Items where Programme is "Chemical and Biological Hazards"

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Number of items at this level: 84.


Appleton, J.D.. 2005 Radon in air and water. In: Selinus, Olle, (ed.) Essentials of Medical Geology : impacts of the natural environment on public health. London, UK, Elsevier, 227-262.

Appleton, J.D.; Miles, J.C.H.. 2005 Radon in Wales. In: Bassett, Michael G.; Deisler, Valerie K.; Nicol, Douglas, (eds.) Urban geology in Wales : 2. Cardiff, UK, National Museum of Wales, 117-130.

Ander, E. Louise; Smith, Barry; Fordyce, Fiona M.; Rawlins, Barry G.. 2001 Trace elements. In: D'Arcy, B.J.; Ellis, J.B.; Ferrier, R.C.; Jenkins, A.; Dils, R., (eds.) Diffuse pollution impacts : the environmental and economic impacts of diffuse pollution in the U.K. Lavenham, Surrey, CIWEM, 85-94.


Broadway, A.; Farmer, J.G.; Ngwenya, B.T.; Cave, M.R.; Fordyce, F.M.; Bewley, R.J.F.. 2007 Solid phase distribution of chromium in industrially contaminated urban soil, Glasgow. In: Abstracts of the 13th Biennial National Atomic Spectroscopy Symposium. Glasgow, UK, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1pp.

Broadway, A.; Farmer, J.G.; Ngwenya, B.T.; Fordyce, F.M.; Cave, M.R.. 2007 Assessing the human health risks posed by chromium-contaminated land in Glasgow and its environs. In: Abstracts of the 25th SEGH European Conference. Liverpool, UK, SEGH, 1pp.

Bescoby, Mark; Barnett, Catherine ORCID:; Beresford, Nick; Appleton, Don; Breward, Neil; Jones, Dave; MacKenzie, Alan; Scheib, Cathy; Wood, Mike. 2007 Exposure of biota in England and Wales to natural radionuclides. [Poster] In: Co-ordinating group on Environmental radioactivity (COGER) 26th Open meeting, Loughborough, UK, 17-19 April. (Unpublished)

Breward, N.. 2007 Arsenic and presumed resistate trace element geochemistry of the Lincolnshire (UK) sedimentary ironstones, revealed by a regional geochemical survey using soil, water and stream sediment sampling. Applied Geochemistry, 22 (9). 1970-1993. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2007.03.058

Breward, Neil. 2007 Evidence for repository-relevant element dispersion from the geosphere into the biosphere. British Geological Survey, 54pp. (CR/07/057N) (Unpublished)

Broadway, A.; Farmer, J.G.; Ngwenya, B.T.; Cave, M.R.; Fordyce, F.M.; Bewley, RJ.F.. 2006 Bioaccessibility and human health risk : chromium in Glasgow. In: Abstracts of the CL:AIRE Conference on Environmental Risk Assessment for Contaminated Land. London, UK, CLAIRE, 1pp.

Banks, Vanessa; Trick, Julian; Wealthall, Gary. 2006 Groundwater investigation at the Houghton Quarry Landfill site. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 96pp. (CR/06/201N) (Unpublished)

Bateman, K.; Coombs, P.; Harrison, H.M.; Milodowski, A.E.; Noy, D.J.; Vane, C.H. ORCID:; Wagner, D.; West, J.M.. 2006 BioTran : microbial transport and microbial indicators of mass transport through geological media : a literature survey. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 24pp. (IR/06/029) (Unpublished)

Broadway, A.; Farmer, J.G.; Ngwenya, B.T.; Cave, M.R.; Fordyce, F.M.. 2005 Assessing the human health risks posed by industrially contaminated urban soil : chromium in Glasgow. In: Abstracts of the 23rd SEGH European Conference. Paisley, Scotland, SEGH, 1pp.

