Items where Year is 1981
Russell, C.T.; Rycroft, M.J., eds. 1981 Active experiments in space plasmas. Proceedings of Symposium 9 of the COSPAR 23rd Plenary Meeting held in Budapest, Hungary, 2-14 June 1980. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 468pp. (Advances in Space Research, 1, No. 2).
Everson, Inigo, ed. 1981 Antarctic fish age determination methods. BIOMASS Handbook, 8. 24, pp.
Institute of Hydrology. 1981 Arab Potash Project - Groundwater model study of Ghor Safi. Institute of Hydrology. (Unpublished)
. 1981 British Antarctic Territory geological map. Sheet 3. Southern Graham Land. 1:500000. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey.
. 1981 British Antarctic Territory geological map. Sheet 4. Alexander Island. 1:500000. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey.
Institute of Oceanographic Sciences. 1981 Cruises undertaken by the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Taunton 1980. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 33pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 116)
Institute of Hydrology. 1981 Deep Dean soil water study. Institute of Hydrology, 26pp. (Unpublished)
Heal, O. W., ed. 1981 Ecology in the 1980s. II. Report of a discussion in northern England. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 49pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.83) (Unpublished)
Morris, G.J.; Clarke, Andrew ORCID:, eds.
Effects of low temperatures on biological membranes.
London, Academic Press, 432pp.
Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., eds. 1981 Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 158pp. (ITE Symposium no.8).
Institute of Hydrology. 1981 Greater Nakuru Water Supply - Londiani Dam: hydrological analysis. NERC Institute of Hydrology. (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1981 Greater Nakuru Water Supply: Malewa Dam - hydrological analysis. Institute of Hydrology, 32pp. (Unpublished)
Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. 1981 Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Annual Report 1980. Cambridge, ITE, 159pp. (Legacy document)
Institute of Hydrology. 1981 Laikipia West water supply: Nyarachi Dam - hydrological analysis. Institute of Hydrology, 42pp. (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1981 Malakal Water Supply - a study of the water resources of the Malakal area. Institute of Hydrology, 17pp. (Unpublished)
Rawes, M., ed. 1981 Moor House 22nd annual progress report 1981. Nature Conservancy Council. (Moor House Annual Progress Report No. 22) (Unpublished)
Institute of Hydrology. 1981 Morupule Power Station Water Supply. Institute of Hydrology. (Unpublished)
Heath, J.; Leclerq, J., eds. 1981 Provisional atlas of the invertebrates of Europe. Maps 1-27. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 37pp. (European Invertebrate Survey).
Dodge, J. D., ed. 1981 Provisional atlas of the marine dinoflagellates of the British Isles. Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, Biological Records Centre Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 125pp.
Ranwell, D. S., ed. 1981 Sand dune machair 3. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 45pp.
British Antarctic Survey. 1981 Topographic map. British Antarctic Territory (north of 82 degrees ") with South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands. BAS (Misc). Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey.
British Antarctic Survey. 1981 Topographic satellite-image map. Sheet SS17-20/SE. Orville Coast. 1:500000. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey.
Institute of Hydrology. 1981 User's handbook for the Institute of Hydrology neutron probe system. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 30pp. (IH Report No.79) (Unpublished)
Abraham, D.A.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country west of Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet SE 36. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 105pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 78) (Unpublished)
Al-Dabbagh, K. Y.; Block, William. 1981 Population ecology of a terrestrial isopod in two breckland grass heaths. The Journal of Animal Ecology, 50 (1). 61-77. 10.2307/4031
Allen, S. E.; Satchell, J. E.; Brown, A. F. H.; Bunce, R. G. H.. 1981 Ecology in the 1980s. I. Report of internal discussions at Merlewood. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 47pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.82) (Unpublished)
Allender, R.; Hollyer, S.E.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Ipswich, Suffolk : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet TM 14. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 81pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 55) (Unpublished)
Angel, M.V.. 1981 RRS Discovery Cruise 114, 16 October - 30 November 1980. Biological and physical investigations into the front between the western and Eastern Atlantic water south west of the Azores. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 46pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 108)
Angel, M.V.. 1981 RRS Discovery Cruise 121, 5-26 June 1981. Biological investigations of the oceanic front to the south west of the Azores. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 35pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 115)
Bacon, P. J.; Macdonald, D. W.. 1981 Habitat classification, fox populations and rabies spread. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 79pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.81)
Bailey-Watts, A.E.. 1981 Loch Leven phytoplankton succession. In: Annual Report of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology 1980. NERC/ITE, 88-92.
