Items where NERC Author is "Vaughan, Alan"

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Petrunin, A.; Rogozhina, I.; Vaughan, A.P.M.; Kukkonen, I.T.; Kaban, M.K.; Koulakov, I.; Thomas, M.. 2013 Heat flux variations beneath central Greenland's ice due to anomalously thin lithosphere. Nature Geoscience, 6. 746-750.

Storey, Bryan C.; Vaughan, Alan P. M.; Riley, Teal R. ORCID: 2013 The links between large igneous provinces, continental break-up and environmental change: evidence reviewed from Antarctica. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 104 (1). 17-30.

Wendt, Anke S.; Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Ferraccioli, Fausto ORCID:; Grunow, Anne M.. 2013 Magnetic susceptibilities of rocks of the Antarctic Peninsula: Implications for the redox state of the batholith and the extent of metamorphic zones. Tectonophysics. 48-67.

Flowerdew, M. J.; Tyrrell, S.; Boger, S. D.; Fitzsimons, I. C. W.; Harley, S. L.; Mikhalsky, E. V.; Vaughan, A. P. M.. 2013 Pb isotopic domains from the Indian Ocean sector of Antarctica: implications for past Antarctica-India connections. In: Harley, S.L.; Fitzsimons, I.C.W.; Zhao, Y., (eds.) Antarctica and supercontinent evolution. London, Geological Society of London, 59-72. (Geological Society Special Publication, 383, 383).

Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Leat, Philip T.; Dean, Alison A.; Millar, Ian L.. 2012 Crustal thickening along the West Antarctic Gondwana margin during mid-Cretaceous deformation of the Triassic intra-oceanic Dyer Arc. Lithos, 142-143. 130-147.

Vaughan, Alan; Eagles, Graeme; Flowerdew, Michael. 2012 Evidence for a two-phase Palmer Land event from crosscutting structural relationships and emplacement timing of the Lassiter Coast Intrusive Suite, Antarctic Peninsula: Implications for mid-Cretaceous Southern Ocean plate configuration. Tectonics, 31, TC1010. 19, pp.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Holland, Charles H.; Bradshaw, John D.; Thomson, Michael R.A.. 2012 Late Ordovician-Silurian orthoconic nautiloid cephalopods in the View Point Formation conglomerate, Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Science, 24 (6). 635-636.

Bradshaw, J.D.; Vaughan, A.P.M.; Millar, Ian L.; Flowerdew, Michael J.; Trouw, Rudolph A.J.; Fanning, C. Mark; Whitehouse, Martin J.. 2012 Permo-Carboniferous conglomerates in the Trinity Peninsula Group at View Point, Antarctic Peninsula : sedimentology, geochronology and isotope evidence for provenance and tectonic setting in Gondwana. Geological Magazine, 149 (4). 626-644.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Storey, Craig; Kelley, Simon P.; Barry, Tiffany L.; Curtis, Michael L.. 2012 Synkinematic emplacement of Lassiter Coast Intrusive Suite plutons during the Palmer Land Event: evidence for mid-Cretaceous sinistral transpression at the Beaumont Glacier in eastern Palmer Land. Journal of the Geological Society, 169 (6). 759-771.

Scarrow, Jane H.; Molina, José Francisco; Bea, Fernando; Montero, Pilar; Vaughan, Alan P.M.. 2011 Lamprophyre dikes as tectonic markers of late orogenic transtension timing and kinematics: a case study from the Central Iberian Zone. Tectonics, 30 (4), TC4007. 22, pp.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.. 2011 Putting the Earth into Earth System Science. Antarctic Science, 23 (4). 321.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.. 2010 Review of Geodynamic evolution of East Antarctica: A key to east-west Gondwana connection, edited by Satish-Kumar, Y. London, Geological Society special publication 308. Polar Record, 46 (238). 286-288.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.. 2010 The future of ocean drilling in the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Science, 22 (5). 461.

