Items where Centre is "National Oceanography Centre,Southampton (NOCS) (pre 2010)" and Year is 2007

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Akhmetzhanov, A.; Kenyon, N.H.; Habgood, E.; Van der Mollen, A.S.; Nielsen, T.; Ivanov, M.; Shashkin, P.. 2007 North Atlantic contourite sand channels. In: Viana, A.; Rebesco, M., (eds.) Economic and Paleoceanographic significance of contourite deposits. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 25-47. (Geological Society Special Publication, 276).

Akhtman, Jos; Furlong, Maaten; Jantapremjit, Pakpong; Palmer, Alistair; Phillips, Alexander B.; Sharkh, Suleiman; Turnock, Stephen; Veres, Sandor. 2007 SotonAUV: University of Southampton entry into the 2007 student autonomous underwater challenge - Europe. In: The 9th Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Showcase (UUVS 2007), Southampton, UK, 26-27 Sep 2007. Southampton, UK.

Allen, J.T.. 2007 RRS Discovery Cruise 312, 11-31 Oct 2006. The extended Ellett Line 2006. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 146pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 15)

Amaro, T.P.F.; Duineveld, G.C.A.; Bergman, M.J.N.; Witbaard, R.; Scheffer, M.. 2007 The consequences of changes in abundance of Callianassa subterranea and Amphiura filiformis on sediment erosion at the Frisian Front (south-eastern North Sea). Hydrobiologia, 289 (1). 273-285. 10.1007/s10750-007-0750-2

Anderson, T.A. ORCID:; Ryabchenko, V.A.; Fasham, M.J.R.; Gorchakov, V.A.. 2007 Denitrification in the Arabian Sea: a 3D ecosystem modelling study. Deep-Sea Research I, 54 (12). 2082-2119. 10.1016/j.dsr.2007.09.005

Angel, M.; Blachowiak-Samolyk, K.; Drapun, I.; Castillo, R.. 2007 Changes in the composition of planktonic ostracod populations across a range of latitudes in the North-east Atlantic. Progress in Oceanography, 73 (1). 60-78. 10.1016/j.pocean.2006.11.002

Arzola, R.G.; Wynn, R.B.; Masson, D.G.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Lastras, G.. 2007 Landslide and gravity flow features and processes of the Nazare and Setubal Canyons, west Iberian margin. In: Lykousis, V.; Sakellariou, D.; Locat, J., (eds.) Submarine mass movements and their consequences: 3rd International Symposium. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, 89-98, 424pp. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 27).


Bacon, S. ORCID:; Culkin, F.; Higgs, N.; Ridout, P.. 2007 IAPSO Standard Seawater: definition of the uncertainty in the calibration procedure, and stability of recent batches. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 24 (10). 1785-1799. 10.1175/JTECH2081.1

Baehr, J.; Haak, H.; Alderson, S.; Cunningham, S.A.; Jungclaus, J.H.; Marotzke, J.. 2007 Timely detection of changes in the meridional overturning circulation at 26°N in the Atlantic. Journal of Climate, 20 (23). 5827-5841. 10.1175/2007JCLI1686.1

Baker, M.; Ebbe, B.; Hoyer, J.; Menot, L.; Narayanaswamy, B.; Ramirez-Llodra, E.; Steffensen, M.. 2007 Deeper than light. Bergen, Norway, Bergen Museum Press, 85pp.

Baringer, M.O.; Kanzow, T.. 2007 RV Ronald H. Brown Cruise RB0602 and RRS Discovery Cruise D304, Rapid Mooring Cruise Report March and May 2006. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 165pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 16)

Beaumont, N.J.; Austen, M.C.; Atkins, J.P.; Burdon, D.; Degraer, S.; Dentinho, T.P.; Derous, S.; Holm, P.; Horton, T. ORCID:; Van Ierland, E.; Marboe, A.H.; Starkey, D.J.; Townsend, M.; Zarzycki, T.. 2007 Identification, definition and quantification of goods and services provided by marine biodiversity: Implications for the ecosystem approach. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54 (3). 253-265. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2006.12.003

Bell, Michael V.; Dick, James R.; Anderson, Thomas R. ORCID:; Pond, David W.. 2007 Application of liposome and stable isotope tracer techniques to study polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in marine zooplankton. Journal of Plankton Research, 29 (5). 417-422. 10.1093/plankt/fbm025

Bell, T.G.; Malin, G.; Kim, Y-N.; Steinke, M.. 2007 Spatial variability in DMSP-lyase activity along an Atlantic meridional transect. Aquatic Sciences, 69 (3). 320-329. 10.1007/s00027-007-0894-1

Benazzi, G.; Holmes, D.; Sun, T.; Mowlem, M.C.; Morgan, H.. 2007 Discrimination and analysis of phytoplankton using a microfluidic cytometer. IET Nanobiotechnology, 1 (6). 94-101. 10.1049/iet-nbt:20070020

Bennett, Matthew; Mowlem, Matthew; Kazmierski, Tom. 2007 A robust control algorithm for path tracking by an oceanographic unmanned aeronautical vehicle. In: OCEANS 2007 - Europe, Aberdeen, UK, 18-21 Jun 2007. Richardson TX, USA, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-5.

Berndt, C.; Goswami, B.. 2007 Gas hydrate-related sedimentary pore pressure changes offshore Angola. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Gas Hydrates: Energy, Climate and Environment, Taipei, Taiwan, October 4-5, 2007. Taipei, Taiwan, National Taiwan University, 156-161.

