Items where NERC Author is "Newsham, Kevin"

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Number of items: 91.

Publication - Article

Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Foot, G.W. ORCID:; Sands, C.J. ORCID:; Goodall-Copestake, W.P. ORCID: 2024 A cosmopolitan Serendipita forms mycothalli with sub-Antarctic leafy liverworts. Fungal Biology, 128. 2355-2364. 10.1016/j.funbio.2023.11.006

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID: 2024 Diurnal temperature fluctuation inhibits the growth of an Antarctic fungus. ​​Fungal Biology​, 128 (8, B). 2365-2371. 10.1016/j.funbio.2023.12.003

Escobedo, Víctor M.; Acuña‐Rodríguez, Ian S.; García, Leidy Y.; Torres‐Díaz, Cristian; Atala, Cristian; Suazo, Manuel J.; Gómez‐González, Susana; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Molina‐Montenegro, Marco A.. 2024 Native woody species depend on the soil microbiome to establish on burned soils, while non‐native do not. Journal of Applied Ecology, 61 (12). 2971-2984. 10.1111/1365-2664.14809

Varliero, Gilda; Lebre, Pedro H.; Adams, Byron; Chown, Steven L.; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Dennis, Paul G.; Fan, Dandan; Ferrari, Belinda; Frey, Beat; Hogg, Ian D.; Hopkins, David W.; Kong, Weidong; Makhalanyane, Thulani; Matcher, Gwyneth; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Stevens, Mark I.; Weigh, Katherine V.; Cowan, Don A.. 2024 Biogeographic survey of soil bacterial communities across Antarctica. Microbiome, 12 (9). 22, pp. 10.1186/s40168-023-01719-3

Ballesteros, Gabriel I.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Acuña-Rodríguez, Ian S.; Atala, Cristian; Torres-Díaz, Cristian; Molina-Montenegro, Marco A.. 2024 Extreme environments as sources of fungal endophytes mitigating climate change impacts on crops in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. ​​Plants People Planet​, 6 (1). 148-161. 10.1002/ppp3.10415

Acuña-Rodríguez, Ian S.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Biersma, Elisabeth M. ORCID:; Ballesteros, Gabriel I.; Torres-Díaz, Cristian; Goodall-Copestake, Will ORCID:; Molina-Montenegro, Marco A.. 2024 The role of the soil microbiome in the colonisation of glacier forefields by Antarctic pearlwort (Colobanthus quitensis) under current and future climate change scenarios. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 188, 109249. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2023.109249

Canini, Fabiana; Borruso, Luigimaria; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; D'Alò, Federica; D'Acqui, Luigi P.; Zucconi, Laura. 2023 Wide divergence of fungal communities inhabiting rocks and soils in a hyper‐arid Antarctic desert. Environmental Microbiology, 25 (12). 3671-3682. 10.1111/1462-2920.16534

Mikryukov, Vladimir; Dulya, Olesya; Zizka, Alexander; Bahram, Mohammad; Hagh-Doust, Niloufar; Anslan, Sten; Prylutskyi, Oleh; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel; Maestre, Fernando T.; Nilsson, Henrik; Pärn, Jaan; Öpik, Maarja; Moora, Mari; Zobel, Martin; Espenberg, Mikk; Mander, Ülo; Khalid, Abdul Nasir; Corrales, Adriana; Agan, Ahto; Vasco-Palacios, Aída-M.; Saitta, Alessandro; Rinaldi, Andrea; Verbeken, Annemieke; Sulistyo, Bobby; Tamgnoue, Boris; Furneaux, Brendan; Duarte Ritter, Camila; Nyamukondiwa, Casper; Sharp, Cathy; Marín, César; Gohar, Daniyal; Klavina, Darta; Sharmah, Dipon; Dai, Dong-Qin; Nouhra, Eduardo; Biersma, Elisabeth Machteld ORCID:; Rähn, Elisabeth; Cameron, Erin; De Crop, Eske; Otsing, Eveli; Davydov, Evgeny; Albornoz, Felipe; Brearley, Francis; Buegger, Franz; Zahn, Geoffrey; Bonito, Gregory; Hiiesalu, Inga; Barrio, Isabel; Heilmann-Clausen, Jacob; Ankuda, Jelena; Doležal, Jiri; Kupagme, John; Maciá-Vicente, Jose; Djeugap Fovo, Joseph; Geml, József; Alatalo, Juha; Alvarez-Manjarrez, Julieta; Põldmaa, Kadri; Runnel, Kadri; Adamson, Kalev; Bråthen, Kari-Anne; Pritsch, Karin; Tchan Issifou, Kassim; Armolaitis, Kęstutis; Hyde, Kevin; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Panksep, Kristel; Lateef, Adebola Azeez; Hansson, Linda; Lamit, Louis; Saba, Malka; Tuomi, Maria; Gryzenhout, Marieka; Bauters, Marijn; Piepenbring, Meike; Wijayawardene, Nalin N.; Yorou, Nourou; Kurina, Olavi; Mortimer, Peter; Meidl, Peter; Kohout, Petr; Puusepp, Rasmus; Drenkhan, Rein; Garibay-Orijel, Roberto; Godoy, Roberto; Alkahtani, Saad; Rahimlou, Saleh; Dudov, Sergey; Põlme, Sergei; Ghosh, Soumya; Mundra, Sunil; Ahmed, Talaat; Netherway, Tarquin; Henkel, Terry; Roslin, Tomas; Nteziryayo, Vincent; Fedosov, Vladimir; Onipchenko, Vladimir; Yasanthika, Weeragalle Arachchillage Erandi; Lim, Young; Van Nuland, Michael; Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda; Antonelli, Alexandre; Kõljalg, Urmas; Abarenkov, Kessy; Tedersoo, Leho. 2023 Connecting the multiple dimensions of global soil fungal diversity. Science Advances, 9 (48). 16, pp. 10.1126/sciadv.adj8016

