Items where Year is 1973
Allen, T.R.. 1973 Common colds in Antarctica. Journal of Hygiene, 71 (4). 649-656.
Allen, T.R.; Bradburne, A.F.; Stott, E.J.; Goodwin, C.S.; Tyrrell, D.A.J.. 1973 An outbreak of common colds at an Antarctic base after seventeen weeks of complete isolation. Journal of Hygiene, 71 (4). 657-667.
Allender, R.; Hollyer, S.E.. 1973 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Shotley and Felixstowe, Suffolk : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet TM 23. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 81pp. (Assessment of British Sand and Gravel Resources No. 8, Report 73/13) (Unpublished)
Allison, J.S.; Smith, Ronald I.L.. 1973 The vegetation of Elephant Island, South Shetland Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 33/34. 185-212.
Ambrose, J.D.. 1973 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Layer Breton and Tolleshunt D'Arcy, Essex : description of 1:25 000 resource sheet TL 91 and part of TL 90. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 42pp. (Assessment of British Sand and Gravel Resources No. 7, Report 73/8) (Unpublished)
Ambrose, J.D.. 1973 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Maldon, Essex : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet TL 80. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 69pp. (Assessment of British Sand and Gravel Resources No. 4, Report 73/1) (Unpublished)
Bailey-Watts, A.E.; Lund, J.W.G.. 1973 Observations on a diatom bloom in Loch Leven, Scotland. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 5 (3). 235-253.
Beckett, J.; Jeffers, J. N. R.. 1973 A classified bibliography of the ecology and taxonomy of the genus Ulmus from 1960 to 1972. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 24pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.40) (Unpublished)
Bell, B.G.. 1973 Notes on Antarctic bryophytes: I. New records from the Antarctic botanical zone. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 36. 131-132.
Bell, B.G.. 1973 Notes on Antarctic bryophytes: II.Records of Racomitria from the Antarctic botanical zone. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 37. 91-94.
Bell, B.G.. 1973 A synoptic flora of South Georgian mosses: II. Chorisodontium, Dicranoloma, Dicranum, Platyneurum and Conostomum. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 37. 33-52.
Bell, C.M.. 1973 The geology of Beethoven Peninsula, south-western Alexander Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 32. 75-83.
Bell, C.M.. 1973 The geology of southern Alexander Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 33/34. 1-16.
Benfield, A.C.. 1973 Jalu-Tazerbo Project, Sirte Basin, Libyan Arab Republic. Phase 2 Area Geological Studies: preliminary assessment of Post-Oligocene sediments in region north of latitude 17° 20'N. Institute of Geological Sciences, 16pp. (WD/73/011) (Unpublished)
Blackwekk, B.; Nockels, J.E.I.; Smith, A.J.. 1973 Synchronisation in the Antarctic. Construction of a frequency regulator for diesel generators at Halley Bay. Electrical Review, 192 (6). 204.
Bocock, K. L.. 1973 The collection of soil temperature data in intensive studies of ecosystems. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 38pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.47) (Unpublished)
Bradley, P.A; Dudeney, J.R. 1973 A simple model of the vertical distribution of electron concentration in the ionosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 35 (12). 2131-2146. 10.1016/0021-9169(73)90132-3
Bregazzi, P.K.. 1973 Embryological development in Tryphosella kergueleni (Miers) and Cheirimedon femoratus (Pfeffer) (Crustacea: Amphipoda). British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 32. 63-74.
Bregazzi, P.K.. 1973 Locomotor activity rhythms in Trphosella kergueleni (Miers) and Cheirimedon femoratus (Pfeffer) (Crustacea, Amphipoda). British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 33/34. 17-32.
Bunce, R. G. H.; Shaw, M.W.. 1973 A standardised procedure for ecological survey. Journal of Environmental Management, 1. 239-258.
Bunce, R.G.H.; Shaw, M.W.. 1973 National survey of semi-natural woodlands. In: Merlewood Research Station. Report for 1970-1972. London, NERC/Nature Conservancy, 9-13.
Callaghan, T V.. 1973 A comparison of the growth of tundra plant species at several widely separated sites. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 58pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.53) (Unpublished)
Clarke, R. T.; Leese, M. N.; Newson, A. J.. 1973 Analysis of data from Plynlimon raingauge networks, April 1971 - March 1973. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 75pp. (IH Report No.27) (Unpublished)
Conroy, J.W.H.; White, M.G.. 1973 The breeding status of the king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonica). British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 32. 31-40.