Eagles, Graeme; Vaughan, Alan P.M.. 2009 Gondwana breakup and plate kinematics: Business as usual. Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (10), L10302. 4, pp.

Eagles, Graeme; Larter, Robert D. ORCID:; Gohl, Karsten; Vaughan, Alan P.M.. 2009 West Antarctic Rift System in the Antarctic Peninsula. Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (21), L21305. 4, pp.

Pankhurst, Robert J.; Vaughan, Alan P.M.. 2009 The tectonic context of the Early Palaeozoic southern margin of Gondwana. In: Bassett, M.G., (ed.) Early Palaeozoic Peri-Gondwana terranes : new insights from tectonics and biogeography. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 171-176. (Geological Society Special Publications, 325).

Casquet, C.; Pankhurst, Robert; Vaughan, A.P.M.. 2008 The West Gondwana margin : Proterozoic to Mesozoic. Gondwana Research, 13 (2). 147-149.

Wendt, Anke S.; Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Tate, Alexander ORCID: 2008 Metamorphic rocks in the Antarctic Peninsula region. Geological Magazine, 145 (5). 655-676.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Pankhurst, Robert J.. 2008 Tectonic overview of the West Gondwana margin. Gondwana Research, 13 (2). 150-162.

Vaughan, A.P.M.. 2007 Climate and geology – a Phanerozoic perspective. In: Williams, M.; Haywood, A.M.; Gregory, F.J.; Schmidt, D.N., (eds.) Deep-time perspectives on climate change: marrying the signal from computer models and biological proxies. London, Geological Society of London, 5-59. (Micropalaeontological Society Special Publications).

Flowerdew, Michael; Millar, Ian; Curtis, Michael; Vaughan, Alan; Horstwood, Matthew; Whitehouse, Martin J; Fanning, C Mark. 2007 Combined U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotope geochemistry of detrital zircons from early Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks, Ellsworth-Whitmore Mountains block, Antarctica. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 119 (3-4). 275-288.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.. 2007 Rodinia. In: Riffenburgh, B., (ed.) Encyclopedia of the Antarctic. New York, Routledge, 799-801.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Storey, Bryan C.. 2007 A new supercontinent self-destruct mechanism: evidence from the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic. Journal of the Geological Society, 164 (2). 383-392.

Flowerdew, M.J.; Millar, I.L.; Vaughan, A.P.M.. 2006 Potential of combined U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotope geochemical studies on zircon to aid sedimentary provenance within Antarctica : examples from West Antarctica. Terra Antartica Reports, 12. 57-64.

Flowerdew, M.J.; Millar, I.L.; Vaughan, A.P.M.; Horstwood, M.S.A.; Fanning, C.M.. 2006 The source of granitic gneisses and migmatites in the Antarctic Peninsula: a combined U-Pb SHRIMP and laser ablation Hf isotope study of complex zircons. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 151 (6). 751-768.

Flowerdew, M.J.; Millar, I.L.; Vaughan, A.P.M.; Pankhurst, R.J.. 2005 Age and tectonic significance of the Lassiter Coast Intrusive Suite, Eastern Ellsworth Land, Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Science, 17 (3). 443-452.

Vaughan, A.P.M.; Livermore, R.A.. 2005 Episodicity of Mesozoic terrane accretion along the Pacific margin of Gondwana: implications for superplume–plate interactions. In: Vaughan, A.P.M.; Leat, P.T.; Pankhurst, R.J., (eds.) Terrane processes at the margins of Gondwana. London, Geological Society of London, 143-178. (Geological Society special publication, 246).

Leat, P.T.; Dean, A.A.; Millar, I.L.; Kelley, S.P.; Vaughan, A.P.M.; Riley, T.R. ORCID: 2005 Lithospheric mantle domains beneath Antarctica. In: Vaughan, A.P.M.; Leat, P.T.; Pankhurst, R.J., (eds.) Terrane processes at the margins of Gondwana. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 359-380. (Geological Society of London special publication, 246).

