Items where Year is 1969

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Number of items: 75.

Loudon, T.V.; Adams, E.P., eds. 1969 GOSSIP annotated list of some geologists who use a computer. Reading, UK, University of Reading. (Reading University Geological Reports Number 3) (Unpublished)

Institute of Hydrology. 1969 Institute of Hydrology Research 1969. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology.

Rawes, M., ed. 1969 Moor House Field Station 10th annual progress report 1968-69. Nature Conservancy, 54pp. (Moor House Annual Progress Report No. 10) (Unpublished)

Way, J.M., ed. 1969 Road Verges - their function and management. Abbots Ripton, The Nature Conservancy, 58pp.

Nature Conservancy. 1969 Site classification and classification of Lake District Woodlands. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 18pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.9) (Unpublished)

Institute of Geological Sciences. Mineral Resources Division. 1969 Statistical summary of the mineral industry : world production, exports and imports 1962-1967. London, UK, HMSO, 418pp. (World Mineral Production).

Baker, P.E.. 1969 Investigations of the 1967 and 1969 volcanic eruptions on Deception Island, South Shetland Islands. Polar Record, 14 (93). 823-827. 10.1017/S003224740006544X

Baker, P.E.. 1969 A volcano erupts beneath the Antarctic ice. Geographical Magazine, 42 (2). 115-126.

Baker, P.E.; Davies, T.G.; Roobol, M.J.. 1969 Volcanic activity at Deception Island in 1967 and 1969. Nature, 224 (5219). 553-560. 10.1038/224553a0

Banks, J.E.. 1969 Report on ad hoc numerical studies of the Foulness Project. Liverpool, Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides, 4pp. (Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides internal report, ICOT/IR/15)

Banks, J.E.. 1969 A numerical model to study tides and surges in a river-sea combination. Liverpool, Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides, 9pp. (Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides internal report, ICOT/IR/19)

Beck, J.R.. 1969 Food, moult and age of first breeding in the Cape Pigeon, Daption capensis Linnaeus. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 21. 33-44.

Bellars, A.. 1969 Hereditary disease in British Antarctic sledge dogs. Veterinary Record, 85 (22). 600-607. 10.1136/vr.85.22.600

Bellars, A.R.M.. 1969 Veterinary studies on the British Antarctic Survey's sledge dogs: I. Survey of diseases and accidents. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 21. 1-18.

Bellars, A.R.M.; Godsal, M.F.. 1969 Veterinary studies on the British Antarctic Survey's sledge dogs: II. Occupational osteoarthritis. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 22. 15-38.

Beynon, A.D.G.. 1969 Some observations on dental caries in a polar environment. Dental Practitioner, 19 (11). 373-378.

Bickmore, David. 1969 Computers and geology. The Geographical Magazine, 42. 48-51.

Bowen, A.J.; Pinless, S.J.. 1969 Thames Estuary flood prevention research, 1st September 1968 - 1st October 1969. Liverpool, Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides, 7pp. (Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides internal report, ICOT/IR/18)

Bunce, R.G.H.; Shaw, M.W.. 1969 A report on the scientific status of sites in the Aber Valley, Caernarvonshire. The Nature Conservancy, 33pp. (Unpublished)

Collins, N.J.. 1969 The effects of volcanic activity on the vegetation of Deception Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 21. 79-94.

Cratchley, C.R.; McCann, D.M.; Denness, B.; Conway, B.W.; Hallam, J.R.. 1969 Regional Geotechnical Investigation of the Milton Keynes Area. Institute of Geological Sciences, 25pp. (WN/EG/69/001) (Unpublished)

Dalgliesh, D.G.. 1969 Treatment of exposure. British Journal of General Practice, 18 (88). 297-299.

Davey, F.J.; Renner, R.G.B.. 1969 Bouguer anomaly map of Graham Land. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 22. 77-81.

