Items where NERC Author is "Gould, William"
Publication - Article
Gould, W. John. 2023 Pen portraits of presidents – Prof. Henry Charnock, CBE, FRS. Weather, 78 (10). 294-298. 10.1002/wea.4467
Gould, William John; Marsh, Robert; Josey, Simon Alasdair ORCID:; Cunningham, Stuart.
Predicting droughts and floods: why we’re studying 19th-century ocean records.
The Conversation.
Gould, W. John; Cunningham, Stuart A.. 2021 Global-scale patterns of observed sea surface salinity intensified since the 1870s. Communications Earth & Environment, 2 (1). 10.1038/s43247-021-00161-3
Wong, Annie P. S.; Wijffels, Susan E.; Riser, Stephen C.; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Hosoda, Shigeki; Roemmich, Dean; Gilson, John; Johnson, Gregory C.; Martini, Kim; Murphy, David J.; Scanderbeg, Megan; Bhaskar, T. V. S. Udaya; Buck, Justin; Merceur, Frederic; Carval, Thierry; Maze, Guillaume; Cabanes, Cécile; André, Xavier; Poffa, Noé; Yashayaev, Igor; Barker, Paul M.; Guinehut, Stéphanie; Belbéoch, Mathieu; Ignaszewski, Mark; Baringer, Molly O'Neil; Schmid, Claudia; Lyman, John M.; McTaggart, Kristene E.; Purkey, Sarah G.; Zilberman, Nathalie; Alkire, Matthew B.; Swift, Dana; Owens, W. Brechner; Jayne, Steven R.; Hersh, Cora; Robbins, Pelle; West-Mack, Deb; Bahr, Frank; Yoshida, Sachiko; Sutton, Philip J. H.; Cancouët, Romain; Coatanoan, Christine; Dobbler, Delphine; Juan, Andrea Garcia; Gourrion, Jerôme; Kolodziejczyk, Nicolas; Bernard, Vincent; Bourlès, Bernard; Claustre, Hervé; D'Ortenzio, Fabrizio; Le Reste, Serge; Le Traon, Pierre-Yve; Rannou, Jean-Philippe; Saout-Grit, Carole; Speich, Sabrina; Thierry, Virginie; Verbrugge, Nathalie; Angel-Benavides, Ingrid M.; Klein, Birgit; Notarstefano, Giulio; Poulain, Pierre-Marie; Vélez-Belchí, Pedro; Suga, Toshio; Ando, Kentaro; Iwasaska, Naoto; Kobayashi, Taiyo; Masuda, Shuhei; Oka, Eitarou; Sato, Kanako; Nakamura, Tomoaki; Sato, Katsunari; Takatsuki, Yasushi; Yoshida, Takashi; Cowley, Rebecca; Lovell, Jenny L.; Oke, Peter R.; van Wijk, Esmee M.; Carse, Fiona; Donnelly, Matthew; Gould, W. John; Gowers, Katie; King, Brian A. ORCID:; Loch, Stephen G.; Mowat, Mary; Turton, Jon; Rama Rao, E. Pattabhi; Ravichandran, M.; Freeland, Howard J.; Gaboury, Isabelle; Gilbert, Denis; Greenan, Blair J. W.; Ouellet, Mathieu; Ross, Tetjana; Tran, Anh; Dong, Mingmei; Liu, Zenghong; Xu, Jianping; Kang, KiRyong; Jo, HyeongJun; Kim, Sung-Dae; Park, Hyuk-Min.
Argo data 1999–2019: Two million temperature-salinity profiles and subsurface velocity observations from a global array of profiling floats.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 700.
23, pp.
Walicka, Kamila; Gould, W. John. 2020 From HMS Challenger to Argo and beyond. Weather, 75 (6). 175-176. 10.1002/wea.3487
Smythe-Wright, Denise; Gould, W. John; McDougall, Trevor J.; Sparnocchia, Stefania; Woodworth, Philip L. ORCID:
IAPSO: tales from the ocean frontier.
History of Geo- and Space Sciences, 10 (1).
