Items where NERC Author is "Weaver, Philip"

Group by: Item Type | Date | No Grouping
Number of items: 79.

Publication - Article

Weaver, Phil; Johnson, David. 2012 Biodiversity: Think big for marine conservation. Nature, 483 (7390). p399. 10.1038/483399a

Macdonald, H.A.; Wynn, R.B.; Huvenne, V.A.I. ORCID:; Peakall, J.; Masson, D.G.; Weaver, P.P.E.; McPhail, S.D.. 2011 New insights into the morphology, fill, and remarkable longevity (>0.2 m.y.) of modern deep-water erosional scours along the northeast Atlantic margin. Geosphere, 7 (4). 845-867. 10.1130/GES00611.1

Masson, D.G.; Arzola, R.G.; Wynn, R.B.; Hunt, J.E.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2011 Seismic triggering of landslides and turbidity currents offshore Portugal. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 12. Q12011. 10.1029/2011GC003839

Benn, Angela R.; Weaver, Philip P.; Billett, David S.M.; van den Hove, Sybille; Murdock, Andrew P.; Doneghan, Gemma B.; Le Bas, Tim ORCID: 2010 Human Activities on the Deep Seafloor in the North East Atlantic: An Assessment of Spatial Extent. PLoS ONE, 5 (9). e12730. 10.1371/journal.pone.0012730

Weaver, P.P.E.; Gunn, V.. 2009 Introduction to the Special Issue: HERMES—Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas. Oceanography, 22 (1). 12-15.

Weaver, P.P.E.; Boetius, A.; Danovaro, R.; Freiwald, A.; Gunn, V.; Heussner, S.; Morato, T.; Schewe, I.; van den Hove, S.. 2009 The future of integrated deep-sea research in Europe: the HERMIONE Project. Oceanography, 22 (1). 178-191.

Arzola, R.G.; Wynn, R.B.; Lastras, G.; Masson, D.G.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2008 Sedimentary features and processes in the Nazaré and Setúbal submarine canyons, west Iberian margin. Marine Geology, 250 (1-2). 64-88. 10.1016/j.margeo.2007.12.006

van Weering, T.C.E.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2007 Canyon processes; an introduction. Editorial. Marine Geology, 236 (2-4). 65-67. 10.1016/j.margeo.2007.10.001

van Weering, T.C.E.; Weaver, P.P.E., eds. 2007 EUROSTRATAFORM: Role and functioning of Canyons. Special Issue of Marine Geology. Marine Geology, 236 (2-4). 65-248.

Talling, P.J.; Wynn, R.B.; Masson, D.G.; Frenz, M.; Cronin, B.T.; Schiebel, R.; Akhmetzhanov, A.M.; Dallmeier-Tiessen, S.; Benetti, S.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Georgiopoulou, A.; Zuhlsdorff, C.; Amy, L.A.. 2007 Letter. Onset of submarine debris flow deposition far from original giant landslide. Nature, 450. 541-544. 10.1038/nature06313

Rogerson, M.; Rohling, E.J.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2006 Promotion of meridional overturning by Mediterranean-derived salt during the last deglaciation. Paleoceanography, 21 (4). PA4101-8pp.. 10.1029/2006PA001306

Weaver, P.P.E.; Canals, M.; Trincardi, F., eds. 2006 EUROSTRATAFORM Vol 1: Source to Sink Sedimentation on the European Margin. Special issue of Marine Geology. Marine Geology, 234 (1-4). 1-292.

Weaver, P.P.E.; Canals, M.; Trincardi, F.. 2006 Editorial. EUROSTRATAFORM: special issue of Marine Geology. Marine Geology, 234 (1-4). 1-2. 10.1016/j.margeo.2006.09.001

Rogerson, M.; Rohling, E.J.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Murray, J.W.. 2005 Glacial to interglacial changes in the settling depth of the Mediterranean Outflow plume. Paleoceanography, 20 (3). PA3007-[12pp]. 10.1029/2004PA001106

Weaver, P.; Roberts, E.. 2005 Sustainable exploitation of Europe's deep ocean margin. Marine Scientist (12). 34-37.

Rogerson, M.; Rohling, E.J.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Murray, J.W.. 2004 The Azores Front since the Last Glacial Maximum. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 222 (3-4). 779-789. 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.03.039

Weaver, P.P.E.; Billett, D.S.M.; Boetius, A.; Danovaro, R.; Freiwald, A.; Sibuet, M.. 2004 Hotspot ecosystem research on Europe's deep-ocean margins. Oceanography, 17 (4). 132-143.

