Items where Year is 1994

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Number of items: 527.

Bell, B.G.; Murray, T.D., eds. 1994 20th Anniversary Meeting of the Committee for Air Pollution Effects Research (CAPER). Abstracts of papers & posters. Edinburgh, UK, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 34pp. (Unpublished)

Institute of Hydrology, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brasil. 1994 Anglo-Brazilian Amazonian Climate Project [ABRACOS] Interim report no.9 (1 January 1994 - 30 June 1994). Institute of Hydrology, 40pp. (Unpublished)

Institute of Hydrology. 1994 Annual Review of River Flood Protection Commission 11 October 1994. MAFF Flood and Coastal Defence Division FD04: Flood Hydrology [&] FD05: Environment. Institute of Hydrology, 42pp. (Unpublished)

Cooper, A.K.; Barker, P.F.; Webb, P.N.; Brancolini, G., eds. 1994 The Antarctic continental margin: geophysical and geological stratigraphic records of Cenozoic glaciation, paleoenvironments and sea-level change. The Antarctic Offshore Acoustic Stratigraphy Project (ANTOSTRAT) Symposium, Siena, August 1994. Extended abstracts. Terra Antartica, 1 (2). 244, pp.

Institute of Hydrology. 1994 Arab Potash Company Jordan - Ghor Safi groundwater model. Institute of Hydrology, 68pp. (TFS Project T05057a9) (Unpublished)

Institute of Hydrology. 1994 Arab Potash Company Jordan - Pumping test report on well TA6 of the Dhira Wellfield. Institute of Hydrology, 20pp. (TFS Project T05057a9) (Unpublished)

Elmes, G. W.; Free, A., eds. 1994 Climate change and rare species in Britain. London, HMSO, 28pp. (ITE research publication no.8).

Smith, R.I.L.; Walton, D.W.H. ORCID:; Dingwall, P.R., eds. 1994 Developing the Antarctic protected area system. Gland, Switzerland, IUCN The World Conservation Union, 67-76, 137pp. (Conservation of the southern polar region, 1, 1).

Institute of Hydrology. 1994 European atlas of small hydropower potential phase II - interim report. Institute of Hydrology, 60pp. (Unpublished)

Institute of Hydrology. 1994 HYDATA Advanced Training Workshop - Institute for Meteorological Training and Research 14-25 February 1994. Institute of Hydrology, 78pp. (TFS Project T04067s1, IH ODA Report 94/3) (Unpublished)

Institute of Hydrology, British Geological Survey. 1994 Hydrological data United Kingdom 1993 Yearbook: an account of rainfall, river flows, groundwater levels and river water quality January to December 1993. Wallingford, NERC Institute of Hydrology, 174pp. (Hydrological data UK, 1993).

HR Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, Asiatic Consultants Inc. 1994 Improving the assessments of hydrological potential and yield in micro-catchment areas. Second Communal Irrigation Development Project. Report EX2899. Wallingford, UK, HR Wallingford, 166pp. (Unpublished)

HR Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, Asiatic Consultants Inc. 1994 Improving the assessments of hydrological potential and yield in micro-catchment areas. Second Communal Irrigation Development Project. Report EX2899. Appendix. Wallingford, UK, HR Wallingford, 232pp. (Unpublished)

Massey, Maurice E.; Welch, R. Colin, eds. 1994 Monks Wood National Nature Reserve: the experience of 40 years 1953-93. Peterborough, English Nature, 100pp.

Institute of Hydrology. 1994 National Rivers Authority River Flow Forecasting System - RFFS Model Calibration Facilities: PDM Rainfall-runoff Model - User Guide. Institute of Hydrology, 26pp. (Unpublished)

Morris, E.M., ed. 1994 Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (VISAGm Cambridge, September 1993. Annals of Glaciology, 20. 458, pp.

Institute of Hydrology. 1994 RQFS - a River Quality Forecasting System: systems analysis. Institute of Hydrology, 40pp. (TFS Project T04057q1) (Unpublished)

Institute of Freshwater Ecology. 1994 Report of the Institute of Freshwater Ecology for 1993/1994. Ambleside, Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 52pp.

Institute of Hydrology. 1994 Report of the Institute of Hydrology for 1993/94. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 84pp.

Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. 1994 Report of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology 1993-94. Abbots Ripton, ITE, 143pp. (Legacy document)

Institute of Virology and Environmental Microbiology. 1994 Report of the Institute of Virology & Environmental Microbiology 1992-94. Oxford, IVEM, 61pp. (Legacy document)

Posford Duvivier. 1994 River Lavant Flood Investigation July 1994. Posford Duvivier, 92pp. (Unpublished)

Taylor, P.K., ed. 1994 The SWALES Experiment - Field Phase Summary. Chilworth, UK, James Rennell Centre for Ocean Circulation, 80pp. (James Rennell Centre for Ocean Circulation Internal Document, 17)

Gardiner, B.G.; Kirsch, P.J. ORCID:, eds. 1994 Second European intercomparison of ultraviolet spectroradiometers, Panorama, Greece, 21-31 August 1992. Brussels, Commission of the European Communities, 67pp. (Air Pollution Research Report, 49).

Jones, H.G.; Davies, T.D.; Ohmura, A.; Morris, E.M., eds. 1994 Snow and ice covers: interactions with the atmosphere and ecosystems. Wallingford, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 339pp. (IAHS Publication, 223).

Institute of Hydrology. 1994 Storms. floods and radar hydrology. Annual report January to December 1993. Institute of Hydrology, 74pp. (Unpublished)

Institute of Hydrology. 1994 Studies of hydrology of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project for royalties assessment - progress report 11. Institute of Hydrology, 125pp. (Unpublished)

Institute of Hydrology. 1994 Studies of hydrology of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project for royalties assessment progress report 10. Institute of Hydrology, 14pp. (Unpublished)

Institute of Hydrology. 1994 Tanzania Urban Sector Engineering Project - Yield estimates for Tanga and Morogoro. Institute of Hydrology, 92pp. (Unpublished)

Leakey, R. R. B.; Newton, A. C., eds. 1994 Tropical trees: the potential for domestication and the rebuilding of forest resources. London, HMSO, 276pp. (ITE Symposium, 29).

Institute of Hydrology. 1994 Using the computer based physical habitat simulation system (PHABSIM). Institute of Hydrology, 200pp. (Unpublished)

Smellie, John L., ed. 1994 Volcanism associated with extension at consuming plate margins. London, Geological Society of London, 1, 293pp. (Geological Society special publication, 81, 1).

Institute of Hydrology. 1994 The estimation of percentage runoff using soil water measurements on three Lincolnshire catchments: Final Report - part II of the Lincolnshire Soil Water Data Study. Institute of Hydrology, 33pp. (Unpublished)

Wallingford Water, Hydraulics Research. 1994 A flood forecasting and warning system for the River Soar Stage 1 Report. Institute of Hydrology, 95pp. (TFS Project T04047u1) (Unpublished)

Wallingford Water, Hydraulics Research. 1994 A flood forecasting and warning system for the River Soar Stage 2 Report - Summary, recommendations and budgetary costs. Institute of Hydrology, 38pp. (TFS Project T04047u1, HR Report EX 3100) (Unpublished)

Anderson, Philip S.. 1994 A method for rescaling humidity sensors at temperatures well below freezing. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 11 (5). 1388-1391. 10.1175/1520-0426(1994)011<1388:AMFRHS>2.0.CO;2

Andrews, A.; Bullock, A.. 1994 Country Activity Reports: data collection for Southern Africa FRIEND. February-August 1994. Institute of Hydrology, 130pp. (TFS Project T02052a5) (Unpublished)

Appleton, Don; Fordyce, Fiona. 1994 Animal health. Earthworks Magazine, 6. 4.

Arendt, J.. 1994 Investigations of the use of light and melatonin for alleviation of problems related to jetlag and shift work. In: Jung, E.G.; Holick, M.F., (eds.) Biologic effects of light 1993: proceedings of a symposium, Basel, Switzerland, June 3-5, 1993. Berling, Walter de Gruyter, 219-227.

Arnbom, Tom; Fedak, M. A.; Rothery, Peter. 1994 Offspring sex ratio in relation to female size in southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 35 (6). 373-378. 10.1007/BF00165838

Arnell, Nigel. 1994 Global warming and water resources: an update. Institute of Hydrology, 25pp. (TFS Project 12050b1) (Unpublished)

Ashford, J.R.; Croxall, J.P.; Rubilar, P.S.; Moreno, C.A.. 1994 Seabird interactions with longlining operations for Dissostichus eleginoides at the South Sandwich Islands and South Georgia. CCAMLR Science, 1. 143-153.

Atkinson, Angus. 1994 Diets and feeding selectivity among the epipelagic copepod community near South Georgia in summer. Polar Biology, 14 (8). 551-560. 10.1007/BF00238225

Bailey-Watts, A E; Kirika, A. 1994 Loch Leven NNR: water quality 1992 and 1993 with special reference to nutrients and phytoplankton, and an assessment of phosphorous levels in the loch sediments. IFE, 78pp. (CEH Project T11051w1, SNH RSM Report 29)

Bailey-Watts, A E; Kirika, A. 1994 Loch Leven NNR: water quality 1992 and 1993 with special reference to nutrients and phytoplankton. Final Report to the Forth River Purification Board. IFE, 20pp. (CEH Project T11051s1)

Bailey-Watts, A. E.; Gunn, I. D. M.; Kirika, A.; Lyle, A. A.. 1994 Threats to the oligotrophic status of Loch Shiel: a re-appraisal in the light of new information on forest fertilisation schedules. NERC/IFE, 64pp. (TFS Project No. T04051g1) (Unpublished)

Bailey-Watts, A.E.. 1994 Romanian Fish pond Environmental Study: Report on a visit in September 1994 to determine the feasibility of, and make recommendations on, an ecological programme to assess the effects of carp ponds on water quality. NERC/IFE, 16pp. (TFS Project No. T11060k5) (Unpublished)

Bailey-Watts, A.E.. 1994 Romanian Fish pond Environmental Study: a freshwater ecological programme to assess the effects of carp pond farming on water quality. NERC/IFE, 4pp. (TFS Project No. T11060k5) (Unpublished)

Bailey-Watts, A.E.; Kirika, A.; Hakansson, H.. 1994 The effects of factorial nutrient enrichments on a planktonic unicellular centrales-dominated assemblage: clues to the factors controlling biomass in Loch Leven late winter-early spring in 1981. Diatom Research, 9. 1-15.

