Items where Programme is "WA02.3 Physico-chemical processes and effects on freshwater biot"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 75.

Publication - Article

Rawcliffe, Ruth; Sayer, Carl D.; Woodward, Guy; Grey, Jonathan; Davidson, Thomas A.; Jones, J. Iwan. 2010 Back to the future: using palaeolimnology to infer long-term changes in shallow lake food webs. Freshwater Biology, 55 (3). 600-613. 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2009.02280.x

Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID:; Ball, Lucy A.; Raven, John A.; Sultemeyer, Dieter. 2009 Inorganic carbon acquisition by chrysophytes. Journal of Phycology, 45 (5). 1052-1061. 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2009.00734.x

Meis, S.; Thackeray, S.J. ORCID:; Jones, I.D.. 2009 Effects of recent climate change on phytoplankton phenology in a temperate lake. Freshwater Biology, 54. 1888-1898. 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2009.02240.x

Moss, Brian; Hering, Daniel; Green, Andy J.; Aidoud, Ahmed; Becares, Eloy; Beklioglu, Meryem; Bennion, Helen; Boix, Dani; Brucet, Sandra; Carvalho, Laurence ORCID:; Clement, Bernard; Davidson, Tom; Declerck, Steven; Dobson, Michael; van Donk, Ellen; Dudley, Bernard; Feuchtmayr, Heidrun; Friberg, Nikolai; Grenouillet, Gael; Hillebrand, Helmut; Hobaek, Anders; Irvine, Kenneth; Jeppesen, Erik; Johnson, Richard; Jones, Iwan; Kernan, Martin; Lauridsen, Torben; Manca, Marina; Meerhoff, Mariana; Olafsson, Jon; Ormerod, Steve; Papastergiadou, Eva; Penning, W. Ellis; Ptacnik, Robert; Quintana, Xavier; Sandin, Leonard; Seferlis, Miltiadis; Simpson, Gavin; Trigal, Cristina; Verdonschot, Piet; Verschoor, Antonie M.; Weyhenmeyer, Gesa A.. 2009 Climate change and the future of freshwater biodiversity in Europe: a primer for policy-makers. Freshwater Reviews, 2 (2). 103-130. 10.1608/FRJ-2.2.1

Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Acreman, Mike C.; Dunbar, Michael J.; Feist, Stephen W.; Giacomello, Anna Maria; Gozlan, Rodolphe E.; Hinsley, Shelley A.; Ibbotson, Anton T.; Jarvie, Helen P. ORCID:; Jones, J. Iwan; Longshaw, Matt; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID:; Marsh, Terry J. ORCID:; Neal, Colin; Newman, Jonathan R.; Nunn, Miles A.; Pickup, Roger W.; Reynard, Nick S. ORCID:; Sullivan, Caroline A.; Sumpter, John P.; Williams, Richard J.. 2009 The British river of the future: How climate change and human activity might affect two contrasting river ecosystems in England. Science of the Total Environment, 407 (17). 4787-4798. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.05.018

Elliott, J. Alex; Jones, Ian D.; Page, Trevor. 2009 The importance of nutrient source in determining the influence of retention time on phytoplankton: an explorative modelling study of a naturally well-flushed lake. Hydrobiologia, 627 (1). 129-142. 10.1007/s10750-009-9720-1

Paxton, C.G.M.; Winfield, I. J. ORCID:; Fletcher, J.M.; George, D.G.; Hewitt, D.P.. 2009 Investigation of first year biotic and abiotic influences on the recruitment of pike (Esox lucius) over 48 years in Windermere, U.K. Journal of Fish Biology, 74 (10). 2279-2298. 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2009.02235.x

Jolly, Cecile; Katsiadaki, Ioanna; Morris, Steve; Le Belle, Nadine; Dufour, Sylvie; Mayer, Ian; Pottinger, Tom G.; Scott, Alexander P.. 2009 Detection of the anti-androgenic effect of endocrine disrupting environmental contaminants using in vivo and in vitro assays in the three-spined stickleback. Aquatic Toxicology, 92 (4). 228-239. 10.1016/j.aquatox.2009.02.006

Kuliskova, Petra; Horky, P.; Slavik, O.; Jones, J.I.. 2009 Factors influencing movement behaviour and home range size in ide Leuciscus idus. Journal of Fish Biology, 74 (6). 1269-1279. 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2009.02198.x

Diaz, Monica M.; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID: 2009 Carbon-concentrating mechanisms in acidophilic algae. Phycologia, 48 (2). 77-85.

