Items where NERC Author is "Wynn, Russell"
Zelada Leon, America; Huvenne, Veerle A.I. ORCID:; Benoist, Noëlie M.A.
ORCID:; Ferguson, Matthew; Bett, Brian J.
ORCID:; Wynn, Russell B..
Assessing the repeatability of automated seafloor classification algorithms, with application in marine protected area monitoring.
Remote Sensing, 12 (10).
Austin, Rhiannon E.; Wynn, Russell B.; Votier, Stephen C.; Trueman, Clive; McMinn, Miguel; Rodríguez, Ana; Suberg, Lavinia; Maurice, Louise; Newton, Jason; Genovart, Meritxell; Péron, Clara; Grémillet, David; Guilford, Tim. 2019 Patterns of at-sea behaviour at a hybrid zone between two threatened seabirds. Scientific Reports, 9 (1). 10.1038/s41598-019-51188-8
Benoist, Noëlie M.A. ORCID:; Morris, Kirsty J.; Bett, Brian J.
ORCID:; Durden, Jennifer M.
ORCID:; Huvenne, Veerle A.I.
ORCID:; Le Bas, Tim P.
ORCID:; Wynn, Russell B.; Ware, Suzanne J.; Ruhl, Henry A..
Monitoring mosaic biotopes in a marine conservation zone by autonomous underwater vehicle.
Conservation Biology, 33 (5).
Suberg, Lavinia A.; Miller, Peter I.; Wynn, Russell B.. 2019 On the use of satellite-derived frontal metrics in time series analyses of shelf-sea fronts, a study of the Celtic Sea. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 149. 10.1016/j.dsr.2019.04.011
Dorrell, R. M.; Peakall, J.; Darby, S. E.; Parsons, D. R.; Johnson, J.; Sumner, E. J.; Wynn, R. B.; Özsoy, E.; Tezcan, D.. 2019 Self-sharpening induces jet-like structure in seafloor gravity currents. Nature Communications, 10 (1). 10.1038/s41467-019-09254-2
Martínez-Loriente, Sara; Gràcia, Eulàlia; Bartolome, Rafael; Perea, Hector; Klaeschen, Dirk; Dañobeitia, Juan José; Zitellini, Nevio; Wynn, Russell B.; Masson, Douglas G.. 2018 Morphostructure, tectono-sedimentary evolution and seismic potential of the Horseshoe Fault, SW Iberian Margin. Basin Research, 30 (Suppl 1). 382–400. 10.1111/bre.12225
Huvenne, Veerle A.I. ORCID:; Robert, Katleen; Marsh, Leigh; Lo Iacono, Claudio; Le Bas, Tim
ORCID:; Wynn, Russell B..
ROVs and AUVs.
In: Micallef, A.; Krastel, S.; Savini, A., (eds.)
Submarine Geomorphology.
Cham, Switzerland, Springer, 93-108, 572pp.
(Springer Geology).
Li, Wei; Krastel, Sebastian; Alves, Tiago M.; Urlaub, Morelia; Mehringer, Lisa; Schürer, Anke; Feldens, Peter; Gross, Felix; Stevenson, Christopher J.; Wynn, Russell B.. 2018 The Agadir Slide offshore NW Africa: Morphology, emplacement dynamics, and potential contribution to the Moroccan Turbidite System. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 498. 436-449. 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.07.005
Storrie, Luke; Lydersen, Christian; Andersen, Magnus; Wynn, Russell B.; Kovacs, Kit M.. 2018 Determining the species assemblage and habitat use of cetaceans in the Svalbard Archipelago, based on observations from 2002 to 2014. Polar Research, 37 (1). 1463065. 10.1080/17518369.2018.1463065
Carter, Gareth D.O.; Huvenne, Veerle A.I. ORCID:; Gales, Jennifer A.; Lo Iacono, Claudio; Marsh, Leigh; Ougier-Simonin, Audrey; Robert, Katleen; Wynn, Russell B..
Ongoing evolution of submarine canyon rockwalls; examples from the Whittard Canyon, Celtic Margin (NE Atlantic).
Progress in Oceanography, 169.
Li, Wei; Alves, Tiago M.; Urlaub, Morelia; Georgiopoulou, Aggeliki; Klaucke, Ingo; Wynn, Russell B.; Gross, Felix; Meyer, Mathias; Repschläger, Janne; Berndt, Christian; Krastel, Sebastian. 2017 Morphology, age and sediment dynamics of the upper headwall of the Sahara Slide Complex, Northwest Africa: Evidence for a large Late Holocene failure. Marine Geology, 393. 109-123. 10.1016/j.margeo.2016.11.013
Meier, Rhiannon; Votier, Stephen C.; Wynn, Russell B.; Guilford, Tim; McMinn Grivé, Miguel; Rodríguez, Ana; Newton, Jason; Maurice, Louise; Chouvelon, Tiphaine; Dessier, Aurelie; Trueman, Clive N.. 2017 Tracking, feather moult and stable isotopes reveal foraging behaviour of a critically endangered seabird during the non-breeding season. Diversity and Distributions, 23 (2). 130-145. 10.1111/ddi.12509
Dorrell, R.M.; Peakall, J.; Sumner, E.J.; Parsons, D.R.; Darby, S.E.; Wynn, R.B.; Özsoy, E.; Tezcan, D.. 2016 Flow dynamics and mixing processes in hydraulic jump arrays: Implications for channel-lobe transition zones. Marine Geology, 381. 181-193. 10.1016/j.margeo.2016.09.009
Genovart, Meritxell; Arcos, Jose Manuel; Álvarez, David; McMinn, Miguel; Meier, Rhiannon; Wynn, Russell B.; Guilford, Tim; Oro, Daniel. 2016 Demography of the critically endangered Balearic shearwater: the impact of fisheries and time to extinction. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53 (4). 1158-1168. 10.1111/1365-2664.12622
Huvenne, V.A.I. ORCID:; Wynn, R.B.; Gales, J.A.
