Items where Year is 1989

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Aarons, J.; Foster, J.C.; Kersley, L.; Rodger, Alan S.. 1989 Auroral and sub-auroral F-layer irregularity studies in the northern and southern hemisphere during the Equinox Transition Study September 16-26, 1984. In: Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development, (ed.) Ionospheric structure and variability on a global scale and interactions with atmosphere and magnetosphere. Papers presented at the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel Symposium, Munich, 16-20 May 1988. Neuilly-sur-Seine, AGARD, 1-14.

Aarons, J.; Rodger, Alan S.. 1989 Sub-auroral F-layer irregularities and the ring current. Annales Geophysicae, 7 (2). 169-176.

Acreman, M.C.. 1989 Hydrological analysis of the Truro floods of January and October 1988. Institute of Hydrology, 47pp. (Unpublished)

Aguirre Urreta, M.B.; Doyle, P.. 1989 A problematical belemnite from the Lower Cretaceous of the Austral Basin, Patagonia, Argentina. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie. Monatshefte, 6. 345-355.

Allen, D.J.. 1989 Summary of hydrogeological investigations using piezometers at Chimimbe and Chikobwe Dambs, Malawi 1986-1988. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 22pp. (WD/89/002) (Unpublished)

Allen, D.J.; Darling, W.G.; Burgess, W.G.. 1989 Geothermics and hydrogeology of the southern part of the Kenya Rift Valley with emphasis on the Magadi-Nakuru area. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 197pp. (SD/89/001) (Unpublished)

Armitage, P. D.; Gunn, R. J. M.. 1989 Channel Tunnel. Stream survey and assessment in the Folkestone area - Spring 1989. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 30pp. (Report Ref. No: RL/T04053c1/1) (Unpublished)

Armitage, P. D.; Gunn, R. J. M.. 1989 Channel Tunnel. Stream survey and assessment in the Folkestone area - Summer 1988. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 27pp. (Report Ref. No: RL/T04019-1/1) (Unpublished)

Armitage, P.D.; Ladle, M.. 1989 Habitat preferences of target species for application of PHABSIM testing. NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 55pp. (TFS Project no. T04053k1) (Unpublished)

Arnbom, T.. 1989 Sjoelefanter pa Sydgeorgien [Elephant seals on South Georgia]. Fauna och Flora, 84 (1). 6-13.

Atkinson, Angus. 1989 Distribution of six major copepod species around South Georgia during an austral winter. Polar Biology, 10 (2). 81-88. 10.1007/BF00239152

Atkinson, Angus. 1989 Distribution of six major copepod species around South Georgia in early summer. Polar Biology, 9 (6). 353-363. 10.1007/BF00442525


Bacon, S. ORCID: 1989 Waves recorded at Channel Light Vessel 1979-1985. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 65pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Report 263)

Bacon, S. ORCID: 1989 Waves recorded at Dowsing Light Vessel 1970-1985. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 60pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Report 262)

Bacon, S. ORCID:; Carter, D.J.T.. 1989 Waves recorded at Seven Stones Light Vessel 1962-86. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 94pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Report 268)

Bailey-Watts, A. E.. 1989 Reduced inputs of phosphorus to Loch Leven: effects on nutrient concentrations and phytoplankton. Interim Report. IFE, 4pp. (IFE Project T04050a) (Unpublished)

Bailey-Watts, A.E.. 1989 Nutrients and phytoplankton of the Loch of Cliff, Unst, Shetland. Interim Report. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 3pp. (TFS Project No. T04050k1) (Unpublished)

Baker, J.R.; McCann, T.S.. 1989 Pathology and bacteriology of adult male antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus gazella, dying at Bird Island, South Georgia. British Veterinary Journal, 145 (3). 263-275. 10.1016/0007-1935(89)90079-1

Baker, K.B.; Greenwald, R.A.; Ruohoniemi, J.M.; Dudeney, J.R.; Pinnock, Michael; Mattin, N.; Leonard, J.M.. 1989 Polar Anglo-American Conjugate Experiment. Eos. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 70 (34). 785-799. 10.1029/89EO00253

Barker, J.A.. 1989 A study of steady-state flow to partially-penetrating wells. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 34pp. (WD/89/023) (Unpublished)

Barrie, J.V.; Collins, M.B.. 1989 Sediment transport on the shelf margin of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. Atlantic Geology, 25. 173-179.

