Items where Programme is "WA - 3.1 - Develop next generation methods for river flow frequency estimation and forecasting"

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Cole, S.J.; Moore, R.J.; Mattingley, P.S.. 2015 Surface Water Flooding Component for NHP HIM: Phase 1 Report. Bristol, UK, Environment Agency, 55pp. (CEH Project no. C05501, C04881, C04880) (Unpublished)

Cole, Steven J.; Moore, Robert J.; Robson, Alice J.; Mattingley, Paul S.. 2014 Probabilistic flood forecasting for Rapid Response Catchments using a countrywide distributed hydrological model: experience from the UK. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-15476-1. 1, pp.

Cole, Steven; Moore, Robert; Robson, Alice; Mattingley, Paul; Bell, Vicky ORCID: 2013 Recent developments in countrywide flood forecasting using the G2G distributed hydrological model. [Lecture] In: Joint National and South East Section Meeting of the British Hydrological Society, London, 21 Nov 2013. (Unpublished)

Cole, Steven, J.; Moore, Robert, J.; Aldridge, Timothy; Lane, Andy; Laeger, Stefan. 2013 Real-time hazard impact modelling of surface water flooding: some UK developments. In: Butler, David; Chen, Albert S.; Djordjević, Slobodan; Hammond, Michael J., (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Flood Resilience: Experiences in Asia and Europe (ICFR 2013). University of Exeter, 6pp.

Cole, Steven, J.; Moore, Robert, J.; Aldridge, Timothy; Lane, Andy; Laeger, Stefan. 2013 Real-time hazard impact modelling of surface water flooding: some UK developments. In: Butler, David; Chen, Albert S.; Djordjević, Slobodan; Hammond, Michael J., (eds.) Extended Summaries of the International Conference on Flood Resilience: Experiences in Asia and Europe (ICFR 2013). University of Exeter, 67-68.

Cranston, Michael; Maxey, Richard; Speight, Linda; Tavendale, Amy; Cole, Steven; Robson, Alice; Moore, Robert. 2013 The policy and science supporting flash flood forecasting in Scotland. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2013-12468. 1, pp.

Castellarin, A.; Kohnova, S.; Gaal, L.; Fleig, A.; Salinas, J.L.; Toumazis, A.; Kjeldsen, T.R.; Macdonald, N.. 2012 Review of applied-statistical methods for flood-frequency analysis in Europe. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 122pp. (ESSEM COST Action ES0901)

Cole, Steven J.; McBennett, Dominic; Black, Kevin B.; Moore, Robert J.. 2012 Use of weather radar by the water industry in Scotland. In: Moore, R.J.; Cole, S.J.; Illingworth, A.J., (eds.) Weather Radar and Hydrology, Proc. Exeter Symp., April 2011. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 644-649. (IAHS Publ., 351).

Cranston, Michael; Maxey, Richard; Tavendale, Amy; Buchanan, Peter; Motion, Alan; Cole, Steven; Robson, Alice; Moore, Robert J.; Minett, Alex. 2012 Countrywide flood forecasting in Scotland: challenges for hydrometeorological model uncertainty and prediction. In: Moore, R.J.; Cole, S.J.; Illingworth, A.J., (eds.) Weather Radar and Hydrology, Proc. Exeter Symp., April 2011. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 538-543. (IAHS Publ., 351).

Cole, Steve; Robson, Alice; Howard, Phil; Bell, Vicky ORCID:; Moore, Bob. 2011 Probabilistic flood forecasting for small catchments using the G2G model. [Lecture] In: British Hydrological Society/Institute of Civil Engineers South West Region Workshop on 'Flood forecasting for small catchments', University of Plymouth, 17 June 2011. (Unpublished)

Collier, Chris G.; Morris, David G.; Jones, David A.. 2011 Assessment of the return period of near-PMP point and catchment rainfall for England and Wales. Meteorological Applications, 18. 155-162. 10.1002/met.191

Cole, Steve; Robson, Alice; Moore, Bob. 2010 The Grid-to-Grid Model for nationwide flood forecasting and its use of weather radar. [Lecture] In: Workshop on Polarimetric weather radar for quantitative precipitation estimation, University of Bristol, 28 July 2010. (Unpublished)

Cole, Steven J.; Robson, Alice J.; Bell, Victoria A. ORCID:; Moore, Robert J.; Pierce, Clive E.; Roberts, Nigel. 2010 Accounting for uncertainty in distributed flood forecasting models. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-15608.

