 June 2009. GSDI 11 World Conference - Spatial Data Infrastructure Convergence: Bulding SDI Bridges to address Global Challenges, 1-11.

Goodenough, K.M.; Styles, M.T.; Thomas, R.J.; Schofield, D.; Lilly, R.M.; McKervey, J.. 2009 Assembly of the Oman-UAE ophiolite : evidence for a multi-phase magmatic history [abstract]. In: Workshop of the ILP-Task Force on Sedimentary Basins, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 6-11 Dec 2009. 62-64. (Unpublished)

Goodenough, Kathryn; Thomas, Bob; De Waele, Bert; Jacobs, Joachim; Key, Roger. 2009 Lithospheric controls on emplacement of post-collisional granitoids : examples from the Pan-African and Caledonian orogens [abstract]. In: Evolution of the Continental Crust: The Janet Watson Meeting, London, 22-29 May 2009. London, Geological Society.

Goodenough, Kathryn; Thomas, Robert; De Waele, Bert; Key, Roger; Jacobs, Joachim. 2009 Cambrian post-tectonic granitoid magmatism in northern Madagascar. In: 6th International Colloquium 3 Ma, Beni Mellal, Morocco, 23-27 April 2009. Beni Mellal, Morocco, 3Ma, 73-74.

Halada, L.; Jongman, R.G.H.; Gerard, F.; Whittaker, L.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Bauch, B.; Schmeller, D.S.. 2009 The European Biodiversity Observation Network - EBONE. [Speech] In: Proceedings of the European conference of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU: TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT. Opportunities of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knwoledge in Europe, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-27 March, 2009. Brno, Czech Republic, Masaryk University, 177-188. (Submitted)

Hamilton, Brian; Macmillan, Susan. 2009 Extracting long-term trends in geomagnetic daily-variations and indices. [Poster] In: IAGA 11th Scientific Assembly, Sopron, Hungary, 23-30 Aug 2009. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Hamilton, Brian; Macmillan, Susan; Thomson, Alan; Reay, Derek. 2009 Improving time-dependent parameters of magnetic field models. [Poster] In: Second Swarm International Science Meeting, Potsdam, 24-26 June 2009. (Unpublished)

Harding, Richard; Blyth, Eleanor ORCID: 2009 Current knowledge of the terrestrial Global water Cycle – past and future. [Speech] In: EGU 2009.

Harmens, H. ORCID:; Norris, D.; and the participants of the, European Moss Survey. 2009 Spatial and temporal trends in heavy metal accumulation in mosses in Europe (1990-2005). [Other] In: 5th International Workshop on Biomonitoring of Air Pollution (5th BioMAP), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 20 – 24 Sept 2009.

Harmens, H. ORCID:; Norris, D.A.; Leblond, S.; and the participants of the, European Moss Survey. 2009 Spatial and temporal trends in heavy metal accumulation in mosses in Europe. [Other] In: Meeting of the International Association of Bryologists (IAB 2009), South-Africa, 16 – 21 August 2009.

Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Norris, David; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID:; and the participants of the, European Moss Survey. 2009 Spatial and temporal trends in heavy metal accumulation in mosses in the UK and Europe. [Other] In: CAPER 2009 - 34th Annual Meeting, Manchester, UK, 6 – 8 April 2009.

Harrison, Roy; Dall'Osto, M.; Gallagher, M.; Williams, P.; Coe, H; Allan, J.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Phillips, G.; Jones, R.; Barlow, J.; Thorpe, A.; Bloss, W.; Benton, A.; Di Marco, C.; Ball, S.; Martin, C.; Lewis, A.; Martin, D.; Davies, F.; Kinnersley, R.; Green, D.. 2009 REPARTEE-I and REPARTEE-II (Regent’s Park and Tower Environmental Experiment). [Other] In: European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany, 6-11 September 2009. Abstract T130A07, Association for Aerosol Research.

Haslam, Richard; Clarke, Stuart; Styles, Peter; Auton, Clive. 2009 Structural modeling of possible contaminant pathways below nuclear installations. [Poster] In: Tectonic Studies Group Annual General Meeting, Keele, UK, 5-8 January 2009. (Unpublished)

Helfter, C. ORCID:; Coyle, M.; Di Marco, C. F.; Phillips, G. J; Siong, J.; Skiba, U. M ORCID:; Fowler, D.; Nemitz, E. ORCID: 2009 Greenhouse gas emission in SE Asia: contrasts between an oil palm plantation and a primary forest. [Poster] In: APPRAISE annual science meeting, Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester, UK., 29-30 September 2009.

Helfter, Carole ORCID:; Coyle, Mhairi; Phillips, Gavin; Siong, Jambery; Skiba, Ute ORCID:; Fowler, David; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID: 2009 Measurements of turbulence, heat fluxes and greenhouse gas fluxes above tropical rain forest and oil palm in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. [Poster] In: Asiaflux annual workshop, University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan, 27-29 October 2009.

Helfter, Carole ORCID:; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID:; Phillips, Gavin; Di Marco, Chiara; Coyle, Mhairi; Whitehead, Jamie; Flynn, Michael; Mueller, Jennifer; Gallagher, Martin. 2009 Turbulence, heat and trace gas fluxes above a South-East Asian rainforest. [Poster] In: Proceedings of the International Conference of “Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry in Forest Ecosystems, Catle of Thurnau, Germany, 5-8 Oct 2009. University of Bayreuth, Germany.

Hesketh, Helen ORCID:; Svendsen, Claus ORCID:; Hails, Rosie S.. 2009 Defining the response of Mamestra brassicae to mixed infections. In: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Park City, Utah, 16-20 Aug 2009. Society for Invertebrate Pathology.

Hessner, Katrin; Bell, Paul S. ORCID: 2009 High Resolution Current & Bathymetry Determined by Nautical X-Band Radar in Shallow Waters. In: OCEANS ´09 IEEE Bremen - Balancing technology with future needs, Bremen, Germany, 11–14 May 2009. Richardson, TX, USA, IEEE, 1-5.

Hill, Katy ORCID:; Moltmann, Tim; Meyers, Gary; Proctor, Roger. 2009 The Australian Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS). In: OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society, Venice, Italy, 21-25 Sep 2009.

Holy, Marcel; Pesch, Roland; Schröder, Winfried; Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Fagerli, Hilde; Ilyin, Ilia; and the participants of the, European moss survey. 2009 First Europe-wide correlation analysis of factors affecting the total nitrogen and heavy metal concentration in mosses including deposition values. [Other] In: Annual symposium of the working group on Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German Chemical Society, Trier, Germany, 23 – 25 Sept 2009.

Howard, Andrew S.. 2009 From 2D geological maps to multi-dimensional models of environmental change impacts : challenges and aspirations for national geological surveys [extended abstract]. In: EUREGEO 2009 : European congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems, Munich, Germany, 9-12 June 2009. Augsburg, Bayerisches Landesamt fur Umwelt, 64-65.

Howard, Brenda J. ORCID: 2009 Radiocaesium and other radionuclides in the environment. [Speech] In: Summer School MYCOREMED - Role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the accumulation of radiocesium by plants, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 24-25 September 2009. 15-16. (Unpublished)

Howe, Mike. 2009 Darwin & the Geological Survey : an unlikely collaboration? [Lecture] In: Darwin in the field : collecting, observation and experiment, Cambridge, 11-12 July 2009. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Hughes, A.; Hill, J.; Jones, R.; Purchase, T.; Hill, M.; Boltryk, R.J.; Gedge, M.; Glynne-Jones, P.. 2009 Development of an ultrasonic particle trap incorporating 3-dimensional geometric features. In: IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Rome, Italy, 20-23 Sep 2009. (Submitted)

Jackson, Ian. 2009 Make a difference outside your own backyard. In: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2009, Illinois, USA, 18-21 Oct 2009. Illinois, USA, Illinois State Geological Survey, 14-16.

Jackson, Ian. 2009 OneGeology : making geology accessible. In: EUREGEO 2009 : European congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems, Munich, Germany, 9-12 June 2009. Augsburg, Bayerisches Landesamt fur Umwelt, 245-247.

Jacobs, Joachim; Thomas, Robert J.; Kosuke, Ueda; Kleinhanns, Ilka; Emmel, Benjamin; Rajeev, Kumar; Bingen, Bernard; Engvik, Ane. 2009 Coupled delamination and indentor-escape tectonics in the southern part of the c. 650-500 Ma East African/Antarctic Orogen. In: 2009 Portland GSA Annual meeting (18-21 October 2009), Portland, 18-21 October 2009. Geological Society of America, 178.

Joint, Ian; Karl, David M.; Doney, Scott C.; Armbrust, E. Virginia; Balch, William; Beman, Michael; Bowler, Christopher; Church, Matthew; Dickson, Andrew; Heidelberg, John; Iglesias-Rodriguez, Debora; Kirchman, David; Kolber, Zbigniew; Letelier, Ricardo; Lupp, Claudia; Maberly, Stephen ORCID:; Park, Susan; Raven, John; Repeta, Daniel J.; Riebesell, Ulf; Steward, Grieg; Tortell, Philippe; Zeebe, Richard E.; Zehr, Jonathan P.. 2009 Consequences of high CO2 and ocean acidification for microbes in the global ocean. In: Rising CO2, Ocean Acidification, and Their Impacts on Marine Microbes, University of Hawaii, USA, 24-26 Feb 2009.

Jordan, Colm. 2009 SIGMAmobile : the BGS digital field mapping system in action : in the United Arab Emirates. [Lecture] In: Digital Mapping Techniques 09, West Virginia, USA, 10-13 May 2009. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Jordan, Colm; Bateson, Luke; Bow, Jennifer; Newell, Andy; Napier, Bruce ORCID:; Sabine, Rosemary Johnson. 2009 GeovisionaryTM software for 3D visualisation and petroleum exploration in southern Tajikistan. In: RSPSoc 2009 : New Dimensions in Earth Observation, Leicester, UK, 8-11 Sept 2009. (Unpublished)

Jordan, Colm; Carney, John; Thomas, Chris; Turner, Paul. 2009 Updating the geology of the Volta river and Keta Basin of Ghana using remote sensing and focussed field mapping. In: RSPSoc 2009 : New Dimensions in Earth Observation, Leicester, UK, 8-11 Sept 2009. (Unpublished)

Jordan, Colm J.. 2009 BGS Sigma mobile : the BGS digital field mapping system in action. In: Digital Mapping Techniques 09, West Virginia, USA, 10-13 May 2009.

Katsiadaki, Ioanna; Allen, Yvonne; Mayer, Ian; Pottinger, Tom; Sanders, Matthew B.; Sebire, Marion; Scott, Alexander P.. 2009 Summary of the in vivo stickleback tests aimed to be part of the official OECD guidelines for endocrine disruptor testing. [Poster] In: SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting. Protecting ecosystem health: facing the challenge of a globally changing environment, Göteborg, Sweden, 31 May - 4 June 2009. (Unpublished)

Kentisbeer, John; Cape, Neil; Leaver, David. 2009 Continuous and integrated monitoring of rural atmospheric mercury levels in the UK. [Keynote] In: CAPER 2009 - 34th Annual Meeting, Manchester, UK, 6–8 April 2009. (Unpublished)

Kessler, Holger; Campbell, Diarmad; Ford, Jon; Giles, Jeremy; Hughes, Andrew; Jackson, Ian; Peach, Denis; Price, Simon; Sobisch, Hans-Georg; Terrington, Ricky; Wood, Ben. 2009 Building on geological models : the vision of an environmental modelling platform. In: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting 2009, Illinois, USA, 18-21 Oct 2009. Illinois, USA, Geological Society of America, 24-30.

Key, Roger; Pitfield, P.; Thomas, R.; Bateson, Luke; Chacksfield, Barrie; Ford, Jon.; Goodenough, K.; Horstwood, M.; O'Connor, Eugene; Schofield, D.; Walker, A.. 2009 The Precambrian framework of Northern and Central Madagascar [abstract]. [Other] In: International Conference on Paleoproterozoic Supercontinents and Global Evolution, Kolkata, India, 2009. Kolkata, India, Indian Statistical Institute, 15-16.

King, Wendy; Greef, Robert; Byfield, Valborg; Ermakov, Stanislav; Frey, Jeremy G.. 2009 Characterisation of the sea surface microlayer - using Langmuir films and ellipsometry. [Poster] In: Canadian Meterological and Oceanographic Society 2009 Congress, Halifax, Canada, 31 May - 05 Jun 2009. Southampton, UK, University of Southampton. (Unpublished)

Lavers, David; Luo, Lifeng; Wood, Eric. 2009 Comparison of idealized and actual predictability of temperature and precipitation in the CFS and DEMETER seasonal climate models. [Speech] In: GEWEX 6th International Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, Melbourne, 24-28th August 2009. (Unpublished)

Liu, Z.; Acreman, M.C.; Luo, Y.; Gong, F.J.; Chen, M.R.; Lin, X.. 2009 Environmental flow allocation for the Zhangxi River, China. In: International Conference on Implementing Environmental Water Allocations, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 23-26 February 2009. (Unpublished)

Loke, M.H.; Wilkinson, P.B.. 2009 Rapid parallel computation of optimised arrays for electrical imaging surveys [extended abstract]. In: Near Surface 2009, Dublin, Ireland, 7-9 Sept 2009. (Unpublished)

Ludden, John. 2009 The continental crust : living on it and developin[g] our interaction with it [abstract]. In: Workshop of the ILP-Task Force on Sedimentary Basins, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 6-11 Dec 2009. 110. (Unpublished)

Lusty, P.A.J.; McDonnell, P.M.; Gunn, A.G.; Chacksfield, B.C.; Cooper, M.. 2009 Gold potential in the Dalradian rocks of NW Northern Ireland: GIS-based prospectivity analysis using Tellus data. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009. Vienna, Austria, European Geological Union.

