Items where Year is 1997

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Aarkrog, A.; Baxter, M.S.; Bettencourt, A.O.; Bojanowski, R.; Bologa, A.; Charmasson, S.; Cunha, I.; Delfanti, R.; Duran, E.; Holm, E.; Jeffree, R.; Livingston, H.D.; Mahapanyawong, S.; Nies, H.; Osvath, I.; Pingyu, Li; Povinec, P.P.; Sanchez, A.; Smith, J.N.; Swift, D.. 1997 A comparison of doses from 137Cs and 210Po in marine food: A major international study. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 34 (1). 69-90. 10.1016/0265-931X(96)00005-7

Allcock, A.L.; Brierley, A.S.; Thorpe, J.P.; Rodhouse, P.G.. 1997 Restricted gene flow and evolutionary divergence between geographically separated populations of the Antarctic octopus Pareledone turqueti. Marine Biology, 129 (1). 97-102.

Ansell, Alan D.; Harvey, Robin. 1997 Protected larval development in the Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica (King and Broderip) (Anomalodesmata: Laternulidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 63 (2). 285-286. 10.1093/mollus/63.2.285

Ansell, Alan D.; Rhodes, Melissa C.. 1997 Unusual capabilities for surface movement in a normally deep-burrowed Antarctic bivalve. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 63 (1). 109-111. 10.1093/mollus/63.1.109

Arnbom, Tom; Fedak, M. A.; Boyd, Ian L.. 1997 Factors affecting maternal expenditure in southern elephant seals during lactation. Ecology, 78 (2). 471-483. 10.1890/0012-9658(1997)078[0471:FAMEIS]2.0.CO;2

Arnould, J. P. Y.. 1997 Lactation and the cost of pup-rearing in Antarctic fur seals. Marine Mammal Science, 13 (3). 516-526. 10.1111/j.1748-7692.1997.tb00662.x

Arnould, J. P. Y.; Duck, C. D.. 1997 The cost and benefits of territorial tenure, and factors affecting mating success in male Antarctic fur seals. Journal of Zoology, 241 (4). 649-664. 10.1111/j.1469-7998.1997.tb05739.x

Atkinson, A.; Schnack-Schiel, S.B.; Ward, P.; Marin, V.. 1997 Regional differences in the life cycle of Calanoides acutus (Copepoda:Calanoida) within the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 150. 99-111. 10.3354/meps150099

Atkinson, A.; Snÿder, R.. 1997 Krill-copepod interactions at South Georgia, Antarctica, I. Omnivory by Euphausia superba. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 160. 63-76. 10.3354/meps160063

Bais, A. F.; Blumthaler, M.; Webb, A. R.; Groebner, J.; Kirsch, P. J. ORCID:; Gardiner, B. G.; Zerefos, C. S.; Svenoe, T.; Martin, T. J.. 1997 Spectral UV measurements over Europe within the Second European Stratospheric Arctic and Midlatitude Experiment activities. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102 (D7). 8731-8736. 10.1029/96JD03584

Baker, K. B.; Rodger, A. S.; Lu, G.. 1997 HF-radar observations of the dayside magnetic merging rate: A Geospace Environment Modeling boundary layer campaign study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102 (A5). 9603-9617. 10.1029/97JA00288

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 1997 An Antarctic shelf population of the deep-sea, Pacific brachiopod Neorhynchia strebeli. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 77 (02). 399-407. 10.1017/S0025315400071757

Bayliss, Peter; Ellis-Evans, J. Cynan; Laybourn-Parry, Johanna. 1997 Temporal patterns of primary production in a large ultra-oligotrophic Antarctic freshwater lake. Polar Biology, 18 (6). 363-370. 10.1007/s003000050201

Beamish, D.; Clasen, D.; Greenwood, P.G.; Peart, R.J.. 1997 Novel regularized inversion of VLF(R) data and coincident radar sections over a probable fault affecting Carboniferous sedimentary rocks in the Saar region, Germany [in special issue: Engineering Geology Special Publication] Modern Geophysics in Engineering Geology, 12. 45-52. 10.1144/GSL.ENG.1997.012.01.03

Beresford, N.A.; Mayes, R.W.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Lamb, C.S.; Wilson, P.J.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Voigt, G.. 1997 The effectiveness of oral administration of potassium iodide to lactating goats in reducing the transfer of radioiodine to milk. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 35 (2). 115-128. 10.1016/S0265-931X(96)00050-1

Bevan, R.M.; Boyd, I.L.; Butler, P.J.; Reid, K.; Woakes, A.J.; Croxall, J.P.. 1997 Heart rates and abdominal temperatures of free-ranging South Georgian shags, Phalacrocorax georgianus. Journal of Experimental Biology, 200. 661-675.

Blackwell, P.A.; Cave, M.R.; Davis, A.E.; Malik, S.A.. 1997 Determination of chlorine and bromine in rocks by alkaline fusion with ion chromatography detection. Journal of Chromatography A, 770 (1-2). 93-98. 10.1016/S0021-9673(97)00028-9

Block, William. 1997 [Book review] Sømme, L. (1995). Invertebrates in Hot and Cold Arid Environments. (Cloudsley Thompson, J.L. General Editor. Adaptations of Desert Organisms). Berlin: Springer Verlag. ISBN 3-540-58985-6. Journal of Arid Environments, 35 (2). 384-386. 10.1006/jare.1996.0177

Bloomfield, John ORCID: 1997 The role of diagenesis in the hydrogeological stratification of carbonate aquifers: an example from the Chalk at Fair Cross, Berkshire, UK. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1 (1). 19-33.

Boyce, Sara J.; Clarke, Andrew ORCID: 1997 Effect of body size and ration on specific dynamic action in the Antarctic plunderfish, Harpagifer antarcticus Nybelin 1947. Physiological Zoology, 70 (6). 679-690.

Boyd, I. L.; McCafferty, D. J.; Walker, T. R.. 1997 Variation in foraging effort by lactating Antarctic fur seals: response to simulated increased foraging costs. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 40 (3). 135-144. 10.1007/s002650050326

Boyd, I.L.. 1997 The behavioural and physiological ecology of diving. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 12 (6). 213-217. 10.1016/S0169-5347(97)01054-9

Brierley, Andrew S.; Watkins, Jonathan L.; Murray, Alistair W.A.. 1997 Interannual variability in krill abundance at South Georgia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 150. 87-98. 10.3354/meps150087

Bromley, J.; Edmunds, W.M.; Fellman, E.; Brouwer, J.; Gaze, S.R.; Sudlow, J.; Taupin, J. -D.. 1997 Estimation of rainfall inputs and direct recharge to the deep unsaturated zone of southern Niger using the chloride profile method. Journal of Hydrology, 188-189. 139-154. 10.1016/S0022-1694(96)03157-5

Calow, R.C.; Robins, N.S.; MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Macdonald, D.M.J.; Gibbs, B.R.; Orpen, W.R.; Mtembezeka, P.; Andrews, A.J.; Appiah, S.O.. 1997 Groundwater management in drought-prone areas of Africa. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 13 (2). 241-262. 10.1080/07900629749863

Camerlenghi, Angelo; Crise, A.; Pudsey, C.J.; Accerboni, E.; Laterza, R.; Rebesco, M.. 1997 Ten-month observation of the bottom current regime across a sediment drift of the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Science, 9 (04). 426-433. 10.1017/S0954102097000552

Cannell, M.G.R.; Fowler, D.; Pitcairn, C.E.R.. 1997 Climate change and pollutant impacts on Scottish vegetation. Botanical Journal of Scotland, 49 (2). 301-313. 10.1080/03746609708684875

Cantrill, D. J.. 1997 The pteridophyte Ashicaulis livingstonensis(Osmundaceae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Williams Point, Livingston Island, Antarctica. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 40 (3). 315-323. 10.1080/00288306.1997.9514764

Cantrill, David J.. 1997 Hepatophytes from the Early Cretaceous of Alexander Island, Antarctica: systematics and paleoecology. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 158 (4). 476-488. 10.1086/297458

Carbajal, Noel; Souza, Alejandro; Durazo, Reginaldo. 1997 A numerical study of the ex-ROFI of the Colorado River. Journal of Marine Systems, 12. 17-33. 10.1016/S0924-7963(96)00086-3

Carpenter, D.L.; Galand, M.; Bell, T.F.; Sonwalkar, V.S.; Inan, U.S.; LaBelle, J.; Smith, A.J.; Clark, T.D.G.; Rosenberg, T.J.. 1997 Quasiperiodic ∼5–60 s fluctuations of VLF signals propagating in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide: a result of pulsating auroral particle precipitation? Journal of Geophysical Research, 102 (A1). 347-361. 10.1029/96JA02872

Cattermole, T.J.. 1997 Snowmobile injuries in Antarctic 1989-1996. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 56 (4). 152-158.

Caulkett, A.P.; Ellis-Evans, J.C.. 1997 Chemistry of streams of Signy Island, maritime Antarctic: sources of major ions. Antarctic Science, 9 (01). 3-11. 10.1017/S0954102097000023

Cave, Mark R.; Wragg, Joanna. 1997 Measurement of trace element distributions in soils and sediments using sequential leach data and a non-specific extraction system with chemometric data processing. Analyst, 122. 1211-1221. 10.1039/A705163H

Chapman, P.J.; Reynolds, B.; Wheater, H.S.. 1997 Sources and controls of calcium and magnesium in storm runoff: the role of groundwater and ion exchange reactions along water flowpaths. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1 (3). 671-685.

Choularton, T. W.; Colvile, R. N.; Bower, K. N.; Gallagher, M. W.; Wells, M.; Beswick, K. M.; Arends, B. G.; Mols, J. J.; Kos, G. P. A.; Fuzzi, S.; Lind, J. A.; Orsi, G.; Facchini, M. C.; Laj, P.; Gieray, R.; Wieser, P.; Engelhardt, T.; Berner, A.; Kruisz, C.; Moller, D.; Acker, K.; Wieprecht, W.; Luttke, J.; Levsen, K.; Bizjak, M.; Hansson, H.-C.; Cederfelt, S.-I.; Frank, G.; Mentes, B.; Martinsson, B.; Orsine, D.; Svenningsson, B.; Swietlicki, E.; Wiedensohler, A.; Noone, K. J.; Pahl, S.; Winkler, P.; Seyffer, E.; Helas, G.; Jaeschke, W.; Georgii, H. W.; Wobrock, W.; Preiss, M.; Maser, R.; Schell, D.; Dollard, G.; Jones, B.; Davies, T.; Sedlak, D. L.; David, M. M.; Wendisch, M.; Cape, J. N.; Hargreaves, K. J.; Sutton, M. A. ORCID:; Storeton-West, R. L.; Fowler, D.; Hallberg, A.; Harrison, R. M.; Peak, J. D.. 1997 The Great Dun Fell Cloud Experiment 1993: an overview. Atmospheric Environment, 31 (16). 2393-2405. 10.1016/S1352-2310(96)00316-0

Chown, S. L.. 1997 Thermal sensitivity of oxygen uptake of Diptera from sub-Antarctic South Georgia and Marion Island. Polar Biology, 17 (1). 81-86. 10.1007/s003000050108

Chown, S. L.; Block, W.. 1997 Comparative nutritional ecology of grass-feeding in a sub-Antarctic beetle: the impact of introduced species on Hydromedion sparsutum from South Georgia. Oecologia, 111 (2). 216-224. 10.1007/s004420050228

Chown, S.L.; Block, W.; Vernon, P.; Greenslade, P.. 1997 Priorities for terrestrial Antarctic research. Polar Record, 33 (186). 187-188. 10.1017/S0032247400014674

Clarke, Andrew ORCID:; Prothero-Thomas, Elizabeth. 1997 The influence of feeding on oxygen consumption and nitrogen excretion in the Antarctic nemertean Parborlasia corrugatus. Physiological Zoology, 70 (6). 639-649.

Clauer, C. R.; Ridley, A. J.; Sitar, R. J.; Singer, H. J.; Rodger, A. S.; Friis-Christensen, E.; Papitashvili, V. O.. 1997 Field line resonant pulsations associated with a strong dayside ionospheric shear convection flow reversal. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 102 (A3). 4585-4596. 10.1029/96JA02929

Coggan, Roger. 1997 Growth:Ration relationships in the antarctic fish Notothenia coriiceps Richardson maintained under different conditions of temperature and photoperiod. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 210 (1). 23-35. 10.1016/S0022-0981(96)02717-7

Coggan, Roger. 1997 Seasonal and annual growth rates in the Antarctic fish Notothenia coriiceps Richardson. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 213 (2). 215-229. 10.1016/S0022-0981(96)02731-1

Collins, A.L.; Walling, D.E.; Leeks, G.J.L.. 1997 Sediment sources in the Upper Severn catchment: a fingerprinting approach. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1 (3). 509-521.

Connolley, William M.. 1997 Variability in annual mean circulation in southern high latitudes. Climate Dynamics, 13 (10). 745-756. 10.1007/s003820050195

Convey, P. ORCID:; Quintana, R.D.. 1997 The terrestrial arthropod fauna of Cierva Point SSSI, Danco Coast, northern Antarctic Peninsula. European Journal of Soil Biology, 33 (1). 19-29.

