Items where Programme is "BD01.1 Distributions and abundance of taxa"

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Number of items at this level: 39.


Ager, Duane; Evans, Simon; Li, Hong; Lilley, Andrew K.; van der Gast, Christopher J.. 2010 Anthropogenic disturbance affects the structure of bacterial communities. Environmental Microbiology, 12 (3). 670-678. 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2009.02107.x


Broughton, Richard K. ORCID: 2009 Separation of Willow Tit and Marsh Tit in Britain: a review. British Birds, 102 (November). 604-616.

Bailey, Richard; Schonrogge, Karsten ORCID:; Cook, James M.; Melika, George; Csoka, Gyorgy; Thuroczy, Csaba; Stone, Graham N.. 2009 Host Niches and Defensive Extended Phenotypes Structure Parasitoid Wasp Communities. PLoS Biology, 7 (8), e1000179. 12, pp. 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000179

Botham, M.S. ORCID:; Rothery, P.; Hulme, P.E.; Hill, M.O.; Preston, C.D. ORCID:; Roy, D.B. ORCID: 2009 Do urban areas act as foci for the spread of alien plant species? An assessment of temporal trends in the UK. Diversity and Distributions, 15 (2). 338-345. 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2008.00539.x


Davies, Harriet; Brereton, Tom M.; Roy, David B. ORCID:; Fox, Richard. 2007 Government targets for protected area management: will threatened butterflies benefit? Biodiversity and Conservation, 16 (13). 3719-3736. 10.1007/s10531-007-9176-4


Franco, A.M.A.; Anderson, B.J.; Roy, D.B. ORCID:; Gillings, S.; Fox, R.; Moilanen, A.; Thomas, C.D.. 2009 Surrogacy and persistence in reserve selection: landscape prioritization for multiple taxa in Britain. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46 (1). 82-91. 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2008.01598.x

Fox, R.; Warren, M. S.; Asher, J.; Brereton, T. M.; Roy, D. B. ORCID: 2007 The state of Britain's butterflies 2007. Butterfly Conservation and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 12pp.


Hinsley, S.A.; Hill, R.A.; Fuller, R.J.; Bellamy, P.E.; Rothery, P.. 2009 Bird species distributions across woodland canopy structure gradients. Community Ecology, 10 (1). 99-110. 10.1556/ComEc.10.2009.1.12

Hill, Mark. 2009 BBS summer meeting - Shetland. Field Bryology, 97. 39-45.

Hesketh, Helen ORCID: 2008 Methods for studying pathogens in natural populations: recent developments and future thoughts. [Speech] In: 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology and 9th International Conference on Bacillus thuringiensis (incorporating COST862 Action* Bacterial Toxins for Insect Control), Warwick, UK, 3-7 August 2008. Society for Invertebrate Pathology, 113.

Hill, Mark. 2008 Rare and interesting bryophytes in Britain and Ireland 7. Field Bryology, 94. 66-68.


Joyce, Domino A.; Dennis, Roger L.H.; Bryant, Simon R.; Shreeve, Tim G.; Reday, Jonathan S.; Pullin, Andrew S.. 2009 Do taxonomic divisions reflect genetic differentiation? A comparison of morphological and genetic data in Coenonympha tullia (Müller), Satyrinae. Biological Journal of Linnean Society, 97 (2). 314-327. 10.1111/j.1095-8312.2009.01213.x


Kemp, Roger J.; Hardy, Peter B.; Roy, David B. ORCID:; Dennis, Roger L.H.. 2008 The relative exploitation of annuals as larval host plants by European butterflies. Journal of Natural History, 42 (13-14). 1079-1093. 10.1080/00222930801937608


Majerus, Mike; Brown, Peter; Roy, Helen ORCID:; Ware, Remy. 2009 UK Ladybird Survey Report. British Wildlife (20). 210-212.

Morecroft, Michael D.; Stokes, Victoria J.; Taylor, Michele E.; Morison, James I. L.. 2008 Effects of climate and management history on the distribution and growth of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) in a southern British woodland in comparison to native competitors. Forestry, 81 (1). 59-74. 10.1093/forestry/cpm045


Nuttall, P.A.; Labuda, M.. 2008 Saliva-assisted transmission of tick-borne pathogens. In: Bowman, Alan S.; Nuttall, Patricia A., (eds.) Ticks: Biology, Disease and Control. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 205-219.


Preston, Chris ORCID: 2010 A revised list of nationally rare bryophytes. Field Bryology, 100. 32-40.

Preston, Christopher D. ORCID: 2010 The first British records of Potamogeton compressus L. and P. friesii Rupr. Watsonia, 28. 82-84.

Preston, Chris D. ORCID:; Hill, Mark O.; Bosanquet, Sam D.S.; Ames, Stephanie L.. 2009 Progress towards a new Atlas of Bryophytes. Field Bryology, 98 (June09). 14-20.

Preston, C.D. ORCID:; Hill, M.O.. 2009 Bryophyte records. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 51. 92-95.