Talley, L.D.; Koltermann, K.P.; Gouretski, V.V.; Jancke, K.; Orsi, A.H.; Whitworth, T.; Sparrow, M.; Chapman, P.; Gould, W.J.; Schlitzer, R.. 2014 Atlases Give Global Snapshot of Oceans in the 1990s. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 95 (12). 101-102. 10.1002/2014EO120001
Roemmich, Dean; Gould, W. John; Gilson, John. 2012 135 years of global ocean warming between the Challenger expedition and the Argo Programme. Nature Climate Change, 2. 425-428. 10.1038/nclimate1461
Gould, John. 2012 50 years of Discovery. Ocean Challenge, 19. 31-37.
Roemmich, Dean; King, Brian ORCID:; Gould, John.
Argo: The Challenge of Continuing 10 Years of Progress [In: Special Issue on the Revolution of Global Ocean Forecasting - GODAE: 10 Years of Achievement].
Oceanography, 22 (3).
Gould, W.J.; Turton, J.. 2006 Argo - sounding the oceans. Weather, 61 (1). 17-21. 10.1256/wea.56.05
Gould, J.. 2006 Mary Swallow 1917-2006. Deep-Sea Research I, 53 (5). 749-750. 10.1016/j.dsr.2006.03.004
Gould, J.. 2006 Mary Swallow 1917-2006. Ocean Challenge, 14 (3). p.7.
Gould, W.J.; Smith, S.R.. 2006 Research vessels: underutilized assets for climate observations. EOS: Transactions American Geophysical Union, 87 (22). 214-215.
Bacon, S. ORCID:; Gould, W.J.; Jia, Y..
Open-ocean convection in the Irminger Sea.
Geophysical Research Letters, 30 (5).
Gould, J.. 2003 The final WOCE conference - the end of one era and the start of another. CLIVAR Exchanges, 8 (1). p.3.
Roemmich, D.; Gould, J.. 2003 The future of in situ climate observations for the global ocean. CLIVAR Exchanges, 8 (1). p.1 & 46.
Turk, D.; Richards, K.; Gould, J.. 2002 CLIVAR in the Pacific Ocean (abstract of paper presented at ASLO/AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI, 11-15 Feb 2002). EOS: Transactions American Geophysical Union, 83 (4 Supplement). p.OS294.
Gould, J.. 2002 Direct Lagrangian measurements of the circulation of Labrador Sea water in the northern and eastern Atlantic, north of 38N (abstract of paper presented at ASLO/AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, HI, 11-15 Feb 2002). EOS: Transactions American Geophysical Union, 83 (4 Supplement). p.OS81.
Bower, A.S.; Le Cann, B.; Rossby, T.; Zenk, W.; Gould, J.; Speer, K.; Richardson, P.L.; Prater, M.D.; Zhang, H-M.. 2002 Directly measured mid-depth circulation in the northeastern North Atlantic Ocean. Nature, 419 (6907). 603-607. 10.1038/nature01078
Gould, W.J.. 2002 Managing climate science. NERC News, Spring 2002. 16-17.
Gould, J.. 2002 News from the WOCE IPO. International WOCE Newsletter, No.43. 1-2.
Gould, W.J.. 2002 News from the WOCE IPO: last but not least. International WOCE Newsletter, No.42. 1-2.
Sparrow, M.; Boebel, O.; Zervakis, V.; Zenk, W.; Cantos-Figuerola, A.; Gould, W.J.. 2002 Two circulation regimes of the Mediterranean outflow revealed by Lagrangian measurements. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32 (5). 1322-1330. 10.1175/1520-0485(2002)032<1322:TCROTM>2.0.CO;2
Gould, W.J.; Koltermann, P.. 2002 The WOCE IPO through the years. International WOCE Newsletter, No.43. p.20.
Gould, J.; Wunsch, C.; Nowlin, W.; Chapman, P.. 2002 WOCE and beyond - planning for the final WOCE Conference. International WOCE Newsletter, No.42. 28-30.
Chapman, P.; Gould, J.. 2002 The role of technology developments in WOCE. International WOCE Newsletter, No.43. 21-23.
Gould, J.. 2001 The CLIVAR - Pacific workshop. PICES Press, 9 (2). p.30.
