Items where Centre is "British Antarctic Survey (BAS)" and Year is 2017

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Alexander, S.P.; Orr, A. ORCID:; Webster, S.; Murphy, D. J.. 2017 Observations and fine-scale model simulations of gravity waves over Davis, East Antarctica (69°S, 78°E). Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122 (14). 7355-7370. 10.1002/2017JD026615

Allison, Hayley J. ORCID:; Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Glauert, Sarah A. ORCID:; Del Zanna, Giulio. 2017 The magnetic local time distribution of energetic electrons in the radiation belt region. Journal of Geophysical Research:Space Physics, 122 (8). 8108-8123. 10.1002/2017JA024084

Amesbury, Matthew J.; Roland, Thomas P.; Royles, Jessica ORCID:; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Griffiths, Howard; Charman, Dan J.. 2017 Widespread biological response to recent rapid warming on the Antarctic Peninsula. Current Biology, 27 (11). 1616-1622. 10.1016/j.cub.2017.04.034

Ancel, André; Cristofari, Robin; Trathan, Phil N. ORCID:; Gilbert, Caroline; Fretwell, Peter T. ORCID:; Beaulieu, Michaël. 2017 Looking for new emperor penguin colonies? Filling the gaps. Global Ecology and Conservation, 9. 171-179. 10.1016/j.gecco.2017.01.003

Angelliaume, Sebastien; Minchew, Brent; Chataing, Sophie; Martineau, Philippe; Miegebielle, Veronique. 2017 Multifrequency Radar Imagery and Characterization of Hazardous and Noxious Substances at Sea. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55 (5). 3051-3066. 10.1109/TGRS.2017.2661325

Annett, Amber L.; Fitzsimmons, Jessica N.; Séguret, Marie J.M.; Lagerstrom, Maria; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Schofield, Oscar; Sherrell, Robert M.. 2017 Controls on dissolved and particulate iron distribution in surface waters of the Western Antarctic Peninsula shelf. Marine Chemistry, 196. 81-97. 10.1016/j.marchem.2017.06.004

Annett, Amber L.; Henley, Sian F.; Venables, Hugh J. ORCID:; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Clarke, Andrew ORCID:; Ganeshram, Raja S.. 2017 Silica cycling and isotopic composition in northern Marguerite Bay on the rapidly-warming western Antarctic Peninsula. Deep Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 139. 132-142. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.09.006

Arienzo, M.M.; McConnell, J.R.; Murphy, L.N.; Chellman, N.; Das, S.; Kipfstuhl, S.; Mulvaney, R. ORCID: 2017 Holocene black carbon in Antarctica paralleled Southern Hemisphere climate. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122 (13). 6713-6728. 10.1002/2017JD026599

Arivalagan, Jaison; Yarra, Tejaswi; Marie, Benjamin; Sleight, Victoria A. ORCID:; Duvernois-Berthet, Evelyne; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Marie, Arul; Berland, Sophie. 2017 Insights from the shell proteome: biomineralization to adaptation. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 34 (1). 66-77. 10.1093/molbev/msw219

Arnberg, Maj; Moodley, Leon; Dunaevskaya, Evgenia; Ramanand, Sreerekha; Ingvarsdóttir, Anna; Nilsen, Marianne; Ravagnan, Elisa; Westerlund, Stig; Sanni, Steinar; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Bechmann, Renée K.. 2017 Effects of chronic crude oil exposure on early developmental stages of the Northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica). Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 80 (16-18). 916-931. 10.1080/15287394.2017.1352204

Arndt, Jan Erik; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Grobe, Hannes; Kuhn, Gerhard; Wacker, Lukas. 2017 Evidence for a dynamic grounding-line in outer Filchner Trough, Antarctica, until the early Holocene. Geology, 45 (11). 1035-1038. 10.1130/G39398.1

Arthern, Robert J. ORCID:; Williams, C. Rosie ORCID: 2017 The sensitivity of West Antarctica to the submarine melting feedback. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (5). 2352-2359. 10.1002/2017GL072514

Arthur, Benjamin; Hindell, Mark; Bester, Marthan; Nico De Bruyn, P.J.; Trathan, Phil ORCID:; Goebel, Michael; Lea, Mary-Anne. 2017 Winter habitat predictions of a key Southern Ocean predator, the Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella). Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 140. 171-181. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.10.009

Ashmore, David W.; Hubbard, Bryn; Luckman, Adrian; Kulessa, Bernd; Bevan, Suzanne; Booth, Adam; Munneke, Peter Kuipers; O'Leary, Martin; Sevestre, Heidi; Holland, Paul R. ORCID: 2017 Ice and firn heterogeneity within Larsen C Ice Shelf from borehole optical televiewing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122 (5). 1139-1153. 10.1002/2016JF004047

Ashton, Gail V.; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Morley, Simon A. ORCID:; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2017 Response to van der Meer. Current Biology, 27 (24). R1303-R1304. 10.1016/j.cub.2017.10.066

Ashton, Gail V.; Morley, Simon A. ORCID:; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2017 Warming by 1°C drives species and assemblage level responses in Antarctica’s marine shallows. Current Biology, 27 (17). 2698-2705. 10.1016/j.cub.2017.07.048

Atkinson, Angus; Hill, Simeon L. ORCID:; Pakhomov, Evgeny A.; Siegel, Volker; Anadon, Ricardo; Chiba, Sanae; Daly, Kendra L.; Downie, Rod; Fielding, Sophie ORCID:; Fretwell, Peter ORCID:; Gerrish, Laura ORCID:; Hosie, Graham W.; Jessopp, Mark J.; Kawaguchi, So; Krafft, Bjørn A.; Loeb, Valerie; Nishikawa, Jun; Peat, Helen J. ORCID:; Reiss, Christian S.; Ross, Robin M.; Quetin, Langdon B.; Schmidt, Katrin; Steinberg, Deborah K.; Subramaniam, Roshni C.; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Ward, Peter. 2017 KRILLBASE: a circumpolar database of Antarctic krill and salp numerical densities, 1926–2016. Earth System Science Data, 9 (1). 193-210. 10.5194/essd-9-193-2017

Audouard, Joachim; Määttänen, Anni; Listowski, Constantino; Forget, Francois; Spiga, Aymeric; Millour, E.. 2017 A complete CO2 ice clouds model for GCMs and mesoscale models. In: Sixth International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: modelling and observations, Granada, Spain, January 2017. Paris.


Baddeley, Lisa J.; Lorentzen, Dag Arne; Partamies, N.; Denig, M.; Pilipenko, V. A.; Oksavik, K.; Chen, X.; Zhang, Y.. 2017 Equatorward propagating auroral arcs driven by ULF wave activity: Multipoint ground- and space-based observations in the dusk sector auroral oval. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122 (5). 5591-5605. 10.1002/2016JA023427

Baker, G. Barry; Jensz, Katrina; Bell, Mike; Fretwell, Peter T. ORCID:; Phillips, Richard A.. 2017 Seabird population research, Chatham Islands. 2016/17 aerial photographic survey. Latitude 42 Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd, 23pp.

Bannister, Daniel; Herzog, Michael; Graf, Hans-F; Hosking, J. Scott ORCID:; Short, C. Alan. 2017 An assessment of recent and future temperature change over the Sichuan Basin, China, using CMIP5 climate models. Journal of Climate, 30 (17). 6701-6722. 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0536.1

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID: 2017 Iceberg killing fields limit huge potential for benthic blue carbon in Antarctic shallows. Global Change Biology, 27 (3). 2649-2659. 10.1111/gcb.13523

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID: 2017 Marine colonization and biodiversity at Ascension Island and remote islands. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 97 (4). 771-782. 10.1017/S0025315415001526

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID: 2017 Polar zoobenthos blue carbon storage increases with sea ice losses, because across-shelf growth gains from longer algal blooms outweigh ice scour mortality in the shallows. Global Change Biology, 23 (12). 5083-5091. 10.1111/gcb.13772

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Sands, Chester J. ORCID: 2017 Functional group diversity is key to Southern Ocean benthic carbon pathways. PLOS ONE, 12 (6). e0179735. 10.1371/journal.pone.0179735

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID: 2017 Polar oceans in a changing climate. Current Biology, 27 (11). R454-R460. 10.1016/j.cub.2017.01.045

Baylis, Alastair M. M.; Orben, Rachael A.; Costa, Daniel P.; Tierney, Megan; Brickle, Paul; Staniland, Iain J. ORCID: 2017 Habitat use and spatial fidelity of male South American sea lions during the nonbreeding period. Ecology and Evolution, 7 (11). 3992-4002. 10.1002/ece3.2972

Beekmans, Bas W.P.M.. 2017 Wandering whales? Relationship between whales and the sea ice environment in the Southern Ocean. University of Groningen, PhD Thesis, 149pp.

Belcher, Anna ORCID:; Manno, Clara ORCID:; Ward, Pete; Henson, Stephanie ORCID:; Sanders, Richard ORCID:; Tarling, Geraint ORCID: 2017 Copepod faecal pellet transfer through the meso- and bathypelagic layers in the Southern Ocean in spring. Biogeosciences, 14 (6). 1511-1525. 10.5194/bg-14-1511-2017

Belcher, Anna ORCID:; Tarling, G.A. ORCID:; Manno, C. ORCID:; Atkinson, A.; Ward, P.; Skaret, G.; Fielding, S. ORCID:; Henson, S.A. ORCID:; Sanders, R. ORCID: 2017 The potential role of Antarctic krill faecal pellets in efficient carbon export at the marginal ice zone of the South Orkney Islands in spring. Polar Biology, 40. 2001-2013. 10.1007/s00300-017-2118-z

Belt, Simon T.; Brown, Thomas A.; Smik, Lukas; Tatarek, Agnieszka; Wiktor, Józef; Stowasser, Gabriele ORCID:; Assmy, Philipp; Allen, Claire S. ORCID:; Husum, Katrine. 2017 Identification of C 25 highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) alkenes in diatoms of the genus Rhizosolenia in polar and sub-polar marine phytoplankton. Organic Geochemistry, 110. 65-72. 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2017.05.007

Biddle, Louise C.; Heywood, Karen J.; Kaiser, Jan; Jenkins, Adrian ORCID: 2017 Glacial meltwater identification in the Amundsen Sea. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47 (4). 933-954. 10.1175/JPO-D-16-0221.1

Biersma, Elisabeth M. ORCID:; Jackson, Jennifer A. ORCID:; Hyvonen, Jaakko; Koskinen, Satu; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Griffiths, Howard; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2017 Global biogeographic patterns in bipolar moss species. Royal Society Open Science, 4, 170147. 13, pp. 10.1098/rsos.170147

Bieser, Johannes; Slemr, Franz; Ambrose, Jesse; Brenninkmeijer, Carl; Brooks, Steve; Dastoor, Ashu; DeSimone, Francesco; Ebinghaus, Ralf; Gencarelli, Christian N.; Geyer, Beate; Gratz, Lynne E.; Hedgecock, Ian M.; Jaffe, Daniel; Kelley, Paul; Lin, Che-Jen; Jaegle, Lyatt; Matthias, Volker; Ryjkov, Andrei; Selin, Noelle E.; Song, Shaojie; Travnikov, Oleg; Weigelt, Andreas; Luke, Winston; Ren, Xinrong; Zahn, Andreas; Yang, Xin ORCID:; Zhu, Yun; Pirrone, Nicola. 2017 Multi-model study of mercury dispersion in the atmosphere: vertical and interhemispheric distribution of mercury species. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17 (11). 6925-6955. 10.5194/acp-17-6925-2017

Bingham, Robert G.; Vaughan, David G. ORCID:; King, Edward C. ORCID:; Davies, Damon; Cornford, Stephen L.; Smith, Andrew M. ORCID:; Arthern, Robert J. ORCID:; Brisbourne, Alex M. ORCID:; De Rydt, Jan; Graham, Alastair G. C.; Spagnolo, Matteo; Marsh, Oliver J.; Shean, David E.. 2017 Diverse landscapes beneath Pine Island Glacier influence ice flow. Nature Communications, 8 (1), 1618. 9, pp. 10.1038/s41467-017-01597-y

Bogdanova, Maria I. ORCID:; Butler, Adam; Wanless, Sarah ORCID:; Moe, Børge; Anker-Nilssen, Tycho; Frederiksen, Morten; Boulinier, Thierry; Chivers, Lorraine S.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, Signe; Descamps, Sébastien; Harris, Michael P. ORCID:; Newell, Mark; Olsen, Bergur; Phillips, Richard A.; Shaw, Deryk; Steen, Harald; Strøm, Hallvard; Thórarinsson, Thorkell L.; Daunt, Francis ORCID: 2017 Multi-colony tracking reveals spatio-temporal variation in carry-over effects between breeding success and winter movements in a pelagic seabird. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 578. 167-181. 10.3354/meps12096

Bokhorst, S.; Convey, P. ORCID:; Huiskes, A.; Aerts, R.. 2017 Dwarf shrub and grass vegetation resistant to long-term experimental warming while microarthropod abundance declines on the Falkland Islands. Austral Ecology, 42 (8). 984-994. 10.1111/aec.12527

Boland, Emma J.D. ORCID:; Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID:; Shuckburgh, Emily F. ORCID: 2017 Assessment of sea ice-atmosphere links in CMIP5 models. Climate Dynamics, 49 (1-2). 683-702. 10.1007/s00382-016-3367-1

Borovsky, Joseph E; Horne, Richard B ORCID:; Meredith, Nigel P ORCID: 2017 The contribution of compressional magnetic pumping to the energization of the Earth’s outer electron radiation belt during high-speed-stream-driven storms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122 (12). 12,072-12,089. 10.1002/2017JA024607

Bramberger, Martina; Dörnbrack, Andreas; Bossert, Katrina; Ehard, Benedikt; Fritts, David C.; Kaifler, Bernd; Mallaun, Christian; Orr, Andrew ORCID:; Pautet, P.-Dominique; Rapp, Markus; Taylor, Michael J.; Vosper, Simon; Williams, Bifford P.; Witschas, Benjamin. 2017 Does Strong Tropospheric Forcing Cause Large-Amplitude Mesospheric Gravity Waves? A DEEPWAVE Case Study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122 (21). 11,422-11,443. 10.1002/2017JD027371

Brasier, Madeleine J.; Harle, James; Wiklund, Helena; Jeffreys, Rachel M.; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Ruhl, Henry A.; Glover, Adrian G.. 2017 Distributional patterns of polychaetes across the Western Antarctic based on DNA barcoding and particle tracking analyses. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4. 00356. 10.3389/fmars.2017.00356

Brearley, James Alexander ORCID:; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Naveira Garabato, Alberto C.; Venables, Hugh J. ORCID:; Inall, Mark E.. 2017 Controls on turbulent mixing on the West Antarctic Peninsula shelf. Deep Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 139. 18-30. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2017.02.011

Brigden, K.E.; Marshall, C.T.; Scott, B.E.; Young, E.F. ORCID:; Brickle, P.. 2017 Interannual variability in reproductive traits of the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides around the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. Journal of Fish Biology, 91 (1). 278-301. 10.1111/jfb.13344

Brisbourne, Alex M. ORCID:; Smith, Andy M. ORCID:; Vaughan, David G. ORCID:; King, Edward C. ORCID:; Davies, D.; Bingham, R.G.; Smith, E.C.; Nias, I.J.; Rosier, Sebastian H.R. ORCID: 2017 Bed conditions of Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122 (1). 419-433. 10.1002/2016JF004033

Brown, Jennifer A.. 2017 Remote sensing of penguin populations: development and application of a satellite-based method. University of Cambridge, PhD Thesis.

