Items where Centre is "British Geological Survey (BGS)" and Year is 2001
Publication - Article
Appleton, J.D.; Williams, T.M.; Orbea, H.; Carrasco, M.. 2001 Fluvial contamination associated with artisanal gold mining in the Ponce Enríquez, Portovelo-Zaruma and Nambija Areas, Ecuador. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 131 (1/4). 19-39. 10.1023/A:1011965430757
Bloomfield, J. ORCID:; Gooddy, D.; Bright, M.; Williams, P..
Pore-throat size distributions in Permo-Triassic sandstones from the United Kingdom and some implications for contaminant hydrogeology.
Hydrogeology Journal, 9 (3).
Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Barker, J.A.; Gaus, I.; Griffiths, K.J.; Robinson, N..
Modelling porosity development and flow in heterogeneous porous media.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 3.
Christl, Iso; Milne, Chris J.; Kinniburgh, David G.; Kretzschmar, Ruben. 2001 Relating ion binding by fulvic and humic acids to chemical composition and molecular size. 2, metal binding. Environmental Science and Technology, 35 (12). 2512-2517. 10.1021/es0002520
Dumat, C.; Chiquet, A.; Gooddy, Daren; Aubry, E.; Morin, G.; Juillot, F.; Benedetti, M.F.. 2001 Metal ion geochemistry in smelter impacted soils and soil solutions. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, 172 (5). 539-548. 10.2113/172.5.539
Dumpleton, S.; Robins, N.S.; Walker, J.A.; Merrin, P.D.. 2001 Mine water rebound in South Nottinghamshire : risk evaluation using 3-D visualization and predictive modelling. Quarterley Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 34 (3). 307-319. 10.1144/qjegh.34.3.307
Fordyce, Fiona. 2001 Medical geology : the impact of the geological environment on health. Earthwise, 17. 6.
Fordyce, Fiona; Hope, Bryony. 2001 Fluoride and fluorosis in Central Europe. Earthwise, 17. 10-11.
Gallois, R.W.. 2001 The lithostratigraphy of the Mercia Mudstone Group (mid-late Triassic) of the south Devon coast. Geoscience in south-west England - Proceedings of the Ussher Society, 10 (2). 195-204.
Gallois, R.W.; Davis, G.M.. 2001 Saving Lyme Regis from the sea : recent geological investigations at Lyme Regis, Dorset. Geoscience in south-west England - Proceedings of the Ussher Society, 10 (2). 183-189.
Gallois, Ramues; Etches, Steve. 2001 The stratigraphy of the youngest part of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Upper Jurassic) of the Dorset type area. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 112 (2). 169-182. 10.1016/S0016-7878(01)80025-0
Gallois, Ramues W.. 2001 Field excursion to examine the geology and coastal landforms of the Charmouth to Lyme Regis area, 3rd January, 2001. Geoscience in south-west England : proceedings of the Ussher Society, 10 (2). 243-246.
Goni, I.B.; Fellman, E.; Edmunds, W.M.. 2001 Rainfall geochemistry in the Sahel region of northern Nigeria. Atmospheric Environment, 35 (25). 4331-4339. 10.1016/S1352-2310(01)00099-1
Gooddy, D.C.; Hughes, A.G.; Williams, A.T.; Armstrong, A.C.; Nicholson, R.J.; Williams, J.R.. 2001 Field and modelling studies to assess the risk to UK groundwater from earth-based stores for livestock manure. Soil use and managment, 17 (2). 128-137. 10.1111/j.1475-2743.2001.tb00018.x
Gooddy, Daren; Bloomfield, John ORCID:; Chilton, John; Johnson, Andrew
ORCID:; Williams, Richard.
Assessing herbicide concentrations in the saturated and unsaturated zone of a Chalk Aquifer in Southern England.
Ground Water, 39 (2).
Harrold, Gavin; Gooddy, Daren C.; Lerner, David N.; Leharne, Stephen A.. 2001 Wettability changes in trichloroethylene-contaminated sandstone. Environmental Science and Technology, 35 (7). 1504-1510.
Hathway, B.; Riding, J.B. ORCID:
Stratigraphy and age of the Lower Cretaceous Pedersen Formation, northern Antarctic Peninsula.
Antarctic Science, 13 (1).
