Items where Programme is "BGC - 3.2 - Provide the evidence base for setting Environment Quality Standards ..."

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 50.

Publication - Article

Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Beresford, N.A.; Walker, L.A. ORCID:; Baxter, M.; Wells, C.; Copplestone, D.. 2014 Transfer parameters for ICRP reference animals and plants collected from a forest ecosystem. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 53 (1). 125-149. 10.1007/s00411-013-0493-6

Stockdale, Anthony; Tipping, Edward ORCID:; Fjellheim, Arne; Garmo, Øyvind A.; Hildrew, Alan G.; Lofts, Stephen ORCID:; Monteith, Don T. ORCID:; Ormerod, Stephen J.; Shilland, Ewan M.. 2014 Recovery of macroinvertebrate species richness in acidified upland waters assessed with a field toxicity model. Ecological Indicators, 37 B. 341-350. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.11.002

Brown, J.E.; Beresford, N.A.; Hosseini, A.. 2013 Approaches to providing missing transfer parameter values in the ERICA Tool: how well do they work? Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 126. 399-411. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2012.05.005

Howard, B.J. ORCID: 2013 A new IAEA handbook quantifying the transfer of radionuclides to wildlife for assessment tools (editorial). Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 126. 284-287. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2013.11.002

Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Wells, C.; Beresford, N.A.; Copplestone, D.. 2013 Exploring methods to prioritise concentration ratios when estimating weighted absorbed dose rates to terrestrial Reference Animals and Plants. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 126. 326-337. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2013.05.005

Wood, M.D.; Beresford, N.A.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Copplestone, D.. 2013 Evaluating summarised radionuclide concentration ratio datasets for wildlife. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 126. 314-325. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2013.07.022

Waalewijn-Kool, Pauline L.; Diez Ortiz, Maria; Lofts, Stephen ORCID:; van Gestel, Cornelis A.M.. 2013 The effect of pH on the toxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles to Folsomia candida in amended field soil. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 32 (10). 2349-2355. 10.1002/etc.2302

van Aerle, Ronny; Lange, Anke; Moorhouse, Alex; Paszkiewicz, Konrad; Ball, Katie; Johnston, Blair D.; de-Bastos, Eliane; Booth, Timothy; Tyler, Charles R.; Santos, Eduarda M.. 2013 Molecular mechanisms of toxicity of silver nanoparticles in zebrafish embryos. Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (14). 8005-8014. 10.1021/es401758d

Lofts, Stephen ORCID:; Criel, Peggy; Janssen, Colin R.; Lock, Koen; McGrath, Steve P.; Oorts, Koen; Rooney, Corinne P.; Smolders, Erik; Spurgeon, David J. ORCID:; Svendsen, Claus ORCID:; van Eeckhout, Hilda; Zhao, Fang-Zie. 2013 Modelling the effects of copper on soil organisms and processes using the free ion approach: towards a multi-species toxicity model. Environmental Pollution, 178. 244-253. 10.1016/j.envpol.2013.03.015

Anderson, Paul D.; Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Pfeiffer, Danielle; Caldwell, Daniel J.; Hannah, Robert; Mastrocco, Frank; Sumpter, John P.; Williams, Richard J.. 2012 Endocrine disruption due to estrogens derived from humans predicted to be low in the majority of U.S. surface waters. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 31 (6). 1407-1415. 10.1002/etc.1824

Artigas, Joan; Arts, Gertie; Babut, Marc; Caracciolo, Anna Barra; Charles, Sandrine; Chaumot, Arnaud; Combourieu, Bruno; Dahllöf, Ingela; Despréaux, Denis; Ferrari, Benoit; Friberg, Nikolai; Garric, Jeanne; Geffard, Olivier; Gourlay-Francé, Catherine; Hein, Michaela; Hjorth, Morten; Krauss, Martin; De Lange, Hendrika J.; Lahr, Joost; Lehtonen, Kari K.; Lettieri, Teresa; Liess, Matthias; Lofts, Stephen ORCID:; Mayer, Philipp; Morin, Soizic; Paschke, Albrecht; Svendsen, Claus ORCID:; Usseglio-Polatera, Philippe; van den Brink, Nico; Vindimian, Eric; Williams, Richard. 2012 Towards a renewed research agenda in ecotoxicology. Environmental Pollution, 160. 201-206. 10.1016/j.envpol.2011.08.011

