Items where Programme is "Geological Survey of Northern Ireland"
- NERC Programmes (25105)
- BGS Programmes 2009 (461)
- Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (10)
- BGS Programmes 2009 (461)
Publication - Article
Beamish, David; Young, Michael. 2009 The geophysics of Northern Ireland: the Tellus effect. First Break, 27. 43-49.
Hodgson, James A.. 2009 A geophysical journey around Ireland. First Break, 27 (8). 13-20.
Somerville, Ian D.; Cozar, Pedro; Aretz, Markus; Herbig, Hans-Georg; Mitchell, W. Ian; Medina-Varea, Paula. 2009 Carbonate facies and biostromal distribution in a tectonically controlled platform in northwest Ireland during the late Visean (Mississippian). Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 57 (3-4). 165-192.
Publication - Conference Item
Barsby, Amy; McKinley, Jennifer; Ofterdinger, Ulrich; Young, Mike; Gavin, Anna. 2009 Trace element abundance & human epidemiology : the Tellus case study. [Poster] In: BUFI Festival of Science, Keyworth, UK, 12 Nov 2009. (Unpublished)
Young, Michael; Cooper, Mark; Donald, Alex. 2009 Regional interpretation of new airborne geophysical imagery of Northern Ireland. [Poster] In: Atlantic Ireland Conference 2009, Dublin, Ireland, 19-20 Oct 2009. Dublin, Ireland, Irish Shelf Petroleum Studies Group. (Unpublished)
Young, M.E.. 2009 Near surface geophysical surveying of Northern Ireland from the air. In: Near Surface 2009, Dublin, Ireland, 7-9 Sept 2009. Houten, Netherlands, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers.
Barsby, Amy. 2009 Trace Element Abundance & Human Epidemiology: the Tellus Case Study. [Lecture] In: William Smith Meeting, London, UK, 21-23 Sept 2009. London, UK, Geological Society of London. (Unpublished)
Lusty, P.A.J.; McDonnell, P.M.; Gunn, A.G.; Chacksfield, B.C.; Cooper, M.. 2009 Gold potential in the Dalradian rocks of NW Northern Ireland: GIS-based prospectivity analysis using Tellus data. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009. Vienna, Austria, European Geological Union.
Scheib, C.; Beamish, D.; Rawlins, B.G.; Donald, A.W.. 2009 Natural and anthropogenic radioactivity of Northern Ireland; variation in gamma dose rate. [Lecture] In: William Smith Meeting, London, UK, 21-23 Sept 2009. (Unpublished)
Publication - Report
Lusty, P.A.J.; McDonnell, P.M.; Gunn, A.G.; Chacksfield, B.C.; Cooper, M.. 2009 Gold potential of the Dalradian rocks of north-west Northern Ireland : prospectivity analysis using Tellus data. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 74pp. (OR/08/039) (Unpublished)