ORCID:; et al.
RRS James Cook Cruise 124-125-126 09 Aug-12 Sep 2016. CODEMAP2015: Habitat mapping and ROV vibrocorer trials around Whittard Canyon and Haig Fras.
Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 223pp.
(National Oceanography Centre Cruise Report, 36)
Krastel, Sebastian; Wynn, Russell B.; Feldens, Peter; Schürer, Anke; Böttner, Christoph; Stevenson, C.; Cartigny, Matthieu J.B.; Hühnerbach, Veit; Unverricht, Daniel. 2016 Flow behaviour of a giant landslide and debris flow entering Agadir Canyon, NW Africa. In: Lamarche, Geoffroy; Mountjoy, Joshu; Bull, Suzanne; Hubble, Tom; Krastel, Sebastian; Lane, Emily; Micallef, Aaron; Moscardelli, Lorena; Mueller, Christof; Pecher, Ingo; Woelz, Susanne, (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences: 7th International Symposium. Cham, Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, 145-154, 621pp. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 41).
Huvenne, V.A.I. ORCID:; Georgiopoulo, A.; Chaumillon, M.; Lo Iacono, C.; Wynn, R.B..
Novel method to map the morphology of submarine landslide headwall scarps using Remotely Operated Vehicles.
In: Lamarche, G.; et al, ., (eds.)
Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences: 7th International Symposium.
Cham, Switzerland, Springer International, 135-144, 621pp.
(Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 41).
Meier, Rhiannon E.; Wynn, Russell B.; Votier, Stephen C.; McMinn Grivé, Miguel; Rodríguez, Ana; Maurice, Louise; van Loon, E. Emiel; Jones, Alice R.; Suberg, Lavinia; Arcos, José Manuel; Morgan, Greg; Josey, Simon A. ORCID:; Guilford, Tim.
Consistent foraging areas and commuting corridors of the critically endangered Balearic shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus in the northwestern Mediterranean.
Biological Conservation, 190.
Glogowski, Silke; Dullo, Wolf-Christian; Feldens, Peter; Liebetrau, Volker; von Reumont, Jonas; Hühnerbach, Veit; Krastel, Sebastian; Wynn, Russell B.; Flögel, Sascha. 2015 The Eugen Seibold coral mounds offshore western Morocco: oceanographic and bathymetric boundary conditions of a newly discovered cold-water coral province. Geo-Marine Letters, 35 (4). 257-269. 10.1007/s00367-015-0405-7
Hunt, J.E.; Wynn, R.B.; Croudace, I.W.. 2015 Identification, Correlation and Origin of Multistage Landslide Events in Volcaniclastic Turbidites in the Moroccan Turbidite System. In: Croudace, I.W.; Rothwell, R.G., (eds.) Micro-XRF Studies of Sediment Cores: Applications of a non-destructive tool for the environmental sciences. Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Springer, 147-172, 688pp.
Stevenson, C.J.; Talling, P.J.; Sumner, E.J.; Masson, D.G.; Frenz, M.; Wynn, R.B.. 2014 On how thin submarine flows transported large volumes of sand for hundreds of kilometres across a flat basin plain without eroding the seafloor. Sedimentology, 61 (7). 1982-2019. 10.1111/sed.12125
Wynn, R.B.; et al, .. 2014 RV Pelagia Cruise 64PE372, 27 Jun - 11 Jul 2013. Flow dynamics and sedimentation in an active submarine channel: a process-product approach. Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, 47pp. (National Oceanography Centre Cruise Report, 28)
Jones, A.R.; Wynn, R.B.; Hosegood, P.; De Boer, M.N.; Butler-Cowdry, S.; Embling, C.B.. 2014 Fine-scale hydrodynamics influence the spatio-temporal distribution of harbour porpoises at a coastal hotspot. Progress in Oceanography, 128. 30-48. 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.08.002
Sumner, E.J.; Siti, M.I.; McNeill, L.C.; Talling, P.J.; Henstock, T.J.; Wynn, R.B.; Djajadihardja, Y.S.; Permana, H.. 2014 Can turbidites be used to reconstruct a paleoearthquake record for the central Sumatran margin?: REPLY. Geology, 42 (10). e353. 10.1130/G36161Y.1
Peakall, J.; Darby, S.E.; Dorrell, R.M.; Parsons, D.R.; Sumner, E.J.; Wynn, R.B.. 2014 Comment on “A simple model for vertical profiles of velocity and suspended sediment concentration in straight and curved submarine channels” by M. Bolla Pittaluga and J. Imran. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119 (9). 2070-2073. 10.1002/2014JF003211
Suberg, Lavinia; Wynn, Russell; van der Kooij, Jeroen; Fernand, Liam; Fielding, Sophie ORCID:; Guihen, Damien; Gillespie, Douglas; Johnson, Mark; Gkikopoulo, Kalliopi C.; Allan, Ian J.; Vrana, Branislav; Miller, Peter I.; Smeed, David
ORCID:; Jones, Alice R..
