Items where Programme is "Marine Geoscience"
- NERC Programmes (25104)
- BGS Programmes 2010 (2104)
- Marine Geoscience (74)
- BGS Programmes 2010 (2104)
Berndt, Christian; Jacobs, Colin; Evans, Alan; Gay, Aurélien; Elliott, Gavin; Long, David; Hitchen, Kenneth. 2012 Kilometre-scale polygonal seabed depressions in the Hatton Basin, NE Atlantic Ocean: constraints on the origin of polygonal faulting. Marine Geology, 332-334. 126-133. 10.1016/j.margeo.2012.09.013
Brooks, A.J.; Kenyon, N.H.; Leslie, A.; Long, D.; Gordon, J.E.. 2011 Characterising Scotland's marine environment to define search locations for new Marine Protected Areas. Part 2, the identification of key geodiversity areas in Scottish waters (interim report July 2011). Scottish Natural Heritage, 205pp.
Cooke, R.; Bulat, J.. 2012 Vectorisation of bit-map images into SEG-Y files using Seistrans. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 40pp. (IR/12/061) (Unpublished)
Cooke, Robert; Bulat, Joe; Christie, Geoff. 2012 Marine geophysical data : digital capture of paper records. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 34pp. (IR/10/078) (Unpublished)
Callaway, Alexander; Quinn, Rory; Brown, Craig J.; Service, Matthew; Long, David; Benetti, Sara. 2011 The formation and evolution of an isolated submarine valley in the North Channel, Irish sea: an investigation of Beaufort's Dyke. Journal of Quaternary Science, 26 (4). 362-373. 10.1002/jqs.1460
Cooper, Rhys; Smart, Nick. 2011 Canna Multibeam Survey on the Northern Lighthouse Board vessel, Polestar. BGS Survey - 2011_7 : 1st – 11th July 2011. British Geological Survey, 13pp. (OR/11/045) (Unpublished)
Dove, Dayton; Leigh, Sasha. 2011 Scientific Drilling in the Arctic Ocean : a summary document to encourage Academic and Industry collaboration : January 2011. ECORD, 20pp.
Dove, Dayton; Coakley, Bernard; Hopper, John; Kristoffersen, Yngve. 2010 Bathymetry, controlled source seismic and gravity observations of the Mendeleev ridge : implications for ridge structure, origin, and regional tectonics. Geophysical Journal International, 183 (2). 481-502. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04746.x
Evans, Hannah. 2010 Vital coastal barriers. Earthwise, 26 (17. 48-49.
Evans, Hannah M.. 2010 Geomorphic evolution of the Great Yarmouth coastal system : spit sediment dynamics and forcing mechanisms. The Crown Estate on behalf of the Marine Estate, 54pp.
Gafeira, J.; Long, D.; Diaz-Doce, D.. 2012 Semi-automated characterisation of seabed pockmarks in the central North Sea. Near Surface Geophysics, 10 (4). 303-314. 10.3997/1873-0604.2012018
Graham, Alastair G.C.; Stoker, Martyn S.; Lonergan, Lidia; Bradwell, Tom; Stewart, Margaret A.. 2011 The Pleistocene glaciations of the North Sea Basin. In: Ehlers, J.; Gibbard, P.L.; Hughes, P.D., (eds.) Quaternary glaciations : extent and chronology : a closer look. Elsevier, 261-278. (Developments in Quaternary Science, 15).
Graham, Alastair G.C.; Lonergan, Lidia; Stoker, Martyn S.. 2010 Depositional environments and chronology of Late Weichselian glaciation and deglaciation in the central North Sea. Boreas, 39 (3). 471-491. 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2010.00144.x
Gafeira, J.. 2010 A geomorphological interpretation of multibeam data from the nearshore area between Belfast Lough and Cushendun, Northern Ireland. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 46pp. (CR/10/075N) (Unpublished)
Gafeira, J.; Long, D.; Scrutton, R.; Evans, D.. 2010 3D seismic evidence of internal structure within Tampen Slide deposits on the North Sea Fan : are chaotic deposits that chaotic? Journal of the Geological Society, 167 (3). 605-616. 10.1144/0016-76492009-047
Gatliff, Robert; Stevenson, Alan; Johnson, Howard; Long, Dave; Richards, Phil; Smith, Dave. 2010 Marine exploration. Earthwise, 26. 30-31.
