Multiple satellite observations of oceanic planetary waves: techniques and findings

Cipollini, Paolo. 2003 Multiple satellite observations of oceanic planetary waves: techniques and findings. In: Dalle Mese, Enzo, (ed.) Proceedings of 2003 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Remote Sensing. Pisa, Italy, Edizioni Plus, University of Pisa, 134-143, 714pp.

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Recent satellite-based observations of oceanic planetary waves have improved our knowledge of the wave properties and lead to advancements in the theory. Firstly, we review some of the techniques adopted to extract the information on planetary wave properties, illustrating them with examples based on satellite altimeter data, and we summarize the main findings. Then we discuss a cross-spectral approach for the comparison of the wave signals in the different datasets (altimetry, ocean colour and sea surface temperature) that is necessary to unveil the causes of the newly found wave signature in satellite-derived maps of phytoplankton chlorophyll, a discovery that is attracting considerable interest as it implies some effects of the waves on biology.

Item Type: Publication - Book Section
ISBN: 8884922917
Additional Information. Not used in RCUK Gateway to Research.: The wave-fitting work described in the paper is funded by the Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development EU Satellite-based Ocean ForecasTing (SOFT) Project (contract EVK3-CT-2000-00028).
Additional Keywords: Satellite-based Ocean ForecaSting, SOFT, satellite oceanography, planetary waves, Rossby waves, altimetry, ocean colour, TOPEX/POSEIDON
Date made live: 20 Feb 2004 +0 (UTC)

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