Assessing the potential of autonomous submarine gliders for ecosystem monitoring across multiple trophic levels (plankton to cetaceans) and pollutants in shallow shelf seas.
Methods in Oceanography, 10.
Hunt, J.E.; Talling, P.J.; Clare, M.A. ORCID:; Jarvis, I.; Wynn, R.B..
Long-term (17 Ma) turbidite record of the timing and frequency of large flank collapses of the Canary Islands.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15 (8).
Jones, A.R.; Wynn, R.B.; Yésou, P.; Thébault, L.; Collins, P.; Suberg, L.; Lewis, K.M.; Brereton, T.M.. 2014 Using integrated land- and boat-based surveys to inform conservation of the Critically Endangered Balearic shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus in northeast Atlantic waters. Endangered Species Research, 25 (1). 1-18. 10.3354/esr00611
Wynn, Russell B.; Huvenne, Veerle A.I. ORCID:; Le Bas, Timothy P.
ORCID:; Murton, Bramley J.
ORCID:; Connelly, Douglas P.; Bett, Brian J.
ORCID:; Ruhl, Henry A.; Morris, Kirsty J.; Peakall, Jeffrey; Parsons, Daniel R.; Sumner, Esther J.; Darby, Stephen E.; Dorrell, Robert M.; Hunt, James E..
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs): their past, present and future contributions to the advancement of marine geoscience.
Marine Geology, 352.
Stevenson, Christopher J.; Talling, Peter J.; Masson, Douglas G.; Sumner, Esther J.; Frenz, Michael; Wynn, Russell B.. 2014 The spatial and temporal distribution of grain-size breaks in turbidites. Sedimentology, 61 (4). 1120-1156. 10.1111/sed.12091
Dorrell, R.M.; Darby, S.E.; Peakall, J.; Sumner, E.J.; Parsons, D.R.; Wynn, R.B.. 2014 The critical role of stratification in submarine channels: Implications for channelization and long runout of flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (4). 2620-2641. 10.1002/2014JC009807
Wynn, Russell B.; Brown, Dan; Thomas, Gavin; Holt, Chas A.; Hanssen, Sveinn Are; Moe, Børge; Gilg, Olivier. 2014 Spring migration routes of Long-tailed Skuas around and across the UK - results of observational and tracking data. British Birds, 107 (4). 220-228.
Rodwell, L.D.; Fletcher, S.; Glegg, G.A.; Campbell, M.; Rees, S.E; Ashley, M.; Linley, E.A.; Frost, M.; Earll, B.; Wynn, R.B.; Mee, L.; Almada-Villela, P.; Lear, D.; Stanger, P.; Colenutt, A.; Davenport, F.; Barker Bradshaw, N.J.; Covey, R.. 2014 Marine and coastal policy in the UK: Challenges and opportunities in a new era. Marine Policy, 45. 251-258. 10.1016/j.marpol.2013.09.014
Sumner, E.J.; Peakall, J.; Dorrell, R.M.; Parsons, D.R.; Darby, S.E.; Wynn, R.B.; McPhail, S.D.; Perrett, J.; Webb, A.; White, D.. 2014 Driven around the bend: Spatial evolution and controls on the orientation of helical bend flow in a natural submarine gravity current. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (2). 898-913. 10.1002/2013JC009008
Krastel, S.; Lehr, J.; Winkelmann, D.; Shwenke, T.; Preu, B.; Strasser, M.; Wynn, R.B.; Georgiopoulou, A.; Hanebuth, T.J.J.. 2014 Mass Wasting Along Atlantic Continental Margins: A Comparison Between NW-Africa and the de la Plata River Region (Northern Argentina and Uruguay). In: Krastel, S.; Behrmann, J-H.; Volker, D.; Stipp, M.; Berndt, C.; Urgeles, R.; Chaytor, J.; Huhn, K.; Strasser, M.; Harbitz, C.B., (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 6th International Symposium. Cham, Switzerland, Springer International, 459-469, 680pp. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 37).
