Items where NERC Author is "Phillips, Emrys"
Phillips, Emrys; Merritt, Jon W.. 2024 Soft-sediment deformation and glacitectonite formation during the deglaciation of the Allt Cuaich catchment, Grampian Highlands, Scotland. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 135 (4). 438-457. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2024.06.003
Evans, David J.A.; Roberts, David H.; Phillips, Emrys. 2024 The late Quaternary glacial depositional environment at Filey Bay, eastern England: Accretionary mechanisms for thick sequences of tills and stratified diamictons. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 135 (3). 217-236. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2024.01.003
Vaughan, David P.; Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan R.; Hart, Jane K.. 2024 A thin-skinned thrust model for ice-marginal glacitectonic detachment and emplacement of Carboniferous bedrock rafts at Kilcummin Head, NW Ireland. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 135 (3). 260-281. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2024.04.001
British Geological Survey. 2024 User Guide for BGS Seabed Geology : Offshore East Anglia. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 45pp. (OR/24/003) (Unpublished)
Phillips, Emrys; Piotrowski, Jan A.. 2023 Modelling of till microstructure development during subglacial deformation using ring shear experiments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 312, 108168. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108168
Kettler, C.; Phillips, E.; Pichler, K.; Smrzka, D.; Vandyk, T.M.; Le Heron, D.P.. 2023 3D macro- and microfabric analyses of Neoproterozoic diamictites from the Valjean Hills, California (United States). Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, 929011. 10.3389/feart.2023.929011
Unwin, Holly E.; Tuffen, Hugh; Wadsworth, Fabian B.; Phillips, Emrys R.; James, Mike R.; Foster, Annabelle; Kolzenburg, Stephan; Castro, Jonathan M.; Porritt, Lucy A.. 2023 The exposed Mule Creek vent deposits record the structure of a volcanic conduit during a hybrid explosive–effusive eruption. Bulletin of Volcanology, 85 (5), 28. 10.1007/s00445-023-01638-z
Aradóttir, Nína; Benediktsson, Ívar Örn; Ingólfsson, Ólafur; Sturkell, Erik; Brynjólfsson, Skafti; Farnsworth, Wesley R.; Phillips, Emrys. 2023 Drumlin formation within the Bustarfell drumlin field, northeast Iceland: integrating sedimentological and ground‐penetrating radar data. Journal of Quaternary Science, 38 (3). 386-402. 10.1002/jqs.3481
Smith, Nicholas T; Merritt, Jonathan W.; Phillips, Emrys R.. 2023 High-resolution 3D geological modelling of heterogeneity in poorly exposed glacial deposits using sedimentary and glaciotectonic architectural element analysis: a case example from Sellafield in West Cumbria, UK. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 56 (1). 10.1144/qjegh2022-022
Johnson, K.R.; Dakin, N.; Carter, G.D.O.; Phillips, E.. 2023 Geo-challenges for ground model development in previously glaciated and periglaciated terrains. In: Innovation Geotechnologies for Energy Transition : Offsite Site Investigation Geotechnics 9th International Conference, London, UK, 12-14 Sept 2023. 882-889.
Phillips, Emrys; Johnson, Kirstin; Ellen, Rachael; Plenderleith, Gayle; Dove, Dayton; Carter, Gareth; Dakin, Nicola; Cotterill, Carol. 2022 Glacitectonic evidence of ice sheet interaction and retreat across the western part of Dogger Bank (North Sea) during the Last Glaciation. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 133 (1). 87-111. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2021.11.005
Belzyt, Szymon; Pisarska‐Jamroży, Małgorzata; Bitinas, Albertas; Woronko, Barbara; Phillips, Emrys R.; Piotrowski, Jan A.; Jusienė, Asta; Baas, Jaco. 2021 Repetitive Late Pleistocene soft‐sediment deformation by seismicity‐induced liquefaction in north‐western Lithuania. Sedimentology, 68 (7). 3033-3056. 10.1111/sed.12883
Unwin, Holly E.; Tuffen, Hugh; Phillips, Emrys; Wadsworth, Fabian B.; James, Mike R.. 2021 Pressure-driven opening and filling of a volcanic hydrofracture recorded by Tuffisite at Húsafell, Iceland: a potential seismic source. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 668058. 10.3389/feart.2021.668058
Phillips, Emrys; Kearsey, Timothy I.. 2020 Mass flow and hydrofracturing during Late Devensian moraine emplacement, NE Scotland. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 131 (6). 730-750. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2020.08.002
Narloch, Włodzimierz; Phillips, Emrys R.; Piotrowski, Jan A.; Ćwiek, Mateusz. 2020 Patterns of deformation within a subglacial shear zone: implications for palaeo-ice stream bed evolution. Sedimentary Geology, 397, 105569. 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2019.105569
Evans, David J.A.; Atkinson, Nigel; Phillips, Emrys. 2020 Glacial geomorphology of the Neutral Hills Uplands, southeast Alberta, Canada: the process-form imprints of dynamic ice streams and surging ice lobes. Geomorphology, 350, 106910. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.106910
Mellett, Claire L.; Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan R.; Cotterill, Carol J.; Tjelta, Tor Inge; James, Leo; Duffy, Callum. 2020 Elsterian ice‐sheet retreat in the southern North Sea: antecedent controls on large‐scale glaciotectonics and subglacial bed conditions. Boreas, 49 (1). 129-151. 10.1111/bor.12410
Sigfúsdóttir, Thorbjörg; Phillips, Emrys; Benediktsson, Ívar Örn. 2020 Micromorphological evidence for the role of pressurised water in the formation of large-scale thrust-block moraines in Melasveit, western Iceland. Quaternary Research, 93 (1). 88-109. 10.1017/qua.2019.48
Boon, D.P.; Phillips, E.R.; Kirkham, M.; Auton, C.A.. 2019 Physical properties and micromorphology of till deposits from Talla Earth Observatory, Southern Uplands, Scotland. Keyworth, British Geological survey, 36pp. (OR/19/063) (Unpublished)
Phillips, Emrys; Evans, David J.A.. 2019 Synsedimentary glacitectonic deformation within a glacilacustrine-esker sequence, Teesdale, Northern England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 130 (5). 624-649. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2019.08.001
Emery, Andy R.; Hodgson, David M.; Barlow, Natasha L.M.; Carrivick, Jonathan L.; Cotterill, Carol J.; Phillips, Emrys. 2019 Left high and dry: deglaciation of Dogger Bank, North Sea, recorded in proglacial lake evolution. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7. 10.3389/feart.2019.00234
Brumme, Johannes; Hüneke, Heiko; Phillips, Emrys. 2019 Micromorphology and clast microfabrics of subglacial traction tills at the sea cliff Dwasieden: evidence of polyphase syn- and post-depositional deformation. DEUQUA Special Publications, 2. 51-60. 10.5194/deuquasp-2-51-2019
Gehrmann, Anna; Hüneke, Heiko; Meschede, Martin; Phillips, Emrys. 2019 Sea cliff at Wissower Bach (Pleistocene stripe 5) – microstructural evidence of large-scale glacitectonism and glacier kinematics. DEUQUA Special Publications, 2. 29-33. 10.5194/deuquasp-2-29-2019
Le Heron, D.P.; Hogan, K.A. ORCID:; Phillips, E.R.; Huuse, M.; Busfield, M.E.; Graham, A.G.C., eds.
