Items where NERC Author is "Ibbotson, Anton"
Goodwin, Jill C.A.; King, R. Andrew; Jones, J. Iwan; Ibbotson, Anton; Stevens, Jamie R.. 2016 A small number of anadromous females drive reproduction in a brown trout (Salmo trutta) population in an English chalk stream. Freshwater Biology, 61 (7). 1075-1089. 10.1111/fwb.12768
Lauridsen, Rasmus B.; Edwards, Francois K.; Bowes, Michael J. ORCID:; Woodward, Guy; Hildrew, Alan G.; Ibbotson, Anton T.; Jones, John Iwan.
Consumer-resource elemental imbalances in a nutrient rich
Freshwater Science, 31 (2).
Gilljam, David; Thierry, Aaron; Edwards, Francois K.; Figueroa, David; Ibbotson, Anton T.; Jones, J. Iwan; Lauridsen, Rasmus B.; Petchey, Owen L.; Woodward, Guy; Ebenman, Bo. 2011 Seeing double: size-based versus taxonomic views of food web structure. Advances in Ecological Research, 45. 67-133. 10.1016/B978-0-12-386475-8.00003-4
Johnson, Andrew C. ORCID:; Acreman, Mike C.; Dunbar, Michael J.; Feist, Stephen W.; Giacomello, Anna Maria; Gozlan, Rodolphe E.; Hinsley, Shelley A.; Ibbotson, Anton T.; Jarvie, Helen P.
ORCID:; Jones, J. Iwan; Longshaw, Matt; Maberly, Stephen C.
ORCID:; Marsh, Terry J.
ORCID:; Neal, Colin; Newman, Jonathan R.; Nunn, Miles A.; Pickup, Roger W.; Reynard, Nick S.
ORCID:; Sullivan, Caroline A.; Sumpter, John P.; Williams, Richard J..
The British river of the future: How climate change and human activity might affect two contrasting river ecosystems in England.
Science of the Total Environment, 407 (17).
Beaumont, W. R. C.; Scott, L.; Ibbotson, A. T.. 2009 The 2008 East Stoke salmon counter records. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 39pp. (CEH Project No: C02896NEW / C02038NEW) (Unpublished)
Riley, W.D.; Ibbotson, A.T.; Beaumont, W.R.C.. 2009 Adult returns from Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, parr autumn migrants. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 16 (1). 75-76. 10.1111/j.1365-2400.2008.00643.x
Edwards, Francois K.; Lauridsen, Rasmus B.; Fernandes, Wendy P.A.; Beaumont, William R.C.; Ibbotson, Anton T.; Scott, Luke; Davies, Cynthia E.; Jones, J. Iwan. 2009 Re-introduction of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., to the Tadnoll Brook, Dorset. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society, 130. 9-16.
Beaumont, W. R. C.; Scott, L.; Ibbotson, A. T.. 2008 The 2007 East Stoke salmon counter records. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 39pp. (CEH Project No: C02896NEW / C02038NEW) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.; Edwards, F.; Lauridsen, R.; Scott, L.; Ashton, J.; Beaumont, W.R.C.. 2008 Tadnoll Brook. Final report. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 21pp. (CEH: Project Report Number C02951 Low Flows project) (Unpublished)
Riley, W. D.; Ibbotson, A. T.; Lower, N.; Cook, A. C.; Moore, A.; Mizuno, S.; Pinder, A. C.; Beaumont, W. R. C.; Privitera, L.. 2008 Physiological seawater adaptation in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) autumn migrants. Freshwater Biology, 53 (4). 745-755. 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2007.01933.x
Neale, Martin W.; Dunbar, Michael J.; Jones, J. Iwan; Ibbotson, Anton T.. 2008 A comparison of the relative contributions of temporal and spatial variation in the density of drifting invertebrates in a Dorset (U.K.) chalk stream. Freshwater Biology, 53 (8). 1513-1523. 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2008.01981.x
Beaumont, W. R. C.; Scott, L.; Ibbotson, A. T.. 2007 The 2006 East Stoke salmon counter records. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 36pp. (CEH Project No: C02896NEW / C02038NEW) (Unpublished)
Pinder, A.C.; Riley, W.D.; Ibbotson, A.T.; Beaumont, W.R.C.. 2007 Evidence for an autumn downstream migration and the subsequent estuarine residence of 0+ year juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L., in England. Journal of Fish Biology, 71 (1). 260-264. 10.1111/j.1095-8649.2007.01470.x
Edwards, F. K.; Lauridsen, R. B.; Jones, J. I.; Ibbotson, A.; Beaumont, W.; Davies, C. E.; Woodward, G.; Hildrew, A. G.. 2007 Making space for the newcomer: trophic niche separation in an invaded food web. In: SEFS-5 Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, Palermo, Italy, 8-13 July 2007. 69.