Howe, John A.; Dove, Dayton; Bradwell, Tom; Gafeira, Joana. 2012 Corrigendum to “Submarine geomorphology and glacial history of the Sea of the Hebrides, UK”[Mar. Geol, 351-318(2012) 64-76]. Marine Geology, 329-331. 126-127. 10.1016/j.margeo.2012.09.008
Howe, John A.; Dove, Dayton; Bradwell, Tom; Gafeira, Joana. 2012 Submarine geomorphology and glacial history of the Sea of the Hebrides, UK. Marine Geology, 315-318. 64-76. 10.1016/j.margeo.2012.06.005
Holford, S.P.; Hillis, R.R.; Duddy, I.R.; Green, P.F.; Tassone, D.R.; Stoker, M.S.. 2011 Paleothermal and seismic constraints on late Miocene-Pliocene uplift and deformation in the Torquay sub-basin, southern Australian margin. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 58 (5). 543-562. 10.1080/08120099.2011.565074
Henning, A.J.; Fromhold, T.M.; Wilkinson, P.B.. 2011 Using dynamical barriers to control the transmission of light through slowly varying photonic crystals. Physical Review E, 83 (4), 046209. 10.1103/PhysRevE.83.046209
Holford, Simon; Hillis, R.R.; Duddy, I.R.; Green, P.F.; Stoker, Martyn; Tuitt, Adrian; Backe, G.; Tassone, D.R.; MacDonald, J.D.. 2011 Cenozoic post-breakup compressional deformation and exhumation of the southern Australian margin. APPEA Journal, 51. 613-638.
Howell, Kerry L.; Holt, Rebecca; Endrino, Ines Pulido; Stewart, Heather. 2011 When the species is also a habitat : comparing the predictively modelled distributions of Lophelia pertusa and the reef habitat it forms. Biological Conservation, 144 (11). 2656-2665. 10.1016/j.biocon.2011.07.025
Holford, S.P.; Hillis, R.R.; Duddy, I.R.; Green, P.F.; Tuitt, A.K.; Stoker, M.S. 2010 Impacts of Neogene-recent compressional deformation and uplift on hydrocarbon prospectivity of the passive southern Australian margin. APPEA Journal, 50. 267-286.
Holford, Simon P.; Green, Paul F.; Hillis, Richard R.; Underhill, John R.; Stoker, Martyn S.; Duddy, Ian R.. 2010 Multiple post-Caledonian exhumation epsiodes across Northwest Scotland revealed by apatite fission track analysis. Journal of the Geological Society, 167 (4). 675-694. 10.1144/0016-76492009-167
Hosseini, A.; Beresford, N.A.; Brown, J.E.; Jones, D.G.; Phaneuf, M.; Thørring, H.; Yankovich, T.. 2010 Background dose-rates to reference animals and plants arising from exposure to naturally occurring radionuclides in aquatic environments. Journal of Radiological Protection, 30 (2). 235-264. 10.1088/0952-4746/30/2/S03
Hobbs, P.; Gibson, A.; Jones, L.; Poulton, C.; Jenkins, G.; Pearson, S.; Freeborough, K.. 2010 Monitoring coastal change using terrestrial LiDAR. In: Fleming, Claire; Marsh, Stuart; Giles, Jeremy, (eds.) Elevation models for geoscience. Geological Society of London, 117-127. (Geological Society Special Publications, 345).
James, J.W. Ceri; Mackie, Andrew S.Y.; Rees, E. Ivor S.; Darbyshire, Teresa. 2012 Sand wave field : the Obel Sands, Bristol Channel, UK. In: Harris, Peter T.; Baker, Elaine K., (eds.) Seafloor geomorphology as benthic habitat : GeoHAB atlas of seafloor geomorphic features and benthic habitats. Elsevier, 227-239. (Elsevier Insights).
James, J.W. Ceri; Pearce, Bryony; Coggan, Roger A.; Morando, Angela. 2012 Open shelf valley system, Northern Palaeovalley, English Channel, UK. In: Harris, Peter T.; Baker, Elaine K., (eds.) Seafloor geomorphology as benthic habitat : GeoHAB atlas of seafloor geomorphic features and benthic habitats. Elsevier, 587-596. (Elsevier Insights).
James, J.W.C.; Pearce, B.; Coggan, R.A.; Leivers, M.; Clark, R.W.E.; Plim, J.F.; Hill, J.M.; Arnott, S.H.L.; Bateson, L.; De-Burgh, Thomas A.; Baggaley, P.A.. 2011 The MALSF synthesis study in the central and eastern English Channel. British Geological Survey, 158pp. (OR/11/001) (Unpublished)
James, J.W.C.; Pearce, B.; Coggan, R.A.; Arnott, S.H.L.; Clark, R.; Plim, J.F.; Pinnion, J.; Barrio Frojan, C.; Gardiner, J.P.; Morando, A.; Baggaley, P.A.; Scott, G.; Bigourdan, N.. 2010 The South Coast Regional Environmental Characterisation. British Geological Survey, 249pp. (OR/09/051)
Johnson, H.; Dore, A.G.. 2010 Unconventional oil and gas resources and the geological storage of carbon dioxide : overview. In: Vining, B.A.; Pickering, S.C., (eds.) Petroleum Geology : From Mature Basins to New Frontiers : Proceedings of the 7th Petroleum Geology Conference. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 1061-1063.