Glaciated margins: the sedimentary and geophysical archive.
London, UK, Geological Society of London, NP-NP, 288pp.
(Geological Society Special Publication, 475, 1).
Le Heron, D.P.; Hogan, K.A. ORCID:; Phillips, E.R.; Huuse, M.; Busfield, M.E.; Graham, A.G.C..
An introduction to glaciated margins: the sedimentary and geophysical archive.
In: Le Heron, D.P.; Hogan, K.A.
ORCID:; Phillips, E.R.; Huuse, M.; Busfield, M.E.; Graham, A.G.C., (eds.)
Glaciated margins: the sedimentary and geophysical archive.
London, UK, Geological Society of London, 1-8.
(Geological Society Special Publications, 475, 475).
Dell, Rebecca; Carr, Rachel; Phillips, Emrys; Russell, Andrew J.. 2019 Response of glacier flow and structure to proglacial lake development and climate at Fjallsjökull, south-east Iceland. Journal of Glaciology, 65 (250). 321-336. 10.1017/jog.2019.18
Horan, Kate; Stone, Philip; Crowhurst, Simon J..
Sedimentary record of Early Permian deglaciation in southern Gondwana from the Falkland Islands.
In: Le Heron, D.P.; Hogan, K.A. ORCID:; Phillips, E.R.; Huuse, M.; Busfield, M.E.; Graham, A.G.C., (eds.)
Glaciated margins: the sedimentary and geophysical archive.
London, UK, Geological Society of London, 131-147.
Finlayson, Andrew; Phillips, Emrys; Benediktsson, Ívar Örn; Zoet, Lucas K.; Iverson, Neal R.; Everest, Jez. 2019 Subglacial drumlins and englacial fractures at the surge-type glacier, Múlajökull, Iceland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44 (1). 367-380. 10.1002/esp.4485
Sigfúsdóttir, Thorbjörg; Benediktsson, Ívar Örn; Phillips, Emrys. 2018 Active retreat of a Late Weichselian marine-terminating glacier: an example from Melasveit, western Iceland. Boreas, 47 (3). 813-836. 10.1111/bor.12306
Phillips, Emrys; Cotterill, Carol; Johnson, Kirstin; Crombie, Kirstin; James, Leo; Carr, Simon; Ruiter, Astrid. 2018 Large-scale glacitectonic deformation in response to active ice sheet retreat across Dogger Bank (southern central North Sea) during the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 179. 24-47. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.11.001
Phillips, Emrys R.; Evans, David J.A.; van der Meer, Jaap J.M.; Lee, Jonathan R.. 2018 Microscale evidence of liquefaction and its potential triggers during soft-bed deformation within subglacial traction tills. Quaternary Science Reviews, 181. 123-143. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.12.003
Phillips, Emrys; Spagnolo, Matteo; Pilmer, Alasdair C.J.; Rea, Brice R.; Piotrowski, Jan A.; Ely, Jeremy C.; Carr, Simon. 2018 Progressive ductile shearing during till accretion within the deforming bed of a palaeo-ice stream. Quaternary Science Reviews, 193. 1-23. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.06.009
Merritt, Jon; Auton, Clive; Firth, Callum. 2017 Ardersier Peninsula and the Ardersier Silts Formation. In: Merritt, J.; Auton, C.; Phillips, E., (eds.) The Quaternary aorund Nairn and the Inverness Firth. Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 62-76.
Auton, Clive. 2017 Cloddymoss, Culbin Forest. In: Merritt, Jonathan; Auton, Clive; Phillips, Emrys, (eds.) The Quaternary around Nairn and the Inverness Firth. Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 89-91. (QRA Field Guides).
Merritt, Jon; Auton, Clive. 2017 The Dalcharn Interglacial site. In: Merritt, J.; Auton, C.; Phillips, E., (eds.) The Quaternary aorund Nairn and the Inverness Firth. Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 132-144.
Auton, Clive. 2017 The Daless Viewpoint in the Middle Findhorn Valley. In: Merritt, J.; Auton, C.; Phillips, E., (eds.) The Quaternary aorund Nairn and the Inverness Firth. Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 188-198.
Auton, Clive. 2017 Evidence for glacial lakes at Banchor and lower in the Findhorn Catchment. In: Merritt, J.; Auton, C.; Phillips, E., (eds.) The Quaternary aorund Nairn and the Inverness Firth. Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 199-211.
Merritt, Jon; Auton, Clive; Firth, Callum. 2017 The Flemington Eskers. In: Merritt, J.; Auton, C.; Phillips, E., (eds.) The Quaternary aorund Nairn and the Inverness Firth. Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 122-127.
Auton, Clive. 2017 Grangehill, Kinloss. In: Merritt, J.; Auton, C.; Phillips, E., (eds.) The Quaternary aorund Nairn and the Inverness Firth. Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 92-100.
Auton, Clive; Merritt, Jon. 2017 Piperhill. In: Merritt, J.; Auton, C.; Phillips, E., (eds.) The Quaternary aorund Nairn and the Inverness Firth. Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 128-131.
Merritt, J.; Auton, C.; Phillips, E., eds. 2017 The Quaternary around Nairn and the Inverness Firth. Field Guide. London. UK, Quaternary Research Association, 251pp.
Auton, Clive. 2017 Sites within the Middle Findhorn Valley and across the Dulnain-Findhorn catchment divide. Highland Boath. In: Merritt, J.; Auton, C.; Phillips, E., (eds.) The Quaternary aorund Nairn and the Inverness Firth. Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 184-187.
Auton, Clive. 2017 Transverse ridges and eskers around Easterton Steading, between Nairn and Forres. In: Merritt, J.; Auton, C.; Phillips, E., (eds.) The Quaternary aorund Nairn and the Inverness Firth. Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 83-98.
Merritt, Jon; Auton, Clive; Finlayson, Andrew. 2017 Transverse ridges around Mosstowie, near Elgin, and elsewhere around the Inner Moray Firth. In: Merritt, J.; Auton, C.; Phillips, E., (eds.) The Quaternary aorund Nairn and the Inverness Firth. Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 101-107.