Cole, Steven J.; Moore, Robert J.. 2009 Distributed hydrological modelling using weather radar in gauged and ungauged basins. Advances in Water Resources, 32 (7). 1107-1120. 10.1016/j.advwatres.2009.01.006

Cole, S.J.; Howard, P.J.; Moore, R.J.. 2009 Hydrological modelling for the Rivers Lavant and Ems. Commissioned report to the Environment Agency. Wallingford, UK, NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology., 109pp. (Unpublished)

Cole, S.J.; Moore, R.J.; Robson, A.J.; Bell, V.A. ORCID: 2009 Ensemble Flood Forecasting. [Poster] In: NERC Flood Risk from Extreme Events (FREE) Ensemble Workshop, Wokefield Park Hotel, Reading, 23-24 September 2009. (Unpublished)

Cole, S.J.; Robson, A.J.; Bell, V.A. ORCID:; Moore, R.J.. 2009 Model initialisation, data assimilation and probabilistic flood forecasting for distributed hydrological models. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, EGU2009-8048-3.

Cole, S.J.; Robson, A.J.; Bell, V.A. ORCID:; Moore, R.J.. 2008 Model initialisation, data assimilation and probabilistic flood forecasting for distributed hydrological models. [Poster] In: Second NERC Flood Risk from Extreme Events (FREE) Science Meeting, University of Reading, 12-13 November 2008. (Unpublished)


Faulkner, Duncan; Kjeldsen, Thomas; Packman, John; Stewart, Lisa ORCID: 2012 Estimating flood peaks and hydrographs for small catchments: phase 1. Bristol, Environment Agency, 65pp. (Environment Agency Report SC090031/R)

Faulkner, Duncan; Kjeldsen, Thomas; Packman, John; Stewart, Lisa ORCID: 2011 Estimating flood peaks and hydrographs for small catchments: Phase 1. Environment Agency. (Environment Agency Report SC090031) (Unpublished)


Ghimire, S.; Dunn, S.; Golding, B.W.; Pierce, C.P.; Roberts, N.M.; Moore, R.J.; Cole, S.J.; Speight, L.. 2013 Surface water flood forecasting for urban communities: a review. Aberdeen, CREW, 5pp. (CEH Project no. C04830)

Ghimire, S.; Moore, R.J.; Cole, S.J.; Speight, L.. 2013 Review of surface water flood modelling and forecasting for urban communities. Aberdeen, CREW, 41pp. (CEH Project no. C04830)


Howard, Phil J.; Cole, Steve J.; Robson, Alice J.; Moore, Robert J.. 2012 Raingauge quality-control algorithms and the potential benefits for radar-based hydrological modelling. In: Moore, R.J.; Cole, S.J.; Illingworth, A.J., (eds.) Weather Radar and Hydrology, Proc. Exeter Symp., April 2011. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 219-224. (IAHS Publ., 351).

Hannaford, J. ORCID:; Lloyd-Hughes, B.; Keef, C.; Parry, S. ORCID:; Prudhomme, C. ORCID: 2011 Examining the large-scale spatial coherence of European drought using regional indicators of rainfall and streamflow deficit. Hydrological Processes, 25 (7). 1146-1162. 10.1002/hyp.7725

Hannah, David M.; Demuth, Siegfried; van Lanen, Henny A. V.; Looser, Ulrich; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Rees, Gwyn ORCID:; Stalh, Kerstin; Tallaksen, Lena. 2011 Large-scale river flow archives: importance, current status and future needs. Hydrological Processes, 25 (7). 1191-1200. 10.1002/hyp.7794

Hannah, David M.; Demuth, Siegfried; van Lanen, Henny A.J.; Looser, Ulrich; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Rees, Gwyn ORCID:; Stahl, Kerstin; Tallaksen, Lena M.. 2010 A review of the status, research opportunities and future of large-scale river flow archives. In: Servat, Eric; Demuth, Siegfried; Dezetter, Alain; Daniell, Trevor, (eds.) Global Change: Facing Risks and Threats to Water Resources. Wallingford, UK, IAHS Press, 584-590. (IAHS Publication, 340).

