Items where Programme is "Biodiversity, Evolution and Adaptation"

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Ashton, Gail V.; Morley, Simon A. ORCID:; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2017 Warming by 1°C drives species and assemblage level responses in Antarctica’s marine shallows. Current Biology, 27 (17). 2698-2705. 10.1016/j.cub.2017.07.048

Amesbury, Matthew J.; Roland, Thomas P.; Royles, Jessica ORCID:; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Griffiths, Howard; Charman, Dan J.. 2017 Widespread biological response to recent rapid warming on the Antarctic Peninsula. Current Biology, 27 (11). 1616-1622. 10.1016/j.cub.2017.04.034

Arivalagan, Jaison; Yarra, Tejaswi; Marie, Benjamin; Sleight, Victoria A. ORCID:; Duvernois-Berthet, Evelyne; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Marie, Arul; Berland, Sophie. 2017 Insights from the shell proteome: biomineralization to adaptation. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 34 (1). 66-77. 10.1093/molbev/msw219

Abneuf, Mohammed A.; Khrishnan, Abiramy; Aravena, Marcelo Gonzalez; Pang, Ka-Lai; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Alias, Siti Aisyah. 2016 Antimicrobial activity of microfungi from maritime Antarctic soil. Czech Polar Reports, 6 (2). 141-154. 10.5817/CPR2016-2-13

Arivalagan, Jaison; Marie, Benjamin; Sleight, Victoria A. ORCID:; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Berland, Sophie; Marie, Arul. 2016 Shell matrix proteins of the clam, Mya truncata: Roles beyond shell formation through proteomic study. Marine Genomics, 27. 69-74. 10.1016/j.margen.2016.03.005

Alves, Ricardo N.; Gomes, Ana S.; Stueber, Kurt; Tine, Mbaye; Thorne, M.A.S. ORCID:; Smáradóttir, H.; Reinhard, Richard; Clark, M.S. ORCID:; Rønnestad, Ivar; Power, Deborah M.. 2016 The transcriptome of metamorphosing flatfish. BMC Genomics, 17 (1), 413. 10.1186/s12864-016-2699-x

Artigaud, Sébastien; Richard, Joëlle; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Lavaud, Romain; Flye-Sainte-Marie, Jonathan; Jean, Fred; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Pichereau, Vianney. 2015 Deciphering the molecular adaptation of the king scallop (Pecten maximus) to heat stress using transcriptomics and proteomics. BMC Genomics, 16 (1), 988. 14, pp. 10.1186/s12864-015-2132-x

Amos, Gregory C. A.; Borsetto, Chiara; Laskaris, Paris; Krsek, Martin; Berry, Andrew E.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Calvo-Bado, Leo; Pearce, David A.; Vallin, Carlos; Wellington, Elizabeth M. H.. 2015 Designing and implementing an assay for the detection of rare and divergent NRPS and PKS clones in European, Antarctic and Cuban soils. PLoS One, 10 (9), e0138327. 15, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0138327

Arango, Claudia P.; Linse, Katrin ORCID: 2015 New Sericosura (Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae) from deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the Southern Ocean. Zootaxa, 3995 (1). 37-50. 10.11646/zootaxa.3995.1.5


Bischof, Kai; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Duarte, Pedro; Gattuso, Jean-Pierre; Granberg, Maria; Hop, Haakon; Hoppe, Clara; Jiminez, Carlos; Lisitsyn, Leonid; Martinez, Brezo; Roleda, Michael; Thor, Peter; Wiktor, Jozef; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing. 2019 Kongsfjorden as harbinger of the future Arctic: knowns, unknowns and research priorities. In: Hop, H.; Wiencke, C., (eds.) The Ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Springer, 537-562. (Advances in Polar Ecology, 2).

Beeston, Mark A.; Cragg, Simon M.; Linse, Katrin ORCID: 2018 Hydrological features above a Southern Ocean seamount inhibit larval dispersal and promote speciation: evidence from the bathyal mytilid Dacrydium alleni sp. nov. (Mytilidae: Bivalvia). Polar Biology, 41 (7). 1493-1504. 10.1007/s00300-018-2303-8

Brandt, A.; Frutos, I.; Bober, S.; Brix, S.; Brenke, N.; Guggolz, T.; Heitland, N.; Malyutina, M.; Minzlaff, U.; Riehl, T.; Schwabe, E.; Zinkann, A.-C.; Linse, K. ORCID: 2018 Composition of abyssal macrofauna along the Vema Fracture Zone and the hadal Puerto Rico Trench, northern tropical Atlantic. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 148. 35-44. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2017.07.014

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID: 2017 Polar zoobenthos blue carbon storage increases with sea ice losses, because across-shelf growth gains from longer algal blooms outweigh ice scour mortality in the shallows. Global Change Biology, 23 (12). 5083-5091. 10.1111/gcb.13772

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID: 2017 Iceberg killing fields limit huge potential for benthic blue carbon in Antarctic shallows. Global Change Biology, 27 (3). 2649-2659. 10.1111/gcb.13523

Biersma, Elisabeth M. ORCID:; Jackson, Jennifer A. ORCID:; Hyvonen, Jaakko; Koskinen, Satu; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Griffiths, Howard; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2017 Global biogeographic patterns in bipolar moss species. Royal Society Open Science, 4, 170147. 13, pp. 10.1098/rsos.170147

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Sands, Chester J. ORCID: 2017 Functional group diversity is key to Southern Ocean benthic carbon pathways. PLOS ONE, 12 (6). e0179735. 10.1371/journal.pone.0179735

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID: 2017 Marine colonization and biodiversity at Ascension Island and remote islands. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 97 (4). 771-782. 10.1017/S0025315415001526

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID: 2017 Polar oceans in a changing climate. Current Biology, 27 (11). R454-R460. 10.1016/j.cub.2017.01.045

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Sands, Chester J. ORCID:; Hogg, Oliver T.; Robinson, Ben J.O. ORCID:; Downey, Rachel V.; Smith, James A. ORCID: 2016 Biodiversity signature of the Last Glacial Maximum at South Georgia, Southern Ocean. Journal of Biogeography, 43 (12). 2391-2399. 10.1111/jbi.12855

Brasier, Madeleine J.; Wiklund, Helena; Neal, Lenka; Jeffreys, Rachel; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Ruhl, Henry; Glover, Adrian G.. 2016 DNA barcoding uncovers cryptic diversity in 50% of deep-sea Antarctic polychaetes. Royal Society Open Science, 3 (11), 160432. 10.1098/rsos.160432

Bowman, V.; Ineson, J.; Riding, J. ORCID:; Crame, J. ORCID:; Francis, J.; Condon, D.; Whittle, R. ORCID:; Ferraccioli, F. ORCID: 2016 The Paleocene of Antarctica: dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy and implications for the palaeo-Pacific margin of Gondwana. Gondwana Research, 38. 132-148. 10.1016/

Balazy, Piotr; Kuklinski, Piotr; Włodarska-Kowalczuk, Maria; Gluchowska, Marta; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID: 2016 Factors affecting biodiversity on hermit crab shells. Hydrobiologia, 773 (1). 207-224. 10.1007/s10750-016-2704-z

Bjärnmark, Nadège A.; Yarra, T.; Churcher, A.M.; Felix, R.C.; Clark, M.S. ORCID:; Power, D.M.. 2016 Transcriptomics provides insight into Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mollusca: Bivalvia) mantle function and its role in biomineralisation. Marine Genomics, 27. 37-45. 10.1016/j.margen.2016.03.004

Bokhorst, Stef; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2016 Impact of marine vertebrates on Antarctic terrestrial micro-arthropods. Antarctic Science, 28 (3). 175-186. 10.1017/S0954102015000607

Brandt, Angelika; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Ellingsen, Kari E.; Somerfield, Paul. 2016 Depth-related gradients in community structure and relatedness of bivalves and isopods in the Southern Ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 144. 25-38. 10.1016/j.pocean.2016.03.003

