Items where Programme is "International Business Development"

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Number of items at this level: 43.


Bingen, B.; Jacobs, J.; Viola, G.; Henderson, I.H.C.; Skår, Ø; Boyd, R.; Thomas, R.J.; Solli, A.; Key, R.M.; Daudi, E.X.F.. 2009 Geochronology of the Precambrian crust in the Mozambique Belt of NE Mozambique, and implications for Gondwana assembly. Precambrian Research, 170 (3-4), PRECAM-3056. 231-255. 10.1016/j.precamres.2009.01.005

Bingen, B.; Viola, G.; Griffin, W.L.; Jacobs, J.; Engvik, A.; Henderson, I.H.C.; Boyd, R.; Thomas, Robert James; Daudi, E.; Skar, Ø.; Key, Roger; Solli, A.; Sandstad, J.S.; Smethurst, M.; Bjerkgård, T.. 2008 Gondwana assembly : geochronology and Hf isotopes constraints from NE Mozambique. In: International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, 6-14 Aug 2008. Oslo, Norway, International Geological Congress.


Chauvel, Catherine; Marini, Jean-Christophe; Plank, Terry; Ludden, John. 2009 Hf-Nd input flux in the Izu-Mariana subduction zone and recycling of subducted material in the mantel. Geochemisty geophysics geosystems : G3, 10, Q01001. 52, pp. 10.1029/2008GC002101

Carney, John; Jordan, Colm; Thomas, Christopher. 2008 Voltaian Basin workshop : March 2008, Accra : field excursion guide and notes. [Lecture] In: Voltain Basin, Ghana Workshop and Excursion, Ghana, 10-17 March 2008. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 107-131.

Carney, John; Jordan, Colm; Thomas, Christopher; McDonnell, Paul. 2008 A revised lithostratigraphy and geological map for the Volta Basin, derived from image interpretation and field mapping. [Lecture] In: Voltain Basin, Ghana Workshop and Excursion, Ghana, 10-17 March 2008. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 19-24.

Casquet, C.; Pankhurst, Robert; Galindo, C.; Rapela, C.R.; Fanning, C.M.; Baldo, Edgardo; Dahlquist, J.; Casado, J.M.G.; Colombo, F.. 2008 A deformed alkaline igneous rock-carbonatite complex from the Western Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina : evidence for Late Neoproterozoic opening of the Clymene Ocean? Precambrian Research, 165 (3-4). 205-220. 10.1016/j.precamres.2008.06.011


Daszinnies, M.C.; Emmel, B.; Jacobs, J.; Grantham, G.H.; Thomas, Robert James. 2008 Denudation in southern Malawi and northern Mozambique : indications of the long-term tectonic segmentation of East Africa during Gonwana break-up. In: 11th International Conference on Thermochronometry, Anchorage, Alaska, 12-19 Sept 2008. 52-53.

De Waele, Bert; Thomas, Robert; Schofield, David; Bauer, Wilfried; Walsh, Greg; Lidke, Dave; Goodenough, Kathryn; Rabarimanana, Mamy; Rafahatelo, Jean Marie; Ralison, Vonimanitra; Randriamananjara, Theogene. 2008 An overview of the Archaean Antongil Block, northern Madagascar. [Lecture] In: International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, 6-14 Aug 2008.

Dahlquist, J.A.; Pankhurst, Robert; Rapela, C.W.; Galindo, C.; Alasino, P.; Fanning, C.M.; Saavedra, J.; Baldo, E.. 2008 New SHRIMP U-Pb data from the Famatina Complex : constraining Early-Mid Ordovician Famatinian magmatism in the Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina. Geologica acta : an international earth science journal, 6 (4). 319-333. 10.1344/105.000000260

De Waele, Bert; Pisarevsky, S.. 2008 Geochronology, palaeomagnetism and magnetic fabric of metamorphic rocks in the northeast Fraser Belt, Western Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 55 (5). 605-621. 10.1080/08120090801979112

Demchuk, Thomas D.; Riding, James ORCID: 2008 A history and overview of the American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists (AASP). Palynology, 32. 83-100. 10.2113/gspalynol.32.1.83

Donskaya, T.V.; Bibikova, E.V.; Gladkochub, D.P.; Mazukabzov, A.M.; Bayanova, T.B.; De Waele, Bert; Didenko, A.N.; Bukharov, A.A.; Kirnozova, T.I.. 2008 Petrogenesis and age of the felsic volcanic rocks from the North Baikal volcanoplutonic belt, Siberian craton. Petrology, 16 (5). 422-447. 10.1134/S0869591108050020


Goodenough, Kathryn; Tucker, Robert; Thomas, Robert; Bauer, Wilfried; Conrad, James; De Waele, Bert; Key, Roger; Lowell, Rocky; Rabarimanana, Mamy; Rafahatelo, Jean Marie; Randriamananjara, Theogene. 2008 New light on volcanic sources in Central and North Madagascar. [Lecture] In: International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, 6-14 Aug 2008.