MacDonald, Alan ORCID:; Maurice, Lou; Booth, David; Auton, Clive; Reeves, Helen. 2009 Measuring in situ permeability of Quaternary deposits: examples from Forres, Morayshire. [Lecture] In: Engineering Geology of the Quaternary Deposits, Reading, UK, 31 March 2009. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Macey, P.H.; Thomas, R.J.; Grantham, G.H.; Ingram, B.; Jacobs, J.; Armstrong, R.A.; Roberts, M.P.; Hollick, L.; Bingen, B.; de Kock, G.; Bjerkgård, G.; Henderson, I.; Cronwright, M.; Solli, A.; Nordgulen, Ø; Viola, G.; Motuza, G.; Daudi, E.X.; Manhica, V.. 2009 Mesoproterozoic geology of the Nampula Sub-province, northern Mozambique. In: Geological Society of London, Fermor Meeeting 2009, Edinburgh, UK, 6-13 September 2009. Edinburgh, UK, Geological Society of London, 66.

Mackay, H.M.; Davidson, N.; Acreman, M.; Rowlston, W.S.; Scodanibbio, L.; Tharme, R.E.. 2009 Water and wetlands in the Ramsar Convention: encouraging river basin approaches for conservation and wise use of wetlands. In: International Conference on Implementing Environmental Water Allocations, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 23-26 Feb 2009.

Macmillan, Susan; Hamilton, Brian; Beggan, Ciaran; Thomson, Alan. 2009 Magnetic Field Modelling at the BGS and Readiness for Utilising Swarm Data. [Poster] In: Royal Astronomical Society SWARM Meeting, London, 9 October 2009. (Unpublished)

Macmillan, Susan; McKay, Allan; Grindrod, Steve. 2009 Confidence limits associated with values of the Earth's magnetic field used for directional drilling. In: 2009 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, 17-19 March 2009. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1-13.

Macmillan, Susan; Thomson, Alan; Hamilton, Brian; Reay, Sarah. 2009 Improving time-dependent parameters of magnetic field models. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, 19-24 Apr 2009. (Unpublished)

Marchant, B.P.; Tye, A.M.; Rawlins, B.G.. 2009 The assessment of point-source and diffuse soil metal pollution in Swansea (Wales, UK) using robust geostatistical methods. [Poster] In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009.

Mathers, Stephen; Kessler, Holger; Sobisch, Hans-Georg. 2009 3D geological modelling at the British Geological Survey using the GS13D software and methodology [extended abstract]. In: EUREGEO 2009 : European congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems, Munich, Germany, 9-12 June 2009. Augsburg, Bayerisches Landesamt fur Umwelt, 82-84.

Matthiessen, Peter; Balaam, Jan; Johnson, Andrew ORCID:; Katsiadaki, Ioanna; Pottinger, Tom; Readman, Jim; Sumpter, John; Tyler, Charles; Zhou, John. 2009 The impact of oestrogenic sewage discharges on fish populations. In: SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting. Protecting ecosystem health: facing the challenge of a globally changing environment, Göteborg, Sweden, 31 May - 4 June 2009. (Unpublished)

Merrifield, M.; Aarup, T.; Allen, A.; Aman, A.; Bradshaw, E.; Caldwell, P.; Fernandes, R. M. S.; Hayashibara, H.; Hernandez, F.; Kilonsky, B.; Martin Miguez, B.; Mitchum, G.; Perez Gomez, B.; Rickards, L. J.; Rosen, D.; Schone, T.; Szabados, M.; Testut, L.; Woodworth, P. ORCID:; Woppelmann, G.; Zavala, J.. 2009 The global sea level observing system (GLOSS). In: The OceanObs '09 Conference, Venice, 21st-25th September 2009.

Meyers, G.; Neilson, J.; McGowen, M.; Hill, K. ORCID:; Allen, S.. 2009 The Australian Integrated Marine Observing System. In: AMSA2009 46th Annual Conference for the Australian Marine Sciences Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 5 - 9 July 2009.

Milodowski, A.E.; Constantinou, C.A.; Alexander, W.R.; Rigas, M.; Tweed, C.J.; Sellin, P.; Korkeakoski, P.; Kemp, S.J. ORCID:; Rushton, J.C. ORCID: 2009 Reaction of bentonite in low alkali cement leachates : preliminary results from the Cyprus Natural Analogue Project (CNAP). In: International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management ICEM 2009, Liverpool, UK, 11-15 Oct 2009. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Misztal, Pawel K.; Langford, Ben; Di Marco, Chiara F.; Phillips, Gavin J.; Hewitt, Nick; Cape, J. Neil; Heal, Mathew R.; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID: 2009 PTR-MS measurements of concentrations and fluxes of biogenic VOCs in the humid tropics - rain forest vs. oil palm plantation. In: 4th International Conference on Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry and its Applications, Obergurgl, Austria, 16 - 21 Feb 2009. Innsbruck, Austria, Innsbruck University Press, 120-124.

Mitchell, Clive ORCID: 2009 High-purity limestone assessment : from mine to market. [Lecture] In: Investment Opportunities in Saudi Industrial Minerals Workshop, Jeddah,Saudi Arabia, 9 March 2009. 1-20. (Unpublished)

Moat, B.I. ORCID:; Yelland, M.J. ORCID:; Pascal, R.W.. 2009 Oceanic whitecap coverage measured during UK-SOLAS cruises. In: 16th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction, Phoenix, USA, 11-15 Jan 2009. (Unpublished)

Moate, Benjamin D.; Thorne, Peter D. ORCID: 2009 Measurements of the scattering characteristics of sediment suspensions with different mineralogical compositions. In: 3rd International conference and exhibition on underwater acoustic measurements: technologies and results, Nafplion, Greece, 21st June 2009 to 26th June 2009. Greece, F.O.R.T.H., 497-502.

Moore, R.J.; Cole, S.J.; Robson, A.J.; Bell, V.A. ORCID: 2009 Flood forecasting using deterministic and ensemble high-resolution NWP. [Poster] In: Third NERC Flood Risk from Extreme Events (FREE) Science Meeting, University of Plymouth, 10-11 September 2009. (Unpublished)

Moore, R.J.; Cole, S.J.; Robson, A.J.; Bell, V.A. ORCID: 2009 Initialisation, data assimilation and uncertainty for hydrological flood models. [Keynote] In: Third NERC Flood Risk from Extreme Events (FREE) Science Meeting, University of Plymouth, 10-11 September 2009. (Unpublished)

Murphy, Hazel; Robinson, Mark; Evans, Jon ORCID:; Owen, Susan; Leaver, David; Bealey, Bill ORCID:; Helfter, Carole ORCID:; Levy, Peter ORCID:; Wilson, Rory. 2009 FluxMet A new approach to integrating flux data within CEH. [Poster] In: CEH Staff Conference, Aston University Business School, Birmingham, UK, 8-9 Dec 2009. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (Unpublished)

Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Phillips, G. J.; Thomas, R.; Di Marco, C. F.; Tang, Y.; Coe, H.; Allan, J.; Harrison, R. M.; Fowler, D.. 2009 Nitrate dynamics in UK urban environments. [Other] In: European Aerosol Conference 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany, 6-11 September 2009. Abstract T130A10, Association for Aerosol Research.

Nemitz, Eiko ORCID:; Huffmann, Alex; Jimenez, Jose; Baker, Brad; Walker, John T.; Delia, Alice; Toohey, Darin; Karl, Thomas; Stroud, Craig; Guenther, Alex. 2009 Size and composition resolved aerosol fluxes above a pine forest and their response to biogenic chemistry. [Lecture] In: Proceedings of the International Conference of “Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry in Forest Ecosystems”, Castle of Thurnau, Germany, 5-8 Oct 2009. University of Bayreuth, Germany, 8.

Newman, Jonathan R.; Shaw, Richard; Duenas, Manuel A. ORCID: 2009 Hydrocotyle ranunculoides L.f. – Origins and Control Options. [Speech] In: 49th Annual Meeting of the Aquatic Plant Management Society, Milwaukee, Wiscosin (USA), 12th -15th July, 2009.. Aquatic Plant Management Society, 42.

Newton, Ian ORCID: 2009 Introduction. [Speech] In: Ingestion of Lead from Spent Ammunition: Implications for Wildlife and Humans., Boise, Idaho, USA, 12-15 May 2008. Boise, Idaho, The Peregrine Fund.

Newton, Ian ORCID: 2009 Summary of the main findings and conclusions of the conference “Ingestion of spent lead ammunition: implications for wildlife and humans". [Speech] In: Ingestion of Lead from Spent Ammunition: Implications for Wildlife and Humans., Boise, Idaho, USA, 12-15 May 2008. Boise, Idaho, The Peregrine Fund.

O Dochartaigh, B.E.; Fordyce, F.M.; Ander, E.L.; Bonsor, H.C.. 2009 Preliminary development of a GIS-tool to assess threats to shallow groundwater quality from soil pollutants in Glasgow, UK (GRASP) [abstract only]. [Lecture] In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, Vienna, 19-24 April 2009. European Geosciences Union.

O Dochartaigh, Brighid; Fordyce, Fiona; Ander, Louise; Bonsor, Helen. 2009 Groundwater and soil pollutants (GRASP) : a screening tool applying soil geochemical data to assess threats to shallow groundwater in Glasgow. [Lecture] In: William Smith Meeting, London, UK, 21-23 Sept 2009. (Unpublished)

Ogburn, Sarah E.; Loughlin, Sue C.; Calder, Eliza S.; Ortiz, Natalie. 2009 Dome forming eruptions: a global hazards database [abstract only]. In: AGU conference. (Unpublished)

Ogilvy, R.D.; Kuras, O.; Palumbo-Roe, B.; Meldrum, P.I.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Chambers, J.E.; Klinck, B.A.. 2009 The detection and tracking of mine-water pollution from abandoned mines using electrical tomography. In: International Mine Water Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, 19-23 Oct 2009. (Unpublished)

Pharaoh, Tim; Chadwick, Andy; Rowley, John. 2009 Crustal structure of the UAE : evidence from deep seismic reflection data. In: Workshop of the ILP-Task Force on Sedimentary Basins, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 6-11 Dec 2009. 155-156.

Phillips, Emrys; Ellison, Richard; Arkley, Sarah. 2009 The depositional and te[c]tonic evolution of the southern margin of the Neotethys Ocean during the Late Cretaceous : evidence from the northern United Arab Emirates [abstract]. In: Workshop of the ILP-Task Force on Sedimentary Basins, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 6-11 Dec 2009. 157-159. (Unpublished)

Phillips, G.J.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Thomas, R.; Famulari, D.; Williams, P.; Allan, J.; Di Marco, C.; Coe, H.; Harrison, R.M.; Fowler, D.. 2009 Chemically-speciated aerosol fluxes above three UK cities. [Speech] In: European Aerosol Conference, Karlsruhe, 6-11 Sept 2009. Karlsruhe, Germany, T130A02.

Pottinger, Tom G.. 2009 Selective breeding to improve welfare in farmed fish: Modification of the stress response in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). [Invited Paper] In: Veterinary Laboratories Agency International Conference 2009 - Animal Diseases, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2nd - 4th September 2009. (Unpublished)

Price, Oliver R.; Williams, Richard J.; Zhang, Zhong; van Egmond, Roger. 2009 Spatially explicit river catchment modelling of decamethylcyclopentasiloxane. [Poster] In: SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting. Protecting ecosystem health: facing the challenge of a globally changing environment, Gothenburg, Sweden, 31 May - 4 June 2009. Brussels, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.

Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Genevier, Marie. 2009 Is flood occurence in Europe linked to specific atmospheric circulation types? [Poster] In: EGU 2009, Vienna, 19-24 April 2009.

Prytherch, J.; Yelland, M.J.; Pascal, R.W.; Taylor, P.K. ORCID:; Moat, B.I. ORCID:; Skjelvan, I.; Neill, C.. 2009 Initial turbulent flux results from station Mike. In: 16th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction, Phoenix, USA, 11-15 Jan 2009. Boston MA, US, American Meteorological Society. (Unpublished)

Rawlins, B.G.; Scheib, C.; Tyler, A.N.; Jones, D.; Webster, R.; Young, M.E.. 2009 The spatial distribution of caesium-137 over Northern Ireland from fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear accident. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009.

Rawlins, Barry; Whitmore, Andy; Coleman, Kevin. 2009 A tale of two cities : why can't we account for large differences in topsoil SOC concentrations in two cities? [Poster] In: Soil Organic Matters, Harpenden, UK, 23-25 June 2009. (Unpublished)

Reay, Sarah; Dawson, Ewan; Flower, Simon; Herzog, Don; Macmillan, Susan. 2009 Towards a metadata standard for geomagnetic observatory data. [Lecture] In: IAGA 11th Scientific Assembly, Sopron, Hungary, 23-30 Aug 2009. (Unpublished)

Reis, S. ORCID:; Sabel, C.; Oxley, T.. 2009 Implications of different spatial (and temporal) resolutions for integrated assessment modelling on the regional to local scale – nesting, coupling, or model integration? In: 18th World IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Cairns, Australia, 13-17 July 2009. 2328-2334.

Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Lang, Myriam; Vieno, Massimo ORCID: 2009 Improving the temporal profiles of emission input data for high resolution atmospheric transport modelling – a case study for the UK. In: 18th Annual International Emission Inventory Conference."Comprehensive Inventories -Leveraging Technology and Resources", Baltimore, 14 - 17 April 2009. US Environmental Protection Agency: Clearinghouse for Inventories & Emissions Factors.

Reynard, N.S. ORCID:; Crooks, S.M.; Kay, A.L. ORCID:; Prudhomme, C. ORCID:; Donovan, B.; Hardy, K.; Wilby, R.L.. 2009 Regionalisation of climate impacts on flood flows to support the development of climate change guidance for Flood Management. In: FCRM09 44th Annual Defra Flood & Coastal Risk Management Conference, Telford, 30 June - 02 July 2009.

Robins, Nicholas; Cobbing, Jude E.; Davies, Jeffrey. 2009 'Grey data' : groundwater knowledge sharing in SADC. In: Geological Society of South Africa Biennial Groundwater Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 16-18 Nov 2009.

Rogers, C.D.F.; Chapman, D.N.; Entwisle, D.; Jones, L.; Kessler, H.; Metje, N.; Mica, L.; Morey, M.; Pospisil, P.; Price, S.; Raclavsky, J.; Raines, M.; Scott, H.; Thomas, A.M.. 2009 Predictive mapping of soil geophysical properties for GPR utility location surveys. In: 5th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar, Granada, Spain, 27-29 May 2009. 60-67. (Unpublished)

Roy, Helen ORCID: 2009 Encounters with an alien: Harmonia axyridis in Europe. [Keynote] In: 1st Meeting of IOBC WPRS Study Group Benefits and Risks Associated with Exotic Biological Control Agents, Engelberg, Switzerland, 6-10th September 2009.

Roy, Helen ORCID:; Baverstock, J; Eilenberg, J; Hails, Rosemary; Hesketh, Helen ORCID:; McCracken, Morag ORCID:; Meyling, N; Pell, JK. 2009 Ecology of fungal entomopathogens. In: 2nd Entomopathogens and Microbial Control Symposium, Mugla, Turkey, 24-27 September 2009.

Roy, Helen ORCID:; Majerus, M. E. N.. 2009 Sex wars and alien invaders. [Lecture] In: Proceedings of the 1st meeting of IOBC WPRS study group Benefits and Risks of Exotic Biological Control Agents, Engelberg, Switzerland, 6-10 September 2009.

Roy, Helen ORCID:; Pell, J. K.; Thomas, A. P. M.; Ormond, E. L.. 2009 Overlapping niches of Beauveria bassiana in a conifer forest. [Lecture] In: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Park City, Utah, 16-20 August 2009.

Royse, Katherine. 2009 New insights into the geology under London through the analysis of 3D models. In: EUREGEO 2009 : European congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems, Munich, Germany, 9-12 June 2009. Munich, Germany, Bayerisches Landesamt fur Umwelt Referat GeoForum Bayern, Geotopkataster.

Ryder, James; Langford, Ben; Oram, David; Misztal, Pawel; Helfter, Carole ORCID:; Phillips, Gavin; Coyle, Mhairi; Whitehead, Jamie; Lowe, Douglas; McFiggans, Gordon; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID: 2009 Sources, sinks and chemical processing of volatile organic compounds within a South-East Asian rainforest canopy. [Lecture] In: Proceedings of the International Conference of “Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry in Forest Ecosystems”, Castle of Thurnau, Germany, 5-8 Oct 2009. University of Bayreuth, Germany, 30.

Scheib, Andreas; Lee, Jonathan; Breward, Neil; Lister, Bob. 2009 Regional geochemical soil data as aid to the reconstruction of Mid-Pleistocene ice flows across Central and Eastern England. In: 24th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium (IAGS 2009), New Brunswick, Canada, 1-4 June 2009.

Scheib, C.; Beamish, D.; Rawlins, B.G.; Donald, A.W.. 2009 Natural and anthropogenic radioactivity of Northern Ireland; variation in gamma dose rate. [Lecture] In: William Smith Meeting, London, UK, 21-23 Sept 2009. (Unpublished)

Scheib, Cathy; Beamish, David. 2009 High resolution observations of 137Cs in northern Britain and Ireland from airborne radiometric data. In: Near Surface 2009, Dublin, Ireland, 7-9 Sept 2009. EAGE, 1-5.

Shum, C.K; Plag, Hans-Peter; Schroter, Jens; Zlotnicki, Victor; Bender, Peter; Braun, Alexander; Cazenave, Anny; Chamber, Don; Duan, Jianbin; Emery, William; Fotopoulos, Georgia; Gouretski, Viktor; Gross, Richard; Gruber, Thomas; Guo, Junyi; Han, Guoqi; Hughes, Christopher(as contributor) ORCID:; Ishii, Masayoshi; Jayne, Steven; Johannesen, Johnny; Knudsen, Per; Kuo, Chung-Yen; Leuliette, Eric; Levitus, Sydney; Maximenko, Nikolai; Miller, Laury; Morison, James; Rashid, Harunur; Ries, John; Rothacher, Markus; Rummel, Reiner; Shibuya, Kazuo; Sideris, Michael; Song, Y.Tony; Stammer, Detlef; Thomas, Maik; Willis, Josh; Woodworth, Philip(as contributor). 2009 Geodetic observations of ocean surface topography, ocean currents, ocean mass, and ocean volume changes. In: The OceanObs '09 Conference, Venice, 21-25 September 2009.

Smith, Kevin; Whitley, Patrick; Kimbell, Geoffrey S.; Kubala, Martin; Johnson, Howard. 2009 Enhancing the prospectivity of the Wyville Thomson Ridge. In: 2nd Faroe Islands Exploration Conference : Annales Societas Scientiarum Faeroensis. The Faroese Academy of Sciences, 286-302.

Smith, Mike J.; Jordan, Colm J.; Walsby, Jenny C.. 2009 Credit where credit's due : developing authorship strategies at the Journal of Maps. In: Digital Mapping Techniques 09, West Virginia, USA, 10-13 May 2009.

Stuart, Marianne. 2009 Statistical approaches to analysing trends in groundwater quality. [Keynote] In: Isonitrate Conference, Paris, France, 10-11 December 2009. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Thomas, Robert; Jacobs, Joachim; Goodenough, Kathryn. 2009 Cambrian post-tectonic granitoid magmatism in the southern East African-Antarctic Orogen. In: 6th International Colloquium 3 Ma, Beni Mellal, Morocco, 23-27 April 2009. Beni Mellal, Morocco, 3Ma, 117.

Thomson, Alan; Reay, Sarah; Dawson, Ewan. 2009 Estimating the extremes in European geomagnetic activity. [Poster] In: Sixth European Space Weather Week, Bruges, Belgium, 16-20 Nov 2009. (Unpublished)

Thomson, Alan; Reay, Sarah; Dawson, Ewan. 2009 Geomagnetic Extreme Statistics for Europe. [Poster] In: IAGA 11th Scientific Assembly, Sopron, Hungary, 23-30 Aug 2009. (Unpublished)

Thomson, Alan; Reay, Sarah J.; Dawson, Ewan. 2009 Geomagnetic extreme statistics for Europe. [Poster] In: IAGA 11th Scientific Assembly, Sopron, Hungary, 23-30 Aug 2009. (Unpublished)

Thomson, Bruce; James, Phillip; Whiteley, Andrew; Bailey, Mark; Griffiths, Robert Iwan ORCID: 2009 UK Soil Bacterial Biodiversity. [Poster] In: 10th International Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology (BAGECO 10), Uppsala, Sweden, 15-19 June 2009.

Thomson, Bruce; James, Phillip; Whiteley, Andrew; Bailey, Mark; Griffiths, Robert Iwan ORCID: 2009 UK Soil Bacterial Diversity: A Nationwide Study Examining the Environmental Factors which Determine Bacterial Community Composition. [Other] In: UK Molecular Microbial Ecology Group (MMEG) Meeting, University of Aberdeen, 30 July 2009. (Unpublished)

Tragheim, D.G.; Smith, K.B.. 2009 Evaluation of ENVI feature extraction for geological mapping in arid environments. [Speech] In: Object-Based Land Analysis Meeting, Nottingham, UK, 7-8 April 2009. (Unpublished)

Turner, Emma; Hesketh, Helen ORCID:; Hails, Rosie S.. 2009 Study of temperature-growth interactions of entomopathogenic fungi isolated from chalk grassland in the UK. [Poster] In: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Park City, Utah, 16-20 Aug 2009. Society for Invertebrate Pathology.

Upton, Kirsty; Hughes, Andrew; Jackson, Christopher; Peach, Denis; Vounaki, Thalia. 2009 Prediction of the spatio-temporal extent of groundwater flooding in Chalk catchments using lumped parameter models. [Poster] In: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 14-18 December 2009. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Van Oijen, Marcel; Thomson, Amanda ORCID:; Ewert, Frank. 2009 Spatial upscaling of process-based vegetation models: An overview of common methods and a case-study for the U.K. In: StatGIS 2009, Milos, Greece, 17-19 June 2009.

Vye, Charlotte; Smith, Kay; Bateson, Luke; Marsh, Stuart. 2009 Pre-, transitional- and post-rift volcanism: the changing face of the Ethiopian Rift. [Poster] In: VMSG, Bournemouth, 4th - 6th January 2009. (Unpublished)

Wells, P.; Baverstock, J.; Roy, Helen ORCID:; Jiggins, F.; Pell, J. K.. 2009 Intraguild predation of non-coccinellid aphid natural enemies by Harmonia axyridis: prey range and factors influencing intraguild predation. [Lecture] In: 1st meeting of the IOBC WPRS study group on Benefits and Risks Associated with Exotic Biological Control Agents, Engelberg, Switzerland, 6-10 September 2009.

White, J.C.; Beamish, D.. 2009 A 3D conductivity model of the Isle of Wight, UK, from airborne EM data. In: Near Surface 2009, Dublin, Ireland, 7-9 Sept 2009. EAGE.

White, Steven ORCID: 2009 Modelling multiple within-host insect virus dynamics. In: International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Annual Meeting of The Society for Mathematical Biology, Vancouver, Canada, 27-30 July 2009. (Unpublished)

White, Steven M. ORCID:; Burden, John P.; Maini, Philip K.; Hails, Rosie S.. 2009 Modelling multiple within-host insect virus dynamics. [Lecture] In: 94th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2-7 Aug 2009. (Unpublished)

Wilkinson, P.B.; Meldrum, P.I.; Kuras, O.; Chambers, J.E.; Holyoake, S.J.; Ogilvy, R.D.. 2009 4D geoelectrical monitoring of natural attenuation processes at a contaminated former gas-works site [extended abstract]. In: Near Surface 2009, Dublin, Ireland, 7-9 Sept 2009. (Unpublished)

Williams, Joanne ORCID:; Hughes, Christopher ORCID:; Bingham, Rory. 2009 North Atlantic circulation in a 1000 year climate model. [Poster] In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, Vienna, 19-24 April 2009. (Unpublished)

Wragg, Joanna; Rawlins, Barry; Cave, Mark. 2009 The fate of diffuse Pb pollution in urban soil : a case study from Sheffield, UK. [Lecture] In: William Smith Meeting, London, UK, 21-23 Sept 2009. (Unpublished)

Young, M.E.. 2009 Near surface geophysical surveying of Northern Ireland from the air. In: Near Surface 2009, Dublin, Ireland, 7-9 Sept 2009. Houten, Netherlands, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers.

Young, Michael; Cooper, Mark; Donald, Alex. 2009 Regional interpretation of new airborne geophysical imagery of Northern Ireland. [Poster] In: Atlantic Ireland Conference 2009, Dublin, Ireland, 19-20 Oct 2009. Dublin, Ireland, Irish Shelf Petroleum Studies Group. (Unpublished)

Publication - Map

British Geological Survey. 2009 Bedrock geology UK North 1:625 000 (north of National Grid Line 460 km N). 1:625 000. Keyworth, Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey.

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sheet 108W Ben Hee Bedrock. British Geological Survey Scotland 1:50 000 series. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey.

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sheet 16E Ettrick Bedrock. British Geological Survey Scotland 1: 50 000 series. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey.

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sheet 16W Moffat bedrock. British Geological Survey Scotland 1:50 000 series. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey.

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sheet 311 Wellington Bedrock and Superficial Geology. British Geological Survey England and Wales 1: 50 000 series. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey.

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sheet 9 Rothbury Bedrock and Superficial Deposits. British Geological Survey England and Wales 1:50 000 series. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey.

Scholefield, Paul ORCID: 2009 Esthwaite Bathymetric Map. 1:10000. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (Unpublished)

Publication - Report

British Geological Survey. 2009 Ascension Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : April 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/04/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Ascension Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : March 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/03/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Ascension Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : May 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/05/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Ascension Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: January 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/01/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Ascension Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: July 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/07/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Ascension Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: June 2009. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/06/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Ascension Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: September 2009. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/09/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Ascension Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: August 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/08/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Ascension Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: February 2009. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/02/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Ascension Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: October 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/10/AS) (Unpublished)

International CLIVAR Project Office. 2009 CLIVAR Exchanges. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 16pp. (CLIVAR Exchanges 51 (14, No. 4))

International CLIVAR Project Office. 2009 CLIVAR Exchanges - CLIVAR Special Edition: Scientific Steering Group Meeting, Consejo Superior de Investigacion Cientifica Royal Botanical Gardens, Madrid, Spain, from 19-22 May 2009. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 44pp. (CLIVAR Exchanges No. 49/50 (Vol.14 No.2/3))

International CLIVAR Project Office. 2009 CLIVAR Exchanges - VAMOS: Joint Edition of the Newsletter of the Climate Variability and Predictability Project (CLIVAR) Exchanges and the CLIVAR Variability of the American Monsoon Systems Project (VAMOS). Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 32pp. (CLIVAR Exchanges, No. 48 (14, No. 1) / VAMOS, No.5)

International CLIVAR Project Office. 2009 The CLIVAR Handbook. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 42pp.

NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Defra, Natural England. 2009 Countryside Survey: England Results from 2007. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 119pp. (CEH Project Number: C03259)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : April 2009. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/04/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : March 2009. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/03/ES)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : May 2009. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/05/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: August 2009. British Geological Survey. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/08/ES)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/12ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: February 2009. British Geological Survey. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/02/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: January 2009. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/01/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: July 2009. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (09/07/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: June 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/06/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: November 2009. British Geological Survey. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/11/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: November 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/11/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: October 2009. British Geological Survey. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/10/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: September 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/09/ES) (Unpublished)

Thomson, Alan W.P., ed. 2009 Geomagnetism : review 2007-2008. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 45pp. (OR/09/016) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Groundwater information sheet : the impact of agriculture. British Geological Survey, 6pp. (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : April 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/04/HA)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : February 2009. British Geological Survey, 30pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/02/HA)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : March 2009. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/03/HA)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : May 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/05/HA)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: August 2009. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/08/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/12/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: February 2009. British Geological Survey, 30pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/02/HA)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: January 2009. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/01/HA)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: July 2009. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (09/07/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: June 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/06/HA)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: November 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/11/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: October 2009. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/10/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: September 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/09/HA) (Unpublished)

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Working Group on Oceanic Hydrography. 2009 ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2008. Copenhagen, Denmark, International Council for the Exploration of the Seas, 66pp. (ICES Cooperative Research Report 298 Special Issue)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : April 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/04/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : March 2009. British Geological Survey. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/03/LE)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : May 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/05/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: August 2009. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/08/LE)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/12/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: February 2009. British Geological Survey, 30pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/02/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: January 2009. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/01/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: July 2009. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (09/07/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: June 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/06/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: November 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/11/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: October 2009. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/10/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: September 2009. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/09/LE) (Unpublished)

Parr, T.W.; Sier, A.R.J.; Watt, A.D ORCID:; Thompson, N.J.; Braat, L.; Mirtl, M.; Cil, A.; Peterseil, J.; Singh, S.J.; Bredemeir, M.; Klotz, S.; Stadler, J.; Fischer, A.; Sov, F.; Baadsvik, K.; Tack, J., eds. 2009 A Long-Term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awareness Research Network. Fifth and Final Period Activity Report 1st April 2008 - 31st March 2009. European Commission, 118pp. (CEH Project Number: C02646, ALTERNet)

Parr, T.W.; Sier, A.R.J.; Watt, A.D. ORCID:; Thompson, N.J.; Braat, L.; Mirtl, M.; Cil, A.; Peterseil, J.; Singh, S.J.; Bredemeier, M.; Klotz, S.; Fischer, A.; Skov, F.; Baadsvik, K.; Tack, J.; Furman, E., eds. 2009 A Long-Term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awareness Research Network. Publishable Final Activity Report. 1st April 2004 - 31st March 2009. European Commission, 32pp. (CEH Project Number: C02646, ALTERNet)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : April 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/04/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : February 2009. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/02/PS)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : March 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/03/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin : May 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/05/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: February 2009. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/02/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: January 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/01/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: July 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/07/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: June 2009. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/06/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: October 2009. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/10/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: September 2009. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/09/PS) (Unpublished)

International CLIVAR Project Office. 2009 Report of the 12th Session of the JSC/CLIVAR Working Group on Coupled Modelling (WGCM), Paris, France – 22-24 September 2008. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 64pp. (ICPO Publication Series 136)

International CLIVAR Project Office. 2009 Report of the 12th Session of the JSC/CLIVAR Working Group on Seasonal to Interannual Prediction (WGSIP), 12-14 January 2009, Miami, USA. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 38pp. (ICPO Publication Series 138)

International CLIVAR Project Office. 2009 Report of the 5th Meeting of the CLIVAR Indian Ocean Panel, 12-14 May 2008, Bali, Indonesia. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 28pp. (ICPO Publication Series 135)

International CLIVAR Project Office. 2009 Report of the Eighth Session of the Working Group on Ocean Model Development, 30th April - 1st May 2009, Exeter, United Kingdom. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 40pp. (ICPO Publication Series 140)

International CLIVAR Project Office. 2009 Report of the Ninth Meeting of the Atlantic Implementation Panel, 18 - 19 September 2008, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, U.S.A. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 27pp. (ICPO Publication Series 139)

International CLIVAR Project Office. 2009 Report of the Third Session of the Global Synthesis and Observations Panel, NOC, Southampton, UK, 13-14 March 2008. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 26pp. (ICPO Publication Series 141)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: April 2009. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/04/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: August 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/08/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/12/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: February 2009. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/02/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: July 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/07/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: June 2009. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/06/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: March 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/03/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: May 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/05/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: November 2009. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/11/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: October 2009. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/10/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2009 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: September 2009. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 09/09/SB) (Unpublished)

International CLIVAR Project Office. 2009 Sampling Physical Ocean Field in SCRP CMIP5 Simulations: CLIVAR Working Group on Ocean Model Development (WGOMD) Committee on CMIP5 Ocean Model Output. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 56pp. (ICPO Publication Series 137)

Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, International CLIVAR Project Office. 2009 Ship-based Repeat Hydrography: A strategy for a sustained global programme: A Community White Paper developed by the Global Ocean Ship-based Repeat Hydrographic Investigations Panel for the OceanObs ’09 Conference, Venice, Italy, 21–25 September 2009. Paris, France, Unesco, 53pp. (ICPO Publication Series 142)

Grant, F.; de Jong, Y.; Kirschner, J.; Petrik, P.; Segers, H.; Sharman, M.; Tillier, S.; Watt, A. ORCID:; Young, J., eds. 2009 Strategies in taxonomy: research in a changing world. Report of an e-conference. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and BioStrat, 65pp.

Grant, F.; Young, J.; Bridgewater, P.; Watt, A.D. ORCID:, eds. 2009 Targets for biodiversity beyond 2010: research supporting policy. Report of an electronic conference. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and BioStrat, 94pp.

Abesser, Corinna. 2009 Development of a geochemical transport model for the Gatehampton abstraction site using PHAST. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 45pp. (OR/09/005) (Unpublished)

Abesser, Corinna. 2009 Measuring radon in water using a portable liquid scintillation counter. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 19pp. (OR/09/006) (Unpublished)

Acreman, Michael; Harding, Richard; Sullivan, Caroline; Stratford, Charlie ORCID:; Farquharson, Francis; Rees, Gwyn ORCID:; Houghton-Carr, Helen; Gale, Ian; Calow, Roger; MacDonald, Alan ORCID:; Chilton, John. 2009 Review of hydrological issues on water storage in international development. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 42pp.

Acreman, Mike; van Diepen, Kees; Duel, Harm; Floerke, Martina; Houghton-Carr, Helen; Jacobs, Claire; Laize, Cedric; Malotaux, Mayumi; Meijer, Karen; Meijers, Erwin; Obradovic, Svetlana; Okruszko, Tomasz; Penailillo Burgos, Reinaldo; Roscoe, Kathryn; Schneider, Christof; Segrave, Andrew; Supit, Iwan. 2009 SCENES: water SCenarios for Europe and NEighbouring States. Report D4.3 Methodology of indicator development and initial validation of core set of indicators. Netherlands, Deltares, 187pp. (CEH Project Number: C03229) (Unpublished)

Alcoz, S.; Alonso, M.; Camano, B.; Collischonn, W.; Debels, P.; Duque, A.; Ekstrand, S.; Filiberto, I.; Gamez, S.; Houghton-Carr, H.; Mancinelli, C.; Persson, T.; Stehr, A.. 2009 TWINLATIN: Twinning European and Latin American river basins for research enabling sustainable water resources management. Combined report D2.1 and D2.2 Monitoring and database construction. Stockholm, Sweden, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, 252pp. (CEH Project Number: C02943)

Alcoz, S.; Collischonn, W.; Debels, P.; Duque, A.; Ekstrand, S.; Filiberto, I.; Folwell, S.; Govers, G.; Houghton-Carr, H.; Stehr, A.; Tote, C.; Westerberg, I.. 2009 TWINLATIN: Twinning European and Latin American river basins for research enabling sustainable water resources management. Report D8.1 Change effects and vulnerability assessment. Stockholm, Sweden, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, 193pp. (CEH Project Number: C02943)

Alcoz, S.; Collischonn, W.; Debels, P.; Duque, A.; Ekstrand, S.; Filiberto, I.; Folwell, S.; Govers, G.; Houghton-Carr, H.; Stehr, A.; Tote, C.; Westerberg, I.. 2009 TWINLATIN: Twinning European and Latin-American river basins for research enabling sustainable water resources management. Combined Report D3.1 Hydrological modelling report and D3.2 Evaluation report. Stockholm, Sweden, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, 235pp. (CEH Project Number: C02943)

Ander, Louise. 2009 Quality control of regional geochemical stream water samples collected in 2005 in Northern Ireland for the Tellus project. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 128pp. (CR/06/200N) (Unpublished)

Armitage, Patrick D.; Tapia, Gloria. 2009 Macroinvertebrate surveys of the Bovington Stream and River Frome in spring, summer and autumn 2008. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. (CEH Project Number: C02229) (Unpublished)

Ball, D.F.. 2009 Ethiopia: CCTV well field review 2009. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 29pp. (CR/09/080N) (Unpublished)

Barron, Hugh; Thompson, Joanna; Aldiss, Don; Woods, Mark; Harrison, Anna. 2009 London’s foundations protecting the geodiversity of the capital. London, UK, Greater London Authority.

Bateson, L.; Ellison, R.A.; Newell, A.J.; Bow, J.; Johnson Sabine, R.; Bowkett, J.. 2009 Petroleum exploration in southern Tajikistan using Geovisionary software for 3D visualisation. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 13pp. (OR/08/077) (Unpublished)

Bateson, L.B.; Barkwith, A.K.A.P.; Hughes, A.G.; Aldiss, D.T.. 2009 Terrafirma : London H-3 Modelled Product : comparison of PS data with the results of a groundwater abstraction related subsidence model. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 43pp. (OR/09/032) (Unpublished)

Bateson, Luke; Novali, Fabrizio; Cooksley, Geraint. 2009 Terrafirma user guide : detecting and monitoring terrain-motion using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry. Version 6. British Geological Survey, 48pp. (OR/09/031) (Unpublished)

Beamish, D.; Cuss, R.J.. 2009 The HiRES airborne geophysical survey of the Isle of Wight: Logistics Report. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 28pp. (IR/09/054) (Unpublished)

Beamish, D.; White, J.C.. 2009 The HiRES airborne geophysical survey of Anglesey : logistics report. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 31pp. (IR/09/061) (Unpublished)

Bearcock, J.; Smedley, P.L.. 2009 Baseline groundwater chemistry : the Magnesian Limestone of County Durham and North Yorkshire. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 63pp. (OR/09/030) (Unpublished)

Beaumont, W. R. C.; Scott, L.; Ibbotson, A. T.. 2009 The 2008 East Stoke salmon counter records. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 39pp. (CEH Project No: C02896NEW / C02038NEW) (Unpublished)

Bell, V A ORCID:; Jones, R J. 2009 National assessment of change in river flows using UKCP09. UKCP09 in practice: CEH case study. UKCP09 website, DEFRA and UKCP09, 5pp.

Beresford, N. A.; Howard, B. ORCID:; Barnett, C. L. ORCID: 2009 Evaluation of the effect of authorised radioactive discharges on NATURA 2000 sites in Scotland utilising the ERICA assessment model. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (Unpublished)

Berry, D.I.; Kent, E.C. ORCID:; Woodruff, S.D.. 2009 Blending ICOADS Release 2.5 and WMO Publication 47, 1966 - 2007. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 193pp.