Blanco-Penedo, I.; López-Alonso, M.; Shore, R.F.; Miranda, M.; Castillo, C.; Hernández, J.; Benedito, J.L.. 2012 Evaluation of organic, conventional and intensive beef farm systems: health, management and animal production. Animal, 6 (9). 1503-1511. 10.1017/S1751731112000298

Llabjani, Valon; Trevisan, Júlio; Jones, Kevin C.; Shore, Richard F.; Martin, Francis L.. 2011 Derivation by infrared spectroscopy with multivariate analysis of bimodal contaminant-induced dose-response effects in MCF-7 cells. Environmental Science & Technology, 45 (14). 6129-6135. 10.1021/es200383a

Nedveckaite, T.; Filistovic, V.; Marciulioniene, D.; Prokoptchuk, N.; Plukiene, R.; Gudelis, A.; Remeikis, V.; Yankovich, T.; Beresford, N.A.. 2011 Background and anthropogenic radionuclide derived dose rates to freshwater ecosystem - Nuclear power plant cooling pond - Reference organisms. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 102 (8). 788-795. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2011.04.012

Peters, Adam; Lofts, Stephen ORCID:; Merrington, Graham; Brown, Bruce; Stubblefield, William; Harlow, Keven. 2011 Development of biotic ligand models for chronic manganese toxicity to fish, invertebrates, and algae. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30 (11). 2407-2415. 10.1002/etc.643

Ren, Liling; Reynolds, Tom G.; Clarke, John-Paul B.; Hooper, David A.; Parton, Graham A.; Dore, Anthony J.. 2011 Meteorological influences on the design of advanced aircraft approach procedures for reduced environmental impacts. Meteorological Applications, 18 (1). 40-59. 10.1002/met.206

Vives i Batlle, J.; Beaugelin-Seiller, K.; Beresford, N.A.; Copplestone, D.; Hoyrna, J.; Hosseini, A.; Johansen, M.; Kamboj, S; Keum, D.-K.; Kurosawa, N.; Newsome, L.; Olyslaegers, G.; Vandenhove, H.; Ryufuku, S.; Vives Lynch, S.; Wood, M.D.; Yu, C.. 2011 The estimation of absorbed dose rates for non-human biota: an extended intercomparison. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 50 (2). 231-251. 10.1007/s00411-010-0346-5

Price, Oliver R.; Williams, Richard J.; van Egmond, Roger; Wilkinson, Mark J.; Whelan, Michael J.. 2010 Predicting accurate and ecologically relevant regional scale concentrations of triclosan in rivers for use in higher-tier aquatic risk assessments. Environment International, 36 (6). 521-526. 10.1016/j.envint.2010.04.003

Hosseini, A.; Beresford, N.A.; Brown, J.E.; Jones, D.G.; Phaneuf, M.; Thørring, H.; Yankovich, T.. 2010 Background dose-rates to reference animals and plants arising from exposure to naturally occurring radionuclides in aquatic environments. Journal of Radiological Protection, 30 (2). 235-264. 10.1088/0952-4746/30/2/S03

Blanco-Penedo, I.; López-Alonso, M.; Miranda, M.; Hernández, J.; Prieto, F.; Shore, R.F.. 2010 Non-essential and essential trace element concentrations in meat in cattle reared under organic, intensive or conventional production systems. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A, 27 (1). 36-42. 10.1080/02652030903161598

Dragovic, Snezana; Howard, Brenda J. ORCID:; Caborn, Jane A.; Barnett, Catherine L. ORCID:; Mihailovic, Nevena. 2010 Transfer of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides to ants, bryophytes and lichen in a semi-natural ecosystem. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 166. 677-686. 10.1007/s10661-009-1032-4