Molina-Montenegro, Marco A.; Ballersteros, Gabriel I.; Acuña-Rodríguez, Ian S.; Pertierra, Luis R.; Greve, Michelle; Richardson, David M.; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Biersma, Elisabeth M. ORCID:; Goodall-Copestake, William P.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID: 2023 The “Trojan horse” strategy: Seed fungal endophyte symbiosis helps to explain the invasion success of the grass, Poa annua, in Maritime Antarctica. Diversity and Distributions, 29 (11). 1432-1444. 10.1111/ddi.13768

Bartlett, Jesamine C.; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Hayward, S.A.L.. 2023 Ecological consequences of a single introduced species to the Antarctic: Terrestrial impacts of the invasive midge Eretmoptera murphyi on Signy Island. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 180, 108965. 9, pp. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2023.108965

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Danielsen, Birgitte Kortegaard; Biersma, Elisabeth Machteld ORCID:; Elberling, Bo; Hillyard, Guy; Kumari, Priyanka; Priemé, Anders; Woo, Cheolwoon; Yamamoto, Naomichi. 2022 ​Rapid response to experimental warming of a microbial community inhabiting High Arctic patterned ground soil [in special issue: Polar Ecosystem: Response of Organisms to Changing Climate] Biology, 11 (12), 1819. 17, pp. 10.3390/biology11121819

Newsham, Kevin ORCID:; Misiak, Marta; Goodall-Copestake, William P.; Dahl, Malin Stapnes; Boddy, Lynne; Hopkins, David W.; Davey, Marie L.. 2022 Experimental warming increases fungal alpha diversity in an oligotrophic maritime Antarctic soil. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13, 1050372. 15, pp. 10.3389/fmicb.2022.1050372

Tedersoo, Leho; Mikryukov, Vladimir; Zizka, Alexander; Bahram, Mohammad; Hagh-Doust, Niloufar; Anslan, Sten; Prylutskyi, Oleh; Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel; Maestre, Fernando T.; Pärn, Jaan; Öpik, Maarja; Moora, Mari; Zobel, Martin; Espenberg, Mikk; Mander, Ülo; Khalid, Abdul Nasir; Corrales, Adriana; Agan, Ahto; Vasco-Palacios, Aída-M.; Saitta, Alessandro; Rinaldi, Andrea C.; Verbeken, Annemieke; Sulistyo, Bobby P.; Tamgnoue, Boris; Furneaux, Brendan; Ritter, Camila Duarte; Nyamukondiwa, Casper; Sharp, Cathy; Marín, César; Gohar, Daniyal; Klavina, Darta; Sharmah, Dipon; Dai, Dong Qin; Nouhra, Eduardo; Biersma, Elisabeth Machteld; Rähn, Elisabeth; Cameron, Erin K.; De Crop, Eske; Otsing, Eveli; Davydov, Evgeny A.; Albornoz, Felipe E.; Brearley, Francis Q.; Buegger, Franz; Zahn, Geoffrey; Bonito, Gregory; Hiiesalu, Inga; Barrio, Isabel C.; Heilmann-Clausen, Jacob; Ankuda, Jelena; Kupagme, John Y.; Maciá-Vicente, Jose G.; Djeugap Fovo, Joseph; Geml, József; Alatalo, Juha M.; Alvarez-Manjarrez, Julieta; Põldmaa, Kadri; Runnel, Kadri; Adamson, Kalev; Bråthen, Kari Anne; Pritsch, Karin; Tchan, Kassim I.; Armolaitis, Kęstutis; Hyde, Kevin D.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Panksep, Kristel; Lateef, Adebola A.; Tiirmann, Liis; Hansson, Linda; Lamit, Louis J.; Saba, Malka; Tuomi, Maria; Gryzenhout, Marieka; Bauters, Marijn; Piepenbring, Meike; Wijayawardene, Nalin; Yorou, Nourou S.; Kurina, Olavi; Mortimer, Peter E.; Meidl, Peter; Kohout, Petr; Nilsson, R. Henrik; Puusepp, Rasmus; Drenkhan, Rein; Garibay-Orijel, Roberto; Godoy, Roberto; Alkahtani, Saad; Rahimlou, Saleh; Dudov, Sergey V.; Põlme, Sergei; Ghosh, Soumya; Mundra, Sunil; Ahmed, Talaat; Netherway, Tarquin; Henkel, Terry W.; Roslin, Tomas; Nteziryayo, Vincent; Fedosov, Vladimir E.; Onipchenko, Vladimir G.; Yasanthika, W.A. Erandi; Lim, Young Woon; Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda A.; Antonelli, Alexandre; Kõljalg, Urmas; Abarenkov, Kessy. 2022 ​Global patterns in endemicity and vulnerability of soil fungi. Global Change Biology, 28 (22). 6696-6710. 10.1111/gcb.16398