Convey, Peter ORCID: 1997 Environmental change: possible consequences for the life histories of Antarctic terrestrial biota. Korean Journal of Polar Research, 8 (1-2). 127-144.

Convey, Peter ORCID: 1997 How are the life history strategies of Antarctic terrestrial invertebrates influenced by extreme environmental conditions? Journal of Thermal Biology, 22 (6). 429-440. 10.1016/S0306-4565(97)00062-4

Convey, Peter ORCID:; Smith, Ronald I. Lewis. 1997 The terrestrial arthropod fauna and its habitats in northern Marguerite Bay and Alexander Island, maritime Antarctic. Antarctic Science, 9 (1). 12-26. 10.1017/S0954102097000035

Cooper, A.P.R.. 1997 Historical observations of Prince Gustav Ice Shelf. Polar Record, 33 (187). 285-294. 10.1017/S0032247400025389

Crame, J.A. ORCID: 1997 An evolutionary framework for the polar regions. Journal of Biogeography, 24 (1). 1-9. 10.1111/j.1365-2699.1997.tb00045.x

Crame, J.A. ORCID:; Luther, A.. 1997 The last inoceramid bivalves in Antarctica. Cretaceous Research, 18 (2). 179-195. 10.1006/cres.1996.0055

Crane, S.B.; Hudson, J.A.. 1997 The impact of site factors and climate variability on the calculation of potential evaporation at Moel Cynnedd, Plynlimon. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1 (3). 429-445.

Cripp, G.C.; Tarling, G.A. ORCID: 1997 Rapid procedure for the isolation and analysis of fatty acid and fatty alcohol fractions from wax esters of marine zooplankton. Journal of Chromatography A, 760 (2). 309-313. 10.1016/S0021-9673(96)00780-7

Cripps, G. C.; Shears, J.. 1997 The fate in the marine environment of a minor diesel fuel spill from an Antarctic Research Station. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 46 (3). 221-232. 10.1023/A:1005766302869

Crisp, D.T.; Beaumont, W.R.C.. 1997 Fish populations in Plynlimon streams. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1 (3). 541-548.

Croxall, J. P.; Prince, P. A.; Reid, K.. 1997 Dietary segregation of krill-eating South Georgia seabirds. Journal of Zoology, 242 (3). 531-556. 10.1111/j.1469-7998.1997.tb03854.x

Croxall, John P.. 1997 Emperor ecology in the Antarctic winter. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 12 (9). 333-334. 10.1016/S0169-5347(97)01136-1

Cruwys, E.; Robinson, K.; Boyd, I.L.. 1997 Measurements of calcium and phosphorus concentrations in the neonatal dentine of Weddell and crabeater seals using energy-dispersive x-ray analysis. Polar Record, 33 (184). 21-28. 10.1017/S0032247400014133

Curtis, Michael L.. 1997 Gondwanian age dextral transpression and spatial kinematic partitioning within the Heritage Range, Ellsworth Mountains, West Antarctica. Tectonics, 16 (1). 172-181. 10.1029/96TC01418

Dai, Heng; MacBeth, Colin. 1997 Application of back-propagation neural networks to identification of seismic arrival types. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 101 (3-4). 177-188. 10.1016/S0031-9201(97)00004-6

Dai, Heng; MacBeth, Colin. 1997 Effects of learning parameters on learning procedure and performance of a BPNN. Neural Networks, 10 (8). 1505-1521. 10.1016/S0893-6080(97)00014-2

Dai, Hengchang; MacBeth, Colin. 1997 The application of back-propagation neural network to automatic picking seismic arrivals from single-component recordings. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102 (B7). 15105-15113. 10.1029/97JB00625

Darling, W.G.; Edmunds, W.M.; Smedley, P.L.. 1997 Isotopic evidence for palaeowaters in the British Isles. Applied Geochemistry, 12 (6). 813-829. 10.1016/S0883-2927(97)00038-3

Davenport, John. 1997 Comparisons of the biology of the intertidal Subantarctic limpets Nacella concinna and Kerguelenella lateralis. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 63 (1). 39-48. 10.1093/mollus/63.1.39

Davey, Martin C.. 1997 Effects of continuous and repeated dehydration on carbon fixation by bryophytes from the maritime Antarctic. Oecologia, 110 (1). 25-31. 10.1007/s004420050129

Davey, Martin C.. 1997 Effects of physical factors on photosynthesis by the Antarctic liverwort Marchantia berteroana. Polar Biology, 17 (3). 219-227. 10.1007/s003000050125

Davey, Martin C.. 1997 Effects of short-term dehydration and rehydration on photosynthesis and respiration by Antarctic bryophytes. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 37 (2-3). 187-198. 10.1016/S0098-8472(96)01052-0

Davey, Martin C.; Rothery, Peter. 1997 Interspecific variation in respiratory and photosynthetic parameters in Antarctic bryophytes. New Phytologist, 137 (2). 231-240. 10.1046/j.1469-8137.1997.00805.x

Deb, M.; Tiwary, A.; Palmer, M.. 1997 Tourmaline in proterozoic massive sulfide deposits from Rajasthan, India. Mineralium Deposita, 32. 94-99.

Dingle, R. V.; McArthur, J. M.; Vroon, P.. 1997 Oligocene and Pliocene interglacial events in the Antarctic Peninsula dated using strontium isotope stratigraphy. Journal of the Geological Society, 154 (2). 257-264. 10.1144/gsjgs.154.2.0257

Doyle, Peter; Kelly, Simon R.A.; Pirrie, Duncan; Riccardi, Alberto C.. 1997 Jurassic belemnite distribution patterns: implications of new data from Antarctica and Argentina. Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 21 (3). 219-228. 10.1080/03115519708619175

Duane, Ailbhe M.. 1997 Taxonomic investigations of palynomorphs from the Byers group (Upper Jurassic‐Lower Cretaceous), Livingston and Snow islands, Antarctic Peninsula. Palynology, 21 (1). 123-144. 10.1080/01916122.1997.9989491

Dyrud, L. P.; Engebretson, M. J.; Posch, J. L.; Hughes, W. J.; Fukunishi, H.; Arnoldy, R. L.; Newell, P. T.; Horne, R. B. ORCID: 1997 Ground observations and possible source regions of two types of Pc 1-2 micropulsations at very high latitudes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 102 (A12). 27011-27027. 10.1029/97JA02191

Dózsa-Farkas, K.; Convey, P. ORCID: 1997 Christensenia , a new terrestrial enchytraeid genus from Antarctica. Polar Biology, 17 (6). 482-486. 10.1007/s003000050146

Edmunds, W.M.. 1997 Preface to the set of thematic papers dedicated to the memory of John Napier Andrews (1930-1994). Applied Geochemistry, 12 (6). 705-706. 10.1016/S0883-2927(97)87915-2

Edmunds, W.M.; Gaye, C.B.. 1997 Naturally high nitrate concentrations in groundwaters from the Sahel. Journal of Environmental Quality, 26 (5). 1231-1239.

Edwards, H. G. M.; Russell, N. C.; Wynn-Williams, D. D.. 1997 Fourier Transform Raman spectroscopic and scanning electron microscopic study of cryptoendolithic lichens from Antarctica. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 28 (9). 685-690. 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4555(199709)28:9<685::AID-JRS160>3.0.CO;2-X

Edwards, N. R.; Mobbs, S. D.. 1997 Modelling isolated wave-turbulence interactions in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 123 (539). 585-604. 10.1002/qj.49712353904

Edwards, N. R.; Mobbs, S. D.. 1997 Observations of isolated wave-turbulence interactions in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 123 (539). 561-584. 10.1002/qj.49712353903

Everson, I.; Kock, K.-H.; Parkes, G.. 1997 Interannual variation in condition of the mackerel icefish. Journal of Fish Biology, 51 (1). 146-154. 10.1111/j.1095-8649.1997.tb02520.x

Fielding, C.R.; Woolfe, K.J.; Purdon, R.G.; Lavelle, M.; Howe, J.A.. 1997 Sedimentological and stratigraphical re-evaluation of the CIROS-1 Core, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Terra Antartica, 4 (2). 149-160.

Fordyce, Fiona; Smith, Barry. 1997 Disease : the link between geochemistry and health. Earthwise, 10. 21.

Foster, Helen J.; Alexander, Sarah; Locks, Tanya; Wheater, Howard S.; Lees, Matthew J.; Reynolds, Brian. 1997 Scale dependence of the episodic hydrochemical response of nested catchments at Plynlimon. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1 (3). 639-651.

Foster, S.S.D.; Grey, D.R.C.. 1997 Groundwater resources : balancing perspectives on key issues affecting supply and demand. Water and Environment Journal, 11 (3). 193-199. 10.1111/j.1747-6593.1997.tb00115.x

Fox, A. J. ORCID:; Nuttall, A. M.. 1997 Photogrammetry as a research tool for glaciology. The Photogrammetric Record, 15 (89). 725-737. 10.1111/0031-868X.00081

Frohlich, C.; Coffin, M.F.; Massell, C.; Mann, P.; Schuur, C.L.; Davis, S.D.; Jones, T.; Karner, G.. 1997 Constraints on Macquarie Ridge tectonics provided by Harvard focal mechanisms and teleseismic earthquake locations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102 (B3). 5029-5041.

Gatliff, Robert; Ritchie, Derek; Quinn, Martyn; Evans, Russ. 1997 Exploration potential along the NE Atlantic Margin. Offshore International.

George, D. G.. 1997 The airborne remote sensing of phytoplankton chlorophyll in the lakes and tarns of the English Lake District. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 18 (9). 1961-1975. 10.1080/014311697217972

Gladczenko, Tadeusz P.; Coffin, Millard F.; Eldholm, Olav. 1997 Crustal structure of the Ontong Java Plateau: modeling of new gravity and existing seismic data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102 (B1)). 22711-22729.

González, A.F.; Trathan, P.N. ORCID:; Yau, C.; Rodhouse, P.G.. 1997 Interactions between oceanography, ecology and fishery biology of the ommastrephid squid Martialia hyadesi in the South Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 152. 205-215. 10.3354/meps152205

Goss, C.; Bone, D.G.; Peck, J.M.; Everson, I.; Hunt, G.L.; Murray, A.W.A.. 1997 Small-scale interactions between prions Pachyptila spp. and their zooplankton prey at an inshore site near Bird Island, South Georgia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 154. 41-51. 10.3354/meps154041

Green, S.; Marsh, T.J. ORCID: 1997 A consideration of rainfall, runoff and losses at Plynlimon in the context of hydrological variability in the UK and maritime western Europe. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1 (3). 399-407.

Grubor-Lajsic, G.; Block, W.; Telesmanic, M.; Jovanovic, A.; Stevanovic, D.; Baca, F.. 1997 Effect of cold acclimation on the antioxidant defense system of two larval lepidoptera (noctuidae). Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 36 (1). 1-10. 10.1002/(SICI)1520-6327(1997)36:1<1::AID-ARCH1>3.0.CO;2-#

Hall, Kevin. 1997 Observations on “cryoplanation” benches in Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 9 (02). 10.1017/S0954102097000230

Hall, Kevin. 1997 Rock temperatures and implications for cold region weathering. I: New data from Viking Valley, Alexander Island, Antarctica. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 8 (1). 69-90. 10.1002/(SICI)1099-1530(199701)8:1<69::AID-PPP236>3.0.CO;2-Q

Hammer, Claus; Mayewski, Paul A.; Peel, David; Stuiver, Minze. 1997 Preface [to special section on Greenland Summit Ice Cores]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 102 (C12). 26315-26316. 10.1029/97JC02835

Harangozo, S.A.. 1997 Atmospheric meridional circulation impacts on contrasting winter sea ice extent in two years in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean. Tellus A, 49 (3). 388-400. 10.1034/j.1600-0870.1997.t01-2-00006.x

Harangozo, Stephen A.; Colwell, Steven R.; King, John C. ORCID: 1997 An analysis of a 34-year air temperature record from Fossil Bluff (71°S, 68°W), Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 9 (3). 355-363. 10.1017/S0954102097000436

Harris, M. P. ORCID:; Baillie, S. R.; Dudley, C.. 1997 Ringing recoveries and colony attendance of Isle of May guillemots. Seabird, 19. 31-39.

Harris, M.P. ORCID:; Wanless, S. ORCID: 1997 The effect of removing large numbers of gulls Larus spp. on an island population of oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus: implications for management. Biological Conservation, 82 (2). 167-171. 10.1016/S0006-3207(97)00019-0

Harris, M.P. ORCID:; Wanless, S. ORCID:; Barton, T.R.; Elston, D.A.. 1997 Nest site characteristics, duration of use and breeding success in the Guillemot uria aalge. Ibis, 139 (3). 468-476. 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1997.tb04660.x

Hathway, B.. 1997 Nonmarine sedimentation in an Early Cretaceous extensional continental-margin arc, Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 67 (4). 686-697. 10.1306/D4268617-2B26-11D7-8648000102C1865D

Hays, G.C.; Marsh, R.. 1997 Estimating the age of juvenile loggerhead sea turtles in the North Atlantic. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 75. 40-46.

