Items where Year is 1984
Publication - Article
Agerer, R.. 1984 Leptoglossum omnivorum sp.nov. from Antarctica. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 82 (1). 184-186. 10.1016/S0007-1536(84)80234-X
Allen, S.E.. 1984 Radionuclides in natural terrestrial ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 35 (3). 285-300. 10.1016/0048-9697(84)90009-3
Baker, J.R.; Doidge, D.W.. 1984 Pathology of the antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) in South Georgia. British Veterinary Journal, 140 (2). 210-219. 10.1016/0007-1935(84)90084-8
Banks, R.J.; Beamish, D.. 1984 Local and regional induction in the British Isles. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 79 (2). 539-553. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1984.tb02239.x
Barker, Peter F.; Barber, Paul L.; King, Edward C. ORCID:
An early miocene ridge crest-trench collision on the South Scotia Ridge near 36°W.
Tectonophysics, 102 (1-4).
Barker, R.D.; Lloyd, J.W.; Peach, D.W.. 1984 The use of resisitivity and gamma logging in lithostratigraphical studies of the Chalk in Lincolnshire and South Humberside. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 17 (1). 71-80. 10.1144/GSL.QJEG.1984.017.01.09
Bell, B.G.. 1984 A synoptic flora of South Georgian mosses: Grimmia and Schistidium. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 63. 71-109.
Bell, C.M.. 1984 The geology of islands in southern Bransfield Strait, Antarctic Peninsula. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 63. 41-55.
Block, William. 1984 A comparative study of invertebrate supercooling at Signy Island, maritime Antarctic. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 64. 67-76.
Block, William; Burn, A.J.; Richard, K.J.. 1984 An insect introduction to the maritime Antarctic. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 23 (1). 33-39. 10.1111/j.1095-8312.1984.tb00804.x
Bonner, W. Nigel. 1984 Seals of the Galapagos Islands. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 21 (1-2). 177-184. 10.1111/j.1095-8312.1984.tb02060.x
Booth, R.G.. 1984 A new species of mite in the genus Nanorchestes (Acari, Prostigmata) from Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 63. 111-116.
Booth, R.G.; Usher, M.B.. 1984 Arthropod communities in a maritime Antarctic moss-turf habitat: effects of the physical and chemical environment. Journal of Animal Ecology, 53. 879-893.
Brand, A.R.; Morris, D.J.. 1984 The respiratory responses of the dog cockle Glycymerisglycymeris (L.) to declining environmental oxygen tension. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 83 (1). 89-106. 10.1016/0022-0981(84)90119-9
Broom, S.M.. 1984 A new ionosonde for Argentine Islands ionospheric observatory, Faraday Station. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 62. 1-6.
Burchett, M. S.; Ricketts, C.. 1984 The population dynamics of Notothenia rossii from South Georgia (Antarctica). Polar Biology, 3 (1). 35-38. 10.1007/BF00265565
Burchett, M.S.. 1984 Age determination of Notothenia rossii from South Georgia (Antarctica) using scales and otoliths. Cybium, 8 (2). 19-28.
Burchett, M.S.; Devries, A.; Briggs, A.J.. 1984 Age determination and growth of Dissostichus mawsoni (Norman, 1937) (Pisces, Nototheniidae) from McMurdo Sound (Antarctica). Cybium, 8 (1). 27-31.
Burn, A.J.. 1984 Energy partitioning in the Antarctic collembolan Cryptopygus antarcticus. Ecological Entomology, 9 (1). 11-21. 10.1111/j.1365-2311.1984.tb00693.x
Burn, A.J.. 1984 Life cycle strategies in two Antarctic Collembola. Oecologia, 64 (2). 223-229. 10.1007/BF00376874
Cape, Neil; Fowler, David; Kinnaird, D; Paterson, I S; Leith, I D; Nicholson, I A. 1984 Chemical composition of rainfall and wet deposition over northern Britain. Atmospheric Environment, 18. 1921-1932. 10.1016/0004-6981(84)90369-X
Carpenter, D.L.; Inan, U.S.; Smith, A.J.. 1984 Use of subionospheric Siple transmitter signals to study burst precipitation outside the plasmapause. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 19 (5). 220-222.
Clarke, Andrew ORCID:
Lipid composition of two species of Serolis (Crustacea, Isopoda) from Antarctica.
British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 64.
Clarke, Andrew ORCID:
Lipid content and composition of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba Dana.
Journal of Crustacean Biology, 4 (5).
Clarke, Andrew ORCID:
The lipid content and composition of some Antarctic macrozooplankton.
British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 63.
Clarke, Andrew ORCID:; Doherty, N.; DeVries, A.L.; Eastman, J.T..
Lipid content and composition of three species of Antarctic fish in relation to buoyancy.
Polar Biology, 3 (2).
Cowling, A.J.. 1984 Application of gradient diver micro-respirometry to protozoan studies. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 65. 91-107.
Crowley, G.; Dudeney, J.R.; Rodger, Alan S.; Jones, T.B.. 1984 Large simultaneous disturbances (LSDs) in the Antarctic ionosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 46 (10). 917-925. 10.1016/0021-9169(84)90032-1
Croxall, J.P.; Pilcher, M.N.. 1984 Characteristics of krill Euphausia superba eaten by Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazelle at South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 63. 117-125.
Dalziel, I.W.D.; Pankhurst, R.J.. 1984 West Antarctica: its tectonics and its relationship to East Antarctica. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 19 (5). 35-36.
Doake, C.S.M.. 1984 Ice-shelf densities from a comparison of radio echo and seismic soundings. Annals of Glaciology, 5. 47-50. 10.3189/1984AoG5-1-47-50
Doidge, D.W.; Croxall, J.P.; Baker, J.R.. 1984 Density-dependent pup mortality in the Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella at South Georgia. Journal of Zoology, 202 (3). 449-460. 10.1111/j.1469-7998.1984.tb05095.x
Doidge, D.W.; Croxall, J.P.; Ricketts, C.. 1984 Growth rates of Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella pups at South Georgia. Journal of Zoology, 203 (1). 87-93. 10.1111/j.1469-7998.1984.tb06045.x
Downing, R.A.; Allen, D.J.; Barker, J.A.; Burgess, W.G.; Gray, D.A.; Price, M.; Smith, I.F.. 1984 Geothermal exploration at Southampton in the UK : a case study of a low enthalpy resource. Energy Exploration and Exploitation, 2 (4). 327-342.
Dudeney, J.R.. 1984 International Digital Ionosonde Group Bulletin No. 5. INAG Bulletin, 43-44. 21-22.
Dudeney, J.R.. 1984 Report of the International Digital Ionosonde Group. INAG Bulletin, 45. 19-20.
Ellis-Evans, J. Cynan. 1984 Methane in maritime Antarctic freshwater lakes. Polar Biology, 3 (2). 63-71. 10.1007/BF00258149
Farquharson, G.W.. 1984 Late Mesozoic, non-marine conglomeratic sequences of northern Antarctic Peninsula (The Botany Bay Group). British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 65. 1-32.
Fitch, N.A.; Johnson, I.A.; Wood, R.E.. 1984 Skeletal muscle capillary supply in a fish that lacks respiratory pigments. Respiration Physiology, 57 (2). 201-211. 10.1016/0034-5687(84)90093-8
Fleming, L.V.. 1984 Effects of soil trenching and coring on the formation of ectomycorrhizas on birch seedlings grown around mature trees. New Phytologist, 98 (1). 143-153.
Fowler, D.. 1984 Transfer to terrestrial surfaces. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (B) Biological Sciences, 305 (1124). 281-297.