Barnes, R.P.; Chadwick, R.A.; Darling, W.G.; Gale, I.N.; Kirby, G.A.; Kirk, K.L.. 2005 Contribution to Nirex review of a deep brine repository concept. British Geological Survey, 65pp. (CR/05/230N) (Unpublished)

Brown, M.J.; Smith, B.; Di Bonito, M.; Plant, J.A.; Fordyce, F.M.. 1999 Environmental geochemistry : an aid to the development and regeneration of the urban environment. In: Abstracts of the 2nd Asia Pacific Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry. Seoul, Korea, Seoul National University and SEGH, 9, 1pp.


Cuss, R.J.; Harrington, J.F.; Noy, D.J.. 2008 Large scale gas injection test (Lasgit) performed at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory. Summary report 2008. British Geological Survey, 122pp. (CR/08/173N) (Unpublished)

Campbell, S.D.G.; Browne, M.A.E.; Entwisle, D.C.; Finlayson, A.; Graham, M.; Jones, D.G.; Fordyce, F.M.; Loughlin, S.C.; Merritt, J.E.; Monaghan, A.A.; Pouliquen, G.; O Dochartaigh, B.E.; Whitbread, K.. 2007 Accessible 3-D geoscientific spatial data to INSPIRE Scotland’s planners, developers and regulators. In: Proceedings of the Inspiring Scotland Event. Edinburgh, UK, AGI, 8pp.

Cave, Mark; Taylor, Helen; Wragg, Joanna. 2007 Estimation of the bioaccessible arsenic fraction in soils using near infra red spectroscopy. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A, 42 (9). 1293-1301. 10.1080/10934520701434935

Cuss, R.J.; Reeves, H.J.; Noy, D.J.; Harrington, J.F.. 2006 Gas transport processes in argillaceous rocks within the EDZ : BGS contribution to NF-PRO WP4.4.1. British Geological Survey, 30pp. (CR/06/243N) (Unpublished)

Czernichowski-Lauriol, Isabelle; Rochelle, Chris; Gaus, Irina; Azaroual, Mohamed; Pearce, Jonathan; Durst, Pierre. 2006 Geochemical interactions between CO2, pore-waters and reservoir rocks : lessons learned from laboratory experiments, field studies and computer simulations. In: Lombardi, S; Altunina, S.E.; Beaubien, S.E., (eds.) Advances in the geological storage of carbon dioxide : international approaches to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, 157-174.

Cave, Mark R.; Milodowski, Antoni E.; Friel, Ellen N.. 2004 Evaluation of a method for identification of host physico-chemical phases for trace metals and measurement of their solid-phase partitioning in soil samples by nitric acid extraction and chemometric mixture resolution. Geochemistry : Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 4 (1). 71-86. 10.1144/​1467-7873/​03-025

Cave, Mark R.; Wragg, Joanna. 1997 Measurement of trace element distributions in soils and sediments using sequential leach data and a non-specific extraction system with chemometric data processing. Analyst, 122. 1211-1221. 10.1039/A705163H

Cook, P.J.; Klaver, G.; Locutura, J.; Plant, J.A.; Salminen, R.; Vrana, K.; Fordyce, F.M.. 1996 International geochemical mapping in Europe : the FOREGS Geochemistry Task Group. In: Abstracts of the 30th International Geological Congress. Beijing, China, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1pp.


Entwisle, David; Nelder, Lavinia. 2007 Particle size determinations of six sand and alluvium samples from Dounreay, Caithness, Scotland. British Geological Survey, 21pp. (IR/07/016) (Unpublished)

Emery, C.; Davis, J.; Hodgkinson, E.; Jones, D.G.. 2006 Airborne and ground-based radiometric investigation of colliery spoil near Shirebrook, the English Midlands. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 60pp. (IR/05/059) (Unpublished)


Fordyce, Fiona. 2007 Selenium geochemistry and health. AMBIO : a journal of the human environment, 36 (1). 94-97. 10.1579/0044-7447

Fordyce, Fiona. 2007 Selenium medical geology. BRGM Geosciences, 5. 62.