Howard, Phil J.; Cole, Steven J.; Moore, Robert J.. 2010 Hydrological flood forecasting for permeable catchments using extended rainfall-runoff models. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-14761.

Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Lloyd-Hughes, Benjamin; Keef, Caroline; Parry, Simon ORCID:; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID: 2009 The Spatial Coherence of European Droughts – Final Report. Bristol, Environment Agency, 80pp. (CEH Project Number: C03620, Science Report – SC070079/SR3)


Joo, Jaewon; Kjeldsen, Thomas; Kim, Hyeon-Jun; Lee, Hyosang. 2014 A comparison of two event-based flood models (ReFH-rainfall Runoff Model and HEC-HMS) at two Korean catchments, Bukil and Jeungpyeong. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 18 (1). 330-343. 10.1007/s12205-013-0348-3

Jones, D.A.. 2013 On an extension of the L-moment approach to modelling distributions which include trend. Hydrology Research, 44 (4). 571-582. 10.2166/nh.2012.081

Jones, D. A.; Stewart, E. J. ORCID:; Morris, D. G.; Svensson, C. ORCID: 2009 Development of a revised depth-duration-frequency (DDF) model. Wallingford, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 18pp. (Unpublished)


Kjeldsen, T.R.; Miller, J.D. ORCID:; Packman, J.C.. 2013 Modelling design flood hydrographs in catchments with mixed urban and rural land cover. Hydrology Research, 44 (6). 1040-1057. 10.2166/nh.2013.158

Kjeldsen, T.R.; Svensson, C. ORCID:; Miller, J.M. ORCID: 2012 Large-scale attribution of trend in UK flood flow data. In: British Hydrological Society’s Eleventh National Symposium, Dundee, 9–11 July 2012. British Hydrological Society. (Unpublished)

Kjeldsen, T.R.; Miller, J.D. ORCID:; Packman, J.C.. 2011 Urban footprints on catchment storm runoff. In: Szolgay, J.; Danacova, M.; Hlavova, K.; Kohnova, S.; Pistekova, V., (eds.) Floods in 3D: Processes, Patterns, Predictions. Bratislava, Slovakia, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 22. (EGU Leonardo Conference Series on the Hydrological Cycle).

Kjeldsen, Thomas. 2011 COST Action ES0901: European procedures for flood frequency estimation (FloodFreq) [Keynote]. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-10327.

Kjeldsen, Thomas R.; Jones, David A.. 2010 Predicting the index flood in ungauged UK catchments: on the link between data-transfer and spatial model error structure. Journal of Hydrology, 387 (1-2). 1-9. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.03.024

Kjeldsen, Thomas; Jones, David. 2010 On the use of heterogeneous pooling groups (solicited). [Keynote] In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 May 2010. European Geosciences Union.

Kjeldsen, Thomas; Svensson, Cecilia ORCID:; Jones, David. 2010 A joint probability approach to flood frequency estimation using Monte Carlo simulation. In: Kirby, Celia, (ed.) Role of Hydrology in Managing Consequences of a Changing Global Environment. British Hydrological Society Third International Symposium. Newcastle, British Hydrological Society, 278-282, 5pp.

Kjeldsen, Thomas; Svensson, Cecilia ORCID:; Jones, David. 2010 A joint probability approach to flood frequency estimation using Monte Carlo simulation. [Other] In: BHS Third International Symposium: Role of Hydrology in Managing Consequences of a Changing Global Environment, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 19-23 July 2010. United Kingdom, British Hydrological Society.