Barnes, D.K.A. ORCID:; Neutel, A.M.. 2016 Severity of seabed spatial competition decreases towards the poles. Current Biology, 26 (8). R317-R318. 10.1016/j.cub.2016.03.012

Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Ireland, Louise ORCID:; Hogg, Oliver T.; Morley, Simon ORCID:; Enderlein, Peter; Sands, Chester J. ORCID: 2016 Why is the South Orkney Island shelf (the world's first high seas marine protected area) a carbon immobilization hotspot? Global Change Biology, 22 (3). 1110-1120. 10.1111/gcb.13157

Bokhorst, Stef; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Huiskes, Ad; Aerts, Rien. 2016 Usnea antarctica, an important Antarctic lichen, is vulnerable to aspects of regional environmental change. Polar Biology, 39 (3). 511-521. 10.1007/s00300-015-1803-z

Barnes, D.K.A. ORCID: 2015 Antarctic sea ice losses drive gains in benthic carbon drawdown. Current Biology, 25 (18). R789-R790. 10.1016/j.cub.2015.07.042

Broughton, R.C.I.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Hill, P.W.; Stott, A.; Jones, D.L.. 2015 Differential acquisition of amino acid and peptide enantiomers within the soil microbial community and its implications for carbon and nitrogen cycling in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 88. 83-89. 10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.05.003


Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; King, Michelle; Hipperson, Helen; Hoffman, Joseph I.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2018 Life in the intertidal: cellular responses, methylation and epigenetics. Functional Ecology, 32 (8). 1982-1994. 10.1111/1365-2435.13077

Convey, P. ORCID:; Coulson, S.J.; Worland, M.R.; Sjoblom, A.. 2018 The importance of understanding annual and shorter-term temperature patterns and variation in the surface levels of polar soils for terrestrial biota. Polar Biology, 41 (8). 1587-1605. 10.1007/s00300-018-2299-0

Crame, J. Alistair ORCID: 2018 Key stages in the evolution of the Antarctic marine fauna. Journal of Biogeography, 45 (5). 986-994. 10.1111/jbi.13208

Crame, J. Alistair ORCID:; McGowan, Alistair J.; Bell, Mark A.. 2018 Differentiation of high-latitude and polar marine faunas in a greenhouse world. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27 (5). 518-537. 10.1111/geb.12714

Cheng, W.S.; Maznah, W.O.W.; Convey, P. ORCID: 2017 Nitrogen and phosphate removal by free and immobilised cells of Scenedesmus bijugatus (Kützing) from the Pinang River estuary, Penang, Malaysia. Bioremediation Journal, 21 (3-4). 138-148. 10.1080/10889868.2017.1404962

Coetzee, Bernard W.T.; Chown, Steven L.; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2017 Expanding the protected area network in Antarctica is urgent and readily achievable. Conservation Letters, 10 (6). 670-680. 10.1111/conl.12342

Cannone, N.; Corinti, T.; Malfasi, F.; Gerola, P.; Vianelli, A.; Vanetti, I.; Zaccara, S.; Convey, P. ORCID:; Guglielmin, M.. 2017 Moss survival through in situ cryptobiosis after six centuries of glacier burial. Scientific Reports, 7, 4438. 10.1038/s41598-017-04848-6

Carapelli, Antonio; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Frati, Francesco; Spinsanti, Giacomo; Fanciulli, Pietro P.. 2017 Population genetics of three sympatric springtail species (Hexapoda: Collembola) from the South Shetland Islands: evidence for a common biogeographic pattern. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 120 (4). 788-803. 10.1093/biolinnean/blw004

Chown, SL; Brooks, CM; Terauds, A; Le Bohec, C; van Klaveren-Impagliazzo, C; Whittington, JD; Butchart, SHM; Coetzee, BWT; Collen, B; Convey, P ORCID:; Gaston, KJ; Gilbert, N; Gill, M; Hoft, R; Johnson, S; Kennicutt, MC; Kriesell, HJ; Le Maho, Y; Lynch, HJ; Palomares, M; Puig-Marco, R; Stoett, P; McGeoch, MA. 2017 Antarctica and the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020. PLOS Biology, 15 (3), e2001656. 10, pp. 10.1371/journal.pbio.2001656

Chen, Chong; Uematsu, Katsuyuki; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Sigwart, Julia D.. 2017 By more ways than one: Rapid convergence at hydrothermal vents shown by 3D anatomical reconstruction of Gigantopelta (Mollusca: Neomphalina). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 17, 62. 19, pp. 10.1186/s12862-017-0917-z

Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Sommer, Ulf; Sihra, Jaspreet K.; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Morley, Simon A. ORCID:; King, Michelle; Viant, Mark R.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2017 Biodiversity in marine invertebrate responses to acute warming revealed by a comparative multi-omics approach. Global Change Biology, 23 (1). 318-330. 10.1111/gcb.13357

Convey, Peter ORCID: 2017 Antarctic ecosystems. In: Reference Module in Life Sciences. Elsevier.

Constable, Andrew J.; Meredith, Michael P. ORCID:; Ducklow, Hugh W.; Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID:; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Kawaguchi, So. 2016 Impacts and effects of ocean warming on Antarctic ecosystems and species. In: Baxter, J. M.; Laffoley, D. D'A., (eds.) Explaining ocean warming: causes, scale, effects and consequences. Gland, Switzerland, IUCN, 337-355.

Constable, Andrew J.; Costa, Daniel P.; Schofield, Oscar; Newman, Louise; Urban, Edward R.; Fulton, Elizabeth A.; Melbourne-Thomas, Jessica; Ballerini, Tosca; Boyd, Philip W.; Brandt, Angelika; de la Mare, Bill; Edwards, Martin; Eléaume, Marc; Emmerson, Louise; Fennel, Katja; Fielding, Sophie ORCID:; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Gutt, Julian; Hindell, Mark A.; Hofmann, Eileen E.; Jennings, Simon; La, Hyoung Sul; McCurdy, Andrea; Mitchell, B. Greg; Moltmann, Tim; Muelbert, Monica; Murphy, Eugene ORCID:; Press, Tony; Raymond, Ben; Reid, Keith; Reiss, Christian; Rice, Jake; Salter, Ian; Smith, David C.; Song, Sun; Southwell, Colin; Swadling, Kerrie M.; Van de Putte, Anton; Willis, Zdenka. 2016 Developing priority variables ("ecosystem Essential Ocean Variables" — eEOVs) for observing dynamics and change in Southern Ocean ecosystems. Journal of Marine Systems, 161. 26-41. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.05.003

Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Power, Deborah M.; Sundell, Kristina. 2016 Cells to shells: The genomics of mollusc exoskeletons. (editorial). Marine Genomics, 27. 1-2. 10.1016/j.margen.2016.04.011

Cox, Filipa; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Bol, Roland; Dungait, Jennifer A.J.; Robinson, Clare H.. 2016 Not poles apart: Antarctic soil fungal communities show similarities to those of the distant Arctic. Ecology Letters, 19 (5). 528-536. 10.1111/ele.12587

Chown, Steven L.; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2016 Antarctic Entomology. Annual Reviews of Entomology, 61. 119-137. 10.1146/annurev-ento-010715-023537

Cannone, N.; Guglielmin, M.; Convey, P. ORCID:; Worland, M.R.; Favero Longo, S.E.. 2016 Vascular plant changes in extreme environments: effects of multiple drivers. Climatic Change, 134 (4). 651-665. 10.1007/s10584-015-1551-7

Cross, E. L. ORCID:; Peck, L. S. ORCID:; Lamare, M. D.; Harper, E. M.. 2016 No ocean acidification effects on shell growth and repair in the New Zealand brachiopod Calloria inconspicua (Sowerby, 1846). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73 (3). 920-926. 10.1093/icesjms/fsv031

Clark, M.S. ORCID:; Thorne, M.A.S. ORCID:; Burns, G.; Peck, L.S. ORCID: 2016 Age-related thermal response: the cellular resilience of juveniles. Cell Stress and Chaperones, 21 (1). 75-85. 10.1007/s12192-015-0640-x

Cross, Emma ORCID: 2016 Environmental change impacts on the shell characteristics of rhynchonelliform brachiopods. University of Cambridge, PhD Thesis.