Kerfahi, D.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Dong, K.; Song, H.; Tibbett, M.; Adams, J.M.. 2022 Enduring legacy of coal mining on the fungal community in a High Arctic soil after five decades. Pedosphere, 32 (5). 698-706. 10.1016/j.pedsph.2022.06.001

Pedersen, Å.Ø.; Convey, P. ORCID:; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Mosbacher, J.B.; Fuglei, E.; Ravolainen, V.; Hansen, B.B.; Jensen, T.C.; Augusti, A.; Biersma, E.M. ORCID:; Cooper, E.J.; Coulson, S.J.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Gallet, J.C.; Karsten, U.; Kristiansen, S.M.; Svenning, M.M.; Tveit, A.T.; Uchida, M.; Baneschi, I.; Calizza, E.; Cannone, N.; de Goede, E.M.; Doveri, M.; Elster, J.; Giamberini, M.S.; Hayashi, K.; Lang, S.I.; Lee, Y.K.; Nakatsubo, T.; Pasquali, V.; Paulsen, I.M.G.; Pedersen, C.; Peng, F.; Provenzale, A.; Pushkareva, E.; Sandström, C.A.M.; Sklet, V.; Stach, A.; Tojo, M.; Tytgat, B.; Tømmervik, H.; Velazquez, D.; Verleyen, E.; Welker, J.M.; Yao, Y.-F.; Loonen, M.J.J.E.. 2022 Five decades of terrestrial and freshwater research at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. Polar Research, 41, 6310. 39, pp. 10.33265/polar.v41.6310

Waschulin, Valentin; Borsetto, Chiara; James, Robert; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Donadio, Stefano; Corre, Christophe; Wellington, Elizabeth. 2022 Biosynthetic potential of uncultured Antarctic soil bacteria revealed through long-read metagenomic sequencing. ISME Journal, 16. 101-111. 10.1038/s41396-021-01052-3

Ballesteros, G.I.; Acuña-Rodríguez, I.S.; Barrera, A.; Gundel, P.E.; Newsham, Kevin ORCID:; Molina-Montenegro, M.A.. 2022 Seed fungal endophytes promote the establishment of invasive Poa annua in Maritime Antarctica [in special issue: The Ecology and Evolution of Plants in Extreme Environments] Plant Ecology & Diversity, 15 (5-6). 199-212. 10.1080/17550874.2022.2145579

Tedersoo, Leho; Mikryukov, Vladimir; Anslan, Sten; Bahram, Mohammad; Khalid, Abdul Nasir; Corrales, Adriana; Agan, Ahto; Vasco-Palacios, Aída-M.; Saitta, Alessandro; Antonelli, Alexandre; Rinaldi, Andrea C.; Verbeken,, Annemieke; Sulistyo, Bobby P.; Tamgnoue, Boris; Furneaux, Brendan; Ritter, Camila Duarte; Nyamukondiwa, Casper; Sharp, Cathy; Marín, Marín; Dai, D.Q.; Gohar, Daniyal; Sharmah, Dipon; Biersma, Elisabeth Machteld ORCID:; Cameron, Erin K.; De Crop, Eske; Otsing, Eveli; Davydov, Evgeny A.; Albornoz, Felipe E.; Brearley, Francis Q.; Buegger, Franz; Gates, Genevieve; Zahn, Geoffrey; Bonito, Gregory; Hiiesalu, Indrek; Hiiesalu, Inga; Zettur, Irma; Barrio, Isabel C.; Pärn, Jaan; Heilmann-Clausen, Jacob; Ankuda, Jelena; Kupagme, John Y.; Sarapuu, Joosep; Maciá-Vicente, Jose G.; Fovo, Joseph Djeugap; Geml, József; Alatalo, Juha M.; Alvarez-Manjarrez, Julieta; Monkai, Jutamart; Põldmaa, Kadri; Runnel, Kadri; Adamson, Kalev; Bråthen, Kari A.; Pritsch, Karin; Tchan, Kassim I.; Armolaitis, Kęstutis; Hyde, Kevin D.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Panksep, Kristel; Adebola, Lateef A.; Lamit, Louis J.; Saba, Malka; da Silva Cáceres, Marcela E.; Tuomi, Maria; Gryzenhout, Marieka; Bauters, Marijn; Bálint, Miklós; Wijayawardene, Nalin; Hagh-Doust, Niloufar; Yorou, Nourou S.; Kurina, Olavi; Mortimer, Peter E.; Meidl, Peter; Nilsson, R. Henrik; Puusepp, Rasmus; Casique-Valdés, Rebeca; Drenkhan, Rein; Garibay-Orijel, Roberto; Godoy, Roberto; Alfarraj, Saleh; Rahimlou, Saleh; Põlme, Sergei; Dudov, Sergey V.; Mundra, Sunil; Ahmed, Talaat; Netherway, Tarquin; Henkel, Terry W.; Roslin, Tomas; Fedosov, Vladimir E.; Onipchenko, Vladimir G.; Erandi Yasanthika, W.A.; Young, Woon Lim; Piepenbring, Meike; Klavina, Darta; Kõljalg, Urmas; Abarenkov, Kessy. 2021 The Global Soil Mycobiome consortium dataset for boosting fungal diversity research. Fungal Diversity, 111. 573-588. 10.1007/s13225-021-00493-7

