Items where NERC Author is "Kenward, Robert"

Group by: Item Type | Date | No Grouping
Number of items: 43.

Publication - Article

Arraut, Eduardo M.; Walls, Sean W.; Macdonald, David W.; Kenward, Robert E. ORCID: 2021 Anticipation of common buzzard population patterns in the changing UK landscape. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288 (1952), 20210993. 10, pp. 10.1098/rspb.2021.0993

Hardouin, Emilie A.; Baltazar‐Soares, Miguel; Schilling, Anna‐Katarina; Butler, Helen; García‐Rodríguez, Oxala; Crowley, Eloise; Liang, Wei‐Jun; Meredith, Anna; Lurz, Peter W.W.; Forster, Jane; Kenward, Robert E.; Hodder, Kathy H.. 2019 Conservation of genetic uniqueness in remaining populations of red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris L.) in the South of England. Ecology and Evolution, 9 (11). 6547-6558. 10.1002/ece3.5233

Kenward, Robert E.; Arraut, Eduardo M.; Robertson, Peter A.; Walls, Sean S.; Casey, Nicholas M.; Aebischer, Nicholas J.. 2018 Resource-Area-Dependence Analysis: inferring animal resource needs from home-range and mapping data. PLoS ONE, 13 (10), e0206354. 20, pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0206354

Kenward, Robert; Sielicki, Janusz; Lombard, Adrian. 2015 Saker flagships for falconry. The International Journal of Falconry, 2015. 60-62.

Everest, David J.; Shuttleworth, Craig M.; Stidworthy, Mark F.; Grierson, Sylvia S.; Duff, J. Paul; Kenward, Robert E.. 2014 Adenovirus: an emerging factor in red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris conservation. Mammal Review, 44 (3-4). 225-233. 10.1111/mam.12025

Shuttleworth, Craig M.; Everest, David J.; McInnes, Colin J.; Greenwood, Andrew; Jackson, Nicholas L.; Rushton, Steve; Kenward, Robert E.. 2014 Inter-specific viral infections: can the management of captive red squirrel collections help inform scientific research? Hystrix: the Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 25 (1). 18-24. 10.4404/hystrix-25.1-10126

Papathanasiou, Jason; Kenward, Robert. 2014 Design of a data-driven environmental decision support system and testing of stakeholder data-collection. Environmental Modelling & Software, 55. 92-106. 10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.01.025

Penteriani, Vincenzo; Rutz, Christian; Kenward, Robert. 2013 Hunting behaviour and breeding performance of northern goshawks Accipiter gentilis, in relation to resource availability, sex, age and morphology. Naturwissenschaften, 100 (10). 935-942. 10.1007/s00114-013-1093-7

Everest, D.J.; Shuttleworth, C.M.; Grierson, S.S.; Duff, J.P.; Jackson, N.; Litherland, P.; Kenward, R.E.; Stidworthy, M.F.. 2012 Systematic assessment of the impact of adenovirus infection on a captive reintroduction project for red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris). Veterinary Record, 171 (7). 176. 10.1136/vr.100617

Kenward, R.E.; Whittingham, M.J.; Arampatzis, S.; Manos, B.D.; Hahn, T.; Terry, A.; Simoncini, R.; Alcorn, J.; Bastian, O.; Donlan, M.; Elowe, K.; Franzén, F.; Karacsonyi, Z.; Larsson, M.; Manou, D.; Navodaru, I.; Papadopoulou, O.; Papathanasiou, J.; von Raggamby, A.; Sharp, R.J.A.; Söderqvist, T.; Soutukorva, A.; Vavrova, L.; Aebischer, N.J.; Leader-Williams, N.; Rutz, C.. 2011 Identifying governance strategies that effectively support ecosystem services, resource sustainability, and biodiversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108 (13). 5308-5312. 10.1073/pnas.1007933108

Arraut, E.M.; Marmontel, M.; Mantovani, J.E.; Novo, E.M.L.M.; Macdonald, D.W.; Kenward, R.E. 2010 The lesser of two evils: seasonal migrations of Amazonian manatees in the Western Amazon. Journal of Zoology, 280 (3). 247-256. 10.1111/j.1469-7998.2009.00655.x

Casaer, J.; Kenward, R.; Lecocq, Y.; Reimoser, F.; Sharp, R.. 2009 Guidelines for sustainable hunting in Europe September 2006. Oxota, 2009 (5). 9-11.

Knight, Carolyn M.; Kenward, Robert E.; Gozlan, Rodolphe E; Hodder, Kathryn H.; Walls, Sean S.; Lucas, Martyn C.. 2009 Home range estimation within complex restricted environments: importance of method selection in detecting seasonal change. Wildlife Research, 36 (3). 213-224. 10.1071/WR08032

Segrt, Viktor; Kenward, Robert; Grubesic, Marijan; Silic, Petar. 2008 A comparison of falconry and hunting with guns with respect to the distribution of local game. Wildlife Biology, 14 (1). 125-128.

