Items where Programme is "Other"

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Number of items at this level: 84.


Andersen, O. B.; Ashworth, M.; Wilkes, S.. 1995 Global ocean tide inversion: preliminary results and parallel implementation. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 52pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 41)

Amin, M.; Flather, R. A.; Hubbert, K. P.; Rae, J. B.. 1988 Surge prediction at Barrow-in-Furness. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 112pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 4,)


Burrows, R.; Walkington, I. A.; Yates, N. C.; Hedges, T. S.; Li, M.; Zhou, J. G.; Chen, D. Y.; Wolf, J. ORCID:; Holt, J. ORCID:; Proctor, R.. 2009 Tidal energy potential in UK waters. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Maritime Engineering, 162 (4). 155-164. 10.1680/maen.2009.162.4.155

Bermudez, L. E.; Graybeal, J.; Lowry, Roy; Galbraith, N.; Stocks, K.; Watson, S.; Arko, R.. 2006 Metadata guides for smarties. [Other] In: 2006 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 20-24 February 2006. OS45D-36 [Abstracts].

Butler, A.; Heffernan, J. E.; Flather, R. A.; Tawn, J. A.. 2004 Local estimation of extremal trends in North Sea surge elevations. In: IMA International Conference on Flood Risk Assessment 7th - 8th September 2004. Southend-on-Sea, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications: Institute of Mathematics and its Applications: Southend-on-Sea, 117-126.

Blackley, M. W. L.; Lowry, R. K.; Rickards, L. J.. 1991 An inventory of data collected during the NERC's North Sea Community Research Project, 1987-1992. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 74pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 21)


Fong, S. W.; Heaps, N. S.. 1978 Note on Quarter Wave Tidal Resonance in the Bristol Channel. Bidston Observatory, Birkenhead, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 11pp. (I.O.S. Report No. 63) (Unpublished)


Howarth, M. J.. 2009 Prince Madog Cruise 24/09, POL Coastal Observatory Cruise 62, 17-19 June 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 11pp. (COBS Cruise Report No. 62)

Holgate, S. J.; Woodworth, P. L.; Foden, P. R.; Pugh, J. ORCID: 2008 A study of delays in making tide gauge data available to tsunami warning centers. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 25 (3). 475-481. 10.1175/2007/JTECH0544.1

Howarth, M. J.. 2008 Prince Madog Cruise 19/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 54, 25-26 June 2008. Liverpool, Proudman Occeanographic Laboratory, 9pp. (COBS Cruise Report No. 54)

Hyder, P.; Wakelin, S. L. ORCID:; Holt, M. W.; Osborne, J. P.; Siddorn, J. R.; O'Dea, E. J.. 2006 Towards improved real-time forecast modelling for the NW European shelf seas. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 87 (36 (Supplement)), OS26N-10.

Huthnance, J.M. ORCID: 2005 F.S. 'Poseidon' cruise 328: slope mixing, Torshaven to Aberdeen, 6-25th September 2005. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 44pp. (POL Cruise Report No. 48)

Humphery, J.D.; Banaszek, A.D.; Williams, J.J.. 1999 Deployment and recovery of offshore moorings for the MAST3 INDIA Project (INlet Dynamics Initiative - Algarve). Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 21pp. (POL Cruise Report No. 34)

Humphery, J. D.; Moores, S. P.. 1994 Description and interpretation of data recorded by STABLE II during RRS 'Charles Darwin' cruise 84, OMEX, Goban Spur, January 1994. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 45pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 37)


Jenkins, A.D.; Evensen, G.; Bjorgo, E.; Espadal, H.; Korsbakken, E.; Kloster, K.; Hamre, T.; Jensen, V.; Samuel, P.; Durand, D.; Gomez Lahoz, M.; Carlos Caretero, J.; De Valk, C.; Mastenbroek, K.; Vos, R.J.; Gerritsen, H.; Ten Brummelhuis, P.G.J.. 1997 Remote sensing applied to operational models: North Sea. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 55pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 49)


King, Matt A.; Williams, Simon D.P. ORCID: 2009 Apparent stability of GPS monumentation from short-baseline time series. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114. B10403. 10.1029/2009JB006319

Kennedy, Andrew. 2009 Irish Sea Bibliography 2002 - 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 69pp. (POL Internal Document No. 193) (Unpublished)