Hunt, James E.; Wynn, Russell B.; Talling, Peter J.; Masson, Douglas G.. 2013 Frequency and timing of landslide-triggered turbidity currents within the Agadir Basin, offshore NW Africa: Are there associations with climate change, sea level change and slope sedimentation rates? Marine Geology, 346. 274-291. 10.1016/j.margeo.2013.09.004
Sumner, E.J.; Peakall, J.; Parsons, D.R.; Wynn, R.B.; Darby, S.E.; Dorrell, R.M.; McPhail, S.D.; Perrett, J.; Webb, A.; White, D.. 2013 First direct measurements of hydraulic jumps in an active submarine density current. Geophysical Research Letters, 40 (22). 5904-5908. 10.1002/2013GL057862
Dorrell, R.M.; Darby, S.E.; Peakall, J.; Sumner, E.J.; Parsons, D.R.; Wynn, R.B.. 2013 Superelevation and overspill control secondary flow dynamics in submarine channels. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118 (8). 3895-3915. 10.1002/jgrc.20277
Sumner, Esther J.; Siti, Marina I.; McNeill, Lisa C.; Talling, Peter J.; Henstock, Timothy J.; Wynn, Russell B.; Djajadihardja, Yusuf S.; Permana, Haryadi. 2013 Can turbidites be used to reconstruct a paleoearthquake record for the central Sumatran margin? Geology, 41 (7). 763-766. 10.1130/G34298.1
Hunt, J.E.; Wynn, R.B.; Talling, P.J.; Masson, D.G.. 2013 Multistage collapse of eight western Canary Island landslides in the last 1.5 Ma: Sedimentological and geochemical evidence from subunits in submarine flow deposits. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14 (7). 2159-2181. 10.1002/ggge.20138
Hunt, J.E.; Wynn, R.B.; Talling, P.J.; Masson, D.G.. 2013 Turbidite record of frequency and source of large volume (>100 km3) Canary Island landslides in the last 1.5 Ma: Implications for landslide triggers and geohazards. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14 (7). 2100-2123. 10.1002/ggge.20139
Rees, Siân; Fletcher, Stephen; Glegg, Gillian; Marshall, Charlotte; Rodwell, Lynda; Jefferson, Rebecca; Campbell, Maria; Langmead, Olivia; Ashley, Matthew; Bloomfield, Helen; Brutto, Daniel; Colenutt, Andrew; Conversi, Alessandra; Earll, Bob; Hattam, Caroline; Ingram, Simon; McKinley, Emma; Mee, Laurence; Oates, Jenny; Peckett, Francis; Portus, Jim; Reed, Martin; Rogers, Stuart; Saunders, Justine; Scales, Kylie; Wynn, Russell. 2013 Priority questions to shape the marine and coastal policy research agenda in the United Kingdom. Marine Policy, 38. 531-537. 10.1016/j.marpol.2012.09.002
Stevenson, Christopher J.; Talling, Peter J.; Wynn, Russell B.; Masson, Douglas G.; Hunt, James E.; Frenz, Michael; Akhmetzhanhov, Andrey; Cronin, Bryan T.. 2013 The flows that left no trace: Very large-volume turbidity currents that bypassed sediment through submarine channels without eroding the sea floor. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 41. 186-205. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2012.02.008
Morgan, Greg; McMinn, Miguel; Wynn, Russell; Meier, Rhiannon; Maurice, Lou; Sevilla, Biel; Rodriguez, Ana; Guilford, Tim. 2013 Establishing repeatable study plots on Sa Dragonera, Mallorca to assess population trends of the local breeding Balearic Shearwaters Puffinus mauretanicus. Seabird, 26. 32-41.
Wynn, R.B.. 2013 Feeding associations between Grey Phalaropes Phalaropus fulicarius and Basking Sharks Cetorhinus maximus over a tidal-topographic front off southwest Cornwall. Seabird, 26. 87-92.
Wynn, R.B.; Bett, B.J. ORCID:; Evans, A.J.; Griffiths, G.; Huvenne, V.A.I.
ORCID:; Jones, A.R.; Palmer, M.R.; Dove, D.; Howe, J.A.; Boyd, T.J.; MAREMAP partners, ..
Investigating the feasibility of utilizing AUV and Glider technology for mapping and monitoring of the UK MPA network. Final report for Defra project MB0118.
Southampton, National Oceanography Centre, 244pp.
Sumner, Esther J.; Talling, Peter J.; Amy, Lawrence A.; Wynn, Russell B.; Stevenson, Christopher J.; Frenz, Michael. 2012 Facies architecture of individual basin-plain turbidites: Comparison with existing models and implications for flow processes. Sedimentology, 59 (6). 1850-1887. 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2012.01329.x
Lo Iacono, C.; Gracia, E.; Zaniboni, F.; Pagnoni, G.; Tinti, S.; Bartolome, R.; Masson, D.G.; Wynn, R.B.; Lourenco, N.; de Abreu, M.P.; Danobeitia, J.J.; Zitellini, N.. 2012 Large, deepwater slope failures: Implications for landslide-generated tsunamis. Geology, 40 (10). 931-934. 10.1130/G33446.1
Wynn, Russell B.; Ward, Marcus; Adams, Michael C.. 2012 The increasing Firecrest population in the New Forest, Hampshire. British Birds, 105 (5). 273-275.
Prather, Bradford E.; Deptuck, Mark E.; Mohrig, David; Van Hoorn, Berend; Wynn, Russell B., eds. 2012 Applications of the Principles of Seismic Geomorphology to Continental-slope and Base-of-slope Systems: Case studies from seafloor and near-seafloor analogues. Tulsa, OK, SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology, 390pp. (SEPM Special Publication, 99).
Prather, Bradford E.; Deptuck, Mark E.; Mohrig, David; Van Hoorn, Berend; Wynn, Russell B.. 2012 Applications of the Principles of Seismic Geomorphology to Continental-slope and Base-of-slope Systems: Case studies from seafloor and near-seafloor analogues. Introduction. In: Prather, Bradford E.; Deptuck, Mark E.; Mohrig, David; Van Hoorn, Berend; Wynn, Russell B., (eds.) Application of the Principles of Seismic Geomorphology to Continental-Slope and Base-of-Slope Systems: Case Studies from Seafloor and Near-Seafloor Analogues. Tulsa, OK, SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology, 5-9, 390pp. (SEPM Special Publication, 99).
