Items where Year is 2005
Abel, G.A.; Freeman, M.P. ORCID:; Chisham, G.
Comment on “Location of the reconnection line for northward interplanetary magnetic field” by K. J. Trattner, S. A. Fuselier, and S. M. Petrinec.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (A10), A10208.
2, pp.
Abesser, Corinna; Shand, P.; Ingram, J.. 2005 Baseline report series. 18, the Millstone Grit of Northern England. Environment Agency, 30pp. (CR/05/015N)
Abesser, Corinna; Shand, P.; Ingram, J.. 2005 Baseline report series. 22, the Carboniferous limestone of Northern England. Environment Agency, 33pp. (CR/05/076N)
Aboim, M.A.; Menezes, G.M.; Schlitt, T.; Rogers, A.D.. 2005 Genetic structure and history of populations of the deep-sea fish Helicolenus dactylopterus (Delaroche, 1809) inferred from mtDNA sequence analysis. Molecular Ecology, 14 (5). 1343-1354. 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2005.02518.x
Adams, C.J.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Maas, R.; Millar, I.L.. 2005 Nd and Sr isotopic signatures of metasedimentary rocks around the South Pacific margin and implications for their provenance. In: Vaughan, A.P.M.; Leat, P.T.; Pankhurst, R.J., (eds.) Terrane processes at the margins of Gondwana. London, Geological Society of London, 113-141. (Geological Society of London Special Publication, 246).
Addison, R.; Waters, C.N.; Chisholm, J.I.. 2005 Geology of the Huddersfield district : a brief explanation of the geological map sheet 77 Huddersfield. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 40pp. (Explanation (England and Wales Sheet), 77).
Addison, R.; Waters, C.N.; Chisholm, J.I.. 2005 Geology of the Huddersfield district : sheet description of the British Geological Survey 1:50 000 series Sheet 77 and Huddersfield (England and Wales). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 67pp. (Description (England and Wales Sheet), 77).
Alderson, S.G.; Killworth, P.D.. 2005 A preoperational scheme for calculating sea surface height by Bernoulli inverse of Argo float data in the North Atlantic. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 22 (9). 1416-1422. 10.1175/JTECH1787.1
Allan, Murray M.; Yardley, Bruce; Forbes, Linda J.; Shmulovich, Kirill I.; Banks, David A.; Shepherd, Thomas I.. 2005 Validation of LA-ICP-MS fluid inclusion analysis with synthetic fluid inclusions. American Mineralogist, 90 (11-12). 1767-1775. 10.2138/am.2005.1822
Allen, Claire S. ORCID:; Pike, Jennifer; Pudsey, Carol J.; Leventer, Amy.
Submillennial variations in ocean conditions during deglaciation based on diatom assemblages from the southwest Atlantic.
Palaeoceanography, 20 (1), PA2012.
16, pp.
Allen, John T.; Brown, Louise; Sanders, Richard ORCID:; Moore, C. Mark; Mustard, Alexander; Fielding, Sophie; Lucas, Mike; Rixen, Michel; Savage, Graham; Henson, Stephanie
ORCID:; Mayor, Dan
Letter. Diatom carbon export enhanced by silicate upwelling in the northeast Atlantic.
Nature, 437 (7059).
Allen, Y.; Katsiadaki, I.; Pottinger, T.; Jolly, C.; Matthiessen, P.; Mayer, I.; Smith, A.; Scott, A.P.; Eccles, P.; Feist, S.. 2005 Intercalibration exercise using a stickleback endocrine disrupter screening assay. [Poster] In: 12th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment (ISTA), Skiathos, Greece, 12th-17th June, 2005. (Unpublished)
Allison, I.; Mendum, J.R.. 2005 The geology of the Caledonian foreland and Moine Thrust belt : new thoughts on old rocks. Journal Open University Geological Society, 26 (2). 18-24.
Alvarez-Farizo, Begona; Gil, Jose M.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:
Evaluación de impactos ambientales derivados de estrategias de restauración a través de las decisiones de jurados de ciudadanos. [Restoration strategies: using citizen's juries choices for impact assessment].
Economica Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 5 (10).
Amador, J.; Berbery, E.H.; Carbone, R.; Cortez-Vazquez, M.; Douglas, A.; Douglas, M.; Gochis, D.; Gutzler, D.; Higgins, W.; Johnson, R.; Lettenmaier, D.; Lobato, R.; Maddox, R.; Meitin, J.; Mo, K.; Moncrieff, M.; Pyatlak, E.; Ocampo-Torres, F.; Ropelewski, C.; Schemm, J.; Shuttleworth, J.; Schubert, S.; Strensrud, D.; Zhang, C.. 2005 NAME Modeling and Data Assimilation: a strategic overview. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 21pp. (ICPO Publication Series 118)
Ambrose, K. 2005 Marlstone rock, Northampton sand, Leicestershire and Rutland. Mercian Geologist, 16 (3). 214-216.
Amy, L.A.; Hogg, A.; Peakall, J.; Talling, P.T.. 2005 Abrupt transitions in gravity currents. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110. F03001. 10.1029/2004JF000197
Amy, L.A.; Peakall, J.; Talling, P.T.. 2005 Density- and viscosity-stratified gravity currents: Insight from laboratory experiments and implications for submarine flow deposits. Sedimentary Geology, 179 (1-2). 5-29. 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2005.04.009
Amy, L.A.; Talling, P.T.; Peakall, J.; Wynn, R.B.; Arzola Thynne, R.G.. 2005 Bed geometry used to test recognition criteria of turbidites and (sandy) debrites. Sedimentary Geology, 179 (1-2). 163-174. 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2005.04.007
Anderson, P.S.. 2005 Ice-shelf microtopography observed using satellite thermal imagery. Journal of Glaciology, 51 (175). 528-538. 10.3189/172756505781829025
Anderson, Philip S.; Ladkin, Russell S.; Renfrew, Ian A.. 2005 An autonomous Doppler Sodar wind profiling system. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 22 (9). 1309-1325. 10.1175/JTECH1779.1
Anderson, T.R. ORCID:; Hessen, D.O..
Threshold elemental ratios for carbon versus phosphorus limitation in Daphnia.
Freshwater Biology, 50 (12).
Anderson, Thomas R. ORCID:
Plankton functional type modelling: running before we can walk?
Journal of Plankton Research, 27 (11).
Anderson, Thomas R. ORCID:; Hessen, Dag O.; Elser, James J.; Urabe, Jotaro.
Metabolic stoichiometry and the fate of excess carbon and nutrients in consumers.
American Naturalist, 165 (1).
Angel, M.V.. 2005 Southern Ocean pelagic ecosystems (presented at: A Century of "Discovery": Antarctic exploration and the Southern Ocean, international symposium held at the SOC, 28-30 June 2004). Archives of Natural History, 32. 281-300.
Annan, J.D.; Hargreaves, J.C.; Edwards, N.R.; Marsh, R.. 2005 Parameter estimation in an intermediate complexity earth system model using an ensemble Kalman filter. Ocean Modelling, 8 (1-2). 135-154. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2003.12.004
Appleton, D.; Drasch, G.; Bose O'Reilly, S.; Roider, G.; Lister, R.; Taylor, H.; Smith, B.; Tesha, A.; Beinhoff, C.. 2005 The GEF/UNDP/UNIDO global mercury project : environmental and health results from a small-scale gold mining site in Tanzania. In: Pirrone, Nicola; Mahaffey, Kathryn R., (eds.) Dynamics of mercury pollution on regional and global scales : atmospheric processes and human exposures around the world. Springer, 467-490.
Appleton, Don. 2005 Mercury contamination. Earthwise, 22. 18-19.
Appleton, J.D.. 2005 Radon in air and water. In: Selinus, Olle, (ed.) Essentials of Medical Geology : impacts of the natural environment on public health. London, UK, Elsevier, 227-262.
Appleton, J.D.; Miles, J.C.H.. 2005 Radon in Wales. In: Bassett, Michael G.; Deisler, Valerie K.; Nicol, Douglas, (eds.) Urban geology in Wales : 2. Cardiff, UK, National Museum of Wales, 117-130.
Arkley, S.. 2005 North Newton shore, Isle of Arran. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.; Pickett, E.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 192-195.
Armstrong, Howard A.; Turner, Brian R.; Makhlouf, Issa M.; Weedon, Graham P.; Williams, Mark; Al Smadi, Ahmad; Abu Salah, Abdulfattah. 2005 Origin, sequence stratigraphy and depositional environment of an upper Ordovician (Hirnantian) deglacial black shale, Jordan. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 220 (3-4). 273-289. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2005.01.007
Arnott, S.H.L.; Dix, J.K.; Best, A.I. ORCID:; Gregory, D.J..
Imaging of buried archaeological materials: the reflection properties of archaeological wood.
Marine Geophysical Researches, 26 (2-4).
Arrowsmith, Stephen J.; Kendall, Michael; White, Nicky; VanDecar, John C.; Booth, David C.. 2005 Seismic imaging of a hot upwelling beneath the British Isles. Geology, 33 (5). 345-348. 10.1130/G21209.1
Arroyo, Beatriz; Leckie, Fiona; Amar, Arjun; Hamilton, Jude; McCluskie, Aly; Redpath, Steve. 2005 Habitat use and range management on priority areas for hen harriers: 2004 report. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 45pp. (CEH Project Number: C02018)
Arts, R.; Chadwick, A.; Eiken, O.. 2005 Recent time-lapse seismic data show no indication of leakage at the sleipner CO2-injection site. In: 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies, Vancouver, Canada, 2004. Oxford, UK, Elsevier, 653-660.
Atkinson, Larry P.; Huthnance, John ORCID:; Blanco, Jose L..
Circulation, mixing and the distribution of remineralized nutrients.
In: Robinson, Allan R.; Brink, Kenneth H., (eds.)
The global coastal ocean: multiscale interdisciplinary processes.
Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 227-267, 1033pp.
(The Sea, Vol. 13).
Azaroual, M.; Durst, P.; Czernichowski-Lauriol, I.; Olsen, D.; Stentoft, N.; Springer, N.; Rochelle, C.A.; Pearce, J.; Bateman, K.; Birchall, D.. 2005 The geochemical reactions resulting from CO2 injection into the Midale Formation, Weyburn Oilfield : a laboratory experimental and modelling study. In: Rubin, E.S., (ed.) Greenhouse gas control technologies 7. Elsevier, 2107-2110.
Aðalgeirsdóttir, G.; Gudmundsson, G. ORCID:; Björnsson, H..
Volume sensitivity of Vatnajökull Ice Cap, Iceland, to perturbations in equilibrium line altitude.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (F4), F04001.
9, pp.
Backman, Jan; Moran, Kathyrn; McInroy, David. 2005 IODP Expedition 302, Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX): a first look at the Cenozoic paleoceanography of the central Arctic Ocean. Scientific Drilling, 1. 12-17. 10.2204/
Bailey, D.M.; Bagley, P.M.; Jamieson, A.J.; Cromarty, A.; Collins, M.A.; Tselepidis, A.; Priede, I.G.. 2005 Life in a warm deep sea: routine activity and burst swimming performance of the shrimp Acanthephyra eximia in the abyssal Mediterranean. Marine Biology, 146 (6). 1199-1206. 10.1007/s00227-004-1525-1
Bailey, David. 2005 Free videos for schools. Teaching Earth Sciences, 30 (3). 33.
Bailey, David M.; Genard, Bertrand; Collins, Martin A.; Rees, Jean‐François; Unsworth, Susan K.; Battle, Emma J.V.; Bagley, Philip M.; Jamieson, Alan J.; Priede, Imants G.. 2005 High swimming and metabolic activity in the deep‐sea eel Synaphobranchus kaupii revealed by integrated in situ and in vitro measurements. Psychological and Biochemical Zoology, 78 (3). 335-346.
Bailey, David M.; Johnston, Ian A.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:
Invertebrate muscle performance at high latitude: swimming activity in the Antarctic scallop, Adamussium colbecki.
Polar Biology, 28 (6).
Baker, G.. 2005 A 'Data System' to support a Geosphere Characterisation Programme : an awareness document. British Geological Survey, 32pp. (CR/05/042N) (Unpublished)
Baker, G.; Giles, J.R.A.. 2005 Accelerated implementation of database systems for a Geosphere Characterisation Programme. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (CR/05/169N) (Unpublished)
Baker, M.C.; Bett, B.J. ORCID:; Masson, D.G.; German, C.R.; Parson, L.M.; Tyler, P.A..
Deep-ocean environment of the Chile Margin and the Chile Triple Junction.
Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 27pp.
(National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report 3)
Ball, D.F.; MacDonald, A.M.; Lilly, A.. 2005 Agriculture and diffuse pollution : groundwater nitrate vulnerable zones in Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology, 41 (1). 61-68. 0.1144/sjg41010061
Ball, Derek; McConvey, Peter; Campbell, Evelyn. 2005 A groundwater vulnerability screening methodology for Northern Ireland. British Geological Survey, 41pp. (CR/05/103N) (Unpublished)
Baptie, Brian; Ottemoller, Lars; Sargeant, Susanne; Ford, Glenn; O'Mongain, Aoife. 2005 The Dudley earthquake of 2002: A moderate sized earthquake in the UK. Techonophysics, 401 (1-2). 1-22. 10.1016/j.tecto.2005.02.010
Barber, A.J.; Crow, M.J.. 2005 Structure and structural history. In: Barber, A.J.; Crow, M.J.; Milsom, J.S., (eds.) Sumatra : geology, resources and tectonic evolution. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 175-233.
Barclay, B.. 2005 Ross-on-Wye, Royal Hotel, Herefordshire (SO 597 241-SO 595 239). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 271-274.
Barclay, B.. 2005 The Scar, Herefordshire (SO 354 444). In: Barclay, William, (ed.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 232-234.
Barclay, Bill; Stone, Phil; Trewin, Nigel. 2005 Rhynie, Aberdeenshire (NJ 494 277). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Phil; Wilby, Phil, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 117-124.
Barclay, W.. 2005 Pantymaes quarry, Powys (SN 914 265). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.; Pickett, E.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain / edited by WJ Barclay, MAE Browne, AA Macmillan, EA Pickett, P Stone & PR Wilby. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 246-250. (Geological Conservation Review).
Barclay, W.J.. 2005 Abercriban quarries, Powys (SO 064 123 SO 064 127). In: Barclay, W.J.; Browne, M.A.E.; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, P.; Wilby, P.R., (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 258-262.
Barclay, W.J.. 2005 Afon y Waen, Powys (SN 976 147) : potential ORS GCR site. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 262-265.
Barclay, W.J.. 2005 Albion sands and Gateholm Island, Pembrokeshire (SM 771 074) : potential ORS GCR site. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain / edited by WJ Barclay, MAE Browne, AA Macmillan, EA Pickett, P Stone & PR Wilby. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 281-284. (Geological Conservation Review).
Barclay, W.J.. 2005 The Anglo-Welsh basin : introduction. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain / edited by WJ Barclay, MAE Browne, AA Macmillan, EA Pickett, P Stone & PR Wilby. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 211-221.
Barclay, W.J.. 2005 Caeras quarry, Carmarthenshire (SN 607 167). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 253-256. (Geological Conservation Review).
Barclay, W.J.. 2005 Craig-y-Cwn, Torfaen (SO 283 089) : potential GCR site. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain / edited by WJ Barclay, MAE Browne, AA Macmillan, EA Pickett, P Stone & PR Wilby. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 268-271. (Geological Conservation Review).
Barclay, W.J.. 2005 Duffryn Crawnon, Powys (SO 095 150) : potential GCR site. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 262-268. (Geological Conservation Review).
Barclay, W.J.. 2005 Freshwater east-Skrinkle Haven, Pembrokeshire (SS 021 981-SS 082 974). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 301-308.
Barclay, W.J.. 2005 Heol Senni quarry, Powys (SN 915 221). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 250-253.
Barclay, W.J.. 2005 Little Castle Head, Pembrokeshire (SM 855 065) : potential ORS GCR site. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.; Pickett, E.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 284-286.
Barclay, W.J.. 2005 Llansteffan, Carmarthenshire (SN 350 100). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.; Pickett, E.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 308-312.
Barclay, W.J.. 2005 Milton Ness, Aberdeenshire (NO 766 650-NO 771 648). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 158-161.
Barclay, W.J.. 2005 Oak Dingle,Tugford, Shropshire. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.; Pickett, E.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 229-231.
Barclay, W.J.. 2005 Wilderness (Land Grove) quarry, Gloucestershire (SO 672 185). In: Barclay, W.J., (ed.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 274-276. (Geological Conservation Review, 31).
Barclay, W.J.; Browne, M.A.E.; McMillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, P.; Wilby, P.R.. 2005 The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 393pp. (Geological Conservation Review Series, 31).
Barclay, W.J.; Davies, J.R.; Humpage, A.J.; Waters, R.A.; Wilby, P.R.; Williams, M.; Wilson, D.. 2005 Geology of the Brecon district : a brief explanation of the geological map sheet 213 Brecon. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 38pp. (Explanation (England and Wales Sheet), 213).
Barclay, W.J.; Williams, B.P.J.. 2005 Freshwater west, Pembrokeshire (SR 884 996-SR 887 988) : potential ORS GCR site. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 291-301.
Barclay, William. 2005 Craig-y-Fro quarry, Powys (SN 972 207) : potential ORS GCR site. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain / edited by WJ Barclay, MAE Browne, AA Macmillan, EA Pickett, P Stone & PR Wilby. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 257-258. (Geological Conservation Review).
Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Kuklinski, Piotr.
Bipolar patterns of intraspecific competition in bryozoans.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 285.
Barnes, D.K.A. ORCID:
Body and resource size at the land–sea interface.
Marine Biology, 146 (3).
Barnes, D.K.A. ORCID:
Life, death and fighting at high latitudes: a review.
In: Moyano, Hugo I.; Cancino, Juan M.; Jackson, Patrick N. Wyse, (eds.)
Bryozoan studies 2004. Proceedings of the thirteenth International Bryozoology Association Conference, Concepcion, Chile, January 2004.
Leiden, Balkema, 1-14.
Barnes, D.K.A. ORCID:; Milner, P..
Drifting plastic and its consequences for sessile organism dispersal in the Atlantic Ocean.
Marine Biology, 146 (4).
Barnes, D.K.A. ORCID:; Peck, L.S.
Extremes of metabolic strategy in Antarctic Bryozoa.
Marine Biology, 147 (4).
Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:
Changing chain: past, present and future of the Scotia Arc's and Antarctica's shallow benthic communities.
Scientia Marina, 69 (Suppl. 2).
Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:
Remote islands reveal rapid rise of Southern Hemisphere sea debris.
Scientific World Journal, 5.
Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Convey, Peter
Odyssey of stow-away noctuid moths to southern polar islands.
Antarctic Science, 17 (3).
Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Kuklinski, Piotr.
Low colonisation on artificial substrata in arctic Spitsbergen.
Polar Biology, 29 (1).
Barnes, R.P.; Chadwick, R.A.; Darling, W.G.; Gale, I.N.; Kirby, G.A.; Kirk, K.L.. 2005 Contribution to Nirex review of a deep brine repository concept. British Geological Survey, 65pp. (CR/05/230N) (Unpublished)
Barron, Hugh. 2005 GI working better for Scotland. GIS Professional, March/April.
Barron, Hugh. 2005 Lothian shapes up for its second first. Earth Heritage, 24. 5.
Barron, Hugh; Arkley, Sarah. 2005 West Lothian leads in Scotland. Earth Heritage, 25. 12-13.
Barron, Hugh F.. 2005 AGI Scotland. Geographic Information, March. 5-7.
Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcarate, A.; Rixen, M.; Beckers, J-M.. 2005 Two-way nested model of mesoscale circulation features in the Ligurian Sea. Progress in Oceanography, 66 (2-4). 171-189. 10.1016/j.pocean.2004.07.017
Bate, David. 2005 Scientific stamp of approval. Planet Earth, Summer. 27.
