Items where Year is 1968

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Number of items: 49.

Rawes, M., ed. 1968 Moor House Field Station 9th annual progress report 1967-68. Nature Conservancy, 30pp. (Moor House Annual Progress Report No. 9) (Unpublished)

Sheail, J.; Wells, T.C.E., eds. 1968 Old grassland - its archaeological and ecological significance. Abbots Ripton, The Nature Conservancy. (Monks Wood Experimental Station Symposium, 5).

Nature Conservancy. 1968 Report on meeting of the Woodland Habitat Team at Merlewood Research Station, November 1968. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 10pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.8) (Unpublished)

Institute of Geological Sciences. Mineral Resources Division. 1968 Statistical summary of the mineral industry : world production, exports and imports 1961-1966. London, UK, HMSO, 418pp. (World Mineral Production).

Bailey, J.T.; Evans, S.. 1968 Radio echo-sounding on the Brunt Ice Shelf and Coats Land, 1965. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 17. 1-12.

Baker, P.E.. 1968 Comparative volcanology and petrology of the atlantic island-arcs. Bulletin Volcanologique, 32 (1). 189-206. 10.1007/BF02596591

Beck, J.R.. 1968 An early record of a pomarine skua in Marguerite Bay, Graham Land. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 18. 83.

Beck, J.R.. 1968 Unusual birds at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, 1966-1967. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 18. 81-82.

Bickmore, D.P.. 1968 Maps for the computer age. The Geographical Magazine, 41 (3). 221-227.

Bonner, W. Nigel. 1968 The Fur Seal of South Georgia. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 82pp. (British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports, 56).

Bryan, R.. 1968 Temperature studies in a bore hole at southern Adelaide Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 15. 47-57.

Burton, R.W.. 1968 Agonistic behaviour of the brown skua, Catharacta skua lonnbergi (Mathews). British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 16. 15-39.

Burton, R.W.. 1968 Breeding biology of the brown skua, Catharacta skua lonnbergi (Mathews), at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 15. 9-28.

Everson, Inigo. 1968 Larval stages of certain Antarctic fishes. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 16. 65-70.

Everson, Inigo; Ralph, R.. 1968 Blood analyses of some Antarctic fish. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 15. 59-62.

Fleet, M.. 1968 The geology of the Oscar II Coast, Graham Land. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 46pp. (British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports, 59).

Heal, O. W.. 1968 The International Biological Programme Project at Moor House. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 28pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.2) (Unpublished)

Heywood, Ronald B.. 1968 Ecology of the fresh-water lakes of Signy Island, South Orkney Islands: Part II. Physical and chemical properties of the lakes. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 18. 11-44.

Hobbs, G.J.. 1968 The geology of the South Shetland Islands: IV. The geology of Livingston Island. London, British Antarctic Survey, 34pp. (British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports, 47).

Holdgate, M.W.; Tilbrook, P.J.; Vaughan, R.W.. 1968 The biology of Bouvetoya. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 15. 1-7.

Horne, R.R.. 1968 Authigenic prehnite, laumontite and chlorite in the Lower Cretaceous sediments of south-eastern Alexander Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 18. 1-10.

Horne, R.R.. 1968 Petrology and provenance of the Cretaceous sediments of south-eastern Alexander Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 17. 73-82.

Horne, R.R.. 1968 Slump-shear structures and mass-flow deposits in the Cretaceous sediments of south-eastern Alexander Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 17. 13-20.

Howard, P. J. A.. 1968 The use of Dixon and Gilson respirometers in soil and litter respiration studies. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 14pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.5) (Unpublished)

Howie, C.A.; Jones, N.V.; Williams, I.C.. 1968 A report on the death of sheathbills, Chionis alba (Gmelin), from Signy Island. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 18. 79-81.

Jeffers, J. N. R.. 1968 Programs available for use with the ICL Sirius computer. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 37pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper no.1) (Unpublished)

Jeffers, J. N. R.. 1968 Woodland research in the Nature Conservancy. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 7pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.3) (Unpublished)

Juckes, L.M.. 1968 The geology of Mannefallknausane and part of Vestfjella, Dronning Maud Land. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 18. 65-78.

Lamb, I. Mackenzie. 1968 Antarctic lichens: II. The genera Buellia and Rinodina [with an ontogenic section]. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 129pp. (British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports, 61).

Lennon, G.W.; Leighton, D.L.. 1968 Performance tests of a) Ott Digital Tide Gauge and b) a Negretti and Zambra Bubbler Tide Gauge. Liverpool, Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides, 10pp. (Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides internal report, ICOT/IR/11)

Masson Smith, D.J.. 1968 Gravity survey of Western Cyprus, 1958 : gravity data table. London, UK, Institute of Geological Sciences, 19pp. (WK/GO/68/038) (Unpublished)

Moore, D.M.. 1968 The vascular flora of the Falkland Islands. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 202pp. (British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports, 60).

Plinston, D.T.. 1968 Bandama River Project - reappraisal of the relationship between the discharges at Beoumi and Duibo on the Bandama River. Institute of Hydrology, 4pp. (Unpublished)

Ralph, R; Everson, Inigo. 1968 The respiratory metabolism of some Antarctic fish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 27 (1). 299-307. 10.1016/0010-406X(68)90772-X

Richards, P.A.; Tickell, W.N.. 1968 Comparison between the weather at Bird Island and King Edward Point, South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 15. 63-69.

Rossiter, J.R.. 1968 RHENO 65 current meter observations. Liverpool, Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides, 4pp. (Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides internal report, ICOT/IR/13)

Rossiter, J.R.. 1968 The analysis of tidal streams - Laeso Rende. Liverpool, Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides, 3pp. (Institute of Coastal Oceanography and Tides internal report, ICOT/IR/12)

Sadler, I.. 1968 Observations on the ice caps of Galindez and Skua Islands, Argentine Islands, 1960-66. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 17. 21-49.

Shaw, M. W.. 1968 A simple survey method for assessing tree regeneration in woodlands. Grange-over-Sands, Nature Conservancy, 29pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.4) (Unpublished)

Shaw, M.J.. 1968 Analysis of visual auroral observations at Halley Bay, 1966. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 16. 41-50.

Smith, E.A.. 1968 Adoptive suckling in the grey seal. Nature, 217 (5130). 762-763. 10.1038/217762a0

Stewart, J. B.. 1968 Evaporation from forests. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 20pp. (IH Report No.3) (Unpublished)

Strandtmann, R.W.; Tilbrook, P.J.. 1968 Some Prostigmata (Acari) from Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, and Deception Island, South Shetland Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 17. 51-57.

Thomson, Janet E.. 1968 The geology of the South Orkney Islands: II. The petrology of Signy Island. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 30pp. (British Antarctic Survey Scientific Reports, 62).

Thomson, Janet W.. 1968 Petrography of some basement complex rocks from Tottanfjella, Dronning Maud Land. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 17. 59-72.

Thurston, M.H.. 1968 Notes on the life history of Bovallia gigantean (Pfeffer) (Crustacea, Amphipoda). British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 16. 57-64.

Vaughan, R.W.. 1968 The status of the Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddelli) at South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 15. 71-74.

Walford, M.E.R.. 1968 Field measurements of dielectric absorption in Antarctic ice and snow at very high frequencies. Journal of Glaciology, 7 (49). 89-94. 10.3189/S0022143000020426

West, Susan M.. 1968 Petrography of metamorphic rocks from Inaccessible and Larsen Islands, South Orkney Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, 18. 45-57.

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