Kjeldsen, Thomas R.. 2010 Modelling the impact of urbanisation on flood frequency relationships in the UK. Hydrology Research, 41 (5). 391-405. 10.2166/nh.2010.056

Keef, Caroline; Tawn, Jonathan; Svensson, Cecilia ORCID: 2009 Spatial risk assessment for extreme river flows. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 58 (5). 601-618. 10.1111/j.1467-9876.2009.00672.x

Keef, Caroline; Svensson, Cecilia ORCID:; Tawn, Jonathan A.. 2009 Spatial dependence in extreme river flows and precipitation for Great Britain. Journal of Hydrology, 378 (3-4). 240-252. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.09.026

Kjeldsen, Thomas R.; Jones, David A.. 2009 A formal statistical model for pooled analysis of extreme floods. Hydrology Research, 40 (5). 465-480. 10.2166/nh.2009.055


Lavers, David; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Hannah, David M.. 2013 European precipitation connections with large-scale mean sea-level pressure (MSLP) fields. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (2). 310-327. 10.1080/02626667.2012.754545

Liu, L.; Xu, Z.X.; Reynard, N.S. ORCID:; Hu, C.W.; Jones, R.G.. 2013 Hydrological analysis for water level projections in Taihu Lake, China. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 6 (1). 14-22. 10.1111/jfr3.12015

Ledbetter, Ralph; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Arnell, Nigel. 2012 A method for incorporating climate variability in climate change impact assessments: sensitivity of river flows in the Eden catchment to precipitation scenarios. Climatic Change, 113 (3-4). 803-823. 10.1007/s10584-011-0386-0

Lavers, David; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Hannah, David M.. 2010 Large-scale climate, precipitation and British river flows: Identifying hydroclimatological connections and dynamics. Journal of Hydrology, 395. 242-255. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.10.036

Lavers, David; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Hannah, David M.. 2010 Large-scale climatic influences on precipitation and discharge for a British river basin. Hydrological Processes, 24. 2555-2563. 10.1002/hyp.7668

Lavers, David A.; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Hannah, David M.. 2010 Influence of large-scale climatic circulation on precipitation and river discharge for a selection of British catchments. In: Servat, Eric; Demuth, Siegfried; Dezetter, Alain; Daniell, Trevor, (eds.) Global Change : Facing Risks and Threats to Water Resources. IAHS, 629-636. (IAHS Publication, 340).

Lloyd-Hughes, Benjamin; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Parry, Simon ORCID:; Keef, Caroline; Rees, Gwyn ORCID: 2009 The Spatial Coherence of European Droughts – UK and European Drought catalogues. Environment Agency, 64pp. (Science Report – SC070079/SR1, CEH Project Number: C03620) (Unpublished)

Lavers, David; Luo, Lifeng; Wood, Eric F.. 2009 A multiple model assessment of seasonal climate forecast skill for applications. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L23711. 6, pp. 10.1029/2009GL041365


Miller, James D. ORCID:; Grebby, Stephen. 2014 Mapping long-term temporal change in imperviousness using topographic maps. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 30. 9-20. 10.1016/j.jag.2014.01.002

Madsen, H.; Lawrence, D.; Lang, M.; Martinkova, M.; Kjeldsen, T.R.. 2013 A review of applied methods in Europe for flood-frequency analysis in a changing environment. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 180pp. (ESSEM COST Action ES0901)

Miller, J.D. ORCID:; Kjeldsen, T.R.; Hannaford, J. ORCID:; Morris, D.G.. 2013 A hydrological assessment of the November 2009 floods in Cumbria, UK. Hydrology Research, 44 (1). 180-197. 10.2166/nh.2012.076

Moore, R.J.. 2012 Operational systems: flood and short-term forecasting. In: WIRADA, (ed.) Water Information Research and Development Alliance: Science Symposium Proceedings. CSIRO, Australia, 86-92.

Moore, Robert J.; Cole, Steven J.; Illingworth, Anthony J.. 2012 Preface [Weather radar and hydrology]. In: Moore, Robert J.; Cole, Steven J.; Illingworth, Anthony J., (eds.) Weather radar and hydrology. Wallingford, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, v-vii. (IAHS Publication, 351).

Moore, Robert J.; Cole, Steven J.; Robson, Alice J.. 2012 Weather radar and hydrology: a UK operational perspective. In: Moore, R.J.; Cole, S.J.; Illingworth, A.J., (eds.) Weather Radar and Hydrology, Proc. Exeter Symp., April 2011. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 429-434. (IAHS Publ., 351).