Wynn, R.B.; Guilford, T.. 2012 Balearic Shearwaters Puffinus mauretanicus in northeast Atlantic waters: an update on their distribution and behaviour based on geolocator tracking and visual monitoring data. In: Yésou, P.; Baccetti, N.; Sultana, J., (eds.) Ecology and Conservation of Mediterranean Seabirds and other bird species under the Barcelona Convention – Proceedings of the 13th MEDMARAVIS Pan-Mediterranean symposium, Alghero (Sardinia), 14-17 Oct 2011. Alghero, Sardinia, Medmaravis, 78-83.
Guilford, Tim; Wynn, Russell; McMinn, Miguel; Rodriguez, Ana; Fayet, Annette; Maurice, Lou; Jones, Alice; Meier, Rhiannon. 2012 Geolocators reveal migration and pre-breeding behaviour of the critically endangered Balearic Shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus. PLoS One, 7 (3), e33753. 10.1371/journal.pone.0033753
Wynn, Russell B.; Talling, Peter J.; Masson, Douglas G.; Le Bas, Tim P. ORCID:; Cronin, Bryan T.; Stevenson, Christopher J..
The Influence of Subtle Gradient Changes on Deep-Water Gravity Flows: A Case Study From the Moroccan Turbidite System.
In: Prather, Bradford E.; Deptuck, Mark E.; Mohrig, David; Van Hoorn, Berend; Wynn, Russell B., (eds.)
Application of the Principles of Seismic Geomorphology to Continental-Slope and Base-of-Slope Systems: Case Studies from Seafloor and Near-Seafloor Analogues.
Tulsa, OK, SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology, 371-383.
(SEPM Special Publication, 99).
Krastel, S.; Wynn, R.B.; Georgiopoulou, A.; Geersen, J.; Henrich, R.; Meyer, Mathias; Schwenk, Tilmann. 2012 Large-scale mass wasting on the Northwest African continental margin: some general implications for mass wasting on passive continental margins. In: Yamada, Yasuhiro; Kawamura, Kiichiro; Ikehara, Ken; Ogawa, Yujiro; Urgeles, Roger; Mosher, David; Chaytor, Jason; Strasser, Michael, (eds.) Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Heidelberg, Springer, 189-199, 756pp. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research Series, 31).
Carter, L.; Milliman, J.D.; Talling, P.J.; Gavey, R.; Wynn, R.B.. 2012 Near-synchronous and delayed initiation of long run-out submarine sediment flows from a record breaking river-flood, offshore Taiwan. Geophysical Research Letters, 39. L12603. 10.1029/2012GL051172
Wynn, R.B.. 2012 An exceptional inshore movement of Great and Arctic Skuas off southeast England in spring 2012. British Birds, 105. 626-628.
Darlaston, M.; Wynn, R.B.. 2012 A record influx of Balearic Shearwaters off Devon and Cornwall. British Birds, 105. 37-38.
Wynn, R.B.; Krastel, M.. 2012 An unprecedented Western Palearctic concentration of Wilson’s Storm Petrels Oceanites oceanicus at an oceanic upwelling front offshore Mauritania. Seabird, 25. 47-53.
Macdonald, H.A.; Wynn, R.B.; Huvenne, V.A.I. ORCID:; Peakall, J.; Masson, D.G.; Weaver, P.P.E.; McPhail, S.D..
New insights into the morphology, fill, and remarkable longevity (>0.2 m.y.) of modern deep-water erosional scours along the northeast Atlantic margin.
Geosphere, 7 (4).
Hunt, James E.; Wynn, Russell B.; Masson, Douglas G.; Talling, Peter J.; Teagle, Damon A.H.. 2011 Sedimentological and geochemical evidence for multistage failure of volcanic island landslides: A case study from Icod landslide on north Tenerife, Canary Islands. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 12. Q12007. 10.1029/2011GC003740
Masson, D.G.; Arzola, R.G.; Wynn, R.B.; Hunt, J.E.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2011 Seismic triggering of landslides and turbidity currents offshore Portugal. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 12. Q12011. 10.1029/2011GC003839
Talling, Peter J.; Wynn, Russell B.; Schmmidt, Daniela N.; Rixon, Rebecca; Sumner, Esther J.; Amy, Lawrence. 2010 How Did Thin Submarine Debris Flows Carry Boulder-Sized Intraclasts for Remarkable Distances Across Low Gradients to the Far Reaches of the Mississippi Fan? Journal of Sedimentary Research, 80 (10). 829-851. 10.2110/jsr.2010.076
Wynn, Russell B.; McMinn-Grive, Miguel; Rodriguez-Molina, Ana. 2010 The predation of Balearic Shearwaters by Peregrine Falcons. British Birds, 103 (6). 350-356.
Masson, D.G.; Plets, R.M.K.; Huvenne, V.A.I. ORCID:; Wynn, R.B.; Bett, B.J.
Sedimentology and depositional history of Holocene sandy contourites on the lower slope of the Faroe-Shetland Channel, northwest of the UK.
Marine Geology, 268 (1-4).
Wynn, R.B.; Talling, P.J.; Masson, D.G.; Stevenson, C.J.; Cronin, B.T.; Le Bas, T.P. ORCID:
Investigating the timing, processes and deposits of one the World¹s largest submarine gravity flows: the 'Bed 5 event' off northwest Africa.