Adams, C.J.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Maas, R.; Millar, I.L.. 2005 Nd and Sr isotopic signatures of metasedimentary rocks around the South Pacific margin and implications for their provenance. In: Vaughan, A.P.M.; Leat, P.T.; Pankhurst, R.J., (eds.) Terrane processes at the margins of Gondwana. London, Geological Society of London, 113-141. (Geological Society of London Special Publication, 246).

Rapela, C.W.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Fanning, C.M.; Herve, F.. 2005 Pacific subduction coeval with the Karoo mantle plume : the early Jurassic subcordilleran belt of northwestern Patagonia. In: Vaughan, A.P.M.; Leat, P.T.; Pankhurst, R.J., (eds.) Terrane processes at the margins of Gondwana. Geological Society of London, 217-239. (Geological Society Special Publications, 246).

Vaughan, A.P.M.; Leat, P.T.; Pankhurst, R.J., eds. 2005 Terrane processes at the margins of Gondwana. London, Geological Society of London, 446pp. (Geological Society Special Publication, 246).

Vaughan, A.P.M.; Leat, P.T.; Pankhurst, R.J.. 2005 Terrane processes at the margins of Gondwana: introduction. In: Vaughan, A.P.M.; Leat, P.T.; Pankhurst, R.J., (eds.) Terrane processes at the margins of Gondwana. London, Geological Society of London, 1-22. (Geological Society Special Publication, 246).

Thomson, M.R.A.; Vaughan, Alan P.M.. 2005 The role of Antarctica in the development of plate tectonic theories: from Scott to the present. Archives of Natural History, 32 (2). 362-393.

Vaughan, A.P.M.; Dowling, L.A.; Mitchell, F.J.G.; Lauritzen, S.-E.; McCabe, A.M.; Coxon, P.. 2004 Depositional and post-depositional history of warm stage deposits at Knocknacran, Co. Monaghan, Ireland: implications for preservation of Irish last interglacial deposits. Journal of Quaternary Science, 19 (6). 577-590.

Vaughan, A.P.M.. 2004 Terrane processes at the Pacific-margin of Gondwana (TAPMOG). Episodes, 27 (3). 218-219.

Ferris, Julie K.; Storey, Bryan C.; Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Kyle, Philip R.; Jones, Phil C.. 2003 The Dufek and Forrestal intrusions, Antarctica: a centre for Ferrar Large Igneous Province dike emplacement? Geophysical Research Letters, 30 (6), 1348. 4, pp.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.. 2003 Galactic energy and its role in a changing Earth. (Editorial). Antarctic Science, 15 (2). 173.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Scarrow, Jane H.. 2003 K-rich mantle metasomatism control of localization and initiation of lithospheric strike-slip faulting. Terra Nova, 15 (3). 163-169.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Scarrow, Jane H.. 2003 Ophiolite obduction pulses as a proxy indicator of superplume events? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 213 (3-4). 407-416.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Kelley, Simon P.; Storey, Bryan C.. 2002 Mid-Cretaceous ductile deformation on the Eastern Palmer Land Shear Zone, Antarctica, and implications for timing of Mesozoic terrane collision. Geological Magazine, 139 (4). 465-471.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Pankhurst, Robert J.; Fanning, C.Mark. 2002 A mid-Cretaceous age for the Palmer Land event, Antarctic Peninsula: implications for terrane accretion timing and Gondwana palaeolatitudes. Journal of the Geological Society, 159 (2). 113-116.

Ferris, Julie K.; Vaughan, Alan P.M.; King, Edward C. ORCID: 2002 A window on West Antarctic crustal boundaries: the junction between the Antarctic Peninsula, the Filchner Block, and Weddell Sea oceanic lithosphere. Tectonophysics, 347 (1-3). 13-23.

Vaughan, Alan. 2001 Taking the long view: a geological contribution to understanding the causes of global glaciation. Antarctic Science, 13 (1). 1.

Ferris, J.K; Vaughan, A.P.M.; Storey, B.C. 2000 Relics of a complex triple junction in the Weddell Sea embayment, Antarctica. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 178 (3-4). 215-230.