Bernie, D.J.; Guilyardi, E.; Madec, G.; Slingo, J.M.; Woolnough, S.J.. 2007 Impact of resolving the diurnal cycle in an ocean–atmosphere GCM. Part 1: a diurnally forced OGCM. Climate Dynamics, 29 (6). 575-590. 10.1007/s00382-007-0249-6

Best, A. ORCID: 2007 Special section – Seismic Quality Factor: introduction. Geophysical Prospecting, 55 (5). 607-608.

Best, A.I. ORCID:; Sothcott, J.; McCann, C.. 2007 A laboratory study of seismic velocity and attenuation anisotropy in near-surface sedimentary rocks. Geophysical Prospecting, 55 (5). 609-625. 10.1111/j.1365-2478.2007.00642.x

Bett, B.J. ORCID: 2007 Collected reports of commercial deep-water surveys carried out north and west of Shetland during RRS Charles Darwin cruise 123C3-4. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 124pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report 26)

Bett, B.J. ORCID: 2007 Interim report on the seabed environmental survey of Angola Blocks 18 and 31 (MV Ocean Endeavour cruise 2005). Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 14pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report 28)

Bett, B.J. ORCID: 2007 MV Ocean Endeavour cruise 13 Oct-06 Nov 2005. Seabed environmental survey of Angola Blocks 18 and 31. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 56pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report 27)

Bett, B.J. ORCID: 2007 RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 123C3-4, 19 Jul - 15 Sep 2000. Atlantic Margin Environmental Surveys and North Sea Environmental Surveys. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 221pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 20)

Bett, B.J. ORCID: 2007 SV Kommandor Jack cruise Leg 2, 26 Jul-21 Aug 2002. DTI ‘Northern Triangle’ Environmental Survey: seabed survey of the deep waters to the north of Shetland. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 92pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 21)

Bett, B.J. ORCID:; Hughes, J.A.. 2007 Seabed environmental survey of Angola Blocks 18WAD and 31: analysis of seabed samples. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 58pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Research and Consultancy Report 30)

Bett, B.J. ORCID:; Jacobs, C.J.. 2007 RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 119C Leg B, 13 Aug - 14 Sep 1999. White Zone (WhiZ) environmental survey: seabed survey of the deep waters to the north and west of Shetland. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 120pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 19)

Bindoff, N.L.; Willebrand, J.; Artale, V.; Cazenave, A.; Gregory, J.M.; Gulev, S.; Hanawa, K.; Le Quere, Corinne; Levitus, S.; Nojiri, Y.; Shum, C.K.; Talley, L.D.; Unnikrishnan, A.S.; Josey, S.A. ORCID:; Tamisiea, M.; Tsimplis, M.; Woodworth, P.. 2007 Observations: oceanic climate change and sea level. In: Solomon, S.; Qin, D.; Manning, M.; Chen, Z.; Marquis, M.; Averyt, K.B.; Tignor, M.; Miller, H.L., (eds.) Climate change 2007: the physical science basis. Contribution of Working Group I. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 385-428.

Blachowiak-Samolyk, K.; Angel, M.V.. 2007 A year round comparative study on the population structures of pelagic Ostracoda in Admiralty Bay (Southern Ocean). Hydrobiologia, 585 (1). 66-77. 10.1007/s10750-007-0629-2

Bose, N.; Hayes, D.; Griffiths, G.. 2007 Autonomous underwater vehicle operations: needs of new users. In: Griffiths, G.; Collins, K., (eds.) Masterclass in AUV Technology for Polar Science: Collaborative Autosub Science in Extreme Environments. Proceedings of the International Masterclass, 28-30 March 2006, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK. London, UK, Society for Underwater Technology, 69-78, 146pp.

Boyd, P.; Jickells, T.; Law, C.S.; Blain, S.; Boyle, E.A.; Buessler, K.O.; Coale, K.H.; Cullen, J.J.; de Baar, H.J.W.; Follows, M.; Harvey, M.C.; Lancelot, C.; Levasseur, M.; Pollard, R.; Rivkin, R.B.; Sarmiento, J.L.; Schoemann, V.; Smetacek, V.; Takeda, S.; Tsuda, A.; Turner, S.; Watson, A.J.. 2007 Mesoscale iron enrichment experiments 1993-2005: synthesis and future directions. Science, 315 (5812). 612-617. 10.1126/science.1131669

Boyer, T.; Levitus, S.; Antonov, J.; Locarnini, R.; Mishonov, A.; Garcia, H.; Josey, S.A. ORCID: 2007 Changes in freshwater content in the North Atlantic Ocean 1955–2006. Geophysical Research Letters, 34 (16). L16603. 10.1029/2007GL030126

Brandt, A.; De Broyer, C.; De Mesel, I.; Ellingsen, K.E.; Gooday, A.J. ORCID:; Hilbig, B.; Linse, K. ORCID:; Thomson, M.R.A.; Tyler, P.A.. 2007 The biodiversity of the deep Southern Ocean benthos. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (B), 362 (1477). 39-66. 10.1098/rstb.2006.1952

Brandt, A.; Ebbe, B.; Gooday, A.J. ORCID: 2007 Introduction to ANDEEP, summary and outlook. Deep-Sea Research II, 54 (16-17). 1645-1651. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.07.001