Bailey-Watts, A.E.; Kirika, A.A.. 1981 The assessment of size variation in Loch Leven phytoplankton: methodology and some of its uses in the study of factors influencing size. Journal of Plankton Research, 3 (2). 261-282. 10.1093/plankt/3.2.261
Ball, D. F.; Dale, J.; Sheail, J.; Dickson, K. E.; Williams, W. M.. 1981 Ecology of vegetation change in upland landscapes I - General synthesis. Bangor, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 205pp. (Bangor Occasional Paper No.2) (Unpublished)
Ball, D. F.; Dale, J.; Sheail, J.; Williams, W. M.. 1981 Ecology of vegetation change in upland landscapes II - Study areas. Bangor, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 162pp. (Bangor Occasional Paper No.3) (Unpublished)
Ball, D.F.; Dale, J.; Sheail, J.D.B.; Heal, O.W.. 1981 Ecology of vegetation change in upland landscapes. Draft summary. Bangor, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 60pp. (ITE Project Number: 0522) (Unpublished)
Barber, D.L.; Mills Westermann, J.E.; White, M.G.. 1981 The blood cells of the Antarctic icefish Chaenocephalus aceratus Lonnberg: light and electron microscopic observations. Journal of Fish Biology, 19 (1). 11-28. 10.1111/j.1095-8649.1981.tb05807.x
Beckinsale, R.D.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Snelling, N.J.. 1981 The geochronology of Sierra Leone. In: Macfarlane, A.; Crow, M.J.; Arthurs, J.W.; Wilkinson, A.F.; Aucott, J.W.; Beckinsale, R.D.; Colley, H.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Snelling, N.J., (eds.) The geology and mineral resources of northern Sierra Leone. London, HMSO, 86-96. (Overseas memoir, 7).
Beckinsale, R.D.; Thorpe, R.S.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Evans, J.A.. 1981 Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron evidence for the age of the Malvern Hills complex. Journal of the Geological Society, 138 (1). 69-73. 10.1144/gsjgs.138.1.0069
Beer, K.E.; Bennett, M.J.; Ball, T.K.; Jones, R.C.; Turton, K.. 1981 Metalliferous mineralisation near Lutton, Ivybridge, Devon. Institute of Geological Sciences, 38pp. (WF/MR/81/041) (Unpublished)
Bennett, M.J.; Beer, K.J.; Jones, R.C.; Turton, K.; Rollin, K.E.; Tombs, J.M.C.; Patrick, D.J.. 1981 Mineral investigations near Bodmin, Cornwall. Part 3, the Mulberry and Wheal Prosper area. Institute of Geological Sciences, 48pp. (WF/MR/81/048) (Unpublished)
Bishop, J.F.; Walton, J.L.W.. 1981 Bottom melting under George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 27 (97). 429-447. 10.3189/S0022143000011461
Black, C.D.G.; Lofty, G.J.; Sharp, N.E.; Hillier, J.A.; Singh, D.C.T.; Ubbi, M.K.; Songra, R.R; Evans, A.R.. 1981 World mineral statistics 1975-1979 : production : exports : imports. London, UK, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 270pp. (World Mineral Production).
Blackie, J.R. 1981 The GK Experimental and Representative Basin Programme: report on a support visit in February 1981. Institute of Hydrology, 32pp. (Unpublished)
Block, William. 1981 Les ecosystemes terrestres subantarctiques. CryoLetters, 2. 229-230.
Block, William. 1981 Low temperature effects on micro-arthropods. Journal of Thermal Biology, 6 (4). 215-218. 10.1016/0306-4565(81)90009-7
Block, William. 1981 Terrestrial arthropods and low temperature. Cryobiology, 18 (4). 436-444. 10.1016/0011-2240(81)90119-X
Block, William; Somme, L.. 1981 Studies of arthropod cold hardiness. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 53. 265-266.
Blunsdon, A.P. 1981 The stable isotope analyses of rainfall and runoff at Plynlimon. Institute of Hydrology, 20pp. (Stable Isotope Technical Report no.11) (Unpublished)
Blyth, K.. 1981 Remote sensing in hydrology. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 170pp. (IH Report No.74) (Unpublished)
Bocock, K. L.. 1981 Radionuclides in terrestrial ecosystems; a review of their distribution and movement. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 27pp.
Bonner, W. Nigel. 1981 The krill problem in Antarctica. Oryx, 16 (1). 31-37. 10.1017/S0030605300016707
Bonner, W.N.. 1981 Grey seal Halichoerus grypus Fabricius, 1791. In: Ridgway, S.H.; Harrison, R.J., (eds.) Handbook of marine mammals. Vol. 2. Seals. London, Academic Press, 111-144.
Bonner, W.N.. 1981 Southern fur seals Arctocephalus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire and Cuvier, 1826). In: Ridgway, S.H.; Harrison, R.J., (eds.) Handbook of marine mammals. Vol. 1. The walrus, sea lions, fur seals and sea otter. London, Academic Press, 161-208.
Boorman, D. B. ORCID:; Reed, R. W..
Derivation of a catchment average unit hydrograph.
Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 50pp.
(IH Report No.71)
Booth, S.J.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country between Stamford and Peterborough : description of 1:25,000 resource sheets TF 00 and TF 10. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 131pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 80) (Unpublished)
Bridge, D.McC.; Gozzard, J.R.. 1981 The limestone and dolomite resources of the country around Bakewell, Derbyshire : description of 1:25,000 sheet SK 26 and parts of SK 27. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 73pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 79) (Unpublished)
Broom, S.M.. 1981 Ionogram sequence showing large differences between O-and X-mode traces. INAG Bulletin, 33. 29-32.