Fordyce, Fiona; Vrana, K.; Zhovinsky, E.; Povoroznuk, V.; Toth, G.; Hope, B.C.; Iljinsky, U.; Baker, J.. 2007 A health risk assessment for fluoride in Central Europe. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 29 (2). 83-102. 10.1007/s10653-006-9076-7

Fordyce, Fiona. 2006 Selenium geochemistry and health. In: Abstracts of the KVA International Medical Geology Symposium. Stockholm, Sweden, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 1pp.

Fordyce, F.M.; Brown, S.E.; Ander, E.L.; Rawlins, B.G.; O'Donnell, K.E.; Lister, T.R.; Breward, N.; Johnson, C.C.. 2005 GSUE: urban geochemical mapping in Great Britain. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 5 (4). 325-336. 10.1144/1467-7873/05-069

Fordyce, Fiona. 2005 Selenium deficiency and toxicity in the environment. In: Selinus, O., (ed.) Essentials of medical geology. Elsevier, 373-415.

Fordyce, Fiona. 2004 Geochemistry and health and medical geology into the 21st century. In: Abstracts of the 22nd SEGH European Conference. Brighton, UK, SEGH, 16.

Fordyce, Fiona. 2004 Background levels of contaminants in soils in Scotland. In: Abstracts of the National Society for Clean Air Seminar - Progress in Implementing Part IIa in Scotland. Bristol, UK, National Society for Clean Air, 11pp.

Fordyce, F.M.; Brown, S.E.; Ander, E.L.; Breward, N.; Lister, T.R.. 2003 The urban geochemistry of soils from selected cities in the UK. In: Abstracts of the 6th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry. Edinburgh, Scotland, University of Edinburgh, 54.

Fordyce, F.M.; Ge, Xiaoli; Stewart, A.G.; Jiang, Ji Yong; Cave, M.R.. 2003 Soil, wheat, cabbage and drinking water iodine in relation to human iodine status and iodine deficiency disorders in Xinjiang Province, China. In: Abstracts of the 6th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry. Edinburgh, Scotland, University of Edinburgh, 23.

Fordyce, F.M.; Vrana, K.; Zhovinsky, E.; Toth, G.; Hope, B.; Povoroznuk, V.; Iljinsky, U.; Baker, J.. 2003 A fluoride risk assessment GIS for Central Europe : Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia and Ukraine. In: Abstracts of the 6th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry. Edinburgh, Scotland, University of Edinburgh, 21.

Fordyce, Fiona. 2001 Medical geology : the impact of the geological environment on health. Earthwise, 17. 6.

Fordyce, Fiona; Hope, Bryony. 2001 Fluoride and fluorosis in Central Europe. Earthwise, 17. 10-11.

Fordyce, F.M.; Johnson, C.C.; Appleton, J.D.; Zhang, G.; Ge, X.. 2000 Soil selenium and human health in China. In: Abstracts of the British Society of Soil Science Meeting - Soil, Environment and Health. Birmingham, UK, University of Birmingham Medical School and BSSS, 1pp.

Fordyce, Fiona. 2000 Environmental geochemistry and health : global perspectives. Cogeoenvironment Newsletter, 16. 7-10.

Ferguson, Alex J.; Fordyce, Fiona M.; Di Bonito, Marcello; Lister, Thomas R.. 1999 The role of geochemical baselines in the assessment of contaminated land. In: Abstracts of the Environment and Water Group Young Scientist Research Symposium. Environment and Water Group Young Scientist Research Symposium., European Perspectives on Contaminated Land, 3pp.

Fordyce, Fiona; Ferguson, Alex; Shaw, Richard; Baldock, John. 1999 Urban geochemical mapping : essential information for redevelopment. Earthwise, 13. 13.

Fordyce, Fiona; Plant, Jane; Smith, Barry; Appleton, Don; Johnson, Chris; Smedley, Pauline; Williams, Lorraine. 1999 Environmental geochemistry and health : global perspectives. In: ICSU-IGU Setting an Agenda on Health and the Environment : Workshop 2 - Health and Environmental Resources, Kingston, Jamaica, 12-14 Nov 1999. Ontario, Canada, Queens University, 1-13. (Unpublished)

Fordyce, Fiona; Plant, Jane; Klaver, Gerard; Locutura, Juan; Salminen, Reijo; Vrana, Kamil. 1997 Geochemical Mapping in Europe. In: Xie, Xuejin, (ed.) Geochemistry : Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress. Utrecht, Netherlands, Taylor and Francis, 111-125. (Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, 19).