Syvitski, J.P.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Berne, S.; Nittrouer, C.; Trincardi, F.; Canals, M.. 2004 Introduction to this special issue on strata formation on european margins: a tribute to EU-NA cooperation in Marine Geology. Oceanography, 17 (4). 14-15.

Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Berne, S.; Dullo, W.C.; Evans, D.; Freiwald, A.; Henriet, J-P.; Joergensen, B.B.; Lericolais, G.; Lykousis, V.; Parkes, J.; Trincardi, F.; Westbrook, G.. 2004 Overview of recent, ongoing, and future investigations on the dynamics and evolution of European margins. Oceanography, 17 (4). 16-33.

Syvitski, J.P.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Berne, S.; Nittrouer, C.; Trincardi, F.; Canals, M., eds. 2004 Strata Formation on European Margins: a tribute to EC-NA cooperation in marine geology. Special issue. Oceanography, 17 (4). 1-165.

Canals, M.; Casamor, J.L.; Lastras, G.; Monaco, A.; Acosta, J.; Berne, S.; Loubrieu, B.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Grehan, A.; Dennielou, B.. 2004 The role of canyons on strata formation. Oceanography, 17 (4). 80-91.

Weaver, P.P.E.. 2003 Northwest African Continental Margin: history of sediment accumulation, landslide deposits, and hiatuses as revealed by drilling the Madeira Abyssal Plain. Paleoceanography, 18 (1). 1009-[13pp]. 10.1029/2002PA000758

Habgood, Edward L.; Kenyon, Neil H.; Masson, Douglas G.; Akhmetzhanov, Andrey; Weaver, Philip P. E.; Gardner, Joan; Mulder, Thierry. 2003 Deep-water sediment wave fields, bottom current sand channels and gravity flow channel-lobe systems: Gulf of Cadiz, NE Atlantic. Sedimentology, 50 (3). 483-510. 10.1046/j.1365-3091.2003.00561.x

Weaver, P.. 2003 Temporal and spatial changes in sedimentation along the margins of the North Atlantic (abstract of paper presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 8-12 Dec 2003). EOS: Transactions American Geophysical Union, 84 (46, Supplement). F929.

Wynn, Russell B.; Kenyon, Neil H.; Stow, Dorrik A.V.; Masson, Douglas G.; Weaver, Philip P.E.. 2002 Characterization and recognition of deep-water channel-lobe transition zones. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 86 (8). 1441-1462.

Wynn, Russell B.; Weaver, Philip P.E.; Masson, Douglas G.; Stow, Dorrik A.V.. 2002 Turbidite depositional architecture across three interconnected deep-water basins on the north-west African margin. Sedimentology, 49 (4). 669-695. 10.1046/j.1365-3091.2002.00471.x

Bijma, J.; Altabet, M.; Conte, M.; Kinkel, H.; Versteegh, G.J.M.; Volkman, J.K.; Wakeham, S.G.; Weaver, P.. 2001 Ecological and environmental factors - report from Working Group 2. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 2. art.1003. 10.1029/2000GC000051

Weaver, Philip P.E.; Wynn, Russell B.; Kenyon, Neil H.; Evans, Jeremy. 2000 Continental margin sedimentation, with special reference to the north-east Atlantic margin. Sedimentology, 47 (s1). 239-256. 10.1046/j.1365-3091.2000.0470s1239.x

Nelson, C.S.; Hendy, I.L.; Neil, H.L.; Hendy, C.H.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2000 Last glacial jetting of cold waters through the subtropical convergence zone in the southwest Pacific off eastern New Zealand, and some geological implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 156 (1/2). 103-121. 10.1016/S0031-0182(99)00134-0

Wynn, R.B.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Ercilla, G.; Stow, D.A.V.; Masson, D.G.. 2000 Sedimentary processes in the Selvage sediment-wave field, NE Atlantic: new insights into the formation of sediment waves by turbidity currents. Sedimentology, 47 (6). 1181-1197.