Gould, J.; Villwock, A.. 2001 Editorial. CLIVAR Exchanges, 6 (4). p.2.
Gould, W.J.; Josey, S. ORCID:; Speer, K.; Wunsch, C..
WOCE/JGOFS Workshop on the Ocean Property Transports, Southampton Oceanography Centre, June 25-29, 2001.
International WOCE Newsletter, No.41.
Bacon, S. ORCID:; Centurioni, L.R.; Gould, W.J..
The evaluation of salinity measurements from PALACE floats.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 18 (7).
Gould, J.. 2000 How should we collect and disseminate information about the CLIVAR project? CLIVAR Exchanges, 5 (2). 25-26.
Gould, W.J.. 2000 News from the WOCE IPO. International WOCE Newsletter, No.39. 1-2.
Gould, W.J.. 2000 News from the WOCE IPO. International WOCE Newsletter, No.38. 1.
Gould, John W.; Zenk, W.. 0202 The SCOR Working Group 21 intercomparison of recording current meters on R/V "AKADEMIK KURCHATOV" – 50 years later. Journal of Oceanological Research, 48 (3). 31-53. 10.29006/1564-2291.JOR-2020.48(3).3
Publication - Book
Siedler, G.; Griffies, S.; Gould, J.; Church, J., eds. 2013 Ocean Circulation and Climate: A 21st Century Perspective. 2nd Ed. Oxford, Academic Press, 898pp. (International Geophysics, 103).
Laughton, A.S.; Gould, W.J.; Tucker, M.J.; Roe, H., eds. 2010 Of Seas and Ships and Scientists: The Remarkable History of the UK National Institute of Oceanography 1949-1973. Cambridge, Lutterworth Press, 360pp.
Siedler, G.; Church, J.; Gould, J., eds. 2001 Ocean Circulation and Climate: Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean. San Fransisco CA, USA, Academic Press, 736pp. (International Geophysics Series, 77).
Publication - Book Section
Roemmich, Dean; Wilson, W. Stanley; Gould, W. John; Owens, W. Brechner; Le Traon, Pierre-Yves; Freeland, Howard J.; King, Brian A. ORCID:; Wijffels, Susan; Sutton, Philip J.H.; Zilberman, Nathalie.
The Argo Program.
Partnerships in Marine Research.
Elsevier, 53-69.
Josey, S.A. ORCID:; Gulev, S.; Yu, L..
Exchanges through the ocean surface.
In: Siedler, G.; Griffies, S.; Gould, J.; Church, J., (eds.)
Ocean Circulation and Climate: A 21st Century Perspective. 2nd Ed.
Oxford, Academic Press, 115-140.
(International Geophysics, 103).
Gould, J.; Sloyan, B.; Visbeck, M.. 2013 In Situ ocean observations: a brief history, present status and future directions. In: Siedler, G.; Griffies, S.; Gould, J.; Church, J., (eds.) Ocean Circulation and Climate: A 21st Century Perspective. 2nd Ed. Oxford, Academic Press, 59-82. (International Geophysics, 103).
Church, J.A.; White, N.J.; Domingues, C.M.; Monselesan, D.P.; Miles, E.R.. 2013 Sea-level and ocean heat-content change. In: Siedler, G.; Griffies, S.; Gould, J.; Church, J., (eds.) Ocean Circulation and Climate: A 21st Century Perspective. 2nd Ed. Oxford, Academic Press, 697-726. (International Geophysics, 103).
Gould, J.. 2010 Exploring Ocean Variability. In: Laughton, A.S.; Gould, J.; Tucker, M.J.; Roe, H., (eds.) Of Seas and Ships and Scientists: The Remarkable History of the UK National Institute of Oceanography 1949-1973. Cambridge, Lutterworth Press, 128-139, 360pp.
Freeland, Howard; Roemmich, Dean; Garzoli, Silvia L.; Le Traon, Pierre-Yves; Ravichandran, Muthalagu; Riser, Stephen; Thierry, Virginie; Wijffels, Susan; Belbeoch, Mathieu; Gould, John; Grant, Fiona; Ignazewski, Mark; King, Brian ORCID:; Klein, Birgit; Mork, Kjell Arne; Owens, Breck; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Sterl, Andeas; Suga, Toshio; Suk, Moon-Sik; Sutton, Philip; Troisi, Ariel; Velez-Belchi, Pedro Joaquin; Zu, Jianping.