Bateman, K.; Turner, G.; Pearce, J.M.; Noy, D.J.; Birchall, D.; Rochelle, C.A.. 2005 Large-scale column experiment : study of CO2, porewater, rock reactions and model test case. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 60 (1). 161-175. 10.2516/ogst:2005010
Bath, A.; Noy, D.J.. 2005 Appendix B : secondary calcite in a shallow recharge-to-discharge fresh groundwater system. In: Cortes Ruiz, A.; Bath, A., (eds.) Interpretative modelling of palaeohydrogeological data : final report. UK Nirex Ltd, 98-110. (PADAMOT Technical report, WP4).
Bath, Adrian; Delgado Martin, Jordi; Lomba Falcon, Luis; Noy, David; Recreo Jimenez, Fernando. 2005 Interpretative modelling methods and tools. In: Ruiz, A.C., (ed.) Interpretative modelling of palaeohydrogeological data : final report. UK Nirex Ltd, 3-7. (Padamot Project Technical Report, WP4).
Bath, Adrian; Noy, David. 2005 Geochemical modelling of secondary calcite formation and its composition in deep saline groundwaters : a case study. In: Ruiz, A.C., (ed.) Interpretative modelling of palaeohydrogeological data : final report. Harwell, UK, UK Nirex Ltd, 37-52. (PADAMOT Project technical report, WP4).
Battarbee, Rick; Hildrew, Alan G.; Jenkins, Alan; Jones, IWAN; Maberly, Stephen ORCID:; Ormerod, Steve; Raven, Paul; Willby, Nigel.
A review of freshwater ecology in the UK.
Freshwater Biological Association, 24pp.
Beamish, D.. 2005 An AEM survey of a leaking landfill. In: Near Surface 2005, Palermo, Italy, 4-7 Sept 2005. EAGE, 1-4.
Beamish, D.; Cuss, R.J.; Tartaras, E.. 2005 Airborne geophysical surveys applied to urban/brownfield investigations. In: Near Surface 2005, Palermo, Italy, 4-7 Sept 2005. Netherlands, EAGE, 1-4.
Beamish, David. 2005 An airborne EM survey of a landfill that leaked. First Break, 23. 55-60.
Beamish, David. 2005 A helicopter AEM survey providing an environmental assessment of the Eastfield quarry/landfill site, West Lothian, Scotland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 22pp. (IR/05/095) (Unpublished)
Beaubien, S.; Lombardi, S.; Ciotoli, G.; Annuziatellis, A.; Hatziyannis, G.; Metaxas, A.; Pearce, J.. 2005 Potential hazards of CO2 leakage in storage systems : learning from natural systems. In: Rubin, E.S., (ed.) Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 7. Oxford, UK, Elsevier, 551-560.
Bell, F.G.; Culshaw, M.G.. 2005 Chalk landscapes. In: Fookes, P.G.; Lee, E.M.; Milligan, G., (eds.) Geomorphology for engineers. Whittles, 729-756.
Bell, F.G.; Donnelly, L.J.; Genske, D.D.; Ojeda, J.. 2005 Unusual cases of mining subsidence from Great Britain, Germany and Colombia. Environmental Geology, 47 (5). 620-631. 10.1007/s00254-004-1187-9
Bell, Fred. 2005 Rock properties and their assessment. In: Selley, R.C., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Geology. Amsterdam, Netherlands, Elsevier, 566-580.
Bell, John. 2005 The soil hydrology of the Plynlimon catchments. Wallingford, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 50pp. (IH Report No.8)
Benham, A.; Colman, T.. 2005 Mineral Occurrence Database suggestions for revision and update 2005. British Geological Survey, 23pp. (IR/05/164) (Unpublished)
Benham, A.J.; Harrison, D.J.; Bloodworth, A.J.; Cameron, D.G.; Spencer, N.A.; Evans, D.J.; Lott, G.K.; Highley, D.E.. 2005 Mineral resource information in support of national, regional and local planning : Gloucestershire (comprising Gloucestershire and South Gloucestershire). British Geological Survey, 22pp. (CR/05/105N, Mineral Resources Series) (Unpublished)
Benham, A.J.; Harrison, D.J.; Cameron, D.G.; Hobbs, S.F.; Evans, D.J.; Lott, G.K.; Bloodworth, A.J.; Ellison, R.A.; Highley, D.E.. 2005 Somerset (comprising Somerset, north Somerset, Bath & north east Somerset, City of Bristol, and part of Exmoor National Park) mineral resources : mineral resource information in support of national, regional and local planning. Mineral Resources Series. British Geological Survey.
Benham, A.J.; Kessler, H.. 2005 Use of 3D visualisation techniques to identify minimal impact sand and gravel extraction sites. In: Sustainable development indicators in the minerals industry : Institute of Mining Engineering I, RWTH Aachen University, 18-20 May 2005 : Aachen International Mining Symposia : second international conference : [proceedings]. Essen, Germany, Verlag Gluckauf GmbH, 487-497.
Benham, A.J.; McEvoy, F.M.; Rollin, K.E.. 2005 Potential for stratiform massive sulphide mineralisation in south-west England. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy Section B Applied Earth Science, 113 (4). B227-B246. 10.1179/174327504X27215
Benham, A.J.; Taylor, L.E.. 2005 African mineral production 1999-2003 : a product of the World Mineral Statistics database. British Geological Survey, 21pp. (IR/05/047) (Unpublished)
Bennion, Helen; Hilton, John; Hughes, Mike; Clark, Judy; Hornby, Duncan; Fozzard, Ian; Phillips, Geoff; Reynolds, Colin. 2005 The use of a GIS-based inventory to provide a national assessment of standing waters at risk from eutrophication in Great Britain. Science of the Total Environment, 344 (1-3). 259-273. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2005.02.016
Bentham, M.; Kirby, G.A.. 2005 CO2 storage in saline aquifers. In: Le Thiez, P., (ed.) CO2 capture and geological storage : state-of-the-art = Capture et stockage geologique du CO2 : etat de l'art. Paris, France, Editions Technip, 559-567. (Oil & gas science and technology : revue de l'Institut Francais du Petrole, 60/3).
Bentley, M.J.; Hodgson, D.A. ORCID:; Smith, J.A.
ORCID:; Cox, N.J..
Relative sea level curves for the South Shetland Islands and Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 24 (10-11).
Bentley, M.J.; Hodgson, D.A. ORCID:; Sugden, D.E.; Roberts, S.J.
ORCID:; Smith, J.A.; Leng, M.J.
ORCID:; Bryant, C.
Early Holocene retreat of the George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula.
Geology, 33 (3).
Beresford, N.A.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:
Ecological systems - data requirements and availability.
Protection of the environment from the effects of ionizing radiation.
Vienna, IAEA, 305-314.
Beresford, N.A.; Smith, J.T.. 2005 Application of countermeasures. In: Smith, Jim T.; Beresford, Nicholas A., (eds.) Chernobyl - catastrophe and consequences. Chichester, Praxis Publishing/Springer, 191-215.
Beresford, N.A.; Wright, S.M.. 2005 Non-linearity in radiocaesium soil to plant transfer: Fact or fiction? Radioprotection, 40. S67-S72. 10.1051/radiopro:2005s1-011
Beresford, N.A.; Wright, S.M.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Golikov, V.; Shutov, V.; Kravtsova, O..
Approaches to estimating the transfer of radionuclides to Arctic biota.
Radioprotection, 40 (Supplement 1).
Beresford, N.A.; Wright, S.M.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Hingston, J.L.; Vives i Batlle, J.; Copplestone, D.; Kryshev, I.I.; Sazykina, T.G.; Pröhl, G.; Arkhipov, A.; Howard, B.J.
A case study in the Chernobyl zone Part 2: Predicting radiation induced effects in biota.
Radioprotection, 40 (Supplement 1).
Beresford, N.A.; Wright, S.M.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Wood, M.D.; Gaschak, S.; Arkhipov, A.; Sazykina, T.G.; Avila, R..
A case study in the Chernobyl zone Part I: Predicting radionuclide transfer to wildlife.
Radioprotection, 40 (Supplement 1).
Beresford, Nicholas A.; Balonov, Mikhail; Beaugelin-Seiller, Karine; Borretzen, Peer; Brown, Justin; Cheng, Jing-Jey; Copplestone, David; Doi, M.; Gaschak, Sergey; Golikov, Slava; Horyna, Jan; Hosseine, Ali; Howard, Brenda J. ORCID:; Jasserand, F.; Kamboj, Sunita; Nedveckaite, Tatjana; Olyslaegers, Geert; Sazykina, Tatiana; Vives i Batlle, Jordi; Yankovich, Tamara; Yu, Charley.
Models and approaches available to estimate the exposure of non-human biota: An international comparison of predictions.
In: Strand, P.; Børretzen, P.; Jølle, T., (eds.)
The 2nd International Conference on Radioactivity in the Environment.
NRPA, 146-149.
Beresford, Nicholas A.; Wright, Simon M.; Barnett, Catherine L. ORCID:; Wood, Michael D.; Gaschak, Sergey; Arkhipov, Andrey; Sazykina, Tatiana G.; Howard, Brenda J.
Predicting radionuclide transfer to wild animals: an application of a proposed environmental impact assessment framework to the Chernobyl exclusion zone.
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 44 (3).
Bergant, K.; Susnik, M.; Strojan, I.; Shaw, A.G.P.. 2005 Sea level variability at Adriatic coast and its relationship to atmospheric forcing. Annales Geophysicae, 23 (6). 1997-2010.
Berndt, Christian. 2005 Focused fluid flow in passive continental margins. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 363 (1837). 2855-2871. 10.1098/rsta.2005.1666
Berry, D.I.; Kent, E.C. ORCID:
The effect of instrument exposure on marine air temperatures: an assessment using VOSClim data.
International Journal of Climatology, 25 (7).
Bertler, N.; Mayewski, P.A.; Aristarain, A.; Barrett, P.; Becagli, S.; Bernardo, R.; Bo, S.; Xiao, C.; Curran, M.; Qin, D.; Dixon, D.; Ferron, F.; Fischer, H.; Frey, M.; Frezzotti, M.; Fundel, F.; Genthon, C.; Gragnani, R.; Hamilton, G.; Handley, M.; Hong, S.; Isaksson, E.; Kang, J.; Ren, J.; Kamiyama, K.; Kanamori, S.; Karkas, E.; Karlof, L.; Kaspari, S.; Kreutz, K.; Kurbatov, A.; Meyerson, E.; Ming, Y.; Zhang, M.; Motoyama, H.; Mulvaney, R. ORCID:; Oerter, H.; Osterberg, E.; Proposito, M.; Pyne, A.; Ruth, U.; Simoes, J.; Smith, B.; Sneed, S.; Teinila, K.; Traufetter, F.; Udisti, R.; Virkkula, A.; Watanbe, O.; Williamson, B.; Winther, J-G.; Li, Y.; Wolff, E.; Li, Z.; Zielinski, A..
Snow chemistry across Antarctica.
Annals of Glaciology, 41 (1).
Betteridge, K.F.B.; Bell, P.S. ORCID:; Thorne, P.D.
ORCID:; Williams, J.J..
A field study Evaluation of the triple axis Coherent Doppler Velocity Profiler for measuring near bed flow.
Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 51pp.
(Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Internal Document, 177)
Bhadury, P.; Austen, M.C.; Bilton, D.T.; Lambshead, P.J.D.; Rogers, A.D.; Smerdon, G.R.. 2005 Combined morphological and molecular analysis of individual nematodes through short-term preservation in formalin. Molecular Ecology Notes, 5 (4). 965-968. 10.1111/j.1471-8286.2005.01095.x
Biegala, I.C.; Cuttle, M.; Mary, I.; Zubkov, M.. 2005 Hybridisation of picoeukaryotes by eubacterial probes is widespread in the marine environment. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 41 (3). 293-297.
Birchall, Jennifer; O'Connell, Tamsin C.; Heaton, Tim H.E.; Hedges, Robert E.M.. 2005 Hydrogen isotope ratios in animal body protein reflect trophic level. Journal of Animal Ecology, 74 (5). 877-881. 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2005.00979.x
Blenckner, T.; Persson, I.; Elliott, A.; Thackeray, S. ORCID:
Report on the tests with the physical models in "warm world" conditions produced by the weather generator. Report on the tests with the phytoplankton model in "warm world" conditions produced by the weather generator. Final report.
CLIME Consortium, 41pp.
(CLIME Deliverables 6.4 and 6.5, CEH Project Number C02187)
Blind, M W; Moore, R V; Scholten, H; Refsgaard, J C; Borgvang, S A; Giupponi, C; Borowski, I; Estrela, M; George, D G; Froebrich, J; Zsuffa, I; Vanrolleghem, P; de Lange, W. 2005 Current Results of the EC-sponsored Catchment Modelling (CatchMod) Cluster. In: Zerger, Andre; Argent, Robert M, (eds.) MODSIM05. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation Advances and Applications for Management and Decision Making. New Zealand, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc., 174, 456pp.
Block, William. 2005 Review of Life in the frozen state, edited by B.J. Fuller, N. Lane and E.E. Benson. London, CRC Press, 2004. Antarctic Science, 17 (2). 301-302.
Bloodworth, A.J.; Norton, G.E.; Mitchell, C.J. ORCID:; Scrivener, R.C.; Cameron, D.G.; Hobbs, S.F.; Evans, D.J.; Lott, G.K.; Highley, D.E..
Mineral resource information in support of national, regional and local planning : Devon (comprising Devon, Plymouth, Torbay, Dartmoor National Park and part of Exmoor National Park).
British Geological Survey, 21pp.
(CR/05/096N, Mineral Resources Series)
Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Barker, J.A..
MOPOD: a generic model of porosity development.
In: Shaw, R.P., (ed.)
Understanding the micro to macro behaviour of rock-fluid systems.
London, Geological Society of London, 73-77.
(Geological Society Special Publication, 249).
Bloomfield, John ORCID:; Barker, John A.; Robinson, Nicola.
Modeling fracture porosity development using simple growth laws.
Ground Water, 43 (3).
Bloomfield, John P. ORCID:; McKenzie, Andrew.
Avoiding wet feet.
Boebel, O.; Clarkson, P.; Coates, R.; Larter, R. ORCID:; O'Brien, P.E.; Ploetz, J.; Summerhayes, C.; Tyack, T.; Walton, D.W.H.
ORCID:; Wartzok, D..
Risks posed to the Antarctic marine environment by acoustic instruments: a structured analysis.
Antarctic Science, 17 (4).
Bolanos-Sanchez, Rodolfo; Riethmüller, Rolf; Gayer, Gerhard; Amos, Carl L.. 2005 Sediment Transport in a Tidal Lagoon Subject to Varying Winds Evaluated with a Coupled Current-Wave Model. Journal of Coastal Research, 21 (2). e11-e26. 10.2112/03-0048.1
Bonel, K.A.; Chapman, G.R.. 2005 World metals & minerals review 2005. London, UK, Metal Bulletin plc, 312pp.
Bonel, Kevin A.. 2005 Barytes. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (Mineral Commodity Profile) (Unpublished)
Bonnet, Delphine; Richardson, Anthony; Harris, Roger; Hirst, Andrew; Beaugrand, Gregory; Edwards, Martin; Ceballos, Sara; Diekman, Rabea; Lopez-Urrutia, Angel; Valdes, Luis; Carlotti, Francois; Molinero, Juan Carlos; Weikert, Horst; Greve, Wulf; Lucic, Davor; Albaina, Aitor; Daly Yahai, Nejib; Fonda Umani, Serena; Miranda, Ana; dos Santos, Antonina; Cook, Kathryn; Robinson, Susan; Fernandez de Puelles, Marie Luz. 2005 An overview of Calanus helgolandicus ecology in European waters. Progress in Oceanography, 65 (1). 1-53. 10.1016/j.pocean.2005.02.002
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Booth, Stephen; Hodder, A.; Reeder, T.. 2005 Geo-environmental ground risk appraisals for linear routes [abstract]. In: Arnould, Marcel; Ledru, Patrick, (eds.) Geology and linear infrastructures : abstracts = geologie et ouvrages lineaires : resumes. BRGM, 29.
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Bowden, David A.. 2005 Seasonality of recruitment in Antarctic sessile marine benthos. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 297. 101-118. 10.3354/meps297101
Bowden, David A.. 2005 Quantitative characterization of shallow marine benthic assemblages at Ryder Bay, Adelaide Island, Antarctica. Marine Biology, 146 (6). 1235-1249. 10.1007/s00227-004-1526-0
Bowden, David Anthony. 2005 Benthic assemblage development and larval ecology of marine invertebrates at Adelaide Island, Antarctica. Open University, PhD Thesis, 261pp.
Bowes, M.J. ORCID:; Leach, D.V.; House, W.A..
Seasonal nutrient dynamics in a chalk stream: the River Frome, Dorset, UK.
Science of the Total Environment, 336 (1-3).
Bowes, Michael J. ORCID:; Hilton, John; Irons, Gordon P.; Hornby, Duncan D..
The relative contribution of sewage and diffuse phosphorus sources in the River Avon catchment, southern England: Implications for nutrient management.
Science of the Total Environment, 344 (1-3).
Bowie, R.. 2005 Creating a digital landslide. Geoscientist, 15 (3). 4-7.
Boyle, Peter R.; Rodhouse, Paul G.. 2005 Cephalopods: ecology and fisheries. Oxford, Blackwell, 452pp.
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Breward, Kate; Chenery, Simon. 2005 A feasibility study on the use of isotope dilution as a tool for quantifying uranium isotopic concentrations by quadrupole ICP-MS. British Geological Survey, 28pp. (IR/05/102) (Unpublished)
Bridge, David; Hough, Edward; Kessler, Holger; Price, Simon James; Reeves, Helen. 2005 Urban geology : integrating surface and sub-surface geoscientific information for developing needs. In: Ostaficzuk, Stanislaw R., (ed.) The current role of geological mapping in geosciences. Dordrecht, the Netherlands, Springer, 129-134. (NATO science series 4: Earth and environmental sciences, 4).
Bridge, P.D.; Clark, M.S. ORCID:; Pearce, D.A.
A new species of Paecilomyces isolated from the Antarctic springtail Cryptopygus antarcticus.
Mycotaxon, 92 (1).
Bridge, P.D.; Spooner, B.M.; Roberts, P.J.. 2005 The impact of molecular data in fungal systematics. Advances in Botanical Research, 42. 33-67. 10.1016/S0065-2296(05)42002-9
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Browne, M.A.E.. 2005 Tillywhandland Quarry, Angus (NO 528 537). In: Barclay, William, (ed.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 163-166.
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Browne, M.A.E.; Barclay, B.. 2005 Tay bank, Perth and Kinross. In: Barclay, W.J., (ed.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 170-172. (Geological Conservation Review, 31).
Browne, M.A.E.; Barclay, W.J.. 2005 Glen vale, Fife. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain / edited by WJ Barclay, MAE Browne, AA Macmillan, EA Pickett, P Stone & PR Wilby. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 172-176. (Geological Conservation Review).
Browne, M.A.E.; Barclay, W.J.. 2005 The Midland valley of Scotland and adjacent areas : introduction. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 127-139.
Browne, Michael. 2005 Whiting Ness, Angus. In: Barclay, W.J., (ed.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 166-169. (Geological Conservation Review, 31).
Browne, Michael; Barclay, Bill. 2005 The Toutties, Aberdeenshire (NO 881 866). In: Barclay, William, (ed.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 140-145.
Browne, Michael; Barclay, William. 2005 Auchensail quarry, west Dunbartonshire. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 178-180. (Geological Conservation Review).
Browne, Michael; Barclay, William. 2005 Dunnottar coast section, Aberdeenshire (NO 883 853-NO 882 839). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain / edited by WJ Barclay, MAE Browne, AA Macmillan, EA Pickett, P Stone & PR Wilby. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 141-151. (Geological Conservation Review).
Browne, Michael; Barclay, William. 2005 Wolf's hole quarry, Stirlingshire. In: Barclay, W.J., (ed.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 176-178. (Geological Conservation Review, 31).
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Global ocean mean wave period data: validation and description.
