Items where Programme is "Earth hazards and systems"
- NERC Programmes (25104)
- BGS Programmes 2008 (540)
- Earth hazards and systems (74)
- BGS Programmes 2008 (540)
Beggan, C.D.; Whaler, K.A.; Macmillan, S.. 2009 Biased residuals of core flow models from satellite-derived 'virtual observatories'. Geophysical Journal International, 177. 463-475. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04111.x
Beamish, David. 2008 The application of tilt derivatives to EM conductivity data. In: Near Surface 2008, Krakow, Poland, 15-17 Sept 2008. Netherlands, EAGE.
Baptie, Brian; Ottemoller, Lars; Sargeant, Susanne; Ford, Glenn; O'Mongain, Aoife. 2005 The Dudley earthquake of 2002: A moderate sized earthquake in the UK. Techonophysics, 401 (1-2). 1-22. 10.1016/j.tecto.2005.02.010
Cooper, Anthony. 2008 The GIS approach to evaporite karst geohazards in Great Britain. Environmental Geology, 53 (5). 981-992. 10.1007/s00254-007-0724-8
Crampin, Stuart; Peacock, S.. 2008 A review of the current understanding of seismic shear-wave splitting in the Earth's crust and common fallacies in interpretation. Wave Motion, 45 (6). 675-722. 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2008.01.003
Dai, Heng; Li, Xiang. 2008 Effect of errors in the migration velocity model of PS-converted waves on traveltime accuracy in prestack Kirchhoff time migration in weak anisotropic media. Geophysics, 73 (5). S195-S205. 10.1190/1.2957926
Dowden, Richard L.; Holzworth, Robert H.; Rodger, Craig J.; Lichtenberger, Janos; Thomson, Neil R.; Jacobson, Abram R.; Lay, Erin; Blundell, James B.; Lyons, Thomas J.; O'Keefe, Steven; Kawasaki, Zen; Price, Colin; Prior, Victor; Ortega, Pascal; Weinman, James; Mikhailov, Yuri; Veliz, Oscar; Qie, Xiushu; Burns, Gary; Collier, Andrew; Diaz, Ricardo; Adamo, Claudia; Williams, Earle R.; Kumar, Sushil; Raga, G.B.; Rosado, Jose M.; Avila, Eldo E.; Clilverd, M.A. ORCID:; Ulich, T.; Gorham, Peter; Shanahan, Tom; Osipowicz, Thomas; Cook, Gregory; Zhao, Yang.
World-wide lightning location using VLF propagation in the Earth-Ionosphere waveguide.
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 50 (5).
Droujinine, Alexander; Pajchel, Jan; Hitchen, Ken. 2008 Event-based sub-basalt depth imaging applied to marine seismic data from north of Shetland, UK. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 88 (3). 167-183.
Douglas, A; O'Mongain, A; Porter, D; Young, JB. 2005 An analysis of P times reported in the Reviewed Event Bulletin for Chinese underground explosions. Geophysical Journal International, 163 (2). 559-566. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02721.x
Edwards, B.; Rietbrock, A.; Bommer, J.J.; Baptie, Brian. 2008 The acquisition of source, path, and site effects from microearthquake recordings using Q tomography : application to the United Kingdom. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 98 (4). 1915-1935. 10.1785/0120070127
Farrant, A R; Mullan, G J. 2008 Novel use of radio-location for a ground investigation at Pen Park Hole, Bristol, UK. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 41 (3). 333-338. 10.1144/1470-9236/07-202
Foster, C.. 2008 Aerial photograph interpretation of landslides on the Sheffield sheet. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 21pp. (OR/08/019) (Unpublished)
Foster, C.. 2008 A short report on a landslide survey in the Sheffield area. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 17pp. (OR/08/020) (Unpublished)
Gao, Yuan; Crampin, Stuart. 2008 Shear-wave splitting and earthquake forecasting. Terra Nova, 20 (6). 440-448. 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2008.00836.x
Gladkochub, D.P.; Mazukabzov, A.M.; Donskaya, T.V.; De Waele, Bert; Stanevich, M.; Pisarevsky, S.. 2008 The age and origin of volcanics in the Riphean section of the Siberian craton (western Baikal area). Russian Geology and Geophysics, 49 (10). 749-758. 10.1016/j.rgg.2008.03.002
Jerram, Dougal A.; Goodenough, Kathryn Mary; Troll, Valentin R.. 2009 Introduction : from the British Tertiary into the future : modern perspectives on the British Palaeogene and North Atlantic Igneous provinces. Geological Magazine, 146 (3). 305-308. 10.1017/S001675680900627X
Jaffe, B.E.; Morton, R.A.; Kortekaas, S.; Dawson, A.G.; Smith, David E.; Gelfenbaum, G.; Foster, I.D.L.; Long, David; Shi, S.. 2008 Reply to Bridge (2008) discussion of articles in 'sedimentary features of tsunami deposits'. Sedimentary Geology, 211 (3-4). 95-97. 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2008.08.006
Key, Roger; Smith, Richard; Smelror, M.; Sæther, O.M.; Thorsnes, T.; Powell, John; Njange, F.; Zandamela, E.B.. 2008 Revised lithostratigraphy of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic succession of the onshore Rovuma Basin, northern coastal Mozambique. South African Journal of Geology, 111 (1). 89-108. 10.2113/gssajg.111.1.89
Ludden, John. 2009 Subduction fluxes through geologic time. Applied Geochemistry, 24 (6). 1052-1057. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2009.02.015
Luckett, Richard; Ottemoller, Lars; Whitmore, Paul. 2008 A Tsunami Warning System for the Northeast Atlantic. Orfeus Newsletter, 8 (1).