Brandt, Angelika; Gooday, Andrew J. ORCID:; Brandao, Simone N.; Brix, Saskia; Brokeland, Wiebke; Cedhagen, Tomas; Choudhury, Madhumita; Cornelius, Nils; Danis, Bruno; De Mesel, Ilse; Diaz, Robert J.; Gillan, David C.; Ebbe, Brigitte; Howe, John A.; Janussen, Dorte; Kaiser, Stefanie; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Malyutina, Marina; Pawlowski, Jan; Raupach, Michael; Vanreusel, Ann. 2007 First insights into the biodiversity and biogeography of the Southern Ocean deep sea. Nature, 447 (7142). 307-311. 10.1038/nature05827

Bretherton, Daniel; Haines, Keith; Knudsen, Per; Johannessen, J.; Snaith, Helen M.; Stammer, Detlef; Gruber, T.. 2007 GOCE user toolbox specifications (GUTS): system specification and architectural design. Copenhagen, Denmark, Danish International Space Center, 46pp. (Danish International Space Center WP4000) (Submitted)


Campbell, M. Ellen; Rowland, Julie V.; Wright, Ian C.; Smith, Ian E. M.. 2007 Oblique rifting along the central and southern Kermadec Arc front (30°–36°S), SW Pacific. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 8 (1). Q01007. 10.1029/2006GC001504

Campos, L. de S.; Ramirez Llodra, E.; German, C.R.; Tyler, P.A.. 2007 CHESS and the biogeography of chemosynthetic ecosystems: the work of the Census of Marine Life and potential collaborations with the Authority. In: Polymetallic sulphides and cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts deposits: establishment of environmental baselines and an associated monitoring programme during exploration. Proceedings of the International Seabed Authority's Workshop. Kingston, Jamaica, International Seabed Authority, 204-224, 481pp.

Cao, L-J.; Dong, W-J.; Xu, Y-L.; Zhang, Y.; Sparrow, M.. 2007 Validating the runoff from the PRECIS model using a large-scale routing model. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 24 (5). 855-862. 10.1007/s00376-007-0855-6

Castellani, C.; Irigoien, X.; Harris, R.P; Holliday, N.P. ORCID: 2007 Regional and temporal variation of Oithona spp. biomass, stage structure and productivity in the Irminger Sea, North Atlantic. Journal of Plankton Research, 29 (12). 1051-1070. 10.1093/plankt/fbm079

Cattle, H.. 2007 Ocean activities in CLIVAR - recent developments. Sea Technology, 48 (1). p.14, 16.

Challenor, P.. 2007 The probability of rapid climate change: II. Significance, 4 (2). 60-62. 10.1111/j.1740-9713.2007.00226.x

Charria, G.; Dadou, I.; Cipollini, P.; Drevillon, M.; Garcon, V.. 2007 Influence of Rossby waves on primary production from a coupled physical-biogeochemical model in the North Atlantic Ocean. Ocean Science Discussions, 4 (6). 933-967.

Chavagnac, V.; Milton, J.A.; Green, D.R.H.; Breuer, J.; Bruguier, O.; Jacob, D.E.; Jong, T.; Kamenov, G.D.; Le Huray, J.; Liu, Y.; Palmer, M.R.; Pourtales, S.; Rodhuskin, I.; Soldati, A.; Trueman, C.N.; Yuan, H.. 2007 Towards the development of a fossil bone geochemical standard: an inter-laboratory study. Analytica Chimica Acta, 599 (2). 177-190. 10.1016/j.aca.2007.08.015

Chavagnac, V.; Waniek, J.J.; Atkin, D.; Milton, J.A.; Leipe, T.; Green, D.R.H.; Bahlo, R.; Hayes, T.E.F.; Schulz-Bull, D.E.. 2007 Anti-Atlas Moroccan Chain as the source of lithogenic-derived micronutrient fluxes to the deep Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 34 (21). L21604. 10.1029/2007GL030985

Cochonat, C.; Durr, S.; Gunn, V.K.; Herzig, P.; Mevel, C.; Mienert, J.; Schneider, R.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Winkler, A.. 2007 The deep sea frontier: science challenges for a sustainable future. Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 53pp.

Coffin, M.F.; Neal, C.R.; Duncan, R.A.; Eldholm, O.; Erba, E.; Farnetani, C.; Fitton, J.G.; Ingle, S.P.; Ohkouchi, N.; Rampino, M.R.; Reichow, M.; Self, S.; Tatsumi, Y.. 2007 Large igneous province workshop. EOS: Transactions American Geophysical Union, 88. p505.

Company, R.; Serafim, A.; Cosson, R.; Fiala-Medioni, A.; Dixon, D.; Bebianno, M.J.. 2007 Adaptation of antioxidant defence system in transplanted mussels from two mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vents. Marine Ecology, 28 (1). 93-99. 10.1111/j.1439-0485.2006.00125.x

Connelly, D.P.; German, C.R.; Asada, M.; Okino, K.; Egorov, A.; Naganuma, T.; Pimenov, N.; Cherkashev, G.; Tamaki, K.. 2007 Hydrothermal activity on the ultra-slow spreading southern Knipovich Ridge. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (Online), 8. Q08013. 10.1029/2007GC001652

Cravatte, Sophie; Madec, Gurvan; Izumo, Takeshi; Menkes, Christophe; Bozec, Alexandra. 2007 Progress in the 3-D circulation of the eastern equatorial Pacific in a climate ocean model. Ocean Modelling, 17 (1). 28-48. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2006.11.003

Cromwell, D.; Shaw, A.G.P.; Challenor, P.; Houseago-Stokes, R.E.; Tokmakian, R.. 2007 Towards measuring the meridional overturning circulation from space. Ocean Science, 3 (2). 223-228.