Flight, D.M.A.; Lister, T.R.; Fordyce, F.M.. 1993 Poster abstract : the identification of mining related contamination in the UK using high-resolution geochemical mapping : examples from north-east England and North Wales. In: Abstracts of the 11th SEGH European Conference. Aberystwyth, UK, SEGH.

Fordyce, F.M.; Green, P.M.; Simpson, P.R.. 1993 Simulation of regional geochemical survey maps at variable sample density. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 49 (1-2). 161-175. 10.1016/0375-6742(93)90043-L


Gron, C.; Wragg, Joanna. 2007 Foreword. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A, 42. 1191.


Harrington, J.F.; Birchall, D.J.; Noy, D.J.; Cuss, R.J.. 2008 Large scale gas injection test (Lasgit) performed at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory: summary report 2007. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 87pp. (CR/07/211N) (Unpublished)

Harrington, J.F.; Birchal, D.J.. 2007 Sensitivity of total stress to changes in externally applied water pressure in KBS-3 buffer bentonite. Stockholm, Sweden, Svensk karnbranslehantering, 31pp. (Technical report, TR-06-).


Johnson, Chris. 2007 Geochemical Mapping of Urban Areas. [Keynote] In: Urban Environmental Contamination and Health under the Microscope: The Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, USA, 22-25 July 2007. (Unpublished)

Johnson, C.C.. 2007 Finishing off G-BASE : a strategy for completing the Geochemical Baseline Map of Great Britain. British Geological Survey, 51pp. (IR/07/005) (Unpublished)

Johnson, C.C.; Breward, N.; Ander, E.L.; Ault, L.. 2005 G-BASE : baseline geochemical mapping of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Geochemistry : exploration, environment, analysis, 5 (4). 347-357. 10.1144/1467-7873/05-070

Johnson, Christopher. 2005 2005 G-BASE field procedures manual. British Geological Survey, 65pp. (IR/05/097) (Unpublished)

Johnson, C.C.; Breward, N.. 2004 G-BASE : Geochemical Baseline Survey of the Environment. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 16pp. (CR/04/016N) (Unpublished)

Johnson, C.C.; Fordyce, F.M.; Stewart, A.G.. 2003 Iodine geochemistry and environmental controls on iodine deficiency disorders : a new approach to a classic geochemistry and health problem. In: Abstracts of the 6th International Symposium on Geochemistry and Health. Edinburgh, Scotland, University of Edinburgh, 24.


Klinck, Ben; Palumbo-Roe, Barbara; Cave, Mark; Wragg, Joanna. 2005 Arsenic dispersal and bioaccessibility in mine contaminated soils : a case study from an abandoned arsenic mine in Devon, UK. Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 52pp. (RR/04/003)

Klinck, B.A.; Beamish, D.A.. 2004 Hydrochemical characterisation of the Sherwood Sandstone Group in the vicinity of Thoresby Colliery, Nottinghamshire. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 32pp. (IR/04/025) (Unpublished)


Maul, P.; Metcalfe, Richard; Pearce, Jonathan; Savage, D.; West, Julia. 2007 Performance assessments for the geological storage of CO2 : learning from the radioactive waste disposal experience. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 1 (4). 444-455. 10.1016/S1750-5836(07)00074-6

Milodowski, A.E.; Cave, M.R.; Kemp, S.J. ORCID:; Taylor, H.; Green, K.; Williams, C.L.; Shaw, R.A.; Gowing, C.J.B.; Eatherington, N.D.. 2007 Mineralogical investigations of the interaction between iron corrosion products and bentonite from the NF-PRO experiments (Phase 2). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 76pp. (CR/07/225N) (Unpublished)