Brown, A.H.F.. 1981 The recovery of ground vegetation in coppicewood: the significance of buried seed. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 41-44. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Buckley, D.K.. 1981 Report on a visit to assess groundwater potential of the Kenya coast south of Malindi. Institute of Geological Sciences, 139pp. (WD/OS/81/007) (Unpublished)
Bunce, R. G. H.; Barr, C. J.; Whittaker, H. A.. 1981 Land classes in Great Britain: preliminary descriptions for users of the Merlewood method of land classification. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 54pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper, 86)
Bunce, R. G. H.; Barr, C. J.; Whittaker, H. A.. 1981 An integrated system of land classification. Annual Report of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 1980. 28-33.
Bunce, R.G.H.. 1981 British woodlands in an European context. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 7-11. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Burn, A.J.. 1981 Feeding and growth in the Antarctic collembolan Cryptopygus antarcticus. Oikos, 36 (1). 59-64. 10.2307/3544379
Burn, R.W.. 1981 Early Tertiary calc-alkaline volcanism on Alexander Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 53. 175-193.
Burn, R.W.; Thomson, M.R.A.. 1981 Late Cenozoic tillites associated with intraglacial volcanic rocks, Lesser Antarctica. In: Hambrey, M.J.; Harland, W.B., (eds.) Earth's pre-Pleistocene glacial record. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 199-203.
Caldwell, J.R.. 1981 Biomass and respiration of nematode populations in two moss communities at Signy Island, maritime Antarctic. Oikos, 37 (2). 160-166. 10.2307/3544460
Caldwell, J.R.. 1981 The Signy Island terrestrial reference sites: XIII. Population dynamics of the nematode fauna. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 54. 33-46.
Callaghan, T.V.; Scott, R.; Whittaker, H.A.. 1981 The yield, development and chemical composition of some fast-growing indigenous and naturalised British plant species in relation to management as energy crops. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 178pp. (ITE0640) (Unpublished)
Campbell, I.T.. 1981 Energy intakes on sledging expeditions. British Journal of Nutrition, 45 (1). 89-94. 10.1079/BJN19810080
Campbell, I.T.; Donaldson, J.. 1981 Energy requirements of antarctic sledge dogs. British Journal of Nutrition, 45 (1). 95-98. 10.1079/BJN19810081
Cannell, B.; Harries, W.J.R.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Wem, Shropshire : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet SJ 42 and SJ 52. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 139pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 86) (Unpublished)
Cannell, M.G.R.; Cahalan, C.M.. 1981 Analysis of the variation within Sitka spruce, lodgepole pine and loblolly pine. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 94-97. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Cape, Neil; Fowler, David. 1981 Changes in epicuticular wax of Pinus sylvestris exposed to polluted air. Silva Fennica, 15. 457-458.
Carr, A.P.; King, H.L.; Heathershaw, A.D.; Lees, B.J.. 1981 Sizewell-Dunwich Banks field study topic report: 6. Wave data: observed and computed wave climates. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 97pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 128)
Carruthers, R.M.. 1981 Report on a visit to Malawi (October-December 1980) to advise on the use of geophysics in groundwater development. Institute of Geological Sciences, 81pp. (WK/AG/81/123) (Unpublished)
Carter, D.J.T.; Challenor, P.G.. 1981 Estimating return values of wave height. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 111pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 116)
Cartwright, D.E.. 1981 RRS Discovery Cruises 112 and 115, 3-18 August and 4-17 December 1980. Tide recording between Grand Banks of Newfoundland and West Biscay. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 16pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 112)
Charles, W.N.. 1981 Abundance of field voles (Microtus agrestis) in conifer plantations. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 135-137. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Chen, Ling-Zhi; Lindley, D. K.. 1981 Primary production, decomposition and nutrient cycling in a bracken grassland ecosystem. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 70pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.80)
Cherriman, J.W.. 1981 RRS Challenger Cruise 16/81, 25 October - 8 November 1981. Recovery of moorings I1,I2,I3,I4. Relaying of moorings I2,I4. Deployment of new moorings, E2,E3. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 5pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 120)
Clarke, Andrew ORCID:
Effects of temperature on the lipid composition of Tetrahymena.
In: Morris, G.J.; Clarke, Andrew
ORCID:, (eds.)
Effects of low temperatures on biological membranes.
London, Academic Press, 55-82.
Clarke, Andrew ORCID:; Law, Robin.
Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in benthic invertebrates from two sites in Antarctica.
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 12 (1).
Clarke, Andrew ORCID:; Law, Robin.
[Sources of Antarctic hydrocarbons.] Comment on a paper by H.M. Platt and P.R. Mackie.
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 12 (12).
Clarke, M.R.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country north of Bournemouth, Dorset : description of 1:25,000 resource sheets SU 00, 10, 20, SZ 09, 19 and 29. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 135pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 51) (Unpublished)
Clarke, M.R.; Croxall, J.P.; Prince, P.A.. 1981 Cephalopod remains in regurgitations of the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans L. at South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 54. 9-21.