Barron, H.F.. 1989 Mid-Wenlock acritarchs from a Silurian inlier in the Cheviot Hills, NE England. Scottish Journal of Geology, 25. 81-98. 10.1144/​sjg25010081

Barron, Hugh F.. 1989 Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironments of the Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian to basal Portlandian) of the Helmsdale region, east Sutherland, Scotland. In: Batten, D.J.; Keen, M.C., (eds.) Northwest European Micropalaeontology and Palynology. Chichester, England, Ellis Horwood for the British Micropalaeontological Society, 193-213, 21pp. (Ellis Horwood Series in Geology).

Basson, M.; Beddington, J.R.. 1989 Preliminary analysis of growth and mortality rates of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) from length frequency samples. In: Heywood, R.B., (ed.) University research in Antarctica. Proceedings of British Antarctic Survey Antarctic Special Topic Scheme Symposium 9-10 November 1988. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 51-55.

Beamish, D.; Riddick, J.C.. 1989 An audiomagnetotelluric survey of the Carnmenellis granite. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 113pp. (WM/89/015) (Unpublished)

Beamish, David. 1989 An interpretation of deep geoelectric results across a hot dry rock granite. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 39pp. (WM/89/019) (Unpublished)

Beer, K.E.; Jones, R.C.. 1989 Geochemical investigations around Trewalder, near Camelford, Cornwall. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 45pp. (WF/89/015, Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 108) (Unpublished)

Beer, K.E.; Kimbell, G.S.. 1989 Copper and molybdenum distribution at Shap, Cumbria. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 57pp. (WF/89/016, Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 109) (Unpublished)

Beer, K.E.; Kimbell, G.S.; Bennett, M.J.. 1989 Skarn-type copper mineralisation in the vicinity of Belstone Consols Mine, Okehampton, Devon. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 94pp. (WF/89/010, Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 101) (Unpublished)

Beer, K.E.; Mountford, B.R.; Jones, R.C.. 1989 Mineral investigations near Bodmin, Cornwall : part 6, the Belowda area. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 29pp. (WF/89/011, Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 107) (Unpublished)

Beer, K.E.; Rollin, K.E.. 1989 Investigations at Lambriggan Mine, near St Agnes, Cornwall. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 36pp. (WF/89/008, Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 105) (Unpublished)

Beran, M.A.; Arnell, N.W.. 1989 Effect of climatic change on quantitative aspects of United Kingdom water resources. Institute of Hydrology, 93pp. (Unpublished)

Beresford, N.A.. 1989 The transfer of Ag-110m to sheep tissues. Science of the Total Environment, 85. 81-90. 10.1016/0048-9697(89)90307-0

Beresford, N.A.; Lamb, C.S.; Mayes, R.W.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Colgrove, P.M.. 1989 The effect of treating pastures with bentonite on the transfer of 137Cs from grazed herbage to sheep. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 9 (3). 251-264. 10.1016/0265-931X(89)90047-7

Bergstrom, B.; Hempel, G.; Hempel, I.; Marschall, H.-P.; North, Anthony W.; Siegel, V.; Stromberg, J.-O.. 1989 Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). Berichte zur Polarforschung. Reports on Polar Research, 62. 149-156.

Bergstrom, B.; North, Anthony W.; Seim, B.; Syvertsen, E.E.. 1989 Scientific diving. Berichte zur Polarforschung. Reports on Polar Research, 62. 65-67.

Block, William; Duman, John G.. 1989 Presence of thermal hysteresis producing antifreeze proteins in the antarctic mite,Alaskozetes antarcticus. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 250 (2). 229-231. 10.1002/jez.1402500215

Bonner, W. Nigel. 1989 Environmental assessment in the Antarctic. Ambio, 18 (1). 83-89.