Blake, J.R. ORCID:; Acreman, M.C.. 2009 Great Fen project Technical Note: Hydro-ecological model development and application. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 80pp. (CEH Project Number: C03768 / C01682) (Unpublished)

Bloodworth, Andrew; Wrighton, Chloe; Highley, David; Bate, Richard. 2009 Mineral planning factsheet : kaolin. British Geological Survey, 7pp. (Mineral planning factsheet) (Unpublished)

Blyth, Eleanor ORCID: 2009 Methodology for atmospheric analysis and feedback correction. WATCH website, WATCH, 5pp. (WATCH Technical Report No. 16, WATCH deliverable 5.1.2)

Blyth, Eleanor ORCID: 2009 Process that impact runoff generation in Northern Latitudes. WATCH website, WATCH, 17pp. (Technical Report No. 16, WATCH deliverable 5.2.2)

Bolanos-Sanchez, Rodolfo. 2009 RV Prince Madog PD22/09 cruise report, 2-4 June 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory. (POL Dee Experiment Cruise Report No. 22/09) (Unpublished)

Bonsor, H.C.; Mansour, M.M.; Hughes, A.G.; MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Hipkin, R.. 2009 Developing a preliminary recharge model of the Nile Basin to help interpret GRACE data. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 26pp. (OR/09/018) (Unpublished)

Booth, D.C.. 2009 The relationship between seismic local magnitude ML and charge weight for UK explosions. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 25pp. (OR/09/062) (Unpublished)

Booth, K.A.; Jenkins, G.O.. 2009 Landslide nature and distribution on the Lincoln 1:50k geological sheet. British Geological Survey, 18pp. (OR/09/047) (Unpublished)

Braban, C.F. ORCID:; Lawrence, H.; Tang, Y.S.; Fowler, D.; Vincent, K.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:; Cape, J.N.; Smith, R.I.; Stedman, J.; Bealey, W.J. ORCID:; Leaver, D.; Donovan, B.. 2009 UK Eutrophying and Acidifying Atmospheric Pollutants network (UKEAP). Review for Defra. Defra. (CEH Project Number: C03645)

Braban, Christine ORCID:; Tang, Sim; van Dijk, Netty; Anderson-Dunn, Margaret; Simmons, Ivan; Storeton-West, Robert; Leaver, David; Bealey, Bill ORCID:; Sutton, Mark ORCID:; Cape, Neil; Fowler, David; Lawrence, Helen; Davies, Martin; Ritchie, Stuart; Colbeck, Chris; Vincent, Keith; Donovan, Brian. 2009 UK Eutrophying and Acidifying Atmospheric Pollutants (UKEAP). Annual/Interim Project Report for Period 01/01/09-31/03/09. Defra, 7pp. (CEH Project Number: C03645, AQ0616)

Bricker, S.H.. 2009 Impacts of climate change on small island hydrology : a literature review. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 28pp. (OR/09/025) (Unpublished)

Butcher, A.; Griffiths, K.; Lapworth, D. ORCID:; Humpage, A.; Burke, S.. 2009 Investigation of rising nitrate concentrations in groundwater in the Eden Valley, Cumbria. 4, estimating recharge rates through glacial till using an applied tracer technique. British Geological Survey, 23pp. (OR/09/059) (Unpublished)

Cape, J. N.; Bealey, W ORCID:; Coyle, M.; Di Marco, C.; Kentisbeer, J.; Leaver, D.; Malcolm, H.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Simmons, I.; Twigg, M. ORCID:; van Dijk, van Dijk. 2009 Operation of EMEP 'supersites' in the United Kingdom. Annual report for 2007. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 103pp. (CEH Project Number: C03087)

Cape, J. N.; Bealey, W. ORCID:; Coyle, M.; Di Marco, C.; Kentisbeer, J.; Leaver, D.; Malcolm, H.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Simmons, I.; Twigg, M. ORCID:; van Dijk, N.. 2009 Operation of EMEP 'supersites' in the United Kingdom. Annual report for 2006. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 66pp. (CEH Project Number: C03087)

Cave, Mark; Wragg, Joanna. 2009 Summary of a preliminary study on the use of 0.1M HNO3 for preserving the stomach and intestine solutions from the unified BARGE method. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 19pp. (OR/07/037) (Unpublished)

Cavers, Stephen ORCID:; Salmela, Matti; Wachowiak, Witold. 2009 EVOLTREE - EVOLution of TREEs as drivers of terrestrial biodiversity. 3rd Year Periodic Activity Report. M25-M36. April 1 2008 to March 31 2009. European Commission, 193pp. (CEH Project Number: C03154)

Chaudry, Modassar; Ekins, Paul; Ramachandran, Kannan; Shakoor, Anser; Skea, Jim; Strbac, Goran; Wang, Xinxin; Whitaker, Jeanette ORCID: 2009 Building a Resilient UK Energy System: Working paper. UK Energy Research Centre, 113pp. (CEH Project Number: C02715)

Clark, Douglas ORCID:; Harris, Phil. 2009 Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) Version 2.1 User Manual. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 119pp. (Unpublished)

Cole, S.J.; Howard, P.J.; Moore, R.J.. 2009 Hydrological modelling for the Rivers Lavant and Ems. Commissioned report to the Environment Agency. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology., 109pp. (Unpublished)

Cooper, David ORCID:; Bauer, Melanie; Gassmann, Matthias. 2009 MIRAGE Mediterranean Intermittent River ManAGEment: D8.1 Identification of applicable options for integrated flood management. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 26pp. (CEH Project Number: C03460EU)

Cunningham, S.A.. 2009 RRS Discovery Cruise D334, 27 Oct-24 Nov 2008. RAPID Mooring Cruise Report. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 189pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 38)

Dalsgaard, Lise; Backe-Hansen, Per; Wilson, Julia. 2009 Mechanisms for the implementation of a joint Developing Country call in the ERA-net BiodivERsA. European Commission, 38pp. (ERA-NET Contract No: ERAC-CT2005-517836) (Unpublished)

Dalsgaard, Lise; Backe-Hansen, Per; Wilson, Julia ORCID: 2009 Work towards the implementation of a joint Developing Country call in BiodivERsA. European Commission, 34pp. (ERA-NET Contract No: ERAC-CT2005-517836.) (Unpublished)

Davies, Cynthia; Davy-Bowker, John. 2009 Guide to the National Invertebrate Database (NID). NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 59pp. (Unpublished)

Davies, J.R.; Humpage, A.J.. 2009 High PSV sandstone test results from the Cribarth area, Garth, Builth Wells, Powys. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 34pp. (CR/09/047N) (Unpublished)

Delbart, Celestine; Robinson, Mark; Hewitt, Edward; McNeil, Dave; Bray, Edward; Murphy, Hazel. 2009 Pang and Lambourn Hydrometric Review 2008. Wallingford, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 32pp.

Delgado, J.; Carracedo Segade, L.I.; García-Lafuente, J.. 2009 Methodological proposal to diagnose and predict the consequences of human activities on the Guadalquivir Estuary. Exchange of properties between Guadalquivir River and Gulf of Cádiz Shelf: Description and analysis of one-year observations in the river mouth. Report to Seville (Spain) Port Authority. University of Malaga.

Demmers, T.; Saponja, A.; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID:; Thomas, Rick; Phillips, Gavin; Di Marco, Chiara; McDonald, Alan; Harris, Jennifer; Bennett, S.; Stagg, S.; Bowry, A.; Emery, J.. 2009 Characterising poultry dust properties, assessing the human health implications, quantifying emission levels and assessing the potential for abatement. Defra, 99pp. (CEH Project Number: C03209)

Dore, Anthony; Kryza, Maciej; Hallsworth, Stephen; Matejko, Malgorzata; Hall, Jane; Van Oijen, Marcel; Zhang, Ying; Bealey, Bill ORCID:; Vieno, Massimo ORCID:; Tang, Sim; Smith, Ron; Dragosits, Ulrike ORCID:; Sutton, Mark ORCID: 2009 Modelling the Deposition and Concentration of Long Range Air Pollutants: Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (CEH Project No: C03021)

Dragosits, U. ORCID:; Luk, J.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2009 Ammonia emissions from UK non-agricultural sources in 2007: contribution to the National Atmospheric Emission Inventory. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 16pp. (Report Number: AS 08/08, CEH Project number: C03614)

Dyson, K.E.; Thomson, A.M. ORCID:; Mobbs, D.C. ORCID:; Milne, R.; Skiba, U. ORCID:; Clark, A.; Levy, P.E. ORCID:; Jones, S.K.; Billett, M.F.; Dinsmore, K.J.; van Oijen, M.; Ostle, N.; Foeried, B.; Smith, P.; Matthews, R.W.; Mackie, E.; Bellamy, P.; Rivas-Casado, M.; Jordan, C.; Higgins, A.; Tomlinson, R.W.; Grace, J.; Parrish, P.; Williams, M.; Clement, R.; Moncrieff, J.; Manning, A.. 2009 Inventory and projections of UK emissions by sources and removals by sinks due to land use, land use change and forestry. Annual report July 2009. Edinburgh, UK, CEH, 279pp. (CEH Project Number: C03116, DEFRA Contract GA01088)

Ekstrand, S.; Mancinelli, C.; Houghton-Carr, H.; Govers, G.; Debels, P.; Camano, B.; Alcoz, S.; Filiberto, I.; Gamez, S.; Duque, A.. 2009 TWINLATIN: Twinning European and Latin American river basins for research enabling sustainable water resources management. Final report. Stockholm, Sweden, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, 250pp. (CEH Project Number: C02943)

Emmett, B. ORCID:; Ashmore, M.; Belyazid, S; Britton, A.; Broadmeadow, M.; Caporn, S.; Davies, O.; Field, C.; Dise, N. ORCID:; Helliwell, R.; Hester, A.; Hughes, S.; Leake, L.; Leith, I.; Maskell, L. ORCID:; Mills, R.; Mizunuma, T.; Ostle, N.; Phoenix, G.; Power, S.; Reynolds, B.; Rowe, E. ORCID:; Scott, A.; Sheppard, L.; Smart, S. ORCID:; Sowerby, A.; Tipping, E. ORCID:; Vanguelova, E.; Vuohelainen, A.; Williams, B.P.. 2009 Terrestrial Umbrella - Effects of eutrophication and acidification on terrestrial ecosystems. Annual Report 2009. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 49pp. (CEH Project Number: C03425)

Finch, J. W.; Karp, A.; McCabe, D. P. M.; Nixon, S.; Riche, A. B.; Whitmore, A. P.. 2009 Miscanthus, short-rotation coppice and the historic environment. English Heritage, 60pp.

Ford, J.R.; Monaghan, A.A.. 2009 Lithological heterogeneity of the Mercia Mudstone and Sherwood Sandstone Groups in the Yorkshire-Lincolnshire region, and Knox Pulpit Sandstone, Kinnesswood and Ballagan Formations in the Forth region : additional information for CASSEM Work Package One. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 40pp. (CR/09/053N) (Unpublished)

Ford, Jonathan Richard; Minks, Adrian; Wardle, Christopher; Rayner, Deborah. 2009 Quickstart user's guide to 3D documents from the BGS. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 1pp. (OR/07/038) (Unpublished)

Fordyce, F.M.; Brereton, N.; Hughes, J.; Reay, G.; Thomas, L.; Walker, A.; Luo, W.; Lewis, J.. 2009 The selenium content of Scottish soil and food products. Food Standards Agency Scotland, 116pp. (S14042) (Unpublished)

Fried, Guillaume; Hussner, Andreas; Newman, Jonathan; Schrader, Gritta; Triest, Ludwig; van Valkenburg, Johan. 2009 Report of a Pest Risk Analysis for Hydrocotyle ranunculoides. Paris, EPPO, 65pp.

Furlong, M.E.; Brito, M.P.. 2009 Reliability Case Notes No. 4: Autosub6000 and Autosub3 actuator potentiometer failure analysis and testing report. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 30pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report 58)

Golledge, N.R.. 2009 The Horncliffe landslide, Berwick-upon-Tweed, December 2008. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 19pp. (OR/08/071) (Unpublished)

Grant, Simon; Robinson, Mark. 2009 Plynlimon Hydrometric Review 2008. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 28pp.

Gray, Alan ORCID:; Levy, Peter ORCID: 2009 A review of carbon flux research in UK peatlands in relation to fire and the Cairngorms National Park. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 36pp. (CEH Project Number: C03530) (Unpublished)

Gunn, Gus; Benham, Antony. 2009 Platinum. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Mineral Commodity Profile) (Unpublished)

Hafkenscheid, T.; Fromage-Mariette, A.; Goelen, E.; Hangartner, M.; Pfeffer, U.; Plaisance, H.; de Santis, F.; Saunders, K.; Swaans, W.; Tang, Y.S.; Targa, J.; van Hoek, C.; Gerboles, M.. 2009 Review of the application of diffusive samplers in the European Union for the monitoring of nitrogen dioxide in ambient air. Luxembourg, European Commission, 79pp. (EUR 23793)

Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Lloyd-Hughes, Benjamin; Keef, Caroline; Parry, Simon ORCID:; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID: 2009 The Spatial Coherence of European Droughts – Final Report. Bristol, Environment Agency, 80pp. (CEH Project Number: C03620, Science Report – SC070079/SR3)

Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2009 Hydrological Summary for the UK: April 2009. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.

Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2009 Hydrological Summary for the UK: July 2009. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.

Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity; Parry, Simon ORCID: 2009 UK hydrological review 2007. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 27pp.

Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Stewart, Lisa ORCID:; Miller, James ORCID:; Kjeldsen, Thomas; Morris, David. 2009 Briefing Note: an assessment of the rarity of the November 2009 floods. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 6pp.

