Items where Programme is "Seismology and Geomagnetism"
- NERC Programmes (25104)
- BGS Programmes (3739)
- Seismology and Geomagnetism (170)
- BGS Programmes (3739)
Assous, Siad; Gunn, David; Hopper, Clare; Jackson, Peter; Linnett, Laurie; Lovell, Mike. 2007 An approach for correcting magnitude and phase distortion in wideband piezoelectric transducer systems. In: Oceans 2007, Aberdeen, Scotland, 18-21 June 2007. 1543-1548.
Arrowsmith, Stephen J.; Kendall, Michael; White, Nicky; VanDecar, John C.; Booth, David C.. 2005 Seismic imaging of a hot upwelling beneath the British Isles. Geology, 33 (5). 345-348. 10.1130/G21209.1
Beggan, Ciaran; Whaler, Kathy; Macmillan, Susan. 2009 Magnetic Field Forecasting using Virtual Observatories, Core Flow Modelling and Ensemble Kalman Filtering. [Poster] In: SWARM Meeting, RAS, London, 9 October 2009. (Unpublished)
Beggan, Ciaran; Whaler, Kathy; Macmillan, Susan. 2008 Core flow modelling from satellite-derived 'Virtual Observatories'. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria, 14-18 April 2008. (Unpublished)
Bangrang, D.; Wang, S.; Li, Xiang; Booth, David; Dongying, S.C.. 2007 An algorithm for estimating migration spatial resolution in layered media with focal beams. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 4 (2). 224-231.
Booth, David. 2007 An improved UK local magnitude scale from analysis of shear and lg-wave amplitudes. Geophysical Journal International, 169. 593-601. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03324.x
Bulat, J.. 2005 Some considerations on the interpretation of seabed images based on commercial 3D seismic in the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Basin Research, 17 (1). 21-42. 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2005.00253.x
Baptie, B.; Ottemoller, L.; Sargeant, S.; Ford, G.; O'Mongain, A.. 2003 The Dudley earthquake of 22 September, 2002. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 41pp. (IR/03/113) (Unpublished)
Booth, D.C.. 2003 Distance and station effects on UK shear- and Lg-wave amplitudes recorded in the range 0-600Km. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 25pp. (IR/03/055) (Unpublished)
Baptie, B.J.; Petrie, D.L.; Browitt, C.W.A.. 2002 Site survey for a T-phase station (HA-09) at Tristan Da Cuhna, United Kingdom. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 101pp. (CR/02/322N) (Unpublished)
Beamish, D.; Clark, T.D.G.; Clarke, E.; Thomson, A.W.P.. 2002 Geomagnetically induced currents in the UK: geomagnetic variations and surface electric fields. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 64 (16). 1779-1792. 10.1016/S1364-6826(02)00127-X
Beamish, David. 1982 A geomagnetic precursor to the 1979 Carlisle earthquake. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronmical Society, 68. 531-543. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1982.tb04913.x
Beamish, D.. 1979 Source field effects on transfer functions at mid-latitudes. Geophysical Journal International, 58 (1). 117-134. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1979.tb01013.x
Clarke, Ellen; Clilverd, Mark ORCID:; Macmillan, Susan.
Geomagnetic and Solar Variability and Natural Climate Change.
In: New Advances in Geophysics 2008, Geophysics of Global Climate Change, Burlington House, London, 7-8 February 2008.
Clarke, Ellen; Baillie, Orsi; Dawson, Ewan; Macmillan, Susan; Reay, Sarah; Snedden, Andrew. 2007 Corrected hourly values from Eskdalemuir observatory and the implications for studies on the long term changes in geomagnetic activity. [Poster] In: XXIV IUGG General Assembly 2007, Perugia, Italy, July 2007. (Unpublished)
Clarke, Ellen; Clilverd, Mark ORCID:
Is there a need to revise the aa index?
In: XXIV IUGG General Assembly 2007, Perugia, Italy, July 2007.
Clarke, Ellen; Macmillan, Susan. 2007 Geomagnetic Variability and Climate Change: Is there a link? [Poster] In: BGS NERC Climate Change Seminar, BGS Keyworth, Nottingham, 18 January 2007. (Unpublished)
Chen, S.; Li, Xiang; Sun, X.; Dai, Heng; Jiang, P.. 2007 PP and PS response from volcanic gas reservoirs. First Break, 25 (April). 57-64.