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Cameron, D.R.; Lenton, T.M.; Ridgwell, A.J.; Shepherd, J.G.; Marsh, R.; Yool, A. ORCID:
A factorial analysis of the marine carbon cycle controls on atmospheric CO2.
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Cameron, Don; Munns, Jim; Stoker, Sue. 2005 Remaining hydrocarbon exploration potential of the Carboniferous fairway, UK southern North Sea. In: Collinson, J.D.; Evans, D.J.; Holliday, D.W.; Jones, N.S., (eds.) Carboniferous hydrocarbon geology : the southern North Sea and surrounding onshore areas. Yorkshire Geological Society, 209-224. (Occasional Publication, 7).
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Cantrill, David J.; Poole, Imogen. 2005 A new Eocene Araucaria from Seymour Island, Antarctica: evidence from growth form and bark morphology. Alcheringa, 29 (2). 341-350.
Cardoso, J.C.R.; Clark, M.S. ORCID:; Viera, F.A.; Bridge, P.D.; Gilles, A.; Power, D.M..
The secretin G-protein-coupled receptor family: teleost receptors.
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 34 (3).
Carney, J.N.. 2005 Bobkingite : the untold story. Mercian Geologist, 16 (3). 203.
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Carney, John N.; Napier, Bruce ORCID:
Geology-based methodologies for visualizing inland floodplains and understanding fluvial processes.
European Geologist, 20.
Carrillo, L.; Souza, A.J.; Hill, A.E.; Brown, J.; Ferdinand, L.; Candela, J.. 2005 Detiding ADCP data in a highly variable shelf sea. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 22 (1). 84-97. 10.1175/JTECH-1687.1
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Casalegno, Carlotta; Buffagni, Andrea; Brabec, Karel; Kail, Jochem; Murphy, John; Ofenbock, Thomas; Postoloche, Carmen; Sandin, Leonard; Verdonschot, Piet. 2005 Euro-limpacs Deliverable 12 (Work Package 2): Climate-hydromorphology interactions through changes in land-use and discharge: review of information relating selected study catchments across Europe. University College London, 123pp. (CEH Project Number: C03047) (Unpublished)
Casquet, C.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Rapela, C.W.; Galindo, C.; Dahlquist, J.; Baldo, E.; Saavedra, J.; Gonzalez Casado, J.M.; Fanning, C.M.. 2005 Grenvillian massif-type anorthosites in the Sierras Pampeanas. Journal of the Geological Society, 162 (1). 9-12. 10.1144/0016-764904-100
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Castellani, C.; Robinson, C.; Smith, T.; Lampitt, R.S.. 2005 Temperature affects respiration rate of Oithona similis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 285. 129-135. 10.3354/meps285129
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Cattle, H.. 2005 Recent CLIVAR ocean activities. Sea Technology, 46 (1). 35-36.
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Optimal sampling strategy for estimation of spatial genetic structure in tree populations.
Heredity, 95 (4).
Cavers, S. ORCID:; Navarro, C.; Hopkins, P.; Ennos, R.; Lowe, A.J..
Regional and population-scale influences on genetic diversity partitioning within Costa Rican populations of the pioneer tree Vochysia ferruginea Mart.
Silvae Genetica, 54 (6).
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Chadwick, R.A.; Evans, D.J.. 2005 A seismic atlas of southern Britain : images of subsurface structure. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 196pp. (British Geological Survey Occasional Publication, 7).
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A statistical comparison of SuperDARN spectral width boundaries and DMSP particle precipitation boundaries in the morning sector ionosphere.
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Recent lepidopteran records from sub-Antarctic South Georgia.
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Erisman, Jan Willam; Vermeulen, Alex; Hensen, Arjan; Flechard, Chris; Dammgen, Ulrigh; Fowler, David; Sutton, Mark ORCID:; Grunhage, Ludger; Tuovinen, Juha-Pekka.
Monitoring and modelling of biosphere/atmosphere exchange of gases and aerosols in Europe.
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Subglacial imprints of early Gondwana break-up as identified from high resolution aerogeophysical data over western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica.
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Tectonic and magmatic patterns in the Jutulstraumen rift (?) region, East Antarctica, as imaged by high-resolution aeromagnetic data.
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Fisher, Jodie K.; Price, Gregory D.; Hart, Malcolm B.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:
Stable isotope analysis of the Cenomanian–Turonian (Late Cretaceous) oceanic anoxic event in the Crimea.
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Sulfate deposition and temperature controls on methane emission and sulfur forms in peat.
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Gerard, F.; Petit, S.; Smith, G.; Thomson, A. ORCID:; Brown, N.; Manchester, S.; Wadsworth, R.; Bugar, G.; Halada, L.; Bezak, P.; Boltiziar, M.; De badts, E.; Halabuk, A.; Mojse, M.; Petrovic, F.; Gregor, M.; Hazeu, G.; Mucher, C.A.; Wachowicz, M.; Huitu, H.; Tuominen, S.; Kohler, R.; Olschofsky, K.; Ziese, H.; Kolar, J.; Sustera, J.; Luque, S.; Pino, J.; Pons, X.; Roda, F.; Roscher, M.; Feranec, J..
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Gibbard, Philip L.; Smith, Alan G.; Zalasiewicz, Jan A.; Barry, Tiffany L.; Cantrill, David; Coe, Angela L.; Cope, John C. W.; Gale, Andrew S.; Gregory, F. John; Powell, John H.; Rawson, Peter F.; Stone, Phillip; Waters, Colin N.. 2005 What status for the Quaternary? Boreas, 34 (1). 1-6. 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2005.tb01000.x
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The second species of Gromia (Protista) from the deep sea: its natural history and association with the Pakistan Margin Oxygen Minimum Zone.
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Bioluminescent and red-fluorescent lures in a deep-sea siphonophore.
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Hamblin, R.J.O.; Moorlock, B.S.P.; Rose, J.; Lee, J.R.; Riding, J.B. ORCID:; Booth, S.J.; Pawley, S.M..
Revised Pre-Devensian glacial stratigraphy in Norfolk, England, based on mapping and till provenance.
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Isle of May seabird studies in 2004.
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Hart, Malcolm B.; Feist, Sean E.; Hakansson, Eckart; Heinberg, Claus; Price, Gregory D.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Watkinson, Matthew P..
The Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary succession at Stevns Klint, Denmark : foraminifers and stable isotope stratigraphy.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 224 (1-3).
Hartman, M.C.; Hartman, S.E. ORCID:; Hydes, D.J.; Campbell, J..
A report on the Red Funnel FerryBox 2004 - an overview of the data obtained, improvements and calibration procedures.
Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 306pp.
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Hatton, W.; Henley, S.; Napier, B. ORCID:
Multi-dimensional modeling for BGS : the DGSM @ 2005 and beyond.
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GIS and spatial analysis : proceedings of IAMG '05 : the annual conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geology.
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Haug, Gerald H.; Ganopolski, Andrey; Sigman, Daniel M.; Rosell-Mele, Antoni; Swann, George E.A.; Tiedemann, Ralf; Jaccard, Samuel L.; Bollmann, Jorg; Maslin, Mark A.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Eglinton, Geoffrey.
North Pacific seasonality and the glaciation of North America 2.7 million years ago.
Nature, 433 (7028).
Hawker, E.J.; King, B.A. ORCID:; Sparrow, M..
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A tiered risk-based approach for predicting diffuse and point source phosphorus losses in agricultural areas.
Science of the Total Environment, 344 (1-3).
Heaton, T.H.E.; Trick, J.K.; Williams, G.M.. 2005 Isotope and dissolved gas evidence for nitrogen attenuation in landfill leachate dispersing into a chalk aquifer. Applied Geochemistry, 20 (5). 933-945. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2004.12.004
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The use of oxygen, strontium and lead isotopes to provenance ancient glasses in the Middle East.
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Seasonal variations in the horizontal wind structure from 0-100 km above Rothera station, Antarctica (67° S, 68° W).
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Hill, M.O.; Arnold, H.R.; Broad, G.R.; Burton, V.J.; James, T.J.; McLean, I.F.G.; Preston, C.D. ORCID:; Rowland, F.; Roy, D.B.
Biological Records Centre: Report 1999-2004.
JNCC, 43pp.
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Recruitment of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) at South Georgia indicated by predator diets and its relationship with sea surface temperature.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 62 (11).
Hillenbrand, C-D. ORCID:; Baesler, A.; Grobe, H..
The sedimentary record of the last glaciation in the western Bellingshausen Sea (West Antarctica): Implications for the interpretation of diamictons in a polar-marine setting.
Marine Geology, 216 (4).
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A 7000-year record of oribatid mite communities on a maritime-Antarctic island: responses to climate change.
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 37 (2).
Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Verleyen, Elie; Sabbe, Koen; Squier, Angela H.; Keely, Brendan J.; Leng, Melanie J.
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Late Quaternary climate-driven environmental change in the Larsemann Hills, east Antarctica, multi-proxy evidence from a lake sediment core.
Quaternary Research, 64 (1).
Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Vyverman, Wim; Verleyen, Elie; Leavitt, Peter R.; Sabbe, Koen; Squier, Angela H.; Keely, Brendan J..
Late Pleistocene record of elevated UV radiation in an Antarctic lake.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 236 (3-4).
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Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Thorne, Richard M.; Glauert, Sarah A.
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Timescale for radiation belt electron acceleration by whistler mode chorus waves.
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Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Thorne, Richard M.; Shprits, Yuri Y.; Meredith, Nigel P.
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ORCID:; Smith, Andy J.; Kanekal, Shrikanth G.; Baker, Daniel N.; Engebretson, Mark J.; Posch, Jennifer L.; Spasojevic, Maria; Inan, Umran S.; Pickett, Jolene S.; Decreau, Pierrette M.E..
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A new amphipod species from the Indian Ocean (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea: Podoprionidae).
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Howard, Andy. 2005 Rock houses at Mansfield. Mercian Geologist, 16 (2). 78.
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The STRATEGY project: decision tools to aid sustainable restoration and long-term management of contaminated agricultural ecosystems.
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Book review: Wormwood Forest: a natural history of Chernobyl, by Mary Mycio.
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Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:
Effect of Antarctic solar radiation on sewage bacteria viability.
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Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Walsh, Shaun; Convey, Peter
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Alien fly populations established at two Antarctic research stations.
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Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 44pp.
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Huvenne, V.A.I. ORCID:; Beyer, A.; De Haas, H.; Dekindt, K.; Henriet, J-P.; Kozachenko, M.; Olu-Le Roy, K.; Wheeler, A.J..
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Detailed mapping of shallow-water environments using image texture analysis on sidescan sonar data and multibeam backscatter imagery.
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Correlates of Species Richness in Mammals: Body Size, Life History, and Ecology.
American Naturalist, 165 (5).
Isaksson, Elisabeth; Kekonen, Teija; Moore, John; Mulvaney, Robert ORCID:
The methanesulfonic acid (MSA) record in a Svalbard ice core.
Annals of Glaciology, 42 (1).
Jackson, C.. 2005 Modelling leakage from perched rivers using the unsaturated flow model VS2DTI. British Geological Survey, 46pp. (IR/05/019) (Unpublished)
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Jarvie, Helen P. ORCID:; Juergens, Monika D.
ORCID:; Williams, Richard J.; Neal, Colin; Davies, Jennifer J.L.; Barrett, Cyril; White, John.
Role of river bed sediments as sources and sinks of phosphorus across two major eutrophic UK river basins: the Hampshire Avon and Herefordshire Wye.
Journal of Hydrology, 304 (1-4).
Jarvie, Helen P. ORCID:; Neal, Colin; Withers, Paul J.A.; Westcott, Chris; Acornley, Richard M..
Nutrient hydrochemistry for a groundwater-dominated catchment: The Hampshire Avon, UK.
Science of the Total Environment, 344 (1-3).
Jarvis, Martin J.. 2005 Observed tidal variation in the lower thermosphere through the 20th century and the possible implication of ozone depletion. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (A4), A04303. 11, pp. 10.1029/2004JA010921
Jarvis, Martin J.; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Rose, Mike C.; Rodwell, Shane.
Polar mesosphere summer echoes (PMSE) at Halley (76°S, 27°W), Antarctica.
Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (6), L06816.
5, pp.
Jeans, C.V.; Fisher, M.J.; Merriman, R.J.. 2005 Origin of the clay mineral assemblages in the Germanic facies of the English Trias : application of the spore colour index method. Clay Minerals, 40 (1). 115-129. 10.1180/0009855054010160
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Johnson, A.C. ORCID:; Aerni, H.-R.; Gerritsen, A.; Gibert, M.; Giger, W.; Hylland, K.; Juergens, M.
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Comparing steroid estrogen, and nonylphenol content across a range of European sewage plants with different treatment and management practices.
Water Research, 39 (1).
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Johnson, H.; Ritchie, J.D.; Hitchen, K.; McInroy, D.B.; Kimbell, G.S.. 2005 Aspects of the Cenozoic deformational history of the northeast Faroe-Shetland Basin and the Wyville-Thomson Ridge and Hatton Bank areas. In: Dore, A.G.; Vining, B.A., (eds.) Petroleum Geology : North-West Europe and Global Perspectives : Proceedings of the 6th Petroleum Geology Conference. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 993-1007.
Johnson, Howard; Leslie, Alick Bruce; Wilson, Christian Kverneland; Andrews, Ian; Cooper, Rhys Mark. 2005 Middle Jurassic, Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the UK Central and Northern North Sea. Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 27pp. (RR/03/001)
Johnson, Howard; Ritchie, Derek; Long, David; Holmes, Richard; Stevenson, Alan; Evans, Dan. 2005 Development of the pilot whale mud mounds and associated subservice features within the NE Faroe - Shetland basin. In: Petex Conference, 2005. 1-5. (Unpublished)
Jones, Anna ORCID:
Sun and snow: something in the atmosphere.
Planet Earth, Winter 2005.
Jones, Colin J.F.P.; Cooper, Anthony H.. 2005 Road construction over voids caused by active gypsum dissolution, with an example from Ripon, North Yorkshire, England. Environmental Geology, 48 (3). 384-394. 10.1007/s00254-005-1282-6
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ORCID:; McPhail, S.; Flewellen, C.; Conquer, M..
Seabed photography from an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.
Journal of Marine Science and Environment (C3).
Jones, J. Iwan. 2005 The metabolic cost of bicarbonate use in the submerged plant Elodea nuttallii. Aquatic Botany, 83 (1). 71-81. 10.1016/j.aquabot.2005.05.002
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Jones, L.D.. 2005 Establishment of a baseline DEM on the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, using terrestrial LiDAR. British Geological Survey, 14pp. (IR/05/136) (Unpublished)
Jones, Matthew D.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Roberts, C. Neil; Turkes, Murat; Moyeed, Rana.
A coupled calibration and modelling approach to the understanding of dry-land lake oxygen isotope records.
Journal of Paleolimnology, 34 (3).
Jones, N.S.. 2005 The West Lothian oil-shale formation : results of a sedimentological study. British Geological Survey, 70pp. (IR/05/046) (Unpublished)
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Jones, Neil; Glover, Brian W.. 2005 Fluvial sandbody architecture, cyclicity and sequence stratigraphic setting : implications for hydrocarbon reservoirs : the Westphalian C and D of the Osnabruck-Ibbenburen area, northwest Germany. In: Collinson, J.D.; Evans, D.J.; Holliday, D.W.; Jones, N.S., (eds.) Carboniferous hydrocarbon geology : the southern North Sea and surrounding onshore areas. Yorkshire Geological Society, 57-74. (Occassional Publication Yorkshire Geological Society, 7).
Jones, Neil; Holloway, Sam; Creedy, David; Garner, K.. 2005 Can UK coal resources contribute to a gas renaissance? In: Dore, A.G.; Vining, B.A., (eds.) Petroleum Geology : north-west Europe and global perspectives : proceedings of the 6th Petroleum geology conference. Geological Society of London, 715-722.
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Joseph, Margaret; Quartly, Graham D.; Robertson, Colette; Byfield, Valborg; Harris, Ray. 2005 Application of clustering techniques to multispectral optical data over the ocean. In: MERIS (A)ATSR Workshop 2005, Frascati, Italy, 26-30 Sep 2005. Noordwijk, The Netherlands, ESA.
Josey, Simon A. ORCID:; Marsh, Robert.
Surface freshwater flux variability and recent freshening of the North Atlantic in the eastern subpolar gyre.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (C5).
Jowitt, S.M.; McEvoy, F.M.; Williamson, J.P.; Bateson, L.; Naden, J.; Gunn, A.G.; Nicolaides, S.. 2005 Mineralisation potential mapping for ophiolite-hosted volcanic massive sulphide (VHMS) deposits, Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus. In: Mao, J.; Bierlein, F.P., (eds.) Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge. Volume 2. Berlin, Germany, Springer, 1469-1473.
Jowitt, S.M.; Osborn, R.G.M.; Thomas, R.D.H.; Naden, J.; Gunn, A.G.; Herrington, R.J.; Nicolaides, S.. 2005 ‘T’-type mineralisation : a pseudo-epithermal style of VHMS associated gold mineralisation, Cyprus. In: Mao, Jingwen; Bierlein, Frank P., (eds.) Mineral deposit research : meeting the global challenge : proceedings of the Eighth Biennial SGA Meeting, Beijing, China, 18-21 August 2005. Berlin, Germany, Springer, 635-637.
Kaiser, Michael J.; Attrill, Martin J.; Jennings, Simon; Thomas, David N.; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Brierley, Andrew S.; Polunin, Nicholas V.C.; Raffaelli, David G.; Williams, Peter J.L..
Marine ecology: processes, systems, and impacts.
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 557pp.
Kanzow, T.; Flechtner, F.; Chave, A. D.; Schmidt, R.; Schwintzer, P.; Send, U.. 2005 Seasonal variation of ocean bottom pressure derived from GRACE: Local validation and global patterns. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (C9). C09001. 10.1029/2004JC002772
Karaev, V.Y.; Kanevsky, M.B.; Balandina, G.N.; Challenor, P.; Gommenginger, C. ORCID:; Srokosz, M.
The concept of a microwave radar with an asymmetric knifelike beam for the remote sensing of ocean waves.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 22 (11).
Karlof, Lars; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Winther, Jan-Gunnar; Gundestrup, Niels; Meijer, Harro A.J.; Mulvaney, Robert ORCID:; Pourchet, Michel; Hofstede, Coen; Lappegard, Gaute; Pettersson, Rickard; Van den Broeke, Michiel; Van de Wal, Roderik S.W..
Accumulation variability over a small area in east Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, as determined from shallow firn cores and snow pits: some implications for ice-core records.
Journal of Glaciology, 51 (174).
Kekonen, Teija; Moore, John; Peramaki, Paavo; Mulvaney, Robert ORCID:; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Pohjola, Veijo; van de Wal, Roderick S.W..
The 800 year long ion record from the Lomonosovfonna (Svalbard) ice core.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (D7), D07304.
11, pp.
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Kemp, S.J. ORCID:; Merriman, R.J.; Bouch, J.E..
Clay mineral reaction progress : the maturity and burial history of the Lias group of England and Wales.
Clay Minerals, 40 (1).
Kemp, S.J. ORCID:; Rochelle, C.A.; Merriman, R.J..
Back-reacted saponite in Jurassic mudstones and limestones intruded by a Tertiary sill, Isle of Skye.
Clay Minerals, 40 (3).
Kent, E.C. ORCID:; Berry, D.I..
Quantifying random measurement errors in Voluntary Observing Ships' meteorological observations.
International Journal of Climatology, 25 (7).
Kerridge, David; Macmillan, Susan; Turbitt, Christopher; Clarke, Ellen. 2005 Navigating the subsurface. Earthwise, 22. 28-29.
Kesik, M.; Ambus, P.; Baritz, R.; Bruggemann, N.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Damm, M.; Duyser, J.; Horvath, L.; Kiese, R.; Kitzler, B.; Leip, A.; Li, C.; Pihlatie, M.; Pilegaard, K.; Seufert, S.; Simpson, D.; Skiba, U. ORCID:; Smiatek, G.; Vesala, T.; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S..