Chen, Chong; Copley, Jonathan T.; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Rogers, Alex D.. 2015 Low connectivity between 'scaly-foot gastropod' (Mollusca: Peltospiridae) populations at hydrothermal vents on the Southwest Indian Ridge and the Central Indian Ridge. Organisms Diversity and Evolution, 15 (4). 663-670. 10.1007/s13127-015-0224-8

Clark, Melody ORCID:; Thorne, Michael ORCID: 2015 Transcriptome of the Antarctic brooding gastropod mollusc Margarella antarctica. Marine Genomics, 24. 231-232. 10.1016/j.margen.2015.06.004

Chen, Chong; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Roterman, Christopher N; Copley, Jonathan T.; Rogers, Alex D.. 2015 A new genus of large hydrothermal vent-endemic gastropod (Neomphalina: Peltospiridae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 175 (2). 319-335. 10.1111/zoj.12279

Convey, Peter ORCID:; Hart, Tom. 2015 Polar invasion: how plants and animals would colonise an ice-free Antarctica. The Conversation.

Chong, Chun-Wie; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2015 Emerging spatial patterns in Antarctic prokaryotes. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6, 1058. 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01058

Chen, Chong; Copley, Jonathan T.; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Rogers, Alex D.; Sigwart, Julia D.. 2015 The heart of a dragon: 3D anatomical reconstruction of the ‘scaly-foot gastropod’ (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Neomphalina) reveals its extraordinary circulatory system. Frontiers in Zoology, 12, 13. 10.1186/s12983-015-0105-1

Cross, Emma L. ORCID:; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Harper, Elizabeth M.. 2015 Ocean acidification does not impact shell growth or repair of the Antarctic brachiopod Liothyrella uva (Broderip, 1833). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 462. 29-35. 10.1016/j.jembe.2014.10.013

Clark, Melody Susan ORCID: 2015 Adaptations, evolution and the stress response in non-model species [DSc thesis]. Imperial College London, Other Thesis.

Convey, Peter ORCID: 2015 Alien invasions. The impact of non-native species: changing the face of life on land in Antarctica? In: Liggett, Daniela; Storey, Bryan; Cook, Yvonne; Meduna, Veronika, (eds.) Exploring the last continent: an introduction to Antarctica. Switzerland, Springer, 539-555.


Deregibus, Dolores; Quartino, Maria Liliana; Zacher, Katharina; Campana, Gabriela Laura; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID: 2017 Understanding the link between sea ice, ice scour and Antarctic benthic biodiversity - the need for cross-station and international collaboration. Polar Record, 53 (2). 143-152. 10.1017/S0032247416000875

Dickinson, Iain; Goodall-Copestake, William ORCID:; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Schlitt, Thomas; Ávila-Jiménez, Maria L.; Pearce, David A. ORCID: 2016 Extremophiles in an Antarctic Marine Ecosystem. Microorganisms, 4 (1), 8. 18, pp. 10.3390/microorganisms4010008


Engelen, Andreas; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Popa, Ovidiu; Ott, Sieglinde. 2016 Lichen photobiont diversity and selectivity at the southern limit of the maritime Antarctic region (Coal Nunatak, Alexander Island). Polar Biology, 39 (12). 2403-2410. 10.1007/s00300-016-1915-0

Ellis, L. T.; Asthana, A. K.; Srivastava, A.; Bakalin, V. A.; Bednarek-Ochyra, H.; Cano, M. J.; Jiménez, J. A.; Alonso, M.; Deme, J.; Csiky, J.; Dia, M. G.; Campisi, P.; Erzberger, P.; Garilleti, R.; Gorobets, K. V.; Gremmen, N. J. M.; Jimenez, M. S.; Suárez, G. M.; Jukonienė, I.; Kiebacher, T.; Kırmacı, M.; Koczur, A.; Kürschner, H.; Lara, F.; Mazimpaka, V.; Larraín, J.; Lebouvier, M.; Medina, R.; Natcheva, R.; Newsham, K. K. ORCID:; Nobis, M.; Nowak, A.; Ören, M.; Özçelik, A. D.; Orgaz, J. D.; Peralta, D. F.; Plášek, V.; Číhal, L.; Ristow, R.; Sawicki, J.; Schäfer-Verwimp, A.; Smith, V. R.; Stebel, A.; Ştefănuţ, S.; Subkaitė, M.; Sun, B.-Y.; Uselienė, A.; Uyar, G.; Váňa, J.; Yoon, Y.-J.; Park, S. J.. 2015 New national and regional bryophyte records, 43. Journal of Bryology, 37 (2). 128-147. 10.1179/1743282015Y.0000000003


Fonseca, V.G.; Sinniger, F.; Gaspar, J.M.; Quince, C.; Creer, S.; Power, D.M.; Peck, L.S. ORCID:; Clark, M.S. ORCID: 2017 Revealing higher than expected meiofaunal diversity in Antarctic sediments: a metabarcoding approach. Scientific Reports, 7, 6094. 10.1038/s41598-017-06687-x

Figuerola, Blanca; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Brickle, Paul; Brewin, Paul E.. 2017 Bryozoan diversity around the Falkland and South Georgia Islands: Overcoming Antarctic barriers. Marine Environmental Research, 126. 81-94. 10.1016/j.marenvres.2017.02.005


Gutt, J.; Isla, E.; Bertler, A.N.; Bodeker, G.E.; Bracegirdle, T.J. ORCID:; Cavanagh, R.D. ORCID:; Comiso, J.C.; Convey, P. ORCID:; Cummings, V.; De Conto, R.; De Master, D.; di Prisco, G.; d'Ovidio, F.; Griffiths, H.J. ORCID:; Khan, A.L.; Lopez-Martinez, J.; Murray, A.E.; Nielsen, U.N.; Ott, S.; Post, A.; Ropert-Coudert, Y.; Saucede, T.; Scherer, R.; Schiaparelli, S.; Schloss, I.R.; Smith, C.R.; Stefels, J.; Stevens, C.; Strugnell, J.M.; Trimborn, S.; Verde, C.; Verleyen, E.; Wall, D.H.; Wilson, N.G.; Xavier, J.C. ORCID: 2018 Cross-disciplinarity in the advance of Antarctic ecosystem research. Marine Genomics, 37. 1-17. 10.1016/j.margen.2017.09.006

Ghiglione, Claudio; Alvaro, Maria Chiara; Piazza, Paola; Bowden, David; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Carota, Cinzia; Nava, Consuelo Rubino; Schiaparelli, Stefano. 2017 Mollusc species richness and abundance from shelf to abyssal depths in the Ross Sea (Antarctica): the importance of fine-mesh-towed gears and implications for future sampling. Polar Biology, 40 (10). 1989-2000. 10.1007/s00300-017-2117-0

Galaska, Matthew P.; Sands, Chester J. ORCID:; Santos, Scott R.; Mahon, Andrew R.; Halanych, Kenneth M.. 2017 Geographic structure in the Southern Ocean circumpolar brittle star Ophionotus victoriae (Ophiuridae) revealed from mtDNA and single-nucleotide polymorphism data. Ecology and Evolution, 7 (2). 475-485. 10.1002/ece3.2617

Griffiths, Huw James ORCID:; Waller, Catherine Louise. 2016 The first comprehensive description of the biodiversity and biogeography of Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic intertidal communities. Journal of Biogeography, 43 (6). 1143-1155. 10.1111/jbi.12708

Gutt, Julian; Constable, Andrew; Cummings, Vonda; Hosie, Graham; McIntyre, Trevor; Mintenbeck, Katja; Murray, Alison; Peck, Lloyd ORCID:; Ropert-Coudert, Yan; Saba, Grace K; Schofield, Oscar; Schloss, Irene; Stefels, Jacqueline; Takahashi, Kunio. 2016 Vulnerability of Southern Ocean biota to climate change. Antarctic Environments Portal.