Garnier-Laplace, J.; Della-Vedova, C.; Andersson, P.; Copplestone, D.; Cailes, C.; Beresford, N.A.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Howe, P.; Whitehouse, P.. 2010 A multi-criteria weight of evidence approach for deriving ecological benchmarks for radioactive substances. Journal of Radiological Protection, 30. 215-233. 10.1088/0952-4746/30/2/S02

Loureiro, Susana; Svendsen, Claus ORCID:; Ferreira, Abel L.G.; Pinheiro, Clara; Ribeiro, Fabianne; Soares, Amadeu M.V.M.. 2010 Toxicity of three binary mixtures to Daphnia magna: comparing chemical modes of action and deviations from conceptual models. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29. 1716-1726. 10.1002/etc.198

Robinson, David A. ORCID:; Lebron, Inma ORCID:; Querejeta, Josė Ignacio. 2010 Determining Soil-Tree-Grass Relationships in a California Oak Savanna Using Eco-Geophysics. Vadose Zone Journal, 9. 528-536. 10.2136/vzj2008.0141

Stockdale, Anthony; Tipping, Edward ORCID:; Lofts, Stephen ORCID:; Ormerod, Stephen J.; Clements, William H.; Blust, Ronny. 2010 Toxicity of proton-metal mixtures in the field: linking stream macroinvertebrate species diversity to chemical speciation and bioavailability. Aquatic Toxicology, 100 (1). 112-119. 10.1016/j.aquatox.2010.07.018

Tipping, E. ORCID:; Lofts, S. ORCID:; Hooper, H.; Frey, B.; Spurgeon, D. ORCID:; Svendsen, C. ORCID: 2010 Critical Limits for Hg(II) in soils, derived from chronic toxicity data. Environmental Pollution, 158. 2465-2471. 10.1016/j.envpol.2010.03.027

Andersson, Pal; Garnier-Laplace, Jacqueline; Beresford, Nicholas A.; Copplestone, David; Howard, Brenda J. ORCID:; Oughton, Deborah; Whitehouse, Paul; Howe, Paul. 2009 Protection of the environment from ionising radiation in a regulatory context (protect): proposed numerical benchmark values. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 100 (12). 1100-1108. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2009.05.010

Wood, Michael D.; Beresford, Nicholas A.; Barnett, Catherine L. ORCID:; Copplestone, David; Leah, Richard T.. 2009 Assessing radiation impact at a protected coastal sand dune site: An intercomparison of models for estimating the radiological exposure of non-human biota. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 100 (12). 1034-1052. 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2009.04.010

Blanco-Penedo, I.; Shore, R.F.; Miranda, M.; Benedito, J.L.; Lopez-Alonso, M.. 2009 Factors affecting trace element status in calves in NW Spain. Livestock Science, 123 (2-3). 198-208. 10.1016/j.livsci.2008.11.011

Jones, D.G.; Appleton, J.D.; Breward, N.; MacKenzie, A.C.; Scheib, C.; Beresford, N.A; Barnett, C.L ORCID:; Wood, M.D.; Copplestone, D.. 2009 Assessment of naturally occurring radionuclides around England and Wales: application of the G-BASE dataset to estimate doses to non-human species. Radioprotection, 44 (5). 629-634. 10.1051/radiopro/20095116

Gidman, Eleanor A.; Jones, M. Laurence M. ORCID:; Bussell, James A.; Malham, Shelagh K.; Reynolds, Brian; Seed, Ray; Causton, David R.; Johnson, Helen E.; Gwynn-Jones, Dylan. 2007 A methodology for screening haemolymph of intertidal mussels, Mytilus edulis, using FT-IR Spectroscopy as a tool for environmental assessment. Metabolomics, 3 (4). 465-473. 10.1007/s11306-007-0060-8

