Items where NERC Author is "Pinnock, Michael"

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Number of items: 76.

Publication - Article

Noor, Liesbeth H.W.; van der Kroef, Dick A.; Wattam, David; Pinnock, Michael; van Rossum, Ronald; Smit, Marck G..; Brussard, Corina P.D.. 2018 Innovative transportable laboratories for Polar science. Polar Record, 54 (1). 18-28. 10.1017/S0032247418000050

Yin, Ping; Mitchell, Cathryn N.; Alfonsi, Lucilla; Pinnock, Mike; Spencer, Paul; De Franceschi, Giorgiana; Romano, Vincenzo; Newell, Patrick; Sarti, Pierguido; Negusini, Monia; Capra, Alessandro. 2009 Imaging of the Antarctic ionosphere: Experimental results. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71 (17-18). 1757-1765. 10.1016/j.jastp.2009.09.014

Chisham, G. ORCID:; Freeman, M.P. ORCID:; Abel, G.A.; Lam, M. M. ORCID:; Pinnock, M.; Coleman, I. J.; Milan, S. E.; Lester, M.; Bristow, W. A.; Greenwald, R. A.; Sofko, G. J.; Villain, J.-P.. 2008 Remote sensing of the spatial and temporal structure of magnetopause and magnetotail reconnection from the ionosphere. Reviews of Geophysics, 46 (1), RG1004. 27, pp. 10.1029/2007RG000223

Chisham, G. ORCID:; Lester, M.; Milan, S.E.; Freeman, M.P. ORCID:; Bristow, W.A.; Grocott, A.; McWilliams, K.A.; Ruohoniemi, J.M.; Yeoman, T.K.; Dyson, P.L.; Greenwald, R.A.; Kikuchi, T.; Pinnock, M.; Rash, J.P.S.; Sato, N.; Sofko, G.J.; Villain, J.-P.; Walker, A.D.M.. 2007 A decade of the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN): scientific achievements, new techniques and future directions. Surveys in Geophysics, 28 (1). 33-109. 10.1007/s10712-007-9017-8

Lam, M.M. ORCID:; Pinnock, M.; Donovan, E.F.. 2006 Observations of nightside magnetic reconnection during substorm growth and expansion phases. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111 (A5), A05209. 11, pp. 10.1029/2005JA011356

Parkinson, M.L.; Dyson, P.L.; Pinnock, M.. 2006 On the occurrence of auroral westward flow channels and substorm phase. Advances in Space Research, 38 (8). 1755-1762. 10.1016/j.asr.2005.08.028

Parkinson, M.L.; Pinnock, M.; Wild, J.A.; Lester, M.; Yeoman, T.K.; Milan, S.E.; Ye, H.; Devlin, J.C.; Frey, H.U.; Kikuchi, T.. 2005 Interhemispheric asymmetries in the occurrence of magnetically conjugate sub-auroral polarisation streams. Annales Geophysicae, 23 (4). 1371-1390. 10.5194/angeo-23-1371-2005

Parkinson, M.L.; Pinnock, M.; Dyson, P.L.; Devlin, J.C.. 2005 Signatures of the nightside open–closed magnetic field-line boundary during moderately disturbed conditions and ionospheric substorms. Advances in Space Research, 36 (10). 1791-1796. 10.1016/j.asr.2005.06.082

Parkinson, M.L.; Chisham, G. ORCID:; Pinnock, M.; Dyson, P.L.; Devlin, J.C.. 2004 Magnetic local time, substorm, and particle precipitation-related variations in the behaviour of SuperDARN Doppler spectral widths. Annales Geophysicae, 22 (12). 4103-4122. 10.5194/angeo-22-4103-2004

Chisham, G. ORCID:; Freeman, M.P. ORCID:; Coleman, I.J.; Pinnock, M.; Hairston, M.R.; Lester, M.; Sofko, G.. 2004 Measuring the dayside reconnection rate during an interval of due northward interplanetary magnetic field. Annales Geophysicae, 22 (12). 4243-4258. 10.5194/angeo-22-4243-2004

