Items where Programme is "SE01.4 Monitoring and predicting the distribution of chemicals in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems"

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Number of items at this level: 59.


Almas, A. R.; Lofts, S. ORCID:; Mulder, J.; Tipping, E. ORCID: 2007 Solubility of major cations and Cu, Zn and Cd in soil extracts of some contaminated agricultural soils near a zinc smelter in Norway: modelling with a multisurface extension of WHAM. European Journal of Soil Science, 58 (5). 1074-1086. 10.1111/j.1365-2389.2007.00894.x

Ahman, B.; Wright, S.M.; Howard, B.J. ORCID: 2004 Radiocaesium in lynx in relation to ground deposition and diet. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 43 (2). 119-126. 10.1007/s00411-004-0242-y

Avila, R.; Beresford, N.A..; Agüero, A.; Broed, R.; Brown, J.; Iospje, M.; Robles, B.; Suañez, A.. 2004 Study of the uncertainty in estimation of the exposure of non-human biota to ionising radiation. Journal of Radiological Protection, 24 (4A). A105-A122. 10.1088/0952-4746/24/4A/007


Beresford, N. A.; Hosseini, A.; Brown, J. E.; Cailles, C.; Copplestone, D.; Barnett, C. L. ORCID:; Beaugelin-Seiller, K.. 2008 Evaluation of approaches for protecting the environment from ionising radiation in a regulatory context. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 104pp. (CEH Project Number: C03182, PROTECT Project: Deliverable 4)

Beresford, N. A.; Wood, M. D.; Bescoby, M.; Caborn, J. C.; Barnett, C. L. ORCID: 2008 Sampling at Drigg sand dunes. Bristol, Environment Agency, 14pp. (Science Report: SC070019, Environment Agency Product code: SCHO0308BNVQ-E-E)

Barnett, C. L. ORCID:; Gaschak, S.; Beresford, N. A.; Howard, B. J. ORCID:; Maksimenko, A.. 2008 Radionuclide activity concentrations in two species of reptiles from the Chernobyl exclusion zone. [Poster] In: International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity, Bergen, Norway, 15-20 June 2008. Osteras, Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA), 86-90.

Beresford, N. A.; Barnett, C. L. ORCID:; Brown, J. E.; Cheng, J. J.; Copplestone, D.; Filistovic, V.; Hosseini, A.; Howard, B. J. ORCID:; Jones, S. R.; Kamboj, S.; Kryshev, A.; Nedveckaite, T.; Olyslaegers, G.; Saxen, R.; Sazykina, T.; Vives i Batlle, J.; Vives-Lynch, S; Yankovich, T.; Yu, C.. 2008 Inter-comparison of models to estimate radionuclide activity concentrations in non-human biota. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 47 (4). 491-514. 10.1007/s00411-008-0186-8

Beresford, N.A.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Scott, W.A.; Brown, J.E.; Copplestone, D.. 2008 Derivation of transfer parameters for use within the ERICA Tool and the default concentration ratios for terrestrial biota. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 99. 1393-1407. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2008.01.020

Beresford, N.A.; Gaschak, S.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Chizhevsky, I.; Stromman, G.; Oughton, D.H.; Wright, S.M.; Maksimenko, A.; Copplestone, D.. 2008 Estimating the exposure of small mammals at three sites within the Chernobyl exclusion zone – a test application of the ERICA Tool. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 99. 1496-1502. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2008.03.002

Beresford,, Nicholas A.; Balonov, Mikhail; Beaugelin-Seiller, Karine; Brown, Justin; Copplestone, David; Hingston, Joanne L.; Horyna, Jan; Hosseini, Ali; Howard, Brenda J. ORCID:; Kamboj, Sunita; Nedveckaite, Tatjana; Olyslaegers, Geert; Sazykina, Tatiana; Vives i Batlle, Jordi; Yankovich, Tamara L; Yu, Charley. 2008 An international comparison of models and approaches for the estimation of the radiological exposure of non-human biota. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 66 (11). 1745-1749. 10.1016/j.apradiso.2008.04.009