Kubecka, Jan; Hohausova, Eva; Matena, Josef; Peterka, Jin; Amarasingh, Upali S.; Bonar, Scott A.; Hateley, Jon; Hickley, Phil; Suuronen, Petri; Tereschenko, Vladimir; Welcomme, Robin; Winfield, Ian J. ORCID: 2009 The true picture of a lake or reservoir fish stock: a review of needs and progress. Fisheries Research, 96 (1). 1-5. 10.1016/j.fishres.2008.09.021

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben; Bean, Colin W.. 2009 Assessment of fish populations in still waters using hydroacoustics and survey gill netting: experiences with Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in the U.K. Fisheries Research, 96 (1). 30-38. 10.1016/j.fishres.2008.09.013

Klavsen, Signe Koch; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID: 2009 Crassulacean acid metabolism contributes significantly to the in situ carbon budget in a population of the invasive aquatic macrophyte Crassula helmsii. Freshwater Biology, 54 (1). 105-118. 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2008.02095.x

Persson, Irina; Jones, Ian D.. 2008 The effect of water colour on lake hydrodynamics: a modelling study. Freshwater Biology, 53 (12). 2345-2355. 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2008.02049.x

Poulickova, Aloisie; Hasler, Petr; Lysakova, Monika; Spears, B.M. ORCID: 2008 The ecology of freshwater epipelic algae: an update. Phycologia, 47 (5). 437-450. 10.2216/07-59.1

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2008 The Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) populations of Windermere, U.K.: population trends associated with eutrophication, climate change and increased abundance of roach (Rutilus rutilus). Environmental Biology of Fishes, 83 (1). 25-35. 10.1007/s10641-007-9235-4

Phillips, G.; Pietilainen, O.-P.; Carvalho, L. ORCID:; Solimini, A.; Lyche Solheim, A.; Cardoso, A.C.. 2008 Chlorophyll-nutrient relationships of different lake types using a large European dataset. Aquatic Ecology, 42 (2). 213-226. 10.1007/s10452-008-9180-0

Ptacnik, R.; Lepisto, L.; Willen, E.; Brettum, P.; Andersen, T.; Rekolainen, S.; Lyche Solheim, A.; Carvalho, Laurence ORCID: 2008 Quantitative responses of lake phytoplankton to eutrophication in Northern Europe. Aquatic Ecology, 42 (2). 227-236. 10.1007/s10452-008-9181-z

Solheim, Anne Lyche; Rekolainen, Seppo; Moe, S. Jannicke; Carvalho, Laurence ORCID:; Phillips, Geoff; Ptacnik, Robert; Penning, W. Ellis; Toth, Laslo G.; O'Toole, Constance; Schartau, Ann-Kristin L.; Hesthagen, Trygve. 2008 Ecological threshold responses in European Lakes and their applicability for the Water Framework Directive (WFD)implementation: synthesis of lakes results from the REBECCA project. Aquatic Ecology, 42 (2). 317-334. 10.1007/s10452-008-9188-5

Allen, Yyvonne T.; Katsiadaki, Ioanna; Pottinger, Tom G.; Jolly, Cecile; Matthiessen, Peter; Mayer, Ian; Smith, Andy; Scott, Alexander P.; Eccles, Paul; Sanders, Matthew B.; Pulman, Kim G. T.; Feist, Stephen. 2008 Intercalibration exercise using a stickleback endocrine disrupter screening assay. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27 (2). 404-412. 10.1897/07-228R.1

Elliott, J. Alex; May, Linda ORCID: 2008 The sensitivity of phytoplankton in Loch Leven (U.K.) to changes in nutrient load and water temperature. Freshwater Biology, 53 (1). 32-41. 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2007.01865.x

Bernhardt, J.; Elliott, J. A.; Jones, I. D.. 2008 Modelling the effects on phytoplankton communities of changing mixed depth and background extinction coefficient on three contrasting lakes in the English Lake District. Freshwater Biology, 53 (12). 2573-2586. 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2008.02083.x

Erales, Jenny; Gontero, Brigitte; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID: 2008 Specificity and function of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in a freshwater diatom, Asterionella formosa (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Phycology, 44. 1455-1464. 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2008.00600.x

Franklin, Paul; Dunbar, Michael; Whitehead, Paul. 2008 Flow controls on lowland river macrophytes: a review. Science of the Total Environment, 400 (1-3). 369-378. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.06.018

