Items where Subject is "Education"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 49.

Publication - Article

Büker, Patrick; West, Sarah E.; Bowyer, Cressida J.; Apondo, William; Cinderby, Steve; Gray, Cindy M.; Hahn, Matthew; Lambe, Fiona; Loh, Miranda; Medcalf, Alexander; Muhoza, Cassilde; Muindi, Kanyiva; Njoora, Timothy Kamau; Twigg, Marsailidh M. ORCID:; Waelde, Charlotte; Walnycki, Anna; Wainwright, Megan; Wendler, Jana; Wilson, Mike; Price, Heather D.. 2024 Transdisciplinary research as a means of protecting human health, ecosystems and climate by engaging people to act on air pollution. One Health Cases, ohcs20240002. 10.1079/onehealthcases.2024.0002

Muradás-Taylor, Becky; Taylor, Philip ORCID: 2024 ‘Cold spots’ in language degree provision in England. The Language Learning Journal, 52 (1). 92-103. 10.1080/09571736.2023.2257705

Kelly, Sam J.; Kelly, John S.; Gardner, Emma ORCID:; Baker, John; Monk, Chris; Julian, Angela. 2023 Improving attitudes towards adders (Vipera berus) and nature connectedness in primary‐age group children. People and Nature, 5 (6). 1908-1921. 10.1002/pan3.10545

Mitrano, Denise M.; Bigalke, Moritz; Booth, Andy M.; Carteny, Camilla Catarci; Coffin, Scott; Egger, Matthias; Gondikas, Andreas; Hüffer, Thorsten; Koelmans, Albert A.; Lahive, Elma; Mattsson, Karin; Reynaud, Stephanie; Wagner, Stephan. 2023 Training the next generation of plastics pollution researchers: tools, skills and career perspectives in an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary field. Microplastics and Nanoplastics, 3 (1), 24. 12, pp. 10.1186/s43591-023-00072-4

Xavier, Jose C. ORCID:; Mateev, Dragomir; Capper, Linda; Wilmotte, Annick; Walton, David W.H. ORCID: 2019 Education and outreach by the Antarctic Treaty Parties, Observers and Experts under the framework of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings. Polar Record, 55 (4). 241-244. 10.1017/S003224741800044X

Denton, Paul; Fishwick, Stewart; Lane, Victoria; Daly, Debra. 2018 Football quakes as a tool for student engagement. Seismological Research letters, 89 (5). 1902-1907. 10.1785/0220180078

Sousa-Silva, Clara; McKemmish, Laura K.; Chubb, Katy L.; Gorman, Maire N.; Baker, Jack S.; Barton, Emma J. ORCID:; Rivlin, Tom; Tennyson, Jonathan. 2018 Original Research By Young Twinkle Students (ORBYTS): when can students start performing original research? Physics Education, 53 (1), 015020. 12, pp. 10.1088/1361-6552/aa8f2a

Stevens, Carly J.; Brockett, Beth F.T.; Baxendale, Catherine; Birkett, Ali J.; Brown, Caley; Cole, Andrew J.; Gould, Iain; Griffiths, Hannah; Nicholson, Richard; Quirk, Helen; Rogers, Isabel; Walker, Tom N.; Ward, Susan E.. 2016 Tackling the crisis in PhD supervision through group active-learning. Teaching and Learning Together in Higher Education, 1 (19), 4. 9, pp.

Stevenson, John; Denton, Paul; Lemon, Kirstin. 2015 BGS: education through open doors and OpenGeoscience. The Leading Edge, 34 (11). 1376-1380. 10.1190/tle34111376.1

Beck, Inga; Huffman, Louise Tolle; Xavier, Jose Carlos Caetano ORCID:; Walton, David Winston Harris ORCID: 2014 Education and polar research: bringing polar science into the classroom. Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering, 4. 217-221. 10.17265/2328-2193/2014.04.004

Bailey, David. 2013 The Earth Science Education Forum for England and Wales. GeoConservationUK Newsletter, 4 (4). 8.

Walton, David ORCID:; Xavier, Jose ORCID:; May, Inga; Huffman, Louise. 2013 Polar Educators International – a new initiative for schools. (editorial). Antarctic Science, 25 (04). 473. 10.1017/S0954102013000485

Robison, Rosie; Shuckburgh, Emily ORCID: 2013 Communicating climate science. Weather, 68 (4). 87. 10.1002/wea.2088

Lapworth, Dan ORCID:; Key, Roger; Johnson, Christopher; Knights, Katherine. 2011 Geoscience skills in Nigeria. Planet Earth, Spring. 28.