Merritt, Jon; Auton, Clive; Firth, Callum. 2017 An introduction to the history of glaciation and sea-level around Nairn and south of the Inner Moray Firth. In: Merritt, J.; Auton, C.; Phillips, E., (eds.) The Quaternary aorund Nairn and the Inverness Firth. Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 28-53.
Auton, Clive; Firth, Callum. 2017 The raised shorelines at Kingsteps, Nairn. In: Merritt, J.; Auton, C.; Phillips, E., (eds.) The Quaternary aorund Nairn and the Inverness Firth. Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 77-82.
Gehrmann, Anna; Hüneke, Heiko; Meschede, Martin; Phillips, Emrys. 2017 3D microstructural architecture of deformed glacigenic sediments associated with large-scale glacitectonism, Jasmund Peninsula (NE Rügen), Germany. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32 (2). 213-230. 10.1002/jqs.2843
Merritt, Jon. 2017 The Allt Odhar (Moy) Interstadial site. In: Merritt, Jonathan; Auton, Clive; Phillips, Emrys, (eds.) The Quaternary around Nairn and the Inverness Firth, Scotland : Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 176-183.
Merritt, Jon; Firth, Callum. 2017 Alturlie Point and the Alturlie Gravels Formation. In: Merritt, Jonathan; Auton, Clive; Phillips, Emrys, (eds.) The Quaternary around Nairn and the Inverness Firth, Scotland : Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 54-61.
Merritt, Jon. 2017 The Beum a’ Chlaidheimh Breach and the Dulnain-Findhorn divide. In: Merritt, Jonathan; Auton, Clive; Phillips, Emrys, (eds.) The Quaternary around Nairn and the Inverness Firth, Scotland : Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 212-221.
Phillips, Emrys; Everest, Jez; Evans, David J.A.; Finlayson, Andrew; Ewertowski, Marek; Guild, Ailsa; Jones, Lee. 2017 Concentrated, ‘pulsed’ axial glacier flow: structural glaciological evidence from Kvíárjökull in SE Iceland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42 (13). 1901-1922. 10.1002/esp.4145
Cotterill, C.; Phillips, Emrys; James, Leo; Forsberg, C.F.; Tjelta, T.I.. 2017 How understanding past landscapes might inform present-day site investigations: a case study from Dogger Bank, southern central North Sea. Near surface geophysics, 15 (4). 403-413. 10.3997/1873-0604.2017032
Vaughan-Hirsch, David P.; Phillips, Emrys R.. 2017 Mid-Pleistocene thin-skinned glaciotectonic thrusting of the Aberdeen Ground Formation, Central Graben region, central North Sea. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32 (2). 196-212. 10.1002/jqs.2836
Lee, Jonathan R.; Phillips, Emrys; Rose, James; Vaughan-Hirsch, David. 2017 The Middle Pleistocene glacial evolution of northern East Anglia, UK: a dynamic tectonostratigraphic-parasequence approach. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32 (2). 231-260. 10.1002/jqs.2838
Phillips, Emrys; Hodgson, David M.; Emery, Andy R.. 2017 The Quaternary geology of the North Sea basin. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32 (2). 117-126. 10.1002/jqs.2932
Phillips, Emrys; Evans, David J.A.; Atkinson, Nigel; Kendall, Allison. 2017 Structural architecture and glacitectonic evolution of the Mud Buttes cupola hill complex, southern Alberta, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews, 164. 110-139. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.03.027
Merritt, Jon. 2017 Upper Strathnairn and Drummossie Muir. In: Merritt, Jonathan; Auton, Clive; Phillips, Emrys, (eds.) The Quaternary around Nairn and the Inverness Firth, Scotland : Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 169-175.
Cotterill, Carol J.; Phillips, Emrys; James, Leo; Forsberg, Carl Fredrik; Tjelta, Tor Inge; Carter, Gareth; Dove, Dayton. 2017 The evolution of the Dogger Bank, North Sea: a complex history of terrestrial, glacial and marine environmental change. Quaternary Science Reviews, 171. 136-153. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.07.006
Merritt, Jon; Phillips, Emrys. 2017 The glacial rafts at Clava. In: Merritt, Jonathan; Auton, Clive; Phillips, Emrys, (eds.) The Quaternary around Nairn and the Inverness Firth, Scotland : Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 145-168.
Merritt, Jon; Merritt, Jo; Bradwell, Tom. 2017 The glaciolacustrine and roches moutonnées sites at Dulnain Bridge. In: Merritt, Jonathan; Auton, Clive; Phillips, Emrys, (eds.) The Quaternary around Nairn and the Inverness Firth, Scotland : Field Guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 222-230.
Dove, D.; Bradwell, T.; Carter, G.; Cotterill, C.; Gafeira Goncalves, J.; Green, S.; Krabbendam, M.; Mellett, C.; Stevenson, A.; Stewart, H.; Westhead, K.; Scott, G.; Guinan, J.; Judge, M.; Monteys, X.; Elvenes, S.; Baeten, N.; Dolan, M.; Thorsnes, T.; Bjarnadóttir, L.; Ottesen, D.. 2016 Seabed geomorphology: a two-part classification system. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey. (OR/16/001) (Unpublished)
Spagnolo, Matteo; Phillips, Emrys; Piotrowski, Jan A.; Rea, Brice R.; Clark, Chris D.; Stokes, Chris R.; Carr, Simon J.; Ely, Jeremy C.; Ribolini, Adriano; Wysota, Wojciech; Szuman, Izabela. 2016 Ice stream motion facilitated by a shallow-deforming and accreting bed. Nature Communications, 7, 10723. 10.1038/ncomms10723
Lee, Jonathan R.; Wakefield, Oliver J.W.; Phillips, Emrys; Hughes, Leanne. 2015 Sedimentary and structural evolution of a relict subglacial to subaerial drainage system and its hydrogeological implications: an example from Anglesey, north Wales, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews, 109. 88-110. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.09.010
Lee, Jonathan R.; Phillips, Emrys; Rose, James. 2015 A tectonostratigraphic scheme for glacial deposits in northern East Anglia, UK. In: Quaternary Research Association Annual Discussion Meeting: The Quaternary Geology of the North Sea, Edinburgh, UK, 5-9 Jan 2015. Quaternary Research Association, 40.
Merritt, Jon W.; Akhurst, Maxine C.; Wilkinson, Ian P.; Riding, James B. ORCID:; Phillips, Emrys R.; Smith, Richard A.; Finlayson, Andrew; Dean, Mark T..
The Late Pleistocene Afton Lodge Clay Formation, Ayrshire, Scotland: evidence for Early to Middle Devensian climatic changes and Late Devensian onshore ice flow and rafting from the Firth of Clyde.
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (2).