Davies, A.G.. 1969 Seasonal changes in body weight and skinfold thickness. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 19. 75-81.

Eeles, C. W. O.. 1969 Installation of access tubes and calibration of neutron moisture probes. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 13pp. (IH Report No.7) (Unpublished)

Evans, S.; Gudmansen, P.; Swithinbank, C.; Hattersley-Smith, G.; Robin, G. de Q.. 1969 Glacier sounding in the polar regions. A symposium. Geographical Journal, 135 (4). 547-563.

Evans, S.; Smith, B.M.E.. 1969 A radio echo equipment for depth sounding in polar ice sheets. Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, 2 (2). 131-136.

Everson, I.; White, M.G.. 1969 Antarctic marine biological research methods involving diving. Underwater Association Report, 4. 91-95.

Everson, Inigo. 1969 Inshore fisheries from the South Orkney and South Shetland Islands, the Antarctic Peninsula and South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey, 19. 89-96.

Flather, R.A.. 1969 Report on the Wash barrage desk study. Liverpool, Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides, 3pp. (Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides internal report, ICOT/IR/17)

Fuchs, Vivian. 1969 Shackleton Range traverse. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 4 (4). 139-140.

Gardiner, A. S.. 1969 The study of intra- and interspecific variation in British woodland trees: preliminary appreciation and proposals. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 12pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.6) (Unpublished)

Goodman, B.J.A.. 1969 A physical, chemical and biological investigation of some fresh-water pools om Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 20. 1-31.

Gore, A. P.. 1969 Ecosystem simulation. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 16pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.12) (Unpublished)

Greene, S.W.. 1969 New records for South Georgian vascular plants. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 22. 49-59.

Hampton, I.F.G.. 1969 Effect of cold exposure in the Antarctic on heat elimination from the hands. Federation Proceedings, 28 (3). 1129-1134.

Hampton, I.F.G.. 1969 Local acclimatization of the hands to prolonged cold exposure in the Antarctic. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 19. 9-56.

Herbert, C.. 1969 The early development of Pygoscelis adeliae(Adélie penguin) up to the formation of the neural tube. Acta Zoologica, 50 (3). 207-214. 10.1111/j.1463-6395.1969.tb00541.x

Hillier, R.. 1969 The effect of dehydration on cold diuresis in recumbent man. Journal of Physiology, 206. 18-19.

Horne, R.R.. 1969 Morphology, petrology and provenance of pebbles from Lower Cretaceous conglomerates of south-eastern Alexander Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 21. 51-60.

Horne, R.R.. 1969 Sedimentology and palaeogeography of the Lower Cretaceous depositional trough of south-eastern Alexander Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 22. 61-76.

Horne, R.R.; Taylor, B.J.. 1969 calcareous concretions in the Lower Cretaceous sediments of of south-eastern Alexander Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 21. 19-32.

Hosegood, P. H.; Bridle, M. K.. 1969 A feasibility study and development programme for continuous dilution gauging. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 30pp. (IH Report No.6) (Unpublished)

Hughes, A.M.; Goodman, B.J.A.. 1969 Neohyadesia signyi (Hyadesidae: Acarina) : a new genus and species from Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 22. 39-48.

Jeffers, J. N. R.. 1969 Multivariate statistical analysis in the search for basic factors in forest site classification. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 16pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.7) (Unpublished)

Jeffers, J. N. R.. 1969 Principal component analysis of physical and chemical data from a pilot survey of Morecambe Bay. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 23pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.15) (Unpublished)

Jeffers, J. N. R.. 1969 Trend-surface analysis of chemical and physical variables from a pilot survey of Morecambe Bay. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 27pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.14) (Unpublished)

Jeffers, J. N. R.. 1969 A woodland research strategy based on mathematics and computers. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 11pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.11) (Unpublished)

Jones, H. E.. 1969 A preliminary survey of potassium circulation in the Moor House blanket bog. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 15pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.10) (Unpublished)

Juckes, L.M.. 1969 Trace-element values for dolerites from western Dronning Maud Land. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 22. 95-96.