Wynn, R.B.; Masson, D.G.; Stow, D.A.V.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2000 Turbidity current sediment waves on the submarine slopes of the western Canary Islands. Marine Geology, 163 (1-4). 185-198. 10.1016/S0025-3227(99)00101-2

Wynn, R.B.; Masson, D.G.; Stow, D.A.V.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2000 The northwest African slope apron: a modern analogue for deep-water systems with complex seafloor topography. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 17 (2). 253-265. 10.1016/S0264-8172(99)00014-8

Alibés, B.; Rothwell, R.G.; Canals, M.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Alonso, B.. 1999 Determination of sediment volumes, accumulation rates and turbidite emplacement frequencies on the Madeira Abyssal Plain (NE Atlantic): a correlation between seismic and borehole data. Marine Geology, 160 (3-4). 225-250. 10.1016/S0025-3227(99)00026-2

Publication - Book

Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., eds. 2003 European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 309pp.

Publication - Book Section

Weaver, Philip P. E.; Billett, David. 2019 Environmental impacts of nodule, crust and sulphide mining: an overview. In: Environmental Issues of Deep-Sea Mining. Springer, 27-62.

Weaver, Phil; Huvenne, Veerle ORCID: 2014 Seabed mapping and its contribution to the goal of sustainable management in the ocean. In: von Nordheim, Henning; Machner, Katharina; Wollny-Goerke, Katrin, (eds.) Progress in Marine Conservation in Europe 2012. Proceedings of the Symposium, Stralsund, Germany, 18-22 June 2012. Bonn, Germany, BfN Scripten, 239-246, 261pp.

Arzola, R.G.; Wynn, R.B.; Masson, D.G.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Lastras, G.. 2007 Landslide and gravity flow features and processes of the Nazare and Setubal Canyons, west Iberian margin. In: Lykousis, V.; Sakellariou, D.; Locat, J., (eds.) Submarine mass movements and their consequences: 3rd International Symposium. Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, 89-98, 424pp. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 27).

Rogerson, M.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Rohling, E.J.; Lourens, L.J.; Murray, J.W.; Hayes, A.. 2006 Colour logging as a tool in high-resolution palaeoceanography. In: Rothwell, R.G., (ed.) New techniques in sediment core analysis. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 99-112, 266pp. (Geological Society Special Publication, 267). (Unpublished)

Wynn, R.B.; Masson, D.G.; Stow, D.A.V.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2006 Turbidity current sediment waves in subsurface sequences. In: Bouma, A.H.; Stelting, C.E.; Stone, C.G., (eds.) Fine-Grained Turbidite Systems. Boulder CO, USA, AAPG/SEPM, 299-306. (AAPG Memoir 72/SEPM Special Publication 68).

Taylor, J.; Dowdeswell, J.A.; Kenyon, N.H.. 2003 Canyon and channel systems in the Lofoten Basin, Norwegian Margin. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 93-97, 309pp.

Wheeler, A.J., T.C.E.; Kenyon, N.H.; Ivanov, M.K.; Cronin, B.T.; McDonnell, A.; Schenke, H.W.; Akhmetzhanov, A.; Satur, N.; Zaragosi, S.. 2003 Canyon heads and channel architecture of the Gollum Channel, Porcupine Seabight. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European Margin Sediment Dynamics: Side-Scan Sonar and Seismic Images. Berlin, Germany, Springer, 183-186, 309pp.

Wynn, R.B.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Masson, D.G.. 2003 Canyon switching in the Moroccan Turbidite System, Northwest African margin. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 289-291, 309pp.

Masson, D.G.; Watts, A.B.. 2003 Debris avalanche deposits on the flanks of the Canary islands: contrasts between El Hierro and Tenerife. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 271-274, 309pp.

Taylor, J.; Dowdeswell, J.A.; Kenyon, N.H.. 2003 Debris flow activity on the Bear Island and Trough Mouth Fan, western Barents Sea. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 77-81, 309pp.

Urgeles, R.; Canals, M.; Masson, D.G.; Gee, M.J.R.. 2003 El Hierro: shaping of an oceanic island by mass wasting. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 301-305, 309pp.

Gee, M.J.R.; Masson, D.G.. 2003 Flow processes in the Saharan debris flow. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 275-278, 309pp.

Dowdeswell, J.A.; Kenyon, N.H.; Taylor, J.. 2003 GLORIA long-range sidescan sonar mosaic of the North Norwegian Margin (67-75N). In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 31-35, 309pp.

Van Weering, T.C.E.; de Haas, H.; Akhmetzanov, A.M.; Kenyon, N.H.. 2003 Giant carbonate mounds along the Porcupine and SW Rockall Trough margins. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 211-216, 309pp.