Fowler, D.; Cape, J.N.. 1984 The contamination of rain samples by dry deposition on rain collectors. Atmospheric Environment, 18 (1). 183-189. 10.1016/0004-6981(84)90241-5
Fowler, David; Cape, Neil. 1984 On the episodic nature of wet deposited sulphate and acidity. Atmospheric Environment, 18 (9). 1859-1866. 10.1016/0004-6981(84)90362-7
Gough, H.; Orr, D.. 1984 The effect of damping on geomagnetic pulsation amplitude and phase at ground observatories. Planetary and Space Science, 32 (5). 619-628. 10.1016/0032-0633(84)90112-0
Gough, H.; Orr, D.; Wedeken, U.. 1984 Ground observations of geomagnetic pulsations during a quiet magnetospheric interval correlated with satellite plasma measurements. Journal of Geophysics, 55. 92-101.
Gray, N.F.; Smith, Ronald I.L.. 1984 The distribution of nematophagous fungi in the maritime Antarctic. Mycopathologia, 85 (1-2). 81-92. 10.1007/BF00436707
Green, F.H.W.. 1984 Soil temperature and the tree line: a note. Scottish Geographical Magazine.
Hamer, R.D.; Hyden, G.. 1984 The geochemistry and age of the Danger Islands pluton, Antarctic Peninsula. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 64. 1-19.
Hamilton, R.A.; Hodder, B.M.. 1984 The influence of sunspot number and magnetic activity on the diurnal variation of the geomagnetic field at mid to high latitudes. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 46 (2). 193-196. 10.1016/0021-9169(84)90144-2
Harris, M. P. ORCID:; Wanless, S.
The effect of the wreck of seabirds in February 1983 on auk populations on the Isle of May (Fife).
Bird Study, 31 (2).
Hawthron, G.R.; Ellis-Evans, J. Cynan. 1984 Benthic Protozoa from maritime Antarctic freshwater lakes and pools. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 62. 67-81.
Hayes, P.K.; Whitaker, T.M.; Fogg, G.E.. 1984 The distribution and nutrient status of phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean between 20� and 70� W. Polar Biology, 3 (3). 153-165. 10.1007/BF00442647
Headland, R.K.. 1984 Wrecks, hulks and other vessel remains at South Georgia, Falkland Islands Dependencies. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 65. 109-126.
Hector, J.A.L.. 1984 Techniques for the serial collection of blood samples and inspection of gonads in free-living albatrosses. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 63. 127-133.
Heilbronn, T. D.; Walton, David W.H. ORCID:
Plant colonization of actively sorted stone stripes in the subantarctic.
Arctic and Alpine Research, 16 (2).
Heilbronn, T.D.; Walton, David W.H. ORCID:
The morphology of some periglacial features on South Georgia and their relationship to local environment.
British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 64.
Hemmings, A.D.. 1984 Aspects of the breeding biology of McCormick's skua Catharacta maccormicki at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 65. 65-79.
Herve, F.; Marambio, F.; Pankhurst, R.J.. 1984 El Complejo Metamorfico de Scotia en Cabo lookout, Isla Elefante, islas Shetland del Sur, Antartica: evidencias de un metamorfismo cretacico. Serie cientifica Instituto Antartico Chileno, 31. 23-37.
Herve, F.; Pankhurst, R.J.. 1984 The Scotia metamorphic complex at Cape Bowles, Clarence Island, South Shetland Islands, western Antarctica. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 62. 15-24.
Horne, Richard B. ORCID:
The effects of differential ion flows on EISCAT observations in the auroral ionosphere.
Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 46 (12).
Horrill, A.D.. 1984 Radionuclide levels and distribution in grazed saltmarsh in West Cumbria. Environmental Pollution Series B, Chemical and Physical, 8 (4). 265-280. 10.1016/0143-148X(84)90027-2
Howarth, M.J.; Huthnance, J.M. ORCID:
Tidal and residual currents around a Norfolk Sandbank.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 19 (1).
Huneck, S.; Sainsbury, M.; Rickard, T.M.A.; Smith, Ronald I.L.. 1984 Ecological and chemical investigations of lichens from South Georgia and the maritime Antarctic. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 56. 461-480.
Hunter, S.. 1984 Breeding biology and population dynamics of giant petrels Macronectes at South Georgia (Aves: Procellariiformes). Journal of Zoology, 203 (4). 441-460. 10.1111/j.1469-7998.1984.tb02343.x
Hunter, S.. 1984 Moult of the giant petrels Macronectes halli and M. giganteus at South Georgia. Ibis, 126 (2). 119-132. 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1984.tb07993.x
Hunter, Stephen. 1984 Movements of giant petrels Macronectes spp. ringed at South Georgia. Ringing & Migration, 5 (2). 105-112. 10.1080/03078698.1984.9673838
Hurst, J.L.; Pugh, G.J.F.; Walton, David W.H. ORCID:
The effect of temperature on the growth of Candida saké isolated from the leaves of a subantarctic grass.
Microbial Ecology, 10 (2).
Huthnance, J.M. ORCID:
Slope Currents and “JEBAR”.
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 14 (4).
Johnston, Ian A.; Brill, Richard. 1984 Thermal dependence of contractile properties of single skinned muscle fibres from Antarctic and various warm water marine fishes including Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis). Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 155 (1). 63-70. 10.1007/BF00688792
Jones, D.; Gapper, G.; Herring, R.. 1984 Auroral kilometric radiation from field-aligned plasma density enhancements. Annales Geophysicae, 2 (1). 95-103.
Jones, D.; Rycroft, M.J.. 1984 The plasma physics of the Active Magnetospheric Particle Tracer Explorers (AMPTE) mission. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 26 (12A). 1395-1406. 10.1088/0741-3335/26/12A/005
Jones, Dyfrig. 1984 Space plasma physics: Antarctic research by satellite link. Nature, 307 (5946). 12-13. 10.1038/307012a0
Last, F.T.; Fowler, D.; Freer-Smith, P.H.. 1984 Die Postulate von Koch und ie Luftverschumtzung. Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt, 103. 28-48. 10.1007/BF02744213
Lightowlers, P.J.. 1984 A new variety of the moss Tortula robusta from South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 64. 63-66.
Limbert, D.W.S.; Robson, A.. 1984 Improved Antarctic meteorological data collection - Meteosat provides the key. ESA Bulletin, 37. 63-67.
Loynes, J.; Potter, J.R.; Paren, J.G.. 1984 Current, temperature, and salinity beneath George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, 31 (9). 1037-1055. 10.1016/0198-0149(84)90011-6
Luxmoore, R.A.. 1984 A comparison of the respiration rate of some Antarctic isopods with species from lower latitudes. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 62. 53-65.
Marsh, P.D.. 1984 The stratigraphy and structure of the Lagrange Nunataks, northern Fuchs Dome and Herbert Mountains of the Shackleton Range. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 63. 19-40.
Marsh, P.D.; Thomson, J.W.. 1984 Location and geology of nunataks in north-western Coats Land. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 65. 33-39.
Middleton, Jason H.; Buchwald, V.T.; Huthnance, John M. ORCID:
The anomalous tides near Broad Sound.
Continental Shelf Research, 3 (4).
Morrell, C.. 1984 Sporadic E (Es) associated with the main ionospheric trough observed over Halley Station, Antarctica. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 63. 1-18.
Morris, D.J.; Everson, I.; Ricketts, C.; Ward, Peter. 1984 Feeding of krill around South Georgia. II. Relations between feeding activity, environment and vertical distribution. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 20. 203-206. 10.3354/meps020203
Morris, D.J.; Ricketts, C.. 1984 Feeding of krill around South Georgia. I: A model of feeding activity in relation to depth and time of day. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 16. 1-7. 10.3354/meps016001
Morris, D.J.. 1984 Filtration rates of Euphausia superba Dana: under- or overestimates? Journal of Crustacean Biology, 4 (5). 185-197. 10.1163/1937240X84X00589
Morris, D.J.; Keck, A.. 1984 The time course of the moult cycle and growth of Euphausia superba in the laboratory: a preliminary study. Meeresforschung. Reports on Marine Research, 30 (2). 94-100.