ARGO - a decade of progress.
In: Hall, J.; Harrison, D.E.; Stammer, D., (eds.)
Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society, Vol. 2.
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, European Space Agency, 357-370.
(ESA Special Publication, WPP-306).
Roemmich, Dean; Boehme, Lars; Claustre, Herve; Freeland, Howard; Fukasawa, Masao; Goni, Gustavo; Gould, W. John; Gruber, Nicolas; Hood, Maria; Kent, E.C. ORCID:; Lumpkin, Rick; Smith, Shawn; Testor, Pierre.
Integrating the ocean observing system: mobile platforms.
In: Hall, J.; Harrison, D.E.; Stammer, D., (eds.)
Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society, Vol. 1.
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, European Space Agency, 377-394.
(ESA Special Publication, WPP-306).
Dushaw, Brian; Au, Whitlow; Beszczynska-Moller, Agnieszka; Brainard, Dusty; Cornuelle, Bruce D.; Duda, Tim; Dzieciuch, Matthew; Forbes, Andrew; Frietag, Lee; Gascard, Jean-Claude; Gavrilov, Alexander; Gould, John; Howe, Bruce; Jayne, Steven; Johannessen, Ola M.; Lynch, James F.; Martin, David; Menemenlis, Dimitris; Mikhalevsky, Peter; Miller, James H.; Moore, Sue E.; Munk, Walter; Nystuen, Jeff; Odom, Robert I.; Orcutt, John; Rossby, Tom; Sagen, Hanne; Sandven, Stein; Simmen, Jeff; Skarsoulis, Emmanuel; Southall, Brandon; Stafford, Kate; Stephen, Ralph; Vigness-Raposa, Kathleen J.; Vinogradov, Sergei; Wong, Kevin B.; Worcester, Peter F.; Wunsch, Carl. 2010 A global ocean acoustic observing network. In: Hall, J.; Harrison, D.E.; Stammer, D., (eds.) Proceedings of OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society, Vol. 2. Noordwijk, The Netherlands, European Space Agency, 279-291. (ESA Special Publication, WPP-306).
Gould, W.J.. 2001 Direct measurement of subsurface ocean currents: a success story. In: Deacon, M.; Rice, T.; Summerhayes, C., (eds.) Understanding the oceans: a century of ocean exploration. London, UK, UCL Press, 173-192, 300pp.
Gould, W.J.. 2001 Hydrographic section observations. In: Koblinsky, C.J.; Smith, N.R., (eds.) Observing the Oceans in the 21st Century. Melbourne, Australia, GODAE Project Office/Bureau of Meteorology, 351-360, 604pp.
Dushaw, B.; Gould, J.. 2001 Observing the ocean in the 2000s: a strategy for the role of acoustic tomography in ocean climate observation. In: Koblinsky, C.J.; Smith, N.R., (eds.) Observing the Oceans in the 21st Century. Melbourne, Australia, GODAE Project Office/Bureau of Meteorology, 391-418, 604pp.
Bryden, H.L.; Imawaki, S.. 2001 Ocean heat transport. In: Siedler, G.; Church, J.; Gould, J., (eds.) Ocean Circulation and Climate: Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean. San Fransisco CA, USA, Academic Press, 455-474, 736pp. (International Geophysics Series, 77).
Clarke, A.; Church, J.; Gould, J.. 2001 Ocean processes and climate phenomena. In: Siedler, G.; Church, J.; Gould, J., (eds.) Ocean Circulation and Climate: Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean. San Fransisco CA, USA, Academic Press, 11-30, 736pp. (International Geophysics Series, 77).
Large, W.G.; Nurser, A.J.G.. 2001 Ocean surface water mass transformation. In: Siedler, G.; Church, J.; Gould, J., (eds.) Ocean Circulation and Climate: Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean. San Fransisco CA, USA, Academic Press, 317-336, 736pp. (International Geophysics Series, 77).