In: Mosher, D.C.; Shipp, C.; Moscardelli, L.; Chaytor, J.; Baxter, C.; Lee, H.; Urgeles, R., (eds.)
Submarine mass movements and their consequences: 4th International Symposium, Austin, Texas, 9th-11th November 2009.
Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, 463-474, 786pp.
(Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 28).
Masson, D.G.; Wynn, R.B.; Talling, P.J.. 2010 Large landslides on passive continental margins: processes, hypotheses and outstanding questions. In: Mosher, D.C.; Shipp, C.; Moscardelli, L.; Chaytor, J.; Baxter, C.; Lee, H.; Urgeles, R., (eds.) Submarine mass movements and their consequences: 4th International Symposium, Austin, Texas, 9th-11th November 2009. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, 153-165, 786pp. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 28).
Georgiopoulou, Aggeliki; Masson, Douglas G.; Wynn, Russell B.; Krastel, Sebastian. 2010 Sahara Slide: Age, initiation, and processes of a giant submarine slide. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 11 (7). Q07014. 10.1029/2010GC003066
Georgiopoulou, Aggeliki; Wynn, Russell B.; Masson, Douglas G.; Frenz, Michael. 2009 Linked turbidite–debrite resulting from recent Sahara Slide headwall reactivation. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 26 (10). 2021-2031. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2009.02.013
Huvenne, Veerle A.I. ORCID:; McPhail, Stephen D.; Wynn, Russell B.; Furlong, Maaten; Stevenson, Peter.
Mapping giant scours in the deep ocean.
EOS: Transactions American Geophysical Union, 90 (32).
Frenz, Michael; Wynn, Russell B.; Georgiopoulou, Aggeliki; Bender, Vera B.; Hough, Gayle; Masson, Douglas G.; Talling, Peter J.; Cronin, Bryan T.. 2009 Provenance and pathways of late Quaternary turbidites in the deep-water Agadir Basin, northwest African margin. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 98 (4). 721-733. 10.1007/s00531-008-0313-4
Lastras, G.; Arzola, R.G.; Masson, D.G.; Wynn, R.B.; Huvenne, V.A.I. ORCID:; Huhnerbach, V.; Canals, M..
Geomorphology and sedimentary features in the Central Portuguese submarine canyons, western Iberian margin.
Geomorphology, 103 (3).
Wynn, R.B.. 2009 Balearic Shearwaters in UK and Irish waters from 2004 to 2006. British Birds, 102. 350-354.
Wynn, R.B.; Shaw, K.D.. 2009 Madeiran Storm Petrels in the Bay of Biscay. British Birds, 102. 28-29.
Wynn, R.B.. 2009 RRS James Cook Cruise 27, 05 AUG-03 SEP 2008. Investigating landslide and gravity flow geohazards along the northeast Atlantic continental margin. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 25pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 36)
Jones, D.O.B. ORCID:; Bett, B.J.
ORCID:; Wynn, R.B.; Masson, D.G..
The use of towed camera platforms in deep-water science.
Underwater Technology, 28 (2).
Wynn, R.B.; Masson, D.G.. 2008 Sediment waves and bedforms. In: Rebesco, M.; Camerlenghi, A., (eds.) Contourites. Oxford, UK, Elsevier, 289-300, 688pp. (Developments in Sedimentology, 60).
Wynn, R.B.; Josey, S.A. ORCID:; Martin, A.P.
ORCID:; Johns, D.G.; Yesou, P..
Reply to comment: is climate change the most likely driver of range expansion of a critically endangered top predator in northeast Atlantic waters?
Biology Letters, 4 (2).
Arzola, R.G.; Wynn, R.B.; Lastras, G.; Masson, D.G.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2008 Sedimentary features and processes in the Nazaré and Setúbal submarine canyons, west Iberian margin. Marine Geology, 250 (1-2). 64-88. 10.1016/j.margeo.2007.12.006
Henrich, Rüdiger; Hanebuth, Till J.J.; Krastel, Sebastian; Neubert, Nadja; Wynn, Russell B.. 2008 Architecture and sediment dynamics of the Mauritania Slide Complex. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 25 (1). 17-33. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2007.05.008
Talling, P.J.; Wynn, R.B.; Masson, D.G.; Frenz, M.; Cronin, B.T.; Schiebel, R.; Akhmetzhanov, A.M.; Dallmeier-Tiessen, S.; Benetti, S.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Georgiopoulou, A.; Zuhlsdorff, C.; Amy, L.A.. 2007 Letter. Onset of submarine debris flow deposition far from original giant landslide. Nature, 450. 541-544. 10.1038/nature06313
Wynn, R.B.; Cronin, B.T.; Peakall, J.. 2007 Sinuous deep-water channels: genesis, geometry and architecture. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 24 (6-9). 341-387. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2007.06.001
Wynn, R.B.; Josey, S.A. ORCID:; Martin, A.P.
ORCID:; Johns, D.G.; Yesou, P..
Climate-driven range expansion of a critically endangered top predator in northeast Atlantic waters.
Biology Letters, 3 (5).