Morris, D.J.; North, Anthony W.. 1984 Oxygen consumption of five species of fish from south Georgia. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 78 (1-2). 75-86. 10.1016/0022-0981(84)90070-4
Morris, D.J.; Priddle, J.. 1984 Observations on the feeding and moulting of the Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana, in winter. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 65. 57-63.
Morris, G.J.; Coulson, G.E.; Clarke, Andrew ORCID:
Cold shock injury in Tetrahymena pyriformis.
Cryobiology, 21 (6).
Moyes, A.B.; Doidge, D.W.. 1984 Composition of the mineral phase of dentine in southern elephant seal and Antarctic fur seal teeth. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 64. 81-84.
Moyes, A.B.; Hamer, R.D.. 1984 The geology of the Arrowsmith Peninsula and Blaiklock Island, Graham Land Antarctica. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 65. 41-55.
North, Anthony W.; Burchett, M.S.; Gilbert, C.J.; White, M.G.. 1984 Identification of fish from the Southern Ocean by means of otoliths. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 62. 83-94.
Oliver, P.G.; Picken, G.B.. 1984 Prosobranch gastropods from Signy Island, Antarctica: Buccinacea and Muricacea. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 62. 95-115.
Paren, J.G.; Potter, J.R.. 1984 Isotopic tracers in polar seas and glacier ice. Journal of Geophysical Research, 89 (C1). 749-750. 10.1029/JC089iC01p00749
Parkinson, J.A.; Horrill, A.D.. 1984 An assessment of variation due to laboratory and field conditions in the measurement of radionuclides. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 223 (2-3). 598-601. 10.1016/0167-5087(84)90717-8
Pennycuick, C.J.; Croxall, J.P.; Prince, P.A.. 1984 Scaling of foraging radius and growth rate in petrels and albatrosses (Procellariiformes). Ornis Scandinavica, 15 (3). 145-154. 10.2307/3675955
Potter, J.R.; Paren, J.G.; Loynes, J.. 1984 Glaciological and oceanographic calculations of the mass balance and oxygen isotope ratio of a melting ice shelf. Journal of Glaciology, 30 (105). 161-170. 10.3189/S002214300000589X
Pottinger, T.G.; Pickering, A.D.; Blackstock, N.. 1984 Ectoparasite induced changes in epidermal mucification of the brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Journal of Fish Biology, 25 (1). 123-128. 10.1111/j.1095-8649.1984.tb04857.x
Prince, P.A.; Walton, David W.H. ORCID:
Automated measurement of meal sizes and feeding frequency in albatrosses.
The Journal of Applied Ecology, 21 (3).
Prince, Peter A.; Francis, Michael D.. 1984 Activity budgets of foraging gray-headed albatrosses. The Condor, 86 (3). 297-300. 10.2307/1366998
Reynolds, John M.; Paren, J.G.. 1984 Electrical resistivity of ice from the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 30 (106). 289-295. 10.3189/S0022143000006110
Ricketts, C.; Prince, P.A.. 1984 Estimation by use of field weighings of metabolic rate and food conversion efficiency in albatross chicks. The Auk, 101 (4). 790-795. 10.2307/4086905
Rigler, J.K.; Collins, M.B.. 1984 Initial grain motion under oscillatory flow: a comparison of some threshold criteria. Geo-Marine Letters, 3 (1). 43-48. 10.1007/BF02463441
Rodger, Alan S.. 1984 Particle precipitation at low magnetic latitudes. INAG Bulletin, 43-44. 25-27.
Rodger, Alan S.. 1984 Spread-F ionospheric irregularities and their relationship to stable auroral red arcs at magnetic mid-latitudes. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 46 (4). 335-342. 10.1016/0021-9169(84)90117-X
Rodger, Alan S.. 1984 The formation of intermediate layers. INAG Bulletin, 43-44. 23-25.
Rodger, Alan S.; Cowley, S.W.H.; Brown, M.J.; Pinnock, Michael; Simmons, D.A.. 1984 Dawn-dusk (y) component of the interplanetary magnetic field and the local time of the harang discontinuity. Planetary and Space Science, 32 (8). 1021-1027. 10.1016/0032-0633(84)90058-8
Rycroft, M.J.. 1984 Atmospheric physics: Interaction between whistlers and radiation belt electrons. Nature, 312 (5996). 698. 10.1038/312698a0
Rycroft, M.J.; Smith, A.J.; Jones, D.; Dudeney, J.R.; Shawhan, S.D.. 1984 Solar terrestrial physics: Global geospace study. Nature, 310 (5977). 449. 10.1038/310449a0
Rycroft, M.J.; Zwally, H.J.. 1984 Satellites over Antarctica. COSPAR Information Bulletin, 1984 (101). 31-35. 10.1016/0045-8732(84)90120-7
Schenker, R.. 1984 Effects of temperature acclimation on cold-hardiness of Antarctic micro-arthropods. Revue d'écologie et de biologie du sol, 21 (2). 205-220.
Simmons, D.A.; Rouse, J.R.. 1984 Accelerating flow of the Brunt Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 30 (106). 377-380. 10.3189/S0022143000006262
Simmons, D.A.; Rouse, J.R.. 1984 Geomagnetic measurements made on the moving ice shelf at Halley, Antarctica. Geophysical Surveys, 6. 407-417.
Smith, H.G.. 1984 Protozoa of Signy Island fellfields. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 64. 55-61.
Smith, Ronald I.L.. 1984 Beauchêne Island: a historical account. Polar Record, 22 (137). 159-168. 10.1017/S003224740000509X
Smith, Ronald I.L.. 1984 Colonization and recovery by cryptogams following recent volcanic activity on Deception Island, South Shetland Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 62. 25-51.
Smith, Ronald I.L.. 1984 Colonization by bryophytes following recent volcanic activity on an Antarctic island. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 56. 53-63.
Smith, Ronald I.L.; Clymo, R.S.. 1984 An extraordinary peat-forming community on the Falkland Islands. Nature, 309 (5969). 617-620. 10.1038/309617a0
Stephenson, S.N.. 1984 Glacier flexure and the position of grounding lines: measurements By tiltmeter on Rutford Ice Stream, Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 5. 165-169. 10.3189/1984AoG5-1-165-169
Sultan, Selmar A.R.; James, Alec E.; Collins, Michael B.. 1984 A note on processes influencing the mixed layer depth in the north western Aegean Sea. Thalassographica, 7. 5-18.
Sutcliffe, P.R.; Smits, D.P.; Walker, A.D.M.; Hughes, W.J.; Goertz, C.. 1984 Magnetic signatures during the magnetospheric substorm of 27 July 1979. South African Journal of Physics, 7 (1). 7-14.
Sømme, Lauritz; Block, William. 1984 Ecophysiology of two intertidal mites at South Georgia. Oikos, 42 (3). 276-282. 10.2307/3544395
Thiel, J.; Storey, L.R.O.; Bauer, O.H.; Jones, D.. 1984 Excitation of the lower oblique resonance by an artificial plasma jet in the ionosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 89 (A4). 2385-2387. 10.1029/JA089iA04p02385
Thomson, M.R.A.. 1984 Discovery and significance of the ammonite genus Favrella in the Antarctic Peninsula area. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 62. 7-14.
Thomson, M.R.A.. 1984 Preliminary ammonite zonation of the Mid-Cretaceous rock sof James Ross Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 62. 85-91.
Todd, G.E.. 1984 BAS News. Delays to ship and air operations. Antarctic, 10 (8). 303-305.
