Items where NERC Author is "Gunn, David"

Group by: Item Type | Date | No Grouping
Number of items: 89.

Publication - Article

Watlet, Arnaud; Wilkinson, Paul; Whiteley, Jim; White, Adrian; Uhlemann, Sebastian; Swift, Russell; Ouellet, Susanne; Minto, Chris; Meldrum, Philip; Jones, Lee; Gunn, David; Godfrey, Alastair; Dashwood, Ben; Crickmore, Roger; Clarkson, Paul; Boyd, James; Chambers, Jonathan. 2024 High-resolution geophysical monitoring of moisture accumulation preceding slope movement—a path to improved early warning. Environmental Research Letters, 19 (12), 124059. 10.1088/1748-9326/ad8fbe

Eissa, Raad; Cassidy, Nigel; Gunn, David; Stimpson, Ian; Dashwood, Ben; Morgan, David; Pringle, Jamie; Lee, Jonathan. 2023 Using Passing Trains as Seismic Sources for Refraction Microtremor Site Characterisation Surveys: Rugeley, Staffordshire, UK. Iraqi Geological Journal, 56 (1B). 167-180. 10.46717/igj.56.1B.13ms-2023-2-21

Holmes, Jessica; Chambers, Jonathan; Wilkinson, Paul; Dashwood, Ben; Gunn, David; Cimpoiasu, Mihai; Kirkham, Matthew; Uhlemann, Sebastian; Meldrum, Philip; Kuras, Oliver; Huntley, David; Abbott, Simon; Sivakumar, Vinayagamoothy; Donohue, Shane. 2022 4D electrical resistivity tomography for assessing the influence of vegetation and subsurface moisture on railway cutting condition. Engineering Geology, 307, 106790. 10.1016/j.enggeo.2022.106790

Morgan, David; Gunn, David; Payo, Andres; Raines, Michael. 2022 Passive Seismic Surveys for Beach Thickness Evaluation at Different England (UK) Sites. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10 (5), 667. 10.3390/jmse10050667

Holmes, Jessica; Chambers, Jonathan; Wilkinson, Paul; Meldrum, Philip; Cimpoiasu, Mihai; Boyd, James; Huntley, David; Williamson, Paul; Gunn, David; Dashwood, Ben; Whiteley, Jim; Watlet, Arnaud; Kirkham, Matthew; Sattler, Kelvin; Elwood, David; Sivakumar, Vinayagamoothy; Donohue, Shane. 2022 Application of petrophysical relationships to electrical resistivity models for assessing the stability of a landslide in British Columbia, Canada. Engineering Geology, 301, 106613. 10.1016/j.enggeo.2022.106613

Wei, Lijun; Du, Heshan; Mahesar, Quratul-ain; Al Ammari, Kareem; Magee, Derek R.; Clarke, Barry; Dimitrova, Vania; Gunn, David; Entwisle, David; Reeves, Helen; Cohn, Anthony G.. 2020 A decision support system for urban infrastructure inter-asset management employing domain ontologies and qualitative uncertainty-based reasoning. Expert Systems with Applications, 158, 113461. 10.1016/j.eswa.2020.113461

Dashwood, Ben; Gunn, David; Curioni, Giulio; Inauen, Cornelia; Swift, Russell; Chapman, David; Royal, Alexander; Hobbs, Peter; Reeves, Helen; Taxil, Julien. 2020 Surface wave surveys for imaging ground property changes due to a leaking water pipe. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 174, 103923. 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2019.103923

Curioni, Giulio; Chapman, David N.; Royal, Alexander C.D.; Metje, Nicole; Dashwood, Ben; Gunn, David A.; Inauen, Cornelia M.; Chambers, Jonathan E.; Meldrum, Philip I.; Wilkinson, Paul B.; Swift, Russell T.; Reeves, Helen J.. 2019 Time domain reflectometry (TDR) potential for soil condition monitoring of geotechnical assets. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 56 (7). 942-955. 10.1139/cgj-2017-0618

