Items where Programme is "Marine Physics and Ocean Climate"

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Number of items at this level: 58.


Amoudry, Laurent; Ramirez-Mendoza, Rafael; Souza, Alejandro; Brown, Jennifer ORCID: 2014 Modelling-based assessment of suspended sediment dynamics in a hypertidal estuarine channel. Ocean Dynamics, 64 (5). 707-722. 10.1007/s10236-014-0695-8

Amoudry, Laurent; Bell, Paul ORCID:; Thorne, Peter ORCID:; Souza, Alejandro. 2013 Toward representing wave-induced sediment suspension over sand ripples in RANS models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118 (5). 2378-2392. 10.1002/jgrc.20188

Amoudry, Laurent; Bolanos-Sanchez, Rodolfo; Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Souza, Alejandro. 2012 Modelling sediment transport in a macrotidal, funnel-shaped, bi-channel estuary: the Dee estuary. [Speech] In: 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), Santander, Spain, 01-06 Jul 2012. (Unpublished)


Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Yelland, Margaret ORCID:; Pascal, Robin; Pullen, Tim; Bell, Paul ORCID:; Cardwell, Christopher ORCID:; Jones, David; Milliken, Neil; Prime, Thomas; Shannon, Geoffrey; Ludgate, Jake; Martin, Andrew; Farrington, Brian; Gold, Iain; Bird, Cai; Travis, Mason. 2018 WireWall: a new approach to coastal wave hazard monitoring. In: 3rd International Conference on Protection against Overtopping, Grange-Over-Sands, UK, 6-8 June 2018.

Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Knight, Philip; Prime, Thomas; Phillips, Benjamin; Lyddon, Charlotte; Leonardi, Nicoletta; Morrissey, Karyn; Plater, Andrew. 2017 Science based tools informing coastal management in a changing climate. In: Aagaard, T.; Deigaard, R.; Fuhrman, D., (eds.) Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 2017. Coastal Dynamics Conference, 1-12.

Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Norman, Danielle; Amoudry, Laurent; Souza, Alejandro. 2016 Impact of operational model nesting approaches and inherent errors for coastal simulations [in special issue: Coastal ocean modelling] Ocean Modelling, 107. 48-63. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2016.10.005

Brown, J.M. ORCID:; Amoudry, L.O.; Souza, A.J.; Plater, A.J.. 2015 Residual circulation modelling at the national UK scale to identify possible sediment pathways to inform decadal coastal geomorphic evolution models. In: Wang, P.; Rosati, J.D.; Cheng, J., (eds.) Coastal Sediments 2015: The Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2015. Singapore, World Scientific, 12pp.

Bell, Paul S ORCID:; McCann, David L ORCID: 2014 Marine Radar Derived Current Vector Mapping at a Planned Commercial Tidal Stream Turbine Array in the Pentland Firth. Poster presented at: International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 4-6 Nov 2014. [Poster] In: International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 4-6 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Bolanos-Sanchez, Rodolfo; Souza, Alejandro. 2014 Process contribution to the time-varying residual circulation in tidally dominated estuarine environments. Estuaries and Coasts, 37 (5). 1041-1057. 10.1007/s12237-013-9745-6

Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Bolanos-Sanchez, Rodolfo; Souza, Alejandro. 2014 Controls on monthly estuarine residuals: Eulerian circulation and elevation. Ocean Dynamics, 64 (4). 587-609. 10.1007/s10236-014-0698-5

Brown, J.M. ORCID:; Amoudry, L.O.; Mercier, F.M.; Souza, A.J. 2013 Intercomparison of the Charnock and CORE bulk wind stress formulations for coastal ocean modelling. Ocean Science, 9 (4). 721-729. 10.5194/os-9-721-2013

Banks, C.J. ORCID:; Gommenginger, C.P. ORCID:; Srokosz, M.A. ORCID:; Snaith, H.M.. 2012 Salinity from space: Evaluating SMOS and Aquarius against model and in situ data. In: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Munich, Germany, 22-27 Jul 2012. (Unpublished)

Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Wolf, Judith ORCID:; Souza, Alejandro. 2012 Past to future extreme events in Liverpool Bay: model projections from 1960-2100. Climatic Change, 111 (2). 365-391. 10.1007/s10584-011-0145-2