Phillips, Emrys; Hughes, Leanne. 2014 Hydrofracturing in response to the development of an overpressurised subglacial meltwater system during drumlin formation: an example from Anglesey, NW Wales. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125 (3). 296-311. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2014.03.004
Phillips, Emrys; Finlayson, Andrew; Bradwell, Tom; Everest, Jez; Jones, Lee. 2014 Structural evolution triggers a dynamic reduction in active glacier length during rapid retreat: evidence from Falljökull, SE Iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119 (10). 2194-2208. 10.1002/2014JF003165
Lee, J.R.; Phillips, E.; Booth, S.J.; Rose, J.; Pawley, S.J.. 2013 Glacitectonic and geomorphological evolution of an ice-marginal terminal moraine complex during dynamic retreat. [Poster] In: 30th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Manchester, UK, 2-5 September 2013. (Unpublished)
Lee, Jonathan R.; Phillips, Emrys. 2013 Glacitectonics : a key approach to examining ice dynamics, substrate rheology and ice-bed coupling [in special issue: Glacitectonics] Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 124 (5). 731-737. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2013.07.006
Lee, Jonathan R.; Phillips, Emrys; Booth, Stephen J.; Rose, James; Jordan, Hannah M.; Pawley, Steven M.; Warren, Martin; Lawley, Russell S.. 2013 A polyphase glacitectonic model for ice-marginal retreat and terminal moraine development: the Middle Pleistocene British Ice Sheet, northern Norfolk, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 124 (5). 753-777. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2013.07.002
Vaughan-Hirsch, David P.; Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan R.; Hart, Jane K.. 2013 Micromorphological analysis of poly-phase deformation associated with the transport and emplacement of glaciotectonic rafts at West Runton, north Norfolk, UK. Boreas, 42 (2). 376-394. 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2012.00268.x
Phillips, Emrys R.; Boston, Clare M.. 2013 Bedrock geology and physiography of the Monadhliath Mountains. In: Boston, Clare M.; Lukas, Sven; Merritt, Jon W., (eds.) The Quaternary of the Monadhliath Mountains and the Great Glen : field guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 3-8. (Quaternary Research Association Field Guide).
Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan R.. 2013 Development of a subglacial drainage system and its effect on glacitectonism within the polydeformed Middle Pleistocene (Anglian) glacigenic sequence of north Norfolk, Eastern England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 124 (5). 855-875. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2012.07.005
Phillips, Emrys R.; Auton, Clive A.. 2013 Evidence for active ice retreat and ice-dammed lake formation during deglaciation in Raitts Burn. In: Boston, Clare M.; Lukas, Sven; Merritt, Jon W., (eds.) The Quaternary of the Monadhliath Mountains and the Great Glen : field guide. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 153-163. (Quaternary Research Association Field Guides).
Phillips, Emrys; Finlayson, Andrew; Jones, Lee. 2013 Fracturing, block-faulting and moulin development associated with progressive collapse and retreat of a polar maritime glacier: Virkisjokul-Falljokull, SE Iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 118 (3). 1545-1561. 10.1002/jgrf.20116
Smith, R.A.; Monaghan, A.A.. 2013 Geology of the Ayr district. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 132pp. (Description (Scotland Sheet) British Geological Survey).
Richards, P.C.; Stone, P.; Kimbell, G.S.; Mcintosh, W.C.; Phillips, E.R.. 2013 Mesozoic magmatism in the Falkland Islands (South Atlantic) and their offshore sedimentary basins. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 36 (1). 61-73. 10.1111/jpg.12542
Phillips, Emrys; Everest, Jez; Reeves, Helen. 2013 Micromorphological evidence for subglacial multiphase sedimentation and deformation during overpressurized fluid flow associated with hydrofracturing. Boreas, 42 (2). 395-427. 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2012.00261.x
Phillips, Emrys; Lipka, Ewelina; van der Meer, Jaap J.M.. 2013 Micromorphological evidence of liquefaction, injection and sediment deposition during basal sliding of glaciers. Quaternary Science Reviews, 81. 114-137. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.10.005
Northmore, Kevin J.; Entwisle, David C.; Reeves, Helen J.; Auton, Clive A.; Phillips, Emrys. 2012 Field observations and laboratory test results on tills in the Nairn-Inverness area of NE Scotland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 36pp. (OR/08/031) (Unpublished)
Farrant, A.R.; Ellison, R.A.; Thomas, R.J.; Goodenough, K.M.; Arkley, S.L.B.; Burke, H.F.; Carney, J.; Finlayson, A.; Jordan, C.J.; Lee, J.R.; Leslie, A.B.; Merritt, J.E.; Merritt, J.W.; Newell, A.J.; Phillips, E.R.; Pickett, E.A.; Price, S.J.; Schofield, D.I.; Smith, R.A.; Stephenson, D.; Styles, M.T.; Warrak, M.. 2012 Geological map of the United Arab Emirates. Geological maps of the UAE. British Geological Survey.
Farrant, A.R.; Ellison, R.A.; Merritt, J.W.; Merritt, J.E.; Newell, A.J.; Lee, J.R.; Price, S.J.; Thomas, R.J.; Leslie, A.. 2012 Geology of the Abu Dhabi 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-16, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 69pp.
Merritt, J.W.; Farrant, A.R.; Merritt, J.E.; Jordan, C.J.; Price, S.; Leslie, A.. 2012 Geology of the Al Hamra 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-14, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 30pp.
Farrant, A.R.; Leslie, A.; Merritt, J.E.; Merritt, J.W.; Jordan, C.J.; Price, S.J.; Thomas, R.J.. 2012 Geology of the Al Khatam 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-13, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 33pp.
Farrant, A.R.; Price, S.J.; Arkley, S.L.B.; Finlayson, A.; Thomas, R.J.; Leslie, A.. 2012 Geology of the Al Lisaili 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-6, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 47pp.
Farrant, A.R.; Price, S.J.; Merritt, J.E.; Merritt, J.W.; Leslie, A.; Jordan, C.J.. 2012 Geology of the Al Qua’a 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-9, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 31pp.
Farrant, A.R.; Ellison, R.A.; Leslie, A.; Finlayson, A.; Thomas, R.J.; Lee, J.R.; Burke, H.F.; Price, S.J.; Merritt, J.; Merritt, J.W.. 2012 Geology of the Al Wathba 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-12, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 67pp.
Price, S.J.; Thomas, R.J.; Smith, R.A.. 2012 Geology of the Al Wijah 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-8, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 42pp.
Thomas, R.J.; Burke, H.F.; Merritt, J.E.; Merritt, J.W.; Newell, A.J.; Smith, R.A.; Ellison, R.A.; Price, S.J.. 2012 Geology of the Arada 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-26/27, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 34pp.