González-Wevar, Claudio A.; Chown, Steven L.; Morley, Simon ORCID:; Coria, Nestor; Saucéde, Thomas; Poulin, Elie. 2016 Out of Antarctica: quaternary colonization of sub-Antarctic Marion Island by the limpet genus Nacella (Patellogastropoda: Nacellidae). Polar Biology, 39 (1). 77-89. 10.1007/s00300-014-1620-9

Guglielmin, Mauro; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Malfasi, Francesco; Cannone, Nicoletta. 2016 Glacial fluctuations since the 'Medieval Warm Period' at Rothera Point (western Antarctic Peninsula). The Holocene, 26 (1). 154-158. 10.1177/0959683615596827


Herbold, Craig; Cary, S. Craig; Connell, Laurie; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Poirot, Ceisha. 2018 Geothermal environments in Antarctica. Antarctic Environments Portal. 10.18124/D4QG9R

Heywood, Jane L.; Chen, Chong; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Linse, Katrin ORCID: 2017 Bacterial communities associated with the Southern Ocean vent gastropod, Gigantopelta chessoia: indication of horizontal symbiont transfer. Polar Biology, 40 (11). 2335-2342. 10.1007/s00300-017-2148-6

Hodson, A.J.; Nowak, A.; Cook, J.; Sabacka, M.; Wharfe, E.S.; Pearce, D.A.; Convey, P. ORCID:; Vieira, G.. 2017 Microbes influence the biogeochemical and optical properties of maritime Antarctic snow. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 122 (6). 1456-1470. 10.1002/2016JG003694

Hodson, Andy; Nowak, Aga; Sabacka, Marie; Jungblut, Ann; Navarro, Francisco; Pearce, David; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Vieira, Goncalo. 2017 Climatically sensitive transfer of iron to maritime Antarctic ecosystems by surface runoff. Nature Communications, 8, 14499. 7, pp. 10.1038/ncomms14499

Hogg, Oliver; Huvenne, Veerle ORCID:; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Dorschel, Boris; Linse, Katrin ORCID: 2016 Landscape mapping at sub-Antarctic South Georgia provides a protocol for underpinning large-scale marine protected areas. Scientific Reports, 6, 33163. 10.1038/srep33163

Harper, Elizabeth M.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2016 Latitudinal and depth gradients in marine predation pressure. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25 (6). 670-678. 10.1111/geb.12444

Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Lopez-Martinez, Jeronimo; Francis, Jane E.; Crame, J. Alistair ORCID:; Carcavilla, Luis; Shiraishi, Kazuyuki; Hokada, Tomokazu; Yamaguchi, Akira. 2016 Antarctic geoconservation: a review of current systems and practices. Environmental Conservation, 43 (2). 97-108. 10.1017/S0376892915000387

Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Ireland, Louise ORCID:; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Fleming, Andrew H. ORCID: 2016 Assessing the effectiveness of specially protected areas for conservation of Antarctica's botanical diversity. Conservation Biology, 30 (1). 113-120. 10.1111/cobi.12592


Krishnan, Abiramy; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Gonzalez, Marcelo; Smykla, Jerzy; Alias, Siti Aisyah. 2018 Effects of temperature on extracellular hydrolase enzymes from soil microfungi. Polar Biology, 41 (3). 537-551. 10.1007/s00300-017-2215-z

Khan, Zoya; Wan Omar, Wan Maznah; Merican, Faradina Merican Mohd Sidik; Azizan, Asmimie Asmawarnie; Foong, Choon Pin; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Najimuddin, Nazalan; Smykla, Jerzy; Alias, Siti Aisyah. 2017 Identification and phenotypic plasticity of Pseudanabaena catenata from the Svalbard archipelago. Polish Polar Research, 38 (4). 445-458. 10.1515/popore-2017-0022

Kleinteich, Julia; Falk, Hildebrand; Bahram, Mohammad; Voigt, Anita Y.; Wood, Susanna A.; Jungblut, Anne D.; Kupper, Frithjof C.; Quesada, Antonio; Camacho, Antonio; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Vincent, Warwick F.; Zarfl, Christiane; Bork, Peer; Dietrich, Daniel R.. 2017 Pole-to-pole connections: Similarities between Arctic and Antarctic microbiomes and their vulnerability to environmental change. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 5, 137. 11, pp. 10.3389/fevo.2017.00137

Kociolek, J.P.; Kopalová, K.; Hamsher, S.E.; Kohler, T.J.; Van de Vijver, B.; Convey, P. ORCID:; McKnight, D.M.. 2017 Freshwater diatom biogeography and the genus Luticola: an extreme case of endemism in Antarctica. Polar Biology, 40 (6). 1185-1196. 10.1007/s00300-017-2090-7

Krishnan, Abiramy; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Gonzales-Rocha, Gerardo; Alias, Sita Aisyah. 2016 Production of extracellular hydrolase enzymes by fungi from King George Island. Polar Biology, 39 (1). 65-76. 10.1007/s00300-014-1606-7

Kopf, Anna; Bicak, Mesude; Kottmann, Renzo; Schnetzer, Julia; Kostadinov, Ivaylo; Lehmann, Katja; Fernandez-Guerra, Antonio; Jeanthon, Christian; Rahav, Eyal; Ullrich, Matthias; Wichels, Antje; Gerdts, Gunnar; Polymenakou, Paraskevi; Kotoulas, Giorgos; Siam, Rania; Abdallah, Rehab Z.; Sonnenschein, Eva C.; Cariou, Thierry; O’Gara, Fergal; Jackson, Stephen; Orlic, Sandi; Steinke, Michael; Busch, Julia; Duarte, Bernardo; Caçador, Isabel; Canning-Clode, João; Bobrova, Oleksandra; Marteinsson, Viggo; Reynisson, Eyjolfur; Loureiro, Clara Magalhães; Luna, Gian Marco; Quero, Grazia Marina; Löscher, Carolin R.; Kremp, Anke; DeLorenzo, Marie E.; Øvreås, Lise; Tolman, Jennifer; LaRoche, Julie; Penna, Antonella; Frischer, Marc; Davis, Timothy; Barke, Catherine; Meyer, Christopher P.; Ramos, Sandra; Magalhães, Catarina; Jude-Lemeilleur, Florence; Aguirre-Macedo, Ma Leopoldina; Wang, Shiao; Poulton, Nicole; Jones, Scott; Collin, Rachel; Fuhrman, Jed A; Conan, Pascal; Alonso, Cecilia; Stambler, Noga; Goodwin, Kelly; Yakimov, Michael M.; Baltar, Federico; Bodrossy, Levente; Van De Kamp, Jodie; Frampton, Dion M.F.; Ostrowski, Martin; Van Ruth, Paul; Malthouse, Paul; Claus, Simon; Deneudt, Klaas; Mortelmans, Jonas; Pitois, Sophie; Wallom, David; Salter, Ian; Costa, Rodrigo; Schroeder, Declan C.; Kandil, Mahrous M.; Amaral, Valentina; Biancalana, Florencia; Santana, Rafael; Pedrotti, Maria Luiza; Yoshida, Takashi; Ogata, Hiroyuki; Ingleton, Tim; Munnik, Kate; Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, Naiara; Berteaux-Lecellier, Veronique; Wecker, Patricia; Cancio, Ibon; Vaulot, Daniel; Bienhold, Christina; Ghazal, Hassan; Chaouni, Bouchra; Essayeh, Soumya; Ettamimi, Sara; Zaid, El Houcine; Boukhatem, Noureddine; Bouali, Abderrahim; Chahboune, Rajaa; Barrijal, Said; Timinouni, Mohammed; El Otmani, Fatima; Bennani, Mohamed; Mea, Marianna; Todorova, Nadezhda; Karamfilov, Ventzislav; ten Hoopen, Petra; Cochrane, Guy; L’Haridon, Stephane; Bizsel, Kemal Can; Vezzi, Alessandro; Lauro, Federico M.; Martin, Patrick; Jensen, Rachelle M.; Hinks, Jamie; Gebbels, Susan; Rosselli, Riccardo; De Pascale, Fabio; Schiavon, Riccardo; dos Santos, Antonina; Villar, Emilie; Pesant, Stéphane; Cataletto, Bruno; Malfatti, Francesca; Edirisinghe, Ranjith; Silveira, Jorge A. Herrera; Barbier, Michele; Turk, Valentina; Tinta, Tinkara; Fuller, Wayne J.; Salihoglu, Ilkay; Serakinci, Nedime; Ergoren, Mahmut Cerkez; Bresnan, Eileen; Iriberri, Juan; Nyhus, Paul Anders Fronth; Bente, Edvardsen; Karlsen, Hans Erik; Golyshin, Peter N.; Gasol, Josep M.; Moncheva, Snejana; Dzhembekova, Nina; Johnson, Zackary; Sinigalliano, Christopher David; Gidley, Maribeth Louise; Zingone, Adriana; Danovaro, Roberto; Tsiamis, George; Clark, Melody S, ORCID:; Costa, Ana Cristina; El Bour, Monia; Martins, Ana M.; Collins, R. Eric; Ducluzeau, Anne-Lise; Martinez, Jonathan; Costello, Mark J.; Amaral-Zettler, Linda A.; Gilbert, Jack A.; Davies, Neil; Field, Dawn; Glöckner, Frank Oliver. 2015 The ocean sampling day consortium. GigaScience, 4, 27. 5, pp. 10.1186/s13742-015-0066-5