Bailey-Watts, A.E.; Kirika, A.; Lyle, A.A.; Wiltshire, N.J.; Gunn, I.D.M.. 1994 Hydraulic loading, nutrients and phytoplankton in the Hirsel Loch (Berwickshire) - a review of work done and recommendations for future studies in the light of a proposed lowering of the water level. NERC/IFE, 12pp. (TFS Project No. T11055c1) (Unpublished)

Baillie, S R; Dudley, C; Harris, M P ORCID: 1994 Atlas of recoveries of guillemots Uria aalge ringed in Scotland. Final report. ITE, 200pp. (ITE Project T08051h5) (Unpublished)

Balharry, E.; Staines, B. W.; Marquiss, M.; Kruuk, H.. 1994 Hybridisation in British mammals. Peterborough, JNCC, 42pp. (JNCC Report 154)

Balmforth, H. F.; Clilverd, M. A. ORCID:; Smith, A. J.. 1994 A case study of storm commencement and recovery plasmaspheric electric fields near L=2.5 at equinox. Annales Geophysicae, 12 (7). 625-635. 10.1007/s00585-994-0625-z

Balmforth, H. F.; Moffett, R. J.; Smith, A. J.; Bailey, G. J.. 1994 The effect of disturbed-time electric fields on the inner plasmasphere. Annales Geophysicae, 12 (4). 296-303. 10.1007/s00585-994-0296-9

Bamber, J. L.; Harris, A. R.. 1994 The atmospheric correction for satellite infrared radiometer data in polar regions. Geophysical Research Letters, 21 (19). 2111-2114. 10.1029/94GL01877

Barker, Peter F.. 1994 The Antarctic Peninsula region: tectonic and sedimentary environments. Terra Antartica, 1 (2). 259-262.

Barker, Peter F.. 1994 The marine sediment record of the warm Pliocene around Antarctica. Terra Antartica, 1 (2). 471-472.

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID: 1994 Communities of epibiota on two erect species of Antarctic bryozoa. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 74 (4). 863-872.

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Clarke, Andrew ORCID: 1994 Seasonal variation in the feeding activity of four species of Antarctic bryozoan in relation to environmental factors. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 181 (1). 117-133. 10.1016/0022-0981(94)90108-2

Barnes, R.P.; Riding, J.B.. 1994 Angular unconformity between the López de Bertodano and La Meseta formations (Campanian-Maastrichtian and Eocene), Cockburn Island, northern Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 7 (1). 35-44. 10.1016/0895-9811(94)90032-9

Barr, C.. 1994 Countryside Survey 1990 - an overview. Ecos, 15(3/4). 9-18.

Barr, C. J.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Heal, O. W.. 1994 Countryside Survey 1990: a measure of change. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 155. 48-58.

Barr, C. J.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Gillespie, M. K.; Hallam, C. J.; Howard, D. C. ORCID:; Ness, M. J.. 1994 Countryside Survey 1990: an approach to rural inventory and monitoring. [Other] In: Global to local: ecological land classification, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, August 14-17, 1994. 84.

Barr, C. J.; Howard, D. C. ORCID:; Benefield, C. B.. 1994 Countryside Survey 1990: inland water bodies. (Countryside 1990 vol.6). London, Department of the Environment. (Countryside 1990 vol.6)

Barr, C.J.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Howard, D.C. ORCID:; Parr, T.W.. 1994 Using countryside survey data in an information system for planning purposes. In: Fresco, L. O.; Stroosnijder, L.; Bouma, J.; van Keulen, H., (eds.) The future of the land: mobilising and integrating knowledge for land use options. Chichester, Wiley, 173.

Barr, C.J.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Parr, T.W.. 1994 Countryside Survey 1990. Annual Report of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 1993-1. 20-26.

Bartsch, I.; Pugh, P.J.A.. 1994 Two new species ofHalacarellus(Halacaridae: Acari) from South Georgia. Journal of Natural History, 28 (2). 493-499. 10.1080/00222939400770211

Bateman, A.P.. 1994 The performance of a surface station on an Antarctic ice shelf. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 5. 312-319. 10.2495/CMO940311

Bayliss, A.C.. 1994 On the variability of flood occurrence. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 72pp. (TFS Project T04066r1) (Unpublished)

Beamish, D.; Smith, I.F.. 1994 A magnetotelluric survey southwards from the Bodmin granite. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 26pp. (Technical Report WN/94/004) (Unpublished)

Beamish, David. 1994 Two-dimensional, regularised inversion of VLF data. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 32 (4). 357-374. 10.1016/0926-9851(94)90034-5

Bell, V.A. ORCID:; Carrington, D.S.; Moore, R.J.. 1994 Rainfall forecasting using a simple advected cloud model with weather radar, satellite infra-red and surface weather observations: an initial appraisal under UK conditions. Institute of Hydrology, 69pp. (TFS Project T04072a) (Unpublished)

Beresford, N.A.; Mayes, R.W.; Crout, N.M.J.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Kanyar, B.. 1994 Dynamic behavior of 110mAg in sheep tissues. Health Physics, 66 (4). 420-426.

Bett, B.J. ORCID: 1994 RRS Challenger Cruise 111, 29 Mar-25 Apr 1994. Benthic biology of the Porcupine Abyssal Plain (48,50'N 16,30'W). Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 46pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Cruise Report 243)

Bevan, R.M.; Woakes, A.J.; Butler, P.J.; Boyd, I.L.. 1994 The use of heart rate to estimate oxygen consumption of free-ranging black-browed albatrosses Diomedea melanophrys. Journal of Experimental Biology, 193. 119-137.

Birch, K.G.. 1994 Sensors and systems for Cumulus Surface Flux Measurement Programme. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 40pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Internal Document, 330)

Birch, K.G.; Clayson, C.H.; Pascal, R.W.. 1994 SWALES Sonic Buoy - telemetered data report. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 89pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Internal Document, 332)

Birch, K.G.; Clayson, C.H.; Pascal, R.W.. 1994 Sonic Buoy general handbook. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 38pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Internal Document, 333)

Birch, K.G.; Clayson, C.H.; Pascal, R.W.. 1994 VHF Data Telemetry. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 46pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Internal Document, 334)

Blackie, J.R.. 1994 River Basin Management Project Chile - report on an advisory visit 10 Sept to 2 Oct 1994. Institute of Hydrology, 24pp. (TFS Project T04055t9) (Unpublished)

Blackie, J.R.; Moores, J.P.. 1994 EurAqua first technical review - Land Use Change and Water Resources - United Kingdom country paper. Institute of Hydrology, 42pp. (Unpublished)

Block, W.; Webb, N.R.; Coulson, S.; Hodkinson, I.D.; Worland, M.R.. 1994 Thermal adaptation in the Arctic collembolan Onychiurus arcticus (Tullberg). Journal of Insect Physiology, 40 (8). 715-722. 10.1016/0022-1910(94)90099-X

Block, William. 1994 Differential scanning calorimetry in ecophysiological research. Acta Oecologica, 15 (1). 13-22.

Block, William. 1994 Terrestrial ecosystems: Antarctica. Polar Biology, 14 (5). 293-300. 10.1007/BF00238443

Block, William; Vannier, Guy. 1994 What is ecophysiology? Two perspectives. Acta Oecologica, 15 (1). 5-12.

Bloomfield, J. ORCID: 1994 Unconsolidated sedimentary aquifers. Review No. 5, the use of laboratory techniques in the characterization of unconsolidated sedimentary aquifer physical properties. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 69pp. (WC/94/062) (Unpublished)

Bloomfield, John ORCID: 1994 Porosity variations near a hydraulically active fracture in the Upper Chalk, Hampshire, England. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 17pp. (WD/94/001) (Unpublished)

Bloomfield, John ORCID: 1994 Suggested glossary of terms for hydraulically significant discontinuities in the Chalk. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 8pp. (WD/94/007) (Unpublished)

Blyth, E.M. ORCID:; Harding, R.J.. 1994 Preliminary investigation of the parameterisation of surface fluxes from heterogeneous land cover for the EFEDA area. Institute of Hydrology, 8pp. (Unpublished)

Bombosch, A.; Jenkins, A. ORCID: 1994 Modelling the formation and deposition of frazil ice beneath Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. Uni Research Climate, Bergen, 53pp. (Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Programme Report, 7)

Boorman, D.B. ORCID:; Gannon, B.; Gustard, A.; Hollis, J.M.; Lilly, A.. 1994 Hydrological aspects of the host classification of soils. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 200pp. (Unpublished)

Boyd, I. L.; Arnould, J. P. Y.; Barton, T.; Croxall, J. P.. 1994 Foraging behaviour of Antarctic fur seals during periods of contrasting prey abundance. The Journal of Animal Ecology, 63 (3). 703-713. 10.2307/5235

Boyd, I.L.; Arnbom, T.; Fedak, M.A.. 1994 Biomass and energy consumption of the South Georgia population of southern elephant seals. In: Le Boeuf, B.J.; Laws, R.M., (eds.) Elephant seals: population, ecology, behaviour and physiology. Berkeley, University of California Press, 98-117.

Boyle, A.P.; Burton, Kevin W.; Westhead, R. Keith. 1994 Diachronous burial and exhumation of a single tectonic unit during collisional orogenesis (Sulitjelma, Arctic Scandinavian Caledonides). Geology, 22 (11). 1043-1046. 10.1130/0091-7613(1994)022<1043:DBAEOA>2.3.CO;2

Bryan, N.D.; Livens, F.R.; Horrill, A.D.. 1994 Biogeochemical behaviour of plutonium and americium and geochemical modelling of the soil solution. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 182 (2). 359-366. 10.1007/BF02037512

Buckley, D.K.. 1994 Unconsolidated sedimentary aquifers review No 3 geophysical logging in boreholes. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 117pp. (WC/94/045) (Unpublished)

Bunce, R. G. H.. 1994 The application of quantitative methods of classification to strategic ecological survey in Britain. In: Klijn, F., (ed.) Ecosystem classification for environmental management. Dordrecht, Kluwer, 173-182.

Bunce, R. G. H.; Barr, C. J.; Howard, D. C. ORCID: 1994 The ITE Land Classification: providing an environmental stratification of Great Britain. [Other] In: Global to local: ecological land classification, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, August 14-17, 1994. 6.

Bunce, R. G. H.; Barr, C. J.; Howard, D. C. ORCID:; Hallam, C. J.. 1994 The current status of field margins in the UK. In: Boatman, N., (ed.) Field margins: integrating agriculture and conservation. Farnham, British Crop Protection Council, 13-20. (BCPC monograph no.58).

Bunce, R. G. H.; Howard, D. C. ORCID: 1994 A Countryside Information System for Europe. In: Fresco, L. O.; Stroosnijder, L.; Bouma, J.; van Keulen, H., (eds.) The future of the land: mobilising and integrating knowledge for land use options. Chichester, Wiley, 136.

Bunce, R. G. H.; Howard, D. C. ORCID:; Barr, C. J.; Cummins, R. P.; French, D. D.. 1994 Botanical diversity in British hedgerows. In: Boatman, N., (ed.) Field margins: integrating agriculture and conservation. Farnham, British Crop Protection Council, 45-52. (BCPC monograph no.58).

Bunce, R. G. H.; Peters, J. C.; Barr, C. J.; Howard, D. C. ORCID: 1994 The application of a rural information system for land use planning at a strategic level. In: van Lier, H. N.; Jaarsma, C. F.; Jurgens, C. R.; de Buck, A. J., (eds.) Sustainable land use planning. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 291-302.