Clarke, M.R.; Prince, P.A.. 1981 Cephalopod remains in regurgitations of black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses at South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 54. 1-7.
Clarkson, P.D.. 1981 Geology of the Shackleton Range. IV, The dolerite dykes. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 53. 201-212.
Clarkson, P.D.. 1981 Supposed Precambrian and Palaeozoic tillites of Greater Antarctica. In: Hambrey, M.J.; Harland, W.B., (eds.) Earth's pre-Pleistocene glacial record. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 222-226.
Clarkson, P.D.; Cooper, R.A.; Hughes, C.P.; Thomson, M.R.A.; Webers, G.F.. 1981 Ordovician of Antarctica - a review. In: Webby, B,D., (ed.) The Ordovician system in Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica: correlation charts and explanatory notes. Paris and Ottawa, International Union of Geological Sciences, 46-64. (IUGS publication, 6).
Clayton, A.R.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country between Ely and Cambridge, Cambridgeshire : description of 1:25,000 sheets TL 56 and 57. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 79pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 73) (Unpublished)
Coats, J.S.; Smith, C.G.; Gallagher, M.J.; May, F.; McCourt, W.J.; Parker, M.E.; Fortey, N.J.. 1981 Stratabound barium-zinc mineralisation in Dalradian schist near Aberfeldy, Scotland. Final report. Institute of Geological Sciences, 128pp. (WF/MR/81/040) (Unpublished)
Cole, G.A.; Gustard, A.; Beran, M.A.. 1981 Flood hydrology of the River Nene. Institute of Hydrology, 61pp. (Unpublished)
Collar, P.G.. 1981 RRS Challenger Cruise 9A/80, 8th-17th June 1980. Near surface current and wave intercomparisons near the UK Data Buoy position (48,43N, 08,58W). Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 6pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 113)
Collins, M.B.; Amos, C.L.; Evans, G.. 1981 Observations of some sedment-transport processes over intertidal flats, the Wash, U.K. Special Publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists, 5. 81-98.
Cooper, J.I.. 1981 Viruses of trees. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 143-145. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Corser, C.E.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Dorchester and Watlington, Oxfordshire : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet SU 69 and part of SU 59. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 127pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 81) (Unpublished)
Corser, C.E.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country between Wallingford and Goring, Oxfordshire : description of 1:25,000 sheet SU 68 and parts of sheet SU 58. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 89pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 64) (Unpublished)
Crabtree, R.D.. 1981 Subglacial morphology in northern Palmer Land, Antarctic Peninsula. Annals of Glaciology, 2. 17-22. 10.3189/172756481794352496
Crame, J. Alistair ORCID:
Preliminary bivalve zonation of the Latady Formation.
Antarctic Journal of the United States, 16 (5).
Crame, J.A. ORCID:
Upper Cretaceous inoceramids (Bivalvia) from the James Ross Island group and their stratigraphical significance.
British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 53.
Crame, J.A. ORCID:
The occurrence of Anopaea (Bivalvia: Inoceramidae) in the Antarctic Peninsula.
Journal of Molluscan Studies, 47 (2).
Crofts, R.G.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Stokesley, North Yorkshire : description of 1:25,000 sheets NZ 40 and 50, and parts of NZ 41 and 51. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 88pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 75) (Unpublished)
Croxall, J.P.; Rootes, D.M.; Price, R.A.. 1981 Increases in penguin populations at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 54. 47-56.
Dalziel, I.W.D.; Elliot, D.H.; Jones, D.L.; Thomson, J.W.; Thomson, M.R.A.; Wells, N.A.; Zinsmeister, W.J.. 1981 The geological significance of some Triassic microfossils from the South Orkney Islands, Scotia Ridge. Geological Magazine, 118 (1). 15-25. 10.1017/S0016756800024766
Darton, D.M.; Dingwall, R.G.; McCann, D.M.. 1981 Geological and geophysical investigations in Lyme Bay. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 33pp. (Report No. 79/10) (Unpublished)
Davis, R.C.. 1981 Structure and function of two Antarctic terrestrial moss communities. Ecological Monographs, 51 (2). 125-143. 10.2307/2937260
Deans, J.D.. 1981 Root growth and its relation to the water economy of a Sitka spruce plantation. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 58-61. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Doake, C.S.M.. 1981 Polarization of radio waves in ice sheets. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 64 (2). 539-558. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1981.tb02682.x
Doake, C.S.M.. 1981 Tracing particle paths in the Antarctic ice sheet. Journal of Glaciology, 27 (97). 483-486. 10.3189/S0022143000011515
Doake, C.S.M.; Crabtree, R.D.; Dalziel, I.W.D.. 1981 Airborne radio-echo sounding in Ellsworth Land and Ronne Ice Shelf. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 16 (5). 83-84.
Dudeney, J.R.. 1981 URSI Working Group G10. International Digital Ionsonde Group Bulletin No. 2. INAG Bulletin, 33. 12-18.
Dudeney, John. 1981 the ionosphere - a view from the pole. New Scientist, 91 (1271). 714-717.
