Items where NERC Author is "Gillespie, Martin"
Dobbs, M.R; Leslie, A.G.; Dodd, T.J.H.; Gillespie, M.R.; Kearsey, T.I.; Kendall, R.S.; Bide, T.. 2022 Urban geological surveying in Singapore. [Lecture] In: The 2022 International Symposium on Resilient and Sustainable Cities & The 22nd Annual General Meeting of UK-CARE, Online, 6-8 Dec 2022. British Geological Survey. (Unpublished)
Dobbs, Marcus; Leslie, Graham; Dodd, Tom; Gillespie, Martin; Kearsey, Timothy; Kendall, Rhian; Bide, Tom. 2022 Urban geological surveying: what lies beneath Singapore? [Lecture] In: CCOP-KIGAM Urban Geology Workshop: Urban Geology Technology Sharing for Sustainable Cities in East and Southeast Asia., Singapore, 20-22 Sept 2022. (Unpublished)
Hall, Alexander; Gillespie, Martin; Everett, Paul; Christodoulou, Vyron; Walsh, Jo. 2022 Machine learning applied to pore-space geometry in sandstones: a tool for evaluating grain-scale similarity? Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 55 (1), qjegh2020-183. 10.1144/qjegh2020-183
Monaghan, A.A. ORCID:; Damaschke, M.; Starcher, V.; Fellgett, M.W.; Kingdon, A.
ORCID:; Kearsey, T.; Hannis, S.; Gillespie, M.; Shorter, K.; Elsome, J.; Barnett, M..
UK Geoenergy Observatories Glasgow: GGC01 cored, seismic monitoring borehole – final data release.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 64pp.
Gillespie, Martin R.; Leslie, A. Graham. 2021 BRUCS: a new system for classifying and naming mappable rock units. Journal of the Geological Society, 178 (4), jgs2020-212. 10.1144/jgs2020-212
Dodd, Thomas J.H.; Leslie, A. Graham; Gillespie, Martin R.; Dobbs, Marcus R.; Bide, Thomas P.; Kendall, Rhian S.; Kearsey, Timothy I.; Chiam, Kiefer; Goay, Michael. 2020 Deep to shallow-marine sedimentology and impact of volcanism within the Middle Triassic Palaeo-Tethyan Semantan Basin, Singapore. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 196, 104371. 10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104371
Leslie, A. Graham; Dobbs, Marcus R.; Tham Fatt, Ng; A'zad Rosle, Qalam; Ramzanee Mohd Noh, Mohammed; Dodd, Thomas J.H.; Gillespie, Martin R.. 2020 The Ukay Perdana Shear Zone in Kuala Lumpur: a crustal-scale marker of early Jurassic orogenic deformation in Peninsular Malaysia. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 69. 135-147. 10.7186/bgsm69202012
Gillespie, Martin R.; Everett, Paul A.. 2020 Argyll & Bute Stone Project stage 1 : scoping study. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 53pp. (OR/19/060) (Unpublished)
Gillespie, Martin R.; Leslie, A. Graham. 2020 Potential for renewed quarrying of West Highland Slate : a preliminary assessment of the island of Luing and the Ballachulish district. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 52pp. (OR/20/016) (Unpublished)
Gillespie, Martin R.; Kendall, Rhian S.; Leslie, A. Graham; Millar, Ian L.; Dodd, Thomas J.H.; Kearsey, Timothy I.; Bide, Thomas P.; Goodenough, Kathryn M.; Dobbs, Marcus R.; Lee, Michael Kim Woon; Chiam, Kiefer. 2019 The igneous rocks of Singapore: new insights to Palaeozoic and Mesozoic assembly of the Sukhothai Arc. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 183, 103940. 10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.103940
Kearsey, T.; Gillespie, M.; Entwisle, D.; Damaschke, M.; Wylde, S.; Fellgett, M.; Kingdon, A. ORCID:; Burkin, J.; Starcher, V.; Shorter, K.; Barron, H.; Elsome, J.; Barnett, M.; Monaghan, A..
UK Geoenergy Observatories Glasgow: GGC01 cored, seismic monitoring borehole – intermediate data release.
Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 36pp.
Leslie, A. Graham; Dodd, Thomas J.H.; Gillespie, Martin R.; Kendall, Rhian S.; Bide, Thomas P.; Kearsey, Timothy I.; Dobbs, Marcus R.; Lee, Michael Kim Woon; Chiam, Kiefer. 2019 Ductile and brittle deformation in Singapore: a record of Mesozoic orogeny and amalgamation in Sundaland, and of post-orogenic faulting. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 181, 103890. 10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.103890
Dodd, Thomas J.H.; Gillespie, Martin R.; Leslie, A. Graham; Kearsey, Timothy I.; Kendall, Rhian S.; Bide, Thomas P.; Dobbs, Marcus R.; Millar, Ian L.; Lee, Michael Kim Woon; Chiam, Kiefer; Goay, Michael. 2019 Paleozoic to Cenozoic sedimentary bedrock geology and lithostratigraphy of Singapore. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 180, 103878. 10.1016/j.jseaes.2019.103878
Kemp, Simon J. ORCID:; Gillespie, Martin R.; Leslie, Graham A.; Zwingmann, Horst; Campbell, S. Diarmad G..
Clay mineral dating of displacement on the Sronlairig Fault: implications for Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution in northern Scotland.
Clay Minerals, 54 (2).
Everett, P.A.; Gillespie, M.R.. 2019 Handheld x-Ray fluorescence : a method for non-destructive compositional analysis of sandstone building stones. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 44pp. (OR/16/008) (Unpublished)
Everett, P.A.. 2019 A petrological examination of the provenance of stone masonry from three medieval churches in Shetland. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 2019pp. (OR/19/014) (Unpublished)
Gillespie, Martin; Everett, Paul. 2018 A review of the style and performance of traditional and new setted streets in Edinburgh. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 43pp. (CR/18/008N) (Unpublished)
Monaghan, A.A.; O Dochartaigh, B.; Fordyce, F.; Loveless, S.; Entwisle, D.; Quinn, M.; Smith, K.; Ellen, R.; Arkley, S.; Kearsey, T.; Campbell, S.D.G.; Fellgett, M.; Mosca, I.. 2017 UKGEOS: Glasgow Geothermal Energy Research Field Site (GGERFS): initial summary of the geological platform. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 205pp. (OR/17/006) (Unpublished)
Everett, P.A.; Gillespie, M.R.. 2016 Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis (HH-XRF): a non-destructive tool for distinguishing sandstones in historic structures. In: 13th International Congress on the Deterioriation and Conservation of Stone, Glasgow, UK, 6-10 Sept 2016. University of the West of Scotland.
Gillespie, M.R.; Tracey, E.A.. 2016 Scotland's building stone industry: a review. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 46pp. (CR/16/026N) (Unpublished)
Albornoz-Parra, L.J.; Tracey, E.A.; Gillespie, M.R.. 2015 A Building Stone Assessment of sandstone in Iona Nunnery and at Carsaig quarry on Mull. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 42pp. (CR/15/002N) (Unpublished)
Busby, Jon; Gillespie, Martin; Kender, Sev. 2015 How hot are the Cairngorms? Scottish Journal of Geology, 51 (2). 105-115. 10.1144/sjg2014-027
Everett, Paul A.; Gillespie, Martin R.; Tracey, Emily A.. 2015 Provenance of building stones in four 'galley castles' in Argyll. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 47pp. (OR/15/053) (Unpublished)
Miles, A.J.; Graham, C.M.; Hawkesworth, C.J.; Gillespie, M.R.; Hinton, R.W.; Bromiley, G.D.. 2014 Apatite: a new redox proxy for silicic magmas? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 132. 101-119. 10.1016/j.gca.2014.01.040
Gillespie, Martin R.; Everett, Paul A.; Tracey, Emily A.. 2014 Source, character and weathering style of building stone in Culzean Castle & Country Park, Ayrshire. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 84pp. (CR/14/114N) (Unpublished)