Dixon, N.; Crosby, C.J.; Stirling, R.; Hughes, P.N.; Smethurst, J.; Briggs, K.; Hughes, D.; Gunn, D.; Hobbs, P.; Loveridge, F.; Glendinning, S.; Dijkstra, T.; Hudson, A.. 2019 In situ measurements of near-surface hydraulic conductivity in engineered clay slopes. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 52 (1). 123-135. 10.1144/qjegh2017-059

Hobbs, P.R.N.; Jones, L.D.; Kirkham, M.P.; Gunn, D.A.; Entwisle, D.C.. 2019 Shrinkage limit test results and interpretation for clay soils. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 52 (2). 220-229. 10.1144/qjegh2018-100

Gunn, D.A.; Holyoake, S.J.; Dashwood, B.A.J.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Bret, C.R.; Wallis, H.C.; Leman, W.; Rees, J.G.. 2019 Ultrasonic testing of laboratory samples representing monopile wind turbine foundations. Insight - Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 61 (4). 187-196. 10.1784/insi.2019.61.4.187

Gunn, D.A.; Chambers, J.E.; Dashwood, B.E.; Lacinska, A.; Dijkstra, T.; Uhlemann, S.; Swift, R.; Kirkham, M.; Milodowski, A.; Wragg, J.; Donohue, S.. 2018 Deterioration model and condition monitoring of aged railway embankment using non-invasive geophysics. Construction and Building Materials, 170. 668-678. 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.03.066

Brett, C.R.; Gunn, D.A.; Dashwood, B.A.J.; Holyoake, S.J.; Wilkinson, P.B.. 2018 Development of a technique for inspecting the foundations of offshore wind turbines. Insight - Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 60 (1). 19-27. 10.1784/insi.2018.60.1.19

Merritt, A.J.; Chambers, J.E.; Murphy, W.; Wilkinson, P.B.; West, L.J.; Uhlemann, S.; Meldrum, P.I.; Gunn, D.. 2018 Landslide activation behaviour illuminated by electrical resistance monitoring. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43 (6). 1321-1334. 10.1002/esp.4316

Wilkinson, P.B.; Gunn, D.A.; Holyoake, S.; Dashwood, B.A.J.; Brett, C.R.; Rees, J.G.. 2018 Low frequency acoustic and ultrasound waves to characterise layered media. NDT & E International, 96. 35-46. 10.1016/j.ndteint.2018.03.005

Uhlemann, Sebastian; Chambers, Jonathan; Wilkinson, Paul; Maurer, Hansruedi; Merritt, Andrew; Meldrum, Philip; Kuras, Oliver; Gunn, David; Smith, Alister; Dijkstra, Tom. 2017 Four-dimensional imaging of moisture dynamics during landslide reactivation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122 (1). 398-418. 10.1002/2016JF003983

Gunn, D.. 2017 The geophysics contributions from theQJEGH, 1967 – 2015. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 50 (4). 379-392. 10.1144/qjegh2017-002

Uhlemann, S.; Hagedorn, S.; Dashwood, B.; Maurer, H.; Gunn, D.; Dijkstra, T.; Chambers, J.. 2016 Landslide characterization using P- and S-wave seismic refraction tomography: the importance of elastic moduli. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 134. 64-76. 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2016.08.014

Gunn, David; Dashwood, Ben A.J.; Bergamo, Paolo; Donohue, Shane. 2016 Aged embankment imaging and assessment using surface waves. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Forensic Engineering, 169 (4). 149-165. 10.1680/jfoen.16.00022

Uhlemann, S.; Smith, A.; Chambers, J.; Dixon, N.; Dijkstra, T.; Haslam, E.; Meldrum, P.; Merritt, A.; Gunn, D.; Mackay, J.. 2016 Assessment of ground-based monitoring techniques applied to landslide investigations. Geomorphology, 253. 438-451. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.10.027

Merritt, A.J.; Chambers, J.E.; Wilkinson, P.B.; West, L.J.; Murphy, W.; Gunn, D.; Uhlemann, S.. 2016 Measurement and modelling of moisture—electrical resistivity relationship of fine-grained unsaturated soils and electrical anisotropy. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 124. 155-165. 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2015.11.005

