Items where Year is 2014

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Number of items: 2031.

Publication - Article

Huvenne, Veerle A.I. ORCID:; Davies, Jaime S., eds. 2014 Special Issue: Towards a new and integrated approach to submarine canyon research. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 104. 1-358.

Hickman, Anna E.; Postlethwaite, Clare F.; Woodworth, Philip L. ORCID:; McQuatters-Gollop, Abigail; Bryden, Harry L., eds. 2014 Theme issue: A Prospectus for UK Marine Sustained Observations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 372 (2025).

Abadi, Fitsum; Barbraud, Christophe; Besson, Dominique; Bried, Joël; Crochet, Pierre-André; Delord, Karine; Forcada, Jaume ORCID:; Grosbois, Vladimir; Phillips, Richard A.; Sagar, Paul; Thompson, Paul; Waugh, Susan; Weimerskirch, Henri; Wood, Andrew G.; Gimenez, Olivier. 2014 Importance of accounting for phylogenetic dependence in multi-species mark–recapture studies. Ecological Modelling, 273. 236-241. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.11.017

Abdalla, M.; Hastings, A.; Bell, M.J.; Smith, J.U.; Richards, M.; Nilsson, M.B.; Peichl, M.; Löfvenius, M.O.; Lund, M.; Helfter, C. ORCID:; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:; Aurela, M.; Lohila, A.; Laurila, T.; Dolman, A.J.; Belelli-Marchesini, L.; Pogson, M.; Jones, E.; Drewer, J. ORCID:; Drosler, M.; Smith, P.. 2014 Simulation of CO2 and attribution analysis at six European peatland sites using the ECOSSE model. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 225 (11), 2182. 10.1007/s11270-014-2182-8

Abesser, Corinna; Lewis, Melinda A.; Marchant, Andrew P.; Hulbert, Andrew G.. 2014 Mapping suitability for open-loop ground source heat pump systems: a screening tool for England and Wales, UK. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 47 (4). 373-380. 10.1144/qjegh2014-050

Abrahamsen, E.P. ORCID: 2014 Sustaining observations in the polar oceans. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, A, 372 (2025), 20130337. 10.1098/rsta.2013.0337

Abram, Nerilie J.; Mulvaney, Robert ORCID:; Vimeux, Francoise; Phipps, Steven J.; Turner, John ORCID:; England, Matthew H.. 2014 Evolution of the Southern Annular Mode during the past millennium. Nature Climate Change, 4. 564-569. 10.1038/nclimate2235

Acreman, M.C.; Overton, I.C; King, J.; Wood, P.J.; Cowx, I.G.; Dunbar, M.J.; Kendy, E.; Young, W.J.. 2014 The changing role of ecohydrological science in guiding environmental flows [in special issue: Hydrological science for environmental flows] Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3-4). 10.1080/02626667.2014.886019

Acreman, Mike; Arthington, Angela H.; Colloff, Matthew J.; Couch, Carol; Crossman, Neville D.; Dyer, Fiona; Overton, Ian; Pollino, Carmel A.; Stewardson, Michael J.; Young, William. 2014 Environmental flows for natural, hybrid, and novel riverine ecosystems in a changing world. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 12 (8). 10.1890/130134

Adams, Colin E.; Lyle, Alex A.; Dodd, Jennifer A.; Bean, Colin W.; Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Gowans, Andy R.D.; Stephen, Alastair; Maitland, Peter S.. 2014 Translocation as a conservation tool: case studies from rare freshwater fishes in Scotland. Glasgow Naturalist, 26 (1). 17-24.

Agren, A.M.; Buffam, I.; Cooper, D.M. ORCID:; Tiwari, T.; Evans, C.D. ORCID:; Laudon, H.. 2014 Can the heterogeneity in stream dissolved organic carbon be explained by the contributing landscape elements? Biogeosciences, 11 (4). 1199-1213. 10.5194/bg-11-1199-2014

Aitken, A.R.A.; Young, D.A.; Ferraccioli, F. ORCID:; Betts, P.G.; Greenbaum, J.S.; Richter, T.G.; Roberts, J.L.; Blankenship, D.D.; Siegert, M.J.. 2014 The subglacial geology of Wilkes Land, East Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (7). 2390-2400. 10.1002/2014GL059405

Alasino, P.H.; Casquet, C.; Larrovere, M.A.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Galindo, C.; Dahlquist, J.A.; Baldo, E.G.; Rapela, C.W.. 2014 The evolution of a mid-crustal thermal aureole at Cerro Toro, Sierra de Famatina, NW Argentina. Lithos, 190-191. 154-172. 10.1016/j.lithos.2013.12.006

Albayrak, Ismail; Nikora, Vladimir; Miler, Oliver; O’Hare, Matthew T.. 2014 Flow–plant interactions at leaf, stem and shoot scales: drag, turbulence, and biomechanics. Aquatic Sciences, 76 (2). 269-294. 10.1007/s00027-013-0335-2

Albini, Paola; Musson, Roger M.W.; Rovida, Andrea; Locati, Mario; Gomez Capera, Antonio A.; Viganò, Daniele. 2014 The global earthquake history. Earthquake Spectra, 30 (2). 607-624. 10.1193/122013EQS297

Aldiss, Don; Burke, Helen; Chacksfield, Barrie; Bingley, Richard; Teferle, Norman; Williams, Simon ORCID:; Blackman, David; Burren, Richard; Press, Nigel. 2014 Geological interpretation of current subsidence and uplift in the London area, UK, as shown by high precision satellite-based surveying. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (1). 1-13. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2013.07.003

Aldiss, Don T.. 2014 Response to Owen, H.G. (2014), Discussion on “Aldiss, D.T., Under-representation of faults on geological maps of the London region: reasons, consequences and solutions” [Proc. Geol. Assoc. 124 (2013) 929–945]. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (4). 499-500. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2014.07.004

Aldiss, Don T.. 2014 Response to Owen, H.G. (2014), discussion on “Aldiss, D.T., Under-representation of faults on geological maps of the London region: reasons, consequences and solutions” [Proc. Geol. Assoc. 124 (2013) 929–945]. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (4). 499-500. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2014.07.004

Aldridge, D.; Purdie, D.A.; Zubkov, M.V.. 2014 Growth and survival of Neoceratium hexacanthum and Neoceratium candelabrum under simulated nutrient-depleted conditions. Journal of Plankton Research, 36 (2). 439-449. 10.1093/plankt/fbt098

Alexander, Peter; Moran, Dominic; Smith, Pete; Hastings, Astley; Wang, Shifeng; Sünnenberg, Gilla; Lovett, Andrew; Tallis, Matthew J.; Casella, Eric; Taylor, Gail; Finch, Jon; Cisowska, Iwona. 2014 Estimating UK perennial energy crop supply using farm-scale models with spatially disaggregated data [in special issue: Supply and demand: Britain's capacity to utilize home-grown bioenergy] Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 6 (2). 142-155. 10.1111/gcbb.12121

Allen, C. S. ORCID: 2014 Proxy development: a new facet of morphological diversity in the marine diatom Eucampia antarctica (Castracane) Mangin. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 33 (2). 131-142. 10.1144/jmpaleo2013-025

Allen, D.J.; Darling, W.G.; Davies, J.; Newell, A.J.; Gooddy, D.C.; Collins, A.L.. 2014 Groundwater conceptual models: implications for evaluating diffuse pollution mitigation measures. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 47 (1). 65-80. 10.1144/qjegh2013-043

Allen, Debbie; Darling, W. George; Williams, Peter J.; Stratford, Charlie J. ORCID:; Robins, Nick S.. 2014 Understanding the hydrochemical evolution of a coastal dune system in SW England using a multiple tracer technique. Applied Geochemistry, 45. 94-104. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.12.014

Amalokwu, K.; Best, A.I. ORCID:; Sothcott, J.; Chapman, M.; Minshull, T.; Li, X.-Y.. 2014 Water saturation effects on elastic wave attenuation in porous rocks with aligned fractures. Geophysical Journal International, 197 (2). 943-947. 10.1093/gji/ggu076

Ameloot, Nele; Sleutel, Steven; Case, Sean D.C.; Alberti, Giorgio; McNamara, Niall P. ORCID:; Zavalloni, Costanza; Vervisch, Bram; Vedove, Gemini delle; De Neve, Stefaan. 2014 C mineralization and microbial activity in four biochar field experiments several years after incorporation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 78. 195-203. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2014.08.004

Amoudry, Laurent; Ramirez-Mendoza, Rafael; Souza, Alejandro; Brown, Jennifer ORCID: 2014 Modelling-based assessment of suspended sediment dynamics in a hypertidal estuarine channel. Ocean Dynamics, 64 (5). 707-722. 10.1007/s10236-014-0695-8

Amoudry, Laurent O.. 2014 Extension of k-ω turbulence closure to two-phase sediment transport modelling: application to oscillatory sheet flows. Advances in Water Resources, 72. 110-121. 10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.07.006

Ancel, André; Cristofari, Robin; Fretwell, Peter T. ORCID:; Trathan, Phil N. ORCID:; Wienecke, Barbara; Boureau, Matthieu; Morinay, Jennifer; Blanc, Stéphane; Le Maho, Yvon; Le Bohec, Céline. 2014 Emperors in hiding: When ice-breakers and satellites complement each other in Antarctic exploration. PLoS ONE, 9 (6), e100404. 8, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0100404

Andersen, Anne; Simcox, David J.; Thomas, Jeremy A.; Nash, David R.. 2014 Assessing reintroduction schemes by comparing genetic diversity of reintroduced and source populations: a case study of the globally threatened large blue butterfly (Maculinea arion). Biological Conservation, 175. 34-41. 10.1016/j.biocon.2014.04.009

Anderson, Helen B.; Evans, Peter G.H.; Potts, Jacqueline M.; Harris, Michael P. ORCID:; Wanless, Sarah ORCID: 2014 The diet of common guillemot Uria aalge chicks provides evidence of changing prey communities in the North Sea. Ibis, 156 (1). 23-34. 10.1111/ibi.12099

Anderson, R.; Jones, D. H.; Gudmundsson, G. H. ORCID: 2014 Halley Research Station, Antarctica: calving risks and monitoring strategies. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14 (4). 917-927. 10.5194/nhess-14-917-2014

Anderson, Robert; Mawji, Edward; Cutter, Gregory; Measures, Christopher; Jeandel, Catherine. 2014 GEOTRACES: Changing the Way We Explore Ocean Chemistry. Oceanography, 27 (1). 50-61. 10.5670/oceanog.2014.07

Andersson, M. E.; Verronen, P. T.; Rodger, C. J.; Clilverd, M. A. ORCID:; Seppälä, A.. 2014 Missing driver in the Sun–Earth connection from energetic electron precipitation impacts mesospheric ozone. Nature Communications, 5, 5197. 5, pp. 10.1038/ncomms6197

Andersson, M. E.; Verronen, P. T.; Rodger, C. J.; Clilverd, M. A. ORCID:; Wang, S.. 2014 Longitudinal hot-spots in the mesospheric OH variations due to energetic electron precipitation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14 (2). 1095-1105. 10.5194/acp-14-1095-2014

Andutta, Fernando P.; Ridd, Peter V.; Deleersnijder, Eric; Prandle, David. 2014 Contaminant exchange rates in estuaries – New formulae accounting for advection and dispersion. Progress in Oceanography, 120. 139-153. 10.1016/j.pocean.2013.08.009

Aquilina, Luc; Dreuzy, Jean-Raynald de; Gooddy, Daren. 2014 Dissolved gases in groundwater and groundwater dating methods: how useful for hydrogeological modeling? – foreword to the special issue. Applied Geochemistry, 50. 115-117. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2014.07.011

Archer, N.A.L.; Bonnell, M.; MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Coles, N.. 2014 A constant head well permeameter formula comparison: its significance in the estimation of field saturated hydraulic conductivity in heterogenous shallow soils. Hydrology Research, 45 (6). 788-805. 10.2166/nh.2014.159

Armstrong, Alona; Waldron, Susan; Whitaker, Jeanette ORCID:; Ostle, Nicholas J.. 2014 Wind farm and solar park effects on plant-soil carbon cycling: uncertain impacts of changes in ground-level microclimate. Global Change Biology, 20 (6). 1699-1706. 10.1111/gcb.12437

Arroyo, Beatriz; Leckie, Fiona; Amar, Arjun; McCluskie, Aly; Redpath, Steve. 2014 Ranging behaviour of hen harriers breeding in Special Protection Areas in Scotland. Bird Study, 61 (1). 48-55. 10.1080/00063657.2013.874976

Artigaud, Sebastien; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Richard, Joelle; Lavaud, Romain; Jean, Fred; Flyte-Sainte-Marie, Jonathan; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Picherau, Vianney; Clark, Melody S. ORCID: 2014 Deep sequencing of the mantle transcriptome of the great scallop Pecten maximus. Marine Genomics, 15. 3-4. 10.1016/j.margen.2014.03.006

Ashford, Oliver S.; Davies, Andrew J.; Jones, Daniel O.B. ORCID: 2014 Deep-sea benthic megafaunal habitat suitability modelling: A global-scale maximum entropy model for xenophyophores. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 94. 31-44. 10.1016/j.dsr.2014.07.012

Ashmore, David W.; Bingham, Robert G.; Hindmarsh, Richard C.A. ORCID:; Corr, Hugh F.J.; Joughin, Ian R.. 2014 The relationship between sticky spots and radar reflectivity beneath an active West Antarctic ice stream. Annals of Glaciology, 55 (67). 29-38. 10.3189/2014AoG67A052

Aspinall, W.; Musson, R.. 2014 Selfridge's Seismograph. Seismological Research Letters, 85 (2). 361-364. 10.1785/0220130102

Atazadeh, Islam; Edlund, Mark B.; Van der Vijver, Bart; Mills, Keely; Spaulding, Sarah A.; Gell, Peter A.; Crawford, Simon; Barton, Andrew F.; Lee, Sylvia S.; Smith, Kathryn E.L.; Newall, Peter; Potapova, Marina. 2014 Morphology, ecology and biogeography of Stauroneis pachycephala P.T. Cleve (Bacillariophyta) and its transfer to the genusEnvekadea. Diatom Research, 29 (4). 455-464. 10.1080/0269249X.2014.927006

Atkinson, Angus; Hill, Simeon L. ORCID:; Barange, Manuel; Pakhomov, Evgeny A.; Raubenheimer, David; Schmidt, Katrin; Simpson, Stephen J.; Reiss, Christian. 2014 Sardine cycles, krill declines, and locust plagues: revisiting ‘wasp-waist’ food webs. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 29 (6). 309-316. 10.1016/j.tree.2014.03.011

Atkinson, Helen M.; Hughes, Claire; Shaw, Marvin J.; Roscoe, Howard K.; Carpenter, Lucy J.; Liss, Peter S.. 2014 Halocarbons associated with Arctic sea ice. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 92. 162-175. 10.1016/j.dsr.2014.05.012

August, Tom A. ORCID:; Nunn, Miles A.; Fensome, Amy G.; Linton, Danielle M.; Mathews, Fiona. 2014 Sympatric woodland Myotis bats form tight-knit social groups with exclusive roost home ranges. PLoS ONE, 9 (10), e112225. 9, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0112225

Avila, Rodolfo; Beresford, Nick; Brown, Justin; Hosseini, Ali. 2014 The selection of parameter values in studies of environmental radiological impacts. Journal of Radiological Protection, 34 (1). 260-263. 10.1088/0952-4746/34/1/L01

Aze, T.; Pearson, P.N.; Dickson, A.J.; Badger, M.P.S.; Bown, P.R.; Pancost, R.D.; Gibbs, S.J.; Huber, B.T.; Leng, M.J. ORCID:; Coe, A.L.; Cohen, A.S.; Foster, G.L.. 2014 Extreme warming of tropical waters during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Geology, 42 (9). 739-742. 10.1130/G35637.1

Babaei, Masoud; Govindan, Rajesh; Korre, Anna; Shi, Ji-Quan; Durucan, Sevket; Quinn, Martyn; McCormac, Mike. 2014 CO2 storage potential at Forties oilfield and the surrounding Paleocene sandstone aquifer accounting for leakage risk through abandoned wells. Energy Procedia, 63. 5164-5171. 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.546

Babaei, Masoud; Pan, Indranil; Korre, Anna; Shi, Ji Quan; Govindan, Rajesh; Durucan, Sevket; Quinn, Martyn. 2014 Evolutionary optimisation for CO2 storage design using upscaled models: application on a proximal area of the Forties Fan System in the UK Central North Sea. Energy Procedia, 63. 5349-5356. 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.567

Bacon, Sheldon ORCID:; Marshall, Abigail; Holliday, N. Penny ORCID:; Aksenov, Yevgeny ORCID:; Dye, Stephen R.. 2014 Seasonal variability of the East Greenland Coastal Current. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (6). 3967-3987. 10.1002/2013JC009279

Bagnara, M.; Van Oijen, M.; Cameron, D.; Gianelle, D.; Magnani, F.; Sottocornola, M.. 2014 A user-friendly forest model with a multiplicative mathematical structure: a Bayesian approach to calibration. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 7 (5). 6997-7031. 10.5194/gmdd-7-6997-2014

Bailey, Hannah L.; Henderson, Andrew C.G.; Sloane, Hilary J.; Snelling, Andrea; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Kaufman, Darrell S.. 2014 The effect of species on lacustrine δ18Odiatom and its implications for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Journal of Quaternary Science, 29 (4). 393-400. 10.1002/jqs.2711

Baker, Ambroise; Pescott, Oliver ORCID: 2014 How did Polypogon viridis (Water Bent) find itself on the streets of the British Isles? BSBI News, 125. 51-52.

Bakker, W.H.; van Ruitenbeek, F.J.A.; van der Werff, H.M.A.; Zegers, T.E.; Oosthoek, J.H.P.; Marsh, S.H.; van der Meer, F.D.. 2014 Processing OMEGA/Mars Express hyperspectral imagery from radiance-at-sensor to surface reflectance. Planetary and Space Science, 90. 1-9. 10.1016/j.pss.2013.11.007

Balch, W.M.; Drapeau, D.T.; Bowler, B.C.; Lyczskowski, E.R.; Lubelczyk, L.C.; Painter, S.C.; Poulton, A.J.. 2014 Surface biological, chemical, and optical properties of the Patagonian Shelf coccolithophore bloom, the brightest waters of the Great Calcite Belt. Limnology and Oceanography, 59 (5). 1715-1732. 10.4319/lo.2014.59.5.1715

Banin, Lindsay ORCID:; Lewis, Simon L.; Lopez-Gonzalez, Gabriela; Baker, Timothy R.; Quesada, Carlos A.; Chao, Kuo-Jung; Burslem, David F.R.P.; Nilus, Reuben; Abu Salim, Kamariah; Keeling, Helen C.; Tan, Sylvester; Davies, Stuart J.; Monteagudo Mendoza, Abel; Vásquez, Rodolfo; Lloyd, Jon; Neill, David A.; Pitman, Nigel; Phillips, Oliver L.. 2014 Tropical forest wood production: a cross-continental comparison. Journal of Ecology, 102 (4). 1025-1037. 10.1111/1365-2745.12263

Banks, J.; Phillips, A.B.; Turnock, S.R.; Hudson, D.A.; Taunton, D.J.. 2014 Kayak blade-hull interactions: A body force approach for self-propelled simulations. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 228 (1). 49-60. 10.1177/1754337113493847

Banks, V.J.; Jones, P.F.. 2014 Measurement of rates of surface lowering of limestone in the southern Pennines: an example in the Wye catchment, Derbyshire, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (1). 20-30. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2013.10.006

Barange, M.; Merino, G.; Blanchard, J. L.; Scholtens, J.; Harle, J.; Allison, E. H.; Allen, J. I.; Holt, J. ORCID:; Jennings, S.. 2014 Impacts of climate change on marine ecosystem production in societies dependent on fisheries. Nature Climate Change, 4 (3). 211-216. 10.1038/nclimate2119

Barkwith, A.; Hurst, M.D.; Thomas, C.W.; Ellis, M.A.; Limber, P.L.; Murray, A.B.. 2014 Coastal vulnerability of a pinned, soft-cliff coastline. Part II, assessing the influence of sea walls on future morphology. Earth Surface Dynamics, 2. 233-242. 10.5194/esurf-2-233-2014

Barkwith, A.; Thomas, C.W.; Limber, P.W.; Ellis, M.A.; Murray, A.B.. 2014 Coastal vulnerability of a pinned, soft-cliff coastline. Part I, assessing the natural sensitivity to wave climate. Earth Surface Dynamics, 2. 295-308. 10.5194/esurf-2-295-2014

Barnes, David KA ORCID:; Fenton, Mairi; Cordingley, Ashley. 2014 Climate-linked iceberg activity massively reduces spatial competition in Antarctic shallow waters. Current Biology, 24 (16). R553-R554. 10.1016/j.cub.2014.04.040

Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Beresford, N.A.; Walker, L.A. ORCID:; Baxter, M.; Wells, C.; Copplestone, D.. 2014 Transfer parameters for ICRP reference animals and plants collected from a forest ecosystem. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 53 (1). 125-149. 10.1007/s00411-013-0493-6

Barrie, J. Vaughn; Todd, Brian J.; Heap, Andrew D.; Gary Greene, H.; Cotterill, Carol; Stewart, Heather; Pearce, Bryony. 2014 Geoscience and habitat mapping for marine renewable energy : introduction to the special issue. Continental Shelf Research, 83. 1-2. 10.1016/j.csr.2014.03.014

Barron, A.J. Mark; Riding, James B. ORCID: 2014 A revision of the Jurassic (Bathonian to Oxfordian) lithostratigraphy of the onshore Moray Firth Basin, north-east Scotland. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (1). 74-82. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2013.08.004

Bartels-Rausch, T.; Jacobi, H.-W.; Kahan, T.; Thomas, J.; Thomson, E.S.; Abbatt, J.; Ammann, M.; Blackford, J.R.; Bluhm, H.; Boxe, C.; Domine, F.; Frey, M.M. ORCID:; Gladich, I.; Guzman, M.I.; Heger, D.; Huthwelker, Th.; Klan, P.; Kuhs, W.F.; Kuo, M.; Maus, S.; Moussa, S.; McNeill, V.F.; Newberg, J.T.; Pettersson, J.B.C.; Roeselova, M.; Sodeau, J.. 2014 A review of air-ice chemical and physical interactions (AICI): liquids, quasi liquids, and solids in snow. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14. 1587-1633. 10.5194/acp-14-1587-2014

Barwell, Louise J. ORCID:; Azaele, Sandro; Kunin, William E.; Isaac, Nick J.B. ORCID: 2014 Can coarse-grain patterns in insect atlas data predict local occupancy? Diversity and Distributions, 20 (8). 895-907. 10.1111/ddi.12203

Bateman, Mark D.; Hitchens, Stephen; Murton, Julian B.; Lee, Jonathan R.; Gibbard, Phillip L.. 2014 The evolution of periglacial patterned ground in East Anglia, UK. Journal of Quaternary Science, 29 (4). 301-317. 10.1002/jqs.2704

Battarbee, Richard W.; Shilland, Ewan M.; Kernan, Martin; Monteith, Donald T. ORCID:; Curtis, Chris J.. 2014 Recovery of acidified surface waters from acidification in the United Kingdom after twenty years of chemical and biological monitoring (1988–2008) [in special issue: Threats to upland waters] Ecological Indicators, 37 B. 267-273. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.10.011

Bauch, D.; Torres-valdes, S.; Polyakov, I.; Novikhin, A.; Dmitrenko, I.; McKay, J.; Mix, A.. 2014 Halocline water modification and along-slope advection at the Laptev Sea continental margin. Ocean Science, 10 (1). 141-154. 10.5194/os-10-141-2014

Baumgartner, M.; Kindler, P.; Eicher, O.; Floch, G.; Schilt, A.; Schwander, J.; Spahni, R.; Capron, E. ORCID:; Chappellaz, J.; Leuenberger, M.; Fischer, H.; Stocker, T. F.. 2014 NGRIP CH4 concentration from 120 to 10 kyr before present and its relation to a δ15N temperature reconstruction from the same ice core. Climate of the Past, 10 (2). 903-920. 10.5194/cp-10-903-2014

Baylis, Alastair M. M.; Arnould, John P. Y.; Staniland, Iain J. ORCID: 2014 Diet of South American fur seals at the Falkland Islands. Marine Mammal Science, 30 (3). 1210-1219. 10.1111/mms.12090

Bayrakci, Gaye; Scalabrin, Carla; Dupré, Stéphanie; Leblond, Isabelle; Tary, Jean-Baptiste; Lanteri, Nadine; Augustin, Jean-Marie; Berger, Laurent; Cros, Estelle; Ogor, André; Tsabaris, Christos; Lescanne, Marc; Géli, Louis. 2014 Acoustic monitoring of gas emissions from the seafloor. Part II: a case study from the Sea of Marmara. Marine Geophysical Research, 35 (3). 211-229. 10.1007/s11001-014-9227-7

Bealey, W.J. ORCID:; Loubet, B.; Braban, C.F. ORCID:; Famulari, D.; Theobald, M.R.; Reis, S. ORCID:; Reay, D.S.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2014 Modelling agro-forestry scenarios for ammonia abatement in the landscape. Environmental Research Letters, 9 (12), 125001. 10.1088/1748-9326/9/12/125001

Beamish, David. 2014 Environmental radioactivity in the UK: the airborne geophysical view of dose rate estimates. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 138. 249-263. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2014.08.025

Beamish, David. 2014 Peat mapping associations of airborne radiometric survey data. Remote Sensing, 6 (1). 521-539. 10.3390/rs6010521

Beaumont, N.J.; Jones, L. ORCID:; Garbutt, A. ORCID:; Hansom, J.D.; Toberman, M.. 2014 The value of carbon sequestration and storage in coastal habitats. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 137. 32-40. 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.11.022

Beck, Inga; Huffman, Louise Tolle; Xavier, Jose Carlos Caetano ORCID:; Walton, David Winston Harris ORCID: 2014 Education and polar research: bringing polar science into the classroom. Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 4. 217-221. 10.17265/2328-2193/2014.04.004

Bednarsek, Nina; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Bakker, Dorothee C. E.; Fielding, Sophie ORCID:; Feely, Richard A.. 2014 Dissolution dominating calcification process in polar pteropods close to the point of aragonite undersaturation. PLoS ONE, 9 (10), e109183. 14, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0109183

Beetham, Paul; Dijkstra, Tom; Dixon, Neil; Fleming, Paul; Hutchison, Robert; Bateman, John. 2014 Lime stabilisation for earthworks: a UK perspective. Proceedings of the ICE - Ground Improvement, 168 (2). 81-95. 10.1680/grim.13.00030

Beggan, C.D.. 2014 Automatic detection of ionospheric Alfvén resonances using signal and image processing techniques. Annales Geophysicae, 32 (8). 951-958. 10.5194/angeo-32-951-2014

Beggan, Ciaran; Macmillan, Susan; Clarke, Ellen; Hamilton, Brian. 2014 Improving models of the Earth’s magnetic field for directional drilling applications. First Break, 32 (3). 53-60.

Begum, S.; McClean, C.J.; Cresser, M.S.; Adnan, M.; Breward, N.. 2014 A critical re-evaluation of the prediction of alkalinity and base cation chemistry from BGS sediment composition data. Science of The Total Environment, 482-483. 283-293. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.03.011

Belal, Mohammad; Petrovich, Marco; Wheeler, Natalie; Wooler, John; Masoudi, Ali; Poletti, Francesco; Alam, Shaiful; Richardson, David; Newson, Trevor. 2014 First demonstration of a 2- μm OTDR and its use in photonic bandgap CO2 sensing fiber. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26 (9). 889-892. 10.1109/LPT.2014.2309496

Bell, Paul ORCID: 2014 Marine renewable energy. Science in Parliament, 71 (2). 34-36.

Bellini, Nicola; Cox, Martin J.; Harper, Danielle J.; Stott, Sebastian R.; Ashok, Praveen C.; Dholakia, Kishan; Kawaguchi, So; King, Robert; Horton, Tammy ORCID:; Brown, Christian T. A.. 2014 The Application of Optical Coherence Tomography to Image Subsurface Tissue Structure of Antarctic Krill Euphausia superba. PLoS ONE, 9 (10). e110367. 10.1371/journal.pone.0110367

Benhua, Sun; Dennis, P.G.; Laudicina, V.A.; Ord, V.J.; Rushton, S.P.; O’Donnell, A.G.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Hopkins, D.W.. 2014 Biogeochemical responses to nutrient, moisture and temperature manipulations of soil from Signy Island, South Orkney Islands in the Maritime Antarctic. Antarctic Science, 26 (5). 513-520. 10.1017/S0954102014000030

Bennett, S.A.; Toner, B.M.; Barco, R.; Edwards, K.J.. 2014 Carbon adsorption onto Fe oxyhydroxide stalks produced by a lithotrophic iron-oxidizing bacteria. Geobiology, 12 (2). 146-156. 10.1111/gbi.12074

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Benton, Michael J.; Newell, Andrew J.. 2014 Impacts of global warming on Permo-Triassic terrestrial ecosystems. Gondwana Research, 25 (4). 1308-1337. 10.1016/

Beperet, Inés; Irons, Sarah L.; Simon, Oihane; King, Linda A.; Williams, Trevor; Possee, Robert D.; Lopez-Ferber, Miguel; Caballero, Primitivo. 2014 Superinfection exclusion in alphabaculovirus infections is concomitant with actin reorganization. Journal of Virology, 88 (6). 3548-3556. 10.1128/JVI.02974-13

Beresford, N.A.; Wood, M.D.. 2014 A new simplified allometric approach for predicting the biological half-life of radionuclides in reptiles. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 138. 116-121. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2014.08.012

Berggren, Karolina; Packman, John; Ashley, Richard; Viklander, Maria. 2014 Climate changed rainfalls for urban drainage capacity assessment. Urban Water Journal, 11 (7). 543-556. 10.1080/1573062X.2013.851709

Beriro, Darren; Vane, Christopher ORCID: 2014 Concentrations of PAH and PCB in London. Brownfield Briefing + Contaminated Land Bulletin, 165. 9-11.

Beriro, Darren J.; Vane, Christopher H. ORCID:; Cave, Mark R.; Nathanail, C. Paul. 2014 Effects of drying and comminution type on the quantification of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in a homogenised gasworks soil and the implications for human health risk assessment. Chemosphere, 111. 396-404. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.03.077

Bernardello, Raffaele; Marinov, Irina; Palter, Jaime B.; Galbraith, Eric D.; Sarmiento, Jorge L.. 2014 Impact of Weddell Sea deep convection on natural and anthropogenic carbon in a climate model. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (20). 7262-7269. 10.1002/2014GL061313

Bernardello, Raffaele; Marinov, Irina; Palter, Jaime B.; Sarmiento, Jorge L.; Galbraith, Eric D.; Slater, Richard D.. 2014 Response of the ocean natural carbon storage to projected twenty-first-century climate change. Journal of Climate, 27 (5). 2033-2053. 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00343.1

Berndt, C.; Feseker, T.; Treude, T.; Krastel, S.; Liebetrau, V.; Niemann, H.; Bertics, V. J.; Dumke, I.; Dunnbier, K.; Ferre, B.; Graves, C.; Gross, F.; Hissmann, K.; Huhnerbach, V.; Krause, S.; Lieser, K.; Schauer, J.; Steinle, L.. 2014 Temporal Constraints on Hydrate-Controlled Methane Seepage off Svalbard. Science, 343 (6168). 284-287. 10.1126/science.1246298

Bessell, Paul R.; Auty, Harriet K.; Searle, Kate R. ORCID:; Handel, Ian G.; Purse, Bethan V. ORCID:; Bronsvoort, B. Mark de C.. 2014 Impact of temperature, feeding preference and vaccination on Schmallenberg virus transmission in Scotland. Scientific Reports, 4, 5746. 10, pp. 10.1038/srep05746

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Bett, Brian J. ORCID: 2014 Macroecology and meiobenthos: Reply to Warwick (2014). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 505. 299-302. 10.3354/meps10831

Bett, Brian J. ORCID:; Narayanaswamy, Bhavani E.. 2014 Genera as proxies for species α- and β-diversity: tested across a deep-water Atlantic-Arctic boundary. Marine Ecology, 35 (4). 436-444. 10.1111/maec.12100

Bide, T.P.; Styles, M.T.; Naden, J.. 2014 An assessment of global resources of rocks as suitable raw materials for carbon capture and storage by mineralisation. Applied Earth Science, 123 (3). 179-195. 10.1179/1743275814Y.0000000057

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Birch, Cathryn E.; Marsham, John H.; Parker, Douglas J.; Taylor, Christopher M. ORCID: 2014 The scale dependence and structure of convergence fields preceding the initiation of deep convection. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (13). 4769-4776. 10.1002/2014GL060493

Birkinshaw, Stephen J.; Bathurst, James C.; Robinson, Mark. 2014 45 years of non-stationary hydrology over a forest plantation growth cycle, Coalburn catchment, Northern England. Journal of Hydrology, 519 (A). 559-573. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.07.050

Black, Martin ORCID:; Carbonneau, Patrice; Church, Michael; Warburton, Jeff. 2014 Mapping sub-pixel fluvial grain sizes with hyperspatial imagery. Sedimentology, 61 (3). 691-711. 10.1111/sed.12072

Black, Martin ORCID:; Fleming, Andrew ORCID:; Riley, Teal ORCID:; Ferrier, Graham; Fretwell, Peter ORCID:; McFee, John; Achal, Stephen; Diaz, Alejandra Umana. 2014 On the Atmospheric Correction of Antarctic Airborne Hyperspectral Data. Remote Sensing, 6 (5). 4498-4514. 10.3390/rs6054498

Blackford, Jerry; Stahl, Henrik; Bull, Jonathan M.; Bergès, Benoît J.P.; Cevatoglu, Melis; Lichtschlag, Anna ORCID:; Connelly, Douglas; James, Rachael H.; Kita, Jun; Long, Dave; Naylor, Mark; Shitashima, Kiminori; Smith, Dave; Taylor, Peter; Wright, Ian; Akhurst, Maxine; Chen, Baixin; Gernon, Tom M.; Hauton, Chris; Hayashi, Masatoshi; Kaieda, Hideshi; Leighton, Timothy G.; Sato, Toru; Sayer, Martin D.J.; Suzumura, Masahiro; Tait, Karen; Vardy, Mark E.; White, Paul R.; Widdicombe, Steve. 2014 Detection and impacts of leakage from sub-seafloor deep geological carbon dioxide storage. Nature Climate Change, 4. 1011-1016. 10.1038/nclimate2381

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Blunden, J.; Arndt, D.S.; et al, .; Berry, D.I.; Frajka-Williams, E. ORCID:; McCarthy, G.; Rayner, D. ORCID:; Smeed, D.A. ORCID: 2014 State of the Climate in 2013. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 95 (7 (Supplement)). SI1-SI279.

Bodey, Thomas W.; Ward, Eric J.; Phillips, Richard A.; McGill, Rona A. R.; Bearhop, Stuart. 2014 Species versus guild level differentiation revealed across the annual cycle by isotopic niche examination. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83 (2). 470-478. 10.1111/1365-2656.12156

Bogaard, A.; Henton, E.; Evans, J.A.; Twiss, K.C.; Charles, M.P.; Vaiglova, P.; Russell, N.. 2014 Locating land use at Neolithic Çatalhöyük, Turkey: the implications of 87Sr/86Sr signatures in plants and sheep tooth sequences. Archaeometry, 56 (5). 860-877. 10.1111/arcm.12049

Bogdanova, Maria I. ORCID:; Wanless, Sarah ORCID:; Harris, Michael P. ORCID:; Lindstrom, Jan; Butler, Adam; Newell, Mark A.; Sato, Katsufumi; Watanuki, Yutaka; Parsons, Matt; Daunt, Francis ORCID: 2014 Among-year and within-population variation in foraging distribution of European shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis over two decades: implications for marine spatial planning. Biological Conservation, 170. 292-299. 10.1016/j.biocon.2013.12.025

Bolanos-Sanchez, R.; Brown, J.M. ORCID:; Souza, A.J.. 2014 Wave-current interactions in a tide dominated estuary. Continental Shelf Research, 87. 109-123. 10.1016/j.csr.2014.05.009

Bonn, Aletta; Reed, Mark S.; Evans, Chris D. ORCID:; Joosten, Hans; Bain, Clifton; Farmer, Jenny; Emmer, Igino; Couwenberg, John; Moxey, Andrew; Artz, Rebekka; Tanneberger, Franziska; von Unger, Moritz; Smyth, Mary-Ann; Birnie, Dick. 2014 Investing in nature: developing ecosystem service markets for peatland restoration. Ecosystem Services, 9. 54-65. 10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.06.011

Bonsall, Michael B.; Dooley, Claire A.; Kasparson, Anna; Brereton, Tom; Roy, David B. ORCID:; Thomas, Jeremy A.. 2014 Allee effects and the spatial dynamics of a locally endangered butterfly, the high brown fritillary (Argynnis adippe). Ecological Applications, 24 (1). 108-120. 10.1890/13-0155.1

Bonsor, H.C.; MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Davies, J.. 2014 Evidence for extreme variations in the permeability of laterite from a detailed analysis of well behaviour in Nigeria. Hydrological Processes, 28 (10). 3563-3573. 10.1002/hyp.9871

Booker, Victoria; Halsall, Crispin; Llewellyn, Neville; Johnson, Andrew ORCID:; Williams, Richard. 2014 Prioritising anticancer drugs for environmental monitoring and risk assessment purposes. Science of the Total Environment, 473-474. 159-170. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.11.145

Bos, M.S.; Williams, S.D.P. ORCID:; Araujo, I.B.; Bastos, L.. 2014 The effect of temporal correlated noise on the sea level rate and acceleration uncertainty. Geophysical Journal International, 196 (3). 1423-1430. 10.1093/gji/ggt481

Bowes, Michael J. ORCID:; Jarvie, Helen P. ORCID:; Naden, Pamela S.; Old, Gareth H. ORCID:; Scarlett, Peter M.; Roberts, Colin; Armstrong, Linda K.; Harman, Sarah A.; Wickham, Heather D.; Collins, Adrian L.. 2014 Identifying priorities for nutrient mitigation using river concentration-flow relationships: the Thames basin, UK. Journal of Hydrology, 517. 1-12. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.03.063

Bowman, Vanessa. 2014 Book review. The vegetation of Antarctica through geological time. D.J. Poole and I. Poole. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2012. Antarctic Science, 26 (2). 215-216. 10.1017/S095410201400011X

Bowman, Vanessa C.; Francis, Jane E.; Askin, Rosemary A.; Riding, James B. ORCID:; Swindles, Graeme T.. 2014 Latest Cretaceous–earliest Paleogene vegetation and climate change at the high southern latitudes: palynological evidence from Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 408. 26-47. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.04.018

Boxall, A.B.A.; Keller, V.D.J. ORCID:; Straub, J.O.; Monteiro, S.C.; Fussell, R.; Williams, R.J.. 2014 Exploiting monitoring data in environmental exposure modelling and risk assessment of pharmaceuticals. Environment International, 73. 176-185. 10.1016/j.envint.2014.07.018

Bracciali, L.; Pandolfi, L.; Rocchi, S.. 2014 A snapshot of the Late Jurassic Western Tethys seafloor composition and morphology provided by the geochemistry of pelitic sediments (Corsica, Central Alps and Northern Apennines). Basin Research, 26 (3). 461-485. 10.1111/bre.12036

Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID:; Turner, John ORCID:; Hosking, J. Scott ORCID:; Phillips, Tony ORCID: 2014 Sources of uncertainty in projections of 21st century westerly wind changes over the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, in CMIP5 climate models. Climate Dynamics, 43 (7-8). 2093-2104. 10.1007/s00382-013-2032-1

Bradshaw, C.D.; Lunt, D.J.; Flecker, R.; Salzmann, U.; Pound, M.J.; Haywood, A.M.; Eronen, J.T.. 2014 Corrigendum to "The relative roles of CO2 and palaeogeography in determining late Miocene climate: results from a terrestrial model-data comparison" published in Clim. Past, 8, 1257-1285, 2012. Climate of the Past, 10 (1). 199-206. 10.5194/cp-10-199-2014

Brandt, Angelika; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Schiaparelli, Stefano; Ballerini, Tosca; Danis, Bruno; Pfannkuche, Olaf. 2014 Challenges of deep-sea biodiversity assessments in the Southern Ocean. Advances in Polar Science, 25 (3). 204-212. 10.13679/j.advps.2014.3.00204

Brearley, J. Alexander; Sheen, Katy L.; Naviera Garabato, Alberto C.; Smeed, David A. ORCID:; Speer, Kevin G.; Thurnherr, Andreas M.; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Waterman, Stephanie. 2014 Deep boundary current disintegration in Drake Passage. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (1). 121-127. 10.1002/2013GL058617

Brennan, Paul V.; Nicholls, Keith ORCID:; Lok, Lai Bun; Corr, Hugh. 2014 Phase-sensitive FMCW radar system for high-precision Antarctic ice shelf profile monitoring. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 8 (7). 776-786. 10.1049/iet-rsn.2013.0053

Bricheno, Lucy M. ORCID:; Wolf, Judith ORCID:; Brown, Jennifer M. ORCID: 2014 Impacts of high resolution model downscaling in coastal regions. Continental Shelf Research, 87. 7-16. 10.1016/j.csr.2013.11.007

Bricker, S.H.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID: 2014 Controls on the basin-scale distribution of hydraulic conductivity of superficial deposits: a case study from the Thames Basin, UK. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 47 (3). 223-236. 10.1144/qjegh2013-072

Bridge, Paul; Edgington, Steve; Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID: 2014 Antarctic Fungi: Potential Novel Mycoinsecticides? Outlooks on Pest Management, 25 (5). 340-343. 10.1564/v25_oct_10

Briones, María Jesús I.; McNamara, Niall P. ORCID:; Poskitt, Jan; Crow, Susan E.; Ostle, Nicholas J.. 2014 Interactive biotic and abiotic regulators of soil carbon cycling: evidence from controlled climate experiments on peatland and boreal soils. Global Change Biology, 20 (9). 2971-2982. 10.1111/gcb.12585

Brisbourne, Alex ORCID:; Smith, Andy ORCID:; King, Edward ORCID:; Nicholls, Keith ORCID:; Holland, Paul ORCID:; Makinson, Keith ORCID: 2014 Seabed topography beneath Larsen C Ice Shelf from seismic soundings. The Cryosphere, 8. 1-13. 10.5194/tc-8-1-2014

Brito, M.P.; Smeed, D.A. ORCID:; Griffiths, G.. 2014 Analysis of causation of loss of communication with marine autonomous systems: a probability tree approach. Methods in Oceanography, 10. 122-137. 10.1016/j.mio.2014.07.003

Brito, M.P.; Smeed, D.A. ORCID:; Griffiths, G.. 2014 Underwater glider reliability and implications for survey design. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 31 (12). 2858-2870. 10.1175/JTECH-D-13-00138.1

Broughton, Richard K. ORCID:; Bellamy, Paul E.; Hill, Ross A.; Hinsley, Shelley A.. 2014 Winter habitat selection by marsh tits Poecile palustris in a British woodland. Bird Study, 61 (3). 404-412. 10.1080/00063657.2014.934193

Broughton, Richard K. ORCID:; Hinsley, Shelley A.. 2014 A nestbox trial for British marsh tits Poecile palustris. Ringing & Migration, 29 (2). 77-80. 10.1080/03078698.2014.995414

Broughton, Richard K. ORCID:; Shore, Richard F.; Heard, Matthew S.; Amy, Sam R.; Meek, William R.; Redhead, John W. ORCID:; Turk, Anthony; Pywell, Richard F. ORCID: 2014 Agri-environment scheme enhances small mammal diversity and abundance at the farm-scale. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 192. 10.1016/j.agee.2014.04.009

Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Bolanos-Sanchez, Rodolfo; Souza, Alejandro. 2014 Controls on monthly estuarine residuals: Eulerian circulation and elevation. Ocean Dynamics, 64 (4). 587-609. 10.1007/s10236-014-0698-5

Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Bolanos-Sanchez, Rodolfo; Souza, Alejandro. 2014 Process contribution to the time-varying residual circulation in tidally dominated estuarine environments. Estuaries and Coasts, 37 (5). 1041-1057. 10.1007/s12237-013-9745-6

Brown, Jennifer M. ORCID:; Bolanos, Rodolfo; Souza, Alejandro J.. 2014 Erratum to: Controls on monthly estuarine residuals: Eulerian circulation and elevation [ibid, 64(4), 587-609, April 2014]. Ocean Dynamics, 64 (6). p925. 10.1007/s10236-014-0718-5

Brown, Peter; Roy, Helen ORCID: 2014 Wildlife reports: ladybirds. British Wildlife, 25 (4). 286-288.

Brown, Peter J.; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Jullion, Loic; Naveira Garabato, Alberto; Torres-Valdes, Sinhue; Holland, Paul ORCID:; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Venables, Hugh ORCID: 2014 Freshwater fluxes in the Weddell Gyre: results from δ18O. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 372 (2019), 20130298. 10.1098/rsta.2013.0298

Brownlie, Will ORCID:; May, Linda ORCID:; McDonald, Claire; Roaf, Susan; Spears, Bryan M. ORCID: 2014 Assessment of a novel development policy for the control of phosphorus losses from private sewage systems to the Loch Leven catchment, Scotland, UK. Environmental Science & Policy, 38. 207-216. 10.1016/j.envsci.2013.12.006

Bryden, H.L.; King, B.A. ORCID:; McCarthy, G.D.; McDonagh, E.L.. 2014 Impact of a 30% reduction in Atlantic meridional overturning during 2009-2010. Ocean Science, 10 (4). 683-691. 10.5194/os-10-683-2014

Brümmer, Burghard; Kirchgaessner, Amelie ORCID:; Müller, Gerd. 2014 The atmospheric boundary layer structure over the open and ice-covered Baltic Sea: in situ measurements compared to simulations with the regional model REMO. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 118 (4). 641-653. 10.1007/s00704-009-0177-y

Buchan, Jian; Hirschi, Joel; Blaker, Adam ORCID:; Sinha, Bablu. 2014 North Atlantic SST anomalies and the cold North European weather events of winter 2009/10 and December 2010. Monthly Weather Review, 142 (2). 922-932. 10.1175/MWR-D-13-00104.1

Buckberry, Jo; Montgomery, Janet; Towers, Jacqueline; Müldner, Gundula; Holst, Malin; Evans, Jane; Gledhill, Andrew; Neale, Naomi; Lee-Thorp, Julia. 2014 Finding Vikings in the Danelaw. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 33 (4). 413-434. 10.1111/ojoa.12045

Bunce, Robert G.H.; Wood, Claire M. ORCID:; Smart, Simon M. ORCID:; Oakley, Rachel; Browning, Gareth; Daniels, Mike J.; Ashmole, Philip; Cresswell, John; Holl, Kate. 2014 The landscape ecological impact of afforestation on the British uplands and some initiatives to restore native woodland cover. Journal of Landscape Ecology, 7 (2). 5-24. 10.2478/jlecol-2014-0013

Bunde, Armin; Ludescher, Josef; Franzke, Christian L. E.; Büntgen, Ulf. 2014 How significant is West Antarctic warming? Nature Geoscience, 7 (4). 246-247. 10.1038/ngeo2126

Bundy, Jacob G.; Kille, Peter; Liebeke, Manuel; Spurgeon, David J. ORCID: 2014 Metallothioneins may not be enough - the role of phytochelatins in invertebrate metal detoxification. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (2). 885-886. 10.1021/es4054779

Burdett, Heidi L; Keddie, Victoria; MacArthur, Nicola; McDowall, Laurin; McLeish, Jennifer; Spielvogel, Eva; Hatton, Angela D.; Kamenos, Nicholas A.. 2014 Dynamic photoinhibition exhibited by red coralline algae in the Red Sea. BMC Plant Biology, 14. 139. 10.1186/1471-2229-14-139

Burdon, Daryl; Callaway, Ruth; Elliott, Michael; Smith, Tim; Wither, Andrew. 2014 Mass mortalities in bivalve populations: A review of the edible cockle Cerastoderma edule (L.). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 150. 271-280. 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.04.011

Burgess, I.C.; Haslam, R.B.; Holliday, D.W.; Kearsey, T.; Millward, D.; Owens, B.; Pattison, J.; Soper, N.J.; Turner, B.; Turner, D.; Waters, C.N.. 2014 Discussion on 'A Lower Palaeozoic inlier in Wharfedale, North Yorkshire, UK'. Proceedings, Vol. 59, 2013, pp. 173-176. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 60 (2). 141. 10.1144/pygs2014-360

Burthe, Sarah J. ORCID:; Wanless, Sarah ORCID:; Newell, Mark A.; Butler, Adam; Daunt, Francis ORCID: 2014 Assessing the vulnerability of the marine bird community in the western North Sea to climate change and other anthropogenic impacts. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 507. 277-295. 10.3354/meps10849

Busby, Jon. 2014 Geothermal energy in sedimentary basins in the UK. Hydrogeology Journal, 22 (1). 129-141. 10.1007/s10040-013-1054-4

Busch, A.; Kampman, N.; Hangx, S.J.; Snippe, J.; Bickle, M.; Bertier, P.; Chapman, H.; Spiers, C.J.; Pijnenburg, R.; Samuelson, J.; Evans, J.P.; Maskell, A.; Nicholl, J.; Pipich, V.; Di, Z.; Rother, G.; Schaller, M.. 2014 The Green River Natural Analogue as a field laboratory to study the long-term fate of CO2 in the subsurface. Energy Procedia, 63. 2821-2830. 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.304

Butler, Owen T.; Cairns, Warren R. L.; Cook, Jennifer M.; Davidson, Christine M.. 2014 2013 Atomic spectrometry update— a review of advances in environmental analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 29 (1). 17-50. 10.1039/C3JA90068A

Caballero, Isabel; Gomez-Enri, Jesus; Cipollini, Paolo; Navarro, Gabriel. 2014 Validation of High Spatial Resolution Wave Data From Envisat RA-2 Altimeter in the Gulf of Cadiz. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11 (1). 371-375. 10.1109/LGRS.2013.2261048

Caffrey, Joe M.; Baars, Jan-Robert; Barbour, Jenny H.; Boets, Pieter; Boon, Philip; Davenport, Keith; Dick, Jaimie T.A.; Early, John; Edsman, Lennart; Gallagher, Cathal; Gross, Jackson; Heinimaa, Petri; Horrill, Chris; Hudin, Stéphanie; Hulme, Philip E.; Hynes, Stephen; MacIsaac, Hugh J.; McLoone, Paul; Millane, Michael; Moen, Toril L.; Moore, Niall; Newman, Jonathan; O’Conchuir, Ruairi; O’Farrell, Martin; O’Flynn, Colette; Oidtmann, Birgit; Renals, Trevor; Ricciardi, Anthony; Roy, Helen ORCID:; Shaw, Richard; Weyl, Olaf; Williams, Frances; Lucy, Frances E.. 2014 Tackling invasive alien species in Europe: the top 20 issues. Management of Biological Invasions, 5 (1). 1-20. 10.3391/mbi.2014.5.1.01

Calafat, F.M. ORCID:; Avgoustoglou, E.; Jordà, G.; Flocas, H.; Zodiatis, G.; Tsimplis, M.N.; Kouroutzoglou, J.. 2014 The ability of a barotropic model to simulate sea level extremes of meteorological origin in the Mediterranean Sea, including those caused by explosive cyclones. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (11). 7840-7853. 10.1002/2014JC010360

Calafat, F.M. ORCID:; Chambers, D.P.; Tsimplis, M.N.. 2014 On the ability of global sea level reconstructions to determine trends and variability. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (3). 1572-1592. 10.1002/2013JC009298

Caltabiano, A.; Barry, R.G.. 2014 Coordinated International Activities On Ocean-Atmosphere Climate Study. Sea Technology, 55 (1). 14-16.

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Chapman, Daniel S.; Haynes, Tom; Beal, Stephen; Essl, Franz; Bullock, James M. ORCID: 2014 Phenology predicts the native and invasive range limits of common ragweed. Global Change Biology, 20 (1). 192-202. 10.1111/gcb.12380

Charman, Dan; Griffiths, Howard; Convey, Pete ORCID:; Hodgson, Dominic ORCID:; Amesbury, Matt; Royles, Jessica ORCID: 2014 Heating up the Holocene. International Innovation.

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Chust, Guillem; Icarus Allen, J.; Bopp, Laurent; Schrum, Corinna; Holt, Jason ORCID:; Tsiaras, Kostas; Zavatarelli, Marco; Chifflet, Marina; Cannaby, Heather; Dadou, Isabelle; Daewel, Ute; Wakelin, Sarah L. ORCID:; Machu, Eric; Pushpadas, Dhanya; Butenschon, Momme; Artioli, Yuri; Petihakis, George; Smith, Chris; Garçon, Veronique; Goubanova, Katerina; Le Vu, Briac; Fach, Bettina A.; Salihoglu, Baris; Clementi, Emanuela; Irigoien, Xabier. 2014 Biomass changes and trophic amplification of plankton in a warmer ocean. Global Change Biology, 20 (7). 2124-2139. 10.1111/gcb.12562

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Cigna, Francesca; Jordan, Hannah; Bateson, Luke; McCormack, Harry; Roberts, Claire. 2014 Natural and anthropogenic geohazards in Greater London observed from geological and ERS-1/2 and ENVISAT Persistent Scatterers ground motion data: results from the EC FP7-SPACE PanGeo Project. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172 (11). 2965-2995. 10.1007/s00024-014-0927-3

Cigna, Francesca; Lasaponara, Rosa; Masini, Nicola; Milillo, Pietro; Tapete, Deodato. 2014 Persistent scatterer interferometry processing of COSMO-SkyMed StripMap HIMAGE time series to depict deformation of the historic centre of Rome, Italy. Remote Sensing, 6 (12). 12593-12618. 10.3390/rs61212593

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Clare, Michael A. ORCID:; Talling, Peter J.; Challenor, Peter; Malgesini, Guiseppe; Hunt, James. 2014 Distal turbidites reveal a common distribution for large (>0.1 km3) submarine landslide recurrence. Geology, 42 (3). 263-266. 10.1130/G35160.1

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Clusella-Trullas, S.; Boardman, L.; Faulkner, K.T.; Peck, L.S. ORCID:; Chown, S.L.. 2014 Effects of temperature on heat-shock responses and survival of two species of marine invertebrates from sub-Antarctic Marion Island. Antarctic Science, 26 (2). 145-152. 10.1017/S0954102013000473

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Cole, Catherine; Coelho, Ana Varela; James, Rachael H.; Connelly, Doug; Sheehan, David. 2014 Proteomic responses to metal-induced oxidative stress in hydrothermal vent-living mussels, Bathymodiolus sp., on the Southwest Indian Ridge. Marine Environmental Research, 96. 29-37. 10.1016/j.marenvres.2013.09.003

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Collin, Blanche; Auffan, Melanie; Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Kaur, Inder; Keller, Arturo A.; Lazareva, Anastasiya; Lead, Jamie R.; Ma, Xingmao; Merrifield, Ruth C.; Svendsen, Claus ORCID:; White, Jason C.; Unrine, Jason M.. 2014 Environmental release, fate and ecotoxicological effects of manufactured ceria nanomaterials. Environmental Science: Nano, 1 (6). 533-548. 10.1039/c4en00149d

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Comont, Richard F.; Purse, Bethan V. ORCID:; Phillips, William; Kunin, William E.; Hanson, Matthew; Lewis, Owen T.; Harrington, Richard; Shortall, Christopher R.; Rondoni, Gabriele; Roy, Helen E. ORCID: 2014 Escape from parasitism by the invasive alien ladybird, Harmonia axyridis. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 7 (4). 334-342. 10.1111/icad.12060

Comont, Richard F.; Roy, Helen E. ORCID:; Harrington, Richard; Shortall, Christopher R.; Purse, Bethan V. ORCID: 2014 Ecological correlates of local extinction and colonisation in the British ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Biological Invasions, 16 (9). 1805-1817. 10.1007/s10530-013-0628-3

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Constable, Andrew J.; Melbourne-Thomas, Jessica; Corney, Stuart P.; Arrigo, Kevin R.; Barbraud, Christophe; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Bindoff, Nathaniel L.; Boyd, Philip W.; Brandt, Angelika; Costa, Daniel P.; Davidson, Andrew T.; Ducklow, Hugh W.; Emmerson, Louise; Fukuchi, Mitsuo; Gutt, Julian; Hindell, Mark A.; Hofmann, Eileen E.; Hosie, Graham W.; Iida, Takahiro; Jacob, Sarah; Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID:; Kawaguchi, So; Kokubun, Nobuo; Koubbi, Philippe; Lea, Mary-Anne; Makhado, Azwianewi; Massom, Rob A.; Meiners, Klaus; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID:; Nicol, Stephen; Reid, Keith; Richerson, Kate; Riddle, Martin J.; Rintoul, Stephen R.; Smith, Walker O.; Southwell, Colin; Stark, Jonathon S.; Sumner, Michael; Swadling, Kerrie M.; Takahashi, Kunio T.; Trathan, Phil N. ORCID:; Welsford, Dirk C.; Weimerskirch, Henri; Westwood, Karen J.; Wienecke, Barbara C.; Wolf-Gladrow, Dieter; Wright, Simon W.; Xavier, Jose C. ORCID:; Ziegler, Philippe. 2014 Climate change and Southern Ocean ecosystems I: How changes in physical habitats directly affect marine biota. Global Change Biology, 20 (10). 3004-3025. 10.1111/gcb.12623

Convey, Peter ORCID: 2014 Antarctic research: Significance to the global community. International e-Journal of Science, Medicine and Education, 8 (3). 1-3.

Convey, Peter ORCID:; Chown, Steven L.; Clarke, Andrew ORCID:; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Bokhorst, Stef; Cummings, Vonda; Ducklow, Hugh W.; Frati, Francesco; Green, T. G. Allan; Gordon, Shulamit; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Howard-Williams, Clive; Huiskes, Ad H. L.; Laybourn-Parry, Johanna; Lyons Berry, W.; McMinn, Andrew; Morley, Simon A. ORCID:; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Quesada, Antonio; Robinson, Sharon A.; Schiaparelli, Stefano; Wall, Diana H.. 2014 The spatial structure of Antarctic biodiversity. Ecological Monographs, 84 (2). 203-244. 10.1890/12-2216.1

Cook, A.J.; Vaughan, D.G. ORCID:; Luckman, A.J.; Murray, T.. 2014 A new Antarctic Peninsula glacier basin inventory and observed area changes since the 1940s. Antarctic Science, 26 (06). 614-624. 10.1017/S0954102014000200

Cook, C.P.; Hill, D.J.; van de Flierdt, Tina; Williams, T.; Hemming, S.R.; Dolan, A.M.; Pierce, E.L..; Escutia, C.; Harwood, D.; Cortese, G.; Gonzales, J.J.. 2014 Sea surface temperature control on the distribution of far-traveled Southern Ocean ice-rafted detritus during the Pliocene. Paleoceanography, 29 (6). 533-548. 10.1002/2014PA002625

Cooper, D.M. ORCID:; Evans, C.D. ORCID:; Norris, D.; Thacker, S.; Pereira, M. Gloria ORCID: 2014 Application of a simple multiplicative spatio-temporal stream water quality model to the river Conwy, North Wales. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16 (7). 1600-1607. 10.1039/C3EM00627A

Cooper, Mark D.A.; Evans, Christopher D. ORCID:; Zieliński, Piotr; Levy, Peter E. ORCID:; Gray, Alan ORCID:; Peacock, Mike; Norris, David; Fenner, Nathalie; Freeman, Christopher. 2014 Infilled ditches are hotspots of landscape methane flux following peatland re-wetting. Ecosystems, 17 (7). 1227-1241. 10.1007/s10021-014-9791-3

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Copeland, Nichola; Cape, J. Neil; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID:; Heal, Mathew R.. 2014 Volatile organic compound speciation above and within a Douglas fir forest. Atmospheric Environment, 94. 86-95. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.04.035

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Corrigan, Laura J.; Horton, Tammy ORCID:; Fotherby, Heather; White, Thomas A.; Hoelzel, A. Rus. 2014 Adaptive Evolution of Deep-Sea Amphipods from the Superfamily Lysiassanoidea in the North Atlantic. Evolutionary Biology, 41 (1). 154-165. 10.1007/s11692-013-9255-2

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Cowan, N .J . ORCID:; Famulari, D .; Levy, P.E. ORCID:; Anderson, M.; Bell, M.J .; Rees, R.M.; Reay, D.S .; Skiba, U.M. ORCID: 2014 An improved method for measuring soil N2O fluxes using a quantum cascade laser with a dynamic chamber. European Journal of Soil Science, 65 (5). 643-652. 10.1111/ejss.12168

Cowan, N.J. ORCID:; Famulari, D.; Levy, P.E. ORCID:; Anderson, M.; Reay, D.S.; Skiba, U.M. ORCID: 2014 Investigating uptake of N2O in agricultural soils using a high-precision dynamic chamber method. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7 (12). 4455-4462. 10.5194/amt-7-4455-2014

Crame, Alistair ORCID:; Francis, Jane; Robinson, Stuart; Bowman, Vanessa. 2014 Polar predictions. International Innovation.

Crame, J. Alistair ORCID:; Beu, Alain G.; Ineson, Jon R.; Francis, Jane E.; Whittle, Rowan J. ORCID:; Bowman, Vanessa C.. 2014 The early origin of the Antarctic Marine Fauna and its evolutionary implications. PLoS One, 9 (12), e114743. 22, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0114743

Crampin, Stuart; Gao, Yuan. 2014 Two species of microcracks. Applied Geophysics, 11 (1). 1-8. 10.1007/s11770-014-0415-7

Creyts, Timothy T.; Ferraccioli, Fausto ORCID:; Bell, Robin E.; Wolovick, Michael; Corr, Hugh; Rose, Kathryn C.; Frearson, Nicholas; Damaske, Detlef; Jordan, Tom ORCID:; Braaten, David; Finn, Carol. 2014 Freezing of ridges and water networks preserves the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains for millions of years. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (22). 8114-8122. 10.1002/2014GL061491

Crippa, G.; Angiolini, L.; Van Waveren, I.; Crow, M.J.; Hasibuan, F.; Stephenson, M.H.; Ueno, K.. 2014 Brachiopods, fusulines and palynomorphs of the Mengkarang Formation (Early Permian, Sumatra) and their palaeobiogeographical significance. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 79 (A). 206-223. 10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.09.030

Crippa, M.; Canonaco, F.; Lanz, V.A.; Äijälä, M.; Allan, J.D.; Carbone, S.; Capes, G.; Ceburnis, D.; Dall’Osto, M.; Day, D.A.; DeCarlo, P.F.; Ehn, M.; Eriksson, A.; Freney, E; Hildebrandt Ruiz, L.; Hillamo, R.; Jimenez, J.L; Junninen, H.; Kiendler-Scharr, A.; Kortelainen, A.-M.; Kulmala, M.; Laaksonen, A.; Mensah, A.A.; Mohr, C.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; O'Dowd, C.; Ovadnevaite, J.; Pandis, S.N.; Petaja, T.; Poulain, L.; Saarikoski, S.; Sellegri, K.; Swietlicki, E.; Tiitta, P.; Worsnop, D.R.; Baltensperger, U.; Prevot, A.S.H.. 2014 Organic aerosol components derived from 25 AMS data sets across Europe using a consistent ME-2 based source apportionment approach. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14 (12). 6159-6176. 10.5194/acp-14-6159-2014

Cronin, M.; Gregory, S.; Rogan, E.. 2014 Moulting phenology of the harbour seal in south-west Ireland. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 94 (06). 1079-1086. 10.1017/S0025315413000106

Crooks, Susan M.; Kay, Alison L. ORCID:; Davies, Helen N.; Bell, Victoria A. ORCID: 2014 From catchment to national scale rainfall-runoff modelling: demonstration of a hydrological modelling framework [in special issue: Hydrological modeling: beyond runoff calibration] Hydrology, 1 (1). 63-88. 10.3390/hydrology1010063

Crossin, Glenn T.; Cooke, Steven J.; Goldbogen, Jeremy A.; Phillips, Richard A.. 2014 Tracking fitness in marine vertebrates: current knowledge and opportunities for future research. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 496. 1-17. 10.3354/meps10691

Crummy, Julia M.; Savov, Ivan P.; Navarro-Ochoa, Carlos; Morgan, Daniel J.; Wilson, Majorie. 2014 High-K mafic Plinian eruptions of Volcan de Colima, Mexico. Journal of Petrology, 55 (11). 2155-2192. 10.1093/petrology/egu053

Curtis, Chris J.; Battarbee, Richard W.; Monteith, Donald T. ORCID:; Shilland, Ewan M.. 2014 The future of upland water ecosystems of the UK in the 21st century: a synthesis [in special issue: Threats to upland waters] Ecological Indicators, 37 B. 412-430. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.10.012

Cuss, R.J.; Harrington, J.F.; Noy, D.J.; Graham, C.C.; Sellin, P.. 2014 Evidence of localised gas propagation pathways in a field-scale bentonite engineered barrier system: results from three gas injection tests in the large scale gas injection test (Lasgit). Applied Clay Science, 102. 81-92. 10.1016/j.clay.2014.10.014

Cuss, Robert; Harrington, Jon; Graham, Caroline; Noy, David. 2014 Observations of pore pressure in clay-rich materials; implications for the concept of effective stress applied to unconventional hydrocarbons. Energy Procedia, 59. 59-66. 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.10.349

Cuthbertson, Leah; Rogers, Geraint B.; Walker, Alan W.; Oliver, Anna; Hafiz, Tarana; Hoffman, Lucas R.; Carroll, Mary P.; Parkhill, Julian; Bruce, Kenneth D.; van der Gast, Christopher. 2014 Time between collection and storage significantly influences bacterial sequence composition in sputum samples from cystic fibrosis respiratory infections. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 52 (8). 3011-3016. 10.1128/JCM.00764-14

Cutler, Nick A.; Chaput, Dominique L.; van der Gast, Christopher J.. 2014 Long-term changes in soil microbial communities during primary succession. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 69. 359-370. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2013.11.022

Cvetkoska, Aleksandra; Levkov, Zlatko; Reed, Jane M.; Wagner, Bernd; Panagiotopoulos, Konstantinos; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Lacey, Jack H.. 2014 Quaternary climate change and Heinrich events in the southern Balkans: Lake Prespa diatom palaeolimnology from the last interglacial to present. Journal of Paleolimnology, 53 (2). 215-231. 10.1007/s10933-014-9821-3

Daae, M.; Straub, C.; Espy, P. J.; Newnham, D. A. ORCID: 2014 Atmospheric ozone above Troll station, Antarctica observed by a ground based microwave radiometer. Earth System Science Data, 6 (1). 105-115. 10.5194/essd-6-105-2014

Damiani, Theresa M.; Jordan, Tom A. ORCID:; Ferraccioli, Fausto ORCID:; Young, Duncan A.; Blankenship, Donald D.. 2014 Variable crustal thickness beneath Thwaites Glacier revealed from airborne gravimetry, possible implications for geothermal heat flux in West Antarctica. Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 407. 109-122. 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.09.023

Danabasoglu, Gokhan; Yeager, Steve G.; Bailey, David; Behrens, Erik; Bentsen, Mats; Bi, Daohua; Biastoch, Arne; Böning, Claus; Bozec, Alexandra; Canuto, Vittorio M.; Cassou, Christophe; Chassignet, Eric; Coward, Andrew C. ORCID:; Danilov, Sergey; Diansky, Nikolay; Drange, Helge; Farneti, Riccardo; Fernandez, Elodie; Fogli, Pier Giuseppe; Forget, Gael; Fujii, Yosuke; Griffies, Stephen M.; Gusev, Anatoly; Heimbach, Patrick; Howard, Armando; Jung, Thomas; Kelley, Maxwell; Large, William G.; Leboissetier, Anthony; Lu, Jianhua; Madec, Gurvan; Marsland, Simon J.; Masina, Simona; Navarra, Antonio; Nurser, A.J. George; Pirani, Anna; y Mélia, David Salas; Samuels, Bonita L.; Scheinert, Markus; Sidorenko, Dmitry; Treguier, Anne-Marie; Tsujino, Hiroyuki; Uotila, Petteri; Valcke, Sophie; Voldoire, Aurore; Wang, Qiang. 2014 North Atlantic simulations in Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments phase II (CORE-II). Part I: Mean states. Ocean Modelling, 73. 76-107. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2013.10.005

Danelian, T.; Allen, C. S. ORCID: 2014 Editorial: Siliceous plankton biomineralization, biodiversity and evolution. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 33 (2). 109-110. 10.1144/jmpaleo2014-018

Dangendorf, Sönke; Calafat, Francisco M. ORCID:; Arns, Arne; Wahl, Thomas; Haigh, Ivan D.; Jensen, Jürgen. 2014 Mean sea level variability in the North Sea: Processes and implications. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (10). 6821-6841. 10.1002/2014JC009901

Daniels, C.J.; Sheward, R.M.; Poulton, A.J.. 2014 Biogeochemical implications of comparative growth rates of Emiliania huxleyi and Coccolithus species. Biogeosciences, 11 (23). 6915-6925. 10.5194/bg-11-6915-2014

Daniels, C.J.; Tyrrell, T.; Poulton, A.J.; Young, J.R.. 2014 A mixed life-cycle stage bloom of Syracosphaera bannockii (Borsetti and Cati, 1976) Cros et al. 2000 (Bay of Biscay, April 2010). Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 34. 31-35.

Dankers, Rutger; Arnell, Nigel W.; Clark, Douglas B. ORCID:; Falloon, Pete D.; Fekete, Balázs M.; Gosling, Simon N.; Heinke, Jens; Kim, Hyungjun; Masaki, Yoshimitsu; Satoh, Yusuke; Stacke, Tobias; Wada, Yoshihide; Wisser, Dominik. 2014 First look at changes in flood hazard in the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project ensemble. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (9). 3257-3261. 10.1073/pnas.1302078110

Danny, Haelewaters; Comont, Richard F.; Zhao, Serena Y.; Pfister, Donald H.. 2014 Hesperomyces virescens (Fungi, Ascomycota, Laboulbeniales) attacking Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) in its native range. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59 (5-6). 528-532. 10.1007/s11434-013-0060-1

Darelius, E.; Makinson, K. ORCID:; Daae, K.; Fer, I.; Holland, P.R. ORCID:; Nicholls, K.W. ORCID: 2014 Hydrography and circulation in the Filchner Depression, Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (9). 5797-5814. 10.1002/2014JC010225

Darelius, E.; Strand, K. O.; Østerhus, S.; Gammeslrød, T.; Arthun, M.; Fer, I.. 2014 On the Seasonal Signal of the Filchner Overflow, Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44 (4). 1230-1243. 10.1175/JPO-D-13-0180.1

Daunt, Francis ORCID:; Reed, Thomas E.; Newell, Mark; Burthe, Sarah ORCID:; Phillips, Richard Anthony; Lewis, Sue; Wanless, Sarah ORCID: 2014 Longitudinal bio-logging reveals interplay between extrinsic and intrinsic carry-over effects in a long-lived vertebrate. Ecology, 95 (8). 2077-2083. 10.1890/13-1797.1

Davies, Ceri L.; Surridge, Ben W.J.; Gooddy, Daren C.. 2014 Phosphate oxygen isotopes within aquatic ecosystems: global data synthesis and future research priorities. Science of The Total Environment, 496. 563-575. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.07.057

Davies, Jaime S.; Howell, Kerry L.; Stewart, Heather A.; Guinan, Janine; Golding, Neil. 2014 Defining biological assemblages (biotopes) of conservation interest in the submarine canyons of the South West Approaches (offshore United Kingdom) for use in marine habitat mapping. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 104. 208-229. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2014.02.001

Davies, Jeremy R.; Riley, Nick J.; Wilson, David. 2014 The Corwen Outlier and its implications for the Mid Mississippian palaeogeography of North Wales, UK. Geological Journal, 49 (3). 303-326. 10.1002/gj.2521

Davies, Neil; Field, Dawn; Amaral-Zettler, Linda; Barker, Katharine; Bicak, Mesude; Bourlat, Sarah; Coddington, Jonathan; Deck, John; Drummond, Alexei; Gilbert, Jack A.; Glöckner, Frank Oliver; Kottmann, Renzo; Meyer, Chris; Morrison, Norman; Obst, Matthias; Robbins, Robert; Schriml, Lynn; Sterk, Peter; Stones-Havas, Steven. 2014 Report of the 14th Genomic Standards Consortium Meeting, Oxford, UK, September 17-21, 2012. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 9 (3). 1236-1250. 10.4056/sigs.4319681

Davies, Neil; Field, Dawn; Amaral-Zettler, Linda; Clark, Melody S ORCID:; Deck, John; Drummond, Alexei; Faith, Daniel P; Geller, Jonathan; Gilbert, Jack; Glöckner, Frank; Hirsch, Penny R; Leong, Jo-Ann; Meyer, Chris; Obst, Matthias; Planes, Serge; Scholin, Chris; Vogler, Alfried P; Gates, Ruth D; Toonen, Rob; Berteaux-Lecellier, Véronique; Barbier, Michèle; Barker, Katherine; Bertilsson, Stefan; Bicak, Mesude; Bietz, Matthew J; Bobe, Jason; Bodrossy, Levente; Borja, Angel; Coddington, Jonathan; Fuhrman, Jed; Gerdts, Gunnar; Gillespie, Rosemary; Goodwin, Kelly; Hanson, Paul C; Hero, Jean-Marc; Hoekman, David; Jansson, Janet; Jeanthon, Christian; Kao, Rebecca; Klindworth, Anna; Knight, Rob; Kottmann, Renzo; Koo, Michelle S; Kotoulas, Georgios; Lowe, Andrew J; Marteinsson, Viggó; Meyer, Folker; Morrison, Norman; Myrold, David D; Pafilis, Evangelos; Parker, Stephanie; Parnell, John; Polymenakou, Paraskevi N; Ratnasingham, Sujeevan; Roderick, George K; Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, Naiara; Schonrogge, Karsten ORCID:; Simon, Nathalie; Valette-Silver, Nathalie J; Springer, Yuri P; Stone, Graham N; Stones-Havas, Steve; Sansone, Susanna-Assunta; Thibault, Kate M; Wecker, Patricia; Wichels, Antje; Wooley, John C; Yahara, Tetsukazu; Zingone, Adriana. 2014 The founding charter of the Genomic Observatories Network. GigaScience, 3 (1). 5, pp. 10.1186/2047-217X-3-2

Davies, Richard J.; Almond, Sam; Ward, Robert S.; Jackson, Robert B.; Adams, Charlotte; Worrall, Fred; Harringshaw, Liam G.; Gluyas, Jon G.; Whitehead, Mark A.. 2014 Oil and gas wells and their integrity: implications for shale and unconventional resource exploitation. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 56. 239-254. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.03.001

Davis, Clare E.; Mahaffey, Claire; Wolff, George A.; Sharples, Jonathan. 2014 A storm in a shelf sea: Variation in phosphorus distribution and organic matter stoichiometry. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (23). 8452-8459. 10.1002/2014GL061949

Dawson, Martin; Francis, Jane; Carpenter, Rosemary. 2014 New views of plant fossils from Antarctica: a comparison of X-ray and neutron imaging techniques. Journal of Paleontology, 88 (4). 702-707. 10.1666/13-124

De Fraiture, Charlotte; Fayrap, Aynur; Unver, Olcay; Ragab, Ragab ORCID: 2014 Integrated water management approaches for sustainable food production. Irrigation and Drainage, 63 (2). 221-231. 10.1002/ird.1847

De Jonge, Maarten; Lofts, Stephen ORCID:; Bervoets, Lieven; Blust, Ronny. 2014 Relating metal exposure and chemical speciation to trace metal accumulation in aquatic insects under natural field conditions. Science of the Total Environment, 496. 11-21. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.07.023

De Rydt, J.; Holland, P.R. ORCID:; Dutrieux, P. ORCID:; Jenkins, A. ORCID: 2014 Geometric and oceanographic controls on melting beneath Pine Island Glacier. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (4). 2420-2438. 10.1002/2013JC009513

Dean, Jonathan R.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Mackay, Anson W.. 2014 Is there an isotopic signature of the Anthropocene? The Anthropocene Review, 1 (3). 276-287. 10.1177/2053019614541631

Dearden, Rachel. 2014 The science of sustainable drainage. Planet Earth, Autumn 2014. 22-23.