Gondar, D.; Thacker, S. A.; Tipping, E. ORCID:; Baker, A.. 2008 Functional variability of dissolved organic matter from the surface water of a productive lake. Water Research, 42 (1-2). 81-90. 10.1016/j.watres.2007.07.006

Hoglund, E.; Gjoen, H.-M.; Pottinger, T. G.; Overli, O.. 2008 Parental stress-coping styles affect the behaviour of Rainbow trout Oncorhycus mykiss at early developmental stages. Journal of Fish Biology, 73 (7). 1764-1769. 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2008.02068.x

Jarvie, H. P. ORCID:; Haygarth, P. M.; Neal, C.; Butler, P.; Smith, B.; Naden, P.S.; Joynes, A.; Neal, M.; Wickham, H.; Armstrong, L.; Harman, S.; Palmer-Felgate, E. J.. 2008 Stream water chemistry and quality along an upland–lowland rural land-use continuum, south west England. Journal of Hydrology, 350. 215-231. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.10.040

Jarvie, Helen P ORCID:; Mortimer, Robert J. G.; Palmer-Felgate, Elizabeth J.; St Quinton, Katherine; Harman, Sarah A.; Carbo, Patricia. 2008 Measurement of soluble reactive phosphorus concentration profiles and fluxes in river-bed sediments using DET gel probes. Journal of Hydrology, 350. 261-273. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.10.041

Neale, Martin W.; Dunbar, Michael J.; Jones, J. Iwan; Ibbotson, Anton T.. 2008 A comparison of the relative contributions of temporal and spatial variation in the density of drifting invertebrates in a Dorset (U.K.) chalk stream. Freshwater Biology, 53 (8). 1513-1523. 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2008.01981.x

Prunet, Patrick; Cairns, Michael T.; Winberg, Svante; Pottinger, Thomas G.. 2008 Functional genomics of stress responses in fish. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 16 (S1). 157-166. 10.1080/10641260802341838

Tipping, E. ORCID:; Vincent, C. D.; Lawlor, A. J.; Lofts, S. ORCID: 2008 Metal accumulation by stream bryophytes, related to chemical speciation. Environmental Pollution, 156 (3). 936-943. 10.1016/j.envpol.2008.05.010

Boggetto, Nicole; Gontero, Brigitte; Maberly, Stephen C. ORCID: 2007 Regulation of phosphoribulokinase and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase in a freshwater diatom, Asterionella formosa. Journal of Phycology, 43 (6). 1227-1235. 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2007.00409.x

Maunder, R. J.; Matthiessen, P.; Sumpter, J. P.; Pottinger, T. G.. 2007 Rapid bioconcentration of steroids in the plasma of three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus exposed to waterborne testosterone and 17β-oestradiol. Journal of Fish Biology, 70 (3). 678-690. 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2006.01303.x

Armitage, Patrick D.; Bowes, Michael J. ORCID:; Vincent, Helen M.. 2007 Long-term changes in macroinvertebrate communities of a heavy metal polluted stream: The River Nent (Cumbria, UK) after 28 years. River Research and Applications, 23 (9). 997-1015. 10.1002/rra.1022

Kibriya, Sadia; Jones, J Iwan. 2007 Nutrient availability and the carnivorous habit in Utricularia vulgaris. Freshwater Biology, 52 (3). 500-509. 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2006.01719.x

Thackeray, Stephen J. ORCID:; George, D. Glen; Jones, Roger I.; Winfield, Ian J. ORCID: 2005 Vertical heterogeneity in zooplankton community structure: a variance partitioning approach. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 164 (2). 257-275. 10.1127/0003-9136/2005/0164-0257

Thackeray, Stephen J. ORCID:; George, D. Glen; Jones, Roger I.; Winfield, Ian J. ORCID: 2004 Quantitative analysis of the importance of wind-induced circulation for the spatial structuring of planktonic populations. Freshwater Biology, 49 (9). 1091-1102. 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2004.01252.x

Publication - Book Section

Jones, Ian; Sahlberg, Jorgen; Persson, Irina. 2010 Modelling the impact of climate change on the thermal characteristics of lakes. In: George, Glen, (ed.) The Impact of Climate Change on European Lakes. Springer, 103-120. (Aquatic Ecology Series, 4).

Pottinger, T.G.. 2009 Stress affects reproduction. In: Maybank, Miranda; Kah, Olivier; Lareyre, Jean-Jacques; Fostier, Alexis, (eds.) REPROFISH. Investigating fish reproduction in Europe. REPROFISH Consortium, 28-29.