Publication - Book

Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Belli, M.; Beresford, N.A.; Bossew, P.; Boyer, P.; Brittain, J.E.; Calmon, P.; Carini, F.; Choi, Y.H.; Ciffroy, P.; Colle, C.; Conney, S.; Davis, P.; Durrieu, G.; Ehlken, S.; Fesenko, S.; Galeriu, D.C.; Garcia-Sanchez, L.; Garnier, J.-M.; Gerzabek, M.H.; Gil-García, C.J.; Golikov, V.; Gondin da Fonseca, A.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Hubmer, A.; Jourdain, F.; Juri Ayub, J.; Kashparov, V.; Kirchner, G.; Krasnov, V.; Leclerc, E.; Lettner, H.; Madoz-Escande, C.; Martin, P.; Melintescu, A.; Monte, L.; Olyslaegers, G.; Orlov, O.; Palsson, S.E.; Periañez, R.; Peterson, S.R.; Pröhl, G.; Rantavaara, A.; Ravi, P.M.; Reed, E.; Rigol, A.; Sansone, U.; Sanzharova, N.; Saxén, R.; Shang, Z.R.; Show, G.; Shubina, O.; Siclet, F.; Skuterud, L.; Smith, J.T.; Strebl, F.; Tagami, K.; Tamponnet, C.; Thiry, Y.; Thorne, M.; Uchida, S.; Vandenhove, H.; Varga, B.; Velasco, H.; Vidal, M.; Voight, G.; Yankovich, T.; Zibold, G.; Zeiller, L.. 2009 Quantification of Radionuclide Transfer in Terrestrial and Freshwater Environments for Radiological Assessments. IAEA-TECDOC-1616. Vienna, Austria, IAEA, 616pp. (IAEA Technical Document, No.1616).

Publication - Book Section

Singer, Andrew C. ORCID:; Schmitt, Heike. 2012 Antibiotic use during an influenza pandemic: downstream ecological effects and antibiotic resistance. In: Keen, Patricia L.; Montforts, Mark H.M.M., (eds.) Antimicrobial resistance in the environment. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley-Blackwell, 503-538.

McLaughlin, Mike J.; Lofts, Steve ORCID:; Warne, Michael St.J.; Amorim, Monica J.B.; Fairbrother, Anne; Lanno, Roman; Hendershot, William; Schlekat, Chris E.; Ma, Yibing; Paton, Graeme I.. 2010 Derivation of Ecologically Based Soil Standards for Trace Elements. In: Merrington, Graham; Schoeters, Ilse, (eds.) Soil Quality Standards for Trace Elements: Derivation, Implementation and Interpretation. Pensacola, Florida, USA, CRC Press, 7-80.

Publication - Conference Item

Beresford, N.A.; Vives i Batlle, J.; Wood, M.D.; Willey, N.; Yankovich, T.L.. 2013 Making the most of what we've got: developing radioecological extrapolation approaches. [Lecture] In: 32nd Open Meeting of COGER, Loughborough, 3-5 April 2013. (Unpublished)

Bertsch, P.M.; McGrath, S.; Unrine, J.M.; Tsyusko, O.V.; Kabengi, N.J.; McNear, D.M.; Lowry, G.V.; Casman, E.; Wiesner, M.; Liu, J.; Neal, A.; Jefferson, B.; Dorey, B.; Ritz, K.; Harris, J.; Rocks, S.; Lofts, S. ORCID:; Spurgeon, D. ORCID:; Svendsen, C. ORCID:; Zhang, H.. 2012 TĪNĒ: the fate, behavior, and ecotoxicology of manufactured nanomaterials in terrestrial ecosystems. [Lecture] In: SETAC North America 33rd Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California, 11-15 Nov 2012. (Unpublished)

Lofts, S. ORCID:; Heggelund, L.; Lahive, E.; Spurgeon, D. ORCID:; Svendsen, C. ORCID: 2012 Effects of soil chemistry of zinc and zinc oxide NP toxicity to the earthworm E. fetida. [Lecture] In: SETAC North America 33rd Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California, 11-15 Nov 2012. (Unpublished)

Wood, M.D.; Beresford, N.A.; Yankovich, T.L.; Semenov, D.V; Copplestone, D.. 2011 Addressing current knowledge gaps on radionuclide transfer to reptiles. [Speech] In: Radioecology & Environmetal Radioactivity - Environment & Nuclear Renaissance, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 19-24 June 2011. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, McMaster University.