Delord, Karine; Barbraud, Christophe; Bost, Charles-Andre; Deceuninck, Bernard; Lefebvre, Thierry; Lutz, Rose; Micol, Thierry; Phillips, Richard A.; Trathan, Phil N. ORCID:; Weimerskirch, Henri. 2014 Areas of importance for seabirds tracked from French southern territories, and recommendations for conservation. Marine Policy, 48. 1-13. 10.1016/j.marpol.2014.02.019

Delpla, Ianis; Monteith, Donald T. ORCID:; Freeman, Chris; Haftka, Joris; Hermens, Joop; Jones, Timothy G.; Baurès, Estelle; Jung, Aude-Valérie; Thomas, Olivier. 2014 A decision support system for drinking water production integrating health risks assessment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11 (7). 7354-7375. 10.3390/ijerph110707354

Dennis, Roger L.H.; Dennis, Margaret P.; Hardy, Peter B.; Botham, Marc S. ORCID: 2014 Mud-puddling aggregation behaviour in Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae): does polyandry and large spermatophore mass transfer lead to increased investment in mud-puddling? Entomologist’s Gazette, 65. 87-95.

Denton, M. H.; Kosch, M. J.; Borovsky, J. E.; Clilverd, M. A. ORCID:; Friedel, R. H. W.; Ulich, T.. 2014 First optical observations of energetic electron precipitation at 4278 Å caused by a powerful VLF transmitter. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (7). 2237-2242. 10.1002/2014GL059553

Denton, Paul. 2014 One step beyond. Astronomy and Geophysics, 55 (5). 5.30-5.31. 10.1093/astrogeo/atu217

Derwent, Richard; Beevers, Sean; Chemel, Charles; Cooke, Sally; Francis, Xavier; Fraser, Andrea; Heal, Mathew R.; Kitwiroon, Nutthida; Lingard, Justin; Redington, Alison; Sokhi, Ranjeet; Vieno, Massimo ORCID: 2014 Analysis of UK and European NOx and VOC emission scenarios in the Defra model intercomparison exercise. Atmospheric Environment, 94. 249-257. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.05.036

Desbruyeres, D.G.; McDonagh, E.L.; King, B.A. ORCID:; Garry, F.K.; Blaker, A.T. ORCID:; Moat, B. ORCID:; Mercier, H.. 2014 Full-depth temperature trends in the Northeastern Atlantic through the early 21st century. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (22). 7971-7979. 10.1002/2014GL061844

Desbruyeres, Damien; Mercier, Herlé; Thierry, Virginie. 2014 On the mechanisms behind decadal heat content changes in the eastern subpolar gyre. Progress in Oceanography, 132. 262-272. 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.02.005

Dewar, Meagan L.; Arnould, John P. Y.; Krause, Lutz; Trathan, Phil ORCID:; Dann, Peter; Smith, Stuart C.. 2014 Influence of fasting during moult on the faecal microbiota of penguins. PLoS ONE, 9 (6), e99996. e99996. 10.1371/journal.pone.0099996

Dias, Teresa; Clemente, Adelaide; Martins-Loução, Maria Amélia; Sheppard, Lucy; Bobbink, Roland; Cruz, Cristina. 2014 Ammonium as a driving force of plant diversity and ecosystem functioning: observations based on 5 Years' manipulation of N dose and form in a mediterranean ecosystem. PLoS ONE, 9 (4), e92517. 10, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0092517

Dick, Jan ORCID:; Al-Assaf, Amani; Andrews, Chris ORCID:; Díaz-Delgado, Ricardo; Groner, Elli; Halada, Ľuboš; Izakovičová, Zita; Kertész, Miklós; Khoury, Fares; Krasić, Dušanka; Krauze, Kinga; Matteucci, Giorgio; Melecis, Viesturs; Mirtl, Michael; Orenstein, Daniel E.; Preda, Elena; Santos-Reis, Margarida; Smith, Rognvald I.; Vadineanu, Angheluta; Veselić, Sanja; Vihervaara, Petteri. 2014 Ecosytem services: A rapid assessment method tested at 35 sites of the LTER-Europe Network. Ekologia (Bratislava), 33 (3). 217-231. 10.2478/eko-2014-0021

Dick, Jan ORCID:; Maes, Joachim; Smith, Rognvald I.; Paracchini, Maria Luisa; Zulian, Grazia. 2014 Cross-scale analysis of ecosystem services identified and assessed at local and European level. Ecological Indicators, 38. 20-30. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.10.023

Dick, Jan ORCID:; Smith, Ron; Banin, Lindsay ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID: 2014 Ecosystem service indicators: data sources and conceptual frameworks for sustainable management. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 5 (3). 346-375. 10.1108/SAMPJ-11-2013-0051

Dickens, William A.; Graham, Alastair G. C.; Smith, James A. ORCID:; Dowdeswell, Julian A.; Larter, Robert D. ORCID:; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Trathan, Phil N. ORCID:; Arndt, Jan Erik; Kuhn, Gerard. 2014 A new bathymetric compilation for the South Orkney Islands, Antarctic Peninsula (49°-39°W to 64°-59°S): insights into the glacial development of the continental shelf. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15 (6). 2494-2514. 10.1002/2014GC005323

Diesing, Markus; Green, Sophie L.; Stephens, David; Lark, R. Murray; Stewart, Heather A.; Dove, Dayton. 2014 Mapping seabed sediments: comparison of manual, geostatistical, object-based image analysis and machine learning approaches. Continental Shelf Research, 84. 107-119. 10.1016/j.csr.2014.05.004

Dijkstra, T.A.; Wasowski, J.; Winter, M.G.; Meng, X.M.. 2014 Introduction to geohazards of Central China. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 47 (3). 195-199. 10.1144/qjegh2014-054

Dijkstra, Tom; Crosby, Chris; Dixon, Neil; Frost, Matthew; Gunn, David; Fleming, Paul; Wilks, Joanna. 2014 Forecasting infrastructure resilience to climate change. Proceedings of the ICE - Transport, 167 (5). 269-280. 10.1680/tran.13.00089

Ding, Pinbo; Di, Bangrang; Wang, Ding; Wei, Jianxin; Li, Xiangyang. 2014 P and S wave anisotropy in fractured media: experimental research using synthetic samples. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 109. 1-6. 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2014.07.005

Ding, Pinbo; Di, Bangrang; Wei, Jianxin; Li, Xiangyang; Deng, Yinghua. 2014 Fluid-dependent anisotropy and experimental measurements in synthetic porous rocks with controlled fracture parameters. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 11 (1), 015002. 10.1088/1742-2132/11/1/015002

Dirzo, Rodolfo; Young, Hillary S.; Galetti, Mauro; Ceballos, Gerardo; Isaac, Nick J.B. ORCID:; Collen, Ben. 2014 Defaunation in the Anthropocene. Science, 345 (6195). 401-406. 10.1126/science.1251817

Dissanayake, Pushpa; Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Karunarathna, Harshinie. 2014 Modelling storm-induced beach/dune evolution: Sefton coast, Liverpool Bay, UK. Marine Geology, 357. 225-242. 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.07.013

Dixon, Harry ORCID:; Jenkins, Alan. 2014 Update from the UK delegation at Intergovernmental Council of the International Hydrological Programme. UK National Commission for UNESCO - News.

Dmitrenko, I.A.; Kirillov, S.A.; Serra, N.; Koldunov, N.V.; Ivanov, V.V.; Schauer, U.; Polyakov, I.V.; Barber, D.; Janout, M.; Lien, V.S.; Makhotin, M.; Aksenov, Y. ORCID: 2014 Heat loss from the Atlantic water layer in the northern Kara Sea: causes and consequences. Ocean Science, 10 (4). 719-730. 10.5194/os-10-719-2014

Dokulil, Martin T.; Herzig, Alois; Somogyi, Boglarka; Vörös, Lajos; Donabaum, Karl; May, Linda ORCID:; Nõges, Tiina. 2014 Winter conditions in six European shallow lakes: a comparative synopsis. Estonian Journal of Ecology, 63 (3). 111-129. 10.3176/eco.2014.3.01

Donkersley, Philip; Rhodes, Glenn ORCID:; Pickup, Roger W.; Jones, Kevin C.; Wilson, Kenneth. 2014 Honeybee nutrition is linked to landscape composition. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (21). 4195-4206. 10.1002/ece3.1293

Donnachie, Rachel L.; Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Moeckel, Claudia; Pereira, M. Gloria ORCID:; Sumpter, John P.. 2014 Using risk-ranking of metals to identify which poses the greatest threat to freshwater organisms in the UK. Environmental Pollution, 194. 17-23. 10.1016/j.envpol.2014.07.008

Dore, Anthony J.; Hallsworth, Stephen; McDonald, Alan G.; Werner, Malgorzata; Kryza, Maciej; Abbott, John; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID:; Dore, Christopher J.; Malcolm, Heath; Vieno, Massimo ORCID:; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Fowler, David. 2014 Quantifying missing annual emission sources of heavy metals in the United Kingdom with an atmospheric transport model. Science of the Total Environment, 479-480. 171-180. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.02.001

Dorrell, R.M.; Darby, S.E.; Peakall, J.; Sumner, E.J.; Parsons, D.R.; Wynn, R.B.. 2014 The critical role of stratification in submarine channels: Implications for channelization and long runout of flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (4). 2620-2641. 10.1002/2014JC009807

Douarin, Mélanie; Sinclair, Daniel J.; Elliot, Mary; Henry, Lea-Anne; Long, David; Mitchison, Freya; Roberts, J. Murray. 2014 Changes in fossil assemblage in sediment cores from Mingulay Reef Complex (NE Atlantic): implications for coral reef build-up. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 99. 286-296. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.07.022

Dove, Dayton; Polyak, Leonid; Coakley, Bernard. 2014 Widespread, multi-source glacial erosion on the Chukchi margin, Arctic Ocean. Quaternary Science Reviews, 92. 112-122. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.07.016

Dreier, Stephanie; Redhead, John A. ORCID:; Warren, Ian A.; Bourke, Andrew F.G.; Heard, Matthew S.; Jordan, William C.; Sumner, Seirian; Wang, Jinliang; Carvell, Claire. 2014 Fine-scale spatial genetic structure of common and declining bumble bees across an agricultural landscape. Molecular Ecology, 23 (14). 3384-3395. 10.1111/mec.12823

Drijfhout, S.S.; Blaker, A.T. ORCID:; Josey, S.A. ORCID:; Nurser, A.J.G.; Sinha, B.; Balmaseda, M.A.. 2014 Surface warming hiatus caused by increased heat uptake across multiple ocean basins. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (22). 7868-7874. 10.1002/2014GL061456

Duchez, A.; Hirschi, J.J.-M.; Blaker, A.T. ORCID:; Bryden, H.L.; de Cuevas, B.; Atkinson, C.P.; McCarthy, G.D.; Frajka-Williams, E. ORCID:; Rayner, D. ORCID:; Smeed, D ORCID:; Cunningham, S.A.; Mizielinski, M.S.. 2014 A new index for the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation at 26°N. Journal of Climate, 27 (17). 6439.-6455. 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00052.1

Duchez, Aurelie; Frajka-Williams, Eleanor ORCID:; Castro, Natalia; Hirschi, Joel; Coward, Andrew ORCID: 2014 Seasonal to interannual variability in density around the Canary Islands and their influence on the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 26°N. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (3). 1843-1860. 10.1002/2013JC009416

Dudeney, J.R.; Sheail, J.. 2014 William Speirs Bruce and the Polar Medal: myth and reality. The Polar Journal, 4 (1). 170-182. 10.1080/2154896X.2014.913915

Dufossé, K.; Drewer, J. ORCID:; Gabrielle, B.; Drouet, J.-L.. 2014 Effects of a 20-year old Miscanthus × giganteus stand and its removal on soil characteristics and greenhouse gas emissions. Biomass and Bioenergy, 69. 198-210. 10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.07.003

Dulvy, Nicholas K.; Fowler, Sarah L.; Musick, John A.; Cavanagh, Rachel D. ORCID:; Kyne, Peter M.; Harrison, Lucy R.; Carlson, John K.; Davidson, Lindsay N.; Fordham, Sonja V.; Francis, Malcolm P.; Pollock, Caroline M.; Simpfendorfer, Colin A.; Burgess, George H.; Carpenter, Kent E.; Compagno, Leonard J.V.; Ebert, David A.; Gibson, Claudine; Heupel, Michelle R.; Livingstone, Suzanne R.; Sanciangco, Jonnell C.; Stevens, John D.; Valenti, Sarah; White, William T.. 2014 Extinction risk and conservation of the world's sharks and rays. eLife, 3, e00590. 34, pp. 10.7554/eLife.00590

Dunhill, Alexander M.; Benton, Michael J.; Twitchett, Richard J.; Newell, Andrew J.. 2014 Testing the fossil record: sampling proxies and scaling in the British Triassic–Jurassic. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 404. 1-11. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.03.026

Dunlop, Katherine M.; Barnes, David K. ORCID:; Bailey, David M.. 2014 Variation of scavenger richness and abundance between sites of high and low iceberg scour frequency in Ryder Bay, west Antarctic Peninsula. Polar Biology, 37 (12). 1741-1754. 10.1007/s00300-014-1558-y

Dusterhus, A.; Hense, A.. 2014 Automated Quality Evaluation for a More Effective Data Peer Review. Data Science Journal, 13. 67-78. 10.2481/dsj.14-009

Dutrieux, Pierre ORCID:; De Rydt, Jan; Jenkins, Adrian ORCID:; Holland, Paul R. ORCID:; Ha, Ho Kyung; Lee, Sang Hoon; Steig, Eric J.; Ding, Quinghua; Abrahamsen, E. Povl ORCID:; Schroeder, Michael. 2014 Strong sensitivity of Pine Island ice-shelf melting to climactic variability. Science, 343 (6167). 174-178. 10.1126/science.1244341

Dutrieux, Pierre ORCID:; Stewart, Craig; Jenkins, Adrian ORCID:; Nicholls, Keith W. ORCID:; Corr, Hugh F J.; Rignot, Eric; Steffen, Konrad. 2014 Basal terraces on melting ice shelves. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (15). 5506-5513. 10.1002/2014GL060618

Duvail, S.; Mwakalinga, A.B.; Eijkelenburg, A.; Hamerlynck, O.; Kindinda, K.; Majule, A.. 2014 Jointly thinking the post-dam future: exchange of local and scientific knowledge on the lakes of the Lower Rufiji, Tanzania [in special issue: Hydrological science for environmental flows] Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3-4). 713-730. 10.1080/02626667.2013.827792

Earnshaw, Mark R.; Paul, Alexander G.; Loos, Robert; Tavazzi, Simona; Paracchini, Bruno; Scheringer, Martin; Hungerbühler, Konrad; Jones, Kevin C.; Sweetman, Andrew J.. 2014 Comparing measured and modelled PFOS concentrations in a UK freshwater catchment and estimating emission rates. Environment International, 70. 25-31. 10.1016/j.envint.2014.05.004

Edgington, Steven; Thompson, Emma; Moore, Dave; Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Bridge, Paul. 2014 Investigating the insecticidal potential of Geomyces (Myxotrichaceae: Helotiales) and Mortierella (Mortierellacea: Mortierellales) isolated from Antarctica. SpringerPlus, 3 (1). 289. 10.1186/2193-1801-3-289

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Elipot, Shane; Frajka-Williams, Eleanor ORCID:; Hughes, Chris W. ORCID:; Willis, Joshua. 2014 The observed North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, its Meridional Coherence and Ocean Bottom Pressure. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44 (2). 517-537. 10.1175/JPO-D-13-026.1

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Ellis, Michael A.; Trachtenberg, Zev. 2014 Which Anthropocene is it to be? Beyond geology to a moral and public discourse. Earth's Future, 2 (2). 122-125. 10.1002/2013EF000191

Emmrich, Matthias; Pedron, Stephanie; Brucet, Sandra; Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Jeppesen, Erik; Volta, Pietro; Argillier, Christine; Lauridsen, Torben L.; Holmgren, Kerstin; Mehner, Trygve; Hesthagen, Thomas. 2014 Geographical patterns in the body-size structure of European lake fish assemblages along abiotic and biotic gradients. Journal of Biogeography, 41 (12). 2221-2233. 10.1111/jbi.12366

Essaifi, Abderrahim; Samson, Scott; Goodenough, Kathryn. 2014 Geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic constraints on the petrogenesis and geodynamic significance of the Jebilet magmatism (Variscan Belt, Morocco). Geological Magazine, 151 (4). 666-691. 10.1017/S0016756813000654

Evans, Chris D. ORCID:; Bonn, Aletta; Holden, Joseph; Reed, Mark S.; Evans, Martin G.; Worrall, Fred; Couwenberg, John; Parnell, Mark. 2014 Relationships between anthropogenic pressures and ecosystem functions in UK blanket bogs: linking process understanding to ecosystem service valuation. Ecosystem Services, 9. 5-19. 10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.06.013

Evans, Chris D. ORCID:; Chadwick, Tom; Norris, David; Rowe, Edwin C. ORCID:; Heaton, Tim H.E.; Brown, Philip; Battarbee, Richard W.. 2014 Persistent surface water acidification in an organic soil-dominated upland region subject to high atmospheric deposition: the North York Moors, UK. Ecological Indicators, 37 (B). 304-316. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2012.02.018

Evans, Chris D. ORCID:; Page, Susan E.; Jones, Tim; Moore, Sam; Gauci, Vincent; Laiho, Raija; Hruska, Jakub; Allott, Tim E.H.; Billett, Michael F.; Tipping, Ed ORCID:; Freeman, Chris; Garnett, Mark H.. 2014 Contrasting vulnerability of drained tropical and high-latitude peatlands to fluvial loss of stored carbon. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 28 (11). 1215-1234. 10.1002/2013GB004782

Evans, Dafydd Gwyn ORCID:; Zika, Jan D.; Naveira Garabato, Alberto C.; Nurser, A.J. George. 2014 The imprint of Southern Ocean overturning on seasonal water mass variability in Drake Passage. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (11). 7987-8010. 10.1002/2014JC010097

Everard, Mark; Dick, Jan ORCID:; Kendall, Hazel; Smith, Rognvald; Slee, Bill; Couldrick, Laurence; Scott, Marian; McDonald, Claire. 2014 Improving coherence of ecosystem service provision between scales. Ecosystem Services, 9. 66-74. 10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.04.006

Everatt, M.J.; Convey, P. ORCID:; Worland, M.R.; Bale, J.S.; Hayward, S.A.L.. 2014 Are the Antarctic dipteran, Eretmoptera murphyi, and Arctic collembolan, Megaphorura arctica, vulnerable to rising temperatures? Bulletin of Entomological Research, 104 (4). 494-503. 10.1017/S0007485314000261

Everatt, M.J.; Convey, P. ORCID:; Worland, M.R.; Bale, J.S.; Hayward, S.A.L.. 2014 Contrasting strategies of resistance vs. tolerance to desiccation in two polar dipterans. Polar Research, 33. 10.3402/polar.v33.22963

Everatt, Matthew J.; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Mirbahai, Leda; Worland, Michael R.; Bale, Jeff S.; Hayward, Scott A.L.. 2014 Can the Antarctic terrestrial midge, Eretmoptera murphyi, tolerate life in water? Ecological Entomology, 39 (6). 732-735. 10.1111/een.12147

Everest, David J.; Shuttleworth, Craig M.; Stidworthy, Mark F.; Grierson, Sylvia S.; Duff, J. Paul; Kenward, Robert E.. 2014 Adenovirus: an emerging factor in red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris conservation. Mammal Review, 44 (3-4). 225-233. 10.1111/mam.12025

Facey, Sarah L.; Botham, Marc S. ORCID:; Heard, Matthew S.; Pywell, Richard F. ORCID:; Staley, Joanna T. ORCID: 2014 Moth communities and agri-environment schemes: examining the effects of hedgerow cutting regime on diversity, abundance, and parasitism. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 7 (6). 543-552. 10.1111/icad.12077

Facey, Sarah L.; Ellsworth, David S.; Staley, Joanna T. ORCID:; Wright, Denis J.; Johnson, Scott N.. 2014 Upsetting the order: how climate and atmospheric change affects herbivore–enemy interactions. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 5. 66-74. 10.1016/j.cois.2014.09.015

Falcon-Suarez, Ismael ORCID:; North, Laurence; Best, Angus ORCID: 2014 Experimental rig to improve the geophysical and geomechanical understanding of CO2 reservoirs. Energy Procedia, 59. 75-81. 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.10.351

Falcon-Suarez, Ismael ORCID:; Rammlmair, Dieter; Juncosa-Rivera, Ricardo; Delgado-Martin, Jordi. 2014 Application of Rhizon SMS for the assessment of the hydrodynamic properties of unconsolidated fine grained materials. Engineering Geology, 172. 69-76. 10.1016/j.enggeo.2014.02.001

Farinotti, Daniel; King, Edward C. ORCID:; AlbrechtL, Anika; Huss, Matthias; Gudmundsson, G. Hilmar ORCID: 2014 The bedrock topography of Starbuck Glacier, Antarctic Peninsula, as determined by radio-echo soundings and flow modeling. Annals of Glaciology, 55 (67). 22-28. 10.3189/2014AoG67A025

Farr, Gareth. 2014 Waters from the deep: Taff's well thermal spring. Natur Cymru, Summer/Haf. 30-33.

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Farrant, Andrew R.; Noble, Stephen R.; Barron, A.J. Mark; Self, Charles A.; Grebby, Stephen R.. 2014 Speleothem U-series constraints on scarp retreat rates and landscape evolution: an example from the Severn valley and Cotswold Hills gull-caves, UK. Journal of the Geological Society, 172 (1). 63-76. 10.1144/jgs2014-028

Farrant, Andrew R.; Smith, Christopher J.M.; Noble, Stephen R.; Simms, Michael J.; Richards, David A.. 2014 Speleogenetic evidence from Ogof Draenen for a pre-Devensian glaciation in the Brecon Beacons, South Wales, UK. Journal of Quaternary Science, 29 (8). 815-826. 10.1002/jqs.2751

Faulkner, Katelyn T.; Clusella-Trullas, Susana; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Chown, Steven L.. 2014 Lack of coherence in the warming responses of marine crustaceans. Functional Ecology, 28 (4). 895-903. 10.1111/1365-2435.12219

Favier, L.; Durand, G.; Cornford, S. L.; Gudmundsson, G. H. ORCID:; Gagliardini, O.; Gillet-Chaulet, F.; Zwinger, T.; Payne, A. J.; Le Brocq, A. M.. 2014 Retreat of Pine Island Glacier controlled by marine ice-sheet instability. Nature Climate Change, 4 (2). 117-121. 10.1038/nclimate2094

Feitz, Andrew J.; Leamon, Gregory; Jenkins, Charles; Jones, David G.; Moreira, Andréa; Bressan, Lia; Melo, Clarissa; Dobeck, Laura M.; Repasky, Kevin; Spangler, Lee H.. 2014 Looking for leakage or monitoring for public assurance? Energy Procedia, 63. 3881-3890. 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.418

Felstead, Nicholas J.; Gonzalez, Silvia; Huddart, David; Noble, Stephen R.; Hoffmann, Dirk L.; Metcalfe, Sarah E.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Albert, Bruce M.; Pike, Alistair W.G.; Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Arturo; Jiménez-López, José Concepción. 2014 Holocene-aged human footprints from the Cuatrociénegas Basin, NE Mexico. Journal of Archaeological Science, 42. 250-259. 10.1016/j.jas.2013.11.010

Feng, Xianbo; Tsimplis, Michael N.. 2014 Sea level extremes at the coasts of China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (3). 1593-1608. 10.1002/2013JC009607

Feng, Xiangbo; Tsimplis, M.N.; Quartly, G.D.; Yelland, M.J. ORCID: 2014 Wave height analysis from 10 years of observations in the Norwegian Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 72. 47-56. 10.1016/j.csr.2013.10.013

Feng, Xiangbo; Tsimplis, M.N.; Yelland, M.J. ORCID:; Quartly, G.D.. 2014 Changes in significant and maximum wave heights in the Norwegian Sea. Global and Planetary Change, 113. 68-76. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.12.010

Ferguson, Laura; Marletaz, Ferdinand; Carter, Jean-Michel; Taylor, William R.; Gibbs, Melanie ORCID:; Breuker, Casper J.; Holland, Peter W.H.. 2014 Ancient expansion of the Hox cluster in Lepidoptera generated four homeobox genes implicated in extra-embryonic tissue formation. PLoS Genetics, 10 (10), e1004698. 12, pp. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004698

Ferreira, Teresa; O’Hare, Matthew T.; Szoszkiewicz, Krzysztof; Hellsten, Seppo. 2014 Preface: plants in hydrosystems: from functional ecology to weed research [in special issue: Plants in hydrosystems: from functional ecology to weed research] Hydrobiologia, 737 (1). 1-3. 10.1007/s10750-014-1889-2

Ferrer, Miguel; Newton, Ian ORCID:; Muriel, Roberto; Báguena, Gerardo; Bustamante, Javier; Martini, Matilde; Morandini, Virginia. 2014 Using manipulation of density-dependent fecundity to recover an endangered species: the bearded vulture Gypaetus barbatus as an example. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51 (5). 1255-1263. 10.1111/1365-2664.12308

Field, Chris D.; Dise, Nancy B. ORCID:; Payne, Richard J.; Britton, Andrea J.; Emmett, Bridget A. ORCID:; Helliwell, Rachel C.; Hughes, Steve; Jones, Laurence ORCID:; Lees, Steven; Leake, Jonathan R.; Leith, Ian D.; Phoenix, Gareth K.; Power, Sally A.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Southon, Georgina E.; Stevens, Carly J.; Caporn, Simon J.M.. 2014 The role of nitrogen deposition in widespread plant community change across semi-natural habitats. Ecosystems, 17 (5). 864-877. 10.1007/s10021-014-9765-5

Field, Dawn; Sterk, Peter; Kottmann, Renzo; De Smet, J. Wim; Amaral-Zettler, Linda; Cochrane, Guy; Cole, James R.; Davies, Neil; Dawyndt, Peter; Garrity, George M.; Gilbert, Jack A.; Glöckner, Frank Oliver; Hirschman, Lynette; Klenk, Hans-Peter; Knight, Rob; Kyrpides, Nikos; Meyer, Folker; Karsch-Mizrachi, Ilene; Morrison, Norman; Robbins, Robert; San Gil, Inigo; Sansone, Susanna; Schriml, Lynn; Tatusova, Tatiana; Ussery, Dave; Yilmaz, Pelin; White, Owen; Wooley, John; Caporaso, Gregory. 2014 Genomic Standards Consortium projects. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 9 (3). 599-601. 10.4056/sigs.5559680

Fielding, Sophie ORCID:; Watkins, Jonathan L.; Trathan, Philip N. ORCID:; Enderlein, Peter; Waluda, Claire M. ORCID:; Stowasser, Gabriele ORCID:; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID: 2014 Inter-annual variability in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) density at South Georgia, Southern Ocean: 1997 - 2013. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences, 71 (9). 2578-2588. 10.1093/icesjms/fsu104

Finlayson, Andrew. 2014 Glacial geology in Scotland. Quaternary Newsletter, 132. 16-21.

Finlayson, Andrew; Fabel, Derek; Bradwell, Tom; Sugden, David. 2014 Growth and decay of a marine terminating sector of the last British-Irish Ice Sheet: a geomorphological reconstruction. Quaternary Science Reviews, 83. 28-45. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.10.009

Fisher, J.B.; Sikka, M.; Oechel, W.C.; Huntzinger, D.N.; Melton, J.R.; Koven, C.D.; Ahlstrom, A.; Arain, M.A.; Baker, I.; Chen, J.M.; Ciais, P.; Davidson, C.; Dietze, M.; El-Masri, B.; Hayes, D.; Huntingford, C. ORCID:; Jain, A.K.; Levy, P. ORCID:; Lomas, M.; Poulter, B.; Price, D.; Sahoo, A.K.; Schaefer, K.; Tian, H.; Tomolleri, E.; Verbeeck, H.; Viovy, N.; Wania, R.; Zeng, N.; Miller, C.E.. 2014 Carbon cycle uncertainty in the Alaskan Arctic. Biogeosciences, 11 (15). 4271-4288. 10.5194/bg-11-4271-2014

Flohr, A. ORCID:; van der Plas, A. K.; Emeis, K.-C.; Mohrholz, V.; Rixen, T.. 2014 Spatio-temporal patterns of C : N : P ratios in the northern Benguela upwelling system. Biogeosciences, 11 (3). 885-897. 10.5194/bg-11-885-2014

Forcada, Jaume ORCID:; Hoffman, Joseph Ivan. 2014 Climate change selects for heterozygosity in a declining fur seal population. Nature, 511 (7510). 462-465. 10.1038/nature13542

Ford, Trevor D.; Ambrose, Keith. 2014 Brick-pits of Leicestershire. Mercian Geologist, 18 (3). 180-182.

Forsyth, C.; Watt, C.E.J.; Rae, I.J.; Fazakerley, A.N.; Kalmoni, N.M.E.; Freeman, M.P. ORCID:; Boakes, P.D.; Nakamura, R.; Dandouras, I.; Kistler, L.M.; Jackman, C.M.; Coxon, J.C.; Carr, C.. 2014 Increases in plasma sheet temperature with solar wind driving during substorm growth phases. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (24). 8713-8721. 10.1002/2014GL062400

Foschi, Martino; Cartwright, Joseph A.; Peel, Frank J.. 2014 Vertical anomaly clusters: Evidence for vertical gas migration across multilayered sealing sequences. AAPG Bulletin, 98 (9). 1859-1884. 10.1306/04051413121

Foster, Stephen; MacDonald, Alan ORCID: 2014 The 'water security' dialogue: why it needs to be better informed about groundwater. Hydrogeology Journal, 22 (7). 1489-1492. 10.1007/s10040-014-1157-6

Fountoukis, C.; Megaritis, A.G.; Skyllakou, K.; Charalampidis, P.E.; Pilinis, C.; Denier van der Gon, H.A.C.; Crippa, M.; Canonaco, F.; Mohr, C.; Prévôt, A.S.H.; Allan, J.D.; Poulain, L.; Petäjä, T.; Tiitta, P.; Carbone, S.; Kiendler-Scharr, A.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; O'Dowd, C.; Swietlicki, E.; Pandis, S.N.. 2014 Organic aerosol concentration and composition over Europe: insights from comparison of regional model predictions with aerosol mass spectrometer factor analysis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14 (17). 9061-9076. 10.5194/acp-14-9061-2014

Fowler, A.M.; Macreadie, P.I.; Jones, D.O.B. ORCID:; Booth, D.J.. 2014 A multi-criteria decision approach to decommissioning of offshore oil and gas infrastructure. Ocean & Coastal Management, 87. 20-29. 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2013.10.019

Fox, Richard; Oliver, Tom H.; Harrower, Colin ORCID:; Parsons, Mark S.; Thomas, Chris D.; Roy, David B. ORCID: 2014 Long-term changes to the frequency of occurrence of British moths are consistent with opposing and synergistic effects of climate and land-use changes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51 (4). 949-957. 10.1111/1365-2664.12256

Frajka-Williams, E. ORCID: 2014 Sustaining observations of the unsteady ocean circulation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 372 (2025). 20130335. 10.1098/rsta.2013.0335

Frajka-Williams, Eleanor ORCID: 2014 Autobiographical sketch [in special issue: Women in Oceanography: a decade late] Oceanography, 27 (4, Suppl.). 111.

Frajka-Williams, Eleanor ORCID:; Rhines, Peter B.; Eriksen, Charles C.. 2014 Horizontal stratification during deep convection in the Labrador Sea. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44 (1). 220-228. 10.1175/JPO-D-13-069.1

Fraser, Ceridwen I.; Terauds, Aleks; Smellie, John; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Chown, Steven L.. 2014 Geothermal activity helps life survive glacial cycles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (15). 5634-5639. 10.1073/pnas.1321437111

Freeborough, Katy; Pennington, Catherine; Dashwood, Claire. 2014 Landslides in the East Midlands. Mercian Geologist, 18 (3). 185-187.

Fretwell, Peter T. ORCID:; Staniland, Iain J. ORCID:; Forcada, Jaume ORCID: 2014 Whales from space: counting southern right whales by satellite. PLoS One, 9 (2). 10.1371/journal.pone.0088655

Fretwell, Peter T. ORCID:; Trathan, Phil N. ORCID:; Wienecke, Barbara; Kooyman, Gerald L.. 2014 Emperor penguins breeding on iceshelves. PLoS ONE, 9 (1). e85285. 10.1371/journal.pone.0085285

Friedrich, J.; Janssen, F.; Aleynik, D.; Bange, H.W.; Boltacheva, N.; Çagatay, M.N.; Dale, A.W.; Etiope, G.; Erdem, Z.; Geraga, M.; Gilli, A.; Gomoiu, M.T.; Hall, P.O.J.; Hansson, D.; He, Y.; Holtappels, M.; Kirf, M.K.; Kononets, M.; Konovalov, S.; Lichtschlag, A. ORCID:; Livingstone, D.M.; Marinaro, G.; Mazlumyan, S.; Naeher, S.; North, R.P.; Papatheodorou, G.; Pfannkuche, O.; Prien, R.; Rehder, G.; Schubert, C.J.; Soltwedel, T.; Sommer, S.; Stahl, H.; Stanev, E.V.; Teaca, A.; Tengberg, A.; Waldmann, C.; Wehrli, B.; Wenzhöfer, F.. 2014 Investigating hypoxia in aquatic environments: diverse approaches to addressing a complex phenomenon. Biogeosciences, 11 (4). 1215-1259. 10.5194/bg-11-1215-2014

Friend, Andrew D; Lucht, Wolfgang; Rademacher, Tim T.; Keribin, Rozenn; Betts, Richard; Cadule, Patricia; Ciais, Philippe; Clark, Douglas B. ORCID:; Dankers, Rutger; Falloon, Pete D.; Ito, Akihiko; Kahana, Ron; Kleidon, Axel; Lomas, Mark R.; Nishina, Kazuya; Ostberg, Sebastian; Pavlick, Ryan; Peylin, Philippe; Schaphoff, Sibyll; Vuichard, Nicolas; Warszawski, Lila; Wiltshire, Andy; Woodward, F. Ian. 2014 Carbon residence time dominates uncertainty in terrestrial vegetation responses to future climate and atmospheric CO2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (9). 3280-3285. 10.1073/pnas.1222477110

Furness, Robert W.; Wanless, Sarah ORCID: 2014 Quantifying the impact of offshore wind farms on gannet populations: a strategic ringing project. Ringing & Migration, 29 (2). 81-85. 10.1080/03078698.2014.995418

Gales, J.A.; Leat, P.T.; Larter, R.T. ORCID:; Kuhn, G.; Hillenbrand, C.-D. ORCID:; Graham, A.G.C.; Mitchell, N.D.; Tate, A.J. ORCID:; Buys, G.B.; Jokat, W.. 2014 Large-scale submarine landslides, channel and gully systems on the southern Weddell Sea margin, Antarctica. Marine Geology, 348. 73-87. 10.1016/j.margeo.2013.12.002

Gales, Nick; Trathan, Phil ORCID:; Worby, Anthony. 2014 Environment: Social change affects Antarctic priorities. Nature, 513 (7519). 487. 10.1038/513487a

Gao, Shan; Yang, Chen; Jiang, Shan; Xu, Xiao-Ning; Lu, Xin; He, You-Wen; Cheung, Annie; Wang, Hui. 2014 Applications of RNA interference high-throughput screening technology in cancer biology and virology. Protein & Cell, 5 (11). 805-815. 10.1007/s13238-014-0076-6

Garbutt, Angus ORCID: 2014 Glastir monitoring. Farming Wales, 2014 (February). 49.

Garcia-Martin, E.E. ORCID:; McNeill, S.; Serret, P.; Leakey, R.J.G.. 2014 Plankton metabolism and bacterial growth efficiency in offshore waters along a latitudinal transect between the UK and Svalbard. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 92. 141-151. 10.1016/j.dsr.2014.06.004

Garcia-Martin, E.E. ORCID:; Serret, P.; Leakey, R.J.G.. 2014 Plankton community and bacterial metabolism in Arctic sea ice leads during summer 2010. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 92. 152-161. 10.1016/j.dsr.2014.06.007

Garmo, Øyvind A.; Skjelkvåle, Brit Lisa; de Wit, Heleen A.; Colombo, Luca; Curtis, Chris; Fölster, Jens; Hoffmann, Andreas; Hruška, Jakub; Høgåsen, Tore; Jeffries, Dean S.; Keller, W. Bill; Krám, Pavel; Majer, Vladimir; Monteith, Don T. ORCID:; Paterson, Andrew M.; Rogora, Michela; Rzychon, Dorota; Steingruber, Sandra; Stoddard, John L.; Vuorenmaa, Jussi; Worsztynowicz, Adam. 2014 Trends in surface water chemistry in acidified areas in Europe and North America from 1990 to 2008. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 225 (3), 1880. 14, pp. 10.1007/s11270-014-1880-6

Gedney, N.; Huntingford, C. ORCID:; Weedon, G.P.; Bellouin, N.; Cox, P.M.. 2014 Detection of solar dimming and brightening effects on Northern Hemisphere river flow. Nature Geoscience, 7. 796-800. 10.1038/NGEO2263

Gehlen, M.; Séférian, R.; Jones, D.O.B. ORCID:; Roy, T.; Roth, R.; Barry, J.; Bopp, L.; Doney, S.C.; Dunne, J.P.; Heinze, C.; Joos, F.; Orr, J.C.; Resplandy, L.; Segschneider, J.; Tjiputra, J.. 2014 Projected pH reductions by 2100 might put deep North Atlantic biodiversity at risk. Biogeosciences, 11 (23). 6955- 6967. 10.5194/bg-11-6955-2014

Gerard, Pierre; Harrington, Jon; Charlier, Robert; Collin, Frédéric. 2014 Modelling of localised gas preferential pathways in claystone. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 67. 104-114. 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2014.01.009

Giering, Sarah L.C. ORCID:; Sanders, Richard ORCID:; Lampitt, Richard S.; Anderson, Thomas R. ORCID:; Tamburini, Christian; Boutrif, Mehdi; Zubkov, Mikhail V.; Marsay, Chris M.; Henson, Stephanie A. ORCID:; Saw, Kevin; Cook, Kathryn; Mayor, Daniel J. ORCID: 2014 Reconciliation of the carbon budget in the ocean’s twilight zone. Nature, 507. 480-483. 10.1038/nature13123

Gilbert, Mark A.; Gaffney, Eamonn A.; Bullock, James M. ORCID:; White, Steven M. ORCID: 2014 Spreading speeds for plant populations in landscapes with low environmental variation. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 363. 436-452. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.08.022

Gilbert, Mark A.; White, Steven M. ORCID:; Bullock, James M. ORCID:; Gaffney, Eamonn A.. 2014 Spreading speeds for stage structured plant populations in fragmented landscapes. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 349. 135-149. 10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.01.024

Giménez-Forcada, Elena; Smedley, Pauline L.. 2014 Geological factors controlling occurrence and distribution of arsenic in groundwaters from the southern margin of the Duero Basin, Spain. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 36 (6). 1029-1047. 10.1007/s10653-014-9599-2

Glauert, Sarah ORCID:; Horne, Richard ORCID:; Meredith, Nigel ORCID: 2014 Three dimensional electron radiation belt simulations using the BAS Radiation Belt Model with new diffusion models for chorus, plasmaspheric hiss and lightning-generated whistlers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (1). 268-289. 10.1002/2013JA019281

Glauert, Sarah A. ORCID:; Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Meredith, Nigel P. ORCID: 2014 Simulating the Earth’s radiation belts: internal acceleration and continuous losses to the magnetopause. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (9). 7444-7463. 10.1002/2014JA020092

Glendinning, Stephanie; Hughes, Paul; Helm, Peter; Chambers, Jonathan; Mendes, Joao; Gunn, David; Wilkinson, Paul; Uhlemann, Sebastian. 2014 Construction, management and maintenance of embankments used for road and rail infrastructure: implications of weather induced pore water pressures. Acta Geotechnica, 9 (5). 799-816. 10.1007/s11440-014-0324-1

Glibert, Patricia M.; Icarus Allen, J.; Artioli, Yuri; Beusen, Arthur; Bouwman, Lex; Harle, James; Holmes, Robert; Holt, Jason ORCID: 2014 Vulnerability of coastal ecosystems to changes in harmful algal bloom distribution in response to climate change: projections based on model analysis. Global Change Biology, 20 (12). 3845-3858. 10.1111/gcb.12662

Godfray, H. Charles J.; Blacquière, Tjeerd; Field, Linda M.; Hails, Rosemary S.; Petrokofsky, Gillian; Potts, Simon G.; Raine, Nigel E.; Vanbergen, Adam J. ORCID:; McLean, Angela R.. 2014 A restatement of the natural science evidence base concerning neonicotinoid insecticides and insect pollinators. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B, 281 (1786), 20140558. 9, pp. 10.1098/rspb.2014.0558

Godo, O.R.; Reiss, C.; Siegel, V.; Watkins, J.L.. 2014 Commercial fishing vessel as research vessels in the Antarctic – requirements and solutions exemplified with a new vessel. CCAMLR Science, 21. 11-17.

Goldobin, D.S.; Brilliantov, N.V.; Levesley, J.; Lovell, M.A.; Rochelle, C.A.; Jackson, P.D.; Haywood, A.M.; Hunter, S.J.; Rees, J.G.. 2014 Non-Fickian diffusion and the accumulation of methane bubbles in deep-water sediments. The European Physical Journal E, 37 (5). 10.1140/epje/i2014-14045-x

Gomes, A.S.; Alves, R.N.; Stueber, K.; Thorne, M.A.S. ORCID:; Smáradóttir, H.; Reinhard, R.; Clark, M.S. ORCID:; Rønnestad, I.; Power, D.M.. 2014 Transcriptome of the Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus). Marine Genomics, 18 (B). 101-103. 10.1016/j.margen.2014.07.005

Gonzalvo, Joan; Forcada, Jaume ORCID:; Grau, Esteve; Aguilar, Alex. 2014 Strong site-fidelity increases vulnerability of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in a mass tourism destination in the western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 94 (06). 1227-1235. 10.1017/S0025315413000866

Goodall-Copestake, W. P. ORCID: 2014 Morphological and molecular characterization of salps (Thalia spp.) from the Tristan da Cunha archipelago. Journal of Plankton Research, 36 (3). 883-888. 10.1093/plankt/fbu013

Gooddy, D.C.; Macdonald, D.M.J.; Lapworth, D.J. ORCID:; Bennett, S.A.; Griffiths, K.J.. 2014 Nitrogen sources, transport and processing in peri-urban floodplains. Science of The Total Environment, 494-495. 28-38. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.06.123

Goodenough, K.M.; Lusty, P.A.J.; Roberts, N.M.W.; Key, R.M.; Garba, A.. 2014 Post-collisional Pan-African granitoids and rare metal pegmatites in western Nigeria: age, petrogenesis, and the ‘pegmatite conundrum’. Lithos, 200-201. 22-34. 10.1016/j.lithos.2014.04.006

Goodenough, Kathryn. 2014 Critical metals. Geoscientist, 24 (2). 20-22.

Goodenough, Kathryn M.; Thomas, Robert J.; Styles, Michael T.; Schofield, David I.; MacLeod, Christopher J.. 2014 Records of ocean growth and destruction in the Oman-UAE Ophiolite. Elements, 10 (2). 109-114. 10.2113/gselements.10.2.109

Govindarajulu, Anandan. 2014 Adaptive variation in extent and timing of growth of Scottish Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris Linn). Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species, 2 (3), 125. 6, pp. 10.4172/2332-2543.1000125

Graham, Jonathan; Farr, Gareth. 2014 Petrifying springs in Wales. Field Bryology (112). 19-29.

Granoth-Wilding, Hanna M.V.; Burthe, Sarah J. ORCID:; Lewis, Sue; Reed, Thomas E.; Herborn, Katherine A.; Newell, Mark A.; Takahashi, Emi A.; Daunt, Francis ORCID:; Cunningham, Emma J.A.. 2014 Parasitism in early life: environmental conditions shape within-brood variation in responses to infection. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (17). 3408-3419. 10.1002/ece3.1192

Grant, K.M.; Rohling, E.J.; Ramsey, C. Bronk; Cheng, H.; Edwards, R.L.; Florindo, F.; Heslop, D.; Marra, F.; Roberts, A.P.; Tamisiea, M.E.; Williams, F.. 2014 Sea-level variability over five glacial cycles. Nature Communications, 5. 5076. 10.1038/ncomms6076

Grant, Timothy; Laws, Robert; Shuckburgh, Emily ORCID: 2014 Estimating ocean currents from the shapes of laterally steered streamer arrays. First Break, 32 (12). 57-66. 10.3997/1365-2397.2014018

Gray, Alan. 2014 The policy chicken and the science egg. Has applied ecology failed the transgenic crops debate? Transgenic Research, 23 (6). 923-932. 10.1007/s11248-013-9747-y

Gray, Alan ORCID:; Cavers, Stephen ORCID: 2014 Island biogeography, the effects of taxonomic effort and the importance of island niche diversity to single-island endemic species. Systematic Biology, 63 (1). 55-65. 10.1093/sysbio/syt060

Gray, Clare; Baird, Donald J.; Baumgartner, Simone; Jacob, Ute; Jenkins, Gareth B.; O'Gorman, Eoin J.; Lu, Xueke; Ma, Athen; Pocock, Michael J.O. ORCID:; Schuwirth, Nele; Thompson, Murray; Woodward, Guy. 2014 Ecological networks: the missing links in biomonitoring science. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51 (5). 1444-1449. 10.1111/1365-2664.12300

Grebby, Stephen; Cunningham, Dickson; Tansey, Kevin; Naden, Jonathan. 2014 The impact of vegetation on lithological mapping using airborne multispectral data: a case study for the North Troodos Region, Cyprus. Remote Sensing, 6 (11). 10860-10887. 10.3390/rs61110860

Gregory, Susan; Brown, Judith; Belchier, Mark ORCID: 2014 Ecology and distribution of the grey notothen, Lepidonotothen squamifrons, around South Georgia and Shag Rocks, Southern Ocean. Antarctic Science, 26 (3). 239-249. 10.1017/S0954102013000667

Gregory, A.S.; Kirk, G.J.D.; Keay, C.A.; Rawlins, B.G.; Wallace, P.; Whitmore, A.P.. 2014 An assessment of subsoil organic carbon stocks in England and Wales. Soil Use and Management, 30 (1). 10-22. 10.1111/sum.12085

Gregory, S.P.; Maurice, L.D.; West, J.M.; Gooddy, D.C.. 2014 Microbial communities in UK aquifers: current understanding and future research needs. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 47 (2). 145-157. 10.1144/qjegh2013-059

Griffies, Stephen M.; Yin, Jianjun; Durack, Paul J.; Goddard, Paul; Bates, Susan C.; Behrens, Erik; Bentsen, Mats; Bi, Daohua; Biastoch, Arne; Böning, Claus W.; Bozec, Alexandra; Chassignet, Eric; Danabasoglu, Gokhan; Danilov, Sergey; Domingues, Catia M. ORCID:; Drange, Helge; Farneti, Riccardo; Fernandez, Elodie; Greatbatch, Richard J.; Holland, David M.; Ilicak, Mehmet; Large, William G.; Lorbacher, Katja; Lu, Jianhua; Marsland, Simon J.; Mishra, Akhilesh; Nurser, A.J. George; Salas y Mélia, David; Palter, Jaime B.; Samuels, Bonita L.; Schröter, Jens; Schwarzkopf, Franziska U.; Sidorenko, Dmitry; Treguier, Anne Marie; Tseng, Yu-heng; Tsujino, Hiroyuki; Uotila, Petteri; Valcke, Sophie; Voldoire, Aurore; Wang, Qiang; Winton, Michael; Zhang, Xuebin. 2014 An assessment of global and regional sea level for years 1993-2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Ocean Modelling, 78. 35-89. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.03.004

Grist, Hannah; Daunt, Francis ORCID:; Wanless, Sarah ORCID:; Nelson, Emily J.; Harris, Mike P. ORCID:; Newell, Mark; Burthe, Sarah ORCID:; Reid, Jane M.. 2014 Site fidelity and individual variation in winter location in partially migratory European shags. PLoS ONE, 9 (6), e98562. 14, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0098562

Grist, Jeremy P. ORCID:; Josey, Simon A. ORCID:; Boehme, Lars; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Laidre, Kristin L.; Heide-Jorgensen, Mads Peter; Kovacs, Kit M.; Lydersen, Christian; Davidson, Fraser J.M.; Stenson, Garry B.; Hammill, Mike O.; Marsh, Robert; Coward, Andrew C. ORCID: 2014 Seasonal variability of the warm Atlantic Water layer in the vicinity of the Greenland shelf break. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (23). 8530-8537. 10.1002/2014GL062051

Grist, Jeremy P. ORCID:; Josey, Simon A. ORCID:; Marsh, Robert; Kwon, Young-Oh; Bingham, Rory J.; Blaker, Adam T. ORCID: 2014 The Surface-Forced Overturning of the North Atlantic: Estimates from Modern Era Atmospheric Reanalysis Datasets. Journal of Climate, 27 (10). 3596-3618. 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00070.1

Groenenberg, Jan E.; Lofts, Stephen ORCID: 2014 Recent developments in surface complexation modeling. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33 (10). 2170-2171. 10.1002/etc.2690

Groenenberg, Jan E.; Lofts, Stephen ORCID: 2014 The use of assemblage models to describe trace element partitioning, speciation, and fate: a review. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33 (10). 2181-2196. 10.1002/etc.2642

Grosvenor, D. P.; King, J. C. ORCID:; Choularton, T. W.; Lachlan-Cope, T. ORCID: 2014 Downslope föhn winds over the Antarctic Peninsula and their effect on the Larsen Ice Shelves. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14 (18). 9481-9509. 10.5194/acp-14-9481-2014

Grude, S.; Landrø, M.; White, J.C.; Torsæter, O.. 2014 CO2 saturation and thickness predictions in the Tubåen Fm., Snøhvit field, from analytical solution and time-lapse seismic data. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 29. 248-255. 10.1016/j.ijggc.2014.08.011

Gu, Baojing; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Chang, Scott X.; Ge, Ying; Chang, Jie. 2014 Agricultural ammonia emissions contribute to China's urban air pollution. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 12 (5). 265-266. 10.1890/14.WB.007

Guan, Shoude; Zhao, Wei; Huthnance, John ORCID:; Tian, Jiwei; Wang, Jinhu. 2014 Observed upper ocean response to typhoon Megi (2010) in the Northern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (5). 3134-3157. 10.1002/2013JC009661

Guglielmin, Mauro; Worland, M. Roger; Baio, Fabio; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2014 Permafrost and snow monitoring at Rothera Point (Adelaide Island, Maritime Antarctica): implications for rock weathering in cryotic conditions. Geomorphology, 225. 47-56. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.03.051

Guidetti, Roberto; Rebecchi, Lorena; Cesari, Michele; McInnes, Sandra J. ORCID: 2014 Mopsechiniscus franciscae, a new species of a rare genus of Tardigrada from continental Antarctica. Polar Biology, 37 (9). 1221-1233. 10.1007/s00300-014-1514-x

Guihen, Damien; Fielding, Sophie ORCID:; Murphy, Eugene ORCID:; Heywood, K; Griffiths, G. 2014 An assessment of the use of ocean gliders to undertake acoustic measurements of zooplankton: the distribution and density of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Weddell Sea. Limnology & Oceanography: Methods, 12. 373-389. 10.4319/lom.2014.12.373

Gunn, Iain D.M.; Meis, Sebastian; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID:; Spears, Bryan M. ORCID: 2014 Assessing the responses of aquatic macrophytes to the application of a lanthanum modified bentonite clay, at Loch Flemington, Scotland, UK [in special issue: Plants in hydrosystems] Hydrobiologia, 737 (1). 309-320. 10.1007/s10750-013-1765-5

Guo, Zhiqi; Li, Xiang; Liu, Cai. 2014 An AVO inversion method in the frequency domain based on a layered model—a Bakken Shale case study. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 11 (2), 025001. 10.1088/1742-2132/11/2/025001

Guo, Zhiqi; Li, Xiang-Yang; Liu, Cai. 2014 Anisotropy parameters estimate and rock physics analysis for the Barnett Shale. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 11 (6), 065006. 10.1088/1742-2132/11/6/065006

Gutierrez, Tony; Rhodes, Glenn ORCID:; Mishamandani, Sara; Berry, David; Whitman, William B.; Nichols, Peter D.; Semple, Kirk T.; Aitken, Michael D.. 2014 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation of phytoplankton-associated Arenibacter spp. and description of Arenibacter algicola sp. nov., an aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 80 (2). 618-628. 10.1128/AEM.03104-13

Gómez-Ramírez, P.; Shore, R.F.; van den Brink, N.W.; van Hattum, B.; Bustnes, J.O.; Duke, G.; Fritsch, C.; García-Fernández, A.J.; Helander, B.O.; Jaspers, V.; Krone, O.; Martínez-López, E.; Mateo, R.; Movalli, P.; Sonne, C.. 2014 An overview of existing raptor contaminant monitoring activities in Europe. Environment International, 67. 12-21. 10.1016/j.envint.2014.02.004

Haddaway, Neal R.; Burden, Annette ORCID:; Evans, Chris D. ORCID:; Healey, John R.; Jones, Davey L.; Dalrymple, Sarah E.; Pullin, Andrew S.. 2014 Evaluating effects of land management on greenhouse gas fluxes and carbon balances in boreo-temperate lowland peatland systems. Environmental Evidence, 3, 5. 10.1186/2047-2382-3-5

Haigh, Ivan D.; Wahl, Thomas; Rohling, Eelco J.; Price, René M.; Pattiaratchi, Charitha B.; Calafat, Francisco M. ORCID:; Dangendorf, Sönke. 2014 Timescales for detecting a significant acceleration in sea level rise. Nature Communications, 5. 3635. 10.1038/ncomms4635

Halliday, Sarah J.; Skeffington, Richard A.; Bowes, Michael J. ORCID:; Gozzard, Emma; Newman, Jonathan R.; Loewenthal, Matthew; Palmer-Felgate, Elizabeth J.; Jarvie, Helen P. ORCID:; Wade, Andrew J.. 2014 The water quality of the River Enborne, UK: observations from high-frequency monitoring in a rural, lowland river system. Water, 6 (1). 150-180. 10.3390/w6010150

Hamblin, Richard. 2014 The Palaeogene Haldon Formation of South Devon. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (5-6). 591-599. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2014.10.003

Hamilton, Patrick B.; Nicol, Elizabeth; De-Bastos, Eliane S.R.; Williams, Richard J.; Sumpter, John P.; Jobling, Susan; Stevens, Jamie R.; Tyler, Charles R.. 2014 Populations of a cyprinid fish are self-sustaining despite widespread feminization of males. BMC Biology, 12, 1. 13, pp. 10.1186/1741-7007-12-1

Hancock, Steven; Huntley, Brian; Ellis, Richard; Baxter, Robert. 2014 Biases in reanalysis snowfall found by comparing the JULES land surface model to GlobSnow. Journal of Climate, 27 (2). 624-632. 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00382.1

Hanif, Muhammad; Hart, Malcolm B.; Grimes, Stephen T.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID: 2014 Integrated stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of the P/E boundary interval, Rakhi Nala section, Indus Basin (Pakistan). Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 7 (1). 323-339. 10.1007/s12517-012-0812-2

Harding, Richard J.. 2014 The food/water/climate nexus. GEWEX News, 24 (1-2). 3-5.

Harding, Richard J.; Weedon, Graham P.; van Lanen, Henny A.J.; Clark, Douglas B. ORCID: 2014 The future for global water assessment. Journal of Hydrology, 518 (B). 186-193. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.05.014

Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Schnyder, Elvira; Thöni, Lotti; Cooper, David M. ORCID:; Mills, Gina; Leblond, Sebastien; Mohr, Karsten; Poikolainen, Jarmo; Santamaria, Jesus; Skudnik, Mitja; Zechmeister, Harald G.; Lindroos, Antti-Jussi; Hanus-Illnar, Andrea. 2014 Relationship between site-specific nitrogen concentrations in mosses and measured wet bulk atmospheric nitrogen deposition across Europe. Environmental Pollution, 194. 50-59. 10.1016/j.envpol.2014.07.016

Harris, Catherine A.; Scott, Alexander P.; Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Panter, Grace H.; Sheahan, Dave; Roberts, Mike; Sumpter, John P.. 2014 Principles of sound ecotoxicology. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (6). 3100-3111. 10.1021/es4047507

Harris, Michael P. ORCID:; Wanless, Sarah ORCID:; Jensen, Jens-Kjeld. 2014 When are Atlantic puffins Fratercula arctica in the North Sea and around the Faroe Islands flightless? Bird Study, 61 (2). 182-192. 10.1080/00063657.2014.909382

Harris, Mike P. ORCID: 2014 Aging Atlantic puffins Fratercula arctica in summer and winter. Seabird, 27. 22-40.

Harris, Zoe M.; McNamara, Niall P. ORCID:; Rowe, Rebecca ORCID:; Dondini, Marta; Finch, Jon; Perks, Mike; Morison, James; Donnison, Iain; Farrar, Kerrie; Sohi, Saran; Ineson, Phil; Oxley, Johnathan C.; Smith, Pete; Taylor, Gail. 2014 Research spotlight: the ELUM project: ecosystem land-use modeling and soil carbon GHG flux trial. Biofuels, 5 (2). 111-116. 10.4155/bfs.13.79

Harrup, L.E.; Gubbins, S.; Barber, J.; Denison, E.; Mellor, P.S.; Purse, B.V. ORCID:; Carpenter, S.. 2014 Does covering of farm-associated Culicoides larval habitat reduce adult populations in the United Kingdom? Veterinary Parasitology, 1-2. 137-145. 10.1016/j.vetpar.2013.11.028

Hartman, S.E. ORCID:; Hartman, M.C.; Hydes, D.J.; Smythe-Wright, D.; Gohin, F.; Lazure, P.. 2014 The role of hydrographic parameters, measured from a ship of opportunity, in bloom formation of Karenia mikimotoi in the English Channel. Journal of Marine Systems, 140 (A). 39-49. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.07.001

Hartman, Susan E. ORCID:; Hartman, Mark C; Hydes, David J.; Jiang, Zong-Pei; Smythe-Wright, Denise; González-Pola, Cesar. 2014 Seasonal and inter-annual variability in nutrient supply in relation to mixing in the Bay of Biscay. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 106. 68-75. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.09.032

Hartman, Yorike; Hooftman, Danny A.P.; Uwimana, Brigitte; Schranz, M. Eric; van de Wiel, Clemens C.M.; Smulders, Marinus J.M.; Visser, Richard G.F.; Michelmore, Richard W.; van Tienderen, Peter H.. 2014 Abiotic stress QTL in lettuce crop–wild hybrids: comparing greenhouse and field experiments. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (12). 2395-2409. 10.1002/ece3.1060

Hartmann, Manuela; Gomez-Pereira, Paola; Grob, Carolina; Ostrowski, Martin; Scanlan, David J.; Zubkov, Mikhail V.. 2014 Efficient CO2 fixation by surface Prochlorococcus in the Atlantic Ocean. The ISME Journal, 8. 2280-2289. 10.1038/ismej.2014.56

Haslam, E.P.; Gunn, D.A.; Jackson, P.D.; Lovell, M.A.; Aydin, A.; Prance, R.J.; Watson, P.. 2014 Novel laboratory methods for determining the fine scale electrical resistivity structure of core. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 111. 384-392. 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2014.07.017

Hassler, S.K.; Lark, R.M.; Zimmermann, B.; Elsenbeer, H.. 2014 Which sampling design to monitor saturated hydraulic conductivity? European Journal of Soil Science, 65 (6). 792-802. 10.1111/ejss.12174

Hawkes, Jeffrey A.; Connelly, Douglas P.; Rijkenberg, Micha J.A.; Achterberg, Eric P.. 2014 The importance of shallow hydrothermal island arc systems in ocean biogeochemistry. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (3). 942-947. 10.1002/2013GL058817

Haygarth, Philip M.; Jarvie, Helen P. ORCID:; Powers, Steve M.; Sharpley, Andrew N.; Elser, James J.; Shen, Jianbo B.; Peterson, Heidi M.; Chan, Neng-long I.; Howden, Nicholas J.K.; Burt, Tim P.; Worrall, Fred; Zhang, Fusuo S.; Liu, Xuejun J.. 2014 Sustainable phosphorus management and the need for a long-term perspective: The legacy hypothesis. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (15). 8417-8419. 10.1021/es502852s

Hayman, G.D. ORCID:; O'Connor, F.M.; Dalvi, M.; Clark, D.B. ORCID:; Gedney, N.; Huntingford, C. ORCID:; Prigent, C.; Buchwitz, M.; Schneising, O.; Burrows, J.P.; Wilson, C.; Richards, N.; Chipperfield, M.. 2014 Comparison of the HadGEM2 climate-chemistry model against in situ and SCIAMACHY atmospheric methane data [in special issue: Integrated Land Ecosystem-Atmosphere Processes Study (iLEAPS)] Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14 (23). 13257-13280. 10.5194/acp-14-13257-2014

Hazard, Christina; Boots, Bas; Keith, Aidan M. ORCID:; Mitchell, Derek T.; Schmidt, Olaf; Doohan, Fiona M.; Bending, Gary D.. 2014 Temporal variation outweighs effects of biosolids applications in shaping arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi communities on plants grown in pasture and arable soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 82. 52-60. 10.1016/j.apsoil.2014.05.007

Heap, M.J.; Baud, P.; Meredith, P.G.; Vinciguerra, S.; Reuschlé, T.. 2014 The permeability and elastic moduli of tuff from Campi Flegrei, Italy: implications for ground deformation modelling. Solid Earth, 5 (1). 25-44. 10.5194/se-5-25-2014

Hedd, April; Montevecchi, William A.; Phillips, Richard A.; Fifield, David A.. 2014 Seasonal sexual segregation by monomorphic sooty shearwaters Puffinus griseus reflects different reproductive roles during the pre-laying period. PLoS ONE, 9 (1). e85572. 10.1371/journal.pone.0085572

Heggelund, Laura R.; Diez-Ortiz, Maria; Lofts, Stephen ORCID:; Lahive, Elma; Jurkschat, Kerstin; Wojnarowicz, Jacek; Cedergreen, Nina; Spurgeon, David ORCID:; Svendsen, Claus ORCID: 2014 Soil pH effects on the comparative toxicity of dissolved zinc, non-nano and nano ZnO to the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Nanotoxicology, 8 (5). 559-572. 10.3109/17435390.2013.809808

Heinonen, Jussi; Carlson, Richard; Riley, Teal ORCID:; Luttinen, Arto; Horan, Mary. 2014 Subduction-modified oceanic crust mixed with a depleted mantle reservoir in the sources of the Karoo continental flood basalt province. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 394. 229-241. 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.03.012

Heiser, Sabrina; Hall-Spencer, Jason M.; Hiscock, Keith. 2014 Assessing the extent of establishment of Undaria pinnatifida in Plymouth Sound Special Area of Conservation, UK. Marine Biodiversity Records, 7, e93. 8, pp. 10.1017/S1755267214000608

Helfter, Carole ORCID:; Campbell, Claire; Dinsmore, Kerry; Drewer, Julia ORCID:; Coyle, Mhairi; Anderson, Margaret; Skiba, Ute ORCID:; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID:; Billett, Michael; Sutton, Mark ORCID: 2014 Effects of winter temperature and summer drought on net ecosystem exchange of CO2 in a temperate peatland. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-2220-1. 1, pp.

Helliwell, R.C.; Aherne, J.; MacDougall, G.; Nisbet, T.R.; Lawson, D.; Cosby, B.J.; Evans, C.D. ORCID: 2014 Past acidification and recovery of surface waters, soils and ecology in the United Kingdom: prospects for the future under current deposition and land use protocols. Ecological Indicators, 37 (B). 381-395. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.02.005

Helliwell, Rachel C.; Wright, Richard F.; Jackson-Blake, Leah A.; Ferrier, Robert C.; Aherne, Julian; Cosby, Bernard J. ORCID:; Evans, Christopher D. ORCID:; Forsius, Martin; Hruška, Jakub; Jenkins, Alan; Krám, Pavel; Kopáček, Jiri; Majer, Vladimir; Moldan, Filip; Posch, Maximilian; Potts, Jacqueline M.; Rogora, Michela; Schöpp, Wolfgang. 2014 Assessing recovery from acidification of European surface waters in the year 2010: evaluation of projections made with the MAGIC model in 1995. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (22). 13280-13288. 10.1021/es502533c

Hemer, K.A.; Evans, J.A.; Chenery, C.A.; Lamb, A.L.. 2014 No Man is an island: evidence of pre-Viking Age migration to the Isle of Man. Journal of Archaeological Science, 52. 242-249. 10.1016/j.jas.2014.08.031

Hennissen, Jan A.I.; Head, Martin J.; De Schepper, Stijn; Groeneveld, Jeroen. 2014 Palynological evidence for a southward shift of the North Atlantic Current at ~2.6 Ma during the intensification of late Cenozoic Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Paleoceanography, 29 (6). 564-580. 10.1002/2013PA002543

Henson, S. ORCID: 2014 Slow science: the value of long biological records. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 372 (2025). 20130334. 10.1098/rsta.2013.0334

Henson, Stephanie ORCID: 2014 Autobiography. Oceanography, 27 (4 Suppl.), supplement Women in Oceanography: a decade later. p133.

Hentley, William T.; Hails, Rosemary S.; Johnson, Scott N.; Jones, T. Hefin; Vanbergen, Adam J. ORCID: 2014 Top-down control by Harmonia axyridis mitigates the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 on a plant-aphid interaction. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 16 (4). 350-358. 10.1111/afe.12065

Hentley, William T.; Vanbergen, Adam J. ORCID:; Hails, Rosemary S.; Jones, T. Hefin; Johnson, Scott N.. 2014 Elevated atmospheric CO2 impairs aphid escape responses to predators and conspecific alarm signals. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 40 (10). 1110-1114. 10.1007/s10886-014-0506-1

Herborn, Katherine A.; Heidinger, Britt J.; Boner, Winnie; Noguera, Jose C.; Adam, Aileen; Daunt, Francis ORCID:; Monaghan, Pat. 2014 Stress exposure in early post-natal life reduces telomere length: an experimental demonstration in a long-lived seabird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B, 281 (1782), 20133151. 7, pp. 10.1098/rspb.2013.3151

Hesketh, Helen ORCID: 2014 A subtle switch. International Innovation, 134. 80-81.

Hesketh, Helen ORCID:; Jones, Thomas. 2014 Pathogen persistence. International Innovation (163). 16-17.

Heubeck, M.; Gear, S.; Harris, M.P. ORCID: 2014 A photographic resurvey of seabird colonies on Foula, Shetland. Scottish Birds, 34 (4). 291-302.

Heuser, Kay; Leeks, Graham; Tindall, Isabella. 2014 The outcomes and results of the Water Security Knowledge Exchange Programme. InImpact: The Journal of Innovation Impact, 7 (1). 132-144.

Hewitt, D.K.L.; Mills, G.; Hayes, F. ORCID:; Wilkinson, S.; Davies, W.. 2014 Highlighting the threat from current and near-future ozone pollution to clover in pasture. Environmental Pollution, 189. 111-117. 10.1016/j.envpol.2014.02.033

Heys, Kelly A.; Riding, Matthew J.; Strong, Rebecca J.; Shore, Richard F.; Pereira, M. Gloria ORCID:; Jones, Kevin C.; Semple, Kirk T.; Martin, Francis L.. 2014 Mid-infrared spectroscopic assessment of nanotoxicity in Gram-negative vs. Gram-positive bacteria. Analyst, 139 (5). 896-905. 10.1039/C3AN01649H

Heywood, Karen J.; Schmidtko, Sunke; Heuzé, Céline; Kaiser, Jan; Jickells, Timothy D.; Queste, Bastien; Stevens, David P.; Wadley, Martin; Thompson, Andrew F.; Fielding, Sophie ORCID:; Guihen, Damien; Creed, Elizabeth; Ridley, Jeff K.; Smith, Walker. 2014 Ocean processes at the Antarctic continental slope. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 372 (2019), 20130047. 10.1098/rsta.2013.0047

Hicks, A.; Barclay, J.; Simmons, P.; Loughlin, S.. 2014 An interdisciplinary approach to volcanic risk reduction under conditions of uncertainty: a case study of Tristan da Cunha. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 14 (7). 1871-1887. 10.5194/nhess-14-1871-2014

Higgs, Nicholas D.; Gates, Andrew R. ORCID:; Jones, Daniel O.B. ORCID: 2014 Fish Food in the Deep Sea: Revisiting the Role of Large Food-Falls. PLoS ONE, 9 (5). e96016. 10.1371/journal.pone.0096016

Highfield, Andrea; Evans, Claire ORCID:; Walne, Anthony; Miller, Peter I.; Schroeder, Declan C.. 2014 How many Coccolithovirus genotypes does it take to terminate an Emiliania huxleyi bloom? Virology, 466-467. 138-145. 10.1016/j.virol.2014.07.017

Hill, D.J.; Haywood, A.M.; Lunt, D.J.; Hunter, S.J.; Bragg, F.J.; Contoux, C.; Stepanek, C.; Sohl, L.; Rosenbloom, N.A.; Chan, W.-L.; Kamae, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Abe-Ouchi, A.; Chandler, M.A.; Jost, A.; Lohmann, G.; Otto-Bliesner, B.L.; Ramstein, G.; Ueda, H.. 2014 Evaluating the dominant components of warming in Pliocene climate simulations. Climate of the Past, 10 (1). 79-90. 10.5194/cp-10-79-2014

Hill, J.; Popova, E.E. ORCID:; Ham, D.A.; Piggott, M.D.; Srokosz, M. ORCID: 2014 Adapting to life: ocean biogeochemical modelling and adaptive remeshing. Ocean Science, 10 (3). 323-343. 10.5194/os-10-323-2014

Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Bentley, Michael J.; Stolldorf, Travis D.; Hein, Andrew S.; Kuhn, Gerhard; Graham, Alastair G.C.; Fogwill, Christopher J.; Kristofferson, Yngve; Smith, James A. ORCID:; Anderson, John B.; Larter, Robert D. ORCID:; Melles, Martin; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Mulvaney, Robert ORCID:; Sugden, David E.. 2014 Reconstruction of changes in the Weddell Sea sector of the Antarctic Ice Sheet since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 100. 111-136. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.07.020

Hirich, Abdelaziz; El Omari, Halima; Jackobsen, Sven-Erik; Lamaddalena, Nicola; Hamdy, Atef; Ragab, Ragab ORCID:; Jelloul, Ahmed; Choukr-Allah, Redouane. 2014 Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) physiological, chemical and growth responses to irrigation with saline water. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 8 (5). 646-654.

Hirich, Abdelaziz; Ragab, Ragab ORCID:; Choukr-Allah, Redouane; Rami, Abellatif. 2014 The effect of deficit irrigation with treated wastewater on sweet corn: experimental and modelling study using SALTMED model. Irrigation Science, 32 (3). 205-219. 10.1007/s00271-013-0422-0

Hirst, A. G.; Keister, J. E.; Richardson, A. J.; Ward, P.; Shreeve, R. S.; Escribano, R.. 2014 Re-assessing copepod growth using the Moult Rate method. Journal of Plankton Research, 36 (5). 1224-1232. 10.1093/plankt/fbu045

Hobbs, P.R.N.; Jones, L.D.; Kirkham, M.P.; Roberts, P.; Haslam, E.P.; Gunn, D.A.. 2014 A new apparatus for determining the shrinkage limit of clay soils. Géotechnique, 64 (3). 195-203. 10.1680/geot.13.P.076

Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Graham, Alastair G.C.; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Roberts, Stephen J. ORCID:; Cofaigh, Colm Ó; Bentley, Michael J.; Evans, David J.A.. 2014 Glacial history of sub-Antarctic South Georgia based on the submarine geomorphology of its fjords. Quaternary Science Reviews, 89. 129-147. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.12.005

Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Graham, Alastair G.C.; Roberts, Stephen J. ORCID:; Bentley, Michael J.; Cofaigh, Colm Ó; Verleyen, Elie; Vyverman, Wim; Jomelli, Vincent; Favier, Vincent; Brunstein, Daniel; Verfaillie, Deborah; Colhoun, Eric A.; Saunders, Krystyna M.; Selkirk, Patricia M.; Mackintosh, Andrew; Hedding, David W.; Nel, Werner; Hall, Kevin; McGlone, Matt S.; Van der Putten, Nathalie; Dickens, William A.; Smith, James A. ORCID: 2014 Terrestrial and submarine evidence for the extent and timing of the Last Glacial Maximum and the onset of deglaciation on the maritime-Antarctic and sub-Antarctic islands. Quaternary Science Reviews, 100. 137-158. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.12.001

Hoffman, Joseph I.; Simpson, Fraser; David, Patrice; Rijks, Jolianne M.; Kuiken, Thijs; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Lacy, Robert C.; Dasmahapatra, Kanchon K.. 2014 High-throughput sequencing reveals inbreeding depression in a natural population. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (10). 3775-3780. 10.1073/pnas.1318945111

Holford, Simon P.; Tuitt, Adrian K.; Hillis, Richard R.; Green, Paul F.; Stoker, Martyn S.; Duddy, Ian R.; Sandiford, Mike; Tassone, David R.. 2014 Cenozoic deformation in the Otway Basin, southern Australian margin: implications for the origin and nature of post-breakup compression at rifted margins. Basin Research, 26 (1). 10-37. 10.1111/bre.12035

Holland, Paul R. ORCID: 2014 The seasonality of Antarctic sea ice trends. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (12). 4230-4237. 10.1002/2014GL060172

Holland, Paul R. ORCID:; Bruneau, Nicolas; Enright, Clare; Losch, Martin; Kurtz, Nathan T.; Kwok, Ron. 2014 Modelled trends in Antarctic sea ice thickness. Journal of Climate, 27 (10). 3784-3801. 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00301.1

Holland, Paul R. ORCID:; Hewitt, Richard E.; Scase, Matthew M.. 2014 Wave breaking in dense plumes. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44 (2). 790-800. 10.1175/JPO-D-13-0110.1

Holliday, Penny ORCID: 2014 Autobiography. Oceanography, 27 (4 Suppl.), supplement Women in Oceanography: a decade later. p138.