Todd, G.E.. 1984 BAS News. Earth and marine science projects. Antarctic, 10 (7). 267-269.
Todd, G.E.. 1984 BAS News. Geologists work towards South Pole. Antarctic, 10 (6). 217-220.
Todd, G.E.. 1984 BAS News. New Halley station now operational. Antarctic, 10 (5). 193-195.
Usher, M.B.. 1984 Spiders in the Falkland islands. Newsletter from the Falkland Islands Foundation, 2. 2-4.
Usher, M.B.; Booth, R.G.. 1984 Arthropod communities in a maritime Antarctic moss-turf habitat: three-dimensional distribution of mites and Collembola. Journal of Animal Ecolgy, 53. 427-441.
Usher, M.B.; Booth, R.G.. 1984 A portable extractor for separating micro-arthropods from soil. Pedobiologia, 26 (1). 17-23.
Usher, M.B.; Bowring, M.F.B.. 1984 Laboratory studies of predation by the Antarctic mite Gamasellus racovitzai (Acarina: Mesostigmata). Oecologia, 62 (2). 245-249. 10.1007/BF00379021
Usher, Michael B.; Edwards, Marion. 1984 A dipteran from south of the Antarctic Circle: Belgica antarctica (Chironomidae) with a description of its larva. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 23 (1). 19-31. 10.1111/j.1095-8312.1984.tb00803.x
Usher, Michael B.; Edwards, Marion. 1984 The terrestrial arthropods of the grass sward of Lynch Island, a specially protected area in Antarctica. Oecologia, 63 (1). 143-144. 10.1007/BF00379796
Vogel, Michael; Remmert, Herman; Smith, Ronald I.L.. 1984 Introduced reindeer and their effects on the vegetation and the epigeic invertebrate fauna of South Georgia (subantarctic). Oecologia, 62 (1). 102-109. 10.1007/BF00377382
Ward, Peter. 1984 Aspects of the biology of Antarctomysis maxima (Crustacea: Mysidacea). Polar Biology, 3 (2). 85-92. 10.1007/BF00258152
West, C.C.. 1984 Micro-arthropod and plant species associations in two subAntarctic terrestrial communities. Oikos, 42 (1). 66-73.
Westermann, J.E.M.; Barber, D.L.; Malo, L.G.. 1984 Observations on gills of pelagic and demersal juvenile Notothenia rossii. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 65. 81-89.
Wolff, Eric W.; Paren, J.G.. 1984 A two-phase model of electrical conduction in polar ice sheets. Journal of Geophysical Research, 89 (B11). 9433-9438. 10.1029/JB089iB11p09433
Wynn-Williams, D.D.. 1984 Comparative respirometry of peat decomposition on a latitudinal transect in the maritime Antarctic. Polar Biology, 3 (3). 173-181. 10.1007/BF00442649
Publication - Book
Jenkins, D., ed. 1984 Agriculture and the environment. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 172pp. (ITE Symposium, 13).
Laws, R.M., ed. 1984 Antarctic ecology. London, Academic Press, 344pp.
Laws, R.M., ed. 1984 Antarctic ecology. London, Academic Press, 506pp.
British Antarctic Survey. 1984 British Antarctic Survey. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 32pp.
Jeffers, J. N. R., ed. 1984 Ecology in the 80s. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 44pp.
Anderson, J.M.; Rayner, A.D.M.; Walton, David W.H. ORCID:, eds.
Invertebrate-microbial interactions. Joint symposium of the British Mycological Society and the British Ecological Society. Exeter, September 1982.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 349pp.
Osborn, D., ed. 1984 Metals in animals. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 90pp. (ITE Symposium, 12).
Renner, R.G.B., ed. 1984 Polar expeditions. 2nd edition. London, Expedition Advisory Centre, 183pp.
Croxall, J.P.; Evans, P.G.H.; Schreiber, R.W., eds. 1984 Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. Based on the proceedings of the ICBP Seabird Conservation Symposium, Cambridge, August 1982. Cambridge, International Council for Bird Preservation, 778pp. (ICBP technical publication, 2).
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. 1984 A visitor's introduction to the Antarctic and its environment. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 36pp.
Anckorn, J.F.. 1984 The geology of parts of the Wilkins and Black Coasts, Palmer Land. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 30pp. (British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports, 104).
Arnold, H.R.. 1984 Distribution maps of the mammals of the British Isles. Abbots Ripton, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 58pp.
Ayling, M.E.. 1984 The geology of parts of central west Palmer Land. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 60pp. (British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports, 105).
Burn, R.W.. 1984 The geology of the Lemay group, Alexander Island. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 65pp. (British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports, 109).
Davies, T.G.. 1984 The geology of part of northern Palmer Land. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 46pp. (British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports, 103).
Gray, N.F.. 1984 The distribution of nematophagous fungi in the maritime Antarctic: III. Interpretation of the soil data. Dublin, Trinity College, University of Dublin, 20pp. (Environmental Science Unit Consultancy Report, G21). (Unpublished)
Headland, R.K.. 1984 The island of South Georgia. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Lofty, G.J.; Sharp, N.E.; Hillier, J.A.; Singh, D.C.T.; Lehall, M.K.; Davis, M.M.. 1984 World mineral statistics 1978-1982 : production : exports : imports. London, UK, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 282pp. (World Mineral Production).
Miller, G. R.; Miles, J.; Heal, O. W.. 1984 Moorland management: a study of Exmoor. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 102pp.
Sargent, C.. 1984 Britain's railway vegetation. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 34pp.
Shapland, D.; Rycroft, M.J.. 1984 Spacelab: research in Earth orbit. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 192pp.
Smellie, J.L.; Pankhurst, Robert; Thomson, M.R.A.; Davies, R.E.S.. 1984 The geology of the South Shetland Islands: VI. Stratigraphy, geochemistry and evolution. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 85pp. (British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports, 87).
Publication - Book Section
Bailey-Watts, A.E.; Kirika, A.A.. 1984 Eutrophication of Loch Leven. In: Annual Report of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology 1983. NERC/ITE, 19-21.
Bailey-Watts, A.E.; Maitland, P.S.. 1984 Eutrophication and fisheries in Loch Leven. In: Proc. 1984 Study Conf. Institute of Fisheries Management,. University of Nottingham, 170-190.
Ball, D. F.. 1984 Report on the discussions of the syndicate on lowlands. In: Jenkins, D., (ed.) Agriculture and the environment. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 183-185. (ITE Symposium, 13).
Ball, D. F.. 1984 Studies by ITE on the impact of agriculture on wildlife and semi-natural habitats in the uplands . In: Jenkins, D., (ed.) Agriculture and the environment. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 155-162. (ITE Symposium, 13).
Block, William. 1984 Terrestrial microbiology, invertebrates and ecosystems. In: Laws, R.M., (ed.) Antarctic Ecology, vol. 1. London, Academic Press, 163-236.
Bonner, W. Nigel. 1984 Lactation strategies in pinnipeds: problems for a marine mammalian group. In: Peaker, M.; Vernon, R.G.; Knight, C.H., (eds.) Physiological strategies in lactation. London, Academic Press, 253-272. (Symposia of the Zoological Society of London, 51).
Bonner, W.N.. 1984 Conservation and the Antarctic. In: Laws, R.M., (ed.) Antarctic Ecology, vol. 2. London, Academic Press, 821-850.
Bonner, W.N.. 1984 Introduced mammals. In: Laws, R.M., (ed.) Antarctic Ecology, vol. 1. London, Academic Press, 237-278.
Bunce, R. G. H.. 1984 The use of simple data in the production of strategic sampling systems. In: Brandt, J.; Agger, P., (eds.) Methodology of Evaluation/Synthesis of Data in Landscape Ecology. Leersum, The Netherlands, Research Institute for Nature Management, 45-56. (Methodology in landscape ecological research and planning, Vol.4).