Bunce, R. G. H.; Watkins, J. W. ORCID:; Howard, D. C. ORCID:; Barr, C. J.; Gillespie, M. K.. 1994 Initial analysis of flows between non countryside uses and rural land with recommendations for further work. NERC, 10pp. (ITE Project No. T02051m5) (Unpublished)

Butcher, S.A.; Wilkinson, J.; Jenkins, A.; Gould, E.A.. 1994 Modelling the transport and fate of viruses in the aquatic environment. Final Report. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 23pp. (TFS Project no. T10059n2) (Unpublished)

Calder, I.R.. 1994 Report on the Workshop on the Development of an Integrated Water resources Management Plan for the Zambezi River Basin. Institute of Hydrology, 44pp. (TFS Project T12054d1, IH ODA Report 94/9) (Unpublished)

Calder, I.R.; Bastable, H.G.. 1994 Comments on the Malawi Government Water Resources Management Policy and Strategies. Institute of Hydrology, 10pp. (Unpublished)

Cameron, D.G.; Bland, D.J.. 1994 An appraisal of the gold potential of mine dumps in the North Molton area, North Devon. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 17pp. (WF/MR/94/015, Mineral Reconnaissance Programme open file report 15) (Unpublished)

Cameron, D.G.; Leake, R.C.; Scrivener, R.C.; Bland, D.J.; Marsh, S.H.. 1994 Exploration for gold in the Crediton Trough, Devon. Part 1 - regional surveys. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 74pp. (WF/94/004, Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 133) (Unpublished)

Campbell, P.M.; Pottinger, T.G.; Sumpter, J.P.. 1994 Changes in the affinity of estrogen and androgen receptors accompany changes in receptor abundance in brown and rainbow trout. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 94 (3). 329-340. 10.1006/gcen.1994.1089

Campbell, P.M.; Pottinger, T.G.; Sumpter, J.P.. 1994 Preliminary evidence that chronic confinement stress reduces the quality of gametes produced by brown and rainbow trout. Aquaculture, 120 (1-2). 151-169. 10.1016/0044-8486(94)90230-5

Candidi, M.; Rossi, L.; Marcucci, M.; Ballatore, P.; Dudeney, J.R.; Engebretson, M.J.; Fukunishi, H.; Papitahvili, V.. 1994 The Antarctic geospace observatory network and data analysis facility. STEP International, 4 (2). 6-8.

Cape, J.N.; Smith, R.I.; Fowler, D.. 1994 The Influence of ozone chemistry and meteorology on plant-exposure to oxidants. In: Crawford, R.M.M.; Hendry, G.A.F.; Goodman, B.A., (eds.) Oxygen and environmental stress in plants. Royal Society of Edinburgh, 11-31. (Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (B), 102).

Carey, P.D.; Dring, J.C.M.; Hill, M.O.; Preston, C.D. ORCID:; Wright, S.M.. 1994 Biogeographical zones in Scotland. Edinburgh, Scottish Natural Heritage. (SNH Research, Survey & Monitoring Report no.26) (Unpublished)

Carss, D.; Marquiss, M.. 1994 The stomach contents of cormorants from Loch Leven, 1992-94. ITE, 21pp. (Unpublished)

Chapelle, Gauthier; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Clarke, Andrew ORCID: 1994 Effects of feeding and starvation on the metabolic rate of the necrophagous Antarctic amphipod Waldeckia obesa (Chevreux, 1905). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 183 (1). 63-76. 10.1016/0022-0981(94)90157-0

Clarke, A. ORCID:; Rodhouse, P.G.; Gore, D. J.. 1994 Biochemical composition in relation to the energetics of growth and sexual maturation in the ommastrephid squid Illex argentinus. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 344 (1308). 201-212. 10.1098/rstb.1994.0061

Clarke, Andrew ORCID:; Prothero-Thomas, Elizabeth; Whitehouse, Michael J.. 1994 Nitrogen excretion in the Antarctic limpet Nacella concinna (Strebel, 1908). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 60 (2). 141-147. 10.1093/mollus/60.2.141

Clayson, C.H.. 1994 Analysis of buoy motion package data. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 50pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Internal Document, 344)

Clayson, C.H.. 1994 SWALES Directional Waverider data report. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 36pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Internal Document, 341)

Clayson, C.H.. 1994 SWALES Sonic Buoy - meteorological data report. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 42pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Internal Document, 342)

Clayson, C.H.; Pascal, R.W.. 1994 SWALES Sonic Buoy - Sonic Anemometer spectral and raw data report. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 25pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Internal Document, 343)

Coffin, M.F.; Eldholm, O.. 1994 Exploring large subsea igneous provinces. Oceanus, 36 (4). 74-78.

Coffin, M.F.; Eldholm, O.. 1994 Large igneous provinces: crustal structure, dimensions, and external consequences. Reviews of Geophysics, 32 (1). 1-36.

Coffin, M.F.; Karner, G.D.; Falvey, D.A.. 1994 Research cruise yields new details of Macquarie Ridge Complex. EOS: Transactions American Geophysical Union, 75. 561-564.

Collins, M.A.; De Grave, S.; Lordan, C.; Burnell, G.M.; Rodhouse, P.G.. 1994 Diet of the squid Loligo forbesi Steenstrup (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in Irish waters. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 51 (3). 337-344. 10.1006/jmsc.1994.1034

Colville, R.N.; Choularton, T.W.; Gallacher, M.W.; Wicks, A.J.; Downer, R.M.; Tyler, B.J.; Hargreaves, K.J.; Storeton-West, R.L.; Fowler, D.; Cape, J.N.; Dollard, G.J.; Davies, T.J.; Jones, B.M.R.; Penkett, S. A.; Bandy, B. J.; Burgess, R .A.. 1994 Observation on Great Dun Fell of the pathways by which oxides of nitrgoen are converted to nitrate. Atmospheric Environment, 28 (3). 397-408. 10.1016/1352-2310(94)90119-8

Connolley, William M.; Cattle, Howard. 1994 The Antarctic climate of the UKMO Unified Model. Antarctic Science, 6 (1). 115-122. 10.1017/S0954102094000143

Convey, Peter ORCID: 1994 Growth and survival strategy of the Antarctic mite Alaskozetes antarcticus. Ecography, 17 (1). 97-107. 10.1111/j.1600-0587.1994.tb00081.x

Convey, Peter ORCID: 1994 Modelling reproductive effort in sub-and maritime Antarctic mosses. Oecologia, 100 (1). 45-53. 10.1007/BF00317129

Convey, Peter ORCID: 1994 Photosynthesis and dark respiration in Antarctic mosses?an initial comparative study. Polar Biology, 14 (1). 65-69. 10.1007/BF00240275

Convey, Peter ORCID: 1994 Sex ratio, oviposition and early development of the Antarctic oribatid mite Alaskozetes antarcticus (Acaris: Cryptostigmata) with observations on other oribatids. Pedobiologia, 38 (2). 161-168.

Convey, Peter ORCID: 1994 The influence of temperature on individual growth rates of the Antarctic mite Alaskozetes antarcticus. Acta Oecologica, 15 (1). 43-53.

Convey, Peter ORCID: 1994 The use of field enclosures to measure growth and mortality rate in an Antarctic collembolan. Acta Zoologica Fennica, 195. 18-22.

Cooper, A.P.R.. 1994 A simple shape-from-shading algorithm applied to images of ice-covered terrain. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 32 (6). 1196-1198. 10.1109/36.338370

Cooper, Alexander; Swetnam, R.; Fox, Adrian ORCID: 1994 Novel sources of control for aerial photography. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 30 (2). 421-425.

Corr, H.; Popple, M.. 1994 Airborne radio echo sounding on the Evans flowline, Ronne Ice Shelf. UNI Research Climate, Bergen, 3pp. (Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Programme Report, 8)

Cox, B.M.. 1994 An ammonite from the Great Oolite Group near Northleach, Gloucs. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 3pp. (WH/94/237) (Unpublished)

Cox, B.M.. 1994 An ammonite occurrence in the Middle Inferior Oolite of 1:10000 sheet SP11NW. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 2pp. (WH/94/220) (Unpublished)

Crame, J.A. ORCID: 1994 The Cretaceous of Antarctica and high southern latitudes [in special issue: Symposia Edition] Journal of the Open University Geological Society, 15.2. 40-44.

Crame, J.A. ORCID: 1994 Evolutionary history of Antarctica. In: Hemperl, G., (ed.) Antarctic Science: global concerns. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 188-214.

Crickmore, R. I.. 1994 Mean thermospheric winds observed from Halley, Antarctica. Annales Geophysicae, 12 (10-11). 1101-1113. 10.1007/s00585-994-1101-5

Cripps, G.C.. 1994 Hydrocarbons in the Antarctic marine environment: monitoring and background. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 55 (1-4). 3-13. 10.1080/03067319408026204

Crisp, D.T.. 1994 Llyn Brianne Hydro Power Scheme - possible effects of predicted water temperature changes upon salmonid fishes. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 55pp. (TFS Project Number: T11050j/1) (Unpublished)

Crisp, D.T.. 1994 The ecology of young stages of salmonid fish and the implications for practical river management. Final Report for the period 1 April 1991 to 31 March 1994. NERC/IFE, 24pp. (TFS Project No. T11050e5) (Unpublished)

Croxall, J.P.. 1994 BIOMASS-CCAMLR relations: past, present and future. In: El-Sayed, S.Z., (ed.) Southern Ocean ecology: the BIOMASS perspective. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 339-353.

Croxall, J.P.. 1994 The Penguin Conservation and Management Plan. Penguin Conservation, 7 (3). 4-6.

Croxall, J.P.; Prince, P.A.. 1994 Dead or alive, night or day: how do albatrosses catch squid? Antarctic Science, 6 (2). 155-162. 10.1017/S0954102094000246

Cruwys, Elizabeth; Robinson, Ken; Davis, Norman R.. 1994 Microprobe analysis of trace metals in seal teeth from Svalbard, Greenland, and South Georgia. Polar Record, 30 (172). 49-52. 10.1017/S0032247400021057

Cunningham, A.P.; Larter, R.D. ORCID:; Barker, P.F.. 1994 Glacially prograded sequences on the Bellingshausen Sea continental margin near 90 degrees west. Terra Antartica, 1 (2). 267-268.

Cunningham, A.P.; Vanneste, L.E.. 1994 The ANTOSTRAT Antarctic Peninsula Regional Working Group digital navigation compilation. Terra Antartica, 1 (2). 265-266.

Dai, Heng; MacBeth, Colin. 1994 Split shear-wave analysis using an artificial neural network. First Break, 12 (12). 605-613.

Daly, Heather I.; Rodhouse, Paul G.. 1994 Comparative morphology of two sympatric Pareledone species from South Georgia. Antarctic Science, 6 (2). 163-169. 10.1017/S0954102094000258

Dastych, Hieronymus; McInnes, Sandra ORCID: 1994 Hexapodibius boothi sp. n., a new species of semi-terrestrial tardigrade from the Maritime Antarctic. Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg, 11 (149). 111-117.