Parkinson, M.L.; Pinnock, M.; Ye, H.; Hairston, M.R.; Devlin, J.C.; Dyson, P.L.; Morris, R.J.; Ponomarenko, P.. 2003 On the lifetime and extent of an auroral westward flow channel (AWFC) observed during a magnetospheric substorm. Annales Geophysicae, 21 (4). 893-913. 10.5194/angeo-21-893-2003

Coleman, Iain J.; Chisham, Gareth ORCID:; Pinnock, Michael; Freeman, Mervyn P. ORCID: 2003 Reply to comment by S.M. Petrinec and S.A. Fuselier on 'An ionospheric convection signature of antiparallel reconnection'. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (A5), 1178. 3, pp. 10.1029/2002JA009568

Pinnock, M.; Chisham, G. ORCID:; Coleman, I.J.; Freeman, M.P. ORCID:; Hairston, M.; Villain, J.-P.. 2003 The location and rate of dayside reconnection during an interval of southward interplanetary magnetic field. Annales Geophysicae, 21 (7). 1467-1482. 10.5194/angeo-21-1467-2003

Parkinson, M.L.; Dyson, P.L.; Pinnock, M.; Devlin, J.C.; Hairston, M.R.; Yizengaw, E.; Wilkinson, P.J.. 2002 Signatures of the midnight open-closed magnetic field line boundary during balanced dayside and nightsife reconnection. Annales Geophysicae, 20 (10). 1617-1630. 10.5194/angeo-20-1617-2002

Chisham, G. ORCID:; Coleman, I.J.; Freeman, M.P. ORCID:; Pinnock, M.; Lester, M.. 2002 Ionospheric signatures of split reconnection X-lines during conditions of IMF Bz < 0 and |By| ∼ |Bz|: Evidence for the antiparallel merging hypothesis. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (A10), 1323. SMP 23-1-SMP 23-15. 10.1029/2001JA009124

Pinnock, Michael; Chisham, Gareth ORCID: 2002 Assessing the contamination of SuperDARN global convection maps by non-F-region backscatter. Annales Geophysicae, 20 (1). 13-28. 10.5194/angeo-20-13-2002

Kadokura, Akira; Yukimatu, Akira-Sessai; Ejiri, Masaki; Oguti, Takasi; Pinnock, Michael; Hairston, Marc R.. 2002 Detailed analysis of a substorm event on 6 and 7 June 1989. 1. Growth phase evolution of nightside auroral activities and ionospheric convection toward expansion phase onset. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (A12), 1479. 23, pp. 10.1029/2001JA009127

Kadokura, Akira; Yukimatu, Akira-Sessai; Ejiri, Masaki; Oguti, Takasi; Pinnock, Michael; Sutcliffe, Peter R.. 2002 Detailed analysis of a substorm event on 6 and 7 June 1989. 2. Stepwise auroral bulge evolution during expansion phase. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (A12), 1480. 21, pp. 10.1029/2001JA009129

Munsami, V.; Pinnock, M.; Rodger, A.S.. 2002 HF radar observation of field-aligned currents associated with quiet time transient flow bursts in the magnetosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (A9), 1232. 10, pp. 10.1029/2001JA000185

André, R.; Pinnock, Michael; Villain, J.-P.; Hanuise, C.. 2002 Influence of magnetospheric processes on winter HF radar spectra characteristics. Annales Geophysicae, 20 (11). 1783-1793. 10.5194/angeo-20-1783-2002

Walker, A.D.M.; Baker, K.B.; Pinnock, M.; Dudeney, J.R.; Rash, J.P.S.. 2002 Radar observations of magnetospheric activity during extremely quiet solar wind conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (A4), 1038. 13, pp. 10.1029/2001JA000063

Villain, J.-P.; André, R.; Pinnock, M.; Greenwald, R.A.; Hanuise, C.. 2002 A statistical study of the Doppler spectral width of high-latitude ionospheric F-region echoes recorded with SuperDARN coherent HF radars. Annales Geophysicae, 20 (11). 1769-1781.