Johnson, Andrew ORCID:; Besien, T.J.; Bhardwaj, C.L.; Dixon, A.; Gooddy, Daren; Haria, A.H.; White, C..
Penetration of herbicides to groundwater in an unconfined chalk aquifer following normal soil applications.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 53 (1-2).
Kilias, S.P.; Naden, J.; Leng, M. ORCID:; Cheliotis, I..
Fluid inclusion thermometric and stable isotope (δ18O-δD) evidence for “cryptic boiling” in the Profitis Ilias epithermal gold deposit, Milos : a potential exploration tool for epithermal gold.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 34.
Koopal, Luuk K.; van Riemsdijk, Willem H.; Kinniburgh, David G.. 2001 Humic matter and contaminants: general aspects and modeling metal ion binding. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 73 (12). 2005-2016. 10.1351/pac200173122005
Li, Xiang-Yang; Dai, Hengchang; Mueller, Michael C.; Barkved, Olav I.. 2001 Compensating for the effects of gas clouds on C-wave imaging : a case study from Valhall. The Leading Edge, 20 (9). 1022-1028. 10.1190/1.1487307
MacDonald, A.M.; Davies, J.; Peart, R.J.. 2001 Geophysical methods for locating groundwater in low permeability sedimentary rocks : examples from southeast Nigeria. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 32 (1). 115-131. 10.1016/S0899-5362(01)90022-3
MacDonald, Alan ORCID:
Geophysics : taking the magic out of black boxes.
Waterlines, 20 (2).
MacDonald, Alan M. ORCID:; Allen, David J..
Aquifer properties of the Chalk of England.
Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 34 (4).
Milne, Christopher J.; Kinniburgh, David G.; Tipping, Edward ORCID:
Generic NICA-Donnan model parameters for proton binding by humic substances.
Environmental Science & Technology, 35 (10).
Mitchell, Clive ORCID:
Low-cost lime for small-scale farming (FarmLime).
Earthworks, 13.
Morris, Brian. 2001 Practical implications of the use of groundwater-protection tools in water-supply risk assessment. Water and environment journal, 15 (4). 265-270. 10.1111/j.1747-6593.2001.tb00352.x
Newell, A.J.. 2001 Bounding surfaces in a mixed aeolian–fluvial system (Rotliegend, Wessex Basin, SW UK). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 18 (3). 339-347. 10.1016/S0264-8172(00)00066-0
Newell, Andrew J.. 2001 Construction of a Palaeogene tide-dominated shelf : influence of Top Chalk topography and sediment supply (Wessex Basin, UK). Journal of the Geological Society, 158 (2). 379-390. 10.1144/jgs.158.2.379
Smellie, J.L.; Stone, P.. 2001 Geochemical characteristics and geotectonic setting of early Ordovician basalt lavas in the Ballantrae Complex ophiolite, SW Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 91 (3-4). 539-555. 10.1017/S0263593300008385
Stuart, M.E.; Milne, C.J.. 2001 The risk to groundwater from wastewater irrigation using high chromium tannery effluent. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 23 (3). 247-251. 10.1023/A:1012273710180
Stuart, Marianne; Gooddy, Daren; Kinniburgh, David; Klinck, Ben. 2001 Trihalomethane formation potential : a tool for detecting non-specific organic groundwater contamination. Urban Water, 3 (3). 197-208. 10.1016/S1462-0758(01)00039-5
Tappin, D.R.; Watts, P.; McMurtry, G.M.; Lafoy, Y.; Matsumoto, T.. 2001 The Sissano, Papua New Guinea tsunami of July 1998 — offshore evidence on the source mechanism. Marine Geology, 175 (1-4). 1-23. 10.1016/S0025-3227(01)00131-1
Wealthall, Gary; Steele, A.; Bloomfield, John ORCID:; Moss, R.H.; Lerner, D.N..
Sediment filled fractures in the Permo-Triassic sandstones of the Cheshire Basin: observations and implications for pollutant transport.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 50 (1-2).
Publication - Book
British Geological Survey. 2001 Annual Report 2000-2001. British Geological Survey, 52pp. (Annual Reports of the British Geological Survey).
Stockwell, L.E.; Hillier, J.A.; Mills, A.J.; White, R.. 2001 World mineral statistics 1995-1999 : production : exports : imports. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 315pp. (World Mineral Production).
