Items where Programme is "WA01.2 New methodologies to solve the ungauged site problem"
- NERC Programmes (25105)
- CEH Programmes pre-2009 publications (6717)
- Water (1126)
- WA01 Water extremes (123)
- WA01.2 New methodologies to solve the ungauged site problem (7)
- WA01 Water extremes (123)
- Water (1126)
- CEH Programmes pre-2009 publications (6717)
Booker, Douglas; Dunbar, Michael. 2008 Predicting river width, depth and velocity at ungauged sites in England and Wales using multilevel models. Hydrological Processes, 22 (20). 4049-4057. 10.1002/hyp.7007
Cole, Steven J.; Moore, Robert J.. 2009 Distributed hydrological modelling using weather radar in gauged and ungauged basins. Advances in Water Resources, 32 (7). 1107-1120. 10.1016/j.advwatres.2009.01.006
Cole, Steven J.; Moore, Robert J.. 2008 Distributed hydrological modelling using weather radar in gauged and ungauged basins. In: International Symposium on Weather Radar and Hydrology, Grenoble, 10-12 March 2008.
Cole, Steven J.; Moore, Robert J.. 2008 Hydrological modelling using raingauge- and radar-based estimators of areal rainfall. Journal of Hydrology, 358 (3-4). 159-181. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.05.025
Cole, S. J.; Moore, R. J.. 2007 Hydrological modelling at gauged and ungauged locations using radar- and raingauge-based rainfall estimators. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, 08075, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-08075.