Metadata report for the York and Haxby Lithoframe 10-50 model

Burke, H.F.; Price, S.J.. 2013 Metadata report for the York and Haxby Lithoframe 10-50 model. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 10pp. (OR/13/018) (Unpublished)

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This report describes the 1:10 000 scale superficial 3D geological model of York-Haxby, corresponding to 1:10 000 scale sheets SE65NW and SE65SW and within the 1:50 000 scale geological map sheets York (63) and Selby (71). The 3D model was constructed in tandem with a re-survey of the Selby and York geological map sheets. Where possible, geological linework and downhole hole geological data derived from the re-survey was used to constrain the model. The 3D geological model comprises nine natural superficial deposits ranging in age from Late Devensian to Holocene, and covers an area of 50 km2. Artificial deposits are not included in the model, although thick deposits of stratified archaeological deposits in addition to modern made ground are known in the area (Weston, 2010). A stratigraphical classification of superficial deposits has been applied according to the scheme proposed by Ford et al (2008) for the Selby district. Much of the area is underlain by rocks of the Sherwood Sandstone Group. Bedrock and structural elements, such as faults, have not been modelled in the York-Haxby area, except to represent the base of the 3D geological model to a depth of approximately 35 m below ground level. The 3D geological model reveals for the first time the distribution, thickness and stratigraphical relationships of Quaternary deposits of the Late Devensian and Holocene. The model reveals that much of the York-Haxby area is underlain by sediments deposited during the advance, stagnation and decay of an ice-sheet flowing into the Vale of York (J Ford et al, 2008). It is thought that the ice-sheet advanced as far as Escrick [SE633 425], where its position is marked by the Escrick Moraine Member. The 3D geological model reveals that the till and related glacigenic deposits of the Vale of York Formation, related to ice advance and decay, overlie older glaciolacustrine sediments of the Hemingbrough Glaciolacustrine Formation. The position of the York Moraine Member may mark a relative stillstand or stagnation of the ice-sheet before it decayed, resulting in the deposition of younger glaciolacustrine sediments of the Alne Glaciolacustrine Formation, which overlies the Vale of York Formation till to the north of the City of York. Following deglaciation and deposition of spreads of fluvial and aeolian sediments of the Breighton Sand Formation, river courses, including that of the Ouse, were cut into pre-existing glacigenic sediments. Their subsequent infilling is marked by deposits of alluvium belonging to the Ouse and Foss Valley Formations.

Item Type: Publication - Report
Funders/Sponsors: NERC
Additional Information. Not used in RCUK Gateway to Research.: This item has been internally reviewed but not externally peer-reviewed
Date made live: 10 May 2013 14:01 +0 (UTC)

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