Knight, Phil; Balfour, Chris; Kenny, John; McLaughlin, Danny. 2009 POL glider facility: (July 2009). Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 10pp. (POL Internal Document No. 192) (Unpublished)

Knight, Phil; Balfour, Chris; Kenny, John; McLaughlin, Danny. 2009 POL glider first sea trial: (November 2009). Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 17pp. (POL Internal Document No. 197) (Unpublished)

Knight, P. J.. 2008 Prince Madog Cruise 07/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 51 and Dee recovery cruise, 11-15 March 2008. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Report, 14pp. (COBS Cruise Report No. 51)

Knight, P. J.. 2008 Prince Madog Cruise 09/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 52, 16-17 April 2008. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 11pp. (COBS Cruise Report No. 52)

Knight, P. J.. 2008 Prince Madog Cruise 23/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 55, 30 July-1CAugust 2008. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 12pp. (COBS Cruise Report No. 55)

Knight, Phil J.. 2008 Prince Madog cruise 29/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 56, 10-12 September 2008. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 10pp. (COBS Cruise Report No. 56)

Knight, Phil j,. 2008 Prince Madog Cruise 37/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 58, 10-12 December 2008. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 11pp. (COBS Cruise Report No. 58)

Knight, P. J.. 2007 Prince Madog cruise 13/07, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 45, 20-21 June 2007. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 13pp. (COBS Report No. 45)

Knight, P. J.. 1995 Current profile, pressure and temperature records from the North Channel of the Irish Sea from a bottom mounted ADCP and WLR at 54, 46'N 05, 24'W. July 1993-October 1994. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 267pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 39)

Knight, P. J.; Howarth, M. J.; Flatt, D.; Loch, S. G.. 1992 Current profile and sea-bed pressure and temperature records. May 1990 - July 1991. Dover Strait. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 234pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 22)

Knight, P. J.; Howarth, M. J.; Flatt, D.. 1991 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler records. Site A - 55°30'N 00°54'E. August 1988 - September 1989. North Sea Project. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 147pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 15)

Knight, P. J.; Howarth, M. J.; Flatt, D.. 1991 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler records. Site C - 54°20'N 00°24'E. August 1988 - September 1989. North Sea Project. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 164pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 16)

Knight, P. J.; Howarth, M. J.; Flatt, D.. 1991 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler records. Site D - 53°30'N 03°00'E. August 1988 - September 1989. North Sea Project. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 167pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 17)

Knight, P. J.; Falconer, J.; Howarth, M. J.. 1990 Current meter records. Site E - 52°43'N 02°25'E. August 1988 - September 1989. North Sea Project. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laborarory, 205pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laborary, Report No. 12)

Knight, P. J.; Falconer, J.; Howarth, M. J. 1990 Current meter records. Site B - 55°30'N 05°31'E. August 1988 - September 1989, North Sea Project. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 205pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 13)

Knight, P. J.; Falconer, J.; Howarth, M. J.. 1990 Current meter records. Site F - 52°37'N 03°46'E. August 1988 - September 1989, North Sea Project. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laborary, 158pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 11)


Lane, Andrew. 2009 RV Prince Madog cruise 16/09, FORMOST Project, POL Dee Estuary cruise (deployment), 8-7 May 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 11pp. (POL Dee Experiment Cruise Report No. 16/09)

Lane, Andy. 2009 RV Prince Madog cruise 6/09, POL Dee Experiment cruise (recovery), 3-5 March 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 14pp. (POL Dee Experiment Cruise Report No. 6/09)

Lane, A.. 1997 Currents and SPM (Suspended particulate material) measurements, Holderness, East Coast, England, November-December 1993, October 1994 - February 1995 and October 1995 - January 1996. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 50pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 45)

Loch, S. G.. 1993 An efficient, generalised approach to banking oceanographic data. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 34pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 24)

Lane, A.. 1989 The heat balance of the North Sea. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 46pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 8)


Moate, B. D.; Bell, P. S. ORCID:; Thorne, P. D. ORCID: 2007 Evaluation of oscillatory velocities measured by a triple axis Coherent Doppler Velocity Profiler (CDVP) in the Delta Flume 2001 Experiment. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 84pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 185)