Inventories of N2O and NO emissions from European forest soils.
Biogeosciences, 2 (4).
Kessler, Holger; Lelliott, Michael; Bridge, David; Ford, Jonathan Richard; Sobisch, Hans-Georg; Mathers, Stephen; Price, Simon James; Royse, Katherine. 2005 3D geoscience models and their delivery to customers. In: Annual meeting Geological Society of America, Utah, USA, 15 Oct 2005. Ontario, Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, 39-42.
Killworth, P.D.. 2005 Parameterization of eddy effects on mixed layers and tracer transport: a linearized eddy perspective. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 35 (10). 1717-1725. 10.1175/JPO2781.1
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Kimbell, G.S.; Ritchie, J.D.; Johnson, H.; Gatliff, R.W.. 2005 Controls on the structure and evolution of the NE Atlantic margin revealed by regional potential field imaging and 3D modelling. In: Dore, A.G.; Vining, B.A., (eds.) Petroleum Geology : north-west Europe and global perspectives : 6th petroleum geology conference [proceedings]. Geological Society of London, 933-945.
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King, Matt A.; Penna, Nigel T.; Clarke, Peter J.; King, Ed C. ORCID:
Validation of ocean tide models around Antarctica using onshore GPS and gravity data.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (B8), B08401.
21, pp.
Kingdon, Andy ORCID:; Evans, Dan; Skinner, Alister.
On top of the world.
Earthwise, 22.
Kingdon, Andy ORCID:; Evans, Dan; Skinner, Alister.
On top of the world.
Earthwise, 22.
Kirk, K.L.. 2005 Potential for storage of carbon dioxide in the rocks beneath the East Irish Sea. British Geological Survey, 24pp. (CR/05/127N) (Unpublished)
Klinck, Ben; Palumbo-Roe, Barbara; Cave, Mark; Wragg, Joanna. 2005 Arsenic dispersal and bioaccessibility in mine contaminated soils : a case study from an abandoned arsenic mine in Devon, UK. Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 52pp. (RR/04/003)
Klingelhofer, F.; Edwards, R.A.; Hobbs, R.W.; England, R.W.. 2005 Crustal structure of the NE Rockall Trough from wide-angle seismic data modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (B11). B11105. 10.1029/2005JB003763
Korb, Rebecca E.; Whitehouse, Mick J.; Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID:; Gordon, Marina.
Primary production across the Scotia Sea in relation to the physico-chemical environment.
Journal of Marine Systems, 57 (3-4).
Krabbendam, Maarten; Mitchell, Ian. 2005 North West Highlands highlighted. Earth Heritage, 25. 18-19.
Kremer, A; Caron, H; Cavers, S ORCID:; Colpaert, N; Gheysen, G; Gribel, R; Lemes, M; Lowe, AJ; Margis, R; Navarro, C; Salguiero, F.
Monitoring genetic diversity in tropical trees with multilocus dominant markers.
Heredity, 95 (4).
Kristjansson, Leo; Gudmundsson, Magnus T.; Smellie, John L.; McIntosh, William C.; Esser, Richard. 2005 Palaeomagnetic, 40Ar/39Ar, and stratigraphical correlation of Miocene–Pliocene basalts in the Brandy Bay area, James Ross Island, Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 17 (3). 409-417. 10.1017/S0954102005002853
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Kuklinski, P.; Barnes, D.K.A. ORCID:
Biodiversity on coastal boulders at Spitsbergen.
In: Moyano, Hugo I.; Cancino, Juan M.; Jackson, Patrick N. Wyse, (eds.)
Bryozoan studies 2004. Proceedings of the thirteenth International Bryozoology Association Conference, Concepcion, Chile, January 2004.
Leiden, Balkema, 161-172.
Kuklinski, Piotr; Barnes, David K.A.. 2005 Bryodiversity on coastal boulders at Spitsbergen. In: Moyano, Hugo I.; Cancino, Juan M.; Jackson, Patrick N. Wyse, (eds.) Bryozoan studies 2004. Proceedings of the thirteenth International Bryozoology Association Conference, Concepcion, Chile, January 2004. Leiden, Balkema, 161-172.
Kuklinski, Piotr; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:
Microhabitat diversity of Svalbard Bryozoa.
Journal of Natural History, 39 (7).
Kısakűrek, Başak; James, Rachael H.; Harris, Nigel B.W.. 2005 Li and δ7Li in Himalayan rivers: Proxies for silicate weathering? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 237 (3-4). 387-401. 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.07.019
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Laberg, Jan Sverre; Stoker, Martyn S.; Dahlgren, K.I. Torbjorn; de Haas, Henk; Haflidason, Haflidi; Hjelstuen, Berit O.; Nielsen, Tove; Shannon, Pat M.; Vorren, Tore O.; van Weering, Tjeerd C.E.; Ceramicola, Silvia. 2005 Cenozoic alongslope processes and sedimentation on the NW European Atlantic margin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22 (9-10). 1069-1088. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2005.01.008
Lachlan-Cope, Tom ORCID:
Role of sea ice in forcing the winter climate of Antarctica in a global climate model.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (D3), D03110.
8, pp.
Lahti, Mari; Vanhalla, Heiki; Mattsson, Annina; Beamish, David; Lerssi, Jouno. 2005 Environmental applications of airborne geophysics: groundwater and contaminated soil in Finland, Germany and United Kingdom. In: Airo, Meri-Liisa, (ed.) Aerogeophysics in Finland 1972-2004: methods, system characteristics and applications. Espoo, Finland, Geological Survey of Finland, 155-175. (Special Paper Geological Survey of Finland).
Laize, C.. 2005 GIS-based identification of representative catchments to support the management of hydrometric networks. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, 09443. 1, pp.
Lamb, Angela L.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Sloane, Hilary J.; Telford, Richard J..
A comparison of the palaeoclimate signals from diatom oxygen isotope ratios and carbonate oxygen isotope ratios from a low latitude crater lake.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 223 (3-4).
Lamont-Black, J.; Baker, A.; Younger, P.L.; Cooper, A.H.. 2005 Utilising seasonal variations in hydrogeochemistry and excitation-emission fluorescence to develop a conceptual groundwater flow model with implications for subsidence hazards : an example from Co. Durham, UK. Environmental Geology, 48 (3). 320-335. 10.1007/s00254-005-1278-2
Langston, W.J.; Burt, G.R.; Chesman, B.S.; Vane, C.H. ORCID:
Partitioning, bioavailability and effects of oestrogens and xenoestrogens in the aquatic environment.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85 (1).
Lapworth, Daniel Joseph ORCID:; Gooddy, Daren; Harrison, Ian; Hookey, J.
Pesticides and their metabolites in groundwater : diuron in the Isle of Thanet aquifer of southeast England.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 26pp.
Lapworth, Daniel Joseph ORCID:; Gooddy, Daren; Harrison, Ian; Kim, Alexander; Vane, Christopher Howard
Colloidal phase transport of pesticides : a review with special reference to major UK aquifers.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 22pp.
Lascaratos, A.; Sofianos, S.; Theocharis, A.; Tsimplis, M.. 2005 Long term water masses: time scales. In: Papathanassiou, E.; Zenetos, A., (eds.) State of the Hellenic marine environment. Athens, Greece, HCMR Publications, 111-120, 358pp.
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Leat, P.T.; Dean, A.A.; Millar, I.L.; Kelley, S.P.; Vaughan, A.P.M.; Riley, T.R. ORCID:
Lithospheric mantle domains beneath Antarctica.
In: Vaughan, A.P.M.; Leat, P.T.; Pankhurst, R.J., (eds.)
Terrane processes at the margins of Gondwana.
London, UK, Geological Society of London, 359-380.
(Geological Society of London special publication, 246).
Leat, Philip T.. 2005 Review of Atlas of Antarctica: topographic maps from geostatistical analysis of satellite radar altimeter data, by U.C. Herzfeld. Berlin, Springer, 2004. Geological Magazine, 142 (3). 309.
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Lee, Jonathan; Moorlock, Brian; Rose, Jim; Hamblin, Richard; Pawley, Steven; Riding, Jim ORCID:; Jarrow, Anna; Booth, Stephen; Palmer, A.; Morigi, Anthony; Kessler, Holger.
The first appearance of Scandinavian indicators in East Anglia's glacial record : discussion.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Norfolk, 55.
Lee, Jonathan R.. 2005 Geological notes and local details for geological sheet SS91SE (Tiverton). British Geological Survey, 14pp. (IR/05/010) (Unpublished)
Leith, I. D.; van Dijk, N.; Pitcairn, C. E. R.; Wolseley, P. A.; Whitfield, C. P.; Sutton, M. A. ORCID:
Biomonitoring methods for assessing the impacts of nitrogen pollution: refinement and testing.
Peterborough, JNCC, 230pp.
(JNCC Report 386)
Leng, M.J. ORCID:
ISOtopes in PALaeonenvironmental reconstruction (ISOPAL).
Earth Science Reviews, 75.
Leng, M.J. ORCID:; Barker, P.A..
A review of the oxygen isotope composition of lacustrine diatom silica for palaeoclimate reconstruction.
Earth Science Reviews, 75.
Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Metcalfe, Sarah E.; Davies, Sarah J..
Investigating late Holocene climate variability in central Mexico using carbon isotope ratios in organic materials and oxygen isotope ratios from diatom silica within lacustrine sediments.
Journal of Paleolimnology, 34 (4).
Leslie, A.B.. 2005 Pushing the margins. Marine Scientist, 10. 12-14.
Leslie, Alick. 2005 Pushing the margins. Geoscientist, 15 (5). 8-11.
Leslie, Alick. 2005 Pushing the margins : research in the Ocean Margins LINK programme. First Break, 23. 27-28.
Lesur, V.; Clark, T.; Turbitt, C.; Flower, S.. 2005 A technique for estimating the absolute vector geomagnetic field from a marine vessel. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 1 (2). 109-115. 10.1088/1742-2132/1/2/002
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Lesur, Vincent; Macmillan, Susan; Thomson, Alan. 2005 The BGS magnetic field candidate models for the 10th generation IGRF. Earth, Planets and Space, 57. 1157-1163.
Lesur, Vincent; Macmillan, Susan; Thomson, Alan. 2005 A magnetic field model with daily variations of the magnetospheric field and its induced counterpart in 2001. Geophysical Journal International, 160 (1). 79-88. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02479.x
Lewison, Rebecca L.; Nel, Deon C.; Taylor, Frances; Croxall, John P.; Rivera, Kim S.. 2005 Thinking big - taking a large-scale approach to seabird bycatch. Marine Ornithology, 33 (1). 1-5.
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Liu, Enru. 2005 Effects of fracture aperture and roughness on hydraulic and mechanical properties of rocks : implication of seismic characterization of fractured reservoirs. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2 (1). 38-47. 10.1088/1742-2132/2/1/006
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Livermore, Roy; Nankivell, Adrian; Eagles, Graeme; Morris, Peter. 2005 Paleogene opening of Drake Passage. Earth and Plantary Science Letters, 236 (1-2). 459-470. 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.03.027
Livingstone, D. M.; Adrian, R.; Arvola, L.; Blenckner, T.; Dokulil, M. T.; George, D. G.; Hari, R. E.; Jankowski, T.; Järvinen, M.; Jennings, M.; Nic Aonghusa, C.; Nõges, P.; Nõges, T.; Straile, D.; Teubner, K.; Weyhenmeyer, G. A.. 2005 Long-term supra-regional coherence. Final report. CLIME Consortium, 74pp. (CLIME Deliverable 9.6, CEH Project Number: C02187) (Unpublished)
Livingstone, D. M.; George, D. G.; Jankowski, T.; Jennings, E.; Padisak, J.; Weyhenmeyer, G. A.; Wilhelm, S.. 2005 Short-term coherence. Final report. CLIME Consortium, 13pp. (CLIME Workpackage 9, Task 9.4. Deliverable 9.7, CEH Project Number C02187) (Unpublished)
Long, David. 2005 Environmental effects and how we might use them to assess future risk. In: Tsunami, Bangkok, Thailand, 2005. (Unpublished)
Lott, G.K.. 2005 The petrography of sandstone samples from the Upper Greensand Formation in Southern England. British Geological Survey, 33pp. (IR/05/138) (Unpublished)
Lott, G.K.; Barclay, W.J.. 2005 The geology of the building stones of Wales. In: Coulson, Malcolm R., (ed.) Stone in Wales : materials, heritage and conservation : papers from the Welsh Stone Conference, Cardiff 2002 = Cerrig yng Nghymru : deunyddiau, treftadaeth a chadwraeth : papurau o Gynhadledd Cerrig yng Nghymru Caerdydd 2002. Cadw, 6-13.
Lott, G.K.; Cooper, A.H.. 2005 The building limestones of the Upper Permian, Cadeby Formation (Magnesian Limestone) of Yorkshire. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 24pp. (IR/05/048) (Unpublished)
Lott, Graham; Cameron, Don. 2005 The building stones of South East England : mineralogy and provenance. In: 10th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Paisley, Scotland, 21-25 June 2005.
Loudon, T.V.. 2005 Knowledge-based systems and geological survey. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 155 (2-4). 225-246.
Lovell, M.; Jackson, P.; Flint, R.; Harvey, P.K.. 2005 Fracture mapping with electrical core images. In: Harvey, P.K., (ed.) Petrophysical properties of crystalline rocks. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 107-115. (Geological Society Special Publication, 240).
Lowe, A.; Unsworth, C.; Gerber, S.; Davies, S.; Munro, R.; Kelleher, C.; King, A.; Brewer, S.; White, A.; Cottrell, J.. 2005 Route, speed and mode of oak postglacial colonisation across the British Isles: Integrating molecular ecology, palaeoecology and modelling approaches. Botanical Journal of Scotland, 57. 59-81.
Lu, Hua ORCID:; Raupach, Michael R.; Richards, Keith S..
Modeling entrainment of sedimentary particles by wind and water: A generalized approach.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (D24), D24114.
17, pp.
Luo, Jing-Jia; Masson, Sebastien; Roeckner, Erich; Madec, Gurvan; Yamagata, Toshio. 2005 Reducing climatology bias in an ocean-atmosphere CGCM with improved coupling physics. Journal of Climate, 18 (13). 2344-2360. 10.1175/JCLI3404.1
Lyle, Sarah; Huppert, Herbert E.; Hallworth, Mark; Bickle, Mike; Chadwick, Andy. 2005 Axisymmetric gravity currents in a porous medium. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 543. 293-302. 10.1017/S0022112005006713
Lyons, L. R.; Lee, D-Y.; Thorne, R.M.; Horne, R.B. ORCID:; Smith, A.J..
Solar wind-magnetosphere coupling leading to relativistic electron energization during high-speed streams.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (A11), A11202.
9, pp.
MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Cobbing, J.; Davies, J..
Developing groundwater for rural water supply in Nigeria : a report of the May 2005 training course and summary of groundwater issues in the eight focus states.
British Geological Survey, 32pp.
MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Fordyce, Fiona M.; Shand, Paul; O Dochartaigh, Brighid E..
Using geological and geochemical information to estimate the potential distribution of trace elements in Scottish groundwater.
British Geological Survey, 47pp.
MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Griffiths, K.J.; O Dochartaigh, B.E.; Lilly, A.; Chilton, P.J..
Scotland's groundwater monitoring network : its effectiveness for monitoring nitrate.
British Geological Survey, 63pp.
MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Robins, N.S.; Ball, D.F.; O Dochartaigh, B.E..
An overview of groundwater in Scotland.
Scottish Journal of Geology, 41 (1).
MacDonald, Alan ORCID:; Davies, Jeffrey; Calow, Roger; Chilton, John.
Developing groundwater: a guide for rural water supply.
Rugby, UK, ITDG Publishing, 358pp.
MacDonald, Alan M. ORCID:; Carlyle, Harriet; Clews, Jean.
Foreword : groundwater in Scotland : moving up a gear.
Scottish Journal of Geology, 41 (1).
MacDonald, Alan M. ORCID:; Kemp, Simon J.
ORCID:; Davies, Jeff.
Transmissivity variations in mudstones.
Ground Water, 43 (2).
MacDonald, Alan M. ORCID:; O Dochartaigh, Brighid E..
Baseline Scotland : an overview of available groundwater chemistry data for Scotland.
British Geological Survey, 41pp.
Macdonald, D.M.J.; Donald, A.W.; McConvey, P.J.. 2005 EU Water Framework Directive : groundwater-dependent rivers and lakes in Northern Ireland. British Geological Survey, 2005pp. (CR/05/070N) (Unpublished)
Macdonald, D.M.J.; Donald, A.W.; Waterman, A.; McConvey, P.J.. 2005 EU Water Framework Directive : groundwater-dependent terrestrial ecosystems in Northern Ireland. British Geological Survey, 26pp. (CR/05/069N) (Unpublished)
Macdonald, R.; Fettes, D.J.; Stephenson, D.; Graham, C.M.. 2005 Basic and ultrabasic volcanic rocks from the Argyll Group (Dalradian) of NE Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology, 41 (2). 159-174. 10.1144/sjg41020159
Mackie, Elizabeth A.V.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Lloyd, Jeremy M.; Arrowsmith, Carol.
Bulk organic δ13C and C/N ratios as palaeosalinity indicators within a Scottish isolation basin.
Journal of Quaternary Science, 20 (4).
Macmillan, Susan; Droujinina, Anna; Woodfield, Emma ORCID:
Long-term trends in geomagnetic daily variation.
In: GEOSPACE Consortium Meeting, Leeds, UK, 5-6 Jan 2006.
Macmillan, Susan; Maus, Stefan. 2005 Evaluation of candidate geomagnetic field models for the 10th generation of IGRF. Earth Planets and Space, 57 (12). 1135-1140.
Macmillan, Susan; Maus, Stefan. 2005 International geomagnetic reference field : the tenth generation. Earth, Planets and Space, 57 (12). 1135-1140.
Macmillan, Andrew. 2005 Southern Scotland and the Lake District. In: Barclay, William, (ed.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 199-208.
Madurell, T.; Cartes, J.E.. 2005 Temporal changes in feeding habits and daily rations of Hoplostethus mediterraneus in the bathyal Ionian Sea (eastern Mediterranean). Marine Biology, 146 (5). 951-962. 10.1007/s00227-004-1502-8
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Majerus, M.E.N.; Roy, H.E. ORCID:
Scientific opportunities presented by the arrival of the harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis, in Britain.
Antenna, 29 (3).
Makinson, Keith ORCID:; Schröder, Michael; Østerhus, Svein.
Seasonal stratification and tidal current profiles along Ronne Ice Front.
Forum for Research into Ice Shelf Processes (FRISP). Report, 16.
Mancini, Fabio; Li, Xiang; Dai, Heng; Pointer, Tim. 2005 Imaging Lomond field using C-wave anisotropic PSTM. The Leading Edge, 24 (6). 614-620. 10.1190/1.1946217
Manefield, Mike; Griffiths, Robert I. ORCID:; Leigh, Mary Beth; Fisher, Ray; Whiteley, Andrew S..
Functional and compositional comparison of two activated sludge communities remediating coking effluent.
Environmental Microbiology, 7 (5).
Mange, Maria A.; Dewey, John F.; Floyd, James D.. 2005 The origin, evolution and provenance of the Northern Belt (Ordovician) of the Southern Uplands Terrane, Scotland : a heavy mineral perspective. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 116 (3-4). 251-280. 10.1016/S0016-7878(05)80045-8
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The 1894 thames flood - a reappraisal.
Proceedings of the ICE - Water Management, 158 (3), 14047.
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: April 2005.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
(CEH Project Number: C00287)
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: August 2005.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
(CEH Project Number: C00287)
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: December 2004.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: February 2005.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
(CEH Project Number: C00287)
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: January 2005.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
(CEH Project Number: C00287)
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: July 2005.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
(CEH Project Number: C00287)
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: June 2005.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
(CEH Project Number: C00287)
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: March 2005.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
(CEH Project Number: C00287)
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: May 2005.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
(CEH Project Number: C00287)
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: November 2005.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
(CEH Project Number: C00287)
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: October 2005.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
(CEH Project Number: C00287)
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: September 2005.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
(CEH Project Number: C00287)
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity; Swain, Oliver.