Davies, J.. 1994 Application of the seismic refraction method to the study of basement rock aquifers in S E Zimbabwe. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 247pp. (WC/94/028) (Unpublished)

Davies, J.; Herbert, R.. 1994 Improving water yield from shallow alluvial aquifers (Project Summary Report). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 18pp. (WC/94/064) (Unpublished)

Davies, J.; Herbert, R.; Rastall, P.. 1994 Collector Wells System for sand rivers: report on visit to Botswana, 23 November- 9 December 1994. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 64pp. (WD/95/002) (Unpublished)

Dawson, F.H.. 1994 Business opportunities in water treatment and pollution control in India and Thailand. Report of a seminar on 17 January 1994 World Trade Division of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. NERC/IFE. (TFS Project no. T95313c2) (Unpublished)

Dawson, F.H.; Blackburn, J.H.; Grieve, N.J.; Gunn, I.D.M.; Henville, P.; Nolan, L.; Smith, S.M.. 1994 River Habitat Surveys, 1994 - provision of map information and initial analysis. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 24pp. (TFS Project no. T11053r1) (Unpublished)

Dawson, F.H.; Henville, P.; Blackburn, J.H.; Grieve, N.J.; Gunn, I.D.M.; Armitage, R.P.; Hutchinson, W.. 1994 NRA River Habitat Survey 1994 - RHS data sheets (IFE). NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04073f1) (Unpublished)

Dean, T.J.. 1994 The IH capacitance probe for measurement of soil water content. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 43pp. (IH Report no. 125)

Dighton, J. 1994 The influence of silviculture on soil structure stability and nutrition. In: Koch, N.E., (ed.) The scientific basis for sustainable multiple-use forestry in the European Community. Luxembourg, European Commission, 49-55. (Unpublished)

Ditchfield, P.W.; Marshall, J.D.; Pirrie, D.. 1994 High latitude palaeotemperature variation: New data from the Thithonian to Eocene of James Ross Island, Antarctica. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 107 (1-2). 79-101. 10.1016/0031-0182(94)90166-X

Doos, Kristofer; Webb, David ORCID: 1994 The Deacon Cell and the other meridional cells of the Southern ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 24 (2). 429-442. 10.1175/1520-0485(1994)024<0429:TDCATO>2.0.CO;2

Doubleday, P. A.; Leat, P. T.; Alabaster, T.; Nell, P. A. R.; Tranter, T. H.. 1994 Allochthonous oceanic basalts within the Mesozoic accretionary complex of Alexander Island, Antarctica: remnants of proto-Pacific oceanic crust. Journal of the Geological Society, 151 (1). 65-78. 10.1144/gsjgs.151.1.0065

Doubleday, P. A.; Tranter, T. H.. 1994 Deformation mechanism paths for oceanic rocks during subduction and accretion: the Mesozoic forearc of Alexander Island, Antarctica. Journal of the Geological Society, 151 (3). 543-554. 10.1144/gsjgs.151.3.0543

Drewry, David J.. 1994 Conflicts of interest in the use of Antarctica. In: Hempel, Gotthilf, (ed.) Antarctic Science: global concerns. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 12-30.

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Dudeney, J. R.; Baker, K. B.; Stoker, P. H.; Walker, A. D. M.. 1994 The Southern Hemisphere Auroral Radar Experiment (SHARE). Antarctic Science, 6 (1). 123-124. 10.1017/S0954102094000155

Duyzer, J.; Fowler, D.. 1994 Modelling land atmosphere exchange of gaseous oxides of nitrogen in Europe. Tellus Series B, 46 (5). 353-373. 10.1034/j.1600-0889.1994.t01-3-00002.x

Everson, I.; Miller, D.G.M.. 1994 Krill mesoscale distribution and abundance: results and implications of research during the BIOMASS Programme. In: El-Sayed, S.Z., (ed.) Souther Ocean ecology: the BIOMASS perspective. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 129-143.

Everson, Inigo. 1994 Timescale of ovarian maturation in Notothenia coriiceps; evidence for a prolonged adolescent phase. Journal of Fish Biology, 44 (6). 997-1004. 10.1111/j.1095-8649.1994.tb01271.x

Farmer, J.G; Bailey-Watts, A.E.; Kirika, A.; Scott, C.. 1994 Phosphorus fractionation and mobility in Loch Leven sediments. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 4 (1). 45-56. 10.1002/aqc.3270040105

Fedak, Michael A.; Arnbom, Tom A,; McConnell, B.J.; Chambers, C.; Boyd, Ian L.; Harwood, J.; McCann, T.S.. 1994 Expenditure, investment, and acquisition of energy in southern elephant seals. In: Le Boeuf, B.J.; Laws, R.M., (eds.) Elephant seals: population ecology, behavior, and physiology. Berkeley, University of California Press, 354-373.

Fenton, Nicola; Priddle, Julian; Tett, Paul. 1994 Regional variations in bio-optical properties of the surface waters in the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Science, 6 (4). 443-448. 10.1017/S0954102094000684

Finch, J.. 1994 National System for Groundwater Recharge Assessment - NRA National R&D Project 449. Interim report. Institute of Hydrology, 54pp. (TFS Project T06054r1) (Unpublished)

Fish, D. J.; Jones, R. L.; Freshwater, R. A.; Roscoe, H. K.; Oldham, D. J.; Harries, J. E.. 1994 Total ozone measured during EASOE by a UV-visible spectrometer which observes stars. Geophysical Research Letters, 21 (13). 1387-1390. 10.1029/93GL01869

Fish, Deb J.; Jones, Rod L.; Freshwater, Ray A.; Roscoe, Howard K.; Oldham, Derek J.. 1994 Measurements of stratospheric composition using a star pointing spectrometer. In: Hudson, R.D., (ed.) Ozone in the troposphere and stratosphere, part 2. Greenbeld, MD, Goddard Space Flight Center, 671-674. (NASA Conference Publication (SEE N95-11006 01-47), 3266).

Flavin, Robert. 1994 Dgener8 - user guide and manual version 1.0. Institute of Hydrology, 120pp. (Unpublished)

Foppiano, A.J.; Rodger, A.S.. 1994 F-region ionospheric irregularities over King George Island and Argentine Islands – a comparative study. Antarctic Science, 6 (3). 411-417. 10.1017/S0954102094000623

Fordyce, Fiona; Masara, D.; Appleton, James. 1994 Final report on stream sediment, soil and forage chemistry as indicators of cattle mineral status in north-east Zimbabwe. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 70pp. (WC/94/003) (Unpublished)

Forster, A.; Hobbs, P.R.N.; Cripps, A.C.; Entwisle, D.C.; Fenwick, S.M.M.; Raines, M.R.; Hallam, J.R.; Jones, L.D.; Self, S.J.; Meakin, J.L.. 1994 Engineering geology of British rocks and soils : Gault Clay. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 76pp. (WN/94/031) (Unpublished)

Fowbert, John A.; Smith, Ronald I. Lewis. 1994 Rapid population increases in native vascular plants in the Argentine Islands, Antarctic Peninsula. Arctic and Alpine Research, 26 (3). 290-296. 10.2307/1551941

Fowler, D.; Smith, R.I.; Weston, K. 1994 Quantifying the spatial distribution of surface ozone exposure at the 1km x 1km scale. In: Fuhrer, J.; Achermann, B., (eds.) Critical levels for ozone. Bern, Swiss Federal Research Station for Agricultural Chemistry and Environmental Hygiene, 196-205. (Schriftenreihe de FAC no.16). (Unpublished)

Fox, Adrian J. ORCID:; Cooper, A. Paul R.. 1994 Measured properties of the Antarctic ice sheet derived from the SCAR Antarctic digital database. Polar Record, 30 (174). 201-206. 10.1017/S0032247400024268

Fox, N. J.; Lockwood, M.; Cowley, S. W. H.; Freeman, M. P. ORCID:; Friis-Christensen, E.; Milling, D. K.; Pinnock, M.; Reeves, G. D.. 1994 EISCAT observations of unusual flows in the morning sector associated with weak substorm activity. Annales Geophysicae, 12 (6). 541-553. 10.1007/s00585-994-0541-2

Fuller, R. M.; Groom, G. B.; Jones, A. R.. 1994 The Land Cover Map of Great Britain: an automated classification of Landsat Thematic Mapper data. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 60 (5). 553-562.

Fuller, R.M.; Brown, N.J.. 1994 CORINE land cover map: pilot study. London, Department of the Environment, 37pp. (Countryside 1990, 5).

Fuller, R.M.; Brown, N.J.. 1994 A CORINE map of Great Britain by automated means: a feasibility study. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 37pp. (ITE Project Report No: T02072) (Unpublished)

Fuller, R.M.; Hall, J.R.B.; Groom, G.B.; Parr, T.W.. 1994 The Land Cover Map of Great Britain and its applications. Annual Report of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 1993-1994. 89-95.

Furse, M.T.; Grieve, N.J.; Gunn, R.J.M.; Symes, K.L.; Winder, J.M.; Blackburn, J.H.. 1994 The faunal richness of headwater streams: progress report for the period January 1994 - March 1994. National Rivers Authority. (TFS Project no. T04053t1, NRA Progress Report 242/12/Y) (Unpublished)

Furse, M.T.; Grieve, N.J.; Gunn, R.J.M.; Symes, K.L.; Winder, J.M.; Blackburn, J.H.. 1994 The faunal richness of headwater streams: progress report for the period September 1993 - December 1993. National Rivers Authority. (TFS Project no. T04053t1, NRA Progress Report 242/11/Y) (Unpublished)

Furse, M.T.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Clarke, R.T.; Symes, K.L.; Wright, J.F.. 1994 Biological assessment methods: controlling the quality of biological data. Package 1: progress report for the period February 1994 - April 1994. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Report Ref. No:T04071g1, NRA Progress Report 504/1/S)

Gallagher, MW; Choularton, TW; Bower, KN; Stromberg, IM; Beswick, KM; Fowler, D; Hargreaves, KJ. 1994 Measurements of methane fluxes on the landscape scale from a wetland area on north Scotland. Atmospheric Environment, 28 (15). 2421-2430. 10.1016/1352-2310(94)90394-8

Gamboa, L.A.P.; Cunningham, A.P.; Bochu, Y.; Camerlenghi, A.; Nakao, S.; Rudowski, S.. 1994 Origin and evolution of the Bransfield Basin based on integrated MCS data. Terra Antartica, 1 (2). 293-294.

Garnett, Mark. 1994 Selection of sites for Module 4 of the Oiled Beach Material Project. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 38pp. (TFS Project No: T02075) (Unpublished)

German, C.R.; Briem, J.; Chin, C.; Danielsen, M.; Holland, S.; James, R.; Jónsdóttir, A.; Ludford, E.; Moser, C.; Ólafsson, J.; Palmer, M.R.; Rudnicki, M.D.. 1994 Hydrothermal activity on the Reykjanes Ridge: the Steinahóll vent-field at 63°06′N. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 121 (3-4). 647-654. 10.1016/0012-821X(94)90098-1

Gillespie, M. K.; Howard, D. C. ORCID:; Ness, M. J.. 1994 Linking satellite and field survey: use of GIS within Countryside Survey 1990. [Other] In: Global to local: ecological land classification conference and workshop, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, August 14-17, 1994. Springer, 64.