Hennion, F.; Walton, D.W.H. ORCID: 1997 Ecology and seed morphology of endemic species from Kerguelen Phytogeographic Zone. Polar Biology, 18 (4). 229-235. 10.1007/s003000050182

Hennion, F.; Walton, D.W.H. ORCID: 1997 Seed germination of endemic species from Kerguelen phytogeographic zone. Polar Biology, 17 (2). 180-187. 10.1007/s003000050120

Herring, P.J.. 1997 Aaaargh, no! - in lights. Nature, 387 (6629). p.140. 10.1038/387140c0

Hill, Timothy; Neal, Colin. 1997 Spatial and temporal variation in pH, alkalinity and conductivity in surface runoff and groundwater for the Upper River Severn catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1 (3). 697-715.

Hindmarsh, Richard ORCID: 1997 Deforming beds: Viscous and plastic scales of deformation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 16 (9). 1039-1056. 10.1016/S0277-3791(97)00035-8

Hindmarsh, Richard C.A. ORCID: 1997 Normal modes of an ice sheet. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 335 (1). 393-413. 10.1017/S0022112097001948

Hindmarsh, Richard C.A. ORCID: 1997 Use of ice-sheet normal modes for initialization and modelling small changes. Annals of Glaciology, 25. 85-95. 10.3189/S0260305500013847

Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID: 1997 Inferring seal populations from lake sediments. Nature, 387 (6628). 30-31. 10.1038/387030a0

Hodgson, P.; Evans, J.G. ORCID: 1997 Continuous pH, electrical conductivity and temperature measurement at Plynlimon: towards an integrated, reliable and low maintenance instrument system. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1 (3). 653-660.

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Skiba, U. ORCID:; Fowler, D.; Smith, K.A.. 1997 Nitric oxide emissions from agricultural soils in temperate and tropical climates: sources, controls and mitigation options. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 48 (1-2). 139-153. 10.1023/A:1009734514983

Skuterud, Lavrans; Travnikova, Irina G.; Balonov, Michael I.; Strand, Per; Howard, Brenda J. ORCID: 1997 Contribution of fungi to radiocaesium intake by rural populations in Russia. Science of the Total Environment, 193 (3). 237-242. 10.1016/S0048-9697(96)05346-6

Slusser, J. R.; Fish, D. J.; Strong, E. K.; Jones, R. L.; Roscoe, H. K.; Sarkissian, A.. 1997 Five years of NO2vertical column measurements at Faraday (65°S): Evidence for the hydrolysis of BrONO2on Pinatubo aerosols. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 102 (D11). 12987-12993. 10.1029/97JD00359

Smellie, J.L.; Hole, M.J.. 1997 Products and processes in Pliocene-Recent, subaqueous to emergent volcanism in the Antarctic Peninsula: examples of englacial Surtseyan volcano construction. Bulletin of Volcanology, 58 (8). 628-646. 10.1007/s004450050167

Smith, A.M. ORCID: 1997 Basal conditions on Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica, from seismic observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102 (B1). 543-552. 10.1029/96JB02933

Smith, A.M. ORCID: 1997 Variations in basal conditions on Rutford Ice Stream, West Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 43 (144). 245-255. 10.3189/S0022143000003191

Smith, R. I.; Cape, J. N.; Binnie, J.; Murray, T. D.; Young, M.; Fowler, D.. 1997 Deposition of atmospheric pollutants to the LOIS area. Science of the Total Environment, 194. 71-85. 10.1016/S0048-9697(96)05354-5

Souza, Alejandro; Simpson, John. 1997 Controls of Stratification the Rhine ROFI. Journal of Marine Systems, 12. 311-323. 10.1016/S0924-7963(96)00105-4

Souza, Alejandro; Simpson, John; Schirmer, Florian. 1997 Current structure in the Rhine region of freshwater influence. Journal of Marine Research, 55 (2). 277-292.

Stanwell-Smith, Damon; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID: 1997 Benthic community development in Antarctica: recruitment and growth on settlement panels at Signy Island. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 212 (1). 61-79. 10.1016/S0022-0981(96)02754-2

Stark, Gavin; Barr, Colin; Watkins, John ORCID: 1997 Using the Countryside Information System to inform woodland policy. Arboricultural Journal, 21 (2). 127-136. 10.1080/03071375.1997.9747157

Starý, J.; Block, W.; Greenslade, P.. 1997 Oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) of sub-Antarctic Heard Island. Journal of Natural History, 31 (4). 545-553. 10.1080/00222939700770281

Stevens, P.A.; Reynolds, B.; Hughes, S.; Norris, D.A.; Dickinson, A.L.. 1997 Relationships between spruce plantation age, solute and soil chemistry in Hafren forest. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1 (3). 627-637.

Storey, B.C.; Kyle, P.R.. 1997 An active mantle mechanism for Gondwana breakup. South African Journal of Geology, 100 (4). 283-290.

Surinach, E.; Galindo-Zaldivar, J.; Maldonado, A.; Livermore, R.. 1997 Large amplitude magnetic anomalies in the northern sector of the Powell Basin, NE Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Geophysical Researches, 19 (1). 65-80. 10.1023/A:1004240931967

Sutton, M. A. ORCID:; Perthue, E; Fowler, D.; Storeton-West, R. L.; Cape, J. N.; Arends, G. G.; Mols, J. J.. 1997 Vertical distribution and fluxes of ammonia at Great Dun Fell. Atmospheric Environment, 31 (16). 2615-2623. 10.1016/S1352-2310(96)00180-X

Taylor, Jan R. E.; Place, Allen R.; Roby, Daniel D.. 1997 Stomach oil and reproductive energetics in Antarctic prions,Pachyptila desolata. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 75 (3). 490-500. 10.1139/z97-060

Thistlewood, L.; Leat, P. T.; Millar, I. L.; Storey, B. C.; Vaughan, A. P. M.. 1997 Basement geology and Palaeozoic–Mesozoic mafic dykes from the Cape Meredith Complex, Falkland Islands: a record of repeated intracontinental extension. Geological Magazine, 134 (3). 355-367. 10.1017/S0016756897007085

Thomson, A. G.; Fuller, R. M.. 1997 Land cover map of Great Britain - an extension of analysis to identify arable crops. Annual Report, Institute of Arable Crops Research, 1996/97.

Thomson, J.. 1997 Book review - Oceanic sedimentation: lithology and geochemistry by Alexander P. Lisitzin, Washington, D.C. American Geophysical Union, 1996. 407pp. Organic Geochemistry, 27 (1/2). p.101.

Thomson, Janet. 1997 Antarctic mapping: a bleak future? Antarctic Science, 9 (4). 10.1017/S0954102097000461

Thomson, M.R.A.. 1997 Antarctic geoscience: present status and future opportunities. Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural. Seccion Geologica, 93 (1-4). 13-20.

Thomson, N. R.; Clilverd, M. A. ORCID:; Smith, A. J.. 1997 Evidence of more efficient whistler-mode transmission during periods of increased magnetic activity. Annales Geophysicae, 15 (8). 999-1004. 10.1007/s00585-997-0999-9

Thorne, Richard M.; Horne, Richard B. ORCID: 1997 Modulation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron instability due to interaction with ring current O+during magnetic storms. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102 (A7). 14155-14163. 10.1029/96JA04019

Tiwary, A.; Deb, M.. 1997 Geochemistry of alteration zones in bimodal volcanics around Deri massive sulfide deposit, Rajasthan, NW India. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 59. 99-121.

Todd, C. M.. 1997 Respiratory metabolism in two species of carabid beetle from the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. Polar Biology, 18 (3). 166-171. 10.1007/s003000050173

Todd, Catherine M.; Block, William. 1997 Responses to desiccation in four Coleopterans from sub-Antarctic South Georgia. Journal of Insect Physiology, 43 (10). 905-913. 10.1016/S0022-1910(97)00055-3

Trathan, P. N. ORCID:; Brandon, M. A.; Murphy, E. J. ORCID: 1997 Characterization of the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone to the north of South Georgia in summer 1994. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 102 (C5). 10483-10497. 10.1029/97JC00381

Turner, J. ORCID:; Colwell, S.R.; Harangozo, S.. 1997 Variability of precipitation over the coastal western Antarctic Peninsula from synoptic observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 102 (D12). 13999-14007. 10.1029/96JD03359

Tyler, C.R.; Pottinger, T.G.; Coward, K.; Prat, F.; Beresford, N.; Maddix, S.. 1997 Salmonid Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (GtH I) Mediates Vitellogenic Development of Oocytes in the Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Biology of Reproduction, 57 (5). 1238-1244. 10.1095/​biolreprod57.5.1238

Upton, M.; Pennington, T.H.; Haston, W.; Forbes, K.J.. 1997 Detection of human commensals in the area around an Antarctic research station. Antarctic Science, 9 (2). 156-161. 10.1017/S0954102097000205

Varley, M J. 1997 The use of kites to investigate boundary layer meteorology. Meteorological Applications, 4 (2). 151-159. 10.1017/S1350482797000431

Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Wareham, Christopher D.; Millar, Ian L.. 1997 Granitoid pluton formation by spreading of continental crust: the Wiley Glacier complex, northwest Palmer Land, Antarctica. Tectonophysics, 283 (1-4). 35-60.

Vaughan, G.; Roscoe, H. K.; Bartlett, L. M.; O'Connor, F. M.; Sarkissian, A.; Van Roozendael, M.; Lambert, J-C; Simon, P. C.; Karlsen, K.; Høiskar, B. A. Kåstad; Fish, D. J.; Jones, R. L.; Freshwater, R. A.; Pommereau, J-P.; Goutail, F.; Andersen, S. B.; Drew, D. G.; Hughes, P. A.; Moore, D.; Mellqvist, J.; Hegels, E.; Klupfel, T.; Erle, F.; Pfeilsticker, K.; Platt, U.. 1997 An intercomparison of ground-based UV-visible sensors of ozone and NO2. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 102 (D1). 1411-1422. 10.1029/96JD00515

Veit, Richard R.; Prince, Peter A.. 1997 Individual and population level dispersal of black-browed albatrosses Diomedea melanophris and grey-headed albatrosses D. chrysostoma in response to Antarctic krill. Ardea, 85. 129-134.

Velegrakis, A.F.; Gao, S.; Lafite, R.; Dupont, J.P.; Huault, M.F.; Nash, L.A.; Collins, M.B.. 1997 Resuspension and advection processes affecting suspended particulate matter concentrations in the central English Channel. Journal of Sea Research, 38 (1-2). 17-34. 10.1016/S1385-1101(97)00041-5

Vijver, Bart van de; Beyens, Louis. 1997 The chrysophyte stomatocyst flora of the moss vegetation from Strømness Bay Area, South Georgia. Archiv für Protistenkunde, 148 (4). 505-520. 10.1016/S0003-9365(97)80026-7

Wadsworth, R. A.; Cox, R.; Fuller, R. M.. 1997 The adjustment of frequency distribution of cover types within sections of the Land Cover Map of Great Britain. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 18. 3569-3582. 10.1080/014311697216801

Walker, T.R.; Reid, K.; Arnould, J.P.Y.; Croxall, J.P.. 1997 Marine debris surveys at Bird Island, South Georgia 1990–1995. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 34 (1). 61-65. 10.1016/S0025-326X(96)00053-7

Walton, David W.H. ORCID: 1997 Environmental monitoring - measuring the damage. International Journal of Wilderness, 3 (3). 31-34.

Wanless, S. ORCID:; Harris, M. P. ORCID:; Burger, A. E.; Buckland, S. T.. 1997 Use of time-at-depth recorders for estimating depth and diving performance of European shags. Journal of Field Ornithology, 68. 547-561.