Cunningham, S.A.. 2007 The oceans. In: Ashworth, M., (ed.) The Times Atlas of the World, 12th ed. London, UK, Collins Bartholomew, 32-33.

Cunningham, S.A.; Alderson, S.. 2007 Transatlantic temperature and salinity changes at 24.5°N from 1957 to 2004. Geophysical Research Letters, 34 (14). L14606. 10.1029/2007GL029821

Cunningham, S.A.; Pavic, M.. 2007 Surface geostrophic currents across the Antarctic circumpolar current in Drake Passage from 1992 to 2004. Progress in Oceanography, 73 (3-4). 296-310. 10.1016/j.pocean.2006.07.010

Cunningham, Stuart A.; Kanzow, Torsten; Rayner, Darren ORCID:; Baringer, Molly O.; Johns, William E.; Marotzke, Jochem; Longworth, Hannah R.; Grant, Elizabeth M.; Hirschi, Joël J.-M.; Beal, Lisa M.; Meinen, Christopher S.; Bryden, Harry L.. 2007 Temporal variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 26.5°N. Science, 317 (5840). 935-938. 10.1126/science.1141304


Da Silva, J.C.B.; New, A.L. ORCID:; Azevedo, A.. 2007 On the role of SAR for observing 'local generation' of internal solitary waves off the Iberian Peninsula. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 33 (5). 388-403.

De Nooijer, L.; Amaro, T.; Duijntee, I.; Duineveld, G.; van der Zwaan, G.. 2007 Foraminiferal stability after a benthic macrofaunal regime shift at the Frisian Front (southern North Sea). In: Shallow-water benthic Foraminifera as a proxy for natural versus human-induced environmental change. Utrecht, Netherlands, Utrecht University, 49-63. (Geologica ultraiectina, PhD Thesis).

Diffenthal, M.; Horton, T. ORCID: 2007 Stephonyx arabiensis (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea: Uristidae), a new deep-water scavenger species from the Indian Ocean, with a key to the genus Stephonyx. Zootaxa, 1665. 31-41.

Dixon, D.; Jolly, M.T.; Dixon, L.R.J.; Vevers, W.; Frettsome, A.. 2007 Chromosomes: genetic markers in time and space. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom Annual Report, 2006-2007. p.r16.

Durand, F.; Shankar, D.; Shenoi, S.S.C.; de Boyer Montégut, C.; Madec, G.; Blanke, B.. 2007 Modeling the barrier-layer formation in the southeastern Arabian Sea. Journal of Climate, 20 (10). 2109-2120. 10.1175/JCLI4112.1

de Boyer Montégut, Clément; Vialard, Jérôme; Shenoi, S.S.C.; Shankar, D.; Durand, Fabien; Ethé, Christian; Madec, Gurvan. 2007 Simulated seasonal and interannual variability of the mixed layer heat budget in the northern Indian Ocean. Journal of Climate, 20 (13). 3249-3268. 10.1175/JCLI4148.1

de Ronde, C.E.J.; Baker, E.T.; Massoth, G.J.; Lupton, J.E.; Wright, I.C.; Sparks, R.J.; Bannister, S.C.; Reyners, M.E.; Walker, S.L.; Greene, R.R.; Ishibashi, J.; Faure, K.; Resing, J.A.; Lebon, G.T.. 2007 Submarine hydrothermal activity along the mid-Kermadec Arc, New Zealand: Large-scale effects on venting. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 8. Q07007. 10.1029/2006GC001495


Esteban, G.F.; Gooday, A.J. ORCID:; Clarke, K.J.. 2007 Siliceous scales of filose-amoebae (Pompholyxophryidae, Rotosphaerida) from deep Southern Ocean sediments, including first records for the Southern Hemisphere. Polar Biology, 30 (7). 945-950. 10.1007/s00300-007-0280-4


Farneti, R.. 2007 Coupled interannual Rossby waves in a quasigeostrophic ocean–atmosphere model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37 (5). 1192-1214. 10.1175/JPO3061.1

Fielding, Sophie ORCID:; Ward, Peter; Pollard, Raymond T.; Seeyave, Sophie; Read, Jane F.; Hughes, J. Alan; Smith, Tania; Castellani, Claudia. 2007 Community structure and grazing impact of mesozooplankton during late spring/early summer 2004/2005 in the vicinity of the Crozet Islands (Southern Ocean). Deep-Sea Research Part II, 54 (18-20). 2106-2125. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.06.016

Font, L.; Murton, B.J. ORCID:; Roberts, S.; Tindle, A.G.. 2007 Variations in Melt Productivity and Melting Conditions along SWIR (70°E–49°E): Evidence from Olivine-hosted and Plagioclase-hosted Melt Inclusions. Journal of Petrology, 48 (8). 1471-1494. 10.1093/petrology/egm026

Frenz, M.; Henrich, R.. 2007 Carbonate dissolution revealed by silt grain-size distribution: comparison of Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum sediments from the pelagic South Atlantic. Sedimentology, 54 (2). 391-404. 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2006.00841.x

Furlong, Maaten E.; McPhail, Stephen D.; Stevenson, Peter. 2007 A concept design for an ultra-long-range survey class AUV. In: Oceans '07, Aberdeen, Scotland, 19-21 Jun 2007.