Merritt, J.W.; Thomas, R.J.; Farrant, A.R.; Price, S.; Jordan, C.J.; Merritt, J.E.; Leslie, A.. 2012 Geology of the Asab 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-18, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 30pp.
Farrant, A.R.; Price, S.J.; Lee, J.R.; Goodenough, K.M.; Thomas, R.J.; Merritt, J.E.; Burke, H.F.; Newell, A.J.. 2012 Geology of the Bu Hasa 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-25, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 43pp.
Price, S.J.; Farrant, A.R.; Thomas, R.J.; Ellison, R.A.. 2012 Geology of the Dubai, Sharjah and Sir Bu N’Air 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-5, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 54pp.
Thomas, R.J.; Leslie, A.B.; Burke, H.F.; Lee, J.R.; Farrant, A.R.; Price, S.. 2012 Geology of the Ghantoot 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-11, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 44pp.
Lee, J.R.; Thomas, R.J.; Burke, H.F.; Farrant, A.R.; Price, S.J.; Goodenough, K.M.. 2012 Geology of the Ghayathi 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-29, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 55pp.
Newell, A.J.; Goodenough, K.M.; Farrant, A.R.; Ellison, R.A.; Thomas, R.J.. 2012 Geology of the Gheweifat and As Sila 1:100 000 map sheet, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 48pp.
Merritt, J.W.; Jordan, C.J.; Merritt, J.E.; Thomas, R.J.; Leslie, A.; Farrant, A.R.. 2012 Geology of the Hamim 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-19, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 28pp.
Newell, A.J.; Farrant, A.R.; Lee, J.R.; Smith, R.A.; Burke, H.F.; Thomas, R.J.; Ellison, R.A.. 2012 Geology of the Madinat Zayed 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-21, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 55pp.
Thomas, R.J.; Finlayson, A.; Merritt, J.E.; Merritt, J.W.; Smith, R.A.; Newell, A.J.; Burke, H.F.. 2012 Geology of the Mezaira’a 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-22/23, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 33pp.
Farrant, A.R.; Goodenough, K.M.; Ellison, R.A.; Thomas, R.J.; Newell, A.J.; Lee, J.R.. 2012 Geology of the Mirfa 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-24, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 51pp.
Merritt, J.W.; Merritt, J.E.; Thomas, R.J.; Ellison, R.A.; Farrant, A.R.; Goodenough, K.M.; Burke, H.F.. 2012 Geology of the Sabkha Mati North 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-33, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 53pp.
Merritt, J.W.; Merritt, J.E.; Thomas, R.J.; Farrant, A.R.; Finlayson, A.; Leslie, A.. 2012 Geology of the Sahil 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-17, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 57pp.
Thomas, R.J.; Finlayson, A.; Smith, R.A.; Arkley, S.L.B.; Farrant, A.R.. 2012 Geology of the Sweihan and Remah 1:100 000 map sheet, 100-7, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 48pp.
Farrant, A.R.; Jordan, C.J.; Leslie, A.; Merritt, J.E.; Merritt, J.W.. 2012 Geology of the Umm Azzimul 1:100 000 map sheets 100-10 &-100-15, United Arab Emirates. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 37pp.
Phillips, Emrys R.; Waters, Colin N.; Ellison, Richard A.. 2012 The Jurassic–Cretaceous depositional and tectonic evolution of the southernwestern margin of the Neotethys Ocean, Northern Oman and United Arab Emirates. In: Hosani, Khalid Al; Roure, F.; Ellison, Richard; Lokier, S., (eds.) Lithosphere dynamics and sedimentary basins: the Arabian Plate and analogues. Heidelberg, Germany, Springer, 61-100. (Frontiers in earth sciences).
Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan R.; Riding, James B. ORCID:; Kendall, Rhian; Hughes, Leanne.
Periglacial disruption and subsequent glacitectonic deformation of bedrock : an example from Anglesey, North Wales, UK.
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 124 (5).
Stone, P.; McMillan, A.A.; Floyd, J.D.; Barnes, R.P.; Phillips, E.R.. 2012 South of Scotland 4th ed. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 247pp. (British Regional Geology).
Lee, Jonathan R.; Phillips, Emrys. 2011 Development of a ‘soft deforming bed’ within a subglacial shear zone : an example from Bacton Green. In: Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H.M., (eds.) Glacitectonics : Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association, 130-142. (QRA field guides).
Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H.M., eds. 2011 Glacitectonics : field guide. Quaternary Research Association, 263pp. (QRA field guides).
van der Meer, Jaap J.M.; Thomas, Geoff S.P.; Chiverrell, Richard C.; Lee, Jonathan R.; Phillips, Emrys; Rijsdijk, Kenneth; Warren, William P.. 2011 Macrostructural analysis : unravelling polyphase glacitectonic histories. In: Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H.M., (eds.) Glacitectonics : Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association, 53-58. (QRA field guides).
Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan R.; Burke, Helen F.. 2011 Proglacial to subglacial deformation : West Runton to Sheringham. In: Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H.M., (eds.) Glacitectonics : Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association, 116-129. (QRA field guides).
Lee, Jonathan R.; Phillips, Emrys; Evans, Hannah M.; Vaughan-Hirsch, David. 2011 An introduction to the glacial geology and history of glacitectonic research in Northeast Norfolk. In: Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H.M., (eds.) Glacitectonics : Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association, 101-115. (QRA field guides).
Hughes, Leanne; Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan; Thomas, Geoff; Chiverrell, Richard. 2011 3D Architecture and evidence of multiphase sediment fill within drumlins formed between a palaeo ice stream. In: Quaternary sciences : the view from the mountains : 18th INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland, 21-27 July 2011. (Unpublished)
Phillips, E.R.; Everest, J.D.. 2011 Anglesey (Ynys Mon) : a landscape carved by ice = Ynys Mon (Anglesey) : tirwedd a luniwyd gan ia. 1:50k. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey.
Phillips, E.R.; Everest, J.D.. 2011 Anglesey (Ynys Mon) : a landscape carved by ice = Ynys Mon (Anglesey) : tirwedd a luniwyd gan ia. 1:50k. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey.
Phillips, E.R.; Everest, J.D.. 2011 Anglesey (Ynys Mon) : a landscape carved by ice = Ynys Mon (Anglesey) : tirwedd a luniwyd gan ia [poster]. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey.
Schofield, David; Phillips, Emrys; Beamish, David. 2011 Anglesey (Ynys Môn) : 600 million years of Welsh history. Planet Earth, Autumn. 18-19.