Dundas, D.L.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country east of Harrogate, North Yorkshire : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet SE 35. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 65pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 70) (Unpublished)
Dunkley, P.N.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country north of Wrexham, Clwyd : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet SJ 35 and part of SJ 25. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 95pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 61) (Unpublished)
Edmunds, W.M.. 1981 Proposals for SUDAN-IGS-ACSAD Water Resources project in the Butana area, Sudan : report of visit to Khartoum, 26/2/81-7/3/81. Institute of Geological Sciences, 25pp. (WD/OS/81/006) (Unpublished)
Ellis-Evans, J. Cynan. 1981 Freshwater microbiology in the Antarctic: I. Microbial numbers and activity in oligotrophic Moss Lake, Signy Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 54. 85-104.
Ellis-Evans, J. Cynan. 1981 Freshwater microbiology in the Antarctic: II. Microbial numbers and activity in nutrient-enriched Heywood Lake, Signy Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 54. 105-121.
Evans, A.D.; Cornwell, J.D.. 1981 An airborne geophysical survey of the Whin Sill between Haltwhistle and Scots Gap, south Northumberland. Institute of Geological Sciences, 40pp. (WF/MR/81/047) (Unpublished)
Evans, J.J.; Pugh, D.T.. 1981 An analysis of a year of sea-level data at Flat Holm, Severn Estuary. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 7pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 129)
Everson, Inigo. 1981 Antarctic krill. In: El-Sayed, S.Z., (ed.) Biological investigations of marine Antarctic systems and stocks (BIOMASS). Vol. II: Selected contributions to the Woods Hole Conference on Living Resources of the Southern Ocean 1976. Cambridge, SCAR, SCOR, 31-45.
Everson, Inigo. 1981 Fish. In: El-Sayed, S.Z., (ed.) Biological investigations of marine Antarctic systems and stocks (BIOMASS). Vol. II: Selected contributions to the Woods Hole Conference on Living Resources of the Southern Ocean 1976. Cambridge, SCAR, SCOR, 79-97.
Ewing, J.A.; Ephraums, J.J.; Golding, B.W.; Worthington, B.A.. 1981 Comparisons of the Meteorological Office and Norswam wave models with measured wave data collected during March 1980. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 22pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 127)
Fasham, M.J.R.. 1981 RRS Discovery Cruise 120, 9 May - 1 June 1981. Biological and physical investigations of the oceanic front to the south-west of the Azores. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 25pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 124)
Fielde, E.M.; Goode, D.A.. 1981 Peatland ecology in the British Isles: a bibliography. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology and Nature Conservancy Council, 178pp.
Ford, E.D.. 1981 Changes in the growth and structure of a young plantation forest. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 29-31. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Fortnum, B.C.H.. 1981 Waves recorded at Dowsing light vessel between 1970 and 1979. Data for May 1970 to April 1971, November 1975 to October 1976 and August 1977 to July 1979 at position 53,34.0'N, 000,50.2'E. Summary analysis and interpretation report. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 6pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 126)
Fortnum, B.C.H.. 1981 Waves recorded at St.Gowan light vessel. Data for August 1975 to July 1976 and January 1977 to December 1978 at position 51,31'N, 005,00'W. Summary analysis and interpretation report. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 6pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 125)
Fortnum, B.C.H.. 1981 Waves recorded off South Uist in the Hebrides. Data from March 1976 to February 1978 at position 57,18'N, 07,38'W. Summary analysis and interpretation report. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 6pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 115)
Fowler, D.. 1981 Dry deposition of airborne pollutants on forests. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 62-65. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Francis, T.J.G.. 1981 RRS Discovery Cruise 118, 11 February - 30 March 1981. Geophysics and sediment sampling in the north east Atlantic. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 33pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 117)
Francis, T.J.G.. 1981 RRS Shackleton Cruise 8/79, 31 August - 30 September 1979. Geology and geophysics in the northeast Atlantic and on the mid-Atlantic Ridge. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 9pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 110)
Gardiner, A.S.. 1981 Betula pubescens - the affinities of types in the Scottish highlands with those of continental Europe: a study of leaf morphology or the application of morphometrics. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 89-93. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Gardner, C. M. K.. 1981 The MORECS discussion meeting, April 1981. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 57pp. (IH Report No.78) (Unpublished)
Gardner, C. M. K.. 1981 The soil moisture databank: moisture content data from some British soils. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 156pp. (IH Report No.76) (Unpublished)
Gatliff, R.W.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Huntingdon and St Ives, Cambridgeshire : description of parts of 1:25,000 sheets TL 16, 17, 26, 27, 36 and 37. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 112pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 54) (Unpublished)
Giles, J.R.A.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Blaydon, Tyne and Wear : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet NZ06, 16. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 79pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 74) (Unpublished)
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Gould, W.J.. 1981 RRS Discovery Cruise 122, 30 June - 27 July 1981. Physical oceanography of the N.E. Atlantic Ocean. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 28pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 118)
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Harding, P.T.. 1981 The conservation of pasture-woodlands. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 45-48. (ITE Symposium, 8).
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Huthnance, J.M. ORCID:
On mass transports generated by tides and long waves.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 102.