Publication - Book Section
Ander, E. Louise; Smith, Barry; Fordyce, Fiona M.; Rawlins, Barry G.. 2001 Trace elements. In: D'Arcy, B.J.; Ellis, J.B.; Ferrier, R.C.; Jenkins, A.; Dils, R., (eds.) Diffuse pollution impacts : the environmental and economic impacts of diffuse pollution in the U.K. Lavenham, Surrey, CIWEM, 85-94.
Cooper, A.H.; Farrant, A.R.; Adlam, K.A.M.; Walsby, J.C.. 2001 The development of a national geographic information system (GIS) for British karst geohazards and risk assessment. In: Beck, B.F.; Herring, J.G., (eds.) Geotechnical and environmental applications of karst geology and hydrogeology. Proceedings of the eighth Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst, April 1-4th Louisville, Kentucky. Balkema, 125-130.
Johnson, H.; Counsell, D.; Quinn, M.; Stoker, S.; Cavill, J.; Long, D.. 2001 Earth resources and future energy use in Scotland. In: Gordon, John; Leys, Katherine, (eds.) Earth science and the natural heritage : interactions and integrated management. Edinburgh, UK, The Stationary Office Limited, 213-223, 344pp. (The Natural Heritage of Scotland, 9).
Parrish, Randall R. 2001 The response of mineral chronometers to metamorphism and deformation in orogenic belts. In: Miller, J.A.; Holdsworth, R.E.; Buick, I.S.; Hand, M., (eds.) Continental Reactivation and Reworking. London, Geological Society, 289-301. (Geological Society Special Publication, 184, 184).
Smedley, P.; Kinniburgh, D.; Huq, I.; Luo, Z.; Nicolli, H.B.. 2001 International perspective on naturally-occurring arsenic problems in groundwater. In: Chappell, W.R.; Abernathy, C.O.; Calderon, R.L., (eds.) Arsenic exposure and health effects IV. Amsterdam, Netherlands, Elsevier, 9-25.
Smedley, P.L.; Zhang, M.; Zhang, G.; Luo, Z.. 2001 Arsenic and other redox-sensitive elements in groundwater from the Huhhot Basin, Inner Mongolia. In: Cidu, R., (ed.) Water-Rock Interaction 10. Taylor and Francis, 181-184.
Publication - Conference Item
Beamish, D.; Mattsson, A.. 2001 The role of airborne EM methods for environmental applications in different geological terrains. In: EAGE 63rd Conference & Technical Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 11-15 June 2001. EAGE, 1-5. (Unpublished)
Clark, Toby; Clarke, Ellen. 2001 Space weather services for the offshore drilling industry. [Poster] In: ESTEC SWW, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 17-19 December 2001. (Unpublished)
Clarke, Ellen. 2001 Real time monitoring of global magnetic activity : the APEST index. [Poster] In: ESTEC SWW 2001, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 17-19 December 2001. (Unpublished)
Clarke, Ellen; Thomson, Alan. 2001 Real-time magnetic activity indices : two examples in daily use. [Poster] In: IAGA 9th Scientific Assembly, Hanoi, Vietnam, 18-30 August 2001. (Unpublished)
Kerridge, David. 2001 INTERMAGNET: worldwide near-real-time geomagnetic observatory data. [Poster] In: ESTEC SWW 2002, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 16-18 December 2001. (Unpublished)
Lee, M.K.; Peart, R.J.; Cuss, R.J.; Jones, D.G.; Beamish, D.; Vironmaki, J.. 2001 Applications and challenges for high resolution airborne surveys in populated areas. In: EAGE 63rd Conference & Technical Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 11-15 June 2001. EAGE, 1-4.
Mankelow, J.M.; Eden, K.; Coats, J.S.; Liyungu, A.K.. 2001 Encouraging minerals investment using GIS : the establishment of minerals GIS in Zambia and Mauritania. In: AfricaGIS, Nairobi, Kenya, 2001. (Unpublished)
Molyneux, Stewart; Barron, Hugh; Smith, Richard. 2001 Silurian palynology and correlation of inliers in the Midland Valley of Scotland. [Lecture] In: Palaeozoic Palynology in the Third Millenium : new directions in acritarch, chitinozoan and miospore research., Lille, France, Sept 2001. Commission Internationale de Microflore du Paleozoique.