Ward, P.; Atkinson, A.; Schnack-Schiel, S.B.; Murray, A.W.A.. 1997 Regional variation in the life cycle of Rhincalanus gigas (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean--re-examination of existing data (1928 to 1993). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 157. 261-275. 10.3354/meps157261

Ward, J.P.; Peck, L.S. ORCID: 1997 The coldwater marine aquarium at the British Antarctic Survey. Aquarium Science and Conservation, 1 (1). 53-63. 10.1023/A:1018375331947

Wareham, Christopher D.; Millar, Ian L.; Vaughan, Alan P.M.. 1997 The generation of sodic granite magmas, western Palmer Land, Antarctic Peninsula. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 128 (1). 81-96. 10.1007/s004100050295

Wareham, Christopher D.; Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Millar, Ian L.. 1997 The Wiley Glacier complex, Antarctic Peninsula: pluton growth by pulsing of granitoid magmas. Chemical Geology, 143 (1-2). 65-80. 10.1016/S0009-2541(97)00100-9

Weinstein, Richard N.; Palm, Mary E.; Johnstone, Keith; Wynn-Williams, David D.. 1997 Ecological and physiological characterization of Humicola marvinii, a new psychrophilic fungus from fellfield soils in the maritime Antarctic. Mycologia, 89 (5). 706. 10.2307/3761126

Wells, G. D.; Rodger, A. S.; Moffett, R. J.; Bailey, G. J.; Fuller-Rowell, T. J.. 1997 The effects of nitric oxide cooling and the photodissociation of molecular oxygen on the thermosphere/ionosphere system over the Argentine Islands. Annales Geophysicae, 15 (3). 355-365. 10.1007/s00585-997-0355-0

Wells, M.; Bower, K. N.; Choularton, T. W.; Cape, J. N.; Sutton, M. A. ORCID:; Storeton-West, R. L.; Fowler, D.; Wiedensohler, A.; Hansson, H. -C.; Svenningsson, B.; Swietlicki, E.; Wendisch, M.; Jones, B.; Dollard, G.; Acker, K.; Wieprecht, W.; Preiss, M.; Arends, B. G.; Pahl, S.; Berner, A.; Kruisz, C.; Laj, P.; Facchini, M. C.; Fuzzi, S.. 1997 The reduced nitrogen budget of an orographic cloud. Atmospheric Environment, 31 (16). 2599-2613. 10.1016/S1352-2310(96)00189-6

Wells, M.; Bower, K. N.; Choularton, T. W.; Cape, J. N.; Sutton, M. A. ORCID:; Storeton-West, R. L.; Fowler, D.; Wiedensohler, A.; Hansson, H. C.; Svenningsson, B.; Swietlicki, E.; Wendisch, M.; Jones, B.; Dollard, G.; Acker, K.; Wieprecht, W.; Priess, M.; Arends, B. G.; Pahl, S.; Berner, A.; Kruisz, C.; Laj, P.; Facchini, M. C.; Fuzzi, S.. 1997 The reduced nitrogen budget of an orographic cloud. Atmospheric Environment, 31 (16). 2599-2614. 10.1016/S1352-2310(96)00189-6

West, J.M.; Chilton, P.J.. 1997 Aquifers as environments for microbiological activity. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 30 (2). 147-154. 10.1144/GSL.QJEGH.1997.030.P2.06

Wharton, David A.; Block, William. 1997 Differential scanning calorimetry studies on an Antarctic nematode (Panagrolaimus davidi) which survives intracellular freezing. Cryobiology, 34 (2). 114-121. 10.1006/cryo.1996.1989

Whitehouse, M.J.; Preston, M.. 1997 A flexible computer-based technique for the analysis of data from a sea-going nutrient autoanalyser. Analytica Chimica Acta, 345 (1-3). 197-202. 10.1016/S0003-2670(96)00630-7

Whiteley, N. M.; Taylor, E. W.; Clarke, A. ORCID:; Haj, A. J. El. 1997 Haemolymph oxygen transport and acid-base status in Glyptonotus antarcticus Eights. Polar Biology, 18 (1). 10-15. 10.1007/s003000050153

Wilkinson, J.; Reynolds, B.; Neal, C.; Hills, S.; Neal, M.; Harrow, M.. 1997 Major, minor and trace element composition of cloudwater and rainwater at Plynlimon. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 1 (3). 557-569.

Woehler, E.J.; Croxall, J.P.. 1997 The status and trends of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic seabirds. Marine Ornithology, 25. 43-66.

Wolff, Eric W.; Miners, William D.; Moore, John C.; Paren, Julian G.. 1997 Factors controlling the electrical conductivity of ice from the polar regions-A Summary. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 101 (32). 6090-6094. 10.1021/jp9631543

Wolff, Eric W.; Moore, John C.; Clausen, Henrik B.; Hammer, Claus U.. 1997 Climatic implications of background acidity and other chemistry derived from electrical studies of the Greenland Ice Core Project ice core. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 102 (C12). 26325-26332. 10.1029/96JC02223

Woolliscroft, L. J. C.; Alleyne, H. St. C.; Dunford, C. M.; Sumner, A.; Thompson, J. A.; Walker, S. N.; Yearby, K. H.; Buckley, A.; Chapman, S.; Gough, M. P.; Horne, R. B. ORCID: 1997 The Digital Wave-Processing Experiment on Cluster. Space Science Reviews, 79 (1). 209-231. 10.1023/A:1004914211866

Worland, M.R.; Sinclair, B.J.; Wharton, D.A.. 1997 Ice nucleation activity in a New Zealand alpine cockroach Celatoblatta quinquemaculata (Dictyoptera: Blattidae). CryoLetters, 18 (6). 327-334.

Wright, S.M.; Strand, P.; Sickel, M.A.K.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Howard, D.C. ORCID:; Cooke, A.I.. 1997 Spatial variation in the vulnerability of Norwegian Arctic counties to radiocaesium deposition. Science of the Total Environment, 202 (1-3). 173-184. 10.1016/S0048-9697(97)00114-9

Zdzitowiecki, K.; White, M.G.; Rocka, A.. 1997 Digenean, monogenean and cestode infection of inshore fish at the South Orkney Islands. Acta Parasitologica, 42 (1). 18-22.

Publication - Book

Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Butterfly Conservation. 1997 Butterflies for the new millennium. Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 27pp.

Mahoney, J.J.; Coffin, M.R., eds. 1997 Large igneous provinces: continental, oceanic, and planetary flood volcanism. Washington DC, USA, American Geophysical Union, 438pp. (AGU Geophysical Monograph, 100).

Edwards, Robin, ed. 1997 Provisional atlas of the aculeate Hymenoptera of Britain and Ireland. Part 1. Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 139pp.

Boorman, L. A.; Ranwell, D. S.. 1997 Ecology of Maplin Sands and the coastal zones of Suffolk, Essex and North Kent. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 56pp.

Davies, J.R.; Fletcher, C.J.N.; Waters, R.A.; Wilson, D.. 1997 Geology of the country around Llanilar and Rhayader : memoir for 1:50 000 geological sheets 178 and 179 (England and Wales). London, UK, Stationery Office, 284pp. (Memoir (Sheet) British Geological Survey (England & Wales), 178).

Goss-Custard, J. D.; Rufino, R.; Luis, A. (eds). 1997 Effect of habitat loss and change on waterbirds. London, The Stationery Office, 144pp. (ITE Symposium, 30).

Haes, E. C. M.; Harding, P. T.. 1997 Atlas of grasshoppers, crickets and allied insects in Britain and Ireland. London, The Stationery Office, 61pp. (ITE research publication, no.11).

Redpath, S. M.; Thirgood, S. J.. 1997 Birds of prey and red grouse. London, Stationery Office, 148pp.

Rothery, Peter; Sparks, Tim. 1997 Introduction to MINITAB Release 11. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 58pp. (TFS Project No. T13060). (Unpublished)

Sparks, Tim; Rothery, Peter. 1997 Introduction to graphics in MINITAB Release 11. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 63pp. (TFS Project No. T13060). (Unpublished)

Whitehouse, Michael. 1997 Automated seawater nutrient chemistry. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 14pp.

Publication - Book Section

Bailey, Mark J.; Lilley, Andrew K.; Ellis, Richard J.; Bramwell, Penny A.; Thompson, Ian P.. 1997 Microbial ecology, inoculant distribution, and gene flux within populations of bacteria colonizing the surface of plants: case study of a GMM field release in the United Kingdom. In: Elas, J.D. van; Trevors, J.T.; Wellington, E.M.H., (eds.) Modern soil microbiology. New York, Marcel Dekker Inc., 479-500.

Bale, Jeffrey S.; Hodkinson, Ian D.; Block, William; Webb, Nigel R.; Coulson, Steven C.; Strathdee, Andrew T.. 1997 Life strategies of arctic terrestrial arthropods. In: Woodin, S.J.; Marquiss, M., (eds.) Ecology of arctic environments. Oxford, Blackwell, 137-165. (British Ecological Society special publication, 13).

Blake, David M.. 1997 The development of structures for Halley Station in Antarctica. In: Zubeck, Hannele K.; Woolard, Craig R.; White, Daniel M.; Vinson, Ted S., (eds.) ISCORD'97. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Cold Region Development, Anchorage, Alaska, May 1997. Hanover, NH, US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, 57-60.

Block, William. 1997 Ecophysiological strategies of terrestrial arthropods in the maritime Antarctic. In: Battaglia, B.; Valencia, J.; Walton, D.W.H. ORCID:, (eds.) Antarctic communities: species, structure and survival. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 316-320.

Boorman, David ORCID:; Eatherall, Andrew; Kowe, Raymond; Tolchard, Simon. 1997 In-stream water quality modelling in the River Ouse. In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 98-99. (LOIS Publication no.323).

Bradshaw, J.D.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Weaver, S.D.; Storey, B.C.; Muir, R.J.; Ireland, T.R.. 1997 New Zealand superterranes recognized in Marie Byrd Land and Thurston Island. In: Ricca, A., (ed.) The Antarctic Region: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Terra Antartica Publications, 429-436.

Brito, T.A.S.; Tyler, P.A.; Clarke, A. ORCID: 1997 Reproductive biology of the Antarctic octocoral Thouarella variabilis Wright & Studer, 1889. In: Hartog, J.C. den, (ed.) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Coelenterate Biology, 1995. Leiden, National Museum of Natural History, 63-69.

Bunce, R. G. H.; Watkins, J. W. ORCID:; Smart, S. M. ORCID: 1997 ECOFACT - ECOlogical FACTors controlling botanical diversity in the British countryside. In: Scientific Report of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology 1996-97. Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 8-11.

Burton, HR; Arnbom, T; Boyd, IL; Bester, M; Vergani, D; Wilkinson, I. 1997 Significant differences in weaning mass of southern elephant seals from five sub-Antarctic islands in relation to population declines. In: Battaglia, B.; Valencia, J.; Walton, D.W.H. ORCID:, (eds.) Antarctic communities: species, structure and survival. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 335-338.

Camerlenghi, A.; Rebesco, M.; Pudsey, C.J.. 1997 High resolution terrigenous sedimentary record of a sediment drift on the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin (initial results of the 'SEDANO' program). In: Ricci, C.A., (ed.) The Antarctic region: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Terra Antartica Publication, 705-710.

Cantrill, D.J.. 1997 Floristics of a Lower Cretaceous freshwater lake deposit from President Head, Snow Island, South Shetland Islands. In: Ricci, C.A., (ed.) The Antarctic region: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Terra Antartica Publication, 1017-1022.

Clarke, A. ORCID:; Crame, J.A. ORCID: 1997 Diversity, latitude and time: patterns in the shallow sea. In: Ormond, R.F.G.; Gage, J.D.; Angel, M.V., (eds.) Marine biodiversity: patterns and processes. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 122-147.

Convey, Peter ORCID: 1997 Comparative studies of Antarctic arthropod and bryophyte life cycles: do they have a common strategy? In: Battaglia, B.; Valencia, J.; Walton, D.W.H. ORCID:, (eds.) Antarctic Communities: species, structure and survival. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 321-327.

Cooper, D.M. ORCID: 1997 The LOIS delivery model. In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 95-97. (LOIS Publication no.323).

Crame, J.A, ORCID:; Clarke, Andrew ORCID: 1997 The historical component of marine taxonomic diversity gradients. In: Ormond, R.F.G.; Gage, J.D.; Angel, M.V., (eds.) Marine biodiversity: patterns and processes. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 258-273.

Dudeney, J.R.; Horne, R.B. ORCID:; Jarvis, M.J.; Kressman, R.I.; Rodger, A.S.; Smith, A.J.. 1997 British Antarctic Survey's ground-based activities complementary to satellite missions such as Cluster. In: Lockwood, M.; Wild, M.N.; Opgenoorth, H.J., (eds.) Satellite-groundbased coordination sourcebook. Noordwijk, Netherlands, European Space Agency, 101-109.

Ellis-Evans, J. Cynan. 1997 Micro-scale distribution of photoautotrophic micro-organisms in relation to light, temperature and moisture in Antarctic lithosols. In: Lyons, W.B.; Howard-Williams, C.; Hawes, I., (eds.) Ecosystem processes in Antarctic ice-free landscapes. Rotterdam, Balkema, 89-101.

Ellis-Evans, J. Cynan; Laybourn-Parry, J.; Bayliss, P.R.; Perriss, S.T.. 1997 Human impact on an oligotrophic lake in the Larsemann Hills. In: Battaglia, B.; Valencia, J.; Walton, D.W.H. ORCID:, (eds.) Antarctic communities: species, structure and survival. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 396-404.

Fordyce, F.M.; Zhang, G.; Johnson, C.C.; Ge, X.; Appleton, J.D.; Zhang, Q.; Lui, X.; Li, J.. 1997 Geochemistry and human selenium imbalances in China. In: Wanty, R.; Marsh, S.; Gough, L., (eds.) Abstracts of the 4th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry. Denver, Colorado, USGS, 24-25. (Open File Report, 97-496).

Fordyce, Fiona; Plant, Jane; Klaver, Gerard; Locutura, Juan; Salminen, Reijo; Vrana, Kamil. 1997 Geochemical Mapping in Europe. In: Xie, Xuejin, (ed.) Geochemistry : Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress. Utrecht, Netherlands, Taylor and Francis, 111-125. (Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, 19).

Gillespie, M. K.; Howard, D. C. ORCID:; Barr, C. J.; Culling, A. S. C.. 1997 Using GIS with Countryside Survey 1990 data to study connectivity in the British landscape. In: Cooper, A.; Power, J., (eds.) Species dispersal and land use processes. IALE (UK) (International Association for Landscape Ecology), 185-192.