Ganachaud, A.; Kessler, W.; Wijffels, S.; Ridgway, K.; Cai, W.; Holbrook, N.; Bowen, M.; Sutton, P.; Qiu, B.; Timmerman, A.; Roemmich, D.; Sprintall, J.; Cravatte, S.; Gourdeau, L.; Aung, T.. 2007 Southwest Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment (SPICE) - part I. Scientific background. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 44pp. (ICPO Publication Series 111)

Gay, A.; Berndt, C.. 2007 Cessation/reactivation of polygonal faulting and effects on fluid flow in the Vøring Basin, Norwegian Margin. Journal of the Geological Society, 164 (1). 129-141. 10.1144/0016-76492005-178

Gay, A.; Lopez, M.; Berndt, C.; Seranne, M.. 2007 Geological controls on focused fluid flow associated with seafloor seeps in the Lower Congo Basin. Marine Geology, 244 (1-4). 68-92. 10.1016/j.margeo.2007.06.003

Georgiopoulou, A.; Krastel, S.; Masson, D.G.; Wynn, R.B.. 2007 Repeated instability of the NW African margin related to buried landslide scarps. In: Lykousis, V.; Sakellariou, D.; Locat, J., (eds.) Submarine mass movements and their consequences: 3rd International Symposium. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, 29-36, 424pp. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 27).

Gillibrand, E.J.V.; Bagley, P.M.; Jamieson, A.; Herring, P.J.; Partirdge, J.C.; Collins, M.A. ORCID:; Milne, R.; Priede, I.G.. 2007 Deep sea benthic bioluminescence at artificial food falls, 1,000–4,800 m depth, in the Porcupine Seabight and Abyssal Plain, North East Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biology, 150 (6). 1053-1060. 10.1007/s00227-006-0407-0

Gomez-Enri, J.; Gommenginger, C.P. ORCID:; Srokosz, M.A. ORCID:; Challenor, P.G.; Benveniste, J.. 2007 Measuring global ocean wave skewness by retracking RA-2 ENVISAT waveforms. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 24 (6). 1102-1116. 10.1175/JTECH2014.1

Gomez-Enri, J.; Srokosz, M.A. ORCID:; Gommenginger, C.P. ORCID:; Challenor, P.G.; Milagro-Pérez, M.P.. 2007 On the impact of mispointing error and hamming filtering on altimeter waveform retracking and skewness retrieval. Marine Geodesy, 30 (3). 217-233. 10.1080/01490410701438166

Gooday, A.J. ORCID:; Cedhagen, T.; Kamenskaya, O.E.; Cornelius, N.. 2007 The biodiversity and biogeography of komokiaceans and other enigmatic foraminiferan-like protists in the deep Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research II, 54 (16-17). 1691-1719. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.07.003

Gooday, A.J. ORCID:; Kamenskaya, O.E.; Cedhagen, T.. 2007 New and little-known Komokiacea (Foraminifera) from the bathyal and abyssal Weddell Sea and adjacent areas. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 151 (2). 219-251. 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2007.00326.x

Goodess, C.M.; Hall, J.; Best, M.; Betts, R.; Cabantous, L.; Jones, P.D.; Kilsby, C.G.; Pearman, A.; Wallace, C.. 2007 Climate scenarios and decision making under uncertainty. Built Environment, 33 (1). 10-30.

Gorgues, T.; Menkes, C.; Aumont, O.; Dandonneau, Y.; Madec, G.; Rodgers, K.. 2007 Indonesian throughflow control of the eastern equatorial Pacific biogeochemistry. Geophysical Research Letters, 34. L05609. 10.1029/2006GL028210

Griffiths, G.. 2007 RRS James Cook Cruise JC009T, 01 May - 11 May 2007. Trials of the Isis Remotely Operated Vehicle. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 42pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 18)

Griffiths, G.; Bose, N.; Ferguson, J.; Blidberg, D.R.. 2007 Insurance for autonomous underwater vehicles. Underwater Technology, 27 (2). 43-48.

Griffiths, G.; Jones, C.; Ferguson, J.; Bose, N.. 2007 Undersea gliders. Journal of Ocean Technology, 2 (2). 64-75.

Griffiths, G.; Trembanis, A.. 2007 Eliciting expert judgement for the probability of AUV loss in contrasting operational environments. In: 15th International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology (UUST 07). Lee, USA, Autonomous Undersea Systems Institute, 17pp, 17pp.

Griffiths, G.; Trembanis, A.. 2007 Towards a risk management process for automous underwater vehicles. In: Griffiths, G.; Collins, K., (eds.) Masterclass in AUV Technology for Polar Science: Collaborative Autosub Science in Extreme Environments. Proceedings of the International Masterclass, 28-30 March 2006, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK. London, UK, Society for Underwater Technology, 103-118, 146pp.

Griffiths, Gwyn; Merckelbach, Lucas; Smeed, David ORCID: 2007 On the performance of three deep-diving underwater gliders. In: OCEANS 2007 - Europe. Richardson, USA, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-5.