Chapman, M.; Liu, E.; Li, X.. 2006 The influence of fluid-sensitive dispersion and attenuation on AVO analysis. Geophysical Journal International, 167 (1). 89-105. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.02919.x
Cornell, DH; Thomas, Robert. 2006 Age and tectonic significance of the Banana Beach gneiss, KwaZulu-Natal south coast, South Africa. South African journal of geology, 109 (3). 335-340. 10.2113/gssajg.109.3.335
Crampin, S.; Gao, Y.. 2006 A review of techniques for measuring shear-wave splitting above small earthquakes. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 159 (1-2). 1-14. 10.1016/j.pepi.2006.06.002
Clarke, Ellen; Thomson, Alan W.P.. 2005 BINCASTS : BGS Index Nowcasts and Forecasts. [Poster] In: 2nd European Space Weather Week, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 14-18 Nov 2005. (Unpublished)
Clarke, E.; Baillie, O.; McKay, A.J.; Reay, S.J.; Thomson, A.W.P.. 2005 Automated real time detection of solar wind shocks and consequences for the identification of SSC and SI events. [Poster] In: IAGA 2005 Scientific Assembly, Toulouse, France, 18-29 July 2005. (Unpublished)
Crampin, Stuart; Gao, Yuan. 2005 Comment on "systematic analysis of shear-wave splitting in the aftershock zone of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake : shallow crustal anisotropy and lack of precursory changes, by Yungfeng Liu, Ta-Liang Teng, and Yehuda Ben-Zion. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 95 (1). 354-360. 10.1785/0120040092
Carrigan, James G.. 2003 The use of GPS for determining a true north bearing for measurement of magnetic declination. [Poster] In: XXIII IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 30 June- 11 July 2003. (Unpublished)
Clarke, Ellen; Linthe, Hans-Joachim. 2003 Ap in real time : IUGG- Sapporo, Japan, July 2003 : session GAV.02. [Poster] In: XXIII IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 30 June- 11 July 2003. (Unpublished)
Clilverd, Mark A ORCID:; Clark, Toby D.G.; Clarke, Ellen; Rishbeth, Henry; Ulich, Thomas.
The causes of long-term change in the aa index.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (A12), SSH4.
Clarke, Ellen. 2001 Real time monitoring of global magnetic activity : the APEST index. [Poster] In: ESTEC SWW 2001, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 17-19 December 2001. (Unpublished)
Clark, Toby; Clarke, Ellen. 2001 Space weather services for the offshore drilling industry. [Poster] In: ESTEC SWW, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 17-19 December 2001. (Unpublished)
Clarke, Ellen; Thomson, Alan. 2001 Real-time magnetic activity indices : two examples in daily use. [Poster] In: IAGA 9th Scientific Assembly, Hanoi, Vietnam, 18-30 August 2001. (Unpublished)
Clarke, Ellen; White, Pamela. 1999 Increased demand for rapid access to UK magnetic observatory data : implications for quality control procedures. [Poster] In: XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, 19-30 July 1999. (Unpublished)
Clilverd, M.A. ORCID:; Clark, T.D.G.; Clarke, E.; Rishbeth, H..
Increased magnetic storm activity from 1868 to 1995.
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 60 (10).