UK Hydrological Review 2004.
Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Marsh, R.; Josey, S.A. ORCID:; Nurser, A.J.G.; de Cuevas, B.A.; Coward, A.C.
Water mass transformation in the North Atlantic over 1985-2002 simulated in an eddy-permitting model.
Ocean Science, 1 (2).
Marsh, Robert; de Cuevas, Beverly A.; Coward, Andrew C. ORCID:; Bryden, Harry L.; Alvarez, Marta.
Thermohaline circulation at three key sections in the North Atlantic over 1985-2002.
Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (10).
Martin, A. ORCID:
The kaleidoscope ocean.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A, 363 (1837).
Martin, A.P. ORCID:; Zubkov, M.V.; Burkill, P.H.; Holland, R.J..
Extreme spatial variability in marine picoplankton and its consequences for interpreting Eulerian time-series.
Biology Letters, 1 (3).
Martin, Anthony R.. 2005 Tagging and monitoring. In: Geraci, Joseph R.; Lounsbury, Valerie J., (eds.) Marine mammals ashore: a field guide for strandings. Baltimore, National Aquarium, 260-265.
Martin, Anthony R.; Prince, Peter A.. 2005 South Georgia pintail Anas g. georgica. In: Kear, Janet; Hulme, Mark, (eds.) Ducks, geese and swans. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 575-578.
Martin, J.R.; Smeed, D.A. ORCID:; Lane-Serff, G.F..
Rotating gravity currents. Part 2: Potential vorticity theory.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 522.
Mason, A.J.; Brewer, T.S.. 2005 A re-evaluation of a Laxfordian terrane boundary in the Lewisian complex of south Harris, NW Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 162 (2). 401-407. 10.1144/0016-764904-050
Mason, TFD; Weiss, DJ; Chapman, JB; Wilkinson, JJ; Tessalina, SG; Spiro, B; Horstwood, Matthew; Spratt, J; Coles, BJ. 2005 Zn and Cu isotopic variability in the Alexandrinka volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VHMS) ore deposit, Urals, Russia. Chemical Geology, 221 (3-4). 170-187. 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2005.04.011
Masson, D.G.. 2005 RRS "Charles Darwin" Cruise CD168, 02 Feb - 16 Feb 2005. Submarine landslides around the Cape Verde Islands. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 17pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 57)
Masson, S.; Luo, J-J.; Madec, G.; Vialard, J.; Durand, F.; Gualdi, S.; Guilyardi, E.; Behera, S.; Delecluse, P.; Navarra, A.; Yamagata, T.. 2005 Impact of barrier layer on winter-spring variability of the southeastern Arabian Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, 32. L07703. 10.1029/2004GL021980
Matthiessen, Peter; Arnold, David; Johnson, Andrew ORCID:; Pepper, Tim; Pottinger, Tom G.; Pulman, Kim G. T.; Williams, Richard.
Identifying the risk to the aquatic environment of endocrine disrupters derived from agriculture.
Defra, 67pp.
(CEH Project no: C02581)
Matzka, Jurgen; Macmillan, Susan. 2005 Magnetic repeat station results 2004 for Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic Ocean. [Poster] In: IAGA Scientific Assembly 2005, Toulouse, France, 18-29 July 2005. (Unpublished)
Maurice, L.D.; Atkinson, T.C.; Barker, J.A.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Farrant, A.R.; Williams, A.T..
Importance of karst for groundwater protection in the English Chalk.
In: International Conference on Water Resources and Environmental Problems in Karst, 2005.
Mayewski, Paul Andrew; Frezzotti, Massimo; Bertler, Nancy; Van Ommen, Tas; Hamilton, Gordon; Jacka, Tim H.; Welch, Brian; Frey, Markus; Qin, Dahe; Ren, Jiawen; Simoes, Jefferson; Fily, Michel; Oerter, Hans; Nishio, Fumihiko; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Mulvaney, Robert ORCID:; Holmund, Per; Lipenkov, Volodya; Goodwin, Ian.
The International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (ITASE): an overview.
Annals of Glaciology, 41.
Mayor, D. ORCID:
Biophysical interactions in high-latitude oceans.
Ocean Challenge, 14 (1).
McDonagh, E.L.; King, B.A.. 2005 Oceanic fluxes in the South Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 35 (1). 109-122. 10.1175/JPO-2666.1
McDonagh, Elaine L.; Bryden, Harry L.; King, Brian A.; Sanders, Richard J. ORCID:; Cunningham, Stuart A.; Marsh, Robert.
Decadal changes in the South Indian Ocean thermocline.
Journal of Climate, 18 (10).
McEvoy, F.M.; Minchin, D.J.; Harrison, D.J.; Cameron, D.G.; Evans, D.J.; Lott, G.K.; Hobbs, S.F.; Highley, D.E.. 2005 Mineral resource information in support of national, regional and local planning : Lancashire (comprising Lancashire and the Boroughs of Blackpool and Blackburn with Darwen). British Geological Survey, 26pp. (CR/05/144N, Mineral Resources Series) (Unpublished)
McEvoy, Fiona; Steadman, Ellie; Murfin, R.. 2005 Policy to practice : strategic environmental assessment in the real world. In: Sustainable development indicators in the minerals industry : Institute of Mining Engineering I, RWTH Aachen University, 18-20 May 2005 : Aachen International Mining Symposia : second international conference : [proceedings]. Verlag Gluckauf GmbH, 473-486.
McHugo, M.B.. 2005 Topographical survey and mapping of British Antarctic Territory, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 1944-1986. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 83pp.
McInnes, Sandra J. ORCID:; Convey, Peter
Tardigrade fauna of the South Sandwich Islands, maritime Antarctic.
Zootaxa (1058).
McInroy, David. 2005 Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX): paleoceanographic and tectonic evolution of the central Arctic Ocean. Washington, DC, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International. (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Preliminary Report, 302)
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McKenzie, Andrew. 2005 Groundwater and inland fresh water contamination. In: Tsunami : international seminar on how Thailand and neighbouring countries will become ready for tsunami : 31 January-1 February 2005, Bangkok, Thailand : [proceedings]. [s.n.], 12pp.
McKervey, J.A.. 2005 Petrographic analysis of igneous and metamorphic rocks from the Fishguard 1:50000 sheet, south Wales. British Geological Survey, 16pp. (IR/05/162) (Unpublished)
McKinzey, Krista M.; Orwin, John F.; Bradwell, Tom. 2005 A revised chronology of key Vatnajökull (Iceland) outlet glaciers during the Little Ice Age. Annals of Glaciology, 42 (1). 171-179. 10.3189/172756405781812817
McLaughlin, P.A.; Camp, D.K.; Angel, M.V.. 2005 Common and scientific names of aquatic invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Crustaceans. Bethesda MD, USA, American Fisheries Society, 545pp. (American Fisheries Society Special Publication, 31).
McManus, Kay B.; Donoghue, D.N.M.; Dunford, R.W.; Watt, P.J.. 2005 Interpretation of wind hazard damage in conifer plantation forests from remotely sensed imagery. [Speech] In: Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Annual Conference 2005, Portsmouth, UK, 6-9 September 2005. (Unpublished)
McMillan, A.A.. 2005 A provisional Quaternary and Neogene lithostratigraphical framework for Great Britain. Netherlands journal of geosciences (Geologie en Mijnbouw), 84 (2). 87-107.
McMillan, Andrew; Hamblin, Richard J O; Merritt, Jonathan. 2005 An overview of the lithostratigraphic framework for the Quaternary and Neogene deposits of Great Britain (onshore). Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 38pp. (RR/04/004)
McMillan, Andrew; McKinney, W.A.. 2005 A future for stone : a view from the Scottish Stone Liaison Group. In: Coulson, Malcolm R., (ed.) Stone in Wales : materials, heritage and conservation : papers from the Welsh Stone Conference, Cardiff 2002 = Cerrig yng Nghymru : deunyddiau, treftadaeth a chadwraeth : papurau o Gynhadledd Cerrig yng Nghymru Caerdydd 2002. Cadw, 84-88.
McMillan, P.; Brown, D.J.; Forster, Alan; Winter, M.G.. 2005 Debris flow information sources. In: Scottish road network landslides study / edited by M.G. Winter, F. MacGregor and L. Shackman. [s.l.] : Scottish Executive,. Scottish Executive, 25-44.
McNeill, Lisa; Henstock, Tim; Tappin, Dave. 2005 The eastern Indian ocean earthquake and tsunami : first seafloor survey by Royal Navy's HMS Scott. Hydro International, 9 (4). 7-9.
Meckel, T.A.; Mann, P.; Mosher, S.; Coffin, M.F.. 2005 Influence of cumulative convergence on lithospheric thrust fault development and topography along the Australian-Pacific plate boundary south of New Zealand. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (Online), 6. Q09010. 10.1029/2005GC000914
Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Brandon, Mark A.; Murphy, Eugene J.
ORCID:; Trathan, Philip N.
ORCID:; Thorpe, Sally E.
ORCID:; Bone, Douglas G.; Chernyshkov, Pavel P.; Sushin, Viacheslav A..
Variability in hydrographic conditions to the east and northwest of South Georgia, 1996–2001.
Journal of Marine Systems, 53 (1-4).
Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; King, John C.
Rapid climate change in the ocean west of the Antarctic Peninsula during the second half of the 20th century.
Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (19), L19604.
5, pp.
Merriman, R.J.. 2005 From mud to roofing slate : how Wales's best-known building stone was formed. In: Coulson, Malcolm R., (ed.) Stone in Wales : materials, heritage and conservation : papers from the Welsh Stone Conference, Cardiff 2002 = Cerrig yng Nghymru : deunyddiau, treftadaeth a chadwraeth : papurau o Gynhadledd Cerrig yng Nghymru Caerdydd 2002. Cadw, 14-17.
Merriman, Richard J.. 2005 Clay minerals and sedimentary basin history. European Journal of Mineralogy, 17 (1). 7-20. 10.1127/0935-1221/2005/0017-0007
Mienert, J.; Bunz, S.; Guidard, S.; Vanneste, M.; Berndt, C.. 2005 Ocean bottom seismometer investigations in the Ormen Lange area offshore mid-Norway provide evidence for shallow gas layers in subsurface sediments. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22 (1-2). 287-297. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2004.10.020
Miles, J.C.H.; Appleton, J.D.. 2005 Mapping variation in radon potential both between and within geological units. Journal of Radiological Protection, 25 (3). 257-276. 10.1088/0952-4746/25/3/003
Miller, Andrew. 2005 Clowning around in a tuxedo at 50 below. Times Higher Education Supplement, 1722. 13.
Miller, William R.; McInnes, Sandra J. ORCID:; Bergstrom, Dana M..
Tardigrades of the Australian Antarctic: Hypsibius heardensis (Eutardigrada: Hypsibiidae: dujardini group) a new species from sub-Antarctic Heard Island.
Zootaxa (1022).
Milne, R.; Mobbs, D. C. ORCID:; Thomson, A. M.
ORCID:; Skiba, U.
ORCID:; Matthews, R. W.; Broadmeadow, M. S. J.; Mackie, E.; Wilkinson, M.; Benham, S.; Harris, K.; Grace, J.; Coleman, K.; Whitmore, A. P.; Zhang, C.; Sozanska-Stanton, M.; Smith, P.; Levy, P. E.
ORCID:; Ostle, N.; Murray, T. D.; Van Oijen, M.; Brown, T. A. W..
UK emissions by sources and removals by sinks due to land use, land use change and forestry activities. Report, June 2005.
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 266pp.
(CEH: Project Report Number C02275)
Milodowski, A.E.; Tullborg, E.L.; Buil, B.; Gomez, P.; Turrero, M.-J.; Haszeldine, S.; England, G.; Gillespie, M.R.; Torres, T.; Ortiz, J.; Zacharias, J.; Silar, J.; Chvatal, M.; Strnad, L.; Sebek, O.; Bouch, J.E.; Chenery, S.R.N.; Chenery, C.A.; Shepherd, T.J.. 2005 Application of mineralogical, petrological and geochemical tools for evaluating the palaeohdrogeological evolution of the PADAMOT study sites. Harwell, UK, UK Nirex Ltd, 206pp. (Padamot Project Technical Report, WP2).
Milsom, John; Walker, Adrian. 2005 The gravity field. In: Barber, A.J.; Crow, M.J.; Milsom, J.S., (eds.) Sumatra : geology, resources and tectonic evolution. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 16-23. (Memoirs Geological Society of London, 31).
Milton, David A.; Chenery, Simon R.. 2005 Movement patterns of barramundi Lates calcarifer, inferred from 87-Sr/86-Sr and Sr/Ca ratios in otoliths, indicate non-participation in spawning. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 301. 279-291. 10.3354/meps301279
Minchin, D.J.; Cameron, D.G.; Evans, D.J.; Lott, G.K.; Hobbs, S.F.; Highley, D.E.. 2005 Mineral resource information in support of national, regional and local planning : Greater Manchester (comprising cities of Manchester, Salford and the Metropolitan Boroughs of Bolton, Bury, Oldham, Rochdale, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford and Wigan). British Geological Survey, 20pp. (CR/05/182N, Mineral Resources Series) (Unpublished)
Minchin, D.J.; McEvoy, F.M.; Harrison, D.J.; Cameron, D.G.; Evans, D.J.; Lott, G.K.; Hobbs, S.F.; Highley, D.E.. 2005 Mineral resource information in support of national, regional and local planning : Merseyside (comprising City of Liverpool and Boroughs of Knowsley, Sefton, St. Helens and Wirral). British Geological Survey, 23pp. (CR/05/129N, Mineral Resources Series) (Unpublished)
Minshull, T.A.; White, N.J.; Edwards, R.A.; Shillington, D.J.; Scott, C.L.; Demirer, A.; Shaw-Champion, M.; Jones, S.M.; Erduran, M.; Besevli, T.; Coskun, G.; Raven, K.; Price, A.; Peterson, B.. 2005 Seismic data reveal eastern Black Sea Basin structure. EOS: Transactions American Geophysical Union, 86 (43). p.413, 419.
Mitchell, C.J. ORCID:
FarmLime: Low-cost lime for small-scale farming.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 138pp.
Mitchell, C.J. ORCID:; Mwanza, M..
FarmLime manual: for small-scale production of agricultural lime.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 41pp.
Mitchell, Clive ORCID:
BGS in Afghanistan.
Industrial Minerals (450).
Mitchell, Clive John ORCID:
FarmLime :low-cost lime for small-scale farming.
In: Marker, BR; Petterson, MG; McEvoy, F; Stephenson, MH, (eds.)
Sustainable minerals operations in the developing world.
London, UK, Geological Society of London, 121-126, 6pp.
(Geological Society Special Publication, 250, 250).
Mitchell, R. J.; Truscott, A. M.; Leith, I. D.; Cape, J. N.; van Dijk, N.; Tang, Y. S.; Fowler, D.; Sutton, M. A. ORCID:
A study of the epiphytic communities of Atlantic oak woods along an atmospheric nitrogen deposition gradient.
Journal of Ecology, 93.
Mitchell, W.A.. 2005 A reconnaissance of the superficial deposits of the Kale Water, Cheviot Hills, Roxburghshire. British Geological Survey, 42pp. (IR/05/163) (Unpublished)
Moat, B.I. ORCID:; Yelland, M.J.
Airflow distortion at instrument sites on the RV "Tangaroa".
Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre, 90pp.
(National Oceanography Centre Internal Document, 1)
Moat, B.I. ORCID:; Yelland, M.J.
ORCID:; Pascal, R.W.; Molland, A.F..
The effect of ship shape and anemometer location on wind speed measurements obtained from ships.
In: 4th International Conference on Marine Computational Fluid Dynamics, Southampton, UK, 30-31 Mar 2005.
The Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 133-139.
Moat, B.I. ORCID:; Yelland, M.J.
ORCID:; Pascal, R.W.; Molland, A.F..
An overview of the airflow distortion at anemometer sites on ships.
International Journal of Climatology, 25 (7).
Mochizuki, K.; Coffin, M.F.; Eldholm, O.; Mosher, S.; Taira, T.. 2005 Massive Early Cretaceous volcanic activity in the Nauru Basin related to emplacement of the Ontong Java Plateau. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (Online), 6. Q10003. 10.1029/2004GC000867
Moerz, T.; Fekete, N.; Kopf, A.; Brueckmann, W.; Sahling, H.; Kreiter, S.; Huehnerbach, V.; Masson, D.; Hepp, D.A.; Schmitt, M.; Kutterolf, S.; Sahling, H.; Abegg, F.; Spiess, V.; Suess, E.; Ranero, C.R.. 2005 Styles and productivity of diapirism along the Middle America margin, Part II: Mound Culebra and Mounds 11, and 12. In: Martinelli, G.; Panahi, B., (eds.) Mud Volcanoes, Geodynamics and Seismicity. Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Springer, 49-76, 288pp. (NATO Science Series: IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences, 51).
Moerz, T.; Kopf, A.; Brueckmann, W.; Sahling, H.; Fekete, N.; Huehnerbach, V.; Masson, D.; Hepp, D.A.; Suess, E.. 2005 Styles and productivity of diapirism along the Middle America margin, Part I: Margin evolution, segmentation, dewatering and mud diapirism. In: Martinelli, G.; Panahi, B., (eds.) Mud Volcanoes, Geodynamics and Seismicity. Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Springer, 35-48, 288pp. (NATO Science Series: IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences, 51).
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Monaghan, Alison. 2005 Largs coast, north Ayrshire. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.; Pickett, E.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 187-191.
Montgomery, Janet; Evans, Jane A.; Powlesland, Dominic; Roberts, Charlotte A.. 2005 Continuity or colonization in Anglo-Saxon England : isotope evidence for mobility, subsistence practice, and status at West Heslerton. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 126 (2). 123-138. 10.1002/ajpa.20111
Moody, C.D.; Jorge Villar, S.E.; Edwards, H.G.M.; Hodgson, D.A. ORCID:; Doran, P.T.; Bishop, J.L..
Biogeological Raman spectroscopic studies of Antarctic lacustrine sediments.
Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 61.
Moore, C.M.; Lucas, M.I.; Sanders, R. ORCID:; Davidson, R..
Basin-scale variability of phytoplankton bio-optical characteristics in relation to bloom state and community structure in the Northeast Atlantic.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 52 (3).
Moore, R.V.; Gijsbers, P.; Fortune, D.; Gregersen, J.; Blind, M.. 2005 OpenMI Document Series: Part A - Scope for the OpenMI (Version 1.0). IT Frameworks (HarmonIT) Contract EVK1-CT-2001-00090. HarmonIT Consortium, 17pp.
Moosvi, S. Azra; McDonald, Ian R.; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Kelly, Donovan P.; Wood, Ann P..
Molecular detection and isolation from Antarctica of methylotrophic bacteria able to grow with methylated sulfur compounds.
Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 28 (6).
Moosvi, S. Azra; Pacheco, Catarina C.; McDonald, Ian R.; De Marco, Paolo; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Kelly, Donovan P.; Wood, Ann P..
Isolation and properties of methanesulfonate-degrading Afipia felis from Antarctica and comparison with other strains of A. felis.
Environmental Microbiology, 7 (1).
Morigi, A.M.; Woods, M.A.; Reeves, H.J.; Smith, N.J.P.; Marks, R.J.. 2005 Geology of the Beaconsfield district : a brief explanation of the geological map sheet 255 Beaconsfield. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 34pp. (Explanation (England and Wales Sheet), 255).
Morley, Simon A. ORCID:; Belchier, Mark
ORCID:; Dickson, Judith; Mulvey, Therese.
Daily otolith increment validation in larval mackerel icefish, Champsocephalus gunnari.
Fisheries Research, 75 (1-3).
Morley, David W.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Mackay, Anson W.; Sloane, Hilary J..