Nishitani, Nozomu; Ogawa, Tadahiko; Sato, Natsuo; Yamagishi, Hisao; Pinnock, Mike; Villain, Jean-Paul; Sofko, George; Troshichev, Oleg. 2002 A study of the dusk convection cell's response to an IMF southward turning. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (A3), 1036. 15, pp. 10.1029/2001JA900095

Chisham, Gareth ORCID:; Pinnock, Michael; Coleman, I.J.; Hairston, M.R.; Walker, A.D.M.. 2002 An unusual geometry of the ionospheric signature of the cusp: implications for magnetopause merging sites. Annales Geophysicae, 20 (1). 29-40. 10.5194/angeo-20-29-2002

Coleman, Iain J.; Chisham, Gareth ORCID:; Pinnock, Mike; Freeman, Mervyn P. ORCID: 2001 An ionospheric convection signature of antiparallel reconnection. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 (A12). 28,995-29,007. 10.1029/2001JA900084

Chisham, G. ORCID:; Pinnock, M.; Rodger, A.S.. 2001 The response of the HF radar spectral width boundary to a switch in the IMF By direction: ionospheric consequences of transient dayside reconnection? Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 (A1). 191-202. 10.1029/2000JA900094

Thorolfsson, A.; Cerisier, J.-C.; Pinnock, M.. 2001 Flow transients in the postnoon ionosphere: The role of solar wind dynamic pressure. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106 (A2). 1887-1901. 10.1029/2000JA900078

Pinnock, M.; Rodger, A.S.. 2001 On determining the noon polar cap boundary from SuperDARN HF radar backscatter characteristics. Annales Geophysicae, 18 (12). 1523-1530. 10.1007/s00585-001-1523-2

Kikuchi, T.; Pinnock, M.; Rodger, A.; Luehr, H.; Kitamura, T.; Tachihara, H.; Watanabe, M.; Sato, N.; Ruohoniemi, M.. 2000 Global evolution of a substorm-associated DP2 current system observed by superDARN and magnetometers. Advances in Space Research, 26 (1). 121-124. 10.1016/S0273-1177(99)01037-6

Chisham, G. ORCID:; Pinnock, M.; Rodger, A.S.; Villain, J.-P.. 2000 High-time resolution conjugate SuperDARN radar observations of the dayside convection response to changes in IMF By. Annales Geophysicae, 18 (2). 191-201. 10.1007/s00585-000-0191-y

André, R.; Pinnock, M.; Rodger, A.S.. 2000 Identification of the low-altitude cusp by Super Dual Auroral Radar Network radars: A physical explanation for the empirically derived signature. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105 (A12). 27081-27093. 10.1029/2000JA900071

Chisham, G. ORCID:; Pinnock, M.; Rodger, A.S.. 2000 Poleward‐moving HF radar flow bursts in the cusp: Transient changes in flow speed or direction? Geophysical Research Letters, 27 (7). 919-922. 10.1029/1999GL010760

Rodger, Alan S.; Coleman, Iain J.; Pinnock, Mike. 2000 Some comments on transient and steady-state reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. Geophysical Research Letters, 27 (9). 1359-1362. 10.1029/1999GL010758

Coleman, I.J.; Pinnock, M.; Rodger, A.S.. 2000 The ionospheric footprint of antiparallel merging regions on the dayside magnetopause. Annales Geophysicae, 18 (5). 511-516. 10.1007/s00585-000-0511-2

Watanabe, Masakazu; Sato, Natsuo; Greenwald, Raymond A.; Pinnock, Michael; Hairston, Marc R.; Rairden, Richard L.; McEwen, Don J.. 2000 The ionospheric response to interplanetary magnetic field variations: Evidence for rapid global change and the role of preconditioning in the magnetosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 105 (A10). 22955-22977. 10.1029/1999JA000433

Pinnock, M.; Rodger, A. S.; Baker, K. B.; Lu, G.; Hairston, M.. 1999 Conjugate observations of the day-side reconnection electric field: A GEM boundary layer campaign. Annales Geophysicae, 17 (4). 443-454. 10.1007/s00585-999-0443-4

Sato, Mitsuteru; Fukunishi, Hiroshi; Kataoka, Ryuho; Shono, Atsushi; Lanzerotti, Louis J.; Doolittle, Jack H.; Mende, Steve B.; Pinnock, Mike. 1999 Dayside auroral dynamics observed by the AGO network in Antarctica. Advances in Polar Upper Atmosphere Research, 13. 67-78.