Poland, Remy; Roy, Helen ORCID: 2011 Ladybird, Ladybird fly away home. Biological Sciences Review, 23 (3). 10-15.

Thomas, Elizabeth R. ORCID:; Baeseman, Jenny; Lantuit, Hugues; Xavier, Jose; Baker, Narelle. 2008 Professional development training for early career polar researchers. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 89 (44). 434. 10.1029/2008EO440003

Pernetta, Angelo P.. 2008 Just give them Fellowships. Science, 321 (5897). 1776-1777. 10.1126/science.321.5897.1776d

Bailey, David. 2008 Investigating Earth Science or ‘What has the British Geological Survey ever done for teachers?’. Teaching Earth Sciences, 33 (1). 17-22.

Cramer, Wolfgang; Fritsch, Uta; Leemans, Rik; Lutkemeier, Sabine; Schroter, Dagmar; Watt, Allan ORCID: 2008 Training future experts in biodiversity and ecosystem services: a progress report. Regional Environmental Change, 8 (3). 125-134. 10.1007/s10113-008-0054-8

Denton, Paul. 2008 UK school seismology project. Teaching earth sciences, 33 (1). 23-25.

Bailey, David. 2007 How on Earth can we help geography teachers? Mapping News, 32 (Summer). 24-26.

Bailey, D; King, C.; Whitburn, N.. 2007 Communicating Earth Science : ESTA, ESEU & BGS. Teaching Earth Sciences, 32 (1). 12-15.

Barron, Hugh; Krabbendam, Maarten. 2006 Scotland’s first Geopark : the North West Highlands. Scottish Planner, 108. 6-7.

Kessler, Holger; Mathers, Steve. 2004 Maps to models. Geoscientist, 14 (10). 4-6.

Block, William. 2002 Ignoring our roots [Editorial]. CryoLetters, 23 (3). 137-138.

Adie, Raymond J.. 1953 Sledge dogs of the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey, 1947–50. Polar Record, 6 (45). 631-641. 10.1017/S0032247400047689

Publication - Book

Shuckburgh, Emily ORCID:; Chambers, Catherine. 2014 Polar scientist: the coolest jobs on the planet. Raintree, 48pp.

Auton, Clive; Merritt, Jon; Goodenough, Kathryn. 2011 Moray and Caithness : a landscape fashioned by geology. Scottish Natural Heritage, 73pp. (Landscape fashioned by geology).

McKurdy, Alan. 2010 Orkney and Shetland : a landscape fashioned by geology. Scottish Natural Heritage, 58pp.

McMillan, Andrew; Gillanders, Richard; Fairhurst, John A. 1999 Building stones of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Edinburgh Geological Society, 235pp.

Dingwall, P.R.; Walton, D.W.H. ORCID: 1996 Opportunities for Antarctic environmental education and training. Proceedings of the SCAR/IUCN Workshop on Environmental Education and Training, Gorizia, Italy, 26-29 April 1993. Gland, Switzerland, IUCN The World Conservation Union, 174pp. (Conservation of the southern polar region, 3).

British Antarctic Survey. 1993 The Antarctic Treaty. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 12pp.

Belcher, H.; Swale, E.. 1982 Culturing algae. A guide for schools and colleges. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 25pp.

Page, F.. 1981 The culture and use of free-living protozoa in teaching. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 54pp.

Publication - Book Section

Asch, Kristine; Mathers, Stephen J.; Kessler, Holger. 2012 Geology. In: Kresse, Wolfgang; Danko, David, (eds.) Handbook of Geographic Information. Springer, 525-544.

Bailey, David; Ward, Emma; Wilkinson, Ian. 2006 From museum to web : the evolution of Earth science outreach at the British Geological Survey. In: Hlawatsch, Sylke; Obermaier, Gabriele; Martin, Ulrike, (eds.) Geoscience Education: Understanding System Earth. Hannover, Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Geowissenschaften, 34, 1pp.