Buckingham, Christian E. ORCID:; Khaleel, Zammath; Lazar, Ayah; Martin, Adrian P. ORCID:; Allen, John T.; Naveira Garabato, Alberto C.; Thompson, Andrew F.; Vic, Clément. 2017 Testing Munk's hypothesis for submesoscale eddy generation using observations in the North Atlantic. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122 (8). 6725-6745. 10.1002/2017JC012910

Burg, Theresa M.; Catry, Paulo; Ryan, Peter G.; Phillips, Richard A.. 2017 Genetic population structure of black-browed and Campbell albatrosses, and implications for assigning provenance of birds killed in fisheries. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 27 (6). 1156-1163. 10.1002/aqc.2765

Burton-Johnson, A. ORCID:; Halpin, J.A.; Whittaker, J.M.; Graham, F.S.; Watson, S.J.. 2017 A new heat flux model for the Antarctic Peninsula incorporating spatially variable upper crustal radiogenic heat production. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (11). 5436-5446. 10.1002/2017GL073596

Burton-Johnson, Alex ORCID:; Macpherson, Colin G.; Hall, Robert. 2017 Internal structure and emplacement mechanism of composite plutons: evidence from Mt Kinabalu, Borneo. Journal of the Geological Society, 174 (1). 180-191. 10.1144/jgs2016-041


Cabrita, Maria Teresa; Padeiro, Ana; Amaro, Eduardo; dos Santos, Margarida Correia; Leppe, Marcelo; Verkulich, Sergey; Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Peter, Hans-Ulrich; Canário, João. 2017 Evaluating trace element bioavailability and potential transfer into marine food chains using immobilised diatom model species Phaeodactylum tricornutum , on King George Island, Antarctica. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 121 (1-2). 192-200. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.05.059

Cain, M.; Warwick, N. J.; Fisher, R. E.; Lowry, D.; Lanoisellé, M.; Nisbet, E. G.; France, J. ORCID:; Pitt, J.; O'Shea, S.; Bower, K. N.; Allen, G.; Illingworth, S.; Manning, A. J.; Bauguitte, S.; Pisso, I.; Pyle, J. A.. 2017 A cautionary tale: A study of a methane enhancement over the North Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122 (14). 7630-7645. 10.1002/2017JD026626

Cannone, N.; Corinti, T.; Malfasi, F.; Gerola, P.; Vianelli, A.; Vanetti, I.; Zaccara, S.; Convey, P. ORCID:; Guglielmin, M.. 2017 Moss survival through in situ cryptobiosis after six centuries of glacier burial. Scientific Reports, 7, 4438. 10.1038/s41598-017-04848-6

Cannone, Nicoletta; Dalle Fratte, Michele; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Worland, M Roger; Guglielmin, Mauro. 2017 Ecology of moss banks on Signy Island (maritime Antarctic). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 184 (4). 518-533. 10.1093/botlinnean/box040

Capron, E. ORCID:; Govin, A.; Feng, R.; Otto-Bliesner, B.L.; Wolff, E.W.. 2017 Critical evaluation of climate syntheses to benchmark CMIP6/PMIP4 127 ka Last Interglacial simulations in the high-latitude regions. Quaternary Science Reviews, 168. 137-150. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.04.019

Capron, Emilie ORCID:; Govin, Aline; Stone, Emma J.. 2017 Recent advances on the dynamical representation and our understanding of the warmer-than-present last interglacial climate. Quaternaire, 28 (2). 185-193. 10.4000/quaternaire.8029

Carapelli, Antonio; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Frati, Francesco; Spinsanti, Giacomo; Fanciulli, Pietro P.. 2017 Population genetics of three sympatric springtail species (Hexapoda: Collembola) from the South Shetland Islands: evidence for a common biogeographic pattern. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 120 (4). 788-803. 10.1093/biolinnean/blw004

Carneiro, Ana P.B.; Bonnet-Lebrun, Anne S.; Manica, Andrea; Staniland, Iain J. ORCID:; Phillips, Richard A.. 2017 Methods for detecting and quantifying individual specialisation in movement and foraging strategies of marine predators. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 578. 151-166. 10.3354/meps12215

Carter, Andrew; Riley, Teal R. ORCID:; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Rittner, Martin. 2017 Widespread Antarctic glaciation during the Late Eocene. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 458. 49-57. 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.10.045

Cassarino, Lucie; Hendry, Katharine R.; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Venables, Hugh J. ORCID:; De La Rocha, Christina L.. 2017 Silicon isotope and silicic acid uptake in surface waters of Marguerite Bay, West Antarctic Peninsula. Deep Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 139. 143-150. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.11.002

Cavanagh, Rachel D. ORCID:; Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID:; Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID:; Turner, John ORCID:; Knowland, Cheryl A.; Corney, Stuart P.; Smith, Walker O.; Waluda, Claire M. ORCID:; Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID:; Bellerby, Richard G.J.; Constable, Andrew J.; Costa, Daniel p.; Hofmann, Eileen E.; Jackson, Jennifer A. ORCID:; Staniland, Iain J. ORCID:; Wolf-Gladrow, Dieter; Xavier, Jose C. ORCID: 2017 A synergistic approach for evaluating climate model output for ecological applications. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4, 508. 10.3389/fmars.2017.00308

Chen, Chong; Uematsu, Katsuyuki; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Sigwart, Julia D.. 2017 By more ways than one: Rapid convergence at hydrothermal vents shown by 3D anatomical reconstruction of Gigantopelta (Mollusca: Neomphalina). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17, 62. 19, pp. 10.1186/s12862-017-0917-z

Chen, Lunjin; Santolík, Ondrej; Hajoš, Mychajlo; Zheng, Liheng; Zhima, Zeren; Heelis, Roderick; Hanzelka, Miroslav; Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Parrot, Michel. 2017 Source of the low-altitude hiss in the ionosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (5). 2060-2069. 10.1002/2016GL072181

Cheng, W.S.; Maznah, W.O.W.; Convey, P. ORCID: 2017 Nitrogen and phosphate removal by free and immobilised cells of Scenedesmus bijugatus (Kützing) from the Pinang River estuary, Penang, Malaysia. Bioremediation Journal, 21 (3-4). 138-148. 10.1080/10889868.2017.1404962

Chenoli, Sheeba Nettukandy; Ahmad Mazuki, Muhammad Yunus; Turner, John ORCID:; Samah, Azizan Abu. 2017 Historical and projected changes in the Southern Hemisphere Sub-tropical Jet during winter from the CMIP5 models. Climate Dynamics, 48 (1). 661-681. 10.1007/s00382-016-3102-y

Cherel, Yves; Xavier, Jose C. ORCID:; de Grissac, Sophie; Trouvé, Colette; Weimerskirch, Henri. 2017 Feeding ecology, isotopic niche, and ingestion of fishery-related items of the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans at Kerguelen and Crozet Islands. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 565. 197-215. 10.3354/meps11994

Chisham, Gareth ORCID: 2017 A new methodology for the development of high-latitude ionospheric climatologies and empirical models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122 (1). 932-947. 10.1002/2016JA023235

Chown, SL; Brooks, CM; Terauds, A; Le Bohec, C; van Klaveren-Impagliazzo, C; Whittington, JD; Butchart, SHM; Coetzee, BWT; Collen, B; Convey, P ORCID:; Gaston, KJ; Gilbert, N; Gill, M; Hoft, R; Johnson, S; Kennicutt, MC; Kriesell, HJ; Le Maho, Y; Lynch, HJ; Palomares, M; Puig-Marco, R; Stoett, P; McGeoch, MA. 2017 Antarctica and the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020. PLOS Biology, 15 (3), e2001656. 10, pp. 10.1371/journal.pbio.2001656

Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Sommer, Ulf; Sihra, Jaspreet K.; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Morley, Simon A. ORCID:; King, Michelle; Viant, Mark R.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2017 Biodiversity in marine invertebrate responses to acute warming revealed by a comparative multi-omics approach. Global Change Biology, 23 (1). 318-330. 10.1111/gcb.13357

Clarke, Andrew ORCID: 2017 Principles of thermal ecology: temperature, energy and life. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 464pp.

Clay, Thomas A. ORCID:; Phillips, Richard A.; Manica, Andrea; Jackson, Hazel A.; Brooke, M. de L.. 2017 Escaping the oligotrophic gyre? The year-round movements, foraging behaviour and habitat preferences of Murphy’s petrels. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 579. 139-155. 10.3354/meps12244

Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Duthie, Roger ORCID:; Rodger, Craig J.; Hardman, Rachael L.; Yearby, Keith H.. 2017 Long-term climate change in the D-region. Scientific Reports, 7, 16683. 8, pp. 10.1038/s41598-017-16891-4

Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Rodger, Craig J.; McCarthy, Michael; Millan, Robyn; Blum, Lauren W.; Cobbett, Neil; Brundell, James B.; Danskin, Donald; Halford, Alexa J.. 2017 Investigating energetic electron precipitation through combining ground-based and balloon observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122 (1). 534-546. 10.1002/2016JA022812

Cnossen, Ingrid ORCID: 2017 The impact of century-scale changes in the core magnetic field on external magnetic field contributions. Space Science Reviews, 206 (1-4). 259-280. 10.1007/s11214-016-0276-x

Coelho, Rui C.G.; Marques, Ana L.P.; Oliveira, Sara M.; Diogo, Gabriela S.; Pirraco, Rogério P.; Moreira-Silva, Joana; Xavier, Jose C. ORCID:; Reis, Rui L.; Silva, Tiago H.; Mano, João F.. 2017 Extraction and characterization of collagen from Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic squid and its potential application in hybrid scaffolds for tissue engineering. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 78. 787-795. 10.1016/j.msec.2017.04.122

Coetzee, Bernard W.T.; Chown, Steven L.; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2017 Expanding the protected area network in Antarctica is urgent and readily achievable. Conservation Letters, 10 (6). 670-680. 10.1111/conl.12342

Cole, Sylvia T.; Toole, John M.; Lele, Ratnaksha; Timmermans, Mary-Louise; Gallaher, Shawn G.; Stanton, Timothy P.; Shaw, William J.; Hwang, Byongjun; Maksym, Ted; Wilkinson, Jeremy P. ORCID:; Ortiz, Macarena; Graber, Hans; Rainville, Luc; Petty, Alek A.; Farrell, Sinéad L.; Richter-Menge, Jackie A.; Haas, Christian. 2017 Ice and ocean velocity in the Arctic marginal ice zone: Ice roughness and momentum transfer. Elementa Science of the Anthropocene, 5, 55. 27, pp. 10.1525/elementa.241

Columbu, Andrea; Drysdale, Russell; Capron, Emilie ORCID:; Woodhead, Jon; De Waele, Jo; Sanna, Laura; Hellstrom, John; Bajo, Petra. 2017 Early last glacial intra-interstadial climate variability recorded in a Sardinian speleothem. Quaternary Science Reviews, 169. 391-397. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.05.007

Comiso, Josefino C.; Gersten, Robert A.; Stock, Larry V.; Turner, John ORCID:; Perez, Gay J.; Cho, Kohei. 2017 Positive trend in the Antarctic sea ice cover and associated changes in surface temperature. Journal of Climate, 30 (6). 2251-2267. 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0408.1

Convey, Peter ORCID: 2017 Antarctic ecosystems. In: Reference Module in Life Sciences. Elsevier.

Crawford, I.; Gallagher, Martin W.; Bower, Keith N.; Choularton, Thomas W.; Flynn, Michael J.; Ruske, Simon; Listowski, Constantino; Brough, Neil ORCID:; Lachlan-Cope, Thomas ORCID:; Fleming, Zoe L.; Foot, Virginia E.; Stanley, Warren R.. 2017 Real time detection of airborne fluorescent bioparticles in Antarctica. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17 (23). 14291-14307. 10.5194/acp-17-14291-2017

Crossin, Glenn T.; Phillips, Richard A.; Lattin, Christine R.; Romero, L. Michael; Bordeleau, Xavier; Harris, Christopher M.; Love, Oliver P.; Williams, Tony D.. 2017 Costs of reproduction and carry-over effects in breeding albatrosses. Antarctic Science, 29 (02). 155-164. 10.1017/S0954102016000560


Davies, D.; Bingham, R.G.; Graham, A.G.C.; Spagnolo, M.; Dutrieux, P.; Vaughan, D.G. ORCID:; Jenkins, A. ORCID:; Nitsche, F.O.. 2017 High-resolution sub-ice-shelf seafloor records of twentieth century ungrounding and retreat of Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122 (9). 1698-1714. 10.1002/2017JF004311

Dawson, Jackie; Hoke, Winfried; Larners, Machiel; Liggett, Daniela; Ljubicic, Gita; Mills, Brian; Stewart, Emma; Thoman, Rick; Atkinson, David; Hughes, Kevin ORCID:; Knol, Maaike; Wilson, Katherine. 2017 Navigating weather, water, ice and climate change information for safe polar mobilities. Geneva, World Meteorological Organization, 84pp. (WWRP/PPP, 5).