Bergamo, Paolo; Dashwood, Ben; Uhlemann, Sebastian; Swift, Russell; Chambers, Jonathan E.; Gunn, David A.; Donohue, Shane. 2016 Time-lapse monitoring of climate effects on earthworks using surface waves. Geophysics, 81 (2). EN1-EN15. 10.1190/geo2015-0275.1

Bergamo, Paolo; Dashwood, Ben; Uhlemann, Sebastian; Swift, Russell; Chambers, Jonathan E.; Gunn, David A.; Donohue, Shane. 2016 Time-lapse monitoring of fluid-induced geophysical property variations within an unstable earthwork using P-wave refraction. Geophysics, 81 (4). EN17-EN27. 10.1190/geo2015-0276.1

Uhlemann, Sebastian; Wilkinson, Paul B.; Chambers, Jonathan E.; Maurer, Hansruedi; Merritt, Andrew J.; Gunn, David A.; Meldrum, Philip I.. 2015 Interpolation of landslide movements to improve the accuracy of 4D geoelectrical monitoring. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 121. 93-105. 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2015.07.003

Gunn, D.A.; Chambers, J.E.; Uhlemann, S.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Meldrum, P.I.; Dijkstra, T.A.; Haslam, E.; Kirkham, M.; Wragg, J.; Holyoake, S.; Hughes, P.N.; Hen-Jones, R.; Glendinning, S.. 2015 Moisture monitoring in clay embankments using electrical resistivity tomography. Construction and Building Materials, 92. 82-94. 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2014.06.007

Gunn, David; Williams, Gareth; Kessler, Holger; Thorpe, Stephen. 2015 Rayleigh wave propagation assessment for transport corridors. Proceedings of the ICE - Transport, 168 (6). 487-498. 10.1680/jtran.14.00036

Glendinning, S.; Helm, P.R.; Rouainia, M.; Stirling, R.A.; Asquith, J.D.; Hughes, P.N.; Toll, D.G.; Clarke, D.; Powrie, W.; Smethurst, J.; Hughes, D.; Harley, R.; Karim, R.; Dixon, N.; Crosby, C.; Chambers, J.; Dijkstra, T.; Gunn, D.; Briggs, K.; Muddle, D.. 2015 Research-informed design, management and maintenance of infrastructure slopes: development of a multi-scalar approach. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 26. 012005. 10.1088/1755-1315/26/1/012005

Chambers, J.E.; Meldrum, P.I.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Ward, W.; Jackson, C.; Matthews, B.; Joel, P.; Kuras, O.; Bai, L.; Uhlemann, S.; Gunn, D.. 2015 Spatial monitoring of groundwater drawdown and rebound associated with quarry dewatering using automated time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography and distribution guided clustering. Engineering Geology, 193. 412-420. 10.1016/j.enggeo.2015.05.015

Milodowski, Antoni E.; Northmore, Kevin J.; Kemp, Simon J. ORCID:; Entwisle, David C.; Gunn, David A.; Jackson, Peter D.; Boardman, David I.; Zoumpakis, Aris; Rogers, Christopher D.F.; Dixon, Neil; Jefferson, Ian; Smalley, Ian J.; Clarke, Michèle. 2015 The mineralogy and fabric of ‘Brickearths’ in Kent, UK and their relationship to engineering behaviour. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 74 (4). 1187-1211. 10.1007/s10064-014-0694-5

Merritt, A.J.; Chambers, J.E.; Murphy, W.; Wilkinson, P.B.; West, L.J.; Gunn, D.A.; Meldrum, P.I.; Kirkham, M.; Dixon, N.. 2014 3D ground model development for an active landslide in Lias mudrocks using geophysical, remote sensing and geotechnical methods. Landslides, 11 (4). 537-550. 10.1007/s10346-013-0409-1

Chambers, J.E.; Gunn, D.A.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Meldrum, P.I.; Haslam, E.; Holyoake, S.; Kirkham, M.; Kuras, O.; Merritt, A.; Wragg, J.. 2014 4D electrical resistivity tomography monitoring of soil moisture dynamics in an operational railway embankment. Near Surface Geophysics, 12 (1). 61-72. 10.3997/1873-0604.2013002

