Items where Centre is "Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (pre 12/2019)" and Year is 1974

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Allison, A.; Newton, I. ORCID: 1974 Waterfowl at Loch Leven, Kinross. Proceedings of The Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B (Biology), 74. 365-381.

Allison, A.; Newton, I. ORCID:; Campbell, C.. 1974 Loch Leven National Nature Reserve: a study of waterfowl biology. Chester, Wildfowlers Association of Great Britain and Ireland.


Bailey-Watts, A.E.. 1974 The algal plankton of Loch Leven, Kinross. Proceedings of The Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B (Biology), 74. 135-156.

Barr, C.J.. 1974 Visit to the Black Wood, Rannoch - an ecological assessment. NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 7pp. (Unpublished)

Bindloss, M.E.. 1974 Primary productivity of phytoplankton in Loch Leven, Kinross. Proceedings of The Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B (Biology), 74. 157-181.

Bindloss, Margaret E.. 1974 Primary production of phytoplankton in Loch Leven, Kinross, Scotland. University of Edinburgh, Department of Biology, PhD Thesis, 266pp.

Bocock, K. L.; Lindley, D. K.; Gill, C. A.; Adamson, J. K.; Webster, J. A.. 1974 Harmonic analysis and synthesis: basic principles of the technique and some applications to air and soil. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 31pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.54) (Unpublished)

Britton, R.H.. 1974 Factors affecting the distribution and productivity of emergent vegetation at Loch Leven, Kinross. Proceedings of The Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B (Biology), 74. 209-219.

Britton, R.H.. 1974 Factors affecting the distribution and productivity of emergent vegetation at Loch Leven, Kinross. In: Annual Report of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology 1974. NERC/ITE, 50.

Bunce, R.G.H.. 1974 Shetland Vegetation Survey: Handbook of Field Methods. Grange-over-Sands, UK, NERC/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 28pp. (Unpublished)


Charles, W.N.; East, K.; Brown, D; Gray, M.C.; Murray, T.D.. 1974 Production studies on the larvae of four species of Chironomidae in the mud at Loch Leven in Scotland during 1970-71. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 95. 34-41.

Charles, W.N.; East, K.; Brown, D.; Gray, M.C.; Murray, T.D.. 1974 The production of larval Chironomidae in the mud at Loch Leven, Kinross. Proceedings of The Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B (Biology), 74. 241-258.


Douglas, J. R.. 1974 Conceptual modelling in hydrology. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 60pp. (IH Report No.24) (Unpublished)


Fowler, David; Unsworth, M H. 1974 Dry deposition of sulphur dioxide on wheat. Nature, 249 (24 May 1974). 389-390. 10.1038/249389a0


Gardiner, A. S.. 1974 The genetic effects of introductions. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 8pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.56) (Unpublished)

Gay, L. W.; Stewart, J. B.. 1974 Energy balance studies in coniferous forests. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 23pp. (IH Report No.23) (Unpublished)


Harrison, A. F.. 1974 Sample preparation and counting of radioisotopes by liquid scintillation counting and their application to soil, soil/plant and plant studies. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 25pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.60) (Unpublished)

Helliwell, D. R.. 1974 Beckside Farm: a botanical survey and evaluation. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 15pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.61) (Unpublished)

Helliwell, D. R.. 1974 An examination of the effects of size and isolation on the wildlife conservation value of wooded sites. II. Plants. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 11pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.59) (Unpublished)

Helliwell, D. R.. 1974 The growth of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) and birch (Betula verrucosa Ehrh.) seedlings in 50 different soils. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 13pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.58) (Unpublished)

Holdsworth, P. M.. 1974 The application of neutron probe techniques to irrigation research and management in Jamaica. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 38pp. (IH Report No.22) (Unpublished)

Howard, P. J. A.; Lindley, D. K.; Hornung, M.. 1974 Recording soil profile descriptions for computer retrieval. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 51pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.55) (Unpublished)


Jupp, B.P.; Spence, D.H.N.; Britton, R.H.. 1974 The distribution and production of submerged macrophytes in Loch Leven, Kinross. Proceedings of The Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B (Biology), 74. 195-208.


Maitland, P.S.; Hudspith, P.M.G.. 1974 The Zoobenthos of Loch Leven, Kinross, and estimates of its production in the sandy littoral area during 1970 and 1971. Proceedings of The Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B (Biology), 74. 219-239.


Plinston, D. T.; Hill, Anne. 1974 A system for the quality control and processing of streamflow, rainfall and evaporation data. Wallingford, Institute of Hydrology, 159pp. (IH Report No.15) (Unpublished)


Smith, I.R.. 1974 The structure and physical environment of Loch Leven, Scotland. Proceedings of The Royal Society of Edinburgh Section B (Biology), 74. 81-100.


Taylor, P.; Rawes, M.. 1974 The Ecology of the Red Grouse. Nature Conservancy, 30pp. (Aspects of the ecology of the northern Pennines, Moor House Occasional Papers, no. 6) (Unpublished)

Thomas, D. I.. 1974 Resources and energy - a global study of the factors influencing their acquisition. Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 17pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.57) (Unpublished)


Ward, P. A.. 1974 A keyword index of publications by staff of the Merlewood Research Station (1953 to mid-1974). Grange-over-Sands, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 68pp. (Merlewood Research and Development Paper No.13) (Unpublished)

Way, J. M.. 1974 Co-operation for conservation of rural road verges. Co-operation between County Highway Departments and conservation organisations on the management of rural road verges and conservation of Sites of Special Interest. Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, 179pp. (Monks Wood Experimental Station Occasional Report No.2)

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