Rash, J. P. S.; Rodger, A. S.; Pinnock, M.. 1999 HF radar observations of the high-latitude ionospheric convection pattern in the morning sector for northward IMF and motion of the convection reversal boundary. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104 (A7). 14847-14866. 10.1029/1999JA900034

André, R.; Pinnock, M.; Rodger, Alan S.. 1999 On the SuperDARN autocorrelation function observed in the ionospheric cusp. Geophysical Research Letters, 26 (22). 3353-3356. 10.1029/1999GL003658

Fox, N. J.; Cowley, S. W. H.; Davda, V. N.; Enno, G.; Friis-Christensen, E.; Greenwald, R. A.; Hairston, M. R.; Lester, M.; Lockwood, M.; Lühr, H.; Milling, D. K.; Murphree, J. S.; Pinnock, M.; Reeves, G. D.. 1999 A multipoint study of a substorm occurring on 7 December, 1992, and its theoretical implications. Annales Geophysicae, 17 (11). 1369-1384. 10.1007/s00585-999-1369-6

Nishitani, Nozomu; Ogawa, Tadahiko; Pinnock, Mike; Freeman, Mervyn P. ORCID:; Dudeney, John R.; Villain, Jean-Paul; Baker, Kile B.; Sato, Natsuo; Yamagishi, Hisao; Matsumoto, Haruhisa. 1999 A very large scale flow burst observed by the SuperDARN radars. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104 (A10). 22469-22486. 10.1029/1999JA900241

Ogawa, T.; Nishitani, N.; Pinnock, M.; Sato, N.; Yamagishi, H.; Yukimatu, A. S.. 1998 Antarctic HF radar observations of irregularities associated with polar patches and auroral blobs: A case study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103 (A11). 26547-26558. 10.1029/98JA02044

Lester, M.; Thomas, E.C; Pinnock, M.; Senior, C.; Owen, C.J.. 1998 CUTLASS observations of convection in the cusp region. Advances in Space Research, 22 (9). 1297-1300. 10.1016/S0273-1177(98)00175-6

Watanabe, Masakazu; Pinnock, Michael; Rodger, Alan S.; Sato, Natsuo; Yamagishi, Hisao; Yukimatu, A. Sessai; Greenwald, Raymond A.; Villain, Jean-Paul; Hairston, Marc R.. 1998 Localized activation of the distant tail neutral line just prior to substorm onsets. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103 (A8). 17651-17669. 10.1029/98JA01037

Ogawa, Tadahiko; Nishitani, Nozomu; Pinnock, Michael; Sato, Natsuo; Yamagishi, Hisao; Yukimatu, A. Sessai. 1998 Polar cap patches and auroral blobs observed with Antarctic HF radars: Preliminary results. Proceedings of the NIPR Symposium on Upper Atmosphere Physics, 11. 11-18.

Walker, A. D. M.; Pinnock, M.; Baker, K. B.; Dudeney, J. R.; Rash, J. P. S.. 1998 Strong flow bursts in the nightside ionosphere during extremely quiet solar wind conditions. Geophysical Research Letters, 25 (6). 881-884. 10.1029/98GL00408

Rodger, A.S.; Pinnock, M.. 1997 The ionospheric response to flux transfer events: the first few minutes. Annales Geophysicae, 15 (6). 685-691. 10.1007/s00585-997-0685-y

Yeoman, T. K.; Pinnock, M.. 1996 The high latitude convection response to an interval of substorm activity. Annales Geophysicae, 14 (5). 518-532. 10.1007/s00585-996-0518-4

Baker, K. B.; Dudeney, J. R.; Greenwald, R. A.; Pinnock, M.; Newell, P. T.; Rodger, A. S.; Mattin, N.; Meng, C.-I.. 1995 HF radar signatures of the cusp and low-latitude boundary layer. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100 (A5). 7671-7695. 10.1029/94JA01481

Greenwald, R. A.; Baker, K. B.; Dudeney, J. R.; Pinnock, M.; Jones, T. B.; Thomas, E. C.; Villain, J. -P.; Cerisier, J. -C.; Senior, C.; Hanuise, C.; Hunsucker, R. D.; Sofko, G.; Koehler, J.; Nielsen, E.; Pellinen, R.; Walker, A. D. M.; Sato, N.; Yamagishi, H.. 1995 DARN/SuperDARN. Space Science Reviews, 71 (1-4). 761-796. 10.1007/BF00751350