Dai, Heng; Li, Xiang; Conway, P.. 2007 Imaging beneath gas clouds using 3D prestack Kirchhoff time migration of PS-converted waves : a case study from the North Sea. The Leading Edge, 26 (4). 522-529. 10.1190/1.2723216
De Angelis, S.; Bass, V.; Hards, V.; Ryan, G.. 2007 Seismic characterization of pyroclastic flow activity at Soufrier Hills Volcano, Montserrat, 8 January 2007. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 7. 6, pp. 10.5194/nhess-7-467-2007
Dai, Hengchang. 2003 Phase behaviour of P-SV converted waves recorded at the sea-bed. Geophysical Prospecting, 51 (4). 347-364. 10.1046/j.1365-2478.2003.00376.x
Dunkley, P.N.; Young, S.R.. 2000 Volcanic hazard mapping for development planning. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 163pp. (WC/00/020) (Unpublished)
Dai, Heng; MacBeth, Colin. 1997 Effects of learning parameters on learning procedure and performance of a BPNN. Neural Networks, 10 (8). 1505-1521. 10.1016/S0893-6080(97)00014-2
Dai, Heng; MacBeth, Colin. 1997 Application of back-propagation neural networks to identification of seismic arrival types. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 101 (3-4). 177-188. 10.1016/S0031-9201(97)00004-6
Dai, Hengchang; MacBeth, Colin. 1995 Automatic picking of seismic arrivals in local earthquake data using an artificial neural network. Geophysical Journal International, 120. 758-774. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1995.tb01851.x
Dai, Heng; MacBeth, Colin. 1994 Split shear-wave analysis using an artificial neural network. First Break, 12 (12). 605-613.
Evans, D.J.. 2005 The geology of the Preesall Saltfield area : an overview. British Geological Survey, 22pp. (CR/05/184N)
Evans, Russ; Beamish, David; Crampin, Stuart; Ucer, S. Balamir. 1987 The Turkish Dilatancy Project (TDP3): multidisciplinary studies of a potential earthquake source region. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 91 (2). 265-286. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1987.tb05227.x
Flower, Simon. 2009 Setting standards for global exchange of real-time data. [Poster] In: NERC Data Managment Workshop 2009, Oxford Belfry. Thame, Oxford, 17-18 February 2009. (Unpublished)
Graham, A.G.C.; Lonergan, L.; Stoker, Martyn. 2007 Evidence for Late Pleistocene ice stream activity in the Witch Ground Basin, central North Sea, from 3D seismic reflection data. Quaternary Science Reviews, 6 (5-6). 627-643. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.11.004
Gao, Y.; Crampin, S.. 2006 A stress-forecast earthquake (with hindsight), where migration of source earthquakes causes anomalies in shear-wave polarisations. Tectonophysics, 426 (3-4). 253-262. 10.1016/j.tecto.2006.07.013
Gao, Y.; Hao, P.; Crampin, Stuart. 2006 SWAS : a shear-wave analysis system for semi-automatic measurement of shear-wave splitting above small earthquakes. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 159 (1-2). 71-89. 10.1016/j.pepi.2006.06.003
Hamilton, Brian; Macmillan, Susan; Thomson, Alan; Reay, Derek. 2009 Improving time-dependent parameters of magnetic field models. [Poster] In: Second Swarm International Science Meeting, Potsdam, 24-26 June 2009. (Unpublished)
Hamilton, Brian; Macmillan, Susan. 2008 Modelling the quiet-time geomagnetic daily variations using observatory data. [Poster] In: GEOSPACE Consortium Meeting ( July 2008), Abingdon, 3-4 July 2008. (Unpublished)
Hamilton, Brian; Macmillan, Susan. 2008 Using observatory data to characterise geomagnetic daily variations. [Poster] In: GEOSPACE Consortium Meeting Jan 2008, Edinburgh, 7-8 January 2008. (Unpublished)
Hamilton, Brian; Macmillan, Susan. 2007 Using observatory data to characterise geomagnetic daily variations. [Poster] In: XXIV IUGG General Assembly 2007, Perugia, Italy, July 2007. (Unpublished)
Herve, F.; Pankhurst, Robert; Fanning, C.M.; Calderon, M.; Yaxley, G.M.. 2007 The South Patagonian batholith : 150 my of granite magmatism on a plate margin. Lithos, 97 (3-4). 373-394. 10.1016/j.lithos.2007.01.007
Kerridge, David. 2007 IAGA, International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. In: Gubbins, D.; Herrero-Bervera, E., (eds.) Encyclopedia of geomagnetism and palaeomagnetism. Springer, 407-408. (Encyclopedia of earth sciences).
Kerridge, David. 2007 Magnetic observatories in the 21st Century : an endangered species? Publications of the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, C-99 (398). 299-307.
Kerridge, David. 2007 Observatories : programme in the British Isles. In: Gubbins, David; Herreo-Bervera, Emilio, (eds.) Encylopedia of geomagnetism and paleomagnetism. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, 720-721, 1054pp. (Encyclopedia of earth sciences).