Corner, R.W.M.; Smith, Ronald I.L.. 1973 Botanical evidence of ice recession in the Argentine Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 35. 83-86.
Crease, J.; Cartwright, D.E.. 1973 RRS Shackleton Cruise 6, August - September 1973. ICES overflow survey 1973. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 13pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 3)
Crisp, D.T.. 1973 Freshwater Biology. Nature Conservancy, 22pp. (Aspects of the ecology of the northern Pennines, Moor House Occasional Papers, no. 5) (Unpublished)
Davies, T.W.; De Monchaux, C.. 1973 Mood changes in relation to personality and the excretion of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-mandelic acid. Psychosomatic Medicine, 35 (3). 205-214.
Day, J.B.W.. 1973 Hydrogeological report of the Overseas Development Administration's water/livestock development mission to the eastern region of Niger, June 1973. Institute of Geological Sciences, 23pp. (WD/WD/73/009) (Unpublished)
Day, J.B.W.. 1973 Overseas Development Administration Water Development Mission to Mauritania, November 1972 : supplementary Hydrogeological Report. Institute of Geological Sciences, 17pp. (WD/WD/73/006) (Unpublished)
Day, J.B.W.. 1973 Overseas Development Administration Water/Livestock Development Mission to Tchad, November 1972 : supplementary Hydrogeological Report. Institute of Geological Sciences, 16pp. (WD/WD/73/007) (Unpublished)
Duddington, C.L.; Wyborn, C.H.E.; Smith, Ronald I.L.. 1973 Predacious fungi from the Antarctic. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 35. 87-90.
Eaton, C.H.. 1973 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Terling, Essex : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet TL 71. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 130pp. (Assesment of British Sand and Gravel Resources No. 6, Report 73/5) (Unpublished)
Edwards, J.A.; Greene, D.M.. 1973 The survival of Falkland Islands transplants at South Georgia and Signy Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 33/34. 33-45.
Frankland, J. C.; Latter, Pam. 1973 Microbiological method. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 46pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.43) (Unpublished)
Fuller, Robin. 1973 The assessment of coastal habitat resources from aerial photography. 2. Mapping and assessment of saltmarsh vegetation resources. Norwich, Nature Conservancy, 21pp. (Coastal Ecology Research Paper, no.3). (Unpublished)
Garland, J A; Clough, W S; Fowler, David. 1973 Deposition of sulphur dioxide on grass. Nature, 242 (23 March 1973). 256-257. 10.1038/242256a0
Goss-Custard, John. 1973 Current problems in studying the feeding ecology of estuarine birds. Norwich, Nature Conservancy, 33pp. (Coastal Ecology Research Paper, no.4). (Unpublished)
Greene, S.W.. 1973 A synoptic flora of South Georgian mosses: I. Dendroligorichum, Polytrichum and Psilopilum. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 36. 1-32.
Harrison, A. F.; Helliwell, D. R.. 1973 Assessment of the availability of phosphate in soils by measurement of phosphate stress in seedlings of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) and birch (Betula verrucosa Ehrh.) using P32 phosphorus. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 14pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.52) (Unpublished)
Helliwell, D. R.. 1973 A comparative study of wooded and non-wooded land in a part of the English Lake District. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 36pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.39) (Unpublished)
Helliwell, D. R.. 1973 The distribution of woodland plant species in some Shropshire hedgerows. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 21pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.51) (Unpublished)
Helliwell, D. R.. 1973 An examination of the effects of size and isolation on the wildlife conservation value of wooded sites. I. Birds. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 15pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.49) (Unpublished)
Helliwell, D. R.. 1973 The growth of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) seedlings in different woodland soils. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 15pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.48) (Unpublished)
Herbert, R.A.; Bell, C.R.. 1973 Nutrient recycling in fresh-water lakes on Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 37. 15-20.
Holmes, M.J.; Allen, T.R.. 1973 Viral respiratory diseases in isolated communities: a review. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 35. 23-31.
Horrill, A.D.; Woodwell, G.M.. 1973 Structure and cation content of a podzolic soil of Long Island, N. Y., seven years after destruction of the vegetation by chronic gamma irradiation. Ecology, 54 (2). 439-444. 10.2307/1934354
Howard, P. J. A.; McNeilly, Barbara A.. 1973 A preliminary attempt to estimate rates of ammonification and nitrification in soil in the field. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 12pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.45) (Unpublished)
Hunt, J.F.. 1973 Observations on the seals of Elephant Island, South Shetland Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 36. 99-104.