Milodowski, A.E.; Cave, M.R.; Kemp, S.J. ORCID:; Taylor, H.; Vickers, B.P.; Green, K.A.; Williams, C.L.; Shaw, R.A.. 2007 Mineralogical investigations of the interaction between iron corrosion products and bentonite form the NF-PRO experiments, (Phase 1). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 44pp. (CR/07/116N) (Unpublished)


Nice, S.E.; Flight, D.M.A.; Fordyce, F.M.; Scheib, A.J.. 2007 Geochemical characteristics of urban centres within the UK. In: Abstracts of the SEGH Urban Geochemistry and Health Conference. SEGH, 1pp.


Oomen, Agnes G.; Hack, Alfons; Minekus, Mans; Zeijdner, Evelijn; Cornelis, Christa; Schoeters, Greet; Verstraete, Willy; Van de Wiele, Tom; Wragg, Joanna; Rompelberg, Cathy J.M.; Sips, Adrienne J.A.M.; van Wijnen, Joop H.. 2002 Comparison of five in vitro digestion models to study the bioaccessibility of soil contaminants. Environmental Science & Technology, 36 (15). 3326-3334. 10.1021/es010204v


Palumbo-Roe, Barbara; Klinck, Ben. 2007 Bioaccessibility of arsenic in mine waste-contaminated soils : a case study from an abandoned arsenic mine in SW England (UK). Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, 42 (9). 1251-1261. 10.1080/10934520701435692

Palumbo-Roe, Barbara; Klinck, Ben; Cave, Mark. 2007 Arsenic speciation and mobility in mine wastes from a copper–arsenic mine in Devon, UK : an SEM, XAS, sequential chemical extraction study. In: Bhattacharya, Prosun; Mukherjee, Arun B.; Bundschuh, Jochen; Zevenhoven, Ron; Loeppert, Richard, (eds.) Arsenic in soil and groundwater environment : biogeochemical interactions, health effects and remediation. Elsevier, 441-471. (Trace Metals and other Contaminants in the Environment, 9).

Plant, J.A.; Appleton, J.D.; Fordyce, F.M.; Smith, B.; Williams, L.. 1998 Environmental geochemistry at the global scale. In: Abstracts of Geoscience '98. Keele, UK, University of Keele, 1pp.

Plant, J.A.; Klaver, G.; Locutura, J.; Salminen, R.; Vrana, K.; Fordyce, F.M.. 1997 The Forum of European Geological Surveys Geochemistry Task Group 1994-1996 inventory. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 59 (2). 123-146. 10.1016/S0375-6742(97)00008-3

Plant, J.A.; Baldock, J.W.; Fordyce, F.M.. 1996 Baseline geochemical mapping in the UK : the G-BASE programme. In: Abstracts of the Environmental Geochemical Baseline Mapping in Europe Conference. Bratislava, Slovakia, Geological Survey of the Slovak Republic, 14-16.

Plant, J.A.; Klaver, G.; Locutura, J.; Salminen, R.; Vrana, K.; Fordyce, F.M.. 1996 Forum of European Geological Surveys Geochemistry Task Group 1994-1996 Report. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 52pp. (WP/95/014) (Unpublished)


Reeves, H.J.; Cuss, R.J.; Noy, D.J.. 2006 Gas transport processes in crystalline rocks and engineered barriers within the EDZ : BGS contribution to NF-PRO WP4.4.1. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 26pp. (CR/06/244N) (Unpublished)

Rawlins, B.G.; O'Donnell, K.E.. 2004 Presentation of lead and zinc data from soil geochemical surveys of the urban area of Corby and surrounding rural land. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 5pp. (IR/04/095)


Schelle, E; Rawlins, B; Lark, R.M; Webster, R.; Staton, I.; McLeod, C.W.. 2008 Mapping aerial metal deposition in metropolitan areas from tree bark : a case study in Sheffield, England. Environmental Pollution, 155 (1). 164-173. 10.1016/j.envpol.2007.10.036