Holt, J. ORCID:; Schrum, C.; Cannaby, H.; Daewel, U.; Allen, I.; Artioli, Y.; Bopp, L.; Butenschon, M.; Fach, B.A.; Harle, J.; Pushpadas, D.; Salihoglu, B.; Wakelin, S. ORCID: 2014 Physical processes mediating climate change impacts on regional sea ecosystems. Biogeosciences Discussions, 11 (2). 1909-1975. 10.5194/bgd-11-1909-2014

Holt, Jason ORCID:; Allen, J. Icarus; Anderson, Thomas R. ORCID:; Brewin, Robert; Butenschon, Momme; Harle, James; Huse, Geir; Lehodey, Patrick; Lindemann, Christian; Memery, Laurent; Salihoglu, Baris; Senina, Inna; Yool, Andrew ORCID: 2014 Challenges in integrative approaches to modelling the marine ecosystems of the North Atlantic: Physics to Fish and Coasts to Ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 129 (B). 285-313. 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.04.024

Holt, T.O.; Glasser, N.F.; Fricker, H.A.; Padman, L.; Luckman, A.; King, Owen; Quincey, D.J.; Siegfried, M.R.. 2014 The structural and dynamic responses of Stange Ice Shelf to recent environmental change. Antarctic Science, 26 (06). 646-660. 10.1017/S095410201400039X

Hopkins, Joanne E. ORCID:; Stephenson, Gordon R.; Green, J. Mattias; Inall, Mark E.. 2014 Storms modify baroclinic energy fluxes in a seasonally stratified shelf sea: inertial-tidal interaction. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (10). 6863-6883. 10.1002/2014JC010011

Horswill, Catharine ORCID:; Matthiopoulos, Jason; Green, Jonathan A.; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Forcada, Jaume ORCID:; Peat, Helen ORCID:; Preston, Mark; Trathan, Phil N. ORCID:; Ratcliffe, Norman ORCID: 2014 Survival in macaroni penguins and the relative importance of different drivers: individual traits, predation pressure and environmental variability. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83 (5). 1057-1067. 10.1111/1365-2656.12229

Horton, Tammy ORCID:; Thurston, Michael H.. 2014 A revision of the bathyal and abyssal necrophage genus Cyclocaris Stebbing, 1888 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Cyclocaridae) with the addition of two new species from the Atlantic Ocean. Zootaxa, 3796 (3). 507-527. 10.11646/zootaxa.3796.3.6

Howard, Andy. 2014 Real mapping at BGS. Geoscientist, 24 (1). 20.

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Howard, Bruce. 2014 Going to where people are. Ecosystems News, 7. 3.

Howard, T.; Pardaens, A. K.; Lowe, J. A.; Ridley, J.; Hurkmans, R. T. W. L.; Bamber, J. L.; Spada, G.; Vaughan, D. ORCID: 2014 Sources of 21st century regional sea level rise along the coast of North-West Europe. Ocean Science, 10 (3). 473-483. 10.5194/os-10-473-2014

Howarth, M.J.; Balfour, C.A.; Player, R.J.J.; Polton, J.A. ORCID: 2014 Assessment of coastal density gradients near a macro-tidal estuary: Application to the Mersey and Liverpool Bay. Continental Shelf Research, 87. 73-83. 10.1016/j.csr.2013.11.016

Howell, Fergus W.; Haywood, Alan M.; Dolan, Aisling M.; Dowsett, Harry J.; Francis, Jane E.; Hill, Daniel J.; Pickering, Steven J.; Pope, James O.; Salzmann, Ulrich; Wade, Bridget S.. 2014 Can uncertainties in sea ice albedo reconcile patterns of data-model discord for the Pliocene and 20th/21st centuries? Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (6). 2011-2018. 10.1002/2013GL058872

Hruška, Jakub; Krám, Pavel; Moldan, Filip; Oulehle, Filip; Evans, Christopher D. ORCID:; Wright, Richard F.; Kopáček, Jiří; Cosby, Bernard J. ORCID: 2014 Changes in soil dissolved organic carbon affect reconstructed history and projected future trends in surface water acidification. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 225 (7), 2015. 13, pp. 10.1007/s11270-014-2015-9

Hssaida, Touria; Chahidi, Soumia; Benzaggagh, Mohamed; Riding, James B. ORCID:; Oumalch, Fatima. 2014 Associations de kystes de dinoflagellés des séries du Jurassique supérieur (Oxfordien–Tithonien) du Rif externe (Prérif interne et Mésorif, Maroc) et comparaisons régionales = Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages of the Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian–Tithonian) from the External Rif Chain (Internal Prerif and Mesorif, Morocco) and regional comparisons. Annales de Paléontologie, 100 (4). 327-342. 10.1016/j.annpal.2014.03.001

Huang, J.; Lark, R.M.; Robinson, D.A. ORCID:; Lebron, I. ORCID:; Keith, A.M. ORCID:; Rawlins, B.; Tye, A.; Kuras, O.; Raines, M.; Triantafilis, J.. 2014 Scope to predict soil properties at within-field scale from small samples using proximally sensed γ-ray spectrometer and EM induction data. Geoderma, 232-234. 69-80. 10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.04.031

Huang, Jingyi; Nhan, Terence; Wong, Vanessa N.L.; Johnston, Scott G.; Lark, R. Murray; Triantafilis, John. 2014 Digital soil mapping of a coastal acid sulfate soil landscape. Soil Research, 52 (4). 327-339. 10.1071/SR13314

Huber-Lang, Markus; Barratt-Due, Andreas; Pischke, Søren E.; Sandanger, Øystein; Nilsson, Per H.; Nunn, Miles A.; Denk, Stephanie; Gaus, Wilhelm; Espevik, Terje; Mollnes, Tom E.. 2014 Double blockade of CD14 and complement C5 abolishes the cytokine storm and improves morbidity and survival in polymicrobial sepsis in mice. Journal of Immunology, 192 (11). 5324-5331. 10.4049/jimmunol.1400341

Hudson, Lawrence N.; Newbold, Tim; Contu, Sara; Hill, Samantha L.L.; Lysenko, Igor; De Palma, Adriana; Phillips, Helen R. P.; Senior, Rebecca A.; Bennett, Dominic J.; Booth, Hollie; Choimes, Argyrios; Correia, David L.P.; Day, Julie; Echeverría-Londoño, Susy; Garon, Morgan; Harrison, Michelle L.K.; Ingram, Daniel J.; Jung, Martin; Kemp, Victoria; Kirkpatrick, Lucinda; Martin, Callum D.; Pan, Yuan; White, Hannah J.; Aben, Job; Abrahamczyk, Stefan; Adum, Gilbert B.; Aguilar-Barquero, Virginia; Aizen, Marcelo A.; Ancrenaz, Marc; Arbeláez-Cortés, Enrique; Armbrecht, Inge; Azhar, Badrul; Azpiroz, Adrián B.; Baeten, Lander; Báldi, András; Banks, John E.; Barlow, Jos; Batáry, Péter; Bates, Adam J.; Bayne, Erin M.; Beja, Pedro; Berg, Åke; Berry, Nicholas J.; Bicknell, Jake E.; Bihn, Jochen H.; Böhning-Gaese, Katrin; Boekhout, Teun; Boutin, Céline; Bouyer, Jérémy; Brearley, Francis Q.; Brito, Isabel; Brunet, Jörg; Buczkowski, Grzegorz; Buscardo, Erika; Cabra-García, Jimmy; Calviño-Cancela, María; Cameron, Sydney A.; Cancello, Eliana M.; Carrijo, Tiago F.; Carvalho, Anelena L.; Castro, Helena; Castro-Luna, Alejandro A.; Cerda, Rolando; Cerezo, Alexis; Chauvat, Matthieu; Clarke, Frank M.; Cleary, Daniel F.R.; Connop, Stuart P.; D'Aniello, Biagio; da Silva, Pedro Giovâni; Darvill, Ben; Dauber, Jens; Dejean, Alain; Diekötter, Tim; Dominguez-Haydar, Yamileth; Dormann, Carsten F.; Dumont, Bertrand; Dures, Simon G.; Dynesius, Mats; Edenius, Lars; Elek, Zoltán; Entling, Martin H.; Farwig, Nina; Fayle, Tom M.; Felicioli, Antonio; Felton, Annika M.; Ficetola, Gentile F.; Filgueiras, Bruno K.C.; Fonte, Steven J.; Fraser, Lauchlan H.; Fukuda, Daisuke; Furlani, Dario; Ganzhorn, Jörg U.; Garden, Jenni G.; Gheler-Costa, Carla; Giordani, Paolo; Giordano, Simonetta; Gottschalk, Marco S.; Goulson, Dave; Gove, Aaron D.; Grogan, James; Hanley, Mick E.; Hanson, Thor; Hashim, Nor R.; Hawes, Joseph E.; Hébert, Christian; Helden, Alvin J.; Henden, John-André; Hernández, Lionel; Herzog, Felix; Higuera-Diaz, Diego; Hilje, Branko; Horgan, Finbarr G.; Horváth, Roland; Hylander, Kristoffer; Isaacs-Cubides, Paola; Ishitani, Masahiro; Jacobs, Carmen T.; Jaramillo, Víctor J.; Jauker, Birgit; Jonsell, Mats; Jung, Thomas S.; Kapoor, Vena; Kati, Vassiliki; Katovai, Eric; Kessler, Michael; Knop, Eva; Kolb, Annette; Kőrösi, Ádám; Lachat, Thibault; Lantschner, Victoria; Le Féon, Violette; LeBuhn, Gretchen; Légaré, Jean-Philippe; Letcher, Susan G.; Littlewood, Nick A.; López-Quintero, Carlos A.; Louhaichi, Mounir; Lövei, Gabor L.; Lucas-Borja, Manuel Esteban; Luja, Victor H.; Maeto, Kaoru; Magura, Tibor; Mallari, Neil Aldrin; Marin-Spiotta, Erika; Marshall, E.J.P.; Martínez, Eliana; Mayfield, Margaret M.; Mikusinski, Grzegorz; Milder, Jeffrey C.; Miller, James R.; Morales, Carolina L.; Muchane, Mary N.; Muchane, Muchai; Naidoo, Robin; Nakamura, Akihiro; Naoe, Shoji; Nates-Parra, Guiomar; Navarrete Gutierrez, Dario A.; Neuschulz, Eike L.; Noreika, Norbertas; Norfolk, Olivia; Noriega, Jorge Ari; Nöske, Nicole M.; O'Dea, Niall; Oduro, William; Ofori-Boateng, Caleb; Oke, Chris O.; Osgathorpe, Lynne M.; Paritsis, Juan; Parra-H, Alejandro; Pelegrin, Nicolás; Peres, Carlos A.; Persson, Anna S.; Petanidou, Theodora; Phalan, Ben; Philips, T. Keith; Poveda, Katja; Power, Eileen F.; Presley, Steven J.; Proença, Vânia; Quaranta, Marino; Quintero, Carolina; Redpath-Downing, Nicola A.; Reid, J. Leighton; Reis, Yana T.; Ribeiro, Danilo B.; Richardson, Barbara A.; Richardson, Michael J.; Robles, Carolina A.; Römbke, Jörg; Romero-Duque, Luz Piedad; Rosselli, Loreta; Rossiter, Stephen J.; Roulston, T'ai H.; Rousseau, Laurent; Sadler, Jonathan P.; Sáfián, Szabolcs; Saldaña-Vázquez, Romeo A.; Samnegård, Ulrika; Schüepp, Christof; Schweiger, Oliver; Sedlock, Jodi L.; Shahabuddin, Ghazala; Sheil, Douglas; Silva, Fernando A.B.; Slade, Eleanor M.; Smith-Pardo, Allan H.; Sodhi, Navjot S.; Somarriba, Eduardo J.; Sosa, Ramón A.; Stout, Jane C.; Struebig, Matthew J.; Sung, Yik-Hei; Threlfall, Caragh G.; Tonietto, Rebecca; Tóthmérész, Béla; Tscharntke, Teja; Turner, Edgar C.; Tylianakis, Jason M.; Vanbergen, Adam J. ORCID:; Vassilev, Kiril; Verboven, Hans A.F.; Vergara, Carlos H.; Vergara, Pablo M.; Verhulst, Jort; Walker, Tony R.; Wang, Yanping; Watling, James I.; Wells, Konstans; Williams, Christopher D.; Willig, Michael R.; Woinarski, John C.Z.; Wolf, Jan H.D.; Woodcock, Ben A. ORCID:; Yu, Douglas W.; Zaitsev, Andrey S.; Collen, Ben; Ewers, Rob M.; Mace, Georgina M.; Purves, Drew W.; Scharlemann, Jörn P.W.; Purvis, Andy. 2014 The PREDICTS database: a global database of how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human impacts. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (24). 4701-4735. 10.1002/ece3.1303

Hughes, Anna L.C.; Clark, Chris D.; Jordan, Colm J.. 2014 Flow-pattern evolution of the last British Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews, 89. 148-168. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.02.002

Hughes, C.W. ORCID:; Williams, Joanne ORCID:; Coward, A.C. ORCID:; de Cuevas, B.A.. 2014 Antarctic circumpolar transport and the southern mode: a model investigation of interannual to decadal timescales. Ocean Science, 10 (2). 215-225. 10.5194/os-10-215-2014

Hughes, Hannah S.R.; Macdonald, Iain; Goodenough, Kathryn M.; Ciborowski, T. Jake R.; Kerr, Andrew C.; Davies, Joshua H.F.L.; Selby, David. 2014 Enriched lithospheric mantle keel below the Scottish margin of the North Atlantic Craton: evidence from the Palaeoproterozoic Scourie Dyke Swarm and mantle xenoliths. Precambrian Research, 250. 97-126. 10.1016/j.precamres.2014.05.026

Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2014 Alien invasions in Antarctica - is anyone liable? Polar Research, 33, 22103. 13, pp. 10.3402/polar.v33.22103

Hughes, Susan S.; Millard, Andrew R.; Lucy, Sam J.; Chenery, Carolyn A.; Evans, Jane A.; Nowell, Geoff; Pearson, D. Graham. 2014 Anglo-Saxon origins investigated by isotopic analysis of burials from Berinsfield, Oxfordshire, UK. Journal of Archaeological Science, 42. 81-92. 10.1016/j.jas.2013.10.025

Huiskes, Ad H.L.; Gremmen, Niek J.M.; Bergstrom, Dana M.; Frenot, Yves; Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Imura, Satoshi; Kiefer, Kate; Lebouvier, Marc; Lee, Jennifer E.; Tsujimoto, Megumu; Ware, Chris; Van de Vijver, Bart; Chown, Steven L.. 2014 Aliens in Antarctica: Assessing transfer of plant propagules by human visitors to reduce invasion risk. Biological Conservation, 171. 278-284. 10.1016/j.biocon.2014.01.038

Hunt, J.E.; Talling, P.J.; Clare, M.A. ORCID:; Jarvis, I.; Wynn, R.B.. 2014 Long-term (17 Ma) turbidite record of the timing and frequency of large flank collapses of the Canary Islands. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15 (8). 3322-3345. 10.1002/2014GC005232

Hunter, Sarah; Corbett, Matthew; Denise, Hubert; Fraser, Matthew; Gonzalez-Beltran, Alejandra; Hunter, Christopher; Jones, Philip; Leinonen, Rasko; McAnulla, Craig; Maguire, Eamonn; Maslen, John; Mitchell, Alex; Nuka, Gift; Oisel, Arnaud; Pesseat, Sebastien; Radhakrishnan, Rajesh; Rocca-Serra, Philippe; Scheremetjew, Maxim; Sterk, Peter; Vaughan, Daniel; Cochrane, Guy; Field, Dawn; Sansone, Susanna-Assunta. 2014 EBI metagenomics - a new resource for the analysis and archiving of metagenomic data. Nucleic Acids Research, 42 (D1). D600-D606. 10.1093/nar/gkt961

Huntingford, Chris ORCID:; Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Scaife, Adam A.; Kendon, Elizabeth J.; Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Kay, Alison L. ORCID:; Lockwood, Mike; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Reynard, Nick S. ORCID:; Parry, Simon ORCID:; Lowe, Jason A.; Screen, James A.; Ward, Helen C.; Roberts, Malcolm; Stott, Peter A.; Bell, Vicky A. ORCID:; Bailey, Mark; Jenkins, Alan; Legg, Tim; Otto, Friederike E.L.; Massey, Neil; Schaller, Nathalie; Slingo, Julia; Allen, Myles R.. 2014 Potential influences on the United Kingdom's floods of winter 2013/14. Nature Climate Change, 4 (9). 769-777. 10.1038/nclimate2314

Huntingford, Chris ORCID: 2014 Complexity and determining dangerous levels of climate impacts. Environmental Research Letters, 9 (1), 011001. 3, pp. 10.1088/1748-9326/9/1/011001

Husmann, G.; Abele, D.; Rosenstiel, P.; Clark, M. S. ORCID:; Kraemer, L.; Philipp, E. E. R.. 2014 Age-dependent expression of stress and antimicrobial genes in the hemocytes and siphon tissue of the Antarctic bivalve, Laternula elliptica, exposed to injury and starvation. Cell Stress and Chaperones, 19 (1). 15-32. 10.1007/s12192-013-0431-1

Huvenne, Veerle A.I. ORCID:; Davies, Jaime S.. 2014 Towards a new and integrated approach to submarine canyon research. Introduction. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 104. 1-5. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.09.012

Hyder, P; While, J; Arnold, A; O’Dea, E; Furner, R; Siddorn, J ORCID:; Martin, M; Sykes, P. 2014 Evaluating a new NEMO-based Persian/Arabian Gulf tidal operational model. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 6 (1). 3-16. 10.1080/1755876X.2013.11020140

Imbers, Jara; Lopez, Ana; Huntingford, Chris ORCID:; Allen, Myles. 2014 Sensitivity of climate change detection and attribution to the characterization of internal climate variability. Journal of Climate, 27 (10). 3477-3491. 10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00622.1

Irvine-Fynn, T. D. L.; Hanna, E.; Barrand, N. E.; Porter, P. R.; Kohler, J.; Hodson, A. J.. 2014 Examination of a physically based, high-resolution, distributed Arctic temperature-index melt model, on Midtre Lovénbreen, Svalbard. Hydrological Processes, 28 (1). 134-149. 10.1002/hyp.9526

Isaac, Nick J.B. ORCID:; van Strien, Arco J.; August, Tom A. ORCID:; de Zeeuw, Marnix P.; Roy, David B. ORCID: 2014 Statistics for citizen science: extracting signals of change from noisy ecological data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5 (10). 1052-1060. 10.1111/2041-210X.12254

Ivchenko, V.O.; Danilov, S.; Sinha, B.; Schröter, J.. 2014 Integral Constraints for Momentum and Energy in Zonal Flows with Parameterized Potential Vorticity Fluxes: Governing Parameters. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44 (3). 922-943. 10.1175/JPO-D-13-0173.1

Izumo, Takeshi; Lengaigne, Matthieu; Vialard, Jérôme; Luo, Jing-Jia; Yamagata, Toshio; Madec, Gurvan. 2014 Influence of Indian Ocean Dipole and Pacific recharge on following year’s El Niño: interdecadal robustness. Climate Dynamics, 42 (1-2). 291-310. 10.1007/s00382-012-1628-1

Jackel, B. J.; Unick, C.; Syrjäsuo, M. T.; Partamies, N.; Wild, J. A.; Woodfield, E. E. ORCID:; McWhirter, I.; Kendall, E.; Spanswick, E.. 2014 Auroral spectral estimation with wide-band color mosaic CCDs. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 3 (1). 71-94. 10.5194/gid-3-753-2013

Jackman, C. M.; Arridge, C. S.; André, N.; Bagenal, F.; Birn, J.; Freeman, M. P. ORCID:; Jia, X.; Kidder, A.; Milan, S. E.; Radioti, A.; Slavin, J. A.; Vogt, M. F.; Volwerk, M.; Walsh, A. P.. 2014 Large-scale structure and dynamics of the magnetotails of Mercury, Earth, Jupiter and Saturn. Space Science Reviews, 182 (1-4). 85-154. 10.1007/s11214-014-0060-8

Jackman, C.M.; Slavin, J. A; Kivelson, M.G.; Southwood, D. J.; Achilleos, N.; Thomsen, M.F.; DiBraccio, G. A.; Eastwood, J.P.; Freeman, M.P. ORCID:; Dougherty, M.K.; Vogt, M.F.. 2014 Saturn's dynamic magnetotail: A comprehensive magnetic field and plasma survey of plasmoids and travelling compression regions, and their role in global magnetospheric dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (7). 5465-5494. 10.1002/2013JA019388

Jackson, Jennifer A. ORCID:; Steel, Debbie J.; Beerli, P.; Congdon, Bradley C.; Olavarría, C.; Leslie, Matthew S.; Pomilla, C.; Rosenbaum, H.; Baker, C. S.. 2014 Global diversity and oceanic divergence of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B, 281 (1786). 10.1098/rspb.2013.3222

Jaff, Rawand B.N.; Williams, Mark; Wilkinson, Ian P.; Lawa, Fadhil; Lee, Sarah; Zalasiewicz, Jan. 2014 A refined foraminiferal biostratigraphy for the Late Campanian-Early Maastrichtian succession of northeast Iraq. GeoArabia - Middle East Petroleum Geosciences, 19 (1). 161-180.

Jakobsson, Martin; Andreassen, Karin; Bjarnadóttir, Lilja Rún; Dove, Dayton; Dowdeswell, Julian A.; England, John H.; Funder, Svend; Hogan, Kelly; Ingólfsson, Ólafur; Jennings, Anne; Krog Larsen, Nikolaj; Kirchner, Nina; Landvik, Jon Y.; Mayer, Larry; Mikkelsen, Naja; Möller, Per; Niessen, Frank; Nilsson, Johan; O'Regan, Matt; Polyak, Leonid; Nørgaard-Pedersen, Niels; Stein, Ruediger. 2014 Arctic Ocean glacial history. Quaternary Science Reviews, 92. 40-67. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.07.033

James, Rachael H,; Green, Darryl R.H.; Stock, Michael J.; Alker, Belinda J.; Banerjee, Neil R.; Cole, Catherine; German, Christopher R.; Huvenne, Veerle A.I. ORCID:; Powell, Alexandra M.; Connelly, Douglas P.. 2014 Composition of hydrothermal fluids and mineralogy of associated chimney material on the East Scotia Ridge back-arc spreading centre. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 139. 47-71. 10.1016/j.gca.2014.04.024

Jamieson, Stewart S.R.; Vieli, Andreas; Ó Cofaigh, Colm; Stokes, Chris R.; Livingstone, Stephen J.; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID: 2014 Understanding controls on rapid ice-stream retreat during the last deglaciation of Marguerite Bay, Antarctica, using a numerical model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119 (2). 247-263. 10.1002/2013JF002934

Janssen, D.M.; Wilkinson, I.P.; Williams, M.; Gouldwell, A.; Christie, N.; Edgeworth, M.. 2014 Medieval land remediation of a quarry site at Wallingford, Oxfordshire, revealed by microfossil analysis. Environmental Archaeology, 19 (2). 124-130. 10.1179/1461410313Z.00000000056

Jarvie, Helen P. ORCID:; Jenkins, Alan. 2014 Accounting for ecosystem services in water quality standards compliance. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (24). 14072-14074. 10.1021/es5053057

Jarvie, Helen P. ORCID:; Sharpley, Andrew N.; Brahana, Van; Simmons, Tarra; Price, April; Neal, Colin; Lawlor, Alan J.; Sleep, Darren ORCID:; Thacker, Sarah; Haggard, Brian E.. 2014 Phosphorus retention and remobilization along hydrological pathways in karst terrain. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (9). 4860-4868. 10.1021/es405585b

Jevrejeva, S. ORCID:; Grinsted, A.; Moore, J.C.. 2014 Upper limit for sea level projections by 2100. Environmental Research Letters, 9 (10). 104008. 10.1088/1748-9326/9/10/104008

Jevrejeva, S. ORCID:; Moore, J.C.; Grinsted, A.; Matthews, A.; Spada, G.. 2014 Trends and acceleration in global and regional sea levels since 1807. Global and Planetary Change, 113. 11-22. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.12.004

Jiang, Zong-Pei; Hydes, David J.; Hartman, Sue E. ORCID:; Hartman, Mark C.; Campbell, Jon M.; Johnson, Bruce D.; Schofield, Bryan; Turk, Daniela; Wallace, Douglas; Burt, William; Thomas, Helmuth; Cosca, Cathy; Feely, Richard. 2014 Application and assessment of a membrane-based pCO2 sensor under field and laboratory conditions. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 12. 264-280. 10.4319/lom.2014.12.264

Jiang, Zong-Pei; Tyrrell, Toby; Hydes, David J.; Dai, Minhan; Hartman, Susan E. ORCID: 2014 Variability of alkalinity and the alkalinity-salinity relationship in the tropical and subtropical surface ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 28 (7). 729-742. 10.1002/2013GB004678

Jiménez, Sebastián; Phillips, Richard A.; Brazeiro, Alejandro; Defeo, Omar; Domingo, Andrés. 2014 Bycatch of great albatrosses in pelagic longline fisheries in the southwest Atlantic: Contributing factors and implications for management. Biological Conservation, 171. 9-20. 10.1016/j.biocon.2013.12.035

Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Juergens, Monika D. ORCID:; Lawlor, Alan J.; Cisowska, Iwona; Williams, Richard J.. 2014 Particulate and colloidal silver in sewage effluent and sludge discharged from British wastewater treatment plants. Chemosphere, 112. 49-55. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.03.039

Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Sumpter, John P.. 2014 Putting pharmaceuticals into the wider context of challenges to fish populations in rivers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (B), 369 (1656), 20130581. 6, pp. 10.1098/rstb.2013.0581

Johnson, J.S. ORCID:; Bentley, M.J.; Smith, J.A. ORCID:; Finkel, R.C.; Rood, D.H.; Gohl, H.; Balco, G.; Larter, R.D. ORCID:; Schaefer, J.M.. 2014 Rapid thinning of Pine Island Glacier in the early Holocene. Science, 343 (6174). 999-1001. 10.1126/science.1247385

Jones, A.E. ORCID:; Brough, N. ORCID:; Anderson, P.S.; Wolff, E.W.. 2014 HO2NO2 and HNO3 in the coastal Antarctic winter night: A "lab-in-the-field" experiment. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14. 11843-11851. 10.5194/acp-14-11843-2014

Jones, A.R.; Wynn, R.B.; Hosegood, P.; De Boer, M.N.; Butler-Cowdry, S.; Embling, C.B.. 2014 Fine-scale hydrodynamics influence the spatio-temporal distribution of harbour porpoises at a coastal hotspot. Progress in Oceanography, 128. 30-48. 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.08.002

Jones, A.R.; Wynn, R.B.; Yésou, P.; Thébault, L.; Collins, P.; Suberg, L.; Lewis, K.M.; Brereton, T.M.. 2014 Using integrated land- and boat-based surveys to inform conservation of the Critically Endangered Balearic shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus in northeast Atlantic waters. Endangered Species Research, 25 (1). 1-18. 10.3354/esr00611

Jones, Alan G.; Scullion, John; Ostle, Nick; Levy, Peter E. ORCID:; Gwynn-Jones, Dylan. 2014 Completing the FACE of elevated CO2 research. Environment International, 73. 252-258. 10.1016/j.envint.2014.07.021

Jones, D.G.; Barkwith, A.K.A.P.; Hannis, S.; Lister, T.R.; Gal, F.; Graziani, S.; Beaubien, S.E.; Widory, D.. 2014 Monitoring of near surface gas seepage from a shallow injection experiment at the CO2 Field Lab, Norway. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 28. 300-317. 10.1016/j.ijggc.2014.06.021

Jones, D.G.; Beubien, S.E.; Barlow, T.S.; Barkwith, A.K.A.P.; Hannis, S.D.; Lister, T.R.; Strutt, M.H.; Bellomo, T.; Annunziatellis, A.; Graziani, S.; Lombardi, S.; Ruggiero, L.; Braibant, G.; Gal, F.; Joublin, F.; Michel, K.. 2014 Baseline variability in onshore near surface gases and implications for monitoring at CO2 storage sites. Energy Procedia, 63. 4155-4162. 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.447

Jones, D.O.B. ORCID:; Walls, A.; Clare, M. ORCID:; Fiske, M.S.; Weiland, R.J.; O'Brien, R.; Touzel, D.F.. 2014 Asphalt mounds and associated biota on the Angolan margin. Deep-Sea Research I, 94. 124-136. 10.1016/j.dsr.2014.08.010

Jones, Daniel C. ORCID:; Ito, Takamitsu; Takano, Yohei; Hsu, Wei-Ching. 2014 Spatial and seasonal variability of the air-sea equilibration timescale of carbon dioxide. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 28 (11). 1163-1178. 10.1002/2014GB004813

Jones, Daniel O.B. ORCID:; Yool, Andrew ORCID:; Wei, Chih-Lin; Henson, Stephanie A. ORCID:; Ruhl, Henry A.; Watson, Reg A.; Gehlen, Marion. 2014 Global reductions in seafloor biomass in response to climate change. Global Change Biology, 20 (6). 1861-1872. 10.1111/gcb.12480

Jones, David L.; Simfukwe, Paul; Hill, Paul W.; Mills, Robert T. E.; Emmett, Bridget ORCID: 2014 Evaluation of dissolved organic carbon as a soil quality indicator in national monitoring schemes. PLoS ONE, 9 (3), e90882. 6, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0090882

Jones, J.I.; Duerdoth, C.P.; Collins, A.L.; Naden, P.S.; Sear, D.A.. 2014 Interactions between diatoms and fine sediment. Hydrological Processes, 28 (3). 1226-1237. 10.1002/hyp.9671

Jones, L. ORCID:; Provins, A.; Holland, M.; Mills, G.; Hayes, F. ORCID:; Emmett, B. ORCID:; Hall, J.; Sheppard, L.; Smith, R.; Sutton, M. ORCID:; Hicks, K.; Ashmore, M.; Haines-Young, R.; Harper-Simmonds, L.. 2014 A review and application of the evidence for nitrogen impacts on ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services, 7. 76-88. 10.1016/j.ecoser.2013.09.001

Jones, Lee. 2014 Measuring our changing Earth. Planet Earth, Autumn. 28-29.

Jones, Morgan T.; Gislason, Sigurður R.; Burton, Kevin W.; Pearce, Christopher R. ORCID:; Mavromatis, Vasileios; Pogge von Strandmann, Philip A.E.; Oelkers, Eric H.. 2014 Quantifying the impact of riverine particulate dissolution in seawater on ocean chemistry. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 395. 91-100. 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.03.039

Jones, Oliver A.H.; Sdepanian, Stephanie; Lofts, Steven ORCID:; Svendsen, Claus ORCID:; Spurgeon, David J. ORCID:; Maguire, Mahon L.; Griffin, Julian L.. 2014 Metabolomic analysis of soil communities can be used for pollution assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33 (1). 61-64. 10.1002/etc.2418

Jones, Peter; Banks, Vanessa. 2014 Generating new geo-data. Geoscientist, 24 (8). 12-17.

Jones, S.M.; Murton, B.J. ORCID:; Fitton, J.G.; White, N.J.; Maclennan, J.; Walters, R.L.. 2014 A joint geochemical–geophysical record of time-dependent mantle convection south of Iceland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 386. 86-97. 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.09.029

Joo, Jaewon; Kjeldsen, Thomas; Kim, Hyeon-Jun; Lee, Hyosang. 2014 A comparison of two event-based flood models (ReFH-rainfall Runoff Model and HEC-HMS) at two Korean catchments, Bukil and Jeungpyeong. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 18 (1). 330-343. 10.1007/s12205-013-0348-3

Jordan, Hannah; Prosser, Colin. 2014 Indicators of the Anthropocene: is there a case for conservation? Geology Today, 30 (2). 61-66. 10.1111/gto.12046

Jordan, J.R.; Holland, P.R. ORCID:; Jenkins, A. ORCID:; Piggott, M.D.; Kimura, S. ORCID: 2014 Modelling ice-ocean interaction in ice shelf crevasses. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (2). 995-1008. 10.1002/2013JC009208

Jordan, T. A. ORCID:; Neale, R. F.; Leat, P. T.; Vaughan, A. P. M.; Flowerdew, M. J.; Riley, T. R.; Whitehouse, M. J.; Ferraccioli, F. ORCID: 2014 Structure and evolution of Cenozoic arc magmatism on the Antarctic Peninsula: a high resolution aeromagnetic perspective. Geophysical Journal International, 198 (3). 1758-1774. 10.1093/gji/ggu233

Jordà, G.. 2014 Detection time for global and regional sea level trends and accelerations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (10). 7164-7174. 10.1002/2014JC010005

Josey, S.A. ORCID:; Yu, L.; Gulev, S.; Jin, X.; Tilinina, N.; Barnier, B.; Brodeau, L.. 2014 Unexpected impacts of the Tropical Pacific array on reanalysis surface meteorology and heat fluxes. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (17). 6213-6220. 10.1002/2014GL061302

Jourde, Hervé; Lafare, A.; Mazzilli, N.; Belaud, G.; Neppel, L.; Dörfliger, N.; Cernesson, F.. 2014 Flash flood mitigation as a positive consequence of anthropogenic forcing on the groundwater resource in a karst catchment. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71 (2). 573-583. 10.1007/s12665-013-2678-3

Joy, Edward J.M.; Ander, E. Louise; Young, Scott D.; Black, Colin R.; Watts, Michael J.; Chilimba, Allan D.C.; Chilima, Benson; Siyame, Edwin W.P.; Kalimbira, Alexander A.; Hurst, Rachel; Fairweather-Tait, Susan J.; Stein, Alexander J.; Gibson, Rosalind S.; White, Philip J.; Broadley, Martin R.. 2014 Dietary mineral supplies in Africa. Physiologia Plantarum, 151 (3). 208-229. 10.1111/ppl.12144

Jullion, Loïc; Naveira Garabato, Alberto C.; Bacon, Sheldon ORCID:; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Brown, Pete J.; Torres-valdes, Sinhue; Speer, Kevin G.; Holland, Paul R. ORCID:; Dong, Jun; Bakker, Dorothée; Hoppema, Mario; Loose, Brice; Venables, Hugh J. ORCID:; Jenkins, William J.; Messias, Marie-José; Fahrbach, Eberhard. 2014 The contribution of the Weddell Gyre to the lower limb of the global overturning circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (6). 3357-3377. 10.1002/2013JC009725

Jung, Y.; Shardlow, P. C.; Belal, M.; Li, Z.; Heidt, A. M.; Daniel, J. M. O.; Jain, D.; Sahu, J. K.; Clarkson, W. A.; Corbett, B.; O’Callaghan, J.; Alam, S. U.; Richardson, D. J.. 2014 First demonstration of a 2μm few-mode TDFA for mode division multiplexing. Optics Express, 22 (9). 10544. 10.1364/OE.22.010544

Jutzeler, M.; McPhie, J.; Allen, S. R.. 2014 Facies architecture of a continental, below-wave-base volcaniclastic basin: The Ohanapecosh Formation, Ancestral Cascades arc (Washington, USA). Geological Society of America Bulletin, 126 (3-4). 352-376. 10.1130/B30763.1

Jutzeler, Martin; Marsh, Robert; Carey, Rebecca J.; White, James D.L.; Talling, Peter J.; Karlstrom, Leif. 2014 On the fate of pumice rafts formed during the 2012 Havre submarine eruption. Nature Communications, 5. 6630. 10.1038/ncomms4660

Jutzeler, Martin; McPhie, Jocelyn; Allen, Sharon R.. 2014 Submarine eruption-fed and resedimented pumice-rich facies: the Dogashima Formation (Izu Peninsula, Japan). Bulletin of Volcanology, 76 (10). 867. 10.1007/s00445-014-0867-x

Jutzeler, Martin; White, James D.L.; Talling, Peter J.; McCanta, Molly; Morgan, Sally; Le Friant, Anne; Ishizuka, Ozamu. 2014 Coring disturbances in IODP piston cores with implications for offshore record of volcanic events and the Missoula megafloods. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15 (9). 3572-3590. 10.1002/2014GC005447

Kaczmarek, Łukasz; Michalczyk, Łukasz; McInnes, Sandra J. ORCID: 2014 Annotated zoogeography of non-marine Tardigrada. Part I: Central America. Zootaxa, 3763 (1). 1-62. 10.11646/zootaxa.3763.1.1

Kaiser, Stefanie. 2014 New species of Hebefustis Siebenaller & Hessler 1977 (Isopoda, Asellota, Nannoniscidae) from the Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone (equatorial NE Pacific). Zootaxa, 3784 (2). 101-119. 10.11646/zootaxa.3784.2.1

Kalogridis, C.; Gros, V.; Sarda-Esteve, R.; Langford, B. ORCID:; Loubet, B.; Bonsang, B.; Bonnaire, N.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Genard, A.-C.; Boissard, C.; Fernandez, C.; Ormeño, E.; Baisnée, D.; Reiter, I.; Lathière, J.. 2014 Concentrations and fluxes of isoprene and oxygenated VOCs at a French Mediterranean oak forest. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14 (18). 10085-10102. 10.5194/acp-14-10085-2014

Kampman, N.; Bickle, M.J.; Maskell, A.; Chapman, H.J.; Evans, J.P.; Purser, G.; Zhou, Z.; Schaller, M.F.; Gattacceca, J.C.; Bertier, P.; Chen, F.; Turchyn, A.V.; Assayag, N.; Rochelle, C.; Ballentine, C.J.; Busch, A.. 2014 Drilling and sampling a natural CO2 reservoir: Implications for fluid flow and CO2-fluid–rock reactions during CO2 migration through the overburden. Chemical Geology, 369. 51-82. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.11.015

Karlsson, Nanna B.; Bingham, Robert G.; Rippin, David M.; Hindmarsh, Richard C.A. ORCID:; Corr, Hugh F.J.; Vaughan, David G. ORCID: 2014 Constraining past accumulation in the central Pine Island Glacier basin, West Antarctica, using radio-echo sounding. Journal of Glaciology, 60 (221). 553-562. 10.3189/2014JoG13j180

Katavouta, Anna ORCID:; Myers, Paul G.. 2014 Sea-Ice Concentration Multivariate Assimilation for the Canadian East Coast in a Coupled Sea Ice–Ocean Model. Atmosphere-Ocean, 52 (5). 418-433. 10.1080/07055900.2014.954096

Kay, A.L. ORCID:; Crooks, S.M.; Davies, H.N.; Prudhomme, C. ORCID:; Reynard, N.S. ORCID: 2014 Probabilistic impacts of climate change on flood frequency using response surfaces I: England and Wales. Regional Environmental Change, 14 (3). 1215-1227. 10.1007/s10113-013-0563-y

Kay, A.L. ORCID:; Crooks, S.M.. 2014 An investigation of the effect of transient climate change on snowmelt, flood frequency and timing in northern Britain. International Journal of Climatology, 34 (12). 3368-3381. 10.1002/joc.3913

Kay, A.L. ORCID:; Crooks, S.M.; Davies, H.N.; Reynard, N.S. ORCID: 2014 Probabilistic impacts of climate change on flood frequency using response surfaces II: Scotland. Regional Environmental Change, 14 (3). 1243-1255. 10.1007/s10113-013-0564-x

Kaya, Yılmaz; Mesut Pınar, S.; Emre Erez, M.; Fidan, Mehmet; Riding, James B. ORCID: 2014 Identification of Onopordum pollen using the extreme learning machine, a type of artificial neural network. Palynology, 38 (1). 129-137. 10.1080/09500340.2013.868173

Kazanidis, Georgios; Tyler, Paul A.; Billett, David S.M.. 2014 On the reproduction of the simultaneous hermaphrodite Paroriza prouhoi (Holothuroidea: Synallactidae) in the Porcupine Abyssal Plain, north-east Atlantic. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 94 (4). 847-856. 10.1017/S0025315413001537

Keeble, J.; Braesicke, P.; Abraham, N.L.; Roscoe, H.K.; Pyle, J.A.. 2014 The impact of polar stratospheric ozone loss on southern hemisphere stratospheric circulation and climate. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14. 13705-13717. 10.5194/acp-14-13705-2014

Keen, P.; Brito, M.. 2014 Design considerations and solutions in rapid-prototyping an ultraviolet reactor for ice borehole disinfection. Annals of Glaciology, 55 (65). 74-82. 10.3189/2014AoG65A006

Keller, Virginie D.J. ORCID:; Williams, Richard J.; Lofthouse, Caryn; Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID: 2014 Worldwide estimation of river concentrations of any chemical originating from sewage-treatment plants using dilution factors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33 (2). 447-452. 10.1002/etc.2441

Kelly-Gerreyn, B.A.; Martin, A.P. ORCID:; Bett, B.J. ORCID:; Anderson, T.R. ORCID:; Kaariainen, J.I.; Main, C.E.; Marcinko, C.J.; Yool, A. ORCID: 2014 Benthic biomass size spectra in shelf and deep-sea sediments. Biogeosciences, 11 (22). 6401-6416. 10.5194/bg-11-6401-2014

Kemp, Andrew C.; Bernhardt, Christopher E.; Horton, Benjamin P.; Kopp, Robert E.; Vane, Christopher H. ORCID:; Peltier, W. Richard; Hawkes, Andrea D.; Donnelly, Jeffrey P.; Parnell, Andrew C.; Cahill, Niamh. 2014 Late Holocene sea- and land-level change on the U.S. southeastern Atlantic coast. Marine Geology, 357. 90-100. 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.07.010

Kemp, David B.; Robinson, Stuart A; Crame, J. Alistair ORCID:; Francis, Jane E.; Ineson, Jon; Whittle, Rowan J. ORCID:; Bowman, Vanessa; O'Brien, Charlotte. 2014 A cool temperate climate on the Antarctic Peninsula during the latest Cretaceous and early Paleogene. Geology, 42 (7). 583-586. 10.1130/G35512.1

Kender, Sev; Yu, Jimin; Peck, Victoria L. ORCID: 2014 Deep ocean carbonate ion increase during mid Miocene CO2 decline. Scientific Reports, 4, 4187. 10.1038/srep04187

Kent, E.C. ORCID:; Berry, D.I.; Prytherch, J.; Roberts, J.B.. 2014 A comparison of global marine surface specific humidity datasets from in situ observations and atmospheric reanalysis. International Journal of Climatology, 34 (2). 355-376. 10.1002/joc.3691

Kentisbeer, J.; Leeson, S.R.; Malcolm, H.M.; Leith, I.D.; Braban, C.F. ORCID:; Cape, J.N.. 2014 Patterns and source analysis for atmospheric mercury at Auchencorth Moss, Scotland. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16 (5). 1112-1123. 10.1039/c3em00700f

Kersten, Tobias ORCID:; Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Glauert, Sarah A. ORCID:; Meredith, Nigel P. ORCID:; Fraser, Brian J,; Grew, Russell S.. 2014 Electron losses from the radiation belts caused by EMIC waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (11). 8820-8837. 10.1002/2014JA020366

Kimberley, Adam ORCID:; Blackburn, G. Alan; Whyatt, J. Duncan; Smart, Simon M. ORCID: 2014 Traits of plant communities in fragmented forests: the relative influence of habitat spatial configuration and local abiotic conditions. Journal of Ecology, 102 (3). 632-640. 10.1111/1365-2745.12222

Kimura, Satoshi ORCID:; Holland, Paul R. ORCID:; Jenkins, Adrian ORCID:; Piggott, Matthew. 2014 The effect of meltwater plumes on the melting of a vertical glacier face. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44 (12). 3099-3117. 10.1175/JPO-D-13-0219.1

King, John ORCID: 2014 Climate science: A resolution of the Antarctic paradox. Nature, 505 (7484). 491-492. 10.1038/505491a

Kingslake, Jonathan; Hindmarsh, Richard C.A. ORCID:; Aðalgeirsdóttir, Guðfinna; Conway, Howard; Corr, Hugh F.J.; Gillet-Chaulet, Fabien; Martin, Carlos ORCID:; King, Edward C. ORCID:; Mulvaney, Robert ORCID:; Pritchard, Hamish D. ORCID: 2014 Full-depth englacial vertical ice-sheet velocities measured using phase-sensitive radar. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119 (12). 2604-2618. 10.1002/2014JF003275

Kipar, A.; Burthe, S.J. ORCID:; Hetzel, U; Rokia, M.Abo; Telfer, S.; Lambin, X.; Birtles, R.; Begon, M.; Bennett, M.. 2014 Mycobacterium microti tuberculosis in its Maintenance host, the field vole (Microtus agrestis): characterization of the disease and possible routes of transmission. Veterinary Pathology, 51 (5). 903-915. 10.1177/0300985813513040

Kirkbride, Martin; Everest, Jez; Benn, Doug; Gheorghiu, Delia; Dawson, Alastair. 2014 Late-Holocene and Younger Dryas glaciers in the northern Cairngorm Mountains, Scotland. The Holocene, 24 (2). 141-148. 10.1177/0959683613516171

Kjeldsen, T.R.; Jones, D.A.; Morris, D.G.. 2014 Using multiple donor sites for enhanced flood estimation in ungauged catchments. Water Resources Research, 50 (8). 6646-6657. 10.1002/2013WR015203

Klages, J.P.; Kuhn, G.; Hillenbrand, C.-D. ORCID:; Graham, A.G.C.; Smith, J.A. ORCID:; Larter, R.D. ORCID:; Gohl, K.; Wacker, L.. 2014 Retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet from the western Amundsen Sea shelf at a pre- or early LGM stage. Quaternary Science Reviews, 91. 1-15. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.02.017

Kleinteich, J; Hildebrand, F; Wood, SA; Cirés, S; Agha, R; Quesada, A; Pearce, D ORCID:; Convey, P ORCID:; Kupper, FC; Dietrich, DR. 2014 Diversity of toxin and non-toxin containing cyanobacterial mats of meltwater ponds on the Antarctic peninsula: a pyrosequencing approach. Antarctic Science, 26 (5). 521-532. 10.1017/S0954102014000145

Klekociuk, A.R.; Tully, M.B.; Krummel, P.B.; Gies, H.P.; Alexander, S.P.; Fraser, P.J.; Henderson, S.I.; Javorniczky, J.; Petelina, S.V.; Shanklin, J.D.; Schofield, R.; Stone, K.A.. 2014 The Antarctic ozone hole during 2012. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal, 64 (4). 313-330.

Klekociuk, A.R.; Tully, M.B.; Krummel, P.B.; Gies, H.P.; Petelina, S.V.; Alexander, S.P.; Deschamps, L.L.; Fraser, P.J.; Henderson, S.I.; Javorniczky, J.; Shanklin, J.D.; Siddaway, J.M.; Stone, K.A.. 2014 The Antarctic ozone hole during 2011. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal, 64 (4). 293-311.

Kloppmann, W.; Leroux, L.; Bromblet, P.; Guerrot, C.; Proust, E.; Cooper, A.H.; Worley, N.; Smeds, S.-A.; Bengtsson, H.. 2014 Tracing Medieval and Renaissance Alabaster Works of Art Back to Quarries: A Multi-Isotope (Sr, S, O) Approach. Archaeometry, 56 (2). 203-219. 10.1111/arcm.12008

Kocks, H.; Strachan, R.A.; Evans, J.A.; Fowler, M.. 2014 Contrasting magma emplacement mechanisms within the Rogart igneous complex, NW Scotland, record the switch from regional contraction to strike-slip during the Caledonian orogeny. Geological Magazine, 151 (5). 899-915. 10.1017/S0016756813000940

Kolada, Agnieszka; Willby, Nigel; Dudley, Bernard; Nõges, Peeter; Søndergaard, Martin; Hellsten, Seppo; Mjelde, Marit; Penning, Ellis; van Geest, Gerben; Bertrin, Vincent; Ecke, Frauke; Mäemets, Helle; Karus, Katrit. 2014 The applicability of macrophyte compositional metrics for assessing eutrophication in European lakes. Ecological Indicators, 45. 407-415. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.04.049

Konitzer, Sven F.; Davies, Sarah J.; Stephenson, Michael H.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID: 2014 Depositional controls on mudstone lithofacies in a basinal setting: implications for the delivery of sedimentary organic matter. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 84 (3). 198-214. 10.2110/jsr.2014.18

Kookana, Rai S.; Boxall, Alistair B.A.; Reeves, Philip T.; Ashauer, Roman; Beulke, Sabine; Chaudhry, Qasim; Cornelis, Geert; Fernandes, Teresa F.; Gan, Jay; Kah, Melanie; Lynch, Iseult; Ranville, James; Sinclair, Chris; Spurgeon, David ORCID:; Tiede, Karen; Van den Brink, Paul J.. 2014 Nanopesticides: guiding principles for regulatory evaluation of environmental risks. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 62 (19). 4227-4240. 10.1021/jf500232f

Krabbendam, M.; Leslie, A.G.; Goodenough, K.M.. 2014 Structure and stratigraphy of the Morar Group in Knoydart, NW Highlands: implications for the history of the Moine Nappe and stratigraphic links between the Moine and Torridonian successions. Scottish Journal of Geology, 50 (2). 125-142. 10.1144/sjg2014-002

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Kryza, Maciej; Dore, Anthony J.; Werner, Malgorzata; Walaszek, Kinga. 2014 Comparison of spatial rainfall data calculated with a meteorological model and from interpolation of measurements - implications for FRAME modelled wet deposition. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 55 (1-4). 201-209. 10.1504/IJEP.2014.065925

Kuhnz, Linda A.; Ruhl, Henry A.; Huffard, Christine L.; Smith, Kenneth L.. 2014 Rapid changes and long-term cycles in the benthic megafaunal community observed over 24years in the abyssal northeast Pacific. Progress in Oceanography, 124. 1-11. 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.04.007

Kuipers Munneke, Peter; Ligtenberg, Stefan R.M.; Van den Broeke, Michiel R.; Vaughan, David G. ORCID: 2014 Firn air depletion as a precursor of Antarctic ice-shelf collapse. Journal of Glaciology, 60 (220). 205-214. 10.3189/2014JoG13J183

Kukui, A.; Legrand, M.; Preunkert, S.; Frey, M. ORCID:; Loisil, R.; Gil Roca, J.; Jourdain, B.; King, M.D.; France, J.L.; Ancellet, G.. 2014 Measurements of OH and RO2 radicals at Dome C, East Antarctica. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 14. 12373-12392. 10.5194/acp-14-12373-2014

Kulessa, Bernd; Jansen, Daniela; Luckman, Adrian J.; King, Edward C. ORCID:; Sammonds, Peter R.. 2014 Marine ice regulates the future stability of a large Antarctic ice shelf. Nature Communications, 5, 5307. 7, pp. 10.1038/ncomms4707

Kumar, Vimal; Hanamoto, Seiya; Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Yamashita, Naoyuki; Nakada, Norihide; Tanaka, Hiroaki. 2014 Elevated risk from estrogens in the Yodo River basin (Japan) in winter and ozonation as a management option. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16 (2). 232-238. 10.1039/c3em00219e

Kwiatkowski, L.; Yool, A. ORCID:; Allen, J.I.; Anderson, T.R. ORCID:; Barciela, R.; Buitenhuis, E.T.; Butenschön, M.; Enright, C.; Halloran, P.R.; Le Quéré, C.; de Mora, L.; Racault, M.-F.; Sinha, B.; Totterdell, I.J.; Cox, P.M.. 2014 iMarNet: an ocean biogeochemistry model intercomparison project within a common physical ocean modelling framework. Biogeosciences, 11 (24). 7291-7304. 10.5194/bg-11-7291-2014

Kyrpides, Nikos C.; Hugenholtz, Philip; Eisen, Jonathan A.; Woyke, Tanja; Göker, Markus; Parker, Charles T.; Amann, Rudolf; Beck, Brian J.; Chain, Patrick S. G.; Chun, Jongsik; Colwell, Rita R.; Danchin, Antoine; Dawyndt, Peter; Dedeurwaerdere, Tom; DeLong, Edward F.; Detter, John C.; De Vos, Paul; Donohue, Timothy J.; Dong, Xiu-Zhu; Ehrlich, Dusko S.; Fraser, Claire; Gibbs, Richard; Gilbert, Jack; Gilna, Paul; Glöckner, Frank Oliver; Jansson, Janet K.; Keasling, Jay D.; Knight, Rob; Labeda, David; Lapidus, Alla; Lee, Jung-Sook; Li, Wen-Jun; MA, Juncai; Markowitz, Victor; Moore, Edward R. B.; Morrison, Mark; Meyer, Folker; Nelson, Karen E.; Ohkuma, Moriya; Ouzounis, Christos A.; Pace, Norman; Parkhill, Julian; Qin, Nan; Rossello-Mora, Ramon; Sikorski, Johannes; Smith, David; Sogin, Mitch; Stevens, Rick; Stingl, Uli; Suzuki, Ken-ichiro; Taylor, Dorothea; Tiedje, Jim M.; Tindall, Brian; Wagner, Michael; Weinstock, George; Weissenbach, Jean; White, Owen; Wang, Jun; Zhang, Lixin; Zhou, Yu-Guang; Field, Dawn; Whitman, William B.; Garrity, George M.; Klenk, Hans-Peter. 2014 Genomic encyclopedia of bacteria and Archaea: sequencing a myriad of type strains. PLoS Biology, 12 (8), e1001920. 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001920

Lacinska, A.M.; Styles, M.T.. 2014 Discussion of ‘Silicified serpentinite – a residuum of a Tertiary palaeo-weathering surface in the United Arab Emirates’. Geological Magazine, 151 (6). 1147. 10.1017/S0016756814000193

Lacinska, A.M.; Styles, M.T.. 2014 Discussion of ‘Silicified serpentinite – a residuum of a Tertiary palaeo-weathering surface in the United Arab Emirates’. Geological Magazine, 151 (06). 1147. 10.1017/S0016756814000193

Lahive, Elma; Jurkschat, Kerstin; Shaw, Benjamin J.; Handy, Richard D.; Spurgeon, David J. ORCID:; Svendsen, Claus ORCID: 2014 Toxicity of cerium oxide nanoparticles to the earthworm Eisenia fetida: subtle effects. Environmental Chemistry, 11 (3). 268-278. 10.1071/EN14028

Lahoz-Montfort, José J.; Harris, Michael P. ORCID:; Morgan, Byron J.T.; Freeman, Stephen N.; Wanless, Sarah ORCID: 2014 Exploring the consequences of reducing survey effort for detecting individual and temporal variability in survival. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51 (2). 534-543. 10.1111/1365-2664.12214

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Lam, Mai Mai ORCID:; Chisham, Gareth ORCID:; Freeman, Mervyn ORCID: 2014 Solar-wind-driven geopotential height anomalies originate in the Antarctic lower troposphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (18). 6509-6514. 10.1002/2014GL061421

Lamb, Angela L.; Evans, Jane E.; Buckley, Richard; Appleby, Jo. 2014 Multi-isotope analysis demonstrates significant lifestyle changes in King Richard III. Journal of Archaeological Science, 50. 559-565. 10.1016/j.jas.2014.06.021

Lapworth, Dan ORCID:; Wright, Jim; Pedley, Steve. 2014 A tale of two cities. Planet Earth, Winter. 22-23.

Lark, R.M.; Ander, E.L.; Cave, M.R.; Knights, K.V.; Glennon, M.M.; Scanlon, R.P.. 2014 Mapping trace element deficiency by cokriging from regional geochemical soil data: a case study on cobalt for grazing sheep in Ireland. Geoderma, 226-227. 64-78. 10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.03.002

Lark, R.M.; Clifford, D.; Waters, C.N.. 2014 Modelling complex geological circular data with the projected normal distribution and mixtures of von Mises distributions. Solid Earth, 5 (2). 631-639. 10.5194/se-5-631-2014

Lark, R.M.; Mathers, S.J.; Marchant, A.; Hulbert, A.. 2014 An index to represent lateral variation of the confidence of experts in a 3-D geological model. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (3). 267-278. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2014.05.002

Lark, R.M.; Meerschman, E.; Van Meirvenne, M.. 2014 A stochastic–geometric model of the variability of soil formed in Pleistocene patterned ground. Geoderma, 213. 533-543. 10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.07.023

Lark, R.M.; Rawlins, B.G.; Robinson, D.A. ORCID:; Lebron, I. ORCID:; Tye, A.M.. 2014 Implications of short-range spatial variation of soil bulk density for adequate field-sampling protocols: methodology and results from two contrasting soils. European Journal of Soil Science, 65 (6). 803-814. 10.1111/ejss.12178

Lark, R.M.; Thorpe, S.; Kessler, H.; Mathers, S.J.. 2014 Interpretative modelling of a geological cross section from boreholes: sources of uncertainty and their quantification. Solid Earth, 5 (2). 1189-1203. 10.5194/se-5-1189-2014

Larkin, K.E.; Gooday, A.J. ORCID:; Woulds, C.; Jeffreys, R. M.; Schwartz, M.; Cowie, G.; Whitcraft, C.; Levin, L.; Dick, J. R.; Pond, D. W.. 2014 Uptake of algal carbon and the likely synthesis of an "essential" fatty acid by Uvigerina ex. gr. semiornata (Foraminifera) within the Pakistan margin oxygen minimum zone: evidence from fatty acid biomarker and 13C tracer experiments. Biogeosciences, 11 (14). 3729-3738. 10.5194/bg-11-3729-2014

Larkin, Nigel R.; Coope, G. Russell; Lee, Jonathan R.; Silva, Barbara. 2014 Early Middle Pleistocene sediments at Sidestrand, northeast Norfolk, yield the most extensive preglacial cold stage beetle assemblage from Britain. Quaternary International, 341. 46-58. 10.1016/j.quaint.2014.03.036

Larsen, Laurel; Thomas, Chris; Eppinga, Maarten; Coulthard, Tom. 2014 Exploratory modeling: extracting causality from complexity. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 95 (32). 285-286. 10.1002/2014EO320001

Larter, Robert D. ORCID:; Anderson, John B.; Graham, Alastair G.C.; Gohl, Karsten; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Jakobsson, Martin; Johnson, Joanne S. ORCID:; Kuhn, Gerhard; Nitsche, Frank O.; Smith, James A. ORCID:; Witus, Alexandra E.; Bentley, Michael J.; Dowdeswell, Julian A.; Ehrmann, Werner; Klages, Johann P.; Lindow, Julia; Cofaigh, Colm Ó; Spiegel, Cornelia. 2014 Reconstruction of changes in the Amundsen Sea and Bellingshausen Sea sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 100. 55-86. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.10.016

Lauridsen, Rasmus B.; Edwards, Francois K.; Cross, Wyatt F.; Woodward, Guy; Hildrew, Alan G.; Jones, J. Iwan. 2014 Consequences of inferring diet from feeding guilds when estimating and interpreting consumer-resource stoichiometry. Freshwater Biology, 59 (7). 1497-1508. 10.1111/fwb.12361

Law, Rosemary J.; Elliott, J. Alex; Jones, Ian D. ORCID:; Page, Trevor. 2014 The influence of different environmental conditions upon the initial development and ecological dynamics of phytobenthic communities. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 185 (2). 139-153. 10.1127/fal/2014/0508

Law, Rosemary J.; Elliott, J. Alex; Thackeray, Stephen J. ORCID: 2014 Do functional or morphological classifications explain stream phytobenthic community assemblages? Diatom Research, 29 (4). 309-324. 10.1080/0269249X.2014.889037

Lawley, C.J.M.; Selby, D.; Condon, D.; Imber, J.. 2014 Palaeoproterozoic orogenic gold style mineralization at the Southwestern Archaean Tanzanian cratonic margin, Lupa Goldfield, SW Tanzania: implications from U–Pb titanite geochronology. Gondwana Research, 26 (3-4). 1141-1158. 10.1016/

Lawley, Russell; Emmett, Bridget A. ORCID:; Robinson, David A. ORCID: 2014 Databases: soil observatory lets researchers dig deep. Nature, 509 (7501). 427. 10.1038/509427b

Le Moigne, Frederic A.C.; Pabortsava, Katsiaryna; Marcinko, Charlotte L.J.; Martin, Patrick; Sanders, Richard J. ORCID: 2014 Where is mineral ballast important for surface export of particulate organic carbon in the ocean? Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (23). 8460-8468. 10.1002/2014GL061678

Le Moigne, Frédéric A.C.; Moore, C. Mark; Sanders, Richard J. ORCID:; Villa-Alfageme, Maria; Steigenberger, Sebastian; Achterberg, Eric P.. 2014 Sequestration efficiency in the iron limited North Atlantic: Implications for iron supply mode to fertilized blooms. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (13). 4619-4627. 10.1002/2014GL060308

Lee, James; Helfter, Carole ORCID:; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID:; Tremper, Anja; Stocker, Jenny; Carruthers, David. 2014 Measurement of NOx fluxes by eddy covariance from the BT tower, London during the ClearfLo project. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-2148. 1, pp.

Lee, Jonathan R.. 2014 Outwash sedimentation and glacitectonic deformation during accretion of the Cromer Ridge: evidence from Holt, north Norfolk, UK. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Norfolk, 64. 3-31.

Legler, David M.; Hill, Katherine ORCID: 2014 Tropical Pacific observing for the next decade. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 95 (23). 196. 10.1002/2014EO230006

Legrand, M.; Preunkert, S.; Frey, M. ORCID:; Bartels-Rausch, T.; Kukui, A.; King, M. D.; Savarino, J.; Kerbrat, M.; Jourdain, B.. 2014 Large mixing ratios of atmospheric nitrous acid (HONO) at Concordia (East Antarctic plateau) in summer: a strong source from surface snow? Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14 (18). 9963-9976. 10.5194/acp-14-9963-2014

Lehsten, Veiko; de Groot, William J.; Flannigan, Mike; George, Charles; Harmand, Peter; Balzter, Heiko. 2014 Wildfires in boreal ecoregions: evaluating the power law assumption and intra-annual and interannual variations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 119 (1). 14-23. 10.1002/2012JG002252

Leith, F.I.; Garnett, M.H.; Dinsmore, K.J.; Billett, M.F.; Heal, K.V.. 2014 Source and age of dissolved and gaseous carbon in a peatland-riparian-stream continuum: a dual isotope (14C and δ13C) analysis. Biogeochemistry, 119 (1-3). 415-433. 10.1007/s10533-014-9977-y

Lejosne, Solene. 2014 An algorithm for approximating the L * invariant coordinate from the real-time tracing of one magnetic field line between mirror points. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (8). 6405-6416. 10.1002/2014JA020016

Leng, Melanie ORCID: 2014 New Centre for Environmental Geochemistry opens in Nottingham. Planet Earth, Autumn. 12.

Leng, Melanie ORCID:; Dean, Jonathan. 2014 Oxygen isotopes and lakes. Climatica.

Lennartz-Sassinek, S.; Main, I.G.; Zaiser, M.; Graham, C.G.. 2014 Acceleration and localization of subcritical crack growth in a natural composite material. Physical Review E, 90 (5), 052401. 10.1103/PhysRevE.90.052401

Lepot, K.; Compère, P.; Gérard, E.; Namsaraev, Z.; Verleyen, E.; Tavernier, I.; Hodgson, D. A. ORCID:; Vyverman, W.; Gilbert, B.; Wilmotte, A.; Javaux, E. J.. 2014 Organic and mineral imprints in fossil photosynthetic mats of an East Antarctic lake. Geobiology, 12 (5). 424-450. 10.1111/gbi.12096

Levine, J. G.; Yang, X.; Jones, A. E. ORCID:; Wolff, E. W.. 2014 Sea salt as an ice core proxy for past sea ice extent: a process-based model study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119 (9). 5737-5756. 10.1002/2013JD020925

Levy, Adam A.L.; Jenkinson, Mark; Ingram, William; Lambert, F. Hugo; Huntingford, Chris ORCID:; Allen, Myles. 2014 Increasing the detectability of external influence on precipitation by correcting feature location in GCMs. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119 (22). 12466-12478. 10.1002/2014JD022358

Lewis, Jonathan; Leng, Melanie ORCID: 2014 Snail shells provide detailed records of environmental change. Climatica.

Lewis, Matt; Horsburgh, Kevin ORCID:; Bates, Paul. 2014 Bay of Bengal cyclone extreme water level estimate uncertainty. Natural Hazards, 72 (2). 983-996. 10.1007/s11069-014-1046-2

Li, Q.; Parrish, R.R.; Horstwood, M.S.A.; McArthur, J.M.. 2014 U–Pb dating of cements in Mesozoic ammonites. Chemical Geology, 376. 76-83. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2014.03.020

Liebeke, Manuel; Bruford, Michael W.; Donnelly, Robert K.; Ebbels, Timothy M.D.; Hao, Jie; Kille, Peter; Lahive, Elma; Madison, Rachael M.; Morgan, A. John; Pinto-Juma, Gabriela A.; Spurgeon, David J. ORCID:; Svendsen, Claus ORCID:; Bundy, Jacob G.. 2014 Identifying biochemical phenotypic differences between cryptic species. Biology Letters, 10 (9), 20140615. 10.1098/rsbl.2014.0615

Lilensten, Jean; Coates, Andrew J.; Dehant, Véronique; Dudok de Wit, Thierry; Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Leblanc, François; Luhmann, Janet; Woodfield, Emma ORCID:; Barthélemy, Mathieu. 2014 What characterizes planetary space weather? The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 22 (1), 79. 10.1007/s00159-014-0079-6

Lindow, Julia; Castex, Marion; Wittmann, Hella; Johnson, Joanne S. ORCID:; Lisker, Frank; Gohl, Karsten; Spiegel, Cornelia. 2014 Glacial retreat in the Amundsen Sea sector, West Antarctica – first cosmogenic evidence from central Pine Island Bay and the Kohler Range. Quaternary Science Reviews, 98. 166-173. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.05.010

Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Jackson, Jennifer A. ORCID:; Malyutina, Marina V.; Brandt, Angelika. 2014 Shallow-water northern hemisphere Jaera (Crustacea, Isopoda, Janiridae) found on whale bones in the Southern Ocean deep sea: ecology and description of Jaera tyleri sp. nov. PLoS ONE, 9 (3), e93018. 20, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0093018

Liu, Jiping; Swart, Sebastiaan; Bhaskar, Parli V.; Newman, Louise; Meredith, Michael ORCID:; Schofield, Oscar; He, Jianfeng. 2014 The SOOS Asian Workshop on Southern Ocean research and observations. Advances in Polar Science, 25 (2). 121-125. 10.13679/j.advps.2014.2.00121

Liu, S.; Crampin, S.; Luckett, R.; Yang, J.. 2014 Changes in shear wave splitting before the 2010 Eyjafjallajokull eruption in Iceland. Geophysical Journal International, 199 (1). 102-112. 10.1093/gji/ggu202

Llusia, Joan; Sardans, Jordi; Niinemets, Ülo; Owen, Susan M.; Peñuelas, Josep. 2014 A screening study of leaf terpene emissions of 43 rainforest species in Danum Valley Conservation Area (Borneo) and their relationships with chemical and morphological leaf traits. Plant Biosystems, 148 (2). 307-317. 10.1080/11263504.2013.770803

Lo Iacono, Claudio; Gràcia, Eulàlia; Ranero, Cesar R.; Emelianov, Mikhail; Huvenne, Veerle A.I. ORCID:; Bartolomé, Rafael; Booth-Rea, Guillermo; Prades, Javier. 2014 The West Melilla cold water coral mounds, Eastern Alboran Sea: Morphological characterization and environmental context [in special issue: Biology and Geology of Deep-Sea Coral Ecosystems: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Deep Sea Corals] Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 99. 316-326. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.07.006

Lo Iacono, Claudio; Sulli, Attilio; Agate, Mauro. 2014 Submarine canyons of north-western Sicily (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea): Variability in morphology, sedimentary processes and evolution on a tectonically active margin. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 104. 93-105. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.06.018

Lohou, F.; Kergoat, L.; Guichard, F.; Boone, A.; Cappelaere, B.; Cohard, J.-M.; Demarty, J.; Galle, S.; Grippa, M.; Peugeot, C.; Ramier, D.; Taylor, C.M. ORCID:; Timouk, F.. 2014 Surface response to rain events throughout the West African monsoon. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14 (8). 3883-3898. 10.5194/acp-14-3883-2014

Loke, M.H.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Uhlemann, S.S.; Chambers, J.E.; Oxby, L.S.. 2014 Computation of optimized arrays for 3-D electrical imaging surveys. Geophysical Journal International, 199 (3). 1751-1764. 10.1093/gji/ggu357

Long, A.J.; Barlow, N.L.M.; Gehrels, W.R.; Saher, M.H.; Woodworth, P.L. ORCID:; Scaife, R.G.; Brain, M.J.; Cahill, N.. 2014 Contrasting records of sea-level change in the eastern and western North Atlantic during the last 300 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 388. 110-122. 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.11.012

Longden, N.; Chisham, G. ORCID:; Freeman, M.P. ORCID: 2014 Magnetic local time variation and scaling of poleward auroral boundary dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (12). 10006-10022. 10.1002/2014JA020430

Loptson, C. A.; Lunt, D. J.; Francis, J. E.. 2014 Investigating vegetation-climate feedbacks during the early Eocene. Climate of the Past, 10 (2). 419-436. 10.5194/cp-10-419-2014

Loureiro, João; Tavares, Daniela; Ferreira, Sónia; Seco, José; Valente, Tiago; Trathan, Phil ORCID:; Barbosa, Andrés; Chipev, Nesho; Xavier, Jose C. ORCID: 2014 Sex identification in Gentoo (Pygoscelis papua) and Chinstrap (Pygoscelis antarctica) penguins: Can flow cytometry be used as a reliable identification method? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 461. 364-370. 10.1016/j.jembe.2014.08.021

Loutre, M. F.; Fichefet, T.; Goosse, H.; Huybrechts, P.; Goelzer, H.; Capron, E. ORCID: 2014 Factors controlling the last interglacial climate as simulated by LOVECLIM1.3. Climate of the Past, 10 (4). 1541-1565. 10.5194/cp-10-1541-2014

Loxton, Jennifer; Kuklinski, Piotr; Barnes, David K. A. ORCID:; Najorka, Jens; Spencer Jones, Mary; Porter, Joanne S.. 2014 Variability of Mg-calcite in Antarctic bryozoan skeletons across spatial scales. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 507. 169-180. 10.3354/meps10826

Lu, Hua ORCID:; Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID:; Phillips, Tony ORCID:; Bushell, Andrew; Gray, Lesley. 2014 Mechanisms for the Holton-Tan relationship and its decadal variation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119 (6). 2811-2830. 10.1002/2013JD021352

Lucas, Cathy H.; Horton, Alice A. ORCID: 2014 Short-term effects of the heavy metals, silver and copper, on polyps of the common jellyfish, Aurelia aurita. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 461. 154-161. 10.1016/j.jembe.2014.08.003

Lucas, Cathy H.; Jones, Daniel O.B. ORCID:; Hollyhead, Catherine J.; Condon, Robert H.; Duarte, Carlos M.; Graham, William M.; Robinson, Kelly L.; Pitt, Kylie A.; Schildhauer, Mark; Regetz, Jim. 2014 Gelatinous zooplankton biomass in the global oceans: geographic variation and environmental drivers. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23 (7). 701-714. 10.1111/geb.12169

Luckman, Adrian; Elvidge, Andrew; Jansen, Daniela; Kulessa, Bernd; Kuipers-Munneke, Peter; King, John ORCID:; Barrand, Nick. 2014 Surface melt and ponding on Larsen C Ice shelf and the impact of foehn winds. Antarctic Science, 26 (06). 625-635. 10.1017/S0954102014000339

Lv, Ling; Franz, Trenton E.; Robinson, David A. ORCID:; Jones, Scott B.. 2014 Measured and modeled soil moisture compared with cosmic-ray neutron probe estimates in a mixed forest. Vadose Zone Journal, 13 (12). 13, pp. 10.2136/vzj2014.06.0077

Ma, Hongjiao; Henderson, Julian; Evans, Jane. 2014 The exploration of Sr isotopic analysis applied to Chinese glazes: part one. Journal of Archaeological Science, 50. 551-558. 10.1016/j.jas.2013.08.015

Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID: 2014 The fitness of the environments of air and water for photosynthesis, growth, reproduction and dispersal of photoautotrophs: an evolutionary and biogeochemical perspective [in special issue: In honour of George Bowes: linking terrestrial and aquatic botany] Aquatic Botany, 118. 4-13. 10.1016/j.aquabot.2014.06.014

MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Lapworth, D.J. ORCID:; Hughes, A.G.; Auton, C.A.; Maurice, L.; Finlayson, A.; Gooddy, D.C.. 2014 Groundwater, flooding and hydrological functioning in the Findhorn floodplain, Scotland. Hydrology Research, 45 (6). 755-773. 10.2166/nh.2014.185

MacDonald, R.; Baginski, B.; MacInnes, D.A.; MacGillivray, J.C.; Fettes, D.J.. 2014 The Palaeogene Bracken Bay-Straiton dyke: composition and controls on intrusion. Scottish Journal of Geology, 50 (1). 57-69. 10.1144/sjg2013-009

MacGilchrist, G.A.; Naveira Garabato, A.; Tsubouchi, T.; Bacon, S. ORCID:; Torres-valdes, S.; Azetsu-Scott, K.. 2014 The Arctic Ocean carbon sink. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 86. 39-55. 10.1016/j.dsr.2014.01.002

Macdonald, David M.J.; Edmunds, W. Mike. 2014 Estimation of groundwater recharge in weathered basement aquifers, southern Zimbabwe: a geochemical approach. Applied Geochemistry, 42. 86-100. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2014.01.003

Macdonald, N.; Kjeldsen, T.R.; Prosdocimi, I.; Sangster, H.. 2014 Reassessing flood frequency for the Sussex Ouse, Lewes: the inclusion of historical flood information since AD 1650. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14 (10). 2817-2828. 10.5194/nhess-14-2817-2014

Mackay, Eleanor B. ORCID:; Folkard, Andrew M.; Jones, Ian D.. 2014 Interannual variations in atmospheric forcing determine trajectories of hypolimnetic soluble reactive phosphorus supply in a eutrophic lake. Freshwater Biology, 59 (8). 1646-1658. 10.1111/fwb.12371

Mackay, Eleanor B. ORCID:; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID:; Pan, Gang; Reitzel, Kasper; Bruere, Andy; Corker, Nicholas; Douglas, Grant; Egemose, Sara; Hamilton, David; Hatton-Ellis, Tristan; Huser, Brian; Li, Wei; Meis, Sebastian; Moss, Brian; Lürling, Miquel; Phillips, Geoff; Yasseri, Said; Spears, Bryan M. ORCID: 2014 Geoengineering in lakes: welcome attraction or fatal distraction? Inland Waters, 4 (4). 349-356. 10.5268/IW-4.4.769

Mackay, J.D.; Jackson, C.R.; Wang, L.. 2014 A lumped conceptual model to simulate groundwater level time-series. Environmental Modelling and Software, 61. 229-245. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.06.003

Mackenzie, Julia A.; Hinsley, Shelley A.; Harrison, Nancy M.. 2014 Parid foraging choices in urban habitat and their consequences for fitness. Ibis, 156 (3). 591-605. 10.1111/ibi.12166

Mackintosh, Andrew N.; Verleyen, Elie; O'Brien, Philip E.; White, Duanne A.; Jones, R. Selwyn; McKay, Robert; Dunbar, Robert; Gore, Damian B.; Fink, David; Post, Alexandra L.; Miura, Hideki; Leventer, Amy; Goodwin, Ian; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Lilly, Katherine; Crosta, Xavier; Golledge, Nicholas R.; Wagner, Bernd; Berg, Sonja; van Ommen, Tas; Zwartz, Dan; Roberts, Stephen J. ORCID:; Vyverman, Wim; Masse, Guillaume. 2014 Retreat history of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 100. 10-30. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.07.024

Magnusdottir, Ellen; Leat, Eliza H. K.; Bourgeon, Sophie; Jónsson, Jón E.; Phillips, Richard A.; Strøm, Hallvard; Petersen, Aevar; Hanssen, Sveinn A.; Bustnes, Jan O.; Furness, Robert W.. 2014 Activity patterns of wintering Great Skuas Stercorarius skua. Bird Study, 61 (3). 301-308. 10.1080/00063657.2014.940839

Mair, Louise; Hill, Jane K.; Fox, Richard; Botham, Marc ORCID:; Brereton, Tom; Thomas, Chris D.. 2014 Abundance changes and habitat availability drive species' responses to climate change. Nature Climate Change, 4 (2). 127-131. 10.1038/nclimate2086

Makinson, Keith ORCID:; Anker, Paul G.D. ORCID: 2014 The BAS ice shelf hot water drill: design, methods and tools. Annals of Glaciology, 55 (68). 44-52. 10.3189/2014AoG68A030

Maldonado, Andrés; Dalziel, Ian; Leat, Phil. 2014 [Preface]. Global and Planetary Change, 123 (B). 151. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2014.11.006

Malham, Shelagh K.; Rajko-Nenow, Paulina; Howlett, Eleanor; Tuson, Karen E.; Perkins, Tracy L.; Pallett, Denise W.; Wang, Hui; Jago, Colin F.; Jones, Davey L.; McDonald, James E.. 2014 The interaction of human microbial pathogens, particulate material and nutrients in estuarine environments and their impacts on recreational and shellfish waters. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16 (9). 2145-2155. 10.1039/C4EM00031E

Malley, Christopher S.; Braban, Christine F. ORCID:; Heal, Mathew R.. 2014 New directions: chemical climatology and assessment of atmospheric composition impacts. Atmospheric Environment, 87. 261-264. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.01.027

Malley, Christopher S.; Braban, Christine F. ORCID:; Heal, Mathew R.. 2014 The application of hierarchical cluster analysis and non-negative matrix factorization to European atmospheric monitoring site classification. Atmospheric Research, 138. 30-40. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.10.019

Manners, Hayley R.; Grimes, Stephen T.; Sutton, Paul A.; Domingo, Laura; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Twitchett, Richard J.; Hart, Malcolm B.; Jones, Tom Dunkley; Pancost, Richard D.; Duller, Robert; Lopez-Martinez, Nieves. 2014 Reply to comment on “Magnitude and profile of organic carbon isotope records from the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum: evidence from northern Spain” by Manners et al. [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 376 (2013) 220–230]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 395. 294-295. 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.03.056

Mannino, Marcello A.; Thomas, Kenneth D.; Crema, Enrico R.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID: 2014 A matter of taste? Mode and periodicity of marine mollusc exploitation on the Mediterranean island of Favignana (Ègadi Islands, Italy) during its isolation in the early Holocene. Archaeofauna, 23. 133-147.