Penteriani, Vincenzo; Kenward, Robert. 2007 Does a simple Cope's Rule mechanism Overlook predators? Research Letters in Ecology, 2007, 92684. 2, pp. 10.1155/2007/92684

Kenward, Robert; Katzner, Todd; Wink, Michael; Marcstrom, Vidar; Walls, Sean; Karlbom, Mats; Pfeffer, Ralf; Bragin, Evgeny; Hodder, Kathy; Levin, Anatoly. 2007 Rapid sustainability modeling for raptors by radio-tagging and DNA-fingerprinting. Journal of Wildlife Management, 71 (1). 238-245. 10.2193/2005-471

Hodder, Kathy H.; Masters, Jerome E.G.; Beaumont, William R.C.; Gozlan, Rodolphe E.; Pinder, Adrian C.; Knight, Carolyn M.; Kenward, Robert E.. 2007 Techniques for evaluating the spatial behaviour of river fish. Hydrobiologia, 582. 257-269. 10.1007/s10750-006-0560-y

Publication - Book

Kenward, Robert. 2006 The Goshawk. T & AD Poyser Ltd (A & C Black), 368pp. (Poyser Monographs).

Kenward, R.E.; Hodder, K.H.. 1996 RANGES V: an analysis system for biological location data. Swindon, Natural Environment Research Council, 66pp.

Publication - Book Section

Arraut, Eduardo M.; Macdonald, David W.; Kenward, Robert E.. 2015 In the wake of buzzards: from modelling to conservation and management in a changing landscape. In: Macdonald, David W.; Feber, Ruth E., (eds.) Wildlife conservation on farmland. Vol. 2, Conflict in the countryside. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 203-221.

Shuttleworth, C.M.; Schuchert, P.; Everest, D.J.; McInnes, C.J.; Rushton, S.P.; Jackson, N.L.; Kenward, R.E.. 2015 Developing integrated and applied red squirrel conservation programmes: what lessons can Europe learn from a regional grey squirrel eradication programme in North Wales? In: Shuttleworth, Craig M.; Lurz, Peter W.W.; Hayward, Matthew W., (eds.) Red squirrels: ecology, conservation & management in Europe. Woodbridge, Suffolk, European Squirrel Initiative, 233-250.

Kenward, Robert. 2015 Preface [Red squirrels: ecology, conservation & management in Europe]. In: Shuttleworth, Craig M.; Lurz, Peter W.W.; Hayward, Matthew W., (eds.) Red squirrels: ecology, conservation & management in Europe. Woodbridge, Suffolk, European Squirrel Initiative, 7-9.

Kenward, R.; Sharp, R.; Manos, B.; Arampatzis, S.; Brainerd, S.; Lecocq, Y.; Wollscheid, K.; Reimoser, F.. 2009 Conservation from use of biodiversity and ecosystem services. In: Proceedings XXIX International Union of Game Biologists Congress. Moscow, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, 68-83.

Kenward, Robert E.. 2009 Conservation values from falconry. In: Dickson, Barney; Hutton, Jonathan; Adams, Bill, (eds.) Recreational Hunting, Conservation and Rural Livelihoods: Science and Practice. London, Wiley-Blackwell, 181-196.

Kenward, Robert. 2009 Sustainable Use of Raptors: Opportunities for Conservation through Use of Biodiversity. (Nachhaltige Nutzung von Greifvögeln: Möglichkeit des Schutzes durch Nutzung der Biodiversität). In: Hewicker, Hans-Albrecht, (ed.) Greifvögel und Falknerei (Birds of prey and falconry 2008). Melsungen, Germany, Neumann-Neudamm, 22-39.

Kenward, R.; Manos, B.; Arampatzis, S.; Papathanasiou, J.. 2009 A transactional environmental support system for Europe. In: Hřebíček, Jiri; Hradec, Jiri; Pelikán, Eelikan; Mírovský, Ondrej; Pillmann, Werner; Holoubek, Ivan; Bandholtz, Thomas, (eds.) TOWARDS eENVIRONMENT Opportunities of SEIS and SISE: Integrating Environmental Knowledge in Europe. Brno, Masaryk University, 58-65.

Kenward, R.; Gurnell, J.; Pepper, H.. 2008 Grey Squirrel. In: Harris, Stephen; Yalden, Derek W., (eds.) Mammals of the British Isles. Handbook. 4th Edition. Mammal Society.

Kenward, Robert E.; Gage, Matthew J.G.. 2008 Opportunities in falconry for conservation through sustainable use. In: Sielicki, Janusz; Mizera, Tadeus, (eds.) Peregrine Falcon Populations - status and perspectives in the 21st Century. Warsaw, Turul, 183-206.

Shuttleworth, Craig; Kenward, Robert; Jackson, Nick. 2008 Re-introduction of the red squirrel into Newborough forest on the island of Anglesey, UK. In: Soorae, Pritpal S., (ed.) Global re-introduction perspectives: re-introduction case-studies from around the globe. Abu Dhabi, IUCN/SSC Reintroduction Specialist Group, 163-166.