Beresford, N.A.; Wright, S.M.. 2005 Non-linearity in radiocaesium soil to plant transfer: Fact or fiction? Radioprotection, 40. S67-S72. 10.1051/radiopro:2005s1-011

Beresford, N.A.; Wright, S.M.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Golikov, V.; Shutov, V.; Kravtsova, O.. 2005 Approaches to estimating the transfer of radionuclides to Arctic biota. Radioprotection, 40 (Supplement 1). S285-S290. 10.1051/radiopro:2005s1-043

Beresford, N.A.; Wright, S.M.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Wood, M.D.; Gaschak, S.; Arkhipov, A.; Sazykina, T.G.; Avila, R.. 2005 A case study in the Chernobyl zone Part I: Predicting radionuclide transfer to wildlife. Radioprotection, 40 (Supplement 1). S291-S297. 10.1051/radiopro:2005s1-044

Beresford, Nicholas A.; Wright, Simon M.; Barnett, Catherine L. ORCID:; Wood, Michael D.; Gaschak, Sergey; Arkhipov, Andrey; Sazykina, Tatiana G.; Howard, Brenda J. ORCID: 2005 Predicting radionuclide transfer to wild animals: an application of a proposed environmental impact assessment framework to the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 44 (3). 161-168. 10.1007/s00411-005-0018-z

Beresford, N.A.; Broadley, M.R.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; White, P.J.. 2004 Estimating radionuclide transfer to wild species—data requirements and availability for terrestrial ecosystems. Journal of Radiological Protection, 24 (4A). A89-A103. 10.1088/0952-4746/24/4A/006


Copplestone, D.; Wood, M.D.; Merrill, P.C.; Allott, R.; Jones, S.R.; Vives i Batlle, J.; Beresford, N.A.; Zinger, I.. 2005 Impact assessment of ionising radiation on wildlife: Meeting the requirements of the EU birds and habitats directives. Radioprotection, 40 (Supplement 1). S893-S898. 10.1051/radiopro:2005s1-131

Cox, G.; Beresford, N.A.; Alvarez-Farizo, B.; Oughton, D.; Kis, Z.; Eged, K.; Thørring, H.; Hunt, J.; Wright, S.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Gil, J.M.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Crout, N.M.J.. 2005 Identifying optimal agricultural countermeasure strategies for a hypothetical contamination scenario using the strategy model. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 83 (3). 383-397. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2004.05.021

Copplestone, David; Howard, Brenda J. ORCID:; Bréchignac, François. 2004 The ecological relevance of current approaches for environmental protection from exposure to ionising radiation. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 74 (1-3). 31-41. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2004.01.020

Crout, N.M.J.; Beresford, N.A.; Dawson, J.M.; Soar, J.; Mayes, R.W.. 2004 The transfer of 73As, 109Cd and 203Hg to the milk and tissues of dairy cattle. The Journal of Agricultural Science, 142 (2). 203-212. 10.1017/S0021859604004186


Dragović, S.; Howard, B. J. ORCID:; Caborn, J. A.; Barnett, C. L. ORCID:; Mihailović, N.. 2008 Ants and terrestrial vegetation of Zlatibor mountain (Serbia) as biomonitors of radionuclides from global fallout. [Poster] In: International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity, Bergen, Norway, 15-20 June 2008. Osteras, Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA), 103-106.


Ermakov, I.; Koptsik, S. V.; Koptsik, G. N.; Lofts, S. ORCID: 2007 Transport and accumulation of heavy metals in undisturbed soil columns. Global NEST Journal, 9 (3). 187-194.