Kennicutt, M.C.; Chown, S.L.; Cassano, J.J.; Liggett, D.; Peck, L.S. ORCID:; Massom, R.; Rintoul, S.R.; Storey, J.; Vaughan, D.G. ORCID:; Wilson, T.J.; Allison, I.; Ayton, J.; Badhe, R.; Baeseman, J.; Barrett, P.J.; Bell, R.E.; Bertler, N.; Bo, S.; Brandt, A.; Bromwich, D.; Cary, S.C.; Clark, M.S. ORCID:; Convey, P. ORCID:; Costa, E.S.; Cowan, D.; Deconto, R.; Dunbar, R.; Elfring, C.; Escutia, C.; Francis, J.; Fricker, H.A.; Fukuchi, M.; Gilbert, N.; Gutt, J.; Havermans, C.; Hik, D.; Hosie, G.; Jones, C.; Kim, Y.D.; Le Maho, Y.; Lee, S.H.; Leppe, M.; Leitchenkov, G.; Li, X.; Lipenkov, V.; Lochte, K.; López-Martínez, J.; Lüdecke, C.; Lyons, W.; Marenssi, S.; Miller, H.; Morozova, P.; Naish, T.; Nayak, S.; Ravindra, R.; Retamales, J.; Ricci, C.A.; Rogan-Finnemore, M.; Ropert-Coudert, Y.; Samah, A.A.; Sanson, L.; Scambos, T.; Schloss, I.R.; Shiraishi, K.; Siegert, M.J.; Simões, J.C.; Storey, B.; Sparrow, M.D.; Wall, D.H.; Walsh, J.C.; Wilson, G.; Winther, J.G.; Xavier, J.C.; Yang, H.; Sutherland, W.J.. 2015 A roadmap for Antarctic and Southern Ocean science for the next two decades and beyond. Antarctic Science, 27 (1). 3-18. 10.1017/S0954102014000674


Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Nye, Verity; Copley, Jonathan T.; Chen, Chong. 2019 On the systematics and ecology of two new species of Provanna (Gastropoda: Provannidae) from deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the Caribbean Sea and Southern Ocean. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 85 (4). 426-439. 10.1093/mollus/eyz024

Lim, P.P.J.; Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Convey, P. ORCID:; Gan, H.M.; Yew, W.C.; Tan, G.Y.A.. 2018 Effects of field warming on high arctic soil bacterial community: a metagenomic analysis. Current Science, 115 (9). 1697-1700. 10.18520/cs/v115/i9/1697-1700

Lee, Gillian Li Yin; Ahmad, Siti Aqlima; Yasid, Nur Adeela; Zulkharnain, Azham; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Johari, Wan Lutfi Wan; Alias, Siti Aisyah; Gonzalez-Rocha, Gerardo; Shukor, Mohd Yunus. 2018 Biodegradation of phenol by cold-adapted bacteria from Antarctic soils. Polar Biology, 41 (3). 553-562. 10.1007/s00300-017-2216-y

Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Schwabe, Enrico. 2018 Diversity of macrofaunal Mollusca of the abyssal Vema Fracture Zone and hadal Puerto Rico Trench, tropical North Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 148. 45-53. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2017.02.001

Lewis, Lily R.; Biersma, Elisabeth M. ORCID:; Carey, Sarah B.; Holsinger, Kent; McDaniel, Stuart F.; Rozzi, Ricardo; Goffinet, Bernard. 2017 Resolving the northern hemisphere source region for the long-distance dispersal event that gave rise to the South American endemic dung moss Tetraplodon fuegianus. American Journal of Botany, 104 (11). 1651-1659. 10.3732/ajb.1700144

Lewis, Lily R.; Ickert-Bond, Steaniei M.; Biersma, Elisabeth M. ORCID:; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Goffinet, Bernard; Hassel, Kristian; Kruijer, Hans J.D.; La Farge, Catherine; Metzgar, Jordan; Stech, Michael; Villareal, Juan Carlos; McDaniel, Stuart F.. 2017 Future directions and priorities for Arctic bryophyte research. Arctic Science, 3 (3). 475-497. 10.1139/AS-2016-0043

Lüchmann, Karim H.; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Bainy, Afonso C.D.; Gilbert, Jack A.; Craft, John A.; Chipman, J.Kevin; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Mattos, Jacó J.; Siebert, Marília N.; Schroeder, Declan C.. 2015 Key metabolic pathways involved in xenobiotic biotransformation and stress responses revealed by transcriptomics of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea brasiliana. Aquatic Toxicology, 166. 10-20. 10.1016/j.aquatox.2015.06.012


Morley, S.A. ORCID:; Nguyen, K.D.; Peck, L.S. ORCID:; Lai, C.H.; Tan, K.S.. 2017 Can acclimation of thermal tolerance, in adults and across generations, act as a buffer against climate change in tropical marine ectotherms? Journal of Thermal Biology, 68B. 195-199. 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2016.09.007

Majewska, Roksana; Convey, Peter ORCID:; De Stefano, Mario. 2016 Summer epiphytic diatom communities from Terra Nova Bay and Cape Evans (Ross Sea, Antarctica) - A synthesis and final conclusions. PLoS One, 11 (4), e0153254. 30, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0153254

Millard, Andrew D.; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Zwirglmaier, Katrin. 2016 Biogeography of bacteriophages at four hydrothermal vent sites in the Antarctic based on gp23 sequence diversity. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 363 (7), fnw043. 10.1093/femsle/fnw043

Morley, Simon A. ORCID:; Suckling, Coleen C. ORCID:; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Cross, Emma L. ORCID:; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2016 Long-term effects of altered PH and temperature on the feeding energetics of the Antarctic sea urchin, Sterechinus neumayeri. Biodiversity, 17 (1-2). 34-45. 10.1080/14888386.2016.1174956

Morley, S.A. ORCID:; Bates, A.E.; Lamare, M; Richard, J; Nguyen, K.D.; Brown, J; Peck, L.S. ORCID: 2016 Rates of warming and the global sensitivity of shallow water marine invertebrates to elevated temperature. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 96 (1). 159-165. 10.1017/S0025315414000307

Miloslavich, Patricia; Webb, Tom; Snelgrove, Paul; Berghe, Edward Vanden; Kaschner, Kristin; Halpin, Partick N.; Reeves, Randall R.; Lascelles, Ben; Tarzia, Marguerite; Wallace, Bryan P.; Dulvy, Nicholas; Simpfendorfer, Colin A.; Schillinger, George; Boustany, Andre; Collette, Bruce B.; Graves, John E.; Obura, David; Edwards, Martin; Clark, Malcolm; Stocks, Karen; Morato, Telmo; Tunnicliffe, Verena; Hopcroft, Russell; Archambault, Philippe; Pepin, Pierre; Tunnell, John W.; Moretzsohn, Fabio; Escobar-Briones, Elva; Ojaveer, Henn; Gobin, Judith; Nakaoka, Massa; Fujikura, Katsunori; Yamano, Hiroya; Li, Xinzheng; Venkataraman, K.; Raghunathan, C.; Griffiths, Charles L.; Bax, Nicholas J.; Butler, Alan J.; Brandt, Angelika; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Rice, Jake. 2016 Extent of assessment of marine biological diversity. In: Inniss, Lorna; Simcock, Alan, (eds.) The First Global Integrated Marine Assessment. World Ocean Assessment I. United Nations, 58pp.