Glendinning, Stephanie; Hughes, Paul; Helm, Peter; Chambers, Jonathan; Mendes, Joao; Gunn, David; Wilkinson, Paul; Uhlemann, Sebastian. 2014 Construction, management and maintenance of embankments used for road and rail infrastructure: implications of weather induced pore water pressures. Acta Geotechnica, 9 (5). 799-816. 10.1007/s11440-014-0324-1

Haslam, E.P.; Gunn, D.A.; Jackson, P.D.; Lovell, M.A.; Aydin, A.; Prance, R.J.; Watson, P.. 2014 Novel laboratory methods for determining the fine scale electrical resistivity structure of core. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 111. 384-392. 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2014.07.017

Hobbs, P.R.N.; Jones, L.D.; Kirkham, M.P.; Roberts, P.; Haslam, E.P.; Gunn, D.A.. 2014 A new apparatus for determining the shrinkage limit of clay soils. Géotechnique, 64 (3). 195-203. 10.1680/geot.13.P.076

Gunn, D.A.; Chambers, J.E.; Hobbs, P.R.N.; Ford, J.R.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Jenkins, G.O.; Merritt, A.. 2013 Rapid observations to guide the design of systems for long-term monitoring of a complex landslide in the Upper Lias clays of North Yorkshire, UK. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 46 (3). 323-336. 10.1144/qjegh2011-028

Chambers, J.E.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Penn, S.; Meldrum, P.I.; Kuras, O.; Loke, M.H.; Gunn, D.A.. 2013 River terrace sand and gravel deposit reserve estimation using three-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography for bedrock surface detection. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 93. 25-32. 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2013.03.002

Burrow, M.; Ghataora, G.; Gunn, D.. 2013 An investigation of the suitability of the construction of an old railway embankment for a new freight route. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 7 (3). 292-303. 10.1179/1938636213Z.00000000029

Wilkinson, Paul B.; Loke, Meng Heng; Meldrum, Philip I.; Chambers, Jonathan E.; Kuras, Oliver; Gunn, David A.; Ogilvy, Richard D.. 2012 Practical aspects of applied optimised survey design for electrical resistivity tomography. Geophysical Journal International, 189 (1). 428-440. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05372.x

Chambers, J.E.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Wardrop, D.; Hameed, A.; Hill, I.; Jeffrey, C.; Loke, M.H.; Meldrum, P.I.; Kuras, O.; Cave, M.; Gunn, D.A.. 2012 Bedrock detection beneath river terrace deposits using three-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography. Geomorphology, 177-8. 17-25. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.03.034

Hopper, C.; Assous, S.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Gunn, D.A.; Jackson, P.D.; Rees, J.G.; O'Leary, R.L.; Lovell, M.A.. 2012 Bioinspired low-frequency material characterisation. Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, 2012, 927903. 10.1155/2012/927903

Gunn, D.A.; Williams, G.; Raines, M.G.; Busby, J.P.; Williams, J.D.O.; Pearson, S.G.. 2012 Comparison of surface wave techniques to estimate shear wave velocity in a sand and gravel sequence : Holme-Pierrepont, Nottingham, UK. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 45 (2). 139-160. 10.1144/​1470-9236/​11-004

Wilkinson, Paul; Chambers, Jonathan; Kuras, Oliver; Meldrum, Philip; Gunn, David. 2011 Long-term time-lapse geoelectrical monitoring. First Break, 29. 77-84.

Chambers, Jonathan; Wilkinson, Paul; Meldrum, Philip; Gunn, David. 2011 Forward looking remote monitoring technology for proactive planning. Innovation and Research Focus, 87.