Key, R.M.; Bingen, B.; Barton, E.; Daudi, E.X.F.; Manuel, S.; Moniz, A.; Melezhik, V.. 2007 Kimberlites in a karoo graben of northern Mozambique : tectonic setting, mineralogy and RB-Sr geochronology. South African Journal of Geology, 110 (1). 111-124. 10.2113/gssajg.110.1.111
Kerridge, David. 2001 INTERMAGNET: worldwide near-real-time geomagnetic observatory data. [Poster] In: ESTEC SWW 2002, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 16-18 December 2001. (Unpublished)
Li, Xiang; Dai, Heng; Mancini, F.. 2007 Converted-wave imaging in anisotropic media : theory and case studies. Geophysical Prospecting, 55 (3). 345-363. 10.1111/j.1365-2478.2007.00612.x
Luckett, Richard; Baptie, Brian; Ottemoller, Lars; Thompson, G.L.. 2007 Seismic monitoring of the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat. Seismological Research Letters, 78 (2). 192-200. 10.1785/gssrl.78.2.192
Liu, Enru; Thompson, C.. 2006 Expert answers : Fracture characterization of reservoirs is very important as it can have a profound effect on their productivity : so for improved reservoir management seismic fracture characterization is attempted. CSEG Recorder, March 2006. 8-14.
Lesur, V.; Macmillan, S.; Thomson, A.W.P.. 2006 Deriving main field and secular variation models from synthetic Swarm satellite and observatory data. Earth, Planets and Space, 58 (4). 409-416.
Liu, Enru; Chapman, Mark; Zhang, Z.; Queen, J.H.. 2006 Frequency-dependent anistropy : effects of multiple fracture sets on shear-wave polarizations. Wave Motion, 44 (1). 44-57. 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2006.06.006
Loughlin, Sue. 2006 Volcano watch. Planet Earth (Autumn). 22-23.
Lesur, V.; Clark, T.; Turbitt, C.; Flower, S.. 2005 A technique for estimating the absolute vector geomagnetic field from a marine vessel. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 1 (2). 109-115. 10.1088/1742-2132/1/2/002
Lesur, V.; Macmillan, S.; Thomson, A.W.P.. 2005 Alternative parameterisations of the external magnetic field and its induced counterpart for 2001 and 2002 using Orsted, CHAMP and observatory data. In: Reigber, C., (ed.) Earth Observation with Champ : results from three years in orbit. Berlin, Germany, Springer, 299-304. (Earth and Environmental Science).
Lesur, Vincent; Macmillan, Susan; Thomson, Alan. 2005 The BGS magnetic field candidate models for the 10th generation IGRF. Earth, Planets and Space, 57. 1157-1163.
Lesur, Vincent; Macmillan, Susan; Thomson, Alan. 2005 A magnetic field model with daily variations of the magnetospheric field and its induced counterpart in 2001. Geophysical Journal International, 160 (1). 79-88. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2004.02479.x
Liu, Enru. 2005 Effects of fracture aperture and roughness on hydraulic and mechanical properties of rocks : implication of seismic characterization of fractured reservoirs. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2 (1). 38-47. 10.1088/1742-2132/2/1/006
Lesur, V.; Turbitt, C.. 2004 Marine Vector Magnetometer on RRS Discovery. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 25pp. (IR/04/092) (Unpublished)
Lesur, Vincent; Thomson, Alan; Macmillan, Susan. 2003 A geomagnetic field model for year 2001 with daily estimations of dipole terms. [Poster] In: EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 7-11 April 2003. (Unpublished)
Lesur, Vincent. 2002 Crustal susceptibility maps of the Earth lithosphere. [Poster] In: OIST-4, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-27 September 2002. (Unpublished)
Lesur, Vincent; Thomson, Alan W.P.. 2002 A comparison of CHAMP and Ørsted Main and External Field Models for 2001. [Poster] In: First CHAMP Science Meeting, Potsdam, Germany, 22-25 January 2002. (Unpublished)
Li, Xiang-Yang; Dai, Hengchang; Mueller, Michael C.; Barkved, Olav I.. 2001 Compensating for the effects of gas clouds on C-wave imaging : a case study from Valhall. The Leading Edge, 20 (9). 1022-1028. 10.1190/1.1487307