Monbaliu, J.; Zhang, M.Y.; De Backer, K.; Hargreaves, J.; Luo, W.; Flather, R. A.; Carretero, J.C.; Gomez Lahoz, M.; Lozano, I.; Stawarz, M.; Gunther, H.; Rosenthal, H.; Ozer, J.. 1997 WAM model intercomparisons - North Sea. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 30pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 47)

McManus, J. P.. 1993 Dissolved trace metal inputs into the southern North Sea: source concentrations derived from multiple linear regression between distributions simulated by a dispersion model and observed in North Sea Project surveys. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 25pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 32)


Nohren, I.; Duwe, K. C.; Baumert, H.. 1997 PROMISE literature review on turbulence, wave and suspended matter transport modelling. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 22pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 50)


Polton, Jeff A. ORCID: 2009 A wave averaged energy equation: comment on "Global Estimates of Wind Energy Input to Subinertial Motions in the Ekman-Stokes Layer" by Bin Liu, Kejian Wu and Changlong Guan. Journal of Oceanography, 65 (5). 665-668.

Palmer, Matthew. 2008 Prince Madog Cruise 33/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 57, 21st-23rd October 2008. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 7pp. (COBS Cruise Report No. 57)

Palmer, M.. 2008 Prince Madog Cruise 01/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 50, 10-11th January 2008. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 11pp. (COBS Cruise Report No. 50)

Palmer, M.. 2008 Prince Madog Cruise 14/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise 53, 13th-16th May 2008. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 18pp. (COBS Cruise Report No.53)

Pugh, David. 2006 Some indications of the socio-economic benefits of improved marine-monitoring instrumentation. Proceedings of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology Part C: Journal of Marine Science and Environment (C4). 13-22.

Player, R. J.. 1995 Current profile, water level and temperature records, April 1993 - May 1994. Cumbrian Coast. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 265pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 38)

Player, R. J.. 1995 H.F. Radar (OSCR) surface current measurements in the North Channel, July 1993 - August 1994. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 86pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No.40)

Player, R. J.. 1993 Current profile, water level and temperature records. Cruises 'Challenger' 78 and 88. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 190pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 29)

Player, R.. 1992 H.F. radar surface current measurements in the Dover Strait, June 1990 - July 1991. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 103pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 25)

Proctor, R.; Smith, J. A.. 1991 The depth-averaged residual circulation on the North West European Shelf, August 1988 to October 1989. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 20)


Regener, M.; Szilagyi, B.; Baumert, H.. 1997 The generic 1-D turbulence-SPM model. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 40pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 48)

Richards, J.D.; Windle, S.A.; Blackman, D. L.; Flather, R. A.; Woodworth, P. L. ORCID: 1993 Analysis of high waters and tides at Lawyer's sluice in the Wash, eastern England. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 26pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 31)


Souza, Alejandro J.. 2009 RV Prince Madog PD02/09A cruise report, 2-4 February 2009. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory. (POL Dee Experiment Cruise Report No. 02/09A)

Swail, Val R.; Etala, Paula; Dube, Shishir; Horsburgh, Kevin ORCID: 2009 Guest editorial. Natural Hazards, 51 (1). 1-2. 10.1007/s11069-009-9422-z

Souza, A. J.. 2008 RV Prince Madog PD04/08, POL Coastal Observatory cruise, 12-15 February 2008. Liverpool, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 15pp. (COBS Cruise Report No. 04/08)

Salles, P.; Souza, Alejandro. 2006 Editorial to the second PECS 2004 special issue of Ocean Dynamics. Ocean Dynamics, 56 (3-4). 151-152. 10.1007/s10236-006-0075-0

Sharples, Jonathan; Ross, Oliver N.; Scott, Beth E.; Greenstreet, Simon P.R.; Fraser, Helen. 2006 Inter-annual variability in the timing of stratification and the spring bloom in the North-western North Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 26 (6). 733-751. 10.1016/j.csr.2006.01.011

Smith, J. A.. 1994 The Operational Storm Surge Model Data Archive. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 34pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 34)

Shaw, S.M.. 1993 Class A Network Dataring gauges - 1992 data processing and analysis. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 178pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 30)

Shaw, S.M.. 1992 Class A Network Dataring gauges - 1990 data processing and analysis. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 116pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 23)

Shaw, S.M.. 1992 Class A Network Dataring gauges - 1991 data processing and analysis. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 174pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 26)

Shaw, S.M.. 1991 Class A Network Dataring gauges - 1989 data processing and analysis. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 134pp. (Prouedman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 18)