Juckes, L.M.. 1969 Weathering hollows in charnockite at Mannefallknausane, Dronning Maud Land. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 22. 97-98.

King, Judith E.. 1969 Some aspects of the anatomy of the Ross Seal, Ommatophoca rossi (Pinnipedia: Phocidae). Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 54pp. (British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports, 63).

Limbert, D.W.S.. 1969 Meteorology of an erupting island. Marine Observer, 39. 32-34.

Lindsay, D.C.. 1969 Further data on Antarctic Usneaceae. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 20. 33-40.

Lindsay, D.C.. 1969 New records for Antarctic Umbilicariaceae. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 21. 61-69.

Lloyd, R.N.. 1969 Ketonuria in the Antarctic: a detailed study. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 20. 59-68.

Loudon, T .Victor. 1969 A small geological data library. Journal of the International Association for Mathematical Geology, 1 (2). 155-170. 10.1007/BF02048559

Mandeville, A. N.; Plinstone, D. T.; Hill, A.. 1969 Processing errors in the analysis of catchment data. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 15pp. (IH Report No.5) (Unpublished)

Marsh, A.F.; Stubbs, G.M.. 1969 Physiography of the Flask Glacier-Joerg Peninsula area, Graham Land. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 19. 57-73.

McWilliam, G.; Sievwright, W.M.. 1969 Analysis of visual auroral observations at Halley Bay, 1967. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 20. 41-51.

Muir, A.L.. 1969 Ketonuria in the Antarctic: a preliminary study. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 20. 53-58.

Perring, F.H.. 1969 The botanical importance of roadside verges. In: Way, J.M., (ed.) Road verges - their function and management. Abbots Ripton, The Nature Conservancy, 4-7.

Rawes, M.; Welch, D.. 1969 Upland productivity of vegetation and sheep at Moor House National Nature Reserve, Westmorland, England. Oikos Supplementum, 11. 7-72.

Renner, R.G.B.. 1969 Surface elevations on the Larsen Ice Shelf. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 19. 1-8.

Rodda, John C.. 1969 Hydrology. In: Skeat, W.O.; Dangerfield, B.J., (eds.) Manual of British Water Engineering Practice vol.2. Institution of Water Engineers, 1-25.

Rossiter, J.R.. 1969 A note on some troublesome harmonic constituents. Liverpool, Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides, 8pp. (Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides internal report, ICOT/IR/14)

Sawyer, R.T.; White, M.G.. 1969 A new genus and species of marine leech, Glyptonotobdella antarctica, from an Antarctic isopod. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 22. 1-14.

Swithinbank, Charles. 1969 Airborne radio echo sounding by the British Antarctic Survey. The Geographical Journal, 135 (4). 551. 10.2307/1795100

Swithinbank, Charles. 1969 Giant icebergs in the Weddell Sea, 1967–68. Polar Record, 14 (91). 477-478. 10.1017/S0032247400064500

Taylor, B.J.. 1969 Small tubiform fossils from the Lower Cretaceous of Alexander Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 21. 71-78.

Thomson, M.R.A.. 1969 The marine origin of water-lain volcanic sediments of south-west Adelaide Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 19. 83-88.

Vanicek, P.; Quraishee, G.S.. 1969 Further development and application of the spectral analysis by least squares fit. Liverpool, Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides, 10pp. (Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides internal report, ICOT/IR/16)

Way, J.M.. 1969 Road verges - research on management for amenity and wildlife. In: Way, J.M., (ed.) Road verges - their function and management. Abbots Ripton, The Nature Conservancy, 34-40.

Wiliams, R.A.. 1969 Bacteriological survey in Antarctica. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 19. 97-98.

Wornham, C.M.. 1969 Ice-movement measurements in the Theron Mountains. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 21. 45-50.

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