Items where Centre is "Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (pre 12/2019)" and Year is 1982

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Number of items: 36.


Bacon, P. J.. 1982 Population dynamics: models based on individual growth, resource allocation and competitive ethology. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 86pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.88)

Bailey-Watts, A.E.. 1982 The composition and abundance of phytoplankton in Loch Leven (Scotland) 1977-1979 and a comparison with the succession in earlier years. Internationale Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie, 67. 1-25.

Baker, John R.. 1982 Parasitic protozoa in British wild animals. Cambridge, Insitute of Terrestrial Ecology, 24pp.

Ball, D. F.; Dale, J.; Sheail, J.; Heal, O. W.. 1982 Vegetation change in upland landscapes. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 45pp.

Belcher, H.; Swale, E.. 1982 Culturing algae. A guide for schools and colleges. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 25pp.

Benefield, C. B.; Bunce, R. G. H.. 1982 A preliminary visual presentation of land classes in Britain. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 39pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.91)

Beven, K. J.; O'Connell, P. E.. 1982 On the role of physically-based distributed modelling in hydrology. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 36pp. (IH Report No.81) (Unpublished)

Blackie, J.R.. 1982 Upland afforestation and water resources - interim report on the Balquhidder Catchment Studies 1981/82. Institute of Hydrology, 12pp. (Unpublished)

Bocock, K. L.; Adamson, J. K.. 1982 Soil temperature in a deciduous woodland in north-west England. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 26pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.87)

Bunce, R. G. H.. 1982 A field key for classifying British woodland vegetation. Part 1. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology.


Christensen, Bent T.. 1982 The effect of afforestation on carbon and nitrogen in the soil at Gisburn: a pilot study. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 17pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.89)

Christensen, Bent T.. 1982 The effect of afforestation with Sitka spruce on soil carbon dynamics at Gisburn: a simple model study. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 15pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.90)

Cooke, A. S.; Bell, A. A.; Haas, M. B.. 1982 Predatory birds, pesticides and pollution. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology.

Cui, Q.; Lawson, G.. 1982 Study on models of single populations. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 50pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.92)


Davis, B. N. K.. 1982 Regional variation in quarries. In: Davis, B. N. K., (ed.) Ecology of quarries: the importance of natural vegetation. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 12-19. (ITE Symposium, 11).


Fowler, D.; Cape, J.N.. 1982 Air pollutants in agriculture and horticulture. In: Unsworth, M.H.; Ormrod, D.P., (eds.) Effects of gaseous air pollution in agriculture and horticulture. London, Butterworth Scientific, 3-26.

Fowler, David; Leith, Ian; Paterson, I S; Kinnaird, J W; Nicholson, I A. 1982 Rainfall acidity in northern Britain. Nature, 297 (5865). 383-386. 10.1038/297383a0


Gilman, K.; Newson, M.D.. 1982 The Anglesey wetlands study. Institute of Hydrology, 119pp. (NCC CST Report no.430) (Unpublished)

Gustard, A.; Cole, G.A.. 1982 Microhydro power schemes in Sri Lanka. Institute of Hydrology, 32pp. (Unpublished)


Hornung, M. N.. 1982 Burrows and burrowing of the puffin (Fratercula arctica). Bangor, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 30pp. (Bangor Occasional Paper No.10)

Hosking, J.R.M.. 1982 Joint dependence of supply reliability on aquifer recharge and peak demand. Institute of Hydrology, 14pp. (Unpublished)

Hunt, Roderick. 1982 Plant growth analysis. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 7pp. (Statistical Checklist, 4).


Jones, D.H.. 1982 The spawning of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in Loch Leven, Kinross, Scotland. Fisheries Management, 13. 139-151.


Last, F.T.. 1982 Towards an understanding of plant responses to pollutants. In: Unsworth, M.H.; Ormrod, D.P., (eds.) Effects of gaseous air pollution in agriculture and horticulture. London, Butterworth Scientific, 437-445.


Neal, C.. 1982 Hydrochemistry at IH: a review. Institute of Hydrology, 78pp. (Unpublished)


Park, D. G.. 1982 Seedling demography in quarry habitats. In: Davis, B. N. K., (ed.) Ecology of quarries: the importance of natural vegetation. Cambridge, NERC/ITE, 32-40. (ITE Symposium, 11).

Pickering, A.D.; Pottinger, T.G.; Christie, P.. 1982 Recovery of the brown trout, Salmo trutta L., from acute handling stress: a time-course study. Journal of Fish Biology, 20 (2). 229-244. 10.1111/j.1095-8649.1982.tb03923.x


Rawes, M.. 1982 Moor House publication list. Nature Conservancy Council, 34pp. (Aspects of the ecology of the northern Pennines, Moor House Occasional Papers, no. 2 (rev. 1982)) (Unpublished)

Reynolds, B.. 1982 Preliminary studies on the laboratory simulation of nutrient transfers within a podzol soil. Bangor, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 15pp. (Bangor Occasional Paper No.12)

Reynolds, B.. 1982 A system for the digitisation and processing of V-notch weir hydrograph records. Bangor, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 28pp. (Bangor Occasional Paper No.11)


Sargent, Caroline. 1982 The Biological Survey of British Rail Property. Final report to the Nature Conservancy Council. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 112pp. (ITE Project Number: 0466, CST Report 435) (Unpublished)

Seaward, M. R. D.; Hitch, C. J. B.. 1982 Atlas of the lichens of the British Isles. Volume 1. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology.

Seel, D. C.; Thomson, A. G.; Owen, G. H.. 1982 A wing-tagging system for marking larger passerine birds. Bangor, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 6pp. (Bangor Occasional Paper No.14)

Smith, Roger S.. 1982 The use of land classification in resource assessment and rural planning. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 43pp.


Warren, M.S.. 1982 The heath fritillary butterfly, Mellicta athalia, in 1982. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 20pp. (Unpublished)

White, E. J.; Smith, R. I.. 1982 Climatological maps of Great Britain. Cambridge, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 14pp.

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