Galeriu, D.; Melintescu, A.; Beresford, N.A.; Crout, N.M.J.; Takeda, H.. 2005 14C and tritium dynamics in wild mammals: A metabolic model. Radioprotection, 40 (Supplement 1). S351-S357. 10.1051/radiopro:2005s1-052

Golikov, Vladislav; Logacheva, Irina; Bruk, Gennadi; Shutov, Vladimir; Balonov, Mikhail; Strand, Per; Borghuis, Sander; Howard, Brenda ORCID:; Wright, Simon M.. 2004 Modelling of long-term behaviour of caesium and strontium radionuclides in the Arctic environment and human exposure. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 74 (1-3). 159-169. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2004.01.015

Galeriu, D.; Beresford, N.A.; Takeda, H.; Melintescu, A.; Crout, N.M.J.. 2003 Towards a model for the dynamic transfer of tritium and carbon in mammals. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 105 (1-4). 387-390.


Hannah, Robert; D'Aco, Vincent J.; Anderson, Paul D.; Buzby, Mary E.; Caldwell, Daniel J.; Cunningham, Virginia L.; Ericson, Jon F.; Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Parke, Neil J.; Samuelian, John H.; Sumpter, John P.. 2009 Exposure assessment of 17α-ethinylestradiol in surface waters of the United States and Europe. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28 (12). 2725-2732. 10.1897/08-622.1

Howard, Brenda J. ORCID:; Beresford, Nicholas A.; Fesenko, Sergey; Barnett, Catherine L. ORCID: 2008 Transfer of radionuclides to agricultural animals – revision of TRS 364. In: International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity, Bergen, Norway, 15-20 June 2008. Osteras, Norway, 321-323.

Howe, P. D.; Dobson, S.; Malcolm, H. M.. 2007 Environmental assessment of pyrotechnic ingredients: screening level summary report for combustion products. Interim report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 28pp. (Unpublished)

Howe, Paul D.; Griffiths, Trevor T.; Dobson, Stuart; Malcolm, Heath M.. 2007 Environmental assessment of pyrotechnic combustion products. [Poster] In: Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium & Workshop, Washington, D.C., 4-6 Dec 2007. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. (Unpublished)

Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Beresford, N.A.; Nisbet, A.; Cox, G.; Oughton, D.H.; Hunt, J.; Alvarez, B.; Andersson, K.G.; Liland, A.; Voigt, G.. 2005 The STRATEGY project: decision tools to aid sustainable restoration and long-term management of contaminated agricultural ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 83 (3). 275-295. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2005.01.013

Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Liland, A.; Beresford, N.A.; Andersson, K.G.; Cox, G.; Gil, J.M.; Hunt, J.; Nisbet, A.; Oughton, D.H.; Voigt, G.. 2004 A critical evaluation of the strategy project. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 109 (1-2). 63-67. 10.1093/rpd/nch245

Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Semioschkina, N.; Voigt, G.; Mukusheva, M.; Clifford, J.. 2004 Radiostrontium contamination of soil and vegetation within the Semipalatinsk test site. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 43 (4). 285-292. 10.1007/s00411-004-0261-8

Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Wright, S.M.; Salbu, B.; Skuterud, K.L.; Hove, K.; Loe, R.. 2004 Long-term consequences for Northern Norway of a hypothetical release from the Kola nuclear power plant. Science of the Total Environment, 327 (1-3). 53-68. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2004.01.007


Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Ternes, Thomas; Williams, Richard J.; Sumpter, John P.. 2008 Assessing the Concentrations of Polar Organic Microcontaminants from Point Sources in the Aquatic Environment: Measure or Model? Environmental Science & Technology, 42 (15). 5390-5399. 10.1021/es703091r

Jagannath, A.; Shore, R.F.; Walker, L.A. ORCID:; Ferns, P.N.; Gosler, A.G.. 2008 Eggshell pigmentation indicates pesticide contamination. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45 (1). 133-140. 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2007.01386.x

Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Juergens, Monika D. ORCID:; Williams, Richard J.; Kuemmerer, Klaus; Kortenkamp, Andreas; Sumpter, John P.. 2008 Do cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs discharged into rivers pose a risk to the environment and human health? An overview and UK case study. Journal of Hydrology, 348 (1-2). 167-175. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.09.054

Johnson, A. C. ORCID:; Keller, V. ORCID:; Williams, R. J.; Young, A.. 2007 A practical demonstration in modelling diclofenac and propranolol river water concentrations using a GIS hydrology model in a rural UK catchment. Environmental Pollution, 146 (1). 155-165. 10.1016/j.envpol.2006.05.037

Johnson, Andrew ORCID:; Tanaka, Hiroaki; Okayasu, Yuji; Suzuki, Yutaka. 2007 The estrogen content and relative performance of Japanese and British sewage treatment plants and their potential impact on endocrine disruption. Environmental Sciences, 14 (6). 319-329.

Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Williams, Richard J.; Simpson, Pete; Kanda, Rakesh. 2007 What difference might sewage treatment performance make to endocrine disruption in rivers? Environmental Pollution, 147. 194-202. 10.1016/j.envpol.2006.08.032

Jones, Helen E.; West, Helen M.; Chamberlain, Paul M.; Parekh, Nisha R.; Beresford, Nick A.; Crout, Neil H.J.. 2004 Effects of gamma irradiation on Holcus lanatus (Yorkshire fog grass) and associated soil microorganisms. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 74 (1-3). 57-71. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2004.01.027


Lofts, Stephen ORCID:; Chapman, Peter M.; Dwyer, Robert; McLaughlin, Mike J.; Schoeters, Ilse; Sheppard, Steve C.; Adams, William J.; Alloway, Brian J.; Antunes, Paula M. C.; Campbell, Peter G. C.; Davies, Benjamin; Degryse, Fien; De Vries, Willem; Farley, Kevin J.; Garrett, Robert G.; Green, Andrew; Groenenberg, Bert Jan; Hale, Beverley; Harrass, Michael; Hendershot, William H.; Keller, Armin; Lanno, Roman; Liang, Tao; Liu, Wen-Xin; Ma, Yibing; Menzie, Charlie; Moolenaar, Simon W.; Piatkiewicz, Wieslaw; Reimann, Clemens; Rieuwerts, John S.; Santore, Robert C.; Sauve, Sebastien; Schuetze, Gudrun; Schlekat, Chris; Skeaff, Jim; Smolders, Erik; Tao, Shu; Wilkins, John; Zhao, Fang-Jie. 2007 Critical loads of metals and other trace elements to terrestrial environments. Environmental Science & Technology, 41 (18). 6326-6331.


Mietelski, J. W.; Olech, M. A..; Sobiech-Matura, K.; Howard, B. J. ORCID:; Gaca, P.; Zwolak, M.; Blazej, S.; Tomankiewicz, E.. 2008 137Cs, 40K, 238Pu, 239+240Pu and 90Sr in biological samples from King George Island (Southern Shetlands) in Antarctica. Polar Biology, 31. 1081-1089. 10.1007/s00300-008-0449-5

McNamara, N.P. ORCID:; Black, H.I.J.; Beresford, N.A.; Parekh, N.R.. 2003 Effects of acute gamma irradiation on chemical, physical and biological properties of soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 24 (2). 117-132. 10.1016/S0929-1393(03)00073-8


Nisbet, Anne; Howard, Brenda ORCID:; Beresford, Nick; Voigt, Gabriele. 2005 Workshop to extend the involvement of stakeholders in decisions on restoration management. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 83 (3). 259-261. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2005.01.012


Price, Oliver R.; Williams, Richard J.; van Egmond, Roger; Wilkinson, Mark J.; Whelan, Michael J.. 2010 Predicting accurate and ecologically relevant regional scale concentrations of triclosan in rivers for use in higher-tier aquatic risk assessments. Environment International, 36 (6). 521-526. 10.1016/j.envint.2010.04.003

Pampura, T.; Groenenberg, J.E.; Lofts, S. ORCID:; Priputina, I.. 2007 Validation of transfer functions predicting Cd and Pb free metal ion activity in soil solution as a function of soil characteristics and reactive metal content. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 184 (1-4). 217-234. 10.1007/s11270-007-9410-4


Rowney, Nicole C.; Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Williams, Richard J.. 2009 Cytotoxic drugs in drinking water: a prediction and risk assessment exercise for the Thames catchment in the United Kingdom. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28 (12). 2733-2743. 10.1897/09-067.1


Scholefield, P. ORCID:; Neal, C.; Rowland, P.; Vincent, C.; Pickup, R.; Maberly, S. ORCID: 2008 Whole catchment hydrochemical analysis of the Rivers Ribble and Wyre. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EGU2008-A-09630. 1, pp.