Bonner, W.N.; Smith, Ronald I.L.. 1989 Proposed construction of a crushed rock airstrip at Rothera Point, Adelaide Island, British Antarctic Territory. Final comprehensive environmental evaluation. Swindon, NERC. (Unpublished)

Boorman, L. A.; McGrorty, S.; Goss-Custard, J. D.. 1989 Climatic change, rising sea level and the British coast. London, HMSO, 24pp. (ITE research publication, no.1).

Booty, B.. 1989 Measurement of the reflectance ratio of natural light in the sea. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 28pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Report 265)

Boutron, Claude F.; Wolff, Eric W.. 1989 Heavy metal and sulphur emissions to the atmosphere from human activities in Antarctica. Atmospheric Environment (1967), 23 (8). 1669-1675. 10.1016/0004-6981(89)90051-6

Boyd, I.L.. 1989 Spatial and temporal distribution of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) on the breeding grounds at Bird Island, South Georgia. Polar Biology, 10 (3). 179-185. 10.1007/BF00238493

Boyd, I.L.; McCann, T.S.. 1989 Pre-natal investment in reproduction by female Antarctic fur seals. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 24 (6). 377-385. 10.1007/BF00293265

Briggs, D.A.; Mitchell, C.J. ORCID: 1989 Beneficiation testing of three samples of graphite-bearing rock from Ancuabe, Mozambique. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 15pp. (WG/89/017) (Unpublished)

Brown, A. H. F.; Dighton, J.. 1989 Mixtures and mycorrhizas: the manipulation of nutrient cycling in forestry. In: Adamson, J. K., (ed.) Cumbrian woodlands - past, present and future. London, HMSO, 65-72. (ITE Symposium, 25).

Brown, M.J.; Evans, A.D.. 1989 Geophysical and geochemical investigations of the manganese deposits of Rhiw, western Llyn, North Wales. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 94pp. (WF/89/014, Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 102) (Unpublished)

Brown, R.P.C.. 1989 Estimating the return periods of the 1978 and 1984 droughts on the River Annan at Brydekirk. Institute of Hydrology, 19pp. (Unpublished)

Brown, R.P.C.. 1989 Low Flow Study - 1989 drought. Institute of Hydrology, 10pp. (Unpublished)

Buchholz, Friedrich; Morris, David J.; Watkins, Jonathan L.. 1989 Analyses of field moult data: prediction of intermoult period and assessment of seasonal growth in Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba Dana. Antarctic Science, 1 (04). 301-306. 10.1017/S0954102089000453

Bull, Keith R.; Hall, Jane R.. 1989 Classification and comparison of river and lake catchments. Final report. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 14pp. (ITE Project no: T07017, DOE/NERC contract PECD7/10/90) (Unpublished)

Bullock, A.; Kelly, D.M.. 1989 Pre-feasibility estimation of flows on Buonamico River at St. Luca Hydro Scheme, southern Calabria. Institute of Hydrology, 17pp. (Unpublished)

Bunce, R. G. H.. 1989 Heather in England and Wales. London, HMSO. (ITE research publication, no.3).

Bunce, R. G. H.. 1989 A field key for classifying British woodland vegetation. Part 2. London, HMSO.

Bunce, R. G. H.. 1989 Ecological impact analysis of potential developments in the Aritzacun Valley, Navarra, Spain. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 51pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.113)

Bunce, R. G. H.. 1989 The composition of woodlands in Cumbria. In: Adamson, J. K., (ed.) Cumbrian woodlands - past, present and future. London, HMSO, 12-17. (ITE Symposium, 25).

Burton, P.W.; Miller, A.; Allen, C.M.; Mould, A.S.. 1989 Long range shock wave propagation (LORASWAP) from an underwater explosion in the North Sea. 1, the experiment and the data. British Geological Survey, 236pp. (WL/89/007) (Unpublished)


Cape, J.N.. 1989 Variability within forests in throughfall and stemflow. In: Bresser, A.H.M.; Mathy, P., (eds.) Monitoring air pollution and forest ecosystem research. Brussels, Commission of European Communities, 155-161. (CEC Air Pollution Report, 21).