Akhmetzhanov, A.; Kenyon, N.H.; Ivanov, M.K.; Wheeler, A.J.; Shashkin, P.J.; Van Weering, T.C.E.. 2003 Giant carbonate mounds and current swept seafloors on the slopes of the southern Rockall Trough. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 203-209, 309pp.

Urgeles, R.; Masson, D.G.; Canals, M.; Watts, A.B.; Le Bas, T.P. ORCID:; Mitchell, N.C.. 2003 Giant landslides off the islands of La Palma. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 297-300, 309pp.

Weaver, P.P.E.; Canals, M.. 2003 The Iberian and Canaries margin including NW Africa. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European Margin Sediment Dynamics: Side-Scan Sonar and Seismic Images. Berlin, Germany, Springer, 251-260, 309pp.

Van Weering, T.C.E.; de Haas, H.; Kenyon, N.H.; McDonnel, A.; Stoker, M.S.; Svaerdborg, T.. 2003 Images of sliding and slumping along the Porcupine and SW Rockall Trough margins. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European Margin Sediment Dynamics: Side-Scan Sonar and Seismic Images. Berlin, Germany, Springer, 173-178, 309pp.

Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2003 Introduction. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 1-8, 309pp.

Taylor, J.; Dowdeswell, J.A.; Kenyon, N.H.. 2003 Large-scale slides on the North Norwegian margin imaged by GLORIA. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 37-43, 309pp.

Krastel, S.; Schmincke, H-U.; Jacobs, C.L.; Le Bas, T.P. ORCID:; Rihm, R.; Alibes, B.. 2003 Large-scale slides on the flanks of the Canary Islands. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 293-296, 309pp.

Taylor, J.; Dowdeswell, J.A.; Kenyon, N.H.; Whittington, R.J.; Mienert, J.. 2003 Long-range side-scan sonar imagery of the North Faeroes Margin. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 133-137, 309pp.

Taylor, J.; Dowdeswell, J.A.; Kenyon, N.H.. 2003 Morphology and acoustic character of the middle and lower North Sea Fan. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 71-75, 309pp.

Henriet, J.P.; Van Rooij, D.; Huvenne, V. ORCID:; De Mol, B.; Guidard, S.. 2003 Mounds and sediment drift in the Porcupine Basin, west of Ireland. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 217-220, 309pp.

Kenyon, N.H.; Monteiro, J.H.; Alves, T.; Pinheiro, L.; Akhmetzhanov, A.M.; Shashkin, P.. 2003 Reassessment of sedimentary evidence for deep contour currents west of Iberia. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 267-270, 309pp.

Kenyon, N.H.; Akhmetzhanov, A.; Nielsen, T.; Kuipers, A.; Ivanov, M.; Shashkin, P.. 2003 Sandy contourites and pathways of the Norwegian Sea overflow water, west of the Faeroe Bank Channel. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 153-157, 309pp.

Masson, D.G.. 2003 Summary of geophysical techiques. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 9-16, 309pp.

Wynn, R.B.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Masson, D.G.; Gee, M.J.R.. 2003 Turbidity current processes and deposits in the Moroccan Turbidite system. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 279-282, 309pp.

Akhmetzhanov, A.; Kenyon, N.H.; Ivanov, M.K.; Cronin, B.. 2003 The continental rise west of Porcupine Seabight, northeast Atlantic. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 187-192, 309pp.

Taylor, J.; Dowdeswell, J.A.; Kenyon, N.H.; Nielsen, T.; Kuijpers, A.; van Weering, T.C.E.; Ivanov, M.. 2003 A major channel system on the North Faeroes Margin from side-scan sonar records. In: Mienert, J.; Weaver, P.P.E., (eds.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. Berlin, Germany, Springer Verlag, 139-143, 309pp.

Talling, P.J.; Peakall, J.; Sparks, R.S.J.; O’Cofaigh, C.S.; Dowdeswell, J.A.; Felix, M.; Wynn, R.B.; Baas, J.H.; Hogg, J.A.; Masson, D.G.; Taylor, J.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2002 Experimental constraints on shear mixing rates and processes: implications for the dilution of submarine debris flows. In: Dowdeswell, J.A.; O’Cofaigh, C.S., (eds.) Glacier-influenced sedimentation on high latitude continental margins. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 89-103, 378pp. (Geological Society Special Publication, 203).