Late glacial and Holocene environmental change in the Lake Baikal region documented by oxygen isotopes from diatom silica.
Global and Planetary Change, 46 (1-4).
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Phosphorus concentrations in the River Dun, the Kennet and Avon Canal and the River Kennet, southern England.
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Identifying and managing conflicts between forest conservation and other human activities in Europe.
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O Cofaigh, Colm; Dowdeswell, Julian A.; Allen, Claire S. ORCID:; Hiemstra, John F.; Pudsey, Carol J.; Evans, Jeffrey; Evans, David J.A..
Flow dynamics and till genesis associated with a marine-based Antarctic palaeo-ice stream.
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Flow of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet on the continental margin of the Bellingshausen Sea at the Last Glacial Maximum.
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The structure and stability of the bacterioplankton community in Antarctic freshwater lakes, subject to extremely rapid environmental change.
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Significant changes in the bacterioplankton community structure of a maritime Antarctic freshwater lake following nutrient enrichment.
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Prospects for survival in the Southern Ocean: vulnerability of benthic species to temperature change.
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Prospects for surviving climate change in Antarctic aquatic species.
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Genomics: applications to Antarctic ecosystems.
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Pickett, E.A.. 2005 Greenan Nev coast, Eday, Orkney (HY 549 367). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain / edited by WJ Barclay, MAE Browne, AA Macmillan, EA Pickett, P Stone & PR Wilby. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 59-61. (Geological Conservation Review).
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Pickett, E.A.. 2005 Taracliff Bay to Newark Bay, Orkney (HY 553 035-HY 568 043). In: Barclay, William, (ed.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 56-59. (Geological Conservation Review, 31).
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3D reconstruction of a shallow archaeological site from high resolution acoustic imagery: a case study (abstract of paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 5-9 Dec 2005).
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High resolution acoustic imagery from a shallow archaeological site: The Grace Dieu - a case study.
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The role of wave-induced Coriolis-Stokes forcing on the wind-driven mixed layer.
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Diatom fatty acid biomarkers indicate growth rates in Antarctic krill.
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Pottinger, T.G.; Pulman, K.G.T.; Carrick, T.R.; Scott, A.P.. 2005 Evaluation of biochemical methods for the non-destructive identification of sex in upstream migrating salmon and sea trout. Journal of Fish Biology, 67 (6). 1514-1533. 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2005.00853.x
Powell, A.J.; Riding, J.B. ORCID:
Recent developments in applied biostratigraphy.
London, UK, Geological Society of London, 245pp.
(Micropalaeontological Society Special Publications).
Powell, A.J.; Riding, J.B. ORCID:
Recent developments in applied biostratigraphy: an introduction.
In: Powell, A.J.; Riding, J.B.
ORCID:, (eds.)
Recent developments in applied biostratigraphy / edited by A.J. Powell and J.B. Riding.
London, UK, Geological Society of London, 1-3.
Powell, John. 2005 Geology, wine and climate change. Geoscientist, 15 (2). 17.
Praeg, D.; Stoker, M.S.; Shannon, P.M.; Ceramicola, S.; Hjelstuen, B.; Laberg, J.S.; Mathiesen, A.. 2005 Episodic Cenozoic tectonism and the development of the NW European 'passive' continental margin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22 (9-10). 1007-1030. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2005.03.014
Price, Richard C.; Gamble, John A.; Smith, Ian E.M.; Stewart, Robert B.; Eggins, Stephen; Wright, Ian C.. 2005 An integrated model for the temporal evolution of andesites and rhyolites and crustal development in New Zealand's North Island. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 140 (1-3). 1-24. 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2004.07.013
Priest, J.A.; Best, A.I. ORCID:; Clayton, C.R.I..
A laboratory investigation into the seismic velocities of methane gas hydrate-bearing sand.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (B4).
Priest, J.A.; Clayton, C.R.I.; Best, A. ORCID:
Gas hydrates and their potential effects on deep water exploration activities.
In: International Symposium On Frontiers In Offshore Geotechnics, Perth, Australia, 19-21 Sep 2005.
Priest, Jeffrey A.; Best, Angus I. ORCID:; Clayton, Christopher R.I..
Attenuation of seismic waves in methane gas hydrate-bearing sand.
Geophysical Journal International, 164 (1).
Priscu, J.C.; Kennicutt, M.C.; Bell, R.E.; Bulat, S.A.; Ellis-Evans, J.C.; Lukin, V.V.; Petit, J.-R.; Powell, R.D.; Siegert, M.J.; Tabacco, I.. 2005 Exploring subglacial Antarctic lake environments. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 86 (20). 193.
Pritchard, Hamish ORCID:; Murray, Tavi; Luckman, Adrian; Strozzi, Tazio; Barr, Stuart.
Glacier surge dynamics of Sortebræ, east Greenland, from synthetic aperture radar feature tracking.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (F3), F03005.
13, pp.
Proske, Herwig; Vlcko, Ján; Rosenbaum, Mike S.; Dorn, Matthias; Culshaw, Martin; Marker, Brian. 2005 Special purpose mapping for waste disposal sites: report of IAEG commission 1 : engineering geological maps. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 64 (1). 1-54. 10.1007/s10064-004-0261-6
Pugh, P.R. ORCID:
A new species of Physophora (Siphonophora: Physonectae: Physophoridae) from the North Atlantic, with comments on related species.
Systematics and Biodiversity, 2 (3).
Pywell, R. F. ORCID:; Warman, E. A.; Carvell, C; Sparks, T. H.; Dicks, L. V.; Bennett, D.; Wright, A.; Critchley, C. N. R.; Sherwodd, A..
Providing foraging resources for bumblebees in intensively farmed landscapes.
Biological Conservation, 121 (4).
Quartly, G.D.; Buck, J.J.H.; Srokosz, M.A. ORCID:
Eddy variability east of Madagascar.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A, 363 (1826).
Rahmstorf, S.; Crucifix, M.; Ganopolski, A.; Goosse, H.; Kamenkovich, I.; Knutti, R.; Lohmann, G.; Marsh, R.; Mysak, L.A.; Wang, Z.M.; Weaver, A.J.. 2005 Thermohaline circulation hysteresis: a model intercomparison. Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (23). L23605-[5pp]. 10.1029/2005GL023655
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Rangel-Castro, J Ignacio; Prosser, Jim I.; Ostle, Nick; Scrimgeour, Charlie M.; Kilham, Ken; Meharg, Andy A.. 2005 Flux and turnover of fixed carbon in soil microbial biomass of limed and unlimed plots of an upland grassland ecosystem. Environmental Microbiology, 7 (4). 544-552. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2005.00722.x
Rangel-Castro, J. Ignacio; Kilham, Ken; Ostle, Nick; Nicol, Graeme W.; Anderson, Ian C.; Scrimgeour, Charlie M.; Ineson, Phil; Meharg, Andy; Prosser, Jim I.. 2005 Stable isotope probing analysis of the influence of liming on root exudate utilization by soil microorganisms. Environmental Microbiology, 7 (6). 828-838. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2005.00756.x
Rapela, C.W.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Fanning, C.M.; Herve, F.. 2005 Pacific subduction coeval with the Karoo mantle plume : the early Jurassic subcordilleran belt of northwestern Patagonia. In: Vaughan, A.P.M.; Leat, P.T.; Pankhurst, R.J., (eds.) Terrane processes at the margins of Gondwana. Geological Society of London, 217-239. (Geological Society Special Publications, 246).
Rapley, C.G.. 2005 The International Polar Year 2007–2008: planning for a new phase of polar exploration and understanding. Antarctic Science, 17 (4). 561-568. 10.1017/S0954102005002981
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Raven, Paul; Holmes, Nigel; Dawson, Hugh; Withrington, David. 2005 River habitat survey in Slovenia. Results from 2005. Environment Agency, 25pp. (CEH Project Number: C02813)
Rawlins, B.; Barron, A.J.M.; Hulland, V.. 2005 An appraisal of soil geochemistry for two growth areas in the south of England. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (CR/05/001N) (Unpublished)
Rawlins, B.G.; Lark, R.M.; O'Donnell, K.E.; Tye, A.M.; Lister, T.R.. 2005 The assessment of point and diffuse metal pollution of soils from an urban geochemical survey of Sheffield, England. Soil Use and Management, 21 (4). 353-362. 10.1079/SUM2005335
Rawlinson, K.A.; Davenport, J.; Barnes, D.K.A. ORCID:
Tidal exchange of zooplankton between Lough Hyne and the adjacent coast.
Estuarine Coastal & Shelf Science, 62 (1-2).
Raymond, M.J.; Gudmundsson, G.H. ORCID:
On the relationship between surface and basal properties on glaciers, ice sheets, and ice streams.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (B8), B08411.
17, pp.
Rayner, D. ORCID:; Cunningham, S.A..
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Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 103pp.
(Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 53)
Read, J.F.. 2005 RV "Poseidon" Cruise 314, 11 Jul - 23 Jul 2004. The 'Extended Ellett Line’, Scotland - Rockall - Iceland time series. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 68pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 58)
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Reeves, C.E.; Sturges, W.T.; Sturrock, G.A.; Preston, K.; Oram, D.E.; Schwander, J.; Mulvaney, R. ORCID:; Barnola, J.-M.; Chappellaz, J..
Trends of halon gases in polar firn air: implications for their emission distributions.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 5 (8).
Reeves, H.J.; Freeborough, K.A.; Gibson, A.D.; Forster, A.. 2005 Landslide and mass movement processes and their distribution in Longdendale Valley and Glossop District (sheet 86). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 46pp. (IR/05/026) (Unpublished)
Reeves, H.J.; Kessler, H.; Freeborough, K.; Lelliott, M.; Gunn, D.A.; Nelder, L.M.. 2005 Subgrade geology beneath railways in Manchester. In: Railway Engineering 2005, London, UK, 2005.
Reid, Keith; Hill, Simeon L. ORCID:; Diniz, Tania C.D.; Collins, Martin A.
Mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnari in the diet of upper trophic level predators at South Georgia: implications for fisheries management.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 305.
Reid, Keith; Croxall, John P.; Briggs, Dirk R.; Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID:
Antarctic ecosystem monitoring: quantifying the response of ecosystem indicators to variability in Antarctic krill.
ICES Journal of Marine Sciences, 62 (3).
Reid, Keith; Forcada, Jaume ORCID:
Causes of offspring mortality in the Antarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella: the interaction of density dependence and ecosystem variability.
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 83 (4).
Renard, Jean-Baptiste; Chipperfield, Martyn P.; Berthet, Gwenaël; Goffinont-Taupin, Fabienne; Robert, Claude; Chartier, Michel; Roscoe, Howard; Feng, Wuhu; Rivière, Emmanuel; Pirre, Michel. 2005 NO3 vertical profile measurements from remote sensing balloon-borne spectrometers and comparison with model calculations. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 51 (1). 65-78. 10.1007/s10874-005-5983-8
Rex, Michael A.; Crame, J. Alistair ORCID:; Stuart, Carol T.; Clarke, Andrew
Large-scale biogeographic patterns in marine mollusks: a confluence of history and productivity?
Ecology, 86 (9).
Reynard, N. S. ORCID:; Crooks, S. M.; Kay, A. L.
Impact of climate change on flood flows in river catchments - final report.
Bristol, Environment Agency, 65pp.
(CEH Project Number: C01967, R&D Technical Report W5-032/TR)
Richards, A; Argyles, T; Harris, N; Parrish, Randall R; Ahmad, T; Darbyshire, Fiona; Draganits, E. 2005 Himalayan architecture constrained by isotopic tracers from clastic sediments. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 236 (3-4). 773-796. 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.05.034
Riddick, Andy; Laxton, John; Cave, Mark; Wood, Ben; Duffy, Tim; Bell, Patrick; Evans, Chris; Howard, Andy; Armstrong, Bob; Kirby, Gary; Monaghan, Alison; Ritchie, Calum; Jones, Dave; Napier, Bruce ORCID:; Jones, Neil; Millward, David; Clarke, Stuart; Leslie, Graham; Mathers, Steve; Royse, Kate; Kessler, Holger; Newell, Andy; Dumpleton, Steve; Loudon, Vic; Aspden, John.
Digital geoscience spatial model project final report.
Keyworth, British Geological Survey, 56pp.
(BGS Occasional Publication No. 9).
Riding, James ORCID:; Rochelle, Christopher.
The IEA Weyburn CO2 monitoring and storage project : final report of the European research team.
Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 54pp.
Riding, James B. ORCID:
Fostericysta Riding nom. nov (division Dinoflagellate).
Taxon, 54 (4).
Riding, James B. ORCID:
The IEA Weyburn CO2 monitoring and storage project : integrated results from Europe.
In: Rubin, E.S.; Keith, D.W.; Gilboy, C.F., (eds.)
Greenhouse gas control technologies : Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies : 5-9 September 2004, Vancouver, Canada.
Elsevier, 2075-2078.
Riding, James B. ORCID:
Middle and Upper Jurassic (Callovian to Kimmeridgian) palynology of the onshore Moray Firth basin, North-East Scotland.
Palynology, 29 (1).
Riding, James B. ORCID:
The late Jurassic dinoflagellate cyst Gonyaulacysta Ceratophora (Cookson & Eisenack 1960) comb.nov.,emend.nov.
Palynology, 29 (1).
Riding, James B. ORCID:
A palynological investigation of eight samples from the Jurassic of the Bedford district.
British Geological Survey, 7pp.
Riding, James B. ORCID:
A palynological investigation of the Quaternary glaciogenic sediments of Welton-le-Wold quarry, Lincolnshire.
British Geological Survey, 11pp.
Riding, James B. ORCID:
A palynological investigation of the chalk-rich diamicts of north Norfolk.
British Geological Survey, 12pp.
Riding, James B. ORCID:
A palynological investigation of the glaciogenic sediments of Clipsham Quarry, Rutland.
British Geological Survey, 12pp.
Riding, James B. ORCID:
A palynological investigation of two samples of the Thrussington Till from the Leicester district.
British Geological Survey, 11pp.
Riemenschneider, U.; Smeed, D.A. ORCID:; Killworth, P.D..
Theory of two-layer hydraulic exchange flows with rotation.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 545.
Rignot, E.; Casassa, G.; Gogineni, S.; Kanagaratnam, P.; Krabill, W.; Pritchard, H. ORCID:; Rivera, A.; Thomas, R.; Turner, J.
ORCID:; Vaughan, D.
Recent ice loss from the Fleming and other glaciers, Wordie Bay, West Antarctic Peninsula.
Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (7), L07502.
4, pp.
Riley, Teal ORCID:
Planet Earth, Summer 2005.
Riley, Teal R. ORCID:; Leat, Philip T.; Curtis, Michael L.; Millar, Ian L.; Duncan, Robert A.; Fazel, Adela.
Early–Middle Jurassic dolerite dykes from western Dronning Maud Land (Antarctica): identifying mantle sources in the Karoo Large Igneous Province.
Journal of Petrology, 46 (7).
Roberge, J.; Wallace, P.J.; White, R.V.; Coffin, M.F.. 2005 Anomalous uplift and subsidence of the Ontong Java Plateau inferred from CO2 contents of submarine basaltic glasses. Geology, 33 (6). 501-504. 10.1130/G21142.1
Roberts, J.M.; Brown, C.J.; Long, D.; Bates, C.R.. 2005 Acoustic mapping using a multibeam echosounder reveals cold-water coral reefs and surrounding habitats. Coral Reefs, 24 (4). 654-669. 10.1007/s00338-005-0049-6
Robins, N.S.. 2005 Biosolids recycling : a proposed methodology for the assessment of the impact on groundwater. British Geological Survey, 22pp. (CR/05/123N) (Unpublished)
Robins, N.S.. 2005 Fracture flow and preferential groundwater flow paths in hard rocks : illustrations from Precambrian and lower Palaeozoic strata in Wales. In: Groundwater in Ireland : 25th Anniversary Conference of the IAH (Irish Group), Co. Offaly, Ireland, 19-20 April 2005. (Unpublished)
Robins, N.S.; Davies, J.; Cheney, C.; Tribe, E.L.. 2005 Groundwater in a water-rich environment : Wales, a land of plenty. Water and Environment Journal, 19 (1). 62-67. 10.1111/j.1747-6593.2005.tb00550.x
Robins, N.S.; McKenzie, A.A.. 2005 Groundwater occurrence and the distribution of wells and springs in Precambrian and Palaeozoic rocks,NW Anglesey. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 38 (1). 83-88. 10.1144/1470-9236/04-064
Robins, N.S.; Rose, E.P.F.. 2005 Hydrogeological investigation in the Channel Islands : the important role of German military geologists during World War II. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 38 (4). 351-362. 10.1144/1470-9236/05-016
Robins, N.S.; Rutter, H.K.; Dumpleton, S.; Peach, D.W.. 2005 The role of 3D visualisation as an analytical tool preparatory to numerical modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 301 (1-4). 287-295. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2004.05.004
Robins, Nick. 2005 A new map for the West Bank. Earthwise, 22. 12-13.
Robinson, P.; Fisher, P.; Smith, G.. 2005 Evaluating object-based quality attributes in the Land Cover Map 2000 of the United Kingdom. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 71. 269-276.
Robinson, D.A. ORCID:; Kelleners, T.J.; Cooper, J.D.; Gardner, C.M.K.; Wilson, P.; Lebron, I.; Logsdon, S..
Evaluation of a Capacitance Probe Frequency Response Model
accounting for bulk electrical conductivity: Comparison with
TDR and network analyzer measurements.
Vadose Zone Journal, 4 (4).
Robinson, Paul; Fisher, Peter; Smith, Geoff. 2005 Evaluating object-based data quality attributes in the Land Cover Map 2000 of the United Kingdom. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 71 (3). 269-276.
Rochelle, C.A.; Turner, G.. 2005 A database of sources of information on mineral reaction kinetics. British Geological Survey, 113pp. (IR/05/051) (Unpublished)
Rochelle-Newall, E.; Klein, R.T.; Nicholls, R.J.; Barrett, K.; Behrendt, H.; Bresser, T.H.M.; Cieslak, A.; de Bruin, E.F.L.M; Edwards, T.; Herman, P.M.J; Laane, R.P.W.M; Ledoux, L.; Lindeboom, H.; Lise, W.; Moncheva, S.; Moschella, P.S.; Stive, M.J.F.; Vermaat, J.E.. 2005 Global change and the European coast – climate change and economic development. In: Vermaat, J.E.; Bouwer, L.; Turner, K.; Salomons, W., (eds.) Managing European coasts: past, present and future. Heidelberg, Germany, Springer Germany, 239-254., 387pp.
Rodger, C.J.; Clilverd, M.A. ORCID:; Thomson, N.R.; Nunn, D.; Lichtenberger, J..
Lightning driven inner radiation belt energy deposition into the atmosphere: regional and global estimates.
Annales Geophysicae, 23 (11).
Rodhouse, Paul G.. 2005 World squid resources. In: Review of the state of world marine fishery resources. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization, 175-187. (FAO fisheries technical paper, 457).
Rogerson, M.; Rohling, E.J.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Murray, J.W.. 2005 Glacial to interglacial changes in the settling depth of the Mediterranean Outflow plume. Paleoceanography, 20 (3). PA3007-[12pp]. 10.1029/2004PA001106
Roscoe, H.K.; Carver, G.D.; Haynes, P.H.. 2005 The 2002 split ozone hole - the wave of the century? Weather, 60 (1). 15-18. 10.1256/wea.120.04
Roscoe, H.K.; Colwell, S.R.; Shanklin, J.D.; Karhu, J.A.; Taalas, P.; Gil, M.; Yela, M.; Rodriguez, S.; Rafanelli, C.; Cazeneuve, H.; Villanueva, C.A.; Ginsburg, M.; Diaz, S.B.; de Zafra, R.L.; Muscari, G.; Redaelli, G.; Dragani, R.. 2005 Measurements from ground and balloons during APE-GAIA – A polar ozone library. Advances in Space Research, 36 (5). 835-845. 10.1016/j.asr.2005.03.016
Roscoe, H.K.; Shanklin, J.D.; Colwell, S.R.. 2005 Has the Antarctic Vortex Split before 2002? Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 62 (3). 581-588. 10.1175/JAS-3331.1
Rose, Mike C.; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Jarvis, Martin J.; Rodwell, Shane.