Gilman, K.. 1994 Coed Talon (Clwyd) hydrological monitoring 1994. Institute of Hydrology, 10pp. (CCW Report no.45) (Unpublished)

Gilman, K.. 1994 Gauging of the Rivers Dulas and Vyrnwy using the chemical tracer dilution method. Institute of Hydrology, 15pp. (Unpublished)

Gunn, I. D. M.; May, L. ORCID: 1994 Benthic invertebrate survey - Loch Leven NNR (1994). IFE, 17pp. (IFE Project T11060) (Unpublished)

Gunn, I. D. M.; May, L. ORCID:; Bailey-Watts, A. E.. 1994 Analysis of 1993 Loch Leven crustacean zooplankton samples. IFE, 14pp. (CEH Project T11060) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. Clyde River Purification Board. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. Forth River Purification Board. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. Highland River Purification Board. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. NRA Anglian Region. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. NRA North West Region. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. NRA Northumbria & Yorkshire Region. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. NRA Northumbria area of Northumbria & Yorkshire Region. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. NRA Severn-Trent Region. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. NRA South West Region. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. NRA Southern Region. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. NRA Thames Region. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. NRA Welsh Region. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. NRA Wesses Region. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. North East River Purification Board. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. Northern Ireland. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gunn, R.J.M.; Winder, J.M.; Grieve, N.J.; Blackburn, J.H.; Wright, J.F.; Symes, K.L.. 1994 An audit of performance in the processing of macro-invertebrate samples in 1993. Solway River Purification Board. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04071e1) (Unpublished)

Gustard, Alan. 1994 Hydrological Impacts Research, Yunnan Province, China. Reconnaissance Visit Report 19 March 1994 - 29 March 1994. Institute of Hydrology, 12pp. (Unpublished)

Haines-Young, R.H.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Parr, T.W.. 1994 Countryside Information System: an information system for environmental policy development and appraisal. Geographical Systems, 1. 329-345.

Haines-Young, R.H.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Parr, T.W.. 1994 Countryside information systems. In: Green, E. R.; Rix, D.; Cadeaux-Hudson, J., (eds.) Geographic information and sourcebook for GIS. London, Taylor and Francis.

Halley, D. J.; Harris, M. P. ORCID: 1994 Age-related changes in the agonistic behaviour of immature common guillemots Uria aalge. Seabird, 16. 8-14.

Harangozo, Stephen A.. 1994 Interannual atmospheric circulation-sea ice extent relationships in the Southern Ocean: an analysis for the west Antarctic Peninsula region. In: Sixth Conference on Climate Variations, Nashville, Tennessee, January 1994. Preprints. Boston, American Meteorological Society, 364-367.

Harangozo, Stephen A.; Colwell, Steve R.; King, John C. ORCID: 1994 Interannual and long-term air temperature variability in the southern Antarctic Peninsula from a reconstructed record for eastern Alexander Island. In: Sixth Conference on Climate Variation, Nashville, Tennessee, January 1994. Preprints. Boston, American Meteorological Society, 259-261.

Hargreaves, KJ; Skiba, Ute ORCID:; Fowler, David; Arah, JRM; Wienhold, FG; Klemedtsson, L; Galle, B. 1994 Measurements of nitrous oxide emission from fertilised grassland using micrometeorological techniques. Journal of Geophysical Research Section D Atmospheres, 99 (D8). 16569-16574.

Harris, M. P. ORCID: 1994 Population models of herring and lesser black-backed gulls on the Isle of May NNR. ITE, 42pp. (ITE Project No. T08051h5) (Unpublished)

Harris, M. P. ORCID: 1994 Seabird population monitoring on the Isle of May 1994. ITE, 22pp. (ITE Project No. T08051h5) (Unpublished)

Harris, M. P. ORCID:; Buckland, S. T.; Russell, S. M.; Wanless, S. ORCID: 1994 Post fledging survival to breeding age of shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis in relation to year, date of fledging and brood size. Journal of Avian Biology, 25. 268-274.

Harris, M. P. ORCID:; Buckland, S. T.; Russell, S. M.; Wanless, S. ORCID: 1994 Year- and age-related variation in the survival of adult European shags over a 24-year period. Condor, 96 (3). 600-605.

Harris, M. P. ORCID:; Calladine, J.. 1994 Population trends of a gull colony - Isle of May. ITE, 28pp. (ITE Project No. T08051h5) (Unpublished)

Harris, M. P. ORCID:; Halley, D. J.; Swann, R. L.. 1994 Age of First Breeding in Common Murres. Auk, 111 (1). 207-209.

Harris, M. P. ORCID:; Wanless, S. ORCID: 1994 Ingested elastic and other artifacts found in puffins in Britain over a 24-year period. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 28 (1). 54-55. 10.1016/0025-326X(94)90187-2

Haston, W.S.; Pennington, T.H.; Bright, S.; Lugg, D.; Bachelard, C.. 1994 Microbial population dynamics in closed Antarctic communities: a useful space analogue. Arctic Medical Research, 53, supplement 2. 194-196.

Hatfield, E. M. C.; Rodhouse, P. G.. 1994 Distribution and abundance of juvenile Loligo gahi in Falkland Island waters. Marine Biology, 121 (2). 267-272. 10.1007/BF00346735

Hatfield, Emma M.C.; Rodhouse, Paul G.. 1994 Migration as a source of bias in the measurement of cephalopod growth. Antarctic Science, 6 (02). 179-184. 10.1017/S0954102094000283

Hatton, A.D.; Malin, G.; McEwan, A.G.; Liss, P.S.. 1994 Determination of dimethyl sulfoxide in aqueous solution by an enzyme-linked method. Analytical Chemistry, 66 (22). 4093-4096. 10.1021/ac00094a036

Hatton, Angela D.; Malin, Gill; McEwan, Alastair G.. 1994 Identification of a periplasmic dimethylsulphoxide reductase in Hyphomicrobium EG grown under chemolithoheterotrophic conditions with dimethylsulphoxide as carbon source. Archives of Microbiology, 162 (1-2). 148-150. 10.1007/BF00264389

Healey, J.R.; Tanner, E.V.J.; Stevens, P.A. & others. 1994 The protection role of Jamaican catchment forests and their resistance to and recovery from the impact of Hurricane Gilbert. Annual Report 1993. University of Wales, Bangor. (ODA Project R4611) (Unpublished)

Henville, P.; Dawson, F.H.. 1994 River Habitat Survey 1994 - preparation of distribution maps. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T04073f1) (Unpublished)

Herbert, R.. 1994 Unconsolidated sedimentary aquifers Review No. 1 - design of boreholes. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 53pp. (WC/94/027) (Unpublished)

Herring, P.J.. 1994 RRS Discovery Cruise 209, 03 Aug - 22 Aug 1994. Biological and physical studies of the oxygen minimum and other hydrographic features of the Arabian Sea at 19N 59W during the south west monsoon. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 55pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Cruise Report 244)

Hervé, F; Greene, F; Pankhurst, R.J. 1994 Metamorphosed fragments of oceanic crust in the upper Paleozoic Chonos accretionary complex, southern Chile. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 7 (3-4). 263-270. 10.1016/0895-9811(94)90012-4

Hilton, J.. 1994 Barcombe Reservoir - an assessment of management options based on a fundamental understanding of algal growth in reservoirs. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project no. T4073g1) (Unpublished)

Hilton, J.; Davison, W.; Hamilton-Taylor, J.; Kelly, M.; Livens, F.R.; Rigg, E.; Singleton, D.L.. 1994 Similarities in the behaviour of Chernobyl derived Ru-103, Ru-106 and Cs-137 in two freshwater lakes. Aquatic Sciences, 56 (2). 133-144. 10.1007/BF00877204

Hilton, John. 1994 Thermal stability and water quality of the proposed Midlands Reservoir, Mauritius. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 17pp. (TFS Project no. T04050u1) (Unpublished)

Hodkinson, I.D.; Coulson, S.; Webb, N.R.; Block, W.; Strathdee, A.T.; Bale, J.S.. 1994 Feeding studies on Onychiurus arcticus (Tullberg) (Collembola: Onychiuridae) on West Spitsbergen. Polar Biology, 14 (1). 17-19. 10.1007/BF00240267

Hole, M. J.; Storey, B. C.; LeMasurier, W. E.. 1994 Tectonic setting and geochemistry of Miocene alkalic basalts from the Jones Mountains, West Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 6 (1). 85-92. 10.1017/S0954102094000118

Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Thorne, Richard M.. 1994 Convective instabilities of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in the outer magnetosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99 (A9). 17259-17273. 10.1029/94JA01259

Hornung, M.; Pietx i Colon, J.; Howard, D. C. ORCID: 1994 Acquisition and use of soil information in the Countryside Surveys. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 47pp. (ITE Project No:T02051m5) (Unpublished)

Houghton-Carr, H.A.; Arnell, N.W.. 1994 Hydrograph Estimation Procedures (Project FD0404) - Comparison of simple conceptual daily rainfall-runoff models. Institute of Hydrology, 170pp. (Unpublished)

House, W.A.; Denison, F.H.; Smith, S.M.. 1994 Assessment of the potential for phosphorus reduction in river waters. NERC/IFE, 33pp. (TFS Project No. T11059j1/1) (Unpublished)

House, W.A.; Irons, G.P.. 1994 Transportation of pesticides by colloids. NERC/IFE, 14pp. (TFS Project No. T11059n1) (Unpublished)

Howard, D. C. ORCID:; Bunce, R. G. H.. 1994 The Countryside Information System: a strategic level decision support system. [Other] In: Global to local: ecological land classification, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, August 14-17, 1994. 23.

Howard, D.C. ORCID:; Bunce, R.G.H.; Jones, M.; Haines-Young, R.H.. 1994 Development of the Countryside Information System. London, Department of the Environment, 54pp. (Countryside 1990 series Volume 4)

Howarth, M. J.; Harrison, A. J.; Knight, P. J.. 1994 RRS 'Challenger' Cruise 106, 18-28 September 1993. Cruise 107, 26 October - 6 November 1993. North Channel. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 50pp. (POL Cruise Report No. 18)

Howsam, P.. 1994 Unconsolidated sedimentary aquifers review No 2 - borehole performance maintenance. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 48pp. (WC/94/044) (Unpublished)

Hughes, A.; Smith, A.J.. 1994 Obituary: Ken Bullough 1927-1994. Radioscientist and Bulletin U.R.S.I., 5 (2). 81-82.

Hughes, R.A.; O'Brien, B.H.. 1994 Syndepositional transport on a deep marine slope and soft-sediment reworking of detritus from and exhumed Iapetan arc : evidence from the Upper New Bay Formation of the Exploits Group. Current Research Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy, Geological Survey Branch Report, 94-1. 135-145.