Grist, J.P. ORCID:; Josey, S.A. ORCID:; Sinha, B.. 2007 Impact on the ocean of extreme Greenland Sea heat loss in the HadCM3 coupled ocean atmosphere model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114 (C4). C04014. 10.1029/2006JC003629

Guerin, Andrew J.; Jensen, A.C.; Jones, D. ORCID: 2007 Artificial reef properties of North Sea oil and gas production platforms. In: Oceans '07 IEEE Aberdeen, conference proceedings. Marine challenges: coastline to deep sea. Richardson TX, USA, IEEE, 785-800.

Guirey, E.J.; Bees, M.A.; Martin, A.P. ORCID:; Srokosz, M.A. ORCID:; Fasham, M.J.R.. 2007 Emergent features due to grid-cell biology: synchronisation in biophysical models. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 69 (4). 1401-1422. 10.1007/s11538-006-9180-y

Gómez-Enri, Jesus; Navarro, Gabriel; Quartly, Graham D; Villares, Pilar. 2007 Characterizing and following eddies in Drake Passage. In: IGARSS 2007: Sensing and Understanding our Planet, Barcelona, Spain, 23-27 July 2007. Piscataway NJ, USA, IEEE, [4pp], 4pp.


Hadfield, R.E.; Wells, N.C.; Josey, S.A. ORCID:; Hirschi, J.. 2007 On the accuracy of North Atlantic temperature and heat storage fields from Argo. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112 (C1). C01009-[17pp]. 10.1029/2006JC003825

Hankin, R.K.S.. 2007 Introducing untb, an R package for simulating ecological drift under the unified neutral theory of biodiversity. Journal of Statistical Software, 22 (12). 15pp.

Hankin, R.K.S.. 2007 Urn sampling without replacement: enumerative combinatorics in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 17 (Code Snippet 1). 6pp.

Hankin, R.K.S.. 2007 A multivariate variance matrix for use with emulators. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 7pp.

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Hayman, G.; Theobald, P.; Robb, G.B.N.; Robinson, S.; Humphrey, V.; Leighton, T.G.; Dix, J.K.; Best, A.I. ORCID: 2007 Hydrophone performance in sediment. In: Papadakis, J.S.; Bjorno, L., (eds.) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Underwater Acoustic Measurements, Technologies and Results. Southampton, UK, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, 453-458, 6pp.

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Henson, Stephanie A. ORCID: 2007 Water column stability and spring bloom dynamics in the Gulf of Alaska. Journal of Marine Research, 65 (6). 715-736. 10.1357/002224007784219002

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Hughes, J.A.; Smith, T.; Chaillan, F.; Bett, B.J. ORCID:; Billett, D.S.M.; Boorman, B.; Fisher, E.H.; Frenz, M.; Wolff, G.A.. 2007 Two abyssal sites in the Southern Ocean influenced by different organic matter inputs: Environmental characterization and preliminary observations on the benthic foraminifera. Deep-Sea Research II, 54 (18-20). 2275-2290. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.06.006

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Hunter, S.E.; Wilkinson, D.; Stanford, J.D.; Stow, D.A.V.; Bacon, S. ORCID:; Rohling, E.J.; Akhmetzhanov, A.; Kenyon, N.H.. 2007 The Eirik Drift: A longterm barometer of North Atlantic Deep water flux south of Cape Farewell, Greenland. In: Viana, A.; Rebesco, M., (eds.) Economic and Paleoceanographic significance of contourite deposits. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 245-264. (Geological Society Special Publication, 276).

Huvenne, V.A.I. ORCID:; Bailey, W.R.; Shannon, P.M.; Naeth, J.; di Primio, R.; Henriet, J.P.; Horsfield, B.; de Haas, H.; Wheeler, A.; Olu-Le Roy, K.. 2007 The Magellan mound province in the Porcupine Basin. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 96 (1). 85-101. 10.1007/s00531-005-0494-z

Hydes, D.J.; Campbell, J.M.. 2007 Report on the SNOMS Swire NOCS Ocean Monitoring System. Maintenance and underway sampling protocols and safety information for the MV Pacific Celebes system fitted June 2007. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 27pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Internal Document 9)

Hydes, D.J.; Campbell, J.M.. 2007 Report on the SNOMS Swire NOCS Ocean Monitoring System. System description and inventory for the MV Pacific Celebes system fitted June 2007. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 15pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Internal Document 8)

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Hydes, D.J.; Hartman, M.C.; Hartman, S.E. ORCID:; Bargeron, C.P.. 2007 Evaluation of the Aanderaa Oxygen Optode in continuous use in the NOC Portsmouth Bilbao FerryBox system 2005, 2006, with an assessment of the likely errors in the estimation of oxygen concentration anomalies. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 73pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Internal Document 7)


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Jia, Y.; Coward, A.C. ORCID:; de Cuevas, B.A.; Webb, D.J. ORCID:; Drijfhout, S.S.. 2007 A model analysis of the behavior of the Mediterranean Water in the North Atlantic. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37 (3). 764-786. 10.1175/JPO3020.1

Johnson, M.; Sanders, R. ORCID:; Avgoustidi, V.; Lucas, M.; Brown, L.; Hansell, D.; Moore, M.; Gibb, S.; Liss, P.; Jickells, T.. 2007 Ammonium accumulation during a silicate-limited diatom bloom indicates the potential for ammonia emission events. Marine Chemistry, 106 (1-2). 63-75. 10.1016/j.marchem.2006.09.006