Brown, Jennifer M. ORCID:; Bolaños, Rodolfo; Howarth, Michael J.; Souza, Alejandro J.. 2012 Extracting sea level residual in tidally dominated estuarine environments. Ocean Dynamics, 62 (7). 969-982. 10.1007/s10236-012-0543-7


Cipollini, Paolo; Beneviste, Jerome; Bouffard, Jerome; Emery, William; Fenoglio-Marc, Luciana; Gommenginger, Christine ORCID:; Griffin, David; Hoyer, Jacob; Kurapov, Alexandre; Madsen, Kristine; Mercier, Franck; Miller, Laury; Pascual, Ananda; Ravichandran, Muhalagu; Shillington, Frank; Snaith, Helen; Strub, Ted; Vandemark, Doug; Vignudelli, Stefano; Wilkin, John; Woodworth, Philip; Zavala-Garay, Javier. 2010 The role of altimetry in coastal observing systems. In: Hall, J.; Harrison, D.E.; Stammer, D., (eds.) Proceedings of OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society, Vol. 2. Noordwijk, The Netherlands, European Space Agency, 181-191. (ESA Special Publication, WPP-306).

Cunningham, S.A.; Alderson, S.G.; King, B.A. ORCID:; Brandon, M.A.. 2003 Transport and variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in Drake Passage. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108 (C5). 8084. 10.1029/2001JC001147


Dissanayake, Pushpa; Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Karunarathna, Harshinie. 2014 Modelling storm-induced beach/dune evolution: Sefton coast, Liverpool Bay, UK. Marine Geology, 357. 225-242. 10.1016/j.margeo.2014.07.013

Dowdeswell, J.A.; Evans, J.; Mugford, R.; Griffiths, G.; McPhail, S.D.; Millard, N.; Stevenson, P.; Brandon, M.A.; Banks, C. ORCID:; Heywood, K.J.; Price, M.R.; Dodd, P.A.; Jenkins, A. ORCID:; Nicholls, K.W. ORCID:; Hayes, D.; Abrahamsen, E.P. ORCID:; Tyler, P.A.; Bett, B.J. ORCID:; Jones, D.O.B. ORCID:; Wadhams, P.; Wilkinson, J.P.; Stansfield, K.; Ackley, S.. 2008 Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and investigations of the ice–ocean interface in Antarctic and Arctic waters. Journal of Glaciology, 54 (187). 661-672. 10.3189/002214308786570773


Elipot, Shane; Hughes, Chris ORCID:; Olhede, Sofia; Toole, John. 2013 Coherence of western boundary pressure at the RAPID WAVE array: boundary wave adjustments or deep western boundary current advection? Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43 (4). 744-765. 10.1175/JPO-D-12-067.1


Flores, Raúl P.; Rijnsburger, Sabine; Horner-Devine, Alexander R.; Souza, Alejandro; Pietrzac, Julie D.. 2017 The impact of storms and stratification on sediment transport in the Rhine region of freshwater influence. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122 (5). 4456-4477. 10.1002/2016JC012362

Feng, Xiangbo; Tsimplis, Mikis; Yelland, Margaret ORCID: 2012 Extreme waves at Polar front of North Atlantic from 2000 to 2009. [Poster] In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, 22-27 Apr 2012.


Geng, Jianghui; Williams, Simon D.P. ORCID:; Teferle, Felix N.; Dodson, Alan H.. 2012 Detecting storm surge loading deformations around the southern North Sea using subdaily GPS. Geophysical Journal International, 191 (2). 569-578. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05656.x


Hibbert, Angela ORCID: 2021 Building resilience to coastal hazards using tide gauges [in special issue: Ocean Decade for Sustainable Development] Environmental Scientist. 58-65.

Holliday, N. Penny ORCID:; Henson, Stephanie ORCID: 2017 The marine environment. In: Castellani, Claudia; Edwards, Martin, (eds.) Marine plankton: a practical guide to ecology, methodology, and taxonomy. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 3-11, 704pp.