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Goodall-Copestake, William P. ORCID: 2021 Liverworts frequently form mycothalli on Spitsbergen in the High Arctic. Polar Research, 40, 7727. 13, pp. 10.33265/polar.v40.7727

Newsham, K.K. ORCID: 2021 Fine hyphal coils in the liverwort Cephaloziella varians increase in frequency in response to experimental warming in maritime Antarctica. Mycorrhiza, 31. 519-525. 10.1007/s00572-021-01037-2

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Hall, Richard J.; Maslen, N. Rolf. 2021 Experimental warming of bryophytes increases the population density of the nematode Plectus belgicae in maritime Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 33 (2). 165-173. 10.1017/S0954102020000528

Misiak, Marta; Goodall-Copestake, William P. ORCID:; Sparks, Tim H.; Worland, M. Roger; Boddy, Lynne; Magan, Naresh; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Hopkins, David W.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID: 2021 Inhibitory effects of climate change on the growth and extracellular enzyme activities of a widespread Antarctic soil fungus. Global Change Biology, 27 (5). 1111-1125. 10.1111/gcb.15456

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Davey, Marie L.; Hopkins, David W.; Dennis, Paul G.. 2021 Regional diversity of maritime Antarctic soil fungi and predicted responses of guilds and growth forms to climate change. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 615659. 12, pp. 10.3389/fmicb.2020.615659

Hopkins, David W.; Dennis, Paul G.; Rushton, Steven P.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; O'Donnell, Tony G.. 2021 Lean and keen: microbial activity in soils from the Maritime Antarctic. European Journal of Soil Science, 72 (1). 413-431. 10.1111/ejss.12957

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Cox, Felipa; Sands, Chester J. ORCID:; Garnett, Mark H.; Magan, Naresh; Horrocks, Claire A.; Dungait, Jennifer A.J.; Robinson, Clare H.. 2020 A previously undescribed Helotialean fungus that is superabundant in soil under maritime Antarctic higher plant. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11, 615608. 13, pp. 10.3389/fmicb.2020.615608

Biersma, Elisabeth M. ORCID:; Torres-Díaz, Cristian; Molina-Montenegro, Marco A.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Vidal, Marcela A.; Collado, Gonzalo A.; Acuña-Rodríguez, Ian S.; Ballesteros, Gabriel I.; Figueroa, Christian C.; Goodall-Copestake, William P. ORCID:; Leppe, Marcelo A.; Cuba-Díaz, Marely; Valladares, Moisés A.; Pertierra, Luis R.; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2020 Multiple late-Pleistocene colonisation events of the Antarctic pearlwort Colobanthus quitensis (Caryophyllaceae) reveal the recent arrival of native Antarctic vascular flora. Journal of Biogeography, 47 (8). 1663-1673. 10.1111/jbi.13843

Acuña-Rodríguez, Ian S.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Gundel, Pedro E.; Torres-Díaz, Cristian; Molina-Montenegro, Marco A.. 2020 Functional roles of microbial symbionts in plant cold tolerance. Ecology Letters, 23 (6). 1034-1048. 10.1111/ele.13502

Horrocks, C.A.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Cox, F.; Garnett, M.H.; Robinson, C.H.; Dungait, J.A.J.. 2020 Predicting climate change impacts on maritime Antarctic soils: A space-for-time substitution study. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 141, 107682. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.107682

Hill, Paul W.; Broughton, Richard; Bougoure, Jeremy; Havelange, William; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Grant, Helen; Murphy, Daniel V.; Clode, Peta; Ramayah, Soshila; Marsden, Karina A.; Quilliam, Richard S.; Roberts, Paula; Brown, Caley; Read, David J.; Deluca, Thomas H.; Bardgett, Richard D.; Hopkins, David W.; Jones, Davey L.. 2019 Angiosperm symbioses with non‐mycorrhizal fungal partners enhance N acquisition from ancient organic matter in a warming maritime Antarctic. Ecology Letters, 22 (12). 2111-2119. 10.1111/ele.13399