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Dias, Maria P.; Oppel, Steffen; Bond, Alexander L.; Carneiro, Ana P.B.; Cuthbert, Richard J.; González-Solís, Jacob; Wanless, Ross M.; Glass, Trevor; Lascelles, Ben; Small, Cleo; Phillips, Richard A.; Ryan, Peter G.. 2017 Using globally threatened pelagic birds to identify priority sites for marine conservation in the South Atlantic Ocean. Biological Conservation, 211, Part A. 76-84. 10.1016/j.biocon.2017.05.009

Dittmar, Thorsten; Stubbins, Aron; Ito, Takamitsu; Jones, Daniel C. ORCID: 2017 Comment on "Dissolved organic sulfur in the ocean: Biogeochemistry of a petagram inventory". Science, 356 (6340). 813. 10.1126/science.aam6039

Doble, Martin J.; Wilkinson, Jeremy P. ORCID:; Valcic, Lovro; Robst, Jeremy; Tait, Andrew; Preston, Mark; Bidlot, Jean-Raymond; Hwang, Byongjun; Maksym, Ted; Wadhams, Peter. 2017 Robust wavebuoys for the marginal ice zone: Experiences from a large persistent array in the Beaufort Sea. Elementa Science of the Anthropocene, 5, 47. 16, pp. 10.1525/elementa.233

Douma, Emma; Rodger, Craig J.; Blum, Lauren W.; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID: 2017 Occurrence characteristics of relativistic electron microbursts from SAMPEX observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122 (8). 8096-8107. 10.1002/2017JA024067

de Soria-Santacruz, M.; Shprits, Y.Y.; Drozdov, A.; Menietti, J.D.; Garrett, H.B.; Zhu, H.; Kellerman, A.C.; Horne, R.B. ORCID: 2017 Interactions between energetic electrons and realistic whistler mode waves in the Jovian magnetosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122 (5). 5355-5364. 10.1002/2017JA023975


Eichhorn, Götz; Bil, Willem; Fox, James W.. 2017 Individuality in northern lapwing migration and its link to timing of breeding. Journal of Avian Biology, 48 (8). 1132-1138. 10.1111/jav.01374

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Evans, Claire ORCID:; Brandsma, Joost; Pond, David W.; Venables, Hugh J. ORCID:; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Witte, Harry J.; Stammerjohn, Sharon; Wilson, William H.; Clarke, Andrew ORCID:; Brussaard, Corina P.D.. 2017 Drivers of interannual variability in virioplankton abundance at the coastal Western Antarctic Peninsula and the potential effects of climate change. Environmental Microbiology, 19 (2). 740-755. 10.1111/1462-2920.13627

Eveleth, R.; Cassar, N.; Sherrell, R.M.; Ducklow, H.; Meredith, M.P. ORCID:; Venables, H.J. ORCID:; Lin, Y.; Li, Z.. 2017 Ice melt influence on summertime net community production along the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Deep Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 139. 89-102. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.07.016


Farinotti, Daniel; Brinkerhoff, Douglas J.; Clarke, Garry K. C.; Fürst, Johannes J.; Frey, Holger; Gantayat, Prateek; Gillet-Chaulet, Fabien; Girard, Claire; Huss, Matthias; Leclercq, Paul W.; Linsbauer, Andreas; Machguth, Horst; Martin, Carlos ORCID:; Maussion, Fabien; Morlighem, Mathieu; Mosbeux, Cyrille; Pandit, Ankur; Portmann, Andrea; Rabatel, Antoine; Ramsankaran, RAAJ; Reerink, Thomas J.; Sanchez, Olivier; Stentoft, Peter A.; Singh Kumari, Sangita; van Pelt, Ward J. J.; Anderson, Brian; Benham, Toby; Binder, Daniel; Dowdeswell, Julian A.; Fischer, Andrea; Helfricht, Kay; Kutuzov, Stanislav; Lavrentiev, Ivan; McNabb, Robert; Gudmundsson, G. Hilmar ORCID:; Li, Huilin; Andreassen, Liss M.. 2017 How accurate are estimates of glacier ice thickness? Results from ITMIX, the Ice Thickness Models Intercomparison eXperiment. The Cryosphere, 11 (2). 949-970. 10.5194/tc-11-949-2017

Felikson, Denis; Urban, Timothy J.; Gunter, Brian C.; Pie, Nadege; Pritchard, Hamish D. ORCID:; Harpold, Robert; Schutz, Bob E.. 2017 Comparison of elevation change detection methods from ICESat altimetry over the Greenland Ice Sheet. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55 (10). 5494-5505. 10.1109/TGRS.2017.2709303

Figuerola, Blanca; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Brickle, Paul; Brewin, Paul E.. 2017 Bryozoan diversity around the Falkland and South Georgia Islands: Overcoming Antarctic barriers. Marine Environmental Research, 126. 81-94. 10.1016/j.marenvres.2017.02.005

Finlay, C. C.; Lesur, V.; Thébault, E.; Vervelidou, F.; Morschhauser, A.; Shore, R. ORCID: 2017 Challenges handling magnetospheric and ionospheric signals in internal geomagnetic field modelling. Space Science Reviews, 206 (1). 157-189. 10.1007/s11214-016-0285-9

Flink, Anne E.; Noormets, Riko; Fransner, Oscar; Hogan, Kelly A. ORCID:; ÓRegan, Matthew; Jakobsson, Martin. 2017 Past ice flow in Wahlenbergfjorden and its implications for late Quaternary ice sheet dynamics in northeastern Svalbard. Quaternary Science Reviews, 163. 162-179. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.03.021

Fonseca, V.G.; Sinniger, F.; Gaspar, J.M.; Quince, C.; Creer, S.; Power, D.M.; Peck, L.S. ORCID:; Clark, M.S. ORCID: 2017 Revealing higher than expected meiofaunal diversity in Antarctic sediments: a metabarcoding approach. Scientific Reports, 7, 6094. 10.1038/s41598-017-06687-x

Fransner, O.; Noormets, R.; Flink, A. E.; Hogan, K. A. ORCID:; O'Regan, M.; Jakobsson, M.. 2017 Glacial landforms and their implications for glacier dynamics in Rijpfjorden and Duvefjorden, northern Nordaustlandet, Svalbard. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32 (3). 437-455. 10.1002/jqs.2938

Fretwell, Peter T. ORCID:; Scofield, Paul; Phillips, Richard A.. 2017 Using super-high resolution satellite imagery to census threatened albatrosses. Ibis, 159 (3). 481-490. 10.1111/ibi.12482

Froy, Hannah; Lewis, Sue; Nussey, Daniel H.; Wood, Andrew G.; Phillips, Richard A.. 2017 Contrasting drivers of reproductive ageing in albatrosses. Journal of Animal Ecology, 86 (5). 1022-1032. 10.1111/1365-2656.12712


Gabbott, Sarah E.; Browning, Claire; Theron, Johannes N.; Whittle, Rowan J. ORCID: 2017 The late Ordovician Soom Shale Lagerstȁtte: an extraordinary post-glacial fossil and sedimentary record. Journal of the Geological Society, 174. 1-9. 10.1144/jgs2016-076

Galaska, Matthew P.; Sands, Chester J. ORCID:; Santos, Scott R.; Mahon, Andrew R.; Halanych, Kenneth M.. 2017 Crossing the divide: Admixture across the Antarctic Polar Front revealed by the brittle star Astrotoma agassizii. The Biological Bulletin, 232 (3). 198-211. 10.1086/693460

Galaska, Matthew P.; Sands, Chester J. ORCID:; Santos, Scott R.; Mahon, Andrew R.; Halanych, Kenneth M.. 2017 Geographic structure in the Southern Ocean circumpolar brittle star Ophionotus victoriae (Ophiuridae) revealed from mtDNA and single-nucleotide polymorphism data. Ecology and Evolution, 7 (2). 475-485. 10.1002/ece3.2617

Galletti Vernazzani, Barbara; Jackson, Jennifer A. ORCID:; Cabrera, Elsa; Carlson, Carole A.; Brownell, Jr., Robert L.. 2017 Estimates of abundance and trend on a Blue Whale feeding ground off Isla de Chiloé, Chile. PLOS One, 12 (1), e0168646. 16, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0168646

Gencarelli, Christian N.; Bieser, Johannes; Carbone, Francesco; De Simone, Francesco; Hedgecock, Ian M.; Matthias, Volker; Travnikov, Oleg; Yang, Xin ORCID:; Pirrone, Nicola. 2017 Sensitivity model study of regional mercury dispersion in the atmosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17 (1). 627-643. 10.5194/acp-17-627-2017

Ghiglione, Claudio; Alvaro, Maria Chiara; Piazza, Paola; Bowden, David; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Carota, Cinzia; Nava, Consuelo Rubino; Schiaparelli, Stefano. 2017 Mollusc species richness and abundance from shelf to abyssal depths in the Ross Sea (Antarctica): the importance of fine-mesh-towed gears and implications for future sampling. Polar Biology, 40 (10). 1989-2000. 10.1007/s00300-017-2117-0

Gianuca, Dimas; Phillips, Richard A.; Townley, Stuart; Votier, Stephen C.. 2017 Global patterns of sex- and age-specific variation in seabird bycatch. Biological Conservation, 205. 60-76. 10.1016/j.biocon.2016.11.028

Gohl, K.; Freudenthal, T.; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Klages, J.; Larter, Robert ORCID:; Bickert, T.; Bohaty, S.; Ehrmann, W.; Esper, O.; Frederichs, T.; Gebhardt, C.; Küssner, K.; Kuhn, G.; Pälike, H.; Ronge, T.; Simões Pereira, P.; Smith, James ORCID:; Uenzelmann-Neben, G.; van de Flierdt, C.. 2017 MeBo70 Seabed Drilling on a Polar Continental Shelf: Operational Report and Lessons From Drilling in the Amundsen Sea Embayment of West Antarctica. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18 (11). 4235-4250. 10.1002/2017GC007081

Gomes-Pereira, J.N.; Prieto, R.; Neves, V.; Xavier, J. ORCID:; Pham, C.; Gonçalves, J.; Porteiro, F.; Santos, R.; Martins, H.. 2017 The role of Malcolm Clarke (1930–2013) in the Azores as a scientist and educationist. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 97 (04). 821-828. 10.1017/S0025315414000794

Goodall-Copestake, William P. ORCID: 2017 One tunic but more than one barcode: evolutionary insights from dynamic mitochondrial DNA in Salpa thompsoni (Tunicata: Salpida). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 120 (3). 637-648. 10.1111/bij.12915

Gourmelen, Noel; Goldberg, Dan N.; Snow, Kate; Henley, Sian F.; Bingham, Robert G.; Kimura, Satoshi ORCID:; Hogg, Anna E.; Shepherd, Andrew; Mouginot, Jeremie; Lenaerts, Jan T. M.; Ligtenberg, Stefan R. M.; van de Berg, Willem Jan. 2017 Channelized melting drives thinning under a rapidly melting Antarctic ice shelf. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (19). 9796-9804. 10.1002/2017GL074929

Graham, Alastair G. C.; Kuhn, Gerhard; Meisel, Ove; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Ehrmann, Werner; Wacker, Lukas; Wintersteller, Paul; dos Santos Ferreira, Christian; Römer, Miriam; White, Duanne; Bohrmann, Gerhard. 2017 Major advance of South Georgia glaciers during the Antarctic Cold Reversal following extensive sub-Antarctic glaciation. Nature Communications, 8, 14798. 15, pp. 10.1038/ncomms14798

Grant, Timothy J.. 2017 Inferences of ocean currents from seismic streamer position data. Geophysical Prospecting, 65 (5). 1155-1185. 10.1111/1365-2478.12479

Gray, R.L.; Badman, S.V.; Woodfield, E.E. ORCID:; Tao, C.. 2017 Characterization of Jupiter's secondary auroral oval and its response to hot plasma injections. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122 (6). 6415-6429. 10.1002/2017JA024214

Gregory, Susan; Collins, Martin A. ORCID:; Belchier, Mark ORCID: 2017 Demersal fish communities of the shelf and slope of South Georgia and Shag Rocks (Southern Ocean). Polar Biology, 40 (1). 107-121. 10.1007/s00300-016-1929-7

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Gudmundsson, G. Hilmar ORCID:; De Rydt, Jan; Nagler, Thomas. 2017 Five decades of strong temporal variability in the flow of Brunt Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 63 (237). 164-175. 10.1017/jog.2016.132

Guidetti, Robertos; McInnes, Sandra J. ORCID:; Cesari, Michele; Rebecchi, Lorena; Rota-Stabelli, Omar. 2017 Evolutionary scenarios for the origin of an Antarctic tardigrade species based on molecular clock analyses and biogeographic data. Contributions to Zoology, 86 (2). 97-110.


Haas, Christian; Beckers, Justin; King, Josh; Silis, Arvids; Stroeve, Julienne; Wilkinson, Jeremy ORCID:; Notenboom, Bernice; Schweiger, Axel; Hendricks, Stefan. 2017 Ice and snow thickness variability and change in the high Arctic Ocean observed by in-situ measurements. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (20). 10462-10469. 10.1002/2017GL075434

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Harris, Laura; Warren, Mark; Grant, Mike; Llewellyn, Gary M.. 2017 Spectral Characterization of the AisaOWL. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55 (5). 2751-2756. 10.1109/TGRS.2017.2653241

Hendry, Aaron T.; Rodger, Craig J.; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID: 2017 Evidence of sub-MeV EMIC-driven electron precipitation. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (3). 1210-1218. 10.1002/2016GL071807

Henley, Sian F.; Turena, Robyn E.; Annett, Amber L.; Fallick, Anthony E.; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Venables, Hugh J. ORCID:; Clarke, Andrew ORCID:; Ganeshram, Raja S.. 2017 Macronutrient supply, uptake and recycling in the coastal ocean of the west Antarctic Peninsula. Deep Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 139. 58-76. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.10.003

Hernandez-Molina, F. Javier; Larter, Robert D. ORCID:; Maldonado, Andres. 2017 Neogene to Quaternary stratigraphic evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula, Pacific Margin offshore of Adelaide Island: transitions from a non-glacial, through glacially-influenced to a fully glacial state. Global and Planetary Change, 156. 80-111. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2017.07.002

Heywood, Jane L.; Chen, Chong; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Linse, Katrin ORCID: 2017 Bacterial communities associated with the Southern Ocean vent gastropod, Gigantopelta chessoia: indication of horizontal symbiont transfer. Polar Biology, 40 (11). 2335-2342. 10.1007/s00300-017-2148-6

Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Smith, James A. ORCID:; Hodell, David A.; Greaves, Mervyn; Poole, Christopher R.; Kender, Sev; Williams, Mark; Andersen, Thorbjorn Joest; Jernas, Patrycja E.; Elderfield, Henry; Klages, Johann P.; Roberts, Stephen ORCID:; Gohl, Karsten; Larter, Robert D. ORCID:; Kuhn, Gerhard. 2017 West Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat driven by Holocene warm water incursions. Nature, 547 (7661). 43-48. 10.1038/nature22995

Hindmarsh, Richard ORCID: 2017 Ice-sheet and glacier modelling. In: Menzies, John; van der Meer, Jaap J.M., (eds.) Past Glacial Environments. Elsevier, 607-663.