Macmillan, Susan; Thomson, Alan; Hamilton, Brian; Reay, Sarah. 2009 Improving time-dependent parameters of magnetic field models. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna, 19-24 Apr 2009. (Unpublished)
Macmillan, Susan. 2008 Communicating uncertainty in geomagnetic field estimates provided by the BGS to aid directional drilling. [Poster] In: BGS NERC Geo-risk Seminar, BGS Keyworth, Nottingham, 21 October 2008. (Unpublished)
Macmillan, Susan; Hamilton, Brian. 2008 Long-term trends in geomagnetic daily variations. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria, 13-18 April 2008. (Unpublished)
McKay, Allan; Pulkkinen, Antti; Thomson, Alan. 2007 Long Period Magnetotellurics (MT) using Geomagnetically Induced Currents in the Scottish Power Network. [Poster] In: XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2007. (Unpublished)
McKay, Allan. 2007 Spherical Elementary representation of ionospheric equivalent currents: results from a test model. [Poster] In: GEOSPACE Consortium Meeting, Liverpool, UK, 4-5 January 2007. (Unpublished)
Macmillan, Susan. 2007 Geomagnetic jerks. In: Gubbins, D; Herrero-Bervera, E, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism. Netherlands, Springer, 319-320, 1054pp. (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences).
Macmillan, Susan. 2007 IGRF : International Geomagnetic Reference Field. In: Gubbins, D; Herrero-Bervera, E, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism. Netherlands, Springer, 411-412, 1054pp. (Encyclopedia of earth sciences).
Macmillan, Susan. 2007 Observatories : an overview. In: Gubbins, D; Herrero-Bervera, E, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism. Netherlands, Springer, 708-711, 1054pp. (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences).
Macmillan, Susan. 2007 Repeat stations. In: Gubbins, D; Herrero-Bervera, E, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism. Netherlands, Springer, 858-859, 1054pp. (Encyclopedia of earth sciences).
Macmillan, Susan; Droujinina, A.. 2007 Long-term trends in geomagnetic daily variation. Earth, Planets and Space, 59 (3). 391-395.
Meyzen, C.M.; Blichert-Toft, J.; Ludden, John; Humler, E.; Mevel, C.; Albarede, F.. 2007 Isotopic portrayal of the Earth's upper mantle flow field. Nature, 447 (7148). 1069-1074. 10.1038/nature05920
Musson, R.M.W.; Sargeant, S.L.. 2007 Eurocode 8 seismic hazard zoning maps for the UK. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 62pp. (CR/07/125N) (Unpublished)
Musson, Roger. 2007 British earthquakes. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 118 (4). 305-337. 10.1016/S0016-7878(07)80001-0
Musson, Roger. 2007 Macroseismic effects of the 2007 Cape St Vincent earthquake from the EMSC online questionnaire. CSEM / EMSC newsletter, 22. 30-32.
McKay, Allan; Whaler, K.A.. 2006 The electric field in northern England and southern Scotland: implications for geomagnetically induced currents. Geophysical Journal International, 167. 613-625. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03128.x
Musson, R.M.W.. 2006 Automatic assessment of EMS-98 intensities. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 16pp. (IR/06/048) (Unpublished)
Musson, Roger. 2006 The enigmatic Bala earthquake of 1974. Astronomy & Geophysics, 47 (5). 11-15.
Macmillan, Susan; Droujinina, Anna; Woodfield, Emma ORCID:
Long-term trends in geomagnetic daily variation.
In: GEOSPACE Consortium Meeting, Leeds, UK, 5-6 Jan 2006.
McKay, Allan; Clarke, Ellen; Reay, Sarah; Thomson, Alan. 2005 Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GIC) in power networks as a source of electromagnetic sounding data. [Poster] In: IAGA Scientific Assembly 2005, Toulouse, France, 18-29 July 2005. (Unpublished)
Matzka, Jurgen; Macmillan, Susan. 2005 Magnetic repeat station results 2004 for Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic Ocean. [Poster] In: IAGA Scientific Assembly 2005, Toulouse, France, 18-29 July 2005. (Unpublished)
Macmillan, Susan; Maus, Stefan. 2005 Evaluation of candidate geomagnetic field models for the 10th generation of IGRF. Earth Planets and Space, 57 (12). 1135-1140.