Morley, Simon A. ORCID:; Berman, Jade; Barnes, David K. A. ORCID:; de Juan Carbonell, Carlos; Downey, Rachel V.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2016 Extreme phenotypic plasticity in metabolic physiology of Antarctic demosponges. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 3, 157. 10.3389/fevo.2015.00157


Newsham, K.K. ORCID:; Eidesen, P.B.; Davey, M.L.; Axelsen, J.; Courtecuisse, E.; Flintrop, C.; Johansson, A.G.; Kiepert, M.; Larsen, S.E.; Lorbereau, K.; Maurset, M.; McQuilkin, J.; Misiak, M.; Pop, A.; Thompson, S.; Read, D.J.. 2017 Arbuscular mycorrhizas are present on Spitsbergen. Mycorrhiza, 27 (7). 725-731. 10.1007/s00572-017-0785-9

Neutel, Anje-Margriet; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID: 2016 Beyond connectedness: why pairwise metrics cannot capture community stability. Ecology and Evolution, 6 (20). 7199-7206. 10.1002/ece3.2461

Neutel, Anje-Margriet; Thorne, Michael ORCID: 2016 Linking saturation, stability and sustainability in food webs with observed equilibrium structure. Theoretical Ecology, 9 (1). 73-81. 10.1007/s12080-015-0270-z

Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Hopkins, David W.; Carvalhais, Lilia C.; Fretwell, Peter T. ORCID:; Rushton, Steven P.; O'Donnell, Anthony G.; Dennis, Paul G.. 2016 Relationship between soil fungal diversity and temperature in the maritime Antarctic. Nature Climate Change, 6. 182-186. 10.1038/nclimate2806

Noisette, Fanny; Richard, Joelle; Le Fur, Ines; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Davoult, Dominique; Martin, Sophie. 2015 Metabolic responses to temperature stress under elevated pCO2 in the slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 81 (2). 238-246. 10.1093/mollus/eyu084


O’Loughlin, P. Mark; Mackenzie, Melanie; Vandenspiegel, Didier; Griffiths, Huw ORCID: 2015 New taeniogyrinid species of sea cucumber from the Weddell Sea (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Synaptida). Zootaxa, 3995 (1). 271-283. 10.11646/zootaxa.3995.1.23


Parnikoza, I.; Rozhok, A.; Convey, P. ORCID:; Veselski, M.; Esefeld, J.; Ochyra, R.; Mustafa, O.; Braun, C.; Peter, H.-U.; Smykla, J.; Kunakh, V.; Kozeretska, I.. 2018 Spread of Antarctic vegetation by the kelp gull: comparison of two maritime Antarctic regions. Polar Biology, 41 (6). 1143-1155. 10.1007/s00300-018-2274-9

Pinto, Patricia I.S.; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Power, Deborah M.. 2017 European sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax ) skin and scale transcriptomes. Marine Genomics, 35. 35-37. 10.1016/j.margen.2017.05.002

Pearce, David A.; Alekhina, Irina A.; Terauds, Aleks; Wilmotte, Annick; Quesada, Antonio; Edwards, Arwyn; Dommergue, Aurelien; Sattler, Birgit; Adams, Byron J.; Magalhães, Catarina M.; Loy, Chu Wan; Lau, Maggie C.Y.; Cary, Craig; Smith, David J.; Wall, Diana H.; Eguren, Gabriela; Matcher, Gwynneth; Bradley, James A.; de Vera, Jean-Pierre; Elster, Josef; Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID:; Cuthbertson, Lewis; Benning, Liane G.; Gunde-Cimerman, Nina; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Hong, Soon Gyu; Pointing, Steve B.; Pellizari, Vivian H.; Vincent, Warwick F.. 2016 Aerobiology over Antarctica – a new initiative for atmospheric ecology. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7, 16. 7, pp. 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00016

Peck, Lloyd S ORCID:; Heiser, Sabrina; Clark, Melody S ORCID: 2016 Very slow embryonic and larval development in the Antarctic limpet Nacella polaris. Polar Biology, 39 (12). 2273-2280. 10.1007/s00300-016-1894-1

Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2016 A cold limit to adaptation in the sea. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 31 (1). 13-26. 10.1016/j.tree.2015.09.014

Pointing, Stephen B.; Budel, Burkhard; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Gillman, Len N.; Korner, Christian; Leuzinger, Sebastian; Vincent, Warwick F.. 2015 Biogeography of photoautotrophs in the high polar biome. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6, 692. 12, pp. 10.3389/fpls.2015.00692

Peck, Lloyd ORCID: 2015 DeVries: the Art of not freezing fish. Journal of Experimental Biology, 218. 2146-2147. 10.1242/jeb.109330

Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Hoffman, Joseph I.; Morley, Simon A. ORCID:; Clark, Melody S. ORCID: 2015 Variability among individuals is generated at the gene expression level. Ecology, 96 (7). 2004-2014. 10.1890/14-0726.1

Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Power, Deborah; Reis, Joao; Batista, Frederico M.; Harper, Elizabeth M.. 2015 Acidification effects on biofouling communities: winners and losers. Global Change Biology, 21 (5). 1907-1913. 10.1111/gcb.12841


Roland, Thomas P.; Amesbury, Matthew J.; Wilkinson, David M.; Charman, Dan J.; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Royles, Jessica ORCID:; Clauss, Steffen; Volcker, Eckhard. 2017 Taxonomic implications of morphological complexity within the testate amoeba genus Corythion from the Antarctic Peninsula. Protist, 168 (5). 565-585. 10.1016/j.protis.2017.07.006

Roman-Gonzalez, Alejandro; Scourse, James D.; Butler, Paul G.; Reynolds, David J.; Richardson, Christopher A.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Brey, Thomas; Hall, Ian R.. 2017 Analysis of ontogenetic growth trends in two marine Antarctic bivalves Yoldia eightsi and Laternula elliptica: implications for sclerochronology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 465 (B). 300-306. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.05.004

Roman-Gonzalez, Alejandro; Scourse, James D.; Richardson, Christopher A.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Bentley, Michael J.; Butler, Paul G.. 2017 A sclerochronological archive for Antarctic coastal waters based on the marine bivalve Yoldia eightsi (Jay, 1839) from the South Orkney Islands. The Holocene, 27 (2). 271-281. 10.1177/0959683616658525

Royles, Jessica ORCID:; Amesbury, Matthew J.; Roland, Thomas P.; Jones, Glyn D.; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Griffiths, Howard; Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID:; Charman, Dan J.. 2016 Moss stable isotopes (carbon-13, oxygen-18) and testate amoebae reflect environmental inputs and microclimate along a latitudinal gradient on the Antarctic Peninsula. Oecologia, 181 (3). 931-945. 10.1007/s00442-016-3608-3

Roterman, C.N.; Copley, J.T.; Linse, K.T. ORCID:; Tyler, P.A.; Rogers, A.D.. 2016 Connectivity in the cold: the comparative population genetics of vent-endemic fauna in the Scotia Sea, Southern Ocean. Molecular Ecology, 25 (5). 1073-1088. 10.1111/mec.13541

Rajanahally, Meghana A.; Lester, Phil J.; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2015 Aspects of resilience of polar sea ice algae to changes in their environment. Hydrobiologia, 761 (1). 261-275. 10.1007/s10750-015-2362-6