Talling, P.J.; Amy, L.A.; Wynn, R.B.. 2007 New insight into the evolution of large-volume turbidity currents: comparison of turbidite shape and previous modelling results. Sedimentology, 54 (4). 737-769. 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2007.00858.x
Talling, P.J.; Amy, L.A.; Wynn, R.B.; Blackbourn, G.; Gibson, O.. 2007 Evolution of Turbidity Currents Deduced from Extensive Thin Turbidites: Marnoso Arenacea Formation (Miocene), Italian Apennines. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 77 (3). 172-196. 10.2110/jsr.2007.018
Arzola, R.G.; Wynn, R.B.; Masson, D.G.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Lastras, G.. 2007 Landslide and gravity flow features and processes of the Nazare and Setubal Canyons, west Iberian margin. In: Lykousis, V.; Sakellariou, D.; Locat, J., (eds.) Submarine mass movements and their consequences: 3rd International Symposium. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, 89-98, 424pp. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 27).
Georgiopoulou, A.; Krastel, S.; Masson, D.G.; Wynn, R.B.. 2007 Repeated instability of the NW African margin related to buried landslide scarps. In: Lykousis, V.; Sakellariou, D.; Locat, J., (eds.) Submarine mass movements and their consequences: 3rd International Symposium. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, 29-36, 424pp. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 27).
Masson, D.G.; Harbitz, C.B.; Wynn, R.B.; Pedersen, G.; Løvholt, F.. 2006 Submarine landslides: processes, triggers and hazard prediction. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 364 (1845). 2009-2039. 10.1098/rsta.2006.1810
Wynn, Russell B.. 2006 Book review. D.M. Hodgson and S.S. Flint, editors. Review of Submarine Slope Systems: Processes and Products, Geological Society Special Publication 244 (ISBN 1-86239-177-7); list price £65.00/$117.00; price for GSL members £32:50/$59.00; price for AAPG/SEPM/GSA/RAS/EFG/PESGB members £39.00/$71.00). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 23 (3). p.403. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2006.02.003
Wynn, R.B.. 2006 Leach’s Storm-petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa landing on a research vessel at night. Atlantic Seabirds, 7. 41-42.
Krastel, S.; Wynn, R.B.; Hanebuth, T.J.J.; Henrich, R.; Holz, C.; Meggers, H.; Kuhlmann, H.; Georgiopoulou, A.; Schulz, H.D.. 2006 Mapping of seabed morphology and shallow sediment structure of the Mauritania continental margin, Northwest Africa: some implications for geohazard potential. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 86 (3). 163-176.
Wynn, R.B.; Masson, D.G.; Stow, D.A.V.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2006 Turbidity current sediment waves in subsurface sequences. In: Bouma, A.H.; Stelting, C.E.; Stone, C.G., (eds.) Fine-Grained Turbidite Systems. Boulder CO, USA, AAPG/SEPM, 299-306. (AAPG Memoir 72/SEPM Special Publication 68).
Amy, L.A.; Talling, P.T.; Peakall, J.; Wynn, R.B.; Arzola Thynne, R.G.. 2005 Bed geometry used to test recognition criteria of turbidites and (sandy) debrites. Sedimentary Geology, 179 (1-2). 163-174. 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2005.04.007
Wynn, R.B.; Talling, P.J.; Amy, L.. 2005 Imaging bed geometry and architecture of massive sandstones in the Fontanelice Channels, Italian Apennines, using new digiscoping techniques. Sedimentary Geology, 179 (1-2). 153-162. 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2005.04.012
Wynn, R.B.; Cronin, B.T.. 2005 RRS "Charles Darwin" Cruise CD166, 29 Oct - 22 Nov 2004. Sedimentary processes and deposits in the Agadir Basin and Gulf of Cadiz. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 31pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 59)
Masson, D.G.; Wynn, R.B.; Bett, B.J. ORCID:
Sedimentary environment of the Faroe-Shetland and Faroe Bank Channels, north-east Atlantic and the use of bedforms as indicators of bottom current velocity in the deep ocean.
Sedimentology, 51 (6).
Talling, P.J.; Amy, L.A.; Wynn, R.B.; Peakall, J.; Robinson, M.. 2004 Beds comprising debrite sandwiched within co-genetic turbidite: origin and widespread occurrence in distal depositional environments. Sedimentology, 51 (1). 163-194. 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2004.00617.x
Krastel, S.; Hanebuth, T.J.J.; Antobreh, A.A.; Henrich, R.; Holz, C.; Kolling, M.; Shultz, H.D.; Wien, K.; Wynn, R.B.. 2004 Cap Timiris Canyon: a newly discovered channel system offshore of Mauritania. EOS: Transactions American Geophysical Union, 85 (42). 417-423.
Wynn, R.B.; Knefelkamp, B.. 2004 Seabird distribution and oceanic upwelling off northwest Africa. British Birds, 97 (7). 323-335.
Masson, D.G.; Bett, B.J. ORCID:; Billett, D.S.M.; Jacobs, C.L.; Wheeler, A.J.; Wynn, R.B..
The origin of deep-water, coral-topped mounds in the northern Rockall Trough, northeast Atlantic.
Marine Geology, 194 (3-4).
Wynn, R.B.; Masson, D.G.. 2003 Canary Islands landslides and tsunami generation. In: Locat, J.; Mienert, J., (eds.) Submarine mass movements and their consequences: 1st International Symposium. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Kluwer Academic, 325-332, 540pp. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 19).
Wynn, R.B.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Masson, D.G.. 2003 Canyon switching in the Moroccan Turbidite System, Northwest African margin. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 289-291, 309pp.