Jeffers, J. N. R.; Sykes, J. M.. 1973 Bias in the estimation of ground flora production. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 13pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.44) (Unpublished)
Laughton, A.S.. 1973 RRS "Discovery" Cruise 54, 29th June - 15th August 1973. GLORIA studies of the mid-Atlantic Ridge (FAMOUS area) and the Azores - Gibraltar plate boundary. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 26pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 2)
Laws, R.M.. 1973 Effect of human activities on reproduction in the wild. Journal of Reproduction and Fetrility, supplement 19. 523-532.
Laws, R.M.. 1973 Population increase of fur seals at South Georgia. Polar Record, 16 (105). 856-858. 10.1017/S003224740006397X
Laws, R.M.. 1973 Seals and birds killed or captured in the Antarctic Treaty Area, 1969–70. Polar Record, 16 (105). 901-902. 10.1017/S0032247400064111
Leese, M. N.; Strangeways, I. C.; Templeman, R. F.. 1973 Field performance of Institute of Hydrology automatic weather station. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 33pp. (IH Report No.21) (Unpublished)
Light, J.J.; Heywood, R.B.. 1973 Deep-water mosses in Antarctic lakes. Nature, 242 (5399). 535-536. 10.1038/242535a0
Lindsay, D.C.. 1973 Effects of reindeer on plant communities in the Royal Bay area of South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 35. 101-109.
Lindsay, D.C.. 1973 Estimates of lichen growth rates in the maritime Antarctic. Arctic and Alpine Research, 5 (4). 341-346. 10.2307/1550127
Lindsay, D.C.. 1973 Notes on Antarctic lichens: VII. The genera Cetraria Hoffm., Hypogymnia (Nyl.) Nyl., Menegazzia Massal., Parmelia Ach. and Platismatia Culb. et Culb. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 36. 105-114.
Lindsay, D.C.. 1973 Probable introductions of lichens to South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 33/34. 169-172.
Lindsay, D.C.. 1973 South Georgia microlichens: I. The genera Buellia and Rinodina. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 37. 81-89.
McGrorty, S.. 1973 A guide to the sampling of intertidal flat macroinvertebrate faunas. Norwich, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 17pp. (Coastal Ecology Research Paper, no.6). (Unpublished)
McNeilly, B. A.; Howard, P. J. A.. 1973 The colorimetric determination of ammonium and nitrate in woodland soils. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 20pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.46) (Unpublished)
Newton, Martha E.. 1973 A taxonomic assessment of Bartramia and Exodokidium on South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 32. 55-61.
Nickless, E.F.P.. 1973 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Attlebridge, Norfolk : description of 1:25,000 resource sheet TG 11. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 137pp. (Assessment of British Sand and Gravel Resources No. 9, Report 73/15) (Unpublished)
Nickless, E.F.P.. 1973 The sand and gravel resources of the country around Hethersett, Norfolk : description of 1:25 000 sheet TG 10. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 47pp. (Assessment of British Sand and Gravel Resources No. 5, Report 73/4) (Unpublished)
Randerson, Peter. 1973 The use of mathematical models in ecology. Norwich, Nature Conservancy, 22pp. (Coastal Ecology Research Paper, no.5). (Unpublished)
Roberts, A.M.. 1973 Effects of a sucrose-free diet on the serum-lipid levels of men in Antarctica. The Lancet, 301 (7814). 1201-1204. 10.1016/S0140-6736(73)90523-0
Rowe, P.J.. 1973 The geology of the area between Riley and Bertram Glaciers, Plamer Land. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 35. 51-72.
Skinner, A.C.. 1973 Geology of north-western Palmer Land between Eureka and Meiklejohn Glaciers. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin. 1-22.
Smith, C.J.. 1973 Dilution gauging in S. Georgia 1972 and 1973. Institute of Hydrology, 9pp. (Subsurface Hydrology Report 57) (Unpublished)
Smith, H.G.. 1973 The Signy Island terrestrial reference sites: II. The Protozoa. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 33/34. 83-87.
Smith, H.G.. 1973 The Signy Island terrestrial reference sites: III. Population ecology of Corythion dubium (Rhizopoda: Testacida) in Site I. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 33/34. 123-135.
Smith, H.G.. 1973 The ecology of Protozoa in chinstrap penguin guano. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 35. 33-50.
Smith, H.G.. 1973 The temperature relations and bi-polar biogeography of the ciliate genus Colpoda. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 37. 7-13.