Gurney, William S. C.; Tyldesley, Graham; Wood, Simon N.; Bacon, Philip J.; Heath, Michael R.; Youngson, Alan; Ibbotson, Anton. 2007 Modelling length-at-age variability under irreversible growth. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 64 (4). 638-653. 10.1139/F07-039
Ibbotson, A.; Edwards, F.; Lauridsen, R.; Beaumont, W. R. C.; Pinder, A.. 2006 Tadnoll Brook: 2006 salmon parr surveys. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 9pp. (CEH: Project Report Number C02951) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.; Scott, L.. 2006 A report of the age structure of the River Wylye Grayling population 1996-2005. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 4pp. (CEH: Project Report Number C02960) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.; Beaumont, W. R. C.; Dunbar, M.. 2006 Tadnoll Brook. A review of the historic and present salmon population. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 18pp. (CEH: Project Report Number C02951 Low Flows project) (Unpublished)
Beaumont, W. R. C.; Scott, L.; Pinder, A. C.; Ibbotson, A. T.. 2006 The 2005 East Stoke salmon counter records. NERC/Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 31pp. (CEH Project Number: C02896) (Unpublished)
Edwards, F. K.; Lauridsen, R. B.; Jones, J. I.; Emmerson, M.; Woodward, G.; Hildrew, A. G.; Ibbotson, A.. 2006 Assessment of interaction strength, ecosystem function and species invasion in a stream food web. Bulletin of the North American Benthological Society, Special Program.
Ibbotson, A. T.; Beaumont, W. R. C.; Pinder, A.; Welton, S.; Ladle, M.. 2006 Diel migration patterns of Atlantic salmon smolts with particular reference to the absence of crepuscular migration. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 15. 544-551. 10.1111/j.1600-0633.2006.00194.x
Dunbar, Michael; Ibbotson, Anton; Gowing, Ian; McDonnell, Neasa; Acreman, Mike; Pinder, Adrian. 2002 Further validation of PHABSIM for the habitat requirements of salmonid fish. Bristol, UK, Environment Agency, 226pp. (CEH Project no. C00962, R&D Technical Report W6-036/TR)
Welton, J.S.; Ibbotson, A.T. 1999 Angling surveys within the South West Region - progress report. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 6pp. (TFS Project No. T11068h7) (Unpublished)
Ingram, A.; Ibbotson, A.; Gallagher, M.. 1999 The Ecology and management of European Grayling [Thymallus thymallus (Linnaeus)] Interim Report. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 83pp. (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.. 1998 Year-class strengths and recruitment in a grayling population - 1998 sampling. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 6pp. (IFE Report Reference No: T11050j7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.. 1998 Year-class strengths and recruitment in a grayling population - 1997 sampling. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 6pp. (TFS Project No: T11050j7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.; Tapia, G.; Furse, M.T.; Winder, J.M.; Blackburn, J.; Scarlett, P.; Smith, J.. 1998 Impact of the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus and its associated crayfishery on the River Thame. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 146pp. (IFE Project No. T04073n7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.; Tapia, G.; Furse, M.T.; Winder, J.M.; Blackburn, J.; Scarlett, P.; Smith, J.. 1998 Impact of the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus and its associated crayfishery on the River Thame [Draft]. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 116pp. (IFE Project No. T04073n7) (Unpublished)
Pinder, A.C.; Leach, J.; Ibbotson, A.T.. 1998 River Mells Fisheries Survey 1998. NERC/IFE, 7pp. (TFS Project No. T11050j7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.. 1998 A preliminary assessment of the relationship between angling quality and flow on the Lower malmesbury Avon. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 24pp. (IFE Project No. T11068h7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.. 1998 A preliminary assessment of the relationship between angling quality and flow on the River Wylye. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 34pp. (IFE Project No. T11068h7) (Unpublished)
Gravelle, M.; Scarlett, P.; Ibbotson, A.T.; Dawson, F.H.; Blackburn, J.H.. 1997 Ecological survey of the River Teign at Castle Drogo, Devon. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 28pp. (TFS Project no. T04073g7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.; Ladle, M.. 1997 Review of flow needs for fish and fisheries - progress report. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 34pp. (TFS Project No. T11068e7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.; Pinder, A.; Scarlett, P.. 1997 River Don and Colden Water fisheries surveys: Final Report. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 82pp. (TFS Project T11063g7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.; Pinder, A.; Scarlett, P.; Harrison, S.; Wild, T.. 1997 River Don fisheries surveys: October 1997 survey. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 81pp. (TFS Project T11064p7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.. 1997 Year-class strengths and recruitment in a grayling population. NERC/Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, 6pp. (TFS Project No: T11063g7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.. 1996 Assessment of the fishery at Walthamstow Reservoirs. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 16pp. (IFE Project No. T11063g7) (Unpublished)