King, B.A. ORCID:; Firing, E.; Joyce, T.M..
Shipboard observations during WOCE.
In: Siedler, G.; Church, J.; Gould, J., (eds.)
Ocean Circulation and Climate: Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean.
San Fransisco CA, USA, Academic Press, 99-122, 736pp.
(International Geophysics Series, 77).
Saunders, P.M.. 2001 The dense northern overflows. In: Siedler, G.; Church, J.; Gould, J., (eds.) Ocean Circulation and Climate: Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean. San Fransisco CA, USA, Academic Press, 401-418, 736pp. (International Geophysics Series, 77).
Webb, D. ORCID:; Suginohara, N..
The interior circulation of the ocean.
In: Siedler, G.; Church, J.; Gould, J., (eds.)
Ocean Circulation and Climate: Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean.
San Fransisco CA, USA, Academic Press, 205-214, 736pp.
(International Geophysics Series, 77).
Thompson, B.J.; Crease, J.; Gould, J.. 2001 The origins, development and conduct of WOCE. In: Siedler, G.; Church, J.; Gould, J., (eds.) Ocean Circulation and Climate: Observing and Modelling the Global Ocean. San Fransisco CA, USA, Academic Press, 31-46, 736pp. (International Geophysics Series, 77).
Wells, N.C.; Gould, W.J.; Kemp, A.E.S.. 1996 The Role of the Ocean Circulation in the Changing Climate. In: Summerhayes, C.P.; Thorpe, S.A., (eds.) Oceanography: an illustrated guide. London, Manson Publishing, 41-58, 352pp.
Publication - Report
Sparrow, M.; Chapman, P.; Gould, J., eds. 2005 The World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Hydrographic Atlas Series. Southampton, UK, International WOCE Project Office.
Villwock, A.; Gould, J., eds. 2002 CLIVAR Exchanges No. 24. Special issue on: CLIVAR Pacific. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 40pp. (Vol. 7(2))
Villwock, A.; Gould, J., eds. 2002 CLIVAR Exchanges No. 23. Special issue on: Tropical-Extratropical Interactions. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 28pp. (Vol. 7(1))
Villwock, A.; Gould, J., eds. 2001 CLIVAR Exchanges No. 22. Special issue on: Southern Ocean Climate Variability. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 36pp. (Vol. 6(4))
Villwock, A.; Gould, J., eds. 2001 CLIVAR Exchanges No. 21. Anthropogenic Climate Change Prediction, Detection and Attribution. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 28pp. (Vol. 6(3))
Villwock, A.; Gould, J., eds. 2001 CLIVAR Exchanges No. 20. Decadal Variability and Predictability. Part 2: Monsoons and Pacific Sector. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 36pp. (Vol. 6(2))
Villwock, A.; Gould, J., eds. 2001 CLIVAR Exchanges No. 19. Decadal Variability and Predictability. Part 1: Global aspects and the Atlantic sector. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 28pp. (Vol. 6(1))
Villwock, A.; Gould, J., eds. 2000 CLIVAR Exchanges No. 18. The challenge of climate research: linking observations and models. Part 2: Atmospheric and Paleoclimatic studies. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 32pp. (Vol. 5(4))
Villwock, A.; Gould, J., eds. 2000 CLIVAR Exchanges No. 17. The challenge of climate research: linking observations and models. Part 1: Ocean data assimilation and state estimation. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 32pp. (Vol. 5(3))
Villwock, A.; Gould, J., eds. 2000 CLIVAR Exchanges No. 16. Special issue featuring VAMOS. Southampton, UK, International CLIVAR Project Office, 32pp. (Vol. 5(2))
Gould, W.J.. 1992 RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 62, 01 August - 04 September 1991. CONVEX-WOCE Control Volume AR12. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 60pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Cruise Report 230)
Saunders, P.M.; Gould, W.J.; Hydes, D.J.; Brandon, M.A.. 1991 CTDO and nutrient data from Charles Darwin Cruise 50 in the Iceland Faeroes region. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 74pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Report 282)
Taylor, P.K.; Smith, M.H.; Gould, W.J.. 1991 RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 43, 20 October - 22 November 1989. Air sea interaction and oceanography off the Faeroes. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 62pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Cruise Report 227)
Gould, W.J.. 1991 RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 50, 29 June - 22 July 1990. Oceanography of the Iceland Basin: the fate of Iceland Scotland overflow water. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 41pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Cruise Report 221)
Saunders, P.M.; Gould, W.J.. 1989 Current measurements made around the Faroe Islands in 1986 and 1987. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 80pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Report 261)