Raines, M.G.; Gunn, D.A.; Morgan, D.J.R.; Williams, G.; Williams, J.D.O.; Caunt, S.. 2011 Refraction microtremor (ReMi) to determine the shear-wave velocity structure of the near surface and its application to aid detection of a backfilled mineshaft. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 44 (2). 211-220. 10.1144/​1470-9236/​09-046

Chambers, J.E.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Kuras, O.; Ford, J.R.; Gunn, D.A.; Meldrum, P.I.; Pennington, C.V.L.; Weller, A.L.; Hobbs, P.R.N.; Ogilvy, R.D.. 2011 Three-dimensional geophysical anatomy of an active landslide in Lias Group mudrocks, Cleveland Basin, UK. Geomorphology, 125 (4). 472-484. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2010.09.017

Wilkinson, Paul B.; Chambers, Jonathan E.; Meldrum, Philip I.; Gunn, David A.; Ogilvy, Richard D.; Kuras, Oliver. 2010 Predicting the movements of permanently installed electrodes on an active landslide using time-lapse geoelectrical resistivity data only. Geophysical Journal International, 183 (2). 543-556. 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04760.x

Gunn, David; Ogilvy, Richard. 2010 Alert-me : new technologies for embankment warning systems. Rail Technology Magazine.

Assous, Said; Hopper, Clare; Lovell, Mike A; Gunn, David; Jackson, Peter; Rees, John. 2010 Short pulse multi-frequency phase-based time delay estimation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127 (1). 309-315. 10.1121/1.3263602

Ellis, Michael; Balson, Pete; Banks, Vanessa; Bradwell, Tom; Chambers, Jonathan; Cooper, Tony; Gunn, David; Harrison, Anna; Hobbs, Peter; Jackson, Chris; Lee, Jon; Ogilvy, Richard; Rawlins, Barry; Rees, John; Tye, Andy; Vane, Chris ORCID:; Wilkinson, Paul. 2010 Unravelling the past, modelling the future. Earthwise, 26. 56-57.

Assous, Said; Jackson, Peter; Hopper, Clare; Gunn, David; Rees, John; Lovell, Mike. 2008 Bat-inspired distance measurement using phase information. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124 (4). 2597.

Northmore, Kevin; Jefferson, Ian; Jackson, Peter; Entwisle, David; Milodowski, Antoni; Raines, Michael; Gunn, David; Boardman, D.I.; Zourmpakis, A.; Nelder, Lavinia M.; Rogers, Christopher D.F.; Dixon, Neil; Smalley, Ian J.. 2008 On-site characterisation of loessic deposits in Kent, UK. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Engineering, 161 (1). 3-17.

Gunn, David; Marsh, Stuart; Gibson, Andrew; Ager, Gisela; Mcmanus, K.B.; Caunt, S.; Culshaw, Martin. 2008 Remote thermal IR surveying to detect abandoned mineshafts in former mining areas. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 41 (3). 357-370. 10.1144/1470-9236/07-204

Jackson, P.D.; Northmore, K.J.; Entwisle, D.C.; Gunn, D.A.; Milodowski, A.E.; Boardman, D.I.; Zourmpakis, A.; Rogers, C.D.F.; Jefferson, I.; Dixon, N.. 2006 Electrical resistivity monitoring of a collapsing meta-stable soil. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology, 39 (2). 151-172. 10.1144/1470-9236/04-047

Gunn, David; Nelder, L.M.; Jackson, Peter; Northmore, Kevin; Entwisle, David; Mildowski, A.E.; Boardman, D.I.; Zourmpakis, A.; Rogers, C.D.F.; Jefferson, I.; Dixon, N.. 2006 Shear wave velocity monitoring of collapsible loessic brickearth soil. Quarterly, 39 (2). 173-188.

Gunn, D.A.; Pearson, S.G.; Chambers, J.E.; Nelder, L.M.; Lee, J.R.; Beamish, D.; Busby, J.; Tinsley, R.D.; Tinsley, W.H.. 2006 An evaluation of combined geophysical and geotechnical methods to characterize beach thickness. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 39 (4). 339-355. DOI: 10.1144/1470-9236/05-038

Gunn, D.A.; Jones, L.D.; Raines, M.G.; Entwisle, D.C.; Hobbs, P.R.N.. 2005 Laboratory measurement and correction of thermal properties for application to the rock mass. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 23 (6). 773-791. 10.1007/s10706-003-3156-6

Entwisle, D.C.; Hobbs, P.R.N.; Jones, L.D.; Gunn, D.; Raines, M.G.. 2005 The relationships between effective porosity, uniaxial compressive strength and sonic velocity of intact Borrowdale Volcanic Group Core samples from Sellafield. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 23 (6). 793-809. 10.1007/s10706-004-2143-x

Publication - Book Section

Wei, Lijun; Du, Heshan; Mahesar, Quratul-ain; Clarke, Barry; Magee, Derek R.; Dimitrova, Vania; Gunn, David; Entwisle, David; Reeves, Helen; Cohn, Anthony G.. 2018 ATU-DSS: knowledge-driven data integration and reasoning for sustainable subsurface inter-asset management. In: Gangemi, Aldo, (ed.) The Semantic Web: ESWC 2018 Satellite Events. Springer, 8-13. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11155, 11155).