Miller, James ORCID: 2010 The establishment of a database of hourly catchment average rainfall and flow in urban catchments to provide extractable flood events for use in urban flood modeling. NERC/CEH Information Gateway, 28pp. (Unpublished)

Moore, R.J.; Robson, A.J.; Cole, S.J.; Howard, P.J.; Weerts, A.H.; Sene, K.. 2010 Sources of uncertainty and probability bands for flood forecasts: an upland catchment case study. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-15609.

Moore, R.J.; Cole, S.J.; Robson, A.J.; Bell, V.A. ORCID: 2009 Flood forecasting using deterministic and ensemble high-resolution NWP. [Poster] In: Third NERC Flood Risk from Extreme Events (FREE) Science Meeting, University of Plymouth, 10-11 September 2009. (Unpublished)

Moore, R.J.; Cole, S.J.; Robson, A.J.; Bell, V.A. ORCID: 2009 Initialisation, data assimilation and uncertainty for hydrological flood models. [Keynote] In: Third NERC Flood Risk from Extreme Events (FREE) Science Meeting, University of Plymouth, 10-11 September 2009. (Unpublished)


Oudin, Ludovic; Kay, Alison ORCID:; Andreassian, Vazken; Perrin, Charles. 2010 Are seemingly physically similar catchments truly hydrologically similar? Water Resources Research, 46, W11558. 15, pp. 10.1029/2009WR008887


Prosdocimi, I.; Kjeldsen, T.R.; Svensson, C. ORCID: 2014 Non-stationarity in annual and seasonal series of peak flow and precipitation in the UK. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14 (5). 1125-1144. 10.5194/nhess-14-1125-2014

Price, David A.; Wynn, Adrian; Harrison, Tim; Pollard, Oliver; Pierce, Clive; Cole, Steven J.; Moore, Robert J.. 2014 Operational flash flood forecasting in England: quantifying flood risk using radar-based nowcasts and high resolution NWP forecasts. In: 2014 International Weather Radar and Hydrology Symposium, Washington, D.C., 7-10 Apr 2014. (Unpublished)

Prudhomme, C. ORCID:; Haxton, T.; Crooks, S.; Jackson, C.; Barkwith, A.; Williamson, J. ORCID:; Kelvin, J.; Mackay, J.; Wang, L.; Young, A.; Watts, G.. 2013 Future Flows Hydrology: an ensemble of daily river flow and monthly groundwater levels for use for climate change impact assessment across Great Britain. Earth System Science Data, 5 (1). 101-107. 10.5194/essd-5-101-2013

Prudhomme, C. ORCID:; Williamson, J. ORCID: 2013 Derivation of RCM-driven potential evapotranspiration for hydrological climate change impact analysis in Great Britain: a comparison of methods and associated uncertainty in future projections. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17 (4). 1365-1377. 10.5194/hess-17-1365-2013

Price, David; Hudson, Karen; Boyce, Graeme; Schellekens, Jaap; Moore, Robert J.; Clark, Peter; Harrison, Tim; Connolly, Emily; Pilling, Charlie. 2012 Operational use of a grid-based model for flood forecasting. Proceedings of the ICE. Water Management, 165 (2). 65-77. 10.1680/wama.2012.165.2.65

Price, David; Pilling, Charlie; Robbins, Gavin; Lane, Andy; Boyce, Graeme; Fenwick, Keith; Moore, Robert J.; Coles, Joanne; Harrison, Tim; Van Dijk, Marc. 2012 Representing the spatial variability of rainfall for input to the G2G distributed flood forecasting model: operational experience from the Flood Forecasting Centre. In: Moore, R.J.; Cole, S.J.; Illingworth, A.J., (eds.) Weather Radar and Hydrology, Proc. Exeter Symp., April 2011. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 532-537. (IAHS Publ., 351).

Prosdocimi, Ilaria; Kjeldsen, Thomas R.; Svensson, Cecilia ORCID: 2012 Trends in annual and seasonal maxima of daily rainfall and peak river flow. In: Advanced Methods for Flood Estimation in a Variable and Changing Environment, Volos, Greece, 24-26 Oct 2012. (Unpublished)

Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Parry, Simon ORCID:; Genevier, Marie; Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Kundzewicz, Zbigniew W.. 2012 Large-scale flooding in Europe, 1961-2005. In: Kundzewicz, Zbigniew W., (ed.) Changes in flood risk in Europe. Wallingford, IAHS Press, 55-82. (IAHS Special Publication, 10).

Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Genevier, Marie. 2011 Can atmospheric circulation be linked to flooding in Europe? Hydrological Processes, 25 (7). 1180-1190. 10.1002/hyp.7879

Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Parry, Simon ORCID:; Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Clark, Douglas B. ORCID:; Hagemann, Stefan; Voss, Frank. 2011 How well do large-scale models reproduce regional hydrological extremes in Europe? Journal of Hydrometeorology, 12 (6). 1181-1204. 10.1175/2011JHM1387.1

Parry, Simon ORCID:; Lloyd-Hughes, Benjamin; Hannaford, Jamie ORCID:; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Keef, Caroline. 2009 The Spatial Coherence of European Droughts - Summaries of Major Historical Droughts - Science Report – SC070079/SR4. Environment Agency, 12pp. (CEH Project Number: C03620) (Unpublished)

Prudhomme, Christel ORCID: 2009 Spatial coherence of European Droughts - Interim Science Summary SC070079/SS. Environment Agency. (CEH Project Number: C03620) (Unpublished)

Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Genevier, Marie. 2009 Is flood occurence in Europe linked to specific atmospheric circulation types? [Poster] In: EGU 2009, Vienna, 19-24 April 2009.


Robson, A.J.; Moore, R.J.; Wells, S.J.; Rudd, A.; Cole, S.J.; Mattingley, P.S.. 2015 Understanding the performance of flood forecasting models for investment and incident management: Final Report - SC130006/R2. Bristol, UK, Environment Agency, 228pp. (Unpublished)

Robson, A.J.; Rudd, A.; Cole, S.J.; Mattingley, P.S.; Moore, R.J.. 2014 Understanding the performance of flood forecasting models for investment and incident management: Interim Report - SC130006/R1. Bristol, UK, Environment Agency, 33pp. (Unpublished)

Robson, Alice J.; Cole, Steven J.; Moore, Robert J.. 2010 Assessment of the G2G Model performance for the Cumbria floods of 21 November 2009. Report to the Operational Implementation of Grid to Grid onto the NFFS Project. Flood Forecasting Centre, 18pp. (CEH Project Number: C04005, C04218 and C04217)


Sene, Kevin; Weerts, Albrecht H.; Beven, Keith; Moore, Robert J.; Whitlow, Chris; Laeger, Stefan; Cross, Richard. 2014 Uncertainty estimation in fluvial flood forecasting applications. In: Beven, Keith; Hall, Jim, (eds.) Applied uncertainty analysis for flood risk management. London, Imperial College Press, 462-498.

Stanke, Carla; Kerac, Marko; Prudhomme, Christel ORCID:; Medlock, Jolyon; Murray, Virginia. 2013 Health effects of drought: a systematic review of the evidence. PLoS Currents Disasters. 38, pp. 10.1371/currents.dis.7a2cee9e980f91ad7697b570bcc4b004

Svensson, Cecilia ORCID:; Kjeldsen, Thomas R.; Jones, David A.. 2013 Flood frequency estimation using a joint probability approach within a Monte Carlo framework. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (1). 8-27. 10.1080/02626667.2012.746780

Stewart, E.J. ORCID:; Morris, D.G.; Jones, D.A.; Gibson, H.S.. 2012 Frequency analysis of extreme rainfall in Cumbria, 16-20 November 2009. Hydrology Research, 43 (5). 649-662. 10.2166/nh.2012.033

Stewart, E. J. ORCID:; Jones, D. A.; Svensson, C. ORCID:; Morris, D. G.; Dempsey, P.; Dent, J. E.; Collier, C. G.; Anderson, C. A.. 2011 Reservoir Safety - Long Return Period Rainfall. Final report. Wallingford, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. (CEH Project Number: C02760) (Unpublished)

Schellekens, J.; Weerts, A.H.; Moore, R.J.; Pierce, C.E.; Hildon, S.. 2011 The use of MOGREPS ensemble rainfall forecasts in operational flood forecasting systems across England and Wales. Advances in Geosciences, 29. 77-84. 10.5194/adgeo-29-77-2011

Stewart, Lisa ORCID:; Morris, Dave; Jones, David; Spencer, Peter. 2010 Extreme rainfall in Cumbria, November 2009 - an assessment of storm rarity. In: Kirby, Celia, (ed.) Role of Hydrology in Managing Consequences of a Changing Global Environment. British Hydrological Society Third International Symposium. British Hydrological Society, 273-277.

