Items where NERC Author is "Clarke, Ellen"

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Number of items: 74.


Martyn, T.; Turbitt, C.W.; Baillie, O.; Reay, S.J.; Clarke, E.; Williamson, J.; Lawrence, E.; Collins, A.; Thompson, V.. 2024 Relocating Port Stanley Observatory. [Poster] In: XXth IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Vassouras, Brazil, 31 Oct - 06 Nov 2024. (Unpublished)

Beggan, C.D.; Clarke, E.; Lawrence, E.; Eaton, E.; Williamson, J.; Matsumoto, K.; Hayakawa, H.. 2024 Digitized continuous magnetic recordings for the August/September 1859 storms from London, UK. Space Weather, 22 (3), e2023SW003807. 10.1029/2023SW003807


Beggan, Ciaran D.; Eaton, Eliot; Maume, Eleanor; Clarke, Ellen; Williamson, John; Humphries, Thomas. 2023 Digitizing UK analogue magnetogram records from large geomagnetic storms of the past two centuries. Geoscience Data Journal, 10 (1). 73-86. 10.1002/gdj3.151


Reay, Sarah; Macmillan, Susan; Williamson, John; Flower, Simon; Stevenson, Peter; Richardson, Anne; Collins, Adam; Clarke, Ellen; Brown, William. 2021 Updates and future plans at the World Data Centre for Geomagnetism, Edinburgh. [Poster] In: IAGA-IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly 2021, Virtual, 21-27 Aug 2021. (Unpublished)

Clilverd, Mark ORCID:; Rodger, Craig J.; Freeman, Mervyn P. ORCID:; Brundell, James B.; Mac Manus, Daniel H.; Dalzell, Michael; Clarke, Ellen; Thomson, Alan W.P.; Richardson, Gemma S.; MacLeod, Finlay; Frame, Ian. 2021 Geomagnetically induced currents during the 07-08 September 2017 disturbed period: a global perspective. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 11 (33). 15, pp. 10.1051/swsc/2021014


Poedts, Stefaan; Lani, Andrea; Scolini, Camilla; Verbeke, Christine; Wijsen, Nicolas; Lapenta, Giovanni; Laperre, Brecht; Millas, Dimitrios; Innocenti, Maria Elena; Chané, Emmanuel; Baratashvili, Tinatin; Samara, Evangelia; Van der Linden, Ronald; Rodriguez, Luciano; Vanlommel, Petra; Vainio, Rami; Afanasiev, Alexandr; Kilpua, Emilia; Pomoell, Jens; Sarkar, Ranadeep; Aran, Angels; Sanahuja, Blai; Paredes, Josep M.; Clarke, Ellen; Thomson, Alan; Rouilard, Alexis; Pinto, Rui F.; Marchaudon, Aurélie; Blelly, Pierre-Louis; Gorce, Blandine; Plotnikov, Illya; Kouloumvakos, Athanasis; Heber, Bernd; Herbst, Konstantin; Kochanov, Andrey; Raeder, Joachim; Depauw, Jan. 2020 EUropean Heliospheric FORecasting Information Asset 2.0. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 10, 57. 10.1051/swsc/2020055

Divett, T.; MacManus, D.H.; Richardson, G.S.; Beggan, C.D.; Rodger, C.J.; Ingham, M.; Clarke, E.; Thomson, A.W.P.; Dalzell, M.; Obana, Y.. 2020 Geomagnetically induced current model validation from New Zealand's South Island. Space weather, 18 (8), e2020SW002494. 10.1029/2020SW002494


Williamson, John; Clarke, Ellen; Reay, Sarah; Richardson, Gemma. 2018 Evaluation and Comparison of Geomagnetic Activity Forecasts. [Poster] In: European Space Weather Week 15, Leuven, Belguim, 5th - 9th November 2018. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Beggan, Ciaran D.; Billingham, Laurence; Clarke, Ellen. 2018 Estimating external magnetic field differences at high geomagnetic latitudes from a single station. Geophysical Prospecting, 66 (6). 1227-1240. 10.1111/1365-2478.12641

Thomson, Alan W.P., ed. 2018 Geomagnetism review 2017. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 46pp. (OR/18/036) (Unpublished)

Lockwood, Mike; Chambodut, Aude; Barnard, Luke A.; Owens, Mathew J.; Clarke, Ellen; Mendel, Véronique. 2018 A homogeneous aa index, 1. Secular variation. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 8, A53. 10.1051/swsc/2018038