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Tripathi, Binu M; Dong, Ke; Yamamoto, Naomichi; Adams, Jonathan M; Hopkins, David W. 2019 Bacterial community composition and diversity respond to nutrient amendment but not warming in a southern maritime Antarctic soil. Microbial Ecology, 78 (4). 974-984. 10.1007/s00248-019-01373-z

Borsetto, Chiara; Amos, Gregory C.A.; da Rocha, Ulisses Nunes; Mitchell, Alex L.; Finn, Robert D.; Laidi, Rabah Forar; Vallin, Carlos; Pearce, David A.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Wellington, Elizabeth M.H.. 2019 Microbial community drivers of PK/NRP gene diversity in selected global soils. Microbiome, 7 (1), 78. 11, pp. 10.1186/s40168-019-0692-8

Cox, Filipa; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Robinson, Clare H.. 2019 Endemic and cosmopolitan fungal taxa exhibit differential abundances in total and active communities of Antarctic soils. Environmental Microbiology, 21 (5). 1586-1596. 10.1111/1462-2920.14533

Davey, Matthew P.; Norman, Louisa; Sterk, Peter; Huerte-Ortega, Maria; Bunbury, Freddy; Loh, Bradford; Stockton, Sian; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Smith, Alison G.. 2019 Snow algae communities in Antarctica - metabolic and taxonomic composition. New Phytologist, 222 (3). 1242-1255. 10.1111/nph.15701

Dennis, PG; Newsham, Kevin ORCID:; Rushton, Stephen P; O'Donnell, Anthony G; Hopkins, David W. 2019 Soil bacterial diversity is positively associated with air temperature in the maritime Antarctic. Scientific Reports, 9, 2686. 10.1038/s41598-019-39521-7

Lim, P.P.J.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Convey, P. ORCID:; Gan, H.M.; Yew, W.C.; Tan, G.Y.A.. 2018 Effects of field warming on high arctic soil bacterial community: a metagenomic analysis. Current Science, 115 (9). 1697-1700. 10.18520/cs/v115/i9/1697-1700

Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Misiak, Marta; Ulaganathan, Yogabaanu; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID: 2018 Importation of psychrotolerant fungi to Antarctic associated with wooden cargo packaging. Antarctic Science, 30 (5). 298-305. 10.1017/S0954102018000329

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Garnett, Mark H.; Robinson, Clare H.; Cox, Filipa. 2018 Discrete taxa of saprotrophic fungi respire different ages of carbon from Antarctic soils. Scientific Reports, 8, 7866. 10.1038/s41598-018-25877-9

Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Eidesen, P.B.; Davey, M.L.; Axelsen, J.; Courtecuisse, E.; Flintrop, C.; Johansson, A.G.; Kiepert, M.; Larsen, S.E.; Lorbereau, K.; Maurset, M.; McQuilkin, J.; Misiak, M.; Pop, A.; Thompson, S.; Read, D.J.. 2017 Arbuscular mycorrhizas are present on Spitsbergen. Mycorrhiza, 27 (7). 725-731. 10.1007/s00572-017-0785-9

Sun, Benhua; Dennis, Paul G.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Hopkins, David W.; Hallett, Paul D.. 2017 Gelifluction and thixotropy of maritime Antarctic soils: small-scale measurements with a rotational rheometer. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 28 (1). 314-321. 10.1002/ppp.1886

Cox, Filipa; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Bol, Roland; Dungait, Jennifer A.J.; Robinson, Clare H.. 2016 Not poles apart: Antarctic soil fungal communities show similarities to those of the distant Arctic. Ecology Letters, 19 (5). 528-536. 10.1111/ele.12587

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Hopkins, David W.; Carvalhais, Lilia C.; Fretwell, Peter T. ORCID:; Rushton, Steven P.; O'Donnell, Anthony G.; Dennis, Paul G.. 2016 Relationship between soil fungal diversity and temperature in the maritime Antarctic. Nature Climate Change, 6. 182-186. 10.1038/nclimate2806

Amos, Gregory C. A.; Borsetto, Chiara; Laskaris, Paris; Krsek, Martin; Berry, Andrew E.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Calvo-Bado, Leo; Pearce, David A.; Vallin, Carlos; Wellington, Elizabeth M. H.. 2015 Designing and implementing an assay for the detection of rare and divergent NRPS and PKS clones in European, Antarctic and Cuban soils. PLoS One, 10 (9), e0138327. 15, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0138327

Broughton, R.C.I.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Hill, P.W.; Stott, A.; Jones, D.L.. 2015 Differential acquisition of amino acid and peptide enantiomers within the soil microbial community and its implications for carbon and nitrogen cycling in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 88. 83-89. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.05.003

Laudicina, Vito Armando; Benhua, Sun; Dennis, Paul G.; Badalucco, Luigi; Rushton, Steven P.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; O’Donnell, Anthony G.; Hartley, Iain P.; Hopkins, David W.. 2015 Responses to increases in temperature of heterotrophic micro-organisms in soils from the maritime Antarctic. Polar Biology, 38 (8). 1153-1160. 10.1007/s00300-015-1673-4