Humphreys, Matthew P.; Griffiths, Alex M.; Achterberg, Eric P.; Holliday, N. Penny ORCID:; Rerolle, Victoire M.C.; Menzel Barraqueta, Jan-Lukas; Couldrey, Matthew P.; Oliver, Kevin I.C.; Hartman, Susan ORCID:; Esposito, Mario; Boyce, Adrian J.. 2016 Multidecadal accumulation of anthropogenic and remineralized dissolved inorganic carbon along the Extended Ellett Line in the northeast Atlantic Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30 (2). 293-310. 10.1002/2015GB005246

Haigh, Ivan D.; Wadey, Matthew P.; Gallop, Shari L; Loehr, Heiko; Nicholls, Robert J.; Horsburgh, Kevin ORCID:; Brown, Jennifer M. ORCID:; Bradshaw, Elizabeth. 2015 A user-friendly database of coastal flooding in the United Kingdom from 1915–2014. Scientific Data, 2. 150021. 10.1038/sdata.2015.21

Hughes, C.W. ORCID:; Williams, Joanne ORCID:; Coward, A.C. ORCID:; de Cuevas, B.A.. 2014 Antarctic circumpolar transport and the southern mode: a model investigation of interannual to decadal timescales. Ocean Science, 10 (2). 215-225. 10.5194/os-10-215-2014

Hughes, Chris W. ORCID:; Elipot, Shane; Morales Maqueda, Miguel Angel; Loder, John W.. 2013 Test of a method for monitoring the geostrophic meridional overturning circulation using only boundary measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 30. 789-809. 10.1175/JTECH-D-12-00149.1

Hall, Rob A.; Huthnance, John M. ORCID:; Williams, Richard G.. 2013 Internal wave reflection on shelf slopes with depth-varying stratification. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43 (2). 248-258. 10.1175/JPO-D-11-0192.1

Holliday, Penny ORCID: 2012 Story Board 3: Riding the storm in the North Atlantic. In: Dwer, Ned, (ed.) The Status of Ireland's Climate, 2012. Wexford, Ireland, Environmental Protection Agency, 71-72, 147pp. (CCRP Report, 26).


Jones, Daniel ORCID:; Simon-Lledó, Erik ORCID:; Amon, Diva J.; Bett, Brian J. ORCID:; Caulle, Clémence; Clement, Louis ORCID:; Connelly, Douglas P.; Dahlgren, Thomas G.; Durden, Jennifer ORCID:; Drazen, Jeffrey C.; Felden, Janine; Gates, Andrew ORCID:; Georgieva, Magdalena N.; Glover, Adrian G.; Gooday, Andrew ORCID:; Hollingsworth, Anita L.; Horton, Tammy ORCID:; James, Rachael H.; Jeffreys, Rachel M.; Laguionie-Marchais, Claire; Leitner, Astrid B.; Lichtschlag, Anna ORCID:; Menendez, Amaya; Paterson, Gordon L.J.; Peel, Kate; Robert, Katleen; Schoening, Timm; Shulga, Natalia A.; Smith, Craig R.; Taboada, Sergio; Thurnherr, Andreas M.; Wiklund, Helena; Young III, C. Robert; Huvenne, Veerle ORCID: 2021 Environment, ecology, and potential effectiveness of an area protected from deep-sea mining (Clarion Clipperton Zone, abyssal Pacific). Progress in Oceanography, 197. 102653. 10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102653


Karunarathna, H; Brown, J.M. ORCID:; Briganti, R.; Pockrajac, D.; Haigh, I.; Beck, C.; Dissanayake, D.; Pedrozo-Acuna, D.; Sparrow, K.; Wadey, W.. 2014 Modelling memory of coastal flood systems. In: Lynett, Patrick, (ed.) Proceedings of 34th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 2014. Reston, VA, Coastal Engineering Research Council, Paper-management.19. (Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 34).

Kent, Elizabeth ORCID: 2013 The Climate Data Guide: Surface Flux and Meteorological Dataset: National Oceanography Centre (NOC) V2.0. September 2013, [Output (Electronic)]


Lyddon, Charlotte; Knight, Philip; Leonardi, Nicoletta; Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Plater, Andrew. 2017 Flood hazard sensitivity to storm surge-high water concurrence in a hyper-tidal estuary. In: Aagaard, T.; Deigaard, R.; Fuhrman, D., (eds.) Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 2017. Coastal Dynamics Conference, 268-279.