Shaw, S. M.. 1989 Class A Network Dataring gauges - 1988 data processing and analysis. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 124pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 9)

Shaw, S.M.. 1988 Class A Network Dataring gauges - 1987 data processing and analysis. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 97pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 5)


Tejada-Martinez, Andres E.; Grosch, Chester E.; Gargett, Ann E.; Polton, Jeff A. ORCID:; Smith, Jerome A.; MacKinnon, J. A.. 2009 A hybrid spectral/finite-difference large-eddy simulator of turbulent processes in the upper ocean. Ocean Modelling, 30 (2-3). 115-142. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2009.06.008

Teferle, F. N; Bingley, R. M; Williams, S. D. P. ORCID:; Baker, T. F.; Dodson, A. H. 2006 Using continuous GPS and absolute gravity to separate vertical land movements and changes in sea-level at tide-gauges in the UK. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 364 (1841). 917-930. 10.1098/rsta.2006.1746

Tsimplis, M.P.; Shaw, A.G.P.; Flather, R.A.; Woolf, D.K.. 2006 The influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on the sea-level around the northern European coasts reconsidered: the thermosteric effects. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 364 (1841). 845-856. 10.1098/rsta.2006.1740

Thorne, Peter ORCID:; Davies, Alan. 2006 Sounding out sediment transport: observations and modelling of ripple-generated vortices. Ocean Challenge, 14 (3). 15-21.


Vincent, C. E.; Bjorno, L.; Dohmen-Janssen, C. M.; Guyomar, D.; Humphrey, V.; Perrenes, M.; Ribberink, J. S.; Schaafsma, A.; Taylor, J. A.; Thorne, P. ORCID: 2001 TRIDISMA - 3-D sediment transport measurements by acoustics. In: Edge, Billy L., (ed.) Coastal Engineering 2000. Virginia, ASCE, 3254-3262.


Williams, Jonathan; Carling, P. A.; Bell, Paul ORCID: 2006 Dynamics of intertidal gravel dunes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111 (C6), C06035. 10.1029/2005JC003000

Woodworth, Philip L. ORCID: 2006 Preface [Theme issue: 'Sea level science']. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 364 (1841). 783-784. 10.1098/rsta.2006.1755

Woodworth, Philip L. ORCID: 2006 Some important issues to do with long-term sea level change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 364 (1841). 787-803. 10.1098/rsta.2006.1737

Woodworth, P. L. ORCID:; Blackman, D. L.; Pugh, D. T.; Vassie, J. M.. 2005 On the role of diurnal tides in contributing to asymmetries in tidal probability distribution functions in areas of predominantly semi-diurnal tide. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 64 (2-3). 235-240. 10.1016/j.ecss.2005.02.014

Williams, J. J.; Moores, S. P.; Turney, P. D.; Taylor, K.F.. 1997 Design and laboratory calibration of Piezoelectric Suspended Sediment Impact Probes. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 39pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 46)

Williams, J. J.; Humphery, J. D.; Moores, S.P.; Wilson, D.. 1996 Analysis of STABLE data from Deployment 2, Holderness, UK, January-February, 1995. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 40pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 43)

Williams, J. J.; Humphery, J. D.; Moores, S. P.; Clipson, D.. 1996 Analysis of STABLE data from Deployment 1, Holderness, UK, October 1994. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 49pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 42)

Williams, J. J.. 1994 Measurements of turbulence and acoustic detection of bedload in a mountain river. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 40pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 36)

Wolf, J. ORCID: 1991 A unified framework for water quality modelling in shallow seas. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 46pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 19)

Williams, J.J.. 1988 Physical and dynamic properties of Lundy sand. Birkenhead, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, 30pp. (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Report No. 3)


Xing, Jiuxing; Davies, Alan. 2006 Internal wave trapping and mixing in a cold water dome. Journal of Geophysical Research, 111 (C7). C07002. 10.1029/2005JC003417

Xing, Jiuxing; Davies, Alan M.. 2006 Processes influencing tidal mixing in the region of sills. Geophysical Research Letters, 33 (4), L04603. 10.1029/2005GL025226


Zhou, Z.; Ballentine, C. J.; Postlethwaite, C. F.; Williams, R. G.. 2009 Tritium ventilation ages of waters along 36 degrees N and 25 degrees W in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13). A1528-A1528.

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