Wynn, R.B.. 2003 Further developments in ‘Black Brant’ identification, including the effects of body moult on the wintering grounds. British Birds, 96. 297-301.
Masson, D.G.; Le Bas, T.P. ORCID:; Bett, B.J.
ORCID:; Huehnerbach, V.; Jacobs, C.L.; Wynn, R.B..
Seafloor sediments and sedimentary processes on the outer continental shelf, continental slope and basin floor.
Strategic Environmental Assessment: SEA 4. Consultation Document.
London, Department of Trade and Industry, Sediments: 51pp.
Wynn, R.B.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Masson, D.G.; Gee, M.J.R.. 2003 Turbidity current processes and deposits in the Moroccan Turbidite system. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 279-282, 309pp.
Wynn, R.B; Stow, D.A.V., eds. 2002 Recognition and interpretation of deep-water sediment waves: implications for palaeoceanography, hydrocarbon exploration and flow process interpretation. Special Issue. Marine Geology, 192 (1-3). 1-333.
Wynn, Russell B.; Kenyon, Neil H.; Stow, Dorrik A.V.; Masson, Douglas G.; Weaver, Philip P.E.. 2002 Characterization and recognition of deep-water channel-lobe transition zones. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 86 (8). 1441-1462.
Wynn, R.B.; Stow, D.A.V.. 2002 Classification and characterisation of deep-water sediment waves. Marine Geology, 192 (1-3). 7-22. 10.1016/S0025-3227(02)00547-9
Talling, P.J.; Peakall, J.; Sparks, R.S.J.; O’Cofaigh, C.S.; Dowdeswell, J.A.; Felix, M.; Wynn, R.B.; Baas, J.H.; Hogg, J.A.; Masson, D.G.; Taylor, J.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2002 Experimental constraints on shear mixing rates and processes: implications for the dilution of submarine debris flows. In: Dowdeswell, J.A.; O’Cofaigh, C.S., (eds.) Glacier-influenced sedimentation on high latitude continental margins. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 89-103, 378pp. (Geological Society Special Publication, 203).
Wynn, R.B.; Piper, D.J.W.; Gee, M.J.R.. 2002 Generation and migration of coarse-grained sediment waves in turbidity current channels and channel-lobe transition zones. Marine Geology, 192 (1-3). 59-78. 10.1016/S0025-3227(02)00549-2
Wynn, R.B.; Masson, D.G.; Bett, B.J. ORCID:
Hydrodynamic significance of variable ripple morphology across deep-water barchan dunes in the Faroe-Shetland Channel.
Marine Geology, 192 (1-3).
Ercilla, G.; Wynn, R.B.; Alonso, B.; Baraza, J.. 2002 Initiation and evolution of turbidity current sediment waves in the Magdalena turbidite system. Marine Geology, 192 (1-3). 153-169. 10.1016/S0025-3227(02)00553-4
Wynn, R.B.; Stow, D.A.V.. 2002 Recognition and interpretation of deep-water sediment waves - implications for palaeoceanography, hydrocarbon exploration and flow process interpretation (Introduction to special issue). Marine Geology, 192 (1-3). 1-3. 10.1016/S0025-3227(02)00546-7
Wynn, Russell B.; Weaver, Philip P.E.; Masson, Douglas G.; Stow, Dorrik A.V.. 2002 Turbidite depositional architecture across three interconnected deep-water basins on the north-west African margin. Sedimentology, 49 (4). 669-695. 10.1046/j.1365-3091.2002.00471.x
Ercilla, G.; Alonso, B.; Wynn, R.B.; Baraza, J.. 2002 Turbidity current sediment waves on irregular slopes: observations from the Orinoco sediment-wave field. Marine Geology, 192 (1-3). 171-187. 10.1016/S0025-3227(02)00554-6
Wynn, R.. 2001 The 1755 Lisbon disaster: earthquake, tsunami and turbidity currents. Ocean Zone, Southampton Oceanography Centre, No.5. p.7.
Ercilla, G.; Wynn, R.B.; Alonso, B.; Baraza, J.. 2001 Ondas de sedimento de origen turbiditico en los margenes y cuendas profundas del Atlantico. Geotemas, 3. 149-154.
Weaver, Philip P.E.; Wynn, Russell B.; Kenyon, Neil H.; Evans, Jeremy. 2000 Continental margin sedimentation, with special reference to the north-east Atlantic margin. Sedimentology, 47 (s1). 239-256. 10.1046/j.1365-3091.2000.0470s1239.x
Wynn, R.B.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Ercilla, G.; Stow, D.A.V.; Masson, D.G.. 2000 Sedimentary processes in the Selvage sediment-wave field, NE Atlantic: new insights into the formation of sediment waves by turbidity currents. Sedimentology, 47 (6). 1181-1197.
Wynn, R.B.; Masson, D.G.; Stow, D.A.V.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2000 Turbidity current sediment waves on the submarine slopes of the western Canary Islands. Marine Geology, 163 (1-4). 185-198. 10.1016/S0025-3227(99)00101-2
Wynn, R.B.; Masson, D.G.; Stow, D.A.V.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2000 The northwest African slope apron: a modern analogue for deep-water systems with complex seafloor topography. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 17 (2). 253-265. 10.1016/S0264-8172(99)00014-8