Ellis, L. T.; Asthana, A. K.; Srivastava, A.; Bakalin, V. A.; Bednarek-Ochyra, H.; Cano, M. J.; Jiménez, J. A.; Alonso, M.; Deme, J.; Csiky, J.; Dia, M. G.; Campisi, P.; Erzberger, P.; Garilleti, R.; Gorobets, K. V.; Gremmen, N. J. M.; Jimenez, M. S.; Suárez, G. M.; Jukonienė, I.; Kiebacher, T.; Kırmacı, M.; Koczur, A.; Kürschner, H.; Lara, F.; Mazimpaka, V.; Larraín, J.; Lebouvier, M.; Medina, R.; Natcheva, R.; Newsham, K. K. ORCID:; Nobis, M.; Nowak, A.; Ören, M.; Özçelik, A. D.; Orgaz, J. D.; Peralta, D. F.; Plášek, V.; Číhal, L.; Ristow, R.; Sawicki, J.; Schäfer-Verwimp, A.; Smith, V. R.; Stebel, A.; Ştefănuţ, S.; Subkaitė, M.; Sun, B.-Y.; Uselienė, A.; Uyar, G.; Váňa, J.; Yoon, Y.-J.; Park, S. J.. 2015 New national and regional bryophyte records, 43. Journal of Bryology, 37 (2). 128-147. 10.1179/1743282015Y.0000000003

Ellis, L. T.; Aleffi, M.; Tacchi, R.; Alegro, A.; Alonso, M.; Asthana, A. K.; Sahu, V.; Biasuso, A. B.; Callaghan, D. A.; Ezer, T.; Kara, R.; Seyli, T.; Garilleti, R.; Gil-López, M. J.; Gwynne-Evans, D.; Hedderson, T. A.; Kiebacher, T.; Larrain, J.; Long, D.; Lüth, M.; Malcolm, B.; Mamontov, Y. S.; Newsham, K. K. ORCID:; Nobis, M.; Nowak, A.; Ochyra, R.; Pawlikowski, P.; Plášek, V.; Čihal, L.; Potemkin, A. D.; Puche, F.; Rios, D.; Gallego, M. T.; Guerra, J.; Sawicki, J.; Schäfer-Verwimp, A.; Segarra-Moragues, J. G.; Šegota, V.; Sofronova, E. V.; Ştefănuţ, S.; Szűcs, P.; Bidló, A.; Papp, B.; Szurdoki, E.; Tan, B. C.; Váňa, J.; Vigalondo, B.; Draper, I.; Lara, F.; Yoon, Y.-J.; Sun, B.-Y.; Nishimura, N.. 2014 New national and regional bryophyte records, 41. Journal of Bryology, 36 (4). 306-324. 10.1179/1743282014Y.0000000123

Benhua, Sun; Dennis, P.G.; Laudicina, V.A.; Ord, V.J.; Rushton, S.P.; O’Donnell, A.G.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Hopkins, D.W.. 2014 Biogeochemical responses to nutrient, moisture and temperature manipulations of soil from Signy Island, South Orkney Islands in the Maritime Antarctic. Antarctic Science, 26 (5). 513-520. 10.1017/S0954102014000030

Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Goodall-Copestake, W.P. ORCID:; Ochyra, R.; Vana, J.. 2014 Mycothalli of the hepatic Barbilophozia hatcheri in Antarctica: distribution and identities of mycobionts. Fungal Ecology, 11. 91-99. 10.1016/j.funeco.2014.05.001

Dennis, Paul G.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Rushton, Steven P.; Ord, Victoria J.; O'Donnell, Anthony G.; Hopkins, David W.. 2013 Warming constrains bacterial community responses to nutrient inputs in a southern, but not northern, maritime Antarctic soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57. 248-255. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.07.009

Ellis, L T; Aranda, S C; Asthana, A K; Bansal, P; Nath, V; Sahu, V; Bayliss, J; Asthana, G; Srivastava, S; Yadav, S; Brugués, M; Cano, M J; Dulin, M V; Fudali, E; Fuertes, E; Gabriel, R; Pereira, F; Silva, J A F; Gradstein, S R; Hájková, P; Hájek, M; Heras, P; Infante, M; Lebouvier, M; Marka, J; Newsham, K K ORCID:; Ochyra, R; Pantović, J; Sabovljević, M S; Phephu, N; van Rooy, J; Philippov, D A; Porley, R D; Puche, F; Schäfer-Verwimp, A; Segarra-Moragues, J G; Sérgio, C; Smith, V R; Ştefănuţ, S; Váňa, J; Wigginton, M J. 2013 New national and regional bryophyte records, 37. Journal of Bryology, 35 (4). 290-305. 10.1179/1743282013Y.0000000073

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID: 2012 Fungi in extreme environments (editorial). Fungal Ecology, 5 (4). 379-380. 10.1016/j.funeco.2012.04.003

Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Calvo-Bado, Leo; Krsek, Martin; Laskaris, Paris; Hodson, Andy; Wellington, Elizabeth M.. 2012 Metagenomic analysis of a a southern maritime Antarctic soil. Frontiers in Microbiology, 3, 403. 13, pp. 10.3389/fmicb.2012.00403