Lockwood, Mike; Finch, Ivan D.; Chambodut, Aude; Barnard, Luke A.; Owens, Mathew J.; Clarke, Ellen. 2018 A homogeneous aa index, 2. Hemispheric asymmetries and the equinoctial variation. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 8, A58. 10.1051/swsc/2018044


Clarke, Ellen; Richardson, Gemma; Thomson, Alan; Baillie, Orsi; Reay, Sarah; Humphries, Thomas; Williamson, John; Billingham, Laurence. 2017 Magnetic observatory data products for space weather operations. [Poster] In: European Space Weather Week 14, Oostende, Belguim, 27th November - 1st Dec 2017. (Unpublished)

Rodger, Craig J.; Mac Manus, Daniel H.; Dalzell, Michael; Thomson, Alan W.P.; Clarke, Ellen; Petersen, Tanja; Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Divett, Tim. 2017 Long term geomagnetically induced current observations from New Zealand: peak current estimates for extreme geomagnetic storms. Space Weather, 15 (11). 1447-1460. 10.1002/2017SW001691

Clarke, Ellen; Reay, Sarah; Richardson, Gemma; Billingham, Laurence; Baillie, Orsi; Humphries, Thomas; Williamson, John; Thomson, Alan. 2017 Observatory Data Products for Space Weather Applications. [Poster] In: IAGA 13th Scientific Assembly, Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 27 Aug - 1 Sept 2017. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Thomson, Alan W.P., ed. 2017 Geomagnetism Review 2016. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 40pp. (OR/17/043) (Unpublished)


Reay, Sarah; Humphries, Tom; Macmillan, Susan; Flower, Simon; Stevenson, Peter; Clarke, Ellen. 2015 Recent Activities Of The World Data Centre For Geomagnetism (Edinburgh). [Speech] In: SCOSTEP-WDS Workshop on 'Global Data Activities for the Study of Solar-Terrestrial Variability', Tokyo, Japan, 28-30th Sept 2015. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Humphries, T.; Clarke, E.; Williamson, J.; Reay, S.J.; Dawson, E.; McIntyre, B.M.; McIntosh, R.P.; Nash, G.V.; Thomson, A.. 2015 An online digital archive of magnetograms from 1846 to 1987. [Poster] In: IUGG 26th General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 June - 2 July 2015. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Baillie, Orsi; Reay, Sarah; Clarke, Ellen; Turbitt, Christopher; Swan, Anthony. 2015 New BGS IMOs increasing the global coverage of high standard magnetic observatories. [Speech] In: IUGG 26th General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 June - 2 July 2015. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Reay, Sarah; Baillie, Orsi; Clarke, Ellen; Humphries, Thomas; Williamson, John. 2015 Observatory data processing operations at the British Geological Survey. [Speech] In: IUGG 26th General Assembly, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 June - 2 July 2015. (Unpublished)

Thomson, Alan W.P.. 2015 Geomagnetism review 2014. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 34pp. (OR/15/034) (Unpublished)


Reay, Sarah; Diaz Doce, Diego; Flower, Simon; Clarke, Ellen; Bee, Emma; Bell, Patrick. 2014 Mapping the Aurora using social media: new scientific data for nowcasting and forecasting space weather? [Poster] In: European Space Weather Week 11, Liege, Belgium, 16-21 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Clarke, Ellen; Kelly, Gemma; Beggan, Ciaran. 2014 Recent BGS activities: digitising and modelling with historical data and telluric measurements and analysis. [Lecture] In: SEREN workshop on geomagnetically induced currents, Edinburgh, UK, 5-6 March 2014. (Unpublished)

Beggan, Ciaran; Macmillan, Susan; Clarke, Ellen; Hamilton, Brian. 2014 Improving models of the Earth’s magnetic field for directional drilling applications. First Break, 32 (3). 53-60.