Demuth, S.; Servat, E.; Al-Weshah, R.; Blazkova, S.; Daniell, T.; Hannah, D. M.; Holko, L.; Houghton-Carr, H.; Hughes, D. A.; Motaleb, M. A.; Paturel, J. E.; Planos Gutierrez, E.; Servat, E.; Shrestha, M.; Signa, L.; Tallaksen, L.; Zaki, A. F.. 2006 Education and training programmes. In: Servat, E; Demuth, S., (eds.) FRIEND - a global perspective 2002-2006. Koblenz, IHP/WRP National Committee, 111-124.

Tate, R.B.. 1996 Training in environmental conservation and management and waste disposal in the Antarctic by the British Antarctic Survey. In: Dingwall, P.R.; Walton, D.W.H. ORCID:, (eds.) Opportunities for Antarctic environmental education and training. Gland, IUCN The World Conservation Union, 57-65. (Conservation of the southern polar region, 3).

Publication - Conference Item

Reay, Sarah. 2020 Outreach - activity forecasts, social media, aurora imaging. [Speech] In: ESA Space Weather Service Network Workshop, Virtual, 12 - 14 Oct 2020. (Unpublished)

Bailey, David E.. 2010 Broadening access to earth science information for education in the UK. [Lecture] In: Reaching New Peaks in Geoscience, Denver, USA, 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2010. Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America. (Unpublished)

Houghton-Carr, H.; Crowfoot, A.; Fisher, J.; Karar, E.; Pietersen, K.; Runnalls, N.; Smout, I.; Zipper, T.. 2008 African Water: Supporting African involvement in the EU Framework Programme. In: 33rd WEDC International Conference, Accra, Ghana. Loughborough, UK, WEDC.

Auton, Clive. 2008 Dounreay decommissioning studies: BGS multidisciplinary geoscience on the north coast of Caithness. [Lecture] In: Lecture to the Highlands Geological Society, Fairways Centre, Inverness, 15th January 2008. (Unpublished)

Ovadia, David. 2008 Are there enough geologists in the World to meet demand? In: CCOP Annual Session, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 23-28 Nov 2008. Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia.

Publication - Report

Sevilleja, C.G.; Collins, S.; Warren, M.S.; Wynhoff, I.; Van Swaay, C.A.M.; Dennis, E.B.; Schmucki, R. ORCID:; Barea Azcon, J.M.; Bonelli, S.; Bourn, N.; Cassar, L.F.; de Arce Crespo, J.I.; Dziekanska, I.; Faltynek Fric, Z.; Kolev, Z.; Krenn, H.; Lehner, D.; Monteiro, E.; Munguira, M.L.; Ozden, O.; Pavlicko, A.; Pendl, M.; Rudisser, J.; Sasic, M.; Sielezniew, M.; Settele, J.; Szabadfalvi, A.; Teixeira, S.M.; Tzirkalli, E.; Roy, D.B. ORCID: 2020 European Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (eBMS): network development. Technical report. Wageningen, The Netherlands, Butterfly Conservation Europe, 61pp. (Assessing Butterflies in Europe)

Skipperud, Lindis; Oughton, Deborah; Barnett, Catherine ORCID:; Beresford, Nick; Horemans, Nele. 2014 STAR deliverable (D-No. 6.3). Test-run of course modules. European Commission, 38pp. (CEH Project no. C04341)

Lawrence, D.J.D.. 2009 Limestone landscapes : a geodiversity audit and action plan for the Durham Magnesian Limestone Plateau. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 114pp. (OR/09/007) (Unpublished)

Warnaars, Tanya ORCID:; Harding, Richard; Blyth, Eleanor ORCID:; Ludwig, Fulco; Hagemann, Stefan; Best, Martin; Tallaksen, Lena; van Lanen, Henny. 2008 WATCH IP. Water and Global Change. First year Activity report to the European Commission. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 148pp. (CEH Project Number: C03276, WATCH IP) (Unpublished)

Institute of Hydrology. 1990 The HYDATA Workshop: Institute for Meteorological Training and Research, Nairobi, Kenya. 19-23 November 1990. Institute of Hydrology, 18pp. (Unpublished)

Publication - Other

Warnaars, Tanya ORCID:; Bowes, Michael ORCID: 2008 Quick Guide: Water Quality and Climate Change. Triple Science Support Programme /Exscitec Limited Registered Office [Guidance notes]

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