Hodson, Andy; Nowak, Aga; Sabacka, Marie; Jungblut, Ann; Navarro, Francisco; Pearce, David; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Vieira, Goncalo. 2017 Climatically sensitive transfer of iron to maritime Antarctic ecosystems by surface runoff. Nature Communications, 8, 14499. 7, pp. 10.1038/ncomms14499

Hodson, A.J.; Nowak, A.; Cook, J.; Sabacka, M.; Wharfe, E.S.; Pearce, D.A.; Convey, P. ORCID:; Vieira, G.. 2017 Microbes influence the biogeochemical and optical properties of maritime Antarctic snow. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 122 (6). 1456-1470. 10.1002/2016JG003694

Hoffmann, Lars; Spang, Reinhold; Orr, Andrew ORCID:; Alexander, M. Joan; Holt, Laura A.; Stein, Olaf. 2017 A decadal satellite record of gravity wave activity in the lower stratosphere to study polar stratospheric cloud formation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17 (4). 2901-2920. 10.5194/acp-17-2901-2017

Hogan, Kelly A. ORCID:; Dowdeswell, Julian A.; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Ehrmann, Werner; Noormets, Riko; Wacker, Lukas. 2017 Subglacial sediment pathways and deglacial chronology of the northern Barents Sea Ice Sheet. Boreas, 46 (4). 750-771. 10.1111/bor.12248

Hogg, Anna E.; Gudmundsson, G. Hilmar ORCID: 2017 Impacts of the Larsen-C Ice Shelf calving event. Nature Climate Change, 7 (8). 540-542. 10.1038/nclimate3359

Holland, Paul R. ORCID: 2017 The transient response of ice-shelf melting to ocean change. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47 (8). 2101-2114. 10.1175/JPO-D-17-0071.1

Holloway, Max D. ORCID:; Sime, Louise C. ORCID:; Allen, Claire S. ORCID:; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Bunch, Pete; Wolff, Eric; Valdes, Paul J.. 2017 The spatial structure of the 128 ka Antarctic sea ice minimum. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (21). 11129-11139. 10.1002/2017GL074594

Horrocks, Jennifer Rose. 2017 The formation and Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental history of sediment mounds in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica. Durham University, Department of Geography, PhD Thesis, 366pp.

Horswill, Cat ORCID:; Trathan, Philip N. ORCID:; Ratcliffe, Norman ORCID: 2017 Linking extreme interannual changes in prey availability to foraging behaviour and breeding investment in a marine predator, the macaroni penguin. PLOS ONE, 12 (9), e0184114. 12, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0184114

Hosking, J. Scott ORCID:; Fogt, Ryan; Thomas, Elizabeth R. ORCID:; Moosavi, Vahid; Phillips, Tony ORCID:; Coggins, Jack; Reusch, David. 2017 Accumulation in coastal West Antarctic ice core records and the role of cyclone activity. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (17). 9084-9092. 10.1002/2017GL074722

Hudson, T.S. ORCID:; White, R.S.; Greenfield, T.; Ágústsdóttir, T.; Brisbourne, A. ORCID:; Green, R.G.. 2017 Deep crustal melt plumbing of Bárðarbunga volcano, Iceland. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (17). 8785-8794. 10.1002/2017GL074749

Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Ashton, Gail V.. 2017 Breaking the ice: the introduction of biofouling organisms to Antarctica on vessel hulls. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 27 (1). 158-164. 10.1002/aqc.2625

Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Grant, Susie M. ORCID: 2017 The spatial distribution of Antarctica's protected areas: a product of pragmatism, geopolitics, or conservation need? Environmental Science & Policy, 72. 41-51. 10.1016/j.envsci.2017.02.009

Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Greenslade, Penelope; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2017 The fate of the non-native collembolon, Hypogastrura viatica, at the southern end of its introduced range in Antarctica. Polar Biology, 40 (10). 2127-2131. 10.1007/s00300-017-2121-4

Hunt, Benjamin J.; Özkaya, Özge; Davies, Nathaniel J.; Gaten, Edward; Seear, Paul; Kyriacou, Charalambos P.; Tarling, Geraint ORCID:; Rosato, Ezio. 2017 The Euphausia superba transcriptome database, SuperbaSE: An online, open resource for researchers. Ecology and Evolution, 7 (16). 6060-6077. 10.1002/ece3.3168

Hwang, Byongjun; Wilkinson, Jeremy ORCID:; Maksym, Edward; Graber, Hans C.; Schweiger, Axel; Horvat, Christopher; Perovich, Donald K.; Arntsen, Alexandra E.; Stanton, Timothy P.; Ren, Jinchang; Wadhams, Peter. 2017 Winter-to-summer transition of Arctic sea ice breakup and floe size distribution in the Beaufort Sea. Elementa Science of the Anthropocene, 5, 40. 25, pp. 10.1525/elementa.232


Itkin, Polona; Spreen, Gunnar; Cheng, Bin; Doble, Martin; Girard-Ardhuin, Fanny; Haapala, Jari; Hughes, Nick; Kaleschke, Lars; Nicolaus, Marcel; Wilkinson, Jeremy ORCID: 2017 Thin ice and storms: Sea ice deformation from buoy arrays deployed during N-ICE2015. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122 (6). 4661-4674. 10.1002/2016JC012403


Jeofry, Hafeez; Ross, Neil; Corr, Hugh F.J.; Li, Jilu; Gogineni, Prasad; Siegert, Martin J.. 2017 A deep subglacial embayment adjacent to the grounding line of Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica. In: Siegert, M.J.; Jamieson, S.S.R.; White, D.A., (eds.) Exploration of subsurface Antarctica: uncovering past changes and modern processes. London, Geological Society of London, 161-173, 13pp. (Geological Society of London, Special Publication, 461).

Jiménez, Sebastián; Domingo, Andrés; Brazeiro, Alejandro; Defeo, Omar; Abreu, Martin; Forselledo, Rodrigo; Phillips, Richard A.. 2017 Sexual size dimorphism, spatial segregation and sex-biased bycatch of southern and northern royal albatrosses in pelagic longline fisheries. Antarctic Science, 29 (02). 147-154. 10.1017/S0954102016000493

Jiménez, Sebastián; Xavier, Jose C. ORCID:; Domingo, Andrés; Brazeiro, Alejandro; Defeo, Omar; Viera, Martina; Lorenzo, María Inés; Phillips, Richard A.. 2017 Inter-specific niche partitioning and overlap in albatrosses and petrels: dietary divergence and the role of fishing discards. Marine Biology, 164 (8), 174. 21, pp. 10.1007/s00227-017-3205-y

Johnson, Joanne S. ORCID:; Smith, James A. ORCID:; Schaefer, Joerg M.; Young, Nicolas E.; Goehring, Brent M.; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Lamp, Jennifer L.; Finkel, Robert C.; Gohl, Karsten. 2017 The last glaciation of Bear Peninsula, central Amundsen Sea Embayment of Antarctica: Constraints on timing and duration revealed by in situ cosmogenic 14C and 10Be dating. Quaternary Science Reviews, 178. 77-88. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.11.003

Johnson, Leah R.; Boersch-Supan, Philipp H.; Phillips, Richard A.; Ryan, Sadie J.. 2017 Changing measurements or changing movements? Sampling scale and movement model identifiability across generations of biologging technology. Ecology and Evolution, 7 (22). 9257-9266. 10.1002/ece3.3461

Johnson, Magnus L.; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID: 2017 Collecting and processing euphausiids. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 37 (2). 228-231. 10.1093/jcbiol/rux002

Jones, Elizabeth M.; Fenton, Mairi; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Clargo, Nicola M.; Ossebaar, Sharyn; Ducklow, Hugh W.; Venables, Hugh J. ORCID:; de Baar, Hein J.W.. 2017 Ocean acidification and calcium carbonate saturation states in the coastal zone of the West Antarctic Peninsula. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 139. 181-194. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2017.01.007

Jordan, Tom ORCID:; Ferraccioli, Fausto ORCID:; Leat, Philip. 2017 New geophysical compilations link crustal block motion to Jurassic extension and strike-slip faulting in the Weddell Sea Rift System of West Antarctica. Gondwana Research, 42. 29-48. 10.1016/


Khan, Zoya; Wan Omar, Wan Maznah; Merican, Faradina Merican Mohd Sidik; Azizan, Asmimie Asmawarnie; Foong, Choon Pin; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Najimuddin, Nazalan; Smykla, Jerzy; Alias, Siti Aisyah. 2017 Identification and phenotypic plasticity of Pseudanabaena catenata from the Svalbard archipelago. Polish Polar Research, 38 (4). 445-458. 10.1515/popore-2017-0022

Kimura, Satoshi ORCID:; Jenkins, Adrian ORCID:; Regan, Heather; Holland, Paul R. ORCID:; Assmann, Karen M.; Whitt, Daniel B.; Van Wessem, Melchoir; van de Berg, Willem Jan; Reijmer, Carleen H.; Dutrieux, Pierre. 2017 Oceanographic Controls on the Variability of Ice-Shelf Basal Melting and Circulation of Glacial Meltwater in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122 (12). 10131-10155. 10.1002/2017JC012926

King, J.C. ORCID:; Kirchgaessner, A. ORCID:; Bevan, S.; Elvidge, A.D.; Kuipers Munneke, P.; Luckman, A.; Orr, A. ORCID:; Renfrew, I.A.; van den Broeke, M.R.. 2017 The impact of föhn winds on surface energy balance during the 2010-11 melt season over Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122 (22). 12062-12076. 10.1002/2017JD026809

King, John C. ORCID:; Bannister, Daniel ORCID:; Hosking, J. Scott ORCID:; Colwell, Steve R.. 2017 Causes of the Antarctic region record high temperature at Signy Island, 30 January 1982. Atmospheric Science Letters, 18 (12). 491-496. 10.1002/asl.793

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Klages, Johann P.; Kuhn, Gerhard; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Smith, James A. ORCID:; Graham, Alastair G. C.; Nitsche, Frank O.; Frederichs, Thomas; Jernas, Patrycja E.; Gohl, Karsten; Wacker, Lukas. 2017 Limited grounding-line advance onto the West Antarctic continental shelf in the easternmost Amundsen Sea Embayment during the last glacial period. PLOS ONE, 12 (7), e0181593. 10.1371/journal.pone.0181593

Kleinteich, Julia; Falk, Hildebrand; Bahram, Mohammad; Voigt, Anita Y.; Wood, Susanna A.; Jungblut, Anne D.; Kupper, Frithjof C.; Quesada, Antonio; Camacho, Antonio; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Vincent, Warwick F.; Zarfl, Christiane; Bork, Peer; Dietrich, Daniel R.. 2017 Pole-to-pole connections: Similarities between Arctic and Antarctic microbiomes and their vulnerability to environmental change. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 5, 137. 11, pp. 10.3389/fevo.2017.00137

Kociolek, J.P.; Kopalová, K.; Hamsher, S.E.; Kohler, T.J.; Van de Vijver, B.; Convey, P. ORCID:; McKnight, D.M.. 2017 Freshwater diatom biogeography and the genus Luticola: an extreme case of endemism in Antarctica. Polar Biology, 40 (6). 1185-1196. 10.1007/s00300-017-2090-7

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Koubbi, Philippe; Grant, Susie ORCID:; Ramm, David; Vacchi, Marino; Ghigliotti, Laura; Pisano, Eva. 2017 Conservation and management of Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma Antarctica populations and habitats. In: Vacchi, Marino; Pisano, Eva; Ghigliotti, Laura, (eds.) The Antarctic silverfish: a keystone species in a changing ecosystem. Springer, 287-305. (Advances in Polar Ecology, 3).

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Krüger, L.; Ramos, J. A.; Xavier, J. C. ORCID:; Grémillet, D.; González-Solís, J.; Kolbeinsson, Y.; Militão, T.; Navarro, J.; Petry, M. V.; Phillips, R. A.; Ramírez, I.; Reyes-González, J. M.; Ryan, P. G.; Sigurðsson, I. A.; Van Sebille, E.; Wanless, R. M.; Paiva, V. H.. 2017 Identification of candidate pelagic marine protected areas through a seabird seasonal-, multispecific- and extinction risk-based approach. Animal Conservation, 20 (5). 409-424. 10.1111/acv.12339

Kuhn, Gerhard; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Kasten, Sabine; Smith, James A. ORCID:; Nitsche, Frank O.; Frederichs, Thomas; Wiers, Steffen; Ehrmann, Werner; Klages, Johann P.; Mogollón, José M.. 2017 Evidence for a palaeo-subglacial lake on the Antarctic continental shelf. Nature Communications, 8. 10, pp. 10.1038/ncomms15591

Kyrke-Smith, Teresa M.; Gudmundsson, G. Hilmar ORCID:; Farrell, Patrick E.. 2017 Can Seismic Observations of Bed Conditions on Ice Streams Help Constrain Parameters in Ice Flow Models? Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122 (11). 2269-2282. 10.1002/2017JF004373


Labrousse, Sara; Sallee, Jean-Baptiste; Fraser, Alexander D.; Massom, Rob A.; Reid, Phillip; Hobbs, William; Guinet, Christophe; Harcourt, Robert; McMahon, Clive; Authier, Matthieu; Bailleul, Frédéric; Hindell, Mark A.; Charrassin, Jean-Benoit. 2017 Variability in sea ice cover and climate elicit sex specific responses in an Antarctic predator. Scientific Reports, 7, 43236. 13, pp. 10.1038/srep43236

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Laundal, K.M.; Cnossen, I. ORCID:; Milan, S.E.; Haaland, S.E.; Coxon, J.; Pedatella, N.M.; Forster, M.; Reistad, J.P.. 2017 North-South asymmetries in Earth's magnetic field. Space Science Reviews, 206 (1). 225-257. 10.1007/s11214-016-0273-0

Le Moigne, Frederic A.C.; Poulton, Alex J.; Henson, Stephanie A. ORCID:; Daniels, Chris J.; Fragoso, Glaucia M.; Mitchell, Elaine; Richier, Sophie; Russell, Benjamin C.; Smith, Helen E.K.; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Young, Jeremy R.; Zubkov, Mike. 2017 Carbon export efficiency and phytoplankton community composition in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean. In: Ferrera, Isabel, (ed.) Climate change and the oceanic carbon cycle: variables and consequences. Oakville, Ontario, Apple Academic Press Inc, 149-190.