Smith, Ian Flavell. 1973 Gravity survey in northern Marguerite Bay, Graham Land. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 36. 115-121.
Smith, Ian Flavell. 1973 Gravity survey on Shoesmith Glacier, Horseshoe Island, Graham Land. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 33/34. 77-82.
Smith, R.A.H.. 1973 The environmental parameters of IBP experimental sites at Moor House. Nature Conservancy, 180pp. (Aspects of the ecology of the northern Pennines, Moor House Occasional Papers, no. 4) (Unpublished)
Smith, Ronald I.L.. 1973 The occurrence of Empetrum rubrum Vahl ex Willd. on South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 33/34. 173-176.
Smith, Ronald I.L.; Corner, R.W.M.. 1973 Vegetation of the Arthur Harbour - Argentine Islands region of the Antarctic Peninsula. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 33/34. 89-122.
Smith, Ronald I.L.; Walton, David W.H. ORCID:
Calorific values of South Georgian plants.
British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 36.
Spaull, V.W.. 1973 Distribution of nematode feeding groups at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, with an estimate of their biomass and oxygen consumption. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 37. 21-32.
Spaull, V.W.. 1973 Distribution of soil nematodes in the maritime Antarctic. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 37. 1-6.
Spaull, V.W.. 1973 Qualitative and quantitative distribution of soil nematodes of Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 33/34. 177-184.
Spaull, V.W.. 1973 Seasonal variation in numbers of soil nematodes at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 33/34. 47-56.
Spaull, V.W.. 1973 The Signy Island terrestrial reference sites: IV. The nematode fauna. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 37. 94-96.
Stone, P.; Willey, L.E.. 1973 Belemnite fragments from the Cumberland Bay type sediments of South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 36. 129-131.
Swithinbank, Charles. 1973 Higher resolution satellite pictures. Polar Record, 16 (104). 739-741. 10.1017/S0032247400063701
Sykes, J. M.; Barr, C. J.. 1973 Dry weight and mineral composition estimates for 15 year old mixed hardwood coppice in Roudsea Wood. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 18pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.50) (Unpublished)
Tandy, B.C.. 1973 A radiometric and geochemical reconnaissance of the Permian outcrop and adjacent areas in south-west England. London, UK, Institute of Geological Sciences, 26pp. (WF/AG/73/315) (Unpublished)
Taylor, B.J.. 1973 The cuticle of Cretacous macrurous Decapoda from Alexander and James Ross Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 35. 91-100.
Thomas, D. I.. 1973 Linearity experiments with WORLD2. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 24pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.42) (Unpublished)
Thomas, R.H.. 1973 The creep of ice shelves theory. Journal of Glaciology, 12 (64). 45-53. 10.3189/S0022143000022693
Thomas, R.H.. 1973 The creep of ice shelves: interpretation of observed behaviour. Journal of Glaciology, 12 (64). 55-70. 10.3189/S002214300002270X
Thomas, R.H.. 1973 The dynamics of the Brunt Ice Shelf, Coats Land, Antarctica. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 45pp. (British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports, 79).
Thomson, Janet W.. 1973 The geology of Powell, Christoffersen and Michelsen Islands, South Orkney Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 33/34. 137-167.
Tilbrook, P.J.. 1973 The Signy Island terrestrial reference sites: I. An introduction. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 33/34. 65-76.
Truesdale, V.. 1973 Iron determination in fresh water. Institute of Hydrology, 24pp. (Subsurface Hydrology Report 59) (Unpublished)
Walton, David W.H. ORCID:; Smith, Ronald I.L..
Status of the alien vascular flora of South Georgia.
British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 36.
Way, J. M.. 1973 Road verges on rural roads: management and other factors. Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, Nature Conservancy, 67pp. (Monks Wood Experimental Station Occasional Report No.1) (Unpublished)
Webb, R.. 1973 Reproductive behaviour of mosses on Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 36. 61-77.
White, E. J.; Lindley, D. K.. 1973 A principal component analysis of records at a single climatological station. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 54pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.41) (Unpublished)
Willey, L.E.. 1973 Belemnites from south-eastern Alexander Island: II. The occurrence of the family Belemnopseidae in the Upper Jurassicand Lower Cretaceous. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 36. 33-59.
Wright, E.P.. 1973 Jalu-Tazerbo Project Phase 1. Interim Report. Institute of Geological Sciences, 64pp. (WD/73/010) (Unpublished)