Goss-Custard, J. D.; West, A. D.. 1997 The concept of carrying capacity and shorebirds. In: Goss-Custard, J. D.; Rufino, R.; Luis, A., (eds.) Effect of habitat loss and change on waterbirds. London, The Stationery Office, 52-62, 144pp. (ITE Symposium, 30).

Grantham, G.H.; Storey, B.C.; Thomas, R.J.; Jacobs, J.. 1997 The pre-break-up position of Haag Nunataks within Gondwana: possible correlatives in Natal and Donning Maud Land. In: Ricci, C.A., (ed.) The Antarctic Regions: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Terra Antartica Publication, 13-20.

Head, J.W.; Coffin, M.F.. 1997 Large igneous provinces: a planetary perspective. In: Mahoney, J.J.; Coffin, M.R., (eds.) Large igneous provinces: continental, oceanic, and planetary flood volcanism. Washington DC, USA, American Geophysical Union, 411-438, 438pp. (AGU Geophysical Monograph, 100).

House, W. Alan. 1997 LOIS river contaminant research in RACS(R). In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 43. (LOIS Publication no.323).

House, W. Alan; Warwick, Melanie S.. 1997 Dynamics of P interactions with suspended and bed-sediments. In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 106-107. (LOIS Publication no.323).

Jackson, Peter; Gunn, David; Flint, R.C.; Beamish, David; Meldrum, Philip; Lovell, Mike; Harvey, P.K.; Payton, A.. 1997 A non-contacting resistivity imaging method for characterizing whole round core while in its liner. In: Lovell, M.A.; Harvey, P.K., (eds.) Developments in Petrophysics. Geological Society, London, Geoological Society of London, 1-10, 10pp. (Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 122).

Johnson, A.C.. 1997 Aeromagnetic anomaly map of the central Antarctic Peninsula. In: Ricci, C.A., (ed.) The Antarctic Regions: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Terra Antartica Publication, 1193-1194.

King, E.C. ORCID:; Bell, A.C.. 1997 Seismic reflection investigation of George VI Sound, Antarctic Peninsula. In: Ricci, C.A., (ed.) The Antarctic regions: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Terra Antartica Publication, 697-703.

Kozyra, J. U.; Jordanova, V. K.; Horne, R. B. ORCID:; Thorne, R. M.. 1997 Modeling of the contribution of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves to stormtime ring current erosion. In: Tsurutani, B.T.; Gonzalez, W.D.; Kamide, Y.; Arballo, J.K., (eds.) Magnetic Storms. Washington, D.C., American Geophysical Union, 187-202. (Geophysical Monograph, 98, 98).

Lambert, J.-C,; Van Roozendael, M.; Simon, P.C.; De Maziere, M.; Pommereau, J.-P.; Goutail, F.; Sarkissian, A.; Denis, L.; Dorokhov, V.; Eriksen, P.; Kyro, E.; Leveau, J.; Roscoe, H.K.; Tellefsen, C.W.; Vaughan, G.. 1997 Validation of the ERS02 GOME ozone total columns with the SAOZ ground-based network during the period 28 June - 17 August 1996. In: Bojkov, R.D.; Visconti, G., (eds.) Proceedings of the XVIII Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, L'Aquila, Italy, September 1996. International Ozone Commission, 297-300.

Larter, R. D. ORCID:; Barker, P. F.; Pudsey, C. J.; Vanneste, L. E.; Cunningham, A. P.. 1997 The Antarctic Peninsula Continental Margin Northwest of Anvers Island. In: Davies, Thomas A.; Bell, Trevor; Cooper, Alan K.; Josenhans, Heiner; Polyak, Leonid; Solheim, Anders; Stoker, Martyn S.; Stravers, Jay A., (eds.) Glaciated Continental Margins. An atlas of acoustic images. London, Springer, 272-275.

Larter, R. D. ORCID:; Rebesco, M.; Vanneste, L. E.; GambôA, L. A. P.; Barker, P. F.. 1997 Cenozoic tectonic, sedimentary and glacial history of the Continental Shelf west Of Graham Land, Antarctic Peninsula. In: Barker, P.F.; Cooper, A.K., (eds.) Geology and Seismic Stratigraphy of the Antarctic Margin, 2. Washington, D.C., American Geophysical Union, 1-27. (Antarctic Research Series, 71).

Leat, P.T.; Scarrow, J.H.; Wareham, C.D.. 1997 A model for Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous Antarctic Peninsula plutonism. In: Ricci, C.A., (ed.) The Antarctic Regions: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Terra Antartica Publication, 321-326.

Leeks, G.J.L.. 1997 An overview of progress in LOIS river basins. In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 39-40. (LOIS Publication no.323).

Lewis, Melinda; Stuart, Marianne; Robins, Nicholas; Davey, Ian R. 1997 The role and limitations of groundwater vulnerability maps in evaluating groundwater pollution hazard beneath contaminated land. In: Chilton, John, (ed.) Groundwater in the Urban Environment. Rotterdam, Balkema, 617-620, 4pp.

Loske, W.; Herve, F.; Miller, H.; Pankhurst, R.J.. 1997 Rb-Sr and U-pb studies of the pre-Andean Andean magmatism in the Horseshoe Island area, Marguerite Bay (Antarctic Peninsula). In: Ricce, C.A., (ed.) The Antarctic Regions: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Terra Antartica Publication, 353-360.

Lyatsky, W.; Kozlovsky, A.; Rodger, A.S.. 1997 On charge neutrality in the cusp region. In: Semenov, V.S.; Biernat, H.K.; Rijnbeck, R.P.; Rucker, H.O., (eds.) Proceedings of the 1st meeting on magnetic reconnection on the dayside magnetopause and aurora dynamics, March 1995. Vienna, Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 151-160.

Marshall, Gareth J. ORCID:; Turner, John ORCID: 1997 ERS scatterometer observations of katabatic winds over a polynya. In: Third ERS Symposium on Space at the Service of our Environment, Florence, March, 1997, Vol.III. Noordwijk, ESA Publications, 1591-1596.

Metcalfe, Sarah; Whyatt, L. Duncan; Fowler, David. 1997 Atmospheric fluxes current estimates and uncertainties. In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 65-66. (LOIS Publication no.323).

Mitchell, C.J. ORCID:; Evans, E.J.. 1997 Mineral processing of mine and quarry waste. In: Innovation in physical separation technologies. The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 395-403, 406pp. (Richard Mozley Symposium).

Moore, Roger. 1997 Data - Chairman's overview. In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 45-48. (LOIS Publication no.323).

Morris, Kevin; Hill, David. 1997 The development of a data viewer for LOIS and beyond... In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 136-138. (LOIS Publication no.323).

Neal, Colin. 1997 The water quality of the LOIS rivers: a perspective from the LOIS RACS(R) monitoring programme. In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 41-42. (LOIS Publication no.323).

Peat, H.J. ORCID: 1997 Botany, plant ecology and the environment. In: Wyatt, H.V., (ed.) Information sources in the life sciences. London, Bowker Saur, 247-257.

Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Rhodes, Melissa C.; Curry, Gordon B.; Ansell, Alan D.. 1997 Physiology. In: Williams, A.; Brunton, C.H.C.; Carlson, S.J., (eds.) Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part H: Brachiopoda, revised. Vol. 1: Introduction. Boulder, Geological Society of America, 213-242.

Pudsey, C.J.; Barker, Peter F.; Larter, Robert D. ORCID: 1997 Glacial flutes and iceberg furrows, Antarctic Peninsula. In: Davies, Thomas A.; Bell, Trevor; Cooper, Alan K.; Josenhans, Heiner; Polyak, Leonid; Solheim, Anders; Stoker, Martyn S.; Stravers, Jay A., (eds.) Glaciated continental margins: An atlas of acoustic images. London, Chapman and Hall, 58-59.

Reading, A.M.; Pipan, M.; King, E.C. ORCID: 1997 Seismic investigation of crustal structure between Adelaide island and Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula: Preliminary Results. In: Ricci, C.A., (ed.) The Antarctic regions: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Terra Antartica Publication, 691-695.

Rebesco, Michele; Larter, Robert D. ORCID:; Barker, Peter F.; Camerlenghi, Angelo; Vanneste, Lieve E.. 1997 The History of Sedimentation on the Continental Rise West of the Antarctic Peninsula. In: Geology and Seismic Stratigraphy of the Antarctic Margin, 2. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 29-49. (Antarctic Research Series, 71).

Rehfisch, M. M.; Holloway, S. J.; Yates, M. G.; Clarke, R. T.; Austin, G.; Clark, N. A.; Le V. dit Durell, S. E. A.; Eastwood, J. A.; Goss-Custard, J. D.; Swetnam, R.; West, J. R.. 1997 Predicting the effect of habitat change on waterfowl communities: a novel empirical approach. In: Goss-Custard, J. D.; Rufino, R.; Luis, A., (eds.) Effect of habitat loss and change on waterbirds. London, The Stationery Office, 116-126, 144pp. (ITE Symposium, 30).

Scarrow, J.H.; Leat, P.T.; Wareham, C.D.; Millar, I.L.. 1997 Mantle sources for Cretaceous-Tertiary mafic magmatism in the Antarctic Peninsula. In: Ricci, C.A., (ed.) The Antarctic regions: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Italy, Terra Antartica Publication, 327-332.

Schmidt, U.; Roscoe, H.K.; Harris, N.R.P.; Kunzi, K.; Stefanutti, L.; Zander, R.. 1997 Instrument development and deployment. In: European research in the stratosphere. The contribution of EASOE and SESAME t our current understanding of the ozone layer. Luxembourg, European Commission, 201-241.

Skidmore, R.E.; Maberly, S.C. ORCID:; Whitton, B.A.. 1997 Phytoplankton dynamics in feeder rivers of the Humber estuary. In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 134-135. (LOIS Publication no.323).

Smellie, John; Lopez-Martinez, J.; Rey, J.; Serrano, E.. 1997 Maps of Deception Island, South Shetland Islands. In: Ricci, C.A., (ed.) The Antarctic regions: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Terra Antartica Publication, 1195-1198.

Smith, R.I.L.. 1997 Impact of an increasing fur seal population on Antarctic plant communities: resilience and recovery. In: Battaglia, B.; Valencia, J.; Walton, D.W.H. ORCID:, (eds.) Antarctic communities: species, structure and survival. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 432-436.

Smith, R.I.L.. 1997 Oases as centres of high plant diversity and dispersal in Antarctica. In: Lyons, W.B.; Howard-Williams, C.; Hawes, I., (eds.) Ecosystem processes in Antarctic ice-free landscapes. Rotterdam, Balkema, 119-128.

Smith, R.I.L.; Walton, DW.H. ORCID: 1997 Cumulative human impacts on Antarctic vegetation. In: De Poorter, M.; Dalziell, J.C., (eds.) Cumulative environmental impacts in Antarctica: minimisation and management. Gland, IUCN The World Conservation Union, 46-63.

Stoker, Martyn S.; Howe, John A.. 1997 Glacially-influenced sediment drifts in the Rockall Trough. In: Davies, Thomas A.; Bell, Trevor; Cooper, Alan K.; Heiner, Josenhans; Polyak, Leonid; Solheim, Anders; Stoker, Martyn S.; Stravers, Jay A., (eds.) Glaciated continental margins: an atlas of acoustical images. London, UK, Chapman and Hall, 290-293.

Stuart, Marianne; Milne, Chris. 1997 Groundwater quality implications of wastewater irrigation in Leon, Mexico. In: Chilton, John, (ed.) Groundwater in the Urban Environment vol. 1 Problems, processes and management. Balkema, 193-198.

Taylor, J.A.. 1997 Immunodetection of planktonic algae. In: Sutcliffe, D.W., (ed.) The microbiological quality of water. Freshwater Biological Association, 92-103. (FBA Special Publications, 5).

Thomson, J.W.. 1997 Antarctic geoscientific maps. In: Ricci, C.A., (ed.) The Antarctic regions: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Terra Antartica Publication, 1161-1162.

Thomson, J.W.. 1997 Geological map of Shackleton Range. In: Ricci, C.A., (ed.) The Antarctic regions: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Terra Antartica Publication, 1191-1192.

Tipping, E.T. ORCID:; Lofts, S. ORCID:; Lawlor, A.J.. 1997 Metal speciation in LOIS rivers and estuaries. In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 87-88. (LOIS Publication no.323).

Trouw, R.A.J.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Ribeiro, A.. 1997 On the relation between the Scotia metamorphic complex and the Trinity Peninsula Group, Antarctic Peninsula. In: Ricci, C.A., (ed.) The Antarctic regions: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Terra Antartica Publication, 385-389.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Storey, B.C.. 1997 Mesozoic geodynamic evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula. In: Ricci, C.A., (ed.) The Antarctic Regions: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Terra Antartica Publication, 373-382.

Wadsworth, R.A.; Cox, R.. 1997 Development of a spatial decision support system for the Biological Influences on Inter-Tidal Areas Project within the Land-Ocean Interaction study. In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 104. (LOIS Publication no.323).

Walling, D.E.; Owens, P.N.; Leeks, G.J.L.. 1997 Floodplain sedimentation in the RACS river basins. In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 76-77. (LOIS Publication no.323).