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Lee, Jasmine R.; Raymond, Ben; Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID:; Chades, Iadine; Fuller, Richard A.; Shaw, Justine D.; Terauds, Aleks. 2017 Climate change drives expansion of Antarctic ice-free habitat. Nature, 547 (7661). 49-54. 10.1038/nature22996

Leeson, A.A.; Van Wessem, J.M.; Ligtenberg, S.R.M.; Shepherd, A.; Van Den Broeke, M.R.; Killick, R.; Skvarca, P.; Marinsek, S.; Colwell, S.. 2017 Regional climate of the Larsen B embayment 1980–2014. Journal of Glaciology, 63 (240). 683-690. 10.1017/jog.2017.39

Legge, Oliver J.; Bakker, Dorothee C.E.; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Venables, Hugh J. ORCID:; Brown, Peter J. ORCID:; Jones, Elizabeth M.; Johnson, Martin T.. 2017 The seasonal cycle of carbonate system processes in Ryder Bay, West Antarctic Peninsula. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 139. 167-180. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.11.006

Lewis, Lily R.; Biersma, Elisabeth M. ORCID:; Carey, Sarah B.; Holsinger, Kent; McDaniel, Stuart F.; Rozzi, Ricardo; Goffinet, Bernard. 2017 Resolving the northern hemisphere source region for the long-distance dispersal event that gave rise to the South American endemic dung moss Tetraplodon fuegianus. American Journal of Botany, 104 (11). 1651-1659. 10.3732/ajb.1700144

Lewis, Lily R.; Ickert-Bond, Steaniei M.; Biersma, Elisabeth M. ORCID:; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Goffinet, Bernard; Hassel, Kristian; Kruijer, Hans J.D.; La Farge, Catherine; Metzgar, Jordan; Stech, Michael; Villareal, Juan Carlos; McDaniel, Stuart F.. 2017 Future directions and priorities for Arctic bryophyte research. Arctic Science, 3 (3). 475-497. 10.1139/AS-2016-0043

Listowski, Constantino; Lachlan-Cope, Tom ORCID: 2017 The microphysics of clouds over the Antarctic Peninsula - Part 2: modelling aspects within Polar WRF. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17 (17). 10195-10221. 10.5194/acp-17-10195-2017

Lourenço, Sílvia; Saunders, Ryan A. ORCID:; Collins, Martin; Shreeve, Rachael; Assis, Carlos A.; Belchier, Mark ORCID:; Watkins, Jonathan L.; Xavier, Jose C. ORCID: 2017 Life cycle, distribution and trophodynamics of the lanternfish Krefftichthys anderssoni (Lönnberg, 1905) in the Scotia Sea. Polar Biology, 40 (6). 1229-1245. 10.1007/s00300-016-2046-3

Lu, Hua ORCID:; Gray, Lesley J.; White, Ian P.; Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID: 2017 Stratospheric response to the 11-year solar cycle: Breaking planetary waves, internal reflection and resonance. Journal of Climate, 30 (18). 7169-7190. 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0023.1

Lu, Hua ORCID:; Scaife, Adam A.; Marshall, Gareth J. ORCID:; Turner, John ORCID:; Gray, Lesley J.. 2017 Downward wave reflection as a mechanism for the stratosphere-troposphere response to the 11-year Solar Cycle. Journal of Climate, 30 (7). 2395-2414. 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0400.1

Lundin, Jessica M.D.; Stevens, C. Max; Arthern, Robert ORCID:; Buizert, Christo; Orsi, Anais; Ligtenberg, Stefan R.M.; Simonsen, Sebastian B.; Cummings, Evan; Essery, Richard; Leahy, Will; Harris, Paul; Helsen, Michael M.; Waddington, Edwin D.. 2017 Firn Model Intercomparison Experiment (FirnMICE). Journal of Glaciology, 63 (239). 401-422. 10.1017/jog.2016.114

Luthra, Tarun; Peters, Leo E.; Anandakrishnan, Sridhar; Alley, Richard B.; Holschuh, Nicholas; Smith, Andrew M. ORCID: 2017 Characteristics of the sticky spot of Kamb Ice Stream, West Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122 (3). 641-653. 10.1002/2016JF004181


Mac Manus, Daniel H.; Rodger, Craig J.; Dalzell, Michael; Thomson, Alan; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Petersen, Tanja; Wolf, Moritz M.; Thomson, Neil R.; Divett, Tim. 2017 Long-term geomagnetically induced current observations in New Zealand: Earth return corrections and geomagnetic field driver. Space Weather, 15 (8). 1020-1038. 10.1002/2017SW001635

Magalhaes, Wagner F.; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Wiklund, Helena. 2017 A new species of Raricirrus (Annelida: Cirratuliformia) from deep-water sunken wood off California. Zootaxa, 4353 (1). 51-68. 10.11646/zootaxa.4353.1.3

Majewska, Roksana; Adam, Aimimuliani; Mohammad-Noor, Normawaty; Convey, Peter ORCID:; De Stefano, Mario; Marshall, David J.. 2017 Spatio-temporal variation in phytoplankton communities along a salinity and pH gradient in a tropical estuary (Brunei, Borneo, South East Asia). Tropical Ecology, 58 (2). 251-269.

Manno, Clara ORCID:; Bednaršek, Nina; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Peck, Vicky L. ORCID:; Comeau, Steeve; Adhikari, Deepak; Bakker, Dorothee C.E.; Bauerfeind, Eduard; Bergan, Alexander J.; Berning, Maria I.; Buitenhuis, Erik; Burridge, Alice K.; Chierici, Melissa; Flöter, Sebastian; Fransson, Agneta; Gardner, Jessie ORCID:; Howes, Ella L.; Keul, Nina; Kimoto, Katsunori; Kohnert, Peter; Lawson, Gareth L.; Lischka, Silke; Maas, Amy; Mekkes, Lisette; Oakes, Rosie L.; Pebody, Corinne; Peijnenburg, Katja T.C.A.; Seifert, Miriam; Skinner, Jennifer; Thibodeau, Patricia S.; Wall-Palmer, Deborah; Ziveri, Patrizia. 2017 Shelled pteropods in peril: Assessing vulnerability in a high CO2 ocean. Earth-Science Reviews, 169. 132-145. 10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.04.005

Marshall, David P.; Ambaum, Maarten H. P.; Maddison, James R.; Munday, David R. ORCID:; Novak, Lenka. 2017 Eddy saturation and frictional control of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (1). 286-292. 10.1002/2016GL071702

Marshall, Gareth J. ORCID:; Thompson, David W.J.; van den Broeke, Michiel R.. 2017 The signature of Southern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation patterns in Antarctic precipitation. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (22). 11,580-11,589. 10.1002/2017GL075998

Martos, Yasmina M.; Catalan, Manuel; Jordan, Tom A. ORCID:; Golynsky, Alexander; Golynsky, Dmitry; Eagles, Graeme; Vaughan, David G. ORCID: 2017 Heat flux distribution of Antarctica unveiled. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (22). 11,417-11,426. 10.1002/2017GL075609

Massam, A.; Sneed, S.B.; Lee, G.P.; Tuckwell, R.R.; Mulvaney, R. ORCID:; Mayewski, P.A.; Whitehouse, P.L.. 2017 A comparison of annual layer thickness model estimates with observational measurements using the Berkner Island ice core, Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 29 (4). 382-393. 10.1017/S0954102017000025

Massam, Ashleigh. 2017 Modelling the age-depth and temperature profiles of deep ice cores from the Antarctic Peninsula and the Weddell Sea region. University of Durham, Department of Geography, PhD Thesis, 336pp.

Mathiot, Pierre; Jenkins, Adrian ORCID:; Harris, Christopher; Madec, Gurvan. 2017 Explicit and parametrised representation of under ice shelf seas in a z* coordinate ocean model NEMO 3.6. Geoscientific Model Development, 10 (7). 2849-2874. 10.5194/gmd-10-2849-2017

Matsuda, Takashi S.; Nakamura, Takuji; Ejiri, Mitsumu K; Tsutsumi, Masaki; Tomikawa, Yoshihiro; Taylor, Michael J.; Zhao, Yucheng; Pautet, P.-Dominique; Murphy, Damian J.; Moffat-Griffin, Tracy ORCID: 2017 Characteristics of mesospheric gravity waves over Antarctica observed by Antarctic Gravity Wave Instrument Network imagers using 3-D spectral analyses. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122 (17). 8969-8981. 10.1002/2016JD026217

Matthes, Katja; Funke, Bernd; Andersson, Monika E.; Barnard, Luke; Beer, Jurg; Charbonneau, Paul; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Dudok de Wit, Thierry; Haberreiter, Margit; Hendry, Aaron; Jackman, Charles H.; Kretzschmar, Matthieu; Kruschke, Tim; Kunze, Markus; Langematz, Ulrike; Marsh, Daniel R.; Maycock, Amanda C.; Misios, Stergios; Rodger, Craig J.; Scaife, Adam A.; Seppala, Annika; Shangguan, Ming; Sinnhuber, Miriam; Tourpali, Kleareti; Usokin, Ilya; van de Kamp, Max; Verronen, Pekka T.; Versick, Stefan. 2017 Solar Forcing for CMIP6. Geoscientific Model Development, 10 (6). 2247-2302. 10.5194/gmd-10-2247-2017

McCarthy, Michael ORCID:; Pritchard, Hamish ORCID:; Willis, Ian; King, Edward ORCID: 2017 Ground-penetrating radar measurements of debris thickness on Lirung Glacier, Nepal. Journal of Glaciology, 63 (239). 543-555. 10.1017/jog.2017.18

McConnell, Joseph R.; Burke, Andrea; Dunbar, Nelia W.; Köhler, Peter; Thomas, Jennie L.; Arienzo, Monica M.; Chellman, Nathan J.; Maselli, Olivia J.; Sigl, Michael; Adkins, Jess F.; Baggenstos, Daniel; Burkhart, John F.; Brook, Edward J.; Buizert, Christo; Cole-Dai, Jihong; Fudge, T. J.; Knorr, Gregor; Graf, Hans-F.; Grieman, Mackenzie M.; Iverson, Nels; McGwire, Kenneth C.; Mulvaney, Robert ORCID:; Paris, Guillaume; Rhodes, Rachael H.; Saltzman, Eric S.; Severinghaus, Jeffrey P.; Steffensen, Jørgen Peder; Taylor, Kendrick C.; Winckler, Gisela. 2017 Synchronous volcanic eruptions and abrupt climate change ∼17.7 ka plausibly linked by stratospheric ozone depletion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114 (38). 10035-10040. 10.1073/pnas.1705595114

McInnes, Julie C.; Alderman, Rachael; Lea, Mary-Anne; Raymond, Ben; Deagle, Bruce E.; Phillips, Richard A.; Stanworth, Andrew; Thompson, David R.; Catry, Paulo; Weimerskirch, Henri; Suazo, Cristián G.; Gras, Michaël; Jarman, Simon N.. 2017 High occurrence of jellyfish predation by black-browed and Campbell albatross identified by DNA metabarcoding. Molecular Ecology, 26 (18). 4831-4845. 10.1111/mec.14245

McInnes, Julie C.; Jarman, Simon N.; Lea, Mary-Anne; Raymond, Ben; Deagle, Bruce E.; Phillips, Richard A.; Catry, Paulo; Stanworth, Andrew; Weimerskirch, Henri; Kusch, Alejandro; Gras, Michael; Cherel, Yves; Maschette, Dale; Alderman, Rachael. 2017 DNA metabarcoding as a marine conservation and management tool: A circumpolar examination of fishery discards in the diet of threatened albatrosses. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4, 277. 10.3389/fmars.2017.00277

McInnes, Sandra ORCID:; Michalczyk, Lukasz; Kaczmarek, Lukasz. 2017 Annotated zoogeography of non-marine Tardigrada. Part IV: Africa. Zootaxa, 4284 (1). 1-74. 10.11646/zootaxa.4284.1.1

Meredith, M.P. ORCID:; Sarmiento, J.L.; Johnson, K.S.; McDonagh, E.L.; ORCHESTRA and SOCCOM Teams, .. 2017 Advances in understanding the Southern Ocean’s role in global climate: the ORCHESTRA and SOCCOM programs. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98 (8 (Supplement)), supplement State of the Climate in 2016. S168-S169. 10.1175/2017BAMSStateoftheClimate.1

Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Brandon, Mark A.. 2017 Oceanography and sea ice in the Southern Ocean. In: Thomas, David, (ed.) Sea Ice. Wiley, 216-238.

Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Stammerjohn, Sharon E.; Venables, Hugh J. ORCID:; Ducklow, Hugh W.; Martinson, Douglas G.; Iannuzzi, Richard A.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Melchior van Wessem, Jan; Reijmer, Carleen H.; Barrand, Nicholas E.. 2017 Changing distributions of sea ice melt and meteoric water west of the Antarctic Peninsula. Deep Sea Research II, 139. 40-57. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.04.019

Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Stefels, Jacqueline; van Leeuwe, Maria. 2017 Marine studies at the western Antarctic Peninsula: priorities, progress and prognosis. Deep Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 139. 1-8. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2017.02.002

Meredith, Nigel P. ORCID:; Horne, Richard B. ORCID:; Sandberg, Ingmar; Papadimitriou, Constantinos; Evans, Hugh D.R.. 2017 Extreme relativistic electron fluxes in the Earth's outer radiation belt: Analysis of INTEGRAL IREM data. Space Weather, 15 (7). 917-933. 10.1002/2017SW001651

Meyer, Bettina; Freier, Ulrich; Grimm, Volker; Groeneveld, Jürgen; Hunt, Brian P. V.; Kerwath, Sven; King, Rob; Klaas, Christine; Pakhomov, Evgeny; Meiners, Klaus M.; Melbourne-Thomas, Jessica; Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID:; Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID:; Stammerjohn, Sharon; Wolf-Gladrow, Dieter; Auerswald, Lutz; Götz, Albrecht; Halbach, Laura; Jarman, Simon; Kawaguchi, So; Krumpen, Thomas; Nehrke, Gernot; Ricker, Robert; Sumner, Michael; Teschke, Mathias; Trebilco, Rowan; Yilmaz, Noyan I.. 2017 The winter pack-ice zone provides a sheltered but food-poor habitat for larval Antarctic krill. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1 (12). 1853-1861. 10.1038/s41559-017-0368-3

Mitchell, D; AchutaRao, K; Bethke, I; Beyerle, U; Ciavarella, A; Forster, PM; Fuglestvedt, J; Gillett, N; Haustein, K; Ingram, W; Iversen, T; Kharin, V; Klingaman, N; Massey, N; Fischer, E; Schleussner, C-F; Scinocca, J; Seland, Ø; Shiogama, H; Shuckburgh, Emily ORCID:; Sparrow, S; Stone, D; Uhe, P; Wallom, D; Wehner, M; Zaaboul, R. 2017 Half a degree additional warming, prognosis and projected impacts (HAPPI): background and experimental design. Geoscientific Model Development, 10. 571-583. 10.5194/gmd-10-571-2017

Moffat-Griffin, T. ORCID:; Colwell, S.R.. 2017 The characteristics of the lower stratospheric gravity wave field above Halley (75°S, 26°W), Antarctica, from radiosonde observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122 (17). 8998-9010. 10.1002/2017JD027079

Moffat-Griffin, Tracy ORCID:; Taylor, Mike J.; Nakamura, Takuji; Kavanagh, Andrew J. ORCID:; Hosking, J. Scott ORCID:; Orr, Andrew ORCID: 2017 3rd ANtarctic Gravity Wave Instrument Network (ANGWIN) science workshop. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 34 (1). 1-3. 10.1007/s00376-016-6197-5

Moffat-Griffin, Tracy ORCID:; Wright, Corwin; Moss, Andrew; King, John ORCID:; Colwell, Steve; Hughes, John; Mitchell, Nicholas. 2017 The South Georgia Wave Experiment (SG-WEX): Radiosonde observations of gravity waves in the lower stratosphere. Part 1: Energy density, momentum flux and wave propagation direction. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 143 (709). 3279-3290. 10.1002/qj.3181

Moon, Woosok; Wettlaufer, J. S.. 2017 A stochastic dynamical model of Arctic sea ice. Journal of Climate, 30 (13). 5119-5140. 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0223.1

Morley, S.A. ORCID:; Nguyen, K.D.; Peck, L.S. ORCID:; Lai, C.H.; Tan, K.S.. 2017 Can acclimation of thermal tolerance, in adults and across generations, act as a buffer against climate change in tropical marine ectotherms? Journal of Thermal Biology, 68B. 195-199. 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2016.09.007

Morlighem, M.; Williams, C. N.; Rignot, E.; An, L.; Arndt, J. E.; Bamber, J. L.; Catania, G.; Chauché, N.; Dowdeswell, J. A.; Dorschel, B.; Fenty, I.; Hogan, Kelly ORCID:; Howat, I.; Hubbard, A.; Jakobsson, M.; Jordan, T. M.; Kjeldsen, K. K.; Millan, R.; Mayer, L.; Mouginot, J.; Noël, B. P. Y.; O'Cofaigh, C.; Palmer, S.; Rysgaard, S.; Seroussi, H.; Siegert, M. J.; Slabon, P.; Straneo, F.; van den Broeke, M. R.; Weinrebe, W.; Wood, M.; Zinglersen, K. B.. 2017 BedMachine v3: Complete Bed Topography and Ocean Bathymetry Mapping of Greenland From Multibeam Echo Sounding Combined With Mass Conservation. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (21). 11,051-11,061. 10.1002/2017GL074954

Morris, E. M.; Mulvaney, R. ORCID:; Arthern, R.J. ORCID:; Davies, D.; Gurney, R.J.; Lambert, P.; De Rydt, J.; Smith, A. ORCID:; Tuckwell, R.J. ORCID:; Winstrup, M.. 2017 Snow densification and recent accumulation along the iSTAR traverse, Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122 (12). 2284-2301. 10.1002/2017JF004357

Munday, D.R. ORCID:; Meredith, M.P. ORCID: 2017 On the dynamics of flow past a cylinder: Implications for CTD package motions and measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122 (7). 5708-5728. 10.1002/2017JC012708

Munday, D.R. ORCID:; Zhai, X.. 2017 The impact of atmospheric storminess on the sensitivity of Southern Ocean circulation to wind stress changes. Ocean Modelling, 115. 14-26. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.05.005

Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID:; Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID:; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Watkins, Jonathan L.; Fielding, Sophie ORCID:; Underwood, Philip. 2017 Restricted regions of enhanced growth of Antarctic krill in the circumpolar Southern Ocean. Scientific Reports, 7, 6963. 14, pp. 10.1038/s41598-017-07205-9

Murphy, Eugene ORCID: 2017 The superb krill – when a species really is key. Review of "Biology and ecology of Antarctic krill". Ecology, 98 (10). 2736-2737. 10.1002/ecy.1923


Naveira Garabato, Alberto C.; MacGilchrist, Graeme A.; Brown, Peter J. ORCID:; Evans, Dafydd Gwyn ORCID:; Meijers, Andrew J.S. ORCID:; Zika, Jan D.. 2017 High-latitude ocean ventilation and its role in Earth's climate transitions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 375, 20160324. 15, pp. 10.1098/rsta.2016.0324

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Nolan, E.T.; Barnes, D.K.A. ORCID:; Brown, J.; Downes, K.; Enderlein, P.; Gowland, E.; Hogg, O.T.; Laptikhovsky, V.; Morley, S.A. ORCID:; Mrowicki, R.J.; Richardson, A.; Sands, C.J. ORCID:; Weber, N.; Weber, S.; Brickle, P.. 2017 Biological and physical characterization of the seabed surrounding Ascension Island from 100–1000 m. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 97 (04). 647-659. 10.1017/S0025315417000820


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Orr, A. ORCID:; Listowski, C.; Couttet, M.; Collier, E.; Immerzeel, W.; Deb, P.; Bannister, D. ORCID: 2017 Sensitivity of simulated summer monsoonal precipitation in Langtang Valley, Himalaya to cloud microphysics schemes in WRF. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122 (12). 6298-6318. 10.1002/2016JD025801

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Pertierra, Luis R.; Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Vega, Greta C.; Olalla-Tárraga, Miguel Á.. 2017 High resolution spatial mapping of human footprint across Antarctica and its implications for the strategic conservation of avifauna. PLOS ONE, 12 (1). e0168280. 10.1371/journal.pone.0168280

Phillips, Richard A.; Lewis, Sue; González-Solís, Jacob; Daunt, Francis ORCID: 2017 Causes and consequences of individual variability and specialization in foraging and migration strategies of seabirds. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 578. 117-150. 10.3354/meps12217

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Poncet, Sally; Wolfaardt, Anton C.; Black, Andy; Browning, Sarah; Lawton, Kieran; Lee, Jennifer; Passfield, Ken; Strange, Georgina; Phillips, Richard A.. 2017 Recent trends in numbers of wandering (Diomedea exulans), black-browed (Thalassarche melanophris) and grey-headed (T. chrysostoma) albatrosses breeding at South Georgia. Polar Biology, 40 (7). 1347-1358. 10.1007/s00300-016-2057-0

Pope, James O. ORCID:; Holland, Paul R. ORCID:; Orr, Andrew ORCID:; Marshall, Gareth J. ORCID:; Phillips, Tony ORCID: 2017 The impacts of El Niño on the observed sea ice budget of West Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (12). 6200-6208. 10.1002/2017GL073414

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Quillfeldt, Petra; Engler, Jan O.; Silk, Janet R.D.; Phillips, Richard A.. 2017 Influence of device accuracy and choice of algorithm for species distribution modelling of seabirds: A case study using black-browed albatrosses. Journal of Avian Biology, 48 (12). 1549-1555. 10.1111/jav.01238

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Rathmann, N.M.; Hvidberg, C.S.; Solgaard, A.M.; Grinsted, A.; Gudmundsson, G.H. ORCID:; Langen, P.L.; Nielsen, K.P.; Kusk, A.. 2017 Highly temporally resolved response to seasonal surface melt of the Zachariae and 79N outlet glaciers in northeast Greenland. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (19). 9805-9814. 10.1002/2017GL074368

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Reichert, Sophie; Froy, Hannah; Boner, Winnie; Burg, Theresa M.; Daunt, Francis ORCID:; Gillespie, Robert; Griffiths, Kate; Lewis, Sue; Phillips, Richard A.; Nussey, Dan H.; Monaghan, Pat. 2017 Telomere length measurement by qPCR in birds is affected by storage method of blood samples. Oecologia, 184 (2). 341-350. 10.1007/s00442-017-3887-3

Reidy, J.A. ORCID:; Fear, R.C.; Whiter, D.K.; Lanchester, B.S.; Kavanagh, A.J. ORCID:; Paxton, L.J.; Zhang, Y.; Lester, M.. 2017 Multi-instrument observation of simultaneous polar cap auroras on open and closed magnetic field lines. Journal of Geophysical Research, 122 (4). 4367-4386. 10.1002/2016JA023718

Rhodes, Rachael H.; Brook, Edward J.; McConnell, Joseph R.; Blunier, Thomas; Sime, Louise C. ORCID:; Faïn, Xavier; Mulvaney, Robert ORCID: 2017 Atmospheric methane variability: Centennial-scale signals in the Last Glacial Period. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 31 (3). 575-590. 10.1002/2016GB005570

Rhodes, Rachael H.; Yang, Xin ORCID:; Wolff, Eric W.; McConnell, Joseph R.; Frey, Markus M. ORCID: 2017 Sea ice as a source of sea salt aerosol to Greenland ice cores: a model-based study. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17 (15). 9417-9433. 10.5194/acp-17-9417-2017

Riley, T.R. ORCID:; Flowerdew, M.J.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Leat, P.T.; Millar, I.L; Fanning, C.M.; Whitehouse, M.J.. 2017 A revised geochronology of Thurston Island, West Antarctica and correlations along the proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana. Antarctic Science, 29 (1). 47-60. 10.1017/S0954102016000341

Riley, Teal R. ORCID:; Flowerdew, Michael J.; Pankhurst, Robert J.; Curtis, Mike L.; Millar, Ian L.; Fanning, C. Mark; Whitehouse, Martin J.. 2017 Early Jurassic magmatism on the Antarctic Peninsula and potential correlation with the Subcordilleran plutonic belt of Patagonia. Journal of the Geological Society, 174 (2). 365-376. 10.1144/jgs2016-053

Robel, Alexander A.; Tsai, Victor C.; Minchew, Brent; Simons, Mark. 2017 Tidal modulation of ice shelf buttressing stresses. Annals of Glaciology, 58 (74). 12-20. 10.1017/aog.2017.22

Roberts, J.; McCave, I.N.; McClymont, E.L.; Kender, S.; Hillenbrand, C.D. ORCID:; Matano, R.; Hodell, D.; Peck, V.L. ORCID: 2017 Deglacial changes in flow and frontal structure through the Drake Passage. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 474. 397-408. 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.07.004

Roberts, Stephen J. ORCID:; Monien, Patrick; Foster, Louise C.; Loftfield, Julia; Hocking, Emma P.; Schnetger, Bernhard; Pearson, Emma J.; Juggins, Steve; Fretwell, Peter ORCID:; Ireland, Louise ORCID:; Ochyra, Ryszard; Haworth, Anna R.; Allen, Claire S. ORCID:; Moreton, Steven G.; Davies, Sarah J.; Brumsack, Hans-Jürgen; Bentley, Michael J.; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID: 2017 Past penguin colony responses to explosive volcanism on the Antarctic Peninsula. Nature Communications, 8, 14914. 16, pp. 10.1038/ncomms14914

Rodger, Craig J.; Mac Manus, Daniel H.; Dalzell, Michael; Thomson, Alan W.P.; Clarke, Ellen; Petersen, Tanja; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Divett, Tim. 2017 Long term geomagnetically induced current observations from New Zealand: peak current estimates for extreme geomagnetic storms. Space Weather, 15 (11). 1447-1460. 10.1002/2017SW001691

Roland, Thomas P.; Amesbury, Matthew J.; Wilkinson, David M.; Charman, Dan J.; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Royles, Jessica ORCID:; Clauss, Steffen; Volcker, Eckhard. 2017 Taxonomic implications of morphological complexity within the testate amoeba genus Corythion from the Antarctic Peninsula. Protist, 168 (5). 565-585. 10.1016/j.protis.2017.07.006

Roman-Gonzalez, Alejandro; Scourse, James D.; Butler, Paul G.; Reynolds, David J.; Richardson, Christopher A.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Brey, Thomas; Hall, Ian R.. 2017 Analysis of ontogenetic growth trends in two marine Antarctic bivalves Yoldia eightsi and Laternula elliptica: implications for sclerochronology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 465 (B). 300-306. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.05.004

Roman-Gonzalez, Alejandro; Scourse, James D.; Richardson, Christopher A.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Bentley, Michael J.; Butler, Paul G.. 2017 A sclerochronological archive for Antarctic coastal waters based on the marine bivalve Yoldia eightsi (Jay, 1839) from the South Orkney Islands. The Holocene, 27 (2). 271-281. 10.1177/0959683616658525

Rosa, Rui; Lopes, Vanessa M.; Guerreiro, Miguel; Bolstad, Kathrin; Xavier, Jose C. ORCID: 2017 Biology and ecology of the world’s largest invertebrate, the colossal squid (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni): a short review. Polar Biology, 40 (9). 1871-1883. 10.1007/s00300-017-2104-5

Rosier, Sebastian H.R. ORCID:; Marsh, Oliver J.; Rack, Wolfgang; Gudmundsson, G. Hilmar ORCID:; Wild, Christian T.; Ryan, Michelle. 2017 On the interpretation of ice-shelf flexure measurements. Journal of Glaciology, 63 (241). 783-791. 10.1017/jog.2017.44