Tojo, Motoaki; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID: 2012 Snow moulds in polar environments. Fungal Ecology, 5 (4). 395-402. 10.1016/j.funeco.2012.01.003

Dennis, Paul G.; Rushton, Steven P.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Lauducina, Vito A.; Ord, Victoria J.; Daniel, Timothy J.; O'Donnell, Anthony G.; Hopkins, David W.. 2012 Soil fungal community composition does not alter along a latitudinal gradient through the maritime and sub-Antarctic. Fungal Ecology, 5 (4). 403-408. 10.1016/j.funeco.2011.12.002

Hill, Paul. W.; Quilliam, Richard. S.; DeLuca, Thomas. H.; Farrar, John; Farrell, Mark; Roberts, Paula; Newsham, Kevin ORCID:; Hopkins, David. W.. 2011 Acquisition and assimilation of nitrogen as peptide-bound and D-enantiomers of amino acids by wheat. Plos One, 6 (4). 4, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0019220

Hill, Paul W.; Farrell, Mark; Roberts, Paula; Farrar, John; Grant, Helen; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Hopkins, David W.; Bardgett, Richard D.; Jones, Davey L.. 2011 Soil- and enantiomer-specific metabolism of amino acids and their peptides by Antarctic soil microorganisms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43 (12). 2410-2416. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2011.08.006

Newsham, Kevin.K. ORCID: 2011 Structural changes to a mycothallus along a latitudinal transect through the maritime and sub-Antarctic. Mycorrhiza, 21 (3). 231-236. 10.1007/s00572-010-0328-0

Hill, Paul W.; Farrar, John; Roberts, Paula; Farrell, Mark; Grant, Helen; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Hopkins, David W.; Bardgett, Richard D.; Jones, Davey L.. 2011 Vascular plant success in a warming Antarctic may be due to efficient nitrogen acquisition. Nature Climate Change, 1 (1). 50-53. 10.1038/nclimate1060

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID: 2011 A meta-analysis of plant responses to dark septate root endophytes. New Phytologist, 190 (3). 783-793. 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03611.x

Hodson, Andy; Heaton, Tim; Langford, Harry; Newsham, Kevin ORCID: 2010 Chemical weathering and solute export by meltwater in a maritime Antarctic glacier basin. Biogeochemistry, 98 (1-3). 9-27. 10.1007/s10533-009-9372-2

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Bridge, Paul D.. 2010 Minimal influence of water and nutrient content on the bacterial community composition of a maritime Antarctic soil. Microbiological Research, 165 (7). 523-530. 10.1016/j.micres.2009.11.005

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Bridge, Paul D.. 2010 Sebacinales are associates of the leafy liverwort Lophozia excisa in the southern maritime Antarctic. Mycorrhiza, 20 (5). 307-313. 10.1007/s00572-009-0283-9

Newsham, K.K. ORCID: 2010 The biology and ecology of the liverwort Cephaloziella varians in Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 22 (2). 131-143. 10.1017/S0954102009990630

Jones, D.L.; Kielland, K.; Sinclair, F.L.; Dahlgren, R.A.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Farrar, J.F.; Murphy, D.V.. 2009 Soil organic nitrogen mineralization across a global latitudinal gradient. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 23 (1), GB1016. 5, pp. 10.1029/2008GB003250

Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Upson, R.; Read, D.J.. 2009 Mycorrhizas and dark septate root endophytes in polar regions. Fungal Ecology, 2 (1). 10-20. 10.1016/j.funeco.2008.10.005

Upson, Rebecca; Read, David J.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID: 2009 Nitrogen form influences the response of Deschampsia antarctica to dark septate root endophytes. Mycorrhiza, 20 (1). 1-11. 10.1007/s00572-009-0260-3

Snell, Katherine R.S.; Kokubun, T.; Griffiths, H.; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Hodgson, Dominic ORCID:; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID: 2009 Quantifying the metabolic cost to an Antarctic liverwort of responding to an abrupt increase in UVB radiation exposure. Global Change Biology, 15 (11). 2563-2573. 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01929.x

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Robinson, Sharon A.. 2009 Responses of plants in polar regions to UVB exposure: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 15 (11). 2574-2589. 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01944.x

Bridge, P.D.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID: 2009 Soil fungal community composition at Mars Oasis, a southern maritime Antarctic site. Fungal Ecology, 2 (2). 66-74.