Soler-Membrives, Anna; Linse, Katrin ORCID:; Miller, Karen J.; Arango, Claudia P.. 2017 Genetic signature of Last Glacial Maximum regional refugia in a circum-Antarctic sea spider. Royal Society Open Science, 4, 170615. 16, pp. 10.1098/rsos.170615

See-Too, Wah-Seng; Ee, Robson; Lim, Yan-Lue; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Mohidin, Taznim Begam Mohd; Yin, Wai-Fong; Chan, Kok Gan. 2017 Complete genome of Arthrobacter alpinus strain R3.8: biorediation potential unraveled with genomic analysis. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 12, 52. 10.1186/s40793-017-0264-0

See-Too, Wah-Seng; Chua, Kah-Ooi; Lim, Yan-Lue; Chen, Jian-Woon; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Begam Mohd Mohidin, Taznim; Yin, Wai-Fong; Chan, Kok-Gan. 2017 Complete genome sequence of Planococcus donghaensis JH1T, a pectin-degrading bacterium. Journal of Biotechnology, 252. 11-14. 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.05.005

See-Too, Wah Seng; Salazar, Sergio; Ee, Robson; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Chan, Kok-Gan; Peix, Alvaro. 2017 Pseudomonas versuta sp. nov., isolated from Antarctic soil. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 40 (4). 191-198. 10.1016/j.syapm.2017.03.002

See-Too, Wah-Seng; Ee, Robson; Madhaiyan, Munusamy; Kwon, Soon-Wo; Tan, Jua Yi; Lim, Yan Lue; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Pearce, David ORCID:; Yin, Wai-Fong; Chan, Kok-Gan. 2017 Planococcus versutus sp. nov., isolated from soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 67 (4). 944-950. 10.1099/ijsem.0.001721

Sleight, Victoria A. ORCID:; Bakir, Adil; Thompson, Richard C.; Henry, Theodore B.. 2017 Assessment of microplastic-sorbed contaminant bioavailability through analysis of biomarker gene expression in larval zebrafish. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 116 (1-2). 291-297. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.12.055

Sun, Benhua; Dennis, Paul G.; Newsham, Kevin K. ORCID:; Hopkins, David W.; Hallett, Paul D.. 2017 Gelifluction and thixotropy of maritime Antarctic soils: small-scale measurements with a rotational rheometer. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 28 (1). 314-321. 10.1002/ppp.1886

See-Too, Wah Seng; Ee, Robson; Lim, Yan-Lue; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Pearce, David ORCID:; Yin, Wai-Fong; Chan, Kok-Gan. 2017 AidP, a novel N-Acyl Homoserine Lactonase gene from Antarctic Planococcus sp. Scientific Reports, 7, 42968. 10.1038/srep42968

Sutherland, William J.; Barnard, Phoebe; Broad, Steven; Clout, Mick; Connor, Ben; Côté, Isabelle M.; Dicks, Lynn V.; Doran, Helen; Entwistle, Abigail C.; Fleishman, Erica; Fox, Marie; Gaston, Kevin J.; Gibbons, David W.; Jiang, Zhigang; Keim, Brandon; Lickorish, Fiona A.; Markillie, Paul; Monk, Kathryn A.; Pearce-Higgins, James W.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Pretty, Jules; Spalding, Mark D.; Tonneijck, Femke H.; Wintle, Bonnie C.; Ockendon, Nancy. 2017 A 2017 Horizon Scan of Emerging Issues for Global Conservation and Biological Diversity. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 32 (1). 31-40. 10.1016/j.tree.2016.11.005

Seybold, Anna C.; Wharton, David A.; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Marshall, Craig J.. 2016 Establishing RNAi in a non-model organism: The Antarctic nematode Panagrolaimus sp. DAW1. PLOS ONE, 11 (11), e0166228. 18, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0166228

Sleight, Victoria A. ORCID:; Marie, Benjamin; Jackson, Daniel J.; Dyrynda, Elizabeth A.; Marie, Arul; Clark, Melody S. ORCID: 2016 An Antarctic molluscan biomineralisation tool-kit. Scientific Reports, 6, 36978. 13, pp. 10.1038/srep36978

See Too, Wah-Seng; Tan, Jia Yi; Ee, Robson; Lim, Yan-Lue; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Pearce, David ORCID:; Yin, Wai-Fong; Chan, Kok Gan. 2016 De novo assembly of complete genome sequence of Planococcus kocurii ATCC 43650T, a potential plant growth-promoting bacterium. Marine Genomics, 28. 33-35. 10.1016/j.margen.2016.04.007

See-Too, Wah-Seng; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Pearce, David ORCID:; Lim, Yan Lue; Ee, Robson; Yin, Wai-Fong; Chan, Kok-Gan. 2016 Complete genome of Planococcus rifietoensis M8T, a halotolerant and potentially plant growth promoting bacterium. Journal of Biotechnology, 221. 114-115. 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2016.01.026

See-Too, Wah Seng; Lim, Yan-Lue; Ee, Robson; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Yin, Wai-Fong; Chan, Kok Gan. 2016 Complete genome of Pseudomonas sp. strain L10.10, a psychrotolerant biofertilizer that could promote plant growth. Journal of Biotechnology, 222. 84-85. 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2016.02.017

Sleight, Victoria A. ORCID:; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Arivalagan, Jaison; Berland, Sophie; Marie, Arul; Clark, Melody S. ORCID: 2016 Characterisation of the mantle transcriptome and biomineralisation genes in the blunt-gaper clam, Mya truncata. Marine Genomics, 27. 47-55. 10.1016/j.margen.2016.01.003

Sutherland, William J.; Broad, Steven; Caine, Jacqueline; Clout, Mick; Dicks, Lynn V.; Doran, Helen; Entwistle, Abigail C.; Fleishman, Erica; Gibbons, David W.; Keim, Brandon; LeAnstey, Becky; Lickorish, Fiona A.; Markillie, Paul; Monk, Kathryn A.; Mortimer, Diana; Ockendon, Nancy; Pearce-Higgins, James W.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Pretty, Jules; Rockstrom, Johan; Spalding, Mark D.; Tonneijck, Femke H.; Wintle, Bonnie C.; Wright, Katherine E.. 2016 A horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2016. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 31 (1). 44-53. 10.1016/j.tree.2015.11.007

Simões, Felipe Lorenz. 2015 Entomologia Polar. Informativo APECS-Brasil, 6 (2). 18.

Sahade, Ricardo; Lagger, Cristian; Torre, Luciana; Momo, Fernando; Monien, Patrick; Schloss, Irene; Barnes, David K.A. ORCID:; Servetto, Natalia; Tarantelli, Soledad; Tatian, Marcos; Zamboni, Nadia; Abele, Doris. 2015 Climate change and glacier retreat drive shifts in an Antarctic benthic ecosystem. Science Advances, 1 (10), e1500050. 10.1126/sciadv.1500050

Singh, Shiv Mohan; Olech, Maria; Cannone, Nicoletta; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2015 Contrasting patterns in lichen diversity in the continental and maritime Antarctic. Polar Science, 9 (3). 311-318. 10.1016/j.polar.2015.07.001

Saucede, Thomas; Griffiths, Huw ORCID:; Moreau, Camille; Jackson, Jennifer ORCID:; Sands, Chester ORCID:; Downey, Rachel; Reed, Adam; Mackenzie, Melanie; Geissler, Paul; Linse, Katrin ORCID: 2015 East Weddell Sea echinoids from the JR275 expedition. Zookeys, 504. 1-10. 10.3897/zookeys.504.8860

Seydametova, Emine; Zainol, Norazwina; Salihon, Jailani; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2015 Mangrove rhizosphere soils: a unique natural source of pravastatin-producing Penicillium microfungi. International Journal of Extensive Research, 5. 79-87.