Huthnance, J.M. ORCID:
Waves and currents near the continental shelf edge.
Progress in Oceanography, 10 (4).
Huthnance, J.M. ORCID:
A note on baroclinic Rossby wave reflection at sea-floor scarps.
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, 28 (1).
Huthnance, John M. ORCID:
Large tidal currents near Bear Island and related tidal energy losses from the North Atlantic.
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, 28 (1).
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Jefferson, T.H.; Macdonald, D.I.M.. 1981 Fossil wood from South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 54. 57-64.
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Jones, K.D.. 1981 Publications and reports of the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences 1973-1978. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 149pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 122)
Jones, R.C.. 1981 Reconnaissance geochemical maps of parts of south Devon and Cornwall. Institute of Geological Sciences, 14pp. (WF/MR/81/044) (Unpublished)
Kenward, R. E.. 1981 Grey squirrel damage and management. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 132-134. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Lakhani, K.H.. 1981 An improved method of estimating the contribution of crown leachates to the chemical composition of rain collected beneath trees. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 72-74. (ITE Symposium, 8).
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Laws, R.M.. 1981 Biology of Antarctic seals. Science Progress, 67 (267). 377-397.
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Laws, R.M.; Nieuwenhuijs, G.K.. 1981 A new sighting of southern right whale dolphins, Lissodelphis peronei, in the south-west Atlantic. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 54. 135-136.
Laxton, J.L; Ross, D.L.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Newport-on-Tay, Fife region : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet NO 42 and parts of NO 32 and 52. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 105pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 89) (Unpublished)
Leader-Williams, N.; Scott, Tessa A.; Pratt, R. M.. 1981 Forage selection by introduced reindeer on South Georgia, and its consequences for the flora. The Journal of Applied Ecology, 18 (1). 83-106. 10.2307/2402480
Leake, R.C.; Auld, H.A.; Stone, P.; Johnson, C.E.. 1981 Gold mineralisation at the southern margin of the Loch Doon granitoid complex, south-west Scotland. Institute of Geological Sciences, 46pp. (WF/MR/81/046) (Unpublished)
Leakey, R.R.B.. 1981 Physiological approaches to the conservation and improvement of Triplochiton scleroxylon - a West African timber tree. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 105-109. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Lees, B.J.; Heathershaw, A.D.. 1981 Sizewell-Dunwich banks field study topic report: 5. Offshore sediment movement and its relation to observed tidal current and wave data. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 113pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 123)
Light, J.J.; Ellis-Evans, J. Cynan; Priddle, J.. 1981 Phytoplankton ecology in an Antarctic lake. Freshwater Biology, 11 (1). 11-26. 10.1111/j.1365-2427.1981.tb01239.x
Longman, K.A.. 1981 Possibilities of controlled reproduction in trees. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 101-104. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Lovell, J.H.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Hexham, Northumberland : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet NY 86 and 96. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 69pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 65) (Unpublished)
Luxmoore, R.A.. 1981 Moulting and growth in serolid isopods. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 56 (1). 63-85. 10.1016/0022-0981(81)90008-3
Lyle, A.A.. 1981 Ten years of ice records for Loch Leven, Kinross. Weather, 36. 116-125.
Macdonald, D. W.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Bacon, P. J.. 1981 Fox populations, habitat characterisation and rabies control. Journal of Biogeography, 8. 145-151.
Mair, B.F.. 1981 Geological observations in the Moraine Fjord area, south Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 53. 11-19.
Marks, R.J.; Merritt, J.W.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country north-east of Halstead, Essex : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet TL 83. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 127pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 68) (Unpublished)
Marks, R.J.; Murray, D.W.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Sible Hedingham, Essex : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet TL 73. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 107pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 82) (Unpublished)
Maslen, N.R.. 1981 The Signy Island terrestrial reference sites: XII. Population ecology of nematodes with additions to the fauna. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 53. 57-75.
Mason, P.A.. 1981 Toadstools and trees. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 82-84. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Matthews, J.P.; Yearby, K.. 1981 Magnetospheric VLF line radiation observed at Halley, Antarctica. Planetary and Space Science, 29 (1). 97-106. 10.1016/0032-0633(81)90142-2
McCann, T.S.. 1981 Aggression and sexual activity of male Southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina. Journal of Zoology, 195 (3). 295-310. 10.1111/j.1469-7998.1981.tb03467.x
McCartney, B.S.. 1981 RRS Discovery Cruise 116, 6-16th January 1981. Winch and instrumentation trials with CTD section. Wormely, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 18pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 109)
McMillan, A.A.; Aitken, A.M.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country west of Peterhead, Grampian region : description of 1:25,000 sheet NK 04 and parts of NJ 94 and 95, NK 05, 14 and 15. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 107pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 58) (Unpublished)
McMillan, A.A.; Laxton, J.L.; Shaw, A.J.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Dolphinton, Strathclyde region, and West Linton, Borders region : description of 1:25,000 resource sheets NT 04 and 14, and parts of NT 05 and 15. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 103pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 62) (Unpublished)
Merritt, J.W.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Ellon, Grampian region : description of 1:25,000 resource sheets NJ 93 with parts of NJ 82, 83 and 92, and NK 03 with parts of NK 02 and 13. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 120pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 76) (Unpublished)
Miles, J.. 1981 Effect of birch on moorlands. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 18pp.