Chambers, Jonathan; Meldrum, Philip; Gunn, David; Wilkinson, Paul; Merritt, Andrew; Murphy, William; West, Jared; Kuras, Oliver; Haslam, Edward; Hobbs, Peter; Pennington, Catherine; Munro, Chris. 2013 Geophysical-geotechnical sensor networks for landslide monitoring. In: Margottini, Claudio, (ed.) Landslide science and practice. Volume 2, early warning, instrumentation and monitoring. Springer, 289-294.

Assous, Said; Lovell, Mike; Linnett, Laurie; Gunn, David; Jackson, Peter; Rees, John. 2012 A novel bio-inspired acoustic ranging approach for a better resolution achievement. In: Bourennane, Sarah, (ed.) Underwater Acoustics. InTech, 13pp.

Assous, Said; Rees, John; Lovell, Mike; Linnett, Laurie; Gunn, David. 2011 Bandwidth enhancement : correcting magnitude and phase distortion in wideband piezoelectric transducer systems. In: Ebrahimi, Farzad, (ed.) Advances in piezoelectric transducers. InTech, 75-84.

Rochelle, C.A.; Camps, A.P.; Long, D.; Milodowski, A.; Bateman, K.; Gunn, D.; Jackson, P.; Lovell, M.A.; Rees, J.. 2009 Can CO2 hydrate assist in the underground storage of carbon dioxide? In: Long, David; Lovell, Mike A; Rees, John; Rochelle, Christopher, (eds.) Sediment-hosted gas hydrates : new insights on natural and synthetic systems. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 171-183. (Special publications Geological Society, 319).

Gunn, D.A.; Reeves, H.J.; Chambers, J.E.; Ghataora, G.S.; Burrow, M.P.N.; Weston, P.; Lovell, J.M.; Nelder, L.; Ward, D.; Tilden Smith, R.. 2008 New geophysical and geotechnical approaches to characterise under utilised earthworks. In: Ellis, E., (ed.) Advances in transportation geotechnics. Taylor and Francis, 299-305.

Chambers, J.E.; Gunn, D.A.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Ogilvy, R.D.; Ghataora, G.S.; Burrow, M.P.N.; Tilden Smith, R.. 2008 Non-invasive time-lapse imaging of moisture content changes in earth embankments using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). In: Ellis, E., (ed.) Advances in transportation geotechnics. Taylor and Francis, 475-480.

Jackson, P.D.; Lovell, M.A.; Roberts, J.; Schultheiss, P.D.; Gunn, D.; Flint, R.C.; Wood, A.; Holmes, R.; Frederichs, T.. 2006 Rapid non-contacting resistivity logging of core. In: Rothwell, R.G., (ed.) New techniques in sediment core analysis. London, UK, Geological Society of London, 209-217. (Geological Society of London Special Publication, 267, 267).

Jackson, Peter; Gunn, David; Flint, R.C.; Beamish, David; Meldrum, Philip; Lovell, Mike; Harvey, P.K.; Payton, A.. 1997 A non-contacting resistivity imaging method for characterizing whole round core while in its liner. In: Lovell, M.A.; Harvey, P.K., (eds.) Developments in Petrophysics. Geological Society, London, Geoological Society of London, 1-10, 10pp. (Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 122).

Publication - Conference Item

Hughes, Paul N.; Hen-Jones, Rosalind; Stirling, Ross A.; Glendinnning, Stephanie; Gunn, David A.; Chambers, Jonathan E.; Dijkstra, Tom A.; Smethurst, Joel; Flesjo, Kristine. 2016 Challenges in monitoring and managing engineered slopes in a changing climate. In: 3rd European Conference on Unsaturated Soils – “E-UNSAT 2016", Paris, France, 12-14 Sept 2016. EDP Sciences, 04009.