Beresford, N.A.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Walker, L. ORCID:; Copplestone, D.; Wells, C.; Newsome, L.. 2011 Establishing a dataset for a ‘reference site’. [Lecture] In: Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity - Environment & Nuclear Renaissance, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 19-24 June 2011. Hamilton, Ontario, McMaster University.

Steinle, S.; Reis, S. ORCID:; Sabel, C.E.. 2011 Assessment of personal exposure to air pollutants in Scotland – an integrated approach using personal monitoring data. In: MODSIM2011, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth, Western Australia, 11-16 Dec 2011. Canberra, Australia, Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, 1831-1837.

Wood, M.D.; Beresford, N.A.; Barnett, C.L. ORCID:; Copplestone, D.. 2011 Radioecology of temperate coastal sand dunes: A synthesis. [Lecture] In: Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity - Environment & Nuclear Renaissance, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 19 - 24 June 2011. Hamilton, Ontario, McMaster University.

Publication - Report

Howard, Brenda ORCID:; Beresford, Nicholas. 2014 Assessment of radiological effects on non-human biota: main review phase. Sweden, Sweden Radiation Safety Authority, 33pp. (Report no. 2014:17, Technical Note 51, CEH Project no. C04980)

Hinton, T.G.; Garnier-Leplace, J.; Vandenhove, H.; Dowdall, M.; Adam­ Guillermin, C.; Alonzo, F.; Barnett, C.L ORCID:; Beaugelin­-Seiller, K.; Beresford, N.A.; Bradshaw, C.; Brown, J.; Eyrolle, F.; Fevrier, L; Gariel, J.-C.; Gilbin, R.; Horemans, N.; Howard, B.J. ORCID:; Ikäheimonen, T.; Liland, A.; Mora, J.C.; Oughton, D.; Real, A.; Salbu, B.; Simon-­Cornu, M.; Steiner, M.; Sweeck, L.; Vives i Battle, J.. 2013 Strategic research agenda for radioecology: a second version with stakeholder input. European Commission, 43pp. (CEH Project no. C04341)

Hinton, Thomas; Février, Laureline. 2011 STAR (Contract Number: Fission-2010-3.5.1-269672) DELIVERABLE (D-N°1.1) Performance Report. Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleare (IRSN), 35pp.

Beresford, N.A.; Copplestone, D.; Brown, J.E.. 2011 Wildlife transfer database: user guidance. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 23pp.

Lebron, Inma ORCID:; Keith, Aidan M. ORCID:; Hughes, Steven; Reynolds, Brian; Robinson, David ORCID:; Cooper, David ORCID:; Emmett, Bridget A. ORCID: 2011 Evaluation of the occurrence of soils with pH higher than 8.4 observed within the Countryside Survey. Project SP1304 Final Report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 30pp. (Unpublished)

Robinson, David A. ORCID:; Cooper, David ORCID:; Emmett, Bridget A. ORCID:; Evans, Chris D. ORCID:; Keith, Aidan ORCID:; Lebron, Inma ORCID:; Lofts, Stephen ORCID:; Norton, Lisa ORCID:; Reynolds, Brian; Tipping, Edward ORCID:; Rawlins, Barry G.; Tye, Andrew M.; Watts, Chris W.; Whalley, W. Richard; Black, Helaina I.J.; Warren, Geoff P.; Robinson, Stephen; Michaelides, Katerina; Hockley, Neal J.. 2011 Defra Soil Protection Research in the Context of the Soil Natural Capital / Ecosystem Services Framework. DEFRA.

Monteiro, Sara C.; Lofts, Steve ORCID:; Boxall, Alistair B.A.. 2010 Pre-Assessment of Environmental Impact of Zinc and Copper Used in Animal Nutrition. Parma, Italy, European Food Safety Authority, 325pp. (CEH Project Number: C03670)

Lofts, S ORCID: 2009 Speciation of pyrithione in freshwaters. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 16pp. (CEH Project Number: C03634) (Unpublished)

Publication - Thesis

Sdepanian, Stephanie. 2011 Modelling the effects of toxic metal mixtures on the reproduction of Eisenia veneta in different types of soil. Lancaster University, Lancaster Environment Centre, PhD Thesis, 201pp.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 22:29:04 2025 UTC.