Moat, Ben ORCID:; Josey, Simon ORCID:; Sinha, Bablu; Blaker, Adam ORCID:; Smeed, David ORCID:; McCarthy, Gerard; Johns, William; Hirschi, Joel; Frajka-Williams, Eleanor; Rayner, Darren ORCID:; Duchez, Aurelie; Coward, Andrew ORCID: 2016 Major variations in sub-tropical North Atlantic heat transport at short timescales: causes and consequences. In: EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 Apr 2016. (Unpublished)

McCann, David L. ORCID:; Bell, Paul S. ORCID: 2014 Marine Radar Derived Current Vector Mapping at a Planned Commercial Tidal Stream Turbine Array in the Pentland Firth, U.K. In: Proceedings of MTS/IEEE Oceans 2014 Conference. MTS/IEEE, 4pp. (In Press)

Mitchell, Neil C.; Huthnance, John M. ORCID:; Schmitt, Thierry; Todd, Brian. 2013 Threshold of erosion of submarine bedrock landscapes by tidal currents. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 38 (6). 627-639. 10.1002/esp.3347

Meredith, Michael ORCID:; Woodworth, Philip L.; Chereskin, Teresa K.; Marshall, David P.; Allison, Lesley C.; Bigg, Grant R.; Donohue, Kathy; Heywood, Karen J,; Hughes, Chris W. ORCID:; Hibbert, Angela ORCID:; Hogg, Andrew McC; Johnson, Helen L.; Jullion, Loic; King, Brian A. ORCID:; Leach, Harry; Lenn, Yueng-Djern; Maqueda, Miguel A. Morales; Munday, David R.; Naveira Garabato, Alberto C.; Provost, Christine; Sallee, Jean-Baptiste; Sprintall, Janet. 2011 Sustained monitoring of the Southern Ocean at Drake Passage: past achievements and future priorities. Reviews of Geophysics, 49, RG4005. 36, pp. 10.1029/2010RG000348


Nicholls, R.J.; Bradbury, A.; Burningham, H.; Dix, J.; Ellis, M.; French, J.; Hall, J.W.; Karunarathna, H.U.; Lawn, J.; Pan, S.; Reeve, D.E.; Rogers, B.; Souza, A.; Stansby, P.K.; Sutherland, J.; Tarrant, O.; Walkden, M.; Whitehouse, R.. 2012 iCOASST – integrating coastal sediment systems. In: Lynett, P.; McKee Smith, J., (eds.) Proceedings of the 33rd international Conference on Coastal Engineering 2012. Reston, US, Coastal Engineering Research Council, sediment.100-15pp.


Painter, Stuart; Popova, Ekaterina ORCID:; Roberts, Michael. 2021 An introduction to East African coastal current ecosystems: At the frontier of climate change and food security. Ocean & Coastal Management, 216. 105977. 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2021.105977

Prime, Thomas; Morrissey, Karyn; Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Plater, Andrew. 2018 Protecting Energy Infrastructure against the Uncertainty of Future Climate Change: A Real Options Approach. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics, 5 (1), 3. 36, pp. 10.15351/2373-8456.1075

Phillips, Benjamin; Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Bidlot, Jean-Raymond; Plater, Andrew. 2017 Role of beach morphology in wave overtopping hazard assessment. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering., 5 (1). 5010001. 10.3390/jmse5010001

Phillips, Benjamin T.; Brown, Jennifer M. ORCID:; Williams, Alan J.; Plater, Andrew J.. 2017 Combining regional and local scale coastal flood risk assessment and hazard modelling. In: Aagaard, T.; Deigaard, R.; Fuhrman, D., (eds.) Proceedings of Coastal Dynamics 2017. Coastal Dynamics Conference, 13-24.

Panet, I.; Flury, J.; Biancale, R.; Gruber, T.; Johannessen, J.; van den Broeke, M.; van Dam, T.; Gegout, P.; Hughes, C. ORCID:; Ramillien, G.; Sasgen, I.; Seoane, L.; Thomas, M.. 2013 Earth system mass transport mission (e.motion): A concept for future Earth gravity field measurements from space. Surveys in Geophysics, 34 (2). 141-163. 10.1007/s10712-012-9209-8

Palmer, Matthew Robert; Polton, Jeff A. ORCID:; Inall, Mark E; Rippeth, Tom; Green, Mattias; Sharples, Jonathan; Simpson, John. 2013 Variable behavior in pycnocline mixing over shelf seas. Geophysical Research Letters, 40 (1). 161-166. 10.1029/2012GL054638

Page, S.; Hooijer, A.; Rieley, J.; Banks, C. ORCID:; Hoscilo, A.. 2012 The tropical peat swamps of Southeast Asia: human impacts on biodiversity, hydrology and carbon dynamics. In: Gower, D.; Johnson, K.; Richardson, J.; Rosen, B.; Rüber, L.; Williams, S., (eds.) Biotic Evolution and Environmental Change in Southeast Asia. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 406-433, 496pp. (The Systematics Association Special Volume, 82).