Pearce, J.M.; Hough, E.; Williams, G.M.; Wealthall, G.P.; Tellam, J.H.; Herbert, A.. 2001 Sediment-filled fractures in Triassic sandstones : pathways or barriers to contaminant migration? In: Fractured Rock 2001, Toronto, Canada, 26 March 2001.
Thomson, Alan; Clarke, Ellen. 2001 Geomagnetically induced currents in northern Europe during the April and July storms in 2000. [Poster] In: XXVI EGS General Assembly, Nice, France, 25-30 March 2001. (Unpublished)
Publication - Map
British Geological Survey, Morocco. Department de l'energie et des mines. Direction de la geologie. 2001 Feuille NH-30-XIX-1a Tiwit. Notes et Mémoires, Editions du Service Géologiques du Maroc. Rabat, Morocco, Direction de la Geologie du Maroc.
British Geological Survey, Morocco. Department de l'energie et des mines. Direction de la geologie. 2001 Feuille NH-30-XIX-1b Ikniwn. Notes et Mémoires, Editions du Service Géologiques du Maroc. Rabat, Morocco, Direction de la Geologie du Maroc.
British Geological Survey. 2001 Isle of Man. Sheets 36, 45, 46, 56 and 57 Solid and Drift Geology. 1:50k. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey.
British Geological Survey. 2001 Sheet 153 Wolverhampton solid and drift geology. British Geological Survey 1:50 000 series. England and Wales. Nottinghan, UK, British Geological Survey.
Cameron, D.G.; Highley, D.E.; Scrivener, R.C.; Linley, K.A.; Evans, D.J.; Warrington, G.. 2001 Dorset (comprising Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole) mineral resources : a summary of mineral resource information for development plans. Mineral Resources Series. British Geological Survey.
Henney, P.J.; Young, B.; Cameron, D.G.; Linley, K.A.; Highley, D.E.. 2001 Cumbria and the Lake District (comprising Cumbria, the Lake District National Park and parts of the Yorkshire Dales National Park) : a summary of mineral resource information for development plans : sand and gravel resources. Mineral Resources Series. British Geological Survey.
Highley, D.E.; Young, B.; Cameron, D.G.; Henney, P.J.; Milward, D.; Harrison, D.J.; Holloway, S.; Linley, K.A.; Warrington, G.. 2001 Cumbria and the Lake District (comprising Cumbria, the Lake District National Park and parts of the Yorkshire Dales National Park) : a summary of mineral resource information for development plans. Mineral Resources Series. British Geological Survey.
Publication - Report
British Geological Survey, Department of Public Health Engineering (Bangladesh). 2001 Arsenic contamination of groundwater in Bangladesh. British Geological Survey, 630pp. (WC/00/019) (Unpublished)
British Geological Survey. 2001 DTI Strategic Environmental Assessment 2001 (SEA2) : North Sea Geology. British Geological Survey, 49pp. (CR/01/148N) (Unpublished)
Fordyce, Fiona; Vrana, Kamil, eds. 2001 Development of a fluoride risk assessment GIS for Central Europe. Final Report : water quality improvements through fluoride reduction in groundwater of Central Europe. Directorate General for Science, Research and Development. (Inco - Copernicus, 15-CT98-0139) (Unpublished)
Armstrong, H.A.; Floyd, James; Barron, Hugh. 2001 Conodont biostratigraphy of the Crawford Group, Southern Uplands. Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 28pp. (RR/01/005)
Ball, Derek F.; MacDonald, Alan M. ORCID:
Groundwater nitrate vulnerable zones for Scotland.
British Geological Survey, 74pp.
Beamish, D.; Chadwick, R.A.; Horseman, S.T.; Kingdon, A. ORCID:; Li, X.Y.; Liu, E.; Peart, R.J.; Shaw, R.P..
A review of geophysical surveying methods used in the Radioactive Waste Disposal Programmes of Belguim, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 2001pp.