Pinnock, M.; Rodger, A. S.; Dudeney, J. R.; Rich, F.; Baker, K. B.. 1995 High spatial and temporal resolution observations of the ionospheric cusp. Annales Geophysicae, 13 (9). 919-925. 10.1007/s00585-995-0919-9

Pinnock, M.; Rodger, A. S.; Berkey, F. T.. 1995 High-latitudeFregion electron concentration measurements near noon: A case study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100 (A5). 7723-7729. 10.1029/94JA02558

Leonard, J.M.; Pinnock, M.; Rodger, A.S.; Dudeney, J.R.; Greenwald, R.A.; Baker, K.B.. 1995 Ionospheric plasma convection in the southern hemisphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 57 (8). 889-897. 10.1016/0021-9169(94)00070-5

Morelli, J. P.; Bunting, R. J.; Cowley, S. W. H.; Farrugia, C. J.; Freeman, M. P. ORCID:; Friis-Christensen, E.; Jones, G. O. L.; Lester, M.; Lewis, R. V.; Lühr, H.; Orr, D.; Pinnock, M.; Reeves, G. D.; Williams, P. J. S.; Yeoman, T. K.. 1995 Radar observations of auroral zone flows during a multiple-onset substorm. Annales Geophysicae, 13 (11). 1144-1163. 10.1007/s00585-995-1144-2

Rodger, Alan; Pinnock, Michael; Dudeney, J. R.; Baker, K. B.; Greenwald, R. A.. 1994 A new mechanism for polar patch formation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99 (A4). 6425-6436. 10.1029/93JA01501

Rodger, Alan; Pinnock, Michael; Dudeney, John. 1994 Comments on “Production of polar cap electron density patches by transient magnetopause reconnections”. Geophysical Research Letters, 21 (21). 2335-2336. 10.1029/93GL03388

Fox, N. J.; Lockwood, M.; Cowley, S. W. H.; Freeman, M. P. ORCID:; Friis-Christensen, E.; Milling, D. K.; Pinnock, M.; Reeves, G. D.. 1994 EISCAT observations of unusual flows in the morning sector associated with weak substorm activity. Annales Geophysicae, 12 (6). 541-553. 10.1007/s00585-994-0541-2

Rodger, Alan; Pinnock, Michael; Dudeney, J. R.; Waterman, J.; de la Beaujardiere, O.; Baker, K. B.. 1994 Simultaneous two hemisphere observations of the presence of polar patches in the nightside ionosphere. Annales Geophysicae, 12 (7). 642-648. 10.1007/s00585-994-0642-y

Morelli, J.P.; Bunting, R.J.; Cowley, S.W.H.; Farrugia, C.J.; Freeman, M.P. ORCID:; Friis-Christensen, E.; Jones, G.O.L.; Lester, M.; Lewis, R.V.; Luhr, H.; Orr, D.; Pinnock, M.; Reeves, G.D.; Williams, P.J.S.; Yeoman, T.K.. 1993 Plasma flow bursts in the nightside auroral zone ionosphere and their relation to geomagnetic activity. Advances in Space Research, 13 (4). 135-138. 10.1016/0273-1177(93)90325-6

Pinnock, Michael; Rodger, Alan S.; Dudeney, J. R.; Baker, K. B.; Newell, P. T.; Greenwald, R. A.; Greenspan, M. E.. 1993 Observations of an enhanced convection channel in the cusp ionosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 98 (A3). 3767-3776. 10.1029/92JA01382

Yeoman, T.K.; Mattin, N.; Ruohoniemi, J.M.; Lester, M.; Pinnock, Michael. 1992 An assessment of the L shell fitting beam-swinging technique for measuring ionosphericEregion irregularity drift patterns. Journal of Geophysical Research, 97 (A10). 14885-14896. 10.1029/92JA01191