Walton, D.W.H. ORCID:; Vincent, W.F.; Timperley, M.H.; Hawes, I.; Howard-Williams, C.. 1997 Synthesis: polar deserts as indicators of change. In: Lyons, W. Berry; Howard-Williams, Clive; Hawes, Ian, (eds.) Ecosystem processes in Antarctic ice-free landscapes. Rotterdam, A.A. Balkema, 275-279.

Wanless, S. ORCID:; Harris, M. P. ORCID: 1997 Interim results of seabird research on the Isle of May during the 1997 breeding season. In: Harwood, J., (ed.) Effects of large-scale industrial fisheries on non-target species: interim report. ITE. (Unpublished)

Warwick, Melanie S.; House, W. Alan. 1997 Nutrient dynamics in the River Swale RACS(R). In: Land-Ocean Interaction Study, second annual meeting. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 89-90. (LOIS Publication no.323).

Waughray, D.. 1997 Water. In: Palutikof, J.P.; Subak, S.; Agnew, M.D., (eds.) Economic impacts of the hot summer and unusually warm year of 1995. Norwich, UK, University of East Anglia, 57-73.

Wynn-Williams, D.D.; Russell, N.C.; Edwards, H.G.M.. 1997 Moisture and habitat structure as regulators for microalgal colonists in diverse Antarctic terrestrial habitats. In: Lyons, W.B.; Howard-Williams, C.; Hawes, I., (eds.) Ecosystem processes in Antarctic ice-free landscapes. Rotterdam, Balkema, 77-88.

Yaoru, Lu; Cooper, A.H.. 1997 Gypsum karst geohazards in China. In: Beck, Barry F.; Stephenson, J. Brad, (eds.) The engineering geology and hydrogeology of karst terranes, proceedings of the Sixth Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst Springfield/Missouri/6-9 April 1997. A A Balkema, 117-126.

Yates, M. G.; Goss-Custard, J. D.. 1997 The development of a correlative approach relating bird distribution and remotely sensed sediment distribution to predict the consequences to shorebirds of habitat change and loss. In: Goss-Custard, J. D.; Rufino, R.; Luis, A., (eds.) Effect of habitat loss and change on waterbirds. London, The Stationery Office, 138-144. (ITE Symposium, 30).

Publication - Conference Item

Kent, E.C. ORCID:; Josey, S.A. ORCID:; Taylor, P.K.. 1997 Use of WMO47 Metadata in a Global Flux Climatology. In: International Workshop on Digitization and Preparation of Historical Marine Data and Metadata, Toledo, Spain, 15-17 Sep 1997. Geneva, Switzerland, WMO, 93-97.

Walsby, Jennifer. 1997 Geological information systems in action. In: 18th International Cartographic Conference ICC 97, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-27 June 1997. Gavle, Sweden, Swedish Cartographic Society, 1735-1742.

Publication - Map

Scrivener, R.C.; Highley, D.E.; Cameron, D.G.; Linley, K.A.. 1997 Cornwall mineral resources : a summary of mineral resource information for development plans : phase one. Mineral Resources Series. British Geological Survey.

Publication - Report

Institute of Hydrology. 1997 Annual Report for GREAT-ER. 27th February 1997. Institute of Hydrology, 3pp. (Unpublished)

Villwock, A., ed. 1997 CLIVAR Exchanges No. 5. Hamburg, Germany, International CLIVAR Project Office, 12pp. (Vol. 2(1))

Villwock, A., ed. 1997 CLIVAR Exchanges No. 6. Hamburg, Germany, International CLIVAR Project Office, 12pp. (Vol. 2(2))

Villwock, A., ed. 1997 CLIVAR Exchanges No. 7. Hamburg, Germany, International CLIVAR Project Office, 12pp. (Vol. 2(3/4))

International CLIVAR Project Office. 1997 CLIVAR Scientific Steering Group: report of the Sixth Session, 28 April- 2 May 1997, Washington DC, USA. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office. (ICPO Publication Series 12)

Hornung, M.F.; Barr, C.J.; Bunce, R.G.H., eds. 1997 Current status and prospects for key habitats in England. Part 6: Summary report. Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, 14pp. (TFS Project No: T02051)

Institute of Hydrology. 1997 Development of improved methods of snowmelt forecasting: annual progress report to The Scottish Office for the period November 1996 to October 1997. Institute of Hydrology, 29pp. (TFS Project T04057o1) (Unpublished)

Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Middlesex University. 1997 Environmental considerations for sustained economic development. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 182pp. (Unpublished)

Institute of Hydrology. 1997 Interim report on ERB CI1*CT940059 for 1 January 1996 to 31 January 1997. Institute of Hydrology, 35pp. (Unpublished)

Parson, L.M.; Sinha, M., eds. 1997 Linked Mass and Energy Fluxes at Ridge Crests (SCOR Working Group 99) and BRIDGE research results. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 45pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Report 3)

Mulder, Jan; Matzner, Egbert; Gallardo, Juan F.; Tipping, Ed ORCID:, eds. 1997 PROTOS - PROduction and Transport of Organic Solutes: effects of natural climatic variation. Report 1/1997: Descriptions of research sites and outline of the transport model for dissolved organic mattter. Norwegian Forest Research Institute, 67pp. (European Commission ENV4-CT95-0010) (Unpublished)

Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. 1997 Report of the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology 1996 - 1997. Wallingford, CEH, 80pp. (Legacy document)

Institute of Freshwater Ecology. 1997 Report of the Institute of Freshwater Ecology for 1996-1997. Ambleside, Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 85pp.

Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. 1997 Report of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology 1996-97. Abbots Ripton, ITE, 120pp. (Legacy document)

Institute of Hydrology. 1997 Report of the methodology for PMF computation at ECNZ dams in the context of international practice. Institute of Hydrology, 22pp. (Unpublished)

Institute of Hydrology. 1997 Response of a boreal forest ecosystem to experimental climate change CLIMEX. Institute of Hydrology, 57pp. (Unpublished)

Institute of Hydrology. 1997 Scientific Report of the Institute of Hydrology for 1996/97. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 72pp.

Institute of Virology and Environmental Microbiology. 1997 Scientific Report of the Institute of Virology and Environmental Microbiology (IVEM) 1996-97. Oxford, IVEM, 29pp. (Legacy document)

Natural Environment Research Council, Tessella Ltd.. 1997 Tender for integrated data management and enquiry system (EDMS) - scoping and demonstration project. Natural Environment Research Council, 55pp. (Unpublished)

Adams, B.; MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Shearer, T.R.. 1997 A diagnostic method to determine aquifer susceptibility. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 50pp. (WC/97/043) (Unpublished)

Allen, D.J.; Brewerton, L.J.; Coleby, L.M.; Gibbs, B.R.; Lewis, M.A.; MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Wagstaff, S.J.; Williams, A.T.. 1997 The physical properties of major aquifers in England and Wales. British Geological Survey, 333pp. (WD/97/034) (Unpublished)

Allen, J.T.; Guymer, T.H.. 1997 RRS Discovery Cruise 224, Leg 1, 27 Nov-29 Dec 1996. OMEGA: Observations and Modelling of Eddy scale Geostrophic and Ageostrophic motion. Physical and biological observations in the eastern Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean). Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 92pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 14)

Austin, Barney; Farquharson, Frank. 1997 Gartcosh CCGT Power Station Water Resources Availability Study Final Report. Institute of Hydrology, 48pp. (Unpublished)

Barr, C. J.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Smart, S. M.. 1997 ECOFACT module 8: review and promotion of techniques for botanical survey, monitoring and assessment. 1st progress report. NERC. (T02080h5) (Unpublished)

Barr, C. J.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Smart, S. M.. 1997 ECOFACT module 8: review and promotion of techniques for botanical survey, monitoring and assessment. 2nd progress report. NERC. (T02080h5) (Unpublished)

Bass, J. A. B.; Collett, G. D.. 1997 Habitat studies in the River Thames: in relation to a Severn-Thames transfer. Final report. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 45pp. (ITE Report No: ERL/T04073u7/1) (Unpublished)

Bass, J. A. B.; May, L. ORCID:; Esteban, G. F.; Collett, G. D.. 1997 Zooplankton interactions in the River Thames. Final Report. June 1997. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 66pp. (IFE Report Ref: ERL/T04073v7/1) (Unpublished)

Bass, J.A.; Furse, M.T.; House, W.A.. 1997 The proposed Severn-Thames Transfer: summary of investigations (1995-1997). NERC ITE, 34pp. (TFS Project No. T04073t7) (Unpublished)

Bass, Jon. 1997 An assessment of macroinvertebrates in the River Calder following a fish kill in July 1997. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 14pp. (IFE Report No: ERL/T11064j7/1) (Unpublished)

Beamish, D.; Peart, R.J.. 1997 Electrokinetic sounding applied to well and borehole siting : an appraisal. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 67pp. (WC/97/059)

Beamish, D.; Peart, R.J.. 1997 Electrokinetic sounding applied to well and borehole siting: an appraisal. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 65pp. (WC/97/059) (Unpublished)

Beamish, D.; Peart, R.J.; Davies, J.. 1997 Electro kinetic measurements in various hydrogeological environments of Zimbabwe, 1995. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 71pp. (WC/97/031) (Unpublished)

Beamish, David. 1997 Summary of field activities. Year 1, INCO-DC Project 950176, Electrokinetic Sounding. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 24pp. (Technical Report WE/97/044) (Unpublished)

Beaumont, W.R.C.; Lee, M.J.; Rouen, M.. 1997 Development of lightweight backpack electric fishing gear. Environment Agency, 143pp. (TFS Project No. T11068d7) (Unpublished)

Beaumont, W.R.C.; Pinder, A.. 1997 Acid waters monitoring 1997 - report on fish studies. NERC/IFE, 27pp. (TFS Project No. T11063b7) (Unpublished)

Bett, B.J. ORCID: 1997 RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 101C Leg 2, 14 Jul-20 Aug 1996. Atlantic Margin Environmental Survey: seabed survey of the shelf edge and slope west of Shetland. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 127pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 7)

Boorman, L.A.. 1997 Sedimentation at Tollesbury, Essex and developments at Saltram, Devon. Supplementary Report. NERC Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 12pp. (TFS Project no. T08074c5) (Unpublished)

Brandon, A.; Cooper, A.H.. 1997 Geology of the Etwall area : 1:10,000 sheet SK23SE, part of 1:50,000 sheet 141 (Loughborough) and a minor part of Sheet 140 (Burton upon Trent). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 36pp. (WA/97/003) (Unpublished)

Bridge, D. McC; Brown, M.J.; Hooker, P.J.. 1997 Wolverhampton urban environmental survey : an integrated geoscientific case study. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 66pp. (WE/95/049) (Unpublished)

Bullock, J. M. ORCID:; Hodder, K. H.; Manchester, S. J.; Stevenson, M. J.. 1997 Review of information, policy and legislation on species translocation. Peterborough, JNCC, 198pp. (JNCC Report 261)

Bunce, R. G. H.; Carey, P.; Howard, D. C. ORCID:; Van de Poll, H. M.; Roy, D. ORCID:; Hill, M. O.; Wilson, P.; Smart, S. M. ORCID:; Rothery, P.. 1997 Ecological factors controlling biodiversity in the British countryside (ECOFACT). Module 6A - Understanding the cause of changes in biodiversity in linear features and upland vegetation. Interim report. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. (ITE Project Number: T02080m5, ECOFACT) (Unpublished)

Bunce, R. G. H.; Carey, P.; Smart, S. M. ORCID:; Van de Poll, H. M.; Howard, D. C. ORCID:; Metcalfe, J.; Duckworth, J.. 1997 Ecological factors controlling biodiversity in the British countryside (ECOFACT). Module 6 - The causes of change in biodiversity. Interim report. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. (ITE Project Number: T02080m5, ECOFACT) (Unpublished)

Bunce, R. G. H.; Webb, N. R.; Smart, S. M ORCID:; Watkins, J. W. ORCID:; Van de Poll, H. M.; Scott, W. A.. 1997 Ecological factors controlling biodiversity in the British countryside (ECOFACT). Modules 1 & 2. NERC, 116pp. (ITE Project No:T02080a1) (Unpublished)

Calder, Ian R.; Reid, Ian; Nisbet, Tom; Robinson, Mark; Walker, David. 1997 Trees and Drought project on Lowland England (TADPOLE). draft scoping study report Jan-Mar 1997. Institute of Hydrology, 19pp. (Unpublished)

Carney, J.N.; Cooper, A.H.. 1997 Geology of the West Leake area : 1:10,000 sheet SK52NW, part of 1:50,000 sheet 141 (Loughborough) and 142 (Melton Mowbray). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 44pp. (WA/97/046) (Unpublished)

Chacksfield, B.C.; Shaw, M.H.; Coats, J.S.; Smith, C.G.; Stephenson, D.. 1997 Exploration for stratabound mineralisation in the Argyll Group (Dalradian) of north-east Scotland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 90pp. (Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 145) (Unpublished)

Clarke, R.T.; Furse, M.T.; Symes, K.L.; Wright, J.F.. 1997 Practical sessions on RIVPACS III+ - a series of step-by-step exercises to demonstrate some of the major options available in RIVPACS III+. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 27pp. (IFE Project T04053r5) (Unpublished)

