Items where NERC Author is "James, Trevor"
Publication - Article
James, Trevor. 2007 Taking forward the guidance: the Defra Local Sites seminar. NBN News (32). 12.
James, Trevor. 2007 The road to sharing wildlife data. NBN News (32). 3.
James, T.. 2006 Local wildlife sites on the internet. Site Matters: the biannual newsletter about local wildlife sites, 15. 4-5.
James, T.. 2006 Longhorn Beetles (Cerambycidae) in Hertfordshire. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society, 38. 184-196.
James, T.. 2006 Report on Beetles in Hertfordshire 2005, with 15 more species new to the County. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society, 38. 153-156.
James, T. 2006 A focus on wildlife - feedback from the fifth NBN Conference for National Societies and Recording Schemes. NBN News, 28. 5.
Publication - Report
Hill, M. O.; Arnold, H. R.; Broad, G. R.; Brown, P. M. J.; James, T. J.; McLean, I. F. G.; Preston, C. D. ORCID:; Rowland, F.; Roy, D. B.
Biological Records Centre Annual Report 2005-2006.
Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee.
(JNCC Report 385)
James, T.. 2006 Improving wildlife data quality: guidance on data verification, validation and their application in biological recording. Guidance manual. National Biodiversity Network. (CEH: Project Report Number C01874NEW)