Reesink, A.J.H. ORCID:; Parsons, D.R. ORCID:; Ashworth, P.J. ORCID:; Best, J.L. ORCID:; Hardy, R.J. ORCID:; Murphy, B.J.; McLelland, S.J. ORCID:; Unsworth, C. ORCID: 2018 The adaptation of dunes to changes in river flow. Earth-Science Reviews, 185. 1065-1087. 10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.09.002

Ramirez Mendoza, Rafael; Souza, Alejandro; Amoudry, Laurent; Plater, Andrew. 2016 Effective energy controls on flocculation under various wave-current regimes. Marine Geology, 382. 136-150. 10.1016/j.margeo.2016.10.006

Romeiser, Roland; Runge, Hartmut; Suchandt, Steffen; Kahle, Ralph; Rossi, Cristian; Bell, Paul ORCID: 2013 Comparison of current fields from TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X along-track interferometry and Doppler centroid analysis. In: Proceedings IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2013. IEEE, Paper-TH3.T09.5, 4pp.


Salisbury, D.J.; Brooks, I.M.; Prytherch, J.; Moat, B.I. ORCID:; Brooks, B.J.; Sedlar, J.; Sotiropoulou, G.; Tjernström, M.; Persson, P.O.G.; Shupe, M.; Achtert, P.. 2016 In situ measurements of surface turbulent exchange over Arctic sea ice: results from the ACSE Campaign. In: AMS Conference On Air-Sea Interaction, Madison, Wisonsin, USA., 15-19 Aug 2016.

Souza, Alejandro. 2013 On the use of the Stokes number to explain frictional tidal dynamics and water column structure in shelf seas. Ocean Science, 9. 391-398. 10.5194/os-9-391-2013

Souza, A.J.; Bolanos-Sanchez, R.; Wolf, J. ORCID:; Prandle, D.. 2011 Measurement Technologies: Measure What, Where, Why, and How? In: Wolanski, E.; McLusky, D., (eds.) Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science. Volume 2: Water and Fine Sediment Circulation. Oxford, Elsevier, 361-394.


Warder, Simon C.; Horsburgh, Kevin J. ORCID:; Piggott, Matthew D.. 2021 Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis for a numerical storm surge model. Ocean Modelling, 160, 101766. 10.1016/j.ocemod.2021.101766

Wadey, Matthew; Haigh, I.D.; Nicholls, R.J.; Brown, Jennifer ORCID:; Horsburgh, Kevin ORCID:; Carroll, B.; Gallop, S.; Mason, T.; Bradshaw, Elizabeth. 2015 A comparison of the 31 January–1 February 1953 and 5–6 December 2013 coastal flood events around the UK. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2. 84. 10.3389/fmars.2015.00084

Wadey, Matthew; Haigh, I.D.; Brown, Jennifer ORCID: 2014 A century of sea level data and the UK's 2013/14 storm surges: an assessment of extremes and clustering using the Newlyn tide gauge record. Ocean Science, 10 (6). 1031-1045. 10.5194/os-10-1031-2014

Williamson, Benjamin J; Blondel, Philippe; Waggitt, James J; Fraser, Shaun; Bell, Paul S ORCID:; Scott, Beth E. 2014 Field deployments of a self-contained subsea platform for acoustic monitoringof the environment around Marine Renewable Energy structures. Poster presented at: International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, November 4-6, 2014. [Poster] In: International Conference on Ocean Energy, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 4-6 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)

Waggitt, James J; Williamson, Benjamin; Bell, Paul S ORCID:; Blondel, Philippe; Scott, Beth E. 2013 Understanding seabird behaviours in high energy habitats: concurrent collection of physical and biological datasets. 27 August 2013, [Output (Electronic)] (Unpublished)

Woodworth, Philip; Hughes, Christopher ORCID:; Bingham, Rory; Gruber, Thomas. 2012 Towards Worldwide Height System Unification using Ocean Information. Journal of Geodetic Science, 2 (4). 302-318. 10.2478/v10156-012-0004-8

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