Donohue, S.; Gunn, D.A.; Bergamo, P.; Hughes, E.; Dashwood, B.; Uhlemann, S.; Chambers, J.E.; Ward, D.. 2015 Assessing climate effects on railway earthworks Using MASW. In: 28th SAGEEP 2015, Texas, USA, 22-26 March 2015. 103-107.

Uhlemann, S.S.; Chambers, J.E.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Merritt, A.; Meldrum, P.I.; Kuras, O.; Oxby, L.; Gunn, D.; Kirkham, M.. 2014 Estimation of electrode positions from sparsely distributed reference points for long term geoelectric monitoring of an active landslide (abstract only). [Other] In: 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring, Tokyo, Japan, 28-30 May 2014. Geological Survey of Austria. (Unpublished)

Gunn, D.A.; Raines, M.G.; Williams, J.D.O.; Furner, R.. 2013 Void detection using surface wave surveys. In: Railway Engineering 2013, London, UK, 10-11 July 2013. (Unpublished)

Munro, C.J.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Chambers, J.E.; Gunn, D.A.; Meldrum, P.I.; Kirkham, M.; Wragg, J.; Holyoake, S.; Kuras, O.. 2012 Volumetric remote monitoring of an earth embankment. Part 1, geophysical-geotechnical property translations. In: 18th Near Surface 2012, Paris, France, 3-5 Sept 2012. EAGE.

Munro, C.J.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Chambers, J.E.; Gunn, D.A.; Meldrum, P.I.; Kirkham, M.P.; Wragg, J.; Holyoake, S.J.; Kuras, O.. 2012 Volumetric remote monitoring of earth structures : geophysical imaging, visualisation, and condition assessment. In: 100 years of Electrical Imaging, Paris, France, 9-10 July 2012. (Unpublished)

Chambers, Jonathan; Wilkinson, Paul; Hameed, A.; Hill, I.A.; Jeffrey, C.A.; Wardrop, D.; Meldrum, Philip; Kuras, Oliver; Ogilvy, Richard; Gunn, David; Cave, Mark; Aumonier, J.. 2011 Bedrock detection and mineral thickness assessment using 3D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). In: Near Surface 2011, Leicester, UK, 12-14 Sept 2011.

Chambers, Jonathan; Meldrum, Philip; Gunn, David; Wilkinson, Paul; Merritt, Andrew; Murphy, William; West, Jared; Kuras, Oliver; Haslam, Edward; Hobbs, Peter; Pennington, Catherine; Munro, Chris. 2011 Geophysical-geotechnical sensor networks for landslide monitoring. In: 2nd World Landslide Forum, Rome, Italy, 3-9 Oct 2011.

Chambers, Jonathan; Meldrum, Philip; Gunn, David; Wilkinson, Paul; Merritt, Andrew; Murphy, W.; West, Julia; Kuras, Oliver; Ogilvy, Richard; Hobbs, Peter; Pennington, Catherine. 2011 Integrated geophysical -geotechnical sensor networks for landslide characterisation and monitoring. In: 30th ICSU General Assembly, Rome, Italy, 24 Sept - 1 Oct 2011.

Wilkinson, P.B.; Meldrum, P.I.; Loke, M.H.; Chambers, J.E.; Kuras, O.; Gunn, D.A.; Ogilvy, R.D.. 2011 Minimisation of Electrode Polarisation Errors when using optimised or generic Resistivity Imaging Arrays. In: Near Surface 2011, Leicester, UK, 12-14 Sept 2011. EAGE.