Macmillan, Susan; Maus, Stefan. 2005 International geomagnetic reference field : the tenth generation. Earth, Planets and Space, 57 (12). 1135-1140.
McNeill, Lisa; Henstock, Tim; Tappin, Dave. 2005 The eastern Indian ocean earthquake and tsunami : first seafloor survey by Royal Navy's HMS Scott. Hydro International, 9 (4). 7-9.
Musson, R.M.W.. 2005 Comment by R.M.W. Musson on 'Comparison between probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and flood frequency analysis'. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 86 (39). 354. 10.1029/2005EO390004
Musson, R.M.W.. 2005 Intensity attenuation in the UK. Journal of Seismology, 9 (1). 73-86. 10.1007/s10950-005-2979-4
Musson, R.M.W.. 2005 Undead earthquakes. Journal of Seismology, 9 (1). 111-114. 10.1007/s10950-005-2733-y
Musson, R.M.W.. 2005 The seismicity of Wales. In: Bassett, Michael G.; Deisler, Valerie K.; Nicol, Douglas, (eds.) Urban geology in Wales : 2. Cardiff, UK, National Museum of Wales, 90-98.
Musson, R.M.W.; Toro, G.R.; Coppersmith, K.J.; Bommer, J.J.; Deichmann, N.; Bungum, H.; Cotton, F.; Scherbaum, F.; Slejko, D.; Abrahamson, N.A.. 2005 Evaluating hazard results for Switzerland and how not to do it : a discussion of "Problems in the application of the SSHAC probability method for assessing earthquake hazards at Swiss nuclear power plants" by J-U Klugel. Engineering Geology, 82 (1). 43-55. 10.1016/j.enggeo.2005.09.003
Musson, Roger. 2005 Assessing earthquake risk. Earthwise, 22. 24-25.
McKay, Allan; Clarke, Ellen; Reay, Sarah; Thomson, Alan. 2004 Modelling the effects of space weather at the Earth’s surface : a UK geoelectric field model. [Poster] In: MIST/UKSP 2004, Edinburgh, UK, 29 March - 1 April 2004. (Unpublished)
McKay, Allan; Reay, Sarah. 2003 Protecting the UK power grid from geomagnetic hazard. [Poster] In: SET for Britain / Science in Parliament, London, UK, March 2004. (Unpublished)
Macmillan, Susan; Thomson, Alan. 2000 Aspects of main-field and secular variation models derived from Ørsted and contemporary ground-based data. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting (December 2000), San Francisco, USA, 15-19 December 2000. (Unpublished)
Norton, Gill. 2005 Living with an active volcano. Earthwise, 22. 26-27.
O'Mongain, Aoife; Ottemoller, L.; Baptie, Brian; Galloway, David; Booth, David. 2007 Seismic activity associated with a probable submarine eruption near Tristan da Cunha, July 2004-July 2006. Seismological Research Letters, 78 (3). 375-382. 10.1785/gssrl.78.3.375
O'Mongain, Aoife M.. 2004 Seismological calibration of arrays. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 29pp. (IR/04/056) (Unpublished)
Pouliquen, G.; Key, R.. 2007 3D geometry of the Xade Complex inferred from gravity and magnetic data. In: Exploration 07: exploration in the new Millennium : proceedings of the Fifth Decennial International Conference on Mineral Exploration, Toronto, Canada, 9-12 September 2007. Toronto, Canada, Decennial Mineral Exploration Conferences, 1043-1047.
Qian, Z.; Chapman, Mark; Li, Xiang; Dai, Heng chang; Liu, Enru; Zhang, Y.; Wang, Y.. 2007 Use of multicomponent seismic data for oil-water discrimination in fractured reservoirs. The Leading Edge, 26 (9). 1176-1184. 10.1190/1.2780789
Richardson, G.S. ORCID:
Characteristics of geoeffective CMEs - guidelines for space weather forecasting.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 28pp.