Carragher, J.F.; Sumpter, J.P.; Pottinger, T.G.; Pickering, A.D.. 1989 The deleterious effects of cortisol implantation on reproductive function in two species of trout, Salmo trutta L and Salmo gairdneri Richardson. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 76 (2). 310-321. 10.1016/0016-6480(89)90163-9

Clarke, Andrew ORCID: 1989 Seabirds. In: Ackman, R.G., (ed.) Marine biogenic lipids, fats, and oils. Boca Raton, Fla., CRC Press, 383-398.

Clarke, Andrew ORCID:; Crame, J. Alistair ORCID: 1989 The origin of the Southern Ocean marine fauna. In: Crame, J. Alistair ORCID:, (ed.) Origins and evolution of the Antarctic biota. London, Geological Society of London, 253-268. (Geological Society special publication, 47, 47).

Clarke, Andrew ORCID:; Ellis-Evans, J. Cynan; Sanders, Mark W.; Holmes, Lesley J.. 1989 Patterns of energy storage in Pseudoboeckella poppei (Crustacea, Copepoda) from two contrasting lakes on Signy Island, Antarctica. In: Vincent, W.F.; Ellis-Evans, J. Cynan, (eds.) High latitude limnology. Dordrecht, Kluwer, 183-191. (Develpments in hydrobiology, 49).

Clarke, Andrew ORCID:; Rodhouse, Paul G.; Holmes, Lesley J.; Pascoe, Philip L.. 1989 Growth rate and nucleic acid ratio in cultured cuttlefish Sepia officinalis (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 133 (3). 229-240. 10.1016/0022-0981(89)90047-6

Clayson, C.H.. 1989 Directional wave measurements - southern North Sea. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 192pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Report 266)

Clayson, C.H.. 1989 Survey of instrumental methods for the determination of the high frequency wave spectrum. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 68pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Report 267)

Cobley, N.. 1989 Aspects of the survival of blue-eyed shags (Phalacrocorax atriceps King). In: Heywood, R.B., (ed.) University research in Antarctica. Proceedings of British Antarctic Survey Antarctic Special Topic Scheme Symposium 9-10 November 1988. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 93-96.

Coffin, M.F.; Munschy, M.; Colwell, J.B.; Schlich, R.; Davies, H.L.; Li, Z.G.. 1989 The Raggatt Basin: a mid-ocean sedimentary basin on the Kerguelen Plateau. In: Bally, A.W., (ed.) Atlas of seismic stratigraphy. Vol. 3. Tulsa OK, USA, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 205-223, 244pp. (AAPG Studies in Geology, 27(3)).

Coffin, M.R.. 1989 Résultats préliminaires de la campagne de forages du JOIDES Résolution sur le plateau de Kerguelen (ODP Leg 120). Comptes Rendus des Academie de Science de Paris, 308. 1597-1603.

Coleman, T.B.; Beer, K.E.; Cameron, D.G.; Kimbell, G.S.. 1989 Molybdenum mineralisation near Chapel of Garioch, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 94pp. (WF/89/003, Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 100) (Unpublished)

Cooper, A. Paul R.; Gorman, M.R.. 1989 Investigating variations in the gravitational constant. Polar Record, 25 (152). 55-58. 10.1017/S0032247400009992

Cooper, A.H.. 1989 Airborne multispectral scanning of subsidence caused by Permian gypsum dissolution at Ripon, North Yorkshire. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, 22. 219-229. 10.1144/GSL.QJEG.1989.022.03.06

Cooper, D.C.; Nutt, M.J.C.; Smith, I.F.; Easterbrook, G.D.. 1989 Base-metal and gold mineralisation in north-west Anglesey, North Wales. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 20pp. (WF/89/002) (Unpublished)

Costa, Daniel P.; Croxall, John P.; Duck, Callan D.. 1989 Foraging energetics of Antartic fur seals in relation to changes in prey availability. Ecology, 70 (3). 596-606. 10.2307/1940211

Cox, B.M.. 1989 Ammonite from Marine Geology R.G.'s Borehole 88/6 (Little Minch). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 9pp. (WH/PD/89/015R) (Unpublished)

Crame, J. Alistair ORCID: 1989 Origins and evolution of the Antarctic biota: an introduction. In: Crame, J. Alistair ORCID:, (ed.) Origins and evolution of the Antarctic biota. London, Geological Society of London, 1-8. (Geological Society special publication, 47, 47).