Upson, R.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Bridge, P.D.; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Read, D.J.. 2009 Taxonomic affinities of dark septate root endophytes of Colobanthus quitensis and Deschampsia antarctica, the two native Antarctic vascular plant species. Fungal Ecology, 2 (4). 184-196. 10.1016/j.funeco.2009.02.004

Roberts, Paula; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Bardgett, Richard D.; Farrar, John F.; Jones, David L.. 2009 Vegetation cover regulates the quantity, quality and temporal dynamics of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in Antarctic soils. Polar Biology, 32 (7). 999-1008. 10.1007/s00300-009-0599-0

Upson, R.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Read, D.J.. 2008 Root-fungal associations of Colobanthus quitensis and Deschampsia antarctica in the maritime and sub-Antarctic. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 40 (3). 592-599. 10.1657/1523-0430(07-057)[UPSON]2.0.CO;2

Bridge, P.D.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Denton, G.J.. 2008 Snow mould caused by a Pythium sp.: a potential vascular plant pathogen in the maritime Antarctic. Plant Pathology, 57 (6). 1066-1072. 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2008.01868.x

McLeod, A.R.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Fry, S.C.. 2007 Elevated UV-B radiation modifies the extractability of carbohydrates from leaf litter of Quercus robur. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39 (1). 116-126. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2006.06.019

Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Garstecki, T.. 2007 Interactive effects of warming and species loss on model Antarctic microbial food webs. Functional Ecology, 21 (3). 577-584. 10.1111/j.1365-2435.2007.01250.x

Snell, K.R.S.; Convey, P. ORCID:; Newsham, K.K. ORCID: 2007 Metabolic recovery of the Antarctic liverwort Cephaloziella varians during spring snowmelt. Polar Biology, 30 (9). 1115-1122. 10.1007/s00300-007-0269-z

Yergeau, Etienne; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Kowalchuk, George A.. 2007 Patterns of bacterial diversity across a range of Antarctic terrestrial habitats. Environmental Microbiology, 9 (11). 2670-2682. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2007.01379.x

Upson, R.; Read, D.J.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID: 2007 Widespread association between the ericoid mycorrhizal fungus Rhizoscyphus ericae and a leafy liverwort in the maritime and sub-Antarctic. New Phytologist, 176 (2). 460-471. 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2007.02178.x

Hogg, Ian D.; Cary, S. Craig; Convey, Pete ORCID:; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; O'Donnell, Anthony G.; Adams, Byron J.; Aislabie, Jackie; Frati, Francesco; Stevens, Mark I.; Wall, Diana H.. 2006 Biotic interactions in Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems: are they a factor? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 38 (10). 3035-3040. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2006.04.026

Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Maslen, N.R.; McInnes, S.J. ORCID: 2006 Survival of antarctic soil metazoans at −80°C for six years. CryoLetters, 27 (5). 269-280.

Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Geissler, P.A.; Nicolson, M.J.; Peat, H.J. ORCID:; Lewis-Smith, R.I.. 2005 Sequential reduction of UV-B radiation in the field alters the pigmentation of an Antarctic leafy liverwort. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 54 (1). 22-32. 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2004.05.006

Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Van Der Gast, Christopher J.; Woodward, Kelly; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID: 2005 Significant changes in the bacterioplankton community structure of a maritime Antarctic freshwater lake following nutrient enrichment. Microbiology, 151 (10). 3237-3248. 10.1099/mic.0.27258-0

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Rolf, Jochen; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Strachan, Rodney J.. 2004 Differing preferences of Antarctic soil nematodes for microbial prey. European Journal of Soil Biology, 40 (1). 1-8. 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2004.01.004

Jones, Davey L.; Farrar, John F.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID: 2004 Rapid amino acid cycling in arctic and antarctic soils. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus, 4 (6). 169-175. 10.1007/s11267-005-3027-7

Jumpponen, Ari; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Neises, Daniel J.. 2003 Filamentous ascomycetes inhabiting the rhizoid environment of the liverwort Cephaloziella varians in Antarctica are assessed by direct PCR and cloning. Mycologia, 95 (3). 457-466.

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID: 2003 Response of saprotrophic fungal communities to declining SO2 pollution in the natural environment. Pedobiologia, 47 (1). 77-84. 10.1078/0031-4056-00171

Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Lawley, Blair; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID: 2003 Solar UV-B radiation inhibits the growth of Antarctic terrestrial fungi. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69 (3). 1488-1491. 10.1128/AEM.69.3.1488-1491.2003

Newsham, K.K. ORCID: 2003 UV-B radiation arising from stratospheric ozone depletion influences the pigmentation of the Antarctic moss Andreaea regularis. Oecologia, 135 (3). 327-331. 10.1007/s00442-003-1191-x

Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Hodgson, D.A. ORCID:; Murray, A.W.A.; Peat, H.J. ORCID:; Smith, R.I. Lewis. 2002 Response of two Antarctic bryophytes to stratospheric ozone depletion. Global Change Biology, 8 (10). 972-983. 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2002.00509.x

Publication - Book Section

Hopkins, D.W.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Dungait, J.A.J.. 2014 Primary production and links to carbon cycling in Antarctic soils. In: Cowan, Don, (ed.) Antarctic terrestrial microbiology. Physical and biological properties of Antarctic soils. Heidelberg, Springer, 233-248.

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Davidson, Andrew T.. 2012 High ultraviolet radiation environments. In: Bell, Elanor M., (ed.) Life at extremes: Environments, organisms and strategies for survival. Oxfordshire, CABI, 454-473.

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