Jones, D.O.B. ORCID:; Bett, B.J. ORCID:; Tyler, P.A.. 2007 Depth-related changes in the Arctic epibenthic megafaunal assemblages of Kangerdlugssuaq, East Greenland. Marine Biology Research, 3 (4). 191-204. 10.1080/17451000701455287

Jones, D.O.B. ORCID:; Bett, B.J. ORCID:; Tyler, P.A.. 2007 Depth-related changes to density, diversity and structure of benthic megafaunal assemblages in the Fimbul ice shelf region, Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 30 (12). 1579-1592. 10.1007/s00300-007-0319-6

Jones, D.O.B. ORCID:; Bett, B.J. ORCID:; Tyler, P.A.. 2007 Megabenthic ecology of the deep Faroe–Shetland channel: a photographic study. Deep-Sea Research I, 54 (7). 1111-1128. 10.1016/j.dsr.2007.04.001

Jones, D.O.B. ORCID:; Gates, A.R. ORCID:; Maclaren, E.K.; Kaariainen, J.I.; Benfield, M.; Pile, A.J.; Wigham, B.. 2007 SERPENT annual report 2006. Southampton, UK, SERPENT Project Office c/o National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 30pp.

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Jones, Daniel O.B. ORCID:; Wigham, Ben D.; Hudson, Ian R.; Bett, Brian J. ORCID: 2007 Anthropogenic disturbance of deep-sea megabenthic assemblages: a study with Remotely-Operated Vehicles in the Faroe-Shetland Channel, NE Atlantic. Marine Biology, 151 (5). 1731-1741. 10.1007/s00227-007-0606-3


Kano, A.; Ferdelman, T.G.; Williams, T.; Henriet, J-P.; Ishikawa, T.; Kawagoe, N.; Takashima, C.; Kakizaki, Y.; Abe, K.; Sakai, K.; Browning, E.L.; Li, X.; Huvenne, V. ORCID: 2007 Age constraints on the origin and growth history of a deep-water coral mound in the northeast Atlantic drilled during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 307. Geology, 35 (11). 1051-1054. 10.1130/G23917A.1

Kanzow, Torsten; Cunningham, Stuart A.; Rayner, Darren ORCID:; Hirschi, Joël J.-M.; Johns, William E.; Baringer, Molly O.; Bryden, Harry L.; Beal, Lisa M.; Meinen, Christopher S.; Marotzke, Jochem. 2007 Observed flow compensation associated with the MOC at 26.5°N in the Atlantic. Science, 317 (5840). 938-941. 10.1126/science.1141293

Kelly-Gerreyn, B.A.; Hydes, D.J.; Hartman, M.C.; Siddorn, J. ORCID:; Hyder, P.; Holt, M.W.. 2007 The phosphoric acid leak from the wreck of the MV Ece in the English Channel in 2006: Assessment with a ship of opportunity, an operational ecosystem model and historical data. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54 (7). 850-862. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2007.04.020

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Kent, E.C. ORCID:; Swail, V.R.; Woodruff, S.D.; Folland, C.K.. 2007 Climate change, detection and indices. Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 6pp. (Unpublished)

Kent, E.C. ORCID:; Woodruff, S.D.. 2007 Marine data and climatology workshops and recommendations. Geneva, Switzerland, World Meteorological Organization, 10pp. (Unpublished)

Kent, E.C. ORCID:; Woodruff, S.D.; Rayner, N.A.; Arbetter, T.; Folland, C.K.; Koek, F.; Parker, D.E.; Reynolds, R.W.; Saunders, R.; Smolyanitsky, V.; Worley, S.J.; Yoshida, T.. 2007 Meeting summaries: advances in the use of historical marine climate data. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88 (4). 559-564. 10.1175/BAMS-88-4-559

Kent, Elizabeth C. ORCID:; Woodruff, Scott D.; Berry, David I.. 2007 Metadata from WMO Publication No. 47 and an Assessment of Voluntary Observing Ship Observation Heights in ICOADS. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 24 (2). 214-234. 10.1175/JTECH1949.1

Killworth, P.D.; Blundell, J.R.. 2007 Planetary wave response to surface forcing and to instability in the presence of mean flow and topography. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37 (5). 1297-1320. 10.1175/JPO3055.1

Koblizek, M.; Masin, M.; Ras, J.; Poulton, A.J.; Prasil, O.. 2007 Rapid growth rates of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs in the ocean. Environmental Microbiology, 9 (10). 2401-2406. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2007.01354.x

Koch-Larrouy, Ariane; Madec, Gurvan; Bouruet-Aubertot, Pascale; Gerkema, Theo; Bessières, Laurent; Molcard, Robert. 2007 On the transformation of Pacific Water into Indonesian Throughflow Water by internal tidal mixing. Geophysical Research Letters, 34. L04604. 10.1029/2006GL028405

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Lampitt, R.S.. 2007 Celtic Explorer Cruise 0716, 19-25 Jun 2007. Time-series observations at the PAP Observatory. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 32pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 7)

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Le Bas, T.P. ORCID:; Masson, D.G.; Holtom, R.T.; Grevemeyer, I.. 2007 Slope failures of the flanks of the southern Cape Verde Islands. In: Lykousis, V.; Sakellariou, D.; Locat, J., (eds.) Submarine mass movements and their consequences: 3rd International Symposium. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, 337-345, 424pp. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 27).