Cresswell, P.; Harris, S.; Bunce, R. G. H.; Jefferies, D. J.. 1989 The badger (Meles meles) in Britain: present status and future population changes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 38. 91-101.

Cripps, G.C.. 1989 Problems in the identification of anthropogenic hydrocarbons against natural background levels in the Antarctic. Antarctic Science, 1 (04). 307-312. 10.1017/S0954102089000465

Cripps, G.C.. 1989 The extraction and analysis of hydrocarbons in marine samples. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 13pp.

Crisp, D.T.. 1989 The ecology of young stages of salmonid fish and the implications for practical river management. Freshwater Biological Association, 4pp. (TFS Project no. T04009) (Unpublished)

Culf, Alistair D.. 1989 Acoustic sounding of the atmospheric boundary layer at Halley, Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 1 (04). 363-372. 10.1017/S0954102089000544

Curry, Gordon B.; Ansell, A.D.; James, M.; Peck, Lloyd ORCID: 1989 Physiological constraints on living and fossil brachiopods. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 80 (3-4). 255-262. 10.1017/S0263593300028698


Dales, M. Y; Reed, D. W.. 1989 Regional flood and storm hazard assessment. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 159pp. (IH Report No.102)

Davenport, J.. 1989 Feeding, oxygen uptake, ventilation rate and shell growth in the Antarctic protobranch bivalve mollusc Yoldia eightsi (Courthouy). In: Heywood, R.B., (ed.) University research in Antarctica. Proceedings of British Antarctic Survey Antarctic Special Topic Scheme Symposium 9-10 November 1988. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 57-63.

Davey, Martin C.. 1989 The effects of freezing and desiccation on photosynthesis and survival of terrestrial Antarctic algae and cyanobacteria. Polar Biology, 10 (1). 29-36. 10.1007/BF00238287

Davis, R.W.; Croxall, J.P.; O'Connell, M.J.. 1989 The reproductive energetics of gentoo (Pygoscelis papua) and macaroni (Eudyptes chrysolophus) penguins at South Georgia. The Journal of Animal Ecology, 58 (1). 59-74. 10.2307/4986

Dobson, M.K.; Ibbotson, Anton. 1989 United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network: Invertebrate Survey, second year: 1989. Summary of species identification and abundance. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 15pp. (Unpublished)

Doidge, D.W.; Croxall, J.P.. 1989 Factors affecting weaning weight in Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella at South Georgia. Polar Biology, 9 (3). 155-160. 10.1007/BF00297170

Dowdeswell, Julian A.; Drewry, David J.. 1989 The dynamics of Austfonna, Nordaustlandet, Svalbard: surface velocities, mass balance, and subglacial melt water. Annals of Glaciology, 12. 37-45. 10.3189/S0260305500006935

Doyle, Peter; Howlett, Philip. 1989 Antarctic belemnite biogeography and the break-up of Gondwana. In: Crame, J. Alistair ORCID:, (ed.) Origins and evolution of the Antarctic biota. London, Geological Society of London, 167-182. (Geological Society special publication, 47, 47).

Drewry, D.J.. 1989 Science in Antarctica – a matter of quality. Antarctic Science, 1 (01). 2. 10.1017/S0954102089000027

Drewry, David J.. 1989 Antarctica 2000: a new strategy for Antarctic research. NERC News (11). 14-15.

Dudeney, J.; Pinnock, Michael. 1989 Pac(e)ing poles apart. NERC News (8). 16-19.