Manno, C. ORCID:; Pavlov, A. K.. 2014 Living planktonic foraminifera in the Fram Strait (Arctic): absence of diel vertical migration during the midnight sun. Hydrobiologia, 721 (1). 285-295. 10.1007/s10750-013-1669-4

Mao, Lingchen; Bailey, Elizabeth H.; Chester, Jonathan; Dean, Joseph; Ander, E. Louise; Chenery, Simon R.; Young, Scott D.. 2014 Lability of Pb in soil: effects of soil properties and contaminant source. Environmental Chemistry, 11 (6). 690-701. 10.1071/EN14100

Marchant, B.; Arrouays, D.. 2014 Current issues and applications of soil monitoring. European Journal of Soil Science, 65 (6). 777-778. 10.1111/ejss.12200

Marcinko, Charlotte L.J.; Martin, Adrian P. ORCID:; Allen, John T.. 2014 Modelling dinoflagellates as an approach to the seasonal forecasting of bioluminescence in the North Atlantic. Journal of Marine Systems, 139. 261-276. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.06.014

Marion, Andrea; Nikora, Vladimir; Puijalon, Sara; Bouma, Tjeerd; Koll, Katinka; Ballio, Francesco; Tait, Simon; Zaramella, Mattia; Sukhodolov, Alexander; O'Hare, Matthew; Wharton, Geraldene; Aberle, Jochen; Tregnaghi, Matteo; Davies, Peter; Nepf, Heidi; Parker, Gary; Statzner, Bernhard. 2014 Aquatic interfaces: a hydrodynamic and ecological perspective. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 52 (6). 744-758. 10.1080/00221686.2014.968887

Marshall, M.R.; Ballard, C.E.; Frogbrook, Z.L.; Solloway, I.; McIntyre, N.; Reynolds, B.; Wheater, H.S.. 2014 The impact of rural land management changes on soil hydraulic properties and runoff processes: results from experimental plots in upland UK. Hydrological Processes, 28 (4). 2617-2629. 10.1002/hyp.9826

Marshall, Miles. 2014 The Pontbren experience. Tree News, 26. 21.

Martin, A.C.H.; Boutin, J.; Hauser, D.; Dinnat, E. P.. 2014 Active-passive synergy for interpreting ocean L-band emissivity: Results from the CAROLS airborne campaigns. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (8). 4940-4957. 10.1002/2014JC009890

Martín, Carlos ORCID:; Gudmundsson, G. Hilmar ORCID:; King, Edward C. ORCID: 2014 Modelling of Kealey Ice Rise, Antarctica, reveals stable ice-flow conditions in East Ellsworth Land over the millennia. Journal of Glaciology, 60 (219). 139-146. 10.3189/2014JoG13J089

Martínez-Asensio, Adrián; Marcos, Marta; Tsimplis, Michael N.; Gomis, Damià; Josey, Simon ORCID:; Jordà, Gabriel. 2014 Impact of the atmospheric climate modes on Mediterranean sea level variability. Global and Planetary Change, 118. 1-15. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2014.03.007

Martínez-García, Sandra; Arbones, B.; García-Martín, E.E. ORCID:; Teixeira, I.G.; Serret, P.; Fernández, E.; Figueiras, F.G.; Teira, E.; Álvarez-Salgado, X.A.. 2014 Impact of atmospheric deposition on the metabolism of coastal microbial communities. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 153. 18-28. 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.11.025

Maskell, John; Horsburgh, Kevin ORCID:; Lewis, Matthew; Bates, Paul. 2014 Investigating River–Surge Interaction in Idealised Estuaries. Journal of Coastal Research, 294. 248-259. 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-12-00221.1

Matechou, Eleni; Dennis, Emily B.; Freeman, Stephen N.; Brereton, Tom. 2014 Monitoring abundance and phenology in (multivoltine) butterfly species: a novel mixture model. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51 (3). 766-775. 10.1111/1365-2664.12208

Mathers, S.J.; Burke, H.F.; Terrington, R.L.; Thorpe, S.; Dearden, R.A.; Williamson, J.P.; Ford, J.R.. 2014 A geological model of London and the Thames Valley, southeast England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (4). 373-382. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2014.09.001

Mathers, S.J.; Terrington, R.L.; Waters, C.N.; Leslie, A.G.. 2014 GB3D : a framework for the bedrock geology of Great Britain. Geoscience Data Journal, 1 (1). 30-42. 10.1002/gdj3.9

Matzke, Marianne; Jurkschat, Kerstin; Backhaus, Thomas. 2014 Toxicity of differently sized and coated silver nanoparticles to the bacterium Pseudomonas putida: risks for the aquatic environment? Ecotoxicology, 23 (5). 818-829. 10.1007/s10646-014-1222-x

May, Linda ORCID:; Spears, Bryan M. ORCID:; Dudley, Bernard J.; Gunn, Iain D.M.. 2014 The response of the rotifer community in Loch Leven, UK, to changes associated with a 60% reduction in phosphorus inputs from the catchment [in special issue: Rotifera XIII] International Review of Hydrobiology, 99 (1-2). 65-71. 10.1002/iroh.201301705

Mayor, Daniel J. ORCID:; Sanders, Richard ORCID:; Giering, Sarah L.C. ORCID:; Anderson, Thomas R. ORCID: 2014 Microbial gardening in the ocean's twilight zone: Detritivorous metazoans benefit from fragmenting, rather than ingesting, sinking detritus. BioEssays, 36 (12). 1132-1137. 10.1002/bies.201400100

McBride, Margaret M.; Dalpadado, Padmini; Drinkwater, Kenneth F.; Godo, Olav Rune; Hobday, Alistair J.; Hollowed, Anne B.; Kristiansen, Trond; Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID:; Ressler, Patrick H.; Subbey, Sam; Hofmann, Eileen E.; Loeng, Harald. 2014 Krill, climate, and contrasting future scenarios for Arctic and Antarctic fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71 (7). 1934-1955. 10.1093/icesjms/fsu002

McCall, Stephanie J.; Bowes, Michael J. ORCID:; Warnaars, Tanya A. ORCID:; Hale, Michelle S.; Smith, James T.; Warwick, Alan; Barrett, Cyril. 2014 Phosphorus enrichment of the oligotrophic River Rede (Northumberland, UK) has no effect on periphyton growth rate. Inland Waters, 4 (2). 121-132. 10.5268/IW-4.2.692

McCann, Clive; Sothcott, Jeremy; Best, Angus I. ORCID: 2014 A new laboratory technique for determining the compressional wave properties of marine sediments at sonic frequencies and in situ pressures. Geophysical Prospecting, 62 (1). 97-116. 10.1111/1365-2478.12079

McCave, I. N.; Crowhurst, S. J.; Kuhn, G.; Hillenbrand, C-D. ORCID:; Meredith, M. P. ORCID: 2014 Minimal change in Antarctic Circumpolar Current flow speed between the last glacial and Holocene. Nature Geoscience, 7 (2). 113-116. 10.1038/ngeo2037

McConnell, J.R.; Maselli, O.J.; Sigl, M.; Vallelonga, P.; Neumann, T.; Anschutz, H.; Bales, R.C.; Curran, M.A.J.; Das, S.B.; Edwards, R.; Kipfstuhl, S.; Layman, L.; Thomas, E. ORCID: 2014 Antarctic-wide array of high-resolution ice core records reveals pervasive lead pollution began in 1889 and persists today. Scientific Reports, 4, 5848. 1-5. 10.1038/srep05848

McFarlane Tranquilla, Laura A.; Montevecchi, William A.; Fifield, David A.; Hedd, April; Gaston, Anthony J.; Robertson, Gregory J.; Phillips, Richard A.. 2014 Individual winter movement strategies in two species of Murre (Uria spp.) in the Northwest Atlantic. PLoS ONE, 9 (4). 10.1371/journal.pone.0090583

McGonigle, D.F.; Burke, S.P.; Collins, A.L.; Gartner, R.; Haft, M.R.; Harris, R.C.; Haygarth, P.M.; Hedges, M.C.; Hiscock, K.M.; Lovett, A.A.. 2014 Developing demonstration test catchments as a platform for transdisciplinary land management research in England and Wales. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16. 1618-1628. 10.1039/c3m00658a

McGovern, Stephanie T.; Evans, Chris D. ORCID:; Dennis, Peter; Walmsley, Clive A.; Turner, Alex; McDonald, Morag A.. 2014 Increased inorganic nitrogen leaching from a mountain grassland ecosystem following grazing removal: a hangover of past intensive land-use? Biogeochemistry, 119 (1-3). 125-138. 10.1007/s10533-014-9952-7

McGrath, Daniel; Steffen, Konrad; Holland, Paul R. ORCID:; Scambos, Ted; Rajaram, Harihar; Abdalati, Waleed; Rignot, Eric. 2014 The structure and effect of suture zones in the Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119 (3). 588-602. 10.1002/2013JF002935

McInerney, Catriona E.; Maurice, Louise; Robertson, Ann; Knight, Lee R.F.D.; Arnscheidt, Jorg; Venditti, Chris; Dooley, James S.G.; Mathers, Thomas; Matthijs, Severne; Eriksson, Karin; Proudlove, Graham S.; Hanfling, Bernd. 2014 The ancient Britons: groundwater fauna survived extreme climate change over tens of millions of years across NW Europe. Molecular Ecology, 23 (5). 1153-1166. 10.1111/mec.12664

McIntyre, Neil; Ballard, Caroline; Bruen, Michael; Bulygina, Nataliya; Buytaert, Wouter; Cluckie, Ian; Dunn, Sarah; Ehret, Uwe; Ewen, John; Gelfan, Alexander; Hess, Tim; Hughes, Denis; Jackson, Bethanna; Kjeldsen, Thomas R.; Merz, Ralf; Park, Jong-Sook; O'Connell, Enda; O'Donnell, Greg; Oudin, Ludovic; Todini, Ezio; Wagener, Thorsten; Wheater, Howard. 2014 Modelling the hydrological impacts of rural land use change. Hydrology Research, 45 (6). 737-754. 10.2166/nh.2013.145

McIvor, Ewan; Hughes, Kevin ORCID:; Ortúzar, Patricia; Terauds, Aleks. 2014 Specially protected and managed areas in Antarctica (updated). Antarctic Environments Portal. 10.18124/jwgc-aw03

McKinley,, J.M.; Deutsch, C.V.; Neufeld, C.; Patton, M.; Cooper, M.; Young, M.E.. 2014 Use of geostatistical Bayesian updating to integrate airborne radiometrics and soil geochemistry to improve mapping for mineral exploration. Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 114. 575-586.

McQuillan, Jonathan S.; Kille, Peter; Powell, Kate; Galloway, Tamara S.. 2014 The regulation of copper stress response genes in the Polychaete Nereis diversicolor during prolonged extreme copper contamination. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (22). 13085-13092. 10.1021/es503622x

McQuillan, Jonathan S.; Shaw, Andrew M.. 2014 Differential gene regulation in the Ag nanoparticle and Ag+-induced silver stress response in Escherichia coli: A full transcriptomic profile. Nanotoxicology, 8 (sup1). 177-184. 10.3109/17435390.2013.870243

Mcquillan, Jonathan S.; Shaw, Andrew M.. 2014 Whole-cell Escherichia coli-based bio-sensor assay for dual zinc oxide nanoparticle toxicity mechanisms. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 51. 274-279. 10.1016/j.bios.2013.07.024

Mead Silvester, J.; Lenn, Yueng-Djern; Polton, Jeff A. ORCID:; Rippeth, Tom P.; Morales Maqueda, M.. 2014 Observations of a diapycnal shortcut to adiabatic upwelling of Antarctic Circumpolar Deep Water. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (22). 7950-7956. 10.1002/2014GL061538

Mecho, Ariadna; Billett, David S.M.; Ramírez-Llodra, Eva; Aguzzi, Jacopo; Tyler, Paul A.; Company, Joan B.. 2014 First records, rediscovery and compilation of deep-sea echinoderms in the middle and lower continental slope of the Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina, 78 (2). 281-302. 10.3989/scimar.03983.30C

Mecking, J. V.; Keenlyside, N. S.; Greatbatch, R. J.. 2014 Stochastically-forced multidecadal variability in the North Atlantic: a model study. Climate Dynamics, 43 (1-2). 271-288. 10.1007/s00382-013-1930-6

Megann, A.P. ORCID:; Storkey, D.; Aksenov, Y. ORCID:; Alderson, S.; Calvert, D.; Graham, T.; Hyder, P.; Siddorn, J. ORCID:; Sinha, B.. 2014 GO 5.0: The joint NERC-Met Office NEMO global ocean model for use in coupled and forced applications. Geotechnical Model Development, 7 (3). 1069-1092. 10.5194/gmd-7-1069-2014

Meijers, A. J. S. ORCID: 2014 The Southern Ocean in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, A, 372 (2019). 23, pp. 10.1098/rsta.2013.0296

Meirelles, Saulo; Horner-Devine, Alexander R.; Henriquez, Martijn; Stive, Marcel; Pietrzak, Julie; Souza, Alejandro J.. 2014 Middle shoreface sand transport under the influence of a river plume [in special issue: Proceedings 13th International Coastal Symposium (Durban, South Africa)] Journal of Coastal Research, SI 70. 182-186. 10.2112/SI70-031.1

Mekhalfi, Malika; Puppo, Carine; Avilan, Luisana; Lebrun, Regine; Mansuelle, Pascal; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID:; Gontero, Brigitte. 2014 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase is regulated by ferredoxin-NADP reductase in the diatom Asterionella formosa. New Phytologist, 203 (2). 414-423. 10.1111/nph.12820

Menietti, J. D.; Averkamp, T. F.; Groene, J. B.; Horne, R. B. ORCID:; Shprits, Y. Y.; Woodfield, E. E. ORCID:; Hospodarsky, G. B.; Gurnett, D. A.. 2014 Survey Analysis of Chorus Intensity at Saturn. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (10). 8415-8425. 10.1002/2014JA020523

Menk, Frederick; Kale, Zoë; Sciffer, Murray; Robinson, Peter; Waters, Colin; Grew, Russell; Clilverd, Mark ORCID:; Mann, Ian. 2014 Remote sensing the plasmasphere, plasmapause, plumes and other features using ground-based magnetometers. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 4, A34. 16, pp. 10.1051/swsc/2014030

Menon, Manoj; Rousseva, Svetla; Nikolaidis, Nikolaos P.; van Gaans, Pauline; Panagos, Panos; de Souza, Danielle Maia; Ragnarsdottir, Kristin Vala; Lair, Georg J.; Weng, Liping; Bloem, Jaap; Kram, Pavel; Novak, Martin; Davidsdottir, Brynhildur; Gisladottir, Gudrun; Robinson, David ORCID:; Reynolds, Brian; White, Tim; Lundin, Lars; Zhang, Bin; Duffy, Christopher; Bernasconi, Stefano M.; de Ruiter, Peter; Blum, Winfried E. H.; Banwart, Steven A.. 2014 SoilTrEC: a global initiative on critical zone research and integration. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21 (4). 3191-3195. 10.1007/s11356-013-2346-x

Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Juillon, Loic; Brown, Peter J.; Naveira Garabato, Alberto C.; Couldrey, Matthew P.. 2014 Dense waters of the Weddell and Scotia Seas: recent changes in properties and circulation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 372 (2019). 20130041. 10.1098/rsta.2013.0041

Meredith, Nigel P. ORCID:; Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Kersten, Tobias ORCID:; Fraser, Brian J.; Grew, Russell S.. 2014 Global morphology and spectral properties of EMIC waves derived from CRRES observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (7). 5328-5342. 10.1002/2014JA020064

Meredith, Nigel P. ORCID:; Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Li, Wen; Thorne, Richard M.; Sicard-Piet, Angélica. 2014 Global model of low frequency chorus (fLHR < f < 0:1fce) from multiple satellite observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (2). 280-286. 10.1002/2013GL059050

Merritt, A.J.; Chambers, J.E.; Murphy, W.; Wilkinson, P.B.; West, L.J.; Gunn, D.A.; Meldrum, P.I.; Kirkham, M.; Dixon, N.. 2014 3D ground model development for an active landslide in Lias mudrocks using geophysical, remote sensing and geotechnical methods. Landslides, 11 (4). 537-550. 10.1007/s10346-013-0409-1

Merritt, Jon W.; Akhurst, Maxine C.; Wilkinson, Ian P.; Riding, James B. ORCID:; Phillips, Emrys R.; Smith, Richard A.; Finlayson, Andrew; Dean, Mark T.. 2014 The Late Pleistocene Afton Lodge Clay Formation, Ayrshire, Scotland: evidence for Early to Middle Devensian climatic changes and Late Devensian onshore ice flow and rafting from the Firth of Clyde. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (2). 195-214. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2013.12.004

Miler, Oliver; Albayrak, Ismail; Nikora, Vladimir; O’Hare, Matthew. 2014 Biomechanical properties and morphological characteristics of lake and river plants: implications for adaptations to flow conditions. Aquatic Sciences, 76 (4). 465-481. 10.1007/s00027-014-0347-6

Miles, A.J.; Graham, C.M.; Hawkesworth, C.J.; Gillespie, M.R.; Hinton, R.W.; Bromiley, G.D.. 2014 Apatite: a new redox proxy for silicic magmas? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 132. 101-119. 10.1016/j.gca.2014.01.040

Miles, Andrew; Graham, Colin; Hawkesworth, Chris; Gillespie, Martin; Dhuime, Bruno; Hinton, Richard. 2014 Using zircon isotope compositions to constrain crustal structure and pluton evolution: the Iapetus Suture Zone granites in Northern Britain. Journal of Petrology, 55 (1). 181-207. 10.1093/petrology/egt065

Millard, Andrew D; Hands-Portman, Ian; Zwirglmaier, Katrin. 2014 Morphotypes of virus-like particles in two hydrothermal vent fields on the East Scotia Ridge, Antarctica. Bacteriophage, 4 (1), e28732. 6, pp. 10.4161/bact.28732

Miller, Helen; Cotterill, Carol J.; Bradwell, Tom. 2014 Glacial and paraglacial history of the Troutbeck Valley, Cumbria, UK: integrating airborne LIDAR, multibeam bathymetry and geological field mapping. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (1). 31-40. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2013.04.007

Miller, Helen; Croudace, Ian W.; Bull, Jonathan M.; Cotterill, Carol J.; Dix, Justin K.; Taylor, Rex N.. 2014 A 500 year sediment lake record of anthropogenic and natural inputs to Windermere (English Lake District) using double-spike lead isotopes, radiochronology, and sediment microanalysis. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (13). 7254-7263. 10.1021/es5008998

Miller, James D. ORCID:; Grebby, Stephen. 2014 Mapping long-term temporal change in imperviousness using topographic maps. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 30. 9-20. 10.1016/j.jag.2014.01.002

Miller, James D. ORCID:; Kim, Hyeonjun; Kjeldsen, Thomas R.; Packman, John; Grebby, Stephen; Dearden, Rachel. 2014 Assessing the impact of urbanization on storm runoff in a peri-urban catchment using historical change in impervious cover. Journal of Hydrology, 515. 59-70. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.04.011

Mills, R.T.E.; Tipping, E. ORCID:; Bryant, C.L.; Emmett, B.A. ORCID: 2014 Long-term organic carbon turnover rates in natural and semi-natural topsoils. Biogeochemistry, 118 (1-3). 257-272. 10.1007/s10533-013-9928-z

Milne, A.E.; Haskard, K.A.; Webster, C.P.; Truan, I.A.; Goulding, K.W.T.; Lark, R.M.. 2014 Wavelet analysis of the variability of nitrous oxide emissions from soil at decameter to kilometer scales. Journal of Environmental Quality, 42 (4). 1070-1079. 10.2134/jeq2012.0007

Milne, Alice E.; Glendining, Margaret J.; Bellamy, Pat; Misselbrook, Tom; Gilhespy, Sarah; Rivas Casado, Monica; Hulin, Adele; Van Oijen, Marcel; Whitmore, Andrew P.. 2014 Analysis of uncertainties in the estimates of nitrous oxide and methane emissions in the UK’s greenhouse gas inventory for agriculture. Atmospheric Environment, 82. 94-105. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.10.012

Miralles, Diego G.; van den Berg, Martinus J.; Gash, John H.; Parinussa, Robert M.; de Jeu, Richard A.M; Beck, Hylke E.; Holmes, Thomas R.H; Jimenez, Carlos; Verhoest, Niko E.C.; Dorigo, Wouter A.; Teuling, Adriaan J.; Dolman, A. Johannes. 2014 El Niño-La Niña cycle and recent trends in continental evaporation. Nature Climate Change, 4 (2). 122-126. 10.1038/nclimate2068

Mitra, A.; Flynn, K. J.; Burkholder, J.M.; Berge, T.; Calbet, A.; Raven, J.A.; Granéli, E.; Glibert, P.M.; Hansen, P.J.; Stoecker, D.K.; Thingstad, F.; Tillmann, U.; Våge, S.; Wilken, S.; Zubkov, M.V.. 2014 The role of mixotrophic protists in the biological carbon pump. Biogeosciences, 11 (4). 995-1005. 10.5194/bg-11-995-2014

Moat, B.I. ORCID:; Josey, S. ORCID:; Sinha, B.. 2014 Impact of Barents Sea winter air-sea exchanges on Fram Strait dense water transport. Journal of Geophysical Research, 119 (2). 1009-1021. 10.1002/2013JC009220

Moeckel, Claudia; Monteith, Donald T. ORCID:; Llewellyn, Neville R.; Henrys, Peter A. ORCID:; Pereira, M. Glória ORCID: 2014 Relationship between the concentrations of dissolved organic matter and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a typical U.K. upland stream. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (1). 130-138. 10.1021/es403707q

Mojica, K.D.A.; Evans, C. ORCID:; Brussaard, C.P.D.. 2014 Flow cytometric enumeration of marine viral populations at low abundanceS. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 71 (3). 203-209. 10.3354/ame01672

Monaghan, Alison A.; Browne, Mike A.E.; Barfod, Dan N.. 2014 An improved chronology for the Arthur's Seat volcano and Carboniferous magmatism of the Midland Valley of Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology, 50 (2). 165-172. 10.1144/sjg2014-009

Monteith, D.T. ORCID:; Evans, C.D. ORCID:; Henrys, P.A. ORCID:; Simpson, G.L.; Malcolm, I.A.. 2014 Trends in the hydrochemistry of acid-sensitive surface waters in the UK 1988–2008. Ecological Indicators, 37 B. 287-303. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2012.08.013

Moore, G. W. K.; Straneo, F.; Oltmanns, M. ORCID: 2014 Trend and interannual variability in southeast Greenland sea ice: Impacts on coastal Greenland climate variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (23). 8619-8626. 10.1002/2014GL062107

Morales Maqueda, M.A.; Willmott, A.J.; Walkington, I.A.. 2014 The opening of wind-driven polynyas. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 746. 236-272. 10.1017/jfm.2014.118

Moran Jay, Brighid; Howard, David ORCID:; Hughes, Nick; Whitaker, Jeanette ORCID:; Anandarajah, Gabrial. 2014 Modelling socio-environmental sensitivities: how public responses to low carbon energy technologies could shape the UK energy system. Scientific World Journal, 2014, 605196. 13, pp. 10.1155/2014/605196

Moring, Andrea; Horvath, Laszlo. 2014 Long-term trend of deposition of atmospheric sulfur and nitrogen compounds in Hungary. Idojaras - Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service, 118 (2). 167-191.

Morley, S. A. ORCID:; Belchier, M. ORCID:; Sands, C. ORCID:; Barnes, D. K. A. ORCID:; Peck, L. S. ORCID: 2014 Geographic isolation and physiological mechanisms underpinning species distributions at the range limit hotspot of South Georgia. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 24 (2). 485-492. 10.1007/s11160-013-9308-8

Morley, Neil J.; Winfield, Ian J. ORCID: 2014 Perch and their parasites provide further insights into the complex food web of Windermere. FBA News, 64. 8-9.

Morley, Simon A. ORCID:; Lai, Chien-Hsiang; Clarke, Andrew ORCID:; Tan, Koh Siang; Thorne, Michael A. S. ORCID:; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2014 Limpet feeding rate and the consistency of physiological response to temperature. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 184 (5). 563-570. 10.1007/s00360-014-0814-3

Morris, Kirsty J.; Bett, Brian J. ORCID:; Durden, Jennifer M. ORCID:; Huvenne, Veerle A.I. ORCID:; Milligan, Rosanna; Jones, Daniel O.B. ORCID:; McPhail, Stephen; Robert, Katleen; Bailey, David M.; Ruhl, Henry A.. 2014 A new method for ecological surveying of the abyss using autonomous underwater vehicle photography. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 12 (11). 795-809. 10.4319/lom.2014.12.795

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Morrissey, Christy A.; Stanton, David W.G.; Tyler, Charles R.; Pereira, M. Gloria ORCID:; Newton, Jason; Durance, Isabella; Ormerod, Steve J.. 2014 Developmental impairment in Eurasian dipper nestlings exposed to urban stream pollutants. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33 (6). 1315-1323. 10.1002/etc.2555

Mostello, Carolyn S.; Nisbet, Ian C.T.; Oswald, Stephen A.; Fox, James W.. 2014 Non-breeding season movements of six North American Roseate Terns Sterna dougallii tracked with geolocators. Seabird, 27. 1-21.

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Moyce, Elizabeth B.A.; Rochelle, Christopher; Morris, Katherine; Milodowski, Antoni E.; Chen, Xiaohui; Thornton, Steve; Small, Joe S.; Shaw, Samuel. 2014 Rock alteration in alkaline cement waters over 15 years and its relevance to the geological disposal of nuclear waste. Applied Geochemistry, 50. 91-105. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2014.08.003

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Mulvaney, Robert ORCID:; Triest, Jack; Alemany, Olivier. 2014 The James Ross Island and the Fletcher Promontory ice-core drilling projects. Annals of Glaciology, 55 (68). 179-188. 10.3189/2014AoG68A044

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Murphy, E.J. ORCID:; Clarke, A. ORCID:; Abram, N.J.; Turner, J. ORCID: 2014 Variability of sea-ice in the northern Weddell Sea during the 20th century. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (7). 4549-4572. 10.1002/2013JC009511

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Ménard, Cécile B.; Essery, Richard; Pomeroy, John; Marsh, Philip; Clark, Douglas B. ORCID: 2014 A shrub bending model to calculate the albedo of shrub-tundra. Hydrological Processes, 28 (2). 341-351. 10.1002/hyp.9582

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Møller, Anders Pape; Adriaensen, Frank; Artemyev, Alexandr; Bańbura, Jerzy; Barba, Emilio; Biard, Clotilde; Blondel, Jacques; Bouslama, Zihad; Bouvier, Jean-Charles; Camprodon, Jordi; Cecere, Francesco; Chaine, Alexis; Charmantier, Anne; Charter, Motti; Cichoń, Mariusz; Cusimano, Camillo; Czeszczewik, Dorota; Doligez, Blandine; Doutrelant, Claire; Dubiec, Anna; Eens, Marcel; Eeva, Tapio; Faivre, Bruno; Ferns, Peter N.; Forsman, Jukka T.; García-del-Rey, Eduardo; Goldshtein, Aya; Goodenough, Anne E.; Gosler, Andrew G.; Góźdź, Iga; Grégoire, Arnaud; Gustafsson, Lars; Hartley, Ian R.; Heeb, Philipp; Hinsley, Shelley A.; Isenmann, Paul; Jacob, Staffan; Järvinen, Antero; Juškaitis, Rimvydas; Kania, Wojciech; Korpimäki, Erkki; Krams, Indrikis; Laaksonen, Toni; Leclercq, Bernard; Lehikoinen, Esa; Loukola, Olli; Lundberg, Arne; Mainwaring, Mark C.; Mänd, Raivo; Massa, Bruno; Mazgajski, Tomasz D.; Merino, Santiago; Mitrus, Cezary; Mönkkönen, Mikko; Morales-Fernaz, Judith; Moreno, Juan; Morin, Xavier; Nager, Ruedi G.; Nilsson, Jan-Åke; Nilsson, Sven G.; Norte, Ana C.; Orell, Markku; Perret, Philippe; Perrins, Christopher M.; Pimentel, Carla S.; Pinxten, Rianne; Priedniece, Ilze; Quidoz, Marie-Claude; Remeš, Vladimir; Richner, Heinz; Robles, Hugo; Russell, Andy; Rytkönen, Seppo; Senar, Juan Carlos; Seppänen, Janne T.; Pascoal da Silva, Luis; Slagsvold, Tore; Solonen, Tapio; Sorace, Alberto; Stenning, Martyn J.; Török, Janos; Tryjanowski, Piotr; van Noordwijk, Arie J.; von Numers, Mikael; Walankiewicz, Wiesaw; Lambrechts, Marcel M.. 2014 Clutch-size variation in Western Palaearctic secondary hole-nesting passerine birds in relation to nest box design. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5 (4). 353-362. 10.1111/2041-210X.12160

Navarro, Joan; Moreno, Rocio; Braun, Lena; Sanpera, Carola; Hennicke, Janos C. 2014 Resource partitioning between incubating and chick-rearing brown boobies and red-tailed tropicbirds on Christmas Island. Zoological Studies, 53 (1), 27. 6, pp. 10.1186/s40555-014-0027-1

Navarro, Joan; Votier, Stephen C.; Phillips, Richard A.. 2014 Diving capabilities of diving petrels. Polar Biology, 37 (6). 897-901. 10.1007/s00300-014-1483-0

Naveira Garabato, Alberto C.; Williams, Adam P.; Bacon, Sheldon ORCID: 2014 The three-dimensional overturning circulation of the Southern Ocean during the WOCE era. Progress in Oceanography, 120. 41-78. 10.1016/j.pocean.2013.07.018

Neal, Lenka; Wiklund, Helena; Muir, Alexander I.; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Glover, Adrian G.. 2014 The identity of juvenile Polynoidae (Annelida) in the Southern Ocean revealed by DNA taxonomy, with notes on the status of Herdmanella gracilis Ehlers sensu Augener. Memoirs of Museum Victoria, 71. 203-216.

Neill, Iain; Kerr, Andrew C.; Chamberlain, Kevin R.; Schmitt, Axel K.; Urbani, Franco; Hastie, Alan R.; Pindell, James L.; Barry, Tiffany L.; Millar, Ian L.. 2014 Vestiges of the proto-Caribbean seaway: origin of the San Souci Volcanic Group, Trinidad. Tectonophysics, 626. 170-185. 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.04.019

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Neutel, Anje-Margriet; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID: 2014 Interaction strengths in balanced carbon cycles and the absence of a relation between ecosystem complexity and stability. Ecology Letters, 17 (6). 651-661. 10.1111/ele.12266

Newell, Andrew J.. 2014 Palaeogene rivers of southern Britain: climatic extremes, marine influence and compressional tectonics on the southern margin of the North Sea Basin. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (5-6). 578-590. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2014.06.004

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Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Goodall-Copestake, W.P. ORCID:; Ochyra, R.; Vana, J.. 2014 Mycothalli of the hepatic Barbilophozia hatcheri in Antarctica: distribution and identities of mycobionts. Fungal Ecology, 11. 91-99. 10.1016/j.funeco.2014.05.001

Newson, Stuart E.; Oliver, Tom H.; Gillings, Simon; Crick, Humphrey Q.P.; Morecroft, Michael D.; Duffield, Simon J.; Macgregor, Nicholas A.; Pearce-Higgins, James W.. 2014 Can site and landscape-scale environmental attributes buffer bird populations against weather events? Ecography, 37 (9). 872-882. 10.1111/ecog.00575

Nicolson, Heather; Curtis, Andrew; Baptie, Brian. 2014 Rayleigh wave tomography of the British Isles from ambient seismic noise. Geophysical Journal International, 198 (2). 637-655. 10.1093/gji/ggu071

Nikitina, Daria L.; Kemp, Andrew C.; Horton, Benjamin P.; Vane, Christopher H. ORCID:; van de Plassche, Orson; Engelhart, Simon E.. 2014 Storm erosion during the past 2000 years along the north shore of Delaware Bay, USA. Geomorphology, 208. 160-172. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.11.022

Nishina, K.; Ito, A.; Beerling, D.J.; Cadule, P.; Ciais, P.; Clark, D.B. ORCID:; Falloon, P.; Friend, A.D.; Kahana, R.; Kato, E.; Keribin, R.; Lucht, W.; Lomas, M.; Rademacher, T.T.; Pavlick, R.; Schaphoff, S.; Vuichard, N.; Warszawaski, L.; Yokohata, T.. 2014 Quantifying uncertainties in soil carbon responses to changes in global mean temperature and precipitation. Earth System Dynamics, 5 (1). 197-209. 10.5194/esd-5-197-2014

Norhave, Nils J.; Spurgeon, David ORCID:; Svendsen, Claus ORCID:; Cedergreen, Nina. 2014 The importance of experimental time when assessing the effect of temperature on toxicity in poikilotherms. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 33 (6). 1363-1371. 10.1002/etc.2563

North, Laurence J.; Best, Angus I. ORCID: 2014 Anomalous electrical resistivity anisotropy in clean reservoir sandstones. Geophysical Prospecting, 62 (6). 1315-1326. 10.1111/1365-2478.12183

Nurser, A.J.G.; Bacon, S. ORCID: 2014 The Rossby radius in the Arctic Ocean. Ocean Science, 10 (6). 967-975. 10.5194/os-10-967-2014

O'Connor, Rory S.; Hails, Rosemary S.; Thomas, Jeremy A.. 2014 Accounting for habitat when considering climate: has the niche of the Adonis blue butterfly changed in the UK? Oecologia, 174 (4). 1463-1472. 10.1007/s00442-013-2850-1

O'Hara Murray, Rory B.; Thorne, Peter D. ORCID:; van den Bremer, Ton S.; Bricheno, Lucy M. ORCID:; Sparrow, Kathryn H.; Wright, Jennifer C.. 2014 Briefing: Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference 2013. Proceedings of the ICE - Maritime Engineering, 167 (2). 57-67. 10.1680/maen.13.00017

O'Shea, S.J.; Allen, G.; Gallagher, M.W.; Bower, K.; Illingworth, S.M.; Muller, J.B.A.; Jones, B.T.; Percival, C.J.; Bauguitte, S.J.-B.; Cain, M.; Warwick, N.; Quiquet, A.; Skiba, U. ORCID:; Drewer, J. ORCID:; Dinsmore, K.; Nisbet, E.G.; Lowry, D.; Fisher, R.E.; France, J.L.; Aurela, M.; Lohila, A.; Hayman, G. ORCID:; George, C.; Clark, D.B. ORCID:; Manning, A.J.; Friend, A.D.; Pyle, J.. 2014 Methane and carbon dioxide fluxes and their regional scalability for the European Arctic wetlands during the MAMM project in summer 2012. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14 (23). 13159-13174. 10.5194/acp-14-13159-2014

O'Shea, Sebastian J.; Allen, Grant; Fleming, Zoe L.; Bauguitte, Stephane J.-B.; Percival, Carl J.; Gallagher, Martin W.; Lee, James; Helfter, Carole ORCID:; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID: 2014 Area fluxes of carbon dioxide, methane, and carbon monoxide derived from airborne measurements around Greater London: a case study during Summer 2012. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119 (8). 4940-4952. 10.1002/2013JD021269

Ockenden, M.C.; Chappell, N.A.; Neal, C.. 2014 Quantifying the differential contributions of deep groundwater to streamflow in nested basins, using both water quality characteristics and water balance. Hydrology Research, 45 (2). 200-212. 10.2166/nh.2013.035

Oenema, Oene; Ju, Xiaotang; de Klein, Cecile; Alfaro, Marta; del Prado, Agustin; Lesschen, Jan Peter; Zheng, Xunhua; Velthof, Gerard; Ma, Lin; Gao, Bing; Kroeze, Carolien; Sutton, Mark ORCID: 2014 Reducing nitrous oxide emissions from the global food system. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 9-10. 55-64. 10.1016/j.cosust.2014.08.003

Ohlberger, Jan; Thackeray, Stephen J. ORCID:; Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID:; Vøllestad, L. Asbjørn. 2014 When phenology matters: age–size truncation alters population response to trophic mismatch. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B, 281 (1793), 20140938. 7, pp. 10.1098/rspb.2014.0938

Old, G.H. ORCID:; Naden, P.S.; Rameshwaran, P. ORCID:; Acreman, M.C.; Baker, S.; Edwards, F.K.; Sorensen, J.P.R.; Mountford, O.; Gooddy, D.C.; Stratford, C.J. ORCID:; Scarlett, P.M.; Newman, J.R.; Neal, M.. 2014 Instream and riparian implications of weed cutting in a chalk river. Ecological Engineering, 71. 290-300. 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.07.006

Oliver, Anna E.; Newbold, Lindsay K. ORCID:; Whiteley, Andrew S.; van der Gast, Christopher J.. 2014 Marine bacterial communities are resistant to elevated carbon dioxide levels. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 6 (6). 574-582. 10.1111/1758-2229.12159

Oliver, Tom H.; Morecroft, Mike D.. 2014 Interactions between climate change and land use change on biodiversity: attribution problems, risks, and opportunities. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 5 (3). 317-335. 10.1002/wcc.271

Oliver, Tom H.; Stefanescu, Constanti; Páramo, Ferran; Brereton, Tom; Roy, David B. ORCID: 2014 Latitudinal gradients in butterfly population variability are influenced by landscape heterogeneity. Ecography, 37 (9). 863-871. 10.1111/ecog.00608

Oltmanns, M. ORCID:; Straneo, F.; Moore, G. W. K.; Mernild, S. H.. 2014 Strong downslope wind events in Ammassalik, Southeast Greenland. Journal of Climate, 27 (3). 977-993. 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00067.1

Oppel, Steffen; Hilton, Geoff; Ratcliffe, Norman ORCID:; Fenton, Calvin; Daley, James; Gray, Gerard; Vickery, Juliet; Gibbons, David. 2014 Assessing population viability while accounting for demographic and environmental uncertainty. Ecology, 95 (7). 1809-1818. 10.1890/13-0733.1

Orr, Andrew ORCID:; Phillips, Tony ORCID:; Webster, Stuart; Elvidge, Andy; Weeks, Mark; Hosking, Scott ORCID:; Turner, John ORCID: 2014 Met Office unified model high resolution simulations of a strong wind event in Antarctica. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 140 (684). 2287-2297. 10.1002/qj.2296

Orwin, Kate H.; Ostle, Nick; Wilby, Andrew; Bardgett, Richard D.. 2014 Effects of species evenness and dominant species identity on multiple ecosystem functions in model grassland communities. Oecologia, 174 (3). 979-992. 10.1007/s00442-013-2814-5

Ostertag-Henning, C.; Risse, A.; Thomas, B.; Rosenbauer, R.; Rochelle, C.; Purser, G.; Kilpatrick, A.; Rosenqvist, J.; Yardley, B.; Karamalidis, A.; Griffith, C.; Hedges, S.; Dilmore, R.; Goodman, A.; Black, J.; Haese, R.; Deusner, C.; Bigalke, N.; Haeckel, M.; Fischer, S.; Liebscher, A.; Icenhower, J.P.; Daval, D.; Saldi, G.D.; Knauss, K.G.; Schmidt, M.; Mito, S.; Sorai, M.; Truche, L.. 2014 GaMin’11 – an International Inter-laboratory Comparison for Geochemical CO2 - Saline Fluid - Mineral Interaction Experiments. Energy Procedia, 63. 5538-5543. 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.587

Ottesen, E. A.; Young III, Robert; Gifford, S. M.; Eppley, J. M.; Marin, R.; Schuster, S. C.; Scholin, C. A.; DeLong, E. F.. 2014 Multispecies diel transcriptional oscillations in open ocean heterotrophic bacterial assemblages. Science, 345 (6193). 207-212. 10.1126/science.1252476

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Overton, I.C.; Smith, D.M.; Dalton, J.; Barchiesi, S.; Acreman, M.C.; Stromberg, J.C.; Kirby, J.M.. 2014 Implementing environmental flows in integrated water resources management and the ecosystem approach. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3-4). 860-877. 10.1080/02626667.2014.897408

Owen, Matthew J; Day, Simon J; Leat, Philip T; Tate, Alex J ORCID:; Martin, Tara J. 2014 Control of sedimentation by active tectonics, glaciation and contourite-depositing currents in Endurance Basin, South Georgia. Global and Planetary Change, 123 (B). 323-343. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2014.08.003

O’Dea, Sarah A.; Gibbs, Samantha J.; Bown, Paul R.; Young, Jeremy R.; Poulton, Alex J.; Newsam, Cherry; Wilson, Paul A.. 2014 Coccolithophore calcification response to past ocean acidification and climate change. Nature Communications, 5. 5363. 10.1038/ncomms6363

Pagaling, Eulyn; Strathdee, Fiona; Spears, Bryan M. ORCID:; Cates, Michael E.; Allen, Rosalind J.; Free, Andrew. 2014 Community history affects the predictability of microbial ecosystem development. ISME Journal, 8 (1). 19-30. 10.1038/ismej.2013.150

Pagel, Jörn; Anderson, Barbara J.; O'Hara, Robert B.; Cramer, Wolfgang; Fox, Richard; Jeltsch, Florian; Roy, David B. ORCID:; Thomas, Chris D.; Schurr, Frank M.. 2014 Quantifying range-wide variation in population trends from local abundance surveys and widespread opportunistic occurrence records. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5 (8). 751-760. 10.1111/2041-210X.12221

Painter, S.C.; Henson, S.A. ORCID:; Forryan, A.; Steigenberger, S.; Klar, J.; Stinchcombe, M.C.; Rogan, N.; Baker, A.R.; Achterberg, E.P.; Moore, C.M.. 2014 An assessment of the vertical diffusive flux of iron and other nutrients to the surface waters of the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean. Biogeosciences, 11 (8). 2113-2130. 10.5194/bg-11-2113-2014

Painter, S.C.; Patey, M.D. ORCID:; Tarran, G.A.; Torres-valdes, S.. 2014 Picoeukaryote distribution in relation to nitrate uptake in the oceanic nitracline. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 72 (3). 195-213. 10.3354/ame01695

Palin, R.M.; Searle, M.P.; St-Onge, M.R.; Waters, D.J.; Roberts, N.M.W.; Horstwood, M.S.A.; Parrish, R.R.; Weller, O.M.; Chen, S.; Yang, J.. 2014 Monazite geochronology and petrology of kyanite- and sillimanite-grade migmatites from the northwestern flank of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. Gondwana Research, 26 (1). 323-347. 10.1016/

Pan, Xi; Achterberg, Eric P.; Sanders, Richard ORCID:; Poulton, Alex J.; Oliver, Kevin I.C.; Robinson, Carol. 2014 Dissolved organic carbon and apparent oxygen utilization in the Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 85. 80-87. 10.1016/j.dsr.2013.12.003

Panagiotopoulos, K.; Böhm, A.; Leng, M.J. ORCID:; Wagner, B.; Schäbitz, F.. 2014 Climate variability over the last 92 ka in SW Balkans from analysis of sediments from Lake Prespa. Climate of the Past, 10 (2). 643-660. 10.5194/cp-10-643-2014

Pandit, Maharaj K.; White, Steven M. ORCID:; Pocock, Michael J.O. ORCID: 2014 The contrasting effects of genome size, chromosome number and ploidy level on plant invasiveness: a global analysis. New Phytologist, 203 (2). 697-703. 10.1111/nph.12799

Pandolfi, M.; Querol, X.; Alastuey, A.; Jimenez, J.L.; Jorba, O.; Day, D.; Ortega, A.; Cubison, M.J.; Comerón, A.; Sicard, M.; Mohr, C.; Prévôt, A.S.H.; Minguillón, M.C.; Pey, J.; Baldasano, J.M.; Burkhart, J.F.; Seco, R.; Peñuelas, J.; van Drooge, B.L.; Artiñano, B.; Di Marco, C.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Schallhart, S.; Metzger, A.; Hansel, A.; Lorente, J.; Ng, S.; Jayne, J.; Szidat, S.. 2014 Effects of sources and meteorology on particulate matter in the Western Mediterranean Basin: an overview of the DAURE campaign. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 119 (8). 4978-5010. 10.1002/2013JD021079

Panieri, Giuliana; James, Rachael H.; Camerlenghi, Angelo; Westbrook, Graham K.; Consolaro, Chiara; Cacho, Isabel; Cesari, Valentina; Cervera, Cristina Sanchez. 2014 Record of methane emissions from the West Svalbard continental margin during the last 23,500years revealed by δ13C of benthic foraminifera. Global and Planetary Change, 122. 151-160. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2014.08.014

Panigaj, Ľubomír; Zach, Peter; Honek, Alois; Nedved, Oldrich; Kulfan, Jan; Martinkova, Zdenka; Selyemova, Diana; Viglasova, Sandra; Roy, Helen E. ORCID: 2014 The invasion history, distribution and colour pattern forms of the harlequin ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis (Pall.) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) in Slovakia, Central Europe. ZooKeys, 412. 89-102. 10.3897/zookeys.412.6587

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Pankhurst, R.J.; Rapela, C.W.; Lopez De Luchi, M.G.; Rapalini, A.E.; Fanning, C.M.; Galindo, C.. 2014 The Gondwana connections of northern Patagonia. Journal of the Geological Society, 171 (3). 313-328. 10.1144/jgs2013-081

Papathanasiou, Jason; Kenward, Robert. 2014 Design of a data-driven environmental decision support system and testing of stakeholder data-collection. Environmental Modelling & Software, 55. 92-106. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.01.025

Paracchini, Maria Luisa; Zulian, Grazia; Kopperoinen, Leena; Maes, Joachim; Schagner, Jan Philipp; Termansen, Mette; Zandersen, Marianne; Perez-Soba, Marta; Scholefield, Paul A. ORCID:; Bidoglio, Giovanni. 2014 Mapping cultural ecosystem services: a framework to assess the potential for outdoor recreation across the EU. Ecological Indicators, 45. 371-385. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.04.018

Pardo, Deborah; Barbraud, Christophe; Weimerskirch, Henri. 2014 What shall I do now? State-dependent variations of life-history traits with aging in Wandering Albatrosses. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (4). 474-487. 10.1002/ece3.882

Paredes, Rosana; Orben, Rachael A.; Suryan, Robert M.; Irons, David B.; Roby, Daniel D.; Harding, Ann M. A.; Young, Rebecca C.; Benoit-Bird, Kelly; Ladd, Carol; Renner, Heather; Heppell, Scott; Phillips, Richard A.; Kitaysky, Alexander. 2014 Foraging responses of black-legged kittiwakes to prolonged food-shortages around colonies on the Bering Sea Shelf. PLoS ONE, 9 (3), e92520. 10.1371/journal.pone.0092520

Parnell-Turner, Ross; White, Nicky; Henstock, Tim; Murton, Bramley ORCID:; Maclennan, John; Jones, Stephen M.. 2014 A continuous 55-million-year record of transient mantle plume activity beneath Iceland. Nature Geoscience, 7 (12). 914-919. 10.1038/ngeo2281

Parry, S.; Baynes, F.J.; Culshaw, M.G.; Eggers, M.; Keaton, J.F.; Lentfer, K.; Novotny, J.; Paul, D.. 2014 Engineering geological models: an introduction: IAEG commission 25. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 73 (3). 689-706. 10.1007/s10064-014-0576-x

Pasotti, F.; Convey, P. ORCID:; Vanreusel, A.. 2014 Potter Cove, west Antarctic Peninsula, shallow water meiofauna: a seasonal snapshot. Antarctic Science, 26 (5). 554-562. 10.1017/S0954102014000169

Passaro, Marcello; Cipollini, Paolo; Vignudelli, Stefano; Quartly, Graham; Snaith, Helen. 2014 ALES: a multi-mission adaptive subwaveform retracker for coastal and open ocean altimetry. Remote Sensing of Environment, 145. 173-189. 10.1016/j.rse.2014.02.008

Payne, Richard J.; Caporn, Simon J. M.; Field, Christopher D.; Carroll, Jacky A.; Edmondson, Jill L.; Britton, Andrea; Dise, Nancy B. ORCID: 2014 Heather moorland vegetation and air pollution: A comparison and synthesis of three national gradient studies. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2014 (225). 13, pp. 10.1007/s11270-014-1998-6

Peacock, Mike; Evans, Chris D. ORCID:; Fenner, Nathalie; Freeman, Chris; Gough, Rachel; Jones, Timothy G.; Lebron, Inma ORCID: 2014 UV-visible absorbance spectroscopy as a proxy for peatland dissolved organic carbon (DOC) quantity and quality: considerations on wavelength and absorbance degradation. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16 (6). 1445-1461. 10.1039/c4em00108g

Peakall, J.; Darby, S.E.; Dorrell, R.M.; Parsons, D.R.; Sumner, E.J.; Wynn, R.B.. 2014 Comment on “A simple model for vertical profiles of velocity and suspended sediment concentration in straight and curved submarine channels” by M. Bolla Pittaluga and J. Imran. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119 (9). 2070-2073. 10.1002/2014JF003211

Pearce, Danni; Rea, Brice R.; Bradwell, Tom; McDougall, Des. 2014 Glacial geomorphology of the Tweedsmuir Hills, Central Southern Uplands, Scotland. Journal of Maps, 10 (3). 457-465. 10.1080/17445647.2014.886492

Pearce, J.A.; Hastie, A.R.; Leat, P.T.; Dalziel, I.W.; Lawver, L.A.; Barker, P.F.; Millar, I.L.; Barry, T.L.; Bevins, R.E.. 2014 Composition and evolution of the Ancestral South Sandwich Arc: implications for the flow of deep ocean water and mantle through the Drake Passage gateway. Global and Planetary Change, 123B. 298-322. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2014.08.017

Pearce, Jonathan; Jones, Dave; Blackford, Jerry; Beaubien, Stanley; Foekema, Edwin; Gemeni, Vassiliki; Kirk, Karen; Lions, Julie; Metcalfe, Richard; Moni, Christophe; Smith, Karon; Stevens, Michael; West, Julie; Ziogou, Fotini. 2014 A guide for assessing the potential impacts on ecosystems of leakage from CO2 storage sites. Energy Procedia, 63. 3242-3252. 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.351

Peck, L. S. ORCID:; Morley, S. A. ORCID:; Richard, J.; Clark, M. S. ORCID: 2014 Acclimation and thermal tolerance in Antarctic marine ectotherms. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217 (1). 16-22. 10.1242/jeb.089946

Pedone, M.; Aiuppa, A.; Giudice, G.; Grassa, F.; Francofonte, V.; Bergsson, B.; Ilyinskaya, E.. 2014 Tunable diode laser measurements of hydrothermal/volcanic CO2 and implications for the global CO2 budget. Solid Earth, 5 (2). 1209-1221. 10.5194/se-5-1209-2014

Peel, Frank J.. 2014 How do salt withdrawal minibasins form? Insights from forward modelling, and implications for hydrocarbon migration. Tectonophysics, 630. 222-235. 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.05.027

Peel, Frank J.. 2014 The engines of gravity-driven movement on passive margins: quantifying the relative contribution of spreading vs. gravity sliding mechanisms. Tectonophysics, 633. 126-142. 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.06.023

Peh, Kelvin S.-H.; Balmford, Andrew; Field, Rob H.; Lamb, Anthony; Birch, Jennifer C.; Bradbury, Richard B.; Brown, Claire; Butchart, Stuart H.M.; Lester, Martin; Morrison, Ross ORCID:; Sedgwick, Isabel; Soans, Chris; Stattersfield, Alison J.; Stroh, Peter A.; Swetnam, Ruth D.; Thomas, David H.L.; Walpole, Matt; Warrington, Stuart; Hughes, Francine M.R.. 2014 Benefits and costs of ecological restoration: rapid assessment of changing ecosystem service values at a U.K. wetland. Ecology and Evolution, 4 (20). 3875-3886. 10.1002/ece3.1248

Peltola, O.; Hensen, A.; Helfter, C. ORCID:; Belelli Marchesini, L.; Bosveld, F.C.; van den Bulk, W.C.M.; Elbers, J.A.; Haapanala, S.; Holst, J.; Laurila, T.; Lindroth, A.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Rockmann, T.; Vermeulen, A.T.; Mammarella, I.. 2014 Evaluating the performance of commonly used gas analysers for methane eddy covariance flux measurements: the InGOS inter-comparison field experiment. Biogeosciences, 11 (12). 3163-3186. 10.5194/bg-11-3163-2014

Pennington, Catherine. 2014 Paul Witney, BGS Photographer. GeoBlogy.

Pennington, Catherine; Dijkstra, Tom; Jordan, Colm. 2014 Hunting for landslides in St Lucia. GeoBlogy.

Pennington, Catherine; Waters, Colin. 2014 Tales from a Geological Adventurer. GeoBlogy.

Perea, Ramón; Girardello, Marco; San Miguel, Alfonso. 2014 Big game or big loss? High deer densities are threatening woody plant diversity and vegetation dynamics. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23 (5). 1303-1318. 10.1007/s10531-014-0666-x

Pereira, M. Gloria ORCID:; Murk, A.J.; Van den Berg, H; Walker, Lee A. ORCID:; Shore, Richard F.. 2014 How much do PCB toxic equivalents account for PHAH toxicity in predatory birds? Environmental Pollution, 193. 240-246. 10.1016/j.envpol.2014.07.004

Pereira, Ryan; Bovolo, C. Isabella; Spencer, Robert G. M.; Hernes, Peter J.; Tipping, Edward ORCID:; Vieth-Hillebrand, Andrea; Pedentchouk, Nikolai; Chappell, Nick A.; Parkin, Geoff; Wagner, Thomas. 2014 Mobilization of optically invisible dissolved organic matter in response to rainstorm events in a tropical forest headwater river. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (4). 1202-1208. 10.1002/2013GL058658

Pescott, Oliver ORCID:; Preston, Chris ORCID: 2014 Monitoring the impacts of ash dieback on epiphytic bryophytes. Field Bryology, 111. 23-25.

Pescott, Oliver ORCID:; Preston, Chris ORCID: 2014 Rare and interesting 13. Field Bryology, 111. 42-45.

Pescott, Oliver L. ORCID:; Preston, Chris D. ORCID:; Walker, Kevin. 2014 A new long-term survey to measure the impacts of ash dieback on the flora of British woodlands. BSBI News, 125. 60-61.

Pescott, Oli ORCID:; Baker, Ambroise. 2014 Alien grasses in urban Sheffield: an update on water bent and some predicted colonists. Sorby Record, 50. 62-65.

Pescott, Oliver L. ORCID:; Stewart, Gavin B.. 2014 Assessing the impact of human trampling on vegetation: a systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental evidence. PeerJ, 2, e360. 20, pp. 10.7717/peerj.360

Peters, A.; Merrington, G.; Leverett, D.; Ellor, B.; Lofts, S. ORCID:; Gravell, A.. 2014 The effect of advanced treatment of sewage effluents on metal speciation and (bio)availability. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 92 (2). 248-252. 10.1007/s00128-013-1143-z

Petillon, Julien; Potier, Simon; Carpentier, Alexandre; Garbutt, Angus ORCID: 2014 Evaluating the success of managed realignment for the restoration of salt marshes: Lessons from invertebrate communities. Ecological Engineering, 69. 70-75. 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.03.085

Petty, A. A.; Holland, P. R. ORCID:; Feltham, D. L.. 2014 Sea ice and the ocean mixed layer over the Antarctic shelf seas. The Cryosphere, 8 (2). 761-783. 10.5194/tc-8-761-2014

Petus, Caroline; Marieu, Vincent; Novoa, Stefani; Chust, Guillem; Bruneau, Nicolas; Froidefond, Jean-Marie. 2014 Monitoring spatio-temporal variability of the Adour River turbid plume (Bay of Biscay, France) with MODIS 250-m imagery. Continental Shelf Research, 74. 35-49. 10.1016/j.csr.2013.11.011

Pham, Christopher K.; Ramirez-Llodra, Eva; Alt, Claudia H. S.; Amaro, Teresa; Bergmann, Melanie; Canals, Miquel; Company, Joan B.; Davies, Jaime; Duineveld, Gerard; Galgani, François; Howell, Kerry L.; Huvenne, Veerle A.I. ORCID:; Isidro, Eduardo; Jones, Daniel O.B. ORCID:; Lastras, Galderic; Morato, Telmo; Gomes-Pereira, José Nuno; Purser, Autun; Stewart, Heather; Tojeira, Inês; Tubau, Xavier; Van Rooij, David; Tyler, Paul A.. 2014 Marine litter distribution and density in European Seas, from the shelves to deep basins. PLoS ONE, 9 (4). e95839. 10.1371/journal.pone.0095839

Phillips, Emrys; Finlayson, Andrew; Bradwell, Tom; Everest, Jez; Jones, Lee. 2014 Structural evolution triggers a dynamic reduction in active glacier length during rapid retreat: evidence from Falljökull, SE Iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119 (10). 2194-2208. 10.1002/2014JF003165

Phillips, Emrys; Hughes, Leanne. 2014 Hydrofracturing in response to the development of an overpressurised subglacial meltwater system during drumlin formation: an example from Anglesey, NW Wales. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (3). 296-311. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2014.03.004

Piao, Shilong; Nan, Huijuan; Huntingford, Chris ORCID:; Ciais, Philippe; Friedlingstein, Pierre; Sitch, Stephen; Peng, Shushi; Ahlstrom, Anders; Canadell, Josep G.; Cong, Nan; Levis, Sam; Levy, Peter ORCID:; Liu, Lingli; Lomas, Mark; Mao, Jiafu; Myneni, Ranga B.; Peylin, Philippe; Poulter, Ben; Shi, Xiaoying; Yin, Guodong; Viovy, Nicolas; Wang, Tao; Wang, Xuhui; Zaehle, Soenke; Zeng, Ning; Zeng, Zhenzhong; Chen, Anping. 2014 Evidence for a weakening relationship between interannual temperature variability and northern vegetation activity. Nature Communications, 5, 5018. 7, pp. 10.1038/ncomms6018

Pietsch, Katherina A.; Ogle, Kiona; Cornelissen, Johannes H.C.; Cornwell, William K.; Bönisch, Gerhard; Craine, Joseph M.; Jackson, Benjamin G.; Kattge, Jens; Peltzer, Duane A.; Penuelas, Josep; Reich, Peter B.; Wardle, David A.; Weedon, James T.; Wright, Ian J.; Zanne, Amy E.; Wirth, Christian. 2014 Global relationship of wood and leaf litter decomposability: the role of functional traits within and across plant organs. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23 (9). 1046-1057. 10.1111/geb.12172

Piniewski, M.; Okruszko, T.; Acreman, M.C.. 2014 Environmental water quantity projections under market-driven and sustainability-driven future scenarios in the Narew basin, Poland [in special issue: Hydrological science for environmental flows] Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3-4). 916-934. 10.1080/02626667.2014.888068

Piniewski, Mikolaj; Laize, Cedric L.R.; Acreman, Michael C.; Okruszko, Tomasz; Schneider, Christof. 2014 Effect of climate change on environmental flow indicators in the Narew Basin, Poland. Journal of Environmental Quality, 43 (1). 155-167. 10.2134/jeq2011.0386

Piontek, Franziska; Müller, Christoph; Pugh, Thomas A.M.; Clark, Douglas B. ORCID:; Deryng, Delphine; Elliott, Joshua; González, Felipe de Jesus Colón; Flörke, Martina; Folberth, Christian; Franssen, Wietse; Frieler, Katja; Friend, Andrew D.; Gosling, Simon N.; Hemming, Deborah; Khabarov, Nikolay; Kim, Hyungjun; Lomas, Mark R.; Masaki, Yoshimitsu; Mengel, Matthias; Morse, Andrew; Neumann, Kathleen; Nishina, Kazuya; Ostberg, Sebastian; Pavlick, Ryan; Ruane, Alex C.; Schewe, Jacob; Schmid, Erwin; Stacke, Tobias; Tang, Qiuhong; Tessler, Zachary D.; Tompkins, Adrian M. Tompkins; Warszawski, Lila; Wisser, Dominik; Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim. 2014 Multisectoral climate impact hotspots in a warming world. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (9). 3233-3238. 10.1073/pnas.1222471110

Pisa, S.; Biersma, E.M. ORCID:; Convey, P. ORCID:; Patiño, J.; Vanderpoorten, A.; Werner, O.; Ros, R.M.. 2014 The cosmopolitan moss Bryum argenteum in Antarctica: Recent colonisation or in situ survival? Polar Biology, 37 (10). 1469-1477. 10.1007/s00300-014-1537-3

Plant, C.W.; Petty, S.J.; Farino, T.; Botham, M.S. ORCID: 2014 Eupithecia exiguata (Hübner, [1813]) new to the Iberian Peninsula, with notes on other pug moths Eupitheciini in Cantabria, Spain (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterologia, 42 (165). 111-119.

Pleijel, H.; Danielsson, H.; Simpson, D.; Mills, G.. 2014 Have ozone effects on carbon sequestration been overestimated?: a new biomass response function for wheat. Biogeosciences, 11 (16). 4521-4528. 10.5194/bg-11-4521-2014

Pocock, Michael J.O. ORCID:; Evans, Darren M.. 2014 The success of the horse-chestnut leaf-miner, Cameraria ohridella, in the UK revealed with hypothesis-led citizen science. PLoS ONE, 9 (1), e86226. 9, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0086226

Pogge von Strandmann, Philip A.E.; Porcelli, Don; James, Rachael H.; van Calsteren, Peter; Schaefer, Bruce; Cartwright, Ian; Reynolds, Ben C.; Burton, Kevin W.. 2014 Chemical weathering processes in the Great Artesian Basin: Evidence from lithium and silicon isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 406. 24-36. 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.09.014

Poikane, Sandra; Portielje, Rob; van den Berg, Marcel; Phillips, Geoff; Brucet, Sandra; Carvalho, Laurence; Mischke, Ute; Ott, Ingmar; Soszka, Hanna; Van Wichelen, Jeroen. 2014 Defining ecologically relevant water quality targets for lakes in Europe. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51 (3). 592-602. 10.1111/1365-2664.12228

Pol, K.; Masson-Delmotte, V.; Cattani, O.; Debret, M.; Falourd, S.; Jouzel, J.; Landais, A.; Minster, B.; Mudelsee, M.; Schulz, M.; Stenni, B.. 2014 Climate variability features of the last interglacial in the East Antarctic EPICA Dome C ice core. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (11). 4004-4012. 10.1002/2014GL059561

Polak, Natasa; Read, Daniel S. ORCID:; Jurkschat, Kerstin; Matzke, Marianne; Kelly, Frank J.; Spurgeon, David J. ORCID:; Sturzenbaum, Stephen R.. 2014 Metalloproteins and phytochelatin synthase may confer protection against zinc oxide nanoparticle induced toxicity in Caenorhabditis elegans. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, 160. 75-85. 10.1016/j.cbpc.2013.12.001

Pollock, Christopher J.; Hails, Rosemary S.. 2014 The case for reforming the EU regulatory systems for GMOs. Trends in Biotechnology, 32 (2). 63-64. 10.1016/j.tibtech.2013.10.007

Polzin, K.L.; Naveira Garabato, A.C.; Abrahamsen, E.P. ORCID:; Jullion, L.; Meredith, M.P. ORCID: 2014 Boundary mixing in Orkney Passage outflow. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (12). 8627-8645. 10.1002/2014JC010099

Pond, David W.; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Mayor, Daniel J ORCID: 2014 Hydrostatic Pressure and Temperature Effects on the Membranes of a Seasonally Migrating Marine Copepod. PLoS ONE, 9 (10), e111043. 9, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0111043

Pope, Allen; Rees, W.; Fox, Adrian ORCID:; Fleming, Andrew ORCID: 2014 Open access data in polar and cryospheric remote sensing. Remote Sensing, 6 (7). 6183-6220. 10.3390/rs6076183

Popova, E.E. ORCID:; Yool, A. ORCID:; Aksenov, Y ORCID:; Coward, A.C. ORCID:; Anderson, T.R. ORCID: 2014 Regional variability of acidification in the Arctic: a sea of contrasts. Biogeosciences, 11 (2). 293-308. 10.5194/bg-11-293-2014

Postlethwaite, Clare F; Hickman, Anna E.; McQuatters-Gollop, Abigail; Bryden, Harry L.; Woodworth, Philip L. ORCID: 2014 Preface: A Prospectus for UK Marine Sustained Observations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 372 (2025). 20130341. 10.1098/rsta.2013.0341

Postma, G.; Cartigny, M.J.B.. 2014 Supercritical and subcritical turbidity currents and their deposits - a synthesis. Geology, 42 (11). 987-990. 10.1130/G35957.1

Postma, George; Kleverlaan, Kick; Cartigny, Matthieu J.B.. 2014 Recognition of cyclic steps in sandy and gravelly turbidite sequences, and consequences for the Bouma facies model. Sedimentology, 61 (7). 2268-2290. 10.1111/sed.12135

Poulton, A.J.; Stinchcombe, M.C.; Achterberg, E.P.; Bakker, D.C.E.; Dumousseaud, C.; Lawson, H.E.; Lee, G.A.; Richier, S.; Sugget, D.J.; Young, J.R.. 2014 Coccolithophores on the North-West European Shelf: calcification rates and environmental controls. Biogeosciences, 11 (14). 3919-3940. 10.5194/bg-11-3919-2014

Pourang, N.; Richardson, C.A.; Chenery, S.R.N.; Nasrollahzedeh, H.. 2014 Assessment of trace elements in the shell layers and soft tissues of the pearl oyster Pinctada radiata using multivariate analyses: a potential proxy for temporal and spatial variations of trace elements. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186 (4). 2465-2485. 10.1007/s10661-013-3553-0

Powell, John H.; Abed, Abdulkader M.; Le Nindre, Yves-Michel. 2014 Cambrian stratigraphy of Jordan. GeoArabia - Middle East Petroleum Geosciences, 19 (3). 81-134.

Powney, Gary D. ORCID:; Brooks, Stephen J.; Barwell, Louise J. ORCID:; Bowles, Phil; Fitt, Robert N.L.; Pavitt, Alyson; Spriggs, Rebecca A.; Isaac, Nick J.B. ORCID: 2014 Morphological and geographical traits of the British Odonata. Biodiversity Data Journal, 2, e1041. 12, pp. 10.3897/BDJ.2.e1041

Powney, Gary D. ORCID:; Preston, Christopher D. ORCID:; Purvis, Andy; Van Landuyt, Wouter; Roy, David B. ORCID: 2014 Can trait-based analyses of changes in species distribution be transferred to new geographic areas? Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23 (9). 1009-1018. 10.1111/geb.12189

Powney, Gary D. ORCID:; Rapacciuolo, Giovanni; Preston, Christopher D. ORCID:; Purvis, Andy; Roy, David B. ORCID: 2014 A phylogenetically-informed trait-based analysis of range change in the vascular plant flora of Britain. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23 (1). 171-185. 10.1007/s10531-013-0590-5

Poyatos, Rafael; Heinemeyer, Andreas; Ineson, Phil; Evans, Jonathan G. ORCID:; Ward, Helen C.; Huntley, Brian; Baxter, Robert. 2014 Environmental and vegetation drivers of seasonal CO2 fluxes in a sub-arctic forest–mire ecotone. Ecosystems, 17 (3). 377-393. 10.1007/s10021-013-9728-2

Prasad, Manoj; Russell, Joanne R.; Hedley, Peter E.; Cardle, Linda; Dancey, Siobhan; Morris, Jenny; Booth, Allan; Odee, David; Mwaura, Lucy; Omondi, William; Angaine, Peter; Machua, Joseph; Muchugi, Alice; Milne, Iain; Kindt, Roeland; Jamnadass, Ramni; Dawson, Ian K.. 2014 tropiTree: an NGS-based EST-SSR resource for 24 tropical tree species. PLoS ONE, 9 (7), e102502. 7, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0102502

Priddel, David; Carlile, Nicholas; Portelli, Dean; Kim, Yuna; O'Neill, Lisa; Bretagnolle, Vincent; Ballance, Lisa T.; Phillips, Richard A.; Pitman, Robert L.; Rayner, Matt J.. 2014 Pelagic distribution of Gould’s Petrel (Pterodroma leucoptera): linking shipboard and onshore observations with remote-tracking data. Emu, 114 (4). 360-370. 10.1071/MU14021

Prill, Nadine; Bullock, James M. ORCID:; van Dam, Nicole M.; Leimu, Roosa; Jacquemyn, Hans. 2014 Loss of heterosis and family-dependent inbreeding depression in plant performance and resistance against multiple herbivores under drought stress. Journal of Ecology, 102 (6). 1497-1505. 10.1111/1365-2745.12327

Pritchard, Hamish ORCID: 2014 Bedgap – where next for Antarctic subglacial mapping? Antarctic Science, 26 (06). 742-757. 10.1017/S095410201400025X

Prosdocimi, I.; Kjeldsen, T.R.; Svensson, C. ORCID: 2014 Non-stationarity in annual and seasonal series of peak flow and precipitation in the UK. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14 (5). 1125-1144. 10.5194/nhess-14-1125-2014

Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Giuntoli, Ignazio; Robinson, Emma L. ORCID:; Clark, Douglas B. ORCID:; Arnell, Nigel W.; Dankers, Rutger; Fekete, Balazs M.; Franssen, Wietse; Gerten, Dieter; Gosling, Simon N.; Hagemann, Stefan; Hannah, David M.; Kim, Hyungjun; Masaki, Yoshimitsu; Satoh, Yusuke; Stacke, Tobias; Wada, Yoshihide; Wisser, Dominik. 2014 Hydrological droughts in the 21st century, hotspots and uncertainties from a global multimodel ensemble experiment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (9). 3262-3267. 10.1073/pnas.1222473110

Pugh, P.R. ORCID:; Baxter, E.J.. 2014 A review of the physonect siphonophore genera Halistemma (Family Agalmatidae) and Stephanomia (Family Stephanomiidae). Zootaxa, 3897 (1). 1-111. 10.11646/zootaxa.3897.1.1

Purser, G.; Rochelle, C.A.; Rushton, J. ORCID:; Pearce, J.M.; Wagner, D.. 2014 An experimental and analogue study of iron release from red sandstones. Energy Procedia, 63. 3268-3274. 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.354

Purser, Gemma; Rochelle, Christopher A.; Wallis, Humphrey C.; Rosenqvist, Jorgen; Kilpatrick, Andrew D.; Yardley, Bruce W. D.. 2014 Note: CO2-mineral dissolution experiments using a rocking autoclave and a novel titanium reaction cell. Review of Scientific Instruments, 85 (8), 086109. 10.1063/1.4893642

Pätynen, Anita; Elliott, J. Alex; Kiuru, Petri; Sarvala, Jouko; Ventelä, Anne-Mari; Jones, Roger I.. 2014 Modelling the impact of higher temperature on the phytoplankton of a boreal lake. Boreal Environment Research, 19 (1). 66-78.