Kimbell, G.S.; Ritchie, J.D.; Henderson, A.F.. 2010 Three-dimensional gravity and magnetic modelling of the Irish sector of the NE Atlantic margin. Tectonophysics, 486 (1-4). 36-54. 10.1016/j.tecto.2010.02.007
Kimbell, G.S.; McInroy, D.B.; Quinn, M.F.; Ziska, H.. 2010 The three-dimensional crustal structure of the Faroe-Shetland region. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 102pp. (CR/10/110N) (Unpublished)
Lemon, A.; Levesley, J.; Goldobin, D.; Jackson, P.; Hobbs, P.; Rees, J.; Lovell, M.; Long, D.. 2011 Submarine slope instability under earthquake loading and methane hydrate dissociation : a modelling approach. In: 7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Edinburgh, Scotland, 17-21 July 2011. (Unpublished)
Leslie, A.; Hitchen, K.; Stoker, M.. 2010 Sedimentology of the Eocene succession in BGS Borehole 99/3. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 23pp. (CR/10/141N) (Unpublished)
Morgan, D.; Pearson, S.; Poulton, C.; Evans, H.. 2011 Intertidal sediments and geomorphology characterisation : methodology report. British Geological Survey, 12pp. (OR/09/012) (Unpublished)
McInroy, David. 2010 Shallow-water drilling of the New Jersey continental shelf: global sea level and architecture of passive margin sediments. Washington, DC, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International. (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Preliminary Report, 313)
Milton-Worssell, R.; Smith, K.; McGrandle, A.; Watson, J.; Cameron, D.G.. 2010 The search for a Carboniferous petroleum system beneath the Central North Sea. In: Vining, B.A.; Pickering, S.C., (eds.) Petroleum Geology : From Mature Basins to New Frontiers : Proceedings of the 7th Petroleum Geology Conference. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 57-75.
Mountain, G.; Proust, J.-N.; McInroy, D.. 2010 The New Jersey margin scientific drilling project (IODP Expedition 313): untangling the record of global and local sea-level changes. Scientific Drilling, 10. 26-34. 10.2204/
Pearce, Bryony; Tappin, David R.; Dove, Dayton; Pinnion, Jennifer. 2012 Benthos supported by the tunnel-valleys of the Southern North Sea. In: Harris, Peter T.; Baker, Elaine K., (eds.) Seafloor geomorphology as benthic habitat : GeoHAB atlas of seafloor geomorphic features and benthic habitats. Elsevier, 597-612. (Elsevier Insights).
Quinn, Martyn; Stow, Dorrick; Srnka, Len. 2012 EAGE makes most of debut technical session at Houston OTC. First Break, 30 (8).
Quinn, M.F.; Smith, K.; Bulat, J.. 2010 A geological interpretation of the nearshore area between Belfast Lough and Cushendun, Northern Ireland, utilising a newly acquired 2D seismic dataset to explore for salt layers for possible gas storage within man-made caverns. Volumes 1 & 2. Edinburgh, UK, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Northern Ireland, 70pp. (CR/10/069N (Volumes 1 and 2)) (Unpublished)
Ridgway, J.; Bee, E.; Breward, N.; Cave, M.; Chenery, S.; Gowing, C.; Harrison, I.; Hodgkinson, E.; Humphreys, B.; Ingham, M.; Jarrow, A.; Jenkins, G.; Kim, A.; Lister, R.T.; Milodowski, A.; Pearson, S.; Rowlands, K.; Spiro, B.; Strutt, M.; Turner, P.; Vane, C. ORCID:
The Mersey Estuary : sediment geochemistry.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 206pp.
Richardson, A.E.. 2010 MEDIN Feasibility Study : archiving oil and gas industry site survey data. British Geological Survey, 18pp. (OR/10/008) (Unpublished)
Riding, James ORCID:; Mantle, Daniel.
Age really is an issue.
Earthwise, 26.