Thomson, Alan W.P., ed. 2014 Geomagnetism : review 2013. British Geological Survey, 40pp. (OR/14/016) (Unpublished)


Clarke, Ellen; Baillie, Orsi; Reay, Sarah J.; Turbitt, Chris W.. 2013 A method for the near real-time production of quasi-definitive magnetic observatory data [in special issue: Swarm Science Data Processing and Products — the Swarm Satellite Constellation Application and Research Facility, SCARF] Earth, Planets and Space, 65 (11). 1363-1374. 10.5047/eps.2013.10.001

Humphries, Thomas; Clarke, Ellen; Dawson, Ewan; Williamson, John. 2013 Carrington as a benchmark: comparisons of the September 1859 storm using newly digitised data for London. [Poster] In: European Space Weather Week 10, Antwerp, Belgium, 18-22 Nov 2013. (Unpublished)

Baillie, Orsi; Thomson, Alan; Nagy, Tamás; Dawson, Ewan; Kelly, Gemma; Wesztergom, Victor; Clarke, Ellen. 2013 Extreme value statistics applied to geoelectric activity in Europe ... a first look. [Poster] In: European Space Weather Week 10, Antwerp, Belgium, 18-22 Nov 2013. (Unpublished)

Reay, S.J.; Clarke, E.; Dawson, E.; Macmillan, S.. 2013 Operations of the World Data Centre for Geomagnetism, Edinburgh [in special issue: Proceedings of the 1st WDS Conference in Kyoto 2011] Data Science Journal, 12. WDS47-WDS51. 10.2481/dsj.WDS-005

Thomson, Alan W.P., ed. 2013 Geomagnetism Review 2012. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 46pp. (OR/13/030) (Unpublished)


Reay, Sarah; Hamilton, Brian; Clarke, Ellen; Macmillan, Susan; Turbitt, Chris. 2012 Improving directional drilling accuracy using magnetic referencing techniques. [Poster] In: DEVEX 2012, Aberdeen, UK, 9-10 May 2012. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2012 Geomagnetism : review 2011. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 50pp. (OR/12/056) (Unpublished)


Clarke, Ellen; Viljanen, Ari; Wintoft, Peter; Vesztergom, Viktor; Thomson, Alan; Baillie, Orsi; Reay, Sarah; Dawson, Ewan. 2011 The EURISGIC database : a tool for GIC research. [Poster] In: European Space Weather Week 8, Namur, Belguin, 28 Nov - 2 Dec. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Baillie, Orsi; Clarke, Ellen; Reay, Sarah; Thomson, Alan; Turbitt, Christopher; Flower, Simon. 2011 Ingredients for a successful Space Weather service. [Poster] In: European Space Weather Week 8, Namur, Belguin, 28 Nov - 2 Dec. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)

Macmillan, S.; Beggan, C.; Clarke, E.; Hamilton, B.; Thomson, A.; Turbitt, C.. 2011 Space weather impacts of the developing South Atlantic Anomaly. [Poster] In: RAS Specialist Meeting UK Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior, London, UK, 11 Nov 2011. (Unpublished)

British Geological Survey. 2011 Geomagnetism : review 2010. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 44pp. (OR/11/036) (Unpublished)

Reay, S.J.; Clarke, E.; Hamilton, B.. 2011 First steps towards K Indices from South Atlantic Observatories : Port Stanley Observatory. Data Science Journal, 10. IAGA117-IAGA129. 10.2481/dsj.IAGA-19

Turbitt, C.; Baillie, O.; Kerridge, D.; Clarke, E.. 2011 An investigation into techniques for isolating noise in observatory data. Data Science Journal, 10. IAGA174-IAGA182. 10.2481/dsj.IAGA-25

Clarke, E.; Parkinson, S.; Turbitt, C.W.; Baillie, O.; Reay, S.J.; Schiermeier, P.. 2011 Jim Carrigan Observatory and directional drilling in Alaska. [Poster] In: IUGG XXV General Assembly 2011, Melbourne, Australia, 28 June - 7 July 2011. (Unpublished)

Harris, T.; Flower, S.; Swan, A.; Turbitt, C.; Clarke, E.; Bishop, N.; Shanahan, T.; Reay, S.; Baillie, O.; Macmillan, S.. 2011 South Georgia Magnetic Observatory. [Poster] In: IUGG XXV General Assembly : Earth on the Edge : Science for a Sustainable Planet, Melbourne, Australia, 28 June - 7 July 2011. (Unpublished)

Reay, Sarah; Dawson, Ewan; Macmillan, Susan; Flower, Simon; Humphries, Thomas; Clarke, Ellen. 2011 Metadata in geomagnetism : experiences of the World Data Centre for Geomagnetism, Edinburgh. [Poster] In: IUGG XXV General Assembly 2011, Melbourne, Australia, 28 June - 7 July 2011. (Unpublished)

Macmillan, S.; Clarke, E.. 2011 Resolving issues concerning Eskdalemuir geomagnetic hourly values. Annales Geophysicae, 29. 283-288. 10.5194/angeo-29-283-2011