Pérez, B.; Payo, A.; López, D.; Woodworth, P.L. ORCID:; Alvarez Fanjul, E.. 2014 Overlapping sea level time series measured using different technologies: an example from the REDMAR Spanish network. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 14 (3). 589-610. 10.5194/nhess-14-589-2014

Pütz, Klemens; Trathan, Phil N. ORCID:; Pedrana, Julieta; Collins, Martin A. ORCID:; Poncet, Sally; Lüthi, Benno. 2014 Post-fledging dispersal of King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) from two breeding sites in the South Atlantic. PLoS ONE, 9 (5). 10.1371/journal.pone.0097164

Qarri, Flora; Lazo, Pranvera; Stafilov, Trajce; Frontasyeva, Marina; Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Bekteshi, Lirim; Baceva, Katerina; Goryainova, Zoya. 2014 Multi-elements atmospheric deposition study in Albania. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21 (4). 2506-2518. 10.1007/s11356-013-2091-1

Quillet, E.; Krieg, F.; Dechamp, N.; Hervet, C.; Bérard, A.; Le Roy, P.; Guyomard, R.; Prunet, P.; Pottinger, T.G.. 2014 Quantitative trait loci for magnitude of the plasma cortisol response to confinement in rainbow trout. Animal Genetics, 45 (2). 223-234. 10.1111/age.12126

Quillfeldt, Petra; Phillips, Richard A.; Marx, Melanie; Masello, Juan F.. 2014 Colony attendance and at-sea distribution of thin-billed prions during the early breeding season. Journal of Avian Biology, 45 (4). 315-324. 10.1111/jav.00307

Raffaelli, Dave; Bullock, James M. ORCID:; Cinderby, Steve; Durance, Isabelle; Emmett, Bridget ORCID:; Harris, Jim; Hicks, Kevin; Oliver, Tom H.; Paterson, Dave; White, Piran C.L.. 2014 Big data and ecosystem research programmes. Advances in Ecological Research, 51. 41-77. 10.1016/B978-0-08-099970-8.00004-X

Rajanahally, Meghana A.; Sim, Dalice; Ryan, Ken G.; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2014 Can bottom ice algae tolerate radiative and temperature changes? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 461. 516-527. 10.1016/j.jembe.2014.10.005

Ramirez-Mendoza, Rafael; Souza, Alejandro; Amoudry, Laurent. 2014 Modeling flocculation in a hypertidal estuary. Ocean Dynamics, 64 (2). 301-313. 10.1007/s10236-013-0675-4

Rapacciuolo, Giovanni; Roy, David B. ORCID:; Gillings, Simon; Purvis, Andy. 2014 Temporal validation plots: quantifying how well correlative species distribution models predict species' range changes over time. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5 (5). 407-420. 10.1111/2041-210X.12181

Ratcliffe, Norman ORCID:; Crofts, Sarah; Brown, Ruth; Baylis, Alistair M.M.; Adlard, Stacey; Horswill, Catharine ORCID:; Venables, Hugh ORCID:; Taylor, Phil; Trathan, Philip N. ORCID:; Staniland, Iain J. ORCID: 2014 Love thy neighbour or opposites attract? Patterns of spatial segregation and association among crested penguin populations during winter. Journal of Biogeography, 41 (6). 1183-1192. 10.1111/jbi.12279

Ratcliffe, Norman ORCID:; Takahashi, Akinori; Oulton, Colin; Fukuda, Michio; Fry, Bridget; Crofts, Sarah; Brown, Ruth; Adlard, Stacey; Dunn, Michael J. ORCID:; Trathan, Philip N. ORCID: 2014 A leg-band for mounting geolocator tags on penguins. Marine Ornithology, 42. 23-26.

Rattanasiri, P.; Wilson, P.A.; Phillips, A.B.. 2014 Simple drag prediction strategies for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle’s hull shape [in special issue: International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory and Applications 2014] USYS2014.

Rattanasiri, Pareecha; Wilson, Philip A.; Phillips, Alexander B.. 2014 Numerical investigation of a fleet of towed AUVs. Ocean Engineering, 80. 25-35. 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2014.02.001

Rattner, Barnett A.; Lazarus, Rebecca S.; Elliott, John E.; Shore, Richard F.; van den Brink, Nico. 2014 Adverse outcome pathway and risks of anticoagulant rodenticides to predatory wildlife. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (15). 8433-8445. 10.1021/es501740n

Rawlins, B.G.. 2014 Letter to the Editor. Soil Use and Management, 30 (1). 173. 10.1111/sum.12086

Rawlins, B.G.; Clark, L.; Boyd, D.S.. 2014 Using air photos to parameterize landscape predictors of channel wetted width. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39 (5). 605-613. 10.1002/esp.3469

Rawlins, B.G.; Palumbo-Roe, B.; Gooddy, D.C.; Worrall, F.; Smith, H.. 2014 A model of potential carbon dioxide efflux from surface water across England and Wales using headwater stream survey data and landscape predictors. Biogeosciences, 11 (7). 1911-1925. 10.5194/bg-11-1911-2014

Read, Daniel S. ORCID:; Bowes, Michael J. ORCID:; Newbold, Lindsay K. ORCID:; Whiteley, Andrew S.. 2014 Weekly flow cytometric analysis of riverine phytoplankton to determine seasonal bloom dynamics. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16 (3). 594-603. 10.1039/C3EM00657C

Rebesco, M.; Domack, E.; Zgur, F.; Lavoie, C.; Leventer, A.; Brachfeld, S.; Willmott, V.; Halverson, G.; Truffer, M.; Scambos, T.; Smith, J. ORCID:; Pettit, E.. 2014 Boundary condition of grounding lines prior to collapse, Larsen-B Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Science, 345 (6202). 1354-1358. 10.1126/science.1256697

Redhead, John W. ORCID:; Sheail, John; Bullock, James M. ORCID:; Ferreruela, Andrea; Walker, Kevin J.; Pywell, Richard F. ORCID: 2014 The natural regeneration of calcareous grassland at a landscape scale: 150 years of plant community re-assembly on Salisbury Plain, UK. Applied Vegetation Science, 17 (3). 408-418. 10.1111/avsc.12076

Reed, Adam J.; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Thatje, Sven. 2014 Differential adaptations between cold-stenothermal environments in the bivalve Lissarca cf. miliaris (Philobryidae) from the Scotia Sea islands and Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Sea Research, 88. 11-20. 10.1016/j.seares.2013.12.008

Reed, Adam J.; Morris, James P.; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Thatje, Sven. 2014 Reproductive morphology of the deep-sea protobranch bivalves Yoldiella ecaudata, Yoldiella sabrina, and Yoldiella valettei (Yoldiidae) from the Southern Ocean. Polar Biology, 37 (10). 1383-1392. 10.1007/s00300-014-1528-4

Reed, M.S.; Bonn, A.; Evans, C. ORCID:; Glenk, K.; Hansjurgens, B.. 2014 Assessing and valuing peatland ecosystem services for sustainable management. Ecosystem Services, 9. 1-4. 10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.04.007

Reed, Mark S.; Moxey, Andrew; Prager, Katrin; Hanley, Nick; Skates, James; Bonn, Aletta; Evans, Chris D. ORCID:; Glenk, Klaus; Thomson, Ken. 2014 Improving the link between payments and the provision of ecosystem services in agri-environment schemes. Ecosystem Services, 9. 44-53. 10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.06.008

Regis, Daniele; Warren, Clare J.; Young, David; Roberts, Nick M.W.. 2014 Tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Jomolhari massif: Variations in timing of syn-collisional metamorphism across western Bhutan. Lithos, 190-191. 449-466. 10.1016/j.lithos.2014.01.001

Reis, A.P.; Patinha, C.; Wragg, J.; Dias, A.C.; Cave, M.; Sousa, A.J.; Batista, M.J.; Prazeres, C.; Costa, C.; Ferreira da Silva, E.; Rocha, F.. 2014 Urban geochemistry of lead in gardens, playgrounds and schoolyards of Lisbon, Portugal: assessing exposure and risk to human health. Applied Geochemistry, 44. 45-53. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.09.022

Reis, A.P.; Patinha, C.; Wragg, J.; Dias, A.C.; Cave, M.; Sousa, A.J.; Costa, C.; Cachada, A.; Ferreira da Silva, E.; Rocha, F.; Duarte, A.. 2014 Geochemistry, mineralogy, solid-phase fractionation and oral bioaccessibility of lead in urban soils of Lisbon. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 36 (5). 867-881. 10.1007/s10653-014-9605-8

Reiskind, Julia B.; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID: 2014 A tribute to George Bowes: linking terrestrial and aquatic botany [in special issue: In honour of George bowes: linking terrestrial and aquatic botany] Aquatic Botany, 118. 1-3. 10.1016/j.aquabot.2013.11.008

Reisser, Julia; Shaw, Jeremy; Hallegraeff, Gustaaf; Proietti, Maira; Barnes, David ORCID:; Thums, Michele; Wilcox, Chris; Hardesty, Britta Denise; Pattiaratchi, Charitha. 2014 Millimeter-Sized Marine Plastics: A New Pelagic Habitat for Microorganisms and Invertebrates. PLoS ONE, 9 (6), e100289. e100289. 10.1371/journal.pone.0100289

Reynard, Nick ORCID: 2014 Research guiding reaction to risk. Pan European Networks: Government, 9. 114-115.

Reynolds, Colin S.. 2014 On the planetary capacity to sustain human populations. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, 14 (1). 33-41. 10.3354/esep00153

Reynolds, Colin S.; Elliott, J. Alex; Frassel, Marieke A.. 2014 Predictive utility of trait-separated phytoplankton groups: a robust approach to modeling population dynamics [in special issue: Current state and future perspectives of environmental modeling in the Great Lakes] Journal of Great Lakes Research, 40, supplement 3. 143-150. 10.1016/j.jglr.2014.02.005

Reynolds, S. James; Martin, Graham R.; Dawson, Alistair; Wearn, Colin P.; Hughes, B. John. 2014 The sub-annual breeding cycle of a tropical seabird. PLoS ONE, 9 (4), e93582. 8, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0093582

Rhodes, Glenn ORCID:; Bosma, Hester; Studholme, David; Arnold, Dawn L.; Jackson, Robert W.; Pickup, Roger W.. 2014 The rulB gene of plasmid pWW0 is a hotspot for the site-specific insertion of integron-like elements found in the chromosomes of environmental Pseudomonas fluorescens group bacteria. Environmental Microbiology, 16 (8). 2374-2388. 10.1111/1462-2920.12345

Rhodes, Glenn ORCID:; Richardson, Hollian; Hermon-Taylor, John; Weightman, Andrew; Higham, Andrew; Pickup, Roger. 2014 Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis: human exposure through environmental and domestic aerosols. Pathogens, 3 (3). 577-595. 10.3390/pathogens3030577

Rhymes, Jennifer; Wallace, Hilary; Fenner, Nathalie; Jones, Laurence ORCID: 2014 Evidence for sensitivity of dune wetlands to groundwater nutrients. Science of the Total Environment, 490. 106-113. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.04.029

Rice, Karen C.; Scanlon, Todd M.; Lynch, Jason A.; Cosby, Bernard J. ORCID: 2014 Decreased atmospheric sulfur deposition across the southeastern U.S.: when will watersheds release stored sulfate? Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (17). 10071-10078. 10.1021/es501579s

Richier, S.; Achterberg, E.P.; Dumousseaud, C.; Poulton, A.J.; Suggett, D.J.; Tyrrell, T.; Zubkov, M.V.; Moore, C.M.. 2014 Phytoplankton responses and associated carbon cycling during shipboard carbonate chemistry manipulation experiments conducted around Northwest European shelf seas. Biogeosciences, 11 (17). 4733-4752. 10.5194/bg-11-4733-2014

Rickli, Jörg; Gutjahr, Marcus; Vance, Derek; Fischer-Gödde, Mario; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Kuhn, Gerhard. 2014 Neodymium and hafnium boundary contributions to seawater along the West Antarctic continental margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 394. 99-110. 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.03.008

Riddick, S.N.; Blackall, T.D.; Dragosits, U. ORCID:; Daunt, F. ORCID:; Braban, C.F. ORCID:; Tang, Y.S.; MacFarlane, W.; Taylor, S.; Wanless, S. ORCID:; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2014 Measurement of ammonia emissions from tropical seabird colonies. Atmospheric Environment, 89. 35-42. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.02.012

Riding, James B. ORCID: 2014 The literature on Triassic, Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous dinoflagellate cysts: supplement 2. Palynology, 38 (2). 334-347. 10.1080/01916122.2014.920122

Riding, James B. ORCID:; Dettmann, Mary E.. 2014 The first Australian palynologist: Isabel Clifton Cookson (1893–1973) and her scientific work. Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 38 (1). 97-129. 10.1080/03115518.2013.828252

Rieder, Stephan R.; Tipping, Edward ORCID:; Zimmermann, Stefan; Graf-Pannatier, Elisabeth; Waldner, Peter; Meili, Markus; Frey, Beat. 2014 Dynamic modelling of the long term behaviour of cadmium, lead and mercury in Swiss forest soils using CHUM-AM. Science of the Total Environment, 468-469. 864-876. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.09.005

Riley, Teal R. ORCID:; Millar, Ian L.. 2014 Geochemistry of the 1100 Ma intrusive rocks from the Ahlmannryggen region, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 26 (04). 389-399. 10.1017/S0954102013000916

Rippeth, T.P.; Lincoln, B.J.; Kennedy, H.A.; Palmer, M.R.; Sharples, J.; Williams, C.A.J.. 2014 Impact of vertical mixing on sea surface pCO2 in temperate seasonally stratified shelf seas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (6). 3868-3882. 10.1002/2014JC010089

Rippin, D.M.; Bingham, R.G.; Jordan, T.A. ORCID:; Wright, A.P.; Ross, N.; Corr, H.F.J.; Ferraccioli, F. ORCID:; Le Brocq, A.M.; Rose, K.C.; Siegert, M.J.. 2014 Basal roughness of the Institute and Möller Ice Streams, West Antarctica: Process determination and landscape interpretation. Geomorphology, 214. 139-147. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.01.021

Rivas Casado, Monica; Mead, Andrew; Burgess, Paul J.; Howard, David C. ORCID:; Butler, Simon J.. 2014 Predicting the impacts of bioenergy production on farmland birds. Science of the Total Environment, 476-477. 7-19. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.12.080

Rivett, Michael O.; Dearden, Rachel A.; Wealthall, Gary P.. 2014 Architecture, persistence and dissolution of 20 to 45 old trichlorethene DNAPL source zone. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 170. 95-115. 10.1016/jjconhyd.2014.09.008

Roads, Esme; Longton, Royce; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2014 Millennial timescale regeneration in a moss from Antarctica. Current Biology, 24 (6). R222-R223. 10.1016/j.cub.2014.01.053

Robert, Katleen; Jones, Daniel O.B. ORCID:; Huvenne, Veerle A.I. ORCID: 2014 Megafaunal distribution and biodiversity in a heterogeneous landscape: the iceberg scoured Rockall Bank, NE Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 501. 67-88. 10.3354/meps10677

Roberts, Andrew; Devos, Yann; Raybould, Alan; Bigelow, Patrick; Gray, Alan. 2014 Environmental risk assessment of GE plants under low-exposure conditions. Transgenic Research, 23 (6). 971-983. 10.1007/s11248-013-9762-z

Robidart, Julie C. ORCID:; Church, Matthew J.; Ryan, John P.; Ascani, François; Wilson, Samuel T.; Bombar, Deniz; Marin, Roman; Richards, Kelvin J.; Karl, David M.; Scholin, Christopher A.; Zehr, Jonathan P.. 2014 Ecogenomic sensor reveals controls on N2-fixing microorganisms in the North Pacific Ocean. The ISME Journal, 8 (6). 1175-1185. 10.1038/ismej.2013.244

Robins, Nicholas S.; Fergusson, James. 2014 Groundwater scarcity and conflict : managing hotspots. Earth Perspectives, 1 (6). 1-9. 10.1186/2194-6434-1-6

Robinson, D.A. ORCID:; Fraser, I.; Dominati, E.J.; Davidsdottir, B.; Jonsson, J.O.G.; Jones, L. ORCID:; Jones, S.B.; Tuller, M.; Lebron, I. ORCID:; Bristow, K.L.; Souza, D.M.; Banwart, S.; Clothier, B.E.. 2014 On the value of soil resources in the context of natural capital and ecosystem service delivery. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 78 (3). 685-700. 10.2136/sssaj2014.01.0017

Robinson, J.; Popova, E.E. ORCID:; Yool, A. ORCID:; Srokosz, M. ORCID:; Lampitt, R.S.; Blundell, J.R.. 2014 How deep is deep enough? Ocean iron fertilization and carbon sequestration in the Southern Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (7). 2489-2495. 10.1002/2013GL058799

Robinson, Ruth A.J.; Brezina, Cynthia A.; Parrish, Randall R.; Horstwood, Matt S.A.; Win Oo, Nay; Bird, Michael I.; Thein, Myint; Walters, Abigail S.; Oliver, Grahame J.H.; Zaw, Khin. 2014 Large rivers and orogens: the evolution of the Yarlung Tsangpo–Irrawaddy system and the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. Gondwana Research, 26 (1). 112-121. 10.1016/

Roche, Ronan C.; Perry, Christopher T.; Smithers, Scott G.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Grove, Craig A.; Sloane, Hilary J.; Unsworth, Catherine E.. 2014 Mid-Holocene sea surface conditions and riverine influence on the inshore Great Barrier Reef. The Holocene, 24 (8). 885-897. 10.1177/0959683614534739

Rodgers, K.B.; Aumont, O.; Mikaloff Fletcher, S.E.; Plancherel, Y.; Bopp, L.; de Boyer Montégut, C.; Iudicone, D.; Keeling, R.F.; Madec, G.; Wanninkhof, R.. 2014 Strong sensitivity of Southern Ocean carbon uptake and nutrient cycling to wind stirring. Biogeosciences, 11 (15). 4077-4098. 10.5194/bg-11-4077-2014

Rodwell, L.D.; Fletcher, S.; Glegg, G.A.; Campbell, M.; Rees, S.E; Ashley, M.; Linley, E.A.; Frost, M.; Earll, B.; Wynn, R.B.; Mee, L.; Almada-Villela, P.; Lear, D.; Stanger, P.; Colenutt, A.; Davenport, F.; Barker Bradshaw, N.J.; Covey, R.. 2014 Marine and coastal policy in the UK: Challenges and opportunities in a new era. Marine Policy, 45. 251-258. 10.1016/j.marpol.2013.09.014

Rohling, E.J.; Foster, G.L.; Grant, K.M.; Marino, G.; Roberts, A.P.; Tamisiea, M.E.; Williams, F.. 2014 Corrigendum: Sea-level and deep-sea-temperature variability over the past 5.3 million years. Nature, 510 (7505). p432. 10.1038/nature13488

Rohling, E.J.; Foster, G.L.; Grant, K.M.; Marino, G.; Roberts, A.P.; Tamisiea, M.E.; Williams, F.. 2014 Sea-level and deep-sea-temperature variability over the past 5.3 million years. Nature, 508 (7497). 477-482. 10.1038/nature13230

Romeiser, Roland; Runge, Harmut; Suchandr, Steffan; Kahle, Ralph; Rossi, Cristian; Bell, Paul S. ORCID: 2014 Quality Assessment of Surface Current Fields From TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Along-Track Interferometry and Doppler Centroid Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52 (5). 2759-2772. 10.1109/TGRS.2013.2265659

Roscoe, H.K.; Brough, N. ORCID:; Jones, A.E. ORCID:; Wittrock, F.; Richter, A.; Van Roozendael, M.; Hendrick, F.. 2014 Characterisation of vertical BrO distribution during events of enhanced tropospheric BrO in Antarctica, from combined remote and in-situ measurements. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 138. 70-81. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2014.01.026

Rose, Kathryn C.; Ross, Neil; Bingham, Robert G.; Corr, Hugh F.J.; Ferraccioli, Fausto ORCID:; Jordan, Tom A. ORCID:; Le Brocq, Anne; Rippin, David M.; Siegert, Martin J.. 2014 A temperate former West Antarctic ice sheet suggested by an extensive zone of bed channels. Geology, 42 (11). 971-974. 10.1130/G35980.1

Rosier, S. H. R. ORCID:; Green, J. A. M.; Scourse, J. D.; Winkelmann, R.. 2014 Modeling Antarctic tides in response to ice shelf thinning and retreat. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (1). 87-97. 10.1002/2013JC009240

Rosier, S.H.R. ORCID:; Gudmundsson, G.H. ORCID:; Green, J.A.M.. 2014 Insights into ice stream dynamics through modeling their response to tidal forcing. The Cryosphere, 8 (5). 1763-1775. 10.5194/tc-8-1763-2014

Ross, Neil; Jordan, Tom A. ORCID:; Bingham, Robert G.; Corr, Hugh F.J.; Ferraccioli, Fausto ORCID:; Le Brocq, Anne; Rippin, David M.; Wright, Andrew P.; Siegert, Martin J.. 2014 The Ellsworth Subglacial Highlands: Inception and retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 126 (1-2). 3-15. 10.1130/B30794.1

Rossby, T.; Flagg, C. N.; Donohue, K.; Sanchez-Franks, A. ORCID:; Lillibridge, J.. 2014 On the long-term stability of Gulf Stream transport based on 20 years of direct measurements. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (1). 114-120. 10.1002/2013GL058636

Rossetto, T.; D’Ayala, D.; Gori, F.; Persio, R.; Han, J.; Novelli, V.; Wilkinson, S.M.; Alexander, D.; Hill, M.; Stephens, S.; Kontoe, S.; Elia, G.; Verrucci, E.; Vicini, A.; Shelley, W.; Foulser-Piggott, R.. 2014 The value of multiple earthquake missions: the EEFIT L’Aquila Earthquake experience. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 12 (1). 277-305. 10.1007/s10518-014-9588-y

Rotella, Melissa D.; Wilson, Colin J.N.; Barker, Simon J.; Cashman, Katherine V.; Houghton, Bruce F.; Wright, Ian C.. 2014 Bubble development in explosive silicic eruptions: insights from pyroclast vesicularity textures from Raoul volcano (Kermadec arc). Bulletin of Volcanology, 76 (7). 826. 10.1007/s00445-014-0826-6

Rousseau, Denis-Didier; Chauvel, Catherine; Sima, Adriana; Hatté, Christine; Lagroix, France; Antoine, Pierre; Balkanski, Yves; Fuchs, Markus; Mellett, Claire; Kageyama, Masa; Ramstein, Gilles; Lang, Andreas. 2014 European glacial dust deposits: geochemical constraints on atmospheric dust cycle modeling. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (21). 7666-7674. 10.1002/2014GL061382

Rowan, Mark G.; Hearon, Thomas E.; Peel, Francis J.; Stewart, Simon; Ferrer, Oriol; Fiduk, J. Carl; Holdaway, Steve; Mohriak, Webster U.; Mount, Van; Quirk, David G.; Seeley, Tim. 2014 Introduction to special section: Salt tectonics and interpretation. Interpretation, 2 (4). SMi. 10.1190/INT2014-0925-SPSEINTRO.1

Rowe, E.C. ORCID:; Smart, S.M. ORCID:; Emmett, B.A. ORCID: 2014 Phosphorus availability explains patterns in a productivity indicator in temperate semi-natural vegetation. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16 (9). 2156-2164. 10.1039/C4EM00312H

Rowe, E.C. ORCID:; Tipping, E. ORCID:; Posch, M.; Oulehle, Filip; Cooper, D.M. ORCID:; Jones, T.G.; Burden, A. ORCID:; Hall, J.; Evans, C.D. ORCID: 2014 Predicting nitrogen and acidity effects on long-term dynamics of dissolved organic matter. Environmental Pollution, 184. 271-282. 10.1016/j.envpol.2013.08.023

Roy, Helen E. ORCID:; Peyton, Jodey; Aldridge, David C.; Bantock, Tristan; Blackburn, Tim M.; Britton, Robert; Clark, Paul; Cook, Elizabeth; Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina; Dines, Trevor; Dobson, Michael; Edwards, Francois; Harrower, Colin ORCID:; Harvey, Martin C.; Minchin, Dan; Noble, David G.; Parrott, Dave; Pocock, Michael J.O. ORCID:; Preston, Chris D. ORCID:; Roy, Sugoto; Salisbury, Andrew; Schonrogge, Karsten ORCID:; Sewell, Jack; Shaw, Richard H.; Stebbing, Paul; Stewart, Alan J.A.; Walker, Kevin J.. 2014 Horizon scanning for invasive alien species with the potential to threaten biodiversity in Great Britain. Global Change Biology, 20 (12). 3859-3871. 10.1111/gcb.12603

Roy, Helen E. ORCID:; Preston, Chris D. ORCID:; Harrower, Colin A. ORCID:; Rorke, Stephanie L.; Noble, David; Sewell, Jack; Walker, Kevin; Marchant, John; Seeley, Becky; Bishop, John; Jukes, Alison; Musgrove, Andy; Pearman, David; Booy, Olaf. 2014 GB Non-native Species Information Portal: documenting the arrival of non-native species in Britain. Biological Invasions, 16 (12). 2495-2505. 10.1007/s10530-014-0687-0

Roy, Helen ORCID: 2014 My favourite book - Ladybirds. BBC Wildlife Magazine, 32 (Spring). 92.

Royles, Jessica ORCID:; Horwath, Aline B.; Griffiths, Howard. 2014 Interpreting bryophyte stable carbon isotope composition: Plants as temporal and spatial climate recorders. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15 (4). 1462-1475. 10.1002/2013GC005169

Royse, K.R.; Hillier, J.K.; Wang, L.; Lee, T.F.; O'Niel, J.; Kingdon, A. ORCID:; Hughes, A.. 2014 The application of componentised modelling techniques to catastrophe model generation. Environmental Modelling & Software, 61. 65-77. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.07.005

Ryan, Calen P.; Dawson, Alistair; Sharp, Peter J.; Meddle, Simone L.; Williams, Tony D.. 2014 Circulating breeding and pre-breeding prolactin and LH are not associated with clutch size in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 202. 26-34. 10.1016/j.ygcen.2014.04.006

Rye, Craig D.; Naveira Garabato, Alberto C.; Holland, Paul R. ORCID:; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Nurser, A.J. George; Hughes, Chris W. ORCID:; Coward, Andrew C. ORCID:; Webb, David J. ORCID: 2014 Rapid sea-level rise along the Antarctic margins in response to increased glacial discharge. Nature Geoscience, 7 (10). 732-735. 10.1038/ngeo2230

Réjou-Méchain, M.; Muller-Landau, H.C.; Detto, M.; Thomas, S.C.; Le Toan, T.; Saatchi, S.S.; Barreto-Silva, J.S.; Bourg, N.A.; Bunyavejchewin, S.; Butt, N.; Brockelman, W.Y.; Cao, M.; Cárdenas, D.; Chiang, J.-M.; Chuyong, G.B.; Clay, K.; Condit, R.; Dattaraja, H.S.; Davies, S.J.; Duque, A.; Esufali, S.; Ewango, C.; Fernando, R.H.S.; Fletcher, C.D.; Gunatilleke, I.A.U.N.; Hao, Z.; Harms, K.E.; Hart, T.B.; Hérault, B.; Howe, R.W.; Hubbell, S.P.; Johnson, D.J.; Kenfack, D.; Larson, A.J.; Lin, L.; Lin, Y.; Lutz, J.A.; Makana, J.-R.; Malhi, Y.; Marthews, T.R.; McEwan, R.W.; McMahon, S.M.; McShea, W.J.; Muscarella, R.; Nathalang, A.; Noor, N.S.M.; Nytch, C.J.; Oliveira, A.A.; Phillips, R.P.; Pongpattananurak, N.; Punchi-Manage, R.; Salim, R.; Schurman, J.; Sukumar, R.; Suresh, H.S.; Suwanvecho, U.; Thomas, D.W.; Uríarte, M.; Thompson, J. ORCID:; Valencia, R.; Vicentini, A.; Wolf, A.T.; Yap, S.; Yuan, Z.; Zartman, C.E.; Zimmerman, J.K.; Chave, J.. 2014 Local spatial structure of forest biomass and its consequences for remote sensing of carbon stocks. Biogeosciences, 11 (23). 6827-6840. 10.5194/bg-11-6827-2014

Rérolle, V.M.C.; Ribas-Ribas, M.; Kitidis, V.; Brown, I.; Bakker, D.C.E.; Lee, G.A.; Shi, T.; Mowlem, M.C.; Achterberg, E.P.. 2014 Controls on pH in surface waters of northwestern European shelf seas. Biogeosciences Discussions, 11 (1). 943-974. 10.5194/bgd-11-943-2014

Römer, M.; Torres, M.; Kasten, S.; Kuhn, G.; Graham, A.G.C.; Mau, S.; Little, C.T.S.; Linse, K. ORCID:; Pape, T.; Geprägs, P.; Fischer, D.; Wintersteller, P.; Marcon, Y.; Rethemeyer, J.; Bohrmann, G.. 2014 First evidence of widespread active methane seepage in the Southern Ocean, off the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 403. 166-177. 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.06.036

Sageman, Bradley B.; Singer, Brad S.; Meyers, Stephen R.; Siewert, Sarah E.; Walaszczyk, Ireneusz; Condon, Daniel J.; Jicha, Brian R.; Obradovich, John D.; Sawyer, David A.. 2014 Integrating 40Ar/39Ar, U-Pb, and astronomical clocks in the Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, Western Interior Basin, USA. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 126 (7-8). 956-973. 10.1130/B30929.1

Salter, Ian; Schiebel, Ralf; Ziveri, Patrizia; Movellan, Aurore; Lampitt, Richard; Wolff, George A.. 2014 Carbonate counter pump stimulated by natural iron fertilization in the Polar Frontal Zone. Nature Geoscience, 7. 885-889. 10.1038/ngeo2285

Sample, Bradley E.; Schlekat, Chris; Spurgeon, David J. ORCID:; Menzie, Charlie; Rauscher, Jon; Adams, Bill. 2014 Recommendations to improve wildlife exposure estimation for development of soil screening and cleanup values. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 10 (3). 372-387. 10.1002/ieam.1482

Samson, G.; Masson, S.; Lengaigne, M.; Keerthi, M.G.; Vialard, J.; Pous, S.; Madec, G.; Jourdain, N.C.; Jullien, S.; Menkes, C.; Marchesiello, P.. 2014 The NOW regional coupled model: Application to the tropical Indian Ocean climate and tropical cyclone activity. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 6 (3). 700-722. 10.1002/2014MS000324

Sanchez-Franks, A. ORCID:; Flagg, C. N.; Rossby, T.. 2014 A comparison of transport and position between the Gulf Stream east of Cape Hatteras and the Florida Current. Journal of Marine Research, 72 (4). 291-306. 10.1357/002224014815460641

Sanders, Richard ORCID:; Henson, Stephanie A. ORCID:; Koski, Marja; De la Rocha, Christina L.; Painter, Stuart C.; Poulton, Alex J.; Riley, Jennifer; Salihoglu, Baris; Visser, Andre; Yool, Andrew ORCID:; Bellerby, Richard; Martin, Adrian ORCID: 2014 The Biological Carbon Pump in the North Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography, 129 (B). 200-218. 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.05.005

Sanna, Aimaro; Lacinska, Alicja; Styles, Mike; Maroto-Valer, M. Mercedes. 2014 Silicate rock dissolution by ammonium bisulphate for pH swing mineral CO2 sequestration. Fuel Processing Technology, 120. 128-135. 10.1016/j.fuproc.2013.12.012

Sanz-Cobena, A.; Lassaletta, L.; Estellés, F.; Del Prado, A.; Guardia, G.; Abalos, D.; Aguilera, E.; Pardo, G.; Vallejo, A.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:; Garnier, J.; Billen, G.. 2014 Yield-scaled mitigation of ammonia emission from N fertilization: the Spanish case. Environmental Research Letters, 9 (12), 125005. 12, pp. 10.1088/1748-9326/9/12/125005

Sarkki, Simo; Niemelä, Jari; Tinch, Rob; van den Hove, Sybille; Watt, Allan ORCID:; Young, Juliette. 2014 Balancing credibility, relevance and legitimacy: a critical assessment of trade-offs in science-policy interfaces. Science and Public Policy, 41 (2). 194-206. 10.1093/scipol/sct046

Saunders, Ryan A. ORCID:; Collins, Martin A.; Foster, Emma; Shreeve, Rachel; Stowasser, Gabriele ORCID:; Ward, Peter; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID: 2014 The trophodynamics of Southern Ocean Electrona (Myctophidae) in the Scotia Sea. Polar Biology, 37 (6). 789-807. 10.1007/s00300-014-1480-3

Scheib, Andreas J.; Birke, Manfred; Dinelli, Enrico. 2014 Geochemical evidence of aeolian deposits in European soils. Boreas, 43 (1). 175-192. 10.1111/bor.12029

Schewe, Jacob; Heinke, Jens; Gerten, Dieter; Haddeland, Ingjerd; Arnell, Nigel W.; Clark, Douglas B. ORCID:; Dankers, Rutger; Eisner, Stephanie; Fekete, Balázs M; Colón-González, Felipe J; Gosling, Simon N.; Kim, Hyungjun; Liu, Xingcai; Masaki, Yoshimitsu; Portmann, Felix T.; Satoh, Yusuke; Stacke, Tobias; Tang, Qiuhong; Wada, Yoshihide; Wisser, Dominik; Albrecht, Torsten; Frieler, Katja; Piontek, Franziska; Warszawski, Lila; Kabat, Pavel. 2014 Multimodel assessment of water scarcity under climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (9). 3245-3250. 10.1073/pnas.1222460110

Schiaparelli, Stefano; Ghiglione, Claudio; Alvaro, Maria Chiara; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Linse, Katrin ORCID: 2014 Diversity, abundance and composition in macrofaunal molluscs from the Ross Sea (Antarctica): results of fine-mesh sampling along a latitudinal gradient. Polar Biology, 37 (6). 859-877. 10.1007/s00300-014-1487-9

Schmidt, Katrin; Atkinson, Angus; Pond, David W.; Ireland, Louise C. ORCID: 2014 Feeding and overwintering of Antarctic krill across its major habitats: The role of sea ice cover, water depth, and phytoplankton abundance. Limnology and Oceanography, 59 (1). 17-36. 10.4319/lo.2014.59.1.0017

Schneising, Oliver; Burrows, John P.; Dickerson, Russell R.; Buchwitz, Michael; Reuter, Maximilian; Bovensmann, Heinrich. 2014 Remote sensing of fugitive methane emissions from oil and gas production in North American tight geologic formations. Earth's Future, 2 (10). 548-558. 10.1002/2014EF000265

Schnettler, Esther; Tykalova, Hana; Watson, Mick; Sharma, Mayuri; Sterken, Mark G.; Obbard, Darren J.; Lewis, Samuel H.; McFarlane, Melanie; Bell-Sakyi, Lesley; Barry, Gerald; Weisheit, Sabine; Best, Sonja M.; Kuhn, Richard J.; Pijlman, Gorben P.; Chase-Topping, Margo E.; Gould, Ernest A.; Grubhoffer, Libor; Fazakerley, John K.; Kohl, Alain. 2014 Induction and suppression of tick cell antiviral RNAi responses by tick-borne flaviviruses. Nucleic Acids Research, 42 (14). 9436-9446. 10.1093/nar/gku657

Schroder, Winfried; Pesch, Roland; Schonrock, Simon; Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Mills, Gina; Fagerli, Hilde. 2014 Mapping correlations between nitrogen concentrations in atmospheric deposition and mosses for natural landscapes in Europe. Ecological Indicators, 36. 563-571. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.09.013

Schuster, U.; Watson, A. J.; Bakker, D. C. E.; de Boer, A. M.; Jones, E. M.; Lee, G. A.; Legge, O.; Louwerse, A.; Riley, J.; Scally, S.. 2014 Measurements of total alkalinity and inorganic dissolved carbon in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent Southern Ocean between 2008 and 2010. Earth System Science Data, 6 (1). 175-183. 10.5194/essd-6-175-2014

Scott, Douglas; Petropoulos, George P.; Moxley, Janet; Malcolm, Heath. 2014 Quantifying the physical composition of urban morphology throughout Wales based on the time series (1989–2011) analysis of Landsat TM/ETM+ images and supporting GIS data. Remote Sensing, 6 (12). 11731-11752. 10.3390/rs61211731

Sear, D.A.; Pattison, I.; Collins, A.L.; Newson, M.D.; Jones, J.I.; Naden, P.S.; Carling, P.A.. 2014 Factors controlling the temporal variability in dissolved oxygen regime of salmon spawning gravels. Hydrological Processes, 28 (1). 86-103. 10.1002/hyp.9565

Searle, Kate R. ORCID:; Barber, James; Stubbins, Francesca; Labuschagne, Karien; Carpenter, Simon; Butler, Adam; Denison, Eric; Sanders, Christopher; Mellor, Philip S.; Wilson, Anthony; Nelson, Noel; Gubbins, Simon; Purse, Bethan V. ORCID: 2014 Environmental drivers of Culicoides phenology: how important is species-specific variation when determining disease policy? PLoS ONE, 9 (11), e111876. 10.1371/journal.pone.0111876

Senner, Nathan R.; Hochachka, Wesley M.; Fox, James W.; Afanasyev, Vsevolod. 2014 An exception to the rule: Carry-over effects do not accumulate in a long-distance migratory bird. PLoS ONE, 9 (2). e86588. 10.1371/journal.pone.0086588

Seppala, Annika; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID: 2014 Energetic particle forcing of the Northern Hemisphere winter stratosphere: comparison to solar irradiance forcing. Frontiers in Physics, 2, 25. 6, pp. 10.3389/fphy.2014.00025

Sergienko, O.V.; Creyts, T. T.; Hindmarsh, R. C. A. ORCID: 2014 Similarity of organized patterns in driving and basal stresses of Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets beneath extensive areas of basal sliding. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (11). 3925-3932. 10.1002/2014GL059976

Servais, Thomas; Li, Jun; Molyneux, Stewart G.; Rubinstein, Claudia V.; Vecoli, Marco; Yan, Kui. 2014 The palaeobiogeographical spread of the acritarch Veryhachium in the Early and Middle Ordovician and its impact on biostratigraphical applications. GFF, 136 (1). 234-237. 10.1080/11035897.2014.893255

Severin, T.; Conan, P.; Durrieu de Madron, X.; Houpert, L. ORCID:; Oliver, M.J.; Oriol, L.; Caparros, J.; Ghiglione, J.F.; Pujo-Pay, M.. 2014 Impact of open-ocean convection on nutrients, phytoplankton biomass and activity. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 94. 62-71. 10.1016/j.dsr.2014.07.015

Shanklin, Jonathan. 2014 Dog-gone it. Physics World, 27 (9). 20-21.

Sheen, K.L.; Naveira Garabato, A.C.; Brearley, J.A.; Meredith, M.P. ORCID:; Polzin, K.L.; Smeed, D.A. ORCID:; Forryan, A.; King, B.A. ORCID:; Sallee, J.-B.; St. Laurent, L.; Thurnherr, A.M.; Toole, J.M.; Waterman, S.N.; Watson, A.J.. 2014 Eddy-induced variability in Southern Ocean abyssal mixing on climatic timescales. Nature Geoscience, 7. 577-582. 10.1038/ngeo2200

Sheppard, Lucy J.; Leith, Ian D.; Mizunuma, Toshie; Leeson, Sarah; Kivimaki, Sanna; Cape, J. Neil; van Dijk, Netty; Leaver, David; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Fowler, David; van den Berg, Leon J.L.; Crossley, Alan; Field, Chris; Smart, Simon ORCID: 2014 Inertia in an ombrotrophic bog ecosystem in response to 9 years' realistic perturbation by wet deposition of nitrogen, separated by form. Global Change Biology, 20 (2). 566-580. 10.1111/gcb.12357

Shilova, Irina N.; Robidart, Julie C. ORCID:; James Tripp, H.; Turk-Kubo, Kendra; Wawrik, Boris; Post, Anton F.; Thompson, Anne W.; Ward, Bess; Hollibaugh, James T.; Millard, Andy; Ostrowski, Martin; J Scanlan, David; Paerl, Ryan W.; Stuart, Rhona; Zehr, Jonathan P.. 2014 A microarray for assessing transcription from pelagic marine microbial taxa. The ISME Journal, 8 (7). 1476-1491. 10.1038/ismej.2014.1

Shogenova, Alla; Piessens, Kris; Holloway, Sam; Bentham, Michelle; Martínez, Roberto; Flornes, Kristin M.; Poulsen, Niels E.; Wójcicki, Adam; Sliaupa, Saulius; Kucharič, Ludovít; Dudu, Alexandra; Persoglia, Sergio; Hladik, Vit; Saftic, Bruno; Kvassnes, Astri; Shogenov, Kazbulat; Ivask, Jüri; Suárez, Isabel; Sava, Constantin; Sorin, Anghel; Chikkatur, Ananth. 2014 Implementation of the EU CCS Directive in Europe: results and development in 2013. Energy Procedia, 63. 6662-6670. 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.700

Shore, Richard F.; Taggart, Mark A.; Smits, Judit; Mateo, Rafael; Richards, Ngaio L.; Fryday, Steve. 2014 Detection and drivers of exposure and effects of pharmaceuticals in higher vertebrates [in special issue: Assessing risks and impacts of pharmaceuticals in the environment on wildlife and ecosystems] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (B), 369 (1656), 20130570. 10, pp. 10.1098/rstb.2013.0570

Shuttleworth, Craig M.; Everest, David J.; McInnes, Colin J.; Greenwood, Andrew; Jackson, Nicholas L.; Rushton, Steve; Kenward, Robert E.. 2014 Inter-specific viral infections: can the management of captive red squirrel collections help inform scientific research? Hystrix: the Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 25 (1). 18-24. 10.4404/hystrix-25.1-10126

Shvaleva, Alla; Costa e Silva, Filipe; Costa, Joaquim Miguel; Correia, Alexandra; Anderson, Margaret; Lobo-do-Vale, Raquel; Fangueiro, David; Bicho, Catarina; Pereira, Joao Santos; Chaves, Maria Manuela; Skiba, Ute ORCID:; Cruz, Cristina. 2014 Comparison of methane, nitrous oxide fluxes and CO2 respiration rates from a Mediterranean cork oak ecosystem and improved pasture. Plant and Soil, 374 (1-2). 883-898. 10.1007/s11104-013-1923-6

Sicard-Piet, A.; Boscher, D.; Horne, R. B. ORCID:; Meredith, N. P. ORCID:; Maget, V.. 2014 Effect of plasma density on diffusion rates due to wave particle interactions with chorus and plasmaspheric hiss: extreme event analysis. Annales Geophysicae, 32 (8). 1059-1071. 10.5194/angeo-32-1059-2014

Siegert, Martin J.; Makinson, Keith ORCID:; Blake, David; Mowlem, Matt; Ross, Neil. 2014 An assessment of deep hot-water drilling as a means to undertake direct measurement and sampling of Antarctic subglacial lakes: experience and lessons learned from the Lake Ellsworth field season 2012/13. Annals of Glaciology, 55 (65). 59-73. 10.3189/2014AoG65A008

Siegert, Martin J.; Ross, Neil; Corr, Hugh; Smith, Ben; Jordan, Tom ORCID:; Bingham, Robert; Ferraccioli, Fausto ORCID:; Rippin, David; Le Brocq, Anne. 2014 Boundary conditions of an active West Antarctic subglacial lake: implications for storage of water beneath the ice sheet. The Cryosphere, 8. 15-24. 10.5194/tc-8-15-2014

Sier, Andy. 2014 Taking the environment's pulse. Planet Earth, Summer. 28-29.

Sime, Louise C. ORCID: 2014 Greenland deglaciation puzzles. Science, 345 (6201). 1116-1117. 10.1126/science.1257842

Sime, Louise C. ORCID:; Karlsson, Nanna B.; Paden, John D.; Gogineni, S. Prasad. 2014 Isochronous information in a Greenland ice sheet radio-echo sounding dataset. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (5). 1593-1599. 10.1002/2013GL057928

Simms, Laura E.; Pilipenko, Viacheslav A.; Engebretson, Mark J.; Reeves, Geoffrey D.; Smith, A.J.; Clilverd, Mark ORCID: 2014 Prediction of relativistic electron flux at geostationary orbit following storms: Multiple regression analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (9). 7297-7318. 10.1002/2014JA019955

Simpson, David; Arneth, Almut; Mills, Gina; Solberg, Sverre; Uddling, Johan. 2014 Ozone – the persistent menace: interactions with the N cycle and climate change. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 9-10. 9-19. 10.1016/j.cosust.2014.07.008

Singer, Andrew C. ORCID:; Jarhult, Josef D.; Grabic, Roman; Khan, Ghazanfar A.; Lindberg, Richard H.; Fedorova, Ganna; Fick, Jerker; Bowes, Michael J. ORCID:; Olsen, Bjorn; Soderstrom, Hanna. 2014 Intra- and inter-pandemic variations of antiviral, antibiotics and decongestants in wastewater treatment plants and receiving rivers. PLoS ONE, 9 (9), e108621. 14, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0108621

Singer, Brad S.; Jicha, Brian R.; Condon, Daniel J.; Macho, Alexandra S.; Hoffman, Kenneth A.; Dierkhising, Joseph; Brown, Maxwell C.; Feinberg, Joshua M.; Kidane, Tesfaye. 2014 Precise ages of the Réunion event and Huckleberry Ridge excursion: episodic clustering of geomagnetic instabilities and the dynamics of flow within the outer core. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 405. 25-38. 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.08.011

Skinner, Alice; Orr, Harriet G.; Acreman, Mike; Blake, James R. ORCID: 2014 The Wetland Tool: adapting wetlands to deal with future climate change. In Practice: Bulletin of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, 85. 20-24.

Skliris, Nikolaos; Marsh, Robert; Josey, Simon A. ORCID:; Good, Simon A.; Liu, Chunlei; Allan, Richard P.. 2014 Salinity changes in the World Ocean since 1950 in relation to changing surface freshwater fluxes. Climate Dynamics, 43 (3-4). 709-736. 10.1007/s00382-014-2131-7

Slovák, M.; Štibrániová, I.; Hajnická, V.; Nuttall, P.A.. 2014 Antiplatelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) activity in the saliva of ixodid ticks is linked with their long mouthparts. Parasite Immunology, 36 (1). 32-42. 10.1111/pim.12075

Slovák, Mirko; Kazimírová, Mária; Siebenstichová, Marta; Ustaníková, Katarína; Klempa, Boris; Gritsun, Tamara; Gould, Ernest A.; Nuttall, Patricia A.. 2014 Survival dynamics of tick-borne encephalitis virus in Ixodes ricinus ticks. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, 5 (6). 962-969. 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2014.07.019

Smart, Simon ORCID: 2014 Leersia oryzoides at Harvard Pond, Massachusetts, New England, USA. BSBI News, 127. 45-46.

Smart, Simon M. ORCID:; Ellison, Aaron M.; Bunce, Robert G.H.; Marrs, Robert H.; Kirby, Keith J.; Kimberley, Adam ORCID:; Scott, Andy W.; Foster, David R.. 2014 Quantifying the impact of an extreme climate event on species diversity in fragmented temperate forests: the effect of the October 1987 storm on British broadleaved woodlands. Journal of Ecology, 102 (5). 1273-1287. 10.1111/1365-2745.12291

Smedley, P.L.; Cooper, D.M. ORCID:; Ander, E.L.; Milne, C.J.; Lapworth, D.J. ORCID: 2014 Occurrence of molybdenum in British surface water and groundwater: distributions, controls and implications for water supply. Applied Geochemistry, 40. 144-154. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.03.014

Smedley, P.L.; Cooper, D.M. ORCID:; Lapworth, D.J. ORCID: 2014 Molybdenum distributions and variability in drinking water from England and Wales. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186 (10). 6403-6416. 10.1007/s10661-014-3863-x

Smeed, D.A. ORCID:; McCarthy, G.; Cunningham, S.A.; Frajka-Williams, E. ORCID:; Rayner, D. ORCID:; Johns, W.E.; Meinen, C.S.; Baringer, M.O.; Moat, B.I. ORCID:; Duchez, A.; Bryden, H.L.. 2014 Observed decline of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation 2004–2012. Ocean Science, 10 (1). 29-38. 10.5194/os-10-29-2014

Smith, A.; Dixon, N.; Meldrum, P.; Haslam, E.; Chambers, J.. 2014 Acoustic emission monitoring of a soil slope: comparisons with continuous deformation measurements. Géotechnique Letters, 4 (4). 255-261. 10.1680/geolett.14.00053

Smith, Andrew C.; Barker, Philip A.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Noble, Stephen R.; Tych, Wlodek; Wynn, Peter. 2014 Millennial scale control of European climate by the North Atlantic Oscillation from 12,500 BP: the Asiul speleothem record. Cave and Karst Science, 41 (3). 43.

Smith, Andy ORCID: 2014 Polar Explosions: Developing competent explosives use for Antarctic Research. Explosives Engineering, September. 9-14.

Smith, James A. ORCID:; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Kuhn, Gerard; Klages, Johann Phillip; Graham, Alastair C.G.; Larter, Robert D. ORCID:; Ehrmann, Werner; Moreton, Steven G.; Wiers, Steffen. 2014 New constraints on the timing of West Antarctic ice sheet retreat in the eastern Amundsen Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum. Global and Planetary Change, 122. 224-237. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2014.07.015

Smith, K. L. Jr.; Sherman, A. D.; Huffard, C. L.; McGill, P. R.; Henthorn, R.; Von Thun, S.; Ruhl, H. A.; Kahru, M.; Ohman, M. D.. 2014 Large salp bloom export from the upper ocean and benthic community response in the abyssal northeast Pacific: Day to week resolution. Limnology and Oceanography, 59 (3). 745-757. 10.4319/lo.2014.59.3.0745

Smith, Pete; Taylor, Simon; Lovett, Andrew; Taylor, Gail; Firth, Steven K.; Finch, Jon; Morison, James; Moran, Dominic. 2014 Spatial mapping of Great Britain's bioenergy to 2050 [in special issue: Supply and demand: Britain's capacity to utilize home-grown bioenergy] Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 6 (2). 97-98. 10.1111/gcbb.12149

Smye, Andrew J.; Roberts, Nick M.W.; Condon, Daniel J.; Horstwood, Matthew S.A.; Parrish, Randall R.. 2014 Characterising the U–Th–Pb systematics of allanite by ID and LA-ICPMS: Implications for geochronology. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 135. 1-28. 10.1016/j.gca.2014.03.021

Smythe-Wright, Denise; Daniel, Aaron; Boswell, Stephen; Purcell, Diane; Hartman, Mark; Hartman, Susan ORCID:; Hydes, David. 2014 Phytoplankton and pigment studies in the Bay of Biscay and English Channel. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 106. 76-86. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.12.015

Snell, M.A.; Barker, P.A.; Surridge, B.W.J.; Large, A.R.G.; Jonczyk, J.; Benskin, C.H.; Reaney, S.; Perks, M.T.; Owen, G.J.; Cleasby, W.; Deasy, C.; Burke, S.; Haygarth, P.M.. 2014 High frequency variability of environmental drivers determining benthic community dynamics in headwater streams. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16 (7). 1629-1636. 10.1039/C3EM00680H

Snelling, A.M.; Swann, G.E.A.; Pike, J.; Leng, M.J. ORCID: 2014 Pliocene diatom and sponge spicule oxygen isotope ratios from the Bering Sea: isotopic offsets and future directions. Climate of the Past Discussions, 10 (3). 2087-2104. 10.5194/cpd-10-2087-2014

Snelling, A.M.; Swann, G.E.A.; Pike, J.; Leng, M.J. ORCID: 2014 Pliocene diatom and sponge spicule oxygen isotope ratios from the Bering Sea: isotopic offsets and future directions. Climate of the Past, 10 (5). 1837-1842. 10.5194/cp-10-1837-2014

Solovyeva, Diana; Newton, Jason; Hobson, Keith; Fox, James W.; Afanasyev, Vsevolod; Fox, Anthony D.. 2014 Marine moult migration of the freshwater Scaly-sided Merganser Mergus squamatus revealed by stable isotopes and geolocators. Ibis, 156 (2). 466-471. 10.1111/ibi.12133

Sommariva, Roberto; Blake, Robert S.; Cuss, Robert J; Cordell, Rebecca L.; Harrington, Jon F.; White, Iain R.; Monks, Paul S.. 2014 Observations of the release of non-methane hydrocarbons from fractured shale. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (15). 8891-8896. 10.1021/es502508w

Sones, C. L.; Katis, I. N.; He, P. J. W.; Mills, B.; Namiq, M. F.; Shardlow, P.; Ibsen, M.; Eason, R. W.. 2014 Laser-induced photo-polymerisation for creation of paper-based fluidic devices. Lab Chip, 14 (23). 4567-4574. 10.1039/c4lc00850b

Sorensen, J.P.R.; Finch, J.W.; Ireson, A.M.; Jackson, C.R.. 2014 Comparison of varied complexity models simulating recharge at the field scale. Hydrological Processes, 28 (4). 2091-2102. 10.1002/hyp.9752

Spagnolo, Matteo; Clark, Chris D.; Ely, Jeremy C.; Stokes, Chris R.; Anderson, John B.; Andreassen, Karin; Graham, Alastair G.C.; King, Edward C. ORCID: 2014 Size, shape and spatial arrangement of mega-scale glacial lineations, and implications for ice stream basal processes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39 (11). 1432-1448. 10.1002/esp.3532

Spagnolo, Matteo; King, Edward C. ORCID:; Ashmore, David W.; Rea, Brice R.; Ely, Jeremy C.; Clark, Chris D.. 2014 Looking through drumlins: testing the application of ground-penetrating radar. Journal of Glaciology, 60 (224). 1126-1134. 10.3189/2014JoG14J110

Spencer, Christopher J.; Cawood, Peter A.; Hawkesworth, Chris J.; Raub, Timothy D.; Prave, Anthony R.; Roberts, Nick N.W.. 2014 Proterozoic onset of crustal reworking and collisional tectonics: reappraisal of the zircon oxygen isotope record. Geology, 42 (5). 451-454. 10.1130/G35363.1

Spencer, Christopher J.; Prave, Anthony R.; Cawood, Peter A.; Roberts, Nick M.W.. 2014 Detrital zircon geochronology of the Grenville/Llano foreland and basal Sauk Sequence in west Texas, USA. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 126 (7-8). 1117-1128. 10.1130/B30884.1

Spencer, Christopher J.; Roberts, Nick M.W.; Cawood, Peter A.; Hawkesworth, Chris J.; Prave, Anthony R.; Antonini, Afra S.M.; Horstwood, Matthew S.A.. 2014 Intermontane basins and bimodal volcanism at the onset of the Sveconorwegian Orogeny, southern Norway. Precambrian Research, 252. 107-118. 10.1016/j.precamres.2014.07.008

St. John, M.A.; Barange, M.; Benway, H.; Flynn, K.J.; Holt, J. ORCID:; Merino, G.; Martin, A.; Mitra, A.; Melle, W.; Sanders, R. ORCID:; Trenkel, V.M.; Grigorov, I.; Hoffman, E.. 2014 Introduction to the BASIN Special Issue: State of art, past present a view to the future. Progress in Oceanography, 129 (B). 171-175. 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.11.007

St. John, M.A.; Barange, M.; Benway, H.; Flynn, K.J.; Holt, J. ORCID:; Merino, G.; Martin, A. ORCID:; Mitra, A.; Melle, W.; Sanders, R. ORCID:; Trenkel, V.M.; Grigorov, I.; Hoffman, E.. 2014 Introduction to the BASIN Special Issue: State of art, past present a view to the future. Progress in Oceanography, 129. 171-175. 10.1016/J.POCEAN.2014.11.007

Stamm, Christian; Jarvie, Helen P. ORCID:; Scott, Thad. 2014 What’s more important for managing phosphorus: loads, concentrations or both? Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (1). 23-24. 10.1021/es405148c

Steenson, L.V.; Turnock, S.R.; Phillips, A.B.; Harris, C.; Furlong, M.E.; Rogers, E.; Wang, L.; Bodles, K.; Evans, D.W.. 2014 Model predictive control of a hybrid autonomous underwater vehicle with experimental verification. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 228 (2). 166-179. 10.1177/1475090213506185

Stephenson, Michael H.; Powell, John H.. 2014 Selected spores and pollen from the Permian Umm Irna Formation, Jordan, and their stratigraphic utility in the Middle East and North Africa. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 120 (2). 145-156.

Stern, A. A.; Holland, D. M.; Holland, P. R. ORCID:; Jenkins, A. ORCID:; Sommeria, J.. 2014 The effect of geometry on ice shelf ocean cavity ventilation: a laboratory experiment. Experiments in Fluids, 55 (5), 1719. 10.1007/s00348-014-1719-3

Stevenson, C.J.; Talling, P.J.; Sumner, E.J.; Masson, D.G.; Frenz, M.; Wynn, R.B.. 2014 On how thin submarine flows transported large volumes of sand for hundreds of kilometres across a flat basin plain without eroding the seafloor. Sedimentology, 61 (7). 1982-2019. 10.1111/sed.12125

Stevenson, Christopher J.; Talling, Peter J.; Masson, Douglas G.; Sumner, Esther J.; Frenz, Michael; Wynn, Russell B.. 2014 The spatial and temporal distribution of grain-size breaks in turbidites. Sedimentology, 61 (4). 1120-1156. 10.1111/sed.12091

Stewart, Heather A.; Davies, Jaime S.; Guinan, Janine; Howell, Kerry L.. 2014 The Dangeard and Explorer canyons, South Western Approaches UK: geology, sedimentology and newly discovered cold-water coral mini-mounds. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 104. 230-244. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.08.018

Stockdale, Anthony; Tipping, Edward ORCID:; Fjellheim, Arne; Garmo, Øyvind A.; Hildrew, Alan G.; Lofts, Stephen ORCID:; Monteith, Don T. ORCID:; Ormerod, Stephen J.; Shilland, Ewan M.. 2014 Recovery of macroinvertebrate species richness in acidified upland waters assessed with a field toxicity model. Ecological Indicators, 37 B. 341-350. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.11.002

Stockdale, Anthony; Tipping, Edward ORCID:; Lofts, Stephen ORCID:; Fott, Jan; Garmo, Oyvind A.; Hruska, Jakub; Keller, Bill; Lofgren, Stefan; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID:; Majer, Vladimir; Nierzwicki-Bauer, Sandra A.; Persson, Gunnar; Schartau, Ann-Kristin; Thackeray, Stephen J. ORCID:; Valois, Amanda; Vrba, Jaroslav; Walseng, Bjorn; Yan, Norman. 2014 Metal and proton toxicity to lake zooplankton: a chemical speciation based modelling approach. Environmental Pollution, 186. 115-125. 10.1016/j.envpol.2013.11.012

Stone, Jonathan; Barclay, Jenni; Simmons, Peter; Cole, Paul D.; Loughlin, Susan C.; Ramón, Patricio; Mothes, Patricia. 2014 Risk reduction through community-based monitoring: the vigías of Tungurahua, Ecuador. Journal of Applied Volcanology, 3 (1). 14, pp. 10.1186/s13617-014-0011-9

Stone, P.. 2014 The Southern Uplands Terrane in Scotland : a notional controversy revisited. Scottish Journal of Geology, 50 (2). 97-123. 10.1144/sjg2014-001

Stone, P.. 2014 A review of geological origins and relationships in the Ballantrae Complex, SW Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology, 50 (1). 1-25. 10.1144/sjg2013-012

Stone, Phil; Faithfull, John. 2014 David Ferguson’s mineral prospecting expedition to South Georgia in 1912. Fallkland Islands Journal, 10 (3). 2-14.

Storkey, Jonathan; Stratonovitch, Pierre; Chapman, Daniel S.; Vidotto, Francesco; Semenov, Mikhail A.. 2014 A process-based approach to predicting the effect of climate change on the distribution of an invasive allergenic plant in Europe. PLoS ONE, 9 (2), e88156. 7, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0088156

Styles, M.T.; Sanna, A.; Lacinska, A.M.; Naden, J.; Maroto-Valer, M.. 2014 The variation in composition of ultramafic rocks and the effect on their suitability for carbon dioxide sequestration by mineralisation following acid leaching. Greenhouse gases science and technology, 4 (4). 440-451. 10.1002/ghg.1405

Stübner, Konstanze; Grujic, Djordje; Parrish, Randall R.; Roberts, Nick M.W.; Kronz, Andreas; Wooden, Joe; Ahmad, Talat. 2014 Monazite geochronology unravels the timing of crustal thickening in NW Himalaya. Lithos, 210-211. 111-128. 10.1016/j.lithos.2014.09.024

Suberg, Lavinia; Wynn, Russell; van der Kooij, Jeroen; Fernand, Liam; Fielding, Sophie ORCID:; Guihen, Damien; Gillespie, Douglas; Johnson, Mark; Gkikopoulo, Kalliopi C.; Allan, Ian J.; Vrana, Branislav; Miller, Peter I.; Smeed, David ORCID:; Jones, Alice R.. 2014 Assessing the potential of autonomous submarine gliders for ecosystem monitoring across multiple trophic levels (plankton to cetaceans) and pollutants in shallow shelf seas. Methods in Oceanography, 10. 70-89. 10.1016/j.mio.2014.06.002

Suckling, C.C. ORCID:; Clark, M.S. ORCID:; Peck, L.S. ORCID:; Cook, E.J.. 2014 Experimental influence of pH on the early life-stages of sea urchins I: different rates of introduction give rise to different responses. Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 58 (2). 148-159. 10.1080/07924259.2013.875950

Suckling, Coleen C. ORCID:; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Beveridge, Christine; Brunner, Lars; Hughes, Adam D.; Harper, Elizabeth M.; Cook, Elizabeth J.; Davies, Andrew J.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2014 Experimental influence of pH on the early life-stages of sea urchins II: increasing parental exposure times gives rise to different responses. Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 58 (3). 161-175. 10.1080/07924259.2013.875951

Summers, R.W.; Boland, H.; Colhoun, K.; Elkins, N.; Etheridge, B.; Foster, S.; Fox, J.W.; Mackie, K.; Quinn, L.R.; Swann, R.L.. 2014 Contrasting Trans-Atlantic Migratory Routes of Nearctic Purple SandpipersCalidris maritimaAssociated with Low Pressure Systems in Spring and Winter. Ardea, 102 (2). 139-152. 10.5253/arde.v102i2.a4

Sumner, E.J.; Peakall, J.; Dorrell, R.M.; Parsons, D.R.; Darby, S.E.; Wynn, R.B.; McPhail, S.D.; Perrett, J.; Webb, A.; White, D.. 2014 Driven around the bend: Spatial evolution and controls on the orientation of helical bend flow in a natural submarine gravity current. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (2). 898-913. 10.1002/2013JC009008

Sumner, E.J.; Siti, M.I.; McNeill, L.C.; Talling, P.J.; Henstock, T.J.; Wynn, R.B.; Djajadihardja, Y.S.; Permana, H.. 2014 Can turbidites be used to reconstruct a paleoearthquake record for the central Sumatran margin?: REPLY. Geology, 42 (10). e353. 10.1130/G36161Y.1

Sumpter, J.P.; Donnachie, R.L.; Johnson, A.C. ORCID: 2014 The apparently very variable potency of the anti-depressant fluoxetine. Aquatic Toxicology, 151. 57-60. 10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.12.010

Sun, B.; Moore, J. C.; Zwinger, T.; Liyun, Z.; Steinhage, D.; Tang, X.; Zhang, D.; Cui, X.; Martin, C. ORCID: 2014 How old is the ice beneath Dome A, Antarctica? The Cryosphere, 8 (3). 1121-1128. 10.5194/tc-8-1121-2014

Supper, R.; Chambers, J.; Tsourlos, P.; Kim, J.-H.. 2014 Foreword [to special issue on geoelectrical monitoring] [in special issue: Geoelectrical Monitoring] Near Surface Geophysics, 12 (1). 1-3. 10.3997/1873-0604.2013068

Sutanto, S.J.; van den Hurk, B.; Dirmeyer, P.A.; Seneviratne, S.I.; Rockmann, T.; Trenberth, K.E.; Blyth, E.M. ORCID:; Wenninger, J.; Hoffmann, G.. 2014 HESS opinions: a perspective on isotope versus non-isotope approaches to determine the contribution of transpiration to total evaporation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18 (8). 2815-2827. 10.5194/hess-18-2815-2014

Sutherland, William J.; Aveling, Rosalind; Brooks, Thomas M.; Clout, Mick; Dicks, Lynn V.; Fellman, Liz; Fleishman, Erica; Gibbons, David W.; Keim, Brandon; Lickorish, Fiona; Monk, Kathryn A.; Mortimer, Diana; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Pretty, Jules; Rockström, Johan; Rodríguez, Jon Paul; Smith, Rebecca K.; Spalding, Mark D.; Tonneijck, Femke H.; Watkinson, Andrew R.. 2014 A horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2014. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 29 (1). 15-22. 10.1016/j.tree.2013.11.004

Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Skiba, Ute M. ORCID:; van Grinsven, Hans J.M.; Oenema, Oene; Watson, Catherine J.; Williams, John; Hellums, Deborah T.; Maas, Rob; Gyldenkaerne, Steen; Pathak, Himanshu; Winiwarter, Wilfried. 2014 Green economy thinking and the control of nitrous oxide emissions. Environmental Development, 9. 76-85. 10.1016/j.envdev.2013.10.002

Swart, Sebastian; Liu, Jiping; Bhaskar, Parli; Newman, Louise; Finney, Kim; Meredith, Michael ORCID:; Schofield, Oscar. 2014 The SOOS Asian Workshop: Exploring possibilities for collaboration. Advances in Polar Science, 25 (2). 126-132. 10.13679/j.advps.2014.2.00126

Sweetman, Andrew K.; Smith, Craig R.; Dale, Trine; Jones, Daniel O. B. ORCID: 2014 Rapid scavenging of jellyfish carcasses reveals the importance of gelatinous material to deep-sea food webs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281 (1796). 20142210. 10.1098/rspb.2014.2210

Swingedouw, Didier; Mignot, Juliette; Labetoulle, Sonia; Guilyardi, Eric; Madec, Gurvan. 2014 Erratum to: Initialisation and predictability of the AMOC over the last 50 years in a climate model. Climate Dynamics, 42 (1-2). 555-556. 10.1007/s00382-013-2005-4

Sánchez-Arcilla, Agustín; Wolf, Judith ORCID:; Monbaliu, Jaak. 2014 Oceanography at coastal scales: Introduction to the special issue on results from the EU FP7 FIELD_AC project. Continental Shelf Research, 87. 1-6. 10.1016/j.csr.2014.01.023

Sévellec, Florian; Hirschi, Joel J.-M.; Blaker, Adam T. ORCID: 2014 Corrigendum to: Sévellec, F., J. J.-M. Hirschi, and A. T. Blaker, 2013: On the near-inertial resonance of the Atlantic meriodional overturning circulation. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43, 2661–2672, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-13-092.1. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44 (11). 2987-2988. 10.1175/JPO-D-14-0180.1

Słowakiewicz, M.; Tucker, Maurice E.; Vane, C.H. ORCID:; Harding, R.; Collins, A.; Pancost, R.D.. 2014 Shale-gas potential of the Mid-Carboniferous Bowland-Hodder Unit in the Cleveland Basin (Yorkshire), Central Britain. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 38 (1). 59-75. 10.1111/jpg.12598

Tagliabue, Alessandro; Sallee, Jean-Baptiste; Bowie, Andrew R.; Lévy, Marina; Swart, Sebastiaan; Boyd, Philip W.. 2014 Surface-water iron supplies in the Southern Ocean sustained by deep winter mixing. Nature Geoscience, 7 (4). 314-320. 10.1038/ngeo2101

Talandier, C.; Deshayes, J.; Treguier, A.-M.; Capet, X.; Benshila, R.; Debreu, L.; Dussin, R.; Molines, J.-M.; Madec, G.. 2014 Improvements of simulated Western North Atlantic current system and impacts on the AMOC. Ocean Modelling, 76. 1-19. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2013.12.007

Talley, L.D.; Koltermann, K.P.; Gouretski, V.V.; Jancke, K.; Orsi, A.H.; Whitworth, T.; Sparrow, M.; Chapman, P.; Gould, W.J.; Schlitzer, R.. 2014 Atlases Give Global Snapshot of Oceans in the 1990s. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 95 (12). 101-102. 10.1002/2014EO120001

Talling, Peter; Clare, Michael ORCID:; Urlaub, Morelia; Pope, Ed; Hunt, James; Watt, Sebastian. 2014 Large Submarine Landslides on Continental Slopes: Geohazards, Methane Release, and Climate Change. Oceanography, 27 (2). 32-45. 10.5670/oceanog.2014.38

Talling, Peter J.. 2014 On the triggers, resulting flow types and frequencies of subaqueous sediment density flows in different settings. Marine Geology, 352. 155-182. 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.02.006

Tamisiea, Mark E.; Hughes, Chris W. ORCID:; Williams, Simon D.P. ORCID:; Bingley, Richard M.. 2014 Sea level: measuring the bounding surfaces of the ocean. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 372 (2025). 20130336. 10.1098/rsta.2013.0336

Tamme, Riin; Götzenberger, Lars; Zobel, Martin; Bullock, James M. ORCID:; Hooftman, Danny A.P.; Kaasik, Ants; Pärtel, Meelis. 2014 Predicting species’ maximum dispersal distances from simple plant traits. Ecology, 95 (2). 505-513. 10.1890/13-1000.1

Tappin, David R.; Grilli, Stephan T.; Harris, Jeffrey C.; Geller, Robert J.; Masterlark, Timothy; Kirby, James T.; Shi, Fengyan; Ma, Gangfeng; Thingbaijam, K.K.S.; Mai, P. Martin. 2014 Did a submarine landslide contribute to the 2011 Tohoku tsunami? Marine Geology, 357. 344-361. 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.09.043

Tapster, Simon; Roberts, N.M.W.; Petterson, M.G.; Saunders, A.D.; Naden, J.. 2014 From continent to intra-oceanic arc: zircon xenocrysts record the crustal evolution of the Solomon island arc. Geology, 42 (12). 1087-1090. 10.1130/G36033.1

Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Cottier, Finlo R.; Everson, Inigo. 2014 Spatial patterns in the vertical structure of euphausiids in Gullmarsfjord, Sweden: Identifying influences on bilayer formation and distribution. Marine Biology Research, 10 (6). 537-553. 10.1080/17451000.2013.831180

Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID: 2014 Instantaneous movement of krill swarms in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Limnology and Oceanography, 59 (3). 872-886. 10.4319/lo.2014.59.3.0872

Tassone, D.R.; Holford, S.P.; Stoker, M.S.; Green, P.; Johnson, H.; Underhill, J.R.; Hillis, R.R.. 2014 Constraining Cenozoic exhumation in the Faroe-Shetland region using sonic transit time data. Basin Research, 26 (1). 38-72. 10.1111/bre.12052

Taulavuori, Kari; Taulavuori, Erja; Sheppard, Lucy J.. 2014 Truths or myths, fact or fiction, setting the record straight concerning nitrogen effects on levels of frost hardiness [in special issue: The biology of plant cold hardiness: adaptive strategies] Environmental and Experimental Botany, 106. 132-137. 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2013.12.022

Tavassoli, Hamid Reza; Tahershamsi, Ahmad; Acreman, Mike. 2014 Classification of natural flow regimes in Iran to support environmental flow management [in special issue: Hydrological science for environmental flows] Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3-4). 517-529. 10.1080/02626667.2014.890285

Tavernier, Ines; Verleyen, Elie; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Heirman, Katrien; Roberts, Stephen J. ORCID:; Imura, Satoshi; Kudoh, Sakae; Sabbe, Koen; De Batist, Marc; Vyverman, Wim. 2014 Absence of a Medieval Climate Anomaly, Little Ice Age and twentieth century warming in Skarvsnes, Lützow Holm Bay, East Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 26 (5). 585-598. 10.1017/S0954102014000029

Taylor, Amy; Gooday, Andrew J. ORCID: 2014 Agglutinated foraminifera (superfamily Hormosinacea) across the Indian margin oxygen minimum zone (Arabian Sea). Marine Biodiversity, 44 (1). 5-25. 10.1007/s12526-013-0178-z

Thibeau, Sylvain; Bachu, Stefan; Birkholzer, Jens; Holloway, Sam; Neele, Filip; Zhou, Quanlin. 2014 Using pressure and volumetric approaches to estimate CO2 storage capacity in deep saline aquifers. Energy Procedia, 63. 5294-5304. 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.560

Thiebot, J.-B.; Authier, M.; Trathan, P. N. ORCID:; Bost, C.-A.. 2014 Gentlemen first? 'Broken stick' modelling reveals sex-related homing decision date in migrating seabirds. Journal of Zoology, 292 (1). 25-30. 10.1111/jzo.12080

Thiebot, Jean-Baptiste; Cherel, Yves; Acqueberge, Manon; Prudor, Aurélien; Trathan, Philip N. ORCID:; Bost, Charles-André; Battley, Phil. 2014 Adjustment of pre-moult foraging strategies in Macaroni Penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus according to locality, sex and breeding status. Ibis, 156 (3). 511-522. 10.1111/ibi.12151

Thiers, Laurie; Delord, Karine; Barbraud, Christophe; Phillips, Richard A.; Pinaud, David; Weimerskirch, Henri. 2014 Foraging zones of the two sibling species of giant petrels in the Indian Ocean throughout the annual cycle: implication for their conservation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 499. 233-248. 10.3354/meps10620

Thomas, Evert; Jalonen, Riina; Loo, Judy; Boshier, David; Gallo, Leonardo; Cavers, Stephen ORCID:; Bordacs, Sandor; Smith, Paul; Bozzano, Michele. 2014 Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using native tree species. Forest Ecology and Management, 333. 66-75. 10.1016/j.foreco.2014.07.015

Thomas, Robert J.; Bushi, Alphonce M.; Roberts, Nick M.W.; Jacobs, Joachim. 2014 Geochronology of granitic rocks from the Ruangwa region, southern Tanzania: links with NE Mozambique and beyond. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 100. 70-80. 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2014.06.012

Thompson, J.R.; Laizé, C.L.R.; Green, A.J.; Acreman, M.C.; Kingston, D.G.. 2014 Climate change uncertainty in environmental flows for the Mekong River [in special issue: Hydrological science for environmental flows] Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3-4). 935-954. 10.1080/02626667.2013.842074

Thomson, Alan W.P.. 2014 Geomagnetic observatories: monitoring the Earth’s magnetic and space weather environment. Weather, 69 (9). 234-237. 10.1002/wea.2329

Thomson, Neil R.; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Rodger, Craig J.. 2014 Low-latitude ionospheric D region dependence on solar zenith angle. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (8). 6865-6875. 10.1002/2014JA020299

Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Kagoshima, Hiroshi; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Marshall, Craig; Wharton, David A.. 2014 Molecular analysis of the cold tolerant Antarctic nematode, Panagrolaimus davidi. PLoS One, 9 (8), e104526. 12, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0104526

Thorne, P.D. ORCID: 2014 An overview of underwater sound generated by interparticle collisions and its application to the measurements of coarse sediment bedload transport. Earth Surface Dynamics, 2 (2). 531-543. 10.5194/esurf-2-531-2014

Thorne, Peter D. ORCID:; Hurther, David. 2014 An overview on the use of backscattered sound for measuring suspended particle size and concentration profiles in non-cohesive inorganic sediment transport studies. Continental Shelf Research, 73. 97-118. 10.1016/j.csr.2013.10.017

Thorne, Peter D. ORCID:; MacDonald, Iain T.; Vincent, Christopher E.. 2014 Modelling acoustic scattering by suspended flocculating sediments. Continental Shelf Research, 88. 81-91. 10.1016/j.csr.2014.07.003

Thurber, A.R.; Sweetman, A.K.; Narayanaswamy, B.E.; Jones, D.O.B. ORCID:; Ingels, J.; Hansman, R.L.. 2014 Ecosystem function and services provided by the deep sea. Biogeosciences, 11 (14). 3941-3963. 10.5194/bg-11-3941-2014

Thurnherr, A. M.; Jacobs, S. S.; Dutrieux, P. ORCID:; Giulivi, C. F.. 2014 Export and circulation of ice cavity water in Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (3). 1754-1764. 10.1002/2013JC009307

Tillotson, Philip; Chapman, Mark; Sothcott, Jeremy; Best, Angus Ian ORCID:; Li, Xiang-Yang. 2014 Pore fluid viscosity effects on P- and S-wave anisotropy in synthetic silica-cemented sandstone with aligned fractures. Geophysical Prospecting, 62 (6). 1238-1252. 10.1111/1365-2478.12194

Tipping, E. ORCID:; Benham, S.; Boyle, J.F.; Crow, P.; Davies, J.; Fischer, U.; Guyatt, H.; Helliwell, R.; Jackson-Blake, L.; Lawlor, A.J.; Monteith, D.T. ORCID:; Rowe, E.C. ORCID:; Toberman, H.. 2014 Atmospheric deposition of phosphorus to land and freshwater. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16 (7). 1608-1617. 10.1039/c3em00641g

Tisi, Laurence C.; De Cock, Raphael; Stewart, Alan J.A.; Booth, David; Day, John C. ORCID: 2014 Bioluminescent leakage throughout the body of the glow-worm Lampyris noctiluca (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Entomologia Generalis, 35 (1). 47-51. 10.1127/0171-8177/2014/0003

Toque, C.; Milodowski, A.E.; Baker, A.C.. 2014 The corrosion of depleted uranium in terrestrial and marine environments. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 128. 97-105. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2013.01.001

Torres, R. Ricardo; Tsimplis, Michael N.. 2014 Sea level extremes in the Caribbean Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (8). 4714-4731. 10.1002/2014JC009929

Torres-Valdés, S.; Painter, S.C.; Martin, A.P. ORCID:; Sanders, R. ORCID:; Felden, J.. 2014 Data compilation of fluxes of sedimenting material from sediment traps in the Atlantic Ocean. Earth System Science Data, 6 (1). 123-145. 10.5194/essd-6-123-2014

Trani, M.; Falco, P.; Zambianchi, E.; Sallee, J.-B.. 2014 Aspects of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current dynamics investigated with drifter data. Progress in Oceanography, 125. 1-15. 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.05.001

Trathan, Philip N. ORCID:; Emmerson, Louise. 2014 Animal identification with robot rovers. Nature Methods, 11 (12). 1217-1218. 10.1038/nmeth.3195

Treguier, A.M.; Deshayes, J.; Le Sommer, J.; Lique, C.; Madec, G.; Penduff, T.; Molines, J.-M.; Barnier, B.; Bourdalle-Badie, R.; Talandier, C.. 2014 Meridional transport of salt in the global ocean from an eddy-resolving model. Ocean Science, 10 (2). 243-255. 10.5194/os-10-243-2014

Triest, Jack; Mulvaney, Robert ORCID:; Alemany, Olivier. 2014 Technical innovations and optimizations for intermediate ice-core drilling operations. Annals of Glaciology, 55 (68). 243-252. 10.3189/2014AoG68A049

Trolle, Dennis; Elliott, J. Alex; Mooij, Wolf M.; Janse, Jan H.; Bolding, Karsten; Hamiltion, David P.; Jeppesen, Erik. 2014 Advancing projections of phytoplankton responses to climate change through ensemble modelling. Environmental Modelling & Software, 61. 371-379. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.01.032

Tsamados, Michel; Feltham, Daniel L.; Schroeder, David; Flocco, Daniela; Farrell, Sinead L.; Kurtz, Nathan; Laxon, Seymour W.; Bacon, Sheldon ORCID: 2014 Impact of Variable Atmospheric and Oceanic Form Drag on Simulations of Arctic Sea Ice. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44 (5). 1329-1353. 10.1175/JPO-D-13-0215.1

Tsujimoto, Megumu; McInnes, Sandra J. ORCID:; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Imura, Satoshi. 2014 Preliminary description of tardigrade species diversity and distribution pattern around coastal Syowa Station and inland Sør Rondane Mountains, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Polar Biology, 37 (9). 1361-1367. 10.1007/s00300-014-1516-8

Tucker, Josephine; MacDonald, Alan ORCID:; Coulter, Lorraine; Calow, Roger C.. 2014 Household water use, poverty and seasonality: Wealth effects, labour constraints, and minimal consumption in Ethiopia. Water Reources and Rural Development, 3. 27-47. 10.1016/j.wrr.2014.04.001

Turner, A.K.; Beldomenico, P.M.; Bown, K.; Burthe, S.J. ORCID:; Jackson, J.A.; Lambin, Xavier; Begon, M.. 2014 Host-parasite biology in the real world: the field voles of Kielder. Parasitology, 141 (8). 997-1017. 10.1017/S0031182014000171

Turner, Geraldine S.C.; Mills, Graham A.; Bowes, Michael J. ORCID:; Burnett, Jonathan L.; Amos, Sean; Fones, Gary R.. 2014 Evaluation of DGT as a long-term water quality monitoring tool in natural waters; uranium as a case study. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 16 (3). 393-403. 10.1039/C3EM00574G

Turner, John ORCID:; Barrand, Nicholas E.; Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID:; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Jarvis, Martin; Jenkins, Adrian ORCID:; Marshall, Gareth ORCID:; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Roscoe, Howard; Shanklin, Jon; French, John; Goosse, Hugues; Guglielmin, Mauro; Gutt, Julian; Jacobs, Stan; Kennicutt, Marlon C.; Masson-Delmotte, Valerie; Mayewski, Paul; Navarro, Francisco; Robinson, Sharon; Scambos, Ted; Sparrow, Mike; Summerhayes, Colin; Speer, Kevin; Klepikov, Alexander. 2014 Antarctic climate change and the environment: an update. Polar Record, 50 (254). 237-259. 10.1017/S0032247413000296

Tzoraki, O.; Cooper, D. ORCID:; Dörflinger, G.; Panagos, P.. 2014 A new MONERIS in-stream retention module to account nutrient budget of a temporary river in Cyprus. Water Resources Management, 28 (10). 2917-2935. 10.1007/s11269-014-0646-7

Tzoraki, Ourania; Nikolaidis, Nikolaos P.; Cooper, David ORCID:; Kassotaki, Elissavet. 2014 Nutrient mitigation in a temporary river basin. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186 (4). 2243-2257. 10.1007/s10661-013-3533-4

Uhlemann, Sebastian; Kuras, Oliver. 2014 Numerical simulations of capacitive resistivity imaging (CRI) measurements. Near Surface Geophysics, 12 (4). 523-537. 10.3997/1873-0604.2014008

Uotila, P.; Holland, P.R. ORCID:; Vihma, T.; Marsland, S.J.; Kimura, N.. 2014 Is realistic Antarctic sea ice extent in climate models the result of excessive ice drift? Ocean Modelling, 79. 33-42. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.04.004

Urlaub, M.; Talling, P.J.; Clare, M. ORCID: 2014 Sea-level - induced seismicity and submarine landslide occurrence: Comment. Geology, 42 (6). e337. 10.1130/G35254C.1

Vaiglova, Petra; Bogaard, Amy; Collins, Matthew; Cavanagh, William; Mee, Christopher; Renard, Josette; Lamb, Angela; Gardeisen, Armelle; Fraser, Rebecca. 2014 An integrated stable isotope study of plants and animals from Kouphovouno, southern Greece: a new look at Neolithic farming. Journal of Archaeological Science, 42. 201-215. 10.1016/j.jas.2013.10.023

Valach, A.C.; Langford, B. ORCID:; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; MacKenzie, A.R.; Hewitt, C.N.. 2014 Concentrations of selected volatile organic compounds at kerbside and background sites in central London. Atmospheric Environment, 95. 456-467. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.06.052

Valiadi, M.; Painter, S.C.; Allen, J.T.; Balch, W.M.; Iglesias-Rodriguez, M.D.. 2014 Molecular detection of bioluminescent dinoflagellates in surface waters of the Patagonian Shelf during early austral summer 2008. PLoS One, 9 (6). e98849. 10.1371/journal.pone.0098849

Valisuo, I.; Vihma, T.; King, J.C. ORCID: 2014 Surface energy budget on Larsen and Wilkins ice shelves in the Antarctic Peninsula: results based on reanalyses in 1989-2010. Cryosphere, 8. 1519-1538. 10.5194/tc-8-1519-2014

Van Daele, M.; Moernaut, J.; Silversmit, G.; Schmidt, S.; Fontijn, K.; Heirman, K.; Vandoorne, W.; De Clercq, M.; Van Acker, J.; Wolff, C.; Pino, M.; Urrutia, R.; Roberts, S.J. ORCID:; Vincze, L.; De Batist, M.. 2014 The 600 yr eruptive history of Villarrica Volcano (Chile) revealed by annually laminated lake sediments. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 126 (3-4). 481-498. 10.1130/B30798.1

Van Dover, C.L.; Aronson, J.; Pendleton, L.; Smith, S.; Arnaud-Haond, S.; Moreno-Mateos, D.; Barbier, E.; Billett, D.; Bowers, K.; Danovaro, R.; Edwards, A.; Kellert, S.; Morato, T.; Pollard, E.; Rogers, A.; Warner, R.. 2014 Ecological restoration in the deep sea: Desiderata. Marine Policy, 44. 98-106. 10.1016/j.marpol.2013.07.006

Van Dover, Cindy; Bell, Katherine L.C.; Marsh, Leigh; German, Chris; John, Barbara; Cheadle, Michael; Vecchione, Mike; Amon., Diva J.; Ball, Bernard; Copley, Jon; Smart, Clara; Fuller, Sarah H.; Phillips, Brennan T.; Cantner, Kathleen; Auscavitch, Steven; Ballard, Robert. 2014 Exploration of the Mid-Cayman Rise. Oceanography, 27 (1, Supplement). 32-33.