Polar mesosphere summer echo detection using a dynasonde.
Radio Science, 40 (6), RS6003.
7, pp.
Rosen, O.M.; Fettes, Douglas; Desmons, J.. 2005 Chemical and mineral compositions of metacarbonate rocks under regional metamorphism conditions and guidelines on rock classification. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 46 (4). 351-360.
Rouen, Martin; George, Glen; Kelly, Jack; Lee, Mike; Moreno-Ostos, Enrique. 2005 High-resolution automatic water quality monitoring systems applied to catchment and reservoir monitoring. Freshwater Forum, 23. 20-37.
Rowden, A.A.; Clark, M.R.; Wright, I.C.. 2005 Physical characterisation and a biologically focused classification of “seamounts” in the New Zealand region. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 39 (5). 1039-1059.
Rowe, E.C. ORCID:; Moldan, F.; Emmett, B.A.
ORCID:; Evans, C.D.
ORCID:; Hellsten, S..
Model chains for assessing the impacts of nitrogen on soils, waters and biodiversity: a review.
NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 57pp.
(CEH Project Number: C02887)
Royse, Kate. 2005 Geoscience solutions for the Thames Gateway. Foundations Newsletter, 2. 1-2.
Royse, Kate. 2005 The Thames Gateway. Planet Earth, Summer. 26.
Sanders, Richard ORCID:; Brown, Louise; Henson, Stephanie
ORCID:; Lucas, Michael.
New production in the Irminger Basin during 2002.
Journal of Marine Systems, 55 (3-4).
Scheib, A.J.. 2005 G-BASE trials of SIGMA digital field data capture : feedback and recommendations. British Geological Survey, 21pp. (IR/05/015) (Unpublished)
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Schlichtholz, Pawel; Goszczko, Ilona ORCID:
Was the Atlantic water temperature in the West Spitsbergen Current predictable in the 1990s?
Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (4).
Schlitt, Thomas; Brazma, Alvis. 2005 Modelling gene networks at different organisational levels. FEBS Letters, 579 (8). 1859-1866. 10.1016/j.febslet.2005.01.073
Schmidt-Kloiber, A.; Vogl, R.; Graf, W.; Hering, D.; Murphy, J.; Dahl, J.; López Rodríguez, M.J.; Zamora, C.. 2005 Euro-limpacs Deliverable 117 (Work Package 7): Indicator value database for Trichoptera. University College London, 9pp. (CEH Project Number: C03047) (Unpublished)
Schmoker, C.; Taton, A.; Balthasart, P.; Grubisic, S.; Hodgson, D.A. ORCID:; Wilmotte, A..
Which cyanobacterial genotypes are observed in microbial mats of Antarctic lakes?
Terra Antartica Reports, 11.
Scott, Peter W.; Eyre, John M.; Harrison, David J.; Bloodworth, Andrew J.. 2005 Markets for industrial mineral products from mining waste. In: Marker, B.R.; Petterson, Michael; McEvoy, Fiona; Stephenson, Michael, (eds.) Sustainable minerals operations in the developing world. Geological Society of London, 47-60. (Geological Society Special Publication, 250).
Scrutton, Roger; Preuss, Horst; Rees, John. 2005 Digital Geoscience Spatial Model (DGSM) programme 2000-2005 : report on mid-term review. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 35pp. (IR/05/013) (Unpublished)
Searle, MP; Warren, CJ; Waters, DJ; Parrish, Randall R. 2005 Reply to: Comment by Gray, Gregory and Miller on “Structural evolution, metamorphism and restoration of the Arabian continental margin, Saih Hatat region, Oman Mountains”. Journal of Structural Geology, 27 (2). 375-377. 10.1016/j.jsg.2004.07.003
Sejrup, Hans Petter; Hjelstuen, Berit Oline; Dahlgren, K.I. Torbjørn; Haflidason, Haflidi; Kuijpers, Antoon; Nygård, Atle; Praeg, Daniel; Stoker, Martyn S.; Vorren, Tore O.. 2005 Pleistocene glacial history of the NW European continental margin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22 (9-10). 1111-1129. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2004.09.007
Sen, Marcus; Duffy, Tim. 2005 GeoSciML : development of a generic Geoscience Markup Language. Computers and Geosciences, 31 (9). 1095-1103. 10.1016/j.cageo.2004.12.003
Sergeeva, N.G.; Anikeeva, O.V.; Gooday, A.J. ORCID:
The monothalamous foraminiferan Tinogullmia in the Black Sea.
Journal of Micropalaeontology, 24 (2).
Shand, P.; Abesser, Corinna; Farr, G.; Wilton, N.; Lapworth, Daniel Joseph ORCID:; Gooddy, Daren; Haria, A.; Hargreaves, Rosemary.
Baseline report series. 17, the Ordovician and Silurian meta-sedimentary aquifers of central and south-west Wales.
Environment Agency, 46pp.
Shand, P.; Haria, A.H.; Neal, Colin; Griffiths, Kate; Gooddy, Daren; Dixon, A.J.; Hill, T.; Buckley, D.K.; Cunningham, Jennifer. 2005 Hydrochemical heterogeneity in an upland catchment: further characterisation of the spatial, temporal and depth variations in soils, streams and groundwaters of the Plynlimon forested catchment, Wales. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 9 (6). 621-644.
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Shannon, P.M.; Stoker, M.S.; Praeg, D.; van Weering, T.C.E.; de Haas, H.; Nielsen, T.; Dahlgren, K.I.T.; Hjelstuen, B.O.. 2005 Sequence stratigraphic analysis in deep-water, underfilled NW European passive margin basins. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22 (9-10). 1185-1200. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2005.03.013
Shaw, R.. 2005 Understanding the micro to macro behaviour of rock-fluid systems: introduction. In: Shaw, R.P., (ed.) Understanding the micro to macro behaviour of rock-fluid systems. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 1-3.
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Shaw, R.P.. 2005 Review of availability of data on deep geology in the UK onshore area. British Geological Survey, 39pp. (CR/05/017N) (Unpublished)
Shears, John; Downie, Rod; Pasteur, Liz. 2005 Proposed construction and operation of Halley VI Research Station, Brunt Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Draft Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation (CEE). Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey. (Unpublished)
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Shepherd, Tom J.; Bouch, Jon E.; Gunn, Andrew G.; McKervey, John A.; Naden, Jonathan; Scrivener, Richard C.; Styles, Michael T.; Large, Duncan E.. 2005 Permo-Triassic unconformity- related Au-Pd mineralisation, south Devon, UK : new insights and the European perspective. Mineralium Deposita, 40 (1). 24-44. 10.1007/s00126-004-0459-3
Sheppard, T. Huw. 2005 Modelling of coal seams in the Nottingham-Melton area : methodology and specifications. British Geological Survey, 24pp. (IR/05/057) (Unpublished)
Sheppard, T. Huw. 2005 The geology of the Qinetiq/Ministry of Defence firing range at Aberporth, Ceredigion : part of 1:25 000 sheet SN25. British Geological Survey, 10pp. (IR/05/011) (Unpublished)
Sheppard, T. Huw. 2005 A stratigraphical framework for the Upper Langsettian and Duckmantian of the East Pennine coalfields. British Geological Survey, 20pp. (IR/05/070) (Unpublished)
Sherlock, Graham; Block, William; Benson, Erica E.. 2005 Thermal analysis of the plant encapsulation-dehydration cryopreservation protocol using silica gel as the desiccant. CryoLetters, 26 (1). 45-54.
Shore, R. F.; Malcolm, H. M.; Wienburg, C. L.; Walker, L. A. ORCID:; Turk, A.; Horne, J. A..
Wildlife and pollution: 2000-01 Annual Report.
Peterborough, JNCC, 49pp.
(JNCC Report No.351)
Shore, R. F.; Malcolm, H. M.; Wienburg, C. L.; Walker, L. A. ORCID:; Turk, A.; Horne, J. A..
Wildlife and pollution: 2001-02 Annual Report.
Peterborough, JNCC, 26pp.
(JNCC Report No.352)
Shore, R. F.; Osborn, D.; Wienburg, C. L.; Sparks, T. H.; Broughton, R. ORCID:; Wadsworth, R. A..
Potential modifications to the Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme (PBMS): second report.
Peterborough, JNCC, 58pp.
(JNCC Report 353)
Shreeve, Rachael S.; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Atkinson, Angus; Ward, Peter; Goss, Cathy; Watkins, Jonathon.
Relative production of Calanoides acutus (Copepoda: Calanoida) and Euphausia superba (Antarctic krill) at South Georgia, and its implications at wider scales.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 298.
Sigurgeirsson, M.A.; Arnalds, O.; Palsson, S.E.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Gudnason, K..
Radiocaesium fallout behaviour in volcanic soils in Iceland.
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 79 (1).
Silgram, M.; Williams, A.; Waring, R.; Neumann, I.; Hughes, A.; Mansour, M.; Besien, T.. 2005 Effectiveness of the nitrate sensitive areas scheme in reducing groundwater concentrations in England. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 38 (2). 117-127. 10.1144/1470-9236/04-010
Simpson, P.. 2005 Repositories for research - contributing to the Knowledge Cycle. [Speech] In: "Are Repositories taking over the World? ", JIBS Conference, British Geological Survey, Nottingham, UK, 15 Sep 2005.
Simpson, Pauline; Hey, Jessie M.N.. 2005 TARDis: From project to embedded Institutional Repository. ALISS Quarterly, 1 (1). 12-14.
Sims, David W.; Southall, Emily J.; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Metcalfe, Julian D..
Habitat-specific normal and reverse diel vertical migration
in the plankton-feeding basking shark.
Journal of Animal Ecology, 74 (4).
Siskind, D.E.; Coy, L.; Espy, P.. 2005 Observations of stratospheric warmings and mesospheric coolings by the TIMED SABER instrument. Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (9), L09804. 4, pp. 10.1029/2005GL022399
Smart, S. M. ORCID:; Bunce, R. G. H.; Marrs, R.; LeDuc, M.; Firbank, L. G.; Maskell, M. C.
ORCID:; Scott, W. A.; Thompson, K.; Walker, K. J..
Large-scale changes in the abundance of common higher plant species across Britain between 1978, 1990 and 1998 as a consequence of human activity: tests of hypothesised changes in trait representation.
Biological Conservation, 124.
Smedley, P.L.; Kinniburgh, D.G.; Macdonald, D.M.J.; Nicolli, H.B.; Barros, A.J.; Tullio, J.O.; Pearce, J.M.; Alonso, M.S.. 2005 Arsenic associations in sediments from the loess aquifer of La Pampa, Argentina. Applied Geochemistry, 20 (5). 989-1016. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2004.10.005
Smedley, Pauline. 2005 Arsenic occurrence in groundwater in South and East Asia. In: Kemper, K, (ed.) Towards a More Effective Operational Response. Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in South and East Asian Countries. New Delhi, India, World Bank, 20-97.
Smedley, Pauline; Kinniburgh, David. 2005 Arsenic in groundwater and the environment. In: Selinus, O.; Alloway, B.; Centeno, J.A.; Finkelman, R.B.; Fuge, R.; Lindh, U.; Smedley, P.L., (eds.) Essentials of medical geology : impacts of the natural environment on public health. Amsterdam; London, UK, Elsevier, 263-299.
Smedley, Pauline; Neumann, I.; Brown, S.. 2005 Baseline report series. 20, the Permo-Triassic sandstone aquifer of Shropshire. Environment Agency, 55pp. (CR/05/061N)
Smedsrud, Lars H.; Jenkins, Adrian ORCID:; Holland, David M.; Nøst, Ole A..
Ocean processes below Fimbulisen - modeling results.
Forum for Research into Ice Shelf Processes (FRISP) Report, No. 16.
Smith, G. M.. 2005 Land Cover Map 2000 and its successor. [Other] In: Abstracts of the Earth Observation Forum: Applications for Rural Research, Edinburgh Consortium for Rural Research, Battleby, Perth, Scotland, 11 May 2005. 5. (Unpublished)
Smith, A.M. ORCID:
RABID: Basal conditions on Rutford Ice Stream, West
Antarctica: Hot-water drilling and downhole instrumentation. British Antarctic Survey Field Report, R/2004/S3 [BAS Archives Ref: AD6/2R/2004/S3].
British Antarctic Survey, 75pp.
(Base & Field reports series)
Smith, Andrew; Highley, David; Bloodworth, Andrew; Bate, Richard. 2005 Mineral planning factsheet : natural hydraulic limes. British Geological Survey, 7pp. (Mineral Planning Factsheet) (Unpublished)
Smith, Andy ORCID:
Exploring with explosions: looking beneath the Antarctic ice sheet with seismic surveys.
Explosives Engineering (December 2005).
Smith, D.J.. 2005 Operations Report : BGS Project 04/04 marine geophysics survey 2004 Outer Bristol Channel. British Geological Survey, 34pp. (IR/05/082) (Unpublished)
Smith, G. M.; Brown, N. J.; Thomson, A. G.. 2005 CORINE Land Cover 2000: semi-automated updating of CORINE Land Cover in the UK. Phase II: Map production in the UK. Final report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 40pp. (CEH: Project Report Number C02041a) (Unpublished)
Smith, James ORCID:
The Holocene history of George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula.
University of Durham, PhD Thesis, 351pp.
Smith, Jim T.; Beresford, Nick A.. 2005 Introduction: Chernobyl - catastrophe and consequences. In: Smith, Jim T.; Beresford, Nicholas A., (eds.) Chernobyl - catastrophe and consequences. Chichester, Praxis Publishing/Springer, 1-34.
Smith, Jim T.; Beresford, Nick A.. 2005 Radioactive fallout and environmental transfers. In: Smith, Jim T.; Beresford, Nicholas A., (eds.) Chernobyl - catastrophe and consequences. Chichester, Praxis Publishing/Springer, 35-80.
Smith, Jim T.; Beresford, Nick A.; Shaw, G.George; Moberg, Leif. 2005 Radioactivity in terrestrial ecosystems. In: Smith, Jim T.; Beresford, Nicholas A., (eds.) Chernobyl - catastrophe and consequences. Chichester, Praxis Publishing/Springer, 81-137.
Smith, K.L.; Holland, Nicholas D.; Ruhl, Henry A.. 2005 Enteropneust production of spiral fecal trails on the deep-sea floor observed with time-lapse photography. Deep-Sea Research I, 52 (7). 1228-1240. 10.1016/j.dsr.2005.02.004
Smith, Kevin. 2005 The Silverpit crater : resolving a geological controversy. GA: magazine of the Geologists Association, 4 (2). 6.
Smith, N.J.P.; Kirby, G.A.; Pharaoh, T.C.. 2005 Structure and evolution of the south-west Pennine Basin and adjacent areas : subsurface memoir. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 129pp.
Smith, N.J.P.; Shepherd, T.J.; Styles, M.T.; Williams, G.M.. 2005 Hydrogen exploration : a review of global hydrogen accumulations and implications for prospective areas in NW Europe. In: Dore, A.G.; Vining, B.A., (eds.) Petroleum geology : north-west Europe and global perspectives : proceedings of the 6th Petroleum Geology Conference. Geological Society of London, 349-358.
Smith, R.A.. 2005 Crawton Bay, Aberdeenshire (NO 897 797). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 151-155. (Geological Conservation Review).
Smith, R.A.. 2005 North Esk river, Aberdeenshire (NO 595 719-NO 604 703). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 155-158.
Smith, R.I. Lewis. 2005 The bryophyte flora of geothermal habitats on Deception Island, Antarctica. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 97. 233-248.
Smith, R.I. Lewis. 2005 The thermophilic bryoflora of Deception Island: unique plant communities as a criterion for designating an Antarctic Specially Protected Area. Antarctic Science, 17 (1). 17-27. 10.1017/S0954102005002385
Smith, Ronald I. Lewis. 2005 Bryophyte diversity and ecology of two geologically contrasting Antarctic islands. Journal of Bryology, 27 (3). 195-206. 10.1179/174328205X69940
Smith, Ronald I. Lewis. 2005 Extensive colonization of volcanic ash by an unusual form of Peltigera didactyla at Deception Island, maritime Antarctic. Lichenologist, 37 (4). 367-368. 10.1017/S0024282905015252
Smythe-Wright, D.; Boswell, S.M.; Lucas, C.H.; New, A.L. ORCID:; Varney, M.S..
Halocarbon and dimethyl sulphide production around the Mascarene Plateau.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A, 363 (1826).
Southward, A.J.; Langmead, O.; Hardman-Mountford, N.J.; Aiken, J.; Boalch, G.T.; Dando, P.R.; Genner, J.; Joint, I.; Kendall, M.A.; Halliday, N.C.; Harris, R.P.; Leaper, R.; Mieszkowska, N.; Pingree, R.D.; Richardson, A.J.; Sims, D.W.; Smith, T.; Walne, A.W.; Hawkins, S.J.. 2005 A review of long-term research in the western English Channel. In: Southward, A.J.; Tyler, P.A.; Young, C.M.; Fuiman, L.A., (eds.) Advances in Marine Biology, Vol. 47. San Diego CA, USA, Elsevier Academic Press, 3-84, 328pp.
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Spencer, T.; Laughton, A.S.; Flemming, N.C.. 2005 Variability, interaction and change in the atmosphere-ocean-ecology system of the Western Indian Ocean. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A, 363 (1826). 3-13. 10.1098/rsta.2004.1495
Spikings, R.A.; Winkler, W.; Hughes, R.A.; Handler, R.. 2005 Thermochronology of allochthonous terranes in Ecuador : unravelling the accretionary and post-accretionary history of the Northern Andes. Tectonophysics, 399 (1-4). 195-220. 10.1016/j.tecto.2004.12.023
Squier, Angela H.; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Keely, Brendan J..
Evidence of late Quaternary environmental change in a continental east Antarctic lake from lacustrine sedimentary pigment distributions.
Antarctic Science, 17 (3).
Stallwood, B.; Shears, J.; Williams, P.A.; Hughes, K.A. ORCID:
Low temperature bioremediation of oil-contaminated soil using biostimulation and bioaugmentation with a Pseudomonas sp. from maritime Antarctica.
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 99 (4).
Staniland, I.J. ORCID:; Pond, D.W..
Investigating the use of milk fatty acids to detect dietary changes: a comparison with faecal analysis in Antarctic fur seals.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 294.
Staniland, Iain.J. ORCID:
Sexual segregation in seals.
In: Ruckstuhl, K.E.; Neuhaus, P., (eds.)
Sexual segregation in vertebrates.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 53-73.
Statham, P.J.; Connelly, D.P.; German, C.R.; Brand, T.; Overnell, J.O.; Bulukin, E.; Millard, N.; McPhail, S.; Pebody, M.; Perrett, J.; Squires, M.; Stevenson, P.; Webb, A.. 2005 Spatially complex distribution of dissolved manganese in a fjord as revealed by high-resolution in situ sensing using the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Autosub. Environmental Science and Technology, 39 (24). 9440-9445. 10.1021/es050980t
Statham, P.J.; German, C.R.; Connelly, D.P.. 2005 Iron (II) distribution and oxidation kinetics in hydrothermal plumes at the Kairei and Edmond vent sites, Indian Ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 236 (3-4). 588-596. 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.03.008
Steadman, E.J.; McEvoy, F.M.; Linley, K.A.; Bell, P.D.; Bee, E.J.; Bartlett, E.L.; Napier, A.; Forster, J.. 2005 Environmental and economic information for aggregates provision. British Geological Survey, 39pp. (CR/05/081N) (Unpublished)
Stephenson, D.. 2005 Dun Chia Hill (Loch Duntelchaig), Inverness-shire (NH 600 285-NH 600 291). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 102-106. (Geological Conservation Review).
Stephenson, D.. 2005 Mull and Iona : a landscape fashioned by geology. Perth, Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage, 35pp. (A Landscape Fashioned by Geology).