Roure, Francois; Scheck-Wenderoth, Magdalena; Gahnoog, Abdullah; Pharaoh, Tim. 2010 Lithosphere dynamics and sedimentary basins : the Arabian plate and analogues. Arabian journal of geosciences, 3 (4). 327-329. 10.1007/s12517-010-0221-3
Stoker, Martyn S.; Kimbell, Geoffrey S.; McInroy, David B.; Morton, Andrew C.. 2012 Eocene post-rift tectonostratigraphy of the Rockall Plateau, Atlantic margin of NW Britain : linking early spreading tectonics and passive margin response. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 30 (1). 98-125. 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2011.09.007
Spencer, Matthew; Mieszkowska, Nova; Robinson, Leonie A.; Simpson, Stephen D.; Burrows, Michael T.; Birchenough, Silvana N.R.; Capasso, Eva; Cleall-Harding, Polly; Crummy, Julia; Duck, Callan; Eloire, Damien; Frost, Matthew; Hall, Ailsa J.; Hawkins, Stephen J.; Johns, David G.; Sims, David W.; Smyth, Timothy J.; Frid, Chris L.J.. 2012 Region-wide changes in marine ecosystem dynamics : state-space models to distinguish trends from step changes. Global Change Biology, 18 (4). 1270-1281. 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02620.x
Stevenson, A.. 2012 The European marine observation and data network : geological data. Baltica, 25 (1). 87-90. 10.5200/baltica.2012.25.08
Stewart, H.A.; Long, D.. 2012 The timing and significance of gully incision on the eastern flank of the Faroe-Shetland Channel and its impact on seafloor infrastructure. Near Surface Geophysics, 10 (4). 317-331. 10.3997/1873-0604.2012014
Stewart, M.; Lonergan, L.; Hampson, G.. 2012 3D seismic analysis of buried tunnel valleys in the Central North Sea: tunnel valley fill sedimentary architecture. In: Huuse, M., (ed.) Glaciogenic reservoirs and hydrocarbon systems. Geological Society of London, 173-184. (Geological Society Special Publications, 368).
Stone, P.. 2012 Devonian and Permian fossils from the Falkland Islands in the biostratigraphy collection of the British Geological Survey. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 19pp. (OR/12/040) (Unpublished)
Stone, Phil. 2012 Bartholomew Sulivan's geological observations in the Falkland Islands (1838 to 1845) as communicated to Charles Darwin. Falkland Islands Journal, 10 (1). 1-20.
Stone, Philip; Rushton, Adrian W.A.. 2012 The pedigree and influence of fossil collections from the Falkland Islands : from Charles Darwin to continental drift. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 123 (3). 520-532. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2011.11.002
Stewart, Heather; Bradwell, Tom; Stoker, Martyn. 2011 Ice streaming and ice-sheet re-advances in SE Scotland and NE England : new evidence from multibeam echosounder data. British Geological Survey [Exhibition Poster] (Unpublished)
Spencer, M.; Birchenough, S.N.R.; Mieszkowska, N.; Robinson, L.A.; Simpson, S.D.; Burrows, M.T.; Capasso, E.; Cleall-Harding, P.; Crummy, J.; Duck, C.; Eloire, D.; Frost, M.; Hall, A.J.; Hawkins, S.J.; Johns, D.G.; Sims, D.W.; Smyth, T.J.; Frid, C.L.J.. 2011 Temporal change in UK marine communities : trends or regime shifts? Marine Ecology : an Evolutionary Perspective, 32 (S1). 10-24. 10.1111/j.1439-0485.2010.00422.x
Stoker, M.S.; Balson, P.S.; Long, D.; Tappin, D.R.. 2011 An overview of the lithostratigraphical framework for the Quaternary deposits on the United Kingdom continental shelf. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 40pp. (RR/11/003)
Stone, P.. 2011 Borehole core recovered from the Late Carboniferous to early Permian Fitzroy tillite and Port Sussex formations, Falkland Islands : geological background and sample details. British Geological Survey, 19pp. (OR/11/028) (Unpublished)
Sugawara, Daisuke; Goto, Kazuhisa; Chagué-Goff, Catherine; Fujino, Shigehiro; Goff, James; Jaffe, Bruce; Nishimura, Yuichi; Richmond, Bruce; Szczuciński, Witold; Tappin, David R.; Witter, Rob; Yulianto, Eko. 2011 Initial field survey report of the 2011 East Japan Tsunami in Sendai, Natori and Iwanuma Cities. Unesco, 16pp. (Unpublished)
Stoker, Martyn S.; Wilson, Charles R.; Howe, John A.; Bradwell, Tom; Long, David. 2010 Paraglacial slope instability in Scottish fjords : examples from Little Loch Broom, NW Scotland. In: Howe, J.A.; Austin, W.E.N.; Forwick, M.; Paetzel, M., (eds.) Fjord systems and archives. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 225-242. (Geological Society Special Publication, 344).