Hannis, S.D.; Brown, T.J.. 2009 Minerals safeguarding areas for Warwickshire. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 42pp. (OR/08/065) (Unpublished)

Hannis, Sarah; Bide, Tom. 2009 Cobalt. British Geological Survey, 19pp. (Mineral Commodity Profile) (Unpublished)

Hargreaves, G W ORCID: 2009 RRS James Clark Ross, Cruise JR197, December 12, 2008 - December 21, 2008, Sea Level Measurements in the Drake Passage. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 18pp. (POL Cruise Report No. 52)

Hargreaves, G,W. ORCID:; Maqueda, M.A.M.; et al, .. 2009 RRS James Clark Ross, Leg 1, October 27, 2009-November 12, 2009, Leg 2, Cruise JR198, November 17, 2009-November 28, 2009, sea level measurements in the Drake Passage and Southern Ocean. Liverpool, National Oceanography Centre, 31pp. (POL Cruise Report No. 53)

Harmens, H. ORCID: 2009 Effects of airbourne nitrogen. United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECE), 13pp. (CEH Project Number: C03077, ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2009/15)

Harmens, H. ORCID:; Mills, G.. 2009 2009 Joint report of the International Cooperative Programmes, the Task Force on the Health of Air Pollution and the Joint Expert Group on Dynamic Modelling. United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECE), 24pp. (CEH Project Number: C03077, ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2009.3)

Harmens, H. ORCID:; Mills, G.. 2009 Impacts of ozone and nitrogen on vegetation and trends in nitrogen and heavy metal concentrations in mosses. United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECE), 11pp. (CEH Project Number: C03077, ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2009/9)

Harmens, H. ORCID:; Mills, G.. 2009 Indicators and Targets for air pollution effects. United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECE), 12pp. (CEH Project Number: C03077, ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2009/16)

Harmens, Harry ORCID: 2009 Review of the European moss survey (1990 - 2005): deliverables and use of data. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 18pp. (CEH Project Number: C03077)

Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Mills, Gina; Hayes, Felicity ORCID:; Jones, Laurence ORCID:; Norris, David; Cooper, David ORCID:; and, participants of the ICP Vegetation Programme Coordination Centre. 2009 Air pollution and vegetation: ICP Vegetation annual report 2008/2009. Bangor, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 40pp. (CEH Project Number: C03077)

Harmens, Harry ORCID:; and the participants of the, European Moss Survey. 2009 Heavy metals in European mosses: 2010 survey. Monitoring manual. ICP Vegetation, 9pp. (CEH Project Number: C03077)

Hemmings, John C.P.. 2009 A marine model optimization test-bed for ecosystem model evaluation: MarMOT version 1.0 description and user guide. Southampton UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 111pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report 67)

Henderson, Gideon; Collins, Matt; Hall, Ian; Lockwood, Mike; Palike, Heiko; Rickaby, Ros; Schmidt, Gavin; Turney, Chris; Wolff, Eric. 2009 Improving future climate prediction using palaeoclimate data: A community White Paper for consideration by the Natural Environment Research Council, UK. The Leverhulme Trust, 28pp. (Unpublished)

Hill, M.O.; Beckmann, B.C.; Bishop, J.D.D.; Fletcher, M.R.; Lear, D.B.; Marchant, J.H.; Maskell, L.C. ORCID:; Noble, D.G.; Rehfisch, M.M.; Roy, H.E. ORCID:; Roy, S.; Sewell, J.. 2009 Developing an indicator of the abundance, extent and impact of invasive non-native species. Final report. Defra, 49pp. (WC0718)

Hodder, K.H.; Sharp, R.J.A.; Perrella, L.; Butters, J.; Kenward, R.E.; Ewald, J.. 2009 D3.3 Synthesis report: Central and local information flows and decision making requirements. [Report to the European Commission from FP-7 project #212304 for a Transactional Environmental Support System]. European Commission, 92pp. (Transactional Environmental Support System. Deliverable D3.3)

Hopkins, Jo. 2009 Prince Madog Cruise 47/09, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 65, 2-4 December 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 12pp. (COBS Cruise Report No. 65)

Hopkins, Joanne. 2009 Prince Madog cruise 33/09, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 63, 2-4 August 2007. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory. (COBS Cruise Report No. 63)

Horsburgh, Kevin ORCID:; Bradley, Leslie; Angus, M.; Smith, D. E.; Wijeratne, E. M. S.; Woodworth, Philip. 2009 High frequency sea level recording for tsunami warning and enhanced storm surge monitoring at UK sites. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 26pp. (POL Internal Document No. 190)

Houghton-Carr, Helen. 2009 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) Technical Note. India Hydrology Project Phase II, Technical Assistance (Implementation Support) and Management Consultancy. Internal project technical note. New Delhi, India, Mott-MacDonald, 17pp. (CEH Project Number: C03665) (Unpublished)

Houghton-Carr, Helen. 2009 Hydrological Instrumentation: Preliminary Review of GSM/GPRS-based Telemetry Systems for Real-Time Data Acquisition. India Hydrology Project Phase II, Technical Assistance (Implementation Support) and Management Consultancy. Internal project report. New Delhi, India, Mott-MacDonald, 14pp. (CEH Project Number: C03665) (Unpublished)

Houghton-Carr, Helen. 2009 Hydrological Instrumentation: Review of HP-I and Specifications for HP-II. India Hydrology Project Phase II, Technical Assistance (Implementation Support) and Management Consultancy. Internal project report. New Delhi, India, Mott-MacDonald, 30pp. (CEH Project Number: C03665) (Unpublished)

Howard, B. J. ORCID:; Beresford, N. A.. 2009 PROTECT. Protection of the environment from ionising radiation in a regulatory context. Periodic Management Report (PMR – N°: 03). NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 26pp. (CEH Project Number: C03182)

Howard, B. J. ORCID:; Beresford, N. A.; Copplestone, D.; Andersson, P.; Garnier-Laplace, J.; Brown, J. E.; Howe, P.. 2009 PROTECT. Protection of the environment from ionising radiation in a regulatory context. Periodic Activity (Final) report. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 23pp. (CEH Project Number: C03182)

Howard, B.J. ORCID: 2009 PROTECT. Protection of the environment from ionising radiation in a regulatory context. Final report on the distribution of the Communities Contribution. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 4pp. (CEH Project Number: C03182)

Howarth, M. J.. 2009 Prince Madog Cruise 24/09, POL Coastal Observatory Cruise 62, 17-19 June 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 11pp. (COBS Cruise Report No. 62)

Huvenne, V.A.I. ORCID: 2009 RRS James Cook Cruise 35, 7-19 Jun 2009. Sidescan sonar mapping of the Whittard Canyon, Celtic Margin. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 35pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 42)

Hyslop, Ewan; Albornoz-Parra, Luis; Tracey, Emily. 2009 Analysis of original stone and identification of matching stone for repairs : Robert Burns Statue, Camperdown, Victoria, Australia. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 20pp. (IDA17667) (Unpublished)

Hyslop, Ewan K.; Albornoz-Parra, Luis J.; Tracey, Emily A.. 2009 Assessing the potential for reopening a building stone quarry : Newbigging Sandstone Quarry, Fife. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 31pp. (OR/09/008) (Unpublished)

Hyslop, Ewan K.; Albornoz-Parra, Luis J.; Tracey, Emily A.. 2009 A building stone audit for Kilmarnock : surveying, matching, and sourcing stone for the built heritage. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 221pp. (OR/09/002) (Unpublished)

Hyslop, Ewan K.; Weintritt, Joanna; Tracey, Emily A.; Custance-Baker, Alice B.; Albornoz-Parra, Luis J.. 2009 A desktop resource assessment of building stone and slate on the Island of Bute. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 32pp. (OR/09/040) (Unpublished)

Jackson, Joanna; Li, Yvonne; Murrells, Tim; Passant, Neil; Sneddon, Stuart; Thomas, Jenny; Thistlethwaite, Glen; Dyson, Kirstie; Cardenas, Laura. 2009 Greenhouse gas inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: 1990-2007. Didcot, UK, AEA, 100pp. (CEH Project Number: C03116, AEAT/ENV/R/2873 Issue 1)

Jacobs, C.L.; Porritt, L.. 2009 Deep sea habitats - contributing towards completion of a deep sea habitat classification scheme. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 44pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report 62)

Jenkins, Geoff; Perry, Matthew; Prior, John; Woodworth, Phil (as contributor) ORCID: 2009 UKCIP08: the climate of the United Kingdom and recent trends. Exeter, Met Office Hadley Centre, 119pp.

Jones, D. A.; Stewart, E. J. ORCID:; Morris, D. G.; Svensson, C. ORCID: 2009 Development of a revised depth-duration-frequency (DDF) model. Wallingford, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 18pp. (Unpublished)

Jones, I.; Kelly, J.. 2009 Using automatic monitoring to quantify the effects of weather and climate on the thermal structure of lakes in the UK. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 19pp. (CEH Project Number: C03047, Euro-limpacs Deliverable No. 217) (Unpublished)

Jordan, C.J.; Bee, E.J.; Smith, N.A.; Lawrie, K.I.G.; Marchant, A.P.; Wildman, G.; Bow, J.; Shelley, W.; Turner, P.. 2009 Installation and user guide for the 2009A Open Source Release of BGS SIGMAmobile. British Geological Survey, 59pp. (OR/09/037) (Unpublished)

Jordan, C.J.; Carney, J.N.; Thomas, C.W.; McDonnell, P.. 2009 Ghana airborne geophysics project in the Volta and Keta Basin : BGS final report. British Geological Survey, 325pp. (CR/09/002N) (Unpublished)

Juergens, Monika ORCID:; Johnson, Andrew ORCID:; Chaemfa, Chakra; Jones, Kevin; Hughes, David. 2009 The organic chemical contamination of eels in the lower Thames in 2007. Environment Agency, 19pp. (Unpublished)

Kamihanda, G.; Kankila, A.; Masanja, A.; Mzee, S.; Ramadhan, S.; Saidi, H.; Thomas, R.J.. 2009 Geology of the eastern part of the Chimala Sheet (246). British Geological Survey, 24pp. (OR/09/067) (Unpublished)

Kanzow, T.O.. 2009 RV Seward Johnson Cruise SJ08-03 Leg 2, 22-30 Apr 2008: RAPID-MOC Spring 2008 Western Boundary moorings refurbishment cruises. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 73pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 37)

Kay, A.L. ORCID:; Crooks, S.M.; Prudhomme, C. ORCID: 2009 Regionalised impacts of climate change on flood flows: uncertainty analysis. Milestone report 5. Revised November 2009. Defra, 71pp. (CEH Project Number: C03037, R&D Milestone Report FD2020/MR5)

Kearsey, Timothy; Browne, Michael. 2009 High Smithstone Quarry Site of Special Scientific Interest and replacement site. British Geological Survey, 17pp. (OR/09/038) (Unpublished)

Kemp, S.J. ORCID:; Turner, G.; Wagner, D.. 2009 Initial testing and a laboratory manual for the Micromeritics Gemini VI physisorption system. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 33pp. (IR/08/086) (Unpublished)

Kemp, S.J. ORCID:; Wagner, D.; Mounteney, I.. 2009 The mineralogy and surface area of till samples from Buckinghamshire, Lancashire and Norfolk. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 60pp. (IR/08/053) (Unpublished)

Kemp, S.J. ORCID:; Wagner, D.; Noble, S.; Mounteney, I.. 2009 Mineralogical analysis of pan concentrates from Nigeria. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 15pp. (IR/09/040) (Unpublished)

Kennedy, Andrew. 2009 Irish Sea Bibliography 2002 - 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 69pp. (POL Internal Document No. 193) (Unpublished)

Knight, P. J.. 2009 Prince Madog Cruise 38/09, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 64, 14-17th September 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 12pp. (COBS Cruise Report No. 64)

Knight, Phil. 2009 Prince Madog Cruise 18/09, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 61, 12-14 May 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory. (COBS Cruise Report No. 61)

Knight, Phil; Balfour, Chris; Kenny, John; McLaughlin, Danny. 2009 POL glider facility: (July 2009). Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 10pp. (POL Internal Document No. 192) (Unpublished)

Knight, Phil; Balfour, Chris; Kenny, John; McLaughlin, Danny. 2009 POL glider first sea trial: (November 2009). Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 17pp. (POL Internal Document No. 197) (Unpublished)

Knight, Philip. 2009 Prince Madog Cruise 12/09, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 60, 1-2 April 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 1pp. (COBS Cruise Report No. 50)

Lane, Andrew. 2009 RV Prince Madog cruise 16/09, FORMOST Project, POL Dee Estuary cruise (deployment), 8-7 May 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 11pp. (POL Dee Experiment Cruise Report No. 16/09)

Lane, Andy. 2009 RV Prince Madog cruise 6/09, POL Dee Experiment cruise (recovery), 3-5 March 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 14pp. (POL Dee Experiment Cruise Report No. 6/09)

Lawley, R.. 2009 The Soil-Parent Material Database : a user guide. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 42pp. (OR/08/034) (Unpublished)

Lawley, R.; Garcia-Bajo, M.. 2009 The National Superficial Deposit Thickness Model. (Version 5). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 18pp. (OR/09/049) (Unpublished)

Lawrence, D.J.D.. 2009 Limestone landscapes : a geodiversity audit and action plan for the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 114pp. (OR/09/007) (Unpublished)

Lloyd-Hughes, Benjamin; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Parry, Simon ORCID:; Keef, Caroline; Rees, Gwyn ORCID: 2009 The Spatial Coherence of European Droughts – UK and European Drought catalogues. Environment Agency, 64pp. (Science Report – SC070079/SR1, CEH Project Number: C03620) (Unpublished)

Lofts, S ORCID: 2009 Speciation of pyrithione in freshwaters. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 16pp. (CEH Project Number: C03634) (Unpublished)

Lowe, Jason; Howard, Tom; Pardaens, Anne; Tinker, Jonathon; Holt, Jason ORCID:; Wakelin, Sarah ORCID:; Milne, Glenn; Leake, James; Wolf, Judith ORCID:; Horsburgh, Kevin ORCID:; Reeder, Tim; Jenkins, Geoff; Ridley, Jeff; Dye, Stephen; Bradley, Sarah. 2009 UK Climate Projections Science Report: Marine and Coastal Projections. Exeter, UK, Met Office Hadley Centre, 99pp.