Goodenough, Kathryn Mary; Bauer, W.; Thomas, Robert James; Rafahatelo, J.M. 2008 Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Feuille No R35 Maromandia. Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Antananarivo, Madagascar, Ministère de l'énergie et des Mines, Projet de Gouvernance Minérales (PGRM).

Goodenough, Kathryn Mary; Thomas, Robert James; Rafahatelo, J.M.; Rabarimanana, M.. 2008 Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Feuille No T35 - Marotolana. Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Antananarivo, Madagascar, Ministère de l'énergie et des Mines, Projet de Gouvernance Minérales (PGRM).

Goodenough, Kathryn Mary; Thomas, Robert James; Rafahetelo, J.M.. 2008 Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Feuille No S35 Sandrakota. Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Antananarivo, Madagascar, Ministère de l'énergie et des Mines, Projet de Gouvernance Minérales (PGRM).


Humphreys, Madeleine C.S.; Christopher, Thomas; Hards, Vicky. 2009 Microlite transfer by disaggregation of mafic inclusions following magma mixing at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 157 (5). 609-624. 10.1007/s00410-008-0356-3

Howard, K.A.; Thomas, Robert James; Annells, Richard; Ford, Jonathan Richard; Burton, B.; Ralison, V.. 2008 Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Feuille No XY34 - Antsirabe Nord. Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Antananarivo, Madagascar, Ministère de l'énergie et des Mines, Projet de Gouvernance Minérales (PGRM).

Hobbs, Peter; Gibson, Andrew; Koor, N.P.; Rees, John; Price, Simon James; Harrison, Matthew; Jones, Lee; Garcia-Bajo, Marieta; Culshaw, Martin. 2008 Improved modelling and communication of urban risks : case studies from the United Kingdom and South-East Asia. In: European econference of the International Association for Engineering geology, Madrid, Spain, 15-20 Sept 2008.


Jacobs, J.; Bingen, B.; Emmel, B.; Engvik, A.; Daud, J.; Kosler, J.; Thomas, Robert James; Ueda, K.; Wartho, J.A.. 2008 Project DELAM : mid- to lower crustal expression of a partially delaminated orogenic root recorded in the East African-Antarctic Orogen of northern Mozambique. In: International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, 6-14 Aug 2008. Oslo, Norway, International Geological Congress.

Jordan, Colm; Carney, John; Thomas, Christopher; McDonnell, Paul. 2008 Application of remote sensing and field mapping to a revision of the geology of the Volta Basin. [Lecture] In: Voltain Basin, Ghana Workshop and Excursion, Ghana, 10-17 March 2008. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 87-90.

Jordan, Colm; Carney, John; Turner, Paul; Bateson, Luke; McDonnell, Paul; Thomas, Christopher. 2008 Application of digital data to the Airborne Geophysics Project in the Volta Basin. [Lecture] In: Voltain Basin, Ghana Workshop and Excursion, Ghana, 10-17 March 2008. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 91-93.


McCormick, Timothy. 2008 A Simple Microsoft Access application for capturing metadata on Geological Reports held by the Afghan Geological Survey. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 22pp. (CR/06/179N) (Unpublished)

McDonnell, Paul; Jordan, Colm; Carney, John; Thomas, Christopher. 2008 Mineral prospectivity modelling in Ghana's Volta Basin : utilizing ArcSDM to model geological and geophysical data. [Lecture] In: Voltain Basin, Ghana Workshop and Excursion, Ghana, 10-17 March 2008. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, 95-99.


Ovadia, David. 2008 Are there enough geologists in the World to meet demand? In: CCOP Annual Session, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 23-28 Nov 2008. Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia.

Ovadia, David. 2008 Cooperating country report of United Kingdom. In: CCOP Annual Session, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 23-28 Nov 2008. Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia.

Ovadia, David. 2008 Experiences of the BGS in capacity building and development projects. In: International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, 6-14 Aug 2008. Firenze, International Geological Congress.