Bunce, R. G. H.; Claridge, C. J.; Barr, C. J.. 1984 The use of simple data in the production of strategic sampling systems - its application to the Highland Region, Scotland. In: Brandt, J.; Agger, P., (eds.) Methodology of Evaluation/Synthesis of Data in Landscape Ecology. Leersum, The Netherlands, Research Institute for Nature Management, 167-171. (Methodology in landscape ecological research and planning, Vol.4).
Bunce, R. G. H.; Heal, O. W.. 1984 Landscape evaluation and the impact of changing land use on the rural environment: the problem and an approach. In: Roberts, R. D.; Roberts, T. M., (eds.) Planning and ecology. London, Chapman and Hall, 164-188.
Bunce, R. G. H.; Tranter, R. B.; Thompson, A. M. M.; Mitchell, C. P.; Barr, C. J.. 1984 Models for predicting changes in rural land use in Great Britain. In: Jenkins, D., (ed.) Agriculture and the environment. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 37-44. (ITE Symposium, 13).
Crame, J.A. ORCID:
Preliminary bivalve zonation of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in Antarctica.
In: Perrilliat, M. de C., (ed.)
Memoria. III Congreso LatinoAmericano de Paleontologia, Mexico, 1984.
Mexico City, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto Geologia, 242-254.
Croxall, J.P.. 1984 Priorities for seabird conservation and associated research. Recommendations of the ICBP Seabird Specialist Group. In: Croxall, J.P.; Evans, P.G.H.; Schreiber, R.W., (eds.) Status and conservation of the world's seabirds. Cambridge, International Council for Bird Preservation, 771-778. (ICBP technical publication, 2).
Croxall, J.P.. 1984 Seabirds. In: Laws, R.M., (ed.) Antarctic ecology, vol. 2. London, Academic Press, 533-619.
Croxall, J.P.; McInnes, Sandra ORCID:; Prince, P.A..
The status and conservation of seabirds at the Falkland Islands.
In: Croxall, J.P.; Evans, P.G.H.; Schreiber, R.W., (eds.)
Status and conservation of the world's seabirds.
Cambridge, International Council for Bird Preservation, 271-291.
(ICBP technical publication, 2).
Croxall, J.P.; Prince, P.A.; Hunter, I.; McInnes, Sandra J. ORCID:; Copestake, P.G..
The seabirds of the Antarctic Peninsula, islands of the Scotia Sea, and Antarctic continent between 80oW and 20oW: their status and conservation.
In: Croxall, J.P.; Evans, P.G.H.; Schreiber, R.W., (eds.)
Status and conservation of the world's seabirds.
Cambridge, International Council for Bird Preservation, 637-666.
(ICBP technical publication, 2).
Croxall, J.P.; Ricketts, C.; Prince, P.A.. 1984 Impact of seabirds on marine resources, especially krill, of South Georgia waters. In: Whittow, G.C.; Rahn, H., (eds.) Seabird energetics. New York, Plenum, 285-317.
Dong, Z.-B.; Ferrari, R.L.; Francis, M.R.. 1984 Impulse radar ice-depth sounding on the Hispar glacier. In: Miller, K.J., (ed.) The International Karakoram Project. Vol. 2. Proceedings of the International Conference, London, 1981. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 100-110.
Duncan, R.. 1984 Energy intake, expenditure and balance study through urinalysis of the ice crossing team between October 1981/February 1982. In: Fiennes, R., (ed.) Report on scientific work of the Transglobe Expedition 1979-1982. London, Transglobe Expedition Ltd., 30-39.
Everson, Inigo. 1984 Fish biology. In: Laws, R.M., (ed.) Antarctic ecology, vol. 2. London, Academic Press, 491-532.
Everson, Inigo. 1984 Marine interactions. In: Laws, R.M., (ed.) Antarctic ecology, vol. 2. London, Academic Press, 783-819.
Everson, Inigo. 1984 Zooplankton. In: Laws, R.M., (ed.) Antarctic ecology, vol. 2. London, Academic Press, 463-490.
Farquharson, G.W.; Hamer, R.D.; Ineson, J.R.. 1984 Proximal volcaniclastic sedimentation in a Cretaceous back-arc basin, northern Antarctic Peninsula. In: Kokelaar, B.P.; Howells, M.F., (eds.) Marginal basin geology. Volcanic and associated sedimentary and tectonic processes in modern and ancient marginal basins. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 219-229. (Geological Society special publication, 16).
French, M. C.. 1984 Lead poisoning in mute swans - an East Anglian survey. In: Osborn, D., (ed.) Metals in animals. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 25-29. (ITE Symposium, 12).
Gough, H.; Orr, D.. 1984 The latitudinal variation of geomagnetic pulsation amplitude and phase. In: Achievements of the International Magnetospheric Study (IMS). Proceedings of an international symposium, Graz, Austria, 26-28 June, 1984. Paris, European Space Agency, 649-654. (ESA SP, 217).
Heal, O. W.. 1984 Report on the discussions of the syndicate on uplands. In: Jenkins, D., (ed.) Agriculture and the environment. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 185-188. (ITE Symposium, 13).
Henderson, P.; Pankhurst, R.G.. 1984 Analytical chemistry. In: Henderson, P., (ed.) Rare earth element geochemistry. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 467-499. (Developments in geochemistry, 2).
Heywood, R.B.. 1984 Antarctic inland waters. In: Laws, R.M., (ed.) Antarctic Ecology, vol. 1. London, Academic Press, 279-344.
Heywood, R.B.; Whitaker, T.M.. 1984 The Antarctic marine flora. In: Laws, R.M., (ed.) Antarctic ecology, vol. 2. London, Academic Press, 373-419.
Hooper, M. D.. 1984 What are the main recent impacts of agriculture on wildlife? Could they have been predicted, and what can be predicted for the future? In: Jenkins, D., (ed.) Agriculture and the environment. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 33-36. (ITE Symposium, 13).
Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Christiansen, P.J..
Theorectical studies of electron cyclotron harmonic (ECH) waves based on experimental data from GEOS-1.
Achievements of the International Magnetospheric Study (IMS). Proceedings of an international symposium, Graz, Austria, 26-28 June, 1984.
Paris, European Space Agency, 575-579.
(ESA SP, 217).
Hornung, M.. 1984 The impact of upland pasture improvement on solute outputs in surface waters. In: Jenkins, D., (ed.) Agriculture and the environment. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 150-155. (ITE Symposium, 13).
Jenkins, P.. 1984 Magnetospheric research. Extra Low and Very Low Frequency programme. Ryvingen Base, April 1980/January 1981. In: Fiennes, Ranulph, (ed.) Report on scientific work of the Transglobe Expedition 1979-1982. London, Transglobe Expedition Ltd, 13-29.
Jones, D.. 1984 IMS advances in understanding terrestrial myriametric radiation. In: Achievements of the International Magnetospheric Study (IMS). Proceedings of an international symposium, Graz, Austria, 26-28 June, 1984. Paris, European Space Agency, 511-515. (ESA SP, 217).
Laws, R.M.. 1984 Seals. In: Laws, R.M., (ed.) Antarctic Ecology, vol. 2. London, Academic Press, 621-715.
Limbert, D.W.S.. 1984 Katabatic wind studies at Ryvingen Base between April and August 1980. In: Fiennes, Ranulph, (ed.) Report on scientific work of the Transglobe Expedition 1979-1982. London, Transglobe Expedition Ltd, 40-51.
Limbert, D.W.S.. 1984 West Antarctic temperatures, regional differences, and the nominal length of summer and winter seasons. In: Environment of West Antarctica: potential CO2-induced changes. Report of a workshop held in Madison, Wisconsin, July 1983. Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, 116-139.