Smedley, Pauline; Cooper, David ORCID:; Lapworth, Daniel Joseph ORCID:; Ander, Louise. 2008 Molybdenum in British drinking water : a review of sources and occurrence and a reconnaissance survey of concentrations. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 41pp. (OR/08/051) (Unpublished)

Shore, R.F.; Walker, L.A. ORCID:; Thomas, G.O.; Barber, J.L.; Martin, F.R.; Jones, K.C.; Beresford, N.A.; Rowland, P.; Pickup, R.W.. 2007 Review of the Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme (PBMS)2006. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 51pp. (JNCC Report No. 400)


Voigt, G.; Howard, B. J. ORCID:; Beresford, N. A.. 2007 Transfer of radionuclides in animal production systems. In: Radioactivity in the Environment. Elsevier Ltd., 71-96.


Williams, R. J.; Johnson, A. C. ORCID:; Keller, V. D. J. ORCID:; Young, A. R.; Holmes, M. G. R.; Wells, C.; Gross-Sorokin, M.; Benstead, R.. 2008 A national, GIS-based risk assessment for intersex in fish arising from steroid oestrogens – England and Wales. In: SETAC Europe 18th Annual Meeting, Warsaw, 25-29th May 2008. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.

Walker, Lee A. ORCID:; Turk, Anthony; Long, Sara M.; Wienburg, Claire L.; Best, Jennifer; Shore, Richard F.. 2008 Second generation anticoagulant rodenticides in tawny owls (Strix aluco) from Great Britain. Science of the Total Environment, 392 (1). 93-98. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2007.10.061

Walker, Lee A. ORCID:; Shore, Richard F.; Turk, Anthony; Dos Santos Pereira, M. Gloria ORCID:; Best, Jennifer. 2008 The Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme (PBMS) — identifying chemical risks to top predators in Britain. Ambio, 37 (6). 466-471. 10.1579/0044-7447(2008)37[469:TPBMSI]2.0.CO;2

Wood, M.D.; Marshall, W.A.; Beresford, N.A.; Jones, S.R.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Copplestone, D.; Leah, R.T.. 2008 Application of the ERICA Integrated Approach to the Drigg coastal sand dunes. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 99. 1484-1495. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2008.03.008

Wood, Michael D.; Beresford, Nicholas A.; Copplestone, David; Leah, Richard T.. 2008 Assessing radiation impact at a protected coastal sand dune site. In: International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity, Bergen, Norway, 15-20 June 2008. Osteras, Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA), 32-36.

Walker, L. A. ORCID:; Lister, L. J.; Long, S. M.; Dos Santos Pereira, M. G. ORCID:; Turk, A.; Townsend, J.; Wienburg, C. L.; Wright, J.A.; Shore, R. F.. 2007 Wildlife and Pollution 2005/06 Annual report. Joint Nature Conservation Committee. (JNCC Report No. 399)

Webster, Shona; Salt, Carol A.; Howard, Brenda J. ORCID: 2003 Sea-to-land transfer of technetium-99 through the use of contaminated seaweed as an agricultural soil conditioner. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 70 (1-2). 127-137. 10.1016/S0265-931X(03)00122-X

Wright, S.M.; Smith, J.T.; Beresford, N.A.; Scott, W.A.. 2003 Monte-Carlo prediction of changes in areas of west Cumbria requiring restrictions on sheep following the Chernobyl accident. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 42 (1). 41-47. 10.1007/s00411-003-0187-6


Xu, Nan; Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Juergens, Monika D. ORCID:; Llewellyn, Neville R.; Hankins, Nick, P.; Darton, Richard C.. 2009 Estrogen concentration affects its biodegradation rate in activated sludge. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28 (11). 2263-2270. 10.1897/08-577.1

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