Lee, Jonathan; Phillips, Emrys. 2011 Complex interaction of subglacial hydrology and deforming bed processes and its implications for ice marginal stability: the example of the Middle Pleistocene British Ice Sheet from eastern England. [Poster] In: XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland, 21-27 July 2011. (Unpublished)
Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan R.. 2011 Description, measurement and analysis of glacitectonically deformed sequences. In: Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan; Evans, Hannah, (eds.) Glacitectonics : field guide. Quaternary Research Association, 5-31. (QRA field guides).
Lee, Jonathan R.; Phillips, Emrys. 2011 Development of a 'soft deforming bed' within a subglacial shear zone: an example from Bacton Green, north Norfolk. In: Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H.M., (eds.) Glacitectonics : field guide. Quaternary Research Association, 130-142. (Quaternary Research Association Field guide).
Smith, R.A.; Merritt, J.W.; Leslie, A.G.; Krabbendam, M.; Stephenson, D.. 2011 Geology of the Newtonmore-Ben Macdui district : Bedrock and superficial geology of the Newtonmore-Ben Macdui district : description for sheet 64 (Scotland). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 122pp. (OR/11/055) (Unpublished)
Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan R.. 2011 Glacitectonic controls on subglacial to ice-marginal drainage : Sheringham to Weybourne. In: Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H.M., (eds.) Glacitectonics : field guide. Quaternary Research Association, 182-197. (QRA field guides).
Vaughan Hirsch, David; Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan R.; Burke, Helen; Hart, Jane K.. 2011 Glacitectonic rafting of chalk bedrock : Overstrand. In: Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H.M., (eds.) Glacitectonics : field guide. Quaternary Research Association, 198-217. (QRA field guides).
van der Meer, J.J.M.; Thomas, G.S.P.; Chiverrell, R.C.; Lee, J.R.; Phillips, E.R.; Rijsdijk, K.F.; Warren, W.P.. 2011 Macro-structural analysis : unravelling polyphase glacitectonic histories. In: Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H., (eds.) Glacitectonics : field guide / edited by E. Phillips, J.R. Lee and H.M. Evans. London, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 54-58. (Quaternary Research Association. Field Guide).
Ferguson, Amanda; van der Meer, Jaap J.M.; Phillips, Emrys. 2011 Micromorphological analysis of deformation structures. In: Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H.M., (eds.) Glaciotectonics : field guide. Quaternary Research Association, 32-54. (QRA field guides).
Ferguson, Amanda; van der Meer, Jaap J.M.; Phillips, Emrys. 2011 Micromorphology and microstructural analysis of polyphase deformation of tills, West Runton. In: Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H.M., (eds.) Glacitectonics : field guide. Quaternary Research Association, 154-161. (QRA field guides).
Evans, Hannah; Lee, Jonathan R.; Riding, James ORCID:
Polyphase glacitectonic deformation during possible
active retreat, Weybourne Town Pit.
In: Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H.M., (eds.)
Glacitectonics : field guide.
Quaternary Research Association, 228-239.
(QRA field guides).
Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan; Evans, Hannah. 2011 Preface. In: Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan; Evans, Hannah, (eds.) Glacitectonics : field guide. Quaternary Research Association, 3-4. (QRA field guides).
Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan R.; Burke, Helen F.. 2011 Progressive proglacial to subglacial deformation: West Runton to Sheringham. In: Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H.M., (eds.) Glacitectonics : field guide. Quaternary Research Association, 116-129. (Quaternary Research Association. Field Guide).
McMillan, A.A.; Merritt, J.W.; Auton, C.A.; Golledge, N.R.. 2011 The Quaternary geology of the Solway. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 69pp. (RR/11/004)
Waller, Richard; Murton, Julian; Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan R.; Whiteman, Colin A.. 2011 Sand intraclast development and the deformation of glacially-overridden permafrost, West Runton. In: Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H.M., (eds.) Glacitectonics : field guide. Quaternary Research Association, 162-181. (QRA field guides).
Waller, Richard; Phillips, Emrys; Murton, Julian; Lee, Jonathan; Whiteman, Colin. 2011 Sand intraclasts as evidence of subglacial deformation of Middle Pleistocene permafrost, North Norfolk, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30 (23-24). 3481-3500. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.07.011
Lee, Jonathan; Phillips, Emrys; Chiverrell, Richard; Williams, Amanda; Thomas, Geoff; Everest, Jez. 2011 Styles of ice-marginal sedimentation and mass-wastage within the Irish Sea sector of the Last British-Irish Ice Sheet: evidence from southeast Anglesey, north Wales, UK. [Poster] In: XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland, 21-27 July 2011. (Unpublished)
Lee, Jonathan R.; Pennington, Catherine V.L.; Hobbs, Peter R.N.. 2011 Trimingham : structural architecture of the Cromer Ridge Push Moraine complex and controls for landslide geohazards. In: Phillips, E.; Lee, J.R.; Evans, H.M., (eds.) Glacitectonics : field guide. Quaternary Research Association, 218-227. (QRA field guides).
Lee, Jonathan R.; Rose, James; Hamblin, Richard J.O.; Moorlock, Brian S.P.; Riding, James B. ORCID:; Phillips, Emrys; Barendregt, Rene W.; Candy, Ian.
The glacial history of the British Isles during the Early and Middle Pleistocene : implications for the long-term development of the British Ice Sheet.
In: Ehlers, J.; Gibbard, P.L.; Hughes, P.D., (eds.)
Quaternary glaciations : extent and chronology.
Elsevier, 59-74.
(Developments in Quaternary Science, 15).
Phillips, Emrys; van der Meer, Jaap J.M.; Ferguson, Amanda. 2011 A new 'microstructural mapping' methodology for the identification, analysis and interpretation of polyphase deformation within subglacial sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30 (19-20). 2570-2596. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.04.024
Phillips, Emrys; Everest, Jez; Diaz Doce, Diego. 2010 Bedrock controls on subglacial landform distribution and geomorphological processes : evidence from the Late Devensian Irish Sea Ice Stream. Sedimentary Geology, 232 (3-4). 98-118. 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2009.11.004
Merritt, Jon; Phillips, Emrys. 2010 Plumpe Farm Section. In: Livingstone, Stephen J.; Evans, David J.A.; O'Cofaigh, Colm, (eds.) The Quaternary of the Solway Lowlands and Pennine escarpment. Durham, UK, Quaternary Research Association, 104-108, 154pp.
United Arab Emirates. Ministry of Energy, International Lithosphere Program, British Geological Survey. 2009 Carbonate sedimentology, stratigraphy and structures of the Tertiary foreland basin, Al-Ain Area, U.A.E. Ministry of Energy, United Arab Emirates, 16pp. (Unpublished)
Burke, Helen; Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan R.; Wilkinson, Ian P.. 2009 Imbricate thrust stack model for the formation of glaciotectonic rafts : an example from the Middle Pleistocene of North Norfolk, UK. Boreas, 38 (3). 620-637. 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2009.00085.x
Davies, Bethan J.; Roberts, David H.; O Cofaigh, Colm; Bridgland, David R.; Riding, James B. ORCID:; Phillips, Emrys R.; Teasdale, Derek A..