Preston, Christopher D. ORCID: 2009 The terms 'native' and 'alien' - a biogeographical perspective. Progress in Human Geography, 33 (5). 702-711. 10.1177/0309132508105002

Preston, Christopher D. ORCID:; Uotila, Pertti. 2009 Sagittaria x lunata, a binomial for the widespread North European hybrid between S. natans and S. sagittifolia (Alismataceae). Annales Botanici Fennici, 46 (3). 215-230.

Purse, Bethan V. ORCID:; Thompson, David J.. 2009 Oviposition site selection by the endangered damselfly Coenagrion mercuriale in its UK stronghold (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). International Journal of Odonatology, 12 (2). 257-273.

Poulickova, Aloisie; Hasler, Petr; Lysakova, Monika; Spears, B.M. ORCID: 2008 The ecology of freshwater epipelic algae: an update. Phycologia, 47 (5). 437-450. 10.2216/07-59.1

Pearman, D. A.; Preston, C. D. ORCID:; Rothero, G. P.; Walker, K. J.. 2008 The Flora of Rum: an Atlantic island reserve. Truro, D.A. Pearman, 480pp.

Preston, C. D. ORCID:; Hill, M. O.. 2008 Bryophyte records. Nature in Cambridgeshire, 50. 124-128.


Roy, Helen ORCID:; Beckmann, Björn; Comont, Richard; Hails, Rosemary; Harrington, Richard; Medlock, Jolyon; Purse, Bethan ORCID:; Shortall, Chris. 2009 Nuisance insects and climate change. Defra, 109pp.


Stanley, P.E.; Hill, M.O.; Argent, G.C.G.. 2013 A.J.E. Smith, M.A., D.Phil., D.Sc. (1935–2012). Journal of Bryology, 35 (4). 319-326. 10.1179/1743282013Y.0000000074

Smith, Richard M.; Roy, David B. ORCID: 2008 Revealing the foundations of biodiversity: The Database of British Insects and their Foodplants. British Wildlife, 20 (1). 17-25.

Stevenson, C. Robin; Hill, Mark O.. 2008 Urban myths exploded: results of a bryological survey of King’s Lynn (Norfolk, UK). Journal of Bryology, 30 (1). 12-22. 10.1179/174328208X282111

Stone, Graham N.; Challis, Richard J.; Atkinson, Rachel J.; Csoka, Gyorgy; Hayward, Alex; Melika, George; Mutun, Serap; Preuss, Sonja; Rokas, Antonis; Sadeghi, Ebrahim; Schonrogge, Karsten ORCID: 2007 The phylogeographical clade trade: tracing the impact of human-mediated dispersal on the colonization of northern Europe by the oak gallwasp Andricus kollari. Molecular Ecology, 16. 2768-2781. 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2007.03348.x

Shepherd, Jessica Rosemary. 2007 Polyploidy and the phylogeography of Campanula rotundifolia L. in the British Isles and Ireland. University of Edinburgh, Masters Thesis, 132pp.


Tiple, Ashish D.; Khurad, Arun M.; Dennis, Roger L.H.. 2009 Adult butterfly feeding-nectar flower associations: constraints of taxonomic affiliation, butterfly, and nectar flower morphology. Journal of Natural History, 43 (13-14). 855-884. 10.1080/00222930802610568


Whittingham, Mark J.; Krebs, John R.; Swetnam, Ruth D.; Thewlis, Richard M.; Wilson, Jeremy D.; Freckleton, Robert P.. 2009 Habitat associations of British breeding farmland birds. Bird Study, 56 (1). 43-52. 10.1080/00063650802648150

Willis, Stephen G.; Hill, Jane K.; Thomas, Chris D.; Roy, David B. ORCID:; Fox, Richard; Blakeley, David S.; Huntley, Brian. 2009 Assisted colonization in a changing climate: a test-study using two U.K. butterflies. Conservation Letters, 2 (1). 45-52. 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2008.00043.x

Wilson, Robert J.; Roy, David B. ORCID: 2009 Butterfly population structure and dynamics. In: Settele, Josef; Shreeve, Tim; Konvička, Martin; Van Dyck, Hans, (eds.) Ecology of Butterflies in Europe. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 81-96.

Wanless, Sarah ORCID:; Harris, Michael P. ORCID:; Lewis, Sue; Frederiksen, Morten; Murray, Stuart. 2008 Later breeding in northern gannets in the eastern Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 370. 263-269. 10.3354/meps07712

Woodcock, B. A. ORCID:; Vanbergen, A. J. ORCID: 2008 Parasitism of the beech leaf-miner weevil in a woodland: patch size, edge effects and parasitoid species identity. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 1 (3). 180-188. 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2008.00023.x

Woodcock, Stephen; van der Gast, Christopher; Bell, Thomas; Lunn, Mary; Curtis, Thomas P.; Head, Ian M.; Sloan, William T.. 2007 Neutral assembly of bacterial communities. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 62 (2). 171-180. 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2007.00379.x

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