Ovadia, David. 2008 Geology as a contributor to national economies and their development. In: CCOP Annual Session, Cebu, the Phillipines, 21-26 Oct 2007. CCOP, 41-48.


Page, Alex; Gabbott, Sarah E.; Wilby, Philip; Zalasiewicz, Jan A.. 2008 Ubiquitous Burgess Shale-style 'clay templates' in low-grade metamorphic mudrocks. Geology, 36 (11). 855-858. 10.1130/G24991A.1

Petterson, Michael; Tolia, D.; Cronin, S.J.; Addison, Robert. 2008 Communicating geoscience to indigeneous people : examples from the Soloman Islands. In: Liverman, D.G.E.; Pereira, C.P.G.; Marker, B., (eds.) Communicating environmental geoscience. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 141-161. (Special publications, 305).


Ralison, V.; Thomas, Robert James. 2008 Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Feuille No V38 Vohibola. Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Antananarivo, Madagascar, Ministère de l'énergie et des Mines, Projet de Gouvernance Minérales (PGRM).

Reagan, M.K.; Turner, S.; Legg, M.; Simms, K.W.W.; Hards, Vicky. 2008 238U and 232Th-decay series constraints on the timescales of crystal fractionation to produce the phonolite erupted in 2004 near Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic Ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72 (17). 4367-4378. 10.1016/j.gca.2008.06.002

Rodriguez, L.A.; Watson, I.M.; Edmonds, M.; Ryan, Graham; Hards, Vicky; Oppenheimer, C.M.M.; Bluth, G.J.S.. 2008 SO2 loss rates in the plume emitted by Soufriere Hills volcano, Montserrat. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 173 (1-2). 135-147. 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.01.003


Schofield, David; Thomas, Robert; De Waele, Bert; Tucker, Robert; Walsh, Greg; Goodenough, Kathryn; Key, Roger; Rabarimanana, Mamy; Rafahatelo, Jean Marie; Ralison, Vonimanitra; Randriamananjara, Theogene. 2008 New constraints on the assembly of the East African Orogen from northern Madagascar. [Lecture] In: International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, 6-14 Aug 2008.

Schofield, David; Thomas, Robert James; Ralison, V.. 2008 Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Feuille No W38 - Maroantsetra. Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Antananarivo, Madagascar, Ministère de l'énergie et des Mines, Projet de Gouvernance Minérales (PGRM).

Shaw, Richard A; Watts, Michael James. 2008 Geochemistry set fair. Geoscientist, 18 (11). 24.

Stephenson, Michael; Rawahi, A.L.; Casey, B.. 2008 Correlation of the Al Khlata Formation in the Mukhaizna field, Oman based on a new downhole, cuttings-based palynostratigraphic biozonation. GeoArabia - Middle East Petroleum Geosciences, 13 (3). 15-34.


Thomas, Robert James; Bauer, W.. 2008 Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Feuille No S36 Anaboriana. Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Antananarivo, Madagascar, Ministère de l'énergie et des Mines, Projet de Gouvernance Minérales (PGRM).

Thomas, Robert James; Bauer, W.; Ralison, V.. 2008 Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Feuille No X38 -Mahalevona. Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Antananarivo, Madagascar, Ministère de l'énergie et des Mines, Projet de Gouvernance Minérales (PGRM).

Thomas, Robert James; Howard, K.; Ralison, V.. 2008 Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Feuille No XY35 Sambava. Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Antananarivo, Madagascar, Ministère de l'énergie et des Mines, Projet de Gouvernance Minérales (PGRM).

Thomas, Robert James; Ralison, V.. 2008 Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Feuille No YZ38 - Ambohitralanana. Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Antananarivo, Madagascar, Ministère de l'énergie et des Mines, Projet de Gouvernance Minérales (PGRM).

Thomas, Robert James; Ralison, V.; Rafahatelo, J.M.; Rabarimanana, M.; Goodenough, Kathryn Mary. 2008 Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Feuille No T36 Bealanana. Carte géologique de Madagascar 1:100 000. Antananarivo, Madagascar, Ministère de l'énergie et des Mines, Projet de Gouvernance Minérales (PGRM).


Williams, Mark; Siveter, David J.; Ashworth, Allan C.; Wilby, Philip; Horne, David J.; Lewis, Adam R.; Marchant, David R.. 2008 Exceptionally preserved lacustrine ostracods from the Middle Miocene of Antarctica : implications for high-latitude palaeoenvironment at 77 degrees south. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Part B, Biological Sciences, 275 (1650). 2449-2454. 10.1098/rspb.2008.0396

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