Steenhof, Karen; Newton, Ian. 2007 Assessing nesting success and productivity. In: Bird, David M.; Bildstein, Keith L., (eds.) Raptor Research and Management Techniques. Hancock House, 181-191.

Walls, Sean; Kenward, Robert. 2007 Spatial tracking: A. Radio-tracking. In: Bird, David M.; Bildstein, Keith L., (eds.) Raptor Research and management Techniques. Hancock House, 237-241.

Rutz, C.; Bijlsma, R. G.; Marquiss, M.; Kenward, R. E.. 2006 Population limitation in the Northern Goshawk in Europe: A review with case studies. In: Morrison, M. L., (ed.) The Northern Goshawk: a technical assessment of its status, ecology and management. Cooper Ornithological Society, 158-197. (Studies in Avian Biology, 31).

Kenward, Robert. 2006 Putting Studies of North American Goshawks in Context. In: Morrison, M. L., (ed.) The Northern Goshawk: a technical assessment of its status, ecology and management. Cooper Ornithological Society, 1-5. (Studies in Avian Biology, 31).

Kenward, R. E.. 1981 Grey squirrel damage and management. In: Last, F.T.; Gardiner, A.S., (eds.) Forest and woodland ecology: an account of research being done in ITE. Cambridge, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 132-134. (ITE Symposium, 8).

Publication - Report

Sharp, R.J.A.; Ewald, J.A.; Kenward, R.E.. 2011 D6.2 Recommendations and guidelines on biodiversity trends. [Report to the European Commission from FP-7 project no: 212304 for a Transactional Environmental Support System]. European Commission, 25pp. (Transactional Environmental Support System. Deliverable D6.2)

Kenward, R.E.; Dick, J.M. ORCID:; Smith, R.I.; Papathanasiou, J.; Andreopoulou, Z.; Chatzikostas, G.; von Bethlenfalvy, G.; Carvalho, C.R.; Sharp, R.J.A.; Tederko, Z.; Szemethy, L.; Ivask, M.; Navarodu, I.; Avcioglu, B.; Casey, N.; Sotherton, N.; Ewald, J.; Walls, S.; Turner, S.; Watt, A. ORCID:; Ntavarinos, K.; Chatzikamaris, P.; Morgado, R.; Gallo, J.; Szekely, D.; Piirimae, K.; Aruvee, E.; Gem, E.. 2011 D6.3 Design of a Transactional Environmental Support System. [Report to the European Commission from FP-7 project no: 212304 for a Transactional Environmental Support System]. European Commission, 108pp. (Transactional Environmental Support System. Deliverable D6.3)

Ewald, J.; Beja, P.; Kenward, R.E.. 2011 D5.2 Database of SEA, SIA and EIA factors [Report to the European Commission from FP-7 project no: 212304 for a Transactional Environmental Support System]. European Commission, 33pp. (Transactional Environmental Support System. Deliverable D5.2)

Beja, P.; Ewald, J.; Kenward, R.E.. 2011 D6.1 Biodiversity trends associated with SEA, SIA and EIA practices. [Report to the European Commission from FP-7 project no: 212304 for a Transactional Environmental Support System]. European Commission, 45pp. (Transactional Environmental Support System. Deliverable D6.1)

Kenward, R.E.; Ewald, J.; Sharp, R.J.A.. 2010 D5.1 Report on pan-European survey of assessment processes. [Report to the European Commission from FP-7 project no: 212304 for a Transactional Environmental Support System]. European Commission, 58pp. (Transactional Environmental Support System. Deliverable D5.1)

Sharp, R.J.A.; Ewald, J.A.; Kenward, Robert. 2009 D2.2 Model of information flows from local & regional to central. [Report to European Commission. Project: Transactional Environmental Support System]. FP-7 project #212304 for a Transactional Environmental Support System., 16pp. (Deliverable Number: D2.2)

Perrella, L.; Ewald, J.; Kenward, R.E.; Hodder, K.H.. 2009 D3.2 – Model of the local decision making process. [Report to the European Commission from FP-7 project #212304 for a Transactional Environmental Support System]. European Commission, 18pp. (Transactional Environmental Support System Deliverable D3.2)

Hodder, K.H.; Sharp, R.J.A.; Perrella, L.; Butters, J.; Kenward, R.E.; Ewald, J.. 2009 D3.3 Synthesis report: Central and local information flows and decision making requirements. [Report to the European Commission from FP-7 project #212304 for a Transactional Environmental Support System]. European Commission, 92pp. (Transactional Environmental Support System. Deliverable D3.3)

Karacsonyi, Z.; Simoncini, R.; Kenward, R.; Arampatzis, S.. 2008 Chapter 6. Main Results - Conclusions from GEM-CON-BIO: Governance and Ecosystem Management for Conservation of Biodiversity. European Commision.

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