Interlobate ice-sheet dynamics during the Last Glacial Maximum at Whitburn Bay, County Durham, England.
Boreas, 38 (3).
Stoker, Martyn; Golledge, Nicholas; Phillips, Emrys; Wilkinson, Ian; Akhurst, Maxine. 2009 Lateglacial-Holocene shoreface progradation offshore Eastern Scotland : a response to climatic and coastal hydrographic change. Boreas, 38 (2). 292-314. 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2008.00067.x
Phillips, E.R.; Smith, R.A.; Stone, P.; Horstwood, M.; Pashley, V.. 2009 Zircon age constraints on the provenance of Llandovery to Wenlock sandstones from the Midland Valley terrane of the Scottish Caledonides. Scottish Journal of Geology, 45 (2). 131-146. 10.1144/0036-9276/01-383
Phillips, Emrys; Ellison, Richard; Arkley, Sarah. 2009 The depositional and te[c]tonic evolution of the southern margin of the Neotethys Ocean during the Late Cretaceous : evidence from the northern United Arab Emirates [abstract]. In: Workshop of the ILP-Task Force on Sedimentary Basins, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 6-11 Dec 2009. 157-159. (Unpublished)
United Arab Emirates. Ministry of Energy, International Lithosphere Program, British Geological Survey. 2009 A geotraverse across the Late Cretaceous fold and thrust belt of the UAE : from ophiolite to platform margin. Ministry of Energy, United Arab Emirates, 31pp. (Unpublished)
Phillips, Emrys; Merritt, Jonathan. 2008 Evidence for multiphase water-escape during rafting of shelly marine sediments at Clava, Inverness-shire, NE Scotland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 27 (9-10). 988-1011. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.01.012
Phillips, Emrys; Auton, Clive. 2008 Microtextural analysis of a glacially ‘deformed’ bedrock : implications for inheritance of preferred clast orientations in diamictons. Journal of Quaternary Science, 23 (3). 229-240. 10.1002/jqs.1147
Phillips, Emrys; Smith, Richard. 2008 Petrology and geochemistry of the igneous and sedimentary rocks exposed in the Ayr District (Sheet 14W) of the Southern Midland Valley, Scotland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 79pp. (OR/08/058) (Unpublished)
Phillips, Emrys; Lee, Jonathan; Burke, Helen F. 2008 Progressive proglacial to subglacial deformation and syntectonic sedimentation at the margins of the Mid-Pleistocene British Ice Sheet : evidence from north Norfolk, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews, 27 (19-20). 1848-1871. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.06.011
Lee, Jonathan; Phillips, Emrys. 2008 Progressive soft sediment deformation within a subglacial shear zone : a hybrid mosaic-pervasive deformation model for middle Pleistocene glaciotectonised sediments from Eastern England. Quaternary Science Reviews, 27 (13-14). 1350-1362. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2008.03.009
Golledge, Nicholas; Phillips, Emrys. 2008 Sedimentology and architecture of De Geer moraines in the western Scottish Highlands, and implications for grounding-line glacier dynamics. Sedimentary Geology, 208 (1-2). 1-14. 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2008.03.009
Phillips, Emrys. 2007 Descriptions of two thin sections from the glacial sediments exposed at Great Orton, Cumbria. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 17pp. (IR/07/010) (Unpublished)
Phillips, Emrys. 2007 Micromorphology of the Quaternary sediments exposed at Drumbeg Quarry, near Drymen, Loch Lomond, Scotland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 35pp. (OR/07/028) (Unpublished)
Phillips, Emrys; Merritt, Jonathan; Auton, Clive; Golledge, Nicholas. 2007 Microstructures in subglacial and proglacial sediments : understanding faults, folds and fabrics, and the influence of water on the style of deformation. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26 (11-12). 1499-1528. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2007.03.007
Phillips, Emrys. 2007 Multiphase water-escape features developed in glacial sediments exposed at Clava, Inverness. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 46pp. (IR/07/011) (Unpublished)
Phillips, Emrys. 2007 Petrology and provenance of the Siluro-Devonian (Old Red Sandstone facies) sedimentary rocks of the Midland Valley, Scotland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 68pp. (IR/07/040) (Unpublished)
Phillips, E.R.. 2007 The petrology of a sequence of sedimentary and volcanic rocks from the Strathmore district, Scotland. British Geological Survey, 57pp. (IR/07/019) (Unpublished)
Evans, D.J.A; Phillips, E.R.; Hiemstra, J.F.; Auton, C.A.. 2006 Subglacial till: formation, sedimentary characteristics and classification. Earth-Science Reviews, 78. 115-176. 10.1016/j.earscirev.2006.04.001
Phillips, Emrys; Thomas, Robert James; Styles, Michael; Goodenough, Kathryn Mary; Schofield, David. 2006 Geology of the Hatta 1:25 000 map sheet 25-4, United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates, Ministry of Energy, Petroleum and Minerals Sector, Minerals Department, 38pp. (Sheet Explanations of 1:25 000 series geological maps)
Styles, Michael; Thomas, Robert James; Phillips, Emrys; Goodenough, Kathryn Mary; Schofield, David; Farrant, Andrew. 2006 Geology of the Hatta 1:50 000 map sheet, 50-5, United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates, Ministry of Energy, Petroleum and Minerals Sector, Minerals Department, 62pp. (Sheet Explanations of 1:50 000 series geological maps, 50-5)
Goodenough, Kathryn Mary; Phillips, Emrys; Styles, Michael; Thomas, Robert James; Farrant, Andrew; Arkley, Sarah. 2006 Geology of the Khor Fakkan 1:50 000 map sheet 50-3, United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates, Ministry of Energy, Petroleum and Minerals Sector, Minerals Department, 70pp. (Sheet Explanations of 1:50 000 series geological maps)
Phillips, Emrys. 2006 Micromorphology of a debris flow deposit : evidence of basal shearing, hydrofracturing, liquefaction and rotational deformation during emplacement. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25 (7-8). 720-738. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2005.07.004
Phillips, Emrys; Thomas, Robert James; Goodenough, Kathryn Mary; Schofield, David; Styles, Michael; Farrant, Andrew. 2006 United Arab Emirates 1:25 000 series solid and drift geology. Sheet 25-4 Hatta. United Arab Emirates 1:25 000 solid and drift geology. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates, Ministry of Energy, Petroleum and Minerals Sector, Minerals Department.