Leadbetter, S.J.; Williams, R.G. ORCID:; McDonagh, E.L.; King, B.A. ORCID: 2007 A twenty year reversal in water mass trends in the subtropical North Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters, 34 (12). L12608. 10.1029/2007GL029957

Lecointre, A.; Penduff, T.; Cipollini, P.; Tailleux, R.; Barnier, B.. 2007 Depth dependence of westward-propagating North Atlantic features diagnosed from altimetry and a numerical 1/6 degree model. Ocean Science Discussions, 4 (6). 817-853.

Lee, M-M.; Nurser, A.J.G.; Coward, A.C. ORCID:; de Cuevas, B.A.. 2007 Eddy advective and diffusive transports of heat and salt in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37 (5). 1376-1393. 10.1175/JPO3057.1

Lengaigne, Matthieu; Menkes, Christophe; Aumont, Olivier; Gorgues, Thomas; Bopp, Laurent; André, Jean-Michel; Madec, Gurvan. 2007 Influence of the oceanic biology on the tropical Pacific climate in a coupled general circulation model. Climate Dynamics, 28 (5). 503-516. 10.1007/s00382-006-0200-2

Lenton, T.M.; Marsh, R.; Price, A.R.; Lunt, D J.; Aksenov, Y. ORCID:; Annan, J.D.; Cooper-Chadwick, T.; Cox, S.J.; Edwards, N.R.; Goswami, S.; Hargreaves, J.C.; Harris, P.P.; Jiao, S.; Livina, V.N.; Payne, A.J.; Rutt, I.C.; Shepherd, J.G.; Valdes, P.J.; Williams, G.; Williamson, M.S.; Yool, A. ORCID: 2007 Effects of atmospheric dynamics and ocean resolution on bi-stability of the thermohaline circulation examined using the Grid ENabled Integrated Earth system modelling (GENIE) framework. Climate Dynamics, 29 (6). 591-613. 10.1007/s00382-007-0254-9

Levasseur, A.; Shi, L.; Wells, N.C.; Purdie, D.A.; Kelly-Gerreyn, B.A.. 2007 A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of estuarine circulation with an application to Southampton Water, UK. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 73 (3-4). 753-767. 10.1016/j.ecss.2007.03.018

Levine, Richard C.; Webb, David J. ORCID: 2007 On available energy in the ocean and its application to the Barents Sea. Ocean Science Discussions, 4 (6). 897-931.

Lherminier, P.; Mercier, H.; Gourcuff, C.; Alvarez, M.; Bacon, S. ORCID:; Kermabon, C.. 2007 Transports across the 2002 Greenland-Portugal Ovide section and comparison with 1997. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112 (7). C07003. 10.1029/2006JC003716

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Lucas, M.I.; Seeyave, S.; Sanders, R. ORCID:; Moore, C.M.; Williamson, R.; Stinchcombe, M.. 2007 Nitrogen uptake responses to a naturally Fe-fertilised phytoplankton bloom during the 2004/2005 CROZEX study. Deep-Sea Research II, 54 (18-20). 2138-2173. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.06.017

Lynch-Stieglitz, J.; Adkins, J.F.; Curry, W.B.; Dokken, T.; Hall, I.R.; Herguera, J.C.; Hirschi, J.J-M.; Marchal, O.; Marchitto, T.M.; McCave, I.N.; McManus, J.F.; Mulitza, S.; Ninnemann, U.; Peeters, F.; Uy, E.F.; Zhahn, R.. 2007 Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the last glacial maximum. Science, 316 (5821). 66-69. 10.1126/science.1137127


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Macias, D.; Martin, A.P. ORCID:; Garcia-Lafuente, J.; Garcia, C.M.; Yool, A. ORCID:; Bruno, M.; Vazquez-Escobar, A.; Izquierdo, A.; Sein, D.V.; Echevarria, F.. 2007 Analysis of mixing and biogeochemical effects induced by tides on the Atlantic-Mediterranean flow in the Strait of Gibraltar through a physical-biological coupled model. Progress In Oceanography, 74 (2-3). 252-272. 10.1016/j.pocean.2007.04.006

Maharaj, Angela M.; Cipollini, Paolo; Holbrook, Neil J.; Killworth, Peter D.; Blundell, Jeffrey R.. 2007 An evaluation of the classical and extended Rossby wave theories in explaining spectral estimates of the first few baroclinic modes in the South Pacific Ocean. Ocean Dynamics, 57 (3). 173-187. 10.1007/s10236-006-0099-5

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Maranon, E.; Perez, V.; Fernandez, E.; Anadon, R.; Bode, A.; Gonzalez, N.; Huskin, I.; Isla, A.; Moran, X.A.G.; Mourino, B.; Quevedo, M.; Robinson, C.; Serret, P.; Teiral, E.; Varela, M.M.; Woodward, E.M.S.; Zubkov, M.V.. 2007 Planktonic carbon budget in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 48 (3). 261-275.

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Marsh, R.; Hazeleger, W.; Yool, A. ORCID:; Rohling, E.J.. 2007 Stability of the thermohaline circulation under millennial CO2 forcing and two alternative controls on Atlantic salinity. Geophysical Research Letters, 34 (3). L03605-[5pp]. 10.1029/2006GL027815

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Micallef, Aaron; Berndt, Christian; Masson, Douglas G.; Stow, Dorrik A.V.. 2007 A quantitative technique for the morphological characterisation of submarine landscapes – exemplified by debris flows in the Storegga Slide. Journal of Geophysical Research F (Earth Surface), 112. F02001-[15pp]. 10.1029/2006JF000505

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