Items where Programme is "WA01.2 New methodologies to solve the ungauged site problem"
- NERC Programmes (25104)
- CEH Programmes pre-2009 publications (6717)
- Water (1126)
- WA01 Water extremes (123)
- WA01.2 New methodologies to solve the ungauged site problem (7)
- WA01 Water extremes (123)
- Water (1126)
- CEH Programmes pre-2009 publications (6717)
Publication - Article
Cole, Steven J.; Moore, Robert J.. 2009 Distributed hydrological modelling using weather radar in gauged and ungauged basins. Advances in Water Resources, 32 (7). 1107-1120. 10.1016/j.advwatres.2009.01.006
Booker, Douglas; Dunbar, Michael. 2008 Predicting river width, depth and velocity at ungauged sites in England and Wales using multilevel models. Hydrological Processes, 22 (20). 4049-4057. 10.1002/hyp.7007
Cole, Steven J.; Moore, Robert J.. 2008 Hydrological modelling using raingauge- and radar-based estimators of areal rainfall. Journal of Hydrology, 358 (3-4). 159-181. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.05.025
Cole, S. J.; Moore, R. J.. 2007 Hydrological modelling at gauged and ungauged locations using radar- and raingauge-based rainfall estimators. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 08075, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-08075.
Publication - Conference Item
Cole, Steven J.; Moore, Robert J.. 2008 Distributed hydrological modelling using weather radar in gauged and ungauged basins. In: International Symposium on Weather Radar and Hydrology, Grenoble, 10-12 March 2008.
Publication - Report
HR Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, Asiatic Consultants Inc. 1994 Improving the assessments of hydrological potential and yield in micro-catchment areas. Second Communal Irrigation Development Project. Report EX2899. Wallingford, UK, HR Wallingford, 166pp. (Unpublished)
HR Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, Asiatic Consultants Inc. 1994 Improving the assessments of hydrological potential and yield in micro-catchment areas. Second Communal Irrigation Development Project. Report EX2899. Appendix. Wallingford, UK, HR Wallingford, 232pp. (Unpublished)