Raven, J. A.; Maberly, S. C. ORCID: 2009 Phytoplankton nutrition and related mixotrophy. In: Likens, Gene E., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. Volume 3. Oxford, Elsevier, 192-196.

Pottinger, Thomas G.. 2007 The stress response in fish - mechanisms, effects and measurement. In: Branson, Edward J., (ed.) Fish Welfare. Oxford, UK, Wiley-Blackwell, 32-48.

Stratford, Charles J ORCID:; Ratcliffe, John; Hughes, Andrew; Roberts, John; Robins, Nicholas. 2007 Complex interaction between shallow groundwater and changing woodland, surface water, grazing and other influences in partly wooded duneland in Anglesey, Wales. In: Proceedings CDXXXV Congress International Association of Hydrogeologists : Groundwater and Ecosystems. International Association of Hydrogeologists, 1-10.

Publication - Conference Item

Duenas, Manuel A. ORCID:; Stratford, Charlie ORCID:; Mackenzie, Sally. 2007 Nutrient dynamics in a semi-natural treatment reedbed. [Poster] In: Constructed Wetlands Conference: reducing rural pollution risk, University of Edinburgh, Scotland., 5-6 December 2007.

Publication - Report

Thackeray, S.J. ORCID:; Maberly, S.C. ORCID:; De Ville, M.M.. 2010 Investigation into water level requirements of interest features at Over Water SSSI: Phase 3. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 76pp. (CEH Project Number: C03754) (Unpublished)

Acreman, Mike; Dunbar, Michael. 2010 Ecologically acceptable flows in Chalk rivers. Wallingford, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 27pp. (CEH Project No: C03774) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2010 Llyn Arenig Fawr gwyniad survey 2009. Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 26pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03569/10, CCW Contract Science Report No. 904.)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2010 Llyn Tegid hydroacoustic survey 2009. Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 46pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03569/9, CCW Contract Science Report No. 903.)

Pottinger, Tom G.; Rhodes, Glenn ORCID: 2009 EDCAT 5. A catchment-based study of endocrine disruption in surface waters: multivariate evaluation of the health of a sentinel fish species exposed to sewage treatment works effluent. Annexe to EDCAT Final report – CYP1A gene expression results. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 5pp. (CEH Project Number: C03052)

Pottinger, Tom G.; Abel, David; Juergens, Monika D. ORCID:; Rhodes, Glenn ORCID:; Katsiadaki, Ioanna; Cook, Alastair; Sanders, Matthew. 2009 A catchment-based study of endocrine disruption in surface waters: multivariate evaluation of the health of a sentinel fish species exposed to sewage treatment works effluent. EDCAT consortium, 64pp. (CEH Project Number: C03052, EDCAT) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.. 2009 Luxhay Reservoir hydroacoustic survey. Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 22pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C02539/4) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2009 Llyn Tegid hydroacoustic survey 2008. Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 44pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03569/5, CCW Contract Science Report No. 867.)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2009 Llyn Tegid hydroacoustic survey 2008. Draft Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 42pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03569/3, CCW Contract Science Report No. 867.)

Elliott, J. A.; Thackeray, S. J. ORCID:; Jones, I. D.. 2008 Simulations using PROTECH-D of the phytoplankton community in the proposed Upper Thames Reservoir - The Water Quality Design Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (CEH Report No.: LA/C03533/01) (Unpublished)

Maberly, S. C. ORCID:; Thackeray, S. J. ORCID:; Jones, I. D.; Winfield, I. J. ORCID: 2008 The response of Windermere to external stress factors: analysis of long-term trends. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 45pp. (CEH Report Ref: LA/C03468/2) (Unpublished)

Carvalho, Laurence ORCID:; Spears, Bryan ORCID:; Dudley, Bernard; Gunn, Iain ORCID:; Zimmermann, Sabrina; Defew, Lindsay; May, Linda ORCID: 2008 Loch Leven 2007: trends in water quality and biological communities. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 24pp.