Van Oijen, M.; Balkovi, J.; Beer, C.; Cameron, D.R.; Ciais, P.; Cramer, W.; Kato, T.; Kuhnert, M.; Martin, R.; Myneni, R.; Rammig, A.; Rolinski, S.; Soussana, J.-F.; Thonicke, K.; Van der Velde, M.; Xu, L.. 2014 Impact of droughts on the carbon cycle in European vegetation: a probabilistic risk analysis using six vegetation models. Biogeosciences, 11 (22). 6357-6375. 10.5194/bg-11-6357-2014

Vanbergen, Adam J. ORCID: 2014 Landscape alteration and habitat modification: impacts on plant-pollinator systems. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 5. 44-49. 10.1016/j.cois.2014.09.004

Vanbergen, Adam J. ORCID:; Woodcock, Ben A. ORCID:; Gray, Alan ORCID:; Grant, Fiona; Telford, Annika ORCID:; Lambdon, Phil; Chapman, Dan S.; Pywell, Richard F. ORCID:; Heard, Matt S.; Cavers, Stephen ORCID: 2014 Grazing alters insect visitation networks and plant mating systems. Functional Ecology, 28 (1). 178-189. 10.1111/1365-2435.12191

Vane, C.H. ORCID:; Kim, A.W.; Cave, M.R.; Li, N.. 2014 Equal abundance of odd and even n-alkanes from cycad leaves: can the carbon preference index (CPI) faithfully record terrestrial organic matter input at low latitudes? Encephalartos (118).

Vane, Chris ORCID: 2014 10,000 years of sea-level change in the Thames Estuary [in special issue: Flood Resilience] Talk of the Thames. 26-27.

Vane, Christopher H. ORCID:; Kim, Alexander W.; Beriro, Darren J.; Cave, Mark R.; Knights, Katherine; Moss-Hayes, Vicky; Nathanail, Paul C.. 2014 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in urban soils of Greater London, UK. Applied Geochemistry, 51. 303-314. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2014.09.013

Vannière, Benoît; Guilyardi, Eric; Toniazzo, Thomas; Madec, Gurvan; Woolnough, Steve. 2014 A systematic approach to identify the sources of tropical SST errors in coupled models using the adjustment of initialised experiments. Climate Dynamics, 43 (7-8). 2261-2282. 10.1007/s00382-014-2051-6

Varotsos, Costas A.; Franzke, Christian L.E.; Efstathiou, Maria N.; Degermendzhi, Andrei G.. 2014 Evidence for two abrupt warming events of SST in the last century. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 116 (1-2). 51-60. 10.1007/s00704-013-0935-8

Vaughan, David ORCID: 2014 A fluid situation. Pan European Networks, 10. 164-165.

Vautravers, Maryline J.. 2014 Insight into the Latest Messinian (5.7-5.2 Ma) paleoclimatic events from two deep-sea Atlantic Ocean ODP sites. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 407. 14-24. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2014.03.039

Venables, Emily; Nicholls, Keith ORCID:; Wolk, Fabian; Makinson, Keith ORCID:; Anker, Paul ORCID: 2014 Measuring turbulent dissipation rates beneath an Antarctic ice shelf. Marine Technology Society Journal, 48 (5). 18-24. 10.4031/MTSJ.48.5.8

Venables, Hugh ORCID:; Meredith, Michael ORCID: 2014 Feedbacks between ice cover, ocean stratification, and heat content in Ryder Bay, western Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (8). 5323-5336. 10.1002/2013JC009669

Viana, Duarte S.; Santamaría, L.; Schwenk, K.; Manca, M.; Hobaek, A.; Mjelde, M.; Preston, C.D. ORCID:; Gornall, R.J.; Croft, J.M.; King, R.A.; Green, A.J.; Figuerola, J.. 2014 Environment and biogeography drive aquatic plant and cladoceran species richness across Europe. Freshwater Biology, 59 (10). 2096-2106. 10.1111/fwb.12410

Vicca, S.; Bahn, M.; Estiarte, M.; van Loon, E.E.; Vargas, R.; Alberti, G.; Ambus, P.; Arain, M.A.; Beier, C.; Bentley, L.P.; Borken, W.; Buchmann, N.; Collins, S.L.; de Gato, G.; Dukes, J.S.; Escolar, C.; Fay, P.; Guidolotti, G.; Hanson, P.J.; Kahmen, A.; Kroel-Dulay, G.; Ladreiter-Knauss, T.; Larsen, K.S.; Lellei-Kovacs, E.; Lebrija-Trejos, E.; Maestre, F.T.; Marhan, S.; Marshall, M.; Meir, P.; Miao, Y.; Muhr, J.; Niklaus, P.A.; Ogaya, R.; Penuelas, J.; Poll, C.; Rustad, L.E.; Savage, K.; Schindlbacher, A.; Schmidt, I.K.; Smith, A.R.; Sotta, E.D.; Suseela, V.; Tietema, A.; van Gestel, N.; van Straaten, O.; Wan, S.; Weber, U.; Janssens, I.A.. 2014 Can current moisture responses predict soil CO2 efflux under altered precipitation regimes?: a synthesis of manipulation experiments. Biogeosciences, 11 (11). 2991-3013. 10.5194/bg-11-2991-2014

Vieno, M. ORCID:; Heal, M.R.; Hallsworth, S.; Famulari, D.; Doherty, R.M.; Dore, A.J.; Tang, Y.S.; Braban, C.F. ORCID:; Leaver, D.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:; Reis, S. ORCID: 2014 The role of long-range transport and domestic emissions in determining atmospheric secondary inorganic particle concentrations across the UK. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14 (16). 8435-8447. 10.5194/acp-14-8435-2014

Villa-Alfageme, M.; de Soto, F.; Le Moigne, F.A.C.; Giering, S.L.C. ORCID:; Sanders, R. ORCID:; García-Tenorio, R.. 2014 Observations and modeling of slow-sinking particles in the twilight zone. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 28 (11). 1327-1342. 10.1002/2014GB004981

Vincent, Emmanuel M.; Emanuel, Kerry A.; Lengaigne, Matthieu; Vialard, Jérôme; Madec, Gurvan. 2014 Influence of upper ocean stratification interannual variability on tropical cyclones. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 6. 680-699. 10.1002/2014MS000327

Vindenes, Yngvild; Edeline, Eric; Ohlberger, Jan; Langangen, Øystein; Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Stenseth, Nils C.; Vollestad, L. Asbjørn. 2014 Effects of climate change on trait-based dynamics of a top predator in freshwater ecosystems. American Naturalist, 183 (2). 10.1086/674610

Vlasenko, Vasiliy; Stashchuk, Nataliya; Inall, Mark E.; Hopkins, Joanne E. ORCID: 2014 Tidal energy conversion in a global hot spot: On the 3-D dynamics of baroclinic tides at the Celtic Sea shelf break. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (6). 3249-3265. 10.1002/2013JC009708

Voinov, Alexey; Seppelt, Ralf; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Nabel, Julia E.M.S.; Shokravi, Samaneh. 2014 Values in socio-environmental modelling: persuasion for action or excuse for inaction. Environmental Modelling & Software, 53. 207-212. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2013.12.005

Vosper, Hayley; Kirk, Karen; Rochelle, Chris; Noy, Dave; Chadwick, Andy. 2014 Does numerical modelling of the onset of dissolution-convection reliably reproduce this key stabilization process in CO2 storage? Energy Procedia, 63. 5341-5348. 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.566

Waalewijn-Kool, Pauline L.; Rupp, Svenja; Lofts, Stephen ORCID:; Svendsen, Claus ORCID:; van Gestel, Cornelis A.M.. 2014 Effect of soil organic matter content and pH on the toxicity of ZnO nanoparticles to Folsomia candida. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 108. 9-15. 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2014.06.031

Wachowiak, Witold; Wojkiewicz, Blazej; Cavers, Stephen ORCID:; Lewandowski, Andrzej. 2014 High genetic similarity between Polish and North European Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) populations at nuclear gene loci. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 10 (4). 1015-1025. 10.1007/s11295-014-0739-8

Wadey, Matthew; Haigh, I.D.; Brown, Jennifer ORCID: 2014 A century of sea level data and the UK's 2013/14 storm surges: an assessment of extremes and clustering using the Newlyn tide gauge record. Ocean Science, 10 (6). 1031-1045. 10.5194/os-10-1031-2014

Waggitt, J.J.; Bell, P.S. ORCID:; Scott, B.E.. 2014 An evaluation of the use of shore-based surveys for estimating spatial overlap between deep-diving seabirds and tidal stream turbines. International Journal of Marine Energy, 8. 36-49. 10.1016/j.ijome.2014.10.004

Wagner, B.; Leng, M.J. ORCID:; Wilke, T.; Böhm, A.; Panagiotopoulos, K.; Vogel, H.; Lacey, J. H.; Zanchetta, G.; Sulpizio, R.. 2014 Distinct lake level lowstand in Lake Prespa (SE Europe) at the time of the 74 (75) ka Toba eruption. Climate of the Past, 10 (1). 261-267. 10.5194/cp-10-261-2014

Wagner, B.; Wilke, T.; Krastel, S.; Zanchetta, G.; Sulpizio, R.; Reicherter, K.; Leng, M.J. ORCID:; Grazhdani, A.; Trajanovski, S.; Francke, A.; Lindhorst, K.; Levkov, Z.; Cvetkoska, A.; Reed, J.M.; Zhang, X.; Lacey, J.H.; Wonik, T.; Baumgarten, H.; Vogel, H.. 2014 The SCOPSCO drilling project recovers more than 1.2 million years of history from Lake Ohrid. Scientific Drilling, 17. 19-29. 10.5194/sd-17-19-2014

Wagner, Bernd; Wilke, Thomas; Krastel, Sebastian; Zanchetta, Giovanni; Sulpizio, Roberto; Reicherter, Klaus; Leng, Melanie ORCID:; Grazhdani, Andon; Trajanovski, Sasho; Levkov, Zlatko; Reed, Jane; Wonik, Thomas. 2014 More than one million years of history in Lake Ohrid Cores. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 95 (3). 25-26. 10.1002/2014EO030001

Wagner, Till J.W.; Wadhams, Peter; Bates, Richard; Elosegui, Pedro; Stern, Alon; Vella, Dominic; Abrahamsen, E. Povl ORCID:; Crawford, Anna; Nicholls, Keith W. ORCID: 2014 The 'footloose' mechanism: iceberg decay from hydrostatic stresses. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (15). 5522-5529. 10.1002/2014GL060832

Wagstaff, M.C.; Howell, K.L.; Bett, B.J. ORCID:; Billett, D.S.M.; Brault, S.; Stuart, C.T.; Rex, M.A.. 2014 β-diversity of deep-sea holothurians and asteroids along a bathymetric gradient (NE Atlantic). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 508. 177-185. 10.3354/meps10877

Wahl, Thomas; Calafat, Francisco M. ORCID:; Luther, Mark E.. 2014 Rapid changes in the seasonal sea level cycle along the US Gulf coast from the late 20th century. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (2). 491-498. 10.1002/2013GL058777

Wahr, John; Smeed, David A. ORCID:; Leuliette, Eric; Swenson, Sean. 2014 Seasonal variability of the Red Sea, from satellite gravity, radar altimetry, and in situ observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (8). 5091-5104. 10.1002/2014JC010161

Wakefield, E. D.; Phillips, R. A.; Matthiopoulos, J.. 2014 Habitat-mediated population limitation in a colonial central-place forager: the sky is not the limit for the black-browed albatross. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281 (1778). 20132883. 10.1098/rspb.2013.2883

Waldron, John W.F.; Schofield, David I.; Dufrane, S. Andrew; Floyd, James D.; Crowley, Quentin G.; Simonetti, Antonio; Dokken, Robert J.; Pothier, Hayley D.. 2014 Ganderia-Laurentia collision in the Caledonides of Great Britain and Ireland. Journal of the Geological Society, 171 (4). 555-569. 10.1144/jgs2013-131

Waldron, John W.F.; Schofield, David I.; Murphy, J. Brendan; Thomas, Chris W.. 2014 How was the Iapetus Ocean infected with subduction? Geology, 42 (12). 1095-1098. 10.1130/G36194.1

Walker, Anthony P.; Hanson, Paul J.; De Kauwe, Martin G.; Medlyn, Belinda E.; Zaehle, Sönke; Asao, Shinichi; Dietze, Michael; Hickler, Thomas; Huntingford, Chris ORCID:; Iversen, Colleen M.; Jain, Atul; Lomas, Mark; Luo, Yiqi; McCarthy, Heather; Parton, William J.; Prentice, I. Colin; Thornton, Peter E.; Wang, Shusen; Wang, Ying-Ping; Warlind, David; Weng, Ensheng; Warren, Jeffrey M.; Woodward, F. Ian; Oren, Ram; Norby, Richard J.. 2014 Comprehensive ecosystem model-data synthesis using multiple data sets at two temperate forest free-air CO2 enrichment experiments: Model performance at ambient CO2 concentration. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 119 (5). 937-964. 10.1002/2013JG002553

Wall-Palmer, Deborah; Coussens, Maya; Talling, Peter J.; Jutzeler, Martin; Cassidy, Michael; Marchant, Isabelle; Palmer, Martin R.; Watt, Sebastian F. L.; Smart, Christopher W.; Fisher, Jodie K.; Hart, Malcolm B.; Fraass, Andrew; Trofimovs, Jessica; Le Friant, Anne; Ishizuka, Osamu; Adachi, Tatsuya; Aljahdali, Mohammed; Boudon, Georges; Breitkreuz, Christoph; Endo, Daisuke; Fujinawa, Akihiko; Hatfield, Robert; Hornbach, Matthew J.; Kataoka, Kyoko; Lafuerza, Sara; Maeno, Fukashi; Manga, Michael; Martinez-Colon, Michael; McCanta, Molly; Morgan, Sally; Saito, Takeshi; Slagle, Angela L.; Stinton, Adam J.; Subramanyam, K. S. V.; Tamura, Yoshihiko; Villemant, Benoit; Wang, Fei. 2014 Late Pleistocene stratigraphy of IODP Site U1396 and compiled chronology offshore of south and south west Montserrat, Lesser Antilles. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15 (7). 3000-3020. 10.1002/2014GC005402

Wall-Palmer, Deborah; Smart, Christopher W.; Hart, Malcolm B.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Borghini, Mireno; Manini, Elena; Aliani, Stefano; Conversi, Alessandra. 2014 Late Pleistocene pteropods, heteropods and planktonic foraminifera from the Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean. Micropaleontology, 60 (6). 557-578.

Walton, D.W.H. ORCID: 2014 Profiting from Antarctic science. (Editorial). Antarctic Science, 26 (02). 113. 10.1017/S0954102014000091

Walton, D.W.H.. 2014 Scanning the horizon (editorial). Antarctic Science, 26 (05). 457. 10.1017/S0954102014000662

Waluda, Claire M. ORCID:; Dunn, Michael J. ORCID:; Curtis, Michael L.; Fretwell, Peter T. ORCID: 2014 Assessing penguin colony size and distribution using digital mapping and satellite remote sensing. Polar Biology, 37 (12). 1849-1855. 10.1007/s00300-014-1566-y

Wang, Shifeng; Hastings, Astley; Wang, Sicong; Sunnenberg, Gilla; Tallis, Matthew J.; Casella, Eric; Taylor, Simon; Alexander, Peter; Cisowska, Iwona; Lovett, Andrew; Taylor, Gail; Firth, Steven; Moran, Dominic; Morison, James; Smith, Pete. 2014 The potential for bioenergy crops to contribute to meeting GB heat and electricity demands [in special issue: Supply and demand: Britain's capacity to utilize home-grown bioenergy] Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 6 (2). 136-141. 10.1111/gcbb.12123

Wang, Shu; Vincent, Ceri J.; Stephenson, Mike H.; Zeng, Rongshu. 2014 Assessment of storage capacity for CO2 in saline aquifers near hydrocarbon fields, northern Songliao Basin, China. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 4 (3). 366-383. 10.1002/ghg.1398

Wang, Yajing; Wang, Hui; Xu, Kunhan; Ni, Peixiang; Zhang, Huan; Ma, Jinmin; Yang, Huanming; Xu, Feng. 2014 A survey of overlooked viral infections in biological experiment systems. PLoS ONE, 9 (8), e105348. 7, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0105348

Wang, Ye; Yan, Xiaodong; Wang, Zhaomin ORCID: 2014 The biogeophysical effects of extreme afforestation in modeling future climate. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 118 (3). 511-521. 10.1007/s00704-013-1085-8

Wang, Zhaomin; Turner, John ORCID:; Sun, Bo; Li, Bingrui; Liu, Chengyan. 2014 Cyclone-induced rapid creation of extreme Antarctic sea ice conditions. Scientific Reports, 4, 5317. 6, pp. 10.1038/srep05317

Ward, H.C.; Evans, J.G. ORCID:; Grimmond, C.S.B.. 2014 Multi-scale sensible heat fluxes in the suburban environment from large-aperture scintillometry and eddy covariance. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 152 (1). 65-89. 10.1007/s10546-014-9916-4

Ward, Peter; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID: 2014 Mesozooplankton in the Southern Ocean: spatial and temporal patterns from Discovery Investigations. Progress in Oceanography, 120. 305-319. 10.1016/j.pocean.2013.10.011

Ward, W.O.C.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Chambers, J.E.; Oxby, L.S.; Li, Bai. 2014 Distribution-based fuzzy clustering of electrical resistivity tomography images for interface detection. Geophysical Journal International, 197 (1). 310-321. 10.1093/gji/ggu006

Warren, Clare J.; Singh, Athokpam K.; Roberts, Nick M.W.; Regis, Daniele; Halton, Alison M.; Singh, Rajkumar B.. 2014 Timing and conditions of peak metamorphism and cooling across the Zimithang Thrust, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Lithos, 200-201. 94-110. 10.1016/j.lithos.2014.04.005

Waters, C.N.; Millward, D.; Thomas, C.W.. 2014 The Millstone Grit Group (Pennsylvanian) of the Northumberland-Solway Basin and Alston Block of northern England. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 60 (1). 29-51. 10.1144/pygs2014-341

Watson, Andrew J.; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Marshall, John. 2014 Introduction: The Southern Ocean, carbon and climate. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 372 (2019), 20130057. 10.1098/rsta.2013.0057

Watson, Sue-Ann; Morley, Simon A. ORCID:; Bates, Amanda E.; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Day, Robert W.; Lamare, Miles; Martin, Stephanie M.; Southgate, Paul C.; Tan, Koh Siang; Tyler, Paul A.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2014 Low global sensitivity of metabolic rate to temperature in calcified marine invertebrates. Oecologia, 174 (1). 45-54. 10.1007/s00442-013-2767-8

Watt, Sebastian; Talling, Peter; Hunt, James. 2014 New Insights into the Emplacement Dynamics of Volcanic Island Landslides. Oceanography, 27 (2). 46-57. 10.5670/oceanog.2014.39

Waylen, Kerry A.; Young, Juliette. 2014 Expectations and experiences of diverse forms of knowledge use: the case of the UK National Ecosystem Assessment. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 32 (2). 229 -246. 10.1068/c1327j

Webb, D.J. ORCID: 2014 On the tides and resonances of Hudson Bay and Hudson Strait. Ocean Science, 10 (3). 411-426. 10.5194/os-10-411-2014

Webb, Sharon L.; Murton, Bramley J. ORCID:; Wheeler, Andrew J.. 2014 Rheology and the Fe3+–chlorine reaction in basaltic melts. Chemical Geology, 366. 24-31. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2013.12.006

Wedlund, Mea Simon; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Rodger, Craig J.; Cresswell-Moorcock, Kathy; Cobbett, Neil; Breen, Paul ORCID:; Danskin, Donald; Spanswick, Emma; Rodriguez, Juan V.. 2014 A statistical approach to determining energetic outer radiation-belt electron precipitation fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (5). 3961-3978. 10.1002/2013JA019715

Weibel, R.; Kjøller, C.; Bateman, K.; Laier, T.; Nielsen, L.H.; Purser, G.. 2014 Carbonate dissolution in Mesozoic sand- and claystones as a response to CO2 exposure at 70°C and 20MPa. Applied Geochemistry, 42. 1-15. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.12.006

Werner, Małgorzata; Kryza, Maciej; Dore, Anthony J.. 2014 Differences in the spatial distribution and chemical composition of PM10 between the UK and Poland. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 19 (3). 179-192. 10.1007/s10666-013-9384-0

Westhoek, Henk; Lesschen, Jan Peter; Rood, Trudy; Wagner, Susanne; De Marco, Alessandra; Murphy-Bokern, Donal; Leip, Adrian; van Grinsven, Hans; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Oenema, Oene. 2014 Food choices, health and environment: effects of cutting Europe's meat and dairy intake. Global Environmental Change, 26. 196-205. 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2014.02.004

Westwood, Jack; Burnett, Matthew; Spratt, David; Ball, Michael; Wilson, Daniel; Wellsteed, Sally; Cleary, David; Green, Andy; Hutley, Emma; Cichowska, Anna; Hopkins, Susan; Wilcox, Mark; Kessel, Anthony; Zoubiane, Ghada; Bethke, Lara; Crook, Derrick; Walker, Jimmy; Sutton, Mark; Marsh, Philip; Moore, Ginny; Wilson, Peter; Holmes, Alison; Hoffman, Peter; Smith, Chris; Oppenheim, Beryl; Parkhill, Julian; Woodford, Neil; Robotham, Julie; Kidgell, Claire; Anyim, Martin; Gilkes, Gabriella; Field, Dawn; Quick, Josh; Pickering, Tony; Kirkup, Benjamin C.; Gilbert, Jack. 2014 The hospital microbiome project: meeting report for the UK science and innovation network UK-USA workshop 'beating the superbugs: hospital microbiome studies for tackling antimicrobial resistance', October 14th 2013. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 9, 12. 10.1186/1944-3277-9-12

Weydmann, A; Carstensen, J; Goszczko, Ilona ORCID:; Dmoch, K; Olszewska, A; Kwasniewski, S. 2014 Shift towards the dominance of boreal species in the Arctic: inter-annual and spatial zooplankton variability in the West Spitsbergen Current. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 501. 41-52. 10.3354/meps10694

Whitaker, Jeanette ORCID:; Ostle, Nicholas; McNamara, Niall P. ORCID:; Nottingham, Andrew T.; Stott, Andrew W.; Bardgett, Richard D.; Salinas, Norma; Ccahuana, Adan J.Q.; Meir, Patrick. 2014 Microbial carbon mineralization in tropical lowland and montane forest soils of Peru. Frontiers in Microbiology, 5, 720. 13, pp. 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00720

Whitaker, Jeanette ORCID:; Ostle, Nicholas; Nottingham, Andrew T.; Ccahuana, Adan; Salinas, Norma; Bardgett, Richard D.; Meir, Patrick; McNamara, Niall P. ORCID: 2014 Microbial community composition explains soil respiration responses to changing carbon inputs along an Andes-to-Amazon elevation gradient. Journal of Ecology, 102 (4). 1058-1071. 10.1111/1365-2745.12247

White, James C.; Beamish, David. 2014 A lithological assessment of the resistivity data acquired during the airborne geophysical survey of Anglesey, North Wales. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (2). 170-181. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2014.01.003

Whittaker, Ian C.; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Rodger, Craig J.. 2014 Characteristics of precipitating energetic electron fluxes relative to the plasmapause during geomagnetic storms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (11). 8784-8800. 10.1002/2014JA020446

Whittaker, Ian C.; Rodger, Craig J.; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Sauvaud, Jean-André. 2014 The effects and correction of the geometric factor for the POES/MEPED electron flux instrument using a multisatellite comparison. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (8). 6386-6404. 10.1002/2014JA020021

Whittle, Rowan ORCID:; Quaglio, Fernanda; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Crame, J. Alistair ORCID: 2014 The Early Miocene Cape Melville Formation fossil assemblage and the evolution of modern Antarctic marine communities. Naturwissenschaften, 101 (1). 47-59. 10.1007/s00114-013-1128-0

Wildenborg, Ton; de Bruin, Geert; Kronimus, Alexander; Neele, Filip; Wollenweber, Jens; Chadwick, Andy. 2014 Transferring responsibility of CO2 storage sites to the competent authority following site closure. Energy Procedia, 63. 6705-6716. 10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.706

Williams, C. R. ORCID:; Bees, M. A.. 2014 Mechanistic modeling of sulfur-deprived photosynthesis and hydrogen production in suspensions of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 111 (2). 320-335. 10.1002/bit.25023

Williams, C. Rosie ORCID:; Hindmarsh, Richard C.A. ORCID:; Arthern, Robert J. ORCID: 2014 Calculating balance velocities with a membrane stress correction. Journal of Glaciology, 60 (220). 294-304. 10.3189/2014JoG13j092

Williams, J. ORCID:; Hughes, C.W. ORCID:; Tamisiea, M.E.; Williams, S.D.P. ORCID: 2014 Weighing the ocean with bottom-pressure sensors: robustness of the ocean mass annual cycle estimate. Ocean Science, 10 (4). 701-718. 10.5194/os-10-701-2014

Williams, J.D.O.; Holloway, S.; Williams, G.A.. 2014 Pressure constraints on the CO2 storage capacity of the saline water-bearing parts of the Bunter Sandstone Formation in the UK Southern North Sea. Petroleum Geoscience, 20 (2). 155-167. 10.1144/petgeo2013-019

Williams, Simon D.P. ORCID:; Moore, Philip; King, Matt A.; Whitehouse, Pippa L.. 2014 Revisiting GRACE Antarctic ice mass trends and accelerations considering autocorrelation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 385. 12-21. 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.10.016

Williamson, Daniel; Blaker, Adam T. ORCID: 2014 Evolving Bayesian Emulators for Structured Chaotic Time Series, with Application to Large Climate Models. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 2 (1). 1-28. 10.1137/120900915

Wilson, Katy E.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Mackay, Anson W.. 2014 The use of multivariate statistics to resolve multiple contamination signals in the oxygen isotope analysis of biogenic silica. Journal of Quaternary Science, 29 (7). 641-649. 10.1002/jqs.2729

Wilson, Katy E.; Maslin, Mark A.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Kingston, John D.; Deino, Alan L.; Edgar, Robert K.; Mackay, Anson W.. 2014 East African lake evidence for Pliocene millennial-scale climate variability. Geology, 42 (11). 955-958. 10.1130/G35915.1

Wilson, Samuel T.; del Valle, Daniela A.; Robidart, Julie C. ORCID:; Zehr, Jonathan P.; Karl, David M.. 2014 Erratum: Dissolved hydrogen and nitrogen fixation in the oligotrophic North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 6 (1). p122. 10.1111/1758-2229.12127

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID: 2014 Biological conservation of aquatic inland habitats: these are better days. Journal of Limnology, 73 (s1), supplement Limnology in the 21st Century: celebrating 75 years of ecological research in Pallanza. 120-131. 10.4081/jlimnol.2014.795

Withers, Paul J.A.; Jordan, Philip; May, Linda ORCID:; Jarvie, Helen P. ORCID:; Deal, Nancy E.. 2014 Do septic tank systems pose a hidden threat to water quality? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 12 (2). 123-130. 10.1890/130131

Withers, Paul J.A.; Neal, Colin; Jarvie, Helen P. ORCID:; Doody, Donnacha G.. 2014 Agriculture and eutrophication: where do we go from here? Sustainability, 6 (9). 5853-5875. 10.3390/su6095853

Wood, Christopher C.; Statham, Peter J.; Kelly-Gerreyn, Boris A.; Martin, Adrian P. ORCID: 2014 Modelling macronutrients in shelf sea sediments: fitting model output to experimental data using a genetic algorithm. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14 (1). 218-229. 10.1007/s11368-013-0793-0

Wood, Kevin A.; Stillman, Richard A.; Daunt, Francis ORCID:; O'Hare, Matthew T.. 2014 Can sacrificial feeding areas protect aquatic plants from herbivore grazing?: using behavioural ecology to inform wildlife management. PLoS ONE, 9 (7), e104034. 10.1371/journal.pone.0104034

Wood, Kevin A.; Stillman, Richard A.; Daunt, Francis ORCID:; O'Hare, Matthew T.. 2014 Chalk streams and grazing mute swans. British Wildlife, 25 (3). 171-176.

Woodall, Hannah; Bullock, James M. ORCID:; White, Steven M. ORCID: 2014 Modelling the harvest of an insect pathogen. Ecological Modelling, 287. 16-26. 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.04.026

Woodcock, B.A. ORCID:; Savage, J.; Bullock, J.M. ORCID:; Nowakoski, M.; Orr, R.; Tallowin, J.R.B.; Pywell, R.F. ORCID: 2014 Enhancing floral resources for pollinators in productive agricultural grasslands. Biological Conservation, 171. 44-51. 10.1016/j.biocon.2014.01.023

Woodcock, Ben A. ORCID:; Harrower, Colin ORCID:; Redhead, John ORCID:; Edwards, Mike; Vanbergen, Adam J. ORCID:; Heard, Matthew S.; Roy, David B. ORCID:; Pywell, Richard F. ORCID: 2014 National patterns of functional diversity and redundancy in predatory ground beetles and bees associated with key UK arable crops. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51 (1). 142-151. 10.1111/1365-2664.12171

Woodfield, E. E. ORCID:; Horne, R. B. ORCID:; Glauert, S. A. ORCID:; Menietti, J. D.; Shprits, Y. Y.. 2014 The origin of Jupiter's outer radiation belt. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (5). 3490-3502. 10.1002/2014JA019891

Woodfield, Emma E. ORCID: 2014 Autumn MIST 2013. Astronomy & Geophysics, 55 (2). 2.22-2.25. 10.1093/astrogeo/atu078

Woods, Mark A.; Vandenbroucke, Thijs R.A.; Williams, Mark; Riding, James B. ORCID:; De Schepper, Stijn; Sabbe, Koen. 2014 Complex response of dinoflagellate cyst distribution patterns to cooler early Oligocene oceans. Earth-Science Reviews, 138. 215-230. 10.1016/j.earscirev.2014.02.004

Woodworth, Philip L.; Morales Maqueda, Miguel Á.; Roussenov, Vassil M.; Williams, Richard G.; Hughes, Chris W. ORCID: 2014 Mean sea-level variability along the northeast American Atlantic coast and the roles of the wind and the overturning circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (12). 8916-8935. 10.1002/2014JC010520

Woollings, Tim; Czuchnicki, Camelia; Franzke, Christian. 2014 Twentieth century North Atlantic jet variability. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 140 (680). 783-791. 10.1002/qj.2197

Woolway, R. Iestyn; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID:; Jones, Ian D.; Feuchtmayr, Heidrun. 2014 A novel method for estimating the onset of thermal stratification in lakes from surface water measurements. Water Resources Research, 50 (6). 5131-5140. 10.1002/2013WR014975

Worrall, T.P; Dunbar, M.J.; Extence, C.A.; Laize, C.L.R.; Monk, W.A.; Wood, P.J.. 2014 The identification of hydrological indices for the characterization of macroinvertebrate community response to flow regime variability [in special issue: Hydrological science for environmental flows] Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3-4). 645-658. 10.1080/02626667.2013.825722

Wragg, Joanna; Cave, Mark; Gregory, Sean. 2014 The solid phase distribution and bioaccessibility of arsenic, chromium, and nickel in natural ironstone soils in the UK. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, 2014, 924891. 12, pp. 10.1155/2014/924891

Wright, A.P.; Le Brocq, A.M.; Cornford, S.L.; Bingham, R.G.; Corr, H.F.J.; Ferraccioli, F. ORCID:; Jordan, T.A. ORCID:; Payne, A.J.; Rippin, D.M.; Ross, N.; Siegert, M.J.. 2014 Sensitivity of the Weddell Sea sector ice streams to sub-shelf melting and surface accumulation. The Cryosphere, 8. 2119-2134. 10.5194/tcd-7-5475-2013

Wrighton, C.E.; Bee, E.J.; Mankelow, J.M.. 2014 The development and implementation of mineral safeguarding policies at national and local levels in the United Kingdom. Resources Policy, 41. 160-170. 10.1016/j.resourpol.2014.05.006

Wu, Xiaoyang; Chapman, Mark; Angerer, Erika. 2014 Interpretation of phase reversals in seismic reflections from attenuating targets. Geophysical Journal International, 200 (1). 690-697. 10.1093/gji/ggu426

Wu, Xiaoyang; Chapman, Mark; Li, Xiang-Yang. 2014 Estimating seismic dispersion from prestack data using frequency-dependent AVO analysis. Journal of Seismic Exploration, 23 (3). 219-239.

Wu, Xiaoyang; Chapman, Mark; Li, Xiang-Yang; Boston, Patrick. 2014 Quantitative gas saturation estimation by frequency-dependent amplitude-versus-offset analysis. Geophysical Prospecting, 62 (6). 1224-1237. 10.1111/1365-2478.12179

Wylie, C.E.; Shaw, D.J.; Fordyce, F.M.; Lilly, A.; McGorum, B.C.. 2014 Equine grass sickness in Scotland: a case-control study of environmental geochemical risk factors. Equine Veterinary Journal, 46 (S47). 21. 10.1111/evj.12323_48

Wylie, C.E.; Shaw, D.J.; Fordyce, F.M.; Lilly, A.; McGorum, B.C.. 2014 Equine grass sickness in Scotland: a case-control study of signalment- and meteorology- related risk factors. Equine Veterinary Journal, 46 (1). 64-71. 10.1111/evj.12077

Wynn, Russell B.; Brown, Dan; Thomas, Gavin; Holt, Chas A.; Hanssen, Sveinn Are; Moe, Børge; Gilg, Olivier. 2014 Spring migration routes of Long-tailed Skuas around and across the UK - results of observational and tracking data. British Birds, 107 (4). 220-228.

Wynn, Russell B.; Huvenne, Veerle A.I. ORCID:; Le Bas, Timothy P. ORCID:; Murton, Bramley J. ORCID:; Connelly, Douglas P.; Bett, Brian J. ORCID:; Ruhl, Henry A.; Morris, Kirsty J.; Peakall, Jeffrey; Parsons, Daniel R.; Sumner, Esther J.; Darby, Stephen E.; Dorrell, Robert M.; Hunt, James E.. 2014 Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs): their past, present and future contributions to the advancement of marine geoscience. Marine Geology, 352. 451-468. 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.03.012

Węsławski, Jan Marcin; Kędra, Monika; Przytarska, Joanna; Kotwicki, Lech; Ellingsen, Ingrid; Skardhamar, Jofrid; Renaud, Paul; Goszczko, Ilona ORCID: 2014 A huge biocatalytic filter in the centre of Barents Sea shelf? Oceanologia, 54 (2). 325-335. 10.5697/oc.54-2.325

Xavier, Jose C. ORCID:; Walker, Kath; Elliot, Graeme; Cherel, Yves; Thompson, David. 2014 Cephalopod fauna of South Pacific waters: new information from breeding New Zealand wandering albatrosses. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 513. 131-142. 10.3354/meps10957

Xu, Yifeng; Xu, Nan; Llewellyn, Neville R.; Tao, Huchun. 2014 Occurrence and removal of free and conjugated estrogens in wastewater and sludge in five sewage treatment plants. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16 (2). 262-270. 10.1039/c3em00199g

Yamamoto, Takashi; Takahashi, Akinori; Sato, Katsufumi; Oka, Nariko; Yamamoto, Maki; Trathan, Philip N. ORCID: 2014 Individual consistency in migratory behaviour of a pelagic seabird. Behaviour, 151 (5). 683-701. 10.1163/1568539X-00003163

Yankovich, T.L.; King-Sharp, K.J.; Carr, J.; Robertson, E.; Killey, R.W.D.; Beresford, N.A.; Wood, M.D.. 2014 Spatial analysis of carbon-14 dynamics in a wetland ecosystem (Duke Swamp, Chalk River Laboratories, Canada). Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 137. 173-180. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2014.07.007

Yasuda, Tomohiro; Nakajo, Sota; Kim, SooYoul; Mase, Hajime; Mori, Nobuhito; Horsburgh, Kevin ORCID: 2014 Evaluation of future storm surge risk in East Asia based on state-of-the-art climate change projection. Coastal Engineering, 83. 65-71. 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2013.10.003

Yelland, Margaret ORCID: 2014 Autobiography. Oceanography, 27 (4 Suppl.), supplement Women in Oceanography: a decade later. p255.

Young, Emma ORCID:; Thorpe, Sally ORCID:; Banglawala, Neelofer; Murphy, Eugene ORCID: 2014 Variability in transport pathways on and around the South Georgia shelf, Southern Ocean: Implications for recruitment and retention. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (1). 241-252. 10.1002/2013JC009348

Young, J.R.; Hagino, K.; Poulton, A.J.. 2014 Gladiolithus adeyi sp. nov.: a new deep photic coccolithophore species and new molecular genetic and crystallographic observations on Gladiolithus flabellatus [in special issue: Coccolithophores 2014 workshop volume] Journal of Nannoplankton Research, 34. 61-68.

Young, J.R.; Poulton, A.J.; Tyrrell, T.. 2014 Morphology of Emiliania huxleyi coccoliths on the North West European shelf – is there an influence of carbonate chemistry? Biogeosciences Discussions, 11 (3). 4531-4561. 10.5194/bgd-11-4531-2014

Young, Juliette C.; Waylen, Kerry A.; Sarkki, Simo; Albon, Steve; Bainbridge, Ian; Balian, Estelle; Davidson, James; Edwards, David; Fairley, Roddy; Margerison, Ceri; McCracken, Davy; Owen, Roger; Quine, Christopher P.; Stewart-Roper, Charles; Thompson, Des; Tinch, Rob; Van den Hove, Sybille; Watt, Allan ORCID: 2014 Improving the science-policy dialogue to meet the challenges of biodiversity conservation: having conversations rather than talking at one-another. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23 (2). 387-404. 10.1007/s10531-013-0607-0

Yáñez, Beatriz; Muñoz, Antonio-Román; Bildstein, Keith L.; Newton, Ian ORCID:; Toxopeus, Albertus G.; Ferrer, Miguel. 2014 Individual variation in the over-summering areas of immature short-toed snake eagles Circaetus gallicus. Acta Ornithologica, 49 (1). 137-141. 10.3161/000164514X682968

Zalasiewicz, Jan; Waters, Colin N.; Williams, Mark. 2014 Human bioturbation, and the subterranean landscape of the Anthropocene. Anthropocene, 6. 3-9. 10.1016/j.ancene.2014.07.002

Zalasiewicz, Jan; Williams, Mark; Waters, Colin N.; Barnosky, Anthony D.; Haff, Peter. 2014 The technofossil record of humans. The Anthropocene Review, 1 (1). 34-43. 10.1177/2053019613514953

Zeng, R.Q.; Meng, X.M.; Wasowski, J.; Dijkstra, T.; Bovenga, F.; Xue, Y.T.; Wang, S.Y.. 2014 Ground instability detection using PS-InSAR in Lanzhou, China. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 47 (4). 307-321. 10.1144/qjegh2014-040

Zhang, Xiaojia; Angelopoulos, Vassilis; Ni, Binbin; Thorne, Richard M.; Horne, Richard B. ORCID: 2014 Extent of ECH Wave Emissions in Earth's Magnetotail. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (7). 5561-5574. 10.1002/2014JA019931

Zhang, Xiaolin; Zhang, Feng; Li, Xiang. 2014 The influence of fracturing process on microseismic propagation. Geophysical Prospecting, 62 (4). 797-805. 10.1111/1365-2478.12145

Zhang, Y.; Collins, A.L.; Murdoch, N.; Lee, D.; Naden, P.S.. 2014 Cross sector contributions to river pollution in England and Wales: updating waterbody scale information to support policy delivery for the Water Framework Directive. Environmental Science & Policy, 42. 16-32. 10.1016/j.envsci.2014.04.010

Zhang, Yizhi; Yin, Liyan; Jiang, Hong-Sheng; Li, Wei; Gontero, Brigitte; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID: 2014 Biochemical and biophysical CO2 concentrating mechanisms in two species of freshwater macrophyte within the genus Ottelia (Hydrocharitaceae). Photosynthesis Research, 121 (2-3). 285-297. 10.1007/s11120-013-9950-y

Zheng, Liheng; Chan, Anthony A.; Albert, Jay M.; Elkington, Scot R.; Koller, Josef; Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Glauert, Sarah A. ORCID:; Meredith, Nigel P. ORCID: 2014 Three-dimensional stochastic modeling of radiation belts in adiabatic invariant coordinates. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119 (9). 7615-7635. 10.1002/2014JA020127

Zubkov, Mikhail V.. 2014 Faster growth of the major prokaryotic versus eukaryotic CO2 fixers in the oligotrphic ocean. Nature Communications, 5. 3776. 10.1038/ncomms4776

Zwinger, T.; Schäfer, M.; Martín, Carlos ORCID:; Moore, J.C.. 2014 Influence of anisotropy on velocity and age distribution at Scharffenbergbotnen blue ice area. The Cryosphere, 8 (2). 607-621. 10.5194/tc-8-607-2014

de Carvalho, Gabriel Gustinelli A.; Degaspari, Iracema Alves Manoel; Branco, Vasco; Canário, João; de Amorim, Alberto Ferreira; Kennedy, Valerie Helen; Ferreira, José Roberto. 2014 Assessment of total and organic mercury levels in Blue Sharks (Prionace glauca) from the South and Southeastern Brazilian Coast. Biological Trace Element Research, 159 (1-3). 128-134. 10.1007/s12011-014-9995-6

de Lavergne, Casimir; Palter, Jaime B.; Galbraith, Eric D.; Bernardello, Raffaele; Marinov, Irina. 2014 Cessation of deep convection in the open Southern Ocean under anthropogenic climate change. Nature Climate Change, 4 (4). 278-282. 10.1038/nclimate2132

van Hengstum, Thomas; Hooftman, Danny A.P.; Oostermeijer, J. Gerard B.; van Tienderen, Peter H.. 2014 Impact of plant invasions on local arthropod communities: a meta-analysis. Journal of Ecology, 102 (1). 4-11. 10.1111/1365-2745.12176

van Ruitenbeek, Frank J.A.; Bakker, Wim H.; van der Werff, Harald M.A.; Zegers, Tanja E.; Oosthoek, Jelmer H.P.; Omer, Zulfa A.; Marsh, Stuart H.; van der Meer, Freek D.. 2014 Mapping the wavelength position of deepest absorption features to explore mineral diversity in hyperspectral images. Planetary and Space Science, 101. 108-117. 10.1016/j.pss.2014.06.009

van der Gast, Christopher J.; Cuthbertson, Leah; Rogers, Geraint B.; Pope, Christopher; Marsh, Robyn L.; Redding, Gregory J.; Bruce, Kenneth D.; Chang, Anne B.; Hoffman, Lucas R.. 2014 Three clinically distinct chronic pediatric airway infections share a common core microbiota. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 11 (7). 1039-1048. 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201312-456OC

von Schuckmann, K.; Sallée, J.-B.; Chambers, D.; Le Traon, P.-Y.; Cabanes, C.; Gaillard, F.; Speich, S.; Hamon, M.. 2014 Consistency of the current global ocean observing systems from an Argo perspective. Ocean Science, 10 (3). 547-557. 10.5194/os-10-547-2014

Álvarez, Inés; Lynch, Tim P.; Morello, Elisabetta B.; Evans, Karen; Richardson, Anthony J.; Rochester, Wayne; Steinberg, Craig R.; Roughan, Moninya; Thompson, Peter; Middleton, John F.; Feng, Ming; Sherrington, Robert; Brando, Vittorio; Tilbrook, Bronte; Ridgway, Ken; Allen, Simon; Doherty, Peter; Hill, Katherine ORCID:; Moltmann, Tim C.. 2014 IMOS national reference stations: A continental-wide physical, chemical and biological coastal observing system. PLoS ONE, 9 (12), e113652. 10.1371/journal.pone.0113652

Ó Cofaigh, Colm; Davies, Bethan J.; Livingstone, Stephen J.; Smith, James A. ORCID:; Johnson, Joanne S. ORCID:; Hocking, Emma P.; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Anderson, John B.; Bentley, Michael J.; Canals, Miquel; Domack, Eugene; Dowdeswell, Julian A.; Evans, Jeffrey; Glasser, Neil F.; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Larter, Robert D. ORCID:; Roberts, Stephen J. ORCID:; Simms, Alexander R.. 2014 Reconstruction of ice-sheet changes in the Antarctic Peninsula since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 100. 87-110. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.06.023

Publication - Book

Blockeel, T.L.; Bosanquet, S.D.S.; Hill, M.O.; Preston, C.D. ORCID:, eds. 2014 Atlas of British & Irish bryophytes. Newbury, Pisces Publications.

De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, eds. 2014 Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 480pp.

Roy, D.B. ORCID:; Harding, P.T.; Preston, C.D. ORCID:; Roy, H.E. ORCID:, eds. 2014 Celebrating 50 years of the Biological Records Centre. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 34pp.

Cudennec, C.; Kravchishina, M.; Lewandowski, J.; Rosbjerg, D.; Woodworth, P. ORCID:, eds. 2014 Complex interfaces under change: sea-river-groundwater-lake. Proceedings of HP2/HP3, IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Assembly, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2013. Walllingford, IAHS Press, 100pp. (IAHS Publication, 365).

Gunn, Gus, ed. 2014 Critical metals handbook. Chichester, UK, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 454pp.

Hinton, Thomas; Brechignac, Francois; Howard, Brenda ORCID:; Liland, Astrid; Walker, Stuart; Yankovich, Tamara, eds. 2014 Environmental radioactivity: legacy sites, Chernobyl and Fukushima; selected papers from the 12th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE). Elsevier, 128pp. (Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 131).

Bozzano, Michele; Jalonen, Riina; Thomas, Evert; Boshier, David; Gallo, Leonardo; Cavers, Stephen ORCID:; Bordacs, Sandor; Smith, Paul; Loo, Judy, eds. 2014 Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using native tree species. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 281pp. (State of the world’s forest genetic resources – thematic study).

International Atomic Energy Agency. 2014 Handbook of parameter values for the prediction of radionuclide transfer to wildlife. Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, 211pp. (Technical Reports Series, 479).

Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Mills, Gina; Hayes, Felicity ORCID:; Castell, Jean-François; Bethenod, Olivier; Repellin, Anne; Leblond, Sébastien; Galsomiès, Laurence; Formisano, Sophie, eds. 2014 ICP Vegetation : 27th Task Force Meeting and ozone workshop, 28-30 January 2014, Paris, France : programme & abstracts. Bangor, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, ICP Vegetation Programme Coordination Centre, 77pp.

Watson, Andrew J.; Marshall, John; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:, eds. 2014 New models and observations of the Southern Ocean, its role in global climate and the carbon cycle. London, Royal Society. (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 372, (2019)).

Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, W. Kevin, eds. 2014 Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity: proceedings of the International Nitrogen Initiative Workshop, linking experts of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and the Convention on Biological Diversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 535pp.

Extractive Industry Geology Conference. 2014 Proceedings of the 17th Extractive Industry Geology Conference. Extractive Industry Geology Conferences Ltd, 203pp.

Hopper, John R.; Funck, Thomas; Stoker, Martyn; Arting, Uni; Peron-Pinvidic, Gwenn; Doornenbal, Hans; Gaina, Carmen, eds. 2014 Tectonostratigraphic atlas of the North-East Atlantic region. Copenhagen, Denmark, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 338pp.

International Atomic Energy Agency. 2014 The follow-up IAEA international mission on remediation of large contaminated areas off-site the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Tokyo and Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, 14–21 October 2013. Final report. Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, 57pp.

Brown, T.J.; Idoine, N.; Raycraft, E.R.; Shaw, R.A.; Deady, E.A.; Rippingale, J.; Bide, T.; Wrighton, C.E.; Rodley, J.. 2014 World mineral production 2008-12. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 115pp.

Brown, T.J.; Idoine, N.E.; Hobbs, S.F.; Mills, A.J.. 2014 European mineral statistics 2008-12 : a product of the World Mineral Statistics database. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 353pp.

Carvalho, F.; Chambers, D.; Fernandes, S.; Fesenko, S.; Goulet, R.; Howard, B. ORCID:; Kim, C-K.; Martin, P.; Moore, W.S; Phaneuf, M.; Porceilli, P.; Proehl, G.; Schmidt, P.; Sweeck, L.; Vandehove, H.; Yankovich, T.. 2014 The environmental behaviour of radium: revised edition. Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, 267pp. (Technical Reports Series, no. 476).

Elliott, A.; Bithell, J.; Darragh, P.; Evans, W.; Hodgson, S.; Hoskin, P; Howard, B. ORCID:; Kadhim, M.; McKeown, S.; Marsden, P.; Maskell, G.; Nunan, T.; Pearce, M.; Robinson, I.; Taylor, R.; Wakeford, R.; Warwick, P.; West, C.. 2014 Radium contamination in the area around Dalgety Bay. London, Public Health England, 76pp. (COMARE, 15th Report).

Elliott, A.; Darragh, P.; Evans, W.; Howard, B. ORCID:; Kadhim, M.; McKeown, S.; Marsden, P.; Maskell, G.; Nunan, T.; Pearce, M.; Robinson, I.; Taylor, R.; Wakeford, R.; Warwick, P.; West, C.; Bithell, J.; Hodgson, S.; Hoskin, P.; Jeggo, P.. 2014 Patient radiation dose issues resulting from the use of CT in the UK. London, Public Health England, 104pp. (COMARE, 16th Report).

Flinn, D.. 2014 Geology of Unst and Fetlar in Shetland : memoir for 1:50 000 geological sheet 131 (Scotland) Unst and Fetlar. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 154pp. (Description (Scotland Sheet) British Geological Survey, 131).

Hollick, L.M.; Scrivener, R.C.; Burt, C.E.. 2014 Geology of the Newquay district : a brief explanation of the geological map Sheet 346 Newquay. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 42pp. (Explanation (England and Wales) Sheet, 346).

Scrivener, R.C.; Booth, S.J.; Burt, C.E.; Ellison, R.A.; Hamblin, R.J.O.; Hollick, L.M.; Royse, K.R.. 2014 Geology of the Wellington district : a brief explanation of the geological map Sheet 311 Wellington. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 38pp. (Explanation (England & Wales Sheet) British Geological Survey, 311).

Shuckburgh, Emily ORCID:; Chambers, Catherine. 2014 Polar scientist: the coolest jobs on the planet. Raintree, 48pp.

Stroh, P.A.; Leach, S.J.; August, T.A. ORCID:; Walker, K.J.; Pearman, D.A.; Rumsey, F.J.; Harrower, C.A. ORCID:; Fay, M.F.; Martin, J.P.; Pankhurst, T.; Preston, C.D. ORCID:; Taylor, I.. 2014 A vascular plant red list for England. Bristol, Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland, 184pp.

Publication - Book Section

Aas, Wenche; Carou, Silvina; Alebic-Juretic, Ana; Aneja, Viney P.; Balasubramanian, Rajasekhar; Berge, Haldis; Cape, J. Neil; Delon, Claire; Denmead, O. Tom; Dennis, Robin L.; Dentener, Frank; Dore, Anthony J.; Du, Enzai; Forti, Maria Cristina; Galy-Lacaux, Corinne; Geupel, Markus; Haeuber, Richard; Iacoban, Carmen; Komarov, Alexander S.; Kubin, Eero; Kulshrestha, Umesh C.; Lamb, Brian; Liu, Xuejun; Patra, D.D.; Pienaar, Jacobus J.; Pinho, Pedro; Rao, P.S.P.; Shen, Jianlin; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Theobald, Mark R.; Vadrevu, Krishna P.; Vet, Robert. 2014 Progress in nitrogen deposition monitoring and modelling. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, W. Kevin, (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 455-463.

Allcock, Louise; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID: 2014 Bipolarity. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 431-436.

Arting, U.; Kokfelt, T.; Hjartarson, A.; Stewart, M.. 2014 Onshore geological maps. In: Hopper, J.; Stoker, M., (eds.) Tectonostratigraphic atlas of the North-East Atlantic region. Copenhagen, Denmark, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 223-235.

Badoe, C.; Turnock, S.R.; Phillips, A.B.. 2014 Ship wake field analysis using a coupled BEMt-RANS approach. In: NuTTS ’14: 17th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium, Marstrand, Sweden, 28-30 Sep 2014. Marstrand, Sweden, Chalmers University of Technology, 6pp.

Badoe, C.; Winden, B.; Lidtke, A.K.; Phillips, A.B.; Hudson, D.A.; Turnock, S.R.. 2014 Comparison of various approaches to numerical simulation of ship resistance and propulsion. In: SIMMAN 2014: workshop on verification and validation of ship manoeuvring Simulation Methods, Lyngby, Denmark, 08- 10 Dec 2014. Denmark, Force Technology, 7pp.

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Downey, Rachel V.. 2014 Bryozoa. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 195-199.

Baron, Jill S.; Barber, Mary; Adams, Mark; Agboola, Julius I.; Allen, Edith B.; Bealey, William J. ORCID:; Bobbink, Roland; Bobrovsky, Maxim V.; Bowman, William D.; Branquinho, Cristina; Bustamente, Mercedes M.C.; Clark, Christopher M.; Cocking, Edward C.; Cruz, Cristina; Davidson, Eric; Denmead, O. Tom; Dias, Teresa; Dise, Nancy B. ORCID:; Feest, Alan; Galloway, James N.; Geiser, Linda H.; Gilliam, Frank S.; Harrison, Ian J.; Khanina, Larisa G.; Lu, Xiankai; Manrique, Esteban; Ochoa-Hueso, Raúl; Ometto, Jean P.H.B.; Payne, Richard; Scheuschner, Thomas; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Simpson, Gavin L.; Singh, Y.V.; Stevens, Carly J.; Strachan, Ian; Sverdrup, Harald; Tokuchi, Naoko; van Dobben, Hans; Woodin, Sarah. 2014 The effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, W. Kevin, (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 465-480.

Bealey, William J. ORCID:; Dore, Anthony J.; Whitfield, Clare P.; Hall, Jane R.; Vieno, Massimo ORCID:; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID: 2014 Source attribution of eutrophying and acidifying pollutants on the UK Natura 2000 network. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, Kevin W., (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 369-374.

Bell, Paul S ORCID:; McCann, David L. ORCID:; Scott, Beth E.; Williamson, Benjamin J.; Waggitt, James J.; Ashton, Ian; Johanning, Lars; Blondel, Phillippe; Creech, Angus; Ingram, David; Norris, Jennifer; Finn, Matthew; Torres, Ricardo; Cazenave, Pierre; Conley, Daniel; Greaves, Deborah; Savidge, Graham; Armstrong, Eric; Hall, Chris; Kennedy, Robert; O'Carroll, Jack. 2014 FLow and Benthic ECology 4D – FLOWBEC – an overview. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewable Energy Technologies (EIMR2014), 28 April – 02 May 2014, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, EIMR Conference Team, EIMR2014-885, 3pp.

Bell, Paul S. ORCID:; McCann, David L ORCID:; Crammond, Sarah; McIlvenny, Jason; Dufaur, Juvenal; Archer, Philip. 2014 Marine radar derived current vector mapping at a planned commercial tidal stream turbine array in the Pentland Firth. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewable Energy Technologies (EIMR2014), 28 April – 02 May 2014, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, EIMR Conference Team, EIMR2014-887, 3pp.

Bennett, D.P.; Cuss, R.J.; Vardon, P.J.; Harrington, J.F.; Thomas, H.R.. 2014 Phenomena exposure from the large scale gas injection test (Lasgit) dataset using a bespoke data analysis toolkit. In: Norris, S., (ed.) Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement. Geological Society of London, 497-505. (Geological Society Special Publications, 400, 400).

Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Oenema, O.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2014 Non-agricultural stationary and mobile sources. In: Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Howard, C.M.; Oenema, O.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:, (eds.) Options for ammonia mitigation: guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 47-49.

Bittman, S.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2014 Other measures related to agricultural nitrogen. In: Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Howard, C.M.; Oenema, O.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:, (eds.) Options for ammonia mitigation: guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 45-46.

Bradshaw, E.; Rickards, L.; Holgate, S.; Aarup, T.. 2014 The GLOSS Delayed Mode Data Centre and the GLOSS implementation Plan 2012. In: Cudennec, C.; Kravchishina, M.; Lewandowski, J.; Rosbjerg, D.; Woodworth, P. ORCID:, (eds.) Complex interfaces under change: sea-river-groundwater-lake. Proceedings of HP2/HP3, IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Assembly, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2013. Walllingford, IAHS Press, 6-10, 100pp. (IAHS Publication, 365).

Brandt, Angelika; Van de Putte, Anton; Griffiths, Huw ORCID: 2014 Southern Ocean benthic deep-sea biodiversity and biogeography. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 233-239.

Bricker, S.H.; Barron, A.J.M.; Hughes, A.G.; Jackson, C.; Peach, D.. 2014 From geological complexity to hydrogeological understanding using an integrated 3D conceptual modelling approach : insights from the Cotswolds, UK. In: Sharp, John M., (ed.) Fractured rock hydrogeology. London, UK, CRC Press, 99-114.

Butcher, Thomas; Brown, Teresa. 2014 Gallium. In: Gunn, Gus, (ed.) Critical metals handbook. Chichester, UK, Wiley, 150-176, 454pp.

Cape, J. Neil. 2014 What happens to ammonia on leaf surfaces? In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, W. Kevin, (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 139-146.

Cape, J.N.; Fowler, D.. 2014 Trace gas exchange. In: North, Gerald R.; Pyle, John; Zhang, Fuqing, (eds.) Encyclopedia of atmospheric sciences. Vol. 3. (2nd ed.). Amsterdam, Academic Press, 256-261.

Cassar, J.; Winter, M.G.; Marker, B.R.; Walton, N.R.G.; Entwisle, D.C.; Bromhead, E.N.; Smith, J.W.N.. 2014 Introduction to stone in historic buildings: characterization and performance. In: Cassar, J.; Winter, M.G.; Marker, B.R.; Walton, N.R.G.; Entwisle, D.C.; Bromhead, E.N.; Smith, J.W.N., (eds.) Stone in historic buildings : characterization and performance. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 1-5. (Geological Society Special Publication, 391, 391).

Cassidy, M.; Trofimovs, J.; Watt, S.F.L.; Palmer, M.R.; Taylor, R.N.; Gernon, T.M.; Talling, P.J.; Le Friant, A.. 2014 Multi-stage collapse events in the South Soufrière Hills, Montserrat, as recorded in marine sediment cores. In: Wadge, G.; Robertson, R.; Voight, B., (eds.) The eruption of Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat from 2000 to 2010. London, Geological Society of London, 383-397, 501pp. (Memoirs of the Geological Society, 39).

Clair, Thomas A.; Blett, Tamara; Aherne, Julian; Aidar, Marcos P.M.; Artz, Richard; Bealey, William J. ORCID:; Budd, William; Cape, J. Neil; Curtis, Chris J.; Duan, Lei; Fenn, Mark E.; Groffman, Peter; Haeuber, Richard; Hall, Jane R.; Hettelingh, Jean-Paul; López-Hernández, Danilo; Mathieson, Scot; Pardo, Linda; Posch, Maximilian; Pouyat, Richard V.; Spranger, Till; Sverdrup, Harald; van Dobben, Hans; van Hinsberg, Arjan. 2014 The critical loads and levels approach for nitrogen. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, W. Kevin, (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 481-491.

Clare, M. ORCID:; Smith, C.A.; Dan-Unterseh, G.; Spinewine, B.. 2014 Early stage geohazard assessments in tectonically active areas: application to potential developments in South-East Asia. In: 2014 Offshore Technology Conference Asia. Richardson, TX, Society of Petroeum Engineers, OTC-24922-MS.

Clement Kinney, J.; Maslowski, W.; Aksenov, Y. ORCID:; de Cuevas, B.; Nguyen, A.; Osinski, R.; Steele, M.; Woodgate, R.A.; Zhang, J.. 2014 On the flow through Bering Strait: a synthesis of model results and observations. In: Grebmeier, J.; Maslowski, W., (eds.) The Pacific-Arctic Region: ecosystem status and trends in a rapidly changing environment. Dordrecht, Springer, 167-198, 468pp.

Cole, P.D.; Smith, P.; Komorowski, J.-C.; Alfano, F.; Bonadonna, C.; Stinton, A.; Christopher, T.; Odbert, H.M.; Loughlin, S.. 2014 Ash venting occurring both prior to and during lava extrusion at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, from 2005 to 2010. In: Wadge, G.; Robertson, R.E.A.; Voight., B, (eds.) The eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat from 2000 to 2010. Geological Society of London, 71-92. (Memoir, 39, 39).

Collins, Adrian L.; Zhang, Yusheng; Naden, Pamela. 2014 The costs and efficacy of sediment mitigation measures for representative farm types across England and Wales. In: Xu, Y. Jun, (ed.) Sediment dynamics from the summit to the sea. Wallingford, UK, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 382-388. (IAHS Publication, 367).

Collins, Philip E.F.; Banks, Vanessa J.; Royse, Katherine R.; Bricker, Stephanie H.. 2014 Superficial Hollows and Rockhead anomalies in the London Basin, UK: origins, distribution and risk implications for subsurface infrastructure and water resources. In: Engineering geology for society and territory. Volume 6. Springer, 663-666.

Constable, Andrew; Costa, Dan; Murphy, Eugene ORCID:; Hofmann, Eileen; Schofield, Oscar; Press, Anthony; Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID:; Newman, Louise. 2014 Assessing status and change in Southern Ocean ecosystems. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 404-407.

Crame, J. Alistair ORCID: 2014 Evolutionary setting. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 32-35.

Culshaw, M.G.; Northmore, K.J.. 2014 Urban engineering geological maps for Bradford, UK. In: Lollino, G.; Culshaw, Martin, (eds.) Engineering geology for society and territory. Volume 5. Cham, Switzerland, Springer, 351-354.

Culshaw, M.G.; Northmore, K.J.; McCann, D.M.. 2014 A short history of engineering geology and geophysics at the British Geological Survey. In: Lollino, Giorgio, (ed.) Engineering geology for society and territory. Volume 7. Springer, 257-260.

Curtis, Chris J.; Simpson, Gavin L.; Battarbee, Rick W.; Maberly, Stephen ORCID: 2014 Challenges in defining critical loads for nitrogen in UK lakes. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, W. Kevin, (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 337-344.

Cuss, Robert; Harrington, Jon; Giot, Richard; Auvray, Christophe. 2014 Experimental observations of mechanical dilation at the onset of gas flow in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone. In: Norris, S., (ed.) Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 507-519. (Geological Society Special Publication, 400).

Danis, Bruno; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Jangoux, Michel. 2014 Asteroidea. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 200-207.

Dawson, Alistair. 2014 Avian molting. In: Scanes, Colin G., (ed.) Sturkie's avian physiology. 6th ed. Amsterdam, Academic Press, 907-917.

Dias, Teresa; Chaves, Sandra; Tenreiro, Rogério; Martins-Louçãu, Maria-Amélia; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Cruz, Cristina. 2014 Effects of increased nitrogen availability in Mediterranean ecosystems: a case study in a Natura 2000 site in Portugal. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, W. Kevin, (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 251-258.

Dias, Teresa; Stürmer, Sidney Luiz; Chaves, Sandra; Fidalgo, Cátia; Tenreiro, Rogério; Correia, Patrícia; Carvalho, Luís; Martins-Louçãu, Maria-Amélia; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Cruz, Cristina. 2014 Species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spores can indicate increased nitrogen availability in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, W. Kevin, (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 259-266.

Dore, Anthony J.; Werner, Malgorzata; Hall, Jane R.; Dore, Christopher J.; Hallsworth, Stephen; Kryza, Maciej; Smith, Ron I.; Dragosits, Ulrike ORCID:; Tang, Y. Sim; Vieno, Massimo ORCID:; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID: 2014 Regional scale modelling of the concentration and deposition of oxidised and reduced nitrogen in the UK. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, H.; Haeuber, R.; Hicks, W. Kevin, (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 39-47.

Duhamel, Guy; Hulley, Percy-Alexander; Causse, Romain; Koubbi, Philippe; Vacchi, Marino; Pruvost, Patrice; Vigetta, Stephanie; Irisson, Jean-Olivier; Mormede, Sophie; Belchier, Mark ORCID:; Dettai, Agnes; Detrich, H. Williams; Gutt, Julian; Jones, Christopher D.; Kock, Karl-Hermann; Lopez Abellan, Luis Jose; Van de Putte, Anton. 2014 Biogeographic patterns of fish. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 328-362.

Ellis, David; Stoker, Martyn S.. 2014 The Faroe-Shetland Basin: a regional perspective from the Palaeocene to the present day and its relationship to the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean. In: Cannon, S.J.C.; Ellis, D., (eds.) Hydrocarbon exploration to exploitation west of Shetlands. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 11-31. (Geological Society London Special Publications, 397, 397).

Erisman, Jan Willem; Leach, Allison; Adams, Mark; Agboola, Julius I.; Ahmetaj, Luan; Alard, Didier; Austin, Amy; Awodun, Moses A.; Bareham, Simon; Bird, Theresa L.; Bleeker, Albert; Bull, Keith; Cornell, Sarah E.; Davidson, Eric; De Vries, Wim; Dias, Teresa; Emmett, Bridget ORCID:; Goodale, Christine; Greaver, Tara; Haeuber, Richard; Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Hicks, W. Kevin; Hogbom, Lars; Jarvis, Paul; Johansson, Matti; Russell, Zoe; McClean, Colin; Paton, Bill; Perez, Tibisay; Plesnik, Jan; Rao, Nalini; Schmidt, Susanne; Sharma, Yogendra B.; Tokuchi, Naoko; Whitfield, Clare P.. 2014 Nitrogen deposition effects on ecosystem services and interactions with other pollutants and climate change. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, W. Kevin, (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 493-505.

Ford, J.R.; Price, S.J.; Cooper, A.H.; Waters, C.N.. 2014 An assessment of lithostratigraphy for anthropogenic deposits. In: Waters, C.N.; Zalasiewicz, J.A.; Williams, M.; Ellis, M.; Snelling, A., (eds.) A stratigraphical basis for the Anthropocene. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 55-89. (Geological Society Special Publication, 395).

Funck, T.; Hopper, J.; Fattah, R.; Blischke, A.; Ebbing, J.; Erlendsson, O.; Gaina, C.; Geissler, W.; Gradmann, S.; Haase, C.; Kimbell, G.S.; McDermott, K.; Peron-Pinvidic, G.; Petersen, U.; Shannon, P.; Voss, P.. 2014 Crustal structure. In: Hopper, John R.; Stoker, Martyn S., (eds.) Tectonostratigraphic atlas of the North-East Atlantic region. Copenhagen, Denmark, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 69-126.