Rosier, Sebastian H.R. ORCID:; Gudmundsson, G. Hilmar ORCID:; King, Matt A.; Nicholls, Keith W. ORCID:; Makinson, Keith ORCID:; Corr, Hugh F.J.. 2017 Strong tidal variations in ice flow observed across the entire Ronne Ice Shelf and adjoining ice streams. Earth System Science Data, 9 (2). 849-860. 10.5194/essd-9-849-2017

Rozema, P. D.; Venables, H. J. ORCID:; van de Poll, W. H.; Clarke, A. ORCID:; Meredith, M. P. ORCID:; Buma, A. G. J.. 2017 Interannual variability in phytoplankton biomass and species composition in northern Marguerite Bay (West Antarctic Peninsula) is governed by both winter sea ice cover and summer stratification. Limnology and Oceanography, 62 (1). 235-252. 10.1002/lno.10391

Rozema, Patrick D.; Biggs, Tristan; Sprong, Pim A.A.; Buma, Anita G.J.; Venables, Hugh J. ORCID:; Evans, Claire ORCID:; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Bolhuis, Henk. 2017 Summer microbial community composition governed by upper-ocean stratification and nutrient availability in northern Marguerite Bay, Antarctica. Deep Sea Research II, 139. 151-166. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.11.016

Rozema, Patrick D.; Kulk, Gemma; Veldhuis, Michael P.; Buma, Anita J.G.; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; van de Poll, Willem H.. 2017 Assessing drivers of coastal phytoplankton productivity in northern Marguerite Bay, Antarctica. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4, 184. 20, pp. 10.3389/fmars.2017.00184

Rozzi, R; Massardo, F; Mansilla, A; Squeo, FA; Barros, E; Contador, T; Frangopulos, M; Poulin, E; Rosenfeld, S; Goffinet, B; González-Weaver, C; MacKenzie, R; Crego, RD; Viddi, F; Naretto, J; Gallardo, MR; Jiménez, JE; Marambio, J; Pérez, C; Rodríguez, JP; Méndez, F; Barroso, O; Rendoll, J; Schuttler, E; Kennedy, J; Convey, P ORCID:; Russell, S; Berchez, F; Sumida, PYG; Rundell, P; Rozzi, A; Armesto, J; Kalin-Arroyo, M; Martinic, M. 2017 Parque Marino Cabo de Hornos - Diego Ramirez. Punta Arenas, Chile, Ediciones Universidad de Magallanes, 274pp.

Rozzi, R; Massardo, F; Mansilla, A; Squeo, FA; Barros, E; Contador, T; Frangopulos, M; Poulin, E; Rosenfeld, S; Goffinet, B; González-Weaver, C; MacKenzie, R; Crego, RD; Viddi, F; Naretto, J; Gallardo, MR; Jiménez, JE; Marambio, J; Pérez, C; Rodríguez, JP; Méndez, F; Barroso, O; Rendoll, J; Schuttler, E; Kennedy, J; Convey, P ORCID:; Russell, S; Berchez, F; Sumida, PYG; Rundell, P; Rozzi, A; Armesto, J; Kalin-Arroyo, M; Martinic, M. 2017 Parque Marino Cabo de Hornos - Diego Ramirez [Technical report]. Punta Arenas, Chile, Ediciones Universidad de Magallanes, 52pp.


Sakinan, S.; Karahan, A.; Ok, M.. 2017 Integration of DNA barcoding for the initial recordings of Lessepsian fishes: a case study of the Indo-Pacific slender ponyfish Equulites elongatus. Journal of Fish Biology, 90 (3). 1054-1061. 10.1111/jfb.13207

Saunders, Ryan A. ORCID:; Collins, Martin A. ORCID:; Stowasser, Gabriele ORCID:; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID: 2017 Southern Ocean mesopelagic fish communities in the Scotia Sea are sustained by mass immigration. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 569. 173-185. 10.3354/meps12093

Scambos, TA; Bell, RE; Alley, RB; Anandakrishnan, S; Bromwich, DH; Brunt, K; Christianson, K; Creyts, T; Das, S; DeConto, R; Dutrieux, P; Fricker, HA; Holland, D; MacGregor, J; Medley, B; Nicolas, JP; Pollard, D; Siegfried, MR; Smith, AM ORCID:; Steig, EJ; Trussel, L; Vaughan, DG ORCID:; Yager, P. 2017 How Much, How Fast?: A Review and Science Plan for Research on the Instability of Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier in the 21st century. Global and Planetary Change, 153. 16-34. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2017.04.008

See-Too, Wah Seng; Ee, Robson; Lim, Yan-Lue; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Pearce, David ORCID:; Yin, Wai-Fong; Chan, Kok-Gan. 2017 AidP, a novel N-Acyl Homoserine Lactonase gene from Antarctic Planococcus sp. Scientific Reports, 7, 42968. 10.1038/srep42968

See-Too, Wah Seng; Salazar, Sergio; Ee, Robson; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Chan, Kok-Gan; Peix, Alvaro. 2017 Pseudomonas versuta sp. nov., isolated from Antarctic soil. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 40 (4). 191-198. 10.1016/j.syapm.2017.03.002

See-Too, Wah-Seng; Chua, Kah-Ooi; Lim, Yan-Lue; Chen, Jian-Woon; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Begam Mohd Mohidin, Taznim; Yin, Wai-Fong; Chan, Kok-Gan. 2017 Complete genome sequence of Planococcus donghaensis JH1T, a pectin-degrading bacterium. Journal of Biotechnology, 252. 11-14. 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.05.005

See-Too, Wah-Seng; Ee, Robson; Lim, Yan-Lue; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Mohidin, Taznim Begam Mohd; Yin, Wai-Fong; Chan, Kok Gan. 2017 Complete genome of Arthrobacter alpinus strain R3.8: biorediation potential unraveled with genomic analysis. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 12, 52. 10.1186/s40793-017-0264-0

See-Too, Wah-Seng; Ee, Robson; Madhaiyan, Munusamy; Kwon, Soon-Wo; Tan, Jua Yi; Lim, Yan Lue; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Pearce, David ORCID:; Yin, Wai-Fong; Chan, Kok-Gan. 2017 Planococcus versutus sp. nov., isolated from soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 67 (4). 944-950. 10.1099/ijsem.0.001721

Severi, M.; Becagli, S.; Caiazzo, L.; Ciardini, V.; Colizza, E.; Giardi, F.; Mezgec, K.; Scarchilli, C.; Stenni, B.; Thomas, E.R. ORCID:; Traversi, R.; Udisti, R.. 2017 Sea salt sodium record from Talos Dome (East Antarctica) as a potential proxy of the Antarctic past sea ice extent. Chemosphere, 177. 266-274. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.03.025

Seybold, Anna C.; Wharton, David A.; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Marshall, Craig J.. 2017 Investigating trehalose synthesis genes after cold acclimation in the Antarctic nematode Panagrolaimus sp. DAW1. Biology Open, 6 (12). 1953-1959. 10.1242/bio.023341

Shore, R.M. ORCID:; Freeman, M.P. ORCID:; Wild, J.A.; Gjerloev, J.W.. 2017 A high-resolution model of the external and induced magnetic field at the Earth’s surface in the northern hemisphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122 (2). 2440-2454. 10.1002/2016JA023682

Silber, Gregory K.; Lettrich, Matthew D.; Thomas, Peter O.; Baker, Jason D.; Baumgartner, Mark; Becker, Elizabeth A.; Boveng, Peter; Dick, Dorothy M.; Fiechter, Jerome; Forcada, Jaume ORCID:; Forney, Karin A.; Griffis, Roger B.; Hare, Jonathan A.; Hobday, Alistair J.; Howell, Daniel; Laidre, Kristin L.; Mantua, Nate; Quakenbush, Lori; Santora, Jarrod A.; Stafford, Kathleen M.; Spencer, Paul; Stock, Charles; Sydeman, William; Van Houtan, Kyle; Waples, Robin S.. 2017 Projecting marine mammal distribution in a changing climate. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4, 413. 10.3389/fmars.2017.00413

Skansi, M.d.L.; King, J. ORCID:; Lazzara, M.A.; Cerveny, R.S.; Stella, J.S.; Solomon, S.; Jones, P.; Bromwich, D.; Renwick, J.; Burt, C.C.; Peterson, T.C.; Brunet, M.; Driouech, F.; Vose, R.; Krahenbuhl, D.. 2017 Evaluating highest temperature extremes for the Antarctic region. Eos, 98. 10.1029/2017EO068325

Sleight, Victoria A. ORCID:; Bakir, Adil; Thompson, Richard C.; Henry, Theodore B.. 2017 Assessment of microplastic-sorbed contaminant bioavailability through analysis of biomarker gene expression in larval zebrafish. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 116 (1-2). 291-297. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.12.055

Sleight, Victoria Anne ORCID: 2017 The molluscan shell secretome: unlocking calcium pathways in a changing world. Heriot Watt University, PhD Thesis, 240pp.

Smith, Andy ORCID: 2017 Pine Island Glacier and ice sheet stability in West Antarctica. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 98. 10.1029/2017EO086471

Smith, Emma C.; Baird, Alan F.; Kendall, Michael; Martín, Carlos ORCID:; White, Robert S.; Brisbourne, Alex M. ORCID:; Smith, Andrew M. ORCID: 2017 Ice fabric in an Antarctic ice stream interpreted from seismic anisotropy. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (8). 3710-3718. 10.1002/2016GL072093

Smith, J. A. ORCID:; Andersen, T. J.; Shortt, M.; Gaffney, A. M.; Truffer, M.; Stanton, T. P.; Bindschadler, R.; Dutrieux, P.; Jenkins, A. ORCID:; Hillenbrand, C.-D. ORCID:; Ehrmann, W.; Corr, H. F. J.; Farley, N.; Crowhurst, S.; Vaughan, D. G. ORCID: 2017 Sub-ice-shelf sediments record history of twentieth-century retreat of Pine Island Glacier. Nature, 541 (7635). 77-80. 10.1038/nature20136

Snow, K.; Goldberg, D.N.; Holland, Paul R. ORCID:; Jordan, James R.; Arthern, Robert J. ORCID:; Jenkins, Adrian ORCID: 2017 The Response of Ice Sheets to Climate Variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (23). 11,878-11,885. 10.1002/2017GL075745

Soler-Membrives, Anna; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Miller, Karen J.; Arango, Claudia P.. 2017 Genetic signature of Last Glacial Maximum regional refugia in a circum-Antarctic sea spider. Royal Society Open Science, 4, 170615. 16, pp. 10.1098/rsos.170615

Souster, Terri A. ORCID: 2017 Marine biodiversity of Antarctic hard rock communities: species biomass and energy use. British Antarctic Survey, PhD Thesis, 260pp.

Spagnolo, Matteo; Bartholomaus, Timothy C.; Clark, Chris D.; Stokes, Chris R.; Atkinson, Nigel; Dowdeswell, Julian A.; Ely, Jeremy C.; Graham, Alistair G.C.; Hogan, Kelly A. ORCID:; King, Edward C. ORCID:; Larter, Robert D. ORCID:; Livingstone, Stephen J.; Pritchard, Hamish D. ORCID: 2017 The periodic topography of ice stream beds: insights from the Fourier spectra of mega-scale glacial lineations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122 (7). 1355-1373. 10.1002/2016JF004154

Stenni, Barbara; Curran, Mark A. J.; Abram, Nerilie J.; Orsi, Anais; Goursaud, Sentia; Masson-Delmotte, Valerie; Neukom, Raphael; Goosse, Hugues; Divine, Dmitry; van Ommen, Tas; Steig, Eric J.; Dixon, Daniel A.; Thomas, Elizabeth R. ORCID:; Bertler, Nancy A. N.; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Ekaykin, Alexey; Werner, Martin; Frezzotti, Massimo. 2017 Antarctic climate variability on regional and continental scales over the last 2000 years. Climate of the Past, 13 (11). 1609-1634. 10.5194/cp-13-1609-2017

Streuff, Katharina; Ó Cofaigh, Colm; Hogan, Kelly ORCID:; Jennings, Anne; Lloyd, Jeremy M.; Noormets, Riko; Nielsen, Tove; Kuijpers, Antoon; Dowdeswell, Julian A.; Weinrebe, Wilhelm. 2017 Seafloor geomorphology and glacimarine sedimentation associated with fast-flowing ice sheet outlet glaciers in Disko Bay, West Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 169. 206-230. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.05.021

Sun, Benhua; Dennis, Paul G.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Hopkins, David W.; Hallett, Paul D.. 2017 Gelifluction and thixotropy of maritime Antarctic soils: small-scale measurements with a rotational rheometer. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 28 (1). 314-321. 10.1002/ppp.1886

Sutherland, William J.; Barnard, Phoebe; Broad, Steven; Clout, Mick; Connor, Ben; Côté, Isabelle M.; Dicks, Lynn V.; Doran, Helen; Entwistle, Abigail C.; Fleishman, Erica; Fox, Marie; Gaston, Kevin J.; Gibbons, David W.; Jiang, Zhigang; Keim, Brandon; Lickorish, Fiona A.; Markillie, Paul; Monk, Kathryn A.; Pearce-Higgins, James W.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Pretty, Jules; Spalding, Mark D.; Tonneijck, Femke H.; Wintle, Bonnie C.; Ockendon, Nancy. 2017 A 2017 Horizon Scan of Emerging Issues for Global Conservation and Biological Diversity. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 32 (1). 31-40. 10.1016/j.tree.2016.11.005


Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID: 2017 Oceanic swarms of Antarctic krill perform satiation sinking. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 284 (1869), 20172015. 7, pp. 10.1098/rspb.2017.2015

Thomas, Elizabeth R. ORCID:; van Wessem, J. Melchior; Roberts, Jason; Isaksson, Elisabeth; Schlosser, Elisabeth; Fudge, Tyler J.; Vallelonga, Paul; Medley, Brooke; Lenaerts, Jan; Bertler, Nancy; van den Broeke, Michiel R.; Dixon, Daniel A.; Frezzotti, Massimo; Stenni, Barbara; Curran, Mark; Ekaykin, Alexey A.. 2017 Regional Antarctic snow accumulation over the past 1000 years. Climate of the Past, 13 (11). 1491-1513. 10.5194/cp-13-1491-2017

Thomson, Neil R.; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Rodger, Craig J.. 2017 Midlatitude ionospheric D region: height, sharpness and solar zenith angle. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 122 (8). 8933-8946. 10.1002/2017JA024455

Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Seybold, Anna; Marshall, Craig; Wharton, David. 2017 Molecular snapshot of an intracellular freezing event in an Antarctic nematode. Cryobiology, 75. 117-124. 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2017.01.003

Thébault, E.; Lesur, V.; Kauristie, K.; Shore, R. ORCID: 2017 Magnetic field data correction in space for modelling the lithospheric magnetic field. Space Science Reviews, 206 (1). 191-223. 10.1007/s11214-016-0309-5

Tilling, Rachel L.; Young, Tun Jan; Christoffersen, Poul; Lok, Lai Bun; Brennan, Paul V.; Nicholls, Keith W. ORCID: 2017 Radar observations of Arctic ice. In: Kelman, Ilan, (ed.) Arcticness: power and voice from the North. London, UCL Press, 27-39.