Miles, Andrew; Graham, Colin; Hawkesworth, Chris; Gillespie, Martin; Dhuime, Bruno; Hinton, Richard. 2014 Using zircon isotope compositions to constrain crustal structure and pluton evolution: the Iapetus Suture Zone granites in Northern Britain. Journal of Petrology, 55 (1). 181-207. 10.1093/petrology/egt065
Albornoz-Parra, L.J.; Tracey, E.A.; Gillespie, M.R.. 2014 A building stone assessment of The Engine Shed, Stirling. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 29pp. (CR/14/088N) (Unpublished)
Gillespie, M.R.; Crane, E.J.; Barron, H.F.. 2013 Deep geothermal energy potential in Scotland. Nottingham, UK, Scottish Government, 129pp. (CR/12/131N)
Hall, A.M.; Gillespie, M.R.; Thomas, C.W.; Ebert, K.. 2013 Scottish landform examples : The Cairngorms - a pre-glacial upland granite landscape. Scottish Geographical Journal, 129 (1). 2-14. 10.1080/14702541.2012.728243
Miles, A.J.; Graham, C.M.; Hawkesworth, C.J.; Gillespie, M.R.; Hinton, R.W.. 2013 Evidence for distinct stages of magma history recorded by the compositions of accessory apatite and zircon. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 166 (1). 1-19. 10.1007/s00410-013-0862-9
Gillespie, M.R.; Everett, P.A.; Albornoz-Parra, L.J.; Tracey, E.A.. 2013 A survey of building stone and roofing slate in Falkirk town centre. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 154pp. (OR/13/015) (Unpublished)
Auton, Clive; Gillespie, Martin; Smith, Martin. 2012 British Geological Survey 2012. Nairn 84E Scotland Sheet 84E Bedrock. 1: 50 000 Geology Series. 1:50000. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey.
Gillespie, M.R.; Campbell, S.D.G.; Stephenson, D.. 2012 BGS classification of lithodemic units : a classification of onshore Phanerozoic intrusions in the UK. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 67pp. (RR/12/001)
Leslie, A.G.; Krabbendam, M.; Gillespie, M.R.. 2012 BGS classification of lithodemic units : proposals for classifying tectonometamorphic units and mixed-class units. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 28pp. (RR/12/002)
Key, Roger M.; Johnson, Christopher C.; Horstwood, Matthew S.A.; Lapworth, Dan J. ORCID:; Knights, Katherine V.; Kemp, Simon J.
ORCID:; Watts, Michael; Gillespie, Martin; Adekanmi, Michael; Arisekola, Tunde.
Investigating high zircon concentrations in the fine fraction of stream sediments draining the Pan-African Dahomeyan Terrace in Nigeria.
Applied Geochemistry, 27 (8).
Gillespie, Martin R.; Tracey, Emily A.. 2012 Liddle's Quarry, Orkney : a resource evaluation and assessment of past and possible future uses of extracted stone. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 34pp. (OR/12/070) (Unpublished)
Schofield, D.I.; Horstwood, M.S.A.; Pitfield, P.E.J.; Gillespie, M.; Darbyshire, F.; O'Connor, E.A.; Abdouloye, T.B.. 2012 U–Pb dating and Sm–Nd isotopic analysis of granitic rocks from the Tiris Complex : new constaints on key events in the evolution of the Reguibat Shield, Mauritania. Precambrian Research, 204-20. 1-11. 10.1016/j.precamres.2011.12.008
Barron, H.F.; Gillespie, M.R.; Merritt, J.W.. 2011 Geodiversity of the Cairngorms National Park. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 35pp. (OR/10/019) (Unpublished)
Barron, H.F.; Merritt, J.W.; Gillespie, M.R.. 2011 Geological input to a Landscape Character Assessment of the Cairngorms National Park. Edinburgh, UK, British Geological Survey, 14pp. (OR/10/003) (Unpublished)
Leslie, Alick; Burt, Elaine; Schofield, David; Wilby, Philip; Gillespie, Martin. 2011 The sedimentary succession in the Fachwen Formation, Arfon Group, North Wales. British Geological Survey, 27pp. (IR/11/019) (Unpublished)
Gillespie, M.R.; Barnes, R.P.; Milodowski, A.E.. 2011 British Geological Survey scheme for classifying discontinuities and fillings. British Geological Survey, 56pp. (RR/10/005)