Huin, N.. 1994 Diving depths of white-chinned petrels. The Condor, 96 (4). 1111-1113. 10.2307/1369125

Humphery, J. D.; Moores, S. P.. 1994 Description and interpretation of data recorded by STABLE II during RRS 'Charles Darwin' cruise 84, OMEX, Goban Spur, January 1994. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 45pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 37)

Hunt, G.L.; Croxall, J.P.; Trathan, P.N. ORCID: 1994 Marine ornithology in the southern Drake Passage and Bransfield Strait during the BIOMASS Programme. In: El-Sayed, S.Z., (ed.) Souther Ocean ecology: the BIOMASS perspective. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 231-245.

Huthnance, J.M. ORCID: 1994 Processes in regions of freshwater influence-PROFILE. In: Proceedings of OCEANS'94/OSATES Conference: Oceans Engineering for Today'sTechnology and Tomorrow's Preservation, 13-16 Sep 1994, Brest, France. Vol. 1. Piscataway, NJ, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, I/579-I/583.

Ibbotson, A.T.. 1994 Planning and design for the restoration of fish habitat in the Wallers Haven and Pevensey Haven. NERC/IFE, 5pp. (TFS Project No. T11063g7) (Unpublished)

Jaworski, G.H.M.; Corry, J.E.; James, J.B.; Lishman, J.P.; Rigg, E.; Roscoe, J.V.. 1994 Observations on the algae and related physico-chemical components of Bassenthwaite Lake and Derwentwater, 1990-1993. NERC/ Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 37pp. (TFS Project No: T11055a5) (Unpublished)

Jenkins, A.. 1994 Critical loads - report to Department of the Environment (IH contribution to study). Institute of Hydrology, 30pp. (TFS Project T04065n1) (Unpublished)

Jenkins, A.; Wright, R.F; Cosby, B.J.. 1994 Modelling long-term hydrochemical response at ENCORE catchments in the UK and Norway. Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), 45pp. (TFS Project T05053a5, Acid Rain Research Report 35/1994)

Jenkins, Adrian ORCID:; Jacobs, S.S.; Keys, J.R.. 1994 Is this little PIG in hot water. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 29 (5). 121-122.

Jenkins, Adrian ORCID:; Vaughan, David G. ORCID:; Doake, C.S.M.. 1994 Numerical modelling of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, 3pp. (Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Programme Report, 8)

Jenkins, Alan; Ferrier, Bob; Cosby, Jack ORCID: 1994 Model of Acidification of Groundwaters in Catchments - With Aggregated Nitrogen Dynamics (MAGIC-WAND) - calibration and validation and assessment of nitrogen deposition scenarios. Institute of Hydrology, 40pp. (TFS Project No. T05053n1) (Unpublished)

John, D. M.; Tittley, I.; Lawson, G. W.; Pugh, P. J. A.. 1994 Distribution of Seaweed Floras in the Southern Ocean. Botanica Marina, 37 (3). 235-239. 10.1515/botm.1994.37.3.235

John, David M.; Pugh, Philip J.A.; Tittley, Ian. 1994 Observations on the benthic marine algal flora of South Georgia: a floristic and ecological analysis. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum. Botany Series, 24 (2). 101-114.

Johnson, I.W.; Elliott, C.R.N.. 1994 Workshop guide to PHABSIM (Physical Habitat Simulation System) NRA release version. Institute of Hydrology, 41pp. (Unpublished)

Johnson, I.W.; Elliott, C.R.N.; Gustard, A.. 1994 Ecologically acceptable flow regimes: River Bray at Leehamford; River Barle at Perry Weir. Final Report. Institute of Hydrology, 144pp. (Unpublished)

Johnson, R.C.. 1994 Implementation of the Cairngorms ECN site. Institute of Hydrology, 12pp. (TFS Project T04055n7) (Unpublished)

Johnson, R.C.. 1994 River Ythan Flow Study. Institute of Hydrology, 4pp. (Unpublished)

Jones, R. W.; Pudsey, C. A.. 1994 Recent benthonic foraminifera from the Western Antarctic Ocean. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 13 (1). 17-23. 10.1144/jm.13.1.17

Kear, Amanda J.. 1994 Morphology and function of the mandibular muscles in some coleoid cephalopods. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 74 (4). 801-826.

Kellermann, A.; North, A.W.. 1994 The contribution of the BIOMASS Programme to Antarctic fish biology. In: El-Sayed, S.Z., (ed.) Southern Ocean ecology: the BIOMASS perspective. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 191-209.

Kennedy, Andrew D.. 1994 Simulated climate change: a field manipulation study of polar microarthropod community response to global warming. Ecography, 17 (2). 131-140. 10.1111/j.1600-0587.1994.tb00085.x

Kent, E.C. ORCID: 1994 Estimating the Turbulent Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes Between the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and the Ocean Surface. Chilworth, UK, James Rennell Centre for Ocean Circulation, 92pp. (James Rennell Centre for Ocean Circulation Internal Document, 15)

Kim, Y.; Kim, H.S.; Larter, R.D. ORCID:; Camerlenghi, A.; Gamboa, L.A.P.; Rudowski, S.. 1994 Tectonic deformation in the upper crust and sediments at the South Shetland Trench. Terra Antartica, 1 (2). 299-301.

King, E.C. ORCID: 1994 Observation of a rift in the Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 40 (134). 187-189.

King, E.C. ORCID:; Leitchenkov, G.; Galindo-Zaldivar, J.; Maldonardo, A.. 1994 Basement distribution in Powell Basin: understanding the tectonic controls on sedimentation. Terra Antartica, 1 (2). 307-308.

King, J. C. ORCID:; Anderson, P. S.. 1994 Heat and water vapour fluxes and scalar roughness lengths over an Antarctic ice shelf. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 69 (1-2). 101-121. 10.1007/BF00713297

King, John C. ORCID: 1994 Recent climate variability in the vicinity of the antarctic peninsula. International Journal of Climatology, 14 (4). 357-369. 10.1002/joc.3370140402

King, John C. ORCID:; Mobbs, S.D.; Edwards, N.R.. 1994 Surface boundary conditions in stably-stratified environmental flows. In: Castro, I.P.; Rockliff, N.J., (eds.) Stably stratified flows: flow and dispersion over topography. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 93-103. (Institute of Mathematics and its Application conference series. New series, 52).

Knight, P. J.; Marsden, R. C.. 1994 Current profile, pressure and temperature records from the North Channel of the Irish Sea from equipment deployed on RRS 'Challenger' cruises C106 and C107. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 141pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 35)

Kock K, K.-H.; Wilhelms, S.; Everson, I.; Groger, J.. 1994 Variations in the diet composition and feeding intensity of mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnari at South Georgia (Antarctic). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 108. 43-57. 10.3354/meps108043

Lachlan-Cope, T.A. ORCID:; Turner, J. ORCID:; Thomas, J.P.; Rasmussen, E.A.. 1994 High latitude mesoscale atmospheric circulation features observed with ERS-1 scaterrometer. In: Space at the service of our environment. Proceedings of the Second ERS-1 Symposium, Hamburg, October 1994. Vol. II. Paris, European Space Agency, 809-814. (ESA, SP-361).

Lapido, D. O.; Britwum, S. P. K.; Tchoundjeu, Z.; Oni, O.; Leakey, R. R. B.. 1994 Genetic improvement of West African tree species: past and present. In: Leakey, R. R. B.; Newton, A. C., (eds.) Tropical trees: the potential for domestication and the rebuilding of forest resources. London, HMSO, 239-248. (ITE Symposium, 29).

Larter, R..D. ORCID:; Rebesco, M.; Vanneste, L.E.; Gamboa, L.A.P.; Barker, P.F.. 1994 Seismic reflection investigations on the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Terra Antartica, 1 (2). 271-274.

Lawson, G. J.. 1994 Indigenous trees in West African forest plantations: the need for domestication by clonal techniques. In: Leakey, R. R. B.; Newton, A. C., (eds.) Tropical trees: the potential for domestication and the rebuilding of forest resources. London, HMSO, 112-123. (ITE Symposium, 29).

Leake, R.C.; Cameron, D.G.; Scrivener, R.C.; Bland, D.J.. 1994 Exploration for gold in the Crediton Trough, Devon. Part 2 : detailed surveys. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 58pp. (WF/94/013, Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 134) (Unpublished)

Leake, R.C.; Marshall, T.R.. 1994 Reconnaissance drainage survey for base-metal mineralisation in the Lleyn peninsula, North Wales. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 42pp. (WF/94/003, Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 132) (Unpublished)

Leake, R.C.; Smith, K.; Rollin, K.E.. 1994 Exploration for stratabound mineralisation around Chillaton, Devon. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 69pp. (WF/MR/94/016, Mineral Reconnaissance Programme open file report 16) (Unpublished)

Leakey, R. R. B.; Newton, A. C.; Dick, J. McP. ORCID: 1994 Capture of genetic variation by vegetative propagation: processes determining success. In: Leakey, R. R. B.; Newton, A. C., (eds.) Tropical trees: the potential for domestication and the rebuilding of forest resources. London, HMSO, 72-83. (ITE Symposium, 29).

Leakey, R.J.G.; Fenton, N.; Clarke, A. ORCID: 1994 The annual cycle of planktonic ciliates in nearshore waters at Signy Island, Antarctica. Journal of Plankton Research, 16 (7). 841-856. 10.1093/plankt/16.7.841

Leakey, Raymond J.G.; Wilks, Sandra A.; Murray, Alistair W.A.. 1994 Can cytochalasin B be used as an inhibitor of feeding in grazing experiments on ciliates? European Journal of Protistology, 30 (3). 309-315. 10.1016/S0932-4739(11)80077-5

Leat, P.T.. 1994 British geological research in Antarctica. Bulletin of the Mineralogical Society, 103. 7-9.

Leat, Philip T.; Scarrow, Jane H.. 1994 Central volcanoes as sources for the Antarctic Peninsula Volcanic Group. Antarctic Science, 6 (3). 10.1017/S0954102094000568

Lee, A.M.; Roscoe, H.K.; Oldham, D.J.; Squires, J.A.C.; Sarkissian, A.; Pommereau, J.-P.; Gardiner, B.G.. 1994 Improvements to the accuracy of measurements of NO2 by zenith-sky visible spectrometers. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 52 (5). 649-657. 10.1016/0022-4073(94)90031-0

Leene, G.J.. 1994 Geology and low flows. What is their relationship? A case study using storage-yield analysis. Institute of Hydrology, 42pp. (Unpublished)

Lewis, Douglas R.. 1994 Calculation of unguaged daily flows within the Ouse catchment. Institute of Hydrology, 24pp. (LOIS working note no.3) (Unpublished)

Lewis, Douglas R.. 1994 Quality assurance of flows on the River Ouse. Institute of Hydrology, 52pp. (LOIS working note no.1) (Unpublished)

Lewis, Douglas R.. 1994 Use of micro low flows within quasar. Institute of Hydrology, 14pp. (LOIS working note no.3) (Unpublished)

Lewis, R.V.; Williams, P.J.S.; Jones, G.O.L.; Opgenoorth, H.J.; Persson, M.A.L.. 1994 The electrodynamics of a drifting auroral arc. Annales Geophysicae, 12 (5). 478-480.

