Items where NERC Author is "Harrison, Matthew"
Publication - Article
Tomas, Robert; Harrison, Matthew; Barredo, José I.; Thomas, Florian; Llorente Isidro, Miguel; Pfeiffer, Manuela; Čerba, Otakar. 2015 Towards a cross-domain interoperable framework for natural hazards and disaster risk reduction information. Natural Hazards, 78 (3). 1545-1563. 10.1007/s11069-015-1786-7
Winter, Mike G.; Shackman, Lawrence; Harrison, Matt; Macgregor, Forbes. 2013 Landslide hazard and risk assessment on the Scottish road network. Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering, 166 (6). 522-539. 10.1680/geng.12.00063
Harrison, A.M.; Plim, J.F.M.; Harrison, M.; Jones, L.D.; Culshaw, M.G.. 2012 The relationship between shrink-swell occurrence and climate in south-east England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 123 (4). 556-575. 10.1016/j.pgeola.2012.05.002
Foster, C.; Harrison, M.; Reeves, H.J.. 2011 Standards and methods of hazard assessment for mass-movements in Great Britain. Journal for Torrent and Avalanche Control, 166.
Gibson, Andy; Harrison, Matthew. 2007 At the cutting edge. Earthwise, 25 (2007). 24-25.
Harrison, Matt. 2007 Geohazard information. Earthwise, 24. 10-11.
Publication - Book Section
Rees, John; Gibson, Andrew; Harrison, Matthew; Hughes, Andrew; Walsby, Jennifer. 2009 Regional modelling of geohazard change. In: Culshaw, Martin, (ed.) Engineering geology for tomorrow's cities. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 49-63. (Geological Society special publications, 22).
Publication - Conference Item
Harrison, A.M.; Harrison, M.; Plim, J.; Jones, L.; Culshaw, M.G.. 2010 UK regional scale modelling of natural geohazards and climate change. In: IAEG Congress 2010, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-10 Sept 2010. (Unpublished)
Hobbs, Peter; Gibson, Andrew; Koor, N.P.; Rees, John; Price, Simon James; Harrison, Matthew; Jones, Lee; Garcia-Bajo, Marieta; Culshaw, Martin. 2008 Improved modelling and communication of urban risks : case studies from the United Kingdom and South-East Asia. In: European econference of the International Association for Engineering geology, Madrid, Spain, 15-20 Sept 2008.
Foster, Claire; Poulton, Catherine; Harrison, Matthew. 2008 A national hazard assessment of coastal landslides using GI capture systems : a government dataset. In: AGI Geocommunity 08 : shaping a changing world, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, 24-25 Sept 08. (Unpublished)
Publication - Report
Harrison, Matthew; Thomas, Florian; Barredo, Jose I.; Bojilov, Venco; Camia, Andrea; Castella, R.C.; Cerba, Otakar; Exadaktylos, George; Giovando, Christiano; Isidro, Miguel; Pfeiffer, Manuela; Tomas, Robert. 2011 INSPIRE Data Specification Document on Natural Risk Zones : Draft Guidlines version 2.0. Inspire, 175pp. (D2.8.III.12) (Unpublished)
Booth, K.A.; Diaz Doce, D.; Harrison, M.; Wildman, G., eds. 2010 User guide for the British Geological Survey GeoSure dataset. British Geological Survey, 13pp. (OR/10/066) (Unpublished)
Lawley, R.; Garcia-Bajo, M.. 2009 The National Superficial Deposit Thickness Model. (Version 5). Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 18pp. (OR/09/049) (Unpublished)
James, J.W.C.; Guennoc, P.; Harrison, M.; Le Bot, S.; Philpott, S.; Vinchon, C.; Bee, E.; Simien, F.; Janjou, D.; Garlan, T.; Trentesaux, A.; Mahieux, G.; Briet, D.; Augris, C.. 2002 GEOSYNTH : a synthesis of the geology and sediments of the Dover Strait and its hinterland / GEOSYNTH : synthèse géologique et sédimentologique du Pas de Calais et de ses environs. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 50pp. (CR/02/078N) (Unpublished)
Output (Electronic)
Harrison, Matthew. INSPIRE Natural Risk Zones data specification presentation (video). 20 June 2012, [Output (Electronic)]