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2008 A review of recent research and translocation activities concerned with the gwyniad of Llyn Tegid. Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 40pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03122/12, CCW Contract Science Report No. 840.) (Unpublished)

Maberly, S. C. ORCID:; De Ville, M. M.; Elliott, J. A.; Fletcher, J. M.; Feuchtmayr, H.; Groben, R.; James, J. B.; Reynolds, C. S.; Thackeray, S. J. ORCID:; Vincent, C.. 2008 Assessing the long term changes in the water quality of the sensitive waters of the Cumbrian lakes. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 30pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03460/1) (Unpublished)

Bass, J. A. B.; Blust, R.; Clarke, R. T.; Corbin, T. A.; Davison, W.; de Schamphelaere, K. A. C.; Janssen, C. R.; Kalis, E. J. J.; Kelly, M. G.; Kneebone, N. T.; Lawlor, A.J.; Lofts, S. ORCID:; Temminghoff, E. J. M.; Thacker, S. A.; Tipping, E. ORCID:; Vincent, Colin; Warnken, K. W.; Zhang, H.. 2008 Environmental quality standards for trace metals in the aquatic environment. Bristol, Environment Agency, 177pp. (Science Report – SC030194)

May, L. ORCID:; Dudley, B.; Spears, B.M. ORCID:; Hatton-Ellis, T.W.. 2008 Nutrient modelling and a nutrient budget for Llangorse Lake Final Report. Countryside Council for Wales, 78pp. (CCW Contract Science Report No: 831, CEH Project Number: C03202) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2008 A review of recent research and translocation activities concerned with the gwyniad of Llyn Tegid. Draft Final Report. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 36pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03122/11, CCW Contract Science Report No. 840.) (Unpublished)

Gunn, Iain ORCID: 2008 Analysis of Loch Lomond preserved crustacean zooplankton samples, 2001-2007. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 21pp. (CEH Project No: C03456) (Unpublished)

Jones, John Iwan; Davy-Bowker, John; Murphy, John; Keller, Virginie ORCID:; Williams, Richard; Davies, Cynthia. 2008 Review of the evidence for organic pollution thresholds to protect rivers with special designations for wildlife. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 213pp. (CEH Report Number: C03400/2008/1) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2008 A preliminary analysis of pike angler records from Bassenthwaite Lake. Final report. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 12pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C02852/9) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2008 Initial hydroacoustic mapping of macrophyte communities in the southern end of Llyn Tegid. Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 22pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03122/10, CCW Contract Science Report No. 816.) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2008 Initial hydroacoustic mapping of macrophyte communities in the southern end of Llyn Tegid. Draft Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 22pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03122/7, CCW Contract Science Report No. 816.) (Unpublished)

Thackeray, S. J. ORCID:; Maberly, S. C. ORCID:; Winfield, I. J. ORCID: 2008 Investigation into water level requirements of interest features at Over Water SSSI: Phase 2. Final report to the Environment Agency. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 25pp. (CEH Report Ref: LA/C03402) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2008 Llyn Tegid hydroacoustic surveys 2007. Final Report. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 46pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03122/8, CCW Contract Science Report No. 814.) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2008 Long-term monitoring plan for Llyn Arenig Fawr. Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 20pp. (CEH Report Ref. No: LA/C03122/9, CCW Contract Science Report No. 815.) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; Lyle, Alexander A.. 2008 Assessment of the vendace refuge population of Loch Skeen. Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 19pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C02539/3, Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No.281, ROAME No. R06AC601A) (Unpublished)

Pottinger, Tom; Katsiadaki, Ioanna; Juergens, Monika ORCID:; Cook, Alastair; Abel, David; Sanders, Matthew. 2008 Endocrine Disruption in Catchments: EDCAT 5: Second Annual Report, January 2008. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 24pp. (CEH Project Number: C03052) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2008 Llyn Tegid hydroacoustic surveys 2007. Draft Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 44pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03122/5, CCW Contract Science Report No. 814.) (Unpublished)

Winfield, Ian J. ORCID:; Fletcher, Janice M.; James, J. Ben. 2008 Long-term monitoring plan for Llyn Arenig Fawr. Draft Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 18pp. (CEH Report Ref No: LA/C03122/6, CCW Contract Science Report No. 815.) (Unpublished)

Groben, R.. 2007 Phytoplankton and nutrient analysis of a nuclear fuel-storage pond at Sellafield. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 10pp. (CEH Project: C03352) (Unpublished)

Bowes, Michael ORCID: 2007 An assessment of the effect of the proposed expansion of the Dodding's watercress farm, Dorset, on the nutrient status of the Bere Stream. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 11pp. (CEH Project Number: C03023) (Unpublished)

Jones, IWAN. 2006 A review of the current status of the London Wetland Centre and recommendations to enhance water quality. Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 17:20:55 2025 UTC.