Miles, J.. 1981 Effects of trees on soils. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 85-88. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Milne, R.. 1981 The role and use of water in Sitka spruce plantations. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 54-57. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Moon, H. P.; Harding, P. T.. 1981 A preliminary review of the occurrence of Asellus (Crustacea Isopoda) in the British Isles. Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, Biological Records Centre Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 16pp.
Morris, G. J.. 1981 Cryopreservation: an introduction to cryopreservation in culture collections. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 27pp.
Morris, G.J.; Coulson, G.; Clarke, Andrew ORCID:
Does growth rate rather than temperature regulate membrane fatty acid copmposition in Tetrahymena?
CryoLetters, 2 (4).
Morris, G.J.; Coulson, G.F.; Clarke, K.J.; Grout, B.W.W.; Clarke, Andrew ORCID:
Freezing injury in Chlamydomonas: a synoptic approach.
In: Morris, G.J.; Clarke, Andrew
ORCID:, (eds.)
Effects of low temperatures on biological membranes.
London, Academic Press, 285-306.
Morris, R.J.; Peters, R.D.. 1981 The IOS multi-purpose gravity corer. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 7pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 124)
Newton, I. ORCID:; Harris, M. P.
ORCID:; Bull, K.R.; Osborn, D.; Bell, A.A.; Haas, M.B.; Every, W.J..
Birds of prey and pollution: annual report.
NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 70pp.
(ITE Project No: 0181, NCC CST Report No: 337)
Newton, I. ORCID:; Moss, D..
Factors affecting the breeding of sparrowhawks and the occurrence of their song-bird prey in woodlands.
In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.)
Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE.
Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 125-131.
(ITE Symposium, 8).
Nicholson, I.A.. 1981 Wet deposition and the movement of pollutants through forests. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 66-71. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Nielson, R.L.; Hampton, I.; Everson, I.. 1981 Calibration of hydro-acoustic instruments. Cambridge, SCAR, 52pp. (BIOMASS Handbook, 1).
O'Connell, P.E.. 1981 An evaluation of flow forecasting procedures for the Citarum River Basin, Indonesia. Institute of Hydrology, 70pp. (Unpublished)
Page, F.. 1981 The culture and use of free-living protozoa in teaching. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 54pp.
Paren, J.G.. 1981 Reflection coefficient at a dielectric interface. Journal of Glaciology, 27 (95). 203-204. 10.3189/S0022143000011400
Parker, M.E.; Cooper, D.C.; Bide, P.J.; Allen, P.M.. 1981 Mineral exploration in the area around Culvennan Fell, Kirkcowan, south-western Scotland. Institute of Geological Sciences, 37pp. (WF/MR/81/042) (Unpublished)
Parker, W.R.; Kirby, R.. 1981 The behaviour of cohesive sediment in the inner Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary in relation to construction of the Severn Barrage. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 54pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 117)
Parr, T.W.. 1981 Scottish deciduous woodlands: a cause for concern? In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 12-15. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Pelham, J.; Mason, P.A.. 1981 Nutritional variants of birch. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 78-81. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Pettigrew, T.H.. 1981 The geology of Annenkov Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 53. 213-254.
Phillips, G.R.J.. 1981 The IOS acoustic command and monitoring system. Part 3. Releases, beacons and transponders. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 30pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 96/3)
Pollard, E.. 1981 Population studies of woodland butterflies. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 120-124. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Priddle, Julian; Belcher, J.H.. 1981 Freshwater biology at Rothera Point, Adelaide Island: II. Algae. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 53. 1-9.
Prince, P.A.; Ricketts, C.. 1981 Relationships between food supply and growth in albatrosses: an interspecies chick fostering experiment. Ornis Scandinavica, 12 (3). 207-210. 10.2307/3676078
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Pugh, D.T.. 1981 Comparative tests of sea level data from the Newlyn tide well and an Aanderaa pneumatic system. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 16pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 119)
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Renner, R.G.B.. 1981 An absolute gravity base at Siple II Station, Antarctica. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 54. 140-142.
Renner, R.G.B.. 1981 A gravity tie between the Antarctic Peninsula network and McMurdo Station. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 54. 142-146.
Reynolds, B.. 1981 Methods for the collection and analysis of water samples for a geochemical cycling study. Bangor, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 28pp. (Bangor Occasional Paper No.5)
Reynolds, B.. 1981 Preliminary studies of adsorption losses of phosphate from dilute solutions. Bangor, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 7pp. (Bangor Occasional Paper No.6)
Reynolds, J.M.. 1981 The distribution of mean annual temperatures in the Antarctic Peninsula. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 54. 123-133.