Lusty, P.A.J.; Hannis, S.D.. 2009 Commodity profile : copper. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 28pp. (OR/09/041) (Unpublished)

Lusty, P.A.J.; McDonnell, P.M.; Gunn, A.G.; Chacksfield, B.C.; Cooper, M.. 2009 Gold potential of the Dalradian rocks of north-west Northern Ireland : prospectivity analysis using Tellus data. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 74pp. (OR/08/039) (Unpublished)

Lyle, A.A.; Maitland, P.S.; Winfield, I.J. ORCID:; Fletcher, J.M.. 2009 Assessment of the status of vendace in Daer Reservoir. Scottish Natural Heritage, 21pp. (CEH Project Number: C02539)

Maberly, S.C. ORCID: 2009 Options for the remediation of Windermere: Identification of current nutrient loads and future loads to meet ecological targets. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 32pp. (CEH Report Ref: LA/C03623/1)

Maberly, S.C. ORCID:; Elliott, J.A.. 2009 Options for the remediation of Windermere: PROTECH modelling of the effects of different management scenarios. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 28pp. (CEH Report Ref: LA/C03623/2)

MacDonald, Alan ORCID:; O Dochartaigh, Brighid; Welle, Kathi. 2009 Mapping for Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) in Ethiopia. British Geological Survey, 24pp. (OR/09/013) (Unpublished)

MacDonald, Alan ORCID:; Ó Dochartaigh, Brighid; Welle, Kathi. 2009 Mapping for water supply and sanitation (WSS) in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, RiPPLE, 32pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Booker, Doug; Fry, Matt ORCID: 2009 The 2004-06 drought. National River Flow Archive website, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 18pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2009 Hydrological Summary for the UK: August 2009. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2009 Hydrological Summary for the UK: December 2008. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2009 Hydrological Summary for the UK: February 2009. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2009 Hydrological Summary for the UK: January 2009. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2009 Hydrological Summary for the UK: June 2009. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2009 Hydrological Summary for the UK: March 2009. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2009 Hydrological Summary for the UK: May 2009. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2009 Hydrological Summary for the UK: November 2009. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2009 Hydrological Summary for the UK: October 2009. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2009 Hydrological Summary for the UK: September 2009. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2009 UK Hydrological Review 2008. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 25pp. (UK Hydrological Reviews)

Maskell, Lindsay ORCID:; Chan, Ivis; Garcia, Emerson; Goodwin, Zoe; Lloyd, Adam; Mora, Normando; Smart, Simon ORCID:; Stuart, Rick; Walker, Paul. 2009 Technical report for Defra project ‘Developing Integrated assessment of Biodiversity in Belize’. Defra, 42pp. (CEH Project Number: C02804) (Unpublished)

Masson, D.G.. 2009 RRS James Cook Cruise 36, 19 Jul-28 Jul 2009. The Geobiology of Whittard Submarine Canyon. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 53pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 41)

Maurice, L.. 2009 Groundwater ecology literature review. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (OR/09/061) (Unpublished)

McDonagh, E.L.. 2009 RRS James Cook Cruise JC031, 03 Feb-03 Mar 2009. Hydrographic sections of Drake Passage. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 170pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 39)

Merriman, R.J.; Breward, N.; Stone, P.; Green, K.; Kemp, S. ORCID: 2009 Element mobility and low-grade metamorphism of mudrocks in British Caledonian Basins. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 27pp. (OR/09/017) (Unpublished)

Mills, Gina; Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Hayes, Felicity ORCID: 2009 The UNECE International Cooperative Programme on Vegetation. Annual/Interim Poject Report October - December, 2008. Defra, 13pp. (CEH Project Number: C03077T1, SID 4 Defra Project Code: AQ0810)

Mills, Gina; Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Hayes, Felicity ORCID: 2009 The UNECE International Cooperative Programme on Vegetation. Third Annual Progress Report, March 2009. March 2009, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 31pp. (CEH Project Number: C03077 T1)

Mills, Gina; Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Hayes, Felicity ORCID: 2009 The UNECE International Cooperative Programme on Vegetation. [First] Quarterly Progress Report, April 2009 - June 2009. Defra. (CEH Project Number: C03077T1, SID 4 Defra Project Code: AQ0810)

Mills, Gina; Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Hayes, Felicity ORCID: 2009 The UNECE International Cooperative Programme on Vegetation. [Second] Quarterly Progress Report, July 2009 - September 2009. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 9pp. (CEH Project Number: C03077T1, SID 4 Defra Project Code: AQ0810)

Milodowski, A.E.; Lacinska, A.; Wagner, D.. 2009 A natural analogue study of CO2-cement interaction : carbonate alteration of calcium silicate hydrate-bearing rocks from Northern Ireland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 28pp. (CR/09/096N) (Unpublished)

Milodowski, A.E.; Rushton, J.C. ORCID: 2009 Mineralogical and porosity characterisation of potential aquifer and seal units for carbon capture and storage methodologies for the CASSEM Project. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 86pp. (CR/08/153N) (Unpublished)

Moat, B.I. ORCID:; Yelland, M.J. ORCID: 2009 Airflow distortion at anemometer sites on the OWS Polarfront. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 35pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Internal Document 14)

Moate, Benjamin D.; Cooke, Richard D. ORCID:; Thorne, Peter D. ORCID: 2009 Acoustic measurements of flocculating sediments in the Tamar estuary: a record of the POL data collection during the FLOCSAM fieldwork. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory. (POL Internal Document, No. 194) (Unpublished)

Monaghan, A.A.; Pouliquen, G.. 2009 Clyde Regional Bedrock Model (Phase 1) methodological report : BGS project document. British Geological Survey, 14pp. (IR/09/070) (Unpublished)

Mountain, Gregory S.; Proust, Jean-Noel; McInroy, David. 2009 New Jersey shallow shelf : shallow-water drilling of the New Jersey continental shelf : global sea level and achitecture of passive margin sediments. Washington, DC, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 56pp. (IODP Scientific Prospectus, 313)

Murphy, John; Warren, Ben. 2009 Macroinvertebrates as Indicators of Climate-Induced Change in River Ecosystems. European Commission, 44pp. (Euro-limpacs Deliverable 219 (Work Package 2):, CEH Project Number: C03047) (Unpublished)

Naveira Garabato, A.. 2009 RRS James Cook Cruise 29, 01 Nov-22 Dec 2008: SOFine cruise report; Southern Ocean Finestructure. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 216pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 35)

Newell, A.J.; Smith, N.J.. 2009 Bromsgrove Aquifer Groundwater Modelling Study : results from Task 1.1 3D visualisation and geological framework of the Bromsgrove Aquifer. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 36pp. (CR/09/023N) (Unpublished)

Norton, L.R. ORCID:; Murphy, J.; Reynolds, B.; Marks, S.; Mackey, E.C.. 2009 Countryside Survey: Scotland results from 2007. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 83pp. (CEH Project Number: C03259)

O Dochartaigh, B.E.. 2009 A scoping study into shallow thermogeological resources beneath Glasgow and the surrounding area. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 17pp. (IR/09/024) (Unpublished)

Palmer, M.. 2009 Prince Madog Cruise 02/09B, POL Coastal Observatory Cruise 59, 5-6th February 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 13pp. (COBS Cruise Report No.59)

Palmer, Matthew. 2009 RV Prince Madog PD15/09, cruise report PHiXT1, 1st-3rd May 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 13pp. (POL Multidisciplinary Cruise Report No. PHiXT1)

Palmer, Matthew R.. 2009 RV Prince Madog PD17/09, cruise report PHiXT2, 8th-11th May 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 11pp. (POL Multidisciplinary Cruise Report No. PHiXT2)

Parrott, Dave; Roy, Sugoto; Baker, Richard; Cannon, Ray; Eyre, Dominic; Hill, Mark; Wagner, Markus; Preston, Chris ORCID:; Roy, Helen ORCID:; Beckmann, Bjorn; Copp, Gordon H.; Edmonds, Nathan; Ellis, Jim; Laing, Ian; Britton, J. Robert; Gozlan, Rodolphe E.; Mumford, John. 2009 Horizon scanning for new invasive non-native animal species in England. Sheffield, Natural England, 111pp. (Natural England Contract No. SAE03-02-189, Natural England Commissioned Report NECR009)

Parry, Simon ORCID:; Lloyd-Hughes, Benjamin; Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Keef, Caroline. 2009 The Spatial Coherence of European Droughts - Summaries of Major Historical Droughts - Science Report – SC070079/SR4. Environment Agency, 12pp. (CEH Project Number: C03620) (Unpublished)

Pennington, Catherine; Evans, Hannah; Foster, Claire. 2009 Landslides of the area around Chesterfield, Geological Sheet 112. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 23pp. (OR/09/022) (Unpublished)

Perrella, L.; Ewald, J.; Kenward, R.E.; Hodder, K.H.. 2009 D3.2 – Model of the local decision making process. [Report to the European Commission from FP-7 project #212304 for a Transactional Environmental Support System]. European Commission, 18pp. (Transactional Environmental Support System Deliverable D3.2)

Pottinger, Tom G.; Abel, David; Juergens, Monika D. ORCID:; Rhodes, Glenn ORCID:; Katsiadaki, Ioanna; Cook, Alastair; Sanders, Matthew. 2009 A catchment-based study of endocrine disruption in surface waters: multivariate evaluation of the health of a sentinel fish species exposed to sewage treatment works effluent. EDCAT consortium, 64pp. (CEH Project Number: C03052, EDCAT) (Unpublished)

Pottinger, Tom G.; Rhodes, Glenn ORCID: 2009 EDCAT 5. A catchment-based study of endocrine disruption in surface waters: multivariate evaluation of the health of a sentinel fish species exposed to sewage treatment works effluent. Annexe to EDCAT Final report – CYP1A gene expression results. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 5pp. (CEH Project Number: C03052)

Prudhomme, C. ORCID:; Crooks, S.; Kay, A.L. ORCID: 2009 Regionalised impacts of climate change on flood flows: Identification of flood response types for Britain - Milestone report 3. Revised November 2009. London, Defra, 47pp. (CEH Project Number: C03037, R&D Milestone Report FD2020/MR3)

Prudhomme, C. ORCID:; Crooks, S.; Kay, A.L. ORCID: 2009 Regionalised impacts of climate change on flood flows: regionalising the flood response types in Britain. Milestone report 4. Revised November 2009. Defra, 48pp. (CEH Project Number: C03037, R&D Milestone Report FD2020/MR4)

Prudhomme, C. ORCID:; Reynard, N. ORCID: 2009 Regionalised impacts of climate change on flood flows: rationale for definition of climate change scenarios and sensitivity framework. Milestone report 2. Revised November 2009. London, DEFRA, 31pp. (CEH Project Number: C03037, R&D Milestone report FD2020/MR2)

Prudhomme, Christel ORCID: 2009 Spatial coherence of European Droughts - Interim Science Summary SC070079/SS. Environment Agency. (CEH Project Number: C03620) (Unpublished)

Raven, Paul; Holmes, Nigel; Scarlett, Peter; Furse, Mike; Ortiz, Jose Barquin. 2009 River Habitat Survey In the Picos de Europa, Northern Spain. Results from 2008. Bristol, UK, Environment Agency, 33pp. (CEH Project Number: C03542)

Rayner, D. ORCID: 2009 RV Ronald H. Brown Cruise RB0901, 15 Apr-06 May 2009. RAPID Mooring Cruise Report. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 121pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 40)

Rees, Gwyn ORCID:; Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Dixon, Harry ORCID:; Fry, Matthew ORCID:; Marsh, Terry ORCID: 2009 [NRFA] 26th report to the Surface and Groundwater Archives Committee. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 34pp.

Reid, Jane M.; Bogdanova, Maria I. ORCID:; Bignal, Eric M.; Bignal, Sue; McCracken, Davy I.; Monaghan, Pat. 2009 Population ecology and conservation of red-billed choughs in Scotland. Final report on Knowledge Transfer Project. NERC, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 107pp. (Unpublished)

Rochelle, C.A.; Long, D.. 2009 Gas hydrate stability in the vicinity of a deep geological repository for radioactive wastes : a scoping study. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 27pp. (OR/08/073) (Unpublished)

Rodger, Alan S.. 2009 Ionospheric troughs at F-region altitudes. Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, 63pp. (RTO Technical Report AC/323(IST-051)TP/207)

Roy, Helen ORCID:; Beckmann, Björn; Comont, Richard; Hails, Rosemary; Harrington, Richard; Medlock, Jolyon; Purse, Bethan ORCID:; Shortall, Chris. 2009 Nuisance insects and climate change. Defra, 109pp.

