A re-evaluation of a Laxfordian terrane boundary in the Lewisian complex of south Harris, NW Scotland

Mason, A.J.; Brewer, T.S.. 2005 A re-evaluation of a Laxfordian terrane boundary in the Lewisian complex of south Harris, NW Scotland. Journal of the Geological Society, 162 (2). 401-407. 10.1144/0016-764904-050

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The recent reinterpretation of the Lewisian Complex as a series of amalgamated terranes represents a significant advance in our understanding of these rocks. However, on the Outer Hebrides, a key observation that a supposed post-1675 Ma terrane boundary is based on is flawed. Specifically, on South Harris a group of c. 1675 Ma granite pegmatites has previously been described as occurring only to the NE of, and terminating abruptly within, a supposed terrane-bounding shear zone (the Langavat Shear Zone), which thus post-dates the pegmatites. New mapping indicates that granite pegmatites occur on both sides of, and throughout the Langavat Shear Zone, and that within most of this shear zone the pegmatites are not strongly deformed, inconsistent with them predating this shear zone. Furthermore, new U–Pb geochronological data suggest that the pegmatites SW of the supposed boundary were also intruded around 1675 Ma, similar to those in the NE, and supporting the field evidence that the pegmatites continue through the Langavat Shear Zone without interruption. Two phases of post-pegmatite deformation are identified, but these relate to relatively minor reactivation of the Langavat Shear Zone, not the initiation of this major shear zone, which predates the pegmatites.

Item Type: Publication - Article
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.1144/0016-764904-050
Programmes: BGS Programmes > NERC Isotope Geoscience Laboratory
ISSN: 0016-7649
Date made live: 17 Jul 2012 15:47 +0 (UTC)

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