Stephenson, M.H.; Leng, M.J. ORCID:; Vane, C.H.
ORCID:; Osterloff, P.L.; Arrowsmith, C..
Investigating the record of Permian climate change from argillaceous sedimentary rocks, Oman.
Journal of the Geological Society, 162 (4).
Stephenson, M.H.; Penn, I.E.. 2005 Capacity building of developing country public sector institutions in the natural resource sector. In: Marker, B.R.; Petterson, M.G.; McEvoy, F.; Stephenson, M.H., (eds.) Sustainable minerals operations in the developing world. Geological Society of London, 185-194. (Geological Society Special Publication, 250).
Stephenson, M.H.; Penn, I.E.. 2005 The human story : a survey in wartime. Geoscientist, 15 (9). 16-18.
Stillman, Richard A.; Caldow, Richard W.G.; Durell, Sarah E.A. le V. dit; West, Andrew D.; McGrorty, Selwyn; Goss-Custard, John D.; Perez-Hurtado, Alejandro; Castro, Macarena; Estrella, Sora; Masero, Jose Antonio; Rodriguez-Pascual, Francisco Hortas; Triplet, Patrick; Loquet, Nicolas; Desprez, Michel; Fritz, Herve; Clausen, Preben; Ebbinge, Bart; Norris, Ken; Mattison, Elizabeth. 2005 Coast bird diversity. Maintaining migratory coastal bird diversity: management through individual-based predictive population modelling. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 259pp. (CEH Project Number: C01585)
Stockley, B.; Menezes, G.; Pinho, M.R.; Rogers, A.D.. 2005 Genetic population structure in the black-spot sea bream (Pagellus bogaraveo Brünnich, 1768) from the NE Atlantic. Marine Biology, 146 (4). 793-804. 10.1007/s00227-004-1479-3
Stoker, M.S.; Hoult, R.J.; Nielsen, T.; Hjelstuen, B.O.; Laberg, J.S.; Shannon, P.M.; Praeg, D.; Mathiesen, A.; van Weering, T.C.E.; McDonnell, A.. 2005 Sedimentary and oceanographic responses to early Neogene compression on the NW European margin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22 (9-10). 1031-1044. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2005.01.009
Stoker, M.S.; Praeg, D.; Shannon, P.M.; Hjelstuen, B.O.; Laberg, J.S.; Nielsen, T.; van Weering, T.C.E.; Sejrup, H.P.; Evans, D.. 2005 Neogene evolution of the Atlantic continental margin of NW Europe (Lofoten Islands to SW Ireland) : anything but passive. In: Dore, A.G.; Vining, B., (eds.) 6th Petroleum geology conference : petroleum geology : north-west Europe and global perspectives [proceedings]. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 1057-1076.
Stoker, Martyn; Bradwell, Tom. 2005 The Minch palaeo-ice stream, NW sector of the British-Irish Ice Sheet. Journal of the Geological Society, 162 (3). 425-428. 10.1144/0016-764904-151
Stoker, Martyn; Bradwell, Tom; Lonergan, Lidia; Graham, Alastair. 2005 Scratching the surface. Planet Earth, Spring. 23.
Stoker, Martyn; Stevenson, Alan. 2005 Out of sight, not out of mind. Planet Earth, Winter. 26-27.
Stoker, Martyn S.. 2005 Neogene evolution of the NW European Atlantic margin : results from the STRATAGEM Project. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22 (9-10). 965-968. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2005.04.006
Stoker, Martyn S.; Praeg, Daniel; Hjelstuen, Berit Oline; Laberg, Jan Sverre; Nielsen, Tove; Shannon, Pat M.. 2005 Neogene stratigraphy and the sedimentary and oceanographic development of the NW European Atlantic margin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22 (9-10). 977-1005. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2004.11.007
Stoker, Sue; Holmes, Richard. 2005 Investigation of the origin of shallow gas in Outer Moray Firth open blocks 15/20c 15/25d (seabed-400 milliseconds two way time). British Geological Survey, 19pp. (IR/05/022) (Unpublished)
Stone, P.. 2005 Achanarras Quarry, Caithness (ND 150 544). In: Barclay, W.J.; Browne, M.A.E.; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, P.; Wilby, P.R., (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 90-93.
Stone, P.. 2005 The Cletts, Exnaboe, Shetland (HU 409 137-HU 406 122). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain / edited by WJ Barclay, MAE Browne, AA Macmillan, EA Pickett, P Stone & PR Wilby. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 47-52. (Geological Conservation Review).
Stone, P.. 2005 Footabrough to Wick of Watsness, Shetland (HU 179 502-HU 201 495). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.; Pickett, E.; Stone, P.; Wilby, P., (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain / edited by WJ Barclay, MAE Browne, AA Macmillan, EA Pickett, P Stone & PR Wilby. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 37-43. (Geological Conservation Review).
Stone, P.. 2005 Geology [of South Georgia]. In: Poncet, Sally; Crosbie, Kim, (eds.) A Visitor's guide to South Georgia / edited by Sally Poncet & Kim Crosbie. Wildguides, 18-19.
Stone, P.. 2005 Melby : Matta Taing to Lang Rigg, Shetland (HU 165 560-HU 177 575) : potential ORS GCR site. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Pickett, E.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 30-37. (Geological Conservation Review).
Stone, P.. 2005 The Orcadian basin : introduction. In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.; Pickett, E.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 21-30. (Geological Conservation Review).
Stone, P.. 2005 Pennyland (Thurso-Scrabster), Caithness (ND 102 696-ND 115 685). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.; Pickett, E.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 78-83. (Geological Conservation Review).
Stone, P.. 2005 Sarclet, Caithness (ND 353 431-ND 354 435). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 93-95.
Stone, P.. 2005 Tarbat Ness, Ross and Cromarty (NH 929 873-NH 939 851). In: Barclay, William, (ed.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 96-102. (Geological Conservation Review, 31).
Stone, P.. 2005 Wick quarries, Caithness (ND 377 498-ND 374 491). In: Barclay, W.J., (ed.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 85-90. (Geological Conservation Review, 31).
Stone, P.; Aldiss, D.T.; Edwards, E.J.. 2005 Rocks and fossils of the Falkland Islands. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 60pp.
Stone, P.; Barclay, B.. 2005 Red point, Caithness (NC 932 659). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Peterborough, UK, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 74-78. (Geological Conservation Review).
Stone, P.; Thomson, M.R.A.. 2005 Archaeocyathan limestone blocks of likely Antarctic origin in Gondwanan tillite from the Falkland Islands. In: Terrane processes at the margins of Gondwana / edited by A.P.M. Vaughan, P.T. Leat and R.J. Pankhurst. London : Geological Society of London Special Publication 246. Geological Society of London, 347-357. (Geological Society Special Publications, 246).
Stone, Philip. 2005 Easter Rova Head, Shetland (HU 475 454). In: Barclay, William; Browne, Michael; Macmillan, A.A.; Pickett, E.A.; Stone, Philip; Wilby, Philip, (eds.) The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain / edited by WJ Barclay, MAE Browne, AA Macmillan, EA Pickett, P Stone & PR Wilby. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 43-47. (Geological Conservation Review).
Straile, D.; Adrian, R.; Blenckner, T.; Ivanyi, E.; Jankowski, T.; Järvinen, M.; Maberly, S. ORCID:; Teubner, K.; Weyhenmeyer, G..
Regional patterns of change in phytoplankton abundance and community structure. Final report.
CLIME Consortium, 35pp.
(CLIME Deliverable 8.4, CEH Project Number: C02187)
Straile, D.; Adrian, R.; George, D.G.; Hurley, M. A.; Jankowski, T.; Järvinen, M.; Jennings, E.; Livingstone, D.; Nõges, P.; Nõges, T.; Teubner, K.; Tolotti, M.; Weyhenmeyer, G.. 2005 Report on changes in algal abundance in relation to weather patterns. Final report. CLIME Consortium, 42pp. (CLIME Deliverable 8.1, CEH Project Number: C02187) (Unpublished)
Straile, Dietmar; Adrian, Rita; Jankowski, Thomas; Järvinen, Marko; Maberly, Stephen ORCID:; Nõges, Peeter; Nõges, Tiina; Weyhenmeyer, Gesa; Wilhelm, Susann.
Changes in phytoplankton species composition and functional groups. Final report.
CLIME Consortium, 36pp.
(CLIME Deliverable 8.3, CEH Project Number: C02187)
Stuart, M.E.. 2005 Development of nitrate profiles database. British Geological Survey, 21pp. (IR/05/058) (Unpublished)
Stuart, M.E.; Kinniburgh, D.G.. 2005 Nitrate trends in groundwater. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 74pp. (IR/05/137) (Unpublished)
Stuart, Marianne. 2005 The threat to groundwaters, resource degradation and the economic consequences. [Lecture] In: Agricultural Diffuse Pollution : Understanding, Progress and Action, Water Framework Directive Series, CIWEM, London, UK, 13 July 2005. British Geological Survey.
Styles, Michael; Ellison, Richard; Greenbaum, David; Phillips, Emrys; Farrant, Andrew. 2005 Mapping ancient oceans. Earthwise, 22. 14-15.
Sundermann, Andrea; Haase, Peter; Clarke, Ralph; Pauls, Steffen; Lohse, Susanne; Gunn, Rick; Sporka, Ferdinand. 2005 Assessing the impact of sorting and identification errors of macroinvertebrate samples. [Other] In: International Symposium on Assessing the Ecological Status of Rivers, Lakes and Transitional Waters, Hull, UK, 11-15 July 2005. 45-46.
Swann, George; Leng, Melanie ORCID:; Maslin, Mark.
Ice everywhere : but how did it get there?
Planet Earth, Autumn.
Swann, George E.A.; Mackay, Anson W.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Demory, Francois.
Climatic change in central Asia during MIS 3/2 : a case study using biological responses from Lake Baikal.
Global and Planetary Change, 46 (1-4).
Swetnam, Ruth D.; Hill, Dorothy; Alker, S.K.; Duffy, Tim. 2005 Ecology and the UK planner : providing tools for sustainable landscapes. In: McCollin, D.; Jackson, J.I., (eds.) Planning, People and Practice : the landscape ecology of sustainable landscapes : proceedings of the 13th annual IALE (UK) Conference. University of Northampton, 177-185.
Tartaras, E.. 2005 LC1DINV : laterally-constrained 1-D inversion for processing airborne EM data. British Geological Survey, 19pp. (IR/05/118) (Unpublished)
Taylor, H.; Appleton, J.D.; Lister, R.; Smith, B.; Chitamweba, B.; Mkumbo, O.; Machiwa, J.F.; Tesha, A.L.; Beinhoff, C.. 2005 Environmental assessment of mercury contamination from the Rwamagaza artisanal gold mining centre, Geita district, Tanzania. Science of the Total Environment, 343 (1-3). 111-133. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2004.09.042
Taylor, L.E.; Hillier, J.A.; Benham, A.J.. 2005 World mineral production 1999-2003. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 81pp.
Thackeray, Stephen J. ORCID:; George, D. Glen; Jones, Roger I.; Winfield, Ian J.
Vertical heterogeneity in zooplankton community structure: a variance partitioning approach.
Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 164 (2).
Thatje, Sven; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Larter, Rob
On the origin of Antarctic marine benthic community structure.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 20 (10).
Thomas, B.R.; Kent, E.C. ORCID:; Swail, V.R..
Methods to homogenize wind speeds from ships and buoys.
International Journal of Climatology, 25 (7).
Thomas, Chris; Gillespie, Martin. 2005 Understanding the Cairngorms. Planet Earth, Spring. 18-19.
Thomas, Christopher W.; Aitchison, John. 2005 Compositional data analysis of geological variability and process : a case study. Mathematical Geology, 37 (7). 753-772. 10.1007/s11004-005-7378-4
Thomas, Robert James; Gose, W.; Johnston, S.T.. 2005 Age of magnetization of Mesoproterozoic rocks from the Natal sector of the Namaqua-Natal belt, South Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 40 (3). 137-145. 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2004.11.003
Thompson, R.N.; Ottley, C.J.; Smith, P.M.; Pearson, D.G.; Dickin, A.P.; Morrison, M.A.; Leat, P.T.; Gibson, S.A.. 2005 Source of the Quaternary alkalic basalts, picrites and basanites of the Potrillo Volcanic Field, New Mexico, USA: lithosphere or convecting mantle? Journal of Petrology, 46 (8). 1603-1643. 10.1093/petrology/egi028
Thomson, K.; Owen, P.; Smith, Kevin. 2005 Discussion on the North Sea Silverpit Crater : impact structure or pull-apart basin? Journal of the Geological Society, 162 (1). 217-220. DOI: 10.1144/0016-764904-070
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Large solar flares and their ionospheric D region enhancements.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (A6), A06306.
10, pp.
Thorne, R.M.; Horne, R.B. ORCID:; Glauert, S.A.
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The influence of wave-particle interactions on relativistic electron dynamics during storms.
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Timescale for MeV electron microburst loss during geomagnetic storms.
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Comparison of two time-variant forced eddy-permitting global ocean circulation models with hydrography of the Scotia Sea.
Ocean Modelling, 9 (2).
Tikku, Anahita A.; Bell, Robin E.; Studinger, Michael; Clarke, Garry K.C.; Tabacco, Ignazio; Ferraccioli, Fausto ORCID:
Influx of meltwater to subglacial Lake Concordia, East Antarctica.
Journal of Glaciology, 51 (172).
Timmermann, Ralph; Goosse, Hugues; Madec, Gurvan; Fichefet, Thierry; Ethe, Christian; Dulière, Valérie. 2005 On the representation of high latitude processes in the ORCA-LIM global coupled sea ice–ocean model. Ocean Modelling, 8 (1-2). 175-201. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2003.12.009
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Heavy metals in British upland waters.
In: Battarbee, R.W.; Curtis, C.J.; Binney, H.A., (eds.)
The future of Britain's upland waters.
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Simple foraminifera flourish at the ocean's deepest point.
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Tornero, Victoria; Borrell, Asuncion; Aguilar, Alex; Wells, Randall S.; Forcada, Jaume ORCID:; Rowles, Teri K.; Reijnders, Peter J.H..
Effect of organochlorine contaminants and individual biological traits on blubber retinoid concentrations in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus).
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Tsimplis, M.N.; Woolf, D.K.; Osborn, T.J.; Wakelin, S. ORCID:; Wolf, J.
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Towards a vulnerability assessment of the UK and northern European coasts: the role of regional climate variability.
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Antarctic and tropical interactions.
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Antarctica: global laboratory for scientific and international cooperation. Proceedings of the 2nd Malaysian International Seminar on Antarctica, Penang, May 2004.
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Aspects of modern Antarctic meteorology and climatology.
Archives of Natural History, 32 (2).
Turner, John ORCID:
Polar lows.
In: Nuttall, M., (ed.)
Encyclopedia of the Arctic, Vol. 3.
New York, Routledge, 1663-1664.
Turner, John ORCID:; Colwell, Steve R.; Marshall, Gareth J.
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ORCID:; Carleton, Andrew M.; Jones, Phil D.; Lagun, Victor; Reid, Phil A.; Iagovkina, Svetlana.
Antarctic climate change during the last 50 years.
International Journal of Climatology, 25 (3).
Turner, John ORCID:; Lachlan-Cope, Tom
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A positive trend in western Antarctic Peninsula precipitation over the last 50 years reflecting regional and Antarctic-wide atmospheric circulation changes.
Annals of Glaciology, 41.
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Age determination of European lobsters (Homarus Gammarus L.) by histological quantification of lipofuscin.
Journal of Crustacean Biology, 25 (1).
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First sighting of active fluid venting in the Gulf of Cadiz.
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Decay of cultivated apricot wood (Prunus armeniaca) by the ascomycete Hypocrea sulphurea using solid state 13CNMR and off-line TMAH thermochemolysis with GC-MS.
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Evidence of adipocere in a burial pit from the foot and mouth epidemic of 1967 using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
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Simulation of the outer radiation belt electrons near geosynchronous orbit including both radial diffusion and resonant interaction with Whistler-mode chorus waves.
Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (19), L19106.
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Vaughan, David G. ORCID:
How does the Antarctic ice sheet affect sea level rise?
Science, 308 (5730).
Verleyen, Elie; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Milne, Glenn A.; Sabbe, Koen; Vyverman, Wim.
Relative sea-level history from the Lambert Glacier region, East Antarctica, and its relation to deglaciation and Holocene glacier readvance.
Quaternary Research, 63 (1).
Verleyen, Elie; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Sabbe, Koen; Vyverman, Wim.
Late Holocene changes in ultraviolet radiation penetration recorded in an East Antarctic lake.
Journal of Paleolimnology, 34 (2).
Verling, Emma; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Crook, Anne C..
Smashing tests? Patterns and mechanisms of adult mortality in a declining echinoid population.
Marine Biology, 147 (2).
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Verronen, Pekka T.; Seppala, Annika; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Rodger, Craig J.; Kyrola, Erkki; Enell, Carl-Fredrik; Ulich, Thomas; Turunen, Esa.
Diurnal variation of ozone depletion during the October–November 2003 solar proton events.
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Antarctica and the global jigsaw – a centennial perspective.
Archives of Natural History, 32 (2).
Walton, D.W.H.. 2005 Review of Antarctic challenges: historical and current perspectives on Otto Nordenskjold's Antarctic Expedition 1901-1903, edited by A.Elzinga and others. Goteborg, Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhallet, 2004. Antarctic Science, 17 (3). 477-479. 10.1017/S0954102005252902
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Mining a cold archive: Antarctic Treaty System papers.
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Walton, David ORCID:
Exploring Antarctica - a centennial perspective. (Editorial).
Antarctic Science, 17 (2).
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Judging quality in science. (Editorial).
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Questioning orthodoxy. (Editorial).
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Dosidicus gigas fishing grounds in the Eastern Pacific as revealed by satellite imagery of the light-fishing fleet.
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Freshwater control of onset and species composition of Greenland shelf spring bloom.
Marine Ecology - Progress Series, 288.
Wanless, S. ORCID:; Harris, M. P.
Isle of May 2004 seabird breeding season.
Forth Sight, 12.
Ward, Peter; Shreeve, Rachael; Whitehouse, Mick; Korb, Beki; Atkinson, Angus; Meredith, Mike ORCID:; Pond, David; Watkins, Jon; Goss, Cathy; Cunningham, Nathan.
Phyto- and zooplankton community structure and production around South Georgia (Southern Ocean) during Summer 2001/02.
Deep Sea Research I, 52 (3).
Warren, C; Parrish, Randall R; Waters, D; Searle, MP. 2005 Dating the geologic history of Oman's Semail ophiolite: insights from U-Pb geochronology. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 150 (4). 403-422. 10.1007/s00410-005-0028-
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Watkins, Nicholas W.; Credgington, Daniel; Hnat, Bogdan; Chapman, Sandra C.; Freeman, Mervyn P. ORCID:; Greenhough, John.
Towards synthesis of solar wind and geomagnetic scaling exponents: a fractional Levy motion model.
Space Science Reviews, 121 (1-4).
Watson, Douglas I.; O'Riordan, Ruth M.; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Cross, Tom.
Temporal and spatial variability in the recruitment of barnacles and the local dominance of Elminius modestus Darwin in SW Ireland.
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Wheeler, A.J.; Kozachenko, M.; Beyer, A.; Foubert, A.; Huvenne, V.A.I. ORCID:; Klages, M.; Masson, D.G.; Olu-Le Roy, K.; Thiede, J..
Sedimentary processes and carbonate mounds in the Belgica Mound province, Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic.
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Wichmann, Matthias C.; Johst, Karin; Schwager, Monika; Blasius, Bernd; Jeltsch, Florian. 2005 Extinction risk, coloured noise and the scaling of variance. Theoretical Population Biology, 68 (1). 29-40. 10.1016/j.tpb.2005.03.001
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The spatial and temporal variability of the East Greenland Current from historic data.
Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (24).
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Problem-solving fossils.
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