Graham, Alastair G.C.. 2014 Ice Sheet. In: Singh, Vijay P.; Singh, Pratap; Haritashya, Umesh K., (eds.) Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers. Springer Dordrecht, 592-608. (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series).

Graham, C.C.; Harrington, J.F.; Cuss, R.J.; Sellin, P.. 2014 Pore-pressure cycling experiments on Mx80 bentonite. In: Norris, S., (ed.) Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 303-312. (Geological Society Special Publication, 400).

Grant, Susie M. ORCID:; Koubbi, Philippe; Penhale, Polly A.. 2014 Conservation and management. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 408-411.

Green, Tamara K.; Hatton, Angela D.. 2014 The Claw Hypothesis: A New Perspective on the Role of Biogenic Sulphur in the Regulation of Global Climate. In: Hughes, Roger N.; Hughes, David J.; Smith, I. Philip, (eds.) Oceanography and Marine Biology Vol. 52. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, 315-336.

Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Whittle, Rowan J. ORCID:; Roberts, Stephen J. ORCID:; Belchier, Mark ORCID:; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Thatje, Sven. 2014 Decapoda: crabs and lobsters. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 185-189.

Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Van de Putte, Anton P.; Danis, Bruno. 2014 Data distribution: Patterns and implications. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 16-26.

Gunn, Gus. 2014 Platinum-group metals. In: Gunn, Gus, (ed.) Critical metals handbook. Chichester, UK, Wiley, 284-311.

Gunn, Gus; Graedel, T.E.; Espinoza, Luis Tercero. 2014 Metal resources, use and criticality. In: Gunn, Gus, (ed.) Critical metals handbook. Chichester, UK, Wiley, 1-19.

Gunn, Gus; Roberts, Stephen. 2014 Cobalt. In: Gunn, Gus, (ed.) Critical metals handbook. Chichester, UK, Wiley, 122-149.

Gurnell, A.M.; Gonzalez del Tanago, M.; Rinaldi, M.; Grabowski, R.; Henshaw, A.; O'Hare, M.; Belletti, B.; Buijse, A.D.. 2014 Development and application of a multi-scale process-based framework for the hydromorphological assessment of European rivers. In: Lollino, Giorgio; Arattano, Massimo; Rinaldi, Massimo; Giustolisi, Orazio; Marechal, Jean-Christophe; Grant, Grant E., (eds.) River basins, reservoir sedimentation and water resources. Cham, Springer, 339-342. (Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, v. 3).

Gutt, Julian; Barnes, David ORCID:; Lockhart, Susanne J.. 2014 Classification and spatially explicit illustration of Antarctic macrobenthic assemblages: a feasibility study. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 229-232.

Hall, Jane; Rowe, Ed ORCID:; Evans, Christopher ORCID: 2014 United Kingdom National Focal Centre report. In: Slootweg, J.; Posch, M.; Hettelingh, J-P.; Mathijssen, L., (eds.) Modelling and mapping the impacts of atmospheric deposition on plant species diversity in Europe: CCE status report 2014. Bilthoven, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, 139-149. (RIVM Report, 2014-0075).

Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Folland, Chris K.; Kendon, Mike C.; Bloomfield, John P. ORCID: 2014 Multi-annual droughts in the water-stressed English lowlands: long-term variability and climate drivers. In: Daniell, Trevor M., (ed.) Hydrology in a changing world: environmental and human dimensions. Wallingford, UK, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 23-29. (IAHS Publication, 363).

Harding, Richard; Reynard, Nick ORCID:; Kay, Alison ORCID: 2014 Current understanding of climate change impacts on extreme events. In: Quevauviller, Philippe, (ed.) Hydrometeorological hazards: interfacing science and policy. Chchester, Wiley Blackwell, 27-47. (Hydrometeorological extreme events).

Harrington, J.F.; Volckaert, G.; Noy, D.J.. 2014 Long-term impact of temperature on the hydraulic permeability of bentonite. In: Norris, S., (ed.) Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste confinement. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 589-601. (Geological Society Special Publications, 400).

Hawkes, J.; Turnock, S.R.; Cox, S.J.; Phillips, A.B.; Vaz, G.. 2014 Performance analysis of massively-parallel computational fluid dynamics. In: Proceedings 11th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD 2014), Singapore, 19-24 Oct 2014. Singapore, Maritime Research Centre/Nanyang Technological University Singapore, 8pp.

Hawkes, J.; Vaz, G.; Turnock, S.R.; Cox, S.J.; Phillips, A.B.. 2014 Potential of chaotic iterative solvers for CFD. In: NuTTS ’14: 17th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium, Marstrand, Sweden, 28-30 Sep 2014. Marstrand, Sweden, Chalmers University of Technology, 6pp.

Hicks, W. Kevin; Haeuber, Richard; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID: 2014 Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity: introduction. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, W. Kevin, (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 1-4.

Hicks, W. Kevin; Haeuber, Richard; Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Aas, Wenche; Barber, Mary; Baron, Jill S.; Blett, Tamara; Carou, Silvina; Clair, Thomas; Erisman, Jan Willem; Leach, Allison; Galloway, James N.. 2014 Workshop on nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity: scientific synthesis and summary for policy makers. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, W. Kevin, (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 507-526.

Hill, Nyree J.; Jenkin, Gawen R.T.; Boyce, Adrian J.; Sangster, Christopher J.S.; Catterall, David J.; Holwell, David A.; Naden, Jonathan; Rice, Clive M.. 2014 How the Neoproterozoic S-isotope record illuminates the genesis of vein gold systems: an example from the Dalradian Supergroup in Scotland. In: Jenkin, G.W.T.; Lusty, P.A.J.; McDonald, I.; Smith, M.P.; Wilkinson, J.J., (eds.) Ore deposits in an evolving earth. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 213-247. (Special Publication of the Geological Society of London, 393).

Hill, Ross A.; Hinsley, Shelley A.; Broughton, Richard K. ORCID: 2014 Assessing habitats and organism-habitat relationships by airborne laser scanning. In: Maltamo, Matti; Naesset, Erik; Vauhkonen, Jari, (eds.) Forestry applications of airborne laser scanning: concepts and case studies. Dordrecht, Springer, 335-356. (Managing Forest Ecosystems, 27).

Hopkins, D.W.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Dungait, J.A.J.. 2014 Primary production and links to carbon cycling in Antarctic soils. In: Cowan, Don, (ed.) Antarctic terrestrial microbiology. Physical and biological properties of Antarctic soils. Heidelberg, Springer, 233-248.

Horni, J.; Geissler, W.H.; Blischke, A.; Erlendsson, O.; Stewart, M.A.; McDermott, K.G.; Shannon, P.M.; Judge, M.; Hopper, J.R.. 2014 Offshore volcanic facies. In: Hopper, John R.; Funck, Thomas; Stoker, Martyn S., (eds.) Tectonostratigraphic atlas of the North-East Atlantic region. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 235-253.

Horwell, C.J.; Hillman, S.E.; Cole, P.D.; Loughlin, S.C.; Llewellin, E.W.; Damby, D.E.; Christopher, T.E.. 2014 Controls on variations in cristobalite abundance in ash generated by the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat in the period 1997 to 2010. In: Wadge, G.; Robertson, R,E.A.; Voight, B., (eds.) The eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat from 2000 to 2010. Geological Society of London, 399-406. (Memoir, 39, 39).

Hoving, Henk-Jan T.; Perez, Jose Angel A.; Bolstad, Kathrin S.R.; Braid, Heather E.; Evans, Aaron B.; Fuchs, Dirk; Judkins, Heather; Kelly, Jesse T.; Marian, José E.A.R.; Nakajima, Ryuta; Piatkowski, Uwe; Reid, Amanda; Vecchione, Michael; Xavier, Jose C.C. ORCID: 2014 The study of deep-sea cephalopods. In: Vidal, Erica A.G., (ed.) Advances in Cephalopod Science: Biology, Ecology, Cultivation and Fisheries. Elsevier, 235-359. (Advances in Marine Biology, 67, 67).

Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID: 2014 Threats to soil communities: human impacts. In: Cowan, Don A., (ed.) Antarctic terrestrial microbiology. Physical and biological properties of Antarctic soils. Heidelberg, Springer, 263-277.

Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2014 Non-native species in Antarctic terrestrial environments: the impacts of climate change and human activity. In: Ziska, L., (ed.) Invasive species and global climate change. CABI, 81-100.

Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Huiskes, Ad. H.L.. 2014 Global movement and homogenisation of biota: challenges to the environmental management of Antarctica. In: Tin, Tina; Liggett, Daniela; Maher, Patrick T.; Larmers, Machiel, (eds.) Antarctic futures: human engagement with the Antarctic environment. Netherlands, Springer, 113-137.

Janussen, Dorte; Downey, Rachel. 2014 Porifera. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 94-102.

Karunarathna, H; Brown, J.M. ORCID:; Briganti, R.; Pockrajac, D.; Haigh, I.; Beck, C.; Dissanayake, D.; Pedrozo-Acuna, D.; Sparrow, K.; Wadey, W.. 2014 Modelling memory of coastal flood systems. In: Lynett, Patrick, (ed.) Proceedings of 34th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 2014. Reston, VA, Coastal Engineering Research Council, Paper-management.19. (Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 34).

Kolesnikova, E.A.; Zaika, V.E.; Sergeeva, N.G.; Lichtschlag, A. ORCID: 2014 Harpacticoida (Copepoda) under hypoxia conditions in the Black Sea. In: Seuront, L., (ed.) Copepods: diversity, Habitat and Behavior. New York, Nova Science, 51-76, 291pp.

Koubbi, Philippe; De Broyer, Claude; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; D'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alix; Ropert-Coudert, Yan; Stoddart, Michael; Swadling, Kerrie M.; Wadley, Victoria. 2014 Conclusions: Present and future of Southern Ocean biogeography. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 470-475.

Krastel, S.; Lehr, J.; Winkelmann, D.; Shwenke, T.; Preu, B.; Strasser, M.; Wynn, R.B.; Georgiopoulou, A.; Hanebuth, T.J.J.. 2014 Mass Wasting Along Atlantic Continental Margins: A Comparison Between NW-Africa and the de la Plata River Region (Northern Argentina and Uruguay). In: Krastel, S.; Behrmann, J-H.; Volker, D.; Stipp, M.; Berndt, C.; Urgeles, R.; Chaytor, J.; Huhn, K.; Strasser, M.; Harbitz, C.B., (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 6th International Symposium. Cham, Switzerland, Springer International, 459-469, 680pp. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 37).

Lacinska, Alicja Magdalena; Styles, Michael Thomas; Farrant, Andrew Roger. 2014 Near-surface diagenesis of ophiolite-derived conglomerates of the Barzaman Formation, United Arab Emirates: a natural analogue for permanent CO2 sequestration via mineral carbonation of ultramafic rocks. In: Rollinson, H.R., (ed.) Tectonic evolution of the Oman Mountains. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 343-360. (Geological Society Special Publication, 392).

Lang Delus, Claire; Laaha, Gregor; Koffler, Daniel; Stahl, Kerstin; Hisdal, Hege; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Fendekova, Miriam; Jakubowski, Wojciech. 2014 Towards a pan-European assessment of low flow indices. In: Daniell, Trevor M., (ed.) Hydrology in a changing world: environmental and human dimensions. Wallingford, UK, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 348-354. (IAHS Publication, 363).

Linse, Katrin ORCID: 2014 Bivalvia. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 126-128.

Lo Iacono, Claudio; Urgeles, Roger; Polizzi, S.; Grinyó, J.; Druet, M.; Agate, M.; Gili, J.M.; Acosta, J.. 2014 Submarine Mass Movements Along a Sediment Starved Margin: The Menorca Channel (Balearic Islands – Western Mediterranean). In: Krastel, S.; Behrmann, J-H.; Volker, D.; Stipp, M.; Berndt, C.; Urgeles, R.; Chaytor, J.; Huhn, K.; Strasser, M.; Harbitz, C.B., (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 6th International Symposium. Cham, Switzerland, Springer International, 329-338, 680pp. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 37).

McCann, David L. ORCID:; Bell, Paul S. ORCID: 2014 Marine Radar Derived Current Vector Mapping at a Planned Commercial Tidal Stream Turbine Array in the Pentland Firth, U.K. In: Proceedings of MTS/IEEE Oceans 2014 Conference. MTS/IEEE, 4pp. (In Press)

McCann, David L. ORCID:; Bell, Paul S. ORCID: 2014 Marine radar derived current vector mapping at a planned commercial tidal stream turbine array in the Pentland Firth, U.K. In: 2014 Oceans - St. John's. Richardson, TX, IEEE, 1-4.

Micallef, Aaron; Georgiopoulou, Aggeliki; Le Bas, Timothy ORCID:; Mountjoy, Joshu; Huvenne, Veerle ORCID:; Lo Iacono, Claudio. 2014 The Malta-Sicily Escarpment: Mass Movement Dynamics in a Sediment-Undersupplied Margin. In: Krastel, S.; Behrmann, J-H.; Volker, D.; Stipp, M.; Berndt, C.; Urgeles, R.; Chaytor, J.; Huhn, K.; Strasser, M.; Harbitz, C.B., (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 6th International Symposium. Cham, Switzerland, Springer International, 317-328, 680pp. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 37).

Millard, Andrew; Montgomery, Janet; Trickett, Mark; Beaumont, Julia; Evans, Jane; Chenery, Simon. 2014 Childhood lead exposure in the British Isles during the Industrial Revolution. In: Zuckermann, Molly K., (ed.) Modern environments and human health : revisiting the second epidemological transition. Wiley, 269-289.

Misselbrook, T.; Webb, J.; Pallière, C.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:; Lukin, S.; Wade, B.. 2014 Fertilizer application. In: Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Howard, C.M.; Oenema, O.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:, (eds.) Options for ammonia mitigation: guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 41-44.

Morton, Andrew; Frei, Dirk; Stoker, Martyn; Ellis, David. 2014 Detrital zircon age constraints on basement history on the margins of the northern Rockall Basin. In: Cannon, S.; Ellis, D., (eds.) Hydrocarbon exploration to exploitation west of Shetlands. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 209-223. (Geological Society Special Publication, 397, 397).

Muchan, Katie; Dixon, Harry ORCID: 2014 Ensuring hydrometric data are fit-for-purpose through a national Service Level Agreement. In: Daniell, Trevor M., (ed.) Hydrology in a changing world: environmental and human dimensions. Wallingford, UK, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 323-329. (IAHS Publication, 363).

Norton, Lisa ORCID:; Maberly, Stephen ORCID:; Waterton, Claire; Watson, Nigel; Tsouvalis, Judith. 2014 The relevance of scale to water governance: an example from Loweswater, UK. In: Padt, Frans; Opdam, Paul; Polman, Nico; Termeer, Catrien, (eds.) Scale-sensitive governance of the environment. Chichester, Wiley Blackwell, 73-87.

Nuttall, Patricia A.. 2014 Tick-borne viruses. In: Sonenshine, Daniel E.; Roe, R. Michael, (eds.) Biology of ticks. Vol. 2. (2nd ed.). New York, Oxford University Press, 180-210.

O'Leary, L.; Spinewine, B.; Haneberg, W.; Clare, M. ORCID:; Thomas, S.; Wu, H.. 2014 An integrated sediment mobility and scour assessment: characterisation, calibration and mitigation studies for a pipeline in the South China Sea. In: 2014 Offshore Technology Conference Asia. Richardson, TX, Society of Petroeum Engineers, OTC-24872-MS.

Odbert, H.M.; Grebby, S.. 2014 A note on geographical systems and maps of Montserrat. In: Wadge, G.; Robertson, R.E.A.; Voight, B., (eds.) The eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat from 2000 to 2010. Geological Society of London, 489-494. (Memoir, 39).

Oenema, O.; Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Howard, C.M.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2014 Nitrogen management. In: Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Howard, C.M.; Oenema, O.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:, (eds.) Options for ammonia mitigation: guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 50-61.

Oenema, O.; Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Howard, C.M.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:; Hutchings, N.J.; Winiwarter, W.. 2014 Nitrogen management, taking account of the whole nitrogen cycle. In: Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Howard, C.M.; Oenema, O.; Sutton, M. ORCID:, (eds.) Options for ammonia mitigation: guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 6-9.

Oenema, O.; Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2014 Livestock production and developments. In: Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Howard, C.M.; Oenema, O.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:, (eds.) Options for ammonia mitigation: guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 4-5.

Oenema, O.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:; Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Howard, C.M.. 2014 Executive summary [Options for ammonia mitigation: guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen]. In: Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Howard, C.M.; Oenema, O.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:, (eds.) Options for ammonia mitigation: guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, vii-xii.

Oenema, O.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:; Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Howard, C.M.. 2014 Introduction [Options for ammonia mitigation: guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen]. In: Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Howard, C.M.; Oenema, O.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:, (eds.) Options for ammonia mitigation: guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 1-3.

Ong, C.; Black, C.R.; Wilson, J. ORCID:; Muthuri, C.; Bayala, J.; Jackson, N.A.. 2014 Agroforestry: hydrological impacts. In: Van Alfen, Neal K., (ed.) Encyclopedia of agriculture and food systems. Vol. 1. (2nd ed.). Amsterdam, Academic Press, 244-252.

Pennington, Catherine; Dijkstra, Tom; Lark, Murray; Dashwood, Claire; Harrison, Anna; Freeborough, Katy. 2014 Antecedent precipitation as a potential proxy for landslide incidence in South West UK. In: Sassa, Kyoji; Canuti, Paolo; Yin, Yueping, (eds.) Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment. Vol.1, the International Programme on Landslides (IPL). Springer, 253-259. (Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment: Vol.1: The International Programme on Landslides (IPL)).

Pescott, O.L. ORCID:; Preston, C.D. ORCID: 2014 Some environmental factors influencing the distribution of bryophytes in Britain and Ireland. In: Blockeel, T.L.; Bosanquet, S.D.S.; Hill, M.O.; Preston, C.D. ORCID:, (eds.) Atlas of British & Irish bryophytes. Vol. 1. Newbury, Pisces Publications, 26-33.

Pescott, Oli ORCID:; Preston, Chris ORCID: 2014 Air pollution. In: Roy, D.B. ORCID:; Harding, P.T.; Preston, C.D. ORCID:; Roy, H.E. ORCID:, (eds.) Celebrating 50 years of the Biological Records Centre. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 20-21.

Pilling, Charlie; Price, David; Wynn, Adrian; Lane, Andrew; Cole, Steven, J.; Moore, Robert, J.; Aldridge, Timothy. 2014 From drought to floods in 2012: operations and early warning services in the UK. In: Daniell, Trevor M, (ed.) Hydrology in a changing world: environmental and human dimensions. Wallingford, UK, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 419-424. (IAHS Publication, 363).

Plant, J.A.; Bone, J.; Voulvoulis, N.; Kinniburgh, D.G.; Smedley, P.L.; Fordyce, F.M.; Klinck, B.. 2014 Arsenic and selenium. In: Holland, H.D.; Turekain, K.K., (eds.) Environmental geochemistry. Oxford, UK, Elsevier, 13-57. (Treatise on Geochemistry, 11).

Post, Alexandra L.; Meijers, Andrew J.S. ORCID:; Fraser, Alexander D.; Meiners, Klaus M.; Ayers, Jennifer; Bindoff, Nathan L.; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Van de Putte, Anton; O'Brien, Philip E.; Swadling, Kerrie M.; Raymond, Ben. 2014 Environmental setting. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 46-64.

Prudhomme, C. ORCID:; Jackson, C.; Haxton, T.; Crooks, S.; Dadson, S. ORCID:; Morris, D.; Williamson, J. ORCID:; Barkwith, A.; Kelvin, J.; Mackay, J.; Wang, L.; Goodsell, G.; Boelee, L.; Davies, H.; Buys, G.; Lafon, T.; Young, A.; Watts, G.. 2014 Future Flows: a dataset of climate, river flow and groundwater levels for climate change impact studies in Great Britain. In: Daniell, Trevor M., (ed.) Hydrology in a changing world: environmental and human dimensions. Wallingford, UK, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 330-335. (IAHS Publication, 363).

Quacchia, A.; Moriya, S.; Askew, R.; Schonrogge, K. ORCID: 2014 Torymus sinensis: biology, host range and hybridization. In: Radócz, L.; Botu, M.; Bolvanský, M., (eds.) Proceedings of the Second European Congress on Chestnut. Leuven, Belgium, International Society for Horticultural Science, 105-111. (Acta Horticulturae, 1043).

Rameshwaran, P. ORCID:; Sutcliffe, A.; Naden, P.; Wharton, G.. 2014 Modelling river flow responses to weed management. In: Schleiss, Anton J.; de Cesare, Giovanni; Franca, Mario J.; Pfister, Michael, (eds.) River Flow 2014. CRC Press, 467-474.

Reynolds, C.S.. 2014 Foreword [Freshwater phytoplankton of Argentina]. In: Tell, Guillermo; Izaguirre, Irina; O'Farrell, Indes, (eds.) Freshwater phytoplankton of Argentina: phytopklankton diversity and ecology in different aquatic systems. Stuttgart, Schweizerbart Science Publishers, 1-2. (Advances in Limnology, 65).

Rickards, L.; Matthews, A. ORCID:; Gordon, K.; Tamisiea, M; Jevrejeva, S. ORCID:; Woodworth, P.; Bradshaw, E.. 2014 Celebrating 80 years of the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL). In: Cudennec, C.; Kravchishina, M.; Lewandowski, J.; Rosbjerg, D.; Woodworth, P., (eds.) Complex interfaces under change: sea-river-groundwater-lake. Proceedings of HP2/HP3, IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Assembly, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2013. Walllingford, IAHS Press, 11-15, 100pp. (IAHS Publication, 365).

Rodhouse, Paul G.K.; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Xavier, Jose C. ORCID: 2014 Southern Ocean squid. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 284-289.

Rodhouse, Paul G.K.; Pierce, Graham J.; Nichols, Owen C.; Sauer, Warwick H.H.; Arkhipkin, Alexander I.; Laptikhovsky, Vladimir V.; Lipiński, Marek R.; Ramos, Jorge E.; Gras, Michaël; Kidokoro, Hideaki; Sadayasu, Kazuhiro; Pereira, João; Lefkaditou, Evgenia; Pita, Cristina; Gasalla, Maria; Haimovici, Manuel; Sakai, Mitsuo; Downey, Nicola. 2014 Environmental effects on cephalopod population dynamics. In: Vidal, Erica A.G., (ed.) Advances in Cephalopod Science: Biology, Ecology, Cultivation and Fisheries. Elsevier, 99-233. (Advances in Marine Biology, 67, 67).

Rogers, Alex D.; Linse, Katrin ORCID: 2014 Chemosynthetic communities. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 240-244.

Ropert-Coudert, Yan; Hindell, Mark A.; Phillips, Richard A.; Charrassin, Jean-Benoit; Trudelle, Laurene; Raymond, Ben. 2014 Biogeographic patterns of birds and mammals. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 364-387.

Sanders, R. ORCID:; Henson, S.A. ORCID: 2014 Ecological carbon sequestration in the oceans and climate change. In: Freedman, B., (ed.) Global Environmental Change. Dordrecth, The Netherlands, Springer, 125-131. (Handbook of Global Environmental Pollution, 1).

Schiaparelli, Stefano; Linse, Katrin ORCID: 2014 Gastropoda. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 122-125.

Sene, Kevin; Weerts, Albrecht H.; Beven, Keith; Moore, Robert J.; Whitlow, Chris; Laeger, Stefan; Cross, Richard. 2014 Uncertainty estimation in fluvial flood forecasting applications. In: Beven, Keith; Hall, Jim, (eds.) Applied uncertainty analysis for flood risk management. London, Imperial College Press, 462-498.

Sheppard, Lucy J.; Leith, Ian D.; Kivimaki, Sanna K.; Gaiawyn, Jenny. 2014 The form of reactive nitrogen deposition affects the capacity of peatland vegetation to immobilise nitrogen: implications for the provision of ecosystem services. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, W. Kevin, (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 397-409.

Smedley, Pauline L.; Nicolli, Hugo B.. 2014 Molybdenum distributions and controls in groundwater from the Pampean aquifer of La Pampa Province, Argentina. In: Viswanathan, Sath S.; Lopatin, Sergey I., (eds.) Molybdenum and its compounds: applications, electrochemical properties and geological implications. Nova Publishers, 399-416.

Soler-Membrives, Anna; Munilla, Tomas; Arango, Claudia P.; Griffiths, Huw ORCID: 2014 Southern Ocean biogeographic patterns in Pycnogonida. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 138-141.

Spranger, Till; Bull, Keith; Clair, Thomas A.; Johansson, Matti. 2014 Implications of current knowledge on nitrogen deposition and impacts for policy, management and capacity building needs: CLRTAP. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, W. Kevin, (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 425-434.

Stahl, Kerstin; Vidal, Jean-Philippe; Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Laaha, Gregor; Tallaksen, Lena M.. 2014 Synthesizing changes in low flows from observations and models across scales. In: Daniell, Trevor M., (ed.) Hydrology in a changing world: environmental and human dimensions. Wallingford, UK, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 30-35. (IAHS Publication, 363).

Steenson, L.V.; Wang, L.; Phillips, A.B.; Furlong, M.E.; Rogers, E.. 2014 Experimentally verified depth regulation for AUVs using constrained model predictive control. In: Boje, Edward; Xie, Xiaohua, (eds.) 19th IFAC World Congress. IFAC Papers Online, 11974-11979.

Stephenson, Michael H.. 2014 Five unconventional fuels: geology and environment. In: Unconventional fossil fuels : the next hydrocarbon revolution. Abu Dhabi, The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, 13-34.

Stevens, Carly J.; Dupré, Cecilia; Dorland, Edu; Gaudnik, Cassandre; Gowing, David J.G.; Bleeker, Albert; Diekmann, Martin; Alard, Didier; Bobbink, Roland; Fowler, David; Corcket, Emmanuel; Mountford, J. Owen; Vandvik, Vigdis; Aarrestad, Per Arild; Muller, Serge; Dise, Nancy B. ORCID: 2014 Biodiversity of acid grasslands in the Atlantic regions of Europe: the impact of nitrogen deposition. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, W. Kevin, (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 243-250.

Stoker, Martyn S.. 2014 Peripheral areas. In: Hopper, John R.; Funck, Thomas; Stoker, Martyn, (eds.) Tectonostratigraphic atlas of the North-East Atlantic region. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 301-338.

Stuart, Marianne E.; Lapworth, Dan J. ORCID: 2014 Transformation products of emerging organic compounds as future groundwater and drinking water contaminants. In: Lambropoulou, Dimitra A.; Nollet, Leo M.L., (eds.) Transformation products of emerging contaminants in the environment: analysis, processes, occurrence, effects and risks. Wiley, 65-86.

Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Oenema, Oene; Dalgaard, Tommy; Howard, Clare M.. 2014 Preface [Options for ammonia mitigation: guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen]. In: Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Howard, C.M.; Oenema, O.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:, (eds.) Options for ammonia mitigation: guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, v-vi.

Sverdrup, Harald; Nihlgård, Bengt; Belyazid, Salim; Sheppard, Lucy J.. 2014 Proposing a strict epidemiological methodology for setting empirical critical loads for nitrogen deposition. In: Sutton, Mark A. ORCID:; Mason, Kate E.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Sverdrup, Harald; Haeuber, Richard; Hicks, W. Kevin, (eds.) Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity. Dordrecht, Springer, 345-355.

Sword-Daniels, V.; Wilson, T.M.; Sargeant, S.; Rossetto, T.; Twigg, J.; Johnston, D.M.; Loughlin, S.C; Cole, P.D.. 2014 Consequences of long-term volcanic activity for essential services in Montserrat: challenges, adaptations and resilience. In: Wadge, G.; Robertson, R.E.A.; Voight, B., (eds.) The eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat from 2000 to 2010. Geological Society of London, 471-488. (Memoir, 39, 39).

Tanakitkorn, Kantapon; Wilson, Philip A.; Turnock, Stephen R.; Phillips, Alexander B.. 2014 Grid-based GA path planning with improved cost function for an over-actuated hover-capable AUV. In: 2014 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV). Oxford, MS, IEEE, 1-8.

Tin, Tina; Lamers, Machiel; Liggett, Daniela; Maher, Patrick T.; Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID: 2014 Setting the scene: human activities, environmental impacts and governance arrangements in Antarctica. In: Tin, Tia; Liggett, Daniela; Maher, Patrick; Lamers, Machiel, (eds.) Antarctic futures: human engagement with the Antarctic environment. Netherlands, Springer, 1-24.

Trathan, Philip N. ORCID:; Collins, Martin A.; Grant, Susie M. ORCID:; Belchier, Mark ORCID:; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Brown, Judith; Staniland, Iain J. ORCID: 2014 The South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands MPA: Protecting a biodiverse oceanic island chain situated in the flow of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. In: Johnson, Magnus L.; Sandell, Jane, (eds.) Marine Managed Areas and Fisheries. Elsevier, 15-78. (Advances in Marine Biology, 69, 69).

Urlaub, Morelia; Talling, Peter; Zervos, Antonis. 2014 A Numerical Investigation of Sediment Destructuring as a Potential Globally Widespread Trigger for Large Submarine Landslides on Low Gradients. In: Krastel, S.; Behrmann, J-H.; Volker, D.; Stipp, M.; Berndt, C.; Urgeles, R.; Chaytor, J.; Huhn, K.; Strasser, M.; Harbitz, C.B., (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 6th International Symposium. Cham, Switzerland, Springer International, 177-188, 680pp. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 37).

Van de Putte, Anton P.; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; Danis, Bruno. 2014 Data and mapping. In: De Broyer, Claude; Koubbi, Philippe; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric; Van de Putte, Anton; Danis, Bruno; David, Bruno; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Held, Christoph; Hosie, Graham; Huettmann, Falk; Post, Alexandra; Ropert-Coudert, Yan, (eds.) Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 14-15.

Vaughan, David ORCID: 2014 [June 14]. In: MacLean, Todd, (ed.) Global chorus: 365 voices on the future of the planet. Rocky Mountain Books, 432pp.

Voight, B.; Sparks, R.S.J.; Shalev, E.; Minshull, T.; Paulatto, M.; Annen, C.; Kenedi, C.; Hammond, J.; Henstock, T.J.; Brown, L.; Kiddle, E.; Malin, P.; Mattioli, G.; Ammon, C.; Arias-Dotson, E.; Belousov, A.; Byerly, K.; Carothers, L.; Clarke, A.; Dean, S.; Ellett, L.; Elsworth, D.; Hidayat, D.; Herd, R.A.; Johnson, M.; Lee, A.; Miller, V.; Murphy, B.; Peirce, C.; Ryan, G.; Saldana, S.; Snelson, C.; Stewart, R.; Syers, R.; Taron, J.; Trofimovs, J.; Widiwijayanti, C.; Young, S.R.; Zamora, W.. 2014 The SEA-CALIPSO volcano imaging experiment at Montserrat: plans, campaigns at sea and on land, scientific results, and lessons learned. In: Wadge, G.; Robertson, R.; Voight, B., (eds.) The eruption of Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat from 2000 to 2010. London, Geological Society of London, 253-289, 501pp. (Memoirs of the Geological Society, 39).

Wade, Rebecca; Lundy, Lian; Berwick, Neil; Fordyce, Fiona; Jeffries, Chris; Garcia, Eduardo. 2014 Maximising multiple benefits from sustainable drainage systems: identification and decision support. In: Abstracts of the 13th International Conference on Urban Drainage. Sarawak, Malaysia, International Conference on Urban Drainage, 2531118.

Wadge, G.; Voight, B.; Sparks, R.S.J.; Cole, P.D.; Loughlin, S.C.; Robertson, R.E.A.. 2014 An overview of the eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat from 2000 to 2010. In: Wadge, G.; Robertson, R.E.A.; Voight, B., (eds.) The eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat from 2000 to 2010. Geological Society of London, 1-40. (Memoir, 39, 39).

Wagner, M.; Bullock, J.M. ORCID:; Meek, W.R.; Walker, K.J.; Stevens, C.J.; Heard, M.S.; Pywell, R.F. ORCID: 2014 How do pre-sowing disturbance and post-establishment management affect restoration progress in ex-arable calcareous grassland? In: Hopkins, A.; Collins, R.P.; Fraser, M.D.; King, V.R.; Lloyd, D.C.; Moorby, J.M.; Robson, P.R.H., (eds.) EGF at 50: the future of European grasslands. Aberystwyth, Organising Committee of the 25th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, 254-257. (Grassland Science in Europe, 19).

Waters, Colin N.; Zalasiewicz, Jan; Williams, Mark; Price, Simon J.; Ford, Jon R.; Cooper, Anthony H.. 2014 Evidence for a stratigraphic basis for the Anthropocene. In: Rocha, Rogerio, (ed.) STRATI 2013. Springer, 989-993.

Waters, Colin N.; Zalasiewicz, Jan A.; Williams, Mark; Ellis, Michael A.; Snelling, Andrea M.. 2014 A stratigraphical basis for the Anthropocene? In: Waters, Colin; Zalasiewicz, Jan; Williams, Mark; Ellis, Michael; Snelling, Andrea, (eds.) A stratigraphical basis for the Anthropocene. Geological Society of London, 1-22. (Geological Society Special Publication, 395).

Weaver, Phil; Huvenne, Veerle ORCID: 2014 Seabed mapping and its contribution to the goal of sustainable management in the ocean. In: von Nordheim, Henning; Machner, Katharina; Wollny-Goerke, Katrin, (eds.) Progress in Marine Conservation in Europe 2012. Proceedings of the Symposium, Stralsund, Germany, 18-22 June 2012. Bonn, Germany, BfN Scripten, 239-246, 261pp.

Webb, J.; Lalor, S.T.J.; Bittman, S.; Misselbrook, T.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:; Menzi, H.; Döhler, H.; Smith, K.; Gyldenkaerne, S.; Hutchings, N.J.; van der Hoek, K.; Fiani, E.; Lukin, S.; Klimont, Z.. 2014 Manure application techniques. In: Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Howard, C.M.; Oenema, O.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:, (eds.) Options for ammonia mitigation: guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 29-40.

Wilkinson, I.P.; Poirier, C.; Head, M.J.; Sayer, C.D.; Tibby, J.. 2014 Microbiotic signatures of the Anthropocene in marginal marine and freshwater palaeoenvironments. In: Waters, C.N.; Zalasiewicz, J.A.; Williams, M.; Ellis, M.; Snelling, A., (eds.) A stratigraphical basis for the Anthropocene. Geological Society of London, 185-219. (Geological Society Special Publications, 395, 395).

Williams, M.; Zalasiewicz, J.A.; Waters, C.N.; Landing, E.. 2014 Is the fossil record of complex animal behaviour a stratigraphical analogue for the Anthropocene? In: Waters, C.N.; Zalasiewicz, J.A.; Williams, M.; Ellis, M.; Snelling, A.M., (eds.) A stratigraphical basis for the Anthropocene. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 143-148. (Geological Society Special Publication, 395, 395).

Williamson, B.J.; Scott, B.E.; Waggitt, J.J.; Hall, C.; Armstrong, E.; Blondel, Ph.; Bell, P.S. ORCID: 2014 Field deployments of a self-contained subsea platform for acoustic monitoring of the environment around marine renewable energy structurea. In: 2014 Oceans - St. John's. Richardson, TX, IEEE, 1-6.

Williamson, Benjamin; Scott, Beth; Waggitt, James; Blondel, Ph; Armstrong, Eric; Hall, Chris; Bell, Paul ORCID: 2014 Using the FLOWBEC seabed frame to understand underwater interactions between diving seabirds, prey, hydrodynamics and tidal and wave energy structures. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Interactions of Marine Renewable Energy Technologies (EIMR2014), 28 April – 02 May 2014, Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland. Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, EIMR Conference Team, EIMR2014-463, 3pp.

Wilson, Julia ORCID:; Ndufa, James. 2014 Soil moisture. In: De Leeuw, Jan; Njenga, Mary; Wagner, Bob; Iiyama, Miyuki, (eds.) Treesilience: an assessment of the resilience provided by trees in the drylands of Eastern Africa. Nairobi, Kenya, ICRAF, 74-78.

Wolff, Eric W.. 2014 Ice Sheets and the Anthropocene. In: Waters, C.N.; Zalasiewicz, J.A.; Williams, J.M.; Ellis, M.A.; Snelling, A.N., (eds.) A stratigraphical basis for the Anthropocene. London, Geological Society of London, 255-263. (Special Publications, 395, 395).

Woodworth, P.; Hughes, C.W. ORCID: 2014 Towards worldwide height unification using ocean information. In: Cudennec, C.; Kravchishina, M.; Lewandowski, J.; Rosbjerg, D.; Woodworth, P., (eds.) Complex interfaces under change: sea-river-groundwater-lake. Proceedings of HP2/HP3, IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Assembly, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2013. Walllingford, IAHS Press, 11-15, 100pp. (IAHS Publication, 365).

Zalasiewicz, Jan; Williams, Mark; Waters, Colin N.. 2014 Can an Anthropocene Series be defined and recognized? In: Waters, C.N.; Zalasiewicz, J.; Williams, M.; Ellis, M.; Snelling, A., (eds.) A stratigraphical basis for the Anthropocene. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 39-54. (Geological Society Special Publication, 395, 395).

Publication - Conference Item

Archer, N.A.L.; Otten, W.; Schmidt, S.; Bengough, G.; Shah, N.; Bonell, M.. 2014 Development of soil hydraulic properties below grassland, ancient forest and plantation forests. [Poster] In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr - 2 May 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Archer, N.A.L.; Otten, W.; Schmidt, S.; Bengough, G.; Shah, N.; Bonell, M.. 2014 Natural flood management: does age of forest influence flood mitigation? [Poster] In: Scottish Freshwater Group, 2014, Stirling, Scotland, 30 Oct 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Archer, Nicole; Otten, Wilfred; Schmidt, Sonja; Bengough, A. Glyn; Bonell, Micheal; Shah, Nadeem. 2014 Forest management and flood alleviation: understanding water storage capacity of organic soil-subsoil below ancient forest, planted forest, and grassland. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Archer, Nicole A. L.; O Dochartaigh, Brighid; MacDonald, Alan ORCID:; Bonell, Micheal; Black, Andrew; Gooddy, Daren; Coles, Neil. 2014 Coupling of groundwater, river level and rainfall in an upland floodplain. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Archer, Nicole A.L.; Rawlins, Barry G.; Marchant, Benjamin P.. 2014 Spatial scaling of CO2 efflux in a temperate grazed grassland. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Arvaniditis, Nikolaos; Goodenough, Kathryn. 2014 Unlocking the potential of Rare Earth Resources in Europe. [Invited Paper] In: 1st European Rare Earth Resources Conference, Milos, Greece, 4-7 Sept 2014.

Barkwith, Andrew; Hurst, Martin; Ellis, Michael; Coulthard, Thomas. 2014 Assessing the impacts of climate, groundwater and land use on regional geomorphology. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 Dec 2014. (Unpublished)

Barkwith, Andrew; Hurst, Martin; Thomas, Chris; Ellis, Mike; Limber, Pat; Murray, Brad. 2014 Simulating the mesoscale impacts of sea wall defences on coastal morphology. In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014. (Unpublished)

Barnett, Catherine L. ORCID:; Beresford, Nicholas A.; Patel, Sabera; Wells, Claire; Howard, Brenda J. ORCID:; Mora, Juan Carlos; Real, Almudena; Beaugelin-Seiller, Karine; Gilbin, Rodolphe; Hinton, Thomas; Vesterbacka, Pia; Muikku, Maarit; Outola, Iisa; Skuterud, Lavrans; Ytre-Eide, Martin Album; Bradshaw, Clare; Stark, Karolina; Jaeschke, Ben; Oughton, Deborah; Skipperud, Lindis; Vandenhove, Hildegarde; Vanhoudt, Nathalie; Willrodt, Christine; Steiner, Martin. 2014 The Radioecology Exchange. [Poster] In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Beamish, D.. 2014 Assessing soil wetness with airborne radiometric data. In: 20th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Athens, Greece, 14-18 Sept 2014. EAGE, 1-5.

Beamish, Dave; Busby, Jon. 2014 The TellusSW geophysical data: insights into heat production and deep structure in SW England. [Lecture] In: 4th London Geothermal Symposium: The launch of BritGeothermal, London, UK, 13 October 2014. (Unpublished)

Bearcock, Jenny; Smedley, Pauline; Everett, Paul; Ander, Louise; Fordyce, Fiona. 2014 Mapping the water chemistry of the Clyde Basin drainage network. In: CUSP2014: The Geoscience Context for Europe’s Urban Sustainability - Lessons from Glasgow and beyond, Glasgow, UK, 29-30 May 2014.

Beggan, Ciaran D.. 2014 Forecasting secular variation from CHAMP to Swarm. [Poster] In: ESA 3rd Swarm Science Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-20 June 2014. (Unpublished)

Beggan, Ciaran D.. 2014 Spectral analysis of regional main field and secular variation in CHAOS-4 using spherical Slepian functions. [Poster] In: RAS Specialist Meeting on Geomagnetic field dynamics and structure on timescales from minutes to decades, London, UK, 10 Jan 2014. (Unpublished)

Beggan, Ciaran D.. 2014 An automatic method for detection and classification of Ionospheric Alfvén Resonances using signal and image processing techniques. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014. European Geosciences Union. (Unpublished)

Beggan, Ciaran D.; Kelly, Gemma S.. 2014 Automatic detection of ionospheric Alfvén Resonances using signal and image processing techniques. [Poster] In: Hot Spring MIST, Bath, UK, 23-25 April 2014. (Unpublished)

Bell, P.S. ORCID:; McCann, D.L. ORCID: 2014 Marine radar derived current vector mapping at a planned commercial tidal stream turbine array in the Pentland Firth. [Poster] In: 5th International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, NS, 04-06 Nov 2014. Liverpool, National Oceanography Centre.

Bell, Paul S ORCID:; McCann, David L ORCID: 2014 Marine Radar Derived Current Vector Mapping at a Planned Commercial Tidal Stream Turbine Array in the Pentland Firth. Poster presented at: International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 4-6 Nov 2014. [Poster] In: International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 4-6 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Beresford, Nicholas A.; Copplestone, David; Hosseini, A.; Brown, Justin E; Johansen, Matthew P.; Hirth, Gillian; Sheppard, Steve; Dagher, Elias; Yankovich, Tamara; Uchida, Shigeo; Napier, Jon; Outola, Iisa; Wells, Claire; Howard, Brenda J. ORCID:; Barnett, Catherine L. ORCID:; Wood, Michael D.. 2014 Recent development of wildlife transfer databases. [Poster] In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Beresford, Nicholas A.; Vives i Batlle, Jordi; Beaugelin-Seiller, Karine; Johansen, Mathew P.; Goulet, Richard; Wood, Michael D.; Ruedig, Elizabeth; Stark, Karolina; Bradshaw, Clare; Andersson, Pal; Copplestone, David; Vandenhove, Hildegarde; Yankovich, Tamara L.; Fesenko, Sergey. 2014 Modelling the exposure of wildlife to radiation: key findings and activities of IAEA working groups. In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Beresford, Nicholas A.; Wood, Michael D.; Vives i Batlle, Jordi; Brown, Justin E.; Hosseini, Ali; Yankovich, Tamara L.; Bradshaw, Clare; Barnett, Catherine L. ORCID:; Wells, Claire; Willey, Neil. 2014 Making the most of what we have: application of extrapolation approaches in wildlife transfer models. [Lecture] In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Bide, T.. 2014 Thinking big : defining resources for major coastal defence projects. In: 18th Extractive Industry Geology (EIG) conference, St Andrews, UK, 12-13 June 2014. EIG Conferences Ltd, 14-20.

Billingham, Laurence; Kelly, Gemma. 2014 Improving Operational Geomagnetic Index Forecasting. [Poster] In: European Space Weather Week 11, Liege, Belgium, 16-21 Nov 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Ward, R.S.; Garcia-Bajo, M.; Hart, A.J.. 2014 Separation of aquifers and shales: a national screening tool from the UK. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014.

Bradshaw, C.; Beaugelin-Seiller, K.; Beresford, N.A.; Brown, J.; Mora, C.; Dowdall, M.; Hinton, T.G.; Hosseini, A.; Liland, A.; Oughton, D.; Real, A.; Robles, B.; Stark, K.; Steiner, M.; Sweeck, L.; Vives i Batlle, J.. 2014 To what extent can human and non-human radiation protection frameworks be integrated? [Poster] In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Bricker, S.; MacDonald, A. ORCID:; Yadav, S.K.; Satyal, Y.; Dixit, A.; Bell, R.; Smith, L.. 2014 Springs, storage and sensitivity to change : groundwater in Nepal's Middle Hills. [Other] In: 41st IAH International Congress "Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies", Marrakech, Morocco, 15-19 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Broughton, Richard ORCID: 2014 What's driving the marsh tit decline?: studies in Cambridgeshire and beyond. [Lecture] In: Cambridgeshire Bird Club Conference, Cottenham, 27-28 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Brown, J.E.; Alfonso, B.; Avila, R.; Beresford, N.A.; Copplestone, D.; Hosseini, A.. 2014 Updating environmental media concentration limits and uncertainty factors in the ERICA tool. [Poster] In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Bullock, James ORCID:; Chapman, Daniel; Hooftman, Danny; White, Steven ORCID: 2014 Inventory and review of quantitative models for spread of plant pests for use in pest risk assessment for the EU territory. [Keynote] In: Joint EFSA-EPPO Workshop on ‘Data collection and information sharing in plant health’, Parma, Italy, 1-3 Apr 2014. (Unpublished)

Burgess, W.G.; Shamsudduha, M.; Taylor, R.; Ahmed, K.; Mukherjee, A.; Lapworth, D.J. ORCID:; Zahid, A.. 2014 Seasonal, episodic and periodic changes in terrestrial water storage recorded By DEEP Piezometric Monitoring in the Ganges/Brahmaputra/Meghna DELTA. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 Dec 2014. (Unpublished)

Burke, Helen; Kessler, Holger. 2014 Construction and application of the London and Thames Valley 3D model. [Lecture] In: The Geology under London and the Thames Valley, London, UK, 17 Oct 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Butcher, Andrew; Sorensen, James. 2014 Extreme groundwater levels in boreholes: measurement of changes in flow regimes and their significance for groundwater flooding. [Lecture] In: 41st IAH International Congress "Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies", Marrakech, Morocco, 15-19 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Carter, Jean-Michel; Gibbs, Melanie ORCID:; Breuker, Casper J.. 2014 Maternal regulation of early embryogenesis in the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria. [Speech] In: 7th International Conference on the Biology of Butterflies, Turku, Finland, 11-14 Aug 2014. (Unpublished)

Cigna, Francesca; Novellino, Alessandro; Jordan, Colm J.; Sowter, Andrew; Ramondini, Massimo; Calcaterra, Domenico. 2014 Intermittent SBAS (ISBAS) InSAR with COSMO-SkyMed X-band high resolution SAR data for landslide inventory mapping in Piana degli Albanesi (Italy). In: SPIE Proceedings : SAR Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques XIV (2014), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 22 Sept 2014. SPIE, 92431B.

Cigna, Francesca; Sowter, Andrew; Jordan, Colm J.; Rawlins, Barry G.. 2014 Intermittent Small Baseline Subset (ISBAS) monitoring of land covers unfavourable for conventional C-band InSAR: proof-of-concept for peatland environments in North Wales, UK. In: SPIE Proceedings : SAR Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques XIV (2014), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 22 Sept 2014. SPIE, 924305.

Clarke, Ellen; Kelly, Gemma; Beggan, Ciaran. 2014 Recent BGS activities: digitising and modelling with historical data and telluric measurements and analysis. [Lecture] In: SEREN workshop on geomagnetically induced currents, Edinburgh, UK, 5-6 March 2014. (Unpublished)

Cole, Steven; Moore, Robert; Mattingley, Paul; Aldridge, Timothy; Millard, Jon; Laeger, Stefan. 2014 Real-time modelling of surface water flooding hazard and impact at countrywide scales. [Lecture] In: 12th British Hydrological Society National Symposium, Birmingham, UK, 2-4 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Crane, Emily; Talbot, John; Stuart, Marianne. 2014 An emerging picture of organic micropollutants in groundwater in the London area. [Poster] In: RSC "Organic Chemistry and Toxcity of Contaminants in the Ground", London, UK, 13 Feb 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Davies, S.J.; Bennett, C.E.; Leng, M.J. ORCID:; Kearsey, T.; Marshall, J.E.; Millward, D.; Reeves, E.J.; Snelling, A.; Sherwin, J.E.. 2014 The Carboniferous carbon isotope record from sedimentary organic matter: can we disentangle the carbon cycle? [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 Dec 2014.

Deady, Eimear; Mouchos, Evangelos; Goodenough, Kathryn; Williamson, Ben; Wall, Frances. 2014 Rare earth elements in karst-bauxites: a novel untapped European resource? In: ERES 2014 : 1st conference on European Rare Earth Resources, Milos, Greece, 4-7 Sept 2014. 364-375. (Unpublished)

Diaz Doce, D.; Bee, E.J.; Bell, P.; Marchant, A.; Reay, S.; Richardson, S.; Shelley, W.. 2014 Scientists and public: is the information flow direction starting to change? [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 Dec 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Dinsmore, K.J.; Billett, M.F.; Lessels, J.S.; Street, L.; Wookey, P.A.; Baxter, R.; Subke, J.-A.; Washbourne, I.; Dean, J.F.; Cooper, M.; Tetzlaff, D.. 2014 Aquatic carbon and GHG export from a permafrost catchment; identifying source areas and primary flow paths. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 Dec 2014. (Unpublished)

Dinsmore, Kerry; Turner, E; Billett, M; Baird, A; Chapman, P; Holden, J; McKenzie, R. 2014 Greenhouse gas concentrations in peatland pools. [Other] In: Research in the 'Flow Country': Looking Forward, Thurso, 4-7 Mar 2014. (Unpublished)

Dixon, Harry ORCID: 2014 Harmonization of methodologies, quality control and access to data: results of WMO RA-VI Hydrology Forum activity 2012-2014. [Speech] In: WMO RA-VI Hydrology Forum 2014, Warsaw, Poland, 24-26 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Dixon, Harry ORCID: 2014 The United Kingdom's National River Flow Archive. [Speech] In: Environment Agency Multi-Agency Knowledge Exchange Workshop, Wallingford, UK, 19-20 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Dixon, Harry ORCID:; Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Fry, Matthew ORCID:; Muchan, Katie; Swain, Oliver. 2014 National peak flow data - what next? [Poster] In: 12th British Hydrological Society National Symposium, Birmingham, UK, 2-4 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Dove, D.; Cooper, R.; Lark, R.M.; Green, S.; Marchant, B.P.; Crombie, K.; Stewart, H.A.; Stevenson, A.G.; Diesing, M.. 2014 Seabed characterization: developing fit for purpose methodologies. In: Near Surface Geoscience 2014, Athens, Greece, 14-18 Sept 2014.

Faber, Jack H.; Peres, Guénola; de Groot, Arjen; Krogh, Paul Henning; Sudaholc, Marjetka; Mihelic, Rok; Rombke, Jörg; Jaensch, Stefan; Schmelz, Rüdiger; Keith, A.K. ORCID:; Schmidt, O.; Andriuzzi, Walter; Chabbi, Abad. 2014 Earthworm functioning in soil ecosystem services in relation to land use intensity. [Poster] In: First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, Dijon, 2-5 Dec 2014. (Unpublished)

Farr, G.; Whiteman, M.; Jones, P.S.. 2014 Ecohydrological methods for the investigation of significant damage at groundwater dependant terrestrial ecosystems. In: IAH Ireland conference Proceedings 2014: The Role of Hydrogeology, Ireland, April 2014. British Geological Survey.

Fesenko, Sergey; Howard, Brenda ORCID:; Kashparov, Valery; Sanzharova, Natalie; Vidal, Miquel. 2014 New IAEA guidelines on environmental remediation. [Speech] In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Field, L.; Milodowski, A.E.; Bateman, K.; Jones, L.; Purser, G.; Moyce, E.B.A.; Rochelle, C.; Shaw, S.. 2014 Petrology of column experiments on the interaction of young cement leachate with silicate host rock in a geological disposal facility. [Other] In: Goldschmidt 2014, Sacramento, USA, 8-13 June 2014.

Field, Lorraine P.; Milodowski, Anthony E.; Kemp, Simon J. ORCID:; Shaw, Richard P.; Ellis, Michael. 2014 Hyperalkaline speleothem from Derbyshire: new observations on morphology and growth crystallisation. [Other] In: BCRA Annual General Meeting 2014, 25 Oct 2014, Birmingham, UK. (Unpublished)

Fordyce, F.M.; Everett, P.A.; Bearcock, J.M.; Lister, T.R.. 2014 Geochemical baseline surveys of Glasgow and the Clyde Basin : overview and soils. [Lecture] In: CUSP2014: The Geoscience Context for Europe’s Urban Sustainability - Lessons from Glasgow and beyond, Glasgow, UK, 29-30 May 2014. Royal Society of Edinburgh, 8.

Fowell, Sara ORCID:; Foster, Gavin L.; Ries, Justin B; Castillo, Karl; Stewart, Joe. 2014 Reconstruction of Caribbean Sea surface temperatures using the skeletal elemental composition of the Coral Siderastrea Siderea. In: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, 15-19 December 2014.

Gibbs, Melanie ORCID: 2014 Maternal effects in the speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria. [Lecture] In: Guest lecture (Conservation Genetics module) MSc Wildlife Management & Conservation, University of Reading, 27 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Gibbs, Melanie ORCID:; Hesketh, Helen ORCID:; Van Dyck, Hans; Hails, Rosemary; Breuker, Casper J.. 2014 Maternal effects and offspring immune defence in Pararge aegeria: implications for dispersal in fragmented landscapes. [Speech] In: 7th International Conference on the Biology of Butterflies, Turku, Finland, 11-14 Aug 2014. (Unpublished)

Goodenough, K.M.; Macdonald, J.M.; Johnson, T.E.; Hughes, H.; Shaw, R.A.; Millar, I.. 2014 Tectonic history and mineralisation in the North Atlantic Craton: a view from Scotland. [Lecture] In: North Atlantic Craton Conference, St Andrews, UK, 19-21 March 2014.

Goodenough, Kathryn; Deady, Eimear; Finch, Adrian; Shaw, Richard; Lusty, Paul; Wall, Frances. 2014 Alkaline magmatism and REE resources: a European overview, and links to Canada. [Invited Paper] In: Quebec Mines 2014, Quebec City, Canada, 17-20 Nov 2014.

Goodenough, Kathryn; Deady, Eimear; Shaw, Richard; EURARE WP1 Team, the. 2014 The potential for REE deposits associated with alkaline and carbonatite magmatism in Europe. [Lecture] In: 30th International Conference on Ore Potential of Alkaline, Kimberlite and Carbonatite Magmatism, Antalya, Turkey, 29 September - 2 Oct 2014.

Goodenough, Kathryn; Essaifi, Abderrahim; Lusty, Paul; Boyce, Adrian; N'Diaye, Ismaila; Maacha, Lhou. 2014 Massive sulphide deposits of the Central Jebilet Massif, Morocco. [Lecture] In: Mineral Deposits Studies Group Annual Meeting Dec 2014, Southampton, UK, 17-19 Dec 2014.

Goodenough, Kathryn M.; Deady, Eimear; Wall, Frances; Shaw, Richard A.; Lusty, Paul. 2014 The importance of tectonic setting in assessing European Rare Earth potential. In: 1st European Rare Earth Resources Conference, Milos, Greece, 4-7 Sept 2014.

Goodenough, Kathryn M.; Hughes, Joshua; Finch, Adrian. 2014 Carbonatites and alkaline magmas at the margins of the North Atlantic Craton in Greenland: a vital resource of the critical metals. In: GAC-MAC 2014, New Jersey, USA, 21-23 May 2014.

Harvey, A.L.; Andrews, I.J.; Smith, K.; Smith, N.J.P.; Vincent, C.J.. 2014 DECC/BGS assessment of resource potential of the Bowland Shale, UK. [Speech] In: 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, London, UK, 10-13 June 2013. EAGE.

Helfter, Carole ORCID:; Tremper, Anja; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID:; Barlow, Janet F.. 2014 Tall tower measurements of methane, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide emissions in London, UK. [Speech] In: InGOS 2nd Periodic Project Meeting, Florence, Italy, 14-16 Oct 2014. (Unpublished)

Hirth, Gillian A.; Carpenter, Julia G.; Bollhofer, Andreas; Johansen, Matthew P.; Beresford, Nicholas A.. 2014 Whole-organism concentration ratios in wildlife inhabiting Australian uranium mining environments. [Speech] In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Holland, Peter; Marletaz, Ferdinand; Ferguson, Laura; Carter, Jean-Michel; Breuker, Casper J; Gibbs, Melanie ORCID:; Taylor, William; Fenda, Roberto; Hui, Jerome; Quah, Shan. 2014 New genes and new microRNAs in lepidopteran evolution. [Speech] In: 7th International Conference on the Biology of Butterflies, Turku, Finland, 11-14 Aug 2014. (Unpublished)

Hough, Edward; Vane, Christopher H. ORCID:; Smith, Nigel J.P.; Moss-Hayes, Vicky L.. 2014 The Bowland Shale in the Roosecote Borehole of the Lancaster Fells sub-Basin, Craven Basin, UK: a potential UK Shale gas play? In: SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, 25-27 Feb 2014. OnePetro.

House, Andrew; Sorensen, James; Gooddy, Daren; Newell, Andrew; Marchant, Benjamin; Mountford, Owen; Scarlett, Peter; Williams, Peter; Old, Gareth ORCID: 2014 Using a 3D temperature model to reveal the significance of relic channels and botanical indicators of groundwater discharge. [Lecture] In: Integrated Management of Groundwater Resources and Dependent Ecosystems, Prague, Czech Republic, 5-7 March 2014. (Unpublished)

House, Andrew; Sorensen, James; Newell, Andrew; Chambers, Jonathan; Wilkinson, Paul; Uhlemann, Sebastian; Gooddy, Daren; Mountford, Owen; Scarlett, Peter; Old, Gareth ORCID: 2014 Using temperature, electrical resistivity tomography and botanical indicators to understand groundwater discharge in a riparian wetland. [Lecture] In: British Hydrological Society: Early career hydrologists’ event 2014, Cardiff, UK, 24-25 June 2014. (Unpublished)

Jacob, Miro; Frankl, Amaury; De Ridder, Maaike; Guyassa, Etefa; Barkwith, Andrew; Beeckman, Hans; Nyssen, Jan. 2014 A multi-disciplinary study of treeline dynamics in the North Ethiopian highlands. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 Dec 2014. (Unpublished)

Johansen, M.P.; Beresford, N.A.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Hinton, T.G.; Bolhoefer, A.; Doering, C.; Hirth, G.; Grzechnik, M.; Ruedig, E.; Payne, T.E.; Twining, J.R.. 2014 Recent developments in the modelling of radionuclide uptake, radiation dose and effects in wildlife. [Lecture] In: 13th South Pacific Environmental Radioactivity Association Conference (SPERA 2014), Darwin, Australia, 1-5 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Kearsey, Tim; Williams, John; Finlayson, Andrew; Williamson, Paul; Dobbs, Marcus; Marchant, Benjamin; Kingdon, Andrew ORCID:; Campbell, Seumas. 2014 Lithostratigraphy does not always equal lithology: lessons learned in communicating uncertainty from stochastic modelling glacial and post glacial deposits in Glasgow U.K. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014.

Kelly, Gemma; Reay, Sarah; Thomson, Alan; Humphries, Thomas. 2014 Extremes in worldwide geomagnetic activity. [Poster] In: European Space Weather Week 11, Liege, Belgium, 16-21 Nov 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Kelly, Gemma S.. 2014 Statistics of Coronal Mass Ejections for use in space weather forecasting. [Poster] In: Hot Spring MIST, Bath, UK, 23-25 April 2014. (Unpublished)

Kentisbeer, J.; Leeson, S.; Malcolm, H.; Leith, I.; Cape, J.N.. 2014 Mercury at the UK EMEP supersites Auchencorth Moss & Harwell. [Keynote] In: 15th Task Force on Measurements and Modelling, Bologna, Italy, 8-10 Apr 2014. (Unpublished)

Khamis, Kieran; Sorensen, James; Bradley, Chris; Hannah, David; Stevens, Rob. 2014 Monitoring dissolved organic matter using submersible tryptophan-like fluorometers. [Lecture] In: 12th British Hydrological Society National Symposium, Birmingham, UK, 2-4 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Kingdon, A. ORCID:; Fellgett, M.W.. 2014 Borehole imaging and its impact on unconventional reservoir characterisation in the United Kingdom. [Lecture] In: EAGE Borehole Geology Workshop, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 12-15 October 2014. Dubai, UAE, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers.

Kuras, Oliver; Wilkinson, Paul; Meldrum, Phil; Oxby, Lucy; Uhlemann, Sebastian; Chambers, Jonathan; Binley, Andrew; Graham, James; Dewey, Gareth; Atherton, Nick. 2014 A trial of 4D cross-borehole electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) for detecting and monitoring subsurface leakage and contaminant transport, supporting the decommissioning of legacy silos at the Sellafield site, UK. In: WM2014 40th Annual Conference on Waste Management, Arizona, USA, 2-6 Mar 2014. 14161. (Unpublished)

Lapworth, D.J. ORCID:; Sorensen, J.; Pedley, S.; Nkhuwa, D.C.W.; Read, D. ORCID:; Chibesa, M.; Chirwa, M.; Bell, R.; Liemisa, M.; Stuart, M.; Kabika, J.. 2014 Applying in-situ fluorescence and molecular screening techniques to understand contamination and contributing risk factors in shallow urban groundwaters in sub-Saharan Africa. [Poster] In: Hydrogeology and WASH, London, UK, 5 June 2014. British Geological Survey.

Lapworth, Dan ORCID:; Krishan, G; MacDonald, Alan ORCID:; Rao, M S; Gooddy, Daren; Darling, George. 2014 Using environmental tracers to understand the response of groundwater resources in NW India to sustained abstraction. [Other] In: 41st IAH International Congress "Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies", Marrakech, Morocco, 15-19 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Lawley, Russell; Barron, Mark; Lee, Katy. 2014 Geological linework : communicating a surveyor's tacit understanding of uncertainty via expert elicitation. [Speech] In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Leadbetter, Adam; Lowry, Roy. 2014 Semantically supporting data discovery, markup and aggregation in the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). [Other] In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014.

Leng, Melanie ORCID:; Anderson, N. John. 2014 The influence of Holocene climate and catchment ontogeny on organic carbon cycling in low-Arctic lakes of SW Greenland [abstract only]. In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014. European Geosciences Union.

Lessels, J.S.; Tetzlaff, D.; Dinsmore, K.J.; Street, L.; Dean, J.; Washbourne, I.; Billett, M.; Baxter, R.; Subke, J.A.; Smith, P.; Wookey, P.A.. 2014 Utilising conservative tracers and spatial surveys to identify controls on pathways and DOC exports in an Arctic catchment. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 Dec 2014. (Unpublished)

Lofts, S. ORCID:; Fevrier, L.; Gilbin, R.; Horemans, N.; Lecomte, T.; Minko Mi Ondo, S.L.; Teien, H.C.; Willrodt, C.; Turtiainen, T.; Vandenhove, H.. 2014 Developing biotic ligand models for uranium: research within the STAR EU Network of Excellence. In: SETAC North America 35th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 9-13 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Lofts, S. ORCID:; Xu, L.; Tipping, E. ORCID:; Lawlor, A.; Shotbolt, L.; Lu, Y.. 2014 Dynamic modelling of metals in topsoils of UK and Chinese catchments. [Poster] In: SETAC North America 35th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 9-13 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Lofts, Stephen ORCID: 2014 Metal speciation in soils: the importance of the reactive pool and of aging processes. [Invited Paper] In: BNASS / TraceSpec Tandem Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland, 31 Aug - 4 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Lofts, Stephen ORCID: 2014 The chemistry and partitioning of uranium in freshwaters: application of speciation modelling. In: SETAC North America 35th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 9-13 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Ludden, John. 2014 Introduction. In: 76th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 16-19 June 2014. EAGE.

MacDonald, A. ORCID:; Archer, N.; O Dochartaigh, B.. 2014 Measuring the contribution of groundwater and soil water to flooding. [Other] In: Scottish Freshwater Group, Perth, UK, 30 October 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Bonsor, H.C.; Gopal, K.; Rao, M.S.; Ahmed, K.M.; Taylor, R.G.; Shamsudduha, M.; Van Steenbergen, F.; Mackenzie, A.; Dixit, A.; Moench, M.; Tucker, J.. 2014 Groundwater in the Indo-Gangetic basin: evolution of groundwater typologies. [Poster] In: 41st IAH International Congress "Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies", Marrakech, Morocco, 15-19 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Mackay, A.W.; Leng, M.J. ORCID:; Morley, D.W.; Piotrowska, N.; Rioual, P.; Swann, G.E.A.. 2014 Holocene carbon fluxes and palaeoproductivity in aquatic ecosystems: a multiproxy, palaeolimnological approach. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 Dec 2014.

Mackay, J.D.; Jackson, C.R.; Pachocka, M.; Brookshaw, A.; Scaife, A.. 2014 Seasonal forecasting of groundwater levels in natural aquifers in the United Kingdom. [Speech] In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014. (Unpublished)

Mackay, J.D.; Mansour, M.; Bonsor, H.C.; Pachocka, M.; Wang, L.; MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Macdonald, D.M.J.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID: 2014 Analysis of confidence in continental-scale groundwater recharge estimates for Africa using a distributed water balance model. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014.

Mackay, Jon; Jackson, Chris; Pachocka, Magdalena; Brookshaw, Anca; Scaife, Adam; Ward, Rob. 2014 The science behind the Hydrological Outlook seasonal groundwater level forecasts. [Poster] In: Groundwater Modelling Workshop: Pushing the Boundaries, Birmingham, UK, 2014. (Unpublished)

Macmillan, Susan; Hamilton, Brian. 2014 Impact of Swarm data on global magnetic field models. [Poster] In: 3rd Swarm Science Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-20 Jun 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Macmillan, Susan; Turbitt, Chris; Flower, Simon; Ridley, Victoria. 2014 Developments in geomagnetic field data relevant for deep Earth research. [Poster] In: UKSEDI 2014: The frontiers of deep-Earth research, London, UK, 14 March 2014. (Unpublished)

Malik, Ashish; Dannert, Helena; Griffiths, Robert ORCID:; Thomson, Bruce; Gleixner, Gerd. 2014 Microbial carbon turnover in the plant-rhizosphere-soil continuum. [Lecture] In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Vienna, 27 Apr - 2 May 2014. (Unpublished)

Malley, Christopher S.; Braban, Christine F. ORCID:; Cape, J. Neil; Dumitrean, Peter; Heal, Mathew R.. 2014 VOC chemical climate and O3 variation: impact of emissions on regional O3 increment. [Poster] In: International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Science Conference, Natal, Brazil, 22-26 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Malley, Christopher S.; Mills, Gina; Braban, Christine F. ORCID:; Heal, Mathew R.. 2014 Chemical climatology: a case study for ozone. [Poster] In: 13th International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Science Conference, Natal, Brazil, 22-26 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Marvinney, R.G.; Anderson, W.A.; Barron, H.F.; Hernandez, R.. 2014 The International Appalachian Trail: the ancient Appalachians as ambassador of the geosciences to modern societies. [Speech] In: GAC - MAC /Joint Annual Meeting, New Brunswick, Canada, 21-23 May 2014. Geological Association of Canada & Mineralogical Association of Canada, 175. (Unpublished)

Mathers, S.J.; Lark, R.M.; Waters, C.N.; McEvoy, F.M.. 2014 Geological maps and models: are we certain how uncertain they are? [Poster] In: BGS Internal Workshop. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Mathers, Steve; Dearden, Rachel. 2014 The National Geological Model. [Speech] In: The Geology under London and the Thames Valley, London, UK, 17 Oct 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Melintescu, Anca; Galeriu, Dan; Beresford, Nicholas A.. 2014 Energy metabolism and transfer of 3H and 14C in mammals and birds. In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Milodowski, A.E.; Field, L.P.; Palumbo-Roe, B.; Hall, M.R.; Parkes, D.; Evans, D.. 2014 Dissolution experiments in halite cores: initial findings. [Other] In: UKES2014 : UK Energy Storage Conference, Warwick, UK, 25-27 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Mitchell, Clive ORCID: 2014 High-purity limestone in the UAE. [Lecture] In: The Second International Forum for Industrial Rocks and Construction Materials 2014, Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, 3-6 Feb 2014. (Unpublished)

Mitchell, Clive ORCID: 2014 Minerals, markets and open access. [Lecture] In: The Second International Forum for Industrial Rocks and Construction Materials 2014, Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, 3-6 Feb 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Mitchell, Clive ORCID: 2014 UK Frac Sand Resources. [Lecture] In: Extractive Industry Geology (EIG) conference, St Andrews, UK, 12-13 June 2014. (Unpublished)

Morrison, Ross ORCID:; Blake, James ORCID:; Ward, Helen; Evans, Jonathan ORCID:; Hewitt, Ned; Ball, Lucy; Fry, Matt; Rylett, Daniel; Doughty, Luisa; Boorman, David ORCID: 2014 COSMOS-UK: sampling strategy. In: COSMOS 4th Workshop, Leipzig, Germany, 5-8 May 2014. (Unpublished)

Muchan, Katie; Dixon, Harry ORCID: 2014 Ensuring UK hydrometric data are fit-for-purpose through a national Service Level Agreement. [Speech] In: 12th British Hydrological Society National Symposium, Birmingham, UK, 2-4 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Muchan, Katie; Heuser, Kay. 2014 National River Flow Archive: the United Kingdom's focal point for hydrometric data. [Poster] In: 12th British Hydrological Society National Symposium, Birmingham, UK, 2-4 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Nayembil, Martin; Richardson, Anne; Smith, Graham; Burden, Simon. 2014 PropBase “Warehouse” architecture. In: PropBASE Technical Discussion, Nottingham, UK & Copenhagen, Denmark, 06/03/2014, 14/08/2014. (Unpublished)

Newell, Andy; Shariatipour, Seyed; Milodowski, Tony. 2014 Using digital outcrop data to improve CO2 flow simulation at reservoir-caprock interfaces: an example from the Sherwood Sandstone of the Wessex Basin, SW England. [Lecture] In: Reducing Subsurface Uncertainty & Risk through Field-Based Studies, London, UK, 2014. (Unpublished)

Newman, Jonathan; Duenas, Manuel ORCID: 2014 The use of adjuvants in aquatic weed control: good idea or bad practice? [Lecture] In: SCAPMS Annual Conference 2014, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA, 8-10 Oct 2014. (Unpublished)

Newman, Jonathan R.; Duenas, Manuel A. ORCID: 2014 Control of Phragmites communis using low rate glyphosate applications and TopFilm adjuvant. [Poster] In: 54th Annual Meeting of the Aquatic Plant Management Society, Savannah, Georgia, USA, 13-16 July 2014. (Unpublished)

O Dochartaigh, B.; Upton, K.; MacDonald, A. ORCID:; Talbot, J.; McKenzie, A.; Abiye, T.; Adelana, S.; Tindimugaya, C.. 2014 AFRICA GROUNDWATER ATLAS. [Speech] In: 41st IAH International Congress "Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies", Marrakech, Morocco, 15-19 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Osterloff, Jonas; Schoening, Timm; Bergmann, Melanie; Durden, Jennifer M. ORCID:; Ruhl, Henry A.; Nattkemper, Tim W.. 2014 Ranking color correction algorithms using cluster indices. In: 2014 ICPR Workshop on Computer Vision for Analysis of Underwater Imagery, Stockholm, Sweden, 24-24 Aug 2014. IEEE, 41-48.

Palumbo-Roe, B.; Gregory, S.; Milodowski, A.; West, J.; Wragg, J.; Banwart, S.; Romero Gonzalez, M.; Huang, W.; Wharfe, E.; Harding, J.; Freeman, C.; Hall, S.. 2014 Using microbes to recover rare earths with low environmental impact? [Poster] In: ERES 2014 - 1st conference on European Rare Earth Resources, Milos, Greece, 4-7 September 2014. (Unpublished)

Peltola, Olli; Hensen, Arjan; Helfter, Carole ORCID:; Belelli Marchesini, Luca; Bosveld, Fred C.; van den Bulk, Pim; Haapanala, Sami; Laurila, Tuomas; Lindroth, Anders; Nemitz, Eiko ORCID:; Röckmann, Thomas; Vermeulen, Alex; Mammarella, Ivan. 2014 Methane flux measurements on multiple scales in an agricultural landscape: linking tall tower flux measurements with short eddy covariance towers. [Poster] In: 4th iLEAPS Science Conference, Nanjing, China, 12-16 May 2014. (Unpublished)

Penrose, B.; Beresford, N.; Broadley, M.; Crout, N.M.J.; King, J.; Lovatt, A.; Thomson, R.; Young, S.. 2014 Can inter-cultivar variation in caesium and strontium uptake reduce contamination of forage grasses? In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Pescott, Oliver ORCID:; Simkin, Janet; Preston, Christopher ORCID: 2014 Monitoring the impacts of ash dieback on ash-associated epiphytic lichens. [Poster] In: British Lichen Society International Symposium 2014, Nottingham, 10-11 Jan 2014. (Unpublished)

Pescott, Oliver ORCID: 2014 Habitat-based monitoring and biological recording: challenges and opportunities. [Lecture] In: National Forum for Biological Recording Annual Conference 2014, Derby, 10-12 Apr 2014. (Unpublished)

Pescott, Oliver ORCID: 2014 A systematic pavement flora of Sheffield. [Poster] In: BSBI Annual Exhibition Meeting 2014, Leicester, 22 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Petrick, B.F.; McClymont, E.; Felder, S.; Leng, M.J. ORCID:; Rosell, Mele; Rueda, G.. 2014 Pliocene Warm Period upwelling in the Southern Benguela Region. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 Dec 2014.