Furse, M.T.; Ibbotson, A.T.; Tapia, G.; Winder, J.M.; Blackburn, J.H.; Scarlett, P.M.. 1996 IMPACT OF CRAYFISHERY ON THE RIVER THAME : Progress report for the period 1st july - 30th September, 1996. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 17pp. (IFE Project No. T04073n7) (Unpublished)
Furse, M.T.; Ibbotson, A.T.; Tapia, G.; Winder, J.M.. 1996 IMPACT OF CRAYFISHERY ON THE RIVER THAME : Progress report for the period April - June, 1996. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 17pp. (IFE Project No. T04073n7) (Unpublished)
Furse, M.T.; Ibbotson, A.T.. 1996 IMPACT OF CRAYFISHERY ON THE RIVER THAME : Progress report for the period January - March, 1996. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 12pp. (IFE Project No. T04073n7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.; Clough, S.; Scarlett, P.; Ladle, D.; Masters, J.. 1996 Piscivorous predation on stocked salmon parr in a chalk stream. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 83pp. (IFE Project No. T11063g7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.; Pinder, A.; Scarlett, P.; Masters, J.E.G.. 1996 River Don and Colden Water fisheries surveys: initial survey. NERC/IFE, 101pp. (TFS Project No. T11063g7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.; Pinder, A.; Scarlett, P.; Masters, J.E.G.. 1996 River Don and Colden Water fisheries surveys: second survey. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 85pp. (TFS Project T11063g7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.; Pinder, A.; Scarlett, P.; Harrison, S.; Wild, T.. 1996 River Don fishery surveys - [Report 2 - post October 1996 sampling]. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 85pp. (TFS Project T11064p7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.; Pinder, A.; Scarlett, P.; Harrison, S.; Wild, T.. 1996 River Don fishery surveys - initial survey. Draft Report. Institute of Freshwater Ecology. (TFS Project T11064p7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.; Furse, M.T.; Tapia, G.; Lowans, L.M.. 1996 The distribution of crayfish populations in the River Thame in summer 1996. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 14pp. (IFE Project No. T04073n7) (Unpublished)
Winder, J.M.; Dawson, F.H.; Ibbotson, A.T.; Blackburn, J.H.; Furse, M.T.; Symes, K.T.; Henville, P.. 1995 Baseline biological assessment of Mells River Springs 1995 - baseline aquatic macro-invertebrate, botanical, habitat, and fish survey. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 130pp. (CEH Project no. T04073j7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.. 1995 Future requirements for the development of a fishery at Lower Gailey Reservoir. NERC/IFE, 8pp. (TFS Project No. T11063g7) (Unpublished)
Welton, J.S.; Ibbotson, A.T.; Ladle, M. 1995 Impact of stocked Rainbow Trout on resident salmonid populations. Phase I, scoping study. R&D Progress Report. National Rivers Authority, 4pp. (TFS Project No. T11064e4, NRA R&D D02(95)4/1) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.; Furse, M.T.. 1995 Literature review of the ecology of the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus and its impacts upon the white clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 35pp. (IFE Project No. T04073n7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.. 1995 Specification for the improvement of fish habitat on the River Skerne at South Park. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 16pp. (IFE Project No. T11063g7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.; Furse, M.T.; Dewey, K.. 1995 The distribution and baseline survey of the crayfish populations in the River Thame. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 11pp. (IFE Project No. T04073n7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.. 1995 A survey of the fish and crayfish populations at the site of a disused water meadow on the River Frome, Dorset. Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 10pp. (IFE Project No. T11063g7) (Unpublished)
Ibbotson, A.T.. 1994 Planning and design for the restoration of fish habitat in the Wallers Haven and Pevensey Haven. NERC/IFE, 5pp. (TFS Project No. T11063g7) (Unpublished)
Dobson, M.K.; Ibbotson, Anton. 1989 United Kingdom Acid Waters Monitoring Network: Invertebrate Survey, second year: 1989. Summary of species identification and abundance. NERC/Institute of Freshwater Ecology, 15pp. (Unpublished)