Saunders, P.M.; Gould, W.J.. 1988 CTD data from RRS Challenger Cruise 15/87 around the Faroe Islands. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 79pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Report 256)
Gould, W.J.. 1987 RRS Challenger Cruise 15/87, 9 May - 5 June 1987. Oceanographic variability around the Faroe Islands. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 40pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Cruise Report 197)
Gould, W.J.; Read, J.F.; Smithers, J.. 1987 Seasoar profiles in the Iceland-Scotland area, May 1987. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 50pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Report 253)
Gould, W.J.. 1986 RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 3/85, 28 April - 14 May 1985. Physical oceanographic studies in the north-east Atlantic Ocean. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 13pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 183)
Gould, W.J.. 1986 RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 9A/85 : 16-28 November 1985. Physical oceanographic studies in the north-east Atlantic Ocean. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 16pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 180)
Gould, W.J.. 1985 RRS Charles Darwin Cruise 1/85 : 13 February - 4 March 1985. Physical oceanographic studies in the NE Atlantic Ocean. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 28pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 173)
Gould, W.J.. 1984 RRS Frederick Russell Cruise 13/84 : Dunstaffnage 24 July - Falmouth 7 August 1984. Current measurements, CTD stations and side-scan surveys in the Faroe-Shetland Channel and west of Scotland. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 12pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 171)
Gould, W.J.. 1983 RRS Challenger Cruise 12/83, 27 August - 12 September 1983. Mooring deployments and associated studies in the Faeroe-Shetland Channel. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 15pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 154)
Gould, W.J.. 1983 RRS Challenger Cruise 5/83, 11-31 March 1983. Current meter recoveries in the Faeroe-Shetland Channel. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 10pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 144)
Gould, W.J.. 1983 RRS Discovery Cruise 138, 17 June - 9 July 1983. Current studies and CTD stations in the Discovery Gap and in the Madeira Basin. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 25pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 152)
Gould, W.J.. 1982 RRS Challenger Cruise 14/82, 24 September - 13 October 1982. Mooring and CTD work in the Faeroe-Shetland Channel. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 12pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 139)
Gould, W.J.. 1982 RRS Discovery Cruise 119, 7th April - 5th May 1981. Physical oceanography of a frontal region SW of the Azores. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 18pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 130)
Gould, W.J.; Saunders, P.M.. 1982 RRS Discovery Cruise 130, 25 June - 5 August 1982. Sound ranging trials and a study of Discovery Gap. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 30pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 136)
Cherriman, J.W.; Gould, W.J.. 1982 RRS Frederick Russell Cruise 82/2, March 16 - March 29 1982. Current measurements and hydrography in the Rockall Trough and Faeroe-Shetland Channel. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 7pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 127)
Gould, W.J.. 1981 RRS Discovery Cruise 122, 30 June - 27 July 1981. Physical oceanography of the N.E. Atlantic Ocean. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 28pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 118)
Gould, W.J.. 1978 RRS "Discovery" Cruise 89, 23 November - 20 December 1977. Physical oceanography and current measurements in the N.E. Atlantic. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 19pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 67)
Gould, W.J.. 1977 Measurement of currents in the open sea. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 38pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 54)
Gould, W.J.; Whitmarsh, R.B.. 1976 RRS Shackleton Cruise 3/76. Leg 1, Bridgtown, Barbados to Ponta Delgada, Azores, 4-14 June, 1976. Great circle XBT section. Leg 2, Ponta Delgada, Azores to Barry, U.K., June 18 - July 11 1976. Geophysical studies at Kurchatov Fracture Zone and mid-Atlantic Ridge and at 45 24N, 20 51W. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 9pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Cruise Report 45)