Bloodworth, A.J.; Cowley, J.F.; Highley, D.E.; Bowler, G.K.. 2001 Brick clay : issues for planning. British Geological Survey, 129pp. (CR/01/117N) (Unpublished)
Bloodworth, A.J.; Cowley, J.F.; Highley, D.E.; Bowler, G.K.. 2001 Brick clay : issues for planning executive summary. British Geological Survey, 12pp. (CR/01/118N) (Unpublished)
Bott, J.D.J.. 2001 Attenuation of peak ground accelerations for recent UK earthquakes of magnitude ≤ 4.6 ML. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 13pp. (CR/01/150N) (Unpublished)
Bridge, D. McC.; Sumbler, M.G.; Shepley, M.G.. 2001 A hydrogeological characterisation of the superficial deposits of the Severn valley upstream of the Shrewsbury. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 50pp. (CR/01/187N) (Unpublished)
Bristow, C.R.; Highley, D.E.; Barton, C.M.; Cowley, J.F.; Freshney, E.C.; Webb, N.R.. 2001 Mineral resources of East Dorset. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 90pp. (CR/01/138N) (Unpublished)
Brown, S.E.. 2001 Geochemical baseline data for the urban area of Cardiff. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 59pp. (IR/01/102) (Unpublished)
Brown, S.E.. 2001 Geochemical baseline data for the urban area of Telford. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 59pp. (IR/01/086) (Unpublished)
Chadwick, R.A.; Kirby, G.R.; Holloway, S.; Pearce, J.M.; Gregersen, U.; Johannessen, P.N.; Bidstrup, T.; Zweigel, P.. 2001 Saline Aquifer CO2 Storage phase 2 (SACS2) : a demonstration project at the Sleipner Field : work area 1 (Geology). Progress report 1 April to 31 December 2000. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 23pp. (CR/01/011N) (Unpublished)
Chilton, P.J.. 2001 Groundwater and rural water supplies : report of the Second BGS-NGO Workshop, January 2001. British Geological Survey, 34pp. (IR/01/118) (Unpublished)
Chilton, P.J.. 2001 Groundwater research priorities for the SADC Region : report of a workshop at the IAH 30th Congress, Cape Town, November 2000. British Geological Survey, 24pp. (IR/01/027) (Unpublished)
Davies, J.; Cobbing, J.. 2001 Reconnaissance visit to assess the hydrogeology of the Oku area, Sekyere West District, Ashanti Region, Ghana. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 25pp. (IR/01/153) (Unpublished)
Dean, M.T.. 2001 An Upper Palaeozoic palaeontological and biostratigraphical summary of Scotland sheet 23E (Lanark). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 40pp. (IR/01/017) (Unpublished)
Fortey, N.J.; Nayembil, M.L.; Howcroft, J.R.; Turner, G.H.; Kemp, S.J. ORCID:; Wheatley, C.W..
NIREX petrological samples archive.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 152pp.
Gaus, I.. 2001 Physical and geochemical modelling (SWIFT-PHREEQC) of British aquifers for aquifer storage and recovery purposes. Part 2 : geochemical modelling. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 37pp. (CR/01/054N) (Unpublished)
Gibson, A.D.; Humpage, A.J.. 2001 The geology and cliff stability at Nefyn, North Wales - interim report. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 18pp. (CR/01/101N) (Unpublished)
Gowing, C.J.B.. 2001 Analysis of Soil Samples from Kosovo. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 14pp. (CR/01/071N) (Unpublished)
Heaven, R.. 2001 The Digital Energy Atlas and Library (DEAL) database. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 95pp. (CR/01/266N) (Unpublished)
Highley, D.E.; Cameron, D.G.; Lott, G.K.; Evans, D.J.; Scrivener, R.C.; Warrington, G.. 2001 Mineral resource information for development plans : phase one Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole. British Geological Survey, 60pp. (Mineral Resources Series, WF/01/001) (Unpublished)
Jackson, C.R.. 2001 The development and validation of the object-oriented quasi three-dimensional regional groundwater model ZOOMQ3D. British Geological Survey, 57pp. (IR/01/144) (Unpublished)
Johnson, C.C.; Flight, D.M.A.; Lister, T.R.; Strutt, M.H.. 2001 La rapport final pour les travaux de recherches géologique pour la realisation de cinq cartes géochimique au 1/100 000 dans le domaine de l’Anti-Atlas (Maroc). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 56pp. (CR/01/031N) (Unpublished)
Kemp, S.J. ORCID:; McKervey, J.A..
The mineralogy of mudrocks from the Lias Group of England.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 38pp.
Kemp, S.J. ORCID:; Merriman, R.J..