Royse, K.R.; Tye, A.M.; Linley, K.A.; Napier, H.J.. 2009 The development of an underground asset management tool in BGS. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 66pp. (OR/09/023) (Unpublished)

Salmela, M.J.; Cavers, S. ORCID:; Cottrell, J.; Ennos, R.A.. 2009 Do seed zones conserve adaptive variation? Testing the adaptive significance of seed zones in Scots Pine. Twenty four month progress report for Scottish Forestry Trust. CEH / Forest Research / University of Edinburgh. (CEH Project Number: C03154)

Santonen, Tiina; Zitting, Antti; Riihimaki, Vesa; Howe, Paul D.. 2009 Inorganic chromium (III) compounds. Geneva, World Health Organisation, 91pp. (CEH: Project Report Number C02773, Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 76)

Sene, K.; Weerts, A.; Beven, K.; Moore, R. J.; Whitlow, C.; Young, P.. 2009 Risk-based probabilistic fluvial flood forecasting for integrated catchment models - Phase 1 Report. Bristol, Environment Agency, 171pp. (Science Report: SC080030/SR1, CEH Project Number: C03755)

Sene, K.; Weerts, A.; Beven, K.; Moore, R.J.; Whitlow, C.; Beckers, P.; Minett, A.; Winsemius, H.; Verkade, J.; Young, P.; Leedal, D.; Smith, P.; Cole, S.; Robson, A.; Howard, P.; Huband, M.; Breton, N.. 2009 Risk-based Probabilistic Fluvial Flood Forecasting for Integrated Catchment Models: Phase 2 - final. Science Report – SR SC080030. Bristol UK, Environment Agency, 152pp. (CEH Project Number: C03755, CEH Project Number: C04217) (Unpublished)

Shanahan, T.J.G.; Holyoake, S.J.. 2009 Absolute observations at Crooktree SAMNET Station : March 2009. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 19pp. (IR/09/042) (Unpublished)

Sharp, R.J.A.; Ewald, J.A.; Kenward, Robert. 2009 D2.2 Model of information flows from local & regional to central. [Report to European Commission. Project: Transactional Environmental Support System]. FP-7 project #212304 for a Transactional Environmental Support System., 16pp. (Deliverable Number: D2.2)

Sherrin, Lorna; Rennie, Susannah; Irvine, Lynne; Scott, Andy; Parr, Terry; Monteith, Don ORCID:; Andrews, Christopher ORCID:; Bater, John; Beaumont, Deb; Benham, Sue; Bowmaker, Victoria; Common, Gordon; Corbett, Stuart; Dick, Jan ORCID:; Dodd, Beverley; Hamilton, David; Hatton-Ellis, Maggie; McMillan, Simon; Morecroft, Michael; Nicholson, Harry; Pozsgai, Gabor; Rose, Rob; Scott, Tony; Taylor, Carol; Taylor, Michele; Tilbury, Christine; Turner, Alex; Watson, Helen. 2009 The United Kingdom Environmental Change Network Annual Data Digest 2008. Part 1 - Terrestrial sites. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 135pp. (CEH Project Number: C01826)

Smart, S.M. ORCID:; Allen, D.; Murphy, J.; Carey, P.D.; Emmett, B.A. ORCID:; Reynolds, B.; Simpson, I.C.; Evans, R.A.; Skates, J.; Scott, W.A.; Maskell, L.C. ORCID:; Norton, L.R. ORCID:; Rossall, M.J.; Wood, C. ORCID: 2009 Countryside Survey: Wales results from 2007. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 88pp. (CEH Project Number: C03259)

Smedley, P.L.; O Dochartaigh, B.E.; MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Darling, W.G.. 2009 Baseline Scotland : groundwater chemistry of Aberdeenshire. British Geological Survey, 90pp. (OR/09/065) (Unpublished)

Smeed, D.A. ORCID: 2009 Glider Cruise Report No. 1. Bellamite and Dynamite, 15 Sep-24 Nov 2008 and 21 May-21 Jul 2009: RAPID glider deployment report. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 107pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 44)

Smith, Alan. 2009 Accuracy of BGS legacy digital geological map data. British Geological Survey, 24pp. (OR/09/064) (Unpublished)

Sorensen, J.P.R.; Butcher, A.S.; Gallagher, A.J.; Stuart, M.E.. 2009 Hydrogeological investigations at Morestead, Twyford, 2008-2009 (preliminary observations). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 25pp. (OR/09/009) (Unpublished)

Souza, Alejandro J.. 2009 RV Prince Madog PD02/09A cruise report, 2-4 February 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory. (POL Dee Experiment Cruise Report No. 02/09A)

Stevenson, P.. 2009 Reliability Case Notes No. 5: Report on water leak in Autosub6000 charge blanking plug. Burton blank No 82530-12-5502-3212-0000 NR. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 7pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report 66)

Stewart, Heather; Davies, Jaime; Long, David; Strömberg, Helena; Hitchen, Ken. 2009 JNCC Offshore Natura Survey : Anton Dohrn Seamount and East Rockall Bank areas of search : 2009/03-JNCC Cruise Report. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 90pp. (CR/09/113N) (Unpublished)

Stone, P.. 2009 Geological notes to accompany 1:10k sheets SD58SE (Scout Hill) and SD68SW (Barbon) : part of 1:50,000 Sheet 49 (England & Wales), Kirkby Lonsdale. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 15pp. (OR/09/042) (Unpublished)

Stuart, M.E.; Chilton, P.J.; Butcher, A.S.. 2009 Nitrate fluctuations in groundwater: review of potential mechanisms and application to case studies. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 47pp. (OR/08/046) (Unpublished)

Stuart, M.E.; Smedley, P.L.. 2009 Baseline groundwater chemistry : the Chalk aquifer of Hampshire. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 49pp. (OR/09/052) (Unpublished)

Sutton, M.A. ORCID:; Oenema, O.; Erisman, J.W.; Grennfelt, P.; Beier, C.; Billen, G.; Bleeker, A.; Britton, C.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Cellier, P.; van Grinsven, H.; Grizzetti, B.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Reis, S. ORCID:; Skiba, U. ORCID:; Voss, M.; de Vries, W.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.. 2009 Managing the European Nitrogen Problem. A proposed strategy for integration of European Research on the multiple effects of reactive nitrogen. NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) and the Partnership for European Environmental Research (PEER), 24pp. (CEH Project No: C04910)

Sutton, Mark ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Skiba, Ute ORCID:; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID:; Beier, Claus; Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus; Cellier, Pierre; de Vries, Wim; Erisman, Jan Willem. 2009 NitroEurope IP: Third Annual Activity Report to the European Commission. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 384pp. (CEH Project Number: C03000-NEU)

Terrington, R.L.; Mathers, S.J.; Kessler, H.; Hulland, V.; Price, S.J.. 2009 Subsurface viewer 2009 : user manual V1.0. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 23pp. (OR/09/027) (Unpublished)

Thomas, R.J.. 2009 Report on Field Geoschool held in Tanzania, 24 August to 25 September 2009. British Geological Survey, 8pp. (OR/09/066) (Unpublished)

Tipping, E. ORCID:; Jarvis, A. P.; Kelly, M. G.; Lofts, S. ORCID:; Merrix, F. L.; Ormerod, S. J.. 2009 Ecological indicators for abandoned mines, Phase 1: Review of the literature. Bristol, Environment Agency, 93pp. (CEH Project Number: C03641, Environment Agency Project number: SC030136)

Wadsworth, Richard. 2009 Novel and practical conservation strategies following mining in Sierra Leone. Field Report 25th January to 18th February 2009. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 8pp. (CEH Project Number: C03141) (Unpublished)

Wadsworth, Richard. 2009 Novel and practical conservation strategies following mining in Sierra Leone. Notes of “Wrap-up” Meeting Held at Njala on 17th February 2009. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 5pp. (CEH Project Number: C03141) (Unpublished)

Wadsworth, Richard A.; Sundufu, Abu; Jalloh, Abdul. 2009 Report on Inspection of Mangrove Forest Adjacent to Sierra Rutile Operational Areas 5th - 6th December 2007. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 6pp. (CEH Project Number: C03141)

Warnaars, Tanya ORCID:; Harding, Richard; Blyth, Eleanor ORCID: 2009 Water and Global Change (WATCH) Newsletter No.2. European Commission Sixth Framework Programme, 8pp.

Warnaars, Tanya ORCID:; Harding, Richard; Blyth, Eleanor ORCID:; Hagemann, Stefan; Weedon, Graham; Tallaksen, Lena; van Lanen, Henny; Ludwig, Fulco. 2009 WATCH IP. Water and Global Change. Second year Activity report to the European Commission. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (CEH Project Number: C03276)

Waters, C.N.; Waters, R.A.; Barclay, W.J.; Davies, J.R.. 2009 A lithostratigraphical framework for the Carboniferous successions of southern Great Britain (Onshore). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 185pp. (RR/09/001)

Williams, Richard; Zhang, Zhong; Price, Oliver. 2009 Catchment Modelling using LF2000-WQX: Model validation and National Assessment of Concentrations for LAS, triclosan and methyltriclosan. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 63pp.

Williams, Richard; Zhang, Zhong; Price, Oliver. 2009 Catchment modelling using LF2000-WQX for Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) – A sensitivity analysis. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 22pp.

Williamson, Phil; Turner, Sarah Lea; Kempton, Pamela; Badcock, Nichola. 2009 Large Scale Biodiversity, Environmental Gradients and Ecosystem Sustainability. Report on workshop outputs from Marine and Terrestrial & Freshwater community perspectives (15th and 16th December 2008). Swindon, UK, NERC, 20pp.

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.. 2009 Daer Reservoir hydroacoustic survey. Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 22pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C02539/5)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.. 2009 Feasibility study for the assessment of Arctic charr spawning grounds in Windermere. Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 32pp. (CEH Report Ref Number: LA/C03569/6) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.. 2009 Luxhay Reservoir hydroacoustic survey. Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 22pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C02539/4) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2009 Investigation of vendace spawning grounds in Derwent Water. Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 42pp. (CEH Report Ref. No: LA/C03635/3) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2009 Investigation of vendace spawning grounds in Derwent Water. Progress Report for Period December 2008 to January 2009. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 12pp. (CEH Report Ref. No: LA/C03635/1) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2009 Llyn Tegid hydroacoustic survey 2008. Draft Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 42pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03569/3, CCW Contract Science Report No. 867.)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2009 Llyn Tegid hydroacoustic survey 2008. Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 44pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03569/5, CCW Contract Science Report No. 867.)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2009 Monitoring of the schelly of Haweswater, April 2008 to March 2009. Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 62pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C01512/18) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2009 Monitoring the fish populations of Bassenthwaite Lake and Derwent Water, 2008. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 52pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03461/3) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2009 Monitoring the fish populations of Windermere, 2008. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 66pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03461/4) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2009 Refinement of hydroacoustic methodology for vendace population assessment and monitoring. Draft Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 36pp. (CEH Report Ref. No. LA/C03598/2) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2009 SCM of fish in standing waters 2007/2008 (Phase II). Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 48pp. (CEH Project No: C03380/6) (Unpublished)

Wood, Claire ORCID: 2009 Database Documentation. Countryside Survey (Soils Component). A database of UK Soil Chemistry and Biology data 1978 - 2007. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 84pp. (CEH Project Number: C03259) (Unpublished)

Wood, Claire ORCID:; Smart, Simon ORCID: 2009 Database Documentation. Countryside Survey (Vegetation Plots Component) VegCIDS (CSVEG). A database of Countryside Vegetation data 1978-2007. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 20pp. (CEH Project Number: C03259) (Unpublished)

Woods, M.A.. 2009 Weymouth Relief Road : temporary excavations in Jurassic and Cretaceous strata (August 2009). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 12pp. (OR/09/048) (Unpublished)

Woods, M.A.. 2009 Weymouth Relief Road : temporary excavations in Jurassic and Cretaceous strata (May 2009). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 17pp. (OR/09/035) (Unpublished)

Wragg, J.; Cave, M.; Taylor, H.; Basta, N.; Brandon, E.; Casteel, S.; Gron, C.; Oomen, A.; Van de Wiele, T.. 2009 Inter-laboratory trial of a unified bioaccessibility testing procedure. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 90pp. (OR/07/027) (Unpublished)

Wragg, J.; Cave, M.; Watts, M.. 2009 Practical applications of medical geology, 19th to 20th March 2009 : book of abstracts. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 51pp. (OR/09/026) (Unpublished)

Wynn, R.B.. 2009 RRS James Cook Cruise 27, 05 AUG-03 SEP 2008. Investigating landslide and gravity flow geohazards along the northeast Atlantic continental margin. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 25pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 36)

Yelland, M.J. ORCID: 2009 RRS James Clark Ross Cruise 195, 18-29 Nov 2009. Drake Passage repeat hydrography of WOCE section SR1b: a beginners’ guide. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 123pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 45)

von Christierson, Birgitte; Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Lonsdale, Kate; Parry, Simon ORCID:; Rance, Jemima; Wade, Stephen; Jones, Phil. 2009 Impacts of long droughts on water resources – draft final. Bristol, Environment Agency, 143pp. (Science Report – SC070079/SR) (Submitted)

Publication - Thesis

Berry, David Inglis. 2009 Surface forcing of the North Atlantic: accuracy and variability. University of Southampton, School of Ocean and Earth Science, PhD Thesis, 176pp.

Carvalho, F. ORCID: 2009 Morphology of fish eggs: a comparative method for different salinities and preservatives. University of Lisbon, Masters Thesis, 26pp.

Evans, Jonathan G. ORCID: 2009 Long-Path Scintillometry over Complex Terrain to Determine Areal-Averaged Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes. The University of Reading, Soil Science Department, PhD Thesis, 201pp.

Lloyd, Nicholas Selwyn. 2009 An environmental case-study of depleted uranium particulate contamination. University of Leicester, Geology, PhD Thesis, 207pp.

Purać, Jelena. 2009 Molekularne osnove otpornosti polarnih insekata na niske temperature. Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, PhD Thesis, 117pp.

Publication - Other

British Geological Survey. 2009 2010 Calendar. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey [Calendar]

Working Group on Effects of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. 2009 Atmospheric nitrogen deposition: a threat to the environment and human health. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) [Brochure]

British Geological Survey, Geological Survey of Ireland, Geological Survey of Northern Ireland. 2009 Climate through time : our rocks reveal the story of change. British Geological Survey [Poster]

Mills, G.; Hayes, F. ORCID:; Harmens, H. ORCID:; Norris, D.. 2009 Evidence of widespread ozone pollution damage to vegetation in Europe (1990 - 2006). ICP Vegetation Programme Coordination Centre [Leaflet]

Rollin, Keith. 2009 Regional geophysics of Northern Scotland. British Geological Survey [CD-ROM]

Publication - Patent

Natural Environment Research Council (Assignee). 2009 Systems and methods for resistivity measurement. United States, Patent No: 7,492,168.

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