Stoker, Martyn. 2010 Getting to the bottom of Scotland's fjords. The Geographer, Summer. 13.
Stoker, Martyn S.; Holford, Simon P.; Hillis, Richard R.; Green, Paul F.; Duddy, Ian R.. 2010 Cenozoic post-rift sedimentation off northwest Britain : recording the detritus of episodic uplift on a passive continental margin. Geology, 38 (7). 595-598. 10.1130/G30881.1
Sayago-Gil, Miriam; Long, David; Hitchen, Kenneth; Diaz-del-Rio, Victor; Fernandez-Salas, Miguel; Duran-Munoz, Pablo. 2010 Evidence for current-controlled morphology along the western slope of Hatton Bank (Rockall Plateau, NE Atlantic Ocean). Geo-marine Letters, 30. 99-111. 10.1007/s00367-009-0163-5
Stoker, M.S.; McInroy, D.B.; Johnson, H.; Ritchie, J.D.. 2010 Cretaceous tectonostratigraphy of the Faroe-Shetland region. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 101pp. (CR/10/144N) (Unpublished)
Stone, Phil. 2010 DNA proves the Warrah was a wolf : and got to the Falklands unaided. Falkland Islands Journal, 9 (4). 75-79.
Stone, Phil. 2010 The geology of the Falkland Islands. Deposits magazine (23). 38-43.
Thierens, Mieke; Pirlet, Hans; Dorschel, Boris; Huvenne, Veerle ORCID:; Titshack, Jürgen; Stuut, Jan-Berend; Colin, Christophe; Browning, Emily; Lee, Jonathan; Loutre, Marie-France; Vanhaecke, Frank; Henriet, Jean-Pierre; Wheeler, Andrew.
Cold-water carbonate mounds as palaeo-archives : the Plio-Pleistocene sediment record from the Challenger Mound, northeast Atlantic.
In: 5th International Symposium on Deep Sea Corals, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 01-06 April 2012.
Tappin, D.R.; Pearce, B.; Fitch, S.; Dove, D.; Gearey, B.; Hill, J.M.; Chambers, C.; Bates, R.; Pinnion, J.; Diaz Doce, D.; Green, M.; Gallyot, J.; Georgiou, L.; Brutto, D.; Marzialetti, S.; Hopla, E.; Ramsay, E.; Fielding, H.. 2011 The Humber Regional Environmental Characterisation. Marine Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund, 345pp. (OR/10/054)
Tassone, D.R.; Holford, S.P.; Tingay, M.R.P.; Tuitt, A.K.; Stoker, M.S.; Hillis, R.R.. 2011 Overpressures in the Central Otway Basin : the result of rapid Pliocene-recent sedimentation? APPEA Journal, 51. 439-458.
Tuitt, Adrian; Holford, Simon; Hillis, R.R.; Underhill, J.R.; Ritchie, J.D.; Johnson, Howard; Hitchen, Ken; Stoker, Martyn; Tassone, D.R.. 2011 Continental margin compression : a comparison between compression in the Otway Basin of the southern Australian margin and the Rockall-Faroe area in the NE Atlantic Margin. Appea Journal, 51. 241-258.
Tuitt, A.; Underhill, J.R.; Ritchie, J.D.; Johnson, H.; Hitchen, K.. 2010 Timing, controls and consequences of structural inversion in the Rockall-Faroe area of the NE Atlantic Margin. In: Vining, B.A.; Pickering, S.C., (eds.) Petroleum Geology : From Mature Basins to New Frontiers : Proceedings of the 7th Petroleum Geology Conference. London, UK, British Geological Survey, 963-977.
Valentine, Annemarie; Johnson, Andrew L.A.; Leng, Melanie J. ORCID:; Sloane, Hilary J.; Balson, Peter S..
Isotopic evidence of cool winter conditions in the mid-Piacenzian (Pliocene) of the southern North Sea Basin.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 309 (1-2).
Vane, C.H. ORCID:; Chenery, S.R.; Harrison, I.; Kim, A.W.; Moss-Hayes, V.; Jones, D.G..
Chemical signatures of the Anthropocene in the Clyde Estuary, UK: sediment hosted Pb, 207/206 Pb, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) and Polychlorinated Bipheny (PCB) pollution records.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A, 369.
Wilson, Michael; Smart, Nick. 2010 Surface tow boomer survey of Loch Linnhe. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 16pp. (CR/10/046N) (Unpublished)