Reay, Sarah. 2008 Past BGS activities assessing the geomagnetic hazard to the Scottish Power network and transformer infrastructure. [Poster] In: NERC BGS Geo-risk Seminar 2008, BGS Keyworth, Nottingham, 21 October 2008. (Unpublished)
Reay, Sarah; Dawson, Ewan; Flower, Simon; Kerridge, David; Matzka, Jürgen; Macmillan, Susan; Shanahan, Tom. 2007 A new data service from the World Data Centre for Geomagnetism, Edinburgh. [Poster] In: XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2007. (Unpublished)
Reay, Sarah J.; Thomson, Alan. 2007 Local Vector Activity Proxy Indices: using INTERMAGNET observatories to estimate local magnetic field conditions. [Poster] In: XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, July 2007. (Unpublished)
Roman, D.C.; Neuberg, J; Luckett, R. 2006 Assessing the likelihood of volcanic eruption through analysis of volcanotectonic earthquake fault-plane solutions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 248 (1-2). 244-252. 10.1016/j.epsl.2006.05.029
Reay, S.J.; Allen, W.; Baillie, O.; Bowe, J.; Clarke, E.; Lesur, V.; Macmillan, S.. 2005 Space weather effects on drilling accuracy in the North Sea. Annales Geophysicae, 23 (9). 3081-3088.
Reay, Sarah; Baillie, Orsi; Bowe, Jim; Clarke, Ellen; Lesur, Vincent; Macmillan, Susan. 2004 The effect of space weather on drilling accuracy in the North Sea. [Poster] In: First European Space Weather Week 2004, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 29 Nov-3 Dec 2004. (Unpublished)
Reay, Sarah; Turbitt, Christopher; Flower, Simon; Riddick, John; Clarke, Ellen. 2003 Results from the BGS South Atlantic Observatories : Ascension Island and the Falkland Islands. [Poster] In: XXIII IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 30 June- 11 July 2003. (Unpublished)
Riddick, John C.; Flower, Simon M.. 2003 Port Stanley Magnetic Observatory installation report 6 - 10 February 2003. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 76pp. (IR/03/037) (Unpublished)
Shanahan, Tom; Macmillan, Susan. 2007 BGS UK Repeat Station Programme. [Poster] In: European Repeat Station Workshop, Bucharest, Romania, 14-16 May 2007. (Unpublished)
Shanahan, T.J.G.. 2007 Port Stanley Magnetic Observatory Service Report, March 2006. British Geological Survey, 33pp. (IR/07/034) (Unpublished)
Sorensen, M.B.; Ottemoller, Lars; Havskov, J.; Atakan, K.; Hellevang, B.; Pedersen, R.B.. 2007 Tectonic processes in the Jan Mayen fracture zone based on earthquake occurrence and bathymetry. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 97 (3). 772-779. DOI: 10.1785/0120060025
Sargeant, Susanne; Musson, Roger. 2006 Observations from regressions on ground motion data from Britain and north-western Europe : ID 1741 [abstract]. [Poster] In: European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Geneva, Switzerland, 3-8 Sept 2006. 462.
Sargeant, S.L.; Musson, R.M.W.. 2004 Subduction zones with potential for PSInSAR investigation for space-based reduction. British Geological Survey, 50pp. (CR/04/158N) (Unpublished)
Thomson, Alan; Hamilton, Brian; Macmillan, Susan; Reay, Sarah. 2008 MEME08: A global magnetic field model with satellite data weighting. [Poster] In: Geospace Consortium Meeting, Edinburgh, 5-6 January 2009. (Unpublished)
Thomson, Alan; Flower, Simon. 2007 Monitoring climate variability with broadband magnetometers. [Poster] In: BGS/NERC Climate Change Workshop, BGS Keyworth, Nottingham, 18 January 2007. (Unpublished)
Tappin, David. 2007 Transatlantic tsunamis. Planet Earth (Autumn 2007). 22.
Thomson, Alan W P; Lesur, Vincent. 2007 An improved geomagnetic data selection algorithm for global geomagnetic field modelling. Geophysical Journal International, 169. 951-963. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03354.x
Thomson, Alan W.P.. 2007 Geomagnetic Hazards. In: Gubbins, David; Herrero-Bervera, Emilio, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism. Netherlands, Springer, 316-319, 4pp.
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