Suckling, Coleen C. ORCID:; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Richard, Joelle; Morley, Simon A. ORCID:; Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Harper, Elizabeth M.; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2015 Adult acclimation to combined temperature and pH stressors significantly enhances reproductive outcomes compared to short-term exposures. Journal of Animal Ecology, 84 (3). 773-784. 10.1111/1365-2656.12316

Sleight, Victoria ORCID:; Thorne, Michael ORCID:; Peck, Lloyd ORCID:; Clark, Melody ORCID: 2015 Transcriptomic response to shell damage in the Antarctic clam, Laternula elliptica: time scales and spatial localisation. Marine Genomics, 20. 45-55. 10.1016/j.margen.2015.01.009

Sutherland, William J.; Clout, Mick; Depledge, Michael; Dicks, Lynn V.; Dinsdale, Jason; Entwistle, Abigail C.; Fleishman, Erica; Gibbons, David W.; Keim, Brandon; Lickorish, Fiona A.; Monk, Kathryn A.; Ockendon, Nancy; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Pretty, Jules; Rockström, Johan; Spalding, Mark D.; Tonneijck, Femke H.; Wintle, Bonnie C.. 2015 A horizon scan of global conservation issues for 2015. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 30 (1). 17-24. 10.1016/j.tree.2014.11.002


Thomas, S.M.; Convey, P. ORCID:; Gan, H.M.; Pearce, D.A. ORCID:; Tan, G.Y.A.. 2018 Draft genome sequence of a novel actinobacterium from the family Intrasporangiaceae isolated from Signy Island, Antarctica. Current Science, 115 (9). 1695-1696. 10.18520/c5/v115/i9/1695-1696

Tajuddin, Natasha; Rizman-Idid, Mohammed; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Alias, Siti A.. 2018 Thermal adaptation in a marine-derived tropical strain of Fusarium equiseti and polar strains of Pseudogymnoascus spp. under different nutrient sources. Botanica Marina, 61 (1). 9-20. 10.1515/bot-2017-0049

Thorne, Michael A.S. ORCID:; Seybold, Anna; Marshall, Craig; Wharton, David. 2017 Molecular snapshot of an intracellular freezing event in an Antarctic nematode. Cryobiology, 75. 117-124. 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2017.01.003

Torres-Diaz, Cristian; Gallardo-Cerda, Jorge; Lavin, Paris; Oses, Romulo; Carrasco-Urra, Fernando; Atala, Cristian; Acuña-Rodríguez, Ian S.; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Molina-Montenegro, Marco A.. 2016 Biological interactions and simulated climate change modulates the ecophysiological performance of Colobanthus quitensis in the Antarctic ecosystem. PLoS One, 11 (10), e0164844. 14, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0164844

Thatje, Sven; Marsh, Leigh; Roterman, Christopher Nicolai; Mavrogordato, Mark N.; Linse, Katrin ORCID: 2015 Adaptations to hydrothermal vent life in Kiwa tyleri, a new species of yeti crab from the East Scotia Ridge, Antarctica. PLoS One, 10 (6), e0127621. 10.1371/journal.pone.0127621


Vendrami, David L. J.; Telesca, Luca; Weigand, Hannah; Weiss, Martina; Fawcett, Katie; Lehman, Katrin; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Leese, Florian; McMinn, Carrie; Moore, Heather; Hoffman, Joseph I.. 2017 RAD sequencing resolves fine-scale population structure in a benthic invertebrate: implications for understanding phenotypic plasticity. Royal Society Open Science, 4 (2), 160548. 16, pp. 10.1098/rsos.160548

Verde, Cinzia; di Prisco, Guido; Clark, Melody S. ORCID:; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Lauro, Federico M.. 2015 Stresses on polar marine ecosystems: impact on key ecosystem functions and services. In: Henriet, Jean-Pierre; De Santis, Laura; Ramirez-Llodra, Eva; Campus, Paola; Azzolini, Roberto, (eds.) Sailing through changing oceans: Ocean and polar life and environmental sciences on a warming planet. European Science Foundation, 67-72.


Waller, Catherine L.; Griffiths, Huw J. ORCID:; Waluda, Claire M. ORCID:; Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID:; Alamo, Ivan; Moreno, Bernabé; Pacherres, Cesar; Hughes, Kevin ORCID: 2017 Microplastics in the Antarctic marine system: an emerging area of research. Science of the Total Environment, 598. 220-227. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.283

Waller, Catherine L.; Overall, Andy; Fitzcharles, Elaine; Griffiths, Huw ORCID: 2017 First report of Laternula elliptica in the Antarctic intertidal zone. Polar Biology, 40 (1). 227-230. 10.1007/s00300-016-1941-y

Witts, James D.; Whittle, Rowan J. ORCID:; Wignall, Paul B.; Crame, J. Alistair ORCID:; Francis, Jane E.; Newton, Robert J.; Bowman, Vanessa C.. 2016 Macrofossil evidence for a rapid and severe Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction in Antarctica. Nature Communications, 7, 11738. 10.1038/ncomms11738


Xavier, Jose ORCID:; Raymond, Ben; Jones, Daniel C. ORCID:; Griffiths, Huw ORCID: 2016 Biogeography of cephalopods in the Southern Ocean using habitat suitability prediction models. Ecosystems, 19 (2). 220-247. 10.1007/s10021-015-9926-1

Xavier, Jose C. ORCID:; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Fretwell, Peter ORCID:; Turner, John ORCID: 2016 Climate change and polar range expansions: Could cuttlefish cross the Arctic? Marine Biology, 163 (4), 78. 10.1007/s00227-016-2850-x

Xavier, Jose C. ORCID:; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID: 2015 Life beyond the ice. In: Liggett, Daniela; Storey, Bryan; Cook, Yvonne; Meduna, Veronika, (eds.) Exploring the last continent: an introduction to Antarctica. Switzerland, Springer, 229-252.


Yew, Wen Chyin; Pearce, David Anthony; Dunn, Michael James ORCID:; Adlard, Stacey; Alias, Siti Aisyah; Samah, Azizan Abu; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2018 Links between bacteria derived from penguin guts and deposited guano and the surrounding soil microbiota. Polar Biology, 41 (2). 269-281. 10.1007/s00300-017-2189-x

Yew, Wen Chyin; Pearce, David A. ORCID:; Dunn, Michael J. ORCID:; Samah, Azizan Abu; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2017 Bacterial community composition in Adélie (Pygoscelis adeliae) and chinstrap (Pygoscelis antarctica) penguin stomach contents from Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. Polar Biology, 40 (12). 2517-2530. 10.1007/s00300-017-2162-8

Yogabaanu, Ulaganathan; Weber, Jean-Frederic Faizal; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Rizman-Idid, Mohammed; Alias, Siti Aisyah. 2017 Antimicrobial properties and the influence of temperature on secondary metabolite production in cold environment soil fungi. Polar Science, 14. 60-67. 10.1016/j.polar.2017.09.005

Yarra, Tejaswi; Gharbi, Karim; Blaxter, Mark; Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID:; Clark, Melody S. ORCID: 2016 Characterization of the mantle transcriptome in bivalves: Pecten maximus, Mytilus edulis and Crassostrea gigas. Marine Genomics, 27. 9-15. 10.1016/j.margen.2016.04.003


Zgrundo, Aleksandra; Wojtasik, Barbara; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Majewska, Roksana. 2017 Diatom communities in the High Arctic aquatic habitats of northern Spitsbergen (Svalbard). Polar Biology, 40 (4). 873-890. 10.1007/s00300-016-2014-y

Zwolicki, Adrian; Barcikowski, Mateusz; Barcikowski, Adam; Cymerski, Mariusz; Stempniewicz, Lech; Convey, Peter ORCID: 2015 Seabird colony effects on soil properties and vegetation zonation patterns on King George Island, Maritime Antarctic. Polar Biology, 38 (10). 1645-1655. 10.1007/s00300-015-1730-z

Zmudczyńska-Skarbek, Katarzyna; Zwolicki, Adrian; Convey, Peter ORCID:; Barcikowski, Mateusz; Stempniewicz, Lech. 2015 Is ornithogenic fertilisation important for collembolan communities in Arctic terrestrial ecosystems? Polar Research, 34, 25629. 10.3402/polar.v34.25629

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