Liddle, G. M.. 1994 Interannual variation in the breeding biology of the Antarctic prionPachyptila desolataat Bird Island, South Georgia. Journal of Zoology, 234 (1). 125-139. 10.1111/j.1469-7998.1994.tb06060.x

Livens, F.R.; Horrill, A.D.; Singleton, D.L.. 1994 Plutonium in estuarine sediments and the associated interstitial waters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 38 (5). 479-489. 10.1006/ecss.1994.1033

Livens, F.R.; Horrill, A.D.; Singleton, D.L.. 1994 The relationship between concentrations of plutonium and americium in soil interstitial waters and their uptake by plants. Science of the Total Environment, 155 (2). 151-159. 10.1016/0048-9697(94)90288-7

Livermore, Roy; McAdoo, David; Marks, Karen. 1994 Scotia Sea tectonics from high-resolution satellite gravity. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 123 (1-3). 255-268. 10.1016/0012-821X(94)90272-0

Lofty, G.J.; Hillier, J.A.; Bate, D.G.; Linley, K.A.; Hutchinson, N.E.. 1994 World mineral statistics 1988-1992 : production : exports : imports. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 284pp. (World Mineral Production).

Loudon, T.V.; Humphries, P.A.. 1994 Computer procedures for generalisation of geological maps from 1:10 000 to 1:50 000 scale. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 42pp. (WO/94/003) (Unpublished)

Lovell, C. J.; Murata, M.; Brown, M.W.; Batchelor, C. H.; Thompson, D. M.; Dube, T.; Semple, A.J.; Chilton, P.J.. 1994 Small scale irrigation using collector wells. Pilot project - Zimbabwe. Fourth progress report April 1994 - September 1994. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 95pp. (IH Report ODA 94/9) (Unpublished)

Lu, G.; Richmond, A. D.; Emery, B. A.; Reiff, P. H.; de la Beaujardière, O.; Rich, F. J.; Denig, W. F.; Kroehl, H. W.; Lyons, L. R.; Ruohoniemi, J. M.; Friis-Christensen, E.; Opgenoorth, H.; Persson, M. A. L.; Lepping, R. P.; Rodger, A. S.; Hughes, T.; McEwin, A.; Dennis, S.; Morris, R.; Burns, G.; Tomlinson, L.. 1994 Interhemispheric asymmetry of the high-latitude ionospheric convection pattern. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99 (A4). 6491-6510. 10.1029/93JA03441

Lunn, N. J.; Boyd, I. L.; Croxall, J. P.. 1994 Reproductive Performance of Female Antarctic Fur Seals: The Influence of Age, Breeding Experience, Environmental Variation and Individual Quality. The Journal of Animal Ecology, 63 (4). 827-840. 10.2307/5260

Maclean, J.R.. 1994 The development of telemedicine systems using remote Antarctic sites as a space analogue. Arctic Medical Research, 53, supplement 2. 98-101.

Maitland, P.S.; Lyle, A.A.. 1994 Fish populations in the Evan Water August 1994. Fish Conservation Centre & IFE, 30pp. (Unpublished)

Makinson, Keith ORCID: 1994 The BAS hot water drill. UNI Research Climate, Bergen, 8pp. (Filchner Ronne Ice Shelf Programme Report, 7)

Makinson, Keith ORCID: 1994 BAS hot water drilling on Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica. In: Watanabe, O., (ed.) Ice drilling technology. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology, Tokyo, April 20-23, 1993. Tokyo, National Institute of Polar Research, 192-202. (Memoirs of the National Institute of Polar Research. Special Issue, 49).

Malcolm, H.M; Boyd, I.L; Osborn, D; French, M.C; Freestone, P. 1994 Trace metals in Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) livers from Bird Island, South Georgia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 28 (6). 375-380. 10.1016/0025-326X(94)90275-5

Malcolm, H.M.; Dobson, S.. 1994 The calculation of a Regulatory Assessment Level (RAL) for atmospheric PAHs based on relative potencies. first draft. NERC Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 24pp. (TFS Project no. T07061i1) (Unpublished)

Maldonado, A.; Aldaya, F.; Balanya, J.C.; Galindo-Zaldivar, J.; Jabaloy, A.; Larter, R.D. ORCID:; Rodriguez Fernandez, J.; Roussanov, M.; Sanz de Galdeano, C.. 1994 Cenozoic continental margin growth patterns in the northern Antarctic Peninsula. Terra Antartica, 1 (2). 311-314.

Maldonado, A.; Larter, R. D. ORCID:; Aldaya, F.. 1994 Forearc tectonic evolution of the South Shetland Margin, Antarctic Peninsula. Tectonics, 13 (6). 1345-1370. 10.1029/94TC01352

Marchant, H.J.; Murphy, E.J. ORCID: 1994 Interactions at the base of the Antarctic food web. In: El-Sayed, S.Z., (ed.) Southern Ocean ecology: the BIOMASS perspective. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 267-285.

Marker, A.F.H.. 1994 Chlorophyll-a - SCA mehtod revision. NERC/IFE, 64pp. (TFS Project No. T11064j1) (Unpublished)

Marker, A.F.H.. 1994 Chlorophyll-a - SCA mehtod revision progress Report May 1992. NERC/IFE, 4pp. (TFS Project No. T04052l1) (Unpublished)

Marsh, T.J. ORCID:; Monkhouse, R.A.; Arnell, N.W.; Lees, M.L.; Reynard, N.S. ORCID: 1994 The 1988-92 drought. Wallingford, NERC Institute of Hydrology, 78pp. (Hydrological data UK).

Marsh, Terry ORCID: 1994 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: April 1994. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID: 1994 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: August 1994. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID: 1994 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: December 1993. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID: 1994 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: February 1994. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID: 1994 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: January 1994. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID: 1994 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: July 1994. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID: 1994 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: June 1994. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID: 1994 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: March 1994. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID: 1994 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: May 1994. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID: 1994 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: November 1994. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID: 1994 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: October 1994. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marsh, Terry ORCID: 1994 Hydrological summary for Great Britain: September 1994. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Institute of Hydrology, 12pp.

Marshall, D.C.W.; Bayliss, A.C.. 1994 Flood estimation for small catchments. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 75pp. (IH Report no.124)

Martin, J.H.; Coale, K.H.; Johnson, K.S.; Fitzwater, S.E.; Gordon, R.M.; Tanner, S.J.; Hunter, C.N.; Elrod, V.A.; Nowicki, J.L.; Coley, T.L.; Barber, R.T.; Lindley, S.; Watson, A.J.; Van Scoy, K.; Law, C.S.; Liddicoat, M.I.; Ling, R.; Stanton, T.; Stockel, J.; Collins, C.; Anderson, A.; Bidigare, R.; Ondrusek, M.; Latasa, M.; Millero, F.J.; Lee, K.; Yao, W.; Zhang, J.Z.; Friederich, G.; Sakamoto, C.; Chavez, F.; Buck, K.; Kolber, Z.; Greene, R.; Falkowski, P.; Chisholm, S.W.; Hoge, F.; Swift, R.; Yungel, J.; Turner, S.; Nightingale, P.; Hatton, A.; Liss, P.; Tindale, N.W.. 1994 Testing the iron hypothesis in ecosystems of the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Nature, 371 (6493). 123-129. 10.1038/371123a0

Mason, P. A.; Wilson, J. ORCID: 1994 Harnessing symbiotic associations: vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas. In: Leakey, R. R. B.; Newton, A. C., (eds.) Tropical trees: the potential for domestication and the rebuilding of forest resources. London, HMSO, 165-175. (ITE Symposium, 29).

Masson, D.G.. 1994 RRS Discovery Cruise 205, 10 Nov-07 Dec 1993. TOBI surveys and coring of debris flows west of the Canaries. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 24pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Cruise Report 239)

May, L. ORCID:; Bailey-Watts, A.E.. 1994 Rutland Water: an assessment of the effects of recent reductions in phosphorus loads on algal growth, especially blue-green species, and of the likely effects of proposed changes in the current phosphorus management programme. NERC/IFE, 34pp. (TFS Project No. T11060e1) (Unpublished)

Mayes, R.W.; Beresford, N.A.; Lamb, C.S.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Jones, B.-E.V.; Eriksson, O.; Hove, K.; Pedersen, Ø.; Staines, B.W.. 1994 Novel approaches to the estimation of intake and bioavailability of radiocaesium in ruminants grazing forested areas. Science of the Total Environment, 157. 289-300. 10.1016/0048-9697(94)90592-4

McCarron, Joe J.. 1994 Stratigraphical observations on the Tertiary calc-alkaline volcanic sequences in Alexander Island. Antarctic Science, 6 (3). 409-410. 10.1017/S0954102094000611

McCartney, M.P.; Houghton-Carr, H.A.. 1994 Hydrological review of the Kafue River, Zambia: an investigation of the potential of the Zambian Sugar Industry to abstract more water for irrigation. Institute of Hydrology, 120pp. (Unpublished)

McCartney, Matthew. 1994 A study of Dambo hydrology in southern Africa. Institute of Hydrology, 66pp. (Unpublished)

McGrath, S.P.. 1994 The effects of earthworms and the New Zealand flatworm (Artioposthia triangulata) on soil structure and hydrology: a review. Institute of Hydrology, 20pp. (Unpublished)

McInnes, Sandra J. ORCID: 1994 Rediscovery of the species echiniscus macronyxrichters, 1907 on South Georgia, South Atlantic, its new systematic position and redescription within the genustestechiniscus. Bolletino di zoologia, 61 (1). 83-87. 10.1080/11250009409355863

McInnes, Sandra J. ORCID: 1994 Zoogeographic distribution of terrestrial/freshwater tardigrades from current literature. Journal of Natural History, 28 (2). 257-352. 10.1080/00222939400770131

Meiklejohn, K. I.. 1994 Valley asymmetry on south-eastern Alexander Island, Antarctica, and valley forms in the High Drakensberg, South Africa. South African Geographical Journal, 76 (2). 68-72. 10.1080/03736245.1994.9713578

Milimo, P. B.; Dick, J. McP. ORCID:; Munro, R. C.. 1994 Domestication of trees in semi-arid East Africa: the current situation. In: Leakey, R. R. B.; Newton, A. C., (eds.) Tropical trees: the potential for domestication and the rebuilding of forest resources. London, HMSO, 210-219. (ITE Symposium, 29).

Milne, A.H.; Thomson, L.F.. 1994 Medical care of divers in the Antarctic. Arctic Medical Research, 53, supplement 2. 320-324.

Mitchell, C.J. ORCID: 1994 Evaluation of laboratory methodologies for froth flotation of feldspar and kaolin. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 24pp. (WG/94/033) (Unpublished)

Mitchell, C.J. ORCID: 1994 Laboratory evaluation of kaolin: a case study from Zambia. In: Whateley, M.K.G.; Harvey, P.K., (eds.) Mineral resource evaluation II, methods and case histories. London, UK, The Geological Society, 241-247, 7pp. (Geological Society Special Publication, 79, 79).