Dunn, J.F.; Archer, S.D.; Johnston, I.A.. 1989 Muscle fibre types and metabolism in post-larval and adult stages of notothenioid fish. Polar Biology, 9 (4). 213-223. 10.1007/BF00263769


Eamus, D; Leith, I.; Fowler, D.. 1989 The influence of acid mist upon transpiration shoot water potential and pressure-volume curves of red spruce seedlings. Annales des Sciences Forestieres, 46 (supp). 577-580. 10.1051/forest:198905ART0131

Eamus, Derek; Leith, Ian; Fowler, David. 1989 Water relations of red spruce seedlings treated with acid mist. Tree Physiology, 5 (3). 387-397. 10.1093/treephys/5.3.387

Edwards, R. W.; Heal, O. W.; Hornung, M.; Page, R.; Stoner, J. H.; Wilson, R. B.; Donald, A. P.; Gee, A. S.; Ormerod, S. J.; Whitehead, P. G.; Binns, W. O.; Bird, S. C.; Boon, R.; Brown, S. J.; Donaldson, R. B.; LeGrice, S.; Jones, J. A. A.; Littlewood, I.; McLauchlin, A.; Neal, C.; Reynolds, B.; Scott, A. H. A.; Walsh, R. P. D.; Williams, D. J. A.. 1989 Llyn Brianne acid waters project. Progress report. April 1989. Welsh Water Regional Rivers Division, 17pp. (ITE Project Number: T07011a1)

Ellis-Evans, J. Cynan; Lemon, E.C.G.. 1989 Some aspects of iron cycling in maritime Antarctic lakes. In: Vincent, W.F.; Ellis-Evans, J. Cynan, (eds.) High latitude limnology. Dordrecht, Kluwer, 149-164. (Develpments in hydrobiology, 49).

Entwisle, D.C.. 1989 The swelling characteristics of weathered Coal Measures mudrocks from Sydallt near Wrexham, Clyd, Wales. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 47pp. (WN/89/008) (Unpublished)

Evans, A.D.; Roberts, P.D.; Bateson, J.H.. 1989 Magnetic and geochemical surveys in the area between Geltsdale, Cumbria, and Glendue Fell, Northumberland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 68pp. (WF/89/001, Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 97) (Unpublished)

Everson, I.; Bone, D.G.; Watkins, Jonathan L.; Foote, K.G.. 1989 Target strengths of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). In: Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. Selected scientific papers 1988. Hobart, CCAMLR, 265-279.

Everson, I.; Hampton, I.; Jolly, G.M.. 1989 Survey design to estimate krill abundance during FIBEX. In: Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. Selected scientific papers 1988. Hobart, CCAMLR, 253-263.


Fannin, N.G.T.. 1989 Offshore investigations 1966-87. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 31pp. (WB/89/002) (Unpublished)

Farman, J.C.. 1989 Measurements of total ozone using Dobson spectrometers: Some comments on their history. Planetary and Space Science, 37 (12). 1601-1604. 10.1016/0032-0633(89)90148-7

Foster, W.M.; Batchelor, C.H.; Hodnett, M.G.; Bell, J.P.. 1989 Soil and plant water relations in low-head drip irrigation in Sri Lanka. Final Report of ODA Project R4378A. Institute of Hydrology, 65pp. (ODG89/7) (Unpublished)

Fowler, D.. 1989 DoE Umbrella Contract - Summary Report 1989. 1. Surface-Atmosphere exchange of NO, NO2, O3, NH3; 2. Open-top chamber studies of O3 and acid effects on Norway Spruce and Beech. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 78pp. (TFS Project no. T07059b1) (Unpublished)

Fowler, D.; Cannell, M.G.R.. 1989 Acidic cloud-water damages and inhibits the frost hardening of red spruce seedlings. In: Air Pollution and Winter Injury of Red Spruce, ITE Edinburgh, April 1989. 63-69. (Unpublished)

Fowler, D.; Cape, J.N.; Leith, I.D.; Murray, M.B.; Smith, R.I.; Sheppard, L.; Unsworth, M.H.. 1989 Effects of acid mist on the frost hardiness of red spruce seedlings. New Phytologist, 113 (3). 321-335.

Fowler, D.; Cape, J.N.; Unsworth, M.H.. 1989 Deposition of atmospheric pollutants on forests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (B) Biological Sciences, 324 (1223). 247-265.