Tracey, Emily A.; Albornoz-Parra, Luis J.; Everett, Paul A.; Gillespie, Martin R.. 2011 A building stone and slate survey of the Callander Conservation Area : recording, matching and sourcing for the built heritage. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 52pp. (OR/11/011) (Unpublished)
Everett, Paul A.; Tracey, Emily A.; Albornoz-Parra, Luis; Gillespie, Martin. 2011 An historical and petrological assessment of Pitairlie Quarry, Angus. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 25pp. (OR/11/009)
Appleby, Sarah K.; Gillespie, Martin R.; Graham, Colin M.; Hinton, Richard W.; Oliver, Grahame J.H.; Kelly, Nigel M.. 2010 Do S-type granites commonly sample infracrustal sources? : new results from an integrated O, U-Pb and Hf isotope study of zircon. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 160 (1). 115-132. 10.1007/s00410-009-0469-3
Gillespie, Martin; Stephenson, David; Millward, David. 2008 BGS classification of lithodemic units : proposals for classifying units of intrusive rock. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 25pp. (RR/08/005)
British Geological Survey, Stratigraphy Commission of the Geological Society. 2008 Stratigraphical chart of the United Kingdom : Northern Britain. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey [Chart]
Key, Roger; Loughlin, Susan; Gillespie, Martin; Del Rio, Maria de las Mercedes; Horstwood, Matthew; Crowley, Quentin George; Darbyshire, Fiona; Pitfield, Peter; Henney, Paul. 2008 Two Mesoarchaean terranes in the Reguibat shield of NW Mauritania. In: Ennih, N.; Liegeois, J.-P., (eds.) The boundaries of the West African craton. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 33-52, 20pp. (Special Publication, 297).
Appleby, S.K.; Graham, C.M.; Gillespie, Martin; Hinton, R.W.; Oliver, G.J.H.. 2008 A cryptic record of magma mixing in diorites revealed by high-precision SIMS oxygen isotope analysis of zircons. Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 269 (1-2). 105-117. 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.02.006
Schofield, David; Gillespie, Martin. 2007 A tectonic interpretation of "Eburnean terrane" outliers in the Reguibat Shield, Mauritania. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 49 (4-5). 179-186. 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2007.08.006
Styles, M.T.; Gillespie, M.R.; Bauer, W.; Lott, G.K.. 2006 Current status and future development of the BGS Rock Classification Scheme. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 29pp. (IR/06/022) (Unpublished)
Milodowski, A.E.; Tullborg, E.L.; Buil, B.; Gomez, P.; Turrero, M.-J.; Haszeldine, S.; England, G.; Gillespie, M.R.; Torres, T.; Ortiz, J.; Zacharias, J.; Silar, J.; Chvatal, M.; Strnad, L.; Sebek, O.; Bouch, J.E.; Chenery, S.R.N.; Chenery, C.A.; Shepherd, T.J.. 2005 Application of mineralogical, petrological and geochemical tools for evaluating the palaeohdrogeological evolution of the PADAMOT study sites. Harwell, UK, UK Nirex Ltd, 206pp. (Padamot Project Technical Report, WP2).
Thomas, Chris; Gillespie, Martin. 2005 Understanding the Cairngorms. Planet Earth, Spring. 18-19.
British Geological Survey, Morocco. Department de l'energie et des mines. Direction de la geologie. 2001 Feuille NH-30-XIX-1a Tiwit. Notes et Mémoires, Editions du Service Géologiques du Maroc. Rabat, Morocco, Direction de la Geologie du Maroc.
British Geological Survey, Morocco. Department de l'energie et des mines. Direction de la geologie. 2001 Feuille NH-30-XIX-1b Ikniwn. Notes et Mémoires, Editions du Service Géologiques du Maroc. Rabat, Morocco, Direction de la Geologie du Maroc.
Gillespie, Martin; Styles, Michael. 1999 BGS rock classification scheme, Volume 1. Classification of igneous rocks. Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 31pp. (RR/99/006) (Unpublished)