Coats, J.S.; Shaw, M.H.; Gunn, A.G.; Rollin, K.E.; Fortey, N.J.. 1997 Mineral exploration in Lewisian supracrustal and basic rocks of the Scottish Highlands and Islands. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 102pp. (Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 146) (Unpublished)

Cole, G.A.; Rees, G. ORCID: 1997 The establishment of a regional data centre of the European Water Archive for the European territory of the former Soviet Union. INTAS Periodic Report no.2 1 October 1996 - 30 September 1997. Institute of Hydrology, 78pp. (Unpublished)

Cooper, A.H.. 1997 Geology of the Littleover area : 1:10,000 sheet SK33SW, part of 1:50,000 Sheet 141 (Loughborough). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 32pp. (WA/97/064) (Unpublished)

Cooper, D. M.; Jenkins, A.. 1997 Prediction of acidification and recovery on a landscape scale. Progress report 26.9.97. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 27pp. (Unpublished)

Cox, R.; Wright, J.F.; Furse, M.T.; Moss, D.. 1997 RIVPACS III - Great Britain (Beta release version) User manual. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 140pp. (Unpublished)

Croker, K.; Young, A.. 1997 GREAT-ER Quarterly progress report: February - May 1997. Institute of Hydrology, 16pp. (Unpublished)

Croker, K.; Young, A.. 1997 Hydrological and climate data in Europe. Institute of Hydrology, 37pp. (GREAT-ER Working note no.8) (Unpublished)

Crossley, A.; Sheppard, L.J.; Harvey, F.J.; Cape, J.N.. 1997 Effects of acid mist containing N and S on a Sitka spruce forest plantation established in 1986 at Deepsyke. Progress Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (TFS Project Number: T07078d1) (Unpublished)

Davies, J.; MacDonald, A.M. ORCID: 1997 An annotated bibliography of the geology and hydrogeology of the Oju area, Nigeria. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 80pp. (WC/97/008) (Unpublished)

Dawson, F.H.; Henville, P.; Scarlett, P.; Smith, D.; Pile, J.; Crowhurst, L.; Gravelle, M.J.; Knights, N.; Shirley, C.L.R.; Collier, D.; Randle, Z.; Moorhouse, D.C. 1997 Environment Agency South West region River Habitat Survey 1997 [part II]. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 166pp. (TFS Project no. T04073h4) (Unpublished)

Dawson, F.H.; Henville, P.; Scarlett, P.; Smith, D.; Pile, J.; Crowhurst, L.; Gravelle, M.J.; Knights, N.; Shirley, C.L.R.; Collier, D.; Randle, Z.; Moorhouse, D.C. 1997 Environment Agency South West region River Habitat Survey 1997 [part I]. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 170pp. (TFS Project no. T04073h4) (Unpublished)

Ellison, R.A.. 1997 Observations of coal cleat in British coalfields. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 33pp. (WA/97/058) (Unpublished)

Farr, I.S.; Henville, P.. 1997 Collection, processing and supply of bulk samples of sediments and overlying waters with details of associated environmental measurements. Report on collection for Huntingdon Life Sciences Ltd on 28th October 1997. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04073g7) (Unpublished)

Farr, I.S.; Henville, P.. 1997 Collection, processing and supply of bulk samples of sediments and overlying waters with details of associated environmental measurements. Report on collection for Zeneca, Brixham Environmental Laboratory, on 28th October 1997. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04073g7) (Unpublished)

Finlay, B.J.; Cooper, J.I.. 1997 Microbial diversity and ecosystem function. CEH Integrating Fund second progress report to the Director, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Nov 1996-Sept 1997. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 8pp. (CEH Project Number: T10062r6) (Unpublished)

Fowler, D.; Flechard, C.; Storeton-West, R.; Smith, R. I.; Campbell, G.; Stedman, J.; Downing, C.; Vincent, K.. 1997 Monitoring concentrations and dry deposition of sulphur dioxide in the United Kingdom. Outline of the contract report to the Department of the Environment. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 9pp. (CEH Project Number: T07057n1) (Unpublished)

Fowler, D.; Flechard, C.; Storeton-West, R.; Smith, R. I.; Pitcairn, C.E.R.; Campbell, G.; Stedman, J.; Downing, C.; Vincent, K.. 1997 Monitoring concentrations and dry deposition of sulphur dioxide in the United Kingdom. Final report. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 36pp. (CEH Project Number: T07057n1) (Unpublished)

Furse, M. T.; Welton, J. S.; Reynolds, C. S.; Symes, K. L.; Collett, G. D.. 1997 Severn-Thames transfer. A review of biological data. Volume I - Main report. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 93pp. (IFE Report No: RL/T04073t7/1) (Unpublished)

Furse, M. T.; Welton, J. S.; Reynolds, C. S.; Symes, K. L.; Collett, G. D.. 1997 Severn-Thames transfer. A review of biological data. Volume II - Appendices. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 242pp. (IFE Report No: RL/T04073t7/1) (Unpublished)

Furse, M.T.; Symes, K.L.. 1997 Operational mechanisms for the protection and enhancement of headwaters. Environment Agency, 121pp. (TFS Project no. T04073r7, R&D Technical Report E25) (Unpublished)

German, C.R.. 1997 RRS Discovery Cruise 228, 21 May-28 Jun 1997. The Fluxes at AMAR Experiment: FLAME. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 96pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 10)

Gravelle, M.; Dawson, F.H.. 1997 River Habitat Survey presentation software manual. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 44pp. (TFS Project no. T04073h4) (Unpublished)

Gravelle, M.; Scarlett, P.; Ibbotson, A.T.; Dawson, F.H.; Blackburn, J.H.. 1997 Ecological survey of the River Teign at Castle Drogo, Devon. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 28pp. (TFS Project no. T04073g7) (Unpublished)

Gunn, I. D. M.; May, L. ORCID: 1997 Analysis of 1996 zooplankton samples - Loch Leven NNR. IFE, 18pp. (CEH Project T11060) (Unpublished)

Gunn, I.D.M.; Blackburn, J.H.. 1997 Macroinvertebrate species identification - Colne catchment. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 52pp. (TFS Project No. T04079a7) (Unpublished)

Gunn, I.D.M.; Blackburn, J.H.. 1997 Macroinvertebrate species identification - Colne catchment samples (1993). Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 41pp. (TFS Project No. T11055c7) (Unpublished)

Gunn, I.D.M.; Blackburn, J.H.. 1997 Macroinvertebrate species identification - Thames catchment (North East area). NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 45pp. (TFS Project no. T04079b7) (Unpublished)

Gunn, I.D.M.; Blackburn, J.H.. 1997 Macroinvertebrate species identification - Thames catchment (Oxford area). NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04079b7) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Blackburn, J.H.; Winder, J.M.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1997 An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1996. Environment Agency AQC audit. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071r7) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Blackburn, J.H.; Winder, J.M.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1997 An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1996. Environment Agency primary audit. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071r7) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Blackburn, J.H.; Winder, J.M.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1997 An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1996. SEPA East Region. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071r7) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Blackburn, J.H.; Winder, J.M.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1997 An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1996. SEPA North Region. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071r7) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Blackburn, J.H.; Winder, J.M.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1997 An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1996. SEPA West Region. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071r7) (Unpublished)

Hall, R.L.; Milne, R.. 1997 Combined growth and water use modelling of mixed vegetation. Second progress report to the Director of the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Reporting period: April 1996 to October 1997. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (CEH Project Number: T06050) (Unpublished)

Hamblin, R.J.O.. 1997 Geological notes and local details for 1:10 000 sheet TG 22 NE (Westwick) : part of 1:50 000 sheets 147 (Aylsham) and 148 (North Walsham). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 41pp. (WA/97/077) (Unpublished)

Hamblin, R.J.O.. 1997 Geological notes and local details for 1:10 000 sheet TG 22 SE (Scottow) : part of 1:50000 sheets 147 (Aylsham) and 148 (North Walsham). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 46pp. (WA/97/025) (Unpublished)

Hamblin, R.J.O.. 1997 Geological notes and local details for 1:10000 sheet TG 21 NE (Belaugh) : part of 1:50 000 sheets 147 (Aylsham) and 148 (North Walsham). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 46pp. (WA/97/024) (Unpublished)

Hankard, P.. 1997 Development of the Countryside Information System phase 2: information requirements of the Environment Agency. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. (TFS Project no: T02071) (Unpublished)

Harris, M. P. ORCID:; Wanless, S. ORCID: 1997 Isle of May seabird studies in 1997. Peterborough, JNCC, 30pp. (JNCC Report 269)

Hough, E.. 1997 Geology of the Sherrifhales area, 1:10000 sheet SJ71SE and part of SJ71NE : part of 1:50000 sheet 153 (Wolverhampton). British Geological Survey, 26pp. (WA/96/080) (Unpublished)

House, W.A.; Zhmud, B.V.; Irons, G.P.; Talbot, J.D.R.. 1997 Transportation of pesticides by colloids. NERC/IFE, 20pp. (TFS Project No. T11059n1) (Unpublished)

Huthnance, J.M. ORCID: 1997 RRS 'Charles Darwin' Cruise 105, 29 May - 22 June 1997. Leg A: Lisbon to Vigo and Leg B: Vigo to Southampton. Ocean Margin Exchange (OMEX II-II). Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 48pp. (POL Cruise Report No. 26)

Hydes, D.J.. 1997 Report on the maintenance of precision and accuracy of measurements of dissolved nutrients - silicate and nitrate - over 40 days of measurements on WOCE Leg A8, FS "Meteor" Cruise 28/1, 29 March to 11 May 1994. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 40pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Report 4)

Hydes, D.J.; Kelly-Gerreyn, B.A.; Thomson, S.; Proctor, R.; Prandle, D.. 1997 The biogeochemistry of nitrogen in the southern North Sea: the development of a mathematical model based on the results of the NERC-North Sea Programme surveys 1988 and 1989. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 89pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Report 5)

Ibbotson, A.T.. 1997 Year-class strengths and recruitment in a grayling population. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 6pp. (TFS Project No: T11063g7) (Unpublished)

Ibbotson, A.T.; Ladle, M.. 1997 Review of flow needs for fish and fisheries - progress report. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 34pp. (TFS Project No. T11068e7) (Unpublished)

Ibbotson, A.T.; Pinder, A.; Scarlett, P.. 1997 River Don and Colden Water fisheries surveys: Final Report. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 82pp. (TFS Project T11063g7) (Unpublished)

Ibbotson, A.T.; Pinder, A.; Scarlett, P.; Harrison, S.; Wild, T.. 1997 River Don fisheries surveys: October 1997 survey. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 81pp. (TFS Project T11064p7) (Unpublished)

Institute of Freshwater Ecology. 1997 Severn-Thames transfer. A review of biological data. Section 2: Fish. Draft report. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 10pp. (IFE Report Number: T04073t7) (Unpublished)

Jenkins, A.D.; Evensen, G.; Bjorgo, E.; Espadal, H.; Korsbakken, E.; Kloster, K.; Hamre, T.; Jensen, V.; Samuel, P.; Durand, D.; Gomez Lahoz, M.; Carlos Caretero, J.; De Valk, C.; Mastenbroek, K.; Vos, R.J.; Gerritsen, H.; Ten Brummelhuis, P.G.J.. 1997 Remote sensing applied to operational models: North Sea. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 55pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 49)

Jenkins, A.; Renshaw, M.; Helliwell, R.; Sefton, C.; Ferrier, R.; Swingewood, P.. 1997 Modelling Surface Water Acidification in the UK: Application of the MAGIC model to the Acid Waters Monitoring Network. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 54pp. (IH Report no.131)

Kenyon, N.H.. 1997 RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 104 Leg 2, 21 Mar-19 Apr 1997. Geological processes in the Strait of Hormuz, Arabian Gulf: a contribution to the Scheherezade Programme. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 61pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 11)

Ladle, M.; Welton, J. S.; Henville, Paul. 1997 An experimental treatment of Simulium posticatum with Bti at selected sites on the River Stour, Dorset, 1997. Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no.T04073c7) (Unpublished)

Lane, A.. 1997 Currents and SPM (Suspended particulate material) measurements, Holderness, East Coast, England, November-December 1993, October 1994 - February 1995 and October 1995 - January 1996. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 50pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 45)

Lawlor, A.J.. 1997 Phosphorus analysis of Pennington Flash sediments. NERC/IFE, 11pp. (TFS Project No. T11052m7) (Unpublished)

Lawrence, A.R.; Morris, B.L.; Gooddy, D.C.; Calow, R.; Bird, M.J.. 1997 The study of the pollution risk to deep aquifers from urban wastewaters: project summary report. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 44pp. (WC/97/015) (Unpublished)

Leake, R.C.; Cameron, D.G.; Bland, D.J.; Styles, M.T.; Fortey, N.J.. 1997 The potential for gold mineralisation in the British Permian and Triassic red beds and their contacts with underlying rocks. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 78pp. (Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 144) (Unpublished)

Littlewood, I.G.; Down, K.; Parker, J.R.; Post, D.A.. 1997 IHACRES: catchment-scale rainfall - streamflow modelling (PC version). Version 1.0 - April 1997 [User guide]. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 97pp.

MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Davies, J.. 1997 The hydrogeology of the Oju area, Eastern Nigeria: an initial assessment. British Geological Survey, 52pp. (WC/97/054) (Unpublished)

MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Macdonald, D.M.J.. 1997 Simple modelling to illustrate the impact of drought on groundwater availability. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 27pp. (WC/97/001) (Unpublished)

Mann, R.H.K.; Bass, J.A.B.. 1997 Literature review of the Severn-Thames transfer. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 57pp. (TFS Project no. T04073l7) (Unpublished)

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 1997 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: April 1997. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 1997 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: August 1997. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 1997 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: December 1996. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 1997 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: February 1997. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 1997 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: January 1997. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 1997 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: July 1997. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 1997 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: June 1997. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 1997 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: March 1997. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 1997 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: May 1997. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 1997 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: November 1997. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 1997 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: October 1997. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity. 1997 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: September 1997. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Masson, D.G.. 1997 RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 101C Leg 1, 05 Jun-13 Jul 1996. TOBI surveys of the continental slope west of Shetland. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 54pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 6)

McKenzie, A.A.. 1997 Groundwater data management by the Ghana Water and Sewage Corporation, northern district : a case study. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 29pp. (WC/97/010) (Unpublished)

McKenzie, A.A.. 1997 Groundwater data management by the Malawian Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development: a case study. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 36pp. (WC/97/009) (Unpublished)

Mcleod, Andy. 1997 Recommendations for a UK national strategy for research on the potential impacts of ozone depletion. Report of a 2-day workshop, Peterborough, UK, 27-29 January 1997. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 31pp. (ITE Project no: T02081) (Unpublished)

Mitchell, C.J. ORCID:; Evans, E.J.; Styles, M.T.. 1997 A review of gold particle-size and recovery methods. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 34pp. (WC/97/014) (Unpublished)

Mitchell, C.J. ORCID:; Harrison, D.J.. 1997 Industrial mineral potential of andalusite and garnet in the Scottish Highlands. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 70pp. (Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 142) (Unpublished)

Mitchell, C.J. ORCID:; Inglethorpe, S.D.J.; Tawodzera, P.; Bradwell, S.; Evans, E.J.. 1997 Local development of affordable lime in southern Africa. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 153pp. (WC/97/020) (Unpublished)

Mitchell, C.J. ORCID:; Styles, M.T.; Evans, E.J.. 1997 The design, construction and testing of a simple shaking table for gold recovery: laboratory testing and field trials. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 51pp. (WC/97/061) (Unpublished)

Moat, B.I. ORCID:; Pascal, R.W.; Guymer, T.H.. 1997 Scheherezade - an interdisciplinary study of the Gulf of Oman, Strait of Hormuz and the southern Arabian Gulf, Charles Darwin Cruise 104, 12 Feb-30 Apr 1997. No. 8. Surface meteorological parameters. Leg 1, 12 Feb - 19 March. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 34pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Research & Consultancy Report, 17)

Moat, B.I. ORCID:; Pascal, R.W.; Guymer, T.H.. 1997 Scheherezade - an interdisciplinary study of the Gulf of Oman, Strait of Hormuz and the southern Arabian Gulf, Charles Darwin Cruise 104, 12 Feb-30 Apr 1997. No. 9. Sea surface temperature measurements. Leg 1, 12 Feb - 19 March. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 34pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Research & Consultancy Report, 18)

Moffat, T. J.; Hankard, P. K.. 1997 Countryside Information System stage 2: information needs and priorities. NERC / Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 8pp. (ITE Project No:T02071z7) (Unpublished)

Monbaliu, J.; Zhang, M.Y.; De Backer, K.; Hargreaves, J.; Luo, W.; Flather, R. A.; Carretero, J.C.; Gomez Lahoz, M.; Lozano, I.; Stawarz, M.; Gunther, H.; Rosenthal, H.; Ozer, J.. 1997 WAM model intercomparisons - North Sea. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 30pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 47)

Morecroft, M.D.; Parr, T.W.; Scott, W.A.. 1997 Pilot study to link Environmental Change Network and Countryside Survey vegetation monitoring. Final report. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. (ITE Project No:T02083l5) (Unpublished)

Morecroft, M.D.; Parr, T.W.; Scott, W.A.. 1997 Pilot study to link Environmental Change Network and Countryside Survey vegetation monitoring. Interim report: June 1997. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 4pp. (ITE Project No:T03095a5) (Unpublished)

Nohren, I.; Duwe, K. C.; Baumert, H.. 1997 PROMISE literature review on turbulence, wave and suspended matter transport modelling. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 22pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 50)

Pascal, R.W.; Moat, B.I. ORCID:; Guymer, T.H.. 1997 Scheherezade - an interdisciplinary study of the Gulf of Oman, Strait of Hormuz and the southern Arabian Gulf, Charles Darwin Cruise 104, 12 Feb-30 Apr 1997. No. 10. Upper air temperature, humidity and winds measured by radiosondes. Leg 1, 12 Feb-19 March. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 178pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Research & Consultancy Report, 19)

Peart, R.J.; Beamish, D.; Davies, J.. 1997 Electro kinetic measurements in various hydrogeological environments of Egypt. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 39pp. (WC/97/032) (Unpublished)

Peart, R.J.; Beamish, D.; Mathew, B.. 1997 Well and borehole siting by electrokinetic sounding and associated experimental observations in Bikita District, southern Zimbabwe. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 68pp. (WC/97/002) (Unpublished)

Pottinger, T.G.. 1997 Fish welfare research programme: Effects of retention of fish in keepnets. Bristol, Environment Agency, 36pp. (Environment Agency R&D Technical Report W8, ITE project no: T11050)

Pugh, P.R. ORCID: 1997 RRS Discovery Cruise 224 Leg 2, 30 Dec-17 Jan 1997. Biological and physical investigations in the region of the Almeira-Oran Front (western Mediterranean). Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 50pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 8)

Ragab, Ragab ORCID:; Brookes, Caroline. 1997 Hydrology of landfill sites under different soil and vegetation types. A report on a short study funded by the Environment Agency. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 11pp. (Unpublished)

Regener, M.; Szilagyi, B.; Baumert, H.. 1997 The generic 1-D turbulence-SPM model. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 40pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 48)

Renshaw, Michael; Garcia-Rodeja, Eduardo. 1997 Modelling soil and surface water acidification at the Sor Catchment, NW Spain: an assessment of the EU acidification strategy using the MAGIC model. Institute of Hydrology, 24pp. (Unpublished)

Rice, A.L.. 1997 RRS Discovery Cruise 226, 12 Mar-10 Apr 1997. BENGAL: High resolution temporal and spatial study of the BENthic biology and Geochemistry of a north-eastern Atlantic abyssal Locality. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 76pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 13)

Robins, N.S.; Calow, R.C.; MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Macdonald, D.M.J.; Gibbs, B.R.; Orpen, W.R.G.; Mtembezeka, P.; Andrews, A.J.; Appiah, S.O.; Banda, K.. 1997 Final report: groundwater management in drought-prone areas of Africa. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 33pp. (WC/97/057) (Unpublished)

Robson, Alice. 1997 A review of methods for detecting changes in hydrological data. Institute of Hydrology, 11pp. (Unpublished)

Roe, H.S.J.. 1997 RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 104 Leg 1, 12 Feb - 19 Mar 1997. Scheherezade: an interdisciplinary study of the Gulf of Oman, Strait of Hormuz and the southern Arabian Gulf. Southampton, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 77pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 9)

Round, C.; Young, A.. 1997 Velocity estimation at ungauged sites. Final report. Institute of Hydrology, 33pp. (GREAT-ER Working Note no.5) (Unpublished)

Schulze, E.-D.; Hoeberg, P.; Scarascia-Mugnozza, G.; George, E.; Martin, F.; Read, D.; Persson, T.; Struwe, S.; Wolters, V.; Harrison, A.F.; Andersen, B.R.; Beredse, F.; Paces, T.. 1997 CANIF - Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Forest Ecosystems. Annual Report 01.02.1996 to 31.01.1997. CANIF. (TFS Project Number: T01062y5) (Unpublished)

Scrivener, R.C.; Highley, D.E.; Cameron, D.G.; Linley, K.A.; White, R.. 1997 Mineral resource information for development plans phase one Cornwall : resources and constraints. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 43pp. (Mineral Resources Series, WF/97/011) (Unpublished)

Shearer, T.R.; Wagstaff, S.J.; Calow, R.; Stewart, J.A.; Muir, J.F.; Haylor, G.S.; Brooks, A.C.. 1997 The potential for aquaculture using saline groundwater. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 245pp. (WC/97/058) (Unpublished)

Srokosz, M.A. ORCID: 1997 RRS Discovery Cruise 227, 15 Apr-16 May 1997. Plankton patchiness studies by ship and satellite: P2S3. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 76pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 12)

Talbot, J. D. R.; House, W. A.; Irons, G. P.; Lawlor, A. J.; Clarke, K. J.. 1997 Severn-Thames transfer project: Phase II. Chemical interactions of transferred sediment with the host water. Final report. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 21pp. (IFE Report No: RL/T04073o7/2) (Unpublished)

Verhoef, A.. 1997 Physiologically-based models of semi-arid vegetattion dynamics for improved description of land surface/atmosphere interactions in climate models. Final Report. Institute of Hydrology, 74pp. (Unpublished)

Waters, R.A.; Davies, J.R.; Wilson, D.; Prigmore, J.K.. 1997 A geological background for planning and development in the Afon Teifi catchment. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 110pp. (WA/97/035) (Unpublished)

Waughray, D.K.; Lovell, C.J.; Moriarty, P.B.; Batchelor, C.H.; Nangali, F.; Keatinge, D.; Mtetwa, G.; Dubeq, T.. 1997 Community Resource Management and Livelihood Strategies (CRMLS) phase I Final Report August 1996 - January 1997. Institute of Hydrology, 82pp. (IH ODA Report 97/1) (Unpublished)

Weaver, P.P.E.. 1997 RRS Discovery Cruise 225, 24 Feb-07 Mar 1997. Studies of mass wasting in the Agadir Basin and sediment transport in the Gulf of Cadiz - incorporating trials of the giant piston corer. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 18pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 5)

Welton, J. S.; Masters, J. E. G.; Beaumont, W. R. C.; Pinder, A. C.; Ladle, M.. 1997 1997 survey of the coarse fish of the River Tees. Progress report. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 3pp. (TFS Project No.: T11064f1) (Unpublished)

Welton, J.S.; Gunn, R.J.M.; Farrugia, F.. 1997 Macroinvertebrate sampling of wooded and open sections of tributaries of the R. Itchen - October 1996. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071w7) (Unpublished)

Welton, J.S.; Gunn, R.J.M.; Middle, S.; Bradley, D.C.. 1997 Macroinvertebrate sampling of wooded and open sections of tributaries of the R. Itchen - May 1997. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071w7) (Unpublished)

Williams, J. J.; Moores, S. P.; Turney, P. D.; Taylor, K.F.. 1997 Design and laboratory calibration of Piezoelectric Suspended Sediment Impact Probes. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 39pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 46)

Williams, J.B.; Moore, R.J.. 1997 Draft report on a visit to Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China 5th to 14th October 1997. Institute of Hydrology, 8pp. (Unpublished)

Winder, J.M.; Blackburn, J.H.; Gunn, R.J.M.; Symes, K.L.. 1997 Biological assessment of Buckfastleigh Sewage Treatment Works, River Dart. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 94pp. (TFS Project No. T04079j7) (Unpublished)

Wright, J.F.; Furse, M.T.; Symes, K.L.. 1997 Practical sessions on RIVPACS III Great Britain version: - a series of step-by-step exercises to demonstrate some of the major options available in RIVPACS III. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 12pp. (IFE Project T04053r5) (Unpublished)

Wright, J.F.; Furse, M.T.; Symes, K.L.. 1997 Practical sessions on RIVPACS III+ England and Wales version: - a series of step-by-step exercises to demonstrate some of the major options available in RIVPACS III+. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 14pp. (IFE Project T04053r5) (Unpublished)

Wright, J.F.; Furse, M.T.; Symes, K.L.. 1997 Practical sessions on RIVPACS III+ Scotland and Northern Ireland version: - a series of step-by-step exercises to demonstrate some of the major options available in RIVPACS III+. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 15pp. (IFE Project T04053r5) (Unpublished)

Young, A.; Croker, K.. 1997 GREAT-ER Quarterly progress report: June - September 1997. Institute of Hydrology, 26pp. (Unpublished)

Young, A.R.. 1997 Bench marking rainfall runoff models within the Anglian Region: Final Report. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 97pp. (Unpublished)

Publication - Thesis

Allcock, A.L.. 1997 The genetics and taxonomy of Southern Ocean Octopodidae, with special reference to the genus Pareledone. University of Liverpool, PhD Thesis, 236pp.

Yelland, Margaret J. ORCID: 1997 Wind stress over the open ocean. University of Southampton, Department of Oceanography, PhD Thesis, 168pp.

Publication - Other

Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity; Swain, Oliver. 1997 UK Hydrological Review 1996. Wallingford, NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology [Website]

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