Li, Xiang; Wang, L.; Dai, Heng; Sun, X.. 2008 Estimating anisotropic parameters from PS converted-wave data : a case study. Journal of seismic exploration, 17 (2-3). 147-158.
Liu, Enru; Dobson, Andy; Pan, D.M.; Yang, D.H.. 2008 The matrix formulation of boundary integral modeling of elastic wave propagation in 2D multi-layered media with irregular interfaces. Journal of Computational Acoustics, 16 (3). 381-396. 10.1142/S0218396X08003634
Liu, Enru; Zhang, Z.; Yue, J.H.; Dobson, Andy. 2008 Boundary integral modelling of elastic wave propagation in multi-layered 2D media with irregular interfaces. Communications in Computational Physics, 3 (1). 52-62.
Loizou, Nick; Liu, Enru; Chapman, Mark. 2008 AVO analyses and spectral decomposition of seismic data from four wells west of Shetland, UK. Petroleum Geoscience, 14 (4). 355-368. 10.1144/1354-079308-724
Luckett, Richard; Loughlin, Susan; De Angelis, Silvio; Ryan, G.. 2008 Volcanic seismicity at Montserrat, a comparison between the 2005 dome growth episode and earlier dome growth. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 177 (4). 894-902. 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.07.006
Musson, R.M.W.. 2008 The macroseismic survey of the 27 February 2008 Market Rasen earthquake. SECED Newsletter, 20 (4). 1-5.
Musson, Roger. 2008 The case for large (M >7) earthquakes felt in the UK in historical times. In: Frechet, J.; Meghraoui, M.; Stucchi, M., (eds.) Historical seismology : interdisciplinary studies of past and recent earthquakes. Springer, 187-207. (Modern approaches in solid earth sciences).
Musson, Roger; Winter, P.W.. 2008 Objective assessment of source models for seismic hazard studies. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 18pp. (OR/08/053) (Unpublished)
Ottemoller, Lars. 2008 Seismic hybrid swarm precursory to a major lava dome collapse : 9-12 July 2003, Soufriere Hills Volcano, Monserrat. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 177 (4). 903-910. 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.07.002
Sargeant, Susanne. 2008 Things that go bump in the night. Planet Earth, Autumn. 32-33.
Sargeant, Susanne; Stafford, P.J.; Lawley, Russell; Weatherill, G.; Bommer, J.J.; Burton, P.W.; Free, M.; Musson, Roger; Kuuyuor, T.; Rossetto, T.. 2008 Observations from the Folkestone, UK, earthquake of 28 April 2007. Seismological Research Letters, 79 (5). 672-687. 10.1785/gssrl.79.5.672
Schofield, David; Millar, Ian; Evans, Jane. 2008 Penobscottian type accretionary tectonics in southern Britain [abstract only]. In: Highland Workshop, Murchison House, Edinburgh, 2008.
Thomson, Alan; Hamilton, Brian; Macmillan, Susan; Reay, Sarah. 2008 MEME08: A global magnetic field model with satellite data weighting. [Poster] In: Geospace Consortium Meeting, Edinburgh, 5-6 January 2009. (Unpublished)
Tang, J.M.; Zhang, S.N.; Li, Xiang. 2008 PP and PS seismic response from fractured tight gas reservoirs : a case study. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 5 (1). 92-102.
Vye, Charlotte; Bateson, Luke; Marsh, Stuart. 2008 A new approach to mapping large volcanic provinces. [Speech] In: IAVCEI, Iceland, 18th-22nd August 2008. (Unpublished)
Wadge, Geoff; Macfarlane, D.G.; Odbert, H.M.; James, M.R.; Hole, J.K.; Ryan, Graham; Bass, V.; Angelis, S.; Pinkerton, Harry; Robertson, D.A.; Loughlin, Susan. 2008 Lava dome growth and mass wasting measured by a time series of ground-based radar and seismicity observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113 (B8). p. B8210-B8210. 10.1029/2007JB005466
Yang, D.H.; Liu, Enru; Zhang, Z.. 2008 Evaluation of the u-W finite method in anisotropic porous media. Journal of Seismic Exploration, 17 (2-3). 273-299.