Pounder, Kieran C.; Mitchell, Jennifer L.; Buckley, Jonathan; Pottinger, Tom G.; Sneddon, Lynne U.. 2014 Does environmental enrichment promote recovery from stress in rainbow trout? [Poster] In: Society for Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Manchester, UK, 30th June - 4th July. (Unpublished)

Price, David A.; Wynn, Adrian; Harrison, Tim; Pollard, Oliver; Pierce, Clive; Cole, Steven J.; Moore, Robert J.. 2014 Operational flash flood forecasting in England: quantifying flood risk using radar-based nowcasts and high resolution NWP forecasts. In: 2014 International Weather Radar and Hydrology Symposium, Washington, D.C., 7-10 Apr 2014. (Unpublished)

Prosdocimi, Ilaria; Stewart, Lisa ORCID:; Vesuviano, Gianni ORCID: 2014 An analysis of high intensity, short duration, annual and seasonal rainfall maxima. [Poster] In: 12th British Hydrological Society National Symposium, Birmingham, UK, 2-4 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Ragab, Ragab ORCID: 2014 Challenges in irrigated and rain-fed agriculture production. [Speech] In: The Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform (WssTP), Brussels, Belgium, 3 Mar 2014. (Unpublished)

Read, Daniel ORCID: 2014 Who, how and where?: insights into microbial ecology through Raman spectroscopy. [Lecture] In: [Seminar, University of East Anglia], Norwich, 28 Apr 2014. (Unpublished)

Reay, Sarah; Diaz Doce, Diego; Flower, Simon; Clarke, Ellen; Bee, Emma; Bell, Patrick. 2014 Mapping the Aurora using social media: new scientific data for nowcasting and forecasting space weather? [Poster] In: European Space Weather Week 11, Liege, Belgium, 16-21 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Riddick, A.; Hughes, A.; Harpham, Q.; Royse, K.; Singh, A.. 2014 Improving the accessibility and re-use of environmental models through provision of model metadata : a scoping study. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Ridley, Victoria; Macmillan, Susan. 2014 Validation of Swarm satellite magnetic data using observatory measurements. [Poster] In: 3rd Swarm Science Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-20 Jun 2014. (Unpublished)

Ridley, Victoria; Macmillan, Susan; Hamilton, Brian. 2014 The role of geomagnetic observatory data during the Swarm mission. [Poster] In: Geomagnetic field Dynamics and Structure on tTmescales from Minutes to Decades, London, UK, 10 Jan 2014. (Unpublished)

Royles, Jessica ORCID:; Amesbury, Matthew; Ogee, Jerome; Wingate, Lisa; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Hodgson, Dominic ORCID:; Griffiths, Howard; Leng, Melanie ORCID:; Charman, Dan. 2014 Stable isotopes and Antarctic moss banks: plants and soil microbes respond to recent warming on the Antarctic Peninsula [abstract only]. In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014. European Geosciences Union.

Rudd, Ali; Kay, Alison ORCID:; Crooks, Sue; Bell, Vicky ORCID: 2014 Use of very high resolution climate model data for hydrological modelling in southern Britain. [Poster] In: 12th British Hydrological Society National Symposium, Birmingham, UK, 2-4 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Rutgers, Michiel; Orgiazzi, Alberto; Gardi, Ciro; Rombke, Jörg; Jansch, Stephan; Peres, Guénola; Cluzeau, Daniel; Keith, Aidan ORCID:; Schouten, Ton; de Zwart, Dick; Bogte, Jaap; van Wijnen, Harm. 2014 Soil biodiversity atlas: mapping earthworms of Europe. [Poster] In: First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, Dijon, 2-5 Dec 2014. (Unpublished)

Shepherd, Matthew J.; Spurgeon, David A. ORCID:; Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Read, Daniel A. ORCID:; Gweon, Hyun Soon ORCID:; Keith, Aidan ORCID:; Vogler, Alfried; Andujar, Carmelo. 2014 Monitoring soil biodiversity in nature reserves in England - a role for metabarcoding. [Poster] In: First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, Dijon, 2-5 Dec 2014. (Unpublished)

Sneddon, Lynne U.; Pottinger, Tom G.; Thomson, Jack S.. 2014 Contrasting baseline expression of stress axis genes in rainbow trout selected for divergent stress responsiveness. [Poster] In: Society for Experimental Biology Annual Meeting 2014, Manchester, UK, 30th June - 4th July. (Unpublished)

Sorensen, James. 2014 Groundwater dependence and threats in urban Sub-Saharan Africa. [Lecture] In: Groundwater, poverty and development, London, UK, 28 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Sorensen, James; Lapworth, Dan ORCID:; Nkhuwa, Daniel; Stuart, Marianne; Bell, Rachel; Chirwa, Meki; Kabika, Joel. 2014 Emerging organic contaminants in urban and peri‐urban groundwater sources in Sub‐Saharan Africa. [Poster] In: 41st IAH International Congress "Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies", Marrakech, Morocco, 15-19 Sept 2014.

Sorensen, James; Pedley, Steve; Read, Daniel ORCID:; Chibesa, Mirriam; Chirwa, Meki; Bell, Rachel; Nkhuwa, Daniel; Liemisa, Moses; Stuart, Marianne; Lapworth, Dan ORCID: 2014 Characterising pathogen contamination in urban groundwater in Kabwe, Zambia: a comparative study using multiple pollution indicators and contributing risk factors. [Poster] In: 41st IAH International Congress "Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies", Marrakech, Morocco, 15-19 Sept 2014.

Spurgeon, Dave ORCID:; Svendsen, Claus ORCID:; Heard, Matthew; Hesketh, Helen ORCID: 2014 A framework for modelling interactions in chemical (pesticides) mixtures. [Speech] In: The Impact of Pesticides on Bee Health, London, 22-24 Jan 2014. (Unpublished)

Steiner, Martin; Urso, Laura; Wichterey, Karin; Willrodt, Christine; Beresford, Nicholas A.; Howard, Brenda ORCID:; Bradshaw, Clare; Stark, Karolina; Dowdall, Mark; Liland, Astrid; Eyrolle-Boyer, Frédérique; Guillevic, Jérôme; Hinton, Thomas; Gashchak, Sergey; Hutri, Kaisa-Leena; Ikäheimonen, Tarja; Muikku, Maarit; Outola, Iisa; Michalik, Bogusław; Mora, Juan Carlos; Real, Almudena; Robles, Beatriz; Oughton, Deborah; Salbu, Brit; Sweeck, Lieve; Yoschenko, Vasyl. 2014 Radioecological observatories: breeding grounds for innovative research. In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Stewart, Heather. 2014 Remotely operated sea bed rockdrills and vibrocorers: new advances. [Other] In: 2014 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, USA, 15-19 Dec 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Stewart, Lisa ORCID: 2014 UK winter 2013/14 floods: extraordinary events or the new norm? [Lecture] In: Water Scarcity, Flooding and Droughts: Future Challenges and Solutions, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford, 29 June 2014. (Unpublished)

Stewart, Lisa ORCID:; Vesuviano, Gianni ORCID:; Morris, Dave; Prosdocimi, Ilaria. 2014 The new FEH rainfall depth-duration-frequency model: results, comparisons and implications. [Speech] In: 12th British Hydrological Society National Symposium, Birmingham, UK, 2-4 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Stuart, Marianne. 2014 Hydrogeological aspects of shale gas extraction in the UK. [Lecture] In: UGAS 2014 Unconventional Gas Convention, Warsaw, Poland, 5-6 June 2014. (Unpublished)

Stuart, Marianne; Lapworth, Dan ORCID:; Manamsa, Katya. 2014 Detailing new and emerging groundwater pollutants and their potential risk to groundwater environments. [Lecture] In: Groundwater 2014 - Regulatory updates & practical solutions for improved risk assessment, quality and resource protection, London, UK, 15 May 2014. (Unpublished)

Stuart, Marianne; Lapworth, Dan ORCID:; Manamsa, Katya. 2014 Emerging organic groundwater contaminants and their transformation products. [Lecture] In: Degradation and Toxicity of Organic Contaminants in the Ground, London, UK, 13 February 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Tebbs, Emma; Rowland, Clare ORCID: 2014 A high spatial resolution woody cover map for Great Britain: preliminary results. In: RSPSoc 2014, Aberystwyth, 2-5 Sept 2014.

Thompson, Joanna; Wakefield, Oliver; Hough, Ed; Cripps, Cath. 2014 Facies heterogeneity in the Triassic Sherwood Sandstone Group of the UK: comparing and contrasting coeval depositional basins. [Speech] In: British Sedimentological Research Group AGM 2014, Nottingham, UK, 20-22 Dec 2014. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Uhlemann, S.S.; Chambers, J.E.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Merritt, A.; Meldrum, P.I.; Kuras, O.; Oxby, L.; Gunn, D.; Kirkham, M.. 2014 Estimation of electrode positions from sparsely distributed reference points for long term geoelectric monitoring of an active landslide (abstract only). [Other] In: 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Tokyo, Japan, 28-30 May 2014. Geological Survey of Austria. (Unpublished)

Uhlemann, S.S.; Sorensen, J.P.R.; Chambers, J.E.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Oxby, L.; Gooddy, D.C.; Old, G.H. ORCID:; Kuras, O.; Meldrum, P.I.. 2014 Imaging of hydrological processes in a lowland wetland of the Lambourn river, Berkshire, UK (abstract only). [Other] In: 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Tokyo, Japan, 28-30 May 2014. Geological Survey of Austria. (Unpublished)

Upton, K.A.; Butler, A.P.; Jackson, C.R.; Jones, M.. 2014 Multi-scale groundwater modelling for the assessment of sustainable borehole yields under drought. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014. British Geological Survey.

Upton, Kirsty; Butler, Adrian; Jackson, Christopher; Jones, Michael. 2014 Assessing the sustainable yield of supply boreholes during droughts. [Speech] In: 41st IAH International Congress "Groundwater: Challenges and Strategies", Marrakech, Morocco, 15-19 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Vandenhove, Hildegarde; Muikku, Maarit; Liland, Astrid; Adam-Guillermin, Christelle; Howard, Brenda ORCID: 2014 COMET: Co-ordination and Implementation of a Pan-European Instrument for Radioecology. In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Viljanen, Ari; Thomson, Alan; Wik, Magnus; Wintoft, Peter; Wesztergom, Viktor; Sakharov, Yaroslav; Ngwira, Chigomezyo. 2014 The European risk from geomagnetically induced currents (EURISGIC). [Poster] In: Hot Spring MIST, Bath, UK, 23-25 April 2014. (Unpublished)

Wagner, Bernd; Francke, Alexander; Wilke, Thomas; Krastel, Sebastian; Zanchetta, Giovanni; Sulpizio, Roberto; Reicherter, Klaus; Leng, Melanie ORCID:; Grazhdani, Andon; Trajanovski, Sasho; Levko, Zlatko; Reed, Jane; Wonik, Thomas. 2014 Deep drilling of ancient Lake Ohrid (Balkan region) to capture over 1 million years of evolution and global climate cycling [abstract only]. In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014. European Geosciences Union.

Wang, Lei. 2014 Groundwater recharge estimation in the Eden catchment, England considering the heterogeneous thickness of glacial till. [Speech] In: 2014 International Symposium on Environment and Health, Beijing, China, 5-6 July, 2014. (Unpublished)

Wang, Lei; Jackson, Christopher; Pachocka, Magdalena; Kingdon, Andy ORCID: 2014 A seamless GIS groundwater flow model and its example applications in England. [Speech] In: 2014 International Symposium on Environment and Health, Beijing, China, 5-6 July, 2014. (Unpublished)

Wang, Lei; Kingdon, Andy ORCID: 2014 OneRTM: an online real-time modelling platform for the next generation of numerical modelling. [Speech] In: EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 28 Apr - 2 May 2014. (Unpublished)

Wang, Lei; Ward, Robert; Stuart, Marianne. 2014 Historic nitrate storage in groundwater system - a non-negligible process in nitrate water pollution management. [Speech] In: 2014 International Symposium on Environmental and Health, Beijing, China, 5-6 July 2014. (Unpublished)

Wang, Lei; Zheng, Rongmeihui; Lin, Weibin; Mu, Xueliang; Hu, Yuepeng. 2014 Estimating groundwater recharge for Great Britain. [Speech] In: 14th UK CARE Annual General Meeting, UK Chinese Association of Resources and Environmen, Bristol, UK, 29 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Ward, Rob; Bloomfield, John ORCID:; Jackson, Chris; Mackay, Jon; McKenzie, Andrew; Pachocka, Magdalena. 2014 The Hydrological Outlook UK. [Poster] In: Groundwater Modelling Workshop: Pushing the Boundaries, Birmingham, UK, 2014. (Unpublished)

White, James C.; Entwisle, David C.; Busby, Jon; Lawley, Russell; Cooke, Ian. 2014 Developing a near surface electrical resistivity model of Great Britain. [Other] In: Near Surface Geoscience 2014, Athens, Greece, 14-18 Sept 2014. EAGE.

White, James C.; Williams, Gareth A.. 2014 Utilising spectral decomposition to determine the distribution of injected CO2 at the Snohvit field. [Other] In: 4th EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop, Stavanger, Norway, 23-25 April 2014. EAGE.

White, S.M. ORCID:; Bullock, J.M. ORCID:; Hooftman, D.A.P; Chapman, D.S.. 2014 Modelling the spread of Xylella fastidiosa in Puglia, Italy. [Lecture] In: International Symposium on the European Outbreak of Xylella fastidiosa in Olive, Gallipoli, Italy, 21-24 Oct 2014. (Unpublished)

White, Steven ORCID:; Purse, Bethan ORCID: 2014 UK mechanistic midge model. [Speech] In: EDENext Annual Meeting, Rovaniemi, Finland, 26-28 Mar 2014. (Unpublished)

Williamson, Benjamin J; Blondel, Philippe; Waggitt, James J; Fraser, Shaun; Bell, Paul S ORCID:; Scott, Beth E. 2014 Field deployments of a self-contained subsea platform for acoustic monitoringof the environment around Marine Renewable Energy structures. Poster presented at: International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, November 4-6, 2014. [Poster] In: International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 4-6 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Wood, Michael D.; Beresford, Nicholas A.; Bradshaw, Clare; Gashchak, Sergey; Hinton, Thomas G.. 2014 Advances in environmental radiation protection: re-thinking animal-environment interaction modelling for wildlife dose assessment. In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Wood, Michael D.; Beresford, Nicholas A.; Copplestone, David; Howard, Brenda J. ORCID:; Yankovich, Tamara L.. 2014 Is the use of wildlife group-specific concentration ratios justified? In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Yankovich, Tamara L.; Carr, James; Robertson, Erin; King-Sharp, K.; Killey, R.W. Doug; Beresford, Nicholas A.; Wood, Michael D.. 2014 Spatial distribution and dynamics of carbon-14 in a wetland ecosystem. [Poster] In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Yankovich, Tamara L.; Shultz, Carmen; Hartwig, Dale; Wills, C. Anne; Beresford, Nicholas A.; Wood, Michael D.. 2014 Sediment-to-water partition coefficients: the influence of physicochemical and seasonal factors in eastern Ontario. In: 3rd International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity, Barcelona, 7-12 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Young, Andy; Vesuviano, Gianni ORCID:; Haxton, Tracey; Stewart, Lisa ORCID:; Kjeldsen, Thomas. 2014 Updating the ReFH design method: reconciling flood hydrograph and statistical estimates of design peak flows. [Speech] In: 12th British Hydrological Society National Symposium, Birmingham, UK, 2-4 Sept 2014. (Unpublished)

Publication - Map

Met Office Hadley Centre, ISI-MIP - Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Utrecht University, University of Southampton, Global Climate Forum, The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project, RDCEP Center for Robust Decision Making on Climate and Energy Policy. 2014 Human dynamics of climate change. UNSPECIFIED. Met Office.

British Geological Survey. 2014 Sheet 147 Aylsham (Bedrock and Superficial). British Geological Survey 1: 50k series England and Wales. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey.

Leat, Philip T.; Fretwell, Peter T. ORCID:; Tate, Alex J. ORCID:; Larter, Robert D. ORCID:; Martin, T.J.; Smellie, J.K.; Jokat, W.; Bohrmann, G.. 2014 Bathymetry and geological setting of the South Sandwich Islands Volcanic Arc. BAS GEOMAP 2. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey.

Robinson, David ORCID:; Norris, David; Bachiller-Jareno, Nuria. 2014 Plynlimon vegetation map for soil survey based on LCM2000. UNSPECIFIED. CEH Gateway, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology.

Publication - Report

Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Mills, Gina, eds. 2014 Air pollution: deposition to and impacts on vegetation in (South-)East Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia (EECCA/SEE) and South-East Asia. Bangor, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 72pp. (CEH Project no. C04062, C04325)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Ascension Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: April 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/04/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Ascension Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: August 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/09/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Ascension Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2013. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 13/12/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Ascension Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/12/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Ascension Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: February 2014. British Geological Survey, 26pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/02/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Ascension Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: January 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/01/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Ascension Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: July 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/08/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Ascension Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: March 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/03/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Ascension Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: May 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/05/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Ascension Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: November 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/11/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Ascension Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: October 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/10/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Ascension Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: September 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/09/AS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Bulletin of British earthquakes 2013. British Geological Survey, 54pp. (OR/14/062) (Unpublished)

British Standards Institution. 2014 Code of practice for the management of observed hydrometric data. London, British Standards Institution, 48pp. (BS 17898:2014, CEH Project no. C04954)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: April 2014. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/04/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: August 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/08/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2013. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 13/12/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/12/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: February 2014. British Geological Survey, 30pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/02/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: January 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/01/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: July 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/07/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: March 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/03/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: May 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/05/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: November 2014. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/11/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: October 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/10/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Eskdalemuir Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: September 2014. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/09/ES) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Gateway to the Earth : science for the next decade. British Geological Survey, 19pp. (Unpublished)

Thomson, Alan W.P., ed. 2014 Geomagnetism : review 2013. British Geological Survey, 40pp. (OR/14/016) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: April 2014. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/04/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: August 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/08/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2013. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 13/12/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/12/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: February 2014. British Geological Survey, 30pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/02/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: January 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/01/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: July 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/07/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: March 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/03/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: May 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/05/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: November 2014. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/11/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: October 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/10/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Hartland Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: September 2014. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/09/HA) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Jim Carrigan Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: April 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/04/JC) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Jim Carrigan Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: August 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/09/JC) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Jim Carrigan Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2013. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 13/12/JC) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Jim Carrigan Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/12/JC) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Jim Carrigan Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: February 2014. British Geological Survey, 26pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/01/JC) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Jim Carrigan Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: January 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/01/JC) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Jim Carrigan Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: July 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/08/JC) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Jim Carrigan Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: March 2014. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/03/JC) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Jim Carrigan Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: May 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/05/JC) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Jim Carrigan Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: November 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/11/JC) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Jim Carrigan Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: October 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/10/JC) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Jim Carrigan Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: September 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/09/JC) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 King Edward Point Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: April 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/04/KE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 King Edward Point Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: August 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/09/KE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 King Edward Point Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2013. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 13/12/KE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 King Edward Point Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2014. British Geological Survey, 29pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/12/KE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 King Edward Point Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: February 2014. British Geological Survey, 26pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/02/KE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 King Edward Point Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: January 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/01/KE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 King Edward Point Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: July 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/08/KE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 King Edward Point Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: March 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/03/KE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 King Edward Point Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: May 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/05/KE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 King Edward Point Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: November 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/11/KE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 King Edward Point Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: October 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/10/KE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 King Edward Point Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: September 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/09/KE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: April 2014. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/04/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: August 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/08/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2013. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 13/12/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/12/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: February 2014. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/02/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: January 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/01/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: July 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/07/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: March 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/03/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: May 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/05/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: November 2014. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/11/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: October 2014. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/10/LE) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Lerwick Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: September 2014. British Geological Survey, 31pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/09/LE) (Unpublished)

Royse, K.R.; Hughes, A.G., eds. 2014 Meeting report : NERC Integrated Environmental Modelling Workshop : held at the British Geological Survey, Keyworth, 4-5th February. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 29pp. (OR/14/042) (Unpublished)

Bittman, S.; Dedina, M.; Howard, C.M.; Oenema, O.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:, eds. 2014 Options for ammonia mitigation: guidance from the UNECE Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 83pp. (CEH Project no. C04910)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: April 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/04/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: August 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/08/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2013. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 13/12/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/12/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: February 2014. British Geological Survey, 26pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/02/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: January 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/01/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: July 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/07/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: March 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/03/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: May 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/05/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: November 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/11/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: October 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/10/PS) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Port Stanley Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: September 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/09/PS) (Unpublished)

Beresford, N.A.; Brown, J.E.; Vives i Batlle, J.; Hosseini, A.; Bradshaw, C., eds. 2014 STAR deliverable (D-No. 3.2). Evaluation of extrapolation approaches to provide radioecological parameters. European Commission, 89pp. (CEH Project no. C04341)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: April 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/04/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: August 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/08/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2013. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 13/12/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: December 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/12/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: February 2014. British Geological Survey, 26pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/02/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: January 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/01/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: July 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/07/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: March 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/03/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: May 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/05/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: November 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/11/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: October 2014. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/10/SB) (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2014 Sable Island Observatory Monthly Magnetic Bulletin: September 2014. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (Monthly Magnetic Bulletin Series: 14/09/SB) (Unpublished)

Lee, K.A.; Diaz Doce, D., eds. 2014 User guide for the British Geological Survey GeoSure dataset. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 13pp. (OR/14/012) (Unpublished)

Albornoz-Parra, L.J.; Tracey, E.A.; Gillespie, M.R.. 2014 A building stone assessment of The Engine Shed, Stirling. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 29pp. (CR/14/088N) (Unpublished)

Aldiss, D.T.. 2014 The stratigraphical framework for the Palaeogene successions of the London Basin, UK. Version 2, with minor revisions. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 88pp. (OR/14/008) (Unpublished)

Ambrose, K.; Hough, E.; Smith, N.J.P.; Warrington, G.. 2014 Lithostratigraphy of the Sherwood Sandstone Group of England, Wales and south-west Scotland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 50pp. (RR/14/001)

Andrews, I.J.. 2014 The Jurassic shales of the Weald Basin: geology and shale oil and shale gas resource estimation. British Geological Survey for Department of Energy and Climate Change, 89pp.

Appleton, J.D.. 2014 User guide for the BGS Soil Chemistry Data for environmental assessments (May 2014). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 50pp. (OR/14/031) (Unpublished)

Arkley, S.L.B.. 2014 Model metadata report for the Great Glen : Moray Firth GSI3D Faulted Bedrock Model. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 10pp. (OR/14/058) (Unpublished)

Arkley, S.L.B.; Callaghan, E.A.. 2014 Model metadata report for the Culloden-Nairn GSI3D Superficial Deposits Model. British Geological Survey, 52pp. (OR/14/066) (Unpublished)

Arkley, S.L.B.; Finlayson, A.G.; Callaghan, E.A.. 2014 Model metadata report for the Forres GSI3D Superficial Deposits Model. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 16pp. (OR/14/057) (Unpublished)

Barkwith, A.K.A.P.; Pachocka, M.; Watson, C.; Hughes, A.G.. 2014 Couplers for linking environmental models: scoping study and potential next steps. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey. (OR/14/022) (Unpublished)

Barnard, S.; Strong, J. ORCID: 2014 Reviewing, refining and identifying optimum aggregation methods for undertaking marine biodiversity status assessments. Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee. (JNCC Report 536)

Barnard, Steve; Burdon, Daryl; Strong, James ORCID:; Atkins, Jonathan. 2014 The ecological coherence and economic & social benefits of the Northern Ireland MPA network: A report to the Northern Ireland Marine Task Force. Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies, University of Hull, 183pp.

Bate, David G.. 2014 An annotated select bibliography of the Piltdown forgery. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 129pp. (OR/13/047) (Unpublished)

Beamish, David; White, Jim. 2014 TellusSW : airborne geophysical data and processing report. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 33pp. (OR/14/014) (Unpublished)

Beggan, C.; Kelly, G.; Baillie, O.; Viljanen, A.; Ngwira, C.. 2014 Project EURISGIC : worst case scenarios (technical note D5.1). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 40pp. (OR/14/004) (Unpublished)

Bell, Patrick; Shelley, Wayne; Smith, Robin S.; Tomas, Robert. 2014 Reusable tools for smartphone apps : innovative activities in the European geological sector. European Commission, 30pp. (OR/14/073) (Unpublished)

Bentley, Sebastian; Brady, Rachael; Cooper, Jonathan; Davies, Krista; Hemsworth, Matthew; Robinson, Peter; Thomas, Laura. 2014 Aquatic and riparian plant management: controls for vegetation in watercourses. Technical guide. Bristol, Environment Agency, 285pp. (Project SC120008/R2, CEH Project no. C04908)

Beresford, Nicholas; Boyer, Patrick; Howard, Brenda ORCID: 2014 Assessment of the derivation and use of distribution coefficients (Kd) and concentration ratios (CR): main review phase. Sweden, Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, 53pp. (Report no. 2014:32, Technical Note 56, CEH Project no. C04980)

Bide, T.; Brown, T.J.; Hobbs, S.F.; Idoine, N.. 2014 United Kingdom Minerals Yearbook 2013 : statistical data to 2012. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 95pp. (OR/14/036) (Unpublished)

Bizzi, S.; Blamauer, B.; Braca, G.; Bussettini, M.; Camenen, B.; Comiti, F.; Demarchi, L.; Garcia De Jalon, D.; Gonzalez Del Tanago, M.; Grabowski, R.C.; Gurnell, A.M.; Habersack, H.; Lastoria, B.; Latapie, A.; Martinez-Fernandez, V.; Mountford, J.O.; Nardi, L.; O'Hare, M.T.; Percopo, C.; Rinaldi, M.; Surian, N.; Weissteiner, C.; Ziliani, L.. 2014 Thematic annexes of the multi-scale hierarchical framework. Deliverable 2.1, Part 2 of REFORM (REstoring rivers FOR effective catchment Management), a Collaborative project (large-scale integrating project) funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme under Grant Agreement 282656. European Commission, 230pp. (CEH Project no. C04493)

Blake, J.R. ORCID:; Ragab, R. ORCID: 2014 Drought Risk and You (DRY): case study catchments – physical characteristics and functioning. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 70pp. (CEH Project no. C05074) (Unpublished)

Blamauer, B.; Camenen, B.; Grabowski, R.C.; Gunn, I.D.M.; Gurnell, A.M.; Habersack, H.; Latapie, A.; O'Hare, M.T.; Palma, M.; Surian, N.; Ziliani, L.. 2014 Catchment case studies: partial applications of the hierarchical multi-scale framework. Deliverable 2.1 Part 4 of REFORM (REstoring rivers FOR effective catchment Management), a Collaborative project (large-scale integrating project) funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme under Grant Agreement 282656. European Commission, 174pp. (CEH Project no. C04493)

Bonsor, H.. 2014 BRO : establishment of a national register and database for subsurface data in the Netherlands - lessons learnt. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 23pp. (OR/15/014) (Unpublished)

Bonsor, H.. 2014 Delivery and impact of subsurface data in the absence of a comprehensive legislative framework : shared issues and difficulties in Odense and Glasgow. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 25pp. (OR/14/074) (Unpublished)

Boon, D.; Kirkham, M.; Scheib, A.. 2014 Physical properties of till deposits from Anglesey, north west Wales. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 68pp. (OR/14/052) (Unpublished)

Braban, C.F. ORCID:; Leith, I.D.; Leeson, S.; Tang, Y.S.; van Dijk, N.; Sheppard, L.J.; Solera Garcia, M.A.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2014 Directional ammonia. Final report. Penicuik, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 22pp. (CEH Project no. C04765) (Unpublished)

Bregnballe, Thomas; Lynch, Jennifer; Parz-Gollner, Rosemarie; Marion, Loic; Stefano, Volponi; Paquet, Jean-Yves; Carss, David N.; van Eerden, Mennobart R.. 2014 Breeding numbers of great cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo in the western Palearctic, 2012-2013. Aarhus, Aarhus University, DCE – Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, 224pp. (Scientific Report from DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy no. 99)

Brereton, T.M.; Botham, M.S. ORCID:; Middlebrook, I.; Randle, Z.; Noble, D.G.; Roy, D.B. ORCID: 2014 United Kingdom Butterfly Monitoring Scheme annual report 2013. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 20pp.

Bricker, S.H.; Yadav, S.K.; MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Satyal, Y.; Dixit, A.; Bell, R.. 2014 Groundwater resilience Nepal: preliminary findings from a case study in the Middle Hills. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 60pp. (OR/14/069) (Unpublished)

Brown, Teresa; Bide, Tom; Highley, David; Lusty, Paul; Cameron, Don; Bate, Richard. 2014 Mineral planning factsheet : cement. British Geological Survey, 13pp. (Mineral planning factsheet) (Unpublished)

Burke, H.; Mathers, S.J.; Williamson, J.P.; Thorpe, S.; Ford, J.; Terrington, R.L.. 2014 The London Basin superficial and bedrock LithoFrame 50 Model. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 27pp. (OR/14/029) (Unpublished)

Buys, Gwen; Malcolm, Heath; Moxley, Janet; Matthews, Robert; Henshall, Paul. 2014 Projections of emissions and removals from the LULUCF sector to 2050. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (DECC Project code GA0510, CEH Project no. C04637)

Carnell, E.J. ORCID:; Tomlinson, S.J. ORCID:; Dragosits, U. ORCID: 2014 The spatial distribution of ammonia, methane and nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture in the UK 2012. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 13pp. (CEH Project no. C03642, Defra Project no. SCF0102) (Unpublished)

Chadwick, A.; Holloway, S.; Hannis, S.; Rochelle, C.; Williams, J.; Mackay, E.; Ford, J.; Pickup, G.; Somerville, J.; Tohidi, B.. 2014 External review of the storage plan for the Peterhead Carbon Capture and Storage Project. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 22pp. (CR/14/094N) (Unpublished)

Cole, S.J.; Moore, R.J.; Davies, H.N.. 2014 River discharge datasets for the coastlines of Scotland and Northern Ireland. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 34pp. (CEH Project no. C04830) (Unpublished)

Conolly, C.; Davies, M.; Knight, D.; Vincent, K.; Sanocka, A.; Lingard, J.; Ritchie, S.; Donovan, B.; Collings, A.; Braban, C.F. ORCID:; Tang, Y.S.; Twigg, M.M. ORCID:; Jones, M.R.; Simmons, I.; Coyle, M.; Kentisbeer, J.; Leeson, S.; van Dijk, N.; Nemitz, E. ORCID:; Langford, B. ORCID:; Bealey, W.J. ORCID:; Leaver, D.; Poskitt, J.; Carter, H.T. ORCID:; Thacker, S.; Patel, M.; Keenan, P.O.; Pereira, G. ORCID:; Lawlor, A.J.; Warwick, A.; Farrand, P.; Sutton, Mark ORCID: 2014 UK Eutrophying and Acidifying Atmospheric Pollutants (UKEAP) Annual Report 2013. Didcot, UK, Defra, 53pp. (CEH Project nos: C04544, C04845)

Cooper, A.H.; Kessler, H.; Burke, H.; Chambers, J.. 2014 Multidisciplinary fieldwork training in a professional geoscience environment: Quaternary mapping, landscape literacy and hazard identification. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 61pp. (IR/14/054) (Unpublished)

Cowie, Hilary; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Riddell, Kerry; Semple, Sean. 2014 Urban air quality citizen science. Project overview report. Stirling, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 17pp. (CEH Project no. C04971)

Cowie, Hilary; Semple, Sean; Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Riddell, Kerry. 2014 Urban air quality citizen science. Phase 2: suggested programme of research projects. Stirling, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 22pp. (CEH Project no. C04971)

Dearden, R.; Tye, A.; Marchant, A.. 2014 User guide for the Corroded Asset Failure : Ferrous map. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey. (OR/14/001) (Unpublished)

Dearden, R.; Tye, A.; Marchant, A.. 2014 User guide for the Pipe Leakage Impacts map. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 19pp. (OR/14/010) (Unpublished)

Dixon, Harry ORCID: 2014 Policy on the exchange of hydrological and meteorological data and information in the Sava river basin. International Sava River Basin Commission, 23pp. (CEH Project no: C04967)

Dixon, Harry ORCID: 2014 Support for the development of a policy on the exchange of hydrological and meteorological data and information in the Sava river basin. Final report. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 11pp. (CEH Project no. C04967)

Dixon, Harry ORCID:; Jenkins, Alan. 2014 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland national report on IHP related activities, 21st session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council, Paris, June 2014. Paris, UNESCO, 8pp. (CEH Project no. C04960)

Dragosits, U. ORCID:; Mitchell, R.; Dore, T.; Misselbrook, T.H.; Hall, J.; Hallsworth, S.; ApSimon, H.M.; Sutton, M. ORCID: 2014 Future patterns of ammonia emissions across the UK and the potential impact of local emission reduction measures. [Final report on Defra project AC0109]. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 34pp. (CEH Project no. C03338)

Edwards, Francois. 2014 River health assessment and the EU Water Framework Directive. Wallingford, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (CEH Project no: C05057) (Unpublished)

Edwards, Francois; Webb, Gearoid; Scarlett, Peter; Acreman, Michael. 2014 Ecological quality of the River Wolf: synthesis of monitoring data. Wallingford, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (CEH Project no: C05019) (Unpublished)

Ellen, R.; Whitbread, K.. 2014 Landslide survey : High Lossit, near Machrihanish Bay, Mull of Kintyre. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 22pp. (IR/14/035) (Unpublished)

Elliot, John; Evans, Christopher ORCID:; Moxley, Janet; Chadwick, Dave; Anthony, Steve; Durrant, Camilla; Moorby, John; Misslebrook, Tom; Smith, Andy; Styles, David; Jones, David. 2014 Review of Land Use Climate Change. An assessment of the evidence base for climate change action in the agriculture, land use and wider foodchain sectors in Wales. Leeds, ADAS, 151pp. (CEH Project no: NEC05228)

Emmett, Bridget ORCID:; Abdalla, Mohamed; Anthony, Steven; August, Tom ORCID:; Barrett, Gaynor; Biggs, Jeremy; Botham, Marc ORCID:; Bradley, David; Brown, Mike ORCID:; Carter, Heather ORCID:; Chadwick, David; Cigna, Francesca; Cooper, David ORCID:; Cooper, Jonathan; Cosby, Jack ORCID:; Creer, Simon; Cross, Paul; Edwards, Francois; Edwards, Michael; Evans, Christopher ORCID:; Ewald, Naomi; Fitton, Andrew; Garbutt, Angus ORCID:; Grebby, Stephen; Greene, Sheila; Halfpenney, Ian; Hall, Jane; Harrison, Samantha; Harrower, Colin ORCID:; Henrys, Peter ORCID:; Hobson, Russell; Hughes, Steven; Isaac, Nick ORCID:; Jackson, Bethanna; Jarvis, Susan ORCID:; Jones, Davey; Keith, Aidan ORCID:; Kelly, Martin; Korenko, J.; Lallias, Delphine; Leaver, David; Lebron, Inma ORCID:; Malcolm, Heath; Maskell, Lindsay ORCID:; McDonald, J.; Moxley, Janet; Norton, Lisa ORCID:; O'Hare, Matthew; Owen, Anthea; Dos Santos Pereira, Gloria ORCID:; Peyton, Jodey; Powney, Gary ORCID:; Pywell, Richard ORCID:; Rawlins, Barry; Robinson, David ORCID:; Rorke, Stephanie; Rowland, Clare ORCID:; Roy, David ORCID:; Scarlett, Peter; Scholefield, Paul ORCID:; Scott, Andy; Scott, Louise; Scott, Rod; Siriwardena, Gavin; Smart, Simon ORCID:; Smith, Peter; Swetnam, Ruth; Taylor, Rachel; Tordoff, George; Van Breda, John; Vincent, Helen; Wagner, Markus; Waters, Emma; Watkins, John ORCID:; White, J.; Williams, Bronwen; Wood, Claire ORCID:; Wright, Simon. 2014 Glastir Monitoring & Evaluation Programme. First year annual report. Bangor, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 242pp. (CEH Project no. NEC04780)

Entwisle, D.C.; White, J.C.; Busby, J.P.; Lawley, R.S.; Cooke, I.L.. 2014 Electrical resistivity model of Great Britain : user guide. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 10pp. (OR/14/030) (Unpublished)

Farr, G.; Graham, J.; Stratford, C. ORCID: 2014 Survey, characterisation and condition assessment of Palustriella dominated springs 'H7220 petrifying springs with tufa formation (Cratoneurion)in Wales. NERC, 211pp. (Natural Resources Wales Evidence Report No. 136, WL/NEC03832/13_14/T6, OR/14/043) (Unpublished)

Farr, Gareth; Hall, Jane. 2014 Atmospheric deposition at groundwater dependent wetlands: implications for effective catchment management and Water Framework Directive groundwater classification in England and Wales. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 62pp. (OR/14/047) (Unpublished)

Fevrier, Laureline; Alonzo, Frédéric; Hinton, Thomas; Howard, Brenda ORCID:; Liland, Astrid; Ikaheimionen, Tarja; Muikku, Maarit; Oughton, Deborah; Steiner, Martin; Vandenove, Hildegarde. 2014 STAR deliverable (D-No. 1.9). Project report for the 18-36 month period. European Commission, 83pp. (CEH Project no. C04341)

Finch, Jon; Marshall, Rachel; Elias, Dafydd ORCID:; Clark, Emily; Drewer, Julia ORCID:; Morrison, Ross ORCID:; Oxley, Jonathan; Morison, James; Perks, Mike; Siebicke, Lukas; Wilkinson, Matt; Yamulki, Sirwan; Donnison, Iain; Farrar, Kerrie; Massey, Alice; McCalmont, Jon; Alberti, Giorgio; Harris, Zoe; Taylor, Gail; McNamara, Niall ORCID: 2014 Report on bioenergy crop management and land-use change. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 132pp. (ETI Project code BI1001) (Unpublished)

Finlayson, A.G.. 2014 Model metadata report for the Great Glen - Moray Firth merged Rockhead Elevation Model. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 10pp. (OR/14/060) (Unpublished)

Finlayson, A.G.; Arkley, S.L.B.. 2014 Model metadata report for the Moray Ness Regional GSI3D model. British Geological Survey, 11pp. (OR/14/065) (Unpublished)

Fry, Matthew ORCID: 2014 Guidelines for hydrological data rescue. Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organisation, 38pp. (WMO Technical Report, WMO-No 1146)

Garcia De Jalon, Diego; Gonzalez Del Tanago, Marta; Oglecki, Paweł; Wolter, Christian; Buijse, Tom; Parasiewcz, Piotr; Piniewski, Mikołaj; Tylec, Luiza; Acreman, Mike; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Okruszko, Tomasz. 2014 Influence of natural hydromorphological dynamics on biota and ecosystem function. Part 2 (chapters 4 to 6 of 6). Deliverable 2.2 Part 2 of REFORM (REstoring rivers FOR effective catchment Management), a Collaborative project (large-scale integrating project) funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme under Grant Agreement 282656. European Commission, 111pp. (CEH Project no. C04493)

Gillespie, Martin R.; Everett, Paul A.; Tracey, Emily A.. 2014 Source, character and weathering style of building stone in Culzean Castle & Country Park, Ayrshire. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 84pp. (CR/14/114N) (Unpublished)

Gow, H.; Cripps, C.; Thorpe, S.; Horabin, C.; Lee, J.R.. 2014 Model metadata report for the Somerset Levels 3D geological model. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 15pp. (OR/13/050) (Unpublished)

Green, Samantha; Marsh, Terry ORCID: 2014 UK hydrological review 1997 (2nd ed.). Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 21pp.

Green, Samantha; Marsh, Terry ORCID: 2014 UK hydrological review 1998 (2nd ed.). Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 13pp.

Gunn, Iain D.M.; Spears, Bryan M. ORCID:; May, Linda ORCID: 2014 Review of possible management options for improving the condition of Rouken Glen Pond. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 43pp. (CEH Project no. C05075) (Unpublished)

Gurnell, A.M.; Gonzalez Del Tanago, M.; O'Hare, M.T.; Van Oorschot, M.; Belletti, B.; Buijse, T.; Garcia De Jalon, D.; Grabowski, R.; Hendriks, D.; Mountford, O.; Rinaldi, M.; Solari, L.; Szewczyk, M.; Vargas-Luna, A.. 2014 Influence of natural hydromorphological dynamics on biota and ecosystem function. Part 1 (chapters 1 to 3 of 6). Deliverable 2.2 Part 1 of REFORM (REstoring rivers FOR effective catchment Management), a Collaborative project (large-scale integrating project) funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme under Grant Agreement 282656. European Commission, 324pp. (CEH Project no. C04493)

Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Barker, Lucy ORCID:; Lewis, Melinda; Clemas, Sandie. 2014 Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: July 2014. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp. (CEH Project no. C04954)

Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Barker, Lucy ORCID:; Muchan, Katie; Lewis, Melinda; Clemas, Sandie. 2014 Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: October 2014. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp. (CEH Project no. C04954)

Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Lewis, Melinda; Parry, Simon ORCID:; Barker, Lucy ORCID:; Clemas, Sandie. 2014 Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: May 2014. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp. (CEH Project no. C04954)

Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; McKenzie, Andrew; Dixon, Harry ORCID:; Fry, Matthew ORCID:; Muchan, Katie. 2014 [NRFA/NGLA] 31st annual report to the UK Surface and Groundwater Archives Committee: 2013/14. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 35pp. (CEH Project no. C04954)

Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Muchan, Katie; Lewis, Melinda; Clemas, Sandie. 2014 Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: August 2014. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp. (CEH Project no. C04954)

Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Muchan, Katie; Lewis, Melinda; Clemas, Sandie. 2014 Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: January 2014. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp. (CEH Project no. C04954)

Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Parry, Simon ORCID:; Lewis, Melinda; Clemas, Sandie. 2014 Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: February 2014. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp. (CEH Project no. C04954)

Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Mills, Gina. 2014 2014 joint progress report on the activities of the International Coordinated Programmes and the Joint Task Force on the Health Aspects of Air Pollution. Geneva, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 11pp. (Document no. ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2014/3, CEH Project no. C05239, C04325)

Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Mills, Gina; Hayes, Felicity ORCID:; Sharps, Katrina ORCID: 2014 Effects of air pollution on natural vegetation and crops. Geneva, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 9pp. (Document no. ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2014/8, CEH Project no. C05239, C04325)

Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Mills, Gina; Hayes, Felicity ORCID:; Sharps, Katrina ORCID:; Frontasyeva, Marina; and, the participants of the ICP Vegetation. 2014 Air pollution and vegetation: ICP Vegetation annual report 2013/2014. Bangor, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 38pp. (CEH Project no. C05239, C04325)

Harmens, Harry ORCID:; Mills, Gina; Sharps, Katrina ORCID: 2014 Deposition of air pollutants to vegetation in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central and South-East Asia and their impacts. Geneva, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 9pp. (Document no. ECE/EB.AIR/WG.1/2014/13, CEH Project no. C05239, C04325)

Heuser, Kay; Tindall, C. Isabella; Leeks, Graham; Runnalls, Neil. 2014 Water Security Knowledge Exchange Programme sixth interim report to NERC, Aug-Nov 2013. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (CEH Project no. C04428) (Unpublished)

Highley, David; Mankelow, Joseph. 2014 Trends in UK production of minerals : UK Minerals Forum Working Group 2013-14 : future mineral scenarios for the UK. UK Minerals Forum, 37pp. (Unpublished)

Hill, Richard; Bealey, Bill ORCID:; Johnson, Claire; Braban, Christine ORCID:; Tang, Sim; Ball, Angela; Simpson, Kate; Smith, Andrew; Theobald, Mark; Curran, Tom. 2014 SCAIL-Agriculture. Sniffer, 118pp.

Hill, Richard; Johnson, Claire; Magaz, Ivan; Braban, Christine ORCID:; Tang, Sim; Bealey, Bill ORCID:; Theobald, Mark; Schafers, Richard; Hoque, Asha; Coyle, Mhairi; Washbourne, Ian; Leith, Ian; Leeson, Sarah; Sneath, Robert. 2014 Sniffer ER26. Model validation using monitored data from Scottish poultry farms. Edinburgh, Sniffer, 49pp. (CEH Project no. C04845, C04466)

Hill, Simeon ORCID:; Cavanagh, Rachel ORCID:; Knowland, Cheryl; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Downie, Rod. 2014 Bridging the Krill Divide: Understanding Cross-Sector Objectives for Krill Fishing and Conservation. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 37pp.

Hinsley, S.A.; Pocock, M.J.O. ORCID: 2014 Ash dieback: long-term monitoring of impacts on biodiversity. Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 56pp. (JNCC Report no. 484)

Hinton, T.G.; Garnier-Laplace, J.; Vandenhove, H.; Dowdall, M.; Adam-Guillermin, C.; Alonzo, F.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Beaugelin-Seiller, K.; Beresford, N.A.; Bradshaw, C.; Brown, J.; Eyrolle, F.; Fevrier, L.; Gariel, J.-C.; Gilbin, R.; Horemans, N.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Ikaheimonen, T.; Liland, A.; Mora, J.C.; Oughton, D.; Real, A.; Salbu, B.; Simon-Cornu, M.; Steiner, M.; Sweeck, J.; Vivies i Battle, J.. 2014 STAR deliverable (D-No. 2.5). Strategic research agenda for radioecology: an updated version with stakeholder input. European Commission, 92pp. (CEH Project no. C04341)

Holliday, N.P. ORCID:; Gary, S.. 2014 State of the eastern North Atlantic subpolar gyre: The Extended Ellett Line Programme Annual Report No. 2. Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, 19pp. (National Oceanography Centre Research and Consultancy Report, 43)

Houghton-Carr, Helen. 2014 Groundwater handbook: groundwater level. New Delhi, India, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, 40pp. (CEH Project no. C03665)

Houghton-Carr, Helen. 2014 Hydro-meteorology handbook: precipitation and climate. New Delhi, India, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, 73pp. (CEH Project no. C03665)

Houghton-Carr, Helen. 2014 Surface water handbook: water level, stage-discharge and flow. New Delhi, India, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, 80pp. (CEH Project no. C03665) (Unpublished)

Houghton-Carr, Helen. 2014 Water quality handbook: sediment and water quality. New Delhi, India, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, 54pp. (CEH Project no. C03665)

Houpert, Loïc ORCID: 2014 Technical report on the intercalibration of the sensors on the LION mooring line. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Howard, Brenda ORCID:; Beresford, Nicholas. 2014 Assessment of radiological effects on non-human biota: main review phase. Sweden, Sweden Radiation Safety Authority, 33pp. (Report no. 2014:17, Technical Note 51, CEH Project no. C04980)

Hulbert, A.G.; Terrington, R.L.. 2014 Metadata report for the East Midlands region of the Pennine Basin 1:250 000 resolution geological model. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 14pp. (OR/14/026) (Unpublished)

Hulbert, A.G.; Terrington, R.L.. 2014 Metadata report for the Weald Basin 1:250 000 resolution geological model. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 14pp. (OR/14/028) (Unpublished)

Hulbert, A.G.; Terrington, R.L.. 2014 Metadata report for the south-west Pennine Basin and adjacent area 1:250 000 resolution geological model. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 14pp. (OR/14/027) (Unpublished)

Jordan, Colm J.; Grebby, Stephen. 2014 Risk information services for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in the Caribbean : service readiness document. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 29pp. (OR/14/064) (Unpublished)

Karosas, Alexandra; Edwards, Francois K.. 2014 Deliverable 2.16. Guidelines on ecological thresholds for temperature, low flows, and nutrients in European rivers. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 23pp. (CEH Project no. C04223) (Unpublished)

Karosas, Alexandra; Griffiths, Robert ORCID:; Read, Daniel ORCID:; Scarlett, Peter; Webb, Gearoid; Edwards, Francois; Acreman, Michael. 2014 Exploring the use of genomics in freshwater ecology in the Tamar catchment, UK. Wallingford, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (CEH Project no: C05019) (Unpublished)

Kessler, Holger; Dearden, Rachel. 2014 Scoping study for a Pan-European geological data infrastructure : D 3.4 : technical requirements for serving 3D geological models. EGDI Scope, 22pp. (OR/14/072) (Unpublished)

Krogh, Paul Henning; Pérès, Guénola; Faber, Jack; Finch, Jon. 2014 Deliverable D2.4. Modelling module for biological diversity and functions in land surface water balance. Wageningen, Alterra-DLO, 21pp.

Lafare, A.E.A.; Hughes, A.G.; Peach, D.W.. 2014 Eden Valley observation boreholes : hydrogeological framework and groundwater level time series analysis. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 14pp. (OR/14/041) (Unpublished)

Laize, Cedric; Greene, Sheila; Edwards, Francois; Scarlett, Pete; Webb, Gearoid; Acreman, Michael. 2014 Use of LIDAR to characterise river morphology. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 16pp. (CEH Report no. NEC05019 WP4 3/FINAL)

Lampitt, R.S.; et al, .. 2014 RRS James Cook Cruise 85, 14 - 29 Apr 2013. Porcupine Abyssal Plain: sustained ocean observation. Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, 92pp. (National Oceanography Centre Cruise Report, 26)

Lapworth, D.J. ORCID:; Gopal, K.; Rao, M.S.; MacDonald, A.M. ORCID: 2014 Intensive groundwater exploitation in the Punjab : an evaluation of resource and quality trends. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 34pp. (OR/14/068) (Unpublished)

Lapworth, D.J. ORCID:; Surridge, B.; Williams, P.J.; Heaton, T.H.E.; Gooddy, D.C.. 2014 Method for analysing phosphate 18O/16O ratios for waters with high C:P ratios. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 10pp. (OR/14/067) (Unpublished)

Lark, R.M.. 2014 Mapping seabed sediments of the Swallow Sand and South-West Deeps (West) MCZs. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 18pp. (OR/14/015) (Unpublished)

Lawley, R.. 2014 User guide : soil parent material 1 kilometre dataset. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 15pp. (OR/14/025) (Unpublished)

Levett, Victoria; Newman, Jonathan. 2014 Control of Ranunculus on the Rivers Spey, Dee and Don. Final report. Begbroke, APEM, 17pp.

Linley, K.. 2014 User guide historic land use. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 6pp. (OR/14/021) (Unpublished)

Linley, K.. 2014 User guide historic mineral planning permissions. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 11pp. (OR/14/017) (Unpublished)

Linley, K.A.. 2014 User guide Total Organic Carbon (TOC) data. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 10pp. (OR/14/056) (Unpublished)

Linley, K.A.. 2014 User guide for Vitrinite Reflectance data. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 9pp. (OR/14/055) (Unpublished)

Linley, Kathrine. 2014 User Guide Mining Hazard (not including coal) in Great Britain. Version 5.1. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 11pp. (OR/14/037) (Unpublished)

Mackay, J.D.; Jackson, C.R.; Wang, L.. 2014 AquiMod user manual (v1.0). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 34pp. (OR/14/007) (Unpublished)

Mainstone, Chris; Laize, Cedric; Webb, Gearoid; Skinner, Ann. 2014 Priority river habitat in England – mapping and targeting measures. Sheffield, Natural England, 34pp. (Natural England Joint Publication JP006, CEH Project no. C04732)

Mankelow, Joseph; Highley, David. 2014 Future Minerals Scenarios for the UK. UK Minerals Forum, 37pp. (Unpublished)

Mankelow, Joseph; Highley, David; Hedges, Barrie. 2014 The future of our minerals. UK Minerals Forum, 15pp. (Unpublished)

Mansour, M.M.; Hughes, A.G.. 2014 Land use, climate change and water availability: preliminary modelling of impacts of climate change and land use change on groundwater recharge for England and Wales. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 53pp. (OR/14/018) (Unpublished)

Marsh, Terry ORCID: 2014 The UK drought of 2003: an overview (2nd ed.). Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Booker, Doug; Fry, Matt ORCID: 2014 The 2004-06 drought (2nd ed.). Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 17pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Green, Samantha. 2014 UK hydrological review 1996 (2nd ed.). Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 18pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Parry, Simon ORCID:; Lewis, Melinda; Clemas, Sandie. 2014 Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: March 2014. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp. (CEH Project no. C04954)

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2014 The 2000/01 floods: a hydrological appraisal (2nd ed.). Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 18pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2014 UK hydrological review 1999 (2nd ed.). Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 14pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2014 UK hydrological review 2000 (2nd ed.). Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 17pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2014 UK hydrological review 2001 (2nd ed.). Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 21pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2014 UK hydrological review 2002 (2nd ed.). Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 21pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2014 UK hydrological review 2003 (2nd ed.). Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 28pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2014 UK hydrological review 2004 (2nd ed.). Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 31pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 2014 UK hydrological review 2005 (2nd ed.). Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 25pp.

Mathers, S.J.; Terrington, R.L.; Waters, C.N.; Thorpe, S.. 2014 The construction of a bedrock geology model for England and Wales. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 23pp. (OR/14/039) (Unpublished)

Meredith, Michael ORCID:; Orr, Andrew ORCID:; Shanklin, Jonathan; Turner, John ORCID:; [and 126 others]. 2014 Assessment for Decision-Makers: Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2014. Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 46pp. (Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project Report No. 56)

Miles, Stephanie; Malcolm, Heath; Buys, Gwen; Moxley, Janet. 2014 Emissions and removals of greenhouse gases from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: 1990-2012. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 92pp. (CEH Project no. C04637)

Mitchell, Clive ORCID:; Nice, Sarah; Stevenson, John; Thomas, Joanna; Nash, Gemma; Noakes, Lauren. 2014 Broadcasting the science stories of BGS: The British Geological Survey communications strategy. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 32pp. (OR/14/019) (Unpublished)

Mitchell, Clive ORCID:; Noakes, Lauren. 2014 Social media guidance for British Geological Survey staff. British Geological Survey, 2pp.

Monaghan, A.A.. 2014 Model metadata report for BGS-DECC shale study model, central and eastern Midland Valley of Scotland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 15pp. (OR/14/050) (Unpublished)

Monaghan, A.A.; Arkley, S.L.B.; Whitbread, K.; McCormac, M.. 2014 Clyde superficial deposits and bedrock models released to the ASK Network 2014 : a guide for users. Version 3. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 31pp. (OR/14/013) (Unpublished)

Monaghan, Alison. 2014 The Carboniferous shales of the Midland Valley of Scotland: geology and resource estimation. DECC website, DECC now OGA, 96pp.

Moore, Robert J.; Mattingley, Paul S.; Wells, Steven C.; Cole, Steven J.; Robson, Alice J.; Davies, Helen N.; Bell, Victoria A. ORCID: 2014 Application of the G2G Model to the Maarkebeek Catchment. Next-Generation tools m.b.t. hydrometrie, hydrologie en hydraulica in het operationeel waterbeheer. Fase 1: analyse. Perceel 1: De Maarkebeek. Antea Belgium nv., 115pp. (CEH project nos: C05066, C04881) (Unpublished)

Morgan, D.. 2014 Measurement of gravity at the Viking Gas Terminal, Theddlethorpe St Helen, Lincolnshire. Notingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 17pp. (CR/14/085N) (Unpublished)

Morgan, D.J.R.; Hobbs, P.R.N.; Boon, D.P.. 2014 Falling head permeability tests on Till deposits from the Vale of Eden, England - supplementary report including new data. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 24pp. (IR/14/007) (Unpublished)

Moxley, Janet; Anthony, Steve; Begum, Kadiza; Bhogal, Anne; Buckingham, Sarah; Christie, Peter; Datta, Arindam; Dragosits, Ulrike ORCID:; Fitton, Nuala; Higgins, Alex; Myrgiotis, Vasileios; Kuhnert, Matthias; Laidlaw, Scott; Malcolm, Heath; Rees, Bob; Smith, Pete; Tomlinson, Sam ORCID:; Topp, Kairsty; Watterson, John; Webb, J.; Yeluripati, Jagadeesh. 2014 Capturing cropland and grassland management impacts on soil carbon in the UK LULUCF inventory. Defra, 90pp. (CEH Project no. C04909, Defra Project no. SP1113)

Norman, D.L.; Brown, J.M. ORCID:; Amoudry, L.O.; Souza, A.J.. 2014 Investigation of the Liverpool Bay mixing front using POLCOMS. Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, 38pp. (National Oceanography Centre Internal Document, No. 11)

Norman, D.L.; Brown, J.M. ORCID:; Amoudry, L.O.; Souza, A.J.. 2014 POLCOMS sensitivity analysis to river temperature proxies, surface salinity flux and river salinity in the Irish Sea. Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, 22pp. (National Oceanography Centre Internal Document, No. 08)

Norman, D.L.; Brown, J.M. ORCID:; Amoudry, L.O.; Souza, A.J.. 2014 Processes controlling stratification in Liverpool Bay. Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, 18pp. (National Oceanography Centre Internal Document, No. 10)

Norman, D.L.; Brown, J.M. ORCID:; Amoudry, L.O.; Souza, A.J.. 2014 Was 2008 a typical year in Liverpool Bay? Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, 19pp. (National Oceanography Centre Internal Document, No. 09)

Painter, S.C.; Martin, A.P. ORCID: 2014 The use of gliders for oceanographic science: the data processing gap. Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, 34pp. (National Oceanography Centre Research and Consultancy Report, 45)

Palumbo-Roe, B.; Linley, K.; Cameron, D.; Mankelow, J.. 2014 Inventory of closed mine waste facilities in Northern Ireland. Phase 2, assessment. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 58pp. (CR/14/031N) (Unpublished)

Parry, Simon ORCID:; Barker, Lucy ORCID:; Lewis, Melinda; Clemas, Sandie. 2014 Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: September 2014. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp. (CEH Project no. C04954)

Parry, Simon ORCID:; Barker, Lucy ORCID:; McKenzie, Andrew; Clemas, Sandie. 2014 Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: June 2014. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp. (CEH Project no. C04954)

Parry, Simon ORCID:; Katie, Muchan; Barker, Lucy ORCID:; Lewis, Melinda; Clemas, Sandie. 2014 Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: April 2014. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp. (CEH Project no. C04954)

Parry, Simon ORCID:; Muchan, Katie; Lewis, Melinda; Clemas, Sandie. 2014 Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: December 2013. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp. (CEH Project no. C04954)

Parry, Simon ORCID:; Muchan, Katie; Lewis, Melinda; Clemas, Sandie. 2014 Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: November 2014. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp. (CEH Project no. C04954)

Pereira, M. Gloria ORCID:; Chaplow, J.S. ORCID:; Shore, Richard F.. 2014 WILDCOMS (Wildlife Disease & Contaminant Monitoring and Surveillance network) annual report 2012-2013. Lancaster, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 15pp. (CEH Project no. C04373)

Pocock, Michael J.O. ORCID:; Chapman, Daniel S.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Roy, Helen E. ORCID: 2014 Choosing and using citizen science: a guide to when and how to use citizen science to monitor biodiversity and the environment. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 24pp.

Pocock, Michael J.O. ORCID:; Chapman, Daniel S.; Sheppard, Lucy J.; Roy, Helen E. ORCID: 2014 A strategic framework to support the implementation of citizen science for environmental monitoring. Final report to SEPA. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 65pp.

Price, S.J.; Waters, C.N.. 2014 Model metadata report for Swansea-Neath-Port-Talbot. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 20pp. (OR/14/045) (Unpublished)

Quinn, M.F.; Johnson, H.; Kimbell, G.S.; Smith, K.; Eidesgaard, O.. 2014 A revised structural elements map for the Faroe-Shetland Basin and adjacent areas. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 71pp. (CR/14/059N) (Unpublished)

Real, Almudena; Liland, Astrid; Hinton, Tom; Gomez-Ros, José María; Vives i Battle, Jordi; Beaugelin-Seiller, Karine; Beresford, Nick; Brown, Justin; Stark, Karolina; Hansen, Elisabeth; Bradshaw, Clare; Oughton, Deborah. 2014 STAR deliverable (D-No. 3.3). International wildlife dosimetry workshop. European Commission, 6pp. (CEH Project no. C04341)

Redd, Thomas; Wood, Jacky; Foden, Jo; Mills, David; Bonne, Wendy. 2014 JPI Oceans Concerted support action deliverable 5.1 'Mapping and preliminary analysis of policy needs for evidence'. Brussels, JPI Secretarait, 74pp.

Redd, Thomas; Wood, Jacky; Foden, Jo; Mills, David; Bonne, Wendy; Malcolm, Stephen. 2014 Improving Science-Policy Interfaces: Recommendations for JPI Oceans. Brussels, JPI Oceans Secretariat, 101pp.

Reis, Stefan ORCID:; Jarron, Stevie; Cowie, Hilary; Riddell, Kerry. 2014 Urban air quality citizen science. Phase 3: findings of the pilot studies. Stirling, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 22pp. (CEH Project no. C04971)

Roberts, C.; Old, G. ORCID:; Mountford, O.; Sorensen, J.P.R.; Williams, P.J.. 2014 Mapping topography and broad vegetation type to characterise the Boxford meadows SSSI (Unit 2). Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 10pp. (CEH Project no. C04470) (Unpublished)

Roberts, Colin; Acreman, Mike; Rameshwaran, Ponnambalam ORCID:; Laize, Cedric. 2014 Hydroecological restoration of the River Cray at Hales Meadow – determining “Replenish” metrics. Final report. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 23pp. (CEH Project no. C04694 CWI) (Unpublished)

Robson, A.J.; Rudd, A.; Cole, S.J.; Mattingley, P.S.; Moore, R.J.. 2014 Understanding the performance of flood forecasting models for investment and incident management: Interim Report - SC130006/R1. Bristol, UK, Environment Agency, 33pp. (Unpublished)

Rochelle, C.A.; Purser, G.; Milodowski, A.E.. 2014 Results of laboratory carbonation experiments on Nirex Reference Vault Backfill cement. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 60pp. (OR/14/048) (Unpublished)

Rowe, E.C. ORCID:; Jarvis, S. ORCID:; Hall, J.; Monteith, D. ORCID:; Henrys, P. ORCID:; Evans, C.D. ORCID:; Smart, S. ORCID: 2014 Operationalising a metric of nitrogen impacts on biodiversity for the UK response to a data request from the Coordination Centre for Effects. Bangor, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 24pp. (CEH Project no. C05090)

Roy, Helen ORCID:; Schonrogge, Karsten ORCID:; Dean, Hannah; Peyton, Jodey; Branquart, Etienne; Vanderhoeven, Sonia; Copp, Gordon; Stebbing, Paul; Kenis, Marc; Rabitsch, Wolfgang; Essl, Franz; Schindler, Stefan; Brunel, Sarah; Kettunen, Marianne; Mazza, Leonardo; Nieto, Ana; Kemp, James; Genovesi, Piero; Scalera, Riccardo; Stewart, Alan. 2014 Invasive alien species – framework for the identification of invasive alien species of EU concern. Brussels, European Commission, 298pp. (ENV.B.2/ETU/2013/0026)

Scarlett, Peter; Webb, Gearoid; Greene, Sheila; Laize, Cedric; Edwards, Francois; Acreman, Michael. 2014 Use of earth observation to inform river habitat surveys. SW-Project. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (CEH project no: C05019_WP4_2/final) (Unpublished)

Schafers, Richard. 2014 Volatile organic compounds: ambient flux measurements. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 76pp. (CEH Project no. C04845, C04486) (Unpublished)

Schofield, D.; Lewis, M.; Smedley, P.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Boon, D.. 2014 Illustrative components of the geological environment. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 34pp. (CR/14/132N) (Unpublished)

Sharps, Katrina ORCID:; Mills, Gina; Harmens, Harry ORCID: 2014 Have you seen these ozone injury symptoms? Bangor, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 8pp. (CEH Project no. C04062, C04325)

Shore, R.F.; Henrys, P.A. ORCID:; Walker, L.A. ORCID: 2014 Power analysis of liver second generation anticoagulant rodenticide (SGAR) residue data in barn owls from Britain: a Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme (PBMS) report. Lancaster, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 45pp. (CEH Project no. C04941)

Skipperud, Lindis; Oughton, Deborah; Barnett, Catherine ORCID:; Beresford, Nick; Horemans, Nele. 2014 STAR deliverable (D-No. 6.3). Test-run of course modules. European Commission, 38pp. (CEH Project no. C04341)

Slingo, Julia; Belcher, Stephen; Scaife, Adam; McCarthy, Mark; Saulter, Andy; McBeath, Kirsty; Jenkins, Alan; Huntingford, Chris ORCID:; Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Parry, Simon ORCID: 2014 The recent storms and floods in the UK. Exeter, UK Met Office, 27pp.

Spears, B.M ORCID:; Gunn, I.; Andrews, C. ORCID:; Carvalho, L.; Cole, S.; De Ville, M.; Dudley, B.; Maberly, S.C. ORCID:; Madgwick, G.; May, L. ORCID:; Pitt, J.; Woods, H.; Winfield, I. ORCID: 2014 Annual review of chemical and ecological responses in Hatchmere and Mere Mere following Phoslock applications - 2013. Bristol, Environment Agency, 50pp. (Report SC120064/R3, CEH Project no. C04646)

Stone, P.. 2014 Recent contributions on Falkland Islands bedrock geology, with an inventory of representative lithostratigraphical specimens held by the British Geological Survey. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 35pp. (OR/14/040) (Unpublished)

Stratford, C. ORCID:; Jones, L. ORCID:; Robins, N.; Mountford, O.; Amy, S.; Peyton, J.; Hulmes, L.; Hulmes, S.; Jones, F.; Redhead, J. ORCID:; Dean, H.; Palisse, M.. 2014 Survey and analysis of vegetation and hydrological change in English dune slack habitats. Lincoln, Natural England, 98pp. (Natural England Commissioned Report NECR153, CEH Project no. C04552)

Strong, J. ORCID:; Burden, D.; Elliott, M.. 2014 An independent quality assurance of evidence assessments undertaken by JNCC for possible Tranche 2 rMCZs. Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee. (JNCC Report 519)

Stutter, M.I.; Jackson-Blake, L.; May, L. ORCID:; Richards, S.; Vinten, A.. 2014 Ecological significance of sources in phosphorus source apportionment. CREW, 75pp. (CEH Project Number: C04773) (Unpublished)

Suggitt, A.J.; Wilson, R.J.; August, T.A. ORCID:; Beale, C.M.; Bennie, J.J.; Dordolo, A.; Fox, R.; Hopkins, J.J.; Isaac, N.J.B. ORCID:; Jorieux, P.; Macgregor, N.A.; Marcetteau, J.; Massimino, D.; Morecroft, M.D.; Pearce-Higgins, J.W.; Walker, K.; Maclean, I.M.D.. 2014 Climate change refugia for the flora and fauna of England. Sheffield, Natural England, 210pp. (Natural England Commissioned Report NECR162, CEH Project no. C04779)

Taylor, R G; Burgess, W G; Shamsudduha, M; Zahid, A; Lapworth, Dan ORCID:; Ahmed, K; Mukherjee, A; Nowreen, S. 2014 Deep groundwater in the Bengal Mega-Delta: new evidence of aquifer hydraulics and the influence of intensive abstraction. British Geological Survey, 24pp. (OR/14/070) (Unpublished)

Terrington, R.L.; Shelley, C.; Ramos Cabrera, L.. 2014 Model metadata report for the Leeds-Aire Valley 3D geological model. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 11pp. (OR/14/044) (Unpublished)

Terrington, R.L.; Williamson, J.P.. 2014 Metadata report for the Craven Basin 1:250 000 resolution geological model. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 14pp. (OR/14/024) (Unpublished)

Thackeray, Stephen ORCID:; Mackay, Eleanor ORCID:; Jones, Ian; Jeppesen, Erik; Järvinen, Marko; Nieminen, Mika; Grey, Jonathan. 2014 D 3.14. Review on processes and effects of nutrients and organic material in lakes and threats due to climate change on current adaptive management and restoration efforts. REFRESH, 53pp. (CEH Project no. C04223)

Thorpe, S.; Burke, H.; Whitbread, K.. 2014 Model metadata report for the EA Tees 3D model. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 40pp. (OR/14/035) (Unpublished)

Thorpe, Sally ORCID: 2014 JR274 physical oceanographic analyses. British Antarctic Survey. (Unpublished)

Tindall, Isabella; Jenkins, Alan. 2014 Final report of the Water Security Knowledge Exchange Programme, April 2011 – March 2014. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 28pp. (WSKEP Final Report 01, CEH Project no. C04428) (Unpublished)

Tomlinson, S.J. ORCID:; Carnell, E.J. ORCID:; Tang, Y.S.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID:; Dragosits, U. ORCID: 2014 Modelling and mapping UK emissions of ammonia, methane and nitrous oxide from agriculture, nature, waste disposal and other miscellaneous sources for 2012. Edinburgh, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 22pp. (CEH Project no. C04531) (Unpublished)

Tomlinson, S.J. ORCID:; Dragosits, U. ORCID:; Tang, Y.S.; Sutton, M.A. ORCID: 2014 Ammonia emissions from UK non-agricultural sources in 2013: contribution to the National Atmospheric Emission Inventory. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 19pp. (CEH Project Number: C04531) (Unpublished)

Vanbergen, Adam J. ORCID:; Heard, Matt S.; Breeze, Tom; Potts, Simon G.; Hanley, Nick. 2014 Status and value of pollinators and pollination services. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 53pp. (CEH Project no. C05017)

Vincent, Helen; Edwards, Francois; Baker, Roger; Dunbar, Mike; Clarke, Ralph. 2014 Deliverable 2.24. Changes in ecological status at RIvPACS reference condition sites. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 60pp. (CEH Project no. C04223)

Vye-Brown, C.. 2014 'Capacity building and preparedness for multi-hazards in Ethiopia' workshop report. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 14pp. (OR/14/059) (Unpublished)

Vye-Brown, C.; Crummy, J.; Smith, K.; Mruma, A.; Kabelwa, H.. 2014 Volcanic hazards in Tanzania. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 29pp. (OR/14/005) (Unpublished)

Walker, L.A. ORCID:; Chaplow, J.S. ORCID:; Lawlor, A.J.; Pereira, M.G. ORCID:; Potter, E.D.; Sainsbury, A.W.; Shore, R.F.. 2014 Lead (Pb) and Mercury (Hg) concentrations in predatory bird livers 2012: a Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme (PBMS) report. Lancaster, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 17pp. (CEH Project no. C04288)

Walker, L.A. ORCID:; Chaplow, J.S. ORCID:; Moeckel, C.; Pereira, M.G. ORCID:; Potter, E.D.; Shore, R.F.. 2014 Anticoagulant rodenticides in predatory birds 2012: a Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme (PBMS) report. Lancaster, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 18pp. (CEH Project no. C04288)

Walker, L.A. ORCID:; Chaplow, J.S. ORCID:; Potter, E.D.; Shore, R.F.. 2014 PBMS archive holdings: a Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme (PBMS) report. Lancaster, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 35pp. (CEH Project no. C05191)

Walker, L.A. ORCID:; Pereira, M.G. ORCID:; Potter, E.D.; Lacorte, S.; Shore, R.F.. 2014 Concentrations of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in northern gannet, Morus bassanus, eggs: a Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme (PBMS) report. Lancaster, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 11pp. (CEH Project no. C04288)

Wang, L.; Pachocka, M.; Jackson, C.R.. 2014 User's manual for BGS GISGroundwater: a numerical model to simulate groundwater levels for ArcGIS 10.0. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 71pp. (OR/12/063) (Unpublished)

Watson, Carl; Baker, Garry; Nayembil, Martin. 2014 Open Geoscience Data Models: end of project report. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey. (OR/14/061) (Unpublished)

Watson, Carl; Smith, Graham; Russell, Nick. 2014 SensorNet API development report. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 13pp. (IR/14/037) (Unpublished)

Webb, D.J. ORCID: 2014 On the adjoint of Laplace’s tidal equations. Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, 27pp. (National Oceanography Centre Internal Document, 07)

Webb, N.; Broomfield, M.; Brown, P.; Buys, G.; Cardenas, L.; Murrells, T.; Pang, Y.; Passant, N.; Thistlethwaite, G; Watterson, J.. 2014 UK greenhouse gas inventory, 1990 to 2012: annual report for submission under the Framework Convention on Climate Change. Harwell, Ricardo-AEA, 594pp. (CEH Project no. C04637, Ref. no. Ricardo-AEA/R/3407)

Whitbread, K.. 2014 The geomorphic impact of road construction : a case study of the A9 in Scotland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 22pp. (OR14051) (Unpublished)

Whitmarsh, Bob. 2014 Reducing passive solar gain in cooled laboratories at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, 34pp.

Williams, Karina; Clark, Douglas ORCID: 2014 Disaggregation of daily data in JULES. Exeter, Met Office, 26pp. (Hadley Centre Technical Note 96)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2014 Esthwaite Water fish community survey 2013. Final report. Lancaster, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 24pp. (CEH Project no. C04942, CEH Report ref no. LA/NEC04942/1) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2014 Impact of drought orders on Arctic charr. Annual report for 2013/2014. Lancaster, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 92pp. (CEH Project no. C04742, CEH Report ref no: LA/NEC04742/4) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2014 Impact of drought orders on Arctic charr. Progress report for period April to November 2014. Lancaster, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 16pp. (CEH Project no. C04742, CEH Report ref no. LA/NEC04742/5) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2014 Monitoring the fish populations of Bassenthwaite Lake and Derwent Water, 2013. Lancaster, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 56pp. (CEH Report ref no. LA/NEC05043/1, CEH Project no. C05043) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2014 Monitoring the fish populations of Windermere, 2013. Lancaster, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 74pp. (CEH Report ref no. LA/NEC05043/2, CEH Project no. NEC05043) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2014 Rare fish issues in Cumbria. Final report. Lancaster, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 80pp. (CEH Project no. C04551, CEH Report ref no. LA/NEC04551/4) (Unpublished)

Wood, C.M. ORCID:; Adamson, J.K.. 2014 Solute concentrations in water samples from clearfelled and standing Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) forest ecosystems, Kershope Forest: dataset documentation. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.

Woods, M.A.. 2014 Stratigraphical interpretations of Chalk Group macrofossils from Sheet 254 (Henley-on-Thames) : autumn 2013. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 16pp. (OR/14/009) (Unpublished)

Wynn, R.B.; et al, .. 2014 RV Pelagia Cruise 64PE372, 27 Jun - 11 Jul 2013. Flow dynamics and sedimentation in an active submarine channel: a process-product approach. Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, 47pp. (National Oceanography Centre Cruise Report, 28)

Publication - Thesis

Bell, Michael. 2014 Measurement and modelling of ammonia emissions from an anaerobic digestion plant. University of Edinburgh, Geosciences, Masters Thesis, 63pp.

Cook, Alison. 2014 Spatial and Temporal Changes in Marine-terminating Glaciers on the Antarctic Peninsula since the 1940s. Swansea University, PhD Thesis.

Fitzcharles, Elaine M.. 2014 Genetic Diversity of Antarctic Fish. University of St. Andrews, PhD Thesis, 186pp.

Lai, Ying. 2014 Investigating short-term nitrogen pollution on the physiology and biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions from Pinus sylvestris in Scotland. University of Edinburgh, Masters Thesis, 82pp.

Marsh, Leigh. 2014 Controls on faunal microdistribution and reproductive development in deep-sea chemosynthetic environments in the Antarctic. University of Southampton, Ocean and Earth Science, PhD Thesis, 237pp.

Millgate, Thomas. 2014 Ice-Ocean Interactions in North West Greenland. University of Oxford, PhD Thesis, 178pp.

Newbold, Lindsay K. ORCID: 2014 Microbial community organisation and functioning under ocean acidification conditions. Newcastle University, PhD Thesis, 207pp.

Rees, Hefin Gwyn ORCID: 2014 Potential impacts of climatic warming on glacier-fed river flows in the Himalaya. University of Salford, School of Environment & Life Sciences, PhD Thesis, 297pp.

Richardson, Harriett Rose. 2014 The role of plant-soil interactions in peatland carbon cycling at a Scottish wind farm. University of Glasgow, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, PhD Thesis, 211pp.

Scholtes, Bob. 2014 The effect of conventional tillage and associated grassland management on the emission of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) and soil properties. University of Edinburgh, Masters Thesis, 82pp.

Sutcliffe, Adam Graeme. 2014 Modelling the effects of aquatic plant growth and management on the hydraulics of a chalk stream. Queen Mary, University of London, PhD Thesis, 363pp.

Output (Electronic)

Laize, Cedric; Acreman, Mike; Schneider, Christof; Dunbar, Michael; Houghton-Carr, Helen; Florke, Martina; Hannah, David. 2014 Ecological risk due to river flow alteration under climate and socioeconomic change scenarios. April 2014, 10.5285/d8ef71eb-3d22-4f98-af15-9d8e046ccb63 [Output (Electronic)]

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