Savage, David; Walker, Colin; Arthur, Randy; Rochelle, Christopher; Oda, Chie; Takase, Hiro. 2007 Alteration of bentonite by hyperalkaline fluids : a review of the role of secondary minerals. Physics and chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 32 (1-7). 287-297. 10.1016/j.pce.2005.08.048

Scheib, A.J.. 2007 Investigation of G-BASE regional soil geochemistry over Pleistocene till deposits in East Anglia using factor analysis. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 41pp. (IR/07/057) (Unpublished)

Smith, B.. 2007 The MOD depleted uranium program independent review board : closure report. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 28pp. (CR/07/065N) (Unpublished)

Scheib, Cathy; Appleton, Don; Jones, Dave; Hodgkinson, Emily. 2006 Airborne uranium data in support of radon potential mapping in Derbyshire, Central England. In: Barnet, Ivan; Neznal, Matej; Pacherova, Petra, (eds.) Radon investigations in the Czech Republic XI and the 8th international workshop on the Geological Aspects of Radon Risk Mapping. Prague, Czech Geological Survey, 210-219, 303pp.

Stewart, A.G.; Johnson, C.C.; Fordyce, F.M.. 2003 Controlling the health disorders of iodine : translating geochemistry into health. In: Abstracts of the 6th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry and Health. Edinburgh, Scotland, University of Edinburgh, 25.

Stewart, A.G.; Fordyce, F.; Ge, X.; Jiang, J.-J.. 2002 Co-existing environmental iodine deficiency and iodine deficiency disorders show a poor relationship : what are we missing? In: Abstracts of the 20th SEGH European Conference. Debrecen, Hungary, SEGH, 1pp.

Smith, B.; Ferguson, A.J.; Baldock, J.W.; Breward, N.; Flight, D.M.A.; Fordyce, F.M.; Green, P.M.; Haslam, H.W.; Hutchins, M.G.; Lister, T.R.; MacKenzie, A.C.; Rawlins, B.G.; Strutt, M.H.; Wiggans, G.N.; Williams, L.. 1999 The role of geochemical baselines in the assessment of land quality. In: Abstracts of the 17th SEGH European Conference. Glasgow, UK, University of Glasgow and SEGH, 1pp.


Tye, A.M.; Johnson, C.C.. 2006 A methodology for obtaining descriptive statistics for soils overlying different parent material in the Humber-Trent atlas region. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 51pp. (IR/06/035) (Unpublished)


Vane, Christopher ORCID: 2007 Big molecules : clues to the past. Earthwise, 24. 24-25.

van de Wiele, Tom R.; Oomen, Agnes G.; Wragg, Joanna; Cave, Mark; Minekas, Mans; Hack, Alfons; Cornelis, Christa; Rompelburg, Cathy J.M.; De Zwart, Lockie L. de; Klinck, Ben; Van Wijnen, Joop; Verstraete, Willy; Sips, Adrienne J.A.M.. 2007 Comparison of five in vitro digestion models to in vivo experimental results : lead bioaccessibility in the human gastrointestinal tract. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A, 42 (9). 1203-1211. 10.1080/10934520701434919


Wragg, Joanna; Cave, Mark; Nathanail, Paul. 2007 A Study of the relationship between arsenic bioaccessibility and its solid-phase distribution in soils from Wellingborough, UK. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 42 (9). 1303-1315. 10.1080/10934520701436062

Wragg, Joanna; Klinck, Ben. 2007 The bioaccessibility of lead from Welsh mine waste using a respiratory uptake test. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 42 (9). 1223-1231. 10.1080/10934520701436054

West, J.M.; McKinley, I.G.; Rochelle, C.A.; Bateman, K.A.; Kawamura, H.. 2006 Microbiological effects on the Cavern-Extended Storage (CES) repository for radioactive waste : a quantitative evaluation. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 90 (1-2). 114-122. 10.1016/j.gexplo.2005.09.010

Wragg, Joanna. 2005 A study of the relationship between arsenic bioaccessibility and its solid phase distribution in Wellingborough soils. University of Nottingham, Geography, PhD Thesis.

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