Schellekens, J.; Weerts, A.H.; Moore, R.J.; Cole, S.J.; Pierce, C.E.; Hildon, S.. 2010 The use of MOGREPS and STEPS ensemble rainfall forecasts in operational flood forecasting systems across England and Wales. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-3857.

Sene, K.; Weerts, A.; Beven, K.; Moore, R.J.; Whitlow, C.; Beckers, P.; Minet, A.; Winsemius, H.; Verkade, J.; Young, P.; Leedal, D.; Smith, P.; Cole, S.; Robson, A.; Howard, P.; Craig, A.; Huband, M.; Breton, N.. 2010 Risk-based Probabilistic Fluvial Flood Forecasting for Integrated Catchment Models:Phase 3 Guidelines. Science Report – SR SC080030. Bristol, UK, Environment Agency, 171pp. (CEH Project Numbers: C03755 and C04217) (Unpublished)

Sene, Kevin; Weerts, Albrecht; Beven, Keith; Moore, Bob; Whitlow, Chris. 2010 Risk-based Probabilistic Fluvial Flood Forecasting for Integrated Catchment Models: Phase 3 Implementation Plan. Science Report – SR SC080030. Bristol, UK, Environment Agency, 35pp. (CEH Project Numbers: C03755 and C04217) (Unpublished)

Stewart, E.J. ORCID:; Jones, D.A.; Svensson, C. ORCID:; Morris, D.G.. 2010 Reservoir Safety - long return period rainfall. In: Pepper, Andrew, (ed.) Managing dams: challenges in a time of change. London, Thomas Telford, 75-86.

Svensson, C. ORCID:; Jones, D.A.. 2010 Review of methods for deriving areal reduction factors. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 3. 232-245. 10.1111/j.1753-318X.2010.01075.x

Svensson, C. ORCID:; Jones, D.A.. 2010 Review of rainfall frequency estimation methods. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 3. 296-313. 10.1111/j.1753-318X.2010.01079.x

Sene, K.; Weerts, A.; Beven, K.; Moore, R.J.; Whitlow, C.; Beckers, P.; Minett, A.; Winsemius, H.; Verkade, J.; Young, P.; Leedal, D.; Smith, P.; Cole, S.; Robson, A.; Howard, P.; Huband, M.; Breton, N.. 2009 Risk-based Probabilistic Fluvial Flood Forecasting for Integrated Catchment Models: Phase 2 - final. Science Report – SR SC080030. Bristol UK, Environment Agency, 152pp. (CEH Project Number: C03755, CEH Project Number: C04217) (Unpublished)

Stewart, E.J. ORCID:; Jones, D.A.; Morris, D.G.; Svensson, C. ORCID: 2008 Proposed revisions to the FEH FORGEX methodology. Wallingford, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 93pp. (Unpublished)


Wynn, Adrian; Pierce, Clive; Moore, Robert J.; Cole, Steven J.; Price, David; Mittermaier, Marion; Seed, Alan. 2013 Probabilistic flood forecasting using high-resolution ensemble rainfalls over Britain. In: Butler, David; Chen, Albert S.; Djordjević, Slobodan; Hammond, Michael J., (eds.) Urban flood resilience : extended summaries of the international conference on flood resilience : experiences in Asia and Europe : Exeter, United Kingdom, 5-7 September 2013. Exeter, Centre for Water Systems, University of Exeter, 183-184.

Winter, C.; Mason, P.; Stewart, E. ORCID: 2012 The impact of the "New FEH" depth-duration frequency curves on extreme floods for the Nant-y-Moch Reservoir in mid-Wales. In: Pepper, Andrew, (ed.) Dams: engineering in a social and environmental context. London, ICE Publishing, 406-412.

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