Lister, A.. 1984 Predation in an Antarctic micro-arthropod community. In: Griffiths, D.A.; Bowman, C.A., (eds.) Acarology 6. Chichester, Ellis Horwood Ltd, 886-892.
Maitland, P. S.. 1984 The effects of eutrophication on aquatic wildlife. In: Jenkins, D., (ed.) Agriculture and the environment. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 101-108. (ITE Symposium, 13).
Milner, C.. 1984 Some ecological principles underlying hill sheep management. In: Jenkins, D., (ed.) Agriculture and the environment. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 139-142. (ITE Symposium, 13).
Morris, M. G.. 1984 Impacts of agriculture on southern grasslands. In: Jenkins, D., (ed.) Agriculture and the environment. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 95-97. (ITE Symposium, 13).
Mountford, J. O.; Sheail, J.. 1984 Effects of drainage on natural vegetation. In: Jenkins, D., (ed.) Agriculture and the environment. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 98-101. (ITE Symposium, 13).
Newton, I. ORCID:
Report on the discussions of the syndicate on the use of agrochemicals.
In: Jenkins, D., (ed.)
Agriculture and the environment.
Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 188-190.
(ITE Symposium, 13).
Newton, I. ORCID:
Uses and effects on bird populations of organochlorine pesticides.
In: Jenkins, D., (ed.)
Agriculture and the environment.
Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 80-88.
(ITE Symposium, 13).
Osborn, D.; Bull, K. R.; Young, W. J.. 1984 Mersey estuary bird mortalities. In: Osborn, D., (ed.) Metals in animals. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 35-38. (ITE Symposium, 12).
Osborn, D.; Nicholson, J. K.. 1984 Cadmium and mercury in seabirds. In: Osborn, D., (ed.) Metals in animals. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 30-34. (ITE Symposium, 12).
Parrot, M.; Lefeuvre, F.; Jones, D.. 1984 Magnetospheric wave characteristics derived from cross-spectral analysis. In: Achievements of the International Magnetospheric Study (IMS). Proceedings of an international symposium, Graz, Austria, 26-28 June, 1984. Paris, European Space Agency, 723-728. (ESA, SP-217).
Rycroft, M.J.. 1984 Atmospheric research in Antarctica. In: Wickramasinghe, C., (ed.) Fundamental studies and the future of science. Cardiff, University College Cardiff Press, 285-300.
Smith, A.J.; Lester, M.; Matthews, J.P.; Yearby, K.H.. 1984 Whistler mode waves near the plasmapause - results from the IMS VLF experiment at Halley, Antarctica. In: Achievements of the International Magnetospheric Study (IMS). Proceedings of an international symposium, Graz, Austria, 26-28 June, 1984. Paris, European Space Agency, 559-562. (ESA SP, 217).
Smith, Ronald I.L.. 1984 Terrestrial plant biology of the sub-Antarctic and Antarctic. In: Laws, R.M., (ed.) Antarctic Ecology, vol. 1. London, Academic Press, 61-162.
Storey, B.C.; Macdonald, D.I.M.. 1984 Processes of formation and filling of a Mesozoic back-arc basin on the island of South Georgia. In: Kokelaar, B.P.; Howells, M.F., (eds.) Marginal basin geology. Volcanic and associated sedimentary and tectonic processes in modern and ancient marginal basins. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific, 207-218. (Geological Society special publication, 16, 16).
Thomson, M.R.A.. 1984 Cretaceous ammonite biostratigraphy of western James Ross Island, Antarctica. In: Perrilliat, M. de C., (ed.) Memoria. III Congreso LatinoAmericano de Paleontologia, Mexico, 1984. Mexico City, Universidad Nacional Autonoma Mesico, Institut de Geologia, 308-314.
Walton, David W.H. ORCID:
The terrestrial environment.
In: Laws, R.M., (ed.)
Antarctic Ecology, vol. 1.
London, Academic Press, 1-60.
White, M.G.. 1984 Marine benthos. In: Laws, R.M., (ed.) Antarctic ecology, vol. 2. London, Academic Press, 421-461.
Wyatt, B. K.. 1984 The use of remote sensing for monitoring change in agriculture in the uplands and lowlands. In: Jenkins, D., (ed.) Agriculture and the environment. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 162-168. (ITE Symposium, 13).
Publication - Conference Item
Hornung, M.. 1984 Precipitation-canopy and soil-water interactions. In: Institute of Water Pollution Control and Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists Joint Meeting on Acid Rain, Birmingham, March 1984. (Unpublished)
Publication - Map
British Antarctic Survey. 1984 Topographic satellite-image map. Alexander Island. 1:250000. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey.
British Antarctic Survey. 1984 Topographic satellite-image map. George VI Sound. 1:250000. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey.
British Antarctic Survey. 1984 Topographic satellite-image map. George VI Sound. 1:250000. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey.
Thomson, J.W.; Harris, J.S.. 1984 British Antarctic Survey geological map. 1:500000. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey.
Publication - Report
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Flood Warning System, Dumfries - feasibility study. Institute of Hydrology, 18pp. (IH/S-184/DWR) (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Flood estimates for Mushwab Dam, Jeddah. NERC Institute of Hydrology. (Unpublished)
Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. 1984 Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Annual Report 1983. Cambridge, ITE, 147pp. (Legacy document)
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Lower Mekong Basin Water Balance Study phase 2 report. Institute of Hydrology, 137pp.
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Mathematics of circular charts and their transcription. Institute of Hydrology, 12pp. (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Mogadishu water supply expansion: Afgooye Road wellfield - stage IIA - addendum. Institute of Hydrology. (Unpublished)
Bonner, I.R., ed. 1984 Moor House 1984 25th Annual Progress Report. Nature Conservancy Council. (Moor House Annual Progress Report No. 25) (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Muqdisho water supply expansion: stage IIA Exploration and Modelling Studies volume I. Institute of Hydrology, 101pp. (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Muqdisho water supply expansion: stage IIA Exploration and Modelling Studies volume II. Institute of Hydrology, 130pp. (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Muqdisho water supply expansion: stage IIA Exploration and Modelling Studies volume III. Institute of Hydrology, 112pp. (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Muqdisho water supply expansion: stage IIA Exploration and Modelling Studies volume IV. Institute of Hydrology, 88pp. (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Notes on the further analysis of future Lake Victoria levels. Institute of Hydrology. (Unpublished)
Institute for Marine Environmental Research, Freshwater Biological Association, Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Predicted effects of proposed changes in patterns of water abstraction on the ecosystems of the Lower River Thames and its tidal estuary: Final Report. Natural Environment Research Council, 236pp. (Unpublished)
Watermeyer, Legge, Piesold & Uhlmann. 1984 Soda Ash Botswana PTY Ltd: Sua Pan Project phase III investigations - Memorandum no.13: Process and domestic water supply. Watermeyer, Legge, Piesold & Uhlmann, 50pp. (Unpublished)
Watermeyer, Legge, Piesold & Uhlmann. 1984 Soda Ash Botswana PTY Ltd: Sua Pan Project phase III investigations - Memorandum no.14: Brine resource definition. Watermeyer, Legge, Piesold & Uhlmann, 52pp. (Unpublished)
Watermeyer, Legge, Piesold & Uhlmann. 1984 Soda Ash Botswana PTY Ltd: Sua Pan Project phase III investigations - Memorandum no.15: Brine wellfield design. Watermeyer, Legge, Piesold & Uhlmann, 65pp. (Unpublished)
Watermeyer, Legge, Piesold & Uhlmann. 1984 Soda Ash Botswana PTY Ltd: Sua Pan Project phase III investigations - Memorandum no.1: Computer modelling. Watermeyer, Legge, Piesold & Uhlmann, 48pp. (Unpublished)
Watermeyer, Legge, Piesold & Uhlmann. 1984 Soda Ash Botswana PTY Ltd: Sua Pan Project phase III investigations - Memorandum no.8: Process and domestic water supplies from surface sources. Watermeyer, Legge, Piesold & Uhlmann, 32pp. (Unpublished)
Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners. 1984 Study of water supply and demand in Northern Ireland volume 1. Main Report. Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners, 198pp. (Unpublished)
Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners. 1984 Study of water supply and demand in Northern Ireland volume 2. Supporting studies. Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners, 102pp. (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Sua Pan Project phase III investigations - Memorandum no.7: Interim Report on Process and domestic water supplies from groundwater sources. Institute of Hydrology, 62pp. (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Water quality modelling, forecasting and control. Proceedings of an international workshop at the Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 167pp. (IH Report No.88) (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Water resource and demand of Northern Ireland. NERC Institute of Hydrology. (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Wintinna Coalfield, South Australia - review of hydrogeological study for proposed mining development. Institute of Hydrology, 22pp. (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 Worton Rectory Farm - Environmental monitoring at Yarnton Mead and Pixey Mead SSSI's. Institute of Hydrology, 37pp. (TFS Project T05052f1) (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 An assessment of human influence on the river flow and water quality regimes of western Europe: a research proposal by the United Kingdom for IHP III Theme 6 Methods for assessing the changes in the hydrological regime due to man's influence. Institute of Hydrology, 17pp. (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1984 A review of the hydrology of Lake Victoria and the Victoria Nile. Institute of Hydrology. (Unpublished)
Adlam, K.A.McL.; Harrison, D.J.; Wild, J.B.L.. 1984 The hard-rock resources of the country around Caerphilly, South Wales : description of parts of 1:50,000 geological sheets 249 and 263. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 53pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 141) (Unpublished)
Aitken, A.M.; Lovell, J.H.; Shaw, A.J.; Thomas, C.W.. 1984 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Dalkeith and Temple, Lothian Region : description of 1:25,000 sheets NT 25 and 35, and NT 26 and 36. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 182pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 140) (Unpublished)
Alcock, G.A.. 1984 Parameterizing extreme still water levels and waves in design level studies. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 95pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 183)
Angel, M.V.. 1984 RRS Discovery Cruise 146, 27 March - 24 April 1984. Biological and physical investigations at 39,30'N 15W to 46N 14W of the events leading up to and associated with the onset of thermal stratification. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 69pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 168)
Ball, F. G.; Bacon, P. J.. 1984 Rabies Working Party: Workshop meeting to assess the "Ontario" model. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 35pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.99)
Barr, C.J.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Whittaker, H.A. 1984 Changes in the Rural Environment, Field Survey Handbook [Draft]. Grange-over-Sands, UK, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 27pp. (ITE Project Number: ITE0424) (Unpublished)
Bateson, J.H.; Johnson, C.C.. 1984 A regional geochemical soil investigation of the Carboniferous Limestone areas south of Kendal (south Cumbria and north Lancashire). British Geological Survey, 52pp. (WF/MR/84/071) (Unpublished)
Blackie, J.R.. 1984 Report on an advisory visit to the Chyulu Hills Water Resources Study. Institute of Hydrology, 18pp. (Unpublished)
Blackie, J.R.; Hudson, J.A.; Johnson, R.C.. 1984 Upland afforestation and water resources - progress report 1983/84 on the Balquhidder Catchment Studies and Process Studies. Institute of Hydrology, 58pp. (Unpublished)
Blyth, K.. 1984 Analysis of digital radar data from SAR-580 in relation to soil/vegetation moisture and roughness. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 27pp. (IH Report No.93) (Unpublished)
Burley, A.J.; Edmunds, W.M.; Gale, I.N.. 1984 Investigation of the geothermal potential of the UK : catalogue of geothermal data for the land area of the United Kingdom. British Geological Survey, 161pp. (WJ/GE/84/020) (Unpublished)
Cameron, D.G.; Cooper, D.C.; Allen, P.M.; Haslam, H.W.. 1984 A geochemical drainage survey of the Preseli Hills, south-west Dyfed, Wales. British Geological Survey, 62pp. (WF/MR/84/072) (Unpublished)
Cannell, B.; Crofts, R.G.. 1984 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Henley-in-Arden, Warwickshire : description of 1:25,000 sheet SP 16 and parts of 15, 17, 25, 26 and 27. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 175pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 142) (Unpublished)
Cooper, D.C.; Rollin, K.; Cornwell, J.D.. 1984 Regional geochemical and geophysical surveys in the Berwyn Dome and adjacent areas, north Wales. British Geological Survey, 107pp. (WF/MR/84/070) (Unpublished)
Cooper, A.H.. 1984 The geology, hydrology and stability of the landslips between Otley and Old Pool Bank, West Yorkshire. Institute of Geological Sciences. (WN/EG/84/021) (Unpublished)
Crabb, J.A.. 1984 Assessment of wave power available at key United Kingdom sites: a description of work in the Department of Energy's Wave Energy Programme. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 113pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 186)
Cutler, A.N.; Swallow, J.C.. 1984 Surface currents of the Indian Ocean (to 25S, 100E): compiled from historical data archived by the Meteorological Office, Bracknell, UK. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 8pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 187)
Davies, A.G.. 1984 Field observations of wave-induced motion above the seabed and of the resulting sediment movement. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 171pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 179)
Davies, Jeffrey. 1984 The hydrogeology of the Nyamazura area, Zimbabwe. British Geological Survey, 106pp. (WD/OS/84/016) (Unpublished)
Edwards, R.A.. 1984 Geological notes and details for 1:10 000 sheets : SHEET SY 09 SW (Aylesbeare, Devon) : part of 1:50 000 Sheet 325 (Exeter). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 53pp. (WA/DM/84/009) (Unpublished)
Elena-Rossello, R.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Barr, C. J.. 1984 A study of the effects of the changes in data structure on a preliminary land classification of the Iberian peninsula. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 38pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.98)
Finch, J. W.. 1984 Microcomputer programs to assist the acquisition and interpretation (of) resistivity sounding data. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 33pp. (IH Report No.91) (Unpublished)
Finch, J.W.. 1984 Programs for the acquisition of groundwater data using the Epson HX-20 portable computer. Institute of Hydrology, 12pp. (Unpublished)
Freshney, E.C.; Bristow, C.R.; Williams, B.J.. 1984 Geology of Sheet SZ 19 (Hurn-Christchurch): part of 1:50 000 sheet 329 (Bournemouth). Exeter, UK, British Geological Survey, 124pp. (WA/VG/84/009) (Unpublished)
Gould, W.J.. 1984 RRS Frederick Russell Cruise 13/84 : Dunstaffnage 24 July - Falmouth 7 August 1984. Current measurements, CTD stations and side-scan surveys in the Faroe-Shetland Channel and west of Scotland. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 12pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 171)
Green, C.S. 1984 World Flood Study - interim report January 1984. Institute of Hydrology, 144pp. (Unpublished)
Gunn, A.G.; Leake, R.C.; Styles, M.T.. 1984 Platinum-group element mineralisation in the Unst ophiolite, Shetland. British Geological Survey, 135pp. (WF/MR/85/073) (Unpublished)
Harding, R.J.; Rosier, P.T.W.. 1984 Snow Interception. Wallingford, UK, Institute of Hydrology, 28pp. (Unpublished)
Hargreaves, P.M.; Ellis, C.J.; Angel, M.V.. 1984 An assessment of biological processes close to the sea bed in a slope region and its significance to the assessment of sea-bed disposal of radioactive waste. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 121pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 185)
Harrison, A. F.; Dighton, J.; Smith, M. R.. 1984 The phosphorus deficiency bioassay: sample and data handling procedures. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 55pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.103)
Heal, O. W.; Whitby, M. C.. 1984 Environmental issues in the 1980s: rural land use. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 31pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.96)
Heywood, R.B.. 1984 British Antarctic Survey Offshore Biological Programme Cruise 4 (27 July - 29 September 1983.) Report. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 30pp.