Reay, Sarah; Clarke, Ellen; Hamilton, Brian. 2010 New K-Indices from South Atlantic Observatories : Port Stanley and Ascension Island. [Poster] In: 14th IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Changchun, China, 13-23 Sept 2010. (Unpublished)

Clarke, Ellen; Rodger, Craig; Clilverd, Mark ORCID:; Humphries, Thomas; Baillie, Orsolya; Thomson, Alan. 2010 An estimation of the Carrington flare magnitude from solar flare effects (sfe) in the geomagnetic records. [Poster] In: RAS NAM 2010 with the UK Solar Physics & MIST Meetinsg, Glasgow, Scotland, 12-16 April 2010. (Unpublished)

Thomson, Alan W.P.. 2010 Geomagnetism : review 2009. British Geological Survey, 35pp. (OR/10/029) (Unpublished)

Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Rodger, Craig J.; Dietrich, Sarah; Raita, Tero; Ulich, Thomas; Clarke, Ellen; Thomson, Alan W.P.; Kavanagh, Andrew J.. 2010 High-latitude geomagnetically induced current events observed on very low frequency radio wave receiver systems. Radio Science, 45 (2), RS2006. 10.1029/2009RS004215


Clarke, Ellen; Flower, Simon; Humphries, Thomas; Hussey, John; McIntosh, Robert; MacTaggart, Fergus; McIntyre, Brian; Owenson, Nicola; Henderson, Keith; Mann, Elizabeth; Mackenzie, Kenneth; Piper, Simon; Wilson, Louise; Gillanders, Richard; Kilpatrick, Karen. 2009 The digitisation of observatory magnetograms. [Poster] In: IAGA 11th Scientific Assembly, Sopron, Hungary, 23-30 Aug 2009. (Unpublished)

Thomson, Alan W.P., ed. 2009 Geomagnetism : review 2007-2008. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 45pp. (OR/09/016) (Unpublished)


Clarke, Ellen; Clilverd, Mark ORCID:; Macmillan, Susan. 2008 Geomagnetic and Solar Variability and Natural Climate Change. [Poster] In: New Advances in Geophysics 2008, Geophysics of Global Climate Change, Burlington House, London, 7-8 February 2008. (Unpublished)


Clarke, Ellen; Baillie, Orsi; Dawson, Ewan; Macmillan, Susan; Reay, Sarah; Snedden, Andrew. 2007 Corrected hourly values from Eskdalemuir observatory and the implications for studies on the long term changes in geomagnetic activity. [Poster] In: XXIV IUGG General Assembly 2007, Perugia, Italy, July 2007. (Unpublished)

Clarke, Ellen; Clilverd, Mark ORCID: 2007 Is there a need to revise the aa index? [Poster] In: XXIV IUGG General Assembly 2007, Perugia, Italy, July 2007. (Unpublished)

Clarke, Ellen; Macmillan, Susan. 2007 Geomagnetic Variability and Climate Change: Is there a link? [Poster] In: BGS NERC Climate Change Seminar, BGS Keyworth, Nottingham, 18 January 2007. (Unpublished)


Clilverd, Mark ORCID:; Clarke, Ellen; Ulich, T; Rishbeth, H; Jarvis, Martin. 2006 Predicting Solar Cycle 24 and beyond. Space Weather, 4. S09005. 10.1029/2005SW000207


Reay, S.J.; Allen, W.; Baillie, O.; Bowe, J.; Clarke, E.; Lesur, V.; Macmillan, S.. 2005 Space weather effects on drilling accuracy in the North Sea. Annales Geophysicae, 23 (9). 3081-3088.

Clarke, Ellen; Thomson, Alan W.P.. 2005 BINCASTS : BGS Index Nowcasts and Forecasts. [Poster] In: 2nd European Space Weather Week, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 14-18 Nov 2005. (Unpublished)

Clarke, E.; Baillie, O.; McKay, A.J.; Reay, S.J.; Thomson, A.W.P.. 2005 Automated real time detection of solar wind shocks and consequences for the identification of SSC and SI events. [Poster] In: IAGA 2005 Scientific Assembly, Toulouse, France, 18-29 July 2005. (Unpublished)

McKay, Allan; Clarke, Ellen; Reay, Sarah; Thomson, Alan. 2005 Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GIC) in power networks as a source of electromagnetic sounding data. [Poster] In: IAGA Scientific Assembly 2005, Toulouse, France, 18-29 July 2005. (Unpublished)

Kerridge, David; Macmillan, Susan; Turbitt, Christopher; Clarke, Ellen. 2005 Navigating the subsurface. Earthwise, 22. 28-29.

Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Clarke, Ellen; Ulich, Thomas; Linthe, Joachim; Rishbeth, Henry. 2005 Reconstructing the long-term aa index. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110 (A7), A07205. 7, pp. 10.1029/2004JA010762

Thomson, Alan W.P.; McKay, Allan J.; Clarke, Ellen; Reay, Sarah J.. 2005 Surface electric fields and geomagnetically induced currents in the Scottish Power grid during the 30 October 2003 geomagnetic storm. Space Weather, 3, S11002. 14, pp. 10.1029/2005SW000156

Thomson, A.W.P.; Mackay, A.; Clarke, E.; Reay, S.. 2005 Surface electric fields and geomagnetically induced currents in the Scottish Power grid during the 30th October 2003 geomagnetic storm. Space Weather - The International Journal of Research and Applications, 3 (11), S11002.


Reay, Sarah; Baillie, Orsi; Bowe, Jim; Clarke, Ellen; Lesur, Vincent; Macmillan, Susan. 2004 The effect of space weather on drilling accuracy in the North Sea. [Poster] In: First European Space Weather Week 2004, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 29 Nov-3 Dec 2004. (Unpublished)

Thomson, Alan; McKay, Allan; Clarke, Ellen; Reay, Sarah. 2004 Project ‘SWIMIC’: a geomagnetically induced current monitoring service for the Scottish Power Grid. [Poster] In: First European Space Weather Week 2004, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 29 Nov - 3 Dec 2004. (Unpublished)

McKay, Allan; Clarke, Ellen; Reay, Sarah; Thomson, Alan. 2004 Modelling the effects of space weather at the Earth’s surface : a UK geoelectric field model. [Poster] In: MIST/UKSP 2004, Edinburgh, UK, 29 March - 1 April 2004. (Unpublished)


Clarke, Ellen; Linthe, Hans-Joachim. 2003 Ap in real time : IUGG- Sapporo, Japan, July 2003 : session GAV.02. [Poster] In: XXIII IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 30 June- 11 July 2003. (Unpublished)

Reay, Sarah; Turbitt, Christopher; Flower, Simon; Riddick, John; Clarke, Ellen. 2003 Results from the BGS South Atlantic Observatories : Ascension Island and the Falkland Islands. [Poster] In: XXIII IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, Japan, 30 June- 11 July 2003. (Unpublished)

Clilverd, Mark A. ORCID:; Clarke, Ellen; Rishbeth, Henry; Clark, Toby D.G.; Ulich, Thomas. 2003 Solar activity levels in 2100. Astronomy and Geophysics, 44 (5). 20-22. 10.1046/j.1468-4004.2003.44520.x


Beamish, D.; Clark, T.D.G.; Clarke, E.; Thomson, A.W.P.. 2002 Geomagnetically induced currents in the UK: geomagnetic variations and surface electric fields. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 64 (16). 1779-1792. 10.1016/S1364-6826(02)00127-X

Clilverd, Mark A ORCID:; Clark, Toby D.G.; Clarke, Ellen; Rishbeth, Henry; Ulich, Thomas. 2002 The causes of long-term change in the aa index. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (A12), SSH4. 10.1029/2001JA000501


Clarke, Ellen. 2001 Real time monitoring of global magnetic activity : the APEST index. [Poster] In: ESTEC SWW 2001, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 17-19 December 2001. (Unpublished)

Clark, Toby; Clarke, Ellen. 2001 Space weather services for the offshore drilling industry. [Poster] In: ESTEC SWW, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 17-19 December 2001. (Unpublished)

Clarke, Ellen; Thomson, Alan. 2001 Real-time magnetic activity indices : two examples in daily use. [Poster] In: IAGA 9th Scientific Assembly, Hanoi, Vietnam, 18-30 August 2001. (Unpublished)

Thomson, Alan; Clarke, Ellen. 2001 Geomagnetically induced currents in northern Europe during the April and July storms in 2000. [Poster] In: XXVI EGS General Assembly, Nice, France, 25-30 March 2001. (Unpublished)


Clarke, Ellen; White, Pamela. 1999 Increased demand for rapid access to UK magnetic observatory data : implications for quality control procedures. [Poster] In: XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, UK, 19-30 July 1999. (Unpublished)

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