Vaughan, Alan P.M; Storey, Bryan C.. 2000 The eastern Palmer Land shear zone: a new terrane accretion model for the Mesozoic development of the Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of the Geological Society, 157 (6). 1243-1256.

Vaughan, Alan P. M.; Millar, Ian L.; Thistlewood, Laurence. 1999 The Auriga Nunataks shear zone: Mesozoic transfer faulting and arc deformation in northwest Palmer Land, Antarctica. Tectonics, 18 (5). 911-928.

Vaughan, A.P.M.; Wareham, C.D.; Johnson, A.C.; Kelley, S.P.. 1998 A Lower Cretaceous, syn-extensional magmatic source for a linear belt of positive magnetic anomalies: the Pacific Margin Anomaly (PMA), western Palmer Land, Antarctica. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 158 (3-4). 143-155.

Scarrow, J.H.; Vaughan, A.P.M.; Leat, P.T.. 1997 Ridge-trench collision-induced switching of arc tectonics and magma sources: clues from Antarctic Peninsula mafic dykes. Terra Nova, 9 (5-6). 255-259.

Wareham, Christopher D.; Millar, Ian L.; Vaughan, Alan P.M.. 1997 The generation of sodic granite magmas, western Palmer Land, Antarctic Peninsula. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 128 (1). 81-96.

Thistlewood, L.; Leat, P. T.; Millar, I. L.; Storey, B. C.; Vaughan, A. P. M.. 1997 Basement geology and Palaeozoic–Mesozoic mafic dykes from the Cape Meredith Complex, Falkland Islands: a record of repeated intracontinental extension. Geological Magazine, 134 (3). 355-367.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Wareham, Christopher D.; Millar, Ian L.. 1997 Granitoid pluton formation by spreading of continental crust: the Wiley Glacier complex, northwest Palmer Land, Antarctica. Tectonophysics, 283 (1-4). 35-60.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Storey, B.C.. 1997 Mesozoic geodynamic evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula. In: Ricci, C.A., (ed.) The Antarctic Regions: geological evolution and processes. Siena, Terra Antartica Publication, 373-382.

Wareham, Christopher D.; Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Millar, Ian L.. 1997 The Wiley Glacier complex, Antarctic Peninsula: pluton growth by pulsing of granitoid magmas. Chemical Geology, 143 (1-2). 65-80.

Scarrow, Jane H.; Pankhurst, R.J.; Leat, P.T.; Vaughan, A.P.M.. 1996 Antarctic Peninsula granitoid petrogenesis: a case study from Mount Charity, north-eastern Palmer Land. Antarctic Science, 8 (2). 193-206.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Millar, Ian L.. 1996 Early cretaceous magmatism during extensional deformation within the Antarctic Peninsula Magmatic Arc. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 9 (1-2). 121-129.

Storey, Bryan C.; Vaughan, Alan P.M.; Millar, Ian L.. 1996 Geodynamic evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula during Mesozoic times and its bearing on Weddell Sea history. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 108 (1). 87-103.

Vaughan, Alan P.M.. 1995 Circum-Pacific mid-Cretaceous deformation and uplift: A superplume-related event? Geology, 23 (6). 491-494.<0491:CPMCDA>2.3.CO;2

Vaughan, A.P.M.; Thistlewood, L.; Millar, I.L.. 1995 Small-scale convection at the interface between stratified layers of mafic and silicic magma, Campbell Ridges, NW Palmer Land, Antarctic Peninsula: Syn-magmatic way-up criteria. Journal of Structural Geology, 17 (7). 1071-1075.

Storey, Bryan; Curtis, Mike; Thistlewood, Laurence; Crame, Alistair ORCID:; Cunningham, Alex; Dingle, Richard; Livermore, Roy; Lomas, Simon; Vaughan, Alan. 1995 Structural development of the Falkland Islands region. British Antarctic Survey. (Unpublished)

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