Tixier, Paul; Barbraud, Christophe; Pardo, Deborah; Gasco, Nicolas; Duhamel, Guy; Guinet, Christophe. 2017 Demographic consequences of fisheries interaction within a killer whale (Orcinus orca) population. Marine Biology, 164 (8), 170. 16, pp. 10.1007/s00227-017-3195-9

Travnikov, Oleg; Angot, Helene; Artaxo, Paulo; Bencardino, Mariantonia; Bieser, Johannes; D'Amore, Francesco; Dastoor, Ashu; De Simone, Francesco; Diéguez, María del Carmen; Dommergue, Aurélien; Ebinghaus, Ralf; Feng, Xin Bin; Gencarelli, Christian N.; Hedgecock, Ian M.; Magand, Olivier; Martin, Lynwill; Matthias, Volker; Mashyanov, Nikolay; Pirrone, Nicola; Ramachandran, Ramesh; Read, Katie Alana; Ryjkov, Andrei; Selin, Noelle E.; Sena, Fabrizio; Song, Shaojie; Sprovieri, Francesca; Wip, Dennis; Wängberg, Ingvar; Yang, Xin ORCID: 2017 Multi-model study of mercury dispersion in the atmosphere: atmospheric processes and model evaluation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17 (8). 5271-5295. 10.5194/acp-17-5271-2017

Treasure, Anne; Roquet, Fabien; Ansorge, Isabelle; Bester, Marthán; Boehme, Lars; Bornemann, Horst; Charrassin, Jean-Benoît; Chevallier, Damien; Costa, Daniel; Fedak, Mike; Guinet, Christophe; Hammill, Mike; Harcourt, Robert; Hindell, Mark; Kovacs, Kit; Lea, Mary-Anne; Lovell, Phil; Lowther, Andrew; Lydersen, Christian; McIntyre, Trevor; McMahon, Clive; Muelbert, Mônica; Nicholls, Keith ORCID:; Picard, Baptiste; Reverdin, Gilles; Trites, Andrew; Williams, Guy; de Bruyn, P.J. Nico. 2017 Marine mammals exploring the oceans pole to pole: a review of the MEOP Consortium. Oceanography, 30 (2). 132-138. 10.5670/oceanog.2017.234

Turner, John ORCID:; Comiso, Josefino. 2017 Solve Antarctica’s sea-ice puzzle. Nature, 547 (7663). 275-277. 10.1038/547275a

Turner, John ORCID:; Gudmundsson, Hilmar ORCID: 2017 Warm waters in West Antarctica. Eos, 98. 10.1029/2018EO074785

Turner, John ORCID:; Hosking, J. Scott ORCID:; Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID:; Phillips, Tony ORCID:; Marshall, Gareth J. ORCID: 2017 Variability and trends in the Southern Hemisphere high latitude, quasi-stationary planetary waves. International Journal of Climatology, 35 (5). 2325-2336. 10.1002/joc.4848

Turner, John ORCID:; Orr, Andrew ORCID:; Gudmundsson, G. Hilmar ORCID:; Jenkins, Adrian ORCID:; Bingham, Robert G.; Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID:; Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID: 2017 Atmosphere-ocean-ice interactions in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica. Reviews of Geophysics, 55 (1). 235-276. 10.1002/2016RG000532

Turner, John ORCID:; Phillips, Tony ORCID:; Marshall, Gareth J. ORCID:; Hosking, J. Scott ORCID:; Pope, James O. ORCID:; Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID:; Deb, Pranab. 2017 Unprecedented springtime retreat of Antarctic sea ice in 2016. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (13). 6868-6875. 10.1002/2017GL073656

Turney, Chris S. M.; Fogwill, Christopher J.; Palmer, Jonathan G.; van Sebille, Erik; Thomas, Zoë; McGlone, Matt; Richardson, Sarah; Wilmshurst, Janet M.; Fenwick, Pavla; Zunz, Violette; Goosse, Hugues; Wilson, Kerry-Jayne; Carter, Lionel; Lipson, Mathew; Jones, Richard T.; Harsch, Melanie; Clark, Graeme; Marzinelli, Ezequiel; Rogers, Tracey; Rainsley, Eleanor; Ciasto, Laura; Waterman, Stephanie; Thomas, Elizabeth R. ORCID:; Visbeck, Martin. 2017 Tropical forcing of increased Southern Ocean climate variability revealed by a 140-year subantarctic temperate reconstruction. Climate of the Past, 13 (3). 231-248. 10.5194/cp-13-231-2017

Turton, J.V. ORCID:; Kirchgaessner, A. ORCID:; Ross, A.N.; King, J.C. ORCID: 2017 Does high-resolution modelling improve the spatial analysis of föhn flow over the Larsen C ice shelf? Weather, 72 (7). 192-196. 10.1002/wea.3028


Venables, Hugh J. ORCID:; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Brearley, J. Alexander ORCID: 2017 Modification of deep waters in Marguerite Bay, western Antarctic Peninsula, caused by topographic overflows. Deep Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 139. 9-17. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.09.005

Vendrami, David L. J.; Telesca, Luca; Weigand, Hannah; Weiss, Martina; Fawcett, Katie; Lehman, Katrin; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Leese, Florian; McMinn, Carrie; Moore, Heather; Hoffman, Joseph I.. 2017 RAD sequencing resolves fine-scale population structure in a benthic invertebrate: implications for understanding phenotypic plasticity. Royal Society Open Science, 4 (2), 160548. 16, pp. 10.1098/rsos.160548

Verleyen, Elie; Tavernier, Ines; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Whitehouse, Pippa L.; Kudoh, Sakae; Imura, Satoshi; Heirman, Katrien; Bentley, Michael J.; Roberts, Steve J. ORCID:; De Batist, Marc; Sabbe, Koen; Vyverman, Wim. 2017 Ice sheet retreat and glacio-isostatic adjustment in Lützow Holm Bay, East Antarctica. Quaternary Science Reviews, 169. 85-98. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.06.003

van Wessem, J.M.; Meredith, M.P. ORCID:; Reijmer, C.H.; van den Broeke, M.R.; Cook, A.J.. 2017 Characteristics of the modelled meteoric freshwater budget of the western Antarctic Peninsula. Deep Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 139. 31-39. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.11.001


Waller, Catherine L.; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Waluda, Claire M. ORCID:; Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID:; Alamo, Ivan; Moreno, Bernabé; Pacherres, Cesar; Hughes, Kevin ORCID: 2017 Microplastics in the Antarctic marine system: an emerging area of research. Science of the Total Environment, 598. 220-227. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.283

Waller, Catherine L.; Overall, Andy; Fitzcharles, Elaine; Griffiths, Huw ORCID: 2017 First report of Laternula elliptica in the Antarctic intertidal zone. Polar Biology, 40 (1). 227-230. 10.1007/s00300-016-1941-y

Waluda, Claire M. ORCID:; Hill, Simeon L. ORCID:; Peat, Helen J. ORCID:; Trathan, Philip N. ORCID: 2017 Long term variability in the diet and reproductive performance of penguins at Bird Island, South Georgia. Marine Biology, 164, 39. 10.1007/s00227-016-3067-8

Wang, Yetang; Thomas, Elizabeth R. ORCID:; Hou, Shugui; Huai, Baojuan; Wu, Shuangye; Sun, Weijun; Qi, Shanzhong; Ding, Minghu; Zhang, Yulun. 2017 Snow accumulation variability over the West Antarctic Ice Sheet since 1900: a comparison of ice core records with ERA-20C reanalysis. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (22). 11,482-11,490. 10.1002/2017GL075135

Watson, Sue-Ann; Morley, Simon A. ORCID:; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2017 Latitudinal trends in shell production cost from the tropics to the poles. Science Advances, 3 (9), e1701362. 9, pp. 10.1126/sciadv.1701362

Webber, Benjamin GM.; Heywood, Karen J.; Stevens, David P.; Dutrieux, Pierre; Abrahamsen, E. Povl ORCID:; Jenkins, Adrian ORCID:; Jacobs, Stanley S.; Ha, Ho Kyung; Lee, Sang Hoon; Kim, Tae Wan. 2017 Mechanisms driving variability in the ocean forcing of Pine Island Glacier. Nature Communications, 8, 14507. 8, pp. 10.1038/ncomms14507

Wiebe, PH; Atkinson, A; O'Brien, TD; Thompson, PA; Hosie, G; Lorenzoni, L; Meredith, M ORCID:; et. al.. 2017 Southern Ocean. In: O'Brien, TD; Lorenzoni, L; Isensee, K; Valdes, L, (eds.) What are Marine Ecological Time Series telling us about the ocean? A status report. IOC-UNESCO, 97-112.

Wilkinson, Jeremy ORCID:; Beegle-Krause, CJ; Evers, Karl-Ulrich; Hughes, Nick; Lewis, Alun; Reed, Mark; Wadhams, Peter. 2017 Oil spill response capabilities and technologies for ice-covered Arctic marine waters: A review of recent developments and established practices. Ambio, 46, supplement 3. 423-441. 10.1007/s13280-017-0958-y

Winter, Anna; Steinhage, Daniel; Arnold, Emily J.; Blankenship, Donald D.; Cavitte, Marie G. P.; Corr, Hugh F. J.; Paden, John D.; Urbini, Stefano; Young, Duncan A.; Eisen, Olaf. 2017 Comparison of measurements from different radio-echo sounding systems and synchronization with the ice core at Dome C, Antarctica. The Cryosphere, 11 (1). 653-668. 10.5194/tc-11-653-2017

Wise, Matthew G.; Dowdeswell, Julian A.; Jakobsson, Martin; Larter, Robert D. ORCID: 2017 Evidence of marine ice-cliff instability in Pine Island Bay from iceberg-keel plough marks. Nature, 550. 506-510. 10.1038/nature24458

Wu, Guochao; Ferraccioli, Fausto ORCID:; Seddon, Samuel; Tian, Gang; Finn, Carol A.; Bangbing, Wang; Bell, Robin E.. 2017 Crustal structure of the Gamburtsev Province, East Antarctica, from airborne geophysics. In: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017. Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 1839-1843.


Xavier, Jose C. ORCID:; Trathan, Philip N. ORCID:; Ceia, Filipe R.; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID:; Adlard, Stacey; Fox, Derren; Edwards, Ewan W.J.; Vieira, Rui P.; Medeiros, Renata; De Broyer, Claude; Cherel, Yves. 2017 Sexual and individual foraging segregation in Gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua from the Southern Ocean during an abnormal winter. PLOS ONE, 12 (3), e0174850. 25, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0174850


Yagova, Nadezda; Nosikova, Natalia; Baddeley, Lisa; Kozyreva, Olga; Lorentzen, Dag Arne; Pilipenko, Vyacheslav; Johnsen, Magnar G.. 2017 Non-triggered auroral substorms and long-period (1–4 mHz) geomagnetic and auroral luminosity pulsations in the polar cap. Annales Geophysicae, 35 (3). 365-376. 10.5194/angeo-35-365-2017

Yang, Xin ORCID:; Neděla, Vilém; Runštuk, Jiří; Ondrušková, Gabriela; Krausko, Ján; Vetráková, Ľubica; Heger, Dominik. 2017 Evaporating brine from frost flowers with electron microscopy, and implications for atmospheric chemistry and sea-salt aerosol formation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17 (19). 6291-6303. 10.5194/acp-17-6291-2017

Yew, Wen Chyin; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Dunn, Michael J. ORCID:; Samah, Azizan Abu; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2017 Bacterial community composition in Adélie (Pygoscelis adeliae) and chinstrap (Pygoscelis antarctica) penguin stomach contents from Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. Polar Biology, 40 (12). 2517-2530. 10.1007/s00300-017-2162-8

Yogabaanu, Ulaganathan; Weber, Jean-Frederic Faizal; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Rizman-Idid, Mohammed; Alias, Siti Aisyah. 2017 Antimicrobial properties and the influence of temperature on secondary metabolite production in cold environment soil fungi. Polar Science, 14. 60-67. 10.1016/j.polar.2017.09.005

Young, Duncan A.; Roberts, Jason L.; Ritz, Catherine; Frezzotti, Massimo; Quartini, Enrica; Cavitte, Marie G.P.; Tozer, Carly R.; Steinhage, Daniel; Urbini, Stefano; Corr, Hugh F.J.; Van Ommen, Tas; Blankenship, Donald D.. 2017 High resolution boundary conditions of an old ice target near Dome C, Antarctica. The Cryosphere, 11 (4). 1897-1911. 10.5194/tc-11-1897-2017


Zakharov, Igor; Puestow, Thomas; Fleming, Andrew ORCID:; Deepakumara, Janaka; Power, Desmond. 2017 Detection and discrimination of icebergs and ships using satellite altimetry. In: IEEE International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE, 882-885.

Zgrundo, Aleksandra; Wojtasik, Barbara; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Majewska, Roksana. 2017 Diatom communities in the High Arctic aquatic habitats of northern Spitsbergen (Svalbard). Polar Biology, 40 (4). 873-890. 10.1007/s00300-016-2014-y

Zhang, X.-J.; Artemyev, A.; Angelopoulos, V.; Horne, R.B. ORCID: 2017 Kinetics of sub-ion scale magnetic holes in the near-Earth plasma sheet. Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, 122 (10). 10304-10317. 10.1002/2017JA024197

Zhao, Xiaoyi; Weaver, Dan; Bognar, Kristof; Manney, Gloria; Millán, Luis; Yang, Xin ORCID:; Eloranta, Edwin; Schneider, Matthias; Strong, Kimberly. 2017 Cyclone-induced surface ozone and HDO depletion in the Arctic. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17 (24). 14955-14974. 10.5194/acp-17-14955-2017

This list was generated on Sun Mar 30 07:07:39 2025 UTC.