Phillips, Emrys; Ellison, Richard; Arkley, Sarah; Pickett, E.A.; Goodenough, Kathryn Mary; Styles, Michael; Stephenson, David; Thomas, Robert James; Farrant, Andrew. 2006 United Arab Emirates 1:50 000 series, solid and drift geology. Sheet 50-2 Dibba. United Arab Emirates solid and drift geology 1:50 000. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates, Ministry of Energy, Petroleum and Minerals Sector, Minerals Department.
Goodenough, Kathryn Mary; Phillips, Emrys; Styles, Michael; Stephenson, David; Thomas, Robert James; Warrak, M.; Farrant, Andrew; Arkley, Sarah. 2006 United Arab Emirates 1:50 000 series, solid and drift geology. Sheet 50-3 Khor Fakkan. United Arab Emirates solid and drift geology 1: 50 000 series. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates, Ministry of Energy, Petroleum and Minerals Sector, Minerals Department.
Styles, Michael; Thomas, Robert James; Schofield, David; Goodenough, Kathryn Mary; Phillips, Emrys; Farrant, Andrew. 2006 United Arab Emirates 1:50 000 series, solid and drift geology. Sheet 50-5 Hatta. United Arab Emirates solid and drift geology 1:50 000. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates, Ministry of Energy, Petroleum and Minerals Sector, Minerals Department.
Styles, Michael; Ellison, Richard; Arkley, Sarah; Crowley, Quentin George; Farrant, Andrew; Goodenough, Kathryn Mary; McKervey, John; Pharaoh, Timothy; Phillips, Emrys; Schofield, David; Thomas, Robert James. 2006 The geology and geophysics of the United Arab Emirates : Volume 2, Geology. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates, Ministry of Energy, Petroleum and Minerals Sector, Minerals Department, 351pp.
Musson, Roger; Northmore, Kevin; Sargeant, Susanne; Phillips, Emrys; Boon, David; Long, David; McCue, K.; Ambraseys, N.N.. 2006 The geology and geophysics of the United Arab Emirates. Volume 4, Geological hazards. Abu Dhabi, Ministry of Energy, United Arab Emirates, 237pp.
Ellison, Richard; Pharaoh, Timothy; Lott, Graham; Phillips, Emrys; Arkley, Sarah; Wilkinson, Ian. 2006 The geology and geophysics of the United Arab Emirates. Volume 5, Appendices. Ministry of Energy, United Arab Emirates, 115pp.
Young, Brian; Phillips, Emrys; Smith, B.. 2005 Fluorite-bearing marble from Barrasford Quarry, Northumberland. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumbria, 64 (3). 199-206.
Styles, Michael; Ellison, Richard; Greenbaum, David; Phillips, Emrys; Farrant, Andrew. 2005 Mapping ancient oceans. Earthwise, 22. 14-15.
Phillips, Emrys; Pickett, Elizabeth. 2005 Reading the rocks. Planet Earth, Spring. 16-17.
Newman, M.J.; Dean, M.T.. 2005 A biostratigraphical framework for geological correlation of the Middle Devonian strata in the Moray-Ness Basin Project area. British Geological Survey, 30pp. (IR/05/160) (Unpublished)
Phillips, E.R.; Barron, H.F.; Smith, R.A.; Arkley, S.. 2004 Composition and provenance of the Silurian to Devonian sandstone sequences of the Southern Midland Valley. Scottish Journal of Geology, 40 (1). 23-42. 10.1144/sjg40010023
Barron, Hugh F.; Phillips, Emrys R.; Floyd, James D.. 2004 The Lamington Conglomerate: further evidence for an ophiolitic source for the Ordovician Marchburn Formation, Northern Belt, Southern Uplands. Scottish Journal of Geology, 40 (1). 7-12. 10.1144/sjg40010007
Phillips, Emrys. 2004 Petrology of the sedimentary and igneous rocks from the Strathmore district (Sheet 57), Scotland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 26pp. (IR/04/125) (Unpublished)
Phillips, Emrys. 2004 Petrology of the sedimentary rocks from the Midland Valley of Scotland collected for BGS-NIGL detrital zircon isotopic provenance study. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 28pp. (IR/04/158) (Unpublished)
Phillips, E.R.; Evans, J.A.; Stone, P.; Horstwood, M.S.A.; Floyd, J.D.; Smith, R.A.; Akhurst, M.C.; Barron, H.F.. 2003 Detrital Avalonian zircons in the Laurentian Southern Uplands Terrane, Scotland. Geology, 31 (7). 625-628. 10.1130/0091-7613
Phillips, E.R.. 2001 Geological report on a set of archaeological rock specimens from the Northton site, Toe Head, South Harris, Scotland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 20pp. (CR/02/149N) (Unpublished)
Young, B.; Vye, C.L.; Phillips, E.R.. 2001 The building stones of Thirlwall Castle, Northumberland National Park. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 51pp. (WA/01/002) (Unpublished)
Phillips, E.R.; Auton, C.A.. 2000 Micromorphological evidence for polyphase deformation of glaciolacustrine sediments from Strathspey, Scotland. In: Maltman, A.J.; Hubbard, B.; Hambrey, M.J., (eds.) Deformation of glacial materials. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 279-292, 14pp. (Geological Society Special Publication, 176, 176).
Smith, R.A.; Phillips, E.R.; Floyd, J.D.; Barron, H.F.; Pickett, E.A.. 2000 The Northern Belt 100 years on : a revised model of the Ordovician tracts near Leadhills, Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (Earth Sciences), 91 (3-4). 421-434. 10.1017/S0263593300008270
Phillips, E.R.. 2000 Petrology of Neolithic, Beaker, Bronze Age, Iron Age and Medieval pottery sherds from Northton, South Harris. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 32pp. (CR/02/148N) (Unpublished)
Barron, Hugh F.; Phillips, Emrys R.; Smith, Richard A.. 1999 Composition and provenance of sandstones and conglomerates from the Silurian inliers and the Lanark Group, Midland Valley. [Poster] In: The Southern Uplands Terrane : Peach and Horne Centennial Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 23-25 Sept 1999. (Unpublished)
Smith, R.A.; Floyd, J.D.; Barron, H.F.; Phillips, E.R.; Pickett, E.A.. 1999 The Northern Belt one hundred years on : a revised model of the Arenig – Caradoc tracts near Leadhills. [Poster] In: The Southern Uplands Terrane : Tectonics and Biostratigraphy within the Caledonian Orogen, Edinburgh, Scotland, 23–25 Sept 1999. (Unpublished)
Phillips, E.R.; Auton, C.A.. 1997 Ductile fault rocks and metamorphic zonation in the Dalradian of the Highland Border SW of Stonehaven, Kincardineshire. Scottish Journal of Geology, 33 (1). 83-93. 10.1144/sjg33010083