Fowler, D.; Irwin, G.. 1989 The pollution climate of Scotland. In: Scottish Development Department, ., (ed.) Acidification in Scotland 1988. Edinburgh, Scottish Development Department, 10-17.

Frolich, R.M.. 1989 The shelf life of Antarctic ice. New Scientist (1689). 62-65.

Frolich, R.M.; Vaughan, David G. ORCID:; Doake, C.S.M.. 1989 Flow of Rutford Ice Stream and comparison with Carlson Inlet, Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 12. 51-56. 10.3189/S0260305500006959

Furse, M.T.; Gunn, R.J.M.; Johnson, H.A.. 1989 A30 Okehampton Bypass, Control of pollution, biological monitoring Final Report. Freshwater Biological Association, 100pp. (TFS Project No. T04021) (Unpublished)


Gallagher, M.J.; Chester, J.A.; Campbell, N.C.; Basham, I.R.; Beddoe-Stephens, B.; MacDonald, A. ORCID:; Ingham, M.N.; Robertson, A.S.; Smith, T.K.; Fyfe, J.A.; Alexander, Sheila A.; Pheasant, J.D.. 1989 Marine deposits of chromite and olivine, Inner Hebrides of Scotland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 29pp. (WF/89/013, Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 106) (Unpublished)

Gallagher, M.J.; Smith, C.G.; Coats, J.S.; Greenwood, P.G.; Chacksfield, B.J.; Fortey, N.J.; Nancarrow, P.H.A.. 1989 Stratabound barium and base-metal mineralisation in Middle Dalradian metasediments near Braemar, Scotland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 38pp. (WF/89/012, Mineral Reconnaissance Programme report 104) (Unpublished)

Gardiner, B.G.. 1989 Antarctic ozone depletion measured by balloon sondes at Halley Bay. In: Bojkov, R.D.; Fabian, P., (eds.) Ozone in the atmosphere. Proceedings of the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 1988 and Tropospheric Ozone Workshop, Gottingen, Federal Republic of Germany, 4-13 August 1988. Hampton, Va., A. Deepak, 1-4.

Gardiner, B.G.; Shanklin, Jonathan D.. 1989 Measurements of solar and terrestrial radiation at Faraday and Halley. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey.

Gardiner, Brian. 1989 The Antarctic ozone hole. Weather, 44 (7). 291-298. 10.1002/j.1477-8696.1989.tb07055.x

Griffiths, A.P.; Fairney, Angela. 1989 Effect of phototherapy on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the Antarctic. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 59 (1-2). 68-72. 10.1007/BF02396582


Hall, Kevin; Cullis, Alan; Morewood, Chris. 1989 Antarctic rock weathering simulations: simulator design, application and use. Antarctic Science, 1 (01). 45-50. 10.1017/S0954102089000088

Hargreaves, P.M.. 1989 Mysidacea of the North Atlantic. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 64pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Report 264)

Harris, M. P. ORCID: 1989 Development of monitoring of seabird populations and performance. Final report. ITE, 216pp. (ITE Project 1015 (T08005b1), NCC CSD Report no.941)

Harris, M. P. ORCID: 1989 Isle of May seabird studies, annual report to Nature Conservancy Council. Banchory, NERC/ITE, 18pp. (ITE Project T08051h5, NCC CSD Report 989) (Unpublished)

Harris, M. P. ORCID: 1989 Re-assessment of the status and fortunes of puffins on the Isle of May. ITE. (ITE Project no. T08051h5) (Unpublished)

Harris, M. P. ORCID: 1989 Variation in the correction factor used for converting counts of individual Guillemots Uria aalge into breeding pairs. Ibis, 131 (1). 85-93. 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1989.tb02747.x

Harris, M. P. ORCID:; Murray, S.. 1989 Birds of St. Kilda. London, HMSO, 41pp.

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Mobbs, S.D.; Darby, M.S.. 1989 A general method for the linear stability analysis of stratified shear flows. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 115 (488). 915-939. 10.1002/qj.49711548808

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