Hosking, J. R. M.; Wallis, J. R.; Wood, E. F.. 1984 Estimation of the generalised extreme-value distribution by the method of probability weighted moments. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 25pp. (IH Report No.89) (Unpublished)
Howard, P. J. A.; Howard, D. M.. 1984 Effects of trees on soil properties, a resampling of J.D.Ovington's Pinus nigra var maritima plots at Bedgebury, Abbotswood, and West Tofts. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 22pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.97)
Howard, P. J. A.; Howard, D. M.. 1984 Effects of trees on soil properties, a resampling of J.D.Ovington's plots at Abbotswood. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 50pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.101)
Howard, P. J. A.; Howard, D. M.. 1984 Effects of trees on soil properties, a resampling of J.D.Ovington's plots at Bedgebury. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 50pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.100)
Howard, P. J. A.; Howard, D. M.. 1984 Effects of trees on soil properties, a resampling of J.D.Ovington's plots at West Tofts. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 49pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.102)
Hydes, D.J.. 1984 NUTSATSEA: an on line data reduction programe linking a Chemlab continuous flow analyser to a Commodore PET microcomputer. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 30pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 176)
Hydes, D.J.. 1984 A manual of methods for the continuous flow determination of ammonia, nitrate-nitrite, phosphate and silicate in seawater. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 37pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 177)
Lampitt, R.S.; Rice, A.L.; Thurston, M.H.. 1984 The use of in situ photography in studies of the deep-sea benthos at I.O.S. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 39pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 182)
Loch, S.G.. 1984 An introduction to the MIAS conversion system. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 66pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 184)
Masson, D.G.; Parson, L.M.; Miles, P.R.. 1984 Structure and evolution of the South West Approaches and Grand Banks continental margins. Report of work undertaken by IOS during the period April 1975 to April 1984. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 43pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 189)
Morigi, A.N.; James, J.W.C.. 1984 The sand and gravel resources of the country around north-east of Ripon, North Yorkshire : description of 1:25,000 sheet SE 37 and part of 47. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 107pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 143) (Unpublished)
Noel, M.J.. 1984 Measurements of sediment temperatures, conductivity and heat flow in the North Atlantic and their relevance to radioactive waste disposal. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 92pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 172)
Pollard, R.T.. 1984 RRS Discovery Cruise 145, 25 February - 24 March 1984. The structure of the upper ocean at the end of winter in the region 40-47N, 13-16W. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 47pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 166)
Rae, J.B.. 1984 RRS Frederick Russell Cruise 2/83, 14 January - 8 February 1983. Mooring and CTD work along the continental slope off the Hebrides and Shetland Isles. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 10pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 158)
Reed, D. W.. 1984 A review of British flood forecasting practice. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 113pp. (IH Report No.90) (Unpublished)
Rice, A.L.. 1984 RRS Challenger Cruise 6/83 (IOS Cruise 517) : 7 April - 8 May 1983. Benthic and mid-water biology of the Porcupine Seabight. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 27pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 159)
Richards, K.J.. 1984 Benthic boundary layer modelling studies: interim report, March 1984. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 29pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 181)
Roe, H.S.J.. 1984 RRS Discovery Cruise 148, 21 May - 12 June 1984. Biological studies in the eastern North Atlantic (48N - 35N) centred around the King's Trough Flank (42, 00'N 21,30'W). Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 31pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 163)
Rogers, C.F.. 1984 Quasi-geostrophic ocean models employing spectral methods. Part 1 - theoretical background. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 57pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 191)
Rosier, P.T.W.. 1984 Soil moisture observations beneath different upland vegetation types. Report to the British Waterways Board. Wallingford, UK, Institute of Hydrology, 10pp. (Progress report for 1984) (Unpublished)
Rusby, J.S.M.. 1984 RRS Discovery Cruise 152, 4-15 October 1984. Equipment trials, including measurements of the hydrodynamic performance of TOBI (Towed Bottom Instrument). Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 18pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 170)
Saunders, P.M.. 1984 Benthic boundary layer - IOS Observational Programme: Discovery Gap measurements, March 1984. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 44pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 180)
Saunders, P.M.; Manning, A.. 1984 CTD data from the northeast Atlantic Ocean 22N - 33N, 19W - 24W, July 1983 during RRS "Discovery" Cruises 138, 139. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 114pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 188)
Schultheiss, P.J.. 1984 RRS Discovery Cruise 144, 22 January - 20 February 1984. Geology and geophysics of an area east of the Great Meteor Seamount. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 37pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 161)
Searle, R.C.. 1984 RRS Discovery Cruise 142, 20 November - 18 December 1983. Geophysical investigations of the Romanche and St.Paul Fracture Zones, equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 30pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 157)
Simpson, W.R.. 1984 RRS Discovery Cruise 147, 26 April - 17 May 1984. Biogeochemical fluxes in the N.E. Atlantic (42N and 50N transects). Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 40pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 164)
Stanton, B.R.. 1984 Return wave heights off South Uist estimated from seven years of data. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 56pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 164)
Stone, P.; Leake, R.C.; Jones, R.C.. 1984 Base metal mineralisation associated with Ordovician shales in south-west Scotland. Institute of Geological Sciences, 57pp. (WF/MR/84/069) (Unpublished)
Thorpe, S.A.. 1984 RRS Challenger Cruise 6/84, 31 August - 16 September 1984. Mooring recovery in Faroe-Shetland Channel and mooring deployment and associated work on Porcupine Slope. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 15pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 167)
Thurston, M.H.. 1984 RRS Frederick Russell Cruise 6/84 (IOS Cruise 519) : 7-13 April 1984. Benthic biology of the Porcupine Seabight. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 19pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 162)
Williamson, I.T.; Giles, J.R.A.. 1984 Geological notes and local details for 1:10 000 Sheets. Sheet SE 3Z NW - Rothwell: part of 1:50 000 Sheets 78 (Wakefield). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 38pp. (WA/DM/84/001) (Unpublished)
Wilson, A.A.; Lowe, D.J.; Price, D.; Langford, R.L.. 1984 Sheet SK 00 SW and SK 00 SE ALDRIDGE - BROWNHILLS : part of 1:50 000 Sheet 154 (Lichfield). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 100pp. (WA/VG/84/001) (Unpublished)
Wilson, J.B.. 1984 RRS Frederick Russell Cruise 7/83, 21 April - 13 May 1983. Sediment and faunal investigations on the continental shelf and upper continental slope west and north of Scotland and in the Irish Sea. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 27pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 165)
Wilson, T.R.S.. 1984 RRS Discovery Cruise 135, 30 March - 24 April 1983. Geochemical sampling in the northeast Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 18pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 160)
Wilson, T.R.S.. 1984 RRS Discovery Cruise 149, 15 June - 10 July 1984. Geochemical sampling in the North Atlantic. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 22pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 169)
Woodworth, P.L.. 1984 The worldwide distribution of the seasonal cycle of mean sea level. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 94pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 190)
Wyatt, R.J.; Lake, R.D.; Berry, F.G.. 1984 Geological notes and local details for 1:10,000 sheets SU60NE, SE, SU61SE, SU70NW, NE, SW, SE, SU71SW, SZ69NE and SZ79NW, NE: the south-east Hampshire district: Havant and surrounding areas: part of 1:50,000 sheets 316 (Fareham) and 331 (Portsmouth). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 75pp. (WA/VG/84/006) (Unpublished)