Stickley, C.E.; Carter, L.; McCave, I.N.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 2001 Lower circumpolar deep water flow through the SW Pacific gateway for the last 190 ky: evidence from Antarctic diatoms. In: Seidov, D.; Haupt, B.J.; Maslin, M., (eds.) The Oceans and rapid climate change: past, present and future. Washington DC, USA, American Geophysical Union, 101-116, 293pp. (AGU Geophysical Monograph, 126).

Weaver, P.P.E.; Jarvis, L.; Lebreiro, S.M.; Alibés, B.; Baraza, J.; Howe, R.; Rothwell, R.G.. 1998 Neogene turbidite sequence on the Madeira Abyssal Plain: Basin filling and diagenesis in the deep ocean. In: Weaver, P.P.E.; Schminke, H.-U.; Firth, J.V.; Duffield, W., (eds.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, Vol. 157. College Station, TX, USA, Texas A & M University Ocean Drilling Program, 619-634, 655pp.

Rothwell, R.; Alibés, B.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 1998 Seismic facies of the Madeira Abyssal Plain: a correlation between seismic reflection profile and borehole data. In: Weaver, P.P.E.; Schminke, H.-U.; Firth, J.V.; Duffield, W., (eds.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, Vol. 157. College Station, TX, USA, Texas A & M University Ocean Drilling Program, 473-498, 655pp.

Publication - Report

Weaver, P.P.E.; Masson, D.G.. 2007 RRS James Cook Cruise 10, 13 May-07 Jul 2007. Hotspot ecosystems in the NE Atlantic, UK contribution to the HERMES Project. Mud volcanoes in the Gulf of Cadiz; submarine canyons west of Portugal; submarine canyons in the northern Bay of Biscay. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, 94pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 22)

Cochonat, C.; Durr, S.; Gunn, V.K.; Herzig, P.; Mevel, C.; Mienert, J.; Schneider, R.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Winkler, A.. 2007 The deep sea frontier: science challenges for a sustainable future. Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 53pp.

Weaver, P.P.E.. 2005 RRS "Discovery" Cruise D297, 27 Jul - 16 Aug 2005. The geobiology of the Nazare and Setubal Canyons, Portuguese Continental Margin. Southampton, UK, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, 41pp. (National Oceanography Centre Southampton Cruise Report 1)

Weaver, P.P.E.. 2004 RRS Charles Darwin Cruise CD157, 28 May - 13 June 2004. Sediment transport through the Setubal and Nazare Canyons. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 27pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 49)

Weaver, P.P.E.. 2003 RRS Discovery Cruise 249, 19 Aug-10 Sep 2000. History of sedimentation in the Gulf of Cadiz: investigations with the SOC giant piston corer. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 19pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 34)

Weaver, P.P.E.. 1997 RRS Discovery Cruise 225, 24 Feb-07 Mar 1997. Studies of mass wasting in the Agadir Basin and sediment transport in the Gulf of Cadiz - incorporating trials of the giant piston corer. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 18pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 5)

Weaver, P.P.E.. 1996 RRS Discovery Cruise 219, 28 Nov-11 Dec 1995. Mass wasting off Portugal and the Canary Islands - investigation by giant piston coring. Southampton, UK, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 21pp. (Southampton Oceanography Centre Cruise Report 3)

Weaver, P.P.E.. 1991 RRS Discovery Cruise 187, 20 October - 20 November 1989. Geological and geochemical investigations in the Tagus, Horseshoe and Seine Abyssal Plains. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 34pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Cruise Report 223)

Searle, R.C.; Williams, S.R.J.; Huggett, Q.J.; Rothwell, R.G.; Schultheiss, P.J.; Weaver, P.P.E.. 1987 The geology of the Madeira Abyssal Plain: further studies relevant to its suitability for radioactive waste disposal. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory, 86pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory Report 250)

Searle, R.C.; Schultheiss, P.J.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Noel, M.; Kidd, R.B.; Jacobs, C.L.; Huggett, Q.J.. 1985 Great Meteor East (distal Madeira Abyssal Plain): geological studies of its suitability for disposal of heat-emitting radioactive wastes. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 162pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 193)

Kidd, R.B.; Searle, R.C.; Weaver, P.P.E.; Jacobs, C.L.; Huggett, Q.J.; Noel, M.J.; Schultheiss, P.J.. 1983 King's Trough Flank: geological and geophysical investigations of its suitability for high-level radioactive waste disposal. Wormley, UK, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, 99pp. (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Report 166)

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