Moat, B.I. ORCID: 1994 Improving Wind Velocity Measurements on Ships: Industrial Training year at the James Rennell Centre for Ocean Circulation, 12 Aug 1993 - 9 Sept 1994. Chilworth, UK, James Rennell Centre for Ocean Circulation, 73pp. (James Rennell Centre for Ocean Circulation Internal Document, 16)

Moen, Jon; MacAlister, Hector. 1994 Continued range expansion of introduced reindeer on South Georgia. Polar Biology, 14 (7). 459-462. 10.1007/BF00239049

Moore, I; Mobbs, S.D.; Ingham, D.B.; King, J.C. ORCID: 1994 A numlerical model of blowing snow around an Antarctic building. Annals of Glaciology, 20 (1). 341-346. 10.3189/172756494794587195

Moore, John C.; Reid, Andrew P.; Kipfstuhl, Josef. 1994 Microstructure and electrical properties of marine ice and its relationship to meteoric ice and sea ice. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99 (C3). 5171-5180. 10.1029/93JC02832

Moore, John C.; Wolff, Eric W.; Clausen, Henrik B.; Hammer, Claus U.; Legrand, Michel R.; Fuhrer, Katrin. 1994 Electrical response of the Summit-Greenland ice core to ammonium, sulphuric acid, and hydrochloric acid. Geophysical Research Letters, 21 (7). 565-568. 10.1029/94GL00542

Moore, Roger V.; Buesst, Adrian W.M.; Watts, Carol D.; Stewart, Richard. 1994 A feasibility study into a system for the assessment of an insurer's flood risk exposure (SAIFE). First edition. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 41pp. (Unpublished)

Moores, J.P.. 1994 Hydrological Impact Assessment: a review of IH expertise. Institute of Hydrology, 30pp. (TFS Project 2055m5) (Unpublished)

Moores, J.P.. 1994 Sandpool Farm Flood Study. Institute of Hydrology, 38pp. (Unpublished)

Morreli, J.P.. 1994 Plasma flows in the high latitude ionosphere. University of London, PhD Thesis, 173pp.

Morris, B.L.; Lawrence, A.R.; Stuart, M.E.. 1994 The impact of urbanisation on groundwater quality (project summary report). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 55pp. (WC/94/056) (Unpublished)

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Trathan, Phil ORCID:; Everson, Inigo. 1994 Status of the FIBEX acoustic data from the West Atlantic. CCAMLR Science, 1. 35-48.

Turner, John ORCID:; Corcoran, G.; Lachlan-Cope, Thomas ORCID:; Thomas, J.P.. 1994 Sea ice motion in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica from pairs of ERS-1 SAR images. In: Space at the service of our environment. Proceedings of the Second ERS-1 Symposium, Hamburg, October 1993. Paris, European Space Agency, 303-308. (ESA Sp, 361 Vol. 1).

Turner, John ORCID:; Lachlan-Cope, Thomas ORCID: 1994 The AIRES project - satellite imagery of Antarctica. NERC News, 28. 24-26.

Turner, John ORCID:; Thomas, Jeremy P.. 1994 Summer-season mesoscale cyclones in the bellingshausen-weddell region of the antarctic and links with the synoptic-scale environment. International Journal of Climatology, 14 (8). 871-894. 10.1002/joc.3370140805

Tyler, C.R.; Nagler, J.J.; Pottinger, T.G.; Turner, M.A.. 1994 Effects of unilateral ovariectomy on recruitment and growth of follicles in the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 13 (4). 309-316. 10.1007/BF00003435

Vanneste, L.E.; Larter, Robert D. ORCID: 1994 Deep-tow boomer survey of the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin. Terra Antartica, 1 (2). 283-284.

Vaughan, David ORCID: 1994 Glacier geophysics fieldwork on Ronne Ice Shelf in 1992/1993. Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, 2pp. (Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Programme Report, 7)

Vaughan, David G. ORCID: 1994 Investigating tidal flexure on an ice shelf using kinematic GPS. Annals of Glaciology, 20 (1). 372-376. 10.3189/172756494794587375

Vaughan, David G. ORCID:; Frolich, R.M.; Doake, C.S.M.. 1994 ERS-1 SAR: stress indicator for Antarctic ice streams. In: Space at the service of our environment. Proceedings of the Second ERS-1 Symposium, Hamburg, October 1993. Paris, European Space Agency, 183-186. (ESA Sp, 361 Vol. 1).

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Walton, David W.H. ORCID: 1994 International stations or international research? Antarctic Science, 6 (3). 293. 10.1017/S0954102094000453

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Walton, David W.H. ORCID:; Thomson, M.R.A.. 1994 Interpreting the Environmental Protocol — a recipe for international confusion? Antarctic Science, 6 (04). 431. 10.1017/S0954102094000660

Watson, A.. 1994 Environmental baseline study of damaged ground at Cairngorm Estate. NERC/ITE, 79pp. (TFS Project NO. T13003c2) (Unpublished)

Watt, A.D. ORCID:; Stork, N.; Bolton, B.; Fanguem, J.. 1994 Ecology of insects in Cameroon plantation forests. Forest Management and Regeneration Project: ONADEF/ODA Mbalmayo, Cameroon. Fifth consultancy report. NERC/ITE, 14pp. (TFS Project no. T01060k1) (Unpublished)

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Welton, J.S.; Dear, B.E.; Beaumont, W.R.C.; Pinder, A.C.; Ladle, M.. 1994 1994 survey of the coarse fish of the River Tees before construction of the barrage - progress report. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 10pp. (TFS Project no. T11064f1) (Unpublished)

Westhead, Keith; Mather, A.E.. 1994 The lithostratigraphy of the Purbeck Limestone Group in Dorset (abstract only). Proceedings of the Ussher Society, 8 (3). 346.

Westhead, Keith; Woods, Mark. 1994 Anomalous Turonian-Campanian Chalk deposition in south Dorset; the influence of inherited pre-Albian structures. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 105 (2). 81-89. 10.1016/S0016-7878(08)80106-X

Wever, H.E.; Millar, I.L.; Pankhurst, R.J.. 1994 Geochronology and radiogenic isotope geology of Mesozoic rocks from eastern Palmer Land, Antarctic Peninsula: crustal anatexis in arc-related granitoid genesis. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 7 (1). 69-83. 10.1016/0895-9811(94)90035-3

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Whitehouse, Michael J.; Veit, R.R.. 1994 Distribution and abundance of seabirds and fur seals near the Antarctic Peninsula during the austral winter, 1986. Polar Biology, 14 (5). 325-330. 10.1007/BF00238448

Willan, R. C. R.; Pankhurst, R. J.; Hervé, F.. 1994 A probable Early Triassic age for the Miers Bluff Formation, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands. Antarctic Science, 6 (3). 401-408. 10.1017/S095410209400060X

Willan, Robert C.R.. 1994 Structural setting and timing of hydrothermal veins and breccias on Hurd Peninsula, South Shetland Islands: a possible volcanic-related epithermal system in deformed turbidites. Geological Magazine, 131 (04). 465-483. 10.1017/S0016756800012103

Williams, J. J.. 1994 Measurements of turbulence and acoustic detection of bedload in a mountain river. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 40pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 36)

Williams, R.J.; Johnson, A.C. ORCID:; Batchelor, C.H.. 1994 Pesticide briefing note. Institute of Hydrology, 218pp. (Unpublished)

Winfield, I.J. ORCID:; Fletcher, J.M.; Cubby, P.R.. 1994 Ecology of the schelly, Coregonus lavaretus, in Haweswater. NERC/IFE, 53pp. (TFS Project No. T11050r1) (Unpublished)

Wolff, Eric W.; Peel, D.A.. 1994 Assessing the global and local pollution for heavy metals in Antarctica. Analusis, 22 (7). 41-43.

Wolff, Eric W.; Reid, A. P.. 1994 Capture and scanning electron microscopy of individual snow crystals. Journal of Glaciology, 40 (134). 195-197. 10.1017/S0022143000003981

Wolff, Eric W.; Suttie, Edward D.. 1994 Antarctic snow record of southern hemisphere lead pollution. Geophysical Research Letters, 21 (9). 781-784. 10.1029/94GL00656

Worland, M. Roger; Block, William. 1994 An Automatic Respirometer for use with Small Invertebrates. Functional Ecology, 8 (3). 419-426. 10.2307/2389836

Wright, J.F.; Gunn, R.J.M.; Blackburn, J.H.; Symes, K.L.; Winder, J.M.; Furse, M.T.; Bass, J.A.B.. 1994 Enhancement of RIVPACS for biological assessment of the quality of Scottish rivers - Final Report. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 46pp. (IFE Project T04071b1) (Unpublished)

Wright, J.W.; Pitteway, M.L.V.. 1994 High-resolution vector velocity determinations from the dynasonde. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 56 (8). 961-977. 10.1016/0021-9169(94)90157-0

Wu, X.; Flather, R. A.; Wolf, J. ORCID: 1994 A third generation wave model of European continental shelf seas with depth and current refraction due to tides and surges and its validation using GEOSAT and buoy measurements. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 48pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 33)

Wyatt, B.K.; Greatorex-Davies, J.N.; Hill, M.O.; Parr, T.W.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Fuller, R.M.. 1994 Comparison of land cover definitions. Eastcote, UK, Department of the Environment, 131pp. (Countryside 1990 series Volume 3)

Wyatt, B.K.; Greatorex-Davies, J.N.; Hill, M.O.; Parr, T.W.; Bunce, R.G.H.; Fuller, R.M.. 1994 Comparison of land cover definitions. Final report. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 178pp. (ITE Project No: T02071b1) (Unpublished)

Wynn-Williams, D.D.. 1994 Detection and simulation of environmental change in Antarctica by image analysis of soil algae. Binary, 6 (3). 76-77.

Wynn-Williams, D.D.. 1994 Potential effects of ultraviolet radiation on Antarctic primary terrestrial colonizers: Cyanobacteria, algae, and cryptogams. In: Weiler, C.Susan; Penhale, Polly A., (eds.) Ultraviolet Radiation in Antarctica: Measurements and Biological Effects. Washington, D.C., American Geophysical Union, 243-257. (Antarctic Research Series, 62, 62).

Wynn-Williams, D.D.. 1994 Workshop: Detecting activity of microbes within their microhabitats. Binary, 6 (3). 80-81.

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Yearby, K.H.; Smith, A.J.. 1994 The polarisation of whistlers received on the ground near L = 4. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 56 (11). 1499-1512. 10.1016/0021-9169(94)90117-1

Yelland, Margaret J. ORCID:; Taylor, Peter K.; Consterdine, Ian E.; Smith, Michael H.. 1994 The use of the inertial dissipation technique for shipboard wind stress determination. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 11 (4). 1093-1108. 10.1175/1520-0426(1994)011<1093:TUOTID>2.0.CO;2

Yeoman, T.K.; Freeman, Mervyn P. ORCID:; Reeves, G.D.; Lester, M.; Orr, D.. 1994 A comparison of midlatitude Pi 2 pulsations and geostationary orbit particle injections as substorm indicators. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99 (A3). 4085-4093. 10.1029/93JA03233

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