Dudeney, J.R.; Rodger, Alan S.; Pinnock, Michael; Ruohoniemi, J.M.; Baker, K.B.; Greenwald, R.A.. 1991 Studies of conjugate plasma convection in the vicinity of the Harang discontinuity. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 53 (3-4). 249-263. 10.1016/0021-9169(91)90109-K

Pinnock, Michael; Rodger, Alan S.; Dudeney, John .R.; Greenwald, R.A.; Baker, K.B.; Ruohoniemi, J.M.. 1991 An ionospheric signature of possible enhanced magnetic field merging on the dayside magnetopause. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 53 (3-4). 201-212. 10.1016/0021-9169(91)90104-F

Baker, K.B.; Greenwald, R.A.; Ruohoniemi, J.M.; Dudeney, J.R.; Pinnock, M.; Newell, P. T.; Greenspan, M.E.; Meng, C.-I.. 1990 Simultaneous HF-radar and DMSP observations of the cusp. Geophysical Research Letters, 17 (11). 1869-1872. 10.1029/GL017i011p01869

Greenwald, R.A.; Baker, K.B.; Ruohoniemi, J.M.; Dudeney, J.R.; Pinnock, Michael; Mattin, N.; Leonard, J.M.; Lepping, R.P.. 1990 Simultaneous conjugate observations of dynamic variations in high-latitude dayside convection due to changes in IMFBy. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95 (A6). 8057-8072. 10.1029/JA095iA06p08057

Baker, K.B.; Greenwald, R.A.; Ruohoniemi, J.M.; Dudeney, J.R.; Pinnock, Michael; Mattin, N.; Leonard, J.M.. 1989 Polar Anglo-American Conjugate Experiment. Eos. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 70 (34). 785-799. 10.1029/89EO00253

Dudeney, J.; Pinnock, Michael. 1989 Pac(e)ing poles apart. NERC News (8). 16-19.

Rodger, Alan S.; Pinnock, Michael. 1986 The structure of slant Es. INAG Bulletin, 48. 4-6.

Pinnock, Michael. 1985 Observations of a day-time mid-latitude ionospheric trough. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 47 (11). 1111-1121. 10.1016/0021-9169(85)90029-7

Rodger, Alan S.; Cowley, S.W.H.; Brown, M.J.; Pinnock, Michael; Simmons, D.A.. 1984 Dawn-dusk (y) component of the interplanetary magnetic field and the local time of the harang discontinuity. Planetary and Space Science, 32 (8). 1021-1027. 10.1016/0032-0633(84)90058-8

Pinnock, Michael. 1983 A daytime crossing of the auroral oval at Halley Bay. INAG Bulletin, 38. 10-13.

Dudeney, J.R.; Jarvis, Martin J.; Kressman, R.I.; Pinnock, Michael; Rodger, Alan S.; Wright, K.H.. 1982 Ionospheric troughs in Antarctica. Nature, 295 (5847). 307-308. 10.1038/295307a0

Rodger, Alan S.; Pinnock, Michael. 1982 Movements of the mid-latitude ionospheric trough. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 44 (11). 985-992. 10.1016/0021-9169(82)90063-0

Publication - Book Section

Daglis, loannis A.; Jacobi, Christoph; Pinnock, Mike. 2015 Living with a Star. In: Bloesch, Gunter; Thybo, Hans; Savenije, Hubert, (eds.) A voyage through scales: the Earth system in space and time. European Geosciences Union, 26-31.

Rodger, A.S.; Chisham, G. ORCID:; Coleman, I.J.; Freeman, M.P. ORCID:; Pinnock, M.. 2003 Anti-parallel reconnection at the dayside magnetopause: ionospheric signatures and implications for the low latitude boundary layer. In: Newell, P.T.; Onsager, T., (eds.) Earth's low-latitude boundary layer. Washington, D.C., American Geophysical Union, 311-318. (Geophysical Monograph, 133).

Rodger, Alan S.; Pinnock, Michael. 1981 The variability and predictability of the main ionospheric trough. In: Deehr, C.S.; Holtet, J.A., (eds.) Exploration of the polar upper atmosphere. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Lillehammer, Norway, May 5-16, 1980. Dordrecht, Reidel, 463-469. (NATO ASI Series C: Mathematical and physical sciences, 64).

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