Wilkinson, Paul; Meldrum, Philip; Loke, Meng Heng; Chambers, Jonathan; Kuras, Oliver; Gunn, David; Ogilvy, Richard. 2011 Minimisation of electrode polarisation errors when using optimised or generic resistivity imaging arrays. [Speech] In: Near Surface 2011, Leicester, UK, 12-14 Sept 2011. (Unpublished)

Gunn, D.A.; Chambers, J.E.; Meldrum, P.I.; Ogilvy, R.D.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Haslam, E.; Holyoake, S.; Wragg, J.. 2011 Volumetric monitoring of dynamic moisture distribution in an aged railway embankment. In: 17th Near Surface 2011, Leicester, UK, 12-14 Sept 2011. (Unpublished)

Sellers, R.; Dixon, N.; Dijkstra, T.A.; Gunn, D.A.; Chambers, J.E.; Jackson, P.D.; Hughes, P.. 2010 Electrical resistivity as a tool to identify areas of progressive failure within UK infrastructure embankments. In: IAEG Congress 2010, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-10 Sept 2010. EAGE.

Wilkinson, P.B.; Chambers, J.E.; Meldrum, P.I.; Gunn, D.A.; Kuras, O.; Ogilvy, R.D.. 2010 Tracking the movements of electrodes on an active landslide over time using only time-lapse resistivity data. In: Near Surface 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, 6-8 Sept 2010. (Unpublished)

Chambers, J.E.; Meldrum, P.I.; Gunn, D.A.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Kuras, O.; Weller, A.L.; Ogilvy, R.D.. 2009 Hydrogeophysical monitoring of landslide processes using automated time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ALERT) [extended abstract]. In: Near Surface 2009, Dublin, Ireland, 7-9 Sept 2009. (Unpublished)

Chambers, J.E.; Weller, A.L.; Gunn, D.A.; Kuras, O.; Wilkinson, P.B.; Meldrum, P.I.; Ogilvy, R.D.; Jenkins, G.O.; Gibson, A.D.; Ford, J.R.; Price, S.J.. 2008 Geophysical anatomy of the Hollin Hill landslide, North Yorkshire, UK. In: Near Surface 2008, Krakow, Poland, 15-17 Sept 2008. EAGE.

Reeves, Helen; Gunn, David; Entwisle, David; Price, Simon James. 2008 Three-dimensional urban spatial modelling of geotechnical data along aging linear routes in the UK [abstract]. In: European econference of the International Association for Engineering geology, Madrid, Spain, 15-20 Sept 2008. Asociacion Espanola de Geologia Aplicada a la Ingenieria.

Assous, Siad; Gunn, David; Hopper, Clare; Jackson, Peter; Linnett, Laurie; Lovell, Mike. 2007 An approach for correcting magnitude and phase distortion in wideband piezoelectric transducer systems. In: Oceans 2007, Aberdeen, Scotland, 18-21 June 2007. 1543-1548.

Reeves, H.J.; Kessler, H.; Freeborough, K.; Lelliott, M.; Gunn, D.A.; Nelder, L.M.. 2005 Subgrade geology beneath railways in Manchester. In: Railway Engineering 2005, London, UK, 2005.

Jackson, P.D.; Northmore, K.J.; Meldrum, P.I.; Gunn, D.A.; Wambura, J.; Wangusi, B.; Hallam, J.R.; Ogutu, G.. 2000 Non-invasive moisture monitoring within an earth embankment : a precursor to failure. In: NDT&E Conference, Railway Engineering-2000, London, UK, 5-6 July 2000. London, UK, Railway Engineering.

Publication - Report

Boon, D.P.; Butcher, A.; Townsend, B.; Woods, M.A.. 2020 Geological and hydrogeological investigations in the Colchester Northern Gateway boreholes : February 2020 survey. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 47pp. (OR/20/011) (Unpublished)

Boon, D.P.; Phillips, E.R.; Kirkham, M.; Auton, C.A.. 2019 Physical properties and micromorphology of till deposits from Talla Earth Observatory, Southern Uplands, Scotland. Keyworth, British Geological survey, 36pp. (OR/19/063) (Unpublished)

Styles, Michael; Entwisle, David; Gunn, David; Hodgkinson, E.; Jackson, P.D.; Kemp, Simon ORCID:; Nelder, L.M.; Northmore, Kevin; Steadman, Ellie. 2001 A mineralogical examination of a magnetic tropical brown soil from Cambodia and a possible synthetic analogue made with soil from Devon. Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 31pp. (CR/01/096N)

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