Reynolds, John M.. 1981 Lakes on George VI Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Polar Record, 20 (128). 425-432. 10.1017/S0032247400003636
Rice, A.L.. 1981 RRS Challenger Cruise 17/80 (IOS Cruise 509), 4 November 1980 - 16 November 1980. Benthic biology of the Porcupine Seabight. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 15pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 107)
Rice, A.L.. 1981 RRS Challenger Cruise 8/81, 18 May - 1 June 1981. Benthic biology of the Porcupine Seabight. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 16pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 119)
Ricketts, C.; Prince, P.A.. 1981 Comparison of growth of albatrosses. Ornis Scandinavica, 12 (2). 120-124. 10.2307/3676036
Ridout, P.S.. 1981 A shipboard system for extracting interstitial water from deep ocean sediments. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 11pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 121)
Roberts, G.. 1981 The processing of hydrological data. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 113pp. (IH Report No.70) (Unpublished)
Rodger, Alan S.. 1981 Night-time movements of the mid latitude trough and a comparison with movements of the plasmapause. IAGA Bulletin, 45. 355.
Rodger, Alan S.. 1981 Recent developments in British Antarctic aeronomic research - a review. IAGA Bulletin, 45. 546.
Rodger, Alan S.. 1981 Some problems in the scaling of fmin. INAG Bulletin, 34. 14-16.
Rodger, Alan S.. 1981 The effects of changes to the scaling rules for ionospheric characteristics. INAG Bulletin, 33. 10-12.
Rodger, Alan S.. 1981 fxI and Spread-F scaling. INAG Bulletin, 33. 32-33.
Rodger, Alan S.; Boteler, D.H.; Dudeney, John R.. 1981 The importance of the maximum plasma frequency of the ionosphere in controlling the occurrence of blackout. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 43 (12). 1243-1247. 10.1016/0021-9169(81)90146-X
Rodger, Alan S.; Fitzgerald, P.H; Broom, S.M. 1981 The nocturnal intermediate layer over South Georgia. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 43 (10). 1043-1050. 10.1016/0021-9169(81)90018-0
Rodger, Alan S.; Pinnock, Michael. 1981 The variability and predictability of the main ionospheric trough. In: Deehr, C.S.; Holtet, J.A., (eds.) Exploration of the polar upper atmosphere. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Lillehammer, Norway, May 5-16, 1980. Dordrecht, Reidel, 463-469. (NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and physical sciences, 64).
Rogers, P.J.; Piper, D.P.; Charsley, T.J.. 1981 The conglomerate resources of the Sherwood Sandstone Group of the country around Cheadle, Staffordshire : description of part of 1:25,000 sheet SK 04. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 38pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 57) (Unpublished)
Rycroft, M.J.; Cannon, P.S.; Turunen, T.. 1981 ELF radio signals produced in the auroral ionosphere by non-linear demodulation of signals from high-power amplitude-modulated transmitters. Advances in Space Research, 1 (2). 449-454. 10.1016/0273-1177(81)90320-3
Rycroft, M.J.; Walton, David W.H. ORCID:
Proposed studies of atmospheric CO2 at Halley, Antarctica.
Papers presented at the WMO/ICSU/UNEP scientific conference on analysis and interpretation of atmospheric CO2 data, Bern, 14-18 September 1981.
Geneva, World Meteorological Organization, 103-107.
Sargent, Caroline; Mountford, J.O.. 1981 The Biological Survey of British Rail Property. Appendix 3: Biological Interest Sites Scottish Region, 1980 and some further sites from elsewhere. Fifth interim report to the Nature Conservancy Council. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 272pp. (ITE Project Number: 0466) (Unpublished)
Sargent, Caroline; Mountford, J.O.. 1981 Biological Survey of British Rail Property. Fifth Interim Report to Nature Conservancy Council. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 99pp. (ITE Project Number: 0466, CST Report 325) (Unpublished)
Saunders, P.M.. 1981 RRS Discovery Cruise 117, 19 January - 12 February, 1981. Currents and mixing near the sea floor in the Madeira Basin. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 21pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 111)
Shaw, A.J.; Nickless, E.F.P.. 1981 The sand and gravel resources of the valley of the Douglas Water, Strathclyde : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet NS 83 and parts of NS 82, 92 and 93. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 103pp. (Mineral Assessment Report 63) (Unpublished)
Shaw, M.W.. 1981 Woodland regeneration with examples drawn from investigations of oak woodland. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 24-28. (ITE Symposium, 8).
Smellie, John L.. 1981 A complete arc-trench system recognized in Gondwana sequences of the Antarctic Peninsula region. Geological Magazine, 118 (2). 139-159. 10.1017/S001675680003435X
Smith, A.J.; Carpenter, D.L.; Lester, M.. 1981 Longitudinal variations of plasmapause radius and the propagation of VLF noise within small (ΔL ∼ 0.5) extensions of the plasmasphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 8 (9). 980-983. 10.1029/GL008i009p00980
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Smith, Ronald I.L.. 1981 Types of peat and peat-forming vegetation on South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 53. 119-139.
Smith, Ronald I.L.. 1981 The earliest report of a flowering plant in the Antarctic? Polar Record, 20 (129). 571-572. 10.1017/S0032247400004022
Staines, B. W.; Welch, D.. 1981 Deer and their woodland habitats. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 138-142. (ITE Symposium, 8).
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