Metamorphism of the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of the Leadhills district, southern Scotland, 1:50K sheets 15E & 23E.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 14pp.
Kingdon, A. ORCID:; Evans, C.J.; Cuss, R.J..
Sellafield borehole geophysical data : acquisition parameters, environmental corrections and QA status.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 74pp.
Kirby, G.A.; Chadwick, R.A.; Holloway, S.. 2001 Depth mapping and characterisation of the Utsire Sand Saline Aquifer, Central and Northern North Sea. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 26pp. (CR/01/218N) (Unpublished)
Lawrence, A.R.; Macdonald, D.M.J.; Howard, A.G.; Barrett, M.H.; Pedley, S.; Ahmed, K.M.; Nalubega, M.. 2001 Guidelines for assessing the risk to groundwater from on-site sanitation. British Geological Survey, 103pp. (CR/01/142N) (Unpublished)
Liu, Enru; Li, Xiang Yang; Chadwick, Andy. 2001 Multicomponent seismic monitoring of CO2 gas cloud in the Utsira Sand : a feasibility study : Saline Aquifer Co2 Storage Phase 2 (SACS2) : Work Area 5 (Geophysics) : feasibility of multicomponent seismic acquisition. British Geological Survey, 42pp. (CR/01/064N) (Unpublished)
Lott, G.. 2001 3-D rock mass characterization in the urban environment. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 26pp. (IR/01/069) (Unpublished)
MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Calow, R.C.; Nicol, A.L.; Hope, B.; Robins, N.S..
Ethiopia : water security and drought.
British Geological Survey.
MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Davies, J..
Communicating groundwater research: the example
of Oju and Obi, eastern Nigeria.
British Geological Survey, 16pp.
MacDonald, A.M. ORCID:; Davies, J.; Ó Dochartaigh, B.É..
Simple methods for assessing groundwater resources in low permeability areas of Africa.
British Geological Survey, 71pp.
MacDonald, Alan ORCID:
Report on visit to a WaterAid project, Nigeria, to carry out
workshops and assess geology of Benue State.
British Geological Survey, 26pp.
Marks, R.J.; Darling, W.G.; Lawrence, A.R.; Hughes, A.G.. 2001 Recharge through drift. Progress Report. British Geological Survey, 23pp. (IR/01/049) (Unpublished)
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: April 2001.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: August 2001.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: December 2000.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: February 2001.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: January 2001.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: July 2001.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: June 2001.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: March 2001.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: May 2001.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: November 2001.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: October 2001.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
Marsh, Terry ORCID:; Sanderson, Felicity.
Hydrological summary for the United Kingdom: September 2001.
Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 12pp.
Merriman, R.J.; Kemp, S.J. ORCID:
Metamorphism of the Palaeozoic rocks of the Torquay district, Devon, 1:50k sheet 350.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 13pp.
Merriman, R.J.; Kemp, S.J. ORCID:; Hirons, S.R..
Metamorphism of the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of the Lochmaben district, southern Scotland, 1:50K Sheet 10W.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 15pp.
Milodowski, A.E.. 2001 Scanning electron microscopy of uranium particulate in two soil samples at a depleted uranium munitions strike site from the Kosovo Conflict. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 18pp. (CR/01/261N) (Unpublished)
Milodowski, A.E.. 2001 A trial investigation by scanning electron microscopy of uranium particulate in building debris associated with a depleted uranium munitions strike site during the Kosovo conflict. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 20pp. (CR/01/145N) (Unpublished)
Mitchell, Clive ORCID:; Evans, Ellie; Harrison, David.
REFILL: low-cost fillers from quarry waste.
British Geological Survey.
Morley, S.E.; Ferguson, A.J.. 2001 Geochemical baseline data for the urban area of Swansea. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 53pp. (IR/01/036) (Unpublished)
O Dochartaigh, B.E.; Bloomfield, J.P. ORCID:; Prudhomme, C.
Modelling the impact of climate change on groundwater in the UK. Stage 1, background, literature and available data review and selection of modelling techniques.
British Geological Survey, 37pp.
O Dochartaigh, B.E.. 2001 Modelling the impact of climate change on groundwater in the UK. Stage 2 report, using an unsaturated zone transfer function to model groundwater level fluctuations. British Geological Survey, 76pp. (IR/01/059) (Unpublished)
O'Donnell, K.E.. 2001 Geochemical baseline data for the urban area of York. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 59pp. (IR/02/085) (Unpublished)
Phillips, E.R.. 2001 Geological report on a set of archaeological rock specimens from the Northton site, Toe Head, South Harris, Scotland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 20pp. (CR/02/149N) (Unpublished)
Plant, J.A.; Annells, Richard; Haslam, H.W.; Steenfelt, A.; Varet, J.. 2001 Sustainability of the Earth's surface environment : a European geoscience perspective. Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 9pp. (RR/00/005)
Robins, N.S.; Chilton, P.J.; Bird, M.J.. 2001 The state of Jersey groundwater 2000 and some topical issues. British Geological Survey, 15pp. (IR/01/026) (Unpublished)
Rollin, K.E.; Gunn, A.G.; Scrivener, R.C.; Shaw, M.H.. 2001 Potential for stratiform massive sulphide mineralisation in south-west England. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 133pp. (CR/01/240N) (Unpublished)
Shand, P.; Frengstad, B.. 2001 Baseline Groundwater Quality : a comparison of selected British and Norwegian aquifers. British Geological Survey, 92pp. (IR/01/177) (Unpublished)
Smedley, Pauline. 2001 Groundwater quality: Bangladesh. British Geological Survey, 6pp.
Smedley, Pauline. 2001 Groundwater quality: Ethiopia. British Geological Survey, 6pp.
Smedley, Pauline. 2001 Groundwater quality: Nepal. British Geological Survey, 4pp.
Smedley, Pauline. 2001 Groundwater quality: Pakistan. British Geological Survey, 6pp.
Smedley, Pauline. 2001 Groundwater quality: Uganda. British Geological Survey, 4pp.
Smedley, Pauline. 2001 Groundwater quality: Zambia. British Geological Survey, 4pp.
Smith, D.J.; Brett, C.P.; Wallis, D.G.; Derrick, J.F.. 2001 BGS oriented seabed rockdrill (BRIDGE Drill) - engineering report for scientific cruise JR63. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 33pp. (CR/01/157N) (Unpublished)
Styles, Michael; Entwisle, David; Gunn, David; Hodgkinson, E.; Jackson, P.D.; Kemp, Simon ORCID:; Nelder, L.M.; Northmore, Kevin; Steadman, Ellie.
A mineralogical examination of a magnetic tropical brown soil from Cambodia and a possible synthetic analogue made with soil from Devon.
Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 31pp.
Trick, J.K.; Klinck, B.A.; Coombs, P.; Chambers, J.; Noy, D.J.; West, J.; Williams, G.M.. 2001 Groundwater impact of Danescourt Cemetery, Wolverhampton. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 38pp. (IR/01/104) (Unpublished)
Williams, A.T.; Barker, J.A.; Griffiths, K.J.. 2001 Assessment of the environmental impacts of ASR schemes. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 37pp. (CR/01/153N) (Unpublished)
Williams, Mark. 2001 Silurian (Wenlock and Ludlow) graptolites from localities between Tirabad in the west and the area of Crychan Forest to the east, Builth Wells area (E & W sheet 196). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 9pp. (IR/01/032) (Unpublished)
Williamson, J.P.; Chadwick, R.A.; Rowley, W.J.; Eiken, O.. 2001 Saline aquifer CO2 storage : a demonstration project at the Sleipner Field : Work Area 5 (Geophysics) : gravity modelling of the CO2 bubble. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 25pp. (CR/01/063N) (Unpublished)
Young, B.; Highley, D.E.; Cameron, D.G.; Millward, D.; Harrison, D.J.; Henney, P.J.; Holloway, S.; Lott, G.K.; Warrington, G.. 2001 Mineral resource information for development plans : phase one Cumbria and the Lake District (Cumbria, Lake District National Park and part of Yorkshire Dales National Park) resources and constraints. British Geological Survey, 83pp. (Mineral Resources Series, WF/01/002) (Unpublished)
Young, B.; Vye, C.L.; Phillips, E.R.. 2001 The building stones of Thirlwall Castle, Northumberland National Park. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 51pp. (WA/01/002) (Unpublished)
Publication - Thesis
MacDonald